• " 4 '''.. - •- Tv - '`,t4 PI .. 1 ' O. Vi'• '• ' ' ' , Tik' 8.3, 'OP ..., r 6, ,i. . ,7-7 . r,ti. ----, % ....4.7;,..,,, . ~i ll 4," tin 1 ationfit, ~, ~ - `. • ; .1..1R PID ' . 4. .- * • IT ,: q '"4:10N .: ~D - 1111ECHINRIOGE IIrIMITICE PRESIDENT, VPO; :,. EN JOSEPH LANE -ft A ", i . ' , ` (*Pit' ' 4,90-1 ` f., volt R;ooool3li,'''' a - .;.,,u , 014 4 4 'ln t.: 5 , -; r 4 te t... ; ' 4.` i k . ' :f.l • L ' 4411KV1R1V,, , ,E0 F ATER . , 0t,p71..1A10u. q .q , 4,•,.,A ) 1t.,..1•4741777 - ' . .. 3 - Amu ~K.,..t.Eitr4 VlttN'tOlt, • .A 11) ). AStilt.44, ''•'' 40.111iY:147: • NETT InvinroT AT . TORNNY...• '.,14.y e ,t0. 8.. .IkAt. tILO TG ;0. 1 ) COMMISSIONER' MOSS. • *Ea I B.VCR :111iX1. IL KW/MOND, , ," • JeiErif SF,. ..bonoNEn, ivisri Ell : VRESIVENTIAt. ELECTORS. . • • ',/••••': • .- - .V.••!. tAk• -• LATiGE • . • Jekti:C. Dreckindilgil aen.;Gtokgc. AI, Kt .I.,FrAderfek,Seryer... 11 J ! ,Reeklinot. frvirm. C.. ratterso.n. 15 Geo. Jack" Son. 3 Jon, HloCkett, jr. 16 Ahl.' 4 J. G..l3renner.. 33. Dinner - 5 - JI! W: Jacoby. 18. J'. R. Crawipril. s..dharles Kelley. ;10 ;11. - N. . .1;91,P. James. 20 J; 8 JO avid Scholl. .21 N. P...Fetterman Lightner. . 132Snamel Marshall. 111'8. S. , Btrlber:if ~ 23' Miliaria Book. 11 T.H... Walker:- ' • 24.13: D.. Hamlin. 12. S:B., Winchester., -25 Haylord.Chareh. . ' EeittOirutte NatlonutExecutive Committee. ..The folloiying-narned gentleman cothroso this COtnnsittee: . • • Hoo,l.l.Stevens, nf.Dreo - on, - Chairman, W. 'Johnson, of7tirki Arkansas. • Hon. Jefferson Davis', Of Mississippi. Heal joist D. Might, of Indiana: . • ' • Hon: Thomas ' B: Florence; of Pennsylvania. RopoGeosge -W.:Hughes, of Maryland. John Stevenson, of FentuckY. lion. I. It: Tinarbion, of New Jersey. B.lteett; of A:labama; Augustue Schell, Esq., of New York. Wright, Esq,,of Massachusotni. • , .ljon. Juries G, Barret, of Washington, D.C. ' Flinn; PA.; et Washit4ten, `Walterlenoz, Esti.; of Washington; D. C. Cluskey;Washingnin, D.C. Resident • Sewtaiy..` - • ' • w. Alcoa, Washingt on; D. G., !Treks etithinueicatkons ahOuld he athlreasetl. to Ifeti.ll4lc STeve,ti; Chairnai,Vashine ton, - D.TO &cleats of the . Conimittee at No. ,28* 44 . JUDICIAL NO3iINATION,The C 01) fe'ices • .of -,—. p,Fle ! crawforcl . apd Warren, met at Waterford and !after' kaildting rotireigl( ,tithe"s:and'spe ding the 7 1;e:et pOrt of 't”Nto ,the dates final l y plaCed in'nomination S. P . :ferny' SON, Eegr,, of Warred, ..The Republican ma that Judicial 'district is said to . be over 3,0130, so:tikt Mr. JOhaslin f though very elected . ''liatlltibisist eels vie :'celebra ted MattiftsolitliShow'ef Niblo & Sloat will be exiiiirsted* Smethport;'on the 21st inst. It' iiitied frequent that - ive the. pleasure . of a"performisnee of .this kind at4soine, and ire" eipeet thete will , be a crowd , in attend ;since. , head:their advertisement in the Demo-. et* IniirleylUp qtieirlei against the irnPor- noticed Wino ShOO intthis - liorouh,• It is now • can)- 'plattid, and nurenternrising:hiend is • prepared his line, at fhe new' Shop.' •Prliepet,iilailk•urtisenientsthat appear this Veit, taken up a large portion of Our in ewe tAcigigi tO„..the,.e,zolusion of our usual quan iii.Nl494lfAidisigcrosittee.:• A delay was caused • in the - Oblication, in consegOence of ,being chligetirto - trait Sheriffs sales, until Fri ' difitifttitrioirii" • 4 1 4 A4t9 1 41 11 ,1 1 11 1 1 1 A'?Pc.54 4, ^ 11 will 1 M seen alS.iisemenf~oj 4i c9 l- AV° tkatAV.aleati friends #re to hold•a. mass Meeting at the dedieet tau of theirliOiant Club • ;t6bite"4 Ili ` 4 213 h'd ta 'Th I? ' ' . mi l e ~ 11 s nt ! q emorrary Ortlillgte fir Nev( 3 ydaii, 144 vi'laJ l aliajte, '7 , ,, le Jrk 4 , e4titt4 , at-Jeatts.*lNF IMerl', - " - j, thleonellint tii.he ei"excitement in either spar. * i l4 lps t 'billi'llirge , (lelegations. will go from ' v. ' ": 61 0ti;5 14 1 11 . 'vd;1 " 1 . ; <9 6t . a b l i-, neorl P ' e, P f f i l- 1 9/ 1 1 e 4Tgr i s ‘Ot 4igfiejeV brethraq 014110.041PiteAtata.,'',,".',' . ..14404t--4:." 1 -; . 1 ,,,," 4, s r,li.y . s g;. ~,... , . ^rtr A 'la ii t lll4l, tiabiftilled • at 'Wellsville - , , * 94 1 1MI t i,.'ll'Poi r enee• ' l k W 1 . 1 ,1 be ril t ..s 4.,.1"..1' ...0 . ' , 4041411,01110,440 the co4fice...,was mobbed, a few r ~ Tefeenitiseltipem4bd, mid a pail 'ot the '',' ' o#l44Wetettlili'llidiirediii: 'Titidillei.ii. ) to 4,44 ifilf4 l a: iii -. 4;etton ' `l' D I P' ;' ' "' ,q, 5" ,FF,"Pf' :',4 it it imito4d .0! l i o , iglaf ,,, its i i,/,4 444 0 - t - tark i tgr A i4 : ,,pAtke:ust, ism.. ace ifs ;"64" ~ 11, 4 1celik:44 0 ,1tAwitql,e, I Douglas 1150' ' ' A "A - 6 1 - 10 1 4.4144644' ''..l , ‘' h'peer'ralked"the Dade ,lii'tir,tifft!'qit'4l ,h , ti r imi" of you'? retunths, w e ''' silt/411'6e ,re). - . • . j3s,pici,tonwr.-,•--,Whitt,Detriedruri rhosVneed stow.Js,activity. .The ltbaractluestion of Slit- . t . o.:the,far oir.lettiteries 41 1 ed 19% , t i li9 ' ...ppoilio`piPPen» . s]ylviviia; • There are :pressing, home.,!inturests te.he", decide& it . ;the OctOber - ,electrotiiin V.ritieli'tlea; white pee pje are coneereetl: . '.ln ..Pentiii3ir yenta it . is to' be. de'dided„Whether'ihe SehtiMing plUnderers gained power 'under cover'..Of Ike slaip ry' ex citement o -shall Monger ..info.it Mir high officea, °Cour citizens oncenate'chopse honast, pear fical Men .who ;labor 'ter.the interest. of Pentisy,lvaniane. • :The ''of countyshaye interests:still nearnr home On rc the tate'Ciiiiiittli which would• be criminal in, thetri;O:negledt:: .The; equal y.'ofTfces; ' ..with the ettdeptieti, of:.Asiteciate...JUdgi4;,Prerto hi. fih,led at \ the October eleetien, :the inoStof.thstri for 'three ‘years: history pf.the'PaSt fO,V years cenvictce'pnY. reflecting • mind that him. glers, at least, , have crept'. county ' • Thecpublie funds have heon.applied to partisno purposes; thdrear.pnblic ' welfare has beensharriefully:',ncglected...: 'There is bUt•one safe:course to adopt, pit the of ices in the 'hands, of men who are riot only. hondst,practij calMen r btit are outside of the Influence,of the corriMt, demngogues . that have held 'sway. : The necessity . for . .a reform in the Commission ers? office, Was felt, two.yeara ago, and the Republicans-brought forlvard a candidate. who tvas known te'be economical, enough, in his affairs--'nothing .dotild'bor .. _urged against his erection on that seore.. Whitt Was •the The. boa'rtl. 'organied. with the newly elected • 'Commissioner who 'was •to . - Pugurate a pew, policy, • and[ll the first . session Petitions.wero in circulation, praying - theLeg isloture to dpuble'thg salary of the' Cornmis_ sioners. True, the mileage 'of, lurord were;. eut.doWn,. unit come . .instances, fatten front some .hard-WCulting Juror, whosn fees'We're . . already too low to pay his board, and saved to the Treatuty.' The grand total' re suit, of. the reform measures of that board .Was; that theneatt" - A editor's . RePorr Sliewed tlie.ex •penses nearly • doubled-L:exceeding, by ..111011 thnh.7line litendred .doilare, I he . receipts of, that year. 'Here was'refortn with.a ven ,, eanee. The following .yeer the, 'voters, not daring to. .trust reforrPfart her, commenced the . work in 'earnest, by'•electing W. r. Dav'ts.--- T,ho'boaitis compose'def two Republicans and one Democrat s . , Tbere is now an oppositinity to complete thd werk,anti place theseourity-busi nessfn iefehandS. ..We have -faith to believe the opportunity will not be neglected. • Z:omc•Our:-l3ro~S~lita is now in tijo whither he has gone to p . e'relmie.O new Stu. The Last Wag of the Hammer. Sattirday..was.'the day: fixed rupon 'fur the% straight out Douglas Committer: to "meet in this city, and finkh the•opperation oh mutila tiogitbe,Stateticket. We • repair- r ed tWice to theßitehler..flouse to report progreSs;,but could see - nOue•of the . COmmitte . e.• . on taking. tourOf observation about the otber hotels;. , • • we.discovered Mr. Linevveaver,. of Lebanon, and-Mr..Dougherty, ,Laneaster,', in. the city; end nobody else.',.. • itle"eereatin.'.thitt Sattirdairr" Wasthe day. fixed meetiOg, and the non-attendance:is evitkoce thatthoy.have abandoned the straight movement, which they find has no longer the enourageMen . of DeinOcrats to'urge r it o . n ; los.Ftirney and a few of his followers, thus .have an' exctse'te vot.e. ler 'Lin; celit i 'but their losswill be our gain: . . • 'Tile 'united - D.mnocraey - of f PcnrisYlvabia will elect Forney. first, and vete . against Lin .afterwarda, for Whose defeat. all true Democrat's and conservntive' men are • now. Striving. •We - can.; only • congratulate those . Whci:have quit in tirne; before any. mischief wasaccolpplished by the Forneyitcs.—././airts- , ,• burg'Patrtoi mud . • • IC`• strikes this movement -6f secession frott(the. Dernoczatic State. ciiganization. has cifizzled," i!girrin,"•“gone . tp a spout.". the : get-Men:ten compositig this CoMmittee, profesS to' be serving the cause of Douglas, Will, east their eyeS • over the •State; they Will find . a . very large. majority 'of the frienda.Of beagles endorsing-the Cresson coMpromise . : . as tfia i onlypossiblir arrangement thr:;tigh .which Doitglas can hope to secure the electoral vote. They will discover themselves. in . .a Weak Mi nority,.not only among the Democracy. of .the Stati'but also among ,the.suPporters- of Dobg lai. •They will, find the very Man whe anpeint eti them, Hendrick B. Wright, president of the 26th of July convention, advocating:the cause of union arid harmony. If this: survey does not Convince Iliem.that in . hying their hands upon the electoral ticket of the Dtimocratic party of the State, they are„ perpetrating an act of willful disorganization and 'giving • aid . and'eomfort to the sectional Republicans, then we - mist give them'Over as . cibilnrately . harden ed—lost toill the . MotiVes that have' hitherto actuated.bemocratsi 'and - det ertnined'ie defeat the party if in their' power, 'which, thank God, ii is not:-4itt. Fos!. '.• ' • ' • .'Nor liehglac ahoutd 'be elected not solitary p,3.l,te,al:•fitcO(l/n ithe Senate... Pugh.. of Qhio, io;lhe . :Cittly,..iuppditer. he. has 7 now niul ..Chaso . 4th. of March . 4orie beqter." • If he should plectpd Present, he have Senator Ken ; e.dy,'ofifaryland,. to,.aid admiiistratlon. Alr;tCylttentletil'a teim 'expires on • the 4th Of - . Vt;Sept. 5,450. • One,4lf or; .thc .otate'h4w,iitnajo . rity, fOr .lea,irl?ank's ejectjon. itipOijlieslo,eanifidates for Gdrigresl•nre 'elected, by jAcreasefl "ritujoiities. The Skate •tich:ate olact qniirely anal. 0 . 111 . Xionse • • • • , 'Reiral)licans Disheaitened• Notwiih their efforts `At Wittstling to keep : -Qteir:courpge :oi4....AWabe pro-- banners;. drums •404',.fifits ) . the Repablic'tinti' . ;herettbduts ere e . videntlybecoming in'ofe anti ,MoreLdishbarteneti.. 4 1'herr . nightly show porittlesitOoff wit honterithesitts* anti the glare.p(ithqie - torches ,attracts 'neth ..froM t heir .oPparieitti. .I . 4ct , ,t!iat all. Over...the ronntiy . :rhe . oPpo'netifs .. of RePuhliettniSrp.' . .rtad sectionalism. are gout to support: a united tieltet., lias• ',Mien:like a Siet . bla'riketnpqn• the rail iliyi siona,ofttlieDetnociacY. were ~t heir only hope; .atal.os the . Aiv ishana are.beipg lienledy •the Re goiYig . Now Yol.k . han taken - a poSiiim7„:which insures the success of the:Antißepitbkieen.tiekot beyond :peril tl ventire.- itsell..defeitts. Lincoln; before the 'The election Of , roStey: : .in Penii . sylYtinfo,...is..lieYmed. a . qooliand . all . , the eirol:t§'l4 , llicV Republicans can make to prevent the I)emecracy . ..fratri going- es' Snit for the Rending . electoral ' , ticket, .bnder.the Cresson . CorimremiSe?. fl prose . fil le as the- Tim .Wide•Awika movement is a IVeta-Cei•Man Her ao liishman is permitted to floidOin tin fainti at' the end of o . , It is always the•cpse - ut the .lithe 'of elections,rthat...the.oppositign i :ta..the 1)010611c y* . ttit••into the. campaign perfectly tare of success... After : a time 'they .are not quite so sore-HthinzSchante, Un'd facts speak louder thari boasts, •er .- . the glare tordies then . ai . the.electioh approaches,, they... get- - on the 'anxious seat; tind when the :cot comes they 'sae youted;c 4 horse, fnot . :ani) .(IrtwAris.", So ii:hae been'in So it Will be this Ottr CaAdida,f6s . For Assembly .As.we had neither ,'time or space' last . week to say . - anything • more . of, -our candidate§ for Assembly„than•to give the proceedings . of the. • Conference Which nominated . them, we now . propose to say ii - few,Words about' - them. I • • A. M . .. Benton, 1 7 ,5q•.,0f county, is . rhe r:ame gentleman who waselected NI- the Dernocratic ticket, last year, and with Mr. Gordon; represented this, District atDariisburg last winter. • lie is an.'intelligent, honest' end . indlistriouibirsiness.mon, having acquired . a . Competence in the, lumber' business, • in Which: he ha's largely engaged•ot Pert • Allegheny. ler several years. course as:a member 'jest Year, as far as: we have- been.: able, to. learn, . meets with general Opprobe•tion, and•-there no reason why ettery::Deineerat.iln the... District should not vote for• him. 'The best evidence • we can adduce tjuit heis the right kinder a man, is the fact those. that Who are most intimately acquainted,With him; his, immediate neighbors, speak:loutlest end strengestin,his yraise,-'and • when' opportunity . offers,. shoW their eppreci at ion of Minn by voting'loc him.; When ,a-• man who lives ina:chlintry district,doing• husiness among a' comParitiVely poor, .but..honest' seed industrions•people,•to the amonet.of . thhUiands .of dollars per, year' enjoys the:•.respect,- cor4 , dimae mid esteern.of that People,•to the 'extent. 'that.Mr...Benton does, it is.a.s good 'evidet.ce-as• we,want that heis a sound. institution.: ~Plairt. practical; intelligent and hottest business men and mechunics,:Should alwaysibe sent to,legis late for•the.Peoplec instead of mere lawyers and other professional.nrien, The. foriner class 'feel and know rho wants and wislieS . , or:those With . whom,they:rwelu chnstant• , intereoursc,• whiie Ithelatter class as : general' thing, are men who,.enVeloped in their • cloak ot• profesional dignity; live all to.thernstlves, their. very Man nerrepulsing everything like advances. or• .tnitiatity front the tosses.: . ' •• To the :Demdcraticliarty and . people,of Jeff erson 'county, it is unnecessary that we•should ,say anything about,lgajer Brady:. 'They know.. him, , Bu . t.to•thoSe . Out of the county,, whe . ti not. enjoy the pleasure of bis.acquaintance, ' we Would addresS• a few words. •Ma•j..l3. was-born in'the adjoining county oflndiana, and . i.s . a 'ieg- Mar descendant of the elder Brailys; . " who..ren= tiered Such imPorta , nt `service to•the country in the•battles of the .revolution;, as Well . is Warof :1812, and Indian wars. , .Tie . 7posSesses in an.'erninent degree the . military .ardor,.cool ne.si and . (tentage of his 'noble and .patriotic. ancestors. that the military spirit' of the 'ling.:, ily is still retained by . our 'candidate, will. be apparent when it is known . that .he- ha's com manded several military companiei,•a.nd,is now .serving the third term of five yearsas. Brigade •Inspector, and has 'not yet.attajned his fortieth' gear. For twenty-eight years ..Btookyille has been his horns, duting.futirteeri•years: ot which time he has.he'en, the editor 'and - publisher.' of the only. Democratic paner in Jefferson county,' The writer Of OAS article has:: known Maj. B.' for ten year's, ,intimately, and in all": that time NVe'nevet•kneW him toiler! mean •or . dishonor,' ableiriet.. No ,matter .where,' dr under' What circumstances we shaVe:rriet • him, he :Was 'al-. way''' the same free,'.Open" hearted, Brady. •• , 11e is a pcisitiveman and one when) you always knoW where to find.' Ile is not the ':man who vvould sigh a letter recornending.anotber for .a high eflicial .position, .and then .go_ privately among his:neighbors' end endeavor to injure and, defeat, him for the' same position.,' though making riti.particullr preteritions to a high moral character,- or any • extra amount of personal dignity, his inate. principle of honor, would scorn snch double dealing. When he is for aSman,,he is for him; and When he' oppeSes a man . lre opposeS him straight out.: • • Fort the position of RepresentatiVe Maj. 'Bra-. sly possesses peculiar. qualifications, • ' Having' for two years been_ a `Clerk .iin the .Rouse of RepreSentatives, under Capt. Jacob 4eigler,..a gentle* .as .well . versed in parliamentary • Usages as' any other in the State; he is.perfectly familiar with the Whole retake ollegielation. [ma word, he , knows the .ropes; while his: 01l • • hand, frank, and familiar manner, would enable 'him to carry Measures through, wh6e others. less 'favored; Would fail entirely. •• fie' 'always makes'friends•wherever he ttoeS.•• • •With a high order of intelligence, industrious habits, and quick perceptive faculties, .he has. the. firmness! •to take •a stand ,:antl.- maintain. it. fle:'yVill Make, if elected,. of 'which -we entertain no doubt what,ever,•One . of the . most usefid,•:Work . leg mernbers.ever. sort:from' this Distriet'..' "Such are the men presente(t by the', . . . cratic party . forthe suffrages ofthe. people of this Representative District ; and We • consider them particularly fortunate selections. Beth . honest, intelligent. - nnd industiions working Men,: they" would represent ''the District," tit, .a inarincr than would, do honor . ,• ro theinsolves,- - aqd ' , upon ,t heir cousfituPn lefferio It 1N1 . r..( cWoos ti.IN • • . - . Last:. winter at•Flarrisburgi resolueiomt. were littroderetfinfebet.h branches. of tho'..tegisla tare,:in'refereoc.e to : the conteit:then'• - going on atWishington for:4eake(ol '6;l Jlouse.. I.llis'Oceasion:setrerac Itepithlicans availed them- _ selves or the'opportunity . te. display 'their great. loiolor the .. nigg(4; a ,nil their', cordial hatied . .of the .Deinoe'ratie . -party, among - .whom was • the gen tleman . from:JeflersOn.', In , the.. conrsb of his . reroatlts Mr, G.paid•the:follo‘Ong cern- . plimcut to a portion of party; • . 6 , lVe want no:compromises with negro . oligarchy': of the' Sou - ilblor With the r m morosuffreinelyeen'tetlipt abloittliesOT the North. like 'see "this Wadi doe kicked I .4e • to . bear his ugly .hpwl . as, the lash falls upeti his wooly hide.i.sjnd.l ani glad to knowthaf . the time' his eome,wheri 'men, are found.;-in ',Gongfess' 10• to dare stand and knack the.•teth.*out 'Farther on in his . -speeh;, in. sPenkitig: of: . en=: .7 dorsing the Helper book, the .follckving choie and elegant sentiment A porVoa, of that. work .every Republican and 10pposil ion4riber of this' floasO most 'sincerely endorses, Cni , the *Lornfora party 'does s9y2b4di.iiri?;cipl.e and: eveythiag ithat looks to ihro . npleildia4 of depency and respeclabiiii.zh; that they date.not endorse:any portion of thit book, j)nblish these literary .gems' for 'the. '• ea edihOition of. those LoeOfoces,asbrother .Gordon, calls them, in thisDistriCt,.Who upheld .. ...‘idreinciantl•riwieacz.bil4'' by voting for him last .year. : If they. want toliek the hand that Smites therit.; we p'resnfne th ey . have ..a right. to We. ere :free say, • however; that .such is ifot'onrstyle..- Those in thlS:ease;.rmiSt•be•oc a .very Gta4d M4ss ConventiOil. Redteation of :tlie•Little 'Giant ;Club House at Olean Y ON . P/iYDA Y, &53 . 5P.T.L.:11/BEEZ 5, 1800 . . . , The Little• Giant Club House, now in, course. of eree.iion.at. Olean-N. Y., 'will he dedkated at 12 o'cloclell.l.,. on ' Fryilay,.&epte.Tbc:r Prekrations arc Ifinking for kt grand, glass Meeting and , Celebration. . • • '• ANFORD.F.. CHURCH . . of Orlean's, ~ Hob. FERNANDCO WOOD:.of New York, Col. S. G. HATtIA VVAY.of Cheindng, JAMES M. HUMPIIR4EY, Esq., of Erie, - 1-lave been invited;and will be present' to dress the detroerack.upon 'the live issues . of ; tlje Jay. . • • Turnout! Democrat's from every quartet...of this 'County, Allegany;.and. the: bordering counties . PenniYlianid,and how by . your presence, that you,are ..arbused • - to 'the impor tance of the coniing election. V.... . .. . . , OMAIIT,TEF 01 ,. ...ti.ftR . A.NG,EME,Vii. • J:, , T,..HENICY; .• -CLARLESXICIiiIItT 11.11.55 EL MAR'FiN 3 ~.10111, 7 . SUFINE, JOIiti.I,LTIILLF.Y, RICI(AnD K.1 , ,id.' . ... . . .. . 0 & S 8. 4?;U ZO 4 NEW YORK 26 1 ' ci,,nompoi! PERFORNMG ELEPHANTS COOK'S AMPHITHEATRE, LOND , . • • ~: ~ 1 This.'Conipany has:been selected '. ,'''':: ti 4. ;*- .% Vtl A tt: ti o ' l ' i l l n a u n s t L is e n h e i t i° Z !' l 't € l l 6.° l "u rn e ni s- Ai': a . ,', imiut among wheat Will be .Ibaud r• r ..'iri . , -,./ e, tho celebrated .. ,- , • . 4- 0 "- 4'4 IdA.DIGA.N FAMILY , . . .. - ~.. •457. • • who had rho •Initior .of • appearing ' - • .. before the Quectute lingai lintily : ' - at the'Albanibra Palace; London', gay 14, 1858 • • • . •. . • )THIN', tlyqua. 1.1 1 1,LE EZIMA MADIGAN, Prointer EquotrJenne . - • ,TAMCS MADIGAN, Dare buck Prlnciplo • SAM . LONG, :,• . The Celcbrated Vocal Clowh. 31ASTj"..11 CHAS. -MADIGAN, "• ' 119h.110 SAT ROGRRS; Scouic Ritlat 'anil*Gymnast. • at and Eq" tilE DENSOR , TIROTHERS, VAI.EN* • TINE AND : JACOB, , (Prom Reines Gorman Circus, Ham- .e Autipodeon Equoitrians • ' Tranca, and Cy tallaStili Performers. • • . . tV. 11, AUSTIN; .1 Acrobat and Equillbriit. . CILI.RLES atllY,Alust Indian Juggler ••p nud Knife Thrower. , • 401 NATIttNIELLS; • • • !fircOmic Equestrian and Vaulter Together with' . • • • ' J. DAVIS, D. lIICIIAIIIJS, &e. . •. . '.Aud.last Though uot. Wait . tho - World4tunowned EIitICAT ED: • ELEPHANTS. ..• • ANTHO,IO. AND atOPATIP, • • Mflio - gd through a great variety 'of perforinauCC3 of each entortalnthriit, ouch as DANCING ' IVAUIVIsIG, PLAY. ING.ON'Tiiti: TIAN!) 'ORGAN;; STANDING .ON• UEAD9; . MOUNTING A 4T.I.IEVAL TO foot high and ono foot broad, yrltli;otlier tricks, too nuirlertut3,..tu !kit- pIIP it; - ,er7 Poi Nigher i)aftlet . ilayB see , largrkand vo tvx SMETEIPOIin, Friday, Sept, 21st, at 2 it 7 o'clock, P. ei- . 1.T0x.:,:13.A5513; .-:l3nowpi now holding:the Septeinher Term. of.otir.Cour; and 'the . manner he discharges' the doles of the riosition:shows conelnSiiiely that.the.right :men . +ocetiPied-.the right place., Ttie . people of.this.disfrict may Make it sad Mistake; it.4ieydO not vold to Judge Bnow . r.wlierelie..iii;: ;They.hadAetter let. well; enough alone, and not tri:expe.riments. Jrati.on:T.y/ger: • • • • ' : •.. 4 . A.N4w Wisconsin paper, the Tayloi ,1 all_ Re.portar',-tells:tbe . .folldwing; story ah pl d skranse as c:facia - may appear; he, doe's, not donbe their'eruth in..any particular, as they. are well ,Cuthentieatedby. Many , ,witnesses • im whose veracity, he plOces , implicirebrifidencei..: •90Tueseley.,!.while C orey and .tiii..two, sons Were,ae Work in 41 , , fi l : 11.1;; :near, 'his. 'house,: their littention*is arrested bk.' sinoke'...Which aPpeared to iiidfrom.histitable.. They.htirried: to thebarn es quiektrua l priSible;* and .disCov. ereti a pile;of straw near by on•liri...Thie was. immediatelk extinguished,.and . as'they were re tuiniria•to..thellield, the:stable caught in Allier-. eat, praces, - ;,which,.liy;.cenaiderable . exertion, was puf our.: before, howe:ver;'they had` left. the promises, another fire was of u derneath the. griinery•in pile ' of boards: • T rf he bottom, bbard...was - btirned riearlyjhreugh, but' the, others were not; even scorched; After this was Put opt, llr. CorOy•serit one of the boys into the house to ascertain whether all.was safe. there...' He inemediatelypme out. and. told ;his faeher, t hat the house was on Mr. Corey immediately.ran •ripstaire;.where he found son). clothesline his-,wife had the tlayin fore, burning•l. 2 .Theywere threwn (law,: and from that time untillate at mednight. the fire•broke out. rill . ever the house Firet. a pa per. vrenidlcatell; then mosquito bar, then' a' straw bed; etc,, arid it;was only by the utmost exertimis . of Mr. Corey; aided by'. ,two • gentle men, •Messrs. Hale and, Treadwell, that ..the .building was'saired. The fire,continned,at in tervali until • Sunday,,lse attracted many visitors, We shall not attetript ',to: dive any cause for this Wonderful . 'freak of. nature, 'Will but leaye• the •questlon. to ..be solved by Sorne-of ourphilq'sophers. These facts, 4: we learn thein.froM.an eye •witriess, are, true; end if anyone can; solve - that mYstery'we . sholl .glad. to hear from them. . '• • . ,- . . A.LL THOSE , indebtqd:tp us ar, ,, . requested It to call and" settlelhesaine,. without delay. If ..this call' . is.ritrbeeded, we shall becompel led to 'make costs. . ', , - .. : '-'',. ..• . - . *.• ". YANDI7IO:S.c WING Smethport, July 15; 1500:.. SHERIFF'S'. SALES. BY. VIRTUE of sundry writs of :Fari Facitis, Pvari Farigs" and ti enditioni I:Sz l iona.i, is sued out of the, •Court.of Common Pleas'. of Mi.g,ean .c . ounity; . Pa..,Ond to me ..direeted and ,;-delivered, Lwill expose t 6 public sale, by ven due and outcry, •at.the Court .11otise at Smeth port,On Alondaythe.2.lth ..darof' Septeinher; -18601 at .one.o?plooli in the afternoon., the- fol lowing deScribed property,:' . • -AB the tight,•title, and interest of the' de fendant to the following:described Real Estate,. situate in*HamiltonTownSilip,VKean county, Pennsylvania, bounded , and described as fol lows, to 'vrit.;-:--On the'South by lands of L. L..Parincter and D. Morrison;' on' the west•by Subdivision 67; on the Worth . by' lands, -of J: Anderson and . the'Kibbe estate; 'and oil the east by' lands su rveyed in the ,names of Wetmere and U. Irons.. Containing -about eight h'imdred'aeres; more or — less; abmrtwforty acres improVedi twci:new.fratne ~ houses, 'one .new Saw Mill; one Frame Barn and about one hundred Apple trees.' • '',• • Seized,.talten,in execution and will ha • said as the property. of 7,mha . niah .morrison, at the suit of -Archibald Tanner:t. • The fellowing'described ft:eal Estate 'in Port Allegany, Liberty Township, M'Kean county, Pennsylvania, hounded. and.described as fol lows, to Wit:—j3,ounded . on the nerth,,eaSi, writ south by lands of W. P.. Wilcox; On, tht;. west by lands of T. Scott. Containing.one4oOrtli of An Acre orlaili-inelo . inglhe highWayi Y.eo; oironeW frame house. • . • . , Seized taken in execution audlo sold 'as the property of William C. 13Iakeslie, Fit, Ahe suit of A: Nl.Tentcn.: . . All' the right;•iitle and 'interest .of 'defendant to, the. following,•tle s scribeS.Real,Estate 'situate in• Tc.eatitiOownship, .111!}:ean county, Penn, sylyanim , —Bounded, on the'north,.by2l3ing,harri lands; on the..west . by•Binglianiladds and Aden Housler;" on the.sonth tandsi, .on the. east by 'John R.. Chadwick. Coritaining One 'himilred• and eighty acres;' about frity acres improved :and. obotit thirty 'acres partially Cleared; • one frame' dwelling.hourie; one frame horSe.barn;.one.frarne barn,:ll) by feet,-and abOut 50 . f ruit trees; formerly °Wiled:by John.R. Chadwick,' and the same on which' defendant now resides, • . . . . Seized, iakeit in execution, aio W . ill be sold rim the property of Orrin Stanton , the. su it of Rufus P• King. • - • .• • •. • ' . . . . - - All that' certain undivided 'half 'of ascertain tract of , land being, in thatownship,' of Emil , ton, ,Cattty bf M'Kean,' . .and • State of .Pennsyl-, vania,known and distinguished as No. 237G(two tliciusand three htindred and seVe s ritY;six) upon whichla a • Saw Mill and other buildings'. -"For merly, owned by George - 'Morrison; .confainipg. nine hundred and 'three ncres'Of land, be the same more or . . . . Seized, taken in: execution arid will be -sold as the property of Orrin:Stanton Mortgegor,and James A. Gunning; John 13ea man, Isaiah Morri son; David Louk, Bcin. Mead,' James Eddy, Lowellen Stanton and- William Marsh, terre ten a nts, at the.snit• 6f Archibald. Tanner who survived Robert Falconer. . . All the rigi - .t, title, interest and claiin"of de fendant .to the following described Real Estate, situate in.theßdrouglrot Smethport, country of M'Kean and State of 'Pennsylvania,' bounded and 7 ..described as follows,: to IVit:—Squares iluinbered.72,' 73, 74; and'7s; improved, hay ing.thereon One fraine barn, shed, &c. . - .•ALeo, , 7 LSriare: No 713; improved,* having thereon one: frame, ,twO ;story dwelling house, one two st ) 6ry; frame store hoase, and abbot fifty fruit trees.,..and'a- penstock' of running' numbered 7,...t3;and'0; Which are . bnunded,'inorth by.'Water. street; -east •hy the Mervin Creek .ioad,•South by ,the-land of John Holmes, and west by lands orQ;J: - Hem- . Her:containing, 'together, twenty-four acres end . frfty,nine perches of land; 'more 'or. less; improved. ' • .•. •• : • • A r.so,—ln Keating township and .State a fore said, Oift.hotS numbers -0 add 7; containing, to gethdr, 'thirteen acres of :lend, more or. less,' pallially irnProved and for vulture.' • • Also,-- , 111 the township, aforesaid, a lot boon -lied, north by the Mervin Ceer.; )0 01, • trust b y .putdots 5, 6, anti. 7, ..39uth by outdots . , • • • • /.; '•N NOTICE ---A LSO,- --AI,SOe-- . . Nos. 7,-9, and 10; end. west by lands of I. q. • ,Corwin, Whieh is the eastilino of the Binghetn • lanasl Containing fifteen acres end one hundred, • jinn forty-,sevOn perches of land, tnpriol • tiortially.inwroved. .• • - Sized taken execution and will lie scild•-• as, the'p'roperfy of 'Browster 'Freernan at. the suit of Jan'ies • Glair (or thel/88.0i George Toga and now for the us'a of-I'..G.•Besh. • • All the right,, title, entrintesest. of .defend- • ant to•the following desczibe'cll•,fteul . .Estate, sitnate , in Shippelt.'toWnship, MICOan Pennsylvania,bounded' end. deseObed • loWs, ,vixt--Deginning at a 'Sugat traei ',the • sOlith-west corner of Warrant' No. 751-thence . % south forty . .nine.• degrees, • east one hundred'. rods; thence. north two htindced'and , fiffY 7 fiVd . , • rods to , a post; .thefieeeorth forty-hine tleirees,• west one hundred rods;, to in.ezik; • thenceeouth.., to the: sugar-t - ree . enkplae.e. Of beginning; • con.:. , .faining about one hundied—end fourteen' : acres ; •it:being:part or Wortant . No; 75,.end.being the . • west And'of etii'd Warrant; .%aboat thirty acres improved, ti, o, old log harni • and a few fruit, • Saized, taken in execution,` and,Kill tie.solth as thprapa'rt . y of 'F. J. Cliathiick, at the suit . —A A plecoor:parcel.orlautt Situate, in Bradford 111.'Ketui county, Pennsylvania,' bounded and described ae. folloWs, .counneueing at a post on the line of Mash , ingtOn etreot,at the, northeast .corner htiot'Ne. .22.1,. thence south t3venty rodsto a post on. Brooklin - , street,, thence west' eighteen 'rods to . post,' on' the Southeast corner of lot thence. north', twenty rods to a-' post on Washington street,, at the southeast ;corner, of lot 221, thence e.st to the plaid •of !beginning:con . ale ing,th ree hundntdand si Ittk square tpdaof land,. Lein g loti No'; 2.22,. 223, '221, 2,31,' 233 . and 232,. all • improved. one mow' frame house one well of water audit. few 'fain • trees, . Seized, taken in execution, and to,be aold, to She prop.. orty of Samuel Malik at the suit of NothanWfanDa. • ..The-following desCribed -Real Estate lying in the :town ship of Sergeant, County of t4l , l(ean and State 'of Penn sy ironic.; Wended and.,described no follows,- to, ginning:lt a post the north:east _Ocoee of tract parcha- .Se 1 from Jacob Ridgway; thence North :fifty' perches' to a. pOut;- thence west one hundred and-sixty, ,perches to. Post: thence south fifty perches to a poet, thence east one hundred and sixty petches to. 1,14 place of beginning; containingififty acres ., and clog part of lots' Nos. 55 and , 50, In J,. Colegeo,ve's Survey. . ': • • "ALSo,ono other tract, .Imgioning - at the' north-east *(N-.,E.) corner thereof; being the south-test center of the" above mentioned trief;: thence, Westeiglay, perches to a' peat; thence south one hundred .ands. melte perehea,te a post,, thence east eighty. perches to' a. post; 'thence north one hundred and tWelve perohes to the place of be-, ginning; contnining,fiftY;six acres; and belpg..the' north"- , east part - ef lot No: 59, in COlegrove's survey; ;about' forty acres 'inert:lied.; With a • frame, house, frame barn . and'shodnand !don't fifty fruit:trees. ' , Seized, taken in execution, - and will be told as the, property of Christian Dettn,.at the.heit i of ConradDeho, - now for the use-of Orrin.W. Gallup, • , . • • • • "- All the right,. btle,interest and claim of defendant teP• • to lice following dacribed, Real • .Estate; si... nate in .t.k.igeont township . ; Millen county,•Pennsylvi ol3, bounded andleseribiul as follows. to Wit:—Be ginning' at - a post, the north-east corner of a' tract' purchased froth ,Tacob.ltidgway; thence north fifty. perches to a nest; thence east one hundred and sixty.perehes to a. pool; thence sbuthlifty. perches 'to a post; thence west ono, hundred and - sixty perches' to the- place o!' beginning; .containing fifty ' , acres mere Or:leis, being parts of. lots: numbered BS, and-50, in J.Tolegrove , s survey. . • other lot (tract) beginning at the. north east corner thereof, and being the south-east. corner of Abe above mentioned tract; thence west eighty. perches to a, post; thence south - One bandied and:twelve perches 'to a pout; thence east eighty perches to.a post, ~thence north outs hundred andtwelve'perches to the. place of be I. ginning; .containing fiftysix (sr) acres, mpre or fleia, • and being the north-east part of lot 59 of, J; Oolegrove's gorVeyc about .thirty (30) acres improved, one' frame house, one frame barn Mid sheds, and abeut thirty apple" 'trees. -A part or 'the whole of.eald, land in supposed to' ' bennderlaid with a. good workable vein sornitutuinoua. . . - Solved. taken in execatleri, and , will be seld RR the prOporly'et.'Jhristian Dam, at the 'stilt - of A. N. Taylor now fer.tho.dso O.IV. Gallup • . • • isnma . , . . Ily• virtue, of Ono other Writ of Fieri Forfas issued oat nt the Court of Common Pleas of,Miltean County,and &nig of Pennsylvania, and to me directed, I shall expose. to public sale or outcry at the Court House; in Smith,. pore on Monday the 21th day, of .Soptember, at one 0 , - clock in the afternoon, ,the following described Real. Estate situatedip: the village of Striethport, • Countyof M'lCean. and.Commoriwealth of Penneylvania,t. Lots numbered foul and • (S). eight, being eachl,feur perches in front from east towest. and (8) eight Perelteli froth north to south. and the east half of lots number (3) three iind:'(7)seren being each. two lamellae in front from east lb west, ;tint /8) eight perches from north to' south, and situated on eqiiare numbered, (b 7) village of .Smothport; being 'the eastern •part of sold .square and containing (86).ninety-Six square perches of land, improied;. on which id one tWo. stimy'dwelling„ ono. frame barn and out housei,,a number. of fruit .trees and same shrubbery, &c. • • • •.. : • Ateo—One Other tract - in thelilllago Sireethport, County, of lir Kea.i; and Stritnof Pennsylvania,' being tho, wient half of square nembered.(39), thirty-nine, end being lots numbered (1)' one; ' • 0) five and (8) eix,• in, said square, improved; on. "Whicll is olio' Irmo dwelling house, one barn and out houses, a.quan,tityof fruit trees; shrubbery'and,a good tank . water; excepting, but a, ~certlin lot or . piece of ground, heretoforetenveyed to, .Setton and Starkweatheri.hyS:Sartwell and wife, boun ded and described aa :followa. to' wit; 'beginning •at the 'southwest corder .of lot numbered (5) five. in Pahl Filinaro t o. (39)thirtyiline;and running thence east thirty. feet to a poet corner; thence north seven•rodato . • post. coiner; thence nest thirty feet toat poet corner;" thence cootie seven .rods to the place Of heginning, euppoped to contain about (1.16) 'oneelateenth; of an acre of land, A!.so—One other:lot of land adjoining the village of Satelbport On the north side thereof, le the Ocnenty- . of. Mtgean antl - Statoof Pennsylvania;' beginning at pod (2) two perelips west of the.. northwest corner of half square numbered (5) five; ;thence north flity.heven Perches to a pust; thence. east ;nineteen• porches . to a poet. ' thence' south filty,seVen,perches, to .a poet standing' one perch east ,from the north-Cast corner of said square numbered. '(5) live, thence west nineteen perches to - the place of be ginning,ooctaining six acres and ono hundred and twenty, three perches improved land. A i.sp;-,One' ether kit or tract or land, north of the I;LlZOlSmethporti . in the county of 'Kean, and State of Pennsylvania, . beginning at a post, fifty-seven percher.. northumboneperch east of the uorth'i3ast corner of square' . nutrtheredl(7) seven, thence northone hundred and forty-' two perches to a post, thence 'west forty perches to. a • Post, thence south one, hundred and forty-two perchs to pest, thence east forty perches .to a 'post, the place, of ,beginning.; containing ' (15)0 thirty-,illll quit ' Fun-half; acres of land improved.; . • •; A tao,—,Ono Other lot or piece of land, in the village of Smetlrport„ al , Rean county; Pennaylvania; and bounded eh follows:, Beginning at the north-west corner of the lot on Which Solomon Sadiron now..iinadas, it being the eastern par tor square nuMbeeed,(74) seventy-nine, theneit east thirty. Sour feet,: thence south ninety feet, thence west 'thirty-four rept, thence north ninety feet to the Place of beginning, containing three thousand and sixty, square feet of land, on- whichis erected adore house thirty:two featly sixty feet, two and a half stories high, and hasetnent. ' , • Ai.c6 2 —One other lot or piece of land, situate in the •township of Keating, county of BliKean, end state of Pennsylvania: turd bounded. as fcilloWs, - .to 'wit: Beginning 'at a post. corner being the north-east Corner *of sand doodad to John Ifelmes and Nelson Richmond, and stand-. trig ip the south line of land deeded to O. J ;Hamlin loth% centre of the turnpiko thence by the centte of the turn pike south twenty-two and a half *eat, fax perches and two •tuntlis of a perchFthence south forty-nine welt, Hp' teen percher' to a post corner, with line of lot conveyed to Holmes k..•C0.; thence south •one hundred '.and four. perches and four , tentlis of a' porch tee; poet corner, being. the'southeast corner of land deededto Richard Chadwick; thence by lino, of said lands conveyed , to Holmes & Co., sixty-six perches and seven-tenths of a "perch,' to a poet corner;. thence north' one hundred and 'twenty perches to a post corner on the lino of land deeded to Chard'a. o mein; thence west fifty-throe pnrcbee and one tenth a porch to. the piece of. beginning,cputalningCoyly. -ging . acres arid thirty-six perches efland..strict ineasere, more or less; and being part of warrant No. 20.53, about 8 enrol improved andabout 40 acres chopped.l • , • • , A Len,—ono other lot in the village of Bmethport,counly • of 111? Kenn and state of peensylvania 2 and being known as square, N bounded O. (3st r a t, a v . f e o l l e fo h w t , eastto lot( the original A lyingrnmrth ca demy squareNO (17) seventeen; ' soutti Of half initiate No— [4) four and west of square No: In) eighteen; containing a quar e aboa. one acre and•three-lifthe of an sere •of land .1m proved. • • Aj,s9,—onOther lot or piece of ground in the village of Bmettiport,lll s Hcan county,'ned State ,of PennsyliVa- Ma, and known and•described as half square numbered(4) four; lying north of the original loadernyagnare. in the vp)ege of tbiethpol l ; 'and containing about lonr;4l(this 'au acre ofleel lo.no,—O'"• trapt or piece of land In Resting •township, Kean county, -Penneylvehle,•: lying /tenth of William Williams land; and known me the VokbUrgh and" Wafters lot and containing thirtracres and eix- tenths of . an acre, 'with about two agree improved: ".• All the. abi've described lands lying in the county of 111 , 1Cean, , sued state of. Pennsylvania ' .• • " ' 'seized and taken he Execution and 'will he sold•as the property, ofCliester K,BartWell; (V W. Bartwell and adios-; well kiertwell, doing business under thelirM bra: K. &d -well '& • lira., at the 'init. .of Wllllam Buckley and ellailikeY : Vibluird, doing business under the Bon of Wit-;'; ham Mickley &• Co., use of .T. •Raekum. • •• • JOSEPH MORSE,Shariff.: ..Slierifl's office, Stnetliport, Sept, 8, 1860;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers