.74iii) al) the , . _ .. , , 'PaPLORIKIN: BILEP,MAKiIIe. 60 *FT ilitEli:p. - . . . . '"What . 'ia.ther - reasOn,".l.iini-aslted,'.'. :4 - 4,..bre,ad, ji, so liuct . vis'e4 17:...-AV4.. rant per Sons prefer. it ;it can=-be siValli withont _much :mastientlqn.; inid : the: 'Jul) ~- • . • . . 7 : ~ kneading is . much - alrl4,g"&l. I,read, t. -good, requires inuelf kneadiug,andoto ea until the .erusts are well ItronliA - , '..' . .•' - AL iliStrioNY..;, . iMedical - men have bad their.attentiend tit - this subject, (the: use ej . - alkalies - in - b IO fki4.) and many efrortsrinade,:to'di..... at idotes, and .to pro - Olt:the:ill - etrects• ) 1 h_aline leompOunds - ; ' 'inftlf:' - although - ni t t • tf' . eli diSag,ree anmany.poillis . iliat come . • c lio• their proviuce,. , Yct on this, . point the, - nearly nanimons as to the causeohe. • j n and. th , remedy; • : :Soule. of the- effects -o king - continued use Of alkaline eon - Litt:l are: - heaviness; 'Alinis;-tiP,t tO,..•bleed of slightest tench; feted-breath; and, dis.se ! of such Cl.rses have always" shown the.. 1 in :t 'very 'aisOlitlered'•#ate - .- - The rein c ' :alistitienee troth, alkalinefemnpounds,,wi • et - of fresh'vei7etable, On :Whiilesoinc' fug ..- • , , • .nifeftwnEAT: ..• • ' -, -:' -. • • ' Buchwheat is .one f; of , heaven's . ble, buttlie•P.an• - or griddle :cakes, in '.which . mostly:used ; are a Ni - a§tefttl. fotni :Of, . and not a nliolesoinO, article _by .iiny ii . and the matter is made-worse by callift operation . the' nneilltivated . habit' of : . butter and : saccharine matter at the time.: "The Geruninslind.Vtissians, I b; • hull their- bliekwbeat; - and.:.'beil it as . ..N ''. rice.:-: In that- form lit- is,-wholZisoine, 'I ' blts - untricioits' and e'etinomical ; a con tion which ought never to be lost sight, _those AVho - 11 1i14114, , 1116144 S to Stipplj 7 ' •'' i , . • INDIAN iors. , ( . This Is.a u9ble grain, a -..rielf boon, Covert.!tt, up-and presented to the hums: • ly in a.eleati eonditiOn ;,ono grain. inert ...The.neal Of this (Train , so fay as I ha . -. seived,lS; ground 'too flue, .so that whe . ..cooked. l i it has - a. 'pasty., et - ms.istenee. ' ought in be. always cOnf§_ely ..,7round. - ; naturally more friable than wheat:" • ;ability i - -,..a valuableimechanical proper should i ever 'be injared by grinding o j ,ing.. i C g ood' mechanical conditiOn I dispensable, - ie iulsitti to easy digestion . :fork friability ought to lie stamped ol 'dish, and marked on - every loaf acrd . ct • All donghy, 'glininons, and pasty lire; -.- liniddhi#s should btavoided ; they-do 2 , 'come the-tables of !an i itelligeut • and vated'people ;.. the time and fuel expel? •. , preparing doughy are. d i - and pasty l' ' , ris worse than a loss. . , - ' • . • -.- _ IdI.X B . ITi'EAD. .' I IlNe more objeptlons than One to bread; but the - most serious is, that p . . of advanced age, who are in the daily . milk-made bread, Will be expsed ttl, . '. froin an over supply of osseous or boa ter,„and particularly so if their. kidtil - affected. ' Bread.. - ShOuld always, .bc ..- : with water, and when so made. is suit • theagelil and - the _Voin - QT, the • sick •• a 'well: .And as forrsour milk,. a - mid - • view,4Ould, I presume, .present additi . gunit4its against { its use.— Water-Cu .. il BRE ADSTIII4I3. 110 - United States Econoniitzt. tho,tigh 'OAS year.the breadth of - the la in , Wheat, has been gniatly; increased, not, be': an exeeSsive one. In tl .try various' calises. as severe winter, • have - conspired ,to reduce the er preb4bly the aggregate will not cx • ' • average. - In England the unsound faVorable spring . and weather,' are, also; to counteract the efreaspf moi sive sowing ; • andl in Irauce Slink operate to prevent excess. • -In the EurOpe,.on 'the other hand . , abundane ed fOr. Taking, these facts into 0 tion,. - * together. With:the exhausted. stocks; very . low prices are not lou even though tlih - .l3iars in relation , te. not; lie realized. - 1 Ind 1547 the quantities of Whe4it that-eamef wa d • opening nals were so large as to break pl ettill a great increase in The exports] .:Britain; 'helping tp break prices they eiports Flour, hi June, ;13- 71,966. offal 4,080 in the san of 1147 ofWhe'.at 70,0001tusItelt Corn 1,100,000 bushels less. 9 1.hc • ' the iicniteti Stateglitt : Flour and 'Wit • . theiend of Alarch,'.exekted thoseof. 1 - -.! tithe isr hyi §,300,000 bushel the f i three' inonths, 'ending: with 31 bare, been ! 2,590;000 li4els* le. • .Ifs-11; - the , greit xhausti4 • - * criiilthro4gl - 4the winter stiaohths. ' • • 0f.1p47 - alSo showed that the ces rangedl'ht. thOse;years s . ** . s(4 great z production asXo stow I fall . to' an 4Yera.tre low*er than for. is "Vials Seatk. Those high prices we benefit to'thellttsSiarri grain! count - 4. • • -this.ear, by reir,on.of war; cani. . • encetlby Them.• • - ! - . !Poor Pay. , . i • Tt -1 1 ,14 a filet not to be ,denied - ti ':the Oda. millions)of people . .Who in ... world of ours, there are some who serve the name Of. mean.. ' Among ber)night probably be clased'Fa . : . fast. r He Was a 'rich inan,the own abroad acre, which;yielded him ' • handsome.. revenue. It was • Far ; fast's Motto that, anything which h j : • for.nothing was Is° mucu gain. q as,l4t work is the hay-field, - whet • ;,. •• . . to. see a Mi,Williams, -a . poo ' i. vitti a large;fairiily dependent .. . -.support.. ,' • : - I ~' , 1 • . .'Oilloit, neighbor,r, said Fanner • - 4 , if• You ain't in a.burrY3 should li l l . Youlletid a hcuidi for a lbw-minutes:: likelbeing . neighborly, you know:" - - s,upposiv, he i only wanted him .. . .„.mirint,,Willianis. jumped- over tb fwialt to work. He worked With a . . ~. • The farmer was partieulyrly. fae whiled away the time :by aneedq ' • : thelforenoon ,insensible- slipped act : `l4of course he won't let me. - ;paying me," thought Williams; ; down his . rake i and said he believ i . 1 . -go;l:a.s it was "abort: dinner time-, -'-' , - `Why, iiles-sme, so it is; Mr.- W illiams," V , santthe faimer,tas - if . .he had jusivaked up . . t;olthe fiket..., . "11didn't intend - to" i eep you so - . long. • - Hopeit hasn't' been an inecinven ,. : • ienee to, you. :I'm , very much obir:ted to, You -- fort what_ you have done., ill r - r gmber you .. - , tniray•prngerx.'.l . ; . • ..• --- ---, ----&..,-, r i Williamileft without a word. He thought r 1 it 'Was rather ptior.'pay for ,tlTee bours,work iiiiiilay-field beneath the hot sun of aJtily irOa Bronson 4 of, lifradvllle, Pa., says he finds ' rem fifteen ytars. experience, that Indian lif d poultice. ea*.ered over:with yOung, hyson softened witb hot . iter and laid bins everfi• or WA Bask liot as am be borne, will' relief the pain in five minutes. If blisters have. not arisen' hegire the): 'witl not aftur it is pat . on, and one fioultice gentially 'eno igh to eilZet ctire.- 1 -SeqeJitit i fl4 American. . Zar Every Judge in the State kee is a .89n of-Yesaperanee. , •' .. , . ' • 1 1 --- i --- tYlN l 3. : " B 4 l Maklak , We rc; .011eet 4.• . not da 1 ,• les ' • leciliiy •r m - Tiiii froth •Philatleiphia„., * Vitereil .orderiti,. _ ',Andy the' habitS4 this interestn4, speei T We oc easionallY,lgtraye'l into - a 410140 w , too wining hm. e .- i ti d••tiic . re: im Mense 'oak mid - tree 'thW tfterni in.. we melt env' Seat'ol4 . log in It the lieinity to WO' theti• lively tit icktis.,- / it . .vt .5 dull 1* t lit i , t. , 411;1, . A.vitrOlon-e,sih r‘ipeeui, • hirlti ti t;• beginUing of n u MIMI. • Du . lug. the 'hair i i,nr , befi - ire . ltun,r. , untore, fec,, • I, ;to be iti a state,,l . silence. :14 t.i•iiiii3e. ...,1 , e birds• hail retired tit tho shelter iif;' the 0' t.. The . tiglitlak luitf t tOready • couime.l4l- .hi`s . IoW Cr eating - Hight-, and there- . the- emit inonivd• hut •NyaS• On the Vstill- strsoMe time : - twit':- - flying I.Aptii•rel 'ti Ole its appeat . Mice . ....7.tiddenly, hoWeVer, (41ieepier: cd from itsiltule i .aml. ran ;up :to • the, top :. oti - I e 4 ree ; another soon • Itillowed, and, ere • lon_ dozens . eame;fertkf and ietnuititeed , thelr gMeeful . .fir.i* . fFoin iionle ' ipper ;brand' .to a-loWe,r botei r . - At, tithes k,ne ‘vOnhtbc,stet darting ft•Oht t 6 topmost hranches• el a hill ak, and . with •ivitk-extende:ltilemliranesinili.o aseread .tail Ltriailig4illPnallY:thitOligh ' tlt • ri till it .reaehe lithe teet , of the . .tree; obouV tiOy yards I dr, WI n.at the Moment*. eqetted.tes:sese it strike thoeafil4-it 'NtlditOly.titra..d, upward, 'andl; alighted en the - bedy of • the ,tree; it • .wet lo then run to the top, and•enee • Mere; • preeipi ate itself from the upper bratiehes„and sOlhi,cli again AO the tree it had, Just left.-4; gra yds of theselittle ercatUres:Joined jn these ,sportikgan gambols ;: there could not hare, been less than two hundred. seeres'of them Would lettee • 601 tree at the smile mottienti: and Cress ,e 44 I - , 6 her, gliding like - spirits: th 'eletough 4 1. theltiA \i' ring 1,9 linve no other object in .view; th.liT - t4 inZlalge a 14a1'fulitropens'iy.,-:, We Ninielod, and mused till 411 hist, sh dotes Of tia);. had, d'sappeai•ed, and darkneis ii mon- , hhed us to leave the 1 1 ttl e - facts' to. 'their Eux;- . . • tumuli cnjdyt ents.• - - .-. -- --•*-7;. .; . • - • , , , • • During: the - day this spe,efes i avoids the light ; its large ey.Lt.s like those:Of the, owl,: cannot encounter the .:glare of the sun ;.lienee it 'appears to be a dull and :iminteresti* pet; , , • crawling into 'von `sierra or- pocket; and f ea ., itig•any placeler,eon . ecalment. • Out twilight and darkness are its sc'i'ons tiir activity and pleasures At suclk tiMes in walking thiough the woods; yOu i hear a rattling among . the 'leave and;',l,ranAes, - and falling neorns, ehe.4- nutsli c t . id beech ,amts give evidence that this little •reature is suipl r Ying itself I with its food !abovi, you: s 1 .. , • l '.• 1;• - - • Th sis A - harmless and very: g,O ttle species, lieceniqg,itolerably Mine itt a feW hours.' At: ter a, feW days it will take, up its; residence in SOM6 crevice of the ciliatuber, or under the caves, oftile honse, and 'it,or itsprog . eny may b • seen in tM.•.vieinity for_ years afterward. ( t \V i t i 1 ! o() ,(tli k t . ii fr ; o t, m he - 1 e l C 6 li i i i ed ow q tr ui e te e i N . 1 1 71 t)' 1 3.11 1: ° 1 ; 16 :7 4 1 r C LNS i I I P ' • i i9t a kt i l i i with them; :Ind was convey , ' home in-the crown of a hat IWe had no: that goo. wet r of be digs, it is read, ricans; alata idera- of by -e oh l it is Corn I It iy y, and an in there- every 4 k‘..— d and lot be- cults clod in iddn nilk ,ersons ase, of 1 stiffer A 4 mat -4s are.. made ible for nd the ..oseopie ,onal ar7, eige immediately at hand,' and placed them. t it i drawer in Our library lear`hia a narrow space open to enable them to•bi l eithe. t Nexti morning we ascertained that the parent hadj Made her,escape through thexerevice, • and as! the window was open, we presciined that she! ~.1 ~ , , , \I tglu a:fat] (lolled her '3•otii.g ratlieilian iesub. l jeet to. confinement in such a narrow. aid uni 'comfortable.. prisoli. : AN - ci Made 'efforts ib several - days to preserve . the 'yo . iing -alive; b - g . ....eding:them on milk ',They' r aPpi: , ared., hula' ferentahout catin, ~:i.nd yet ...ceint.ki to thriv and ;Fere in:good er. .A.l few evenings at terward zee' were glide through thc. NtillldOW . ,llll , enter the sti; I open _drawer ; in ii moment 4! was tie.,tled whit, her; young:. • She had-no forsak4iliiii, / hitt viSitil theri l iiii:Atly, an prcerveil them alive by licr attentions. - W n - Ow placed the,.young in a lioNakicr the win • dow,•whieli wa• - •••• left partly oi,cii.,; Ina slier tine slie i liail ;reined more confidence, and r nialnedkvit i lt 'theM dariii , .• the..a-hole day. They bee:nine - very gentle, and. t heY .an d the' • deseendantcontinited to. resid. °nth& prep .. ises fori Secicral N•cars. . • .': - ' •.• : - Ibe `the first winter they were confine DI to- be iioroill,,_boxes:w•ere. -placed hi differci parts . o c 'it,i containing indian ineal acorns;& . AS sooit a l ..it was 'dnrk they l were,. in the hal it orliuirrying s from OinThiit Of. the room t ' the other, and ccintiniicWto befall of activity during the Whole night: ' We liad.in the riloin •a Wheel, that had . fbrinerly Ye i eli attached: to the eage..ot,ll, northern gray '.4turrel.• To this they faind an entrariee, !and they oftenienii tiiimA during half the night tuthiintfthe wheel. at 'Alines WC. saw thev. - liolci group in at once. This squirrel, we may conellitlx.resorts tO the wheel, not fioia mire tomptilsion„ l but for pleasilre.. 4 - '. '-'; • • . 'The-flying sqiiirrcils . never build their nest of the leas tel trees during suniMer like the tree,orinirrels, . butleotifine thethselves to a . Icciliow,•Or soine natiiral cavity' in. the branch es or, trimk. . Wei, have . . frelluently ; foinid them htliiitiiiine the eaves and.reofsr,of hous es... '- and 'wedistovered a considerable number of them in the crevices of soMe rocks in the vieinity. of 'the Red Sulphur prints in Vir - . . . . ' They are gregariOtii3, liviug ! ) o,getlier in ton- I:Mei-Ale coainiunitics,-Mid d pot object to . .. , ihe., PlpanY ; of other and even quite different' dui als.; ]pr exaMPle,• I once assisted in taki :.clOwn , an old lk.faitiii*x,. which hied bee . fiir a greatlitimber of Years on . the Op, of a •encrai.oe, loenst tree iiiii t • any house, and. %Vicki i had st?nie.eight or t.tn,,partnient;.. As the x fell toi the ground, we were, surpriSed tOs' . great nu inl.ielis of fly ing-Sluirrels,s.creeeh ' ow .. and leather Winged bats 'running from: it. ' We . caught, several of • 'each, and one of th,.qiiirrels was : kept as apee in'a cage for enfi iI, ill:ie'la nstitarln c:ts of the oo::ereist::c:Withliek4ty iints,.eest aa;rll,'oiii,&eiiiuten4i7t:euin- py d,.:ere4usthae been tatctf lygoluirels in thebox, many t.4se.k : ov_hereuorsix serceth 7 .)wls. . .. -. _ . , . ::. II:, I t hat. td emu he, croplii Couti rust, )ps, an'd. I •eed .nit j cell. I in- PP:sea e exten 7 outh of is look, usid era , • gli s to . of Ikea for. I harvest d Flour. 1. the ca lms, and to Great !were on - I ' xports of !::at., up to the 'acne ; doling .the're than - in In- of the Irby ever high pri: imulattid ririces to ny pre re a great whit.7h *be ibflu-. ,I. ,bit this richly de this' num : er- II:obt: !r of many nnuall , E . . a . IN er 'lola could get. le day he he chaiie-, ...neighbor O . him for INdCtst, : Le to have Nothing The Crevices of:the hOllSe were'alwaya in habited 1, 4 , -'the squirrels. The :, docility of the one. we li . . pt as.a. ptt, was reMarkable; . althe' he.w.as nerer lively and .playful in the day thne; he would permit himself to be - handled and spread out at Abe pleasure of any One.- - -- We: - frequently t 4 hitri, fr.nl the aige, laid . .1 hir on the table or on 'one . d, and expos ed the extension Of his skin smoothed his fur, put tani - hi ouipoeket or-b/)Otit, Sie.;.he pre telluling to be asleep all the time. :-' - - It was a common occurrence that squirrels flew intollle - houSe (in a Simtrier'S evening when the Windows Nitre 'OPeo,, and at such times we caught them.. Th'yr . were always perfectly' harmless. Abb . ugh I hive fre r 1 - .. quen,tly i seized them in my rd; I`was never Hitt -I We caught so inany. of them. one' scan, that: the young . .gitlS bordered . their ] Winter caoSivith .their tails..whichkarit eery pretty. ; It , was a . curious •reldr isa iiei l -o a t; the' flying :squirrels: never descended . to the • Amer. parts otthe house, and 'we neVer'knew Of nay : rats in . the tipper .ii, s, - Whether the.aquirrelsor ' the rats i 're. the repulsive. .agents, do not know ; . c,e . +'u:. it is, they net er- inhabited the lOwer lOcation in eoinmon,—; i Aticiti6Oli . . :"..,.. ' •- . for: feiV. e and • good will. ! tiouc and " l e, .so that • • 2.6 ,without s -he laid 'd he must . - - CLERK W • ifurANTED immediately, a :... V Y who him h ai l Czperienee i iind is competent to; .take ehar g el Muit be temper . * and willin g to r kttwntion to the intilrest of his hat takiuumerto the Above a ! •!vett. one others need'apply, . ti 'ons required. , • B. F. Liarfoi*.3LuT 18,53. . '9f .Tennes- i 4 1.. active'Cleric--one *rites" a 'fair hand, i 'a set of Book 4-- devote Ids time and employers. • To one "beril salary will be Good recommend k R. IL EATON. IMMO 131USINS • • LURGE,ON DENTIST a ~ ,ontn?se, Pa., at Searle kJ Hotel, Mondaya Ttiesdapiof cacti-week. , P. Iteinoldsil - - WIASIIVINAI3I.E".TAILOR, ShOp" Motc's Store. Spring: and Siininierl4lstions 1. 1854, just'. reeeived; j Doctors Thayer di Crandall . AV A ligassociated tliemselvtat ht the PractiCe of Medicine and :4firginv„ would; restfully in vii e.. II tip give them a call thatimaynee t d their pmfession... al service's. ?They- may be;fonnd at the office forme . ly, oconpivi lky D;. Tha'nw •They trill keep on - ' .d pure -Concentrated ind Hoineopatbie medicines. -. - Montrose;liar 8 - 1854 1 K I• i "-, _ • =. • ! .1 • H -, • , U. TitAirEn".' . ' • 1 .., -,1 , IVRANDALL: Henry S, Knapp, fONTRO'SE, PA.,. with - Row; 110 - txgruir ct• 'Car. tei%. rholesule•Grocers and Commission Moir chants, No. 173. Wushingt i on strciet, between Coutt ,andt and Dtiy streets, Netf ._ 3 ork.l I ; Miller &. Fowler; • A TTORNEYS - AND COUNSELLORS AT: and Solieitors in Chancery.. Office 4in. 4I Clarhe street, Clitictifri, //i. . . ' •Pacitio liotel, ".... arI.CEENIVICH STREET, (near 11mvidtray,). , kir ' FialiArtry Co., rinpricioni. In 11 , vicinity of the mititipati4aniboat;-landiigs. Thomit NEALEIi," IN DRY GOOII. rocerieg,,clotti Jr Crockry, Boots and 8114:?es, kc., ;S'tineteltan Bentley & TTORICEY6 AT. LAW, Afontrose,:Pa. I tr. :S. BENTLEY. . .IL. r. IFI A. •VRlBaldiln, A (A.I.7OACTURFAIS OF S.kDDLES, ItARNE S, Trunks, Whips, &c., on Tuctiripike strect, ituul rose, Pi. . -- • - John VASHIONABLE TAILOR, Shop tinder Sca • Jicitel.,'?Aninc.street,,MositrOle, • '4 D.D. Hinds, T IVERT AND EXCHANGE STABLE. Oflici 1-al in Hid:rear of Wilsoire , 'A Ston.l, iffiiltrose, Pa. • J. - colstert,! - 11EittER IN STOVES, Tin, Tipper, and •1. Irnri Ware, Lockrattille, near Orent. Bend De Deceinbiir 4. I . ; '• ; „ , . „ . 1.0. Tyleo, - • . • TNTEIIknED with T. L. Htt2§l\ linporter of 1. Detiier :in Hardware; and C utlery, CirriageSpri • , Nci.• 215 Pearl street, New irorkwhere his e eantile Mends, in this and other rowdies, ire ki invited; an 4 earnestly solicited to. call and pureha.--. P... Hinds, • - 17()IINEY AT LAW, Suverhaitita, Piz, 0 ± on !Mae. Fireet, 'Wile door :east of Lenlieini • Frazier -& Case, i• • 111 RS AT I; pw.e. Monirose ' Pa. 11 _ _ C. M. Si m mons ,. n000:1! AND STIOE;MAKER, orrox A. Baktiin't thiniess shop, Turnpike strectiMontrow. -,----.--.: : . •r - Albert.Qhmnberlill, . A • TTOILWX - AT LAW and Justiee of the P 1 cc; _ft. cirerj." L. Post ii....tes Stofei .lf ! ;/dtroite. . . Wm. Jesinp,! ' , . , . TTORXEY AT LA A ND C.O3I3IIS:FIDN' f rt rf ±l. PEEtt7,-for the State of New fork, well altend to all businegs entrusted to hint I;rithlpronlan 41 and , fidelit. Office on Publi c ,Frinatr, oecupled by lon. Wm.. 4.esu • p. . ••- 1 *, : - i ' --- -i 'I ' Abet, Tttrrell, '. : T)E.AI4III,IN .DRI7GS, MEDICP.IN.,, Cheraleals,' Paiitt, 0i15,,,11_ ye-stuffs, qroceiies, Dryi Gods, Ifardivare; fitoncwart.„ l 'Glasware i .lilocks, Ali a chi-- len - 417. ;Silver Sixxnbf":Speetaeles, , Musical`; I sn inenti, Trtmses, Surgical Isistrmnentit, Liquors, P fuinery, Mirrors, Stationery, Brtishi . ,Sltoeit;l" ili Notiops, +ke. .. 1 .: : i --, ' • B. R. Lyons cik Co;, AITIIOLF.SALE •A... 11) RETAIL DEAL'ER. Goods, Grireriu, Celt, . Pour, mid is ware, Lailegiim; Po'. ' ' • r . 4 \ F. B.! Chilli:ller , 1.1 Ai:MIER IX DRY ciOODS,Readir Made I"Grlieeries i Ro ‘ okilland St,tiOne"!y, ctei Ilkve4ue, ;Ifordave, `Pa - Patril. eziti'niocl, 1 . AN, I7I101: lIYSICIANS SO. S.- Mee 'o Owtigo - street, Montrose, _Pa, ; ' r • -->---1,---------- • - --- --- .--41- • 1.. L. Posf . tii Co.; '' - Tly.s4Erts ix DRYI GOODS, Groceries, Crocks I.li llmAware, Lc:abler, Flour, 'etc:, corncz of T , pike:F•tret and Public cenne,Morztrose, P i a. , .. ,'' li T. L . ons dc'SOn.' • 1 TVE.II I 7 ERS IN DRItGOODS, Groceries,' 1 , croickeryjinwar, Grockrieti, Books carry 0u 1 4.11e Book Benrling bul:ines.4•L-Tul Montrosiii, Pa. • I . . Bent'ey & Read, riEALERs-IN DRGOODS, Drupit Pitlutg, Oa*, GLleceries, Hardware, Iroirf *Cipicks,.Watchek, locClry, Silver f4inery,gic.—not ofirublic .ATeritie, if' 7 . • ! Bayre, Bentley de Peikins, • fAINNFACTI:RF4S OF AND DEALERS; ytl knict of Castrogri. btor,e.a, Agmultural tuentitl.Ote. Office it . .Snyre:ti:StoitS Publin enuei Manufaiiory at • the 1.1 , -le Founihni' Foot ef•Cherti• •-•- iitoorop, ! . - , ,_ - , ', W illiam & Willi .1' m 11: Zeisti), k TTORNEYS AT LAW, , 3fekrose, Ra. P ± ' die" in Sumuelnunia, BratifoO, Wajm ,1% mini 14 Luzern conntim ' . ! , • t WiilialM4. Smith & /O n riABINEI" 'MAKERS:. Thry kCep eaastantly oh hand . a good aavrtment' of .ali kinds ..irf pabint i t Furniture. Strop an 4 Ware Roans at the foot uf Maihe street, Montror, Pa. . 1. - , Rockwell, Winton & Co. i; . s. 1 ArANUTACTUREILS and DEALERS in Stran• ill. Good*, Hati, Cols, Fare, slltribrWrie • Parc!, 1)1*, 1 l.: d 4., No. 24 . ) Conitlandt Street, /Vele York; (4) stairs.) ;- - itr.- ..1. • n. nopnwnu.: IJ. 1107741112% , Tr.. ! , -. Franklin I Fraser, ' . • TTO RN E AN) COIf.NSELLOR AT LAN %, JfeafrOsei Pa. 4 will attend faithfully to all !Mai= 'less entrusted to him in-tliecotinti of lifisqs ehanni: Conceyineing and tirritin,, , r Of all kinds sill lbe done needy, auk' charges moderate. also end to the prosecution of claims of Isoldieri, theirovi ws and heirs, *Oast the United Rtatety. Govermtmtit, for BoUntr Land, Pensions, 4tC.' May be found at all hours at the office fOrmerly Occupied by' J'. Rich ards, Msq., N nofth of the'Couit Houlke. 148. , • • •; 910,000 WANTED..)' 3roripsali will be re.vie,d at tlie C4ml b inissi otkCe at Montrose for talkinga:loan of j Te ' n thou mid dollara authot,lzed by act of assembly to be bur roved by the County of ,Susquellituna, for the pi,' pnae'of t. building a new Court HouSe and •P blic r cea for :said County, until the whole. mono of loan sball bare been taken. i • !The 'paid loan Will, be taken for ;the Who' MD or in smaller nuns, as may ',auit those- g o gent m6ney therein; and for such 'times 'as may the lender at the rate of six'per cent pail an which County . Bondu will be' Lasued in eon!' ;ty the act of assembly. , `Attest. HANCOCK. •A. WILLIAMS. CAIIPENTE . lirmi A. CROW•MAY, Clerk. ISCorolniesionera Office, Mont:nisei March 8 18a4. I• '-10` F relted STEAM GRIST ANDVAIIiir . I. 130 Sr. BfLOTIIPIS having pukka...4W t e a 1 efiablishment,' will keep cotuitautlyou mired Ffiti our, Corn Aft* of ' q ity, alio Chop and ran, at thelloiweet nail price Custoni *ark will . done, with 4.(41*.h, d 1 ciao stittrrahted. ~ : ' 1:1 e, Ilontraie, July, Olt SALW. FA_Rsi cotaSning - 76.4tereg, Inllihnnek ta. /11.. about 20 acre Improied, a I.og, Bou the and wal watered. I •n • The:above will seld.en rea.ffonablete sby king slniethhig of paytnent dowb. For re tieniars, enquire of {John..Tnueg 4afthe p %Ilse o Wflikara ..Chambet4n, Towanda, Pa.- . . WOOD • !Kula on eubeariptionlit this ciftlee,l TWS. •- - • 111 183.3. ii, ': - 1 ' '! • etti4EL.___. - -. - - • ~.._•,: , • . • • itPRING AND sminceßeocais! - TR are now reepared tq lumbar those IttlYrant of Spring and Sul:Muer Goods•tt prices -that will •not fail to compete with tbe ;very kiireat and*itit the el liuSers- . Olg, assortment, of lYmic Ockids. 18 co",. plc te, comprising very biututifidistlks of the very 1 • t fiuthions--Baragcs, I '3arege'llelmo, Limas gh.4- 1, highluns, Sc. ke. . S. H. &D. SAYRE. ' ONNETS.—We lutve ;received 4 ,gootinssort meCt extremely low pre l i t' S.ll. kD. SANIIE. • LOTHS. 7 —Broitd,Clo ' Casslatere, Tw u Ceds, K.. titxi, and .a - first rate a.. rtin'ent of. Stunmer.stuffs,. kr. - ke.. - • •,I ' i S. H. 4D. S4,YRE. -R EA. 1)Y-MADE CIitITIIING.-4 very . ilesira- Wei assortment at low prices. S. H. 41i D. SAYRE. , ALL "/!..APER.—A large lot, which eqables la to • II low, bdaidei giving an oppornMity to Make bet ter selections. • • :t B. H. &D. SAYRE. • ' I S/ITOKRALT, Dtitteir Firkins„;Tin Ware, kc. Sc Are. .l: i S. H. At D. SAYRE. IROCERIES.-41gvin* bought very lOW,' We will Ito 'and cannot be und&rsold. S. 11. &. D. SAYRE. 1 ontrose, May,. 185 t. j .,:. ' , • . , • , ,• SPRING !GOODS. ' = . , NE of the largest and boat . selecte.Al ifoeis of Goods hi the county, is noir tribe 11)14 at the re of - 1 F. -B. Cif ANBLEIt. -- _ f 1 i ) , kil PEICES ,of prints, cv , ery variety I . l.lnO'style, Ill_, 2.00 pieces of Lawns, Delaitts, andlicrages, pieces OTPopfms, ninghatwt; mil P1a14.50 pie- re 4 of Linen,: Della e' and Gingluun 1.:14-tis, with maim other patients of Silk, Partnnetta, '.ll.lpiftt, Mus- Tu , ilamlirie Lc., in variety sufficient to suit any ta.4te; a n d will he sold at the toicfst rates, lie 1 , _ , F. 11. CIIAN711.1:11. :Gtosteirics. . ' ' t TATE been, and will continue 'to be sold lower .1 than at a est . -other } h o use .41:Town. , A Ettlei more of that 'excel i Tea, 'for Wets. a pounk 'itrim Pe! , Ao'of sugar,. 2 O pounds for tt ai: • a. 1.1, . zrfAienitivs . --- ----- -.-. - ' Shoes.. 1 , - i,i ,1 VERY superior lot. )Fornen's, illisees'4 4ntl Chili dren's, 'show ; Men's primps, brogams and Iszsals.l ft r Sale by • - - • iCHAIIOLEIL i -1 --- . t - - - • • Hard.Ware.': . _. ..: — L . •. 1 MALL STOCK—considerable . ntUre CrOciantl Maas . Ware. Nails and. Glatis; pltnity. FCir.. oyes II ware; Ploughs, Dwiereeth; 'Bpront'S .oprings.; imble Wagon Boxes; ben flenchScniiiii Tenee hains ' lled Cord.t, Barn shovels and Forkiti'ke. all ill be sold cheap by •. • . • "CII . f.A.NBLE . ! - -- • IF -,ceady."Ylade Clothing And .PlO c ths. In i ITANTITY and qualitlt not surPsi . tssed in , this mar% ket, and as for price, all I ask is, that .those. : ant will be good enough; to call 'and se,c • PIIANDLEIrs: -,--- • _, . • Books and Stationerri‘ 111100 L Books of altneSt every kind, Blaitik- Books, Ikeellaneolos Booksjaney and Toy Ooks, Let er, Ca , Note, Wrapping and Printing Nor at 1 . • '., . - CBANBLER's. New Line of Mail FROM r ' KI RA WOOD PICO .310NTIFlitIS E. — ITAGES'wiII leare Kirkwood, paSsing thr i ough Cor bet4tirille, LiheitY, &C., every - Monti* after the • irks,' of the Mail Trains of cars, both Ells( and West, e . %aching Montrose at . . ;P. U. fi'dorsirkg, leave _ i, ontros.e daily (Sundays ' xcepte4at 2 i',.:W., reach ng Kirkwood in tiniFtdia -the' Mail trains of cars, . h East and - West, being t .nearest and most. fea sible mote to reach the New rk and Ertii Railroad. ! 'This Eno' intersects a tii-week xs ling fair Dimock, • *ringrille, Tnnkhannoek,.. Wyomint, aid Wilkes - harm which leaves Montkase at• 7 •;.. x. '-ery Mon , day, Wednerday and Frilay. - Ahni„ a lnelo F s riends :vill:Leralsvillelkc.. . ' tGcxiirzaultv;fil lelTlfi4cnre\"M.C e .zndrepriretora T „ ,pari MO Ito so- onniodatethepublicW.Kll.Te, MORGAN & WEST_ . . , ... April f, 1854. , New Goods and New Arratigenzent\ tit the Ready Pay, Store. HE Under?igned woitki respectfully 44.ciince to the public that they have entered into eo-partner skip in the Memtntile htisiness at the "Wad of Navi gation," and be the . bnsiness will hereafter be con ducted under the - natne of Hawle,i• & MOO. We in vite our old friends. and the public genelOy to give us a call before purchasing elsealtere, atiO see how cheap goods can be bought for caih. We have pat received a good assortritent of .isrezt , Olio els,. which makes onr Stock coriiplete, which p e plea re ourselveS to sell as cheer as the cheapest., fi. R. 11:AWLEY,' 3XOTT Montiotae, Apt .1. 164.1 : 1 . 'Tjme Chang ed.. .i; ~• 11,_LAWARE,, LACIS,AWANN.k AND zWESTERN ...AA: i,...11,V 41.24.• . ',„,,, RAILII.OIIII. ),. '''' ''''-SPRING AiiRANCIE3IENT t. ', (A.N and after-Monda*. May *Wt. 1854. the Mail „._"g ., N_., Passeimer Train4Rl depart from i Seranton at' i'w o. to A. 31. e [ 4l--,, 1 .. 1", ' • 1 irrit:e at Great s en at tt.i_o„ A.. U. . , ...... Connecting with the day exprCsk ,, trains F.ast and . *est on the N. Y. it ER. R. -,, --,-?•,',- ' ' Return will leave Gr:dat Bend on the Orival of the i Day Expr&ss trains from; New York and litmkirk, ttri, 11- I 7"-- riving at Scranton, at 440 r. x. • The Frht,Accommodatioli Train with 1494'011;4.er, Car' attached will leave Serarnonlat 1.251.. at. arriv l a-i ing at Great Bend at 6;1.. M. ' Rcturnina, will leave; Great Bend ; a,7 . A. M. and arrive at Scranton 11.40, .t. x . Stages Will be in waiting on dip •arrivitl,ot passen ger trains at Scranton, to convey: passengers to Car. bondale, Pittston, Wilkesbarre, ; Bhiladelptita via. the p ßea lae din . )g o Rairad, Eastoirand all Other •Mtermediate . , The trains we connect with arrive and , llepart from New York and Dunkirk as follows : Day &press arrives at New Y - Jrk at 7:22 P. M. anti departs from do, at 6A. it Same train arrives at Dunkiiolo.49 r..x., and departs from ski i at 7.25 A. 11, Night Expre l y ari)tres at New York `40.02 A. U., and departs from 40. at. 6 P.m. Same train arrives at Dunkirk 12.12 x., and departs at 3.3111.. x. Mail Train No. 1, bound west, arrives at Dunkirk 6.68 . 1% Those wishing to avail themselves of the Night Ex -1 preys both East and West; or the Mail toil' west. on the N. Y. yic.:Erie Road will taketour ACOmmodation train, which leaves Scranton at 1. 25 Those wishing to to in the Day Express either` inst.or west, will take _rho Mail Passenger Train; which departs at -' 9.10 A. V. LC- , • ' ' • • D. IL DOTTERER„ Supe}iittentlent. o Scranton May 6, 1852. NEV, ARBANGEIIIIENT .I III64 . HINDS d, le-MILLEN'S Roini Freigi Line between ;Montrose Depot , noni New York, every day, , • dnyi exeepteg. r;! I{I3ITDS McMILL.RN, haring madeitiTangemeuts for forwarding fr eight to N'ew-Yoili- the'care of Capt. H. R. 'CADWELL,'ofi GrangeiConnty, will be in attendance at tint Montrosi-s DeTo.• - -,ia'e l ry day ol the week, to take .charge of such freighi'inal prod u ce • as may be entrusted to, them.. Returns. for the same will be paid - at the Store of William McMillen.. Groceries in general, Flour, Pork, rnib, Salt, LT., constantly on hand., for salt.) al the',loult Cash Prices, or in exchange for country prlxlifeAs. l • I. R. limns. • 1. WILLIAM 'MIAMIAN. • .April 18, 1854. r = i • g Abql Ttiroll, IV . EEPS constantly on. hand it first rate assopirnent, Drugs, of best quality, to supply Phygicians, and customer!! gencrallv.- Mid a griiikt; variety of Palma Medici - Ur*, embracing ricarl7 alk;pf the 'best kinds in market. - • Chemicals, a full supply. . • • :DruNisis -Glass-ware, a genCral assortment. • Liquors, a choiCc Variety for mediOtial 'purposes. Tv/aril' Supporterg and Shorildei! Points and Oils, a firei. rate ass-orOiteut of best qualities. • , • ' Dye igtie's, of all kinds. Elcme-wark Lc— Groceries, a full- asiortment.! • _Dry Goods, all the'leadino• and staple articles in 41( 'toners ous- :- 0 - ( 0 u 1 o' • id this department;-and ivrn• be 41 cheap: 1 • IHard -ware, a small assortment of 'the, kinds most It 6ed • ' , • i ' t: . 1 -1- Poeket*Knires, the : inarket.l ' • stilt Yankee Notions, a large and full assertment. _I , for Jewelry, a general variety. IPerfunairy. all sorts.' with 1 Muskat /astrtonen/R, and fixture 4 embracing all sorts of strings Ter instrinnentS. 1 :f . i 4 1 Materials >for . Ligly. 'Liwip Oils; Camphene, § Burning Fluid, Candlw, Lainpii. ke.. il, t . Stationery,"lfirrorit, Ppeetaeles„ Spoons, Brushe*, Shoes, Wall Paper, Vmbrellas; Whips,like., and near. lv evorithing wanted in this market, *lll be found at the . Store Of.l ' FfiI'URIIELL. 1 , AB • 11 , s lEVtitYlliODY isl .. O,IIOIIL D have a Copy of tho Borti . !Of Liberty 1 1.7 -:-. 4 gong for the runes. --:' I - Angel whispery--Lovea Early Dreiari--Tho Prodi gal Son and ald of other Neil Mosie,Aluit received rune H. . , 1 ' LTONS - fe SOK. CRYSTAL PALACE; • TICKETS ALM SEELEY, Proprietor ;of. the ''',..lV.A77oNift - .Jr• 110TEI rt -Nfi. 5 Counit.AND anuttcr,lone door from Broadway,) Tonic: grateful , for the liberal patronag he htet received for the la 4 fourteen' year* he haalept a public Hotel in 41118 eity*-Imidetermin ed, until the In of)(nowt mitt, to riteettt Frce TickeLto the Cr e ptabiPalace .` to all persOns who May atop it his hotel. The prikx. of hoard will remaja a 4 heret4rom.- 0. SEELEY.' l o t I New York, Xiiy 1854; 17M2 ~ • . . soo.spiANDIVREORAVINGB.) sq ..,1 s pl ini e w , p l7lo74 .l. B o. l .l4 A;: a z 7 7 1:.. ~........ tcr:cgirric:l4 , isthrriii.H.mikecet t iiiiii*f3i44'liiii 4t, AN illostrahstßecord 414-.Agrieultaare, Sei:nce lie; •. ehonicsvinvOlcitioe4 PatenuCloul thefuiliu wledge T , 7 6. publishormenthly.... Every:riu coldn i t i s 82 largo.:. pages, belt:offal lifinted -On ill/OINK!. 81141 -011:43et: * ly illustrated - with elegant engravlngsA ir ming at the pi end of Abe year two fine volumes,• : comp,O ng nearly .R. 400 pa,qa.„.illostrated with 600 splenoutE r o a c. ings. relating to the above suldectaz—dte..sUbstion price beinit,. et& one dollar• a y e ar, or 50. cents a... 44, . nine. No puhheft.--." no. n . of the _loud has ever be . e n pro. : ‘ ,91 duced with Mich lusicalficonce. oi' 4 so . cheap 4 Pre' • * M . . Fanners, liechanics, Inventors, . anUfa` term, and. people of every Profession; will:lnd / in the.4"eople's. journal a -.repository of . useful knowle4ge; pec4afb" suited to their respective wants: • -.-. , 1 1 - . •• . - ..TEntti,r-Gue &liar* year, or 50 cti. fO. 6 inonths. Ei Postise en the People's Journal, I} cents per quay- . IPt ter,- -In eitnalla free.. A liberal commission' toirost-, Li 1 - masters and those who , will form chil4,.. Ye:it-pay. all 64 . letters . and ,direct to • - ALFRED E. BE#CII, - . Ft Editor and :proprietor of the.People'S Journal; . E . NO. 86 Nassau-st. New York. . • G , . ~ •. 1 • ..,,,, .77ie PecTle's . Poen t Office 1.- *This well known ,establishment is still eit;ied- Ilbit NI under theersonal superintendence of the Undersign- , gted, throe 'whom' Patents may be snar l ed both in ai this and Ulf foreigi, t countries, 'with the utinti fidelity " '.:, and despatch, on reri moderate terms. * 1 .: ~ Persons wishing for advice relative t o Patents' on Inventions, may* at-all times consult the undersigned without charge,, either personally*at his office, or by letter. To thire,living a r t:_a 4istoce, he, 'bind state that all the needful suilta 'Deceit:4oi- to secure a Patent can be arranged by letter... When part* wish tb 1t infOrmed as to the probability of being enabled to 0b..! tali Patents, it will hit mteessiuy for them to forward.- by matt a rough outline sketch anti description of the invention. i Ne fee or'clarge is made*or Bitch exam . - _ umtilms. _ private consultations held d*BY with In- I ~; venters, frbm 9 A. M. la 15 P. x. i- t•. ' Models front a ilistince ince he Sent by es.press or: otherwtse. • L• • - - - • - • , H • , For finther information apply to or address post paid; i - ALFREI) E. BEACH, - Editor and Proprietor of the People's Jonrnaj, - Nblicitor of Anierlean and Foreigii Patents, People's Patent I.lllice, 8t Nastu st., New Truk. ALL READY. grov F.S A.ND TIN• WARE FUR-TILE . • • - PEOPLE. . 0 D. LITIIROP & CO., hUVe eonstantiy - on hand a large and : well • selected astortment of thi *are, Reels anti Chain lei :piuniAs cistern *nips, &c., ilydraulie Rama, Japanned wares;. lead `pipes of all sizes tke.,'Ac. Job work done *it'll neat 7,ness and lespatch.; all oniers promptly attended to. .1 BTOVES&I'IPE ;kept constantly on .hand, a large assortment•of stoves. .of the latest improved and approved ,pattemS.l Our ;experience in the busineSS enable's us to.scleet those =that we can safely warrant to give entire Satisfaction, 'Amongst ou.r. 'microns 'stoVlt ran befounirthe Paragon air tight. , Star of the . West, flecaleti New ‘Vorld,, "' Clinton, . ..1 I[Oven. Atlas, ! "! • ! Ctiltivator, ,!! " Phoenix, ! . Vile. . I • 1 1 " " Three Stittt " 'Western 9rteett,! " Globe, ,' ' • " Vrerniuni. !" c. n. L:#llOP.. task - , A Large and Handsome Assottment ei? • - . • I -. • • .• • i NEW SUMMER GOODS . • . ..- i. . , . Ts now arriving at our store. OUr Goods have been. 1 bought for raAh and for ready pay'Will be sold at a very sriucill.proft.' Oar - htock comPriSiia nearly ev- - erY thini o.4pally kept in a country_ stem, and a. 9 IV . a arc constant& adding thereto; we inten‘rto keep-lour xsSorttnetli complete. We invite • the, attention of buyers--Si t rangers- and friends—to our Stock of,Fan cy and :duple Dry Good'', Grote-fir*, of,e.icte. i .feeling . asSnred that we can sell goods as 'cheap' as ---,- . ~ , -• Further particulars ne week. In the meantime )cltand•See for yk, otirs • elves at_the store 'of ,- 'l a y 3; 1'54.1 ..' J. LYONS SON.' •. i • • . Latielbotro - Sash; . Blind; and Door • i • frac art. : ii- TIIE stfl)Scribcr will fu • *sh at the Shop of NeWell . & Ilrothers,,Doors, 511.41' and BlindS. Turning on hand land, furnished to order. Lumber kiln-dried, and-vvork en unsurpasse bY- any in the counter}}-- $ll Orders ad resscd to me . II receive prOmPt attention. Good Pitie Lumber;and C ;Mary Prodnee!taken in ex.- change tot the abcite s T tins, read? -pa Y.. . • , . Lanes, . 1, Feb. 6. ' S. iA:. LYONS. 1 susQrEtia STOVE AND T , . . I I A; L. WEB TER & CO. • • .V TOJFILD respectfully; IDIOT the people of Sus 9tiehanna county .nd vicinity that they have opened im-establishment Of the above ',kind in Alniit lose, at Ithe old stand of Sayie,J4 Webster, one dOor north of the - ..I(watrose Peinoerat offiee., where . they . Intend:ylkerp constantly on hand a large assortment of ST VES; TIN, COPPER, .21SC, SIIEET -1R0N:,17:1RF.7,.d:Y:, all of which theY will . sell as low as t 1.3 same can be bought in this county, or in NorilieriA Pennsylvania. .117:g assortment ot Stoves C:in be found the. folio% besides others too Minierobs to mention: - I& Erie Airligh ifohdiek Elevated Oren .Foreiti Queeri . KeyrEdne Stade for woo Machina Troy. . 8ay41421. 4 f0r traod. , I,' . f Emit' ffn iron. Witch, i Troivel, for; trood. .• . FlatPp Preaqtan. -.*. • i • • Also. Parlor, Office, arid Shop StoCus, Ilot-air Fur naces,. fOr beating public ; buildings, eburclies2lotels, private 1 houses, Sc. Stof-e •trinnikinos ,Tin are and r 'l ' . stove pipe - furnished at wholesale as Ilinv as ibe,rean be bought tit• the r.ast. -l• ' 'r: • -I . 10 woto All hinds of custom wt the moat reasonable term: en in e'aichange for wares.' If- yat wish to save m before j) basing elsewhc 31011005 e September I - . 1 Dis h , Till; l'o-partuCrsltip li - diesu ritien; un /r - I rn Siuith, I -as to intact' On no tee a in. d - until of sal of.E. i any, for, seu please ke notice and at , i • • • • , . I ro i t •- .. B kl Y n, Stay 16th, l i ' 1 TO T H .:, r 'IU undersigned hul l .1: his entire intert: , st. heieb4 make their boW lyn arih vicinity, and inv and piurchase one- of th stocked of goals ever . be Beliqing that people ;• its kalp to pay a larj„!' we ha e adopted the I e the syP. ‘ t•em r most conduci our owr! interests. All ceived In exchange for rates. Those who dlmi will. uredly find .. It,l fo call. , r:k . . • • Bi -lyn May 10. New • • IN sun , 9 CAPI'ALi IN CASH TIES, Ltstires against Lo il 2 nit selves. A. Q. Slebbins;ll3 • ioad street; Peter C. Baker 1 SprUce Street ; :GI . ' Banciter, 118 Broadway Thomas Andrews, 131 • Cedar street; Samuel 0 i t 1 Southpayd, 377 West : . :- ; Albert L. Conklin 131 t Greenwich ineet ; Jam.- A. Crosby; -113 Broadway Cha'a Lent; Kingsbrid ' 'N. Y.; Lambert C. Hall Chicago, M.; I 'Smith Hobbit!, Rechoster, N. Y. William W. Leland tie Yak; PeteV,R. Roach, 113 Bank street ; Staates S. .ell, corner West and L;aigh stree rt is. John 11. Doen 7ti Water ii , trvet ; D.- Ya Wa ' llB Br,oadway • Horatio N.l4lallup,' core s Wdst; and Barrow stre ka;" Peter /14 i - Foster, 'corn thuuseroort and West ; Reuben Ross. Jr;, 48 Eight Avenue:" Stephen Oro troU, Camden; N. :Y4 Alh Wadeigh, Philadelphia Dexter: B. Britt:du,. 49 W • ter street ; SaMuel Sine r, Tribune B uildings - ; Sa .. - uel H. Shaw, Clerelait Ohio.. .; I - . Rost Ctuxmtat.ta, President.l Cuanza C. CLissc, Secretary. ', i • "-' - CHARLES L. BR t vtii, Agent ' ; kontrosi), P , 1 . rA 'COUNTV WARE'DEPOT: or coat ' 9- • . A. L WED4TER &CO. . .1 14923-1 lillitloii. -1 t ..,. 1 - retufore - exiOing between er the tide-, of Tiffany A: the 14tbufAtwil last. The firm are now in the hands il ent. Those i Indebted will 'accordingly:! EDWIN !TIFFANY, JAM E,S I P. SMTIII. ' • f PUBLIC. , • • 1, g purchased' ;of Mr. Tiffany it the mercantile business the good Oitisens of Brook !te them to call and hoped • best and Most' complete ireolfered inl . this market,— • . i..bily g(kxhi on long •cred -11-1 • Lange Ifervedit ohm!, g: . Pay Spied of trade, as cto the public as well as 1 da of Farmer's pibdirce_re ii . at the highest diarket , 6 to purchase at a-low figure ' their interisti to giiTe us a 1 J. F. SMITH, . 0. G. HEMPSTEAD. . oFk v iti ' '! i • ! • CP:lif PrY. 11 1 , 'ALL EMIL . ND .APPROyED SECURI 300,000. , i s or DeripOge by Fire. ic rioirrit ISE DE002 4 . i - f. lirlLLlALlic:lfiLL,Altr , •, . VINT/ purcluised the establislpPent °tisane 'Post k CO. at the Montrose - Depot, would rea ctildly Inform his Akin& that I 'lie will keep 0 stan ,y on hand i at, the koweat pricesi a. well-sel , , stock - of geode. t' ••• .4 r Liine i flalt e ; and Plai . can be had cbeap, as we as Groceries , Pry G lbirdwanNicrockerY, B" Shoes, Nails, ke., in exchange for Grain and all kinds of phaduce, at,the he , at , prlees. • ,:4 . 904c0rds 84 Wood wanted.: - ' " ,34ntroseDetkor, Fel • • 1 sio,oooos rginvt4toto - Ds: , . i t • GREAT ATTRACTION! e Pti,ilz. for „Elie ',..14 so. Goi4cls at . EatOn's . , • ONE PRICEMTORE! - '•' L, L. i km:at and chairesiatock ot-Fsisicy, Dopies :, *c and,Sta,ple . GOods ever brought, into Sitsque. Inn pointy., .ome hundred . , cases PryGoothi, cum ' in, part 'ilt thilowit ~ .. •.- ich hangenble.,i, -' - FashiofiableSilkond Sat. " Stripe '.. ... - , - • • Wattets, - o il i a . . ... .. : French Plumes , : . I_. 'Malik . .", , 200 pieces •Bonnet - 1) , isr t Ala Bonnet , . .... ,' . -,. .. [iine). Aoun t Satins,: • ' • • , • 100 per. Fancy Dress4o. All :Joel beLaines, , ', , Velvet_Orem °nuts* _. - ril. do - . - , Fig'rd.- & coleii. Velvets . , Plai de N isai ••- -, ; -., - ,FilkritaylEiate Shawls,. Cl ed de Ihege, - : • '. C> ,h ere ' do ,-; ~ En sh Menrocu,„., . . and uk .• do ? mite's •.• - . . Silk ese Cloths, - • ..., ".Glovee, llosiery‘ etc. • lit rYs '• •• • Cloths, Outia we, - 're' h• chan'ble de 'Wiwi N.. 4 0104 . , 1 , i 1 / llubroidered Robes; ' • ilalualls, • • - .. lin bents' and Prints; ' ~ Wobl I - 1,.. ;et0i l 'cot .11,11 aids, • .•:° .* 1 - Linin . .., ._, . VII Goods, • • , ' ' • TlCklngs, , •. ,: V lit Clantizettat, ' ' Daum& SPreakil, ..;.,. rolg ' • " . Collars,- , 3 , • ; Linen ~, • do . lo aslin Xtlgings, I Irish Linens, . to aurbr4 .-ao , ~ 1 mack musli,,,_ . . to inen. , do , - Etc) etc:. • ". Ilarferd, i3ct. 0. 1 ,....EA.T01C & CQ. 'B. A. *OO4l:Tr for wool. 41 4i'done on short notice void 1, XII kinds pniineetak . I ' ey, tessuto and 611 on us 1131321 ff • _ 7-11 - 7 7-1 " -----7- ! -- ; IiEMOVAL: , . , - L STOVES: *TOTES V Froy-xs: - rillE sanseriber wiAearto;eall the attention of his L friends and the public tolis, very large ;wort wait of. STOVES at•lns new Store Room in Lnders- - r i W I , pelt to X.., S. Lenbelds 'store, and near llie Gt." le d pepot. ' lie fuss; In.lattitlon to his former large .a iq of : Cooking and Parlor Ste w ,nsuly - nerpat... terns, sortie of which are - - S.t.. Nicholas, _Peachßrnnik, Fire C li pper, • pders Troy, Noliakk, . Medallion, • rienf, Blaek Warrior, Oak, Egg Stone. ich, togethei with his former stock, will perhaps be he most extensive 'and vatied assortment of weU lar, eel Am% in the enonty. • I Union ,Sloses,- . well , furnished, at low . prices.' ' All articles in hi§ line kept 'On hand and made to order as usual, and orders received at his old stand in great Bend. , ;MN COLSTEN. •, sville and Great Bend, Nov.; 1854: 1 - . 1 __. T M ' ta d TI i osr •I I t Ti i , i HE PVBLIC;I i.,.. friends, one a d all, !I would have ,you to know P m ready to -er tti,e, you at Montrose Depot._ . use Nails and tibateo, Coffee and Rice, '' . • t, Salerata.s Saltpetre and Spice-- G*i %et and Cloves, Crtuna ofiTartar and Candies, Gliwps, Cassimeres, Vestings,-selected, for dandies; • I have Nutmegs, MulaSsei, Aktpicc and Teas, •-, s f , W th Ribbons and Tippets , the ladies to please; Pi Needles And Fislr-hobks, with plenty -of soap, ... th, Ilutcher4tnives, Bootees, Rat-traps and Rope . , C Yedml.ls, eo ff m-mills, Tickint , and Wicking, _ C 4 31-liods and Crackers, with Wafers for Sticking; . I' pl .- rel.-sauce, Writing Books, Raisins and: Snuff-- • II t perhaps, on the whole, we have said quite enouei. i o • Tlie half can't be told just step in arid' ace E r Yourselves, at the tore of your friend ' J. Z. LEE. #l3fontroic Depot, . eb. 9.. •,, ; • . - EW FIRM .IN • SPRINGVILLE. , . 11}1 undersigned baring entered into a copartner- • • ship hi the mercantile business,. at the old stand . o' S. S. "Grover.' to be Conducted and carried on-un- • d the mane and illyteiof McMillan & Park , , respect fieG ly beg leave to inform the public that OODS' of e eiy description will be sold oh reasonable terms for C. ‘lh or any hind of produce. It is our settled deter s inntion. to sell as cheap or a little cheaper than any o her -house • .in •the country We are determined to , ep a p iMml ai-lortnlent, and •hope by strict attention t i business, M merit a liberal share of public patron, ae. i 4 ..TAMES -11C'HILLAx. Springville, May .A..-PAR.K;jun. Buffalo Robes:' i • CHOICE hot just rec Lived, and offered low by . • • , SCOTT, JOHNSTON d: CO. • • 'Shavvlls: H I CHOICE • lot 'of Wool Long Shanisl very: chea p l. 1. SCOTT, JOIMSTON & CO.. Spring ' [ le, December 3. i • Notice to the Pittbli TAXING just returned from New To 1 call the attention of nik9ld custo e public in. general,, to m 3 : NEW STOCK Or GOOD .hicli beingl.rought with ',cash at the lowest prices, nd wishing to sell princiOally forlhe same, 1 will o& er er them at greatly reduced prices. I - .. cocheco Prints, Warranted fast Colors, for only S cuts a yard: Good Brown Sugar, IS pounds for one °Bar:- Boonton Nails, acknowledged by, all to be e best Nail in use, :85,50 per k,'l4. Ilits'and,Caps, Boots and shoes; Buffalo Robes of all.piicl, all wool relvet i ' l , l k.c. es, C liou e sh rY PD P e Lainit:!,ali.stillin ress S per . V S :t i l: "•Itin Bonnets. and Mole:skiff flats, Brecht . ; ... 4 % . ara,. Pouble Long shawls, Thibet do., selling'at inconceiv ably low prices. I can safely warrant perfect gfiise; faction to all who will give me a call. • Lanciaboro, Apr. 5, 1854., - .S. 'A: LYONS. - 11.0CKS---mood time keepers, only one dollar. V. S. A. LYONS. Lanesboro, Apr. ;5. 1 \\TANTE 1 . 000 Hideo for which the' hig,.fiet_it • priceS. paid.' 8: A. LYON. Lanesboro, 'Apr. ,5. . " • ibifkTRY..I!RODyCE taken.. in 'exchange to C Good.i, at niv store. , S. A. LYONS; „Lancsboro, $p 15.,. ? . Can't getaiOng without one Teal, , • pelmince Grocety. rriff. Proprietors of the. Ttuperance Grocery would call.the attention of the public to, their stock of Groceries,' which Consists of everything-kept in agrocery with the exception of---, which .can be purchased for cash a fink above/cost. Come and try for youmelves, we will load yinidown with gro ceries for as little money as the next. Our 'stock consists of Sugar; Molasses, Fish, Coffee, Starch, Pep : per, Spice, Salaratus &c., &c. . •iril 5. . B. FORDIIAM k'CO. jr`t - IIACKERS.by the lb or term . 1. Oviters by the keg. or quart,. Nuts whalmile orr retail., Figs and Yankee Notions of all'deriptiona,' Aprl br F. Co. War Declared against the Turks. T" I' von have beards 'prepare to AO them now." . turks'or Christians, Mormons bunkers orlews, bearded ladies or beardless boys, Absaloms' or bald pates, any and all wile require the services, of a, • - Bairlbec amid Bair Dresser, • will please bear, u r i mind that I CHARLES TILLMAN continues to exercise his art at the old stand, in the basement' of Stuwie:a Hotel, Montrose, where he will b alWays happy to seethe faces Of old and new cus tomers. , . FIRE IRISURSI(C,E. , THE sutimriber is agent for:the folloiring Ipsurapie Companies, doing liusinem at the lowest safe rites. . - Stale Mukai at flail-is Miry. • Capital'43so l ooo. Cash Mutual at ilarrisburg, Capital: $200,000. Home lititiratice Weis York City Capital. *SOO,OOO. • F. B. CIIANDLER. Montrose Apri!l;, 1854. • Fact. for Ifae Peo'ple. • , NOTWITIISTA N G the predictions of the New Albany Leq f p-r .Frank Pierce: II be elect ! ed President because the Prophet T says that "the Lord givethipwer to die &int o ? i ismnivr4sal ly ;nitrated that the subieriber can and lila sell HOOTS AND 81110 E CHEAPER than any other shop intoirty even ex ftpting the genuine boot and _shoe entre' down town. terms aro cash 'or pay down, and I Would therefore inform those who .are indebted to ilertinuat d: Patr ick, that they must all nndpay up or." ,• T - 7 .-. r .,:tudi cod. " ItAmiroeu April i 3. tr.a.ROOW, x. 6 , 4 Same Ibliags atu. do ne us well i as °them" MITE Subaerihei having purchastho Qom mau -1 !factory of W. Greenwood; / 14 Ih r f a r d i prepared to manufacturnall kinds of ChaintaireduCied price', of Rod materials, s and in superior style of wo l koluoup, Among ,the different kinds I . will . Bottom 8, (improved agile,) all Linda - , .offtincy pia winawn. ch a irs, .Flag 1- • Seale, **tires, - tt‘e., e. • • . _ trWlWork warranted to eve aatlalketinn fox : five y . . ' '' t - - e ii.` ambantable Produce . taken In' exchange fin: work it, 1 , 10 CREDIT! • . JAS„ JOIIIiSTON, t nt e April b.= ' - . -. j • - 1010 BX s bA , 0 barrel 4• • ' - 7 - 7 7 7 " DAIDVS. . • thk.Prel a;nstio lrir" • 1121 , C11114Eltir. - of at kinds manufaetured 'and repaired by iiperient. qtqw.):En g 'i n egi, 'OrtfingZoi; Ritter, : Shingle Anioqg the Stores which we manufiretete, are the ICeplople Cooking STOrr„ltovh . and Ready'do. s . est .linfen &is Preinifinr*., and Aber kinds, all im ranged for burning hood Or cod: Also, Flell4l;g4t: latpr, Parlor Store, Caltago ; Parlot do Stentko'r; two sizes, do., and a variety -or other. Pnkir. Stoves, both wood and veal bnrners. iceep..Siso on hand . Grindstone trimming*, Dog Churn trimmings,' Um brella and Shovel, add Tongs-Beiuids; fie. kL' Work 1 ‘oe'to order dm shOrt notice and at the krfrest rates. to Orderi "ler r Skores, Agrienitand 'lrnpletnenti, fie at% solicitedfrorn those in the trade„ ind will be tilled at nztsOnable wholesale price& _ - • - • 31° .,( 4 1 March 4.. - FARMS VOICSAVE: . 'T'ILE 4 ,oscribers will act es agents - ror buying end i"" liug /t e al Estat ertea, liouses,,and,isni•-• located - ht, Susquehanna County,, of in'Arato 'County, -and atilt Wanatit, All who ;yrish to offer their property for sale Can give a minute description _their et -Lots ~as fig.; lows: sumber...of acrea; how many iMptored, and bow. watered . ; buildings;' orchards, gndted or . coma mon fruit; other fruit tie and shade trees; how. far from Great Mod, and the n e a test Ws to she D. L. & %VAL R. and . N. Y. at E.'ll.lL; priee an d terms • • of payment.. 2 . wilco wish to buy or sell Real Estate, will receive prompt, attention by calling on ornddressing either of - us atGreat Bend, Susquehanna • rirConveytinca from Great Bend to the premises free eft eherge.i a. Ur Mike on Maine street, in the .dwelling bon" of S.latiely occupied by N. Carpenter. YETER . DECIICER. — Great Bend, !October 4. - 1_ 8. B. CHASE.' - Allitntlia, Or any place on • the Gloint cannot present • greater inducements. than • • . & STOtirkiliteB-‘,.• HOOT,AND SHOE STORE.,• . AN T H at c .„ H i rt u noq~ filled with of article " a in Llreavt'."`e,le."`-' 4l ` ra , 4 a general variety- of nerizni elegant' styles.,of—hadies-/ and gentlemen's wear, among • which- are Ladies - , French, Silk Lasting and Prenille - Gaiters; Kid. and - Enameled Polkas, Kid, Patent Leather: and: Bronzed denny.Linds, Buskins and Tits ; • Gentlemen's French and Philadelphia, oak tanned calf - skin - and kip Boots, Morocto; Calf and Cowhide Brogans ato Boys. kip, calf and cowhide Boots and Brogans AI kinds - of. Misses - and Children's wear.:;. Also; a general. astioW !tient :pf.finilings . Whicii consist in part of Win, pct, stumbles; Hungarian Pailp;"tneini; thread' wax, Brie... tles,shoe: - binding; , nwlS,insps;sariditones, shoekniies, &c. Also:oak - and hemlock,. .faimed'. - calf - wirer and Suleleather, Mproceo skins atul,liningsl • . and rcPaiting!ne:itlr ,Iksno.. • . . • • • " KEELER & *- - 1 . 0111) .Mlintrose - April'6;. 18 . 54. •! • . - . • - - VALUABLE 'REAL ESTATE • ; . s; FOR SALE. - i - • . ! ' . G) IA . V.1T',144:f: 1.01.-:, y.iiiniteil in the ..pleasmili-id - it,l t i s (A . i i, . v i . ,.. r . of <1144.114•110,111rt • 1 threo i7(lllt4t. 1 :. lots ,iii the inoiot business . part of the r- • • i . • I 4 ' 4 i aforesad vil ge.. Also, a Farm contaiiiiivri;i3 acres, tt with a small i iproveluent, the remallide! hem* timbered, sitiiatk two miles from said villagq ' ' " Susqufehatina is he great Central Depot of the N. T. it F..'.Railmad, mate at..the foot of the Imaiiest \ grade on the road, near the great works of StarWlrea, loriewfieta, and l the Cascade, and possessing by na• `lure the I)MtiWatering plate on the mute with. the lo olity s iof extensive Machine Shore, Foundry &e., Sae-, Swiuelianna,ivltliough numbering ,het 21.100 inhabit• amis, and bud four years of 'agii j ,:is dtistined soon to ringti alangshle °Oldie most flourishing and populous towns au the lbw :of this great tnorougbfare. '_ • "• •- " ... , " 1 . , :L. P. HINDS,, Amok. ; --- '''.l - •• .61f de one door easVof. Lenlithies. . rbarmajliepot,'Nov. if!. • V k I wish to era, and of Valiaalkb Lands I'o Sale. VOIt:SALE ,BODY,. about 5500 acres or hand oil the' wit .tA..of Spring Brook, a branch of,the:LackaWaima County„Penei., about midway between , tbie - thriving twins of &ran t ".• ton and Pittston.' These lands are covered with 111- - uable,timbet: Mutheing stitiati most extensive mineral region in.Pennsylvania--4inewn to contain iron -ti- r and believed to abound -coal, and Wag-- ilk . .-1n the . immediate; vicinity of several 4.ollra:ids. '!- made arid now in progrfts—isffer to ' .the capitalist all • opportunity for. the investment of - mont.y that seldom occurs. For further infonnatiowapfdy to N. P.. 110, sack, Esq., No. 11, Nall street New. York, or to the subscriber, at Montrose, Susquehanha cpunty,Pa.,the atternev in facial the ownenr. • - • • April 6, 1634. Proclamation. • 11411A.11-YE t "'PEAR •AATHERgAS C. k S. A. WOOD ! DUFF foimed. a eo-partnership, the,namelutd firm of C. D. Lathmp & Co., as dealer. . In , • 'STOVES, TIN - WI ARE, ac. ; - - and whereas it is desirable that the 'same sbonld be made known to the public,- flit. the . ;public-' . gooa - as well as our own - • - Niitiee is' therefore hereby' given to the good pMple cilfontrose'end the region rouad about, that wemai still be f01m . 4 laboring at our vocation, at / the old sand on Hain strcet, where wk shall be-happytosee, our friends, Mal to supply their *into to the best et our' ability. r• ' - - 1 ' • : C.ID. LATIIRDP, - S.IA. WOODRUFF. Mobtrose,, 1854. • , rrITE subscribers; hitving resumed . tboabore nam ed business under the management Of . Mr. fret} Sayre, respectfully solicit from their olCcuttom era in that line, w return of their 'patronage. XL S. is an experienced and skillfnl Wildman, having leara. ed his busin es s arid for many years Worked In some of the best. shops in Now York city, is: .competent to , do any . kind-of wprk that may, be entrnstell to him Proniptnrs*; , moderate ehaves 'and 'the. pworaaty of all' ood Watches; ri'e trust secures full share of . • , holy! nngs made tixotder,.ind all kiwis of Jewell ripoired. l - 'BENTLEY &T READ. MontrOse., PLOW SHOP. NEW 1,,r AND . E. marr would resticetfrilly inform the' IT.L Is public ihat they are manufactirmellatehleft Celebrated: Plows. They also -keep constantly . se baud, Aide Hill, Wayne County, anti Mew Plow, Cultivators, Dog aorta, Skig4 mtd, Ostler Plow Poioli of various flatten* too numerous to mention._ Wo htve, by stile - t -attetttitm. to businesof to receive our . &we Of public - patrimake.. Msnufso. Cory, D. Poses old stand. Fotutdry,„ll: Mott, net Ei.oule's Mill. - - notice' • ;• - 4,epairing dpne MERIRSE.Wrim . Peb. . . • :EWAN 1(017. 'LOOK TO TOUR LAND 111.4.1111i5 1 . stibOcriber *ill attendto.'s occasion' ealls at, 'his old businos of BURY:EYING in 4 1144. chsity Uthenicsiresi. Natty of the old ranns Weds county should be re-Elm/eyed, tirl x ,k m om r oof theOldiaila•lnsir?ithiell Zte .to het Inst.orob• 'iterated bytline, to OCCOSIOtt disputes and idli• cultic:, frit.dine cane. Beery raw who does ast know. the precise 10 - cation of althislines and terms. therefore, shoilldssee to it lir on, to jilvent Culla trouble and lithre4n, - - • "arvt),l7rierlllVO AlsOuttended to bY ; ‘' l ltontreaerect. 19. ellarm -11,1.111 E PpHE sittedribers ,are no burnlnifand will keep. Soliatanily on land, .Lkiker of a very .BuP0 1 quality at i Montrose+ -Depot, sew .evi sell- it in 10 Y quantities; at a fitlr jijoe. . Perions sighing aline. Avant can be swillookmpou r ieriable notice. e gruilutkPlanier ließ• oo usta us b . bawl , • 1 .1 - I. L. • IL Dlinau&K. W. JEt-SSIIP. liontro4 Pepol, April ik:sEARLE:_;.; SAL FOIIIC. . Print MOM AND LOT;tat the residence W. Itayueford.dooettoetl, tdtuato io the !tit . . \ rough of• ifontroio; :roe was of sale, skerlY.:lo !"' subsortheti at Owego, Y or to Mil. Iw°' KN.; MOTOOSC. - July 20' 1854. • ' • S.ll. SATRE. B. 8. BENTLRY, :S. rEmiss. fIENRY DRINKER. WATCH REPAIRING AT THE 01.D' STAND AGM& Ap,01 , .3, 1854.. ncew 110ROlkja rwill te en Okellent, JWO which •cep for.eile Ominrana.: . Thin hAnd6. 'one-thht igtkatid da RALNsvoKu. Fr RATNUORP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers