. 41. 7 • • Webff, 0 104$11 ••• • : 17p00 Jewell; doll:irked flt!tee, • l aidtkre Pet-leate engaged ie "gneva .f.Tliere ire 400 Portugese in Springfie.l44 - '• 600 i a 'Jacksoiriille, 111., who batik ; Le d thither from Madeira.•• • Editor down East 'objects to a fe, Dude t ei gislaiiire one the ground that;,ltiey.. would jfist-represent the country. 1 -4 : • - of the Chicago papers states that o the. ,oldiist native_ of that City is:a yonnklily n brtwe nty-tivo ye.ars. of age. • , .—The Administration is anxious for a war w ith Spain. hie Mai*" holds back, but it i s s aid he will yield . - sooner than leave his did on . the baa p ) •; as he . Ne•ra .• ' ; b# the fit . f 4 are quite 4)004 -see ty of Nicholas in J unking the aVoiral, that .no one , ien i n9 d t h e peace of the l world More than' hi did—the piece of the world alluded' w 15%5- ,14, no doubt, Turkey. -__A A many writers have taken the trouble to define what a lwife ought to be we May as Belt told o c nr idea of that subjectlo , tle gen eral f u nd. A Wife sluuild be like roaat 4unb tender and nidely 'dressed. —lris said thi.4 when Dr. Franklin invezit e4 the harmonies., he - concealed it from his' :wifenntil the instrument was fit to play, and t hen woke her , with, •it one night, whet she t o ok it for the Mole of angels. —The - Tribune c trufiy sayd, "Garrison, Phil- t :i fs , stud,all their' ,e(Ompeers, - eould not have • - ma d e s o many AbolitionistaandDisuniouists in half acentory, as Pieir..e,fDouglas, Badger, and Claitoti have, made • m three months. --Dr: Guillotine owed his !death to the int' genious machine,' he_had., invented for-others, • and , -the South may'let suffer from that sys tem of -tactics introduced lifr.Stepheils for her benefit, enabling:,the majority to crush out the rights of' the minority. —The beautiful Government at Washing ' ington,. as ' soon''as it heard that the:-claimant - BurnS had (agriTd in wrg to sell his ' claim to the-prisoner for three times its val. uu . - tt1.200,) telegra:Phed to have him violate 'his pledged faith, aid he did, it:. • •IMutt._ F. War it appears, did not tar n- long hi Louisville after his retiirn there on 22d, butler , the' eity on the , following day in consequerav ' - 01 the threatening manner in which his return Was noticed by the city pa pers, ands iut p for a "public meeting on the .subject.: , .• —The attempt to `Africanize' Cuba, is most positively'denied by all the - British Gov ernment officialS,'and'the British. Minister in Washington. Ne den& Lord Elgin 'has most • positively denied , eternal reitera tion of the charge I cannot Init prove hig hly offensive to the British goverAment. --S6me California" papers IdO not uee the ad stereotype he4ling, as is practised in the Atlantiatates.l Marriages appear under the head of " Risky . , Ventures t", Deaths are call ed "Departure s;" while Divorces are dulled "C,lcarances." ." Each one of these having as common a place in the - Tapers as do Deaths 1 and Idarriages here atl home. • 7 —Six months-ago on his return to Wasla ington train Nebra;ka, the, Commissioner of Indian Affairs I declared that- there were but three white men•resiilenti bt the whole tern= :tore, ether than Government attached. Con gress has been. for ,some months: egislating for these three men, and has kindly'prosided a governrnebt 'for theria, and giVen them per - Triiion to held slaves, • A CoalTharning' Locomotive has been in: trodueed . on 'the Delaware,.l.4ekawanna., & Western railroad._ ,The result 'of the partial trial hitherto made of its speed 'and eapaeity has been most 'satisfactory:and it is not doubt ed that these engines will eVentually ' super sede• entirely the wood-burning engines from their greater cheapness and efeeienc„.y s - for pun; posia. heavy transportation: \---.L-The Washington ;Star says that intelli gence hal . been received by the European' Embassies of the coMplete and amicable set- , tlement, of the Black Warrior affair. ,§pain pays back the t 41,000, rebukes the port au thorities of Havana, and promises to reform the regulations toineet the wants of Ameri can commerce.. 'The 'truth of this statement is dOubted. ' ' —As an example of the efficieney of the fire annihilator, it is stated by the !Daily A 4: xettiser, of Rochester, that a conflagrition' of an extensive tbarlieter was imminent in tke large manufacturing establishMent of Fat-1 zinger & Co.,'cif Waterloo, but, by a prompt discharge of an Annihilator„-the flames were.l put out befOre the Fire Department ,had time to rally to the work. : • —Abeut eight years. ago, 'Horace Ray died in Connecticut; (J ewet city,) of consump tion; since ffien two of, his sons hive' died. of the same disease, and atiother son being also •zick of mnsumptiOn,, his friends, mailer the: belief that the deaa brbthers were feeding the living; went fo their graves on the S'th, dug them :up and burned the torpses I This is an' instance of superstition such as nassion aries 'tell. Ili, of among "the heathen."—Bos ton Pos.t. —We have already referred; to the state ?tient of the'.Washington Union that fidelity, to the prineiPles of the Nebraska: bill is es sential to Democratic orthodoxy. ..The Mont gomery Ledger;, -a Loco Foeo journal, in no rr • ' ' tc - tieing - the tinsork stgernent . says no votes are deidred,btttr than\ such as endorse the Nelvaska fratA, it will be left in,a glori: ous minority in Pennsylvania". .Just ,bed teat in mind, and be , careftil how you apply the lash." d---A s tastrop e oecurre atWil. hocking h mington, Dek, May 81st. Three wagons laden with . near 450 kegs of . gunpoirder, from Dupont's Mill,: blew up with a tremendous explosion, - killing' all. the horses and driverS, '' eausiniti,iloss cif a number of other lives, blowing - down seven dwelling houses and six "atables,au&injuring a large nprnber of other!. buildings. !Nearly all the window glass .:in the city .was broker:4 and in many lious , :f*.- taut from the scene of the esplosion the phis . terwas -knocked down frmn the Walls amil " ci: ing. r ; . 1 . - Ls y -,--A' portion of the citizens of Richmond, i 1 ' 'adopted a! strange e,xpedient to do honor to .I ille:niselves and Mr. John, Mitchell, formerly of Ireland now of New YOrk,' and wishing-to. be Of Alab'arrra; by giving .hitn I comidimen tary dinner on Saturday evening. Welearn„ from the -Enquirer that the entertainment was brilliant, and die 0 fellow - fueling," most • agrecable.l The Whig'styles Mitchell, " the i : ipustriouslrish exile„andft;end of Me ell, ~ and:unmercifully remarks .dolt "here the of. ~ . feringss:wtre rendered to liberty in , his per: son, aa being its _bold and dlianter dam.' pion." -;; ' • • • is i stated that the Adininistration have sent clout.* secret conunissiouer to St. Dij- Iningo, (the republidin end of Hayti) to. cs)uncl the . officials of that country upon the policy, of annexation ti) the United States--; that the object of this enterprise is to ,seturel that islartd . to.the South as aziotherslavehold , ; nag State, and that the resolu_ tion.lately offer.; ,4 1 bY. ixtr...Donglias in the Senate, at Wash Ington, proposing niuquirY into the expedi ". 'SY I (tt recognizi,g the irid,6pendenee of the, Of .g .•;; and the opening of di• Oomatie intercourse with the F i j i .le an titu: • ilierized movement - in'appat . Cof • - said secretlaii6iii`tolie - Ddth —The lotonnikbOlic lira& of Que. .4elked , A -Past** 1 0*,PrescrUqug. public prayers ,for , the liurpose, Of drawing down the blessings ' Heaven onthe Oiled armies otTeritur . 'sd EiVaildlia the pending tili - Grace!unis up, the objeCts of the czar, and alludes in terms of severity to the, indignities ~ t o, 'each the Catholics have been subjected in Russia, and particularly to the 'scourging Of the in Poland some - pears since, an atrocious Set, for 'which the gmper or was rmradly.lecturedll the predecessor ofPius 11C, , • LLlsst'fall A merchant Of . SL Louis reepiv; ,c 6 on consignment io,ooo toi 2,000 lbs'Ygic4cf ,dairy"- a superb artiele,put - in sina4Pultam expressly for family use, and *lnvented to " keep- in any Climate," Sad 1 9r WIWI W ll after arrival he 'mills*/ 28e , per PouPd: for the whole lot ;. coakln't take if, linutittat I6o e , . Rut .a day or two since, te cut, a long story Short,- that butt& was sold at 6 1:2e„, - Making kelear loss of 21 12; and wilat,:ivas Still, worse, the shipper, whe tesitles some- where; in York State, lest the -whole . eansign ment, it being scialloived up, in freight, elute.; ges, interest, &t.-,. ' ' ' --John Wise,. (the aeronaut,) has kid- con: eluded au arrangement: with ":the World re nowned" Barnum- to Make two aseensiona from the Crystal, Palace, New York. ,Mr. Barnum would have preferred his nuikingsix ascents, hut Wise has an engagement at Bridgeport 'w -g may prevent his being able to comply. The - balloon in which the tero nmit 'intends to . aiCend is now being made; and will be in New York in abOut 10-4ays, and if we' mistake not, will be named the " KnOW-I!,lothing" We believe7triend John must haire some idea of ealliog-on the moon to inquire respecting the nrder, ; evident ly lie doks not go up .for nothinif as:he is to receive three hundred] dollars for 'the two, trips, Barnum4ndiig gas4l•which he "-kan du." 1 - 1- --' • 1 - —Ai correspondent of the Richmond Whig epresles the opinion that Samuel Hairston, of Pittsylvaaia; VA., isi the latest (domestic) slavelelder in the world: He is said. to be the owner of hetiieen 1,600 and 1,700 slaves in his own right, 'with a prospective right to about 1.000-41avesmore,which are now:owned by hi+mOther-in-law, he having married her only child.: He has now the management of them, which Makes, the number of his slaves" reach tiesr , three - ---thousand.., They increase at the raie of near one himdred every year; he has to purchasea large plantation every year to settle them on. A large number of his , Blain:miens are in ;Henry and Patrick coun ties, Via. lk has large estates in North C4r olina.l His wealth, is variously estimated at froth 43 ; 000,000 to '0,000.000, and .I should lit was nearer, the latter. . • tr.rßroadhesd's Position. , . ,The 'Washington Correspondent. of, the North • Ainerican, under , date .of 'May 30th; I writes as ;col loWs ; . '' ' . Mr Broadhead is exciting te surprise - and .1 .. . . i 1 r,egret of his Imi arty friends.' A few days since. i the. Senator took,oc4sion to express his prl 7 . eompromising . '.hostility . to-the admission Of i foreigners. to political rights in the territprie* ; in eont.ciiipt.the partv dogma on that point. To -day be ','carne out,, , in the most decided aua. ener,;retie Style against the Pacific Rail road ,and ,the -1 - 1 - omestead bills,. -The latter nicastire - is the touchstone of democracy. - It is la" measure,- eqbally • for the advantage of the liun - ible; native, eitizen,..and him who : has I sought an asYlum here against the oppreions 1 of _older . governments. But to-day Mr. i Broaciliad declared it-might to be . indefinite ly : poSt Fined, and forever: repu — diated, wheth erelasi doctrine of tli - party or a measure of i legisl tion. So , :far! liia its principles are rep- . resen ed by Mr. BrlOadhead. the democracy 1 of P . nsVivanials committed against the fol.- .lowi P nfr objects : •i' - ..- • •• -. •- . li;it t .. . The - ,,e(pial p,iiti'cal rights76f our for eign born, in'habitantig.• . s . . . ' 241 The Homestead bill, ' •- - '3dl The Paelfie, Railroad. , .. ... • ' I Might add toe these a fourth proposition,. as the object, of the Senator's uneeasiagdeVo-. tion,ho ,wit., the extension of slavery over, all ti#territOries of the . United States; and all . thefree States of the Union . ; but as the' whole partY is notoriously eonimitted to that poli cy, it would be- superfluouslabor: to direct special:,attentiOn to the position of•lliir. B.Lon ,shat issue. .', uE 1 = . ', T CifilAt'sE ' CooLiks.—The HaVana ;pa pers; furnish considerable information in re-' latiori to the Chin%se coolies. - They seem to l have fairly takepj their positions, which are I not much, if any, above the negro, race. . ' They ' l are indeed the servants of servants, the " hew ! cis of Wood arid draWers_of . water" through- I out 'the island, compelled to the most ignoble i and sordid drudgery.. Their period, of servi tude is genei-allv fi*c.d at twelve years, with - no Chafiee of its? being ended then, and their masters seem determined to make the most iof it. Hence the- Chinarician is condemned; without, the - possibility a escape, to a life of -menial arid degrading servitfide, arid of course, 1 from his singular nianner, is the object of all rt.' a 1 , spo an raillery.. l ~ ~ Mr The following pertinent question was recently addr.sed to a lawyei °four acquaint ance at a fair in a neighboring village; If distance lends enchantment .to the view, and view refuses to return it, can dlstance recov er any legal redress. -' AN IMPORTANT ACT.—An act was passed by the Legisiatnre and approvedby the Gov ernor, changing the mode of creating and. di viding election districts In thisConamonwealth MAIRRIP;D: -, . In. Fortst Lake, Mac 25th, by- Itty. A. O. Iyarien, Mr. nENEY LADD; of Winslow, Styresant connty, In., to Miss Mairrni A. Sizata, of theifortner plate. . • • PIED. • • In Brno Uri, Trine sth, Mr. Mu .4. Gootnnen, aged 2,0 .years. Mr. Gixidricir wits one cif the-best tif young men, universally respected in lifi and latnented . . ' • ' ADVERTTISEA;tENTS. FA3IIIY M*l SECO VOLVICE, Ilhatcrarted' • MAiElt:trPsuorpeeZetlZ.LlereWfirruititer. and fully The Life and Sav ings of o f partitigtOn, full of lIL and humor, dist will make you ".laogh and groWifitt"—Thurlow Brown's great Temperance 4 .llinnie Hermon, or the Night and . its Morning," a book Of thrilling in terest—The Morning Stars of ' lite New World, by Helen P. Parker; and many other new and interest, leg 4 ,:etioN Can be obtained by culling on W. B. DEANS, Agent. Odd Fellow's Hall • Montrose, Pia • • Public ! . VCldue. rr PON the p.m:Miles in . Lettoi lAiernahip o *III be kJ sold at public Auction, nu Friday the •tath inst., commencing at, 8 n o t* A. M. 'the property known as " Wades oxisistin' g of *batmen.' House and *windings, sun • six 'acres. of land.. Also; 'the contiguous ferinlof 61 Carew end 26 perches: 46 Of widelvare iniproy c ed ; and the: residue . wen timber= ed . The terms of the sale wrll be, one eighth • down:=, one eighth in three months-4nd the bail:ace tritiine to suit the pludiaser. Possession will „a given at once. - Also a qusotitY Of ? rs Proioesth ban and homeold • fannitureoutd* a great variety of other ankles that cannot be\ enumerated lOC Thu terms will - be:cash down for. all canchuses- untinrid.. Between $5 and $lO, three months credit, and over $lO six months - credit. Notes to' be givm on later. eat; wits proper security. MANZ° W 14_ June MAIM miaow, e , v'' ,-. ..‘ , PAllNlNltatillUMllilit..;.:. "7:4 •- , 14.i , ..4.'- - ..- - ...jrionp -- theiriostaipieho- ~ . _ . ...._ - M . - Whileittesimattssil thafiesiletate :1 -_ i l . 1 , t' _, .• _ And heap up itits o' intitthy ';' r= - ' -. . WhlltiLawlets t ihele,diente -- 4 :' And feed on en-tomily . ilk ••'. ' - F. AND LTA roadved And far iale oy ' Ingle Dodo; - A44,.pootedi rine,'•, , ~,•,,,,, Jane Inf. ' '''''' 4 3- 1 t 'ft/. FUTZERaI• 7 - Surstuttetthetnaelreetrith r ' ,, 41 1 ,! , :• , ,r. 41t.„ -- .•., • • Wtdle Whys give i Stlts and Piinfluil stAajlizvrvzo: - • .. : . i. . And thrive by, utßauit . ' • 1 - x-rs, the arabilidgnedeltaetnt entered intri! , .', %%lawn= kif • honest' wl. -- l' I' • netship JO titufaarasfitle taming" - at. tog ':. Ate odd imeb imam priesi! . . i.. ; roe, taker thl to Morin aur.Mendle 10 - While everybody seem 01 get :, .; 1 , - public that wens! °Mid awassmtmeetOf : , Good living lola* ances-= - 4 .DRloopps AJ) GROCERIES : - _ , 't . .. The Artist,' tott, tioW like tollti .• ' ... it dui ad htand oupled by' Bin it Shermani wit 'BY_ talchgeolges•=i -.'` 1 - • wished . be happyi to welt up= all who may.favar : . •go, iryou v, - atte • eve _• , . .' • • wial sea - • 4 1 • i ',_ • i 'fo -my NON dock of• Cads. •-- , • - • Our goods sr* / new, and hive been selected wi t h Consisting &late styles hnd timil patuttte; IliMdig :rut mire ; and we flatter oniselees that we can suit .which are the Crystal Ponce,- Union, Kftlitakan_ d the mast partienhir. We invite all to call and min. many °theta, Which,Adthongh mute :the better for ine our stack.. (bur motto lei _ready pay, licnioratile their very fine - names, will lxrfound to bell-none the. trade, and steadfast fri-WAIF,. ~ ,- ' worse., ~ • ..., . , . _ __. 1 A: O. WABIIPT. t • ',- ..' R. THAT)* ', Also, a most beautiful assortment of very 'llne . Gold ' hrontrseei MILY I2I I 18 . 54 , .L .• - . Lockets, Pins, Keys,.&c: - .:•.--.. ,-.. , : ... . V -- Pictures taken in clearer cloudy weathen News ' from lii"cents ttpslls,oo. - Business hours from. Sf to 4} o'ckick.W _.,. . . B. DEANS, • liontrioe, S tep 1814. ''.< 1 ~ - ' - Alaillikllllllollll' 1. 4:Yell. T JAM* 4iiiiiposekor.l444 AA Silks ' 144414,' bPandV Mvsei dm* at • 1.- 0 /kW . tices.l • _ NEve:coons. • T C. LEE, A* MONTROSE DEPOT,42asfusi. Al • ceived: s new ittpplj- ,kif Spring and Sumin - Goods, which wall be sold very low• fix. cosh - or r -*duce. • - j • 1 Q JUNDS good New Orions flnOr for one .dole I; t LEE'S New Shire. • 'TEA, Coffee, tresisk VAN' -pc of 01 khois i l . fery Cheaplat w ar iit'qinulti.ty,df E r xi: etchings for of • Alm, , " - q uantity' ; Butter at 16 cents per pound,. In A excharge fdr Goods at J. LEE'S New Stoke. TH wishing to. 'purchase. for cash, or lige* 'Anti ftik harter; will find - it to their interest to call and exaraliff Ii itoac Szloods' and prices; fair themselies. - Poi• barter:of all kinds the highest Prid es rnay at all times be relied on at .1. C.lltVl3 Sure, Montrose Depot:, • • I New Eioods.- IEVE are now iving a Second supply, of SPRING, V V AND MINDER . G OODS, which we intend to sell very !-% ' ;'BENTLEY & DEAD. - Montrose, - June 1, 1354. • ; P. S. We trust our worthy' competitors will not become ezcitrd over this "anbouncetnent- , - CLERK WASTED: "-: - `••• WANTED immediately, A roil activeGlerk--orto who hai i lad experience, writes e fair hand; and is competent totake , chirge of a set of Books— must be temperiae and willing - to devote his time and attention to the interest ofhi4A r employers.! TO one that can aniwci,to the above aliberat salary will be given. !done gibers need apply Oocid recommend. ationvrequired4, R. F. &R. H. EATON. Milford, May : , 1861. i . , IfIAWLEY Oc_ MOTT. r, .t r_ T AFT just received their second stock 'of Spring JLJL and Sumner goods this season, and they are now prepared to show all who way favor . them with a call 1. - i DnEss poops . of all `the different kinds such as Bl i tek, Plaid and Changeable .Dress Silks and,MantilLis, Crape and Silk Shawls, also Lama, Barages, De Ba g es, Pe Lacs, Ginghains, &c.. • 1 4 60ODS,' 1 , Brown and Blenched Sheeting and Shirting in fact everything iu this line. trADIER ;STUF: SUMM.EIik. _ • - A icry large :stock , which we otter very low, ,all grades of cottoh goods in this branch .and *own -and Yellow Linen and Duck for, coats. We invite , narra tion to our stock of Black, ' , Brown, Bltie, preen and Mulberry Broadcloths also Black and Fancy Cassi mereir, Tweeds; t and Kentugk Jeans &c., &g. Ladies .call l and examine our stock _of Summer Shawls, Cashmere, and Painted De Lainea, Shawls, also Barege sl.l*ls, Tory •claCap, Bonnets, and Bon net Ribbons, a ikood assortment, Hosiery and Gloves, of all kinds, also, Parasols a very large aisiortMent which we will Wl very Atop. Also Umbrellas, War cling Bags, Satchels. - , 1 1,ADIES'i SHOES. •f Gait.t•rollackland Colored Gaiters, Buskins,' Bootees, agoodiassortnieut of all kinds which we offer at our usual low rate:. • . • • • Crockery and GIIIPS Ware, Fluid Lamps and Fluid, ICOorf,ring, BroomS, Bed Cords, Large l an• cetta,G fie • GROCERIES.• i • A ierrliarge 'stock which - we will sell at a very' small advance i i a13m,1 Ashton Salt and our usual variety which -WC are twlling i-cry low. Call and eisunine." ' Montrose,. June :1, 1.8b4; - AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Ht - undersigned, an Auditor appointed bythe T they Orphan's Cotirt of Susquehanna coun ty, to Make distribution of fund now in said Co, nit of the esiate of 'Jasper Loomis, lite otsaid•contitV, de; ceased, - will attend to the duties of his appointmCitt at his office in gontrase, on Saturday' the eOghth diry of -July nezt, at one o'clock in; the afternoon, at which time end place alt persona interested in the said fund" are required !to . present their claims or be forever barred from coming in ,upon the said find. May 30, 184. • • FRANKLIN TRASEIL' . -.. N GOODSV' IiVANGOODS! i ,-., lARglvisG EFERY WEEK AT . . ' -. D. in. LATHROP & CO's... - ' AyEEREwiII be fountttneofthe ht et :tt mntsof goods country, cold .a little cheaper than ever. Call and ezaiiilne Our goods and-prices. • 1 A buge assortment of Summer Shawls of beautiful inttterns at , D. R. LATHROP Ar. CO'S.- - - / - . IROCERIES at price's that cannot be beat at D. R. Li,THROP & CO's. Viiiitr4.76 - ireofit:s eie:iideseription kept eon stint)" on band by D. R..LITIIROP &CO. • TO THE HiRECTE CqLT. SPECIAL AONOITACEIffEET. - i • ‘TOTWITEISTANDECG the paSsage of the tichras-, 1 1 1- ka hill, the high price of provision 4, the eclipse, MorMonisin, spirit rappings, and other, national', ca lamities, present and imminent,: the good- peOple of Montrose, and elsewhere (such of therri as wear beards) may still- have their chips reaped' and whiskeis and hair dressed,, a la mode,.at the moil rates, by calling on the undeisigned, at bis old stand in the baSeMent of Searle's Hotel. ;," CHARLES TILLMO. Montroie Mar 24, 18$4. • • • • ' • NEW GOODS " i AT THE READY PAY STORE. -I-ATE% are now receiving a choice stock' or New V V qixxis, ',which we offer for Sale at . reryl /on prices Cali and ezainlpe. • • - . = ' HAWLEY it . MOTT. • -MontroSe, May 23, 1854. . • . NEW STORt! NEW GOODS 1 IN NEW MILFORD. , _ • HE subscriber -hafing leasedthe 'Store" of, the T Meisrs. Pratte, formerly occupied by I. S...Llt tle, intends to locate permanent] y in New Milford. And he.would take :this method orinfortaing the inhabitants of New Milford, and adjacent towna . that be bas just returned frOm New York withAi large and splendid stock of fresh' and entirely nea ( Groods, con- Fisting of DRY GOODS of almost eeery conceiva- ble variety, GROCERIES as low as / the lowest, /ford ware, Crocker 4 Boob - .and Shoes; Hats and Caps, Bonnets of every style,..4t.c 7i / . which he offers for sale 'on the most reasonable terms, for cash, .ountry_ produce, or reliable credit. /He would also say in this connection,that he hia added to the •establiSliment, .the manuacturing . of Tin, Sheet-iron, and Cop ware in all, its varieties, in which he is prepared to execute ill kinds of jobs, by the very; best *orkmen . and on the most reasonable terms. , Dealers supplied at the lowest prices. Particulars . 4u relstion to stoves at some future time, •k J:PIPNERILLN jr: r " New Milford, May 18, 1854. 17tf NEW AILR*NGENENT 11954.. BINDS cfr ic o llll4 IrcighL Line betireno- Noritrose Depot atuf New York, every day, Sloe- • - days „ exalt* ll P lorns,: j artto n' gfTgilt tO I VeZY:trI a CTM ents of Capt. H. B. ZADWELL, of Orange-County, will be in attendance' at the Montrone Depot every day of the weeit, to take chime of such freight and produce as may be entrusted to them. Returns for the same will be paid atthe Store of William McMillen. Groinries in geneML Flour, rorld, Fish, Salt, kc., &c., constantly on hand, fir sale at the lo west' Gish Prieesoar in exchange for emalltry produce! L. B. Hums. i " WULIAW 10fILLAV April 18, 1854. 3; Nnuerig Fire ,Proot Paint. . 4 Ti n best fluidity ttltmaxt, of a 'variety of cofore, for gale b 7 411313.LT1T1 . 11t . Elfa. *otiose, Apra _ . 1.854, J • . TM" &LAID, beNeDy the Imre) oripetes_d bl FORDILOth CO. 171411111111 ! lin t. it at . * 60'11. 0:1111' 6w - snivel 'A I - • D. 11. LATOICIP k` i ,- 6'n, and GroceArs . x. C; LEE'S: at :12 per 'Riad!, to at ; J.; C.)L1111"S Sara. difIAT RUSH' of customers and the many bouts spent in sew, ing *int Tet We eanalwaya find time ,to wire air r *dyes:temente, "and but just noni,allow us to Call ytour uttendbh to 'a hale kn. of - Plain and Fcßacy Lawns, which we have. just opened and are selling at all pric es Irons eiyiit anti Alp, in the say of Liston. 'Ca; touttaict, &c., we are *toted tip:" T etc J. LYONS & SON-. New' Mule; • • 11101FAVIO made arrangements with the Omit sic publishing house of EL Waters, we shall be constantly.reteivnie new music as soon as published, , and be able to supplr , nearly , =gibing wanted In that N.. B. Musk sent by.tiltil postage free. May 18: J. LYONS k Rielode CONSTANTLX. lON HAND ,or fpmished to Order on short notice:. - J:, IXONS,A SON: -* MEW SPILISG HBUREIT is nowlec r ei ying his usual supplies • of Spring Gawk:W*l will be found unusu all Y attractive, including a superior , assortment ?if L4dies' Dress Cools . , in Silks, Berages, Berage lanes, lalestie, Poplins, Challies; Mantillas, Silk Maids, Stime, and French Lace Bonnets, Flowers, ‘ Pqrasols, tfe., together with a large variety of other Fancy and Staple Goods, inCludinetloths, Cassimertis, Boots-End Shoes, Wall Paper, Carpeting, Groceries, Crocbry,- Hardware, Iron ind Nails, Drugs, Oils and Paints, Cooking d' Par/or Stores, Ohio Grind Stones, P/rs,' dx., all which wilfbe sold on terms to suit \ t closest buy er. 4, for cash or approved credit. , New Milford, May 8, 1854. • OFFICIAL AND IMPORTANT. IT being manifest that the , tailoring business isatM carrying on John Groves in MontrOse--no; John• is carrying on the. Tailoring business--no, they are both " carrying on" together—at a plice where two • ways meet, being in the - very building where Sam - Houston was nominated for President,' to wit, in Searle's Hotel, in the Basernenrthereof--and the gen erous many-pocketed public being supposed to be In terested in knoWing where they can make an inctst rnent; (yea, and an in=mat-and-pantaloons--tnent) most. / advantaieously, to the appearance of the outer man in eztenso;- therefore John, . • "Who is not, like"a*tuous woman willing To lire unheard-of—kistito save a shilling," hereby nominates himself as :Tailor-General for this community, and requests 'all good citizens to call at his place of business &hove mentioned, to enable him to perforni the duties', of‘_satul, office. Witness my hand at. Montrose the ninth day of May A. D.. 1854: JOHN GROVES. • NEW GOODS. • T - BURROWS & CO. are now receiving a V • large assortment of new and seasonable goods at their store in qmsott. DRESS GOODS. • . 1 A good assortment, at low priqes; also, A large As sortment of good PAINTS at Af• cents per yard DONNETS /lonnets an 4 it 4:4 prices. t • , 1 , , SCGARS. : i' Good. New Qatari'sat e 4,873 per I'oo Ils Prime. do rip , 6,55 "- )00'' 1 Prime Portorieo, ' 6,87} .‘% 140 •! - Clarified, Coffee,' Powdered; and Loaf Sugars, at very. low pricesi. B. ttGRROWS tk'CO. Gibson, April 28,1554; - NEW :GOODS. c- iitrusisr & PARK returritheir griteful .i.v1.., acknowledgements to the public, . arldinvite at. tendon 'to the very large stock of Spring and Sum mer Goods they are now receirinE au& nfror r. ) + auto at very low priers. In addition. to their usual iiLsort mint of staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, CroCk ery; Paints and Oils, kc. ke., they are prepared to exhibit.a large assiirtment of Wiles' Drell; Goods of every description-'—Figured, Plaid and Plain Silks, Bonnet Shawls ' Ribbons, • Gloves land MissewShoes of all kinds — also a large stock-of .• REA Dr-ifA DE CLOTIIING, Cloths, Cassimeres, ' Tweeds, : leans, Summer Cloths, Testings,Hats; Caps, •Boots and Shoes, kc. • • - I - . , They respectfully 1113 earlyJcall from those who Wish to purchase goocrpoods fa. WOO priers. Springville, May 3, Mc.MILLEN & PARK. NEW GOODS AT D. 73.. I f ATIEBOP & CO's. I 4 R PARTICULARS weiLlfer you to our own ea umnn (and not, Eke some others, to their neigh bor's advertisements,) where will .be found a list in/I pareof our extensive assortment of Goods, which wq offer at the very forest priers. - SPRLVG STYLE BLACK SILK, - Drab, Drown, Stmrand Leghorn . Rats just arrived at . May 1.1 .' D. IL LATEIROP/i. CU's. •/ SPRING GOODS‘ lIIST received, .a very large .stock' of Spring and J Summer GOOdS at J. H. SUTPHIN'S. - . - Good New Orleans Sugar at 154 cents. per Id. and other goods equallylow at J. WSUTPHIN's. The CHEAPEST NOLASSIy'S, Teas, and other Groceries to be found in thls,•or any other town in this county, at -, J. 11. SITTPIIIIC'e. Sinrunersrille, April 28, 1854: - JIIST" RECEIVED: . • AA NEW supply / of GOODS.:whicia w il l be sold, tl cheap for fash. - ABEL TcRBELL, . • • /, Abel .Turtell; • lEEPS,coustantly : on band a first rate assortment Prole, ,of best quality,- to supply Physiciapi; and: customms. generally.. t Also •A great rtiriety,kof Patent: 3fedieinet, embracing nearly slt, of the best kinds in market. • Ciunticrils, a full s supplj.; ' . t Druggists Glass!ware, a"general assortment. • ' Liquors, a choice variety for medicinal purposes: rrusses, Supporters and Shoulder Braces... Paints atui Oils, a &it rate assortment of• best qualities. • ' - • Dye Stuffs, of all kinds: Storimrare, ke. . Groceries a full assortment. .Dry. Goo ds, all the leading , arid staple articles 41 this department, and will be sold cheap. s Hard-ware, a small assortment of the kinds most used. . • Pocket 'Knives, the best In market. • • Yankee . Notions, a large and fall assortment.. • Jewelry, a general variety. Perfuniery,as sort.; Musical instruments, Fiztures; gMbracing all sorts of strings for instruments. • - Materials for - Light. Lamp. Oils, Camphene, Burning Plaid. ; Candles, Lamps,&e. Stationcry, Mirrors,Spectares,„Spoons„ Brushes, Shoes; Wall Paper, mbrellas, Whips, ke.; and near ly everything- wanted in this Market, trill be kuna at the Store of ' • ABEL Tinaturc SICERTIT's SALE:I girl4rtue ofe writ of Ven.:Ex. issued out of the Court of Cominon Maser Susquehanna County, and to me directed, I will expose to public sale on the premises on Friday the 23th day of Jurieinst, at one o'clock x.—All that certain piece or poise' of land situate,lying and being in the , township of Cltfbrd. Sus quehanna county,' bounded and described rte follows, to wit: Beginning at scorner of land formerly owned •by new"; P. Miller; thence north 67 .degrees east,77 and 6-19 tbs perches; thence:north•2;degreert easti2B perches; thence mirth* 78 dive" east 12 perellOs• thence north 9 degrees east 18 perches; thence nort h 67. degrees west 41 perches . ; thence north 10 degrees east 21 perches . ; thence Perth 45 degrees , . woe, 67 perches; thence south . 444 degrees ` rest 167 pe*-1 es:, thence sou th . 434 , degrees east , 162 perches thence north 46} degrees not 28 and 134.0ths perch es; and thencecorth 45 degrees were. 85 and 8-19tka, perches to = the place of beginning, Mining Seseittpl two acres and ninety•seven pita* More or ies4 gether with the appurtenances,- two fimned House BUD, one Saw-m 4 some Fruit trent, and dolt{ atienimproted. r • Taken in execution at the enit-if Nine Ocui ve . Zahn' Chandler • " - . 1 • • - G. B. zustes, ser. Sherlirs office, Iliontrome, June 1,1864. Clover andTboistity Seed, 1703 ale *A J. O. LEE% Store - - NeragneingOt I I== • "" „ • - 411461131Uaii4114014 Ai ; Ov IVow Offer to the bilO the i nisetoistottnii •the tont trims of Golds to be bid gni eiiin the roinstryi hod*r tho_voty W.* Om, Wont 11Hatipat READ • - esimuni, :•' -Qulika STY x•,Post & hiTtoust ...7 - tuadt a large addition to thdr 'sin& of•-tbing„ Piraistbig now of• everytidnr, desirable for ;tile' beyet at ail& price, ea are sive- to-ault.•-• The -twat are pulefirst rate,•and eiriwarroutt i .tbewtoric,to be not auPerior to anreUer before offered in tbiii *et., Our stock contpripes Colo, he LA* French lackl o kg ThishleFs; Tweed; eassirnere itad Jean Sacksand Feud* 'slab brtiwn. aid wlate,Sams mer plain andtwilled. ymns--Wbite and 'e#ldred Muni:des; indentio,Aaoing, figured Baiathea, ed silk and Satin; and et:try sage and clmp, Paitt.L T Fine btack . Oessuuere, .doeskin, cok tweed, Summer stuff, - linen .drill;'stripe; Flak checVand phdds; so cheap as - to . be sure of *ski .u! alt whOdesire, to buy. • " - fILOYSB AND HOSIER 1%,-Ladies and Gents white and.colored id Gloves of the: beat gain ty warranted. A ifige assortinenior *Blinds ofblue, brotrn and slate hose, and I lose. gents. / and cotton, Lisle'tbread, Berlin and .sillr. ptlrgres,_ and colors ; a large risortment Of biae silk an hate Mitts, long and short. . POST & . D OOTS AND StIOES- New fine Boots , Coarse Baits, Ladies fine:Gatteis, Bootees and Buskins, a full assortment of Cheap Shoes; Children and Miss es Shoes and Bootees, Ladies fine silk-linen Slippers, at - • ' • - • P.,& Co's. - Ax-r - RITE GOODS-1 1 1U styles and tjualiiies, bleach V Y - Led Shirtings, P ow Cotton, Jac: snd•Cambrie Itintlins, Swiss .and 8. , k 'Violins, Barred . Bishops end 'Vittoria tllOllll5, &c., figured and dott. Swiss gustins at • . ' • ,T. &Co's. QmptEs AN) . ) i ROCERIES—of te beat and cheapest kind. A V . lot of Sugars spar risintly cheap at' 1.. L. POST TS:- . 43q nOS. tielirable itoeic'd cciun 1. try, at very, tow OriceL • I. L. P. DRESS GOOD ges, 'Gin** A ,L g tGE rind apl tAPLE Goods at the towest•priEe.' • .• Q. - • ••I. L 1 3 9 ST &Po. CALMS, CassitoCres,'. Tweeds, tetiucky Aims - and Satinetts, Tcry cheap at • L L C4e: VOODEN W.OE—Patent Cedar Pails "and Wash Tubs, CoCoa Nut Dippers, Butte Ladles, Prints, Willow Baskets, 'Rope Batters, Bed Cords, Manila Ropes, Booms, a goOd lot at the sto - of • - j. - L. 'POST. CO. COD -FISH AND if ACKEREL j of the be 3 lJ quality at the lowest •possible rates. 'April 5, 1,954: L. POST it. Co. • SOLE LEATHEE,:tery , cheap, at , • POST At Co's.. - ROiliEi . ?}" r.iO6.L . A Si — WA Rk.'—a ehoic VI lot at low • _IIOST it. CO. OM Carpet, Roo paper and Window Shades. - _ :POST it CO. AZIZA" -H4 n, cheep. OX.VETS and :onndt Ribbons of all kinds; P ..13 &sots, lame andsmall at very low pritxs. POST k Co.' TAR EBS TR - IM LyGS. - --,every isiyle • desinde and very cheap. • • • , • POST & co. t '''l,.RA qBACI B . - of the best quality. 1 pOST & CO. g)17; Liwe and (Plaster at - • -,PEST -& Co's. COLL*RS—A ,very choice lot of t e - latest style. -.1•; ,Dook Embroidered vmerie,Lac•, Meilin and flonitonhimitations.- & co. -32 and t- Ip_seitings . flolincingiA. 13IBROIDERED and' Lace Undirsleeires, all de cable styles; also, worked anZI embed. Edgin, ce assoiment E.Edging,s and Inserting , . l itnitationa of every Lind, almost as gcod as genuine and very cheaP, also Vitro linen-writught Lace. 'i L L. P. it.CO.!,' • 4.INED and ilenip Carpet fir sale a ',, - I. 11.jPO N ST & CO's., QI.7IIIIER 'Panama, fine 'and'autrse U med and fanaY bound, - Pedal and Palmleat for boys- and then, soldj,vory - cheap. L 10 ) . & CO.I Ti A DIES' and Children's Flat's: algtiort ., rariety, al lid 'so a new lot of the latest styles;of Boennts nt.tlte store of , L. P. _: CO.; • el}lOlOE and fancy articles cif Sciap and Hair on.; Aso o :scime . of the fineatl'erfuniery at. t' ' I. t; !POST ttn.. ARO And eralt4 I ..1 I. L POST k RAIN &I low, Butt or which, we ,April; 6, s / ,1 iissobiticiii. ' • • H.E'Clo-partne hip heretofore'! eiisting between ,the - eubserib rs under the title of 'tiffany .A: S , lib, was term; ted On the 14th Of Apriilast, The n t r t eg and accoun of said firm are now - in the hainis z;if E. Tiffany ,I,for settlement. Those f indebted will please take narice and act accordinglY. . : , ' • EDWIN TIFFAN, I • s I - - • . JAMES F. , . i Brooklyn, May 10th, : 1554. •. 1 ; . (..' SMITH. . I 1 - 'TO THE PUB/4C. .01, _ I I HE.undesigned having purchisettiof Mr. T . ► any; , r i l his entire interest in the riterilmtile .b 1 ess. I 4reby make ;their lam to the good citizens of B s ' k t i, lyn• gild vicinity, and invite then% M call and inspect,!. 'and purchase one of the -best ,and; most complete' stocks of goodsbefore ver offered in this market.— ..0 lieving, that ple -who buy goods on long dyed itsiihave to p4y a large percentage for credit ot t ani', we have adopted the Ready Pay Sr:ern of trade, as the syste-M' Most ondueive to 41 - re public ag well as or wn intests. Alt kinds of Fanner's' re produce - cieived in exchange forfgixAtit the highest market • tes s .-: Those whO . ileiire to urchase at a low figure I rf il ill assuredly fiinf ii,,fiii the • interest to . give us a I. s l , " - . •' 1• s t . ' l .; l . • J. F.ISMITH, •,. :• . ' ,Brooklyn May DI •= l . - Nt O. Gi HEMPSTEAD. . , • •: . ' New ine efrall Stages,':: I • .l w . F St 1 ICIIII.E. 3 1 .1 10 MOIIIirROSE.. TAGES will I re Kl.,wood, fum4ing through Cor. Wila betumiliN Lrberty, &a.; every. morning dice the' vat of thel MMlTraini of cars, both East and West, 1 hing. Montrose at FP. Y. : Returning, leave ontrose daily (Sundays excepted) at 2 r : u., /anti, ng Kirkwoo3l in, time to take the, Mail trains of ears; th East and West, being the neatest and.mos fea rltc 'le route tei rea ch the New York and Erie Railroad. This line idtp ects a. tri-weekly line for DiMock, Sprhlgville, Nunkhannock, - Wyoming,. and W likes rre, which :-leaves Montrose at ,7 L. u. esery . l Mon ay, Wedulay and Friday. Also; a line to Friends vile, LeraysOle; &c. ' •. 1 , 1 Good era n#l ' cosaforiable 'carriages are prori• dek and thetp prietins will spare ino pains to at- Icornmodate it° üblic. W., H. HATCH, f • , ~ 3fORGAN & WEST( Apra 6, 144 • '. '' --_ . ' 1 It. Ail ST EXCIT.EIIIIENT: I Tilei;N • DRASICA BILL ;I:INSEfTLED. +Slr. CO TT, J:OIIfSSTON .g0., 1 are, 'boor - rece.iiing from Nev York a gen4al -assortment orlpring and Summetg.obds and we cordially invite al that' like to buy s Cheap to give us a call, as our stock islarge, and:we are wil li ng to sell fur small profits.= goti , You can fin b re almost every. article wanted, and we are willing compare goods and prices with any store in the 7, nty—we have taken special pains -to find nice g ' ,s to please the Ladles, such: as lack; Figured awt Fancy Sliks, Silk Tisanes, Befog s and Berage De*nee, Plain and Tane y. Law.ns„Sil, rench and Domft4e. qinghams - , Fignred and :Plain 'Uslins r Embroiderel Curtains and Paper do., tallies liars, i Underhandrie ,l ti s efs and Sleeves, Mantillas, P is and Carty* w and 'Fancy Bonnets, al trim mings to match: 4 large stock pf Goods 'r Men 1 and Boys.lron, Steel, Neils, Horse Sh ,/ and, I Horse lisilk to ughs, BA .Fish, .Creekery,' IGrindstones,:and,1 Grind stones,:and, eware, Stovepipe,. Tin, G Sash, Leather, Be* • Shoett4 .., lin. I . Pleas& gi an a 'chance of do • g you. our stock betbre you i u*n, - Yours ly, SCOTT, 'JOHNSON'JOHNSONII CO, Simingnite? APA4 1854: - I 1 ---i. i v in.6l _ ac . , TicKSTB, - , rims., 2 ; i ,- ri oprietqr W. l dip 17.4 PNAZ. C I.JI - . ROT L . No. 6 Cotrittuii) mu tlo door *Om Iliol rflu dw 7 ' ) lt TOR; trereibl *l:* liberal eft its ?us; . 'rod .fbr thrk laid foor revs has 6 P 4 t *ta t i n n e ili ts I ,V . p th hu nt d t emin. Fero it ne Crslatat Paloo k-, -,--, to all persons whpynity stop St bis Hotel The "W I of board will r enb so haretoftwio._ q. RIMY. New YPrk Ma 7-2,1864; i•• , - • • nem2. • St • -.:- . I 1 . , RINOSI'OtTE3 at.l: . - I. • " & CO'S. lifusrms, .DeLanSs, Peßa- Liwas ke., iaf - every desirable • I. L. I'OST & Co's. wild stack of Spring Prints • I. LIE 14. Ca 'ring „style—best 1 quality. "ye I POST b CO. IWANT D. • • , I •allkmds---L.Besns, Dried Apples, Tat er; 13eeswax, - all wool socks, Eggs., kc.., ill schagge goods at cash prices.l I. 1..1 POST S. Co.' • .11:0' --%-67 7 APIC ,!., - • •., -,.- 4 ~ -'rl .. M ". E : H E Il * ti t(PRICO Tlgifig - - oitoymTßApir - *ippiiiii*,:? 4 *fi , !Avl p IIZ Ch erundlnilli*t*4tii=riitrit .oo ore, tO ibCpublict.a.vory.tiotholii .or ' - itignii; n t4' lierA oode6tematatiniirk ' or& moral= ' adtiesuryakati,4lo Bikkivainerier,:nothe - Menet dv-, ail of *hitit lucre been purehised; with, care, an 'we ire sa4Sed' duinot likit :46' edit ote who'ntyfimar l dnilia elan, , . _,- ," • i. , The. Dry 6004 deparfteitt iq b i Staid teirnenr 4 . tzes,rafiillinzikt24 -- theliading:f res of 1 !:: , .041.itti,d , DRESS G OLIS: ' ' l' . ' tifik,'-rietiticitiViet plak end Maar, dreg and *anti& Silks, eery - ridt, fifer mitre, and - at clap Eltripe4.Delanea, plaid : Mirage .dg., gripe - : chains, • ted Lantik rep4w, Debar, Plattputd, prkand In' meets; In at vetlndia,. which We ere !mod .ta ,at Wlevii ' -- - , •-...-. . ..- _ 1 L . oingbam handsome issortment-,Prints, all the Wing sty Me rrimac , Melina; CocAecous ,Alleak Sprague, 10., very pre y stykii. , . , - 'I : 'Drees' Trimmings, tithe desira ble . _titylesand.abadea. - 'e 6 Rat,- - _ tint Silk Lice, . , Buttons, bbtek - velvet Bibbeia, silk and ivorste•d Braids, in - great Variety.- . ' ' l / 4 ' .• . 1 ' White Goods.—Awiag, Jsconet. liansook, Cam rick, Bishop Lawns, and Book Means, dotted S • Mus, tins, Corded Skirts , Irish Linen, Cambrick It Aker -- eidetic oti... &a.; Frei& Needle Work; Seta iuid olacc ' net _edgings and Inserting', Cotum Linen and Thread Lace do:;Flouncing, Ladies' fashionable - ClLemiSettes, , ,, Sleeves, :ollars, at., the largest assortment Int town, and at very low, price.s, Barege for Veda; In green, ' blue and brawn, Bieck Lace Veils, ke. - 1 Kid Glovev—Ladiee , and Gent's--a large assotte 7 : ment; of the best quality. .- and 1, 1 Afiits—)ong and short, b l ack, mohair, d k.... Silk Gioces—blackorhite, and colon,: Lisle (thread l and cotton do. • , ' . • 1 - Hosiery—a fine assorttryznt for tadies, genL and eblidren, _ • .Ribbont-•u fine ivortmeet for Bonnets-7. ' - --N, Sat- in and &string, inall widths and every colo,r. '' Domestic Goodt.---Sheetings; bleached; and :tm... bleached IMusiinsAcking, Crash, Diapers,. Table dor:: eis and Napkins,Und in fact, all the dealrablej . styles in, thb,department, . • ' • " - Shawls--Printed • De sate, french Printed Wool, printed Cashmere, - Broche, Black Silk, &c..i'lot One stock of them. ~ •', . - A , Ladies' Shoes,•olievery description, atloir . prices.-- Boys', Misses', and children!s'Shoes, in'great r ariety. Gent's' Boots, coarse and fine. . • HATS . , CAPS,AND STRAW 0000$. - - -, We. have it- very 'fine.stock of Bats and CapS, Cane.. da. Straws, Palmleaf, Curaro; Maracobn; Bonn Can• tOri,teghorn i Cassimere Nte, for summer wearl, bi ds are very destable, End selling cheap. -A good rt m 4 eat of Ladies' . fionsnets s Misses' and ts, ' READY-AfiDE CLOTHilera :- - In. this , branCh of our business ire cannel; fail to suit. Our stock of Clothing is very extensive, .: and •well.made up, in late and desirable styles, • We would especially invite our Mends desiring any thing in this linei.to . give us a call.. Gentlemen's furnistdng goods of every description. . . A large stock Of Wall Papering and Bordeiing:. • , Books, Stationery, and . Yankee ' Notions In great ." Groceries--Teas, Green and Black, very choice and fresh, at low .prices. i ~ • .- • , Coffee,s. 7 -Superior St. Domingo and Rio: A bean • tiro' arti cle brown and white Sugars, cheap.' . Mo lasses, Spices, Scap, Candles, Lamp Oil, Fluid; Ac.— A very superior article of Cavendish Tobacco, at 28 -I, cents per pound. - i ' . • . , 1 We are in the store formerly occupied by Lathrop & Salisbury and more recently by George Fullei,•op cosite Searle's.liolel. We would be very happy in deed tq see out' friends at them,* PRfiE STORE, and hope to merit onr share of 'the ' .public patronage, by good attention and low prices. / G. 84/W. 11. fuLLER . lipntrOse, April Ip, 1854'; / • NEW .GOODS. ' -D. R. LATHROP & CO. RE now receiving their stock of Goods for Spring 1 - 1_ and Savvier trade, which they oiler at *knot! ' prices than ever 'offered In this market before: Tharik , I ful for the . lilleral patronage they have receited, they will endeavOr by strict attention to bvsiness, and by many nete - incrucemeitts, to, merit even a larger share - of the , Patronage of those who wish to buy'pooDs ,Call and examine for: yourselves; and see if oar goods and prices will not bear us out in all we have said. E l • AM • LS' BRASS GOODS 0 .< of every. style. .Thirty pteces Figured Plaid and changeable Dress Silks, sortie as low as 75- cents,- Black Silks; all widths and' qualites, h good article for $1: Lawns, DeLaries and ,Ginghargi„ good . andrbeap. Fine Whipptoods of every llescrip 7 , tion ; Mimi and Bleached Shirtings; Linen Goods or every kind; Embroideries and Lace Goode ; -Bonnet Silks and Fringes._ • CLOTHS ' • • .• 'of every grade. _Black, brown; and blue lirliatielotha; all of which being,bought at bargainNweirVl sell very cheap. ASSLIfERES, • . of every style, equally low; Call and ez,amine our stock of these goods ; as We can and•wiasrll them at the-very loweSt prices • — • • . : . • LINEN :DUCK, . i a new article for Stunmer 'war. Simmer Cloths, Tick logs, Striped. Shirtings, Blue and Brokri prM, Ken tucky. Jeans, and Tweeds. ; kcompiete assortment., -• HATS, , CAPS, AND BONNETS, a large.assortmeut.and of styles to suit sill Boots tf: - Shoes';• Upper and Sole Leather: . •• - • ' CROCKERY 4-.Af.D . G.L.ASS WARE. * . The most complete . and extensive .assorment ever brought into Montrose._ Full setts of White Granite, - and Blue Wire for a very Hale money. .lifiriors of all - sizes and of durable plateglass - • I' ' • • HARDWARE, IRON AND NAILS. Call.and examine our priCes bifore you buy, ..irst. low, Irooficn•an4 Tin. Ware kept, constint;y on hand: • •- k • GROCERIES .' . ' ' i of all kiwi*: Sugar, Molasses; Te , &c., at iess than Ping h amton - prices'. Ashton barre and I Table - Salt.. Flour by the barrel, sack or po ,d. Codfish and Mackerel; Pork, Farming Tools of every ' d, Ploughs and Cultivators. . . . ' I GUANO. • The .greatest fertilizer in the world, in rantitieA to BUTTER FIR El S - ..4YD TUBS. Prodnce of nil kinds tak e n in exchange for Groods, at cash prices:. Hurrah .for Freedom and Free Ter ritory • .2Vebraska and Kansas. • " - NO fetters nor-stare laws. 1- Young-America forever ar i d ftre. Tihe Hon. Judges of the Court of Ousquehirtna county--foreign Ambassadors, .AttorneYs, Grand Jurymen, Crier, and other offcials—Ciergvynen and 'Churchmen, Merclutnts, Mechanim; and iVorkies— young gents and Old Fogies, "Citizens and strangers," "the - rest of mankind," and the ladies ibesides--all hail I Just shut off the lightning a'. halt a minute., if yOu please; I want to speak to you. You doubtless recollect what old Bullion. told the House, in Commit tee of the Whole, that he would do, in e single hour, with the Nebraska bill and 'its author, thk Little Gi • ant. Well, I suppose he has done it. lAD - right.— And let the loud cannonade of indignant Freedom ' thunder on against the blood-cementedl.breast*orks ' of oppression and outrage; the woad over. shaking the enipire of TvGny' with earthquakes, ;battering in pieces the red altars where. holy Freedom bleeds,, and the red hand that holds the fetter and the scourge s and hurling Despots, toppling front their- thrones, down, bellowing after D oughr B to—where: Bullion said.—Excuse me, fellow citizens, 1 did ,not intend to go.off in this 'rhapsody on Liberty and human rights, when I-began, but simply to lap before yoq b. little: utter of business, and as I rim by profeasioa neither orator nor statesman, bin only dint sort Of "necessary 611, 1 ". a .Dentist, I will drop my patriiitism I for .the present, which most anomalously for these days got the better, for a moment; of my interest, and con , "dude by saying that I have resumed my, resipence Montrose, and may be found at Montavue, two doors soutluot Sear - Mitchell's, Esq., opposite the Baptist Church. I will • wait on , you at your !residence, (in town,) it desired. Those living at a distance, desir ing plate teeth, eim board with the free of diarge, 'while the work is being done. Illy charges are so /ow that I make them strictly core. ckit/ial. Yours prefessionally. C. D. VIRG It, Resident Dentist. Montivie, April, 18544 THE GENERAL FINDIN: STORE IN FULL 131 0 4,5 r _ GOODS COMING IN you. t BE SPRING 1. 1 1 TAADB.--Gro do Rhine, Deßeg, Plaid Lawn, Del** Prints, 4te. • Black Silk, Striped Silk, Needle. *fork-Collars, CheMisetts, Thread Lace, Velvet Mr bone ke.; a general assortment of Crockery Groeeries, and Hardware,; Carpenter. Pinee,rs, BhdteltoorPulls, Ciniaga Bolts, plumb Bobs, ,Asle Cljpa. Bash Fr ame* , Remain Saw Setts, American and - Rue:l tiad'ircins, acc.; a general assortment of floe Kit4and Trimmings 'brain o band and for male by It S: WITAAON , . Kontre, April 4, - 1854; I ' • . , EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Apersons indebted to the Witten, John Beni.- ' ten, late of Great Bend demised, are hereby LL notified to make* immediate payment, and these bavinielaints against said estate, will prliertt -them duly authenticated for settlement. 1 - `.-* • , 1 . - ELIZABETH geOTTt:K,I: lee: . . - • JOHN liWOMHI._ - 4 O t t?, Bent rebraw7 01, iiei,,' 1 ---• ~ . , blest — PIZSOwe— iiis - 4 s., s s s ,'''o4o,2 t : : . Jens: , ' 4! -1 . Sse‘ ax.. , Rad: Me ,asscirttnent at low orkso. - -- . , -_i - 1 0 r441 ' "PXR- ;— . 1 04 1 11 4 i"4:;4 1 0 1 . .*; to sell loirAnsiiiiiiiri4en oppostsroitt -ii 7, t ,ter seleetiond.= .- j ''- - •.-' ELATlEmailla- :, -- • eir. ' .44/701/11,AZT,Ittitier'.111*In,4111 , 1! - ice: &xi ••i: ; • .._...44 , &P,r l; anactaili . r.i44464,l*gbt *el- ;liii - ! not and 'pinni4, tonundersoin. '-gi...11 - & .u." lam. i . Montrose, Mai,'lBs4. _ 1 , [ . 1 S ths kriitAipt*st stockg:te" :" OtlCat In the cop% Is now to be U fa itoreit B.'Ci t, ..A An PBICES it prrate,'itierY *di itrid." - W 'XL/ kJ 200 pieces of la w ßailin; aridßeragek: - . - tu rsir 100: pieties 'of NOW, Oki oast 11" ISO pli42'- 'ees of .Idnen, • ,Deßaige. ' - 14Meo; Ws, • men, other patterns of Silk, P' 'Ark" ) ; JlLva% lin, Cambric ar.,, in variety sultieleip to = and. !nil be sold at the ;owes . l rat tis,,by_f •-. , . I _ .... .•,, .\ • • ' - .. , , .. . 'Groceries . LAVE Imo; sad *will - captions e tc bwiabl to in* • than at any °thee ,hbutax : in Tow* A. VW • ••• ,tooro of that a:calico; Tesifor *dick et =grey 2 0 pounds fo; hoes. • vziat supezior lot Wortietes, ithalea!„ atvlCldl-: dree . s, shoes, punTs, broSana_ for We - I . lard-Ware i, QXkLL STOCK-eoneiderabe More Crocke ry:4S .• • -- 1 , ..7 Glass ware. Nana Ind Ginsk plentyi c ker States - tbl ir and waie ;Pleuglts, Drag Teeth; 13pronil ,Sp . ; , Thimble Vtakott 13oxe.a; iron -- Senehlfstrewe; : . Chains; ired Cords, "Egan slot& and Tooo4 - 1M; - ; . - will :be sold cheap by ' ' '.-- '--- ~. GRAMME& '-,, Beady'Made- Clothing 'aint'Clotlani:' To n i trANTITY and quality notsurpuiaedlntkfa .- W ket; and as for price, aill ask IS, tliat-thosc :7. r .1 west will,be, geed -enough - to call and guest - 1 - t • , - *,- .. s7 . - "l=- ,‘ . , MANDLEti ~' . . Book.p and go te.tionery. : , ...[ ~ / i, QpitooL Booka of almos teteryldnd; Blank 800* .., 1 1 , 4 t I.a` Mi a scellaneous Books, /anti* d ToiBooka; ter, Cap, Note, Wrapping and Wind Yaw it -' i .-. ~ : r--: - .. .. .. • CHANDIZR':„ ' ..:' Faney.Artlitles. • • 1 , 111,GE assortmentChinkß .artheti f Mime; L,.Tin• Paper Papier-3fache;-. Leatho,-Ivory _ • otber,Pan9tp of. bealitiful.ilesign d 4uan Cloaks, port-monies, Baskets luiltEloxes, Y ' \ • ' -• -CH • , - - Flour:.' OSSTANTIPI on baud, tlie '"gbitrof C Varrels and sacks, warr,anted of thibest or no ale. - • A new' Buggy Wagon of excellent &dab and for - sEde'e.beap by • • - r ' F:43. ClUblE 'AprU,14,1854. • Paper lia'ngings. . ' 1000 r P iEC eceil.Tl P Eird e ' r fLt g eVel azi E 4 ra l Vit of k F. B. uipiNDL • . • ortalble Deski. - • A FINE assortment of Writinv-Ikoka, Work - es'anct Port/Olio; for sale atthe'llooir S Xpril 19.1 ' CIIANDL D . . Administratris.'Notice. .: NT, OTICE is hereby giv,en to alrpe - .ns inde , IN tn the-:estate .of. Andrew Aid.' .Fs„,de ' t late of, Herrick 'to call and *settle th.' • ecottnts ritediately i - and persons' having . .•1.. apuat estate will t them duly attested f.r seitlem .• MA GARET .It. GIDDIN t El, A.dm Flerrick,-April'26; - 1854.* ";•• '- '. Ne* 371ilgord Day and Bbk.. VirilErt i begiimthe.firstAreti atillay * Tuiticiagn $1,50 to ss,octperqOarier eflO w Music, / drawing, , &e. 1; extra. Board liv#ll r roOm washing $1,50 to 2,oolper week:. t Itxt`..ll OSBOL f AC' , 1. . ~ . . ll4, f -- ItAGR W.41k1fTE.16 1 ..;- : 7 " '•i. i • ktq - '>. ' "DUNG RiTEIiSITELIi engaged ,1 ni theitneonfan , il4 - 1 / tuie of piper, we 'will 'pay,to Cot n.try Kenfaitill,-i',- - and others .having Rags for sale, more Oct," th,t,prliitti . en: incirket price—CAsh.-: ,.- ~ ' i - .. - ' - - ,4ESSUP. & MOORE, Paper tacthrepi. I T -. 4 , tt.. .1 5 BILADELPHIA--NOs. 24 8124.26 . N0 " - 11- (Ist Street belcivr.Arc.b;"between sth tkAd . 6tlt.) litniii ' 1 - cr 3Plford r :Apr. 1 • • NESV GOODS X 4 ARGE stock of Spring Goods the store of B. I MontrOse, April,,l, 1854.. I ,•% • ' .• ' • .. FOR SAL-E.. It -- ,_--.. it C" ATONE 'HALF. ITS ORIGI/IL Ary COST u -- 'it , .„ A GOOIS..CAMERA; and all thib, a apparaT -•- :M. tus for takibg Dagaermithies:' ; ,pply . Kari. 11 • arite ethariber cobtkolea to co i pv the faces i') I ' citizens and. strangers, at Ilia 'roc!" . Odd Felloirat Hall.•= ~ ,_- - - .- 18. DEANS. ''J t • - - FISH: - 1, 1 I ; I I AlApoCKEun:" by y C he 4: In. glird qt reeds g,qtTs t i l kl l by , • DEC YAt READ. „i • 3t - it,rose, May 10,.1854: , 1 I Tict fri • ' Time C h ang I i•- 1 . 'e# l . , • DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA. AND WESTER! J f f 11. 11 tlLoAli.l i i j - ' • : spnINO A'TtR.OOEMEN, ! ' - iital l L . N. N and after Workday,. May 8th,11854, - am '.3 Passenger Trait:LlCA depart fralimegerlin: 7 , , 9.'10 A. M. • , , / iliz Arrive at Great ,gend at Connecting 7ith tbe day expy - t P" . 0 ...,...alecung. nun ....... West on the N.Y. , , at E 8., R. Return wOl leave Great Bend Day. Express trains from New Irl riving at Scranton, at 4.10 P. 11 . ; • r The Freight Accommodation' Cur attached will leave,Serantol log at Great Bend at 6 to. V.: • Returning, will leave Great *atviife at Scranton -11.40, it: it. ' • Stages will he in waiting on . th% .ger_ trains ai Scmnton, to - co ne; iti, kaindale t Pittston, Wrilkesharrt, 1 _ _ -a a via. t it Reading Railroad; Easton and all o er. intermet _ The trains we: conned with :writ' . -d' &part fi erk l 3. New York-and Din:kirk : as follows: . ".: - , ',-/ i '-,;': _ Bay Express arrives at New Tor Il i tt 1:32 'a.'.4. lOU departs- from do, at 6a. at. - Gam 'train arrives: 4i . Dunkirk 10.40 P. 31.; arid departs: tia• di's,. it 1.25 4,4, at. "Night ExPress arrives at Ne* .- Tiark 10.0; .11.:.1,114:: and departs from do, at 6 p,. m. Sane train artf.veitkaC . Dunldrk.l2..l2 P. at., and i departs it .:10 a.; * ltta'A',.; Train •No. I, bound west, Olives at Dunkirk - 6.08 p..at i `i; Thoae wishing to avail themselves Itifthe.Night.Elt4(-: press both East ttaillYest, 'or the . Idad:tralit wed: tao.. • i -the N. &, Y.'- Erie Road will take onVAeCommodatil - train, which leaves Scranton at L - 14 1 6 ;W: . Ili wishing 19 go in the 'Da_ti ExpreaS e ther.east or -w - - 1 win take the Mail Tassenger Train, at, laiehorta 9.10 4. at: • . ' -- ,-. ti -' - - , D. H. DOTTErcErt, Suwon, * - Ety 6, .1852. :NEW 43100 MITE subkriher; pre now receiving: an nnumm#Y . ,:-' • 'l. large and-desirable stock of 1_ • , ' • . . -1. • • Spiliw G and Summerl 00d5.., 1 : 1 -. which - they pre prepared to offer tti their -difselditi.- idS t and the people of this ; onntry,generelly,it exceet — liok ~ ly low priers. ' They - were bought! for i Cash - . a considerable decline in market ;" a nd will .bas . 1 at corresponding pricoiVant Of time renders it , =" - emery that we,should refer our customers to the ad-:.-_ v'ertisernettni• ed`our neighbors, fo r, 1 mall partiO 4,1' ' the riatietY kelie by or...,Suf fi e it lo guy, our 101107 1 tient was, never betten . nor metre elttentdii. ~ ~1 I: , . 1 1 • t - . • 13R.ITLEY 4t I yil ' I, - 'f. 1 Clover and Timithy Seed , illttl, gutter . —;. BENTLET:StREAD. - I'l - -__•;____-. / ..1 - ' Hams-and S4oOldero • for sail I . I Y • *ENTUEIi I le Sole Leather,: tipper do.' and 1 :Sidnalo, l i a good 0001cl:of...Boots nod -Sh.. • imlr;iitlzWy , Ito* Goods avid WeW Al f irmamfellik II,! __ at the itettAT:Peyfitere. -, t - *35 ?PIM' nadafioe4l - eksidd, respeetfay ' -I2 - the fa** ftt tbey have en into i #t• -16$11)ieroantije business at "Read of, nt; poen, Led tho the business * l .l -. iireoftexbog 14re d '4looriodei,lbe name of Rai; ' , i ik-Wett. , W4la. 1, viVi4Ol-7eld Men4a. and the pa ~ t igenerdly to en 1 , incli eall before purchasing . •l'es and ,ititelopr, ~. cheap good. emit be blugle,ifee,ca ~,, Wetoial I received a •g OO4 ailSOrtMeat :oil e ie G 9Elf 4t b maces oefitenk complete, which a pledge ..1 to ea as cheap the elseapest..' lA^ - 1.. }, I i l - ' - l A, It. iLt*l4r,i' .. IfOiltros!, 0 1 :/ ,4864 :41 'P....`W ,310 17 4. i. i .,!.: . 1 4 r ', 1 - I k,. '' 1 ' i tett may, , .11L. • , is. I sad . 4 >, Astlandhig HAI4EktER; . , .If.; gut ', title lirTW au! Cat thip, CI _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers