M'KENN VOL. 3. fil'fican totttttv iDtutotrat . P11.131611ED . EVERY' THURiDAY..MOR : NING,:- • : 'By OVIATT, ; • ••, . - 14'1Ct A • COUNTY,PA: OFFICE, S. E. CORNER .OF runLxc SQUARE TEEMS:. • 'sl6O il.r4dvanco • -• • •-• • ' Rates of Advertising: • . . looipmo o pe . ... .. • tt.' it •• . ' • . six months— 20 00 . 12 UO. One square of 12 lines or less, 3 Insertions, 16U Each subsequent .insertion,:.--- 23 Business Cards, with paper,'oo • Rule figure work will be double the , above rates. .*lwelveltnes Ereyler type, or. eight *lines nonpareil, ia rated a square. . ' ,u 3-. These Terms Will ho strictly adhered to.-../11 Business IThrectorv. DENTISTRY . Da. NI. A. SPRAGUE would respeetfully announce tp the citizens of Emethpcirt anevicinity, that he' hes fitted 'up an . :office, and is prepared , to attend to. all husineas in his profession. Artificial teeth inserted upon - sci • entitle principles, and so no to . proserie the natural ex, preesion of the face All operations in Dental Surgery, done in aakillful manner. • . .• • • . Ibtf BLAKE; . •TIENTIST.,:wouId respectfully inform - the inhabitanb .1../ of Olean and. surrounding ,country that he hes lo; cated himself permanently in Olean, for the - practice 'of hie profession, Where he will 'be prepared to wait on all whothoose.to give him a call: Office .over.o..lL Thins • .Dry . Goods Store: . • • • Olean,.May;l2,lB6o. . •: • 3-4 OLEAN HOIISE; . . . A.; F.' Bean, Proprietorspir Olean; 'N . ..I%;'. • Omnibus rit .... to and from the NOW lork and Erie Anil Road.: Stag Joe Sm'et.hport and Ceres.. . . . . .. . . . • • , : • -- HYDE HOUSE,. • , • . . . . . 13.. T ' Oil:mon-Proprietor. llidirwaY; Pa.. This • Hotel is • new and tarnished 'in modern style, line ample necom,-• •randations, and is, in allreapects, a First Class Hotel. . • .. . Ridgway, Elk Co. Pa, Iffay 24, IE6O • s '- .. ELDRED HOTEL, • „ • Jons • Wsta, i'roprietor. • Thia; hourfe sitnafed . half. way between Smethport. and, Olean. A &Itn;enieut an commodious house, attentive and obligloF attend ants,' and low prick. ' • , • 1860. ". - • . . • A. D: HADELIN. •'' Snrveyor,' Draftsman Conveyancer, nneineal 'Estate, 'Agent. - fipiettipert;.M , Kenn county,'Pa. • A. R. TAYLOR, Dnalerin Dry Goode; Groceries, Pork, Flour, Salt., FiAl Ready:Rada Clothing, Boats ani .Shoes. Smethport, .. • WILLIAM • Practical Mechanic,. Millwrighi, Bridge-builder, Sc Port Alleghetiy ) :ll.'lleau countyi.Pa. • ,BROWN,. SURVEYOR, .DRAFTSHAN, coN-vtiuNcEtt and Real Estate Agent; . 'Office, Williamsville, Ell 5. Penn's' • • —REFERENCIV3— inspin ar, Boyle, Bag's., Hon: Thomas Struthers, W. 8. Brownell, Esq„ lion. A. L. Wilcox, • ••• •• CARVER• HOUSE,: .• • Joni U. iftru. Proprietor, corner of Water and.flicicory Streets, Warren, •Pa, General Stage 091ee., .• . • • YOBES- HOUSE, . Z. . • . Profiting the Public Square, Olean; N. Y„ JAMES TULLES. Proprietor.. The Fobee House ikentirely hew and built of brick, and is furnished in modern .style.. ' The 'keprletor. fluters himself that , his tiecommoda, Hone are not, surpassed by any betel in Western New , Tork. Carriages run to and from the New TUrk and Erie Hail itoad. , • - • • BYRON D, HAbg,IN, ATTORNEY' . AT • L'AiTi . Smethport, M:lceat:County'... Ea. Agent 'for Messrs. Keating -& Co , s , Lands Attend especially.to the Collection of .Claittilliatninritiono • ,Laild Titles; .Pvinent of Taxes, and all husiness relit ,Ring to Real Estate. .offiee GREEN'S HOTEL 'D. A. Wiliam., Proprisior,,:et Kinsult.''Wurren county •PE Ills Table will be -supplied: with 'the - best the country, affords ; and he spare no pains in accOutodetieg E. BOUGHTON ELDB.EIO," Attorney and 'Counsellor , at Law, Smettipo'rt,lll , Kenn County,, Itu&ness.entrusted to his care for the ;counties' of.BVlCean, Potter and Elk will be promptly -.attended to Mace in the Court llottae, second floor. DR, L. R. 'WTORER; Physician 'awl sur g eon, smeth r ort, la, hill attend to , all professional calls with' promptness.. Officoin,fiart • wSll Block, second floor. '• .• • • • TRIN(i & MILLER, . . Wholesale and Retal Deidera' in Staple and 'Fancy ,'Pry , . Goods, Carpeting,' Ready Made Clothing, and General Furnishing Goods Boots and Shoes, Wall and Window '?apar, Looking (Aimee &a. - Atplean, N. Y. , . - BENNETT ROUSE; . . . . .. . Stnettkport, EPReaif Co.','Pr“ D.. 11. 14ENNRTT, PrOprio . 'tor—opposite the Court !lons°. '4'nur t largo, cum ' ' modioua and well4nrolahed howl°. . ' .. ~. JOEM C. BACKUS, .. • . , . . . . . Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Smeithport, Wit - can Oa Pa. .Will attend to all business th bis profession in'th a counties of 51 , Koan, Potter and Elk. Office over C..1.C. Bartwell & Brothers' Store. - '. '• . HACKNEY HOUSE, • ~ . . Corner of Second and Libertynireata, Warren Pa, .R. A, ' Amnion, Proprietor. Travelers will find good a - 00121modationti and reasonable charges.' • • ' E, B. MASON, . ~ , . Denier in Stoves, Tin Ware, Sappened Were, &c., weet Aide of 'the Public Square; Smethport, :Pa. 'Custom . work done to order on the ehortefit notice, end in the' most.eubetantial manner. . .. - . LARABEE'S ROWEL, . , . . . . . lit.. MEADER; Proprietur t —Alleghony. 'Bridge, M'Kean .co , Pa. This lumen is situated about nine miles from ' smethport on the road.. to Olean, and will .be found a convenient stnnphig-place . , . FARMERS' VALLEY HOTEL, By T. GoOnivoi. This house is situated abont five mile from Smethport on the read to Olean. • Pleasure partio and °the:seen be accommodated oaths shortest notice W. 'B. . , . • . • in , Goods, Groceries, Crockery, thirdiveriii . Bocits,'Elhoes, Glass, Nails, 0118, *c., &c. • • East side ot• the Pablic : Squarci, gmOthpart, Pa..• , EMPORiIJ) HotrsE, Eltilinlen,. 2 .l4VlCean - 00., Pa. .N. L: DYKE,. Proprietor A commodious and wen:furnished lams°. ' Strangers sad taavelert will find, good accommodations.. ' PORT ALLEGANY ROUSE, . . . . . . , . itfOtill B.'Doi.ter,, Proprietor,. nt Port Allegany, 31e *. . Keen o.onisty, Ps: • This Hotel Mandated in the June. ' Oen of the Smethport .an&Allegany River loads, nine rallesdast aftmethpoli% • . . ' . . .' : '.. -, ASTOR HOUSE'. Pu. *X; 'HASKELL : : : .Proprietor: This uoug.i.is well caleniated for the accommodation of the Travelling Public; having recently been repalied and remodeled. Good Darns and Stablea. Charges rea conable„ 'Megan for Olean, Shipifen and Ridgway. §metbiort, July 2,.1860. • . • . • • The . township of 'Liberty,. at the' sChool -bonne in Port • •• ' . •-. . .• The townshid of LtiElyette, at the echoot house nearlu-' tiler Davie: ' • The township of 179prielt,,nt the'houso of C. R. Btirdick. The township of Ottoot the school housc-i ri Prentisavele The township of Shippen, nt the hioserkepthyrN.L.Dike The township of Sergeant, nt the houso of joseph•Lacas - The township of Wettnore,•ut the !lonise of Wth, Toby. AndT also give notice thateve6 person exeeptiirg.the.- Jostic'ea of the Peace - who.shall hold' any office or app , ' l i 'pointthent of profit or trust-ender the Government of the united' Statei, or of the State. or. o' - any city or •in corporated• district whether a commissioned• officer oh other wise, subordinate officeibr agent, with is or shall be employ:ertunder the .Legislative Executive or Judi ciary department of this State, or of the United States,- or of any incorporatep district; and alsothat every mem tier of Congress, and ofrtha State Legislature and of the Select or.Cornmon Council of any 'City or CommisAioner of.anrincorporated dlstriet,rin bylaw:lncapable of exec:, cising at the same time the office of Judge, Inspector, , or Clerk of an election in this Commenwealtliranithrit nOlnirpector, Judge or other officer of any subh . electioth shalibe eligible to any office then • to be voted for. Arid. in and by the 4th section of an - Act'approved the 16th day of April 1610, it in enacted that 'the, 16th. sec tion Of an Act passed July firli ..18311, entitled "An Act relating to the elections do this Common*ealth". shall troth° construed as to prevent any military or. luirtrugh officer, from serving as judge, Inspector or.Cierk at any general. °raper:Ml election of this Commonwealth,. And the Return . Judges of' the. respective districts' aforesaid are requireEttolneit at Smethport, the.Connty seat of said County, ,ortEriday after the'second Vuestiy. of October 'next, then !mil there to dischaige . the duties 'required .by taw. .. ' • • " Given' tinder my hand and •seatat Smethporf, the lot day of September, A. D., ISCIO, and of the Indepeudenee of the United.. States the efolay-fifth: ' . • •• • JOSEPH At ORSE, Sheriff. • Smethport 1860. • Ridpray, Tn. Wasren. Pn. ethoortG'PA, TIOPEon Vista. .Pn. Xintbias Otto . . • .. ' . -• miniit rators • . .i • , ill'Ke•ien & Elk Land &'lins ' .. -. • - . , provement Go. • • ' vs Cheater ISlcrallet al ~ Same • • •• vill4mari Starke at at • •• E Sborniburg , • - vs Atigukus Bolters .'. ' Turner'& Thornton . •vs M'Kean County think. Eeivis P.sOker ' —we 1.7,.1 -Cook.et'al -' - Martin & Rea-,., vs Daniel Bellows et al : • Milts Felt. - -.•-• , vs W W . I..indiks nod -11 D , " • .Seelv Garnishee ' ' E John 'Fobes .. • • vii - George It Moore, Alden Swift '• • '.: . ~ vs J. K Motrison • • Same .• • • . vs Jonathan Campbell.. .. •TaVler, ,Dicksea, Graves,. •• • • . ..• . - & Co;.' • •"' ' -vs Daniel gingsbutx' .• ': • Sallie • • . : •. , • . vis' S Mimes . . . John, L Beckwith' .' • • .'s•si Joseph C Ilalmes. - • • A I•i 'Taylor. • : .' vs ELI, Pratt and J Trirrers Bying,hin Heirs ' 'vs Daniel•Leimic et al • William F Pepper -- vs L n Jone's ' Peter B. Dedriek • Vs' William Smith et al ' ' Solomon •Sartitell . vs John Wilkins . • , • :... J• C iliiyt and Delilah his •: . • . ' • • wife . • •• i.. • • ' . vii AmbroSe Leach ••• , ~PPICIark -- . • - vs James IV Phelps ' Otis Irons -', • •• .' vs John 0 Backiiii , llerrick Comes :' ..- ''' vs Joisph IhnislOr ••• - • F Lehman ' ' . ..vs Jno M Judd Daniel 'Burbank' .• ' :we Wm. .& Mitsui Acre . • Luz-chop D Pinch'. • . ' vs Robinson Thayer ' ' theory Sherweod . . vs Darin); Simpson:. ' William V Keating et al - vs Daniel Kingsbury Same : . ' Vs Orrin Cook ' - . . ... •, • 9 D Treeinan and Lheretiti• , • :•••••• .•.• . .. ' •.. ,' • Freemani • -•• vs . Keating Town . • ' . • ; SAMUEL C. IIYDEi Proth' F . • . . . • - Sinethnort, August 10, 156 0 . - .• : • " . • , List Of 'Jurors . dratcrn for Sep .• tembet Tprxii :1860' •-• . . • • . .GRA.N.D JURORS... • . . • . Bekough—T,tole'rt King, Nelgon life bury; Wm' Bradford-4 f oni , s Fineharian,. S.Poster, S.B. H , awkins - and ' • • • 'Gres—Raymond llodges, II Knapp; Son•SitnnionsToot. • • '. • Eldred-.1 MIA Chase, S. C. Lamphire., . ' Keating-11. C. Corivin, A. N. '.lcFall: -• 'Liberty-I-Nelson Vausickle, ~White, ~13cnj amin Grinalds. .• • ' . . A'orwichL-E.11. - Die . kipson; Ilenenian. Otto-,J, Baldwin, Jr: . Sbippen—ll i ram Ilavens, JlllllO5l Morton. • Sergea n t—A dam M arti n. • TRAVERSE JURORS. . • : • .• • Borough—S. A. Wing, . • • Bradfortg-T. S. Bennett, Erasing. Crooks, •S. P.:lmlay Jr., 0.11. Foster. L. T.llarper, W. R. ' cr Z. - W.-Fisher, C. D. Gilbert, Mark llorth, ,Ceres—Newton Arnold,. John 11. ,Chapman, 'Nelson Peabody, Joseph . CorydanoVl'll. Sanderson. • . . , • Utdred—Alonzo Shaw. :• • IGiurlin Fields, Wm. , • ,• • KpatingWillia Barrett, C. Bean, Israel Moore (LW:Felton:, • Liberty-130*Allen,E. 13. Dolley,.Daurt - Orimes Wrn. Simar, Wm. P.. Wilcox, Michael, Ward. Lafayette—Thomas.Arpstrong. - W, It, Robinson R. L. Tidd. • Nohckh—Andrns L.lllllO. • . • Otto—J. M. Baldwin, Nathan Baldwin, Henry • Morse, B. Prcble, W. 11. Spitler. • ',..5/dpien—John Beerk John Bass, R. Chadwick I'. AL-Freeman, William Hamilton, J. K. Morri son, C. IL Sage.,- .• : ' , • Sergegnt—Joel 8.-Lucas. • Tobey.' .. • . . . The pave named Jurors will mcet'at the Court,. .Honse iti Sniethnort,•onsTuesday tho2oth day of Septelnher Nextao,o °clock A. M. • • • • • ''. • :40171,EP1l 'hIORSF.; Sheriff. Smethport, June 1800. , • ... • scorr.&•coNLoN, • MERCHANT' TAILORS . .OLEAN,..:, N. In.. • AVE just reaeiT.ed theli• Winter Stock of goods, and H are. prepared to supply their numerous customers and those who favor them with their patronage, with any thing in theitline; Their stock consists of , Clotho, Caraimeres, Vestings,. Hats, Caps, Shirts ! • . "-Collars, Cravats; Neck Ties,&o,&o. 'they have also a large assortment of , ' • 'BEADY-MADE CLOTHING, Of the latest style. 'give them a 'cell before purchasing elsewhere. I' Orders 'from a distance promptly atton. ded to: Cutting dontron'stiort notice, • • • - °kin; lan. 1.2.:1810. SNETHROWL:MIigAINVOVNTy ; . .'eA..,..:ti-TURSMy; SEPTE*EIt: i 3, ..6.60; • •••••. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. • WEREAS; iu and . by.the.l3th section of the • ictri the' General Assembly' of Pennsylvania, .passed July 183 D, entitled 'A a Acthelating to - the elections . ) of the,thnrnonwealth, •it in enjoined nn the , Sheriff of every Coitntylo Rive nri tree be' such elections td beheld . and enumerated in such'nOtiee what others - are to lie 'elected. . In% pursuance . thereof, • JOSEPH .111010th ffig h . Sheriff of the county Of AI 'Kean do therefore m 'ake knoivn., and give this public police. to te electors' *of said Conn iy Of Id 'Kean. that •ti. General 'Election will be held 41 the said County'on the' ••• - • • 'Se , ondOotobor, _ . Itiiit,''being the oth 'sty. of October,..lBoo r for the elec. thin of the following officers to wit:— . • One4terson for Gemoitor of the Comnionmealh: • • Otte:persim to represent the 24th Congressional District comprising 'the count ies'of !Mean, Warren, VOuiti o Clarion, JetTOson,.Elli" and Funk, the ..U.ni.ted Stales . • Congress; '. .. Two pet sons to repiesent the , rountiee of 31'Kean ieiterson and Clearfield, in the House of Representatives of l'qo rand ranla . • • • •(W person fur Sheriff of the . county of lit'Kean; -.• . One permit:lsor Prothonotary,Clerk ON starter SCES . SIOO9, .. • • ' Ono person to! Register and Recerder;Cierk of Orphan's . Ono person for TrOssurer of sattl.county; • One persrorfor Comnilssloner; .• ' ' : • . • One, Orion for Auditor;nrid ' Ono person'for Coroner. •. • ' • • . • . • • . All the qualiliettEleetors of said•county ist3rKenn, shall hold their Eleutions in the several distrietti; lit followst— TliMuthoroUkh.,ol ,Stnethport, ht. the. Court House id Stnetbluirt. •.• . • • . • • • • • . . . • The, toli-nehip of 3t•iiklfoid, at the Sehoel Vouse in Little •, • • • . : Thelonnship tif Ceres; 'at the linuse.of E. • • .The.township of Corydon,. at the School honk, neat .1 Parninters,• • • • • . . The toivpship of Eldred. at the Eldred lintel. . ' . •Thntownithip.otlfanillii, stihe Aldrich schoolflnge.. T he' township of Hamilton,' at the. school house' near ~ • . The township. of .K.eating; at the bourt*Elouse In SMeth port, TRIAL LIST, sErTEmntrt. TERM, 1660 veliPa Benpett's • id. : • . . . . . . • • •• - •• • . THE USES OF MOUNTAINS. •Rev. T. Starr King,•in' his work ,on "The White Hills; their Legends,' Landscape, and Poetry," PobliSheil `by Crosby, 'lCFichole;,:lLee Fle•Co., thus pleasantly discourses upon One o r thensesnf mountains . • t'Mr. Roakin notes it alone of the . .Most prominent uses of mountains: . that . . they' canes perpetual changee in the soils of the earth: .The physical' geographers assure , us, that if the whole . matter . of the Alps were shoveled out over Europe, the level of 'the continent .would.• be raised about twenty feet. And this process or leveling is continually going on. .By a calcul lation, Which he made in the. valley. of..ChaniL' ouni, Mr...lltiskin, , * believes that one of the insignificant runlets, only four inches wide, and four. Inches. deep, carries dowri from Mount Blanc eighty ,'tons of"granite dustn year, at which rate of theftat least 80,000 tons orthe .substance of. that _mountain 'mig be yearly transforrned,into drift•sandby the streams, and distributed upon' the; plain' below. On White= face Mountain, of the Sandwich group, a. slide took 'place in 1820, which ,hurled down huge blocks - of 'granite, sienite, quartz, felepar; and trap rocks, and cut a deep ravine: in the sides of the Mountain several.miles in ,extent.. But compensation'was made in part for its destruc tive fury... Anextensiye meadow (ultra .base, WhiCh had borne Only wild , conrse.grasses ; Was rendered more fertile by the fine sedirtieni,.here and there four or five:feet in depth, that was diStribUted'upon it, and now produces excellent grass and white clover.. Take a century or,two into account; arid we Grid the mountains fertil izing the soil by the:minerals they'restore to it to compensate' the •wastes of the " harvests. The, hills; which, as compared with living 'beings,. seem. everlasting, ;at. in truth,' as perishing.aslirey. Its; veins of flowing , fount ains weary, the mountain heart as the: crim.sini pulse does ours; the natural forces Of the iron crag is 'abated in its appointed time, like:the strength olthe sinews in a human old 'age; and it is but rthe lapse of the longer years 'of (tern) in the sight of its Creator, distinguiahe the mountain' ran , 4 frtim the' moth and ti worm " . , .L- A. Sonnyv' Tarckln.the summer of 185 . 4, a servant girl, named Hannah Mengle, in -the family of.Mr..CuminingS., of Bellefonte,' bought a ticket.in a lottery; held by . J.• M. LYthe, 'at the Monnta'in House! Blair county, by „which' ; she •drew a' carriage yarded at $3OO. :The -carriage was giVeln charge of Mr. Cummings, tOdelive't to'the girl, but 14,.charged the girl in .settlernent other wages_ with the :ticket,. and locked up the carriage'. Acting under:the ad-. vice of Andievi O. Curtin,. Cummings ,refised to deli'yer the vehicle' over to : the She .hroughrsuit 'to fecover the, property she had fairly drawn in the distribution of .articles' at: the Mountain House; Through the, influence of:Curtin and , a kiiowNothing jury, And notwi7 .thstanding the Jude eharged• directly. against . the clefendant,• die lost her dollar "awl 'her. ear. .The ;verdict was not guilty .but ,the defendent'to pay :the :Cost. 'This is 'literally .true, and can be substantiated from the records of.the Court of Centre County,.and it shows.the :hailer rind manliness of Andrew G. Curtin, ..the Black Republican candidate for GpVernor, in . aiding to.cheat'a po6r . girl out Of, her property,, ,which she had fairly won and which. every right minded min will say, justly belonged to her. Wliat think. the people Pennsylvania Of a' .man who would be guilty.; of.:sach; meanness : , : Bet it is censistent . With the 'Character of the notorions.Mr, Curtin, and acts like' : the. above: are part and parcel Of his eiture.Jitniata . Tror 'Democrat:' • • . , -A n enthusiastic doctor :Writing froth. Pike's Peak;' advises. ecinsurnptiyes tofer.sako sea coasts and watering places'—tbecotilmongrave; yards of 'consnmptices=and. spend a season among. the Rocky Mountains, where they can get freih'and genuine bear's, flesh, grease • and all,•, - Which he says.lS better for colisumpticin than all the•cold.liVer - oil In the world., , Here, and here. alone, says he; we veriti.believe, this mournfully intereating.class will find.thelong sought for elixer vitae. .• • . . . triLmNG liton Si•anr.F:s : That is high be tweerr floors. Most stables at'e, •built, !Ow "be= cause they.'are . llut such people' for‘ get that tVarmthis obtained it • iOsaerifice of the health of the' animal and pure air. Shut a man up in tight, small box: ,the air may ,be warin, but, sot - inlay 'bite out ..dead. and cold if ,he 'continues to breathe .stables are tigbt.theyshould also be high; if they are not tight, but to the adMission of air from' all directions they are e r nrially fault Y... A sta bleshould be carefully ventilated; and one of the cheapest modes is to ,build a high one.: • inom Ptarnaint.- - -If tears become 'any one When dying; it is him,whorn , laughter did. not become when living: seeing, lie saw, that which.inade.death a tiling to'he wept over at hand,. and, susPending above. ,his' head.. Ilow closely'did his weeping follow upon that laugh. To the eternal tribunal' of. the just Jtidge our appeal is safe. He will. rescind *the: unjust In airgood ,studies but wassPe. cielly given to Philosophy and poetry, which even, I neglected in process of time;leing •de- . lighted with the scriptures, in which I perceived a hidden sWectdeis. 'which 1-.onee despised:- • Poetry:l reserved for..Ornainentaf purposes Ae.truth.is immortal,' so, a lie lasts,. not, feigned. things . are soon discoveeed , ae the hair isaombadand aet with: great dilligenre is ruf fled W . ith - a little blast of wind. The craftiest . . lie cannot stand before 'the truth; everything that is .covered is soon 'unco'vered; shadows pass iway, and, the native color.df 'things:re main. No manCVn.liiielong under water; he 'must• needs come forth and show the face.which he concealed, . ' • Desire and - strive:to- die.. well, ~The rest . comtnit- . fa Gut]; ' . who.. brought you 'into, ,the world'unaaked, but who, when you are about to leave it; will not introdued you liato his: king dotn.nnioubt. -I .• . ' . - • . . . ~ • • t: , SEWA4 AT SPee,n Vlrt 1. li r Cu Mr: '*)Ward made . at Detreit Was intended for .the whole country, and therefore . it was.ca s u; tiously,elaberatedr,the radical and' revolittlon-' . ••. • • • , • • , . ary sentiments it contained 'were , put in • the forth n(generalties, andaftr being carefully pruned pruned arid polished it . ' was furnished aieusly to tothe..Whole press: After its de ; . theSepat(4. proceeded ity western tour, to make the_ loss guarded and .More'eftective declartition of ..lilscic - RePublicati •policy to ideal:audiences before Which no ton cealtnents were necessary. We have frequent ly denounced the black RePublican sytitem of , party.agitation, which it to make the. most ole'nt aboliticin speeches and declarations in the . . rural districts, and then moderato their pressions or deny, tham.altogether. when brought before a national 'audience, or, ,catechised by opponents in the hills of : Congress.. :We haVe note dcterrnined to fellow these revolutionary agitators into' the, rural. districts, and by .our special' eparters, , and.thaJdriliinited use. of the 1041 - aph, cost what it may,, to spread in the ihrald.their local decla . rationa or revolutionary policy and civil war as widely,before the whole nation as . we hive cloae with the Mare guarded addresses'of theft orators and representatives.' by our enterprise and.deterMination in pect we'..cati arid will place the issue of, the present ctiticSi . cantest before the penpleo,- Here is the issue stated by Wm. H.' Seward:7- . . : . ' It has alwayit my, rolley to tako taro that every new .State'sbonld he e free stile, and I Will larett.,Fifelong as I can, within the Enda . of c ons titutional nutlet), the !1e.% . ... . ereasc , and dltniontion (.f African slavery in all thetßates . . That to the ':lvhole 'lineation. ' , ....: -. l'.. • . ' : :.. What'. : is. this: t'constitational action''. by which it is p.ropoSediO curyr...out...the, 'decrease and diminuiion of African slaVery in all . the States?". Mr. Seward shoWs it. very -points to the,handful:'of madmen; 'with a' few pikes aridspears,.cariying the ''.oldeSt; the proudest, andnnce ihe,greatest leading federal' : State in., the,l.Tnion,"to the . Varge of . servile war; 'to the'excitement in . Kentucky and Ten neSsee.'caused by a. few abolitiontitsi 'and '-to the i ncendiary teachings'and*.murderous prOrnp, 'zings now" gOing.'on among' the slaves in Texas, whiali he cha.racterieti by themild appellation or'islavery being brought into debate:among a iirtion.of. her cilizens.". Ilerebe paints hoW 'much may 'be done bY a few citiaens : if - notin 7 ' terfered .With. But, says. Mr . . Seward, I 4. - army' and ' navy of . the Stites are brought; uriconstitationallk,.to: bear lagainst than!. •' What do we'• maintain , this:army' and navy foti asks.lllr..Seward; and here is, his an= swer iii his own words.. let.everycctizen read , thenfand Ponders— . In .or d er that rlayps may ntsy . not okapis :Irani the slave States into the free and• that free or' emancipated negroes iu the free States may 'not en ter .and introduce . Civil war into the slave States, and because.tilefl4l the provoke a foreign 'enemy, the Southern fr * ootiar, ie ecpo 7. sed to 'invasion (rpm England, France, 'arid Spain. .That is theWhole'object of our army and nary; *: Entertainidg these • vieiti s , he declare's , the the 'first constitutional act which should be per to diminish slaveryin all the :Sethern States, find that a,pat riot," 4no do atvay with the army.and navy of .the, United States, in order that it shall . not pre' vent freed slave§ from introducing; civil war ;intojthe slave - States, or iesist invasion from Englend, Fran ce, or Spain, on''the. Southern frontier: .This . is the Hartford.. Convent lOn doe:. trine ofArassachusetts school;" :it- is, treriscin . of the blackest . dye; it is-thorough, going, Opemfaced,.black-Reptiblica nienn . . • . This .is what..Nr. Sei.vard says "one single adminisl: tration will settle finally and forever," if Abrii ham Lincoln is elected President—•• Lefthe'na tional men of New York consider- this ;truthful exhibition of blat; repUldica . .nisMby'its lead-. iTig orator and expounder. Let every'patriotic American contemplate, the "brutal and bloody" conflict which these demastignes wOuld inaugu rate- in , Otir Midst; and then ask himself what is his; duty as a citizen ands pat riot.--..N. Y. nit% .Tun LoArna.--:-The most miserable, hopeless' scrap of humanity, is an .idle . man,--a 'man • ,whOse.chielaiininVe is to "loaf"—to waste in listless lounging, and mental and Physical • in; action the beit years of his life. -There arc a number of such here and in every'other town- 7 - miserable lo . afers; who, accept occupatiOn of no kind—.whose lives ciin;scarcely be called lives •:-.‘413. die, oneafter:another, and leave behind : them—.what? A vacancy •to be inourned7,. No,. for, they :are themselves vacancies; not men: . .To these atoms society owes nbthing. The history 'of. the world's prrigiess ignores' their natnei,lheir existence,. and being dedd,. the gave contains. no ,more - inert, .Worthli!ds' earth than it didbelore.. They become - chron- . idnuisanceS; they ha've,nolocal Wabitationoind no narneae far as regards their worth or 'anti from daft° day' in tho'hands of busy men; they piss content .as uncorrent funds—et so much of a disconot that - they ,can't, even. buy hemielves. The only apparent. eirettion 'they e xhibit is,that whicb.,•enables them- to be..iri somebody's way, to .the • great hindrance of that somebody's progress and:business'. 'They • never do any special harm,.and never,. accOrri- . plishenYlood; They die only wlienthey•iet. tea lazy and indolent to'use their,reSpitory or gans... They get the consumption,. because they 409 C energy' enough: fo :cough: They . give, .employment nobody, because . they have . nrine'fouthcmselveS.. It costs.: more 'to get them to the polls to deposit 'their votes. 1 . : .•.. :. . •• • • . . . ttiah their forenoon, : and . , the election, are:worth. :Frorn'these,; end. such es then,' may . Fortune preserve oll.:*elt:menning As a' tyeary traveler , was wending his„ .Way through the mnd : ina far. west region 7 of the coal - 107,hp discovered a YOuni'meiden 'seated: in the door of a. small 'Tie rode an. In front of the eabin;riod,asked the . girl for a .drink of water: : Ha : drank :it;, and AIM. being' the first Woman he had seen •for.'eeveral 'days ; offered her , a . •dinie:for a The young Miiiden.siccepted the 'offer; and received_ both the kiss' and the 'dime. The traveler was about to resume his journey, but the ' . girl,*never before having 'seen a dime:asked: • ' What I. to .. do:with : the: dime?" "You may tine.. it . . in any waYyou.ivish," he replied, youre.". If that's tie case, then, said she, 4, PllgiyOyOu *brick ttie dime and teke'anether kiss." • . The .following letterhas been receiyed• 'froni Verice,dated the plat of July:— ....• descripthn can giVe'ari ideaof .tho sad and . melancholy state of : Vnice.. All , the no ble and wealthy foreign families whO.used ev ery year to'occupy apart:nor - its in the palaces of the Canal, have aba4doned it, and the • amt. gration of the native inhabitants is .becomin g greater and greater .every day:: There is an undisguised stuggla between an, unarmed pop ulation,. who manifest :by all the means in their power their hatred 'of foreign rule, 'and arr.obstinate stupid loCal government,•.reven ging itself on the population by various'petty annoyances.' this struggle the AuStrian army remain neutral, and, if We are •tO jtidge from the cermet remarks of the, officers, it: Is fatigued with the task impoSed on it. A, •:re cent decree' commands that the' ancient ' formu la gcLombardOkenetian".Shall be employed • in officialects end the word Lombardo. is as often effaced eit it is pasted in the •ig tirae of St.. Ma:k.. It was 'announced on the 27th that Garabaldi had landed on the Neapolitan territo ry, and the national:colt - ire were..seeitllying the following day fromthe.capello palace, now. habit 'ad 'by one' of a very few . Englisb families rebideritet Venicri; it was', formerly the• dance of the French '.consul. .The festival of SantellTartha, and the festival of the Redemp tion, were fornierly observed with great, pomp 'by. the' Venetia* they now pees. en'perfect si. lance: • The Venetian's aie . trineh grieved at be ing time compelled to 'neglect the festival of . Santa Martha on the 20th , 'De; the 26th; the principal Inhabitants ef iliac; Island. of Oliieg'gia; chiefly, fisherman' nseembled•nt' din ner,and the health of hatabrildi.•Was.,drenk with loud Cheers. On the. night of the 26tH the Anstriair police arrested 23, of.the .ffsher 7 men...' Baition upon Bastion , are being con structed, and cannon i.eaped upon cannon are aireeted against the .town:.: May it .not suffer the fate of.Parermof There is"not a convent which is not converted into ,a beriack•mid now the church of.Sants Lucia. is about to; be con verted into a fortification. On' the' 20th the naval conscripts were tailed onto Serve,. whet) for every.l9o'nrien 35 only responeik . The re Mainder went to swell the ranks of Garabaldi I have:rilreatlir alluded to -the sympathy ex-• pressed,by part. onhe Austrian army` for the people'of Italy. It is certain that some officers 'of the regiment , of Don Miguel. have been ar rested'and that the chaplain has arrived at. Venice in custody of f 0 den'darmes."' N'Eavous::Ess.L—Take plenty Of bodily' exer cise, livtf .well, and avoid smoking and . ardeat spirits. The following is, said to . work' won ders.in such case's: 4 .l; o 4ldeliori.l3ter.--Take of da'ndelion roots, well .washed and 'dried, ,two nonces, boil th*m in six quartsi .of • water. for hilt an hour, strain and add treacle one pound, and half an ounce .: of yeast: 'The Whole:to 'be put in . a bottle S and left to ferment Im...twelve liCrtirs... A wine 'glass full morning aria" even-. SINGA;LAM Case.--Wi recently heard a re. 'markable and.tonching story ot. a little... the. son of a gentleman in an adjpinirig. county. .His age is thirteen. He is nn interesting prom ising lad, .One day during the Pait.winter,.he failed to rise" as. in the moriling . as usual, At length ,his father went into the room where ho lay, slid asked , hirri why he 'did . not get tip? He said it ieeined dark yet, and he was 'wait ing for daylight. His father .tetired, hut the Goy :did not . Make his lippeararicg for some time; he returned's second time and said, ' 4 4.Nly. son why don't you get up?". . 4, Ftither ie it - day„ . •. ' '• "Yes, .wTheri,-Ftither,?' the lit tie, fellow said, c‘l amtlind;"'rind . so it was; big sight was gone. • • In a short time -his father took. him to Nash_ villa, to got the benefit thetnidical•profes sion there, but. none of, the physiciatta could do anything for, him, and hopily made no eaiperi 7 ments on his eyes. Some ladies in the family of his father' sought. to cheer him in his,titllic= Lion, and one niglitipropesed to take him to the opera that he might hear the music arid sing: , ing. • I{e went,. and was delighted: course of the performanie, all at once he let;p ed bp; threw hie arms around hia fitheos,nCek, and'.screamed with ecatacy; "Oh! Father,, I -can see! I can . s..e!" Ilisaight hod Instantly.'re tmned•,:,and .5416: then he has retained it in full VENICE. ::: .,, AA', :,,,, t l; '-t:,, t ? , '; ,,, ' . -, , ::'.. r* r ', 1 :,0,- -4 ~..-., •:.-, vigor, 'except that untle'r exOttiatenf'ttiri,tite' transient dirnnetis of iftlion..':,the . :,eatie..ta: ono . of a remarkable snit 1140114 nhiiiititir.4oPris lwroricir,t, The Beim* of Teirrore Three republican manifestoes, from recog. nized leaders of. the -.party' hire. just' ', . made their apitearance, and are highly.. instraCtive. 'nese manifestoes, which fairly , .reprosent.the iank and file'of the piny, are a recent' speech . ofV. H. Seward, an editorial article from, the. New York ' Times,. and another from the' New York Tribtms, tha leading nawspaperorgans of the repoblicans,sas Sewaitl is their ,foremost• statesman, their prophet, priest.and guide. These deliberate expressions of sentiment are the programme ,of the drama -by the - author lilinself,and by the chief actors, Who havallteir parts'aiready assigned them. Theperformance id to be a reign of terror. It has been eirried 'already into the. South: The VOMIT 'cane -it ""terrorism in Texas,'! end the'Trounsdeserihes it as ‘ , Texas in ,terror,“'., The Times says:— . • “Ar long as slavery exists, mid wherever it ex ists, there.will be.iilesigning and indefatigable abolitionists, 'and isespicioncand ,exiitable tell, and El social organization Which can only be saved by fiti ofirearchy and bloOdshed and'. mob law every fdursitars is not wortitsaving.” The lore,gone conclueion is, of 'course,' for get rid,of what is not worth saving.' . Thi Tramie,' with eltaractetiatic boldnessopeake • mit Moro, plainly.. It says:—itThero. is one state of so ciety—one state of suppiessed ' war—which, when it breaks out into Open hostility, May . bring, with it consequences w•ith,whicb no other warfare is ever followed.", • What the suppress ed war,-'is vlhich: is to break' out into open hostility, another tort of the .. artigle -leaves . 'oo doubt. "It is dangeroni," adds the Tribune, 4•playing with such mi edged tool as servile, in, surrection. • • • They would then fiotl, too late, that' they. have kindlelf , a , consuming fire which they -.cannot so :easily extingnish, and raised hands by',thoaeands" . which ,' wol not wait for arms' to commence. the, crael'en d frightfulwork•of servile war." -There is no mistaking such language AP this, nor the follow ing•from the same , pent—" Slaves, who may to night, acting' . with one common purpose, 'car rying out it long cherished. design, under the 'eed of those among' thetti who are most intel, ligent, most cunning,- arid also most Cruel,. wreak their tong pent up .vengeatica on mortal foes."' • • . . All this is only in perfect unison: - with the key note' in the speech of-Mr. §ewead, .who (Je erer:es that his policy is not ; to prevent the, ex! tension of alaverfin the Territories, but to sNe c,reaseand diminish it in.all.the States," till, in' the words of Lincoln at Springfield, 'be las sc." compliieed its g.ultimate extinction:: "This," says 31r. Seward, !"is the *hole question. If I am wrong, then I •am egregiously 'wrong." Hero is a straighHorward declaration of princi ples,and polley,.and"we.regret to say it is, not yet met on the other side by a: corresponding, boldness. .Mr. Seward . ihows in his speech that „the 'South will be an.eary fuer of *the jtepubli aan party,.when they get into.power; 'that the .Southern States are in such a condition that a, • handful of men can ; at any time, ,raise a do mestic insurection. Which centiot pa quencbedt and that At this moment every Sebtherti - State,.. , as . well as Texas now . ; and_ Virginia last fall, is in terrOt of an approaching bloody revolution. In. the" same. strain 'sing the Tribune' and the: liner.. It is the'very burden of their song.= in the,exultation'of an anticipated. viatoix, in the•Presiilentitil election; ,they • already. exult over the South as a prostrate: foe, and tell it ihat it may as well quietly submit to its deem, and surrender to'destruetion itself and its•initi ttition, whichyConnot seam, .Nor . is Ihernians left doubtful by which, this devoutly wished-for consummation is to be at tained. •In Helper's book, ind;irsed by all the Republican • members of Congress, 'ineluding Mr. Seward; the reign of • terror, the torch Of the incenditily, fire and sword, a 'servile 'insur rection 'of the- blacks, headed by•non-slaiehold-; jug Southern whites, reinforced by- Northern bevies, is held out as. the only ulternative . to . the planters in the event of their. refusing; to submit peacefully to 'be despoiled.'' :The' triode' 'of doing the business without. bloodshed js - un-• folded . in the work'of Spire . ; the %other *great handbook ofrepublicanism. plan is to • frei • the Souther n:slavea by habeas corpus, supPor ed by the,wholepoWer of the'army:and navy; and if the army, and navy, ill not tle . 'their duty, then, as Mr. 'Seward intimates, they' intuit, be , abollsbed,'and their place supplied by the •re publicantnilitia• of the' North . and, the, Wide Awakesa military organization•within the' republican party, who are in the necrerof the political leaders, and who • wear , uniform and:drill at 'present with-a torch, for which a: musket is to be' substituted, hereafter; when they march, to Washington to enforce the , in sugurat ion,ef the republican President, and per forin ether service for - which' it :seems' the regular troops cannot bri.trusted, , Mr. Seward says hi considersit his - sidutY,as a. patriot"' to refuse ""to wring 'money from the ireemen of , the United States to sustain the army and as vy,which .ere now in their very.. influence, corrupting public virtue." . ' . ~.. , , • Hero, then, is a full del/elopement of the den of “the irrepressibte•_conflict"' aguittst slave labor wherever it exist s, which was pro=- claimed two years ago both, by. Seward and. 'Lincoln; and let no, moderate , conseryaHve re. publican, who is only wanted by the revolutiow 7 iota to swell their vote, but ..is %'really *Weed by them, lay.thellattering unctionle:, his soul that the design •of tnparty : kJ° prevent the sl i extension of idavnry in 64 -Teriitoyies;:4here* nature, the . Taw cif,pop ;lotion, Aind - the' consti. tinfoil of the United tittle,. will oways 'settle the question, without 'ny interference of, 'con- . grecs or thO .federal ...executive s , end .everi. in .despite of their interfereliFe., :.. ' .... , . , No,. the real design le - iivoled by.'Spooner and Helper, - by"-the. republiein memberii..of . • Congress.: -who have: endorsed. the , latter, .by . Seward ° "sinil, Tlt:iv:4n; by the Trikose, and by •••• all the leading 'oratrirs,and mins. of the , party• • those ; who Vita e ' control and:• 7: ^ 2 against 'the voiceit of a few-conservative.. men: linging to the parti would be , ling against it : northwester.. 'the true,;.place . , for all Such men is teith'the other conser;vi,tive • elements, where they Will. feel tbeir natiirl • " 'weight and do good service::, thn 'dariges is• imminent mid great.' : Before ifie them_ come,. out: ef. a desperate teyolationary' parry, whose. eearse cann9!'r.rclitroh 3 ~." ... ':,•74. % .:', 1.41.; ; , Webi. 17.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers