* Are6l c • .: 01,ii i 4 , „-t wed.- 4 4i 60 ,-- i sa. 1-4 .-• 10a55...;‘,0.44)44-:•ctik,_ ... ffect :0144:: t *1.41.444- h en t weitigu: - 4 . thc i c,lll: es:A 4/164ft; chat'i3 6 0101RibeettltiOio,Vittiatillid . /ecar-ill!!Vice.;frllik;o4ll:,, . i‘.. „ I 'M rt:. knir;al . gsiiit - 4 4 .14 1 :4:'*- . 0 1 1;0 111 ; tt-i . .il a hilkA 6 AlvholD7Jof rthem p u t together JtquldzieArlß.o;:i'velitrA* 4 -n11 4 1:. '-- - :.The *nth: , .03 , ,et6i; r ii - Xl*eir greatt* -4 * to '.itiltiwitig 6 44tei ' to . .. Stand i,t1i1610Y.::, - totethor,.lltan itihit gm 4 6 ;0 iiiilre of Ti) iteihie:•a,* p; i ent y o f,-, -- s tAtd:f.4 l sowtf',. witlCtlfifintentiOn _of hiimiNt -74`-apoper- - ;tinie,; - ~but, whert . thin- . I int, 4*- - 44v t Orit :,:re4!lJrc#:.riiii 6.- rit - 9, : r ; t' serve - tai commit What appeaq to .be'iiietvl4! esS. -he'voe-of—tearing-;94 nine4entlis4a _..th e :. eaut.ifully grONV.inglypimg : Plants, than most Jerioans - possess., 'A '. eiop of Beets hair' just; -oiiimeneq- - ,fOrn:ntigrhaialkane , bulbs;: pre-, 4 rtel-y-one . inakashuder in a iow v,'certainly •4!olitethintof the bOithicis:S of a surge:oh- it ie&ls:, to lay nine-tenths withering in the sun; ileinr,tbors - aro :Ijust . beglimifig ' itofrm: out heii:' 11iers and fo . shpot, 'their ;yellowish 1 )lo4sop and it, seems to .F.OlllO, a hard nrit-1 - , r to its , r out three4ourths - of thedozen now', Trowing in th - 6 - hill - r ', It...titust;hOlveNr, be oue-7-All,tho,.,:sUrplus plants in„a bed of Jbeeti or turuips, - .cir i 0 a hill of, eucuMbers,,squasl¢ eS or melOns, 4,rt to he regarded. aa - , so many positive,._doWnright , Weeds,"o.batriietink the growth (:) f the:iest and yielding4putlittie or [•nothih.r. thenmelves. 'lf our crops are to be eroWder-Ad Stunte4, - we Wo quite as i williugtf have itjdone With f - eeds and I fox:-tliil, - :US: to liavb them siiiothered and the soil exhausted . biweeds oetheir own spec-ivs. Many "years Lago. wheii the ' " cultivation of thti - iuta tiaga waS first lutroddeed, - wer - Could • invariably distinguish the2 l crops:of the inwiee by the thieltli growin„, ,,, ;.haltldeveloped bulbs. '"Oh: but4hey 1.11.4 thinned thein , to a .vefy grates_gent--thtsy:had#t out three-fourths„ and rediiiiia. them froin One int:n'to fourineh-, es in distanc e , ': ``: whereas none shattld ever ,s-tanctivtree;than - a. foot , to, each other, if .the.. , soilk . 2ssesses 'an' ything like feriility . ; : but this h)6 l l;red • like tidiserimivate slaughter; and could not be thought of for ankaneut.:7- - qbe, fluesi spetimens of garden products whielt'NNick Ice exh'kated Cat Hoktieultural , stows, are those which •have, yseet,Kweli thinned and al-, lowed every.opportunity t.) develop therii selveS,freely;, and the same is true of orna mentakplants, Wheye a full;rieh .inrd hisuri aurlildom is "obtained-throuot:the adopt i on of:the, sane priuelple.., - • • =OE 1= M. If tlic,.re - are inSPiring tiatures that wistfully ask, With cuiPty -lit:Ws; what we may v our povvriy.4:lo to : etrthellisli the . earth, to . their I 'say, when tit- =the works of man are • eilded,..he'laamot apProdelied the inexpres • sible -beauty 'lof God's-Architecture. - Those stately:elms, Us every whiter how meekly -to lay - 'l our glOries' by; find. receive the re-verse - of: ineV, - itilble„ • inisf,„qlune, and • that Seoii t 6 a6ll -- as. to look firth out of ali-1 misfortunes, ai.-4 •e]otti, ouiselves'afrvt , li aifterl every' winter, !whit itirvc that may cow-, • pare Witli e .Ih l l , .eathedrals . ,t)f the world arelmot tli - use, for So adorned,: nor, so ftill oflcOmintmion, nor have they , ph ..pill, boughs on.vi-lia.h; with: hatable might, they 'sWinzth+ d and from • ,whosd. swaying; Ilialit and day;•"thei•c is Tim ... ,sie, in like airitZ)r.these - that know the,.sotiud. Of, all Medi arks of art, ,cathe.draL is the t.re -is greater than 'dot -- Of I all man's instrimietits,` of soimd, mit' organ, ut • tering - : Its maiy. harrnonies through the sons ' lire.archcs of'tiai reyerend, pile, is the -grari4- : est ; but the i '01.114.61r... - swig - net- in. the forest -• is grander. than. thztt4 And if we'wander out - from' the ' and city . till we come to- thine` crowned inondrchs . ..)f, the beed'not be inekl Ito stand with - lifted -haiids, and .I4ss our God :for Id . gift Of. beauty greater -than.', any. Man: builds. • . It is, then, here, -that every one . tiiay y4.-14,t0 life some chi:hellish- . • -naent.. • To the liOn4e . Of6our -y•kintli you may , re. , turn with. ,gathOred Wealth, - to' replant , it with- flowers.;' . Yintr,native - Willage you may, :ielected forests. hit. tray tnay. 4tothdr generation; journey along your road , oyer,arche4 With. tjais or shaded withl,stately Your May. grow [ - • -lovely: in A-ilion.-vind features- now unknoWn. Evert' Tard land ' , *arden. may he-a paradise, • , -.• '' Beecher. . . ' for Orebaids. t.kr 1a.4 fail I hauled n load of old rot 4-em ;sid tht:ew . iti arourid my 3.-nutig apple (ices. I My- neighbor over - :the - way .is one of tho,ie charactes-s who 'plod on, in . the 'setae l'old truck that hisfather aml.Erandfa tiny; -*.they knew all: too. ',llly .neighbor - .said if - I put_ saw ' dust. around my frees:,.it would. surely lilt .therm - ' He- Said he put,rnanure around some of his tirees'; "and killed them. .1-0 - 1 d hirn. 1 would rick it ' anl 4 liow: , . • I Put fre , ,ll. - manure one row and saw.dust 'arontid the nest; aromidanoth er row I put:l-leached ashes ; and the remain - der -nr n.) the orchard I anured with. Well. rot . harnyAr i d maPutt, and • in the \ bpring Tread-it and .well 'planted - the ground with corn and potatoes/-; The result waa'that ma •nylrecs grew ver;s:: I itx uriant I but. the trees Where*: the SawdOt.was - Igreiv the best, the bark te e ing. Ismot . itber' apdlto treeS appearante. will. also - State that • - p•it . rt..of the orchard' planted to potatoes -grew . - greatly -better than:that p! planted in torn. 1 11e ssi. :was chi Lloa ra.- 7 - xrhange:. ..• • •• .1 !-",,•!. • • • Preaeij a from : thee Fly. -To tlititor i thr l Aiitiriicin - Former.. Induced 1 '1 anr I try motives 'm-111(111 every. ._hous‘heeper ;v5-411 appreciate, to commuul&te thrO4gh you t l valuable journal, the folloMi or' . effeclual ilu simple method of pfeserv' g ijawp. from Sjary from the Ay - or skip .r. - - 1 -When sour bileon is smoked early. 'in the 1 spr' idg, before the fly has made its appear.. ti* take. '414 - llme i slacked to a dry- powJ der ; Arid rub' ilheoeathorOtghly on ever}l rart with it,':elivirg i to adhere a= much as 1 possible 7 ln'n -up- y . meaty and rest - -seA -cure ; from any - trouble from insects, I have. tried Aim above tilethod, (eotatriuni-. eateil 'to me by, eiperierted housekeeltr, l ) and so-well :-satisfled am I widi 'the experiz ment, that;(.,ont-ider it of suffieleut import=. ate io ti.ad,e piblie. I have tried.mitrii citheimeaus tbrvieserving, tileat from the the ; ouly.certaln remedy I have :ever_yet fouad- • , . _ - Very truly yours; ./ AUG. • - To. Transfer a gnat to Glaser "When a-lithoir e r;sphii! or other print is regain. -ed ti.k appear on gilm, the glass is first ooat ,ed With rliinte copal. varnigh,"and. the paper eontnininir, the pillut, is dipped in warm wa \tezi.,..an.d,7, while the varnish renuatis iidliesi e, 4le paper.- is pral:l4 4)11 the varnish,' with the -print SideldOWll, and then gently pressed till tie Ith#3,o3hoie: -Or several folds - of soft • • 'may 'phieed on the print, and - 4 pieee .plank or nther weight placed ttie Te : on to keeP ihti.prii4,•and Nartazsh in, contact till, 'both:, are - dry. - "Then the print ; .Ding , again :moistened 'with-water, - may be peeled otl; leaVing, the inlitof the print adhering , to • the "glass. The 'Several parts:of , the print inay:then.be painted with appropriate colors the glassiand finished with a ground - coat Pier i , " .--: --;-- , ftiet - . '• a it' Pitfibm - ,„ (ettid to:a fnen ; -4. nit= l i r b are .. , v a tic , „ Cr ., , - - .. - 4 , for A O PPY -° ___l. i n tip - " r liraPk*rittal ID ll ' i ' ti.Nobrarpiot ----- . 1 , - ' Gdn'eril 1,..??M;:-.14 lillitrjrnns::'Vittiteltoteri!lii?..:lihtii.f.vuull_4l3- t i,1 .1 118 7L . Ow' ;jilt Larime-. - p - svfvinta L ' il, to to am., ,e-, G a t 40 en "?. .- - • - . I .. t.r. 4 rsnittfoc.•2Bhldtirett .1854,...': Dili Riii .: ''- , '.-4bitttf'.l4 . o . ing..t*; hO 'on' nit urgent basin a ; , - Yfite'iO'".klie; ; '. Eitt7tieitt:.-cities, whow-t-liifir4, ilifielFgOni (If itkp',..:acticn_. : ,_of_ the Whig:CtiniTotion *gs-;telegraphedlo,this. ', e1t.:,c,11- t p . k.lpt it pl tly availed tuy.orof.th, light: ning m'e;ss4.44zr, ,t(i••einiYerkti.' - :thatL.liiid.y. - ,-InY - ', 1 l'hearty i i:talitr4etitOrtlipir.'4OcitiottoryOtkr; stklf aa. the Pufternakorial, r eandifiate oithelxir i . noi, : i3tetig6i; fiiiiiio, - imi ptrtisaf :since: of a full . report Of, WO.. prtliitikS;•'...tO. ; • discos,', - ,.. - thitt: tlte:Whig. ;Conyentittit, itljmakitig ypu khe "itandard-bearer of-the .pittitylni thO,approaelt: nis hiutitot: irter i elylendtred•you- its .highest - eckiiiiljrCtent.s, but lias • placed You on 'such a ,ziltilftis-14•• of print4ples; ; Lis Will; I tryst s "enat46 Tot „to:. til,ly,.tinder '.: tilt;tl•4.4d Whig ,Bamier; the, noble: -spirits..whetfltatriotioally . (4 . eVtlf 01 ilittalk - rbimpliitti - tiv boreilt,ilirough the 6intrai;r.tr;:'of "42 ,tutd . 48: i ''' ' . -- . 1 • On _tan.li.:il tlatfor to a ' 'this -C7.46ne ; itti 'at 'has ' ~-. .; _, ,1 „-- ,• s .:• -, 1 -- !--. h • , ':' i•turnr:liekt. wnero is tne true . 7 tOttilaymtknatt ; of and, parts, _glorying- in- hitt birthright ,of freedota..tiolioiton !.4 ' for .the pres'ervation ' Olds I.llrciad herittigo, or •in •trl ar"...,,, , bi• m o ta .8 p c , hug' of State pride has ever . caused ' a -quiLlier. . .palsatitat; who : will not equally take. his stand. ~.bo:-.4d0. - yout. i•- • ' - • •-..- .. ' .. -. . , In huttible jtidgmentjs.ir, the :Whig re . .North, is, I his)day; st rohger than at any former - Period; 1 - )eettßying . - as she, now . does., the Irtte'Republiean I g,r6titul, - the .Policy i.tf the . opposititur is to Icing Iter,a unit, and . Is_doingmore to . render her cfrOlLs of her most ;its : ttite . - tacticians ionlkYaccon;plisb."-:: i'resentin.:ran 'unbroliait froitti.ofoppoqtion to the . delib.err b - rear . tn/ . canpvt , the Nii#Ouri eomprouil.theitiiquitonS.Nchrzi lia-tri(k-entent-wll4 ineetwitlin•: M eru ,in iiptan t i and eclair i s- - ca,*km tar(iaii" in• .. :Pqmsylvanht. t)etobef eevertthau. that,l atel,y . . the: pa tll - uf the Granite S;atc. Yertriit 'me therefor,, to congratulate you. on the high :prAtion'irldeh has - . been asgifirned 1 you, in :a' contest. o full • - of hope and promisie: .in its . results.;: and to . assure you that .tire Whits iti Western P : ins 11-a! will most fully .co:operate.-with their I...:l,itern . brahreti. in the. d,i . sehak , e. of their whole duty.. 14 the. principles . they prOle.s.=' their State. par y.-.and its eandidales. .' I have the honor to • . . Veh , t, , p(si•tfully rapt truly. --yours, Pollor•li t . Wm: I. iriln r, Jr 111I1;n: Nortlnunt.wlrland Co. • • • . Marriage in Pennsylvania. ', In I'ennsfiraitia. a. goir! if-i' 1 , • ; <:-.1113 - marriageable - at .fourteett.. wad a hoy. at Sixteen. withoat the coatrent of .liarents.7 •%:,; . , - .... I . ... . ', Th... , :111,,V4' v‘.;rv - . init' , l'l..t , tilltr lii , l'Ve t , : L . “ . ;11 1 13,, , 5t.are4 . .. 010)111, , . • .• illff,./r1;!a114 - .'1 ilhA. Ilot! , ZO dr: 11 ii Ft it 1 1 r,,,..1 us: W; I ...!..1 13‘1 , 4 .... . ' . 0-lir •si.i 4, - . 1'.1 c e.t..Acilln. 1 1-4 'I. every (Inv . for':- . • 11.1.,. 1 -,..at ii(.5t,.... ~ -13 •:-: acre •,vin:er wh .at,.. tilder.J.s.t.' - Nto.v., li ilial. • t i.... t1ic ,. 1:1,,:t t:4' . r...1.11,T,10 ..... . . I , What i!..1 ti . ft' /at'', I): ria4 ca K• ,),,,. Ili VvI)II-A .- 1::1- w.,:t acre t 4 1 ,,i,,,i' w c i ea . ....: ‘.., .. :nii. tlics. old - 1:11411,-#1 i l l ' t 1 ,:!Ii.illtIl,t LAU '. r,r 4. ..-;•j t i L.,. ,; - .:,, I i 1i ,,,,,,.. , : , _,.,, . ~_. , IT I L . k: ~ i iwy. vt•inetiotov's at I- 7 )irrera and Aril :it ftr e lr e ,i'l3...il nert; of 0.1t.f. -. I -we're able to ctiglrlket r rilarriacre. .. e hai - e aI. ::-.413. ' -st, • ''' •"•• '' ( **** f r • 1; , , ,, ,t. ire of Buckwheat,.!; statute. T , assed In 1`71(),, xyhic.ll in it..ls.A pert-` . 2d - Bt ,, L ~ i ' , ! - 1 _, _ - ..,_, ...... ...... ..... a.11.v . i:I 1 - 111 v, pounds 11)ort every titotr:krate. i , .-. ,- . I , . — - • FRUIT. i ITllalsitt'f. INC. - , r .4,-..fonoing, t he marriatfe Pcrv- - :Best 4 bIiSbAS Winfredpiiles, - • • ' • • 4-. I ny - wty, I)etween tATni I . 4'w:4A). itrukt.ttrti ;,,- , ), A e i Best two busite.ls Fall Apples - - - 1' • •_. , 1 Without" cons'ent f;..1 litgyettts t)t• , rtzt:rdr.ie ; lir -t .Tc‘..-t half bushel Quinces,..:,'.....- ...... .... ..,... 1t0. , 3t half batiltel Pears,. .. :' - c. • • i had. and - olitained ; a l ist; a statute. pass-yd. : in . Be.‘ Bushel Peteltes ' ' ' - , • 1701; iiio.4.l.iiiLf.: a -.{ , ..ep,i11y u fl A v ei lly ) .,; ;111 ,1,. 1. , ' .' '''" ' ''' ............ pONLEsTtC .M.kIZrrACTraES. upcin.th , ?. part it:s fiwirtgi:lves. nt:ii five. pi ,iintl.: I 11 , Ft lii cds flannel • - , : l' ui'on each' witness pri.i. - 711t at their tuarrigife. •hl Best,:... • I But t ? ,•• sa.t.ute 4.9(..- , .kitlt invalli1;00 thi - :. , I)4tr -1 i— • , I Ilet t(ttnt :if (I , •;lei . ipuon,; ..2.........;... t riolge, Tit,,. :,(!i - t-i•i:i iltra'tit‘s clillev.io.:l an? li- r . .2 1 /3e ' et • - :• • ... ' • • r i . ,- - . i :`,3lll3est '' :.. . i I . 'lle ' tO. • the peititlt it.4.'' 'flit . I.lte It tarri:tg4... In.- 1 ii . „ 4 ni so.:'tcr'n.stin,, not ieLw than ten •,t-ti...: tli - ern - parties - - 6i - er f,;)tirt4 . .en :lull ilvelv(;.. is i -->d `B L '• • - ' - ' t . _ . est .. . . .. . .. ; .. ... 1 . . ....... ... '.. . . . I . ig:9o(t . - Then; .Reeds jr. . • • - . 1 licst piec...;:itag, do. not leßt than tea yaras,... . ...- : . • . Mt. rmnont.... .. - - - - 1;•-'' 7.ltr.‘, Boiitori - iTotei'tO tlie. Natioiiil l.nti-lii, 1 `reneger, on the 'reeeitit 'of . the telezraphio.r._,-. 1 port that ". Fremont- had firried int'alifoinia •7.rith only twenty tn4ii, the greatc-r part hay- - lug . deserted "after erolssinu.:tliet`‘)loradi,, - cl;- ny int; - the •t ruth .of - ilie ,ilesettioLi story,..aiiil, expa?i- yjg it.... lbsurdty. .•,Fremont staro4l With only t.iiintv•-one , men tr,orii the Suites., .. , i and One of thes.e4lied 6n the Way. leaving "or: I • lv twenti7 ' S'Urvivind,. . • A f D 1;... , ...u.r. ~.), . .:...on says :1 , . - ,• ;,... \ - . "Fremont . wa.. not edtimteil it.'NVA.-::t Poin\ and his I rii..n- 7 1vht.gher A merican. Gennati r s,lii4l, Freiteh. In-' dian, rnulaTtn,- oirblact-410 not.de; , t , ,rt him. . Tile\crie, by him, but never" , kivirt." . . Tl•it is our - cr,linten',)l . th..: man. too, arta Ithil_ c „ 1 , &ails . by the . ,Nii.eilli Star shoivs that . Mr. I Tientan, : was rights. - A (lobil.L . . learnt a goodles -, on when , was a little ig4i. sats a lady. Y One f? I • of th, . . . A SISARi RET,oitii.--- . 'Pie spy rting Magazine relates how a t.Nertain bishop, diminguished for 'his love of v:llitinibl ismipany, rtveived more than . a ;Rowland !Tor nt: 'Oliver from' one of big clergy. whom le. rebnked for occasional ...... hunting. • -•., .. . . . .;1 - : . ~ ' 'I really. don't ~1 scie,' (suggested the C 'p ul it, 4 thai it is any iv ,, orite• - .`than - going to a' ball.' ' - - -' . I - ... • . • :-..' I :suppose; replied,;his lordship, ' you . al- lucle..tO haying. seer .ity name among ..the list at. the Dutchess rof -:-------'s tall, but ..... , , . 4 asStire -von, - I was •tot. in the .same room . . . *with the.dancers dnr.ing any part. of that eve ning:- ' ..- ~ . -.. I.' t c .... -- '- .• -• ' That my lord; is e.Vactly my case, Wll3 'the ,!•tthle..-s -- : rejoinder t... ' I am never. in. the Sante field - With thehoundS.' - • ,' .. 'pa i - Tic* .M...ltLici - r-.7—.110ur is selling at, Danville. at' 810 . pet barrel. : In Philadelphia at".' .75 for the fr..)ri.iign, niarkk.t. - ... - .A.I.Dan- Ville - illere are large', iron establishments which giV - e .: mploymen t klireetlw'and indirectly to thensaiicht. - .Mont Our ':itid:the - adjoining roan, ties'. ;.*! ir anti wlicalt _ grow i ug. region, y'ct flour .is worth more -t,W.re Alan it, is.it4neaster I.oi.atiOnt $1...50 - 4 . t.iniltel. ..TbisTfitet, -- whieh is . _ . realized ..in es part - of our country where iton 0.• other" matiurneturing, is . .euec..Assilly *Tied 'On, - proves! What - the aditialtes ! ora . . tariff . ' have always li,4serted,.. thet the home 'theiket is nOt . oniy the mod - ,ieliahlei but the *.st:-: ! . Let.'.4lgeKiUltutist .thiuk pr•it..--,-Zdn '-ragferlWOttfie . : .: "I :, . :' : . : i. I . .. -::- 1. WoicAß's glen ,13... , 1i- , :k.:gou4ll 7 looking-, hus band, eight .ehil,end altg%ppi home, We hope:titeiaiiterh - . ~.iviii fake;thenx into eon:: 43.1 eideretron:. - This'. '7l-1, itay. %tux - than'bold.: , ing offices or 810' . :on A juit,:r.'• : •'.. . • . . . EVIIMMB • ihniquetuumielknitly , 7 : :. tifilflikiiity,' , ..., `' ANNUAL FAlle*Nt'ekttitiHaN.' , ' . , o;6F:4i4t n.:Arciii7:ii),t4 i'44lie,:sii*iii•:-T.Firii r -.1 . •= 1 ',4:11,..gi011 s th t psf. d s yjpfAe,44o:r.,i . : Q. - .. : -._:(.• . •cLtsiVilfiNmilhibitk - ,,.::-. - .'="2;.4 • '-- .:-.' 4 4 ! . -litii.i.ii-Onnit; = fA , . - .".- -• ' ',. I i'-•.- .1 - • ..-. _ ,•-• --' ......'1.. - ..; -- : -....:...i 7..'.1 t•- 1:.-...• -.. . ~.. "---- ', 1"; .7: 1,, - ' 7' 1' • lot 1ie54e'r4 1 4 1 . 11 "1,1.. " : 17,t, 1 ,, -- ! , t.....! , !.. -. —. P, 6 , 2,1-,400,....._.... , ,,•••, , ,....,,•:....:•,.....i;:4kw, Devon, 8ea1,':.. : i..;„.....?.,:.,:., .. .. .„. .. ...14,60: 1 ' 2. :24,be5t,, , ,,. • • .......,..i. e . r . , ,, -• ~4i • • •.. •• • • 41,... : - .•3; 4 50• I, " Beak(arade,... .. `. ... . ..,...; .. ;......„........;..5, 4 00` B - eit C0w,..::..: ....:..... ..... 1. ;... ::...:..-... ~""4 .6,4 -' '-"- 2d Befit, -,2...- . . :...-,.... ... ...: ...:. .. .. ... ....i:4,46 Sii:Oett,.. - : ... .:. ".. .... - -... .::5jk). 1 , Rest -tit, year 40: lieiki brill *I, . .... '. . . .: ..:-•-.4.- 3 10 0 ' 2d: Best, . . •,. .. ....''.:."".. : ........"..—.. 4, Beattwo, yeilr Olfi heifer': withoilt. , didf, ' .-•• 3 ' ,- : Il ( . le. 4 itiulingic '''' 24 Be'st., .-,.... . -.. : . .... .: . - Best lot 4if : esdrev; : not. fess tisuS five. ....... ...".5,r00_ -2d iteitt... - ..'..... 1 ... - . : "..1: '... .... . ... . .3,Q0 r Best yokieWOrkinit'lleit,.• 4 ..!, ..-..... " . ...5"0 2d BeAt, - '. -.-"," • - ... 1 ...... , ........" - ...3,00 sd 8e5t;...%:: ... :.. "..,.-...i.::...... : . i 2,604 e ßeqt pair three i•eitni:old - Steeric... ~.- . - . 1- -. - . .....5.. :00 •_ 2d,ie•t ~- s .c ...t ".• : •. - . • . • ..• •. • • . :... ~•. . . ~ : ' .• - - : • • ' • ..• . ' . ~'. .. 2 , Tn e ;t irtole old - Steerg. : '.:.:.34 . • SIIEEP. , 0 1 . .. , . . 13:::.it fine wooll litia . , -._;., • - . 'l,OO 24 Best...:', ... j r, k :- .... , ..,: .2,p0 Best South 4oWn - t , ?4 - . .' 4 .-. ...-:.•..3,00 ' - *2ll.'Bmit; • ' - • .....•:, .. :.. ,-.. ' • • : 1 4,00 Best Long. Wool 8ack,......-.) ... : .....:., ...; —3,00 • 2tl. Best.— .. .. .• . ......'4 , ....1,',. . '..- .. ... .. : —2;00 . 'Best lot of fine wooled Eww,-ipot less than ten,.3 00, . 2.(F1ift.i5t.....'.:: ... .... !...... ; . ~.•„- ......'2,90 Best lot of South Born Ewes not less than ten, - ..3,i00 1 2.11 Best,'; ....: ..,.-......'...!.. ;.- ........ . .. - ..2,i00 Best lot \ loni -. Wooled Ewes, nOt, less than ten, ..•,3 1 , 00 ! '2d Best,' --7 • ...., • - • -4 00 ' . • • • 1. --' . - - . • HOGS. Best Boarl.. :-... ........ ,''..., .;...... ... '... .. :1 4 00 . 2(1 Ile,st;-.-... ; .-. . . : : . ::-.•.-.........:.....-,'., .° 00 ,Id Best,. .„, . ,-.......,. ...... - .....4 - • - • "li00• , Best Sow, - - " • • ..-....4, .... - ......... 00: ..d Beat, • • - . ........:..., • ' • 2 00 3d Rest, ', ' -• • 1 . • - 1,00 •. . -- I.IORSE. ! , . Bist stallion for all work, I •,- 100 21.17e5t,...... , - - • , . „:„ .. , - CIO - . :ILI Best,. ..' .... .... • ... ........ , ........ , ......... 6 2 , ' , ;( 0 ) :: Best pair matched " Geldings B aled in the eoitoty," l l.o 2(1 Best i fi..... \ . .. •I. ' 1k0f). :Id Best, . : .. .. ~:.......... - Best • Brood 'mare-with volt lii her side,,.'. •; ...":5,,00 2(1 Best, - - ' .' ....; : .... • . ..... .3,00 :;t1,1305t,.. „ , • ' - 0 1 0(1 ...• ..• ....... -,, Best pair . inatehed nutrea foaled in the eounty,., ,i)ti I . 2d 11ezit,..;. - ....‘ - „... . . ~ - 4,(11..t .... :41 Bent; ' . -. • , • - - _ • i 00 • - l, lutttot lass than 2ct Best,' •-. .... VE (1 ET ARLES. nn . . Best ritttl ta r ..... Bvst twre ... .. td (It r.r.sv. Itrt h:zs than 1(K) 'lll • • ilryrrat. Rest firkin of Butler inalt-dizting iiw suntmer moliths, . . • Bc-rtirkin (ifiluutr during .241 11c.A. F.Citurn; , . . ~...i. 1, , . 1 • cAnmyr WARE. .- ',. • Be't Burean.and Secretam, each,. '. . '...-: .•*. Breakfast Table and Work Stend, each, . . . Bedstead ..and Setfof Chairs, each,..:..... .. -.• •. BOOTS 'AND $110E:3. • i • Bit Trair of .Fine and Thick Boots, each,;..-. Women's Bootees and; Buskins, eaelt,!.i . - • • • ..SADDLES AND 11ARNE$5. 1 . Best Team Harness„-...'.:. - . Fine •Double harness; - • Single Flain,, ' Best Saddle and Bridle ', • , , ' - .. •-- .• CAIatIAGES: Best Double Cieringe, , - • Sitif,de .Carriage, • i • .• • rwirERA. • :1 Finest Tariety, Bet •restilt of one Hire of - Bees.. * BeA Pfoligbirtg, 2d best, ' 041. 3d best . • L.- _ 3,1 W) 4th 0 4- ) , 0 , - • . sth 'best,' . ..... . 'Repot is on Winter And Spring Wheat, Oats,,..!lnek wheat and Carm.to be made at 'the Fair.:*--.C7peti tors on Corn • are requested .to notify the .Tu at least three.weeks before the'Fair.'' They are to- de cide the - quantity.aiid qUality'reised per;aere. • -Persons competing for premiums omgrain, are re quested tohaye the ground measured and the quan tity properly certified. It is also desirable that .an account be kept -of`the timothy, of corn stalks.raised: per sere, their value per,ton, and; for the infrartnation of others, a statement of the Iftst modelof curia .and feeding them. It is.time fern counted the ebit of their products with a iiew to find out Wlietherlulie cannot be , finf , sluced uPOn the 'nine ground with t same amount of labor, and for this purpose, the feet mitt:,te would propose the following - questions oPk farmers of the county- hOping tO.receire writto t ary ewers fforn as many as Omsible. •. ' • fel Ito*. tnuela\liny have you ..cut the. p season? • \ . 2d. What is its coA q per toa in the lAarn; co to all.thelutior and mantire s used upon it, land .the Bon rest ou the - Yalne of the land whether the d deteriorated or enhanced ia\ralue from the crop off'? - i . tow much Corn,Whcat,o.ats land TO , hare: e a raised?' ' . 4, . What is the goat *f each of the litter per bu el, vitimitted in the Ai ttie. war, including: the ost getting in the cups,. a 1.46 thelki'd of *rostrid. whether fallow, 'greensward, or pkrOgired land ti hereafter moluimal artiele will be allowed take the first pretninta more thati : oitee, bit at any subseqUent exhibition, *here from . itspetit - it WOOlil beentitled to the impel petal= -split, a, etritaeate to- that:erect shall'he airardetkand the money preipi, tins shall go . to the other tiorapetitom ; L • The inc reased interest of the contoutaittlit. e So ciety; leads die.Corondt,ke to taere that the. alro i elitist : w e coaft tliyeddtakatas . t fall wen trfil ., asf fir .,:th t i t icsnotv,....7 7T 7or y : pre :r elous i.prod:: 'arkf uets : : - • ' : Boillarr jOto kx. • , ' - TUBT 'ref:Jared and o*. ale -- (April bk) , J. LYl)forlti'kSElN. ~ . . • . ~ .- L I I, ...-. 1 .....„:-.4.;.,14 , 444.11.:,4,54 , ffet,7„.. , ,,i 4 7.....x16;:k:.t7.t.zt , ; — I.. :. . : . s' I.` — . . . . , . POV LTR Y. MIZE \• .... . . (i() illithi CerthjaLte Y la r alTh — . ' ' laireAlk i n e.. 1 i t l t t 4l •.. ir__l2 4- 2*-'iri . • oats! Istiri.ra.Tsicit 1 4 :14 C.O 3 ' i. AN in . .. ' llifiliall 44 :- ' . -1 !-:!Aifrieulture,-Beitin - Ofe , '. chaniiikTOTo,44 l ls. - Y-a - ;.-- t. ITscfnllnowled . - I poblishetl triOuthly...J . StrOfr; -. •":. iiMaidiailitisige PagrA"' l nV itillin i''P rbl" (m. 41141, per, igid 1 itrofßof' 1 ly iilastopOrith-tieghn ":eitgrOokai,forniut.•at.thO? - 1 end of Mel:Oar two a fine Nolutaett, cotsi„ ~_ twtriy . ~ .404).pagetu - dlustrated•wi .sho.ot - SOGP ' .. ' 1 p.gp,'Et, i. in gtt relating tii.tlie 'Abe* ' , stibjects.'t , e.,_• , • f cip,tion price•belltgonly ot* do . t. 4.310 rt "or . • 40. coma ,4k,01i, unte t: ,N 'rnddicatioi of tho.lund has ever ; Oeen , pp, 4 ., ~ - duCed wi 11 such tnagniti . .nce,,or-at so cheap a price. ; . *-Fahne " , M echanics ; I_ vrantors,-.)lanufactorerS l and . . 1 Il i people* . every professlo ,:will • ,find in _.41i0 -PeORIO * *: i s , journal •-repositor-y of.4seful,kumileilgocpect4littrlY I.4kiteil'tot 061 TooPetPirel 3 cculta , '• ' - 'sr e'' L.. 2: ' -- - TtausL-Otie dollar a 3lear,:ot,i.ti.ets..ftir .0 gamlll k.: pottise. ou.th&Ptopleis Journal, li- - e04.1, per:guar-7 ter. ' In Canada free: • liberal,6nm issio,O to Post t.t ; , masters lnd - and fornlA. „POst-pay. all . letters and direct.to iIALVI3EACkti .: rlitor.and Pror elorif_theßeople`tJourntd, .'. •.- ' . :7 , •-,- .• -:: :No SO Nassau.st,'Ne,* - Tdrk. .•- . , , • .:•• - -'• -,- 'Vie Pifoplit's. r .Piztei4 . of , rt: -,.- , !' : This Well known estaillishment L 4 still Carried :lon. 'under the itor oooo l sOPeifiuten*c& of the Midersig►r . ed,. through - whom Pate4tAticay be secured both, in, this Audi all, foreign countries, with the ,utmost Oddity : . . and . despatch," on' ay iiioa!,:liite.tenu . s: ; • - • Picific"Hotel;.: . • . : . I'ersoiti4 wishino> for allvic'e relatiye: 10, Patents - or , - . • ‘``CREF;NWI.9II'STRET, - ;(ncar Broadway ? ) :Pre I laventionsonny ''''at all t iiieit'4OnSult the' undersigned. 1. 'York.' 'York.' f47alisbury _ k Co.; Proprietors. .In "tho 1 . Withnutleharge,. either ' erstinally'at hiS,Office,:or - • by vicinity of the ruincil ,steamhoat landings.' 1 letter. :ITc:lthose:living at a distances; he would , 'state: _ "- that all.lhe.neetlful step? necessity to secure a Patent can IW-arratigM by letter: W h enitart les" wish to be ic formed h.9-to theSproitz'bility'of•Witig enabled,to oh- . tain.Paients, it will lie:t ecewaryfor 'them to forward by util•a rough outline 1 . ketclOand ,desaiption of the invention; No fee or charge . is made for at:6. extuu-• i illations, . • Private ' consultatipns ; hold- daily with In : . 4 'venters from 9 „x: 11..0 . 5, t, , ,t x. : :... ..'"•. - i 1 r. • . . 1.. v. v0611..1 ')I4)41=1 front a distance may be sent by..elpress - or .4 ,„. I. • . 2 7,. ----- ----- 1 otnertvisi...„ .. ~ . • • - A.' &-E. , Baldwut; • 1 - For - urtlier litfo:mat .. • 1 A f ANEr,FACITITRIRRS,,OF SADDLES, ;I-LARNE:3S, I paid, :I .. , . • . - --,,,_, ..• ,0 L Trutikti,- Whips, &-r.',ion,Turnitike street, .3.font- i . EUtor and ProPrie„ lome, Pa.' ',I • ' ..' .., ,•• _,. _ . .., .Is _ r I I.; solicitor of A --2-- ' --- ' --H ' .-"------'- ..---- : •-,.' • Peop e's I': tentollo , 11" By STNESS ` ittnt*; '1,4 t 5 - ` i Dr. lire) 8 u rim Ecnst, -iir k sTimmontmie,T4A. -a , &Me's • Hotel kotuls*a inernesdays of esick week. . . • _ ; MIASTITOMABI . X - MAILOR;! Shop Arrefailiwre 'l7 Mott's Store. Spring innt..Suiorper FashriOnifor iSS, jos! received.. . .-- • • Doctors Thayer & Crandall . • IaAvING kssoCiated duitutelvecin~the'praerice:of Medicine and Sorgeryrs'onhi rests:4day incite a to Ore them a cal-that:mar need their profession al Bermes. = Thev may liikeTound as the idlice fonter. ly oecupied ThaYer. TheYL , 7cili keep on -hind pare •Onneentrated and Mosic4:loac medicines. - Montrose, May 8, 185441 ' THAYER. 1t..-CRA2iDALL Henry S. Knapp, • • . AtoVritotT, - P.A„ with Row, lirewirigir & O ./.I.l'rrr,•Wbolestde Grocers and CotantiMion elants,.No: 178 Washington street, between •Cotirt:- andrand pey streets. N fir York. .. . . :Driller. 'kt: lotalek, irrortAlg. COUNSELLORS AT LA*, apa'SptiOtOill. in Chancery:`:.OfficeNo: 44 Clak*e fitreei t Chiturgo, !11. ThOrniS3,4IOIIIIIL * 1 IIEALER I N • Mit - GOODS, Groceries, ,ClOihing,. ./ -Crockery Bunts and Slioes, Susqvc7, Uli PePP I I ;Pa. • Bentle &Fitch; • • j TTORNEYS. AT :::141V . , - . Ifoniz:age, Pa. .EX R FL:IIENTLEY' • , Sohn (troves, • ILF4.SHIONABtE TAILOR. • Shop •untler'Searle"9 , - Hotel, Mainb strt!et, Afesntroae; Pa. . • 1. • •.. D. D. Hinds, .IrEity AND .EXCIIANGE 4T TILE. Offii.e in .I.J in the rear of Store", .3fontrom.o, • • - • J. Caister, • • ITVRA LER IN STOVE§, -77 - L.,e4 . 1.c.k , t.: ; 1 4 .1 s.t" • Tam r.k. a 11 4r•:Nt December !. . Tyler, :.sITERESTED i . 1.. :";T:T.1.1 - ..o.rte'r .I Dealer /lardware A:c:i No: 215 l'ea:l street, ; , friends, in this . and other counties, aro: kindly ,invited,';ind earnestly solicited to:CA-and purcha.'4e. Ni•tv. •• .• Ada , L. P; •Ifinds, . • ..• Phoe;ii ,t TTOR.NEY AT LAW, Suss/et/4/47m0, Pa, OftiCe LTlireo ) IL on, Maim. treet, one door eitst of Lenheinig, I . Globe . . _ _ • ;. c, t, ...1,00 ~.:2.00 4,6 it 2,(4) A,fto ••• TTORNI:I7 , %."Nt) COU.N.SELI,OIIS..AT . I.AW , .11. Office oil Turnpike street, one po,t's Po. . ...4. 111 110CyT, 'SEC A: MAKER, over A. 11:0,1witt's J strect, A Tyci itstt AT - LAW and Justice cif ' the pone} ; .', X: over I. I...'PotA & Co's Store, ibmtp.,,i. , .. / • • --• • A H. Jesttp, "ll' • 't TTOII,NEI 41"1.AW AND CO)lill&T410 1 0.1 L Dituts, fOiLilte Statt . of ;Cat - YMIt. will ' to all busing:: entrusted to him with prom; fidelity. opio., 0;1 Fnttlic Square, ocrupi, Ilulj Wm, 'kg:mit . . Abel. Turrell, HEALER IX DIATIS, MEDI/ I/ Paints, Oils, liye-st' Os, =Hatilware, Stoneware, Gla.k.r 1) Jewelry: i.iilcer Spoons, S)' 'i l ments, Ttlif , PW,4, Surgical/ fmncry ; Mirrors, Statio - Notions, &c. ' 4. Lyons & Co., LE AND..EMAIL DEALERS IN Groceri , Salt, - . Flour, and Ilard tioro, pd. .xvllol.Es') V Drpril wrye, Lan, 1.13,t J . 2.4 4.0 12,4 F. B. Chandler, -- ! VALER IN DRY_ GOODS, Ready Made elqddn i % GroceriO, BQ9ks And Siadonerc ete. •iniblie • Vtue-.2,ll.oliagite, I'a. : • icl/ 7 Patrick imock, • 13nYsici AND SURGEONS. :Office Nct 4 JL .Owego treet, t trontrose, Pa. , ' - • • - L. Post &,Co. • - DEALERS I DRY GOODS, Groceriesyl llarxlwam. Leather, Flour, etc., cornei pike street and Public Avenue, ifoitiram, • . .1. Egon & Son.; DEIEI. - lIS IN DRY GOODS, (iroceries Hardware, JR Crockery, Tinwe,'Groceries,' Books; etc:: also, I,carry on the Book. Binding business--POliCAveitue, • i ifonfvute, - Pa.. • - • - . . . -- --- , ~ . , Bentley & Read;', . • I . !.. . l '' " , • ~.. priv; ,),) TAEALERS. IN DRY GOuDS, Drx4t, Mediciiti:4, „„,,, _Il Paiiits ON, 6roCerieN "Hardware, • Crockery.. • t11 . 0 .4 " 1 be i 1 .- Iron , Clock:4, Watch.e.Q. Jewelry , Silver - Spoons, Per-. • f'unery &c,.—Foot of Public Avenue ? -Von troxt... ,- ( r , 4, . .., . ty __ . , ~.:, • 0 . . • Sayre, Bentley. & P.erkiar; I- . 1 • 0 A Ir..i.XI3FAC-TtRERS OF AND DEALERS IN all :1 ) 01 10 . • .01. kinds "Office Castings, Stpres, Agricultural Ithple- ;' ' . J o meets, etc. Office at Sayre's Store, VublicAvenne; • ! • „iS 31annfactory at the Eagle Foundiy„Foot Of: Cherry 1 1 i-, f. , street, ..11oot rose, : P a. i: : .• • ;. •-. • : IXi [ . • TTORNEYS• AT LAW , ifont t , . . ;.‘ i_ -. .. - 'e• a- ::i'rae . . - '' mnie.ttrt;i t•i• V 4 1 ... t. 0- by he down town .. , . William & w ..- ess7, . . I.IIWO tretnendoil ill - ii. J - .. - 1 . 1. Mirt.. wi1 , ..! - .v 't 1,60 -.- .:ttee in Sutquebauna,.Bradford, Wu, new,,- '1 ' • '"- ) C .- 1, i )0 ruing anti Luzerne eolmties.. - '- . - pede their proi2.•re.,?. —.-- • -.---- eithte frith all their. • .• • . ethirt made to•stnp {•''l4ntiv o l i 4 burin, anti we hire of fabinei ill ppposition these} , , e foot of ter, heating irOtil - - 'ed;*e toois ' - at..,boe.' I, - • , - ..- • N( 7 ii 01.4.. 0 f 't.:Vety Rockwell. Winton .8: Co., , . '`, .'.. ,of li . ::- , e tin... , r.'6:1,1 A and'FAN - CIACTUREI4 -DEALERS I r S'!7::7 -r-' i'''' it 7c ' - o', :_.,- ii '3' .01 Goods. Ilfits, Coro: l'irks,_l'7l , 7,r.-.l'--Kl'rn- s4)18, Ribborqt, ct.r. (tr.; No. °rt., 011;rt1:,n , lt- Ft:;.N , :: . 1".. York, (up FtAir..) . - • --'- n.. n. nOtliV7rl L. :.. . -.. . William W. Smith & Co., OAK:CET NIAKII.S.. They keep co .1 1..) 'hand xi - good asscirtment of all kinds I Furniture. ShOp and Ware itoorris at .t 1 Maine street, Montrose, Pa. t TrOIINEr e. it: Woliirox", -xiii I oef4 - entru.4ell to hit in ti...c,•unty Conveytneing and wrid:,g, of ail 1; neatly. and chargeB moderate. Ile will - also attend to the prosecution of claims of soldiers,. heir widows and heirs, aouinst the United States GoTemment, for Bounty Land, Pensions, kc.‘ - - - Msiy , be found at all hours - at the office :formerly Occupied by .1. T. Itiell• ards, north.of the. Court !louse. - 1 1489. 13roposals will be received at the Commissioners JL 'office at - Montrose for taking a loan-of. Ten thous and dollars authorized by act of asgembly to be bor- . ' rowed by 'the County of - - Susquelnunajor the per. e wise of building a new Court House and rublieog; ces.for said County, until,the. whole amount of .suid loan 'shall have been taken. • The said loan will be taken Mr, the whole' or in - smaller suinii; as may suit those Wishing to in veit money therein; and for Such times as may suit . the lender at the rate of six ptr cent per ,minuni, for' u;, which County Bonds will be issned in conformity with - the let &assembly, is I Attest, en 1 J. HANCOCk. ...3. A. WILLIAMS.' Ei A. CARPMXTER. di, Wm. A. CROSSMAN., Clerk. ' '' ' • •,: Commissioners °fate, _Montrose, 'March 8, 18‘4, STEAIII GRIST AND.SAW MIL • DOT BROTHERS hiving Purchased. the abei• e4ablialunent, mill keepiixeistantly on - ptifute ditcl Fine /lour, Corn Meal of au ; ;ric c ity, alra ckop and Bran at the lowest .- 0, • ' Casitee *ark trill' be 'dew with ! • an d - in all eases warranted. • , lllBltf ' Ectattese, July, 1E53. - , FOR SALLE. 4.4. FARM. cotaining 75 acres, hi' Dimock township- • he otholit 20 Acres : ipipmned s it Log House therm: and well *Meted. ' 'The &Wm wi114:4 sold. sti nameable terms by =- big something of skpwastit down. For ewe Tar* tieeht enquire of Joba Unto eaar the prentlaes,,! or otVAim pitivigitisiviniotly:SEED * rtre ., r ! b to. r . ; I === Fiazier & Case, C. N. Simmons, Albert Chamberlin, rocCri<ts, Pry (;00( 1 1 4 , mic,. (locks, Watc tacles, ain.icnl Instru . nstrtunotts; tiquom• ery, ee J. ?r ,. Frnkiin Yraser, 010,000 WANTED. ==l ESEME aA icy°' " ALL Nr ES AND L ATI! itelr ' al .11i•Li . r,, .• WI I 4 : - air tight .1 LAninne., rge autL 31 St 4i1 . .1:;v: 01 lurht or rfi.oh rtn r I :-. li 1 , ( 1 , a rri" , i cry tit 1141iri1ly kipt lstantly ~, . rrt i p.it:i : t CB inplottt. tiyerHtmrt . n.r: ritt, r/ r:',. / ./e! 'Dry O r a l‘il that wo. colt F.. 1 •Ift,r partirill:frtz el cot,- youv:4 , :1,- '51.1. I call M:t • an.l " by Hon. ~Lal!icsboro iri. . IE stiberiber wil l 4: ISrotitet-.=,•1)0b on It: nti anitfttr.t,i , , i . ket' ntiti workmen etnsurp:l Ordet-, addressed to il l Go6lll . l l in Lumber m chnage - for the :lbw ' 1..at. , .5h0r0, Fet 1 , , f f_i . s systzu.} _ • 1 -4".1' *V E AND i i" ' . 1 ' J --1 - . 1,. -8k i.- 1. -- Axi 01-:1,1) nispect 7 Tl . qtleilatina COn opened an estahlishi», I rose,t at_ the old stand I - north: of the .f/qatr ...intf.l to keep:et:6.A. of 7'(ll . r.ES, 77N, /RON i1"..1.R.E;:d.c. low itsthe saine.eatt Northern .Pennsylv: Stor i ei can he found nuturims to inentiO . 2. /". & Eiii...-ti ...14,:harl: .47.!......ateil ' .11,rrs.t .eor,-;1 . • ' .Atptslone Stole fo • Arc; tifna• Trfkl. Lity State, fur . . .I!..l , , , rsti'rn frog iri Ftlot Tor 1 , ): ,..,,L, %Jl (). Piolnr. 0 , s,. for himting r pte hoe es, . &e. re pipe .furnisiit: Taught at the F.: 11 . 11 kinds of•en. ,, to )rnost reasonfible o n, 7 exehanF for you w iili. to E. re•puichaziog el . a . • lrocktry, of TUra a. . , . - ontr6.4e, Sei)te 11 1 . 1 - It '0 ".?.=;2. 1 .. T . : . . c..,1 (:,i: L'..... , .Al: ' , .'o . i : v r, i:„:41 i . a:.l-atil cent. tall oil kpril 5. INSUII. .., TI. . . nsurcs age/in .1 A. Q. Stebbin4„. 1 Or rime Street; t rliontas AM . /NW!. .Scinthtnny.(l, :31111 Greenwich Bteet ; ' t . 4tt's. Lent, raw (74i01g0, Ill.; I \Million W. Lelatll Britt street; StaH stteos ; Jqlan L. Wart, Iltit e and - , Barrow Gapaevoort 4eptien Philad 1 strtvt ; Sam 41.11, Shaw Clew • C . ll.4ltLEg C. •CL ICILMILES MON urf TA.VING p Co: 1 respectfully info . • .id or, edod c y of foods. 1 1 *ie;Sidtv as Groceries, Drye :554,08, Wads, kr, of •produee, at , 4414 pAptty, ; 11Ontrose ' i • on apply to or addi-ess post ALFRED E. BEACII, • or of. the ,Pegple'sH.Toitrun.l, •• • tieriean and Fortdi., , n P4fentz.., ; st;.N . a.s:aou. &t. „Xi:Ny.l7o:h: RE ipin CQ., hare Consiatilly on : hand si‘leeted -aitotitment of tiri fiir wells, onnes,:eistern -.lanamed •wares,, lead don't! , with. tient •attemded to. .• of kb • es' -liattefmt. Our those 1 -:! , ; -46 eidke sfaction; I 'steel - can he fiin • the *. 1 Star of the V 'At; Ekvnted Clinton, j . -• Lorpn. , Cultivat Fire ' " WC - ern Qnec.n, -, ' • s. ktr,Oonitu FF. • lidsovite Asiortittelti • i w nir GOODS r star ()lir Gbo 1 ••• have beat l.for r , r ill he coil at 'tack eornrot-i•-. twirl% et- in ti coontry %tore and xtsa ‘re , oot • intend to keep \Vt. noito the attention of friend=—to o‘n cf II)f• tf" tf.c feeling Lii , ot tl= v.(11 4tp -- zeYt X qij th Inelntiine 4 1i at tl• • tow or .T. 1,V0N;4 S SON: I • - - 1), Aitit boor netory., forai7:ll at itio Shop of Newell . 5a. , 11, - ,and i3l3nth. Turnioni to order. -Luinher kiln-died, I, 4sed by, any in the country. e -4 e . reive prompt attention. .Country Pirtlnee' taken 41 ex : tet Ms, • A. 'SONS: 11 ANN C Y TOIN WAO.E DPOT EB.4TER :.." . . fully inform the! people. of Seih..- ay and yieinity.l that they Int 4 ~nt. of the 'above. kind in' iontl• 1 of Sayre 4, Webster, one, doo * -- lifmi.crat oltiee, where the • utly .on hantl t . a large a•zeortine‘nt COPP.E.:(I,Vae, S//1:7171, all of which they will eal a be bought • irLthiscoutity, or ii da... Among the: a:ssortment . til lhe following, bOide4 others too tiikt, for errintLi ()reit • • Irnod or aiaF, improred,:fc%r . .. . C. and F , ltoo S:o.'ve:.i, lifit-air Yu tii >lie 1 1 Ili 1:.1 i gs. Otarelws.; hotel,. • Stove trlonuiT!i,N Titi-wre atit . : - .t . wliolefole ap low as biey C. i . • wo4;..tlone. n oli short riotiet, aryl termsf - All kind& of produee.tak hvaresl lye money; he tter-.? and rail c)4% `ns revillerj. .... . 1 - •:, A. WitMER &PO 1.494 . 1 1E! _ . fire•_.: have brakeit oufat the Stent , 9,, harms lit.tp;!. rapidly in ~ p ite of uit the ehTtr;te Made re company to . i.bxtinuatOt !or int- Though thevi,,pTh.ld - their Ma ‘olver and the greater t' to be :fire . sthe nibre rtpidlc th ry tot tjltelezt4t thhf hi s.pitc; oh frri4 - continue to burn fot and tteer to: forge all kinds of ; horge,tdici&s, ifarriage irons. a - td Aid the proinich i ot is firti~ 'the that for tto of yehruat'-y he h:ti done t,ft. shop (Hi Ilain&-Stn_iet.!ll;e :1:i artd - pledeci, shb.? Crkics,fitist.tild 3: 4 • :DA • i t . :3;vo,:tr:=' 111"t4tfr antitait cd3ts-16,:ani War Declared against the. Turks. yonthavi.t Fifardg r" prepare to shed them_ now-," Toils Cliristians,lMornions Hankers, or..Thn-s; bearded ladies or beardless . boys,. Absalom* or bald -1 pates, , any and all, whoirequire the Sert-icesif -a I - - ISatkoek and DressOf, • (._ will please. bear in maid that • 'CHARLES TELLNIAN • continues to exercise his act at the old stand, in the c baztenint of Seinie's lintel; Montrose, where he: will •-be alwt4s haptiv to see the lltees of old 'and . mew ens ,{ • :o.'l A ;ran iatevi (hay , - : , ,ho2.ing than e ,tvtliand Sweets' Von . 1,0 done vi ith heat ieFs Ito ad;.. Nnw, if yott *IA to trace X2O D. w !fork: City NCE,COIIIPANT E Sli AND 4PPROVED SEC 11 65 0 0,000:. Loss or _Doia(4re,h y crt. DIRECTORS, ] .„_ v , I .1 . 3' Broad streci; IPeter C. Ba.- , Ginn& rane'rei., .11 , 3 Broadly: 1:31i , Cenar :infect; S.tlntlel .. 0 'est street; Albi.rt.L.- Conklin 1 itni-A:. Cm:lb; 11:1 Broad`• • liridgtr, N:" 'with II(mb I,:ie , r York ca 6.1.1c11. been; .7 ' i n-ay ' tidratio N. Gallup, co4aer Arects; Ponter, coiner eat; Reubesiltela Jr., .4d Eil.lsth Crow vrelli t . Caaid'en v. N. Y.;, Albia D xtzu• Bratain, t 9 lira-, I, Smith: ;. Sam.: elttitd; .Ohio.. i • t• PrCdidet t. Setret t ity r . BROWN, Ai*, ,Moatrlae; Pa. ROSE DI IPOT; LIAM msed the ,estliblOhnient ofiris4t I at•. the .4ontfeee Depot,• wottitt'k 1 his Dien& that hi will keep .on t theliiiiit 016e5 1 -4 welt 4 31 4* fittiter ittlA b!Cl i bild.g/RV015..... a 1 6404 liardwa*C l 94erl. , exchange ToriPteln and idl - d heit 'prices. -1000 ow* J - 'et. ii, 1854,1 J '. . i to • . • r -3mr 4 — •••• • ' • I , 111 0 01000*4*I.cfiA0 0 4sg- - • , , ,-4 t.'": : 1 ORR:VD fATTRACIIONdoq - 04i( :liiiii VorAg 1 xieciotrakeirEathilitf :'r v; '- -- c t , o , i t t er i t i n ti- l i E ,-,,,:, : , 1 .1 1 :.,.;, .t, ~ ~ • .., :‘._... t- , •••fe "i• - 1: '.! ,Urlllligek , 1 11(4 ekapetft4iik6 l. ..r*lf Uri*: • to aluniltapie/Gixds 'iver till t ithiltt littl - SUiiinit - fina' 0)0W. - One hitudred taiieS;Diel eour , I , • li t gl a ylial e s/follewift ,:‘ - .L... ; ,-,-. e'•, f' , f:' o •C, i fs _f , R ch.Chsigeabintaks,i ' Fashionable Silkould'asts , • " •StriP 43- - - f - t• -:`.-; :, ~.- - • .; - '' .7 . tiPotiCa4iii " ilaki ... • ' i FreOlt.Phines, . , " ' Blade. -'t ". 2 .200 pie6g.:l36tinet - labi - Massa-Dennet - "- ' ' ' .'-`;''''. - pirms;: %planet Smirk =L! /.`k -,-; -.100 pee: Fine?, Dresit dck. 1 Art,rool DeLaines, Velvet Dress CugOns i , \.- PariL9:ig. ~ do . ',f :-- -, , Fig'rd. IS.,colPd:• l Velvet.% Plaid de '''':.. ti;,!:' • ~ -/ Hay, rf.4 ; giat•Ohii . iitiy ~ F oii-did-de..„kl.:, ~..,::_.ClOnieral-: • r-::'-'•'`dri '., H, glighlierinnts*. ,- • : ) n t o c he i ,...... •4: : ;,./ - i , di ) ! '• 11 aranlettO l S,, :',• , -V „adi c :,_-., T T . , ;,;.. doi _, , iYOWS 4I . -ClOthtt " "' .., .. T I , Gioves,iliosktry, e_te. hails r,,,,,, ~ ' • ~, Lglaths l dl.otneml, . . rend ehaAle' de liel'e', irtstinfr,s . :, ° 1 anhreide'red`DObei, "," ' ' - Fhttraisi, : 1 .-`' • ' /- , 'l • 1 • inghasnsiand rims;'' . , •lirool 13hos ce ts, Stoteli-Piatds, .• - 7 - Lintilgs , * : ~ • - . 1 .C.-; 'White Goods' ,. . , , ' .., , Ticking:l, , • , - IA - ronglit, Chimi e!tes; / ' Damask Spreakit, ' I ' ‘ '"" ' Colb „ ;' ;, Linen -de '''! 1 ` 40 3lnalin Edgitigs, r ' lrish Linens, ;• . 1•., .. 1 1..//16 Cambrielt du f . i Black Muslims, :, 1 ilo Lini:n do - , Etc. etc. ' I / - Ilarford, 0iA.16. , EATON & FO. ii e ' gNioVAL. • . . . .. .• STOVES :: STOVES': STOVIEI4 2 'l7llE.subsCriber wishes; .to - eiiii. the. attention ;of hj 'I : friends . . and the public to hiS -cerylargtv tr.si ,. ' lnerit of. IiTO.VES:ut his .nevi Store Room in. ..ii.i./P,- next to. L. S. Leuheitn's - s.tore,,and.near Bend Depot: ' lie bits, in tidtiiiiou to his fin- - - variety 'of Cooking intl . PariorStovele:; tna' erits„ soine'of 'which nre--.. ' ' , Si. Ntidicitits, _Macklin:l4.h, 21/ollerx Tray,. .11ohaFk, - . Orient; ' :Black Irarri. , Welt, twther with .ble forty , be the mosf extensive and .;;" selected stilves, in the eouy - - Cll;atia. Si(e4VV, well V ;, - all articles in 1 to order iiS astral, v a Great 'Bend.. Dolerxiqlle .1 4 ' 4 e Qt. o ei large azrinpat ire Ciippfr; 1 . 141allito!.; ; 9aki E.7ll?sNn:f -, .1- stock,. wilt .e tied sistlortmeiit or well at . e4,lioe kelit on:bail& zoull loade . orders i.P.et.i'eed at (44 stand • • (011,g_TtN: — •NoV., 18:54. " . TO TIIIITZTEIEILIC. 3ty fasts s, one and all; r •Ivotilit have yon'tOlcitow, That t• ready to serve von atllontr64e Depot:. I h e NaiLY and Tobacco,: Colree arid Rice,' • ~ t, Saleratus, :.Soltpetee and:Spiee—,. • - , linger and Cley . e.e,.t'.'eant of Tartar and-Cariflic,is, e a .restings,- s:el , ..ctod foi• ,4andies I have Nutmeg, )iolasses, AlspiCti arid .With Ribbons and Tippets; the ladies-to, please Pin Needles,andlq4,l-hooks, mitit-plenty of soap, .titarch, Butcher-1i nivo,l.)otees, Rat-traps and' Rope, Curryc.ontbs; Ticking and Wickiag,!** , • Cnal-liods anal Cracl;en , ,, with Wafers for Stielditg; Pepper'-eauce,. %Writing - Books, Raisins And . But perhaps, on the whole;wo have said quite ebongh. •The hair can't be told, so just step in and s.eel. Per votirselves - at the store' of -Tour - friend • I - J.-C. tr,E: - .„ 3lontro,e Ver:ot, leri.: 7 • - NEW FIR:7I . IN. SPELINOVItLE. TrilF. itkrsignvtl-14ring entered.iuto ft.'eoPartfter, in lb,: blz.trrek;', at ti. o4l,suiti . (l St of . K. Grover., ',to ,bd - conductedan(lTearried, -onz.tn "ticr the name and - Attie' of Fie - Yfillan• rOpect ftilty' beg leave - to infonti the public that • (1.06.D8. tif every tliescription will he sold on yeay.onablo7terrds, for ca , h 6: any 'kind Of produce. It l our tlettleil thter 'initiation. to sell 11;i chip ar itlittle cheapr tliait any other bouz , e in tlte .Conntry. We.ar'e deteilifined•to • keep n good a , :tot tthent,. and hopq by strict attentiop to burittes..4,• ,to merit it liberal z - ilthre of publiel patron-. ; . • JANITS Springville; 3lay 2. • A. jam_ . ': : -, ' , ll3ntlio itc.lres.' l' .- , CHOICE. lot j* - received, anal ofreivctlow by. c , t...OTT, JOILN :ITO.). &.CO. Nt .), -. • .frhwtvl.4! hawk: . .-...„ •,t :CHOICE lot of Wool ng Shawlsl7gry cheap I.IL. by .. . ... SCOTT, aptis.s.tox.. co: . sprin g. vilk4Decernbr 3. - " . ..- Notice. to the . • . \i - 1441:1,N; juSt refrined from New "York. .11 tol -.1.ca1l the attentiOn of toy old customet..sind • of. the public in general, - to m:y ' • 1: - • NEW sTocx OY Gopps, - which beingbought, with cash at the . . lowest prices; I and wishing totr til pilocipally for the same, I will of: , fer them at gretAly reduced prides . - Coeheco Prints,- warranted fast coliars,lo only 8 ccots a yaril. ' Good Brown - Sugar, IS potions . tor one dollar. Boonton Nail-, ;acknowledged by all' to-,be the'best Nail in •;,. 4 5..5ft pef keg. - Bats atad Caps, Boolts anil Bizfill)o. Robes of 'all priceit, all wool' De Laines, Cashmeres, Pa'amettas;.Drs Silk;, Silk VAN - et, ke Mouslin Lair.cs, 1 :shilling per r 4), Satin: Bonnets and. Moleskin Hats, l3'oehe Double Long ,Thibet'do., atJneoticei;- ably . low•priees. - I cat; .safely , :warraktscifect . Pat* ; faction to all who will give me •. • - Lanesboro, APr. :1!.1574.1 LYONS. ALOCKS---good time keepers, only'onelioliar. , S. A., LI, , .ONS. I - Lanes,lioro, Apr. 5. , 1:00,1 • Iides, for which the highest 11 inud. S. 'estoro. 5; CIOUNTRY PIIppITCE- taken •in . exchang? pi 1,- k...) Goods,-nt my. store: - - '.- -S. A. Ilya _ I ,i - 1...-Mesboro t , April- ; . i. . . . 1 • .. . . ' ca n't get along ikithont..Z : lTem `- - peralkee Grocery. : ; I • .-- 1 I rti"- , .1' i• oprietors of the emPerance Grocery I I wonkl call the atten n . of the public!' t) . _ heir . F ., I stock of tilroce.rie:c wltx'h-consists of everything kept ' I in a t ctrocery with Ihe - etideption7 . of -4--;-; - Which. can t' be porehaz .. eiifoie.cashli little above cost. Come and try for yinpoetlres; we Will load you down W i th gra ' ceries fi)f - 0 little money 4.4 the next. (htr stock cot of • Stig.ar,..lloltr.,•;:es, ,Fol,' Coffee, Stitrch,- Pep.: Arer, Spice, SalaratuA &c., &a.: ."' •',l - :' • April 5. . , • . F. 1 1 .• FORDITAM:. k CO: -, - Air ,RACER by- the- ib or ..harr'el. Oykt _r5 , 11)..y. ,, the, keg or quart: , • Nuts - wholeizale of -re .- Figs and Yankee Notkins of all Oseription•;;: t • April 5. • • • • F..-11.4%, &Co. FIRE ItiSeIIANCE. _ . TIIE subsiribeili is agent the following Insurance eompanies., doing business Ot the !?west n 1 rates; • . State .21fatitatat Harrisburg. .. -' '. Capital MO 000.- Cash..Mittnad at Harrisburg I • I j v . • . ' . ..:Capitall.s2oo, 6. Home Insurance, Nell , York City ' ; - . ' • .. ) -- - Vapit 00,000: - ' . fIiAAOLER. . MontrOSe April 8, 1854: - • • , - ' -- FactrOr-4,he PeOple.. ; -.. , XTOTNtIT ZIANDING 111 c.predietion.l of the Ne,,W ; .1- 1 1 A y•Le4ver that Frank Pierce, will be elect . ',ed. silent because' the Prophet lialah says that 1) ' - Pic Lord gneth pover to:the faint," it is unii•ersal ; fy admitted that the subscriber can and wilt sell , 1 ' BOOTS AND. SIBIOICW- CHEAPER than any other Shop iu - CraTil..4ot even .0$••• •''t cepting the genuine boot and shOe 'store -doWn town.' t - !'.ll.—My.terms are cash or pay down, and . 1. r - would therefore' inform - those who are ' I indebted to Merriirtan S. Patrick, titat!they must tall and pay up cd•-•"r---nuil s ced. • , i ; A. M . ELRI3LAN. - Montrose April - ; ,'' l', 2 ' . - - '• I - ' 44. Souse Allataagw , eon be doziet as well as others."_• PrHE fitibscriher having pumbasd the; 'Chair than: , of W. amenorood; injUarford; Is prept;red to manufacture all kinds 4 . Clalkat miuced prices, of good - umterhils, and in a intperier style',.. of, workmanship., Amene'the different. kinds I Mention' " • -.BostOta: Roc .ers;liniprrimed style 7 )' all kind* of :An and . Windror chairs;ll749_,.. Settees, cf 4 .7 Vara Work warranted to give - *ififseiWik . foe five rears., • ; iii i lame r chantOde Produce : , . taken; 0314 , anstre. tor yogi, but - NO CIREDIT!, - JAS. JOJINSTOW.4,- -',4prd - K fla l ; ,o bY - the N Emits); iwifitiOstrl Qirtlcli*rtztAkli Ot3ilsou &co:,ihe iiiepoilftwfin - didehrlibirAt;itnidestirati* : skilfzitidcdditAttikAOthitroll . ,,l4 4 l leatin ~ antly on hind Plops i (ben kinds,)Eft4 ( 4 4. 1 ; o ,o4 4irOorfi: qfrlr,Cifiieff.,,,,:9ol- 4 . fh6/ters.,l ••, . •Tlep!mantifacture. Wwltutildktitte'aitd keiplor*„., 7U....C'eleOratexi ...We !lave purell44o 'the,seset,Tiptie tight to, Agri "did Bell in - thiketiuntY:lVi r ti3rneciit fratlferdlarßieViiPatedt,TrostlioinP*. ' aad .110 : Tlow„iwinagip entixtly.pf t elm .ot4,the It is t!ltT`Ottiliki.ltv'sbeini pr . easlei - iTltt arty tioef 1111AIS.C; itt stickle rability ore, geater. ti - . Ire Ow . 0., ' r.=* . 4 all- ari ilfilteii. • itetWegt, . , -.9 41 444: - . digs; tiff : 1 ,- I . ratee., - A. ! , !oeutel„ i '. a wilt be '', ..., . .. 11;..44 [ Tr: -:,- _ ...., ..-FARms. roxi %ALE. '. -[-... ' • ri-tHE imbveribers will aet as tigentS . .foi b,flng and' -- .1. selline. Beal Estate:,—Fannsi.ifonses( .tatir.,_!,-,. hp f nt ";k l L Sulguchilun, VT I, IY.,AN-coPVlatetnne cow -' :*: Y:. and also Vit. lora Land ' TV , 'Tants.— ..• ,All wh re to offer -their ropeivy for.stde earl , pre ~ • t j, minute dmerliatiOn , of them laratis - ..0r.L0tt.4 ix fa; ' .. 4. ,s )ows: linmber of ,acrei; :how( many imp fed; 'and . how watered; blinding 4; ..orehards, graft .- Imo.-;e ; ewe,: moil fruit:. other .frult trees, and ' shade t e , .. :lio'w - Eir from Grtnt 13end, and ilie'nearOst poin , o die D. - L. '4!L W;R. It. and 'N iY...81 - ,. E. E.8.; 1 :p ' d fermi ' ' of - pay - lo on. ~•.; •••••:' - ..'.' '.: -..- ~,- • •. •• • M. l 'All • iv bo', wish. io jiwr or sell Real' gate, wil t tl receive prompt atientiOn by Oiling-on 'oilit dreg / either 'or tta. at 6-eat Bend, Si t tsiptehina niy,-P ? 5.,/ .e r ±4 -7%-• Co: - 01:veyAnce ft i tylOreut Ilpig' s i to th . Oremisti free of eliarge: r.. 1 . ,...._ :., .1 . ..' .. , cre• (Vice on 'liable street; _in the ' &vie i thOii.4 1 i of S: B:Ciii.Lsti'lately ticetipied by N.-,A7:: - etitei. . • - '-. . r--_,, ' • PETER D 'KER..' Great Bead, Oetobt4. 'Of; : S. B. 91 . E. 3fontrpse,..3litreli 4 'Ataitra Or any placecnt " die o?4.o:%iaiiiegi prerstaf -greater infiticemeAs' than KEELEB• t. - STODDAItirg — • ; Sakti* AND tinitime moron . 7 ' Hi s now fi e d, with a new and el' tensite ..1 7 % H aTporinwnv,tif afiiples in Weir-line, einbiatini 11 '. general variely'of,new cll . :int- stele ss , 1 4 ladies and gentlene'n s wear, among whreh• are Ladies Irene S 4 Lasting etnd Pt ell arA • EnatrAlerf Kid, Paten :.Lea - tber:' aitcl Bronzed Jenny Linds,liuskith Wad _es Ginalenterrii French and iVadelphia; oak pin Kfealf skin ampiipßems,, 1 G P - 2 7:: • rl . !. 1 1'? 'l,l 731tii:C9; Cuff allii-'64 Calf Childrer . meta' ct:Firidt* • k.zpit it I 'phi/ &c.. .IVQ71‘.:1:11 . . ...fe. Btoganslre..,t‘Poys :kiii. fis and: Brozads l , ol4 kinds. of :w g 543 weir. - Also, a . golie ' a.ll- - .tilclisoosist iriliart' of s ts prOt, jrian BALA, tack, thread; •Ifqx,, Brie:- (61.,.•, ar;,l:,raspf,sandi•totio#,Thoe,knit tl ,„ alt . and lienilock, tanned* call per and ' rac. M orocen . sltins and,liiiings. 7:.f, ".• - . ke'td order and Ten:siting neatly:done.. K4f,1,F.11.:4 ST4,I,p - ARD. ii,.,...1,prii 6,18 M. ; - ', .--. 1:4.: -.. • - . , ~ :\ 31()ntr.). 15,181. E REAL 'ES , ' ' FOIL sAt.E. . eyfi ;\ 7 114.14ACvE1.01!,i situated • in: #O . l ......t . ) part . et: the ,sillage of S usiliteliatm Ilirpf.:F. and lots '`iri tb mot, business afmresadiillage. ,Alsi), iv 'Farm evntaittili csitly.: a ' small iMproyemeet,, the , remahl timlieved, situate,twd;wiles frii;iv said rill Sosimelianna.is the . grent Centriii De Y. & E. Rfillroad, situate tit the.foot:of -grittle.on the road, the great wbrks Conewaem, and •the'enAelde, und , pmrs ture the-best watering place on the foul ealitymt extemtle . 31 - tichine Shops, Foun Susgifehanno, Oth - origli numbeting :het . anus; rand but ttnir ceais.of a,, , =e, n.Zdt.s rattle alonpide of the mpst flOntishlN,..o. towns on die line of this great tiprou4 . L. Offiee; one door of ,aita• Depot, sTo:c. 16. ' ' R ----- ASosv., • ... ..___.__. intble Lands For* I. rkOR SAL ' IY.ONE. BODI , about I i " .I'. Lind on the ‘6...‘ rs of Sluing . - ..Brq 'Of' tile Laekaw num rher, in Luzerne Con, abont nildtrai - -letyreen , the, thiiving ton'and l'itts . ton.. •Tiiese lands are coy . liable timber -and being tituate in the 1 mineral region in yennsylvania=-4n07 iron ore—and believ ed to abound in. ',_, also in • the - immediate vicinity of seN •made mid pow : in progress--.-otrer to th , opnortunitrfo the investment of motie, .occurs. F further infoimation appli sack,'.EA, . No. 11, IVall . street Nov i iy, suivril)er,•at Montrose, ....‹,nstinehannalc( .)ritev in fact'of the - Mrners.L 1 1 - April t; 183-4. , 1 . 'HENRY 1 6 piril ..IS u.,' ,tt , Proelliniation. rl 7 l/11..T E 1. BEAR 'VI L.I.THROP Akt. 1 I ; RUFF has'e, formed a 06-pa the naine and.firm 'Lathrop in • . STOP RS.: WARE,' ata. where4s that the made ! i rioiwo tAfilitl-pubß, 'for 'the . 4) welt :is our A • , Notice g . tlier - efore i herehy-giren tcl of Montrose and the t:er t .titM still Ire fannd laboring. 'at. our :COcati, stand on MaitiLsifeet, whqie'lre Alan our friends, anti to supply. their -7nats, our :utility. ' - • • ' • p. LAI • ' -• . AV() .51ontrf.c...ipr.:str; . 18 . 54,; ° AVATipli; AT TILE PLD SSTAJD.AGAi ryITE subserillers, huvirig:restitned ed business mar the tuaragern f. efi3.fyie,'respeet fully solicit front th , ! ersin that a returri`Of - their puts! ig an experi6need•anil worktnai ed bl,.iness•and formally. years , • • of the belit shops io New York ikty, is do any kind'of work; that way _he en , Trfnaprn ,, ,e, »40Jeiate cho':geY, . and. t all good Watehes,;!ce trust will, seeir patronage. ••••• • . • Gold rings made to order, and all repaired. - • : BENT "Montrose, _April 3, 1854. • -1 NEW MTABLISHME AND E. SiOTT, .woultriesp • 1 1.‘ '• public that they are Mtulattet Celebrrited Plows. 'They: alio Thee hawk Bids Hill,' Wayne Coanty, 'a Cultivators, Dog Churns; Stele! en law FWills of rariowi. putterpty t mention. Mr,e hope, I#-strict attest' 'to receive' our share-of puhrip' patro .toffy, I):.rOst's old stand. jrouudry Searle's • - • 10r4trialring totone on short riotie • LOOK XO - 1:1.1 0R LAN !i FilrE sitbsit 4 ibe - ,:i‘will attend to' his. obi business of ;SUAVE anit mben desired. MfLoy of the 'I county should . bo-re-surveyed; to to ibe butd-:larlotoildch are liable 'iterated by titno, to; as to occaii6ittll culti.far tjnia, tOseoine.• Every know, the.ririci4e Iticat • ion of all his, therefore;Ahonill see to it la ti4sooi, troulkauti , creONVEYstlifOrYG.ttlao.at, - Sinntro - s . c, QPI, , , „ , ±' 1•1111111134PliD iPLA =W ::St. T HE sairacribera am now. burr, a d 'quidit7Vit "WifJ,:tinn't tina.:l:;lFit 1 quantltlinCit - -*fitli*lce.; - • P '-Oshing ituatitity6in be.innipligki.utiOii A Qlol4e i3 2=4. 03 d. 1 -1 1 .0410 1 4 i r Itk it /( 61 4 1 0 86- I)*SAltiktir. Z 1 1 1044 - .YWARi ROSE 4140 LOT; littO'' ill _KnO-lif')10410080.-• • FOP - .WI* , Autmerly** .I. i 4l3lKir . _ . REE 2 grenc i . Ara -1 Californi ATE = pleasantest 41:36, tbret dlart of • the 43: i a im; r' heaiilv t. of the \: he . 110Ti6t &limits; icing by n* the lo- I inhabit , n I soini to . PoP4loa tlnhelnee t ,, i le: . L . i. 5 15: a.cr4 or': ) - *a* bm.ticl4 - Lty, l'etinct . „ • ' 4s of F...eilr.- d with tal i" extents . -n 1.4) cot 4 ,. 9_4 and end Mill-44 ' ' 3 Pilliiitq * 1 • - y t.hat s&citti;, noi N. P. fiii: oil:: or to il l e" minty:XL, th DRI;SK ' . -as AO Ine 'choul ablic po egood 't, that wt th e Opp,: Uft the , DRt}T ..nt,l of' 3i c [ l iege; , having iarked in c l pnipe ted ti i , el quern, t a k# 4 ; it ... .., 4 . TY in, - ti!. ri g jilatreyt Onstan y on a Id,. I*. - 1 ( - ,i,itifilshaegi o friumerOlis :to .. pl to busuioA age. ' F3l-itttlio• 31. - Moti, neu PLOW suqP, ; itUIT 31( TT. M rr. iILAR ;cal - 4=d in Iltl .up I, up An 4 N los sp ttes a I to t ri:a and aerie& Ate 1 4 t th o 9ipplY l O" 4141106 191).. Pl.let tlas ople• ; tet ' 1 d , apore ketp , l I perior in IDY ft WV IA ..e. tv wit/VP,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers