f . ,;:o l 4 . *itilOilltia_ . 'llgiE l ttr; • , I . llrDi ittr*.rlOHTs irpyroits MUNIIIPSE PA. • TharidariThoriiing, Anguntg, . . 1 ) Goveritor, JAA POLLOCK, of NOrthumbei, Came eriiiirtesioner, GEOROB"p r AIiSIEi of Allegheny . Jude of Supreme Cork,. -, DANIEL - Mr SAIMERc of AiOnt-gobiorv:. !L 1 - M/M . S.TATE TICKET. • ord. rAtmt • " th e AtieriCiari Newspaper Agent tbe'ottOT fbr this 11.sper 4keicidisiof o!)ston, - NerYork and PhiltidelOia.•,; IMT 4 tibeity,;' , ilhe haltead out', Beggs - P ° tett cats ftilly; wcnild'ihallo found his selection ha in its"lunsomes, So, reeks 1g& IE4 'kind.. t" nesp is appreciated N'w netlieless. til ~ -• \ . :... ,- ' • . ,:. N . i4 7 lo7idCa,ll::-. ~-.. Mot *of :our \ readers. - are.aiyare that our o Printing O ffi ce was i burned las t Spring,' when lc .416116:n16 hundred and fifty dollars Wortkt)f -i i i printing. Paper,.amOng,oiliek things, was -46-, s i • st F ;oyeo, .., or. that paper, we,•still owe, 'the ti, iitOiley that,. 'ould ;have paid for it having si gone to buy n w printing matCritd'and nor i; .paper: ow, t ete . .is dw us on subsertptiot tO.the'lltegister enough to paY forth :it burnt . paperihree times Oyer. The paper makers e , . . Want...their pay, and we cannot pay theni till . •our •std v leri.bers pay u; \ . Under these -• .. >. shm*-4e eall earnestly upon our 'd • „pay, nS I ; and, which is of,&reat ittipOr do. it atone. It Is hardly . r,easonabl 1,. , . a. premittin' for the paymegof just d • if -any sUbseriber ivrho o4es 'for hi - front the 'time Wei Stioceeded, Mr. ? 1 April 1852, will staid u s ftYe'dollar .. -Ala i p ay. for the Ilegister foy:, thri4 ,• 1 fititn'that time; and any one a Year in • . :. 1 • _ ti eapa.y.-;--forhis.paper for two years_ in i , us , three doll*. Just . slip the into an .envelope directed_ to us, or 1 * -I. . . do , ostmaster to it, and iyou,-will '1 ' feel iyetter - for , it, t 1.4 . We -certainly si - 1-. . .11. ' • fact, 're can not dOiwithont.it.'" -I _,'. The Governor and the Dot 'lrr ' the: MontrOse Democrat of Mr. Chase informS )ris sympathizin that 9overnor:Bler has.ruined his thetvioe Of .the l tate.. in :a lett. Jerly. th i addressed toad. Ellis Bonn.i Giver ' nor,Bialer says. l'.lll - v health, th 1 - '• "'. is now exeellentl'i I For making discoveries, Mr. £has i equals... lie found out that Bigler anti-. i _7 1.1 ebraska Orrr t when probab body \ else, influding the Governor thong t :he - NCti , S pre -Nebraska; an( has diteovered that the Gown' lees 1 I ruined, while that; pi or ma self Minks it is-ex.eellent ! ' Ftiorn this' hallueination about th, his .heitlth, and sundry_other receri . tions' p we must in i fer. that Sickness ha NI the-Governoes wits, 'making him : of realizing his condition; and sire] whose health of pody zui, mind is who ;Cannot even raise breath cnon: ld . i I - i : ? i pera isappcoval o the Ne,rasl,abi mind Wandirs sci , much : That he • , brcnigikteto . tin wer "cep'' ter fr t tib" t PYes questions :Whose v , inicins h. guessed at from ',the contradictory varyin tatements of 144 "intitnat dip be deemed the man fo put erisis,: oOght to feel 4rate', , poop i le .for perm'ission. to retire a his 7asted energies amoug'the pea of Cidarfreld eou ty. and ------- 1 Sigler n Temperank. Mr. George B. Grahint, hi hi: Hid ) / says • "FrOm . a 4 the infcni ean get,t is'pretty,manlfest that ei cane idates.Jiefore the people will f. hibitory hill." r Strange that this- Plari*st to - *„prahapa, when it i GoVernor Bigler ! When Bigler letter to the - Temperance COnventil unafole to tell Thether -he would s bill,j his letter iWa.s,voted unsatis.fa t j u we believe Mr. Graham voted:iw"' jeriiy. What has occurred since, - Bigler:s position t .ITa.s - ho--ace system. of tactics that we nders . 1 temPting to pursue in regard to-t queition—been making assurane which he dare not make in public wie';yetes from both she ?, We lieve 'any-such deWardly•dodges u with the - Temperance men, any 1. - 1 the anthSlavery men, ofilis day. - - Pner. NYNITNZY 9 t3 Lecture been largely attended and eminen ful., By the exercise of his won eititi:.:lOf self-tr4nsforfnation, the m 'solemnly elockient ttztesnian, the .ter4us,wildly,iesticulating backw - of the we 43 ..ihr, passionate, Jell ] nun, the shrilvoieed, bitter Ran \ . 'the:! conscience tormented Maebtli to ' Stand in snemssion before us. rich intellectual treat; in :which v smite : pr . the tablhnest bursts ofi interspersed with comic pieces bY riet+.l The clime attention and-ii platiseeoftheaadience, testified', s.tionof the .performaneeS. - 7 ... N%l r e learn that Mr. - Whitney . in "tune inSuisquelumuut Depot net 'on 'hat eveninr , has not yet been c f , Thy 1 , Onsoonntto.h. AcAormr.—. e Smu t . term of,-this InStitution closed eek before lad,' 'with the - uSualiAnniversary xerei :.-- - The!prooefge -are said to hay been nu. 'Dually - ingesting arid stiti4acto y, but the fore of eireunistatices unfortunat 1y ..prev nt od Our attendance. L We : regretto learn tu littr.iCrinnptot4 die 'able Principal, is to 1 al . the ,hiStittttioni Mr. :Richmond,, btia su - or, iShighlraPioken of .-...-.. ' 1 - . r-' kreilkor t?r'f,ti4 refuses ., whqh• lie is; ; for:;eir against , ,tht ; l4 pL4l)ill.4: 10 )position pitper.4,..lYlng , Free De* Ai assort:; htili.in ,•,:i :' of ,the bt l i ldorhisowii partisans take hit sides of the /04.1011; th* llocated Invite strong. free-soil: istriks pt. ,the; State as...:4lrting jiliat h! is Op: _ f I , CLS !!1 i; and others 'that'he' '0 in favor, - of '. it. N'eri large majority of thoLocoßmo pale in Pennsy ll* nia, ineluding,.es fitr us we,,k 0w,..ia11„ their leading jonrnals, support te' 11. S , nocrat*e andr'ght,' and the) 'Teel. EEO , .. . 'flil l ' ' 4 ! ° : -- o' lllld i t .' " fi g reed. l l !!.. 44H ‘ !V b t'''''tr .o4 ii , musti be "acquiescedlinr---thitt,: the • line' cannot be . 4. e e t a ni . u:o .,. f F - r t ir t ni eco ..,t m he pro th m n i o so ci.ilie ctuin ii... o o t reia irkit Bunt 'the State; s' c' conclude ‘ihni., they I.n tiinuite upon this . ground. of acquies lg et r , 'and, toddeprecate furtheragitation on i silbjeet as InSelesS; and -only ; eaienlated' to .. u r the'PartY.. ..Stich aeon ` West° have . eXPecteil. leis exactly In ;.conformity ih. the principles and practi Of "_Demoo.- y - reve.r since it came fully under :slavery 'u , . Ce: : • ' The South - twilit ';:made"tinothci . - • - ful attempt 'to :.. incie46 the sliit.ery •- n: -- r" in , the, ittitiOttininalil .to' do it , ' • -:.; ••••"1 ; - - , -i ''. • • d . . o. trampl all eninpretnises . . :tinder their. it, as. well. belie . their profesSions of hos., n j tit tO , agitati n---fie*.i..throitgli their minion's e North n Press; call upon the People, .i '. ••-; 4' eat, , t r! t. to sake o . peace - and ,to . pr winger , - is ; critation, - ) . -,zequiesce ..,in this ~infatnous a. 'lre. Bu the people:canbe humbugged chit Mainigrno.inore.i F. Xpeiience hris 'ii n . what Ithis . gri:.at hoStility to agita . . . . / 1 n neans.... It means that- thUse, whodielieve. iv ry suit evil and •a . (Time, must stand puss ; by and.; see the tuot.• unjust' means re-. '. tell . ci - so to, - to 5 1 . - iread that curse; of the cOuntry . oleii Millions . of .. .aereS of 'territory once sol m 21y . . consecrated to freedom.. It means. tatitheY Shall- Utter no remonstrance, when ti.•. I) . illilie.trei - isitry. is robbed i - or . the purpose fipurehasinginuire . .shive territory, wherever t I(.1M be found in market, sO as to ensure to di! rlave pow. N.. a:permanent ascendency in the Fnited States. Qci • verninent• - It means, in shbrt• that .tho' North' abecome' slag re cipdeted to becom •i v I S --- . . , . e tbernsdlves-,-slavee tok their fears of dittnion, - orillaves . to party; or to whatever sliali:induee them to'ai'd in the corninissionof [ , „ natl . ' nah' crime.; iso r tvhen the National G , N3V...' -irtimenf is deilaSed . to the'pu,,tiOses of slaVe: V xteikion,ithetilhe . crithe is. certainly a' di'nal: one, i..- -..: ~ , - !• !• ' :-.-.--- .• : ri l a to ;:itiebr4ka bill *O . advocated‘and en-, ersed r . its ~11 OetilOCrale me sure by the Ad.= iiiiistratitin,'lhy a Dernoetatte. Congre . : and. 1y . Detnocratic . politicians and ',newspapers (mi.:Tally; t a i Democratic : Legislature of 'ernOvani . refused to do . - anything; to pre-,. vent"the iniq it} - , when it had the PoWet 4 and ras petition - arid Urged' to do it, and GON - rn or 'Bigler ipursited • the same, course, - I anti; ins teen Cr iiallY Silent Since . its • paseage, ho Igli liii.s . .i - fpeetfully ask - - i i , , inien has been •re A ')y Demo . Llits ;• the Conventionm that, uorn • rini ed 'him J•or re-clefion passed Over' 'the . tip ject. in..'sil '4.r:cc,. thiingliSenat or Broadhead •strted - in Cona n ress 'that' a large inaierity . ' in - fi tvor of Nebraska . ; the •Deinocratic, t •ate Coturnittee have 'plibli•ilted their inten lon of showllinn• 'that the- itie-rst r tie is Demo • - 4 ' • cra ie. and right • and alimist 'Ci- ery Paper ,e, : •i • _, tha . stipportS Bigler, also si pports the, bill ;. and yet theitfontrcise Dettiocrat ! assures its readers that' Governor Bigler Is 'opposed • to theiNebranbill! ; ..AndllieSsibly some of its readers fievse it! - . .The . lidetti‘ is: prep'os.: . 1. 1 , serous.; If -he party le:ider. could' he• Made to -)e.li4ve 1 :. to he; true,' they . 4ulll_,descrt •B` ler in a 'ody;;lkna - brand itink as a traitor, an nectiSe. im, as thev do Chase, of being an a ' liiOnist l l enegade.... But tlfieGoVernor can a•• • .... ~ • re: dilY e'en I liiinseif. - of -all sinhlchargek by 1,1 .. :pointing .to. What he has done, as well as to AN 'at he has 'not done: ...• . , ' • . . - h l / 4 - I ' can ' I . my refeibrietly ton fen-. of leis ,acts,. , .. :I‘ 7 l U . ilfe deeisitin 1 the •Leriamon: slalVc. ease i ' Is c ieW York . '.-ih Wed that it was da gerous . or master's toling their slaves in !free States, as;irtbey en escaped they t i .--• co ld not be reclaimed under the Fugitive Shire law; i;a o vernor Bigler Otereame his- ob jec lona, to , gitation, and to ril‘ing his mind. on , r , tile deli' t .sulect of Sla•vetY, as iriP.be. se4i t . bY:tbe following extract froze ' moat message, d ted January. 4titi:;ltia. i. . . .ecent difficulties to a neighliorinstate hai,:e . STlgge i - ted the existence of * defiebnacy in..lotir, State Laws, 'in reference to the eon-. ve.: l yance of persons .held toi-anybluntary ser-, -, vi Tie, . from'. .one 'State /te..iincither., The , 1 P nt4lvalia statute:of 170gii.Ve•all persons I i fi, sing:throughor sojeurning in , the State ford -.4 brief perimi the, right to . hold their domes-Ii tic slaVes. ;..The act of 1847.. repealed this J proyition; *)cl the. repe;ilitig • - amttion of ,lastl - session. didi not reinstate it.l .1,, therefore,, re ,1 spectfully reel - mutt . ; end that proviiious be Made II for thetranSit.of these donaestica through the.',l limits of this .Cinnynonwellt h.' ;Such -a la*:1 seems to, be contemplated by the totistittition . ;l of the United States, -and- to be suggested •by ' those ruled of comity :which should exist be.. tureen the StateS--,-liv thel?ulalie peaCe and: "by individnal tenve4ienee.! • '-. .•• . ,- . r. : •i i - So faris the Gov . ernor.fr 'm being an Abo- I . . .. . "Monist, tliat .- "the-F•ugitive Slave La* .. i.Snot: . enough for ; him,' bnehe, in his official 'tiapaci-; ty, rolxintitiends- the freeriteipafPennsyl . vania, •to enaet,:laivs to •pive out I that unrighteous; act.: ,•- • - --i -.-. : -. " I I. - . - '_ -..; ''. .. It his I t st message Welliid him endorsing: the _Compiornisel . nteitsUre and,' . denonifeing . 'i those whol Would again aroase•"the elententa,.: .of . national discord," as. .appears 'by the. fol. . • lowitig i. •• . -:-. .- - 1 " ' ; - I - .,:-,- , , . ~. "Ile 'ofrairprOnii..se tn . .eaisuresiceetitls . adop-': i ted,.mid sanctified by - the aPprOVal 'of Clay ,of King and lof.Webster; have . quieted_ the ..ele.li inents of •ationali disedif.; and "ti` prolong 0t.. t 4 till,} .peace and ; quiet, .it _is bat"'neeessary.'td, tizoitt&tin. es metiiitieiand - therequirementS of the • c istitutien.; to disewintetunke in fill! tore tbti4itinfoil . of questiOna settled . by-the, federal .' fipaet;•:;itild disdain the actions of those Who would hazard the peace of the, eOurti, try, to - tify prejudice; or pl accomplish' the;, ends Of .-- tuidambition. l ,-.4itorernoeaMeo.li ,g; mo ] ear trait. 4th, 1 -.- :11ardly i , was theink•of this Message - dry; t• . when - i th s;''' eletients of:national discoid", ie Weie.aro, : ) i ..,y r ithe introductionof the:Ne, it-. braska.. b p-. into Congress, by "those . whO sed ... . ~ at would in4ard the peace of the country to ae.: re complish fr.he endi' of personstnnibition," and : this — ",Tnoilel GoCl : ernort". this " : honest man, ?! •-•- - par emel en*,.w Iho had jnst written SefiStrong4' _ I MEE mom aors to In ance, to to offer bt.s, but paper flier, in arrears, ),y send money 'get the irobahly alt -In- , my oth, *C. readers icalth iu r • dated Iry m, Esq., Cl ,nk God, :1 EMUS was , an. L :hiipself,. a now, he tvr him- ...state of t ts hapair nieapable ,MUZI 111111C(i-~= to I—whqs9 rinkit'.l)c-1 4116 sin- •ve if to and ever friends;! the pres- I to the id recruit Tundlades Eyening tioti We the,. bct.hp a pro should- be not • so to 'wrote his 7te was inn such .a tory, and 'th the:lna ro; change rdirl to a f, ad At tie S aye 6 ! in private I lipping to r annot be .pl-nteceexl. bore than here- have ly succogs erfal -pow jestio and loud, to • • a orator nncnt Irikii dolph, and seemed It was a eloquem, way of rva requent eir app • di to week, 3 liriiii r itatil) - 44 . 41 - 4e*litlalirg'i i .liiil eagiape of a elayi,to freedotain ground fin. azi , 'llictithrelleco4 ' 4a ' 'on, be i emnes 1 suidenly: c i titi 1 siWnt, aid hii - frlenli infoOn the ieete'l,that. the:i3laitery quii*ioti•-is a delicate stiliitit tlul jt wouhlinot 'herproper -for..the GOyeinCill, to -..-- ~ . •>- I i , • r meddle . :trithl - I ~ - ! i - .. '1; - ' , -3 . In, his` recent letter to tiled Cliairipan of the i State Central Cinntuittee, tho Govciroor s4-s 1 : 1 "I_ havi no 600411 to disg6io"eo .any subject to:be. in the'led4 affected "thy the election • ' o' GOernor." From this atpfiertion,' , ,v,iewed in connection withlli4foraie a etoi, Natict - . existing fanta, Nee ow gather liornetiiing of anialet-of the Governor's , views. lie evidentli , thiuk that a Governor : oil Pennsylivnia I ., gitinfaiel may,..hi,his offiial eapaciti i meddles wi h [the slaiery'question, in favor; hf the justitutton, but not against it Such ;:loetrines mai an sWer for a Southern latitue. hut ;they never ilituO will do- in Pevania.. Our ;Goren:lo7. \ must be made hf 4ther stu . - ; 'i. • The Demeeratiel Auigen • 1 . a TeMperanee, - • ' The Philiidelithi t a EVellillk . i giit 6l. 1 ‘ ill PO /- - l- IT ~ .., ~ I . Oenting,ona.*cent,deizision - ,1 the t Siipirie Court OflPennityliania, (iln4rces #"s: - .SA , n - nrif,_ Lewis, and tinpx .present , )ilih.'efeet. of Which • ... •! . . ' it is suppoSed . ;Will 'be to r i, kAlit r. ii',.the-Litpior - Selling es : lishniCnis • in 'i , hilailelpiftzt on Sun-' 1 I-. du• an ' . ihti4 "thl% - ait the dforts.' of Mayor I Conrad. for prqventing the ilesecriition of i thitt ! dry by drunkimnii;ss -and Idi..-oFdt*ly conduct; I . j •- -- • remarks as follows :' I 1 ....... , - ',. : '1 . '' - ' .•ii :i: ''' - 'I • ' "A political , bi4s , - . ,sir a #ant of synipnthy With the Tempera Ice .cause.,,w.Ol enable. Judg es to, find a,thouid .technical•objections to the-enti-ircenient• i, i any : thing ilike a . P . rohib • c itory law.. And Ivery col)seielitiquslyl ti.)O„.E--. The true. reinix.ly i lls to plaCe upon the: Bench, men WhOse eci,uvicX - ions linbitsef'thon,ght, and ,ititcrests, .are, , ,itienl,tii,i,....ti Nvith the iiauseof tem pqiince ,ondf‘inola s iity.• stieli men will find ' teelinical,olOetfons . to. whO i. , :; w,toilg' If - is tut sui l irisiag th a t- ouel)tancera:tio.f.inprenie (part - ,sliould have decided its in , the: Ihtrr Case; it wonld Wive beed, surprising" leid it decided otherwis. Gtiveriio \S right's veto ci -‘"? - f' the: Ned' ' Vokk Prohibits y' La*, .made him a.great' s tavoritt• at Arashia g ton. ,Illltidi :lna and one or - iwci 45014 '.States the party has ,solemnly ndiipteil - the riint'sellerS - , is, le ,. . I,*,' ittmate allies; and-, nitiyhere, so .far iislWe know, .has; it b2frieifileit the :Temperance Camte. Wb should be . iiitieli ,Surprised!, to hear .of al" '- - • Idge deciding iu ;liver either of Libert." ,I . ,. ' ?--"'-' 7" kt 4a , n i in c0111p)Ct fin the ar Nnig 'Stitt-0 Cou tee, say. s4 ; atoi•Clkventio )854, Whi Mr.,.k0l •It; . eu.. .id tile Whig platform of.llBLi,2*. • - i ~• r . 6 ,. TO 1.11:6 the Philadelphia .Ileg,iter,'nn inde 7 . ~ , lienclent it"ree,Soi; i l paPer..i,eoo, " AS' tb'the n.4sertion ; that ihd eonVention iNl4lich norninat-. !ed'Mr. Pollock endorsed the I\\ b iii platform 'n(,18•152,'-we, in ldelailf of histkieal truti - In a deniiil and all fur i.400f.1 1 That! co tion ‘vas'lleld in lfareh,[ hing toeforetli l . summation of the great giT;d r Soil consi?iracy i :against the federal territ 3 . C.ll. il its Anti Ne 1.••••.., 9n ! . r'' ');)raskai-i,esointiOi 't L full,}-' 'strongas . 1 'i1...; as, any, . . i thin , ' in ;the I\l4;v Addre.,- oni the saine 1 c; f . 1 " -11 • . .;,• 1 sub 'feet, and, to the great direth t'of the a;- - .e,:i of . tlje Pennsylvanian, ttig resolntal ',ll - I.lt Convention 1(lo not i dontitio a sing' lel . • • . ''of. appr,i - tbatiou .either 6,1 1 tbei ,i'ugitiye ° 'law or of 'the ),latforni 4 1,4452: lo .. , • . ,'T r . • , • :the matter, we insert theiAnti-NebraAk ....olution'n f'the 01,nventirjri i". 1 - .• , ; • • :i• • "Rest,lved, .TVat . thogFe ..p . novisions _of the Kansai4NetraSl4 bill,,nOw,.l.4ifore (otigress ; which :fl'eet' and !itipeal .oe.:l4istairi •,Com pro hnis(C, atie ..a.delilierate brimeh;..f.plighted fait . ..and pu4 . lie compact, ; a ; high i handetl , ;liken+ .to il!re:d...Slavetly .into ;4 v. t vit territory now _;free from it 4' law :a; redilem ri;;newal o ~ q uiete4- -agitation, ..andl ChetgT9re ; ineet th ste.rn,, {ndignant } and unanitiptius ecindetana tion of i the Wllii, party-0 thdi,Cominpnwealtl ..' of Pennsylvaniill." . - 1 ',I . P! I t - i . 9: '1 . • ,WIIAT IS GOVIk , El'ioE BIGLEiI 7 S DISEASE.?—I' is said bv some]that he; bas b i een suddenly at . ill t .' ''d '' a ' tacked"!by that ys erions ep: emte, " DOW .. ' Nothingism;" Ithers1 thers aTign ; ; various according as they, view bis T'ase, from Soil, dm omon School,i"ernOrairee,'o a4x.t.4 ;. but the' niost preval , 41 topinien to be, that the effort to, akeop dark"; In ; too much for him : as the gr"6"it poet s ! , "It‘ never told hislthongliti, Bid let cfmcenknent, Like a Rtrni r the i 'Void on his damaged Cause.r ' ' 4 ' : • j • +• . . . * !, j . •I . r. • , 1 i , 1 .. Sr op-xii.si4A, ;:ttly . 29; 1 , ______l y, 7 { l H. H. TRAEIEE, ,r.sq.—.,car S i r: 1 1 pan to No. ;Freight Train, was leovi 'statioo on the 19th inst. on'r side of tl Box or tbe . Engine gai;O way, thereks, .scaldifig the E.ilgineer aild * 4 iremani , i The Fireman has sinc:v., diked; the :E " " t . I . . is inx., ma ) a fur to. recover... Cause dent . illlknowti.; ! i, Yors trulv , `\_ _"..". ' as is to rot' icenles on countk from the rent . the';.e., . 10- gulling thak can:b.! grant ed, ai.major) 1 ,... sho ld peli tion for it, working, ~ack ' n the Capital.of the State; is in, tIT hand of the temPt•ratfee people.., 1t is Isaithat Tatelkez and Vieksburgi, wilt botk\ \ ioon inte dirt all license. • The Liquor i Traffic is • xti ' 10%4y d carrio on' between Arnefits ano.. an °- l rica. l l Freetown and 'pierra Leo*, towns tri friea, are very Intuit injured b* i l ; the ithpo tihn front) America,' of intoxicating drinks, bac* A writer in. one orthe Ame can pers;bitterlY deplores the'fact, that te satae .1 ,vessels that earry missionaries to forei4n lands t carry o t cargoefi rum to emorat ize the heathen. Gregshi . ipa are very Co moti t in those towns, and litindreds 4Am i can [‘vhiskey ibarrels May j be seen • mar N r Gmesnuati . , SYracuse, &al. At po i Eli bob; Africa, tic temperance people lire v r actixe in fisvor of teruperaUee. Itt Ustr4li / st, inteMperance is terribly ori the incre .— cietY is quite Idemoraltzed Iby it. ~. are being fanned to elieelit it . ~ , _ STATE TAx.— lOur County Treasui to ,the State the. tax: due i by Maui Qmhty. - it has beenrhanded - over!th te'provide fu ads for paYtnetit of 't.l annual interest on ,that, huge. Sta of i,utra. 'The tax duiec by - thi cou some thirtyusand: s'ixi huudtedl du •Theiv, that g to asSistis4;me of iitt , tli ll ably legielato . to goien a spree; a 4 supers, -Pmj _laws duLtithe people I want, and withhold these Wey do des; !to keep Statd agenta 'to 'pilfer fretnl sections of. the Comintmwealth and I divlduals . and to del atfto.conur other grieioua faul!atArotriatineis —. .. • - •; , - i i i iAaslt ,irt i a i li : ... 147 16 :06:c1i A, , a i y hts, ..t;10, !tint . , unicatjon . • under, the - 4010 ‘; pti 4 .Altsits Topton , lets , Air* the tes 4.1 talta ilte*riter's Periii i tynal''obse*tittns. It.:itt A frOin• 44.fien of pr. D. o . 4. WitllttinS, of thiti:Ounti Whose reputtflitin asitshrOld, intellig*,_tef., littble,andi eiiinetitly pr cal man, Ottends! o'er the State. Ile fis TOO - of our largest s itt,-.cholders, and is. thus •'"prOrnpted'hoth by 1 p inciple and. by, considerations . o(o4e:inter... ej, to feel' a lively reindern- -in•Whitteveriie. Iritesto the future !-Of the South. We•!make .thus . free with,his iirente r ;bratise his_ tebsl*a., tions'are of sufficient public importance ,to Justify it . Wlido lie .would object„ to Seeing' 1 if - paraded befliri!tli — ePtililie - 'without` 'Ouse! i wo4l . 6•'not - believe.lie Wlikl• desires, into '4 wiililield!when necOssary Ito ifi'e for 4, alul command-respect t,or-itnpOrtantfacts: - J!' ' j l' •1 . it - Will . be seen- -that Dr: 'Williams 'states tlntt Kansas is secure Or 'Jim' South beyond all contingencies._ !),' There?' remains; • sAYs',ho .c,mfiloulit but that Kani.as:luts alreltdx made a beginning . which Ictisures it a slave .Pltote.' The climate; soil 'and pricKluctions of. the Ter !. ritoryare eminently adopted to slavery, and the - sla.vehold . rrs' Of 11f4sOuri and thelladjOin inw States Ar t taking; tir have taken, the nee - r , cs,.sal steps to fi x iAeo:ntl' itiOn. '' '-! 11,1 ',, •-- • 1 ' Our readers * will•reeolle:ot the - facts rela t i ng o' liatismc'wilich We !sprot4 . 13etor6 . •thetn a 1 es . ; - wet.*s - sinen,,deriy,s4...4oOm ' vations Our es; and that -We :concluded an artielOint,lhe itbject , with this latignage •:-.-1A Our ffint'be: ief is that if the Southern people will,lxi it's. rue to themselVeS as their representatives in . .. 'congress . have been, eilai the northern Dein- Orrats, who,ln . the late, ' :struggle; :defied the Storm of fanatieistiy and lore away Oelnti lavtiry restrictions Of thirty . four rearsstand. ing--slaVery• will 'exist permanently in Kan sas'. and before many years her hillitenectwill be .felt in' the rest Oration of - the :eifiiiiibritim' between the North and the South-in the, fed.' lend Legislature.' 1 Thii4 lcepiniori is: neW coil', tfirmedinto as abizOlutr it ,certainty 4 . .i any ithitigin the futhre cacti be: :- The t,repeal .of the law asserting for -(6 tigress. the pTver to • I 4-Ireillibit slavery- in the,Territories.-4fluid draw+ ing a line, saying to thO• People of thei South,. thus far thou shall go la ad no -farther-was, of itself, a' triumph for ; vihich the , .,S6tith may r well congratulate' herself; but "still igreater 1 will be the cause ' for isiatificatiOn When one. 1 ; of the friiits of :the "righteous•act is dui .addi-. lit ion of another slave State, and the, cictiaision 11 of her institutions! far . att;av• into the Vest -L . , ,Jackson Misissiiiiiain,ljitly 11. . i' . • 1 : .We Will merely add, as :an lipPrOpriate ! • • , , - . • pendant; to the above, pint many .Of the Loco-. foeopapers Of Pein4l, s %-aniacontint4, to. ,• as ,sure thei r readers that; - neither Nehrtokaluir `Kan sofs can ever be a Slave State,: 'the liar risburg!, Deinotratio liar -I°y of .litlj lo:Cith de clares that thiS Point i 4 now settled tO,-; a dem-. onstriition. "Lord, 14!4r4, bow tiiiii (q -o r 1d is' -• I given to lying 1 .• _ • ! i- ,; - • !-?: . •-..,. - • 1 - . , The only earthly *ay to prevent; Kansaii from becomn, a slav e State, no w 'fieen s . to . 1. Vc, by, a union of the proideof.theiNOth to!se cure a . Congress that 1 Will Vote, iiti the , first . , place; to restae-t-he Missouri restriction ;and in the secimid place , iyiniin ! st the adittission - of ~,-. , any slave State into the Union. ' 7 • ~. 1 _ . sting nrit n of doza- A irs.rkiii,Solll:ol DEKOCRAT. N'u e Of Indiana. was 'elec ted to ! Congress as an' b d line DriMera.t,of, the. strictest sect, lint lid NN'tt.l an honest man : and therefore felt 'ciircirielled to' (*pose' the • , Nebraska bill, arid - Sine c. its passaoti, he' ha; I • • felt compelled by a,se4e of duty to unite with all op' pmentsoftbe Slave POW& in'de cense of freedom: i•; ; This lipsbrotight dO4 4 n on 11i•..4= -: 4voted head the whOle power •Of the administration and its supporters; in an atteMpt to (Tali out'. 'his: nun - illness.: • .i - • • b reply to the bitter personal at;tacks made on Air. Aiace, that gentleip*, -,replies by a manly, courageUusiet t terwhich clues wifol low_4., Wit co'nmerni- It to the 4ttention -of the Anti=' Peimx-rats . coun ty : My future course mill be an. tie tive, . . . ty co-operation with the anti-Nelirtoka, anti slavery:-extension orlOulization, n - 0.• being ef ficiently 4,irnied in all the free-stat.:s., without any regard to fortner[vOlitical at4cedents,tor *the ptirpose of restorina the 7%.list4Ouri Com promise. and doing stied Other things , consti tutionally, as willtniike it :Manifest :.that at leist a small portioalof this Brea republic, in point of wealth, ntmilJOS and . patriotism, can ie found north . of:Mason and lliiOn's . Should the people,- Only sours of power, in the coming elections . t)ecioe against the prin .eipl6 I. have pottSeilf and.,.thOse who act with me, then ; and nOti r before, will it be time to consider - the doctrine, tanitleseenm' make no terms . .. with .traitors. hope You may hive perfect harmony in your state - Vention of July 13, , ift sO, resolvesBcill be made by freemen that will!triake slave 4. tremble .Ritpeetfully Dastit. MACE. Fr /- odic • 554. As th e bad • • • How They like - tAe Appoihiment. 'John Atelieon• w , asia few days since .ap d pointed by the PreSl en U. district At torney for the easterniclistriet of.NeW.:York, in the -- place of - fairies O'Comici,.resig,ned. The True Democrat, the -4::lrganc i , )f the Hard Shell.4;hOlds the fOlio*ing langUage concern ing his selection. If it came frinn a -Whig paper, - it would bet 4e . nounce&! . by" the De inocraci as an outrageous attekupt to excite prejudice agahlst,CathOlies, and .- ,onteniptible. truckling to the Know; Nothing#: „I3utecom ie the sOtircelit4Oes, it must, we sup pose, *be .. ackaoiled4ed as DemOratie : '4 -It is the.. worst AdminiStration. could •have. made. It wit 'flo no good', It mortifies the Soils. It .elicits. nothing but contempt from the Hards. Adopted citiZens look on it with sneers of di trust, - and Americans o -penly proclaim - their . preferenco for absolute Whiggery, .to such nauseatingytoadyism to the Catholic church. . , • . lgit!e -r. ;fact -T , liqui) t. ..t to th t . . • -' We grieve to saytheie things, but they a ectr.ue. We.did think that it *as Oufficient ly laaid to be.compelli-41 to witnOs the finger pf tChurch at *arc so .vigorously under be 4:l the. adi *nistration Of t le late President Polk; "and we hd for more independence under President . fierce.: But, it is ,Manifeat that I t - Bishop ling t• ,is, Nato Ovintp4ent al Wash ington? as he has.eVedbccu, and., 4 used tobe a . common. utliniskioa ,there,!.*hether :the White House - was)i 'Whig or la DemOcratic ko keeping ; that he • - .Only to mmand and L 1 L \tis be obeyed... his tint .. morticing to see a power known to be,hOstile in ita very nature to republicanism, se Court:t.d . at:the.National Capitol, and so suCeessful in . 04>ulding td its. ambitions will. the National atilliorities. `The next:ileetich Will tell the story, and We beg the representatives of tsiew York .I.)e -niocracy at the: Pederid TrietrOpelis, to make It note of it. The :Demoeratia. :nominations, we predict; Will besetakhed - beyond all par allel,while . then san4of Demo'erats will aban don in tote, a party :that seem 4 ,o u,tterlyjn -1 sensible to 'the righti of Americans, -while that rich brogue' is about .sa.lkeiting every thing that it is poasibleto grasp, ill, tills, its adopted Ounq.! I . .i . i:, ii • ller ' is ,gom .ry 'ua ca jy. e se egi lie d 14, - 1i nv-Tas • Illars :two f n 1., ,• d ve 11 do ot. rr . . d ig n 8 if!' rom ta il', y It , - .. , ...-.r..,w7r,iai t i - yi- - • - if.- - :. r. , 7?..--. ,, , ,,, .. fi r : : , . 1 - a :Nhe-sV-,ektrier, i .*ings . ima,.. thr , slays lat.er Eu : ceived a reinfotm . el if,i;, ' f.' are 4 . in 4 not to r lerito . - YtT4 ll .e.hia: Aceordingjy,the'y I: T ga inst A'S Miilts, . are rnarchtn&tiouthw4a - - who on the other hantl . e tr ,„ s iA ihi- Dan .: übe with-the allied * 0 iiii4 aft& ich se: ~ ,_ 'GtilegeVle!tiiidthe' were lighting have Captur Danube Islands. .It is to retake I.l,places that the Bussiati rein_ forcei Tents hays mural ed frOM Tineharest. • ; The I Cholera iadr:liginii at St: Peter burg and -- awing the rrison: Ur Croustade: It has also_broken.out iil 7Napi, , . ekes"- flee4 - F 'Whiet . 'was at'irliffed in B Thersund 'Bay.' R4shid PaChriluis ileSumed th Turkish ministry of Foi'elgii Affiiirs•Theii•Cifteltel 'Ministry. of Greece, has bn indicted for Mal= $v versation of • the .publ . ie ;:tueueYp.tit ' foster. the recent revolt •in -Tur ey. - . , 'The 1 emperor • Napoleon was tit Calais witnessing' ;the cm -barkation of the FretiC troops r'. i . British ship& In Spain the instrentsw -‘ ,d, moving towards Andalusia : with he royal, troops in pursuit:-:1, - . 1:'• - - . -1 '' ''. ' !'=ir ! , By ,the arrival of the Canada at' and the Alps at . ..Boston, my - 3154 ''P;evctidars late r advices from' Ein the; iirfrica.Hl The ne sis import %.. repqrte44.liat !the Turks''iadr•enterl Ittrest, but it . is,improbilb e, since th had vow, .mcii ht F4toshti, ~ oR i hither frOi the Danube. • 4 • - Om erP fight this, army before-hi '6uf adVaii! , _,. that. ponit, ~.end we 117 no.' -;aceo l l such battle.: It S.etinfl,: however, TtirksJuiVe gained som4-cousideral. tages at Viurgevo, oh the' north lat Danube: and atthertutAfton tit ' the allies, 25,000 had re tched the the I . othl ult., and - it•st ems .unlik great battle wuld be I fought Wi 1:c• patticipation: :Front tr e 13 - lack S unimportant news. -1 1 islstatcd Vharles . Napier has at l ist .reeeiv sion to Attila Cronstad , and wil about it.':- ' There- is not ling positivi . Austria-end Prussia: tis said Pa _is,dcaft.:whieli is vet-" probable. Kerlin nicht had :surprised..l2,oo: ,and'ilefeated them,- eawring six : if .400 men at; the pass n the mon) Spain n. p. - ; ;,1 the revOlutio, gaining )1( threatens' to ove#throwi he' prose I men( entirely,: the insurgent; beiu at Madrid; tbegarrisonhad primou I the 'Queen, and San D.uio the. Pr,; fled.; .Consols'olosedtt2•2 n the d --N4 - t change . in ' , Cotton ~, Breadst the :decline. ' - - TheDerriodiatie Addrei The . Harrisburg:Krystofte, iii a viewing the, address of the : Dein( Central ! ,Coniniittee, endersea its s -of ' religious: intolerittee !and sec associations,' On these 'points t regards -it as ' true - to the sentint oral feeling of the .coitmtry-;' bu; , 4 whether'this'sentiminit :mud feel _given rise to the association (Kee named aria 6)11di."111 . 0(1 in the committee,hax . e not (Tone back ft determine. ; We, gut ,te fr om the! Keystone as follows •-• ; ' 1 ' If, a,-; alleged by the ckno‘il prior aisadution • ezirted (the 0 its), riligioithly intyleriint, ban end prOtbundly secro iit politi and grraspirig: in its bbjeets, sh • committee first poiiill out some t of Temoving. the, evl' than by c 1 4SOciations, befirc (.len•unein(ra I.4l4fiii-f.f.,e,/ to be fortno tier thatl tot.tAtch riii.!alle z gat 4n, ' which iltifld Upon 'the publi mind,worti 1. It" false . ' should : it n„ t be so ' . .p, Iworld, : end.thns put n n end to • - Histkit, js.f erne, shon d 'lot the for l. liS i'itirrectitin be recommen trot. the strong erg 'ment of tl aggnst secret polit co-religion.- apply agai list ,it (the 'Jesuit Orde force) thee against the.' imow -nr ation '!'" ' , .ii ! • Coitiitik; its: 'the . .. 1 1 Den mem tic I ittper, - 1 - . peetably . p - qiducted' regarded , as a . le ~• • , seve r cratic committee fOt ganization:of Amer t lips are limiletira 1 secret poliii:cO ,r . eligi4) .b y the:L''''..l. l f n ti . jest this , .*ViTsion i dons / iB4, which w in all Otis - Clectionsil in very plain terms,ll ofithe ComMittee 4 ions associations al i Jesuits, with more KpoWN tithing :: its.-'. cdneluSion that•wil -man Who is . fittnilia thents of the oath° is/he catholic cli ff :.9aitiztitiof.i,-'`and to profes,iing, religiou. tributCd the introdl meet into politics. Pope down to the. 'in.his train, are all theiriole bject is premaCy . in this • Del*ratic' Corm their- attentiOn to . their political allict its, when pext th, ' religiott*i . toleral sOciations:—Tele.4 On the temper' minia4 attempts . t It say's that Jt . the, tletitid favor of the I. ..eoishiture s one,- Mvernor ' prove'of it. ; Co rub.. I Certainly ; not think the I'ro Nor has he ever!, would use Lail hi and ! tee what Sthei Prohibi ; nothin:. will. approve it.' Wait; he Says, - 4 and t • That. ss fo - i)' lon or, if: , iowde• not a PrOtabitery Bi.! for the hour. - knows!what it is,l al,- and says he w We know not 14 bfiVO been! gilt!. the iriendsiof Go strong enough to this We know t = ry tiquor Law . - caught with such ! a Single Tempe him !examine the firstipropoSed, a signaturei! that 1 : Re,9 . , wQuite a rious, affray ., occurred .0 1 , 'Sunday evenin ..Mast,, tit, the. Sandinink ne. r the D. L. & 1 'RAI, .0)211, 'Mines, Ti 6 i parties wefe Iris nnen, and the i nioying eau -,, was ;that areh-fi i d Alcohol. ', WC have n t learned all the purtieulars. Two urn_ i vtre, stabW , --One / fa ly,and the 'othe,r, dange - ouslAr. We hay heard of i4O..arrest, nor any inquest over the body of the de4,:eased. Scranton keral , • ' ' ' Halifax vim have. ~(tpe than ant. Its Russians the 'road . must e,giheyond int,of - an}' Aat-- the I b!4 advan:-{{ l inks of -the ;south. Of - - Pantibe - on . ely. ,- that a honk their' - - a there is that.. Sir periuis- [sooi). set • e vet from i Ii Asia: sSi an s ,•utts, and . riAnd and Govern,. • masters • F t et' against qaier, had at 92. - 3-8. fr 3 .till un: . 1 i article; re ctatie State 0 ettuneiation t't pelitieal, e KeyAone snt ancl -gen • as, ,thnt, lln' have 'not n )w Nething_l 4daress, the' al' enough_ lartiele•in the l• do of :Jesit- - eu ' togetisei• ' dangeirdult , not I the tlitoisB,.!kethod Prltier' . scoct n assoeia tlofl IntrPoSe lia• a , strotig y of notice l oven to thq inowluOthing - Hroper steps' 1 and does e committee associations ),x . ristli more thing' assoei, • !from a solid the Inost:Tes c, It must be the Dont, •8 secret or. - whilst their love does, nd ,one of in Ili( Stal rebuke digionneil ;man citizens If.y . sealvd a 'ation; headed . ias fig? its 01- tblican instltn -rful, influence tone-intlinutFs ngtirguinents the (Wer of iguiffst the id ! such is the. at'by evey- us- Udall ? pe,- which rep poy i 'rue bat tl!e- str i durst secre t )1) ugiiins [ fume thail 'elation—a , be. arrive" with the I es and . J h is (-I;gre! t," more. t detiominat i tionofth The Cath iolitical tilo'ye 'its. The fket t. politica/4)r -' i lah any' othei• lo1;:is to be tit: rolioioua etc !)lim''erom the . west inin on that . shouts ,'§eherniniloliticians, ] 'trod .eligieus and political.su .rr y. We advise ,the kuntr rlittee; therefore, to turn hel Catholic cht ch, mul ,i the ,secret ;order of Jesu :1- undertake, to denounce :1 'and. seer e t itOliticaf; a.. riaph it--Joil . nal: '• • . 1 1 . , • v- 4 the Maine lAtw. pee questioli„, the Petinst , ► game of I tumer inugtrer, r , " 4 , popular - majority should . prohibitory . Law; and: il uld pasSiTOONSTrriirioNkt i er, if rk§eleeted; would ap Eitutionat one I. ,: There's th 4. jbut Governor Bigler title! ijabitory I...awreOnstittitional . •id so. - If 're-elected . 11 nfluenee to Ideint. : 49 - pasS ! O it if - passed. 1 . :1•6 know . 17 Law is 4s well as an _ean induce h ni stosay h Pe is too lionest .for i - that (let me see it licit white I you. .. 1 tri ' :. .; ' an adjourtient; Gore. I. now what the provisiOns ' are; you are not ithe ma PPollockstudieq.lithe bit pronounces - it eonstitutio • uld tatietioniit.:as'gpvernii it, privatOassurances ma iltO.Tediperlinee-:.ladi. b . Bigler ; , possibly.'tlioy, a ^ seduce-: the- iery elect.; . 1) the . friends 'of a.. Prohibit 1 tt birds aft :le too:bid - to F. It. Ifr's•;,llig,ler, wish Km man, to NOte for him, Is louse 13111 of last winter, say plainly; over his OM would siuietion a siroil: r We , not r,ornember any, p .. of In ,:, ~.....„ lent dati w i th ( t ote such genelfil 13aturliptiott' ft this co rn u nit the closing of thtt!„;,,feta ' " ;- • . -Peoige;Teabody„the patriotic Amen, lq tor shops toy* Sabbath by 14fiticoje ,- eatrOmker it4ondonhasgiven .1090 in aid tad. The glittatCation at this 'two:note , one of tlgt Natio* Washington Monument. m ong,-;thedistintitive ' temperrtneeV,. ets' -- , 'A count, Temperance Convention ii ie c n own in . ; a n.* helte'organizatignso ' day' be_ifild, in, Wilkes-Barre ,on the second Moo.. 311 was widespread among all wieD ente in day in August. t verence for the' character of 4 Bab.. th. --A mart named:Eli Lucas shot hims e lf at t could not of ,cour;C, be 4 herwiso `than New Orleans on the '2,oth:, - -to get rid of th e tele . ' ib 'the) 'feelings of t e church goers, pain of a litter complaint.• - Ut t the absence 'of dru $ enness i from our - — . rho 4holera has been znaking fearful eets, the delightful re • • e which 'pery,aqed rawes ita- the, .oileighb•ort t ood. pf :Isli agarat P la‘delphia, and alx• all, the( 'suddet) op t F a ils. y. 1 4 , , i ,, . .. 1 .x. , _ p`ge or.lisorderly o ,tbreks'on that daY, et' „,,--:ThS' XT.__ jegiren7JektWiligli4Saitself. Stat for is ted - rraftit expressions 6f - approbation from in favor 0f a convention' 9f the free e cry quiet et .nL....iwery friend °flaw and the purpOse ; of :efrgaldziag ta grtAt tieedorn o der. ..Envrl te,;yettpe.l the destiny of the party' ci y. Cairn Y. l restilit% on , tt at first day of the °- 7 -PropoNals ltavc been niatle by our Gov w ek, she wentoti her vekvrejoieing through eninfent •to pttrelkase all Russian America, tie, heat and'toil of the otheeau x . 'The bles- and the British Istandspi'Vanconrei. ,The si gs of , Wives and children of ..h e . righteous first object will eertainlrbe effected--the last at d the unrighteons, were shovreret upon the probably.; Chief Afagistrute who had done this go d ee d L-A daughter of ex-Presidentlillmore and and for at least one daY it\ the s eve n 41„. r4 us his brother gnar led have =both dlettigithin a of the curse inflicted by an iniquitous treeten„ f el v d a y s o f e hm er,s , I , i i , I law. Spurred, to ..entuiation by,tbese inespie-i 1 --!'he-man s who.went, for Sot/alert' meas.. ions red Its, JIM anthorities.of other places at- uro--ehas not returned. It is suggested that. tempted like nebievements, and from the good he intii L uve k n . i nto ow o f. t h ern. ,., s e was moampliShing by her example, Phi- A nit, .. , w _ ........ as _ 0 w; who 11 \c. .. I elphi beeame:as•ateity built t i ppo , r , t hill, wa , 4 a '''' :ie - t , Re vl on o e l o r tlie hi St z a ttoh tel 4rv2 il l atietitsr t whiel men . were looking admiringly from , died suddeulY t'Nently'fron., th*, dreets of an a 1 quart ors;; 1 ." ' ' . _ over date'of opiairn ' > 4 .• , 1 Unhappily all shier s soon to be at an encl. .,...,A y i mmg !my, orv4setrittil Tit, rs ,, erothekr he Supreme • Court, under eiraimstances • liar been arrested for going•ihnnevjuihingeo n Melt we mad makelhe subject of more ex • - under stiTiet of* eireamstatets.: t heis stip t nded comment hereafter,•have discharged 1 e e of the partiesi bound • over by judge; Con.: PN°o7,,,diten„,r.i:::ve..enitrilfr2-,ni ti se, t4tanr. :.,. , Y in r upon the grimnd 'that Irdid: not commit! —The Tedrote states that the tam& Of the steamer Frltnklin' has. all beeti landed The tto offence alleged against him. , The prat•ti•- i cil etil.;et'ofthis will be that tavern -keep rs .# Ship Will'undoubtedly; be a, wreck, as ber s •ho choose to violate the Sabbath,• i'an do s °l stern ,moves'about When fier-bok ii,,*. sti i t. vithout incurring any other risk than a pen- f , _:—r.,...A,,:..pe.itu1,,ec0t 'cif' •was ' treated to 'ten . Its of four dollars., a)surn so Arifling that , A 111 not in any case operate as a restraint. 17,," ..1 " i ' le ` ti t r i I ( ` li t ti t t :s ou ' i t i, . I . . l‘, i' l :l ti o n l e * , b a y ft. %e s m v.d e a l y u s m a t g, 'e o r t - , , Until thtermons, of the Court for 'this unfor-1 1 "" tt and was afterwards found dead. The jury inate decision' are given to the public; a . e 1 I did not know what killrl him! , . tannot of -course, judge of . t h e i r witivieney :1 .__rnvo' hundred Maas of back mail,inatter but those who will take, tht. er ethle to rea.ll recently fotirid in the Chicago,' m ost or he opinion of ()rnit's ease• which we re-print I ,`,`" e e re . : It is no wonder that compiaints of ir • o dad-;will • find • it' dillicalt to anticipate I"' reeularitv Occur , and it is tbr, - suelt service as in. i hem. , . 1 I . this that Dr. Olds demands tore PaY• • It is only natural to expect that, the l i quor- —Cipt. Vtui4luren, Withl . 2U. S. soldiers •enders, sustained by this actiOn of thel.ll - has I=l7 a - battle \with .2•15 Carnal:ele Indians, ,rente Court, will re open their sta • 1 . .- nents, and that we shall again be shocke d lin 'which thelatterswere defeated with the,l ass of Q.everal killed. \ - hi, an exhibition of drunkennessand (lis Sal! The The Star says in received by ler ;tall as formetty de-,eerated the holy - ,4th in this vicirtity. Shouldth y is be so, we .+ the foreign minister in\NNashington, authors: mist submit for time, but onl to se hi evea ' zes ,, the belief that- the Spanish insurrection . 's e.tter triumph ti.;thecatise of temperance in witt prove RtlVee.sfuT. \ ' - ho end ; for there is no te:e ofldisguising the Gov. Bie , rer and floe:: James _NBA het that a renewal of theshameill scenes from I were announced to be presettr at the laving shish we have for the past,•six seeks been so of the corner stone of the Shamokin ,Coriegi. , iit i re l y re li eve d , will a nce th e. p eo pl e t o ate Institute, "Nortbumbertan& connty, on ,ustain any law * no n utter how stritigen N t y , 1 NVedne. /, day lait. A . ' ' \ \ i . The total . population - of • Penesylvania Itit•it may be required i to avert them.—.l drn erica n. 3 boAtitizens in the United Statt.s,ln 1350, • )%a•• - 4- 091 e-19 ; the number of initabituntief •• •,.• • .) • i Non- . ) Is :11 1 1:1 ill Mt in fueei o en coinurie.....- ~-1, 1871 ; Unknown 2296. , , i • r.,' 1 —There was a very "destructive fire -ii Jersey City, last Sunday, whereb„) ' 20 or SO lei i-(1;I,z•-. „tit: ( 1 0 , tYr:‘ d a d, including '4.111e laree nee hint. siv, •-. The Iles is tAilliateti, The Public'Works of Pennsylvania' • -The 'Wegtehester- Village ilavartle in notie" •na the filet that !not a. bid was-'offeted • for tfie. Vain Line of the Public Works, .asks shat I), vas . the cause.. and.sa).s in . re-Ply—llia the !Act horizi rig . the sale ; epataiiied s. talent ated and • deSigned to:Alefeat it. ' , These provisions,.' it needless to s4,:were insert -4.1 by , the enemies of, the sale.i;' , 'The admin istration was:known not to he in favor 'of.a: sale ; and •having a. - -very large majority of its friends hi' the-IlOnse -Of Representatives, - that gly, afraid to meet the' issue. directly paid vote it down„- determined, to: d4stioy ..a • sale b. indireet . :meinsi. /Thy therefore inoUld , cal the bill so thatit would'. i'ineperative. The'friends•4 the sale being. entirely, at the njerey ,of. its enemies, were compelled'to-take _such ahill, they . .eould get, or adjourn' with- , out pak4ng pne; had they adopted the lot ter •ilternatii.-e, they : would ,have been charg ed With. insincerity':' They . were therefore , compelled- to vote for the bid, in such shape as 'its eneniies.would pqmit: A powerful 'effort was made to .`defept, a .salci,•by fixing the price at iltleen this ti fling; the next pan. was to accomplish the 'brine thing b restrieting,. the • charge on freight' and :gtngers,'. , :o 0114 they would mit be retiMner- clietreihltof - these efforts to defiat/a sale is' iiviefore the people ; and there is • • greit rejoicing: among the officeholders. remains now td determine what shall be . done, Shall the. piddle works 'be sold, or shall the' Project he abandoned ? `lt is'for the people to answer thio fitu4ition. If they' are in favoi of a- sale they inuSt say so at the Ballot Box; in . October nest. 1 If the'y are 'hostile to' it, let them spank t. the' Ballot Box,'- . . . . • • • The Lage r Aeer Midge- , .- . The Ilarrisburg. .Union, -.a Locofoco organ s announces - officially that- GoV.. Bigler : has . re solved to 4 dodge' the.. Lager Beer hill: rass:ed .. by the• last .Legislature r ,or ' in, other -words, , he will pocket ittintil after his, defeat in Oc tober next. : The Vnion..thinks that the opin: ion of rho !AttOrney General 'of the State , hi; the constitutionality-of the hill in queSticin,.., should -be plaeed upon . record . .'• for the inthr 7 mation-. Of Ala?. executive. • before, he .signs or vetoes it ;•tufdadoA . N s—. . - :. •. .. : ~• -:-,..' - .•• "The feVerish state of ,'. the ; atinosphere—. the excited elements- of politieal:Narfirre,:ni:l-, .rhonished the: Attornet.General lo•uiithhold hi.! :opi . n.F:oa,On:, theZalgr,:lifTrAit until offer } , •e'lectioh." :• : ... •-i'":• ; •• - "•• • So, Gov.: . Bigler ,- clititiO 'sign -or veto the 'bill until the Attorney General writes his...o pinion ,of it, and that. officer will not place his 'opinion on reeord.until after tbe,election, be-. cause. • Of. ' the- excited-eletnents..Of political warthre,' &c....i `bodge? is therefore the:game, and .the Lager Bt4r - bill holds over . for/the sake of trapping .Lager Bix...r.votes because he has no signed .it and .Teutpertinee.votes.bc-. cause he has not:vetoed it !,- Gov. Bigler wall I likelir be able to .inform its of the divider* that invegtment pan :after the s.veond Tues . -. .day of Oeiciber.—; Chamberaburg." Whig.- • . • • - WIIO - , O I I OI4GHT . OUR REVOLUTION.? The. .11411416 Duno cracy On Fourth day . Of.luly . it mai , be; to inqquire •I* . hich • of the . State' $4:46;.(.114 : up the. job Of Our Revointioq. • •-• • The x‘hole 'number ofregulart;:;tolisted for: the' CentinentatserV from: 'the:beginning to the ose t sti uggle for lnderfell 7 denee, crass . 4 23 1',11591 'Of these, 1)7 1 00 - 1* were: from Massachusetts." . 'EVery'State . ; south of Pennsylvania . pro - tided but 5.0,49, or . 8,414 . thtu this, single state. Ne* gngland: equipped and maintained 'at half the number placed the service during the war; ' Ne*'.l-1 1 anii)shirg, • T ' 'Mode:l4old' ." . - (!onaectient, - New New Jersey, • Pennsylvania, ..." Delaware 'Maryland, . Virginia . North' 6fulina,' South Carelitia, deorgyil. Total, Lsx)k. at little ConOctieut eempare her; contribution of fighting men with that: of the fightintStatefier excelleisq, the 'Donain ioniViritinia! Will the . Examirier take note or it in Al next diatribe upon t,woodon nut triege and bnsewood,bitmai ht over *%3(10,006.• I.: . - ..,- ;'i.-, ' ; - '.** *,- • --The - large latildhig n seonmiewSed of - .brick - and iron',..millell4l4 . 'Manhattitit.kitis Company were i erecting at the'lliot - of._ l'Ourteenth st..- 1 N. .1-:;• Tell;-sfpn fttlytlay last; ow.ing AS is sup pt.ed _to if flit* in coo of the irOn_.:sn:pporting i pillars . *.ancrthree . men wetie:kille' mid •elevea•-• 1 badly *oiincicd :by the: fall. 1 -=A ,:' RepnblitTan'•:*State' *C i wlth•all . the •opponent_s' of the 1 uity are: invited, is (*llea tiihsse! 1 ceAer;:gass.• oil the•lth 6.t Sept i l notuination of a State:tieket. • ' . . n . --In:Alas:sat:ha:sett...3., V n er"r.abit ;' Ne,w York,. PerinsOvania‘, N. Carolina'l'lotida, toiiisia-*- int, 'Ailliarisa=i; lticliana,' Illink;r4lkli4souri; . l6.;* Niqt.and.Cnliforma ; the Leglslatures-tqla? eh°. sen .at the ensuing' eleetions :will eatit choose a. U. 'S. I Senator. , .-.- • * -,..- • - 1 =The 40,000 'French troops for the Bal tie, it is probable, will, bifemployed to ocea.: py and to defend Sweden, if neeesary; f rom any attack of Itus.sin clueing the whiter,, and i, the eo-operatioil ef Sweden - st4Ans telyemailO . II sure of-- Times' CorrevanckAp. ' • I —The Eriiion ibis inoraing. t (duly' 29.) la of our r-lations W-lilt SI ' ' '- - . - speaking 4... , Qat, sa! 4 1. 1 that it is highly nee stirvforpeaee.that fonds should be.plated ;it _t e aisposaf of the Ore , - ii.it ident during the re( s;erCongipss,to '6l in . peaceful negotiatio 4. - • - -Govl 13ielei -has vritten _a letter to tip ', Democratic Stn Con to • ee' vilining to ad , dress his pally friends-in theusual war, or' travel in company with Judge Polled: or an other oldie oppesing candidates and ad dress the people irrespee, tire of party. • _ --Two deserters from the 1 English artily afiiiiirfax i who,' before lea ivng biokc into the Queen's treanry, and robbed it' of abent $7OO, were arrested, in Bosten lately, and Most Of the money was reeovered. Under , the AshbOrton treaty thek . will be sent back; , , be shut.: Their . .ri- • and probablylialll , itici.) ah Bricker , and Thou* Case.y. ~-, . —The Democrats, of "Lidiana county held their Convention on the 18th inst. 1?,iolu -1. tipus were passed, endorsing, the- Baltimore 'Plattbrin of 1852, the national - Administra titar, and the State nominations, and in favor -ovine sale of the publiesworks. Mr. Drum NV aS 're eommetidect for Congress. ; • - . —ln 1. Afahte,, ,lcliigan, Aa , 'and 10, all the opponeuts of . tlie - _,Nebraskt l i % Li.l haVe united upon ,a,,c6ininon ticket forlinerubers of t'ett gress and State dgicers, inorder that the ill; reet and fair issue may, ire, pre, - .-vnted to .the public, untrinninelled by Side; questions. ' In tins strug,g,le the ‘Nhigs_forin the main por tion of the strength_ orthis union party which; at prent seems likely to-prove street - FN. , —At the commencement of the .NOW - or. 'limns College, or. the 17th.inst.3• a single ap• didate represented;the graduatinvistss. Ade underwent his solitary esarnimition befuk,3 , full faculty of professore., andqi large atsfi• enee, The •Louisiana Pourier'fitates that kr fourhoura and -a half, almost; ( without a me ,. lient's -rest ; he sat cairn ~' tuid: unex cited, in t, swertng Lino most intricate questions. , In evening his- degrees , irere • duly ' conferred, when he deliiered, aniuldress and iii.co•:-'4krilY graduated with all• the, honortiuf his class. —lf any one will look at the' *hider; of, Scott St Bell's sugar Brokerage r Ol' Wallet-, $.:17., after they'have Closedlor the dable will see a rat inside of the,WindoW catching flies at nu astonishing, • After cleating the- , art ntlow•of Bies; - Perluips , loo or so,sdireeti: any of ,which escape, the . rat retires for a while to allow a new set: to , voilitett and that resumes hia uieful laber. ' . -; , i •• ..-41ity AVashing,tonilinlitin lii silent on the subject of the destriietioli-br_Vrintowil". Al' most" eVUrN paper, Or; whatever-charade or "shade of politics; that - hii4 SPoken of ' the dis caul act, iniquitlity 'condemns It; ' ----Cossin'AL gat filetturinkl!l theSl est , e nit' States, neftist rivs - ers:' Ile ft4lv&-ates , it is said,. a nttle4i4 all .pirtres to stop' the career % of Slavery. ' "- - . .. 1 ' . • _ - AlTio - ell ol era pre6llSto 'a conoJeifible cxteilt - io - tilosti orour`oitio.: . 4 ' '"."... t • -.. • . ' ' — Ma t l'' Wardla - 40 . 1n0c, Europe lia don't feel cconfeyintle, herg , ' —Some kallant defender of Lola M° l , recently .wrote," She:is,l)aio ag in' * aix-vil e ; The wicked types, however, iiiinted. kt t Sh e is FIFP in no se4N" ' • 12;496 61,04[17 5908 3039 ' 17,781 10,721' 15,608 2,387' 13,83`2' 20;372': ~ 6 , 0 0 7 t " '''' 2, 6,669 5'79 ' 1,•959 It ir - eos -qv? oliorps wiE :to ebritska inic t ible' at Won. for.the
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers