" Clew inAta High' The yi'ashington Union aska4 sht . the illusiiiOus roll of out 4 pet ti ) nt w7lere, since the diva of ingto hislYrY point to, one. morOlar Ita. highen' than Franklin.Piereel pae ,ors i l n bell° ' • are not e spre what the Uniot Italy Mean by rele,ar." In . Our op f ers on w a s 'a :smarter man than 3 , fieneral Jackson was rather more e nunciated principles,,. and 1 t h e m rather more closely. John Q, ) , a rcs Ire, used to think would be mere generally ;an ornament • for t days of peace, and "Vteneral Taylor of strength in ' war. , John Tyler st e r in his -high Otliee from any comic party. But . after all, since Mr. s ilisintment, and - the glorious Qrsy tory; 16 aro disposed to' concede, rniCit4 that except IV4ishintoti, we er bel f re seen the like of Iranklin .n 4 04/ Timis. 1 . June 25th, by flev. Burr Baidw S. C4.G81110.1. tQ LitIIJERT, recently of. I diance,,9 Di:1110e*, ;01A1 lITAMpf LATHROP, spi • : In Nurth PitOcf, Cheftangii ipti9tY,,NP - rt 'July Isti 1844,, iqt.gßAsTus• (forni, 41) of uNuelyiniia• couuty,) a,ged i 76 , lear4:, PR_ OSPECT ' +' • . I eli'.ettiqle file bqetl.ll)elyis*..E., --: .The importance of the resnorut to be decided at the next "elections, the doings of - .Cong Tess and the , Administration, VrquiS lit•Enrope, Asia, and America; -arrd News in gene7l.froti:itll quarters . Of the . globe,, May s he expc t cted ' - ; tender The Newspapers. unusually '.interestink' for.. soMe months to come. l ' Every man Worthy the.\natne Of •an'Atrieriean • citizen , ought . to • make-hirnseacquainted with the pofiti al questions rifilm'ilaY, th\ t he may be preparml to a t intelligent=' 11 1, lc is Hel ping , _ shapethe future destinh,,, of his corin tr. - Tek ,brine thse questions' before "Our readers;' 'and 0 adytmate the men?. on every .qnestion that arises, will' be thti -endeavor of the Editors of; the • . ltegister.t • The gat battle between Freedom and • Rarery presents a question parrunountLto. all 'oth ,, ern at this time, rind here we take our pbsition in de cided opposition to all ,The wicked schemes of. the ;Slavery eitensiohl 4 its. • :The - R:egiSterlqi be furnished - for six buinths"fro m July lst'at the following rate:. !. • ~i '.• One copy: i rionths • -.- - - . •,:,, . - ft 0, 5 Erie chides ' " ' r - - ~- . --.- . 1. 3in . , r , 1 , • - , ‘‘ Tea -comes_ . ~ - - ~ .._ .; _ _ 5, N:11. !The terms of thi• aborelrill be extend to commence at anyisubsequent date that,subsc hers raay prefer, • : - . , . 1 • , . - - \---"' ••• ' ." ... 1 , .- 1 -.. Rough ; Take Netiee. - .'.. • -1 1 - , The m e mber' Ready Eirci t Engine ' rii . Tally N'O. ',l,`are Iretiiby notified to meet t the Eligine - .House, Saturday next; at 6 o'clock . . • '1: • - .- F. A. OASX Seey.... • TISEIfE\rTS. EMg -... . . IfOitE \ E 1 li , ' - ( GOODS Just received at in. thel - FaritierrdStore, such. as Law its, - Ginghains, ' Prints; various iqyes 1)e Berge, •tc:ke: ' . - . • • • llqu L trck;ie - , Aug. l I. •' W ARREN,4 TIIAT - ER, •" • ___ ____4____,._ , • .._,_:)_:____ . ' , , . Amer "'nominal ili4lciryot North e lea.- ' . ..: - 1 ' . H. . • . , Now ii; - the ,timer.to subscribe for the above-work, being a m mplete history of North America from the' . earliest di.eovettes, . down to the. present -time.—A cgmplete.hi.tory of the Unftcd Stairs from the early ..5 , 111 , -atral, including all the wars, the Indiatn, and French, Revolutionary; and Mexican wars, • ke: down 'to the prcisent, Turkey ~and Russian wars, also a' eim eile hi.tory of the Presidential administraticin, from George li - a=hington, .down. to Franklin 'Pierce, by ._. Jotu Frosr L. t. D. f 1 I • This wprk will.lie in' one large, octafo volurni• ,of over its:tp:ei.t, illustrated with oier;4ito engravings ottettted by the best artists. some of Which are beau tifully colored, hound' in embossed and ,gilt leather, with mat-hled Cdgcs. ' ':• ' i• ' • The Work' is:sold efr/exirely by Sat eripiion d etnettor le.. had, nely of, the travelling !agents of he . , , .pablisher.. - ' . aF NE teiii* 4 A July ;':".31. ' M. J. H A RIIINCITON . . j--g' To . SliElilFF'S SALE: . - 0 I, 1" virtue of a writ of Vett. Ex. issued out of ht Court of Cnnimon Pleas of Suseheitanna County, - and 6 Me d)recti.d, I will:txposeto public sale at the li ca i. e o f On. K.lHatch, Montrose, on Thursday the iltth daY (IC August: ,inst. at one o'clock r. x.---All , thin ceintiu village lot or parcel of land situate in the .Igul i ough of Susquehanna - de:Tett; in the county of Susquehanna and bounded and de.serl - bed - as follows to wit ;1 flu the north by land of ll'illiem and Stuart and N. )tan:roni, on the eastby the stre' on the south • hy hula 'of -- . Ylayor and JOhn O'Bri n', , and on the e., Rot l..ita street leading , from' the ' ' arr house'. to John tilualtn's - heuke, containing slit feet front by two Hundred and twelve land a half feet deep, togeth er With the appurtenanes one framed dwelling howe 'and all improyed.l , • • i. • • • Take!: in etecution`nt the suit of • Enos B. Rexford' l vs...urah-A. &tildes-a, , A -- LSO.By. virtue of Fe. Fa. issue ,and and directed a 5 above, I will expi)se to public sale at:the same. time and place, all that; Certain piece or pa of land t , um iu the township of Dituock in the unty of Ss uaehanna, hounded and dscribeii as allows to wit: Beginning at a biich tree ' at the north est corn Of Wm. Tucker's land, thence north I d tvest 71' r. r ue a saear maple 'thence 89 degrees w . t 7.2 pert es it to an iron wood Corner, thence north ' 0 perches t a hemlock corner, thence, -east 67 pe es •to it pOst, them.. 4tuth 32 Perches to &post, the ce east 40 per .,ttS to a poet, thence nor th 32 , pe hes to a post, zr.:rce east,l9,7 perates to apost. then south 1 deg. r i 1 ,- - , t C.i perches to:a corner post...thence east 25 1-5 . pertlies to the mirth west corner of lot No, .20 in the tuners] draft. of a large, body. of land, thence by, the ,satne south 1 de,„eree west 148 pubes to' a post cor : • ners.therce nertit,B9 . degrees w4A , 6. perches, -to a ttnize,:theLce north 1. degree., west 6o perchut to a litinduck tree carncr„ thence uort t i 89 'degrees west. 12,5 perches to the place of beginning containingl'3o9 acres be the same ti pre or less (excepting •60 acres, on lit& north ..:side which was conveyed hy Royal Ty ler to Sylvanus ITyler).with the appurternetres . two framed flwelling houses 3 barns Ico house,. I shop and about 100 wires improved, late th e.state of Roy al Trier. . ••I aken in execution at the suit of .'S. Grorer vs • Royal Tyler. - ' ALSO. 2 --All it .Certain piece" o parcel of , land 'Fituateer,ving : tan being .in the . township of Jessup c.O Susquehanna.My, bounded and described as fel kurste wit : Bgintiing at, a bertak , sate at the -tooth east corner hired, 'thence north 100 perches..to spost,. thence 'West 'l6o' perches to 4 a post , thence south 100 perches to it iost and stet thence east t i t , 160,peehes to the phtesof beginning,montaining 100 acres be the' mate more or less, with Ithle aPportejtan ees 1 frained house,A• tern, 1 shop;Ailed and about 76 acres inipriwed. ' \ ' • I Taken in execution at fthe suit of arles. Avery k 1 1111,int Jessuplexecutors of W ealtht Denison dec'd. ts. Samuel BerthOlf. . . • r -Aiag.'l.:, ,' 1 -- 'o B EI..DREIi, M i ff 1 New M Day and Boar i• g Sehoo:L. • THlS:institution now couplet:kg ita third year, his r from the ''fit enjoyed ti:libera and increasing Paonage, , - ue fall term of 20 monks begins, th Ttaint per quarter of 10 weeks, 11 XuAt on the,Piano, Drairhig ,14c4 - • : REV. J. Osuo Neiv Rilforj, July 27, 1854-44. WinAo* Sash. ' 'M& D FCrYIiE baying been, oran . ektensive sub blind tory are preparod•to furnish any a " less rates 010 / they have usually be July 251:. • intaVizjieream. it arUdei which every - Wan g b , ,11: by - • A CARD. ITAVING exhausted : my ingen 1 since I et•ased to be a _ruere , ' in trying to effect settlements,' and (luag without thaklug cosat for those twomerg, I have concluded to thie, ne more 'notice, and thus Info Ittly way indebted to tne,,by note, j iw 1,41- drixpentf, that .I will .be at firewt - tiz,of Court, ,after which no Petted. 'A.I -)iontrose, 5u1i .26 ,1854.--614 4 ' • 7 ..-, • _ ... , -; , -. : •'•, - 1101M- , 2;''-' --- FittsgashawitalOoaatA ota. ,-- :,..-t•• • •.• - s• : , ~..,• Boron. vo**,. • 1 _in 'the isi .. tief oriiitiiiiioti Pleas .. - .45.-' -" , Of_ said' al ,-.• JantutirYterm -tinter. Wtiso -1' 1854 No .. al .; ;-. - : ... - • 1 .. - To : Samuel Maori :,.. Whereas a: Babpoerukin W.,. •*oil*-iris , ilistA,to Jat:itory Term, ,1864,:, WWI l'in'. dulylreturnedtaan est tneest a s,iuid thercattim alias' • Subpoena leas Wi l ed in; said cause' rettirnaliki to April ,Term 1864, - upon the lretern of wide.l4! tiroOfvoilai Made 'ti*Ap Said . ,Court that I the said .Phchn.. Wilson roc) . * ncifhe' &had in- my Bailiwick. i . 1- , . •• ' : • This noticeiithereigrc to regtheiiou to appear be . , . fora the Judges of the Said Court On the third Maid 4 I :of August net, to anstreelsald cotniohdut, &a. - ' : l-- - le : •-.- - -I: •.- ' ' • 1 :'-, • ' l f3. B. ki..DRED; Bharat I .' F I Stierilrei9 ce, - Montritse. , July 'IA i1854:' - r ' ' ' -;-' may , ex inion, slef Pierce efinite.. iu thered to : luiney Ad.. ti regard t eA' e piping s a tower . . . . . J-- -- - 1 - S8 l's SALE, '-• .IDY - Virtue Of a writi of Vert. Ex. isaniti•nitt..Of the ' I LI Count of r eominoti Pleas of Stistoollma CountY,': and til, tie directed, filial expose tv,(public sali'at.the House of , Wrti. , K. Hatch,; lion Pose, on Saturday the 19th day of August InexkatAnte . O'clock P. it.—Jill that certain piece oriptolei. of ban situate, lying and being in the townshipprliartnony, . usquehanna coon , bounded in& demibid as follows„to wit : On the f orth by lend formerly owned by J. T. Bailey & Josh- Swg e dee'd4 do the . EaSt by lat of S.A. Lyons ; . n tinel) south ,‘• landi of S. F. Me une; and on the "e 4 by land of Albeit C. Moore, containing _shout , roe-fourths Of an acre, more or ess : together with e appurtenances one frained Bo ' and all imprer ` • Which Enid 'anS• tenemen were condemned - a jury of yet.titin.., . Taken iii e ecution at te FULt bf ! David A. Lyons , . . and Brothers vs. Stephen . 'Williams. ALSO.--.-All that pica& or part . 4,l of land situate ly ing and, being in "the to di Brooklyn Susquet barna count};.. bounded - land described as follows to wet; '. 'On the , north liy lands ofGeO:Sterling; on the east bit Danie 'Teiry; on the south by `David Yeomans and Janice IfeWitt, and oti . ,llie''wOit. by %Cid: Teo mana and C. I . Fairclillil, Containing;atiOut forts seven acres together with the lappurtenantes one 'House & Him, and mOstly improVext. . Which lands and tene ments we.mtlondertmed by a Jury of Invest. Taken in .cxeciition aii. the _suit of WM.. M. DeLong vs. Dante) Langstaff.l- - - .„ • ,- , ALSQ.--Ily, virtue if °, ter. Fbl. issued and direct ed a.s•above, II will'exposelo publie"sale at the sane' time and dace , all thss two and si ne half story Wood dwelling situate in the 'borough Of Susluehatnut de pot, on lot, No. 4,,accerding to a Survey of A. C.. A dams land., tuide by. Addison McKee' A. 1). 18.51, and, being on the south 'Side of the. txiad, leading from the' Carr house 16 ihe'riV4 toad... Said building containing in front on siddAtrec(abeit twenty fire feet and in depth about tiventreig;ht feet: '.: • Taken in Jekeention.it ihe - suit of ' Ebenezer Crosi vs, James MeWarle.[.:lf"-. •- 1 , A and Lso.-101 that three •one half story frame. building simate itr - thei'village of "Stracptehaniut and county of-.SitSquehanna, on what is Called the river road. scmtli, arm 'l44 l fork and Erie Raillioad brass- enger house upon a le of land described au; follows'to, wit : Bounded on the north by the highway, on the east by And 'of Martin Ashley; on the south and west by land ofßabert Nichol ; raid bitilding containing in . front on said; street tiVentv-six feet and iii depth thirty six fee t - N - • !I . . Taken t--exeeution at the snit 4 Gilbert Newell and Harmon . Newell Tf ' , l - lilelf iisa MeWade. . , ALSO.—By virtuelOf FL Fa: limued and dimeted . a. 4 above, I will expe..*•to public sale at the same time and place, ali that eertain..piece.or parcel pf-land, sit uate lying mkt being in the Township of Forest Lake eottnty of Susenehanria and bounded and described as folknts 'to wit.: - Beginning at a• post cortier hero& in the .centre Of the road leading &inn Thomas Browns to Choconut; thence south eight degrets'itest, 'twenty 1 fonr perches and two `tenths tothe centre orthe Mil 't ford and Owego Turnpike, thence north sixty one de-• grecs /west twenty two petches and nine tenths to a corner in the centre' Of said turnpike, thence north twelve and a half perehes Ito a cornet., thence. an (Nu , terly.coursetwenty three 'perehes to the'place of ile ginning, containing .two and one, half acres more or tear together with the appurtenances, one fritned (livening house, some fruit trees and all iniproved," late the-estate of Jud.-lon Hullinex. . t • - Taken in •executio.p at the suit ef. C. B. thinis"vs. Judson Mullitex. , . • . . JO clear ni()n Vt . . . town vie - - with, the h4Vene Pierce.-, ,n, in Au I iAtiCSS A ALSO.—AII that - Certain • piece'or parcel of land i f situate lying ndbeingitt the-in the borough of Sus. quehannal D Pot, and ,-*colinty of •SusOuehanna and bounded and 1 desexibed 'as follows to wit : , On the north' liy the -street, on the.east by land of Lewis Pet _tit,,..on the south by land- of the 'New York and Erie -Rail Road'Company. mid west byland or lot on whichlithe MethOdist Episcopal church in said village is i erected, containing about 7200 feet more or less W- I gether with the 'apputtenauces one two story framed ! dwelling house and all imprOved late the estate '.l)f • , Adam Horner. • : ' • ',' . • - - ' Taken in execution ;at the suitof Thomas 4k; Wash .l ington Prudv vs; ...lkdatn Horner. 1 - ALSO.—Ap that: certain piece In. parcel of land situate lying.and beiog• in the titiinship of Oakland (formerly Ilartuonv), Fn - sqvielirri6 • county, bounded ' and described.ns follaWs to wit:l, On the north by ' land of F. A. AVaiii, on the east by the Lenox & liar ntorty Turnpike, on the South by lan& of Samuel Pry tf.„ 'anwestt; and on' the land of I l . •Cortis, 'containing. t -about fifty acres morekw lesA wi the aPimrtenketeet' one small Honse and about If) ac . partially impror ed, late file estate of tiacob Vans yke. Taken in executimilat the suit of C. S. Bennett vs. .Jamb Vmslyke.'' . . . . _ ALSO.—A.II that certain piece or parcel of land Iy r big and being in the' township O , fluslr Susquehanna county, bounded and described ais'follows to _wit?' \ On , the north by land cif John Roush& • & R. B. 'Ai/et-hit, on le eastity. laud ,'nf Meffauley,' on the south't b*.hual of L. B. Aretist. and on` the west by land of Seth Blakeslee and Smith, containing filly acres 1 more or less, top - Aber-with the' ppurtenane'es aboOt 1 15 acres improved. Taken in• execution' at .the suitlof Lewis VirdmnSen to the nse of I. L. PoSt S Co. vs r. Wm. VanLonsen. ALSO.--By virthe! of 4 writs' of Vert. Ex. issued' , 'and directed as 'above, I:will Mcror,ele to sale at the same time ,and place, all that certain piece or parcel of 'And situate lyingland being! in the 'town=ship of Great Bend, Susq4o. and State 'of Pennsylvania ; - bounded - and dtscribed as follo_ws to wit :•• Northerly by land of Oliyer T;owbridge, easterEy.lor land of Na than P. Waller, southerly by lands of Irnman Bald win, Wm. Wolcott AtidN. P Iraller, and westerly* lands of the New York d. Erie Rail Road,_ Company, containing.about 751steres more or less, with the ap ' imrterumees one franted house, two bellies and some 1 fruit-trees and mostly improYsd.t thatioiher piece dor pared of land ling and beins , in the township and -county.aforesaid, and bounded derribed as 'follows to wit:: .Be- ; i ginning at. the north ' wet c:orner of land sfild to the heirs Of . Charles - IL Trowbridge apoplar sapling and 1 runs tben4e. west 1461. perches tO &stone heap; thence south, f. of a qegree', West 171 phes to a stone heap, thence 1,16 f Ilgrch to atone heap, thence i north. oa I , - degree , east 171 . perches to the place of beginning, containiqg 50 acres More or less togethe r with thelippurtenanCes one bon:se, one barn and a t 1 - ..lered 11411DI'Lli • ~ , . .1 ALSO.-;-All that] other piecelor pareer of land situ-. I ate as afore Said, Imbilded and deseribed as follows to wit : Beginning at A point irn'the east side of the highway ten feet in; a sontherlyldirection from the south most locustltreC standing !!opposite the house Of Truirian 13ald whi VII enee, al ;said high;oray. l north 2.7 - tl eat 7 rods.and .114r1f4t, thence north 64 degrees e 0t,12 rods'lto a corm:V., ;thence In a line pat allel witlr the first described - line,: 7 rods and 114- feet 1 to a corn .r, tliericiiit aline parallel iiith the second described line 12 ;104:4 to the plaCe, of begion,loggcola: taiiiing 9; - ; rods of laad 'or thereabouts with the apor- tentit'icesoue, framj 11, alvglim‘o , 6 1,., „,- t,.,' rn i d ,, ( 1 , 1 • and all it proved.- 1 . I ',-; . s r --Q 1..1' " ,3 'l. 11' • . • 1 •1 .A.. 5 07 7 , 1--411 that other 'eck; , ' r parcel of larisl iit -uate- iis aforesaid, IN:minded aniF,desetibed as follows.; to *it : On the 'ilOrth by land iof Truman Baldwin,v, on the east 'Vold iviltst .by-the IlighwaY,. and 'on the fc • .south by. laud omit' or foitnerli of Truman_ - Baldwin 1 1 cOntaini g about - fiaty. roda 4. ;land . or thereabouts: .vritli the.appirtenatices one tavern stand, one-barn{ one - barit. and all ' ' proved. t 1 ' • ....I.'l . , '‘,. - • • . „,‘ 1 ' - Taken in execatiOn at the 'iliit of Harmon B. Wellk and Jon tliao Christie et. -of.. vii. I.mne .- Grim; and_ George IT. Gi*si 1 , - 0..8 ELDRED, Sheriff. I erif f Sit ' a Office,. .otatroite, 1 \ ' ..' ' 11 ' .1 i . - 1 , - "ifuly 25,1854... j - -. \ . Iva, ,\ - i VEB FOR THE PEOPLE' Lik rco 1 1 11 E übieribell tis noir reeetrAnglig fall and whi t ' ter tack - ofitoves wii_mli 4 viten, completed, will, be the est andibest :selected essortment ever offeri ed to th inhabitants of fhouttchruirta county: /Tht 'mit willamsist Of Some twenty different patterns of stood and coal, enelt'ing.and piA?r , besides any quart, tity orsii plate suldi office stoves:- • • • •. ,i The undersigned tatters hiinself- that his long ea+ periencel in ' the sieve basines, and his fin:illties ktii: nu/nuts:dining hill own furnitere and pipe, enables him m sell; not.onli trimmings &c., butistores cheapl tr aunt any of. hill eomPeritinS. - fle-WM . selbatove:;* pipe - made of qte treat, English' and American, 4 8 ets. per lb. awl ether furniture in privation, : 4 • NO 'orithstandinethe preset& high price of Iroki and the leonseqttent -advancetoir , : amtinv, I am , ena' bled to sell rtoveskit old psioil Many kinds, a about torn tbirds oftibe price C fityl have sold in this 4'014,14 - instance, elm ' err tight„elese Lcon oven'arming* of the beet quality . at $24,00..i With d, quality of, td.mge, such lia'are malt ly kept - y Merchants at p 22. I Other kinds of stay/ in propo n, foreast;or short , 'time paper. -- •. , i rii.ri Jobbint_, of all kinds done at toy shop. Olaircar, Copper, A take - kart exclutege.,. . .. ' ' • '' 1 . ~ 4::DICKEZNAN4n And, July 2 7 , its. t• - • : - 1, 4:!ruky, August If) $2,60• to*, - - $14,00. '[ 804 X) I ,!P incip.L ppointed agents : door Anansfat , akin .this line at, sold— multi tiir for 'sale. h: U. •k D.- ti y ld.; o n 411., of • " 1 ; Harrprd' The fulllterm 101 ouciumuluil, oie l liVehkesday; Au' 16t.b; . ' itT And p ' ati nee „lit it, this 1.1 ect tuy Longist • ho have hien tay the printer fur all *ha arc. in Went, eOnhaet . , me during" thci. 'hy need be ex . TTLER. W_ High M ea d s IJj B. Walker, , I Humphrey. Jame s C. Harding; L.M. Hardy , , • , 1 Ira D. Bell. Miller, i ll ollowar , Stevextfyl C.MB. Mapes, , 1 O r Tiffany . , S. lEliiriock, Allan ' wg ion ,' Knight jr., M;; C. Stewart, I . ; F. Brundage,, Joha Baker, 1 • Si P. Chandler, I , Hiram Stevens, I 'orge Woodward ' . • J. 0: Bullard. • . . • . :s: : , :1:1 s, 0414 Es. i , MBE Undersign- , derat to :aill the attention fof ~1. •the Public to the article of rettreflaing Machisies minnfaetnred by .e well known; establishment of Wheiler4 - ilelirk Cb.,-.6.ltau# N. y. • • These Machines have bevt so long in` tise in • county and so nniYersallybpprOved, that'sre feel y TI effort a t mcomebdation ; would lie vain. Snili it to say, that all imprOYente:nta suggested by x periment and app mved bi, test, Have been adoptied by the ManufacturerS in their Machines for the trade 4f 1854. Besidi.%;this, all ;trutellities sold by us are , irstrbtnted to give good satisfactioit, or they may. be , returbed alter a fair trial. ;; 1 . - . ' 1 1 PRICES. f ' 1 Double Dower; willi Condtined:Thiesher : I and Winnewer, including; belts, ~ i wtenches, 11-e., i• : ' $245,06 Combined Thresh 4 r and Winnower alone, 12.5,00 Per two horse po wer, ThreStier it (quint-. - ' • '• ; tor, inclutliug Belts', I,Wrencheske., 160, 1 00 Double Power alone, including : belt ' 1.2500 Do 1 yittiobt beli 11.00 Double Thresher and SepttMto±, alone, • 40 , x) Single or one Ilotse power, Thresher and 1 Separator, ;including belts,:. oil cuts t: •I ; and wrenches, complete , 1.2.8 00 pngle poier, alobe, including belt, : 90 1 00 Do and without belt w' • sa:mo f,ingle Thresher Separater; alone. 38, 1 1 x) To the above Prices will be ' added the freight,l,of cnutse. To thos.:. wisliingto 'purchase -we specially 'offer our services, assuring thud that they can. pUr -I.cha.4e no cheaper at , the Manufactory, thah opus. I .. The attention of Farmers ii particularly inured ; ; to hose One Horse Machine'. The: cost is but AI trifle, tam, the convenience of * Powet' to attechlto either Feed or Straw Cutter, or,b - ood Saw cannot be mn:- estithated. io farmer mil insle4 his money to'better r advantage thanso the Intrclitm of °be those,:ina c }Atte& 'i• ' - i . ; I I- • For; further particulars, .apply to D. R.' !ECG }tar tont; or O. 0. flxisrirreArp,Broolilyn. , ; - .• July, 18' i 1854.;-25tf. ; , : • •;, ~ • , ; - 1 1 ' -''-'-- •-•".,. ~ .. :- ; - just .[- 1 ' l.3)lEIRtlf iti MERI —A llei‘ supply amved 1, at ; ' ; ; TURRELL'S. • 1: JE?ntrose, Julyi ln,'' 18:4. -I I : ---- 1 - T * , - Gprailittltt Prasive Soap, ArAsiiis - G 1.,1•4 Latta and IF.X. , IPMSF- In Pound luir4 for a shilling earls. Try Varranted td give perfect satisfaction.!. For sale ;by - i LIONSA-.-SONi. . Montrose, July 13,..15511: ; I IT'LL ASiORTIENT lof Tin, Sbeet - ,1t10n,. :Ll - 1:I and Copper; Ware of my own manufaCture and made of Leavy -plate, for "sale by; • :J.,PICKERMAN, jc. New Milford, hily 12, 1653.. !.; • , 4 LLl• \ asso4ment of, Ilardpare, Carpenter al 1:'I. - 1.:!Joinene Tools, Pump Chain, and fixtures at New Milford, July,.lBo.] DICICERMArS. LI A I I ANDIitINDS• E 4 the best quality, Toi• sale pheari . at - ; DICK ElfM 3ORK, FLOUR AND iSALT by the binel or oth jj ervdse, at the lowest't At DICKE ?MAN'S.. 40CERIES,icheapei, thail t4e ebenpelrt at • ![New Itilfvtrl, Jdc, ls4.j !DICI;TRAN'S. NOTICE; -1 TO ALL CONCoi....'ia:O. ~ . , rttoteg and account s '-mad - he found at the store lie t: of Dickerman Jr. l , (my fortneriplace of intsi- Iness)upta the 15th or July, after witted- !time these ;remaining, unpaid will Ile , placed in thi! hands Of a proper officer for collection. 1 -: V .I• ~.I k . Word to the wise is pufficierit. i 7.C6k ; Milford Julv 3 1'854. ' i I. S. sitar.. .New i Botoks. ;4 irj WE and &Iyings'ofllrs. Partiniat and others 1.4 'of the Family"+"HAW,Lakes, •and Forest 'Streams," (a. very intere...ntnilrixik)--"thoughts and ;-Thirigk at Home and Abt*," . by Eliht4 Borritt, with. I • ttian• other fancy and int - kresturieftcx)ks, fin. Rate by July 12, 1854.1. I B..CRANDLEft. ;:.,'T -- .1 ------- • -- ---, k. Pertuaneryl timid 'Cxtrn: ils. 1 TITST received, s: WV sapply .- of liartison's per ,;:t., :fernery,: and Fan -car* Extracts, good for F l ies, 'iCaki and Ice Cream' For sale by 1 - .• '1,.. July 11, 1854.] .. 1 i F. •33 CIIANDLEE, . , 1 ' i FAiLIIII 11 . R10N.. lllffilfiliAlt _ OFFICE, ATiIENS. BliA' CAPITAL; % Sieifred- by Bond l ii act -ref; l' ; ' of the toe' 1- Itisurt.4 against loss by iFiL othCe buildings; Goods, W,'stres, .. an_ fitromble terms as anylsimilai Ins, __ . proM 1 ptly adjusted and pttid. :- 1 t . ,% DiRIC6 . ORB.-11071: Horace WillistonjAthens; • Fran. 'l t'cis Tyler, do."; George A. Perkins do.l;Z. T. D. Myer, ' , do.; C. !C. 'Shipman, do.; , ' C. 'F.'Welle. '.le. do. i ; J. E: Canfield do,: - Hon. John ' tatiorte;TOtcamla ; Gehl. D. WOteman, Laceyriile; Cleo. 11: Tfollibtiek;Wilke barre'; Michael Mcylert; Laporte, Pa. t, 1, ()Fri rEns.--llon. Horace 'Williston, I President; C. F. Wells, jr., V. l:yes. land Treas. :i E. E. Canfield, F;ecretau. _ • ' I ' is -1 - ' Agent, G. A. GATLol4lWrAtUfaine , • , 1' ,• . t • REGISTER't ill i 1 JUBLIC NOTICE iiiihereby gives to all' persons ' I;:i ' concerned in' hefollowing Eta'- , tt wit ;,' Estate of Timothy D.; Shay, de • - • ;; Benj. shilY, ~, Aditinlitrator---1, • ir • . : , • . - :, 1 Estate of Zenas Carpeniterolitteased • ward Ilhen mktik, Adininist*tor-- - ; • . ',. F 1 ' Estate ..ofMice Carknter, deed ;IA.IO. Bailey & Emanuel (2 ter, Adonnistratars----f. 11 Skate of James WativOn, ileCeased;;-Jireinial4at soriiik. David W4son, Executor -.- ,;1 '; ; . • 1 ...t - , • .Ste of William Baker, jr., deceas ;i Ira Nichol.. Estate of Jincriei Loomis, deceaseel ; 1 A.;Loom -is' one' of the Etecutora---, f, I s Estate of Thomas tirefiek, deceits ; Avery' Bur dick, Administra I; • i • ,2, Estate o Amy Ba k, deceased; Snit. Newlton & t .„,.. .L. B. W r E iliOrs— . nit the accountants have 'settled t eiri accounts In the Register's office!' in; for the ty of Stisque harina,..and th* the mine will, be p bitted to the Judges of the f/iphaieei Courf; of ' ea d county, to be held in Montrole/on Veredneseiky the 23d day- of Au gust next, for confirmioon and allowance. .4 , ~ I J. T. LANIMON; Ilegi.oter. • Register's office, MoOltkiei JulY 12, ,1843. ' , . .11 1, , 1 .. ' • . • -.. . DISSOLUT ION. .•-. -. rrtHE cxviatteership I heretofore k ;own •undr the • Ilji, name and firm :44;*jeWelbi Bra i• • •in the-Bash, Blind and . Doojr busin Os, is this da -• by android con al4 and agTeenlent diSSolygd. i _ 1 . , 1 ••,i j . . . • .r - l'; - ; rGILBR • N . E14714„ Laneeboro, 4u1y . :1.1,1".54. iB. K. 14 W The subscriber would respectfu ll y VI the attentkin - . of (hose who wish to *chase! sulyth 'g in is line of liminess, such al hi, --.- i --- • -.. .:. Sash; Doors Shutters „OW Indio,' -: bil ictWare" rail . ' Mods! . ;;Bureaus,!rables l ,i and et4W .13ecisteads,l t Staniikfittii 8 anal %MOO' , Beady " • e (Wine. ';• sitting TieliOruil, ,—; Irr . o4uuu *u , ezetutite. T . - ii rladY pay. taneevie, n1y.16015. IC Wit • U I! . C Eli*: irjl.! AL74l,:ctl l g l i l jettl .iett *ere. To one disposed Ito , 1 tte.iPAte the 'noble* Smd well n cOuragemint.,*.ill, be. ven, gn( ince itaill fl!reiw Mari; J* , . 8154. ieferre ll l'aralnir AO ASH mid ! for W4rl by . =CZ ',..imd • ttee4. l34 : - lig, $ , : :tlir,en 111 1• - " I 4 , NEIN EL . L. • -- t l of ' t BC?- ' .to il clerk , mself Weful, '•dgdag e.n -t • • some 'pen -13 TT. • • - - - TE ng ,1 2 Age . Inaba if wi 11. S. L. 4 Cot ~ .4 _ • DREIPHI3OO . DS .: . „..` IHAVlL.V.Sfantillaslimeneb, TrfpuOsiajts;_fm— :-Anew , supplyt atpreeent tenapnesej- and will be soil cheap at th : atom of .- "; - i' - - - . . Gibson, June 24, I t U. BUITOWS lc CO.. ix .- , •-•_ B o have 4 u T ADDS Who have not iruioe_d themselves with' Ji...4 pew B onnets i this-senor, can alfo4to buy them now. We've receiving a large supply:Pad a great variety ofatylee, for 'Ladies and 31184s,1Which we of fer at one third less than . ll:7•ing InVei. Ribbons, Mowers, and other Trimm i ngs, proportionably cheap. Gibson ..Inne 0 4 '44. U. BURROWSat. CO. •-' . , Economy liar Foot; R - agar, and Malasses - are "Asap, and may be -, , ...h profitably pad pleaisadly toconsid erable extra as bath fatei -or flour - 11ire are re teiving.i large - supply, d offer '- ;:, Rice of good quality ,at 871 ert4a lik , r 100 /6a: Good New Orleans thrgar!et I,Btl per 100 lbs. . " '•, Mamie& at '1 di per pal. Gibson, Jane 43;'54.] . 111. BUR : %8&C0. Hat,s. A LARGE assortment of Silk an4.4401a H extremely low c'es; .[ Giboon, June . 9. 4; 711] IL BURROWS k CO. . . FR~SU AI RI AL. EW GOODS ! embracinoearly ever article nee -1 1 ciliary, to . keep up an - aadortment, Jim replying dud aplliqg for a trifle *have 'post at the! Ready Pay Store of* • - SMITH 3; lIEMPSTEAD. ;Brooklyn, June 20, 18544 ;; ;1' `+ ALT hy the ha:Teter in lees quantities. AD June, 1. SMITH & HEMMEAD. New Jewelry and fillyer Ware. JUST arrived - at Turrelrs, a* new :Supply of. Ladies' and Gentlenieu's Gold Breast Pins, rand Ladies' Gold Ear Drops;' cotaprlsing n gold itpsorttnent of desirable Ftylezi. Also G-old,Finger Rings, 'Carnelian Rings, Ladies 'Gold Chains; Genthitnen7a Gold Fob` and Vest Mains, 'Gold Watch Keys-;..--Gold Pen's, and Gold Pens with Extension Ci.ves Silver Spoons, Silver Butter and Fruit Kites,' Silver Thitn— bles, Perieils; Speetatles, " Call and see at the variety store of A. TURRELL. Itoiltrose, June 29;, , 1 . 854. i , Senator Beiltou'S Great, Work - NOW READY; rrIlE !.. , :undergignetl having been::•appointed sole agent in tinsquebantia imunty,',l for the sale of Holt. Thos. 11. Benton's, Thirty Year View," or a history of the Workir 6 • of the /IMO-jean Goiern-. ment-for Thirty years fmiti' 1820 •to 185 t)," Is' now ready to receive suliscriptiolts therefor. The .work is issued in two voluines. to h e . 'iold'OepaStely or to getheras desired,: 01. Ist, contains a history of sixteen years of-the time; in .730 royal octavo' ipages, neatly printed, in double columns • and Vol. 2d,!pfiiame-size • era the remainder of the time to 1850.. rriee *2,50 per volume, briund in library style. Tim* • who de sire to be served early - will,send thdir :flames to the subscriber immediately. :X: 1.'4 TENVICSBURY. !Brookl3n June tst, 1854.; • wl • Look tor, a Good Tailor I T . OIIN SOUT,llER.respectfully informs the - public CP that he has opened a place of business in• Mont rose,,*hero he is carrying on fashionable tailoring.—• Mi. Souther has been engaged for five. years in one of the:best shop tin the city ;of Nov', Yktrk, and learn ed his trade in the principal, eitlesinf ''Germany ,and France. Every. Artiele warranted to :tit well, as Mr. Souther_ is in possesSion of knew and perfect method of Oakiug the measure. For anything that can be expected of a good tailor . call on •.• • . JOHN•FOUTHER, • -.Montrose, June - • 9pposite,'lll.;,S. Wihions. t - T RECEIVED, a lar4e addition to, my stock fl of Dry Goods and • Grocreies. large stock of .Lawns, Berne Delains, and Berath..fielling cheap. lunc 15. . by F. 3. CIIANDLER. ' • SALT, by the thrrcH or Sirk, . at F. R. es. QUGAR, a little. More left', of the beat ungar . in this market, 201b4 for one dollar, itt ' F. B. C' ti. I)EADY MADE, CLOTIHNTI and &timer stuffs —a !urge stock - ou IMO and a 1I be sold at small advances, by ! ' • F, H. CHANDLER. Jane. 15, 1854. 'I Auditor's Ilirotkib' . • •IE undetsiglied hag ben appOihte t d by. the Court T 1 of Common 11.2. is of, SusquOuinua County o among the propel. lien criAltors the fonds in the hapds ottlieSinniff Made on! : the sale of the real:estate of Joseph W: Willy., Taken in execution at the suit of Miles L. Carprnter to the u.,e of others, a ,, t ainst said Hawletiand Amos . B. Merrill. Notice i . is .therefore given to said creditors to,. appear at .his l, office on Saturday the Bth 4ay -of . ipli , next at one i "o'clock in the.afiernoon where said distribution .will 'he Made. • '. • 141.,NE181,0N ' Auditor.. Montrose,. Jane , 10th, . 1854. I.: ' • • - 1 ' - i SALT,. -. ..- . , . -_, , i 10.1 YE and WHEAT Floarat 5. , D. it. LATOP & CO'S. I %. _. ELI. ITATS.—A now lot of Slimmer gilts aml Cloths 1 I. for 6 whiner wear just teceived*iid for dale cheap ! ' It. R. L. & CO. RAIN of all kinds, E,Ogs, Drliid Apples, Socks, Rutter, Ike. ; wanted In exchange for goods at cash prices by . - R. L . .L• CO. . New t4oodicii WE A a N re D"Tvl:lllleEivlit7Go7lStr .ndwlitirzeofiSnPteßndlNfo, sell very low. S RENTILEY & READ. Montrose; June .1, P. S. We trust. our Woirthv .coitifretitors will'not • beeome excited ovr this attnouncenient. To_ THE' lir AY be 'found at the Store of A. Turrell, Mont 'lll rose Pa., it first rate assOrtment 'of Drugs, \ Medicines, Druggist's Glas4-s-are; Oils, Brush & Ma Stuffs, Gtcceries, ; Yankee: ;Notions, Some Dry - Goods; Musicid Insttkunetits mid Strings, liateri ub; ihr lights, Pocket Kniy4s, Spoons ; Jewelry, Per m rY, itc.; stc. 1, 1- - Persons wanting any • thing in Ttie aforesaid de , partmeids, (and also some hthers *)t. named,) are re , spectfullyf imited '.to call Mad esattiine befare they purchase. By so f doing thir intekata may be pro ! trWh'en you come to . 'llintrose, do not .forget to mill at - isTITRRELLir'S. NG and ,CHEiVING Tobacer), by' ;he oound Siff/TT or paper, Plug TobacCo; ScotchNond ticalioy Snuff„-Fire Crackers,• Pcnt'tier, Fish Hooks, fish Lines, Calmly; dc., a; - Juni! 14t11, 1s 4 . . - ; . • SILKS! AILIOW , - T ARGKAIid liSnAlsohie itssortmOneof TAfli CS Dress L Silks, ,plaid and_ sirip6l; beautiful Pules, Fellin g ehr'lip• at . - lx. Sc. - W.: FLIT I FRS' I; i 7LOUR AND sALTjati.receividl and for gale by .1.: dune & .I . FULLERS. • • -4-4 I ; -PARKER'S STDRE REVIVED. • . E, the un4rsig,ned,'!haVint , Chtered into part ; !:! net-ship in the. ntemuiticeillusiness at Mont ! rose; tale this method to inform Mir friends and the. public that we }laic just opened aii assortment of • • . I/RI - 6001AS Aly1) G.I44CERIES". at the old stand Occupiedby Stills'lk,,S.bernm, *hero' I we shall bt',,happlT to wait typo!! . 111 . 1 tybo mar lhvor mi •, with a call. . . . •• Oni, goods stela?! niir, and hayel,i4en selected with greatcare, and .fie Batter !ourselyoi. that we can suit most particular. We invite 4 to. and czar*, ine our stock. Our motto is, red. 44 pay, honorable trade i -and steadfast friendithip. WARREN,i' -.Montrose, MuL2l, 1854, 1 - C. LEE, 4T MONTROSE,EEPOT, hasjust re -41,• ceived a new supply of Spring and Summer GoodB, 'which will be sold! r ery-lo*.; for cash or tom produce. • I - POUNDS good.Nel Orles.nS Sugar for one dot lan• nt ; J. C. LEE'S, New Store. I'EA, Coffee, Mola&iesi Fish, Dice, and Groceries -of all icinda, very cheap at ,';; J. C. LEE'S. - Wanted, - - A NY quantity of Ex; at •12 cjititi; per dozen, in ll exchange for goods at . .J.T. LES'S Store. Aim), • quantity of Butter at 16 tent. per pound, in exchae.e for Goods4tf 4. C. LEE'S New Store. to purchase Cdr cash, or in ex- . cliange for matter , t find i 4 to their interest to tad" and examine my stock . , of GOOds. and Woes 'for themselves. For barter 61.0 kittila the hi4est pric es map- .4 all 'times be tefied on aCJ. C. LEE'S Store, liontros4 Depot., • , FLOUR, FLOUR, and D. Sayre bavleTeelved a lot of Superfine WeiternYkkur' , wilich to ffer kr sale by the barrel or - sack.. . - • June `7,185,4. Il? R8E 11 • 4 !. vll. 7d sale, 1. .Tune 1 2 ) 1.. ! , ; CRAIN PUMP Oh - -- a4azid Thi ngs, For lade bylS, H. k D. Sayre. 114 4 FING 700 LS of 41 kuuleT- - June ' 1,7. FOtliale by ';. 11, & D . Bayre. • NKr , V#l4D It Irapti'd on e n txscripiion this :dice, inunediltell ' .1 ' •' 1 WL tirAvitjust. receiveh 31 anaSummer g now call sprepireil to tthow ) : a • - . - ' . ' DR off: GOODS [I . of all the different ki • Latch 11111 Black, PLild and Changeable Dress s.llk. and Mantillas', Owe and Silk. Sheila, also •LOkw.us,' jt , gei, De Thgel, De tables, Challis, Ginghams; Le I. .' • .- 'I -. ' .. '_GOODS,:.'. Win' '; . Brown and Bleached 1;t 'ng and Shirting - in fact everything In-this lin • I •I - - ... • 1 • SUMA E l STUFFS ' 'l,—. ' A very large snick, Inch we- 'offer • very low, all grades of cotton in this branch and , brown and YelloW Linen aid Du k !'or coats.. Wo invite atten tion to• Our stock of lt, , .llrown; Blue, 'Green and Mulberry Broadcloths also Black and' : :Fancy Contd.: metes, ',l!weeds, and , luck Jeans Sm., &c. • • . . ' Ladies - call and. e,, ine our stock of Summer Shawls, cashinere, at 'riined :Be tiines, .;Shawls, also Banege • Shawls, i i i . chimp, Bonnets and 'Bon net Ribbons, a good • mem, Hosiery ::and Gloves 111 j,, of alkinds, also, Pa •Is a very Luxe .a3Jortnient ••• iiic ,t r a 4 rc . will sell re- 4 .c esp., Also UnabrellaS, Tray-, gin Ihtge, Satchels., • • • 11. -! • - s- -j • LADi ' SIi()FA.•. • • Gaiters, Black 4n4 Colo . tl Gaiters, .Buskinsipotees„ . , . a good assortment orall kinds which We off at our usual InW totes. .. .• . •: , I i • Crocliery and• Glass w ; Fluid Lamps anti Sold, Wood p, ail 3 , Tubs, Broo . s, Bed' Cord Large Fau eetts, it.c. 4c. .•. • i L ..• . ~ ~ .i . :1 - ;l' :GRO ERIES. •1!, • -..i _ - , . . A very large stock whit we-will sell at a. very small adiA7.ol,-alao,. Ashton , , t and our 'usuaVvaripty which Ilte are sellingivelow. Call and exitutinc. Ilotose, 7 Jund 1 . ,11864: ..' ' •I• ' ... •.• .. •, J. -_._ • _ _____l 4• ! . ‘..-4!--:—.--,-,..-- . --- :XTOTWITHStANDING THE GREAT•RUSH' 11 4i! customers and tto Many hourttspel4 ii sem:- fag . ihtni,-yet we Atian *Vs 'Oita - Ilan: to write our , inv. corli.ertiseitte 'qt . :, and '- but .just, ndw.nilort!JuS:t ql call your attention to a•I rge lot tlf -li ,- , , • . j ~ - j Plain . and Fancy Li i tli(es, ' , which we liave just Open I and are selling nt alr.prie es- from eight ceiitte, ii ' In the waY •o f Drcassi. CASTIUNREti, POMINEy D ItEGICS, ix.; ; , iii.e ate . '-`posted . Wp." -Try us. , •" . J. Ll i)NS SON. -ITAVING made 'ff . k publiAhiog constandv receiiing . ye: and be;afile to, supply nt line. , . N. 1. Music sot, by Mao R. • Mckodeolis . • : riOIiSTANTI,I7 ON . lIAND or furnished to ot•dti on short notice. " J. LYONS Ii SON. •- , NEW SP GOODS. - ',ETTRIIIT te n receiving his suppli. 1-1. a. of .Spriiirt ° i e, which will be found unnsu ally attractive, including, a superior assortment • .0 l-adieti' Dress G'e;ods,:iti Silks,-Berages; &rage Pe, lanes, Loans, Poplin., Li,allies, Gingham; dv. Silk 'Sim:ef t s, Silk, Strait; and . Pren r .Lace Pound; Fipterrici Parasols, tker togethe • witkallarge variety of other Fancy mid staple Good.- including Cloths, (.:irssii ieres, 'BMA, and Shoe; lVa Paper, -Carpeting, Gr Crockery, ilarthear Iron and Wizils,Drugs, Oils and l'izints, Cooking IParlor Stoves, Ohio G ind Stone.; Ploughs, Ac. cte. all which will be sold o termstosuit the ..closest hu. 'ems for cash or approy . credit. , New Milford, May 8, 1834. , • OFFICIAL Al 7 T being manife4 th .1 earrytlig on John - G is eariying on :the Tail both ` l ‘ earryinfr„Onr to ways Meet, being in t nonstop was ; nOntinat Searle's. Uotel, iii the B. p•ousniany-ivieketeil, p tere..ati.ni in kixging:w nieut,': (yea, !ano_ an inosttalvanta;teoh:ily, t man o exte r liiidlitherej " . Whois n4t, likr • To live unheard: m herehy nottiinat him comMunity, )I.4pieri his plitee.of biklyierrs• a to perform •thedatieg hand 'afMontriaiie the 4 NE BURROWS v_ I:trge a4s-lirtutet at their store; ,V,griod as mrtinent sorttoent of 'goctil PI: . Bonnets and onne at low prie,..s. . „ Good NC* 'Oilcans Piinie do ,do riime Polioaro, Clarified,'. Co!tee, j y. . very low prices?! • —' Gibson, Apr;ll2B, I ; — tr - 7 ---- , — 7 — A { 0 MUSK &] PARK return their gratelfiti 'IA acknowledgements to the - pablie, and invite 'at tention . to the fiery lazine stock ofr"S'prinrj and Stil:l nt eriGoods then nfw receiving , rind offer' for s. lr . at very low prior.' Ii addition to theii• usual assort meat of staple Diy Goods; Groceries, 'Hardware, Crock try, ; Paints and• : : Oils,. fze...i:c., they, are prepareil to exhibit a large assortnient of Ladies' Dress Goods of civ e ri• deserirition--:Figurefl, Plaid rind Plain Silks; trinnels, Shawls, -Itibbons, Gloves, Hosiery—La( ies and Misses Shoes of ill kinds—also a large stoe of /IE4 D Y.-10...(0.E CLOTHING, Cloths, Crminie . , Tweeds, 'Jeans, .13ummer Cloths, VeStingta; Ilats Cps, I . lolts and Shod, Sze. 1 . . • • • • 1 They mpectllillv solicit an early call- from th .. irhO wish to Intichitse stofxlgooikat low prices: : ~ Springville; Miiy 3, 'St McMILLEN &PAR •: 1 -. _ • SI'RJNG GOODS.•-• jeST reeeivil, a v i m*: large stock of Spring any CP 2 SttinmeriG6c* at 1.11: SUTPHIN'S. -- . Good .2Vrai ajleani Sagar at Weenta pCt lb: .ar oth'er goods'egiirillv low at 3,11. SErTPIILN's. . . • The C/1/4.q.'E.ST iroLA , ,s7sE", Ted ,, ,Ato 0 h Groceries WI .bii found. in this,. or 'ny other trin i this county,' t l / 4 ! . t,,,' ,. .i ,J.-; , „. J. 'I. ~sr.rrprirs - qtl.7llmersr, Apil i 2R, 1854.- I:'',' ; ' ' .• ---:- - - • - ,'..., . .. . • - Sit „ANTED. ' ' . I iriuE G ~ IIiFAR ' L .FI*DING -STO kli i'l .R.I ry of all kinds—ileans,. Dried' AP‘pleS, nu' 4 " *- -' • .1 t'',.N II LL BLAST. ' • .V - , • - 1 XX - low, Hatter, liees*ak, all wool socks, Enm'kc XTEW GHOtIS C M e l . l .N th G in l e N ,. D F3R eg T e, ll i ti a r , I ll zi ti i (? , I . f.c.)i.Awh.iich_we-wi ill exchange goods akalsh- Price ' s: • " 11 TRADE:4-Gm 1 pil - ..1. ,• ". , - I. L. POST & Co.' 0 . • . Detains, Prints,,l /cc:: ; lack Silk, Striped Pik; N.e idle ; ' 2 :'1 • 1 1:3 , _____ • Werk Collaric . Pietn' ens,. Thread Lace; Velvet- ih•f ' bops &c.; a gerleral asortment. of Crockery Groce ie and Hardware' Carp'inttir Pincers: Wake Door P 111 'Carriage Bolts,l.luml hobs, Axle lips, Dash Frri le: German Solt Slats, meriatn. and English Sad I n: 1 . &C.; a generallassort at of Shoe Kit and Trintm of always on 17n4 and or Sale by IM, 5, WILSO. ~ Mooknilie•• Al 42 iScsl. ' •' - . 1 . • . -- . -------- r ---,- i• —!•--,-:--- - -.--'---- --; 1 4 .. NEYVIC7.IpDS! -- NE ~ G O ODSS!. . . I. .8 4 „tirF;r; EvErx it'Et:t AT A '' r.' LATIIROP dc. CO's. AVUERE ivill-W found and of! the largest as, IF • Metres 4f gods In the ikaiptry, Which will cold sirlittle;ch?aper !than ever.' 0411 and examint goods and lietty : : . • 1 i '. • a.s . :.. / .i A large ..4rtment of Smuttier Shawls of heaotif patterns at - 1 ''J F ' AR. LATHROP k1 ‘ ,0 4 .5.. / A . ROCRIIIII:S at prices that rannot be beat at. , i VA . • ii 'l. ' D. R.,1,,T11R0P.k COs... ; UAIiMIN4I 001 S of every description kept c on stantlY on hand by D. It. 'IATIIROPA'OO, ..,..............._....__ ......i.._.....-4......................_..._...........i.......____............ 7 ....,....___,.. . ' : SPEOI.B4I laniotat, 9EmENT. ATOTWitiISTANDING theHpassage of the Nettie ./.11. ka bill, the high price of provisions, the, ec 'lt: Morinonism, spirit , rapping*, and' other •nation' c lamitics,.pri;:sent .and ,ituminent, .'the good ' peo le Montrose and elsewhere(such of them as wear, lrtl Mayatill have their chins reninA and whiske at hair dressed, ct, is mode, at the usual rates, by eallir on the undersigned, at his old stand in the baselptet Of Searle's Hotel. ' - - - CIfAitLES . TILL3LAN. MOutcose, May 2.4, 1854. - • -:i. • .. . . • - • . G ODDS FA j4ING. .. r . IQ RILLING Calico for Sets, Sinnmer Cloths at nu 0 any price. IS lbs tea for - n'el Dollar. salt g''• 4uite la.' - - - ' ' -' Ji LYONS k ' - 11) '.R. THAYER 11, .-. . . . . • -'t - Wool Ca Altar.. '. Ai the old; stand of A.' G. -Rey old, "its usual. ei4ll waot on delivery .or the rolls. Al Ti. RP.YIcO S. Brooklyn, June 18th 1854. . . , ---+. .- r - - - AD 1.11 1 N ts*RAToult4 • NOTIC ~ A,LLL persons bulebted to the estate :of B. 8. c ill .11-devant, lite. Of .Susquebanna Depot, die' I, i hereby notified to nlake innuediaie payment, atidlttn having claims 'against mid estate kill present them 4 ly authenticated foe settlement. - :• • ..- .-.I . .. • - :„. :113..* B. ELpagD, Administatt:or. llontrtose June V. 180.1. 1 i • '• ~ i ASH pait 7 O' [3,1115'1,5, 10541 , I. 1 & • MOTT: heir second stock of Spring this season, find they ire 1, who unts.favor, them !kit ICE 1.;:1110iic. p;emeuts with the treat mu :e'of iViti4s, we shall b - music as Fuxin ag published iarty any thiug wantetYin ilia. , .. mail imAtage free. '. .T. LYONS dr...SON NiIIErCPII.ICANT", I the tailoring business. is.sti i roves in Montrose—no,' Joh; Oripg . buAn%---no, they uj ;ether—at a place where to le very building where ed for.. Presiiient i to wit, t tsument thereof—and the get oldie being supposed to be 11 ere they Cali make an inves, -eoat-aud-panfalocm men appeafanee °title out , ore John, • , ' • n virtuous Woman Willing to -ave. a self as Tailor4letteral -for ti good citilens to •:eall ove mentioned, to enable hi of said_ °Flee: Witness 'n Ninth day of PIN" A. D., 185 JOH:CiGROVES.' GOODS.!- - .e z Co. are new receirin,, t of new and seasonable *g.,e g (100DS. t low prices; also, a large I :NTS at Of cents per yard. 'LINNETS. RibbOas,.a r 1 . • 'pc -ilOO it:; 0,55 " '1(d) .0 (,1473 • " 100 " - - ALSO, )Wti J i WOOL. 'd for WOOL at RISEN; Seipp itts:Eelore the , reflPie• - Minimum sell their alicoeiv - And heap up, 'lots 0? money: • • • , *line Laneyslight their tllentit7lbelft 'And ked'on Odell honey;: , While Doetois" r1).1 the Power of • ; Surround;_thentsetres with Mot; • While Tailors give, you fits and And thrive by 'taking stitch es t . While - ,Farniers:by their litmot tweet ,Are paid 'such extrs prlecs t • ' • -While evetilxrdy seems to get Good tiring in large' ' • The. Artist, ;toe, would like to, IW BY taking people's faces; , • , So, - if you please, attention give • To my new stock of Cases. Consisting of late 'styles and fancy patterns; among which are the 'Crystal Palace,. Uoion, Kossuth, gad Mani- others, Which, 'although none - tie better - for their very tine }mines, will be found 4, bp none the worse. j - Also, a molt beautiful assortment oflvery "fine Gold Lockets, fins; Keys, &c: • Pictures taken , .in clear or cloudy weather. , Prices from 75 cents to $15,00. $ Business hours fromi to 41 . . IV: B. DEANS. • Montrose, May 1854„ „ , • A', SELECT STOCK OF ' SUIIPIER GOODS AT • 1.1 L. POST Sz CO. • - , nem - offer to the Ohne the most choice awl V V the LATEX! syrtata of Goode to be , had .any where In the country, and foi the very lowest prices, Without variation. -' itE4lliir if:rlDE CLOTIII NG. • . .• : ' 4 . 1 ;1111131ER STYLES. I. L Posy , &Ye: have just 1,7- made ii.large addition to their stock Of clothing, coasiiting nirwief•ererything desirable' for thilinyer at Adz . prices I et4 - .iire• sure 'to suit.' The. givods. Ot" ~made first roel, and .wo -warrant:the WOrk to be eiptal if ndtauperior to any ever before offered in - this mar-. i t ket.. Ourstock•compriies . • Colds, fine. black French Sacks,•,F*ks land Business: . Tweed,- t'aaimere and' Jean Sacks and Fri:3;as, also 'brown - aid white' Sum- tner pliin'imtt•tW • Hled: 7Vast*—White - and cidered - Ilarsailles,Talentia; Lasting, figured Barathea, - figur-' edsilk And Satin and every yariety, good. and cheap. : PaSrs- r -Fine .black CaSsimere, , doeskin, ' -col. tweed, Summer stuff, 'linen; drill, eottonade, stripei' . plain,' check and plaidt:, so cheap its , to' be sitre 'of sale to all who desire- I. i• bur. Y- ._ 11: . - .. . .. . . .. , ~ el .I.OI''ES . IICD 110SIERIT- T -tadies'anil Gents. VI: . white mi d et)lOred Kid Gies:es f the best - genii.' • ! . ty warranted.• 1 'Alarge assortment of all kindiporblue,- brown,and slate : hose, and hose gents and ladies, :cotton' Lisle thread, -.Berlin , and silk k - fllofek Black and colors i:A.large riksortment of black silk and lace Mittq, long and short. - , POST & cO'S. ' 1 . - nooTs AND SHOES—New fine . " , 800t4,. Coarse, I Boots, Ladies find Gaiters, 13ootee.s and Buskins, a".foll. asiorttneneofeheap Slioes, Childrens iota Miss es Shoes and BoOteei, Ladies fineSilk-linenSliripers, at - '' i ••• ' - • I. L. P. 4t, CO'A. • N!?.6CinDT4"sVk4anic"alitiC bleach- VTlirtsllnwetio„lac.ailianbic Muslins, Swiss 4anil Book Sluslins, Barred! Muslins, Bishops and ,Vktofia Lawns, &c., figured and (lett: Suit's Illuslins at ' . • • P. i&bo'i. SiILNGLEs ND GRINDSTONES at • I. L. POST do tO'S. ROCERIE--of the best and Cheapest kind. A lot of Sitors surprisiugir cheap at I. 1.. POST & Co'S. ' • , • i'• Pmost deSirable stock in the coun try, at very low priccs. I. L. &,CO. . _, . lARE,SS. 'GOODS—SiIks, Siuslins, ,DeLaties, ges,' Gingbarnti, 'Lamm &c., of 'every desirable 1. L. POST & tyle. LARGE and splendid Stock ;of Spring Prints. • • 1 • ; • P. k. Co. I. c,!TAI'LE- GoOdd at the low es,t . 0 • ' • I. L. POST & Co. iT,OTBS; Cassuneres.- •Tweeds, Kentucky • Jearis V,/ and Satinetts terp cheap 1. - L. P. k . Co's. • AATOODL,"..V. WA RE—PatentPails, Cedar Pails 1 -V I. 'and-WaSh TubS,. Cocoa Nut Dippers, Butter I Ladles, Prints.; Willow Baskils, Rope Ratters, Bed Cords, Manilla Ropes, - .Breonts, a good lot at the store 1 of ^ •1. L. POST k CO, •riOp•PLyt .A. I VI) MACKEREL of the beSt: quality at !the lowest possible rates. . • • • April 5, 1'854.- •• • ." I. POST Sz PO; . . . 61,11' LL'4I7.IIER, very cheap, at 1 . • - *l . 'VOST & . r iRo(JKER i Y A A 7) GLASS IVA RE—a choice lot 0,10 ‘v prices. POST *& CO,' 0 14 Carpet ; Room paper and Windoti , Shades.7 • . •._POST: & : CO. QILK _11;427,8, style—h . est • qoalitil, very cheap:. • POST & O. OX-VETS and Bonnet Ribbons of all kinds, Par / asohl lard and 0111111 at very low prices.' POST &• en. • AP,ESS TR LinfINQS---very ' style desirable IJ end yery cheap:. , POST dr. Co. Cl R A 111 ',RA GS—of the best-qOitliti. T . . I • I . • Pon Q.ALT, Lithe and-Plaster at 1 ,- 71 ____.,_ it T - V).. lES'i-CpI,I4AR,QII-A very choice lot ,of the i- 1 .. ..1Lt-late4 kyles; Book Embroidered Lvmerie, Lace, I- 1 Media and lithilton imitations. I. L: P. , & ell. c I --:.::: ----•;--------- . - EMBROIDERED and Lice Mu'endear* all desk cable Sltyles ; also, worked and . erubr'd. Edgings and Insertings and Flouncing. • Act Ildgings v 4fid Inserting] 1; imitations-of every , / ahnost aa good. its genuine and very cheap, also pare linen-wrought Lace. I. L. 87..C0. JXGRAIXED and Hemp Carpet for sale at JL • I. L. POST & CO' QUHMER ITATS.—Panama, fine and coarse trim. med and fitnoy hound, Pedal and Patmleaf for boys and men,: sold very. cheap. I. L P. k.CO. aIADIES' and Children's Flati4., a good variety, al: J so - .:t nevriot4f the . latat styles.of Boeunts at the store of •./ . ,L L. P. AilCO. d fIiIOICE / and faneyjsrticies of Soap ~ a nd Hair Oil ; kJ 7113;$0111C of the 'finest Perfumery at the store "of ' L POST - S CO Aifli aud i t:lLlA/IV ; also, Farraers tooLLin eral at ' • . • 1.. L. POST & PO's. • -• ' - LATEST. EXCITEMENT.I OR. 1 .• ' ,- . . .; ! TOR. In t.i.• I.* , S§4,TTLED..I . - . it cacorr, .JOEINSTOI4. & Co., are-now receiving . _ : .-/- Ifo in No* Ywk a general assortment or Spring cs - ;mid Summergoods, and we eordiilly invite ill ' that. likci to buy pods cheap to give us a call, as our await . ' is lirge. Mid We are willing to sell-for small p•ofits.-;- - ~You cdn:find,.here almost•every Article - . wanted, and we are willing to compare .. goods. and prices With any. V ;lore in the county---we have 'taken special pains to find nice: gnoils to please the Ladies, such us-Black. . Figured and Fau6 - '„SlikS, Silk Tissues, Berages. and . t.- Berage Belanes'Tlain 'and Fancv Lawns, Silk; French *And' Domestic dingluirns, Figured and Plain Muslin;' l ar 'Embroidered Curtains and Paper do., I.atliesr,;Cellars,. rTuderhindlcirchieri and Sleeves, *Mantfilas, -Twist*. and Gloves, ;Straw• and Fancy Bonnets, also trim mings to niiitch. A large stock „of 'qcuids IfOr Men and BoYs i •aiso Von; Steel, Nails, horse Shoes, and liorte Nails, Ploughs, , Salt, rot,- Orockern . _ Britid siones . , and Stoneware, Stove pipe, 'Tin., Gl4a, Sash - T.eather, Boots, Shoeia . &e.; - _&c. Please:ge us a chalice ofslMiving yob i our:stock before yo • buy. • . - :Youri trUly. • SCOTT, - .IOIINSON - CO, Springville, April, 18;1854: - - • ' - .. - .. I • NEW STORE!. NEW GOODS! - IN NEW MILFORD. . ' rrliE gubscriber having leased the :Store.of the of 1. Me.sars. Pratta, ibrinerly occupied - by t. SAtt. 3 ) de, intends' to locate permanently in Nei Milford. ' And he Would take this method .of hifortning the , ig abitanta of drew Milford., and aitacent .towns,. that nt he lies justreturned from New York with s- 1 0.gn anti 10entlid snick of fresh and entirely nee; .004* eau. ; slating of Y 000D8 ot'almost over 7 'conceiva-; ble variety, OROCERII.I4 as Towns therst, Hard 4 ware, Crockery, .Baits and Shoes,' • .11;&11 Caps, let Bonnets of every style Ste. &c.,which .he Oar* for by solo oo thetnost reasonable terns , ' for ; casit,, 'country, produce, or,rellable credit. - Ilemiuld also Say in this connection,rtliat he, has added to dui - establishment, the tuanufacturing . ,sof Titi, Shert4row, es 4 Coer' 'r ware in all ita varieties, hi .414 he is prepaid to execute all;kinds of jobs, by the very best workmen RDA OD the post reasonable terto... Dealers Supplied at the lowest•prl Particulars' In rel a tion to stovea - itei; at soinoldla • time. J. DICKERMAN r jr. NeW Milford; Mav 18 , 1854. ' Vitf _:, • , , - • 1 Wool Wanted. • 1 Tho subs4ribers iiii pay the highest market iirtie for Wool i either in Goods or Cash. ' ' • Ilmitl , . June it. SMITH ScH •e' : EAD, . _ (11.0 V TJMOTAY SEED dig at 0 , lJ Mcintrose l Feb' 10 4 ' • Tr 1.1 1 F.k, . • .` tlittNE - PRICE STORE; GOODE AY LOW PRiCEE, - AND FOR READY PAY. , - MBE under/104A iniVintiseeciattid thittuailseetO•' L Paler' h4l the Iderctustilt! business, are now pre.. pared tkelfer- to thepubllc . tt voie desirable stock Of Geedet'etendstiiiit mkt o! Dry 'OW& anißeady; made C 7 thins Irak CApt,4sA4d Strisil goo* Rooky end Mittithafyi Bisfgs:i4ite Shoes, &aeries, - Ira k -Ptdiditel tke, / ,all 064144 hayi,b ee y`p u refiased "Wu T £ eve i end We lire satialled, eanpot ts . o Aa r 'suit tterie - the titaifavor tui !filth call. °, • , Goods tfeNkritieni 101 tie ' tnintifoi . plait; tonsisting.of all the le:i f iding gtylei ,- - LAD I B „PR_ : fr , dregs anti anti& yeti '4 ei and es digits nab ' gcritkid Odd. tlif Printed t 4 *nel t i qiiin!l . 1 : 11 / 4 ' et- Odd- 4 nd Printed ,Jae,O nits, In 'gre, ee, ate. bound to' sell at a Imajfitire. • Ginghams r -a handerttee . fiittnent—.T.iietaialt tie -,, leading styles, iderrhnic, CoOccoar t Ale* Sprague., r &c., very pretty styles , Dress Trint__, ruings, of the deisliableetykaand Black Silk Lace, Dress :Buttons; black Yeli t eoo4. oo e, • silk and woMed Britids, iteat,vttrietY. White axtds.- Swiss , itansod; fitinhtudi, Bishop Lai - ns, and Book Xuslins, dotted Swiss; Dos; 03rdedSkirts,'Irish Linen; Cautbridi• Handkeit.... chiefs, tke. &c.; Trend' Needle Werkiiieiee and Jeee-:" net edgings and Inserting% Paton Linen and 'Thread Lice ' do. Plouncing,,Ladieleclluthlonallie Clietoiaettee, flleeVea, Collars,-&c., the largest assortment ltr . tetra,,' • and at very lOw-prices., •Barege for Veils, inAreeni . blue`and brown, Black Lace Veils, Kid Gloves-4444e5' sot pent'V-s",- large _ asiort'.. ; - meat, of the hest quality. ' ' • Ifitteleing anti short, black, nioliaiti, and silk , Mores---blitek; white, and colori. Lide ti‘vead- r • and cottotrdo. - 'f - • • ' - 1= . , llosi,cre-74 Eine . sinortinent. 'foil ladies; vas and children. -• • . . • , Ribben*,-a fine assortment fur Bonnets also; _Satz. and LusiFing, in all widths a4il=eiiry Collo; ;•• Don:leak Goode; :blenched and• bleached lluslins, - fileking, Crash, Diapers,Vable Coy-; - era and Napkins, and in fack all _file,desiralde in this department, - , -"•,;• " • ,Sheteli-PriotedT Delane,i French - Printed,-WOl, 'printed Cashmere, Broche; . •:plack Silk,•fice.;•' }Rik! stock of thein." , • 2'4 , - • Ladies' Shoes, &every description, ikt low Boys', Misses', and,childredain.grleat,furieti. Gents' Boots, coarse andßne. -4' HATS, CAt!S, - _AND kriatir;6;ooA3. We have . a ., very fine stock oftlattand - da Straws, Palmleaf, C.uracw.Maracolio - Round ton, Leghorn, Cassiniere.dx„ for,sunufalflrear, which . are very desirable, cheap.;' Agood.assOlV., Merit of Ladies' Bonnets , Misses' mid children's ' • READ/WADE CLO 1711202: In this branch of our busin&ii-Wo - ctuntot fall to - Snit.. Our stock of Clothing is very. extensive, and well made up, in late and desirable styles. We' wordd .7 e§peeiallY invite our - friends diring any thing in this liac i to give us d• call. Gtntleinen's furnishing goods H of every description.- ;• '- • ; • e large stockaf Vail Papering and Bordering , 11ooks, Stationery, and; 'Yankee . Notions- in great variety • ._ Graceiies.--fetat,dreeti and Blac - k, , veri viol* slid' fivsh, at low prices: , - • - •• • -- • ' - Co/res.—Superior lit..Bomingo •A ben- tifid article of broivn and white Sugars,- cheap. 'Mo lasses, Spices, Soap,. Candles.; Lamp Oil, Fluid, A very superior article' Caiendifb Tobacco,' at 28t • cents.per pound. .• • • We are in the stoic fiz;rnietii , occupied thr Lathroli At:Salisbury, and more recently. .brOcorge Puller,•op-- polite F ! ea3le's Hotel. We would be vgrypiproy deed -to see' our friend's at 'the Osk PRICE Errciatiaildi • hope to 'merit oar share .of the public patronage, bje gOcid attention and .low prices. 1 • • -- • -G. &W. H. FULLEII. j - • Montrose, April 11, 1854. - - - ' - • ,-'" NIRO( •• I - D. R CO: j• ARE - now recithing their fitOdi Goods for Spring - - 2 - 1. and , Summer tvadb, which ' they ~offeV at. lower - , ' 'prices than ever offered iii thikniaticet - before. Thank-`, • ' ful for the liberal patronage they have, received, tifitii will endeavor' by suict atte,ntion to business, and 1 / 4 - many nett inducements; to merit evert a larger share , of the patronage of those who. Wish to buy GOODS CHEAP. • Cali andesamine for ywirselves, and see . if our-goods and prices - will not bear us out 11101 we have said. • " • LADIES'. DRESS 'GOODS. ' ' • _ of every style. pibc.-t - • Figured Plaid and • changeable Dress Sillnysennt _as low as : 75 cents.-- B/ack'Silkv, all witlOs and quallies, -a good article • for Lawns, Berao•es, DeLanefi and Gingloois, - good and cheap., 'Pin:White Oixalg of every descrip•-: . tion ; Brown and Bleached B:hirthigii ;Linen Goods of every kind; - ,Ernbrnidaics and Lace Goods{ Bonnet. ilks! and •Fringe& CLOTHS - - - of every grade.. Black, brown, and blue Broalidottifir all of which being bought at bargains, wewill'sell very' • CASSLUEES,' • • of ! every style, equally tow. - aII and examinieur stock of these goods, as we can and frili.sall them at the very lowest prices. ' - • LINEN DUCK, 1 . . r a new article,for Summer wear - . Shrnmer - Cloths, Zek- - lags, Striped Shirtings,,Bbae and. Drown Drill, tuckY‘lcans, and Tweeds, a etirnplete -assortment.- ' CAPS„4IVD 'ff - O-VNETS, •. - a large assarintent, and of sles to snit all. B&ts Shoes; Upper and Sole Leather, CitOCKERYGLASSWARE.. The most-complete and .extensive assortment` ever brought into Montrose. Full setts of White Granite and Blue Ware for a very little money. - trots of - all sizes; and. of durable - plate glass. • , - EAR DIVARE, IRON; AND /La • POST & Co's. Call, and examine our prices beforaoson buy., /old; . lVooden and Tin JVare keit constantly on imnd. GROCERIES- ' " Of Sugar Moltisses, Teas, &c., at less:dant - Einglannton plies/2 Ashton barrel-and Table Solt. Flour, by the barrel,_ sack. or pound. • Codfish- and Mackerel, Pork,Farming Tools o.c and Cultivators. .. : - - • • . -1; The gref cst rtflizer in the'evorlic in quintrtii*. -. 'FIRICIA - -.421.1) TUBS'. _ . Produce of an kinds taken in..exchange..:fir Goa* . . at eagle prices.. - , . nutrah fo'r:,F.s4-4ont anti nice'', T, ~. - ritor.:_ . i . . XeLnutka: and Ataii tear - - Na fetter a . nor. slava; tea: -- , , Mang ..elmfricaforaeraiurfiet, ~` , • • IE I O the - lion. Judps Of Court of Susquehaimt it. rouidy—foreign Ambassador:i t: Attorneys, _Grand Jurymen, Crier, and, other officials--Clergyu On - and C i kurehmen, 3ferelvants, Meehnnic.s and irorkiert--;, .:... .young gents and Old FOgies; ticithens and sbiffikets.,” . "the rest of Mankind,". and - the ladieS besideo=,,ell hail!! , Just shut o off the I,htning half.;a minute, if you you please; I want tel speak to you. You doubts - i recollec t what 'old Bullion told the Rouse, in ComMit., tee of the . Whole, that he would do, in osingle lnion.., ‘', 1 with 'the Nebraska bil! and it , author, the Little ilq,-. ant. • Well, 1 suppose be has 'done it. All right. 4c \; And l-let the loud cannonade of indignant Free4onwA, thunder. on against the, blood-cemented breastiserkat • ••,.. of opprOssion and outrage the world over; shaking the empire of Tyranny with eirthquakai,.shattering in pieces the red ahars where_ 1161 Freedom bleeds, / and the red hand:that holds thefett . andtheacetirge- . and hurling bespots, toppling f m-their tlikotons • - down, bellowing after Dough's to r -whine_ Bullion said;--Excuse one, fellow citizens, I did notititend tes • 4 - go off in this rhapsody on Liberty antihntottniiiiittoi . , when I began.. but simply tolay . before--.yon,,a filth' . .matter of businestc•and as I am by , priffession• neither' , orator nor.stitestuan, but only that wort of i!neeelmfory • evil," a Dentist, I: will 'drop my" patriatiero foe the , present, which most anornaloaily for these days got thObetter, for a moment, ctf'•my interest,. and 01711 - elude by.suying that. I bait( resumed any: reshletice fir .• Montrose, and may he found 4t Montavne, two dim*. south of Seth Mitchell's, Esry.i, opposite • the Baptise. • • Church. I will 'wait on yonlat- ynnr risidence,,(in `.- town,) if deiirod. .ri,..ose living '.at- a dletans; desie- , J . ing plate. teeth, min: boai4.with. me-: free of ekerr,. while- the walk. IS being dem:charges are." so I .low that I' make them strict/hi, co Fent:lal ! •. -,_' -- • , - .- Yours .professitma Montavne, Apri1;11354.3 - 1 - , Resident Ihrtlet:: =MC N - Ew 6100.10. rrifE subscribers are ,now ,receiv,int isiotmastudbr .1. large and desirable stock or 1 ,1 Syrinx and-Stiiiiimerilisodir t wtslch they are prepsred - te °Fee to ctistomm, and the people of thisminetty`y,iikest*eding. ly low . Prices t They ureic litinghe for:Cash' after ::a considerable decline 147, - make', Ani l, ib e , p o w -it corresponding pricee. Want of time reAdets It nec . eatery that we shoulifiefor our customers to: the ad yertisements t•,f atti neighbors, for a strict* lW/lien of the variety kept by as. Suffice if to SAO:, our asinet4 , 'tient toast; never better: normore eateneeve. - 111ENTLET R&M ckwer and rimetitY Seek. also B ut ter,'-r i rk ini k, BENTLEY &EEO, ' ' - Hams and. Shoulders tbi sa l e by liscalaW,lc 801 41 Letither; upper dor.%artd Calf Eikins . es a good' stock INO, and Shoe& Jim% .recete47 ief BOTTLEY-lk:lW.'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers