141109t h tigt 14 1 4 4 0 0 011 " !litiePirai-eoOEOOO.t . V:. (O, ocrats: of Bradf ' ord.Count as-` sealbled at:the Court, lleuse, in the horoukly . of Tewan - dii;on Tuoishly.evettieol4B-flir the**,rFPOP:. of oa,!FlOg s u ch act ion . ex press* their : det•eriaination. ielitier;effeeti%•e. asd.ppeticid thOr. oppositio n theviopi t ed . re peal ,of the , -11 Bcktri coinOothise.„ andd - the r o c ji foi the • o*:a ' 00 044440 1 4 i 1440:9 1 4ur ex - *: 'press the holiest -voice' Of Peno.4t , 'rania,- by T wing the res9h*liinuive,befOre, .tlte' louse. . The lueilitivleivi.:orgatOzed , by; the ;elect i l i o kothofollAr k ingofficeri • . rstramErrr ' :t A.6*,i.ilisthENT, B -, .1 • D. SECRETARIES. • -:`,• • •_• _ • . . 4 p. 3irtti 1,4'. '-I',..,T4 ol **§aiP.-ad. ..: ..... • '' . ...,%'.,;,.1-tOn; DA1712). Witai . ot -beingealled , iip-' ',, k in.prr.mieoded - to state the, ohjects of the 'lied 'iitte.'in -a-lengthytind abli Spe.oloiid • Otfi4,;:- ;ed.. the, . 01)0wAng for the con4ration of tl t, • .inicePtigt".--7:: -'•' • • - • The - ,Demperacy of Br..l4fard, , •in-- -quit4Y N e, ..'meeting,akseMblol, again : -frOtefate, and pro ' azi.m. t 0 they-Political bre*re.ntheir iritwti- • • vilable.:: - oppOSition -,to.the illeaStire-now pend rug i l l 'CongreSs - for.the 'repeal .13' the t.it' . see ; ,. Lion -of th e.' aCt,:prepatitcrSi„ to; the hdirdiaicin -of MiSsourillito_ - the' . lrnioti. . We',*WarttOtif !friend-througlinic - the 'State against' the Con - - sp.iiiemvs' of and defeat,: whielt-m . our judgment • will'iiverwhelin iis.isaparty;if ifilS n4a.sure 017 - injustice* gong be forced up- ‘ ;on . ''the'-country under a penmeMtic .A.iintin istration, and in the abitSed, name of Dernoc-: racy, ;:To the principles. of the Deniocratic . l faidtwo prjA.&S att erdont:and unalterable at; i Mehipent i and Niv• hiild' it . 'an ' insult upon *al'. intelligenee, and - tui-outragr -upon our prinei pleS,.,to, pros upon our acceptance as demo; cratle;,nrittetiusure d es igned .to defraud the laboring - inasScS and . their posterity. Of their . rightful inheritance„ and _to -, surre.ndeillie Na - tionid. domain to Southern capitalists, -as a' - , '&1(1 upon .which to - ota.Ploy, more profitably their vVit.-;ll,o , Tcsted in.slaves. ,' • -., .- . \ enioerag, n ti a o,l:- . .by Jofeison, Lnnd il . histrzoad. in :the adrninisfratibits...f the) earlier -. deuMeratic Proidents,• had 'no ailiarl'ets , 'Or sympathy with slat cry. As - a' local Suite in stitution, it, was ,free, froin'tWeral interfer , *TO ;,., . :hut. never,. until: these latter times; 'did slavery dare. to...daira . .the fostering care and i _ support Of . the 'National GoVernment,' for.. its .. eitension beyond .. State -. boundaries. '-' The power of the .Nation,in.the.earlier and better . - days Orthe,.nepublic wai,repmtedly, exerted . id: dre:nmscribe . the - limits rof s.ilaverV, and to set b,Olinds to its progr es s; and in, this pat riOtic‘: work. the Democratic ; Party. and - .its ~ hading. Statesmen took an active and promi ,suent. part. - - - - - ..„ - , , •.... . , ~ - \ •tan..cling upon the,L,, , reatand beneficent Ade,: fa-hies of the, Democratic . creed—instructed by. the' teachirigs and .example of Jefferson, we. solemnly protest again A the - attempt noW - -made to ' prostitute the . organization otthe pilmccratie party - to •purposOofslavery 0.a... p*andisin,, . We claim for Der6Ocracy" high,- .. f .objc,zts; and. a nobler... Mission—the elttrap. - lion of man, MA h ..dris.adation and,.'debase ment--the ,prOteetion of the rights of labor ; „against the haartlessAcmands Of capital. ' , * As, citizens tieeplY interested in the . honor. -: - of .our llStato- 7 4is .aetiicierats -eirnestly desir ing the :§neefts . of otz'party in all its .efforts -for :the protection of. individual ,rights„ - mid The .advimecinent of the gencral.wellitre; ice are anxious .that thisgrot and powerful Cont - monwealth should (*Cuff ,before he/sister States, the position of honor and party safety on the great question,. now engaging, the...al.- ..most undivided 'attention of the American Congress-and people.. We eundeinn as dis ' honorable,- and ' unworthy of ,a party which has ever bocsiell of ear. - -31%, , its principles - and policy tr_ltity inscribed on its 'tomer, to Evade meeting fully and frankly- the geentab wrbing question now acitating lutd coniuls ing'Ake country. We demand that the De rnoci-acy of Pennsylvania. shall .he heard in the settlement of great National iTte!ii-aaotia; -that the N 4 oicle, of the party in this, &ON shall. not be smothered on the most moriteutons issue which has hem presented-fotthe'delih eration and d'e:.ision of the premit generati6n: We make principle the, teet, and the only test of.p Utterly' disgard any .Other,'ag "caletilated detraet frotn_the dig iiity of party action, and to sink - tinir pally #onilicts into , degrading and dmiionilizii*' *ramble foi office, ~u nworthy of intelligent -and independent men. / "• • • mnicstly er2.11 upon. the DiaiiOcr4fe: ine.mbers_of 'our State lApslature,.to.ocousid er and pass the 'resolutions now peNding'in the house of Ilpresentatives, declaring' the sentiments of Perins2.lvania as opposed_ tothe bill before COngr(%s• for the repealof the Compromise; and especially . we invoke the. most: strenuous - and active efforts of our 4iwn Representatives to . .this end:' - With this •cipr•...lsion„of._ the ...174.:0f Pounsylvania, - .enanly proelai:inedilirOughiser)sigioit du ,tional organ, We'arel, cOnteni; ,*; , 3 look forward with _conrage and hope - the tpl/ sound principle inithe of the Nehraskal bill, and -of the sue s . of _our party esmclidatii.in the :pprisaehingelee: Lion. If the hiisdanare • d meet .our . - just, erpeetstio ) s i this respect,. then we spoetfully . call 6.. our deinoeratie friends Alimglanot the •te to take immediate ae film for' the - asseriabling of a Denociatie Anti- IslehnsidatnaVentionat the State Capital on the' tat day of 3une, - to take such action as maybe deemed n ~.and Proper to make known to .tlyeei*ntry 'feelings and prin ciples of that PortiOn'af :the. dernociacy Pez4; 14461 /fii ittio 06,4Posed,b:-theAgiiit enokdgetikal:of theXissouri Cthnpronnse; and to adopt •such measures ; as `are in view 'Atf Ike ,now - lmfiendrug?,.rrb• - r : Off , • eountri: ; ".' If this. sirkgesessa sisoldd be genonded Dy ' our friendsin other quarters of the t.s , te„awl , •l • a State Convention should. aisemble, !netting name U. Mereur;• Stephen - Mites lion. Myron Ballard, D. B. Cotteut-iL S. Smith, B. Laporte,-.4l*.H.Arebb,ll.--Liw rpnoe Seott„Thei...Bniead;:lloit 9114'44 -Luz= Putuan, a5:de:4840,40 .1 - represent , BradfOrd- county in alijd Conveition; with -Tower . of substitution- hi ease•of „theet of nn Of then tO attend. - Ot4notion of U. Merenr Tion.:'DaVid. ,mot was added to/he Bit of deleptes. motion -the kutsoingwas uniwirnous-' ly adopted, - -••- Cn "Mion; ' . 14380 /vell, That the: probeedings • thia meeting be • puhlished in all - .the DeraoeratiO papas in, this Congressional distriai runlet - ..• , • • TAE thug NOT APPAARWT.--The 134)01)0rE Niates tO 7 • The WOI4IIIS, i~as bean settled by Peter A. Brown' of 1.0/1F mdelphis,, who - has e' reed a Icx4k (if his r * , hai and finds_ that he !gongs to the er,i. limn an 4 Aka. Sonle of bislinirs ir(entire ly cylinddegl, while ethos are "Val. Not oak' so, hntithere is:;very-ireligfereanti, in the.dimtnetei his `taiun . eMpg raark uniesa of/tog:Ape**. The imps t has 1-44.18 x and the smiths:3;lAM • • .P & 414'; Alil i l ktfiC;', l - etbre,, .13e* aid . Ongi ' , The:land - fo;itstS ~1;1-''',Ca go - wh ' dki 'tort •rOutc) _ L -FOol 750., - 1 1'04g ' the rank and eluded; Ileitis non:eon:mimic these.ineluded of so,000.:-i.1 mptertomoct . inereiSed. 4 1;1 • - , , „..-.•-.- The-Balti c and Black :: .-- ,; - co l ! . from, the. most authentic sou . :-. artk,itit Ad-- lows: =The Black, Sea fleet:'. com Posed of 37 + - midis of war, 'Ail: - '..." 1 0t-turist 151 1 116, one 91,jthree 90; one: ---: -, one 78;;ono 71, two 50, one A • f 2, t , ree 21 .one. 1 8 , three 16, two 'ii.,-1 8, six i , two 5, two,k two 2.. . o The:fierega e nu e. • r 'of ' ens is 1320,, tt f ...timn fge , 995 i•,cre‘tik i )V 1 8; * T 3 horse yo*er-j,879 .;' , f3 of' he ... V...flets :are - sailing ships. , 'l'fie Baltic ' ..- t c.onsists'ltt this moment 7of 50 vessels , ing- one' , l3l, one 121, nee. 101 1 , two ,1g0,,.:- . .x 91, one 90, one 84, tw0,,81, ,tivo: r e .", . ' : co,'," one . 58, two :51, 'one - 47,' *one - I ' bile 33; one: 243; one Ik fOur 16; thilee:l one S;:tWO 4, Cale 3. Tbe, otal 'number — of are / guns. 2,339, the • ton - ' 88,908, crews 2X-1:15,. horse power 17; : Of' i. hesie'' 5 ' only ar sailing, .ships; t he= rest screws, or paddles. ~. . two flee ts; c is " ..'lleotiv.d.Y. nuniber '87 . ; A ' • ltonnage 142 !!-: ; guns, 3,668; .Crevirs 37,0 , and' ise-power, 25,- •525. Of' cotir&Yithe rt. h. &eft , ii_i-; the' Eii.xine' and mo r on u'ih'eliiv Y.!0; th4 - 'l3#l . til; are not h4ro ..included. . , 1 y here 'state that 25 French ships of.stsr ve sailedfrona Brest for the.Baltiej,:9 of m- are sbipa of the line. - -The: Ansterlifr..,i. (1. gins;. French f fide of battle - ship; is now ' th . Sir Chaxles Napier's fleet. 2 . To the'-54 - Bah ships now in this .localityi . *ill shortt -be added :'thel Portland 50; froni - Ihe Pee' le, and 'tlie>Ceri` taur sten* . frigate,. • from• tin ; both ' 'ill leave:for the Baltic inunedi tfiy subsegiu nt T . to their.' arri val:'- ...::- - ',*-- I . 1 Englund, in addition to t " - gigantic fleit;, has hi reserve, at, the four its of Nits month,' Deveiport (laths and Sheerness. no less than 161 effective sh of the Royal Navy. -'These are etimat to carry 6,8,07 i -Innis; Many. of then. ma . need refit an d - rttrair. '...nt ttey are all (.1.. & s.good se a' , going. ves.sels. 'The vesseis f the line now _building are. at Pori.Znou: .. 5 ; Devenport 7 ' • Sheerness 1 ; Chatham G ;` PeilibrekZ ! 1 4 -Deptford 4 - ; Weolwielt 4; ;id IBllvale 1 making-if total tof 39 ships,:- obe fitted With all the new improvements, and got ready fi;t; sea ".as soon 4.5. possible. - . 'if - j s redical.Nth The Eclectic Botanic Medical Montrose. May 24th. A-gent. members is, solicited,.as there tai3ce to be ban-carted, 1. - MARRIA •S. tttot;b, Eld.- A. L ) ' Pa., and kiss - • . Af3YERTISE EaS.I"S.••• . • . • . . , - .11-(IMILET.I)y 0)&4., and if Ilarrel_ or by . the: pond- 7 alqo Codfish Jost,* Ted 73. for "le by . - EY-k EEAD: 'NontrOse, if.ay.:lo, 1854. _ ; In. Britlgv Post, Mr. Of REnxrcA F . , I" " .: Doctors -Thayer &1.._ ../ilall • i t 1u A tIN4. associated them ',A in Thepiactice of i:.-14- 3tedirinC; and Surgery, WO d" re ''.all . to.give thou a call that- inay d their rirokseion:l ;., al sell-ice. Thekjnay bi ,, found t tiff. office former.: jly occupied by Dr. Thayer: Tin: will keep ton" hand pun, enncentiattil "and; r llonteopa ic•tnedicines, , • I: Montrose,..liav 8 1854: - " t 1• L THATRR; ; -: ... ' `-. -NEW SPRING üBURR . IT is now recei+ s of Spritt4roOode, alLieb ally attractive, inchWing_ a f°r Ladies' Dress Grpods„- in Sias. lanes, I.a~elia, Poi/is; Cluellies,l Silk,. ] 1 Laee Bonn* Flowers,' Parasol with a loge variety at other. Fan) inektormg Cl4)tienainisierea,.B4 Paper, Ccirrehng, Groceries, n ir Iran and 21s* o *,.Drosi,.oils Parke &aril, Oltio Grind got all, wbieb will be sold on terms t 4 erg. for. cab or approved'eredit. New Milford, Nay 8 1854. „t, 1.. - _IT deelm• He assortment* low picas. . .. U. * 4 M.• SATRE. ' WALL_PAPER.—A:bige *Web enabies too to se l l low, k4alfaa'Oying an op mity to make be!= ter Mecums.”' '•.t; ', ' • . 11, & D . SAYRE: ' atErIITON igAir Butter r na, .7m. Ware, itc. &c. kc. .. ~i • • . 11.‘k D. SAYRE i :„G.ROWIII . 41P1F.--ll;Rrihg. bo • rt vvry low , : IN 3 , 1 not and minim Ite,mokiokl. ' IL* D. SATED : Mont, Mai; 1854. '. -" • , • •• •••• • - irlDiesollith • lie • t• rIiNHE Co-inatnership-gin's' ling between 1: the - " anbianiber - s trader . : title Of-101114 4 Sinith;!irisf.•eindiiited on • •1' The toles and anedabta of add -firm noir' In the:bids% Tinny; Cyr: settlem, aft. ose -bidriited will pleaselake'notate ind - itee hey. • • • r - • • •04 s•Tic TlFFiLigt; 04 • • •-••••• 7 .. . 1 : ' l. 1. • • • F. Mint. • ::Brooklyn, Ha 10th 1854. 4 •i. 't , ! . / ro , 7 . HE rrilE undersignidllaring pa •• . *.:,'Timury inrerert oneretuitße • bittiriess heribi wake thitiNovi to . the . ..". citizens Ofl3rockh trit Inrieett to COI itid'hisPeet 'and pnr.haiie tine .of - ibe-- • :.'and `nose earnpl* inocks of snotialerei , before •:,, - • • in' this tnaiket. ••- ••.11erserinrilatt peopin:•who • goods on-lontered-- its lave pay . * large —•• • • , :forortelit alone, ;are tiorAnadoond isywinof:tnale, as the . system mini conducive to public asoreli•aa oar own intern* bH jcinde ' ••.E*Eiei produce ri- Ceired inexchanke foritoatir, .111e. - `l4 nork9' . . asatnial t ti • • Jkookt . OFF' TT heiiih tun* bOth CuTY rip ' *-0 Seine's g . '..4 idimpOdtmed led in Anoorbv monk 011.4'--- ruin In* MI in: " Vr 11;fieby imeuntuinA Mi Plato fit Lanai VAMP .1u k 854, : ~Q lial 14.16t1P1 i s of - th° 4311\11 of nixie exploit:-- Avtiility,, s but will izietl the 18,- ergot may le in led and fo.lre; et t fory3e, at , first lArgpljr; • will meet; at 1. attendance of - the re • witless o ,F I . Ws, ?e. • ig his usual supplies rillibe form& Imusu i 'I:RC - assortment of Benage qingAams, Sc. raw, and • Panda ttv. ea, together. awl Staple GoOda; 'and Shwa, wail Hanka: Paints, : ; .#4 ri^ 4 .9hat swt the c.r% Irani of Nit *lf auit tooo `lc very. og. Shal- YEE. d's.geort .TßE. -R4E.ur. ,---" . • "IT; ' ..._..,3F • 4.7!`"07,0.r. .; tt OW, To tekeicliii - *OA "the i'ec;ond • weft. - • A - 040,'"0f 1854: • I JO the - Fair .- • . _ : • • - • •-• • ; . 45;00: . 34 -B l ytt,;;;,;;;;;, , 4 • - • . Best-Grade,:.;; ;. X. • ~1 1- 1 ; • Beet • . . • . 45,00 .! • - ' , • .4,00 •-• .• . . otrßest,:li :41 twayear,okt '; 8,00, 4 400 Beet twti yearpld • Best ,4 ...4,00 2d Best, ' . ..2,00 Beet lot of cal* not lesithan'fitei - • - 5,00 2d Best, 2d ..2,00 Best pair tltree - years old 2d Best; *" • Best pair two years • • '• •• 3,00 ' 3d Best, . . . • .t-titinte.' • - t • • • . • Best fine wool 8nek,..•;...: ... .. . :3;00' 2d Best, - •2,T Best-South .... :8,00 2d Nat; t , l . •' •• ; • 4 (w) 'Test Long Wool • lt,tX)" 2d Befit, *I 4 • .Best lot of fine wooled wee , not-Irsp . than ten,•3,00 . .. r e ' .. ..... 2,00 Best' lot of Smith' Down twei not leee 'than ten,. . 3,00 2d 114..5t,....; ... ; . ... ' . .2,00 Best lotikingwgelled Ewes; not lei than ten; . ." • . . Best 8p0r,..• • • ..•, • •-• • .1• • : • .• • • • • ........ ' . • . 3,06 •• ~ p.•... .. 2d - Ile!st. t i• .'. 1.. . ~..• •-•... ..... . • . • • .... 2,!N.1 . 1 dII ' ... 1 :.....'•.'; . -. 7 ' ... ....•••• ..... 1,4)0 tiit. Sci' '....-, L - !: ..". ........".;•••.........3,(X) i - .... ...... 2d Berl 3d Br HORSES. i stallion for .. ......... . . Best pair ed geldings foaled in the ir..ounti,s,lX)* 2d ßest .• • • •• ' • • f •.• • • • • • 0••• . • .... .3,00 311 • ' 200 Best Brood marewi • It by her side,— • • . . •3, . 00: Best,.. • 3tl 'Best, . Bmn pair matehed mares foaled' county; ..3,00 . 24 . • . . . . .. 3d 8etn,..... . - ..2 011 °,410 • .. ..... . • POULTRY., Best lot not, less:tlian ....... 2tl Best, VEGETABLKfi. Best and largest Cariety,... ‘....... .. ... : ... 2,00 Bmt 4 acre potatoes, ' • .- :. 3,00 .. ... .. ... 24.1 . Beal .. .f.i —. , , • . • 2,00 . - • - CHEESE. - ''' ~ , , Bed not leis than 10014,... ild 8ez..... ~ 3dßes,.. ~ Z. .... ......"......„ ........, - _ V., • nr • Trig. - . - Bct .firkin of Butter made -during the summer moutiur 5,00 2d Best,.. :..... .1 . i . 00 • -3d Best, . ' ' , '.....1 ...2,00 Ben firkin of butter 'made during tfhe fill„ 5,00 241 Best, i.... 3,00 Zd Best, 2,00 Best arse of Corn, s` ' 6,00 2d Best, - ' *, • . ..:...41,00 ',3d Best, . ' i '. • • 2,00 Best 'acre. winter wheat, 5,0 n -2d .f.!est.. .... ' • ' • ".'. ... k :1;on Beat acre Sprint' Wheat, : .... , ,t axi 2dßest,, ' .".. :. . ...:: ....... .......3,tiO Beat acre of Oata; . • . • 3,06 I 2d Best, - ' , ' 2, 04 ) Bea sera lof Buckwheat; - ..... 31-00 2d Bent].... ;; '..,... 1 .. . , -,, . , 200 , . . . , Best 2 litistiols iitter:..krpleN 1,00 Best two bushels Fall . : .. Best half bushel Quinces...:... ... Best half lnuthel Pears,! • •.; Ben. Bushel reaches, - • -2,06 . _l,Oll 3 ,0 0 . ...... . .1,00 • ten yards,..:2,t)o 1,00 • ten yards, , , .1,00 • • ' • CTICR, .ed - 1)0310311e MANUfActuREs. Bed 10.yds 2d 8en„.....: • - Best quilt of any Yd Beet,. - ... ad ..... Bes piece Carpetiug, not lei t. 2d Bek,, Bell.l piece Rag do. not ; lezts 2d Best frptors Wool xf C Irrupg & PARK retest their grata ..ill "acknowledgements to the iodine, and invite tendon to the very large stock of Spring isied,St 'neer Goods they are now receiving, and offer fore at very tf* prices.• in addition - to their. tumal assort tnent of staple Dry Goods; Groceries, Hardware, ' k-, t.. ery, Paints - and Oils, •&c. &e ., they are - prepared,to AT HER. - • i • exhibit a Large assortment of,lB4,tes' or tanned in this county, 3,00 of Ocry description--Figuod, Plaid and in Si ks, . • -, ; „ , ...2,00 Bonnets, Shawls; Ribbons; Gloves, Illisterp—Laities , ?Otter Leather, , • 3;00 and Hisses Shoes of , all kinditi a hirge et . of - - • - • • 2,00 AEA Dilif.4 bE CLQ7III2M. Cloths, Cassino dozen Calf Skins, ' ' • ' 2,00 . Tweeds, Jour,. Summer Cloths, Vestings, Hats, AGItiCULT URA L IitPLZMICSTS. ' . Boats and Sbacts&c, " • , - 4t.pipagb for. s unir b inna ann oy, • B,do Theitisctfully sacit an early call from 2d best . _ , . , 2, i -7 who wish to iturchasegoo ! 1 snxds at /or Prices. • • Best • Cultivator , • • '• - • •nn Sprnole,"May.3, U. 1 1 Hc1d1LLEN &PA _ 2d best, . ' • - - • AY) Best Side-hill Plough,- • • -'• • o• 00 NEW - G OODS AT D. IL LATHIWP & Oh. * .! ... .• • • • • •• 1 B eat _s traw and Stock` C utter . -• • . 3 ,00 VOR PARTiCFLARS we i refer you to our otett4ot• 24 tea; ... ; • . _ .. , _ 1. . .. „...,,2,00 : a., • tunn (and not, like 'son* others, to their net h- Best o.l,Tolce; , ' ' " 14X) hers adrertisements,) wherei,wM -be found a list, in .. Lumbisr Wagon; ' '— - - ' :1,00 P of our extensive assortment of Hoods; which' e Ox 'CIA, • . . ~- . ' 3 . 00 1 offer 'at the very lowest piieeo4., . • .-. . i Plough Chain and Clovis , ..- •• - ' 100 . -SP.RING STPLE BLif: . Sag, Limb, Bro • Ilorse Ssoe, ' •- 1,00 gtraw and Leghorn liatsjus arrived at . • ' . -• . • One Horse Power,iil.' "- • • • 1,00 . May,.ll ,- , ~- • Wilt. LATHROP k CO's. Two HOrsc Power,'.. , 7 , ' • - • 3 t OO • • , - . . ' Own' Sheller: . ~'"` ."-: "1 ''. .-. .. , .... -.„. . 1,00 Horsejtake; wood or iron teit ':... i'..../.....2,00 1,00 .C.XIIINET 'Tait Best Belleau and. SecretarY, each,: .•. " . 2;00. Breakfast Table and Work 'Stead, each, 1,00 Bedstead and Kitt of Chairs, each, • - 1,00 . . . Best, ,„ ~ '.. ~. .DPOTO.:AND- attOES. • ~ , • pair °Wino and Thick Boots, cath,......+4 , 1,00 1.-Witetteo'..it 30 - 94els.and Baskin', Pith,. 4 - ~•-• . 1 ; 0 0, ..;' •,..; , •,, , RADDLICC A.ND WIRNW:3B. -'. BatiTeaut Ifloneas,. i 4...4... .. • ...... . . :,4.2, . .-.• line. Double Hirstaiss,. . • . . ' 3,0 00 0 - - Hmgle , Harness, -• • • • ... . , 2,00 . Best.gadille.and Bridle, - - •• '- • 1,00 . • .-.-,-',..,:,,/. . • !'•-• , tt r xiatlAciEs. . Best, Double Cordage, ...'.... : . -. . ....... ;.. . . ::3,00 gm& Carriage,...... 1' • ; 2,00 .. 'i „ 9.1.P.4• , -.3 , ,:f..1444. 0 *. 112 4- ; 'f , t- 7 - ''' ' - I*Tiii.jes.Y4 , •-•,, . , . ~,....ceiiiieste•- • • - ..noii*. • - , '. ,; / Best moult 9C:Cme IPT.e. OI-1 4eer,,,,. - .0 . . ~ • Best 3 Sides S.ole: 2d 8e5t,.... Sides 2d best Best • . - , • 's Ts•-'2d sbeagi • .. .. • . • • .-.•4:tb; beak: 4* • , itqlottson:Wfoiserand Sp wb6at and Corn, to be. sr toriitit least tbteisisk&s tide the quantitj. 'Pentotateotp •. •tr 9uested-tiitta • aaoukoPeli- Per_ 7 . 1 ' „ sr o' ....... - -3,00 1 / ...!..........T. - .2;00 1 4 ....:1...4 .-. ; - ',.2,(K) 4 / Wheat, Chits,. Back e at: i Fair.- ~Competie d to notify the Judges at the 'lair. They are to de _ totality raisedites sere... . -. ang for.preininms on grain,-are re , dm' greend meisiiMil and the !ran cettHied. ' It-18AM *tetrads that:lm .'kept le tht v 4"PtItY dump !ptames =lied their valuet)er - ten, and, !be the Infinitude's : a` stateineet 'or the r bixt mode' o(eiring mid ..mg Chet. It Is thee Airineritiounted &stoat of ,neir'fretinettririth a riew 46,41 ed out whether. more Cannot be produced upon the larne'!ground with the saut4;sammt of laisw, and for this - immotm, the corn= Mitettit'iohld:pmlosit the following questions 14 the -faitiejiiOf the county hoping to receive 'irritten„sn swerit'froitiitneny at'postale. -, ,'- - .. • , - • i.-. )tt•. -7 4 6 r- touch nay hsve..* - , cut: the . pre s ent ' ' Omon't ,- --- -` -,- - - - - - '. - *bath! iti cost pee ton in the harwCounting . ail the Wier mud pantile- used i. , . it, and the• into. ratted the TAW 9( - the land; , . , whether the hind is deteribrated - ,,Moilduitrepl tn-vahits from the prop taken off?' '; .... .' ' ' . 3 z; ' t .'.'''' - •,.' ''....:"-.-- - • .. Bd. i How muo4. Corp s. ,llirief ir ~, : pats Autd .I! "itatoes ,, , * ,!?0 , .RE:.,,,,, , i*Adeedi.",,.„. , ..1,..,,,,.,,,,,,,i .. . L. .. :4: 4 , 10.44.014;9_04. K.74lll,l=trooM`- le:it:totsone,. , ..„ 1r.... h e , ~- ~.., --: ....I(fivi_4.o4'l4loll....ti* ;- ...,,,,boommity,pv*anik4;.-:13r:. 7 ,47i i i4 to ' cvi es oioioi.- x•Aahnsi .pr -4444... ... . .; - . - ` Olio - atm IK4 *Any i ' l4lll- #•it e tiCiten,'"‘viiiiliiiiseilt: 4ii , '"ea '4ll l rquell fe dtln i T1 !-' - . .44i,i- it4elitiak? 'ilit,esitided.-to„the. maw madent . .. ~, . e , .. .4i iluit.effeo-144:P4M ... Y 1) JA.t isitdrest O,K e 'faxtuov i t t 6rojiirntittifribbditiloitilailiir on 't4ig.l4iitigran4urifiii4444:l,oo, 70110.**c.,...i5a =f 6 r-. ~&4 10 .11.• :1 " , :# 1 .:,' - --. 4t l r-- 1et . 1 •.• ~.- . . ~ , 1 . „-__.....„. ..:!. •':,,, ~ • xii!-rt'onn. , ~!i... _ .- • i ~.,?,,,,-:--,--,•! -." - - :; -...g: IL W.O.L, -:. ...f -;.:- ,-- - ••• • Vt4,l%tatillsroiroittrogie, ii,,gegive 4 • " ' and Tuesdap death - * tett - ....3,00 • • • . 2 ,00 LAO GRAM. - 5 10 wq,-,-410T; - 1 C044 1 *- atm f eb la vin g Ce!j).01404"-- ntrir-ladliewleillibler- at ibe ix- . ir attire in mint. •- • • r Iga ' 1 • %int ocioPi t _ ;Csooti sifekt4iiiCiti 4e . low Plicei; gas% af4 6 *in,oPi!tof gi*4 pf.4 I2 VISI4t• cents POr. • i .4PirwsTl• I Boutteilind Itibbons, choke‘awkirtmeii /Ow Prkm ' ' tlxid New Orleans is at, $4,87f per 100 -16 e Prime do do, , 6,53 "" 100 4 ! . hime Portorico,` 6,87} " 100.•',. Clarified, Coffee, ,Powdered, and - Loaf &tars,' fiery lox. prim'''. 11. lIIWOWS.k. CO. ,Itlibekm ! April 28,1801. • ' • , . ' • - 600 SPLENDID IiNGRAIMIICHL -- • ISO .9pm-tux. noir*. otiatcpunfat itseitinas '• ' -.. sacrat I nal' tayswnoodti Op .rovasisi -, vi.. • ..Tke : " People's ournal, i - I ' "AN .11lttstrated_llecord. of 'Agricultn**l Stietlec, - if thanks, Inventioni Fatents, runliTse.ful-Mno W ledge— Imblithml monthly. Every number onotakui 32 lam!' pagekbetaitifully. printed on fine paper, and profusei. ly illusin' aed with elegant engravings; fiinnin at.the • end of •,,thipati-tiwo -fine volumes. ,comprisin nearly 490: paws; Blustrated with about 600 splendidngrair „..,, Ings relating to the aliore, subjecto—=the.eabscription ,price being only one dollar. _ a ,year,, or 50 cerits,a vol' r , me.: No publication of the kind hat ever been•pro r ,dueed with saiiintagtdficenct., - Or at so cheap a prices . Fanners, Mechanics; Inventors, Xanufteturers; aid people of every profession, will End -in the`. reople't Journal a - repotitemor wild iknOwledfii, llft t tilintl- . :suited to their t••••• - j)ectivp•*'.411lar --.- • . - 7 Lk'' • • ' TERNIti7OIIO. olliu- a yem, or 50 -cis; tor !`.nunitlt .. , • Potage on t 'Peeples Journal, ncents:Per qua+, ter:•,• In cant free: A 'Mini! orantrikwion to Post,, mikers. Auld- wii6 will thnia:clubti: ' . soSi- pay • ill 4 lenerikatid direct to a . .* AMER F. M ell, ' i . Editor, and Proprietor of the rmip 'a loiirA C • • 14 . 0. ?At Niltettial it. pew York; •I-.; The People's- Aden! , Ogee ; .- - This well known cstablishinent is still carried cia miler the personal suppihrtnidemee of the undersign.' edobrough-whom rooms , may be secured I both lit -this and all &reign. Countriek with the utmost fin eitd deitpatelh'on very moderate .tertas.:i i- • '':' di Persons wishing* fob advice relative t - Patents 1 Inventions ; may at ill tithes consuh, the odentign without charge.."either,penionally at his office, or i t - letter.. -To those firing ,at a dizitime, he would is : thitt-allthe needful steps necessary to seem:a rate & - catrbe•arranged by letter....en parties Wish:to taz infotni3d as to the probabi lity f being enabled to .. . Coln. Patetnik, it will ben forlhetn to for* t3c brhutil it rough Ontline -sketch and description of invention - lit or charge is anode 53r such . • •,..: inations. -' Private consultations held. daily!witir •.. 1 venters, from 9A.X:toS P. w. • • 1 • : ...Models from a distance matr be sent bfeipress otherwise: • • For further information nPply to or addiess po paid, - . °ALFRED E. BRAtlf, . _ Editor and . Proprietor of the:People's Jotirnal, i l 4 Bolicitur of iniericin and Foreign Paten • People's Patent °Mee, 86 . .Ya.. , ketn At., Nev York. PH BLIC aka .- - ' - • i,, - ~...1 . NOTIC ''s hereby g ire* ite the Publc ,- Ithat _ t — autism will sell at auction, on Thursday, . c Bth dai , of June xt, at, his house .in GlbsOn, ' . !• Co. Pa,i'ail. his pe Ind property and real e/We . the - highest and best !Adder. . The liropaty consis of a farm of 100 acres, be the Tame more or 1.-- -, haring thereon a. new _two story .dwelling- 'house, a new bani, andOthei buildings mostly new. i It is I cated on what, is termed Sentlick Corners, in one the pleasantest neighborhoods in-Susq. enmity.. v. e inhabitants are strictly moral; iring in harem. getber, and paying the strictest attention to th . z di. .1- big of their children. It is one mile from .. e byterian Meeting house and two from ,t. • Methsix • t. The farm is, well watered and fen- i : : has upon }lt .- orthaidi of Apple and Peach IT •.. and 14 point. f productiveness is inferior to nu ; • ~ in Siniqueluou e I county. . The teems of . payine . will be one half do i and-the remainder in ann .. . yldelllS to snit the r• chaser of from one. *43 fo years, to be secured , y bond and moit.gage. , i - • . , _' - - - The persomi p . v . eonutti of one sorrel ho . , 1 one:sorrel mare, e yearling colt, twelve cows, (ix of them two y old, four of them three.) crone - . e of three year . 4 d steers, - one . yoke of two year eld stags, 2 y • • gs and three hogs, to be sold oribir months .me with T•security. i Also, fdrYling°ten++ cons'. • ig orwagons; sleight, harness, chains ittu-- r. - ploughs, cutting bit; dairy utenalis,With'inany • 4 . er things Unmentioned, on six montiniiiiiiie; . lA. 'bevel discount - made for cash.' Jill persons - iris. -ktg any of the above mimed property are. solicited to at tend the sale. WARREN njuar Gibson, Nay bite; 1851. I _L• _______ • ._ i ful' at . NEW GOODS. InPlc Vh,TingAllit: - " e.".f : : I DELAWARE, LA - CRAWA2sIiA AlfD WESI' I , -•.' . 1 :;': . _RAILROAD. ' - .. . ; -,1 . ,-." SPRING ARRANORIIIeRit? ' -''' , z rtlg r ind after Monday, Mar 184,1 54;the Fre i ght ‘../ Accommodation T'rain,; "with' passenger , at tached, will depart front Scran .at 2,35, P.M ''',ar- . . int riving = at Great . liend it l l.l ll .' ' • ' ' ' : ' 4 , Rentinini; w il l kiwi° I Bend at 8.00 it. tt: and sirriieat Scranton 10. 0 W:.x. "Those - within.,; to ;rail tkOrutelviie oft ' Night Eipreas both East and West, on thi N. ;k Erie Road -trill. take' this tilde. The Mail :P ger:train; will ,contintie to' rep. as fOinteily ' de ' ng from.Scranten atil, a..x., vonz 4 netting with the Pay' Exprenn, OA: . 0 e N- 17- 'ik e r Road,r'both.Enat and. Wea.l.' = ' - - '.. - D. H. 'DOTT E R-ER ; . Superintend t: 'lnn; Niy 4, `1,i15., - ..., • Day New Milford avid Board' . . 1 • School. ,i 011MMERlent heritattlelt.,liNedni . in ay: 0 Tuition from sl,lso,4,oolxtiallf!erdX°"Tek'' Mtile; - .thiXt'i, • Ao'., ex*. Man! wlth 'r)4)1,1 and iriilgAliso tizr 2,0# pe,T.wgek. ' -' '1 -, ........,_.„,..,..„„.,. _.....w..6,,...tpi..iethi.,,,,,,,.. ~, - - 3 jvq L . a very bulge . stock, of Spring and Ettminieiilnods at J. ` r Oopd Itrito:Chietitis Suatti sVcesh Per lb otkercgooas equallylowat lig sunonme, ,‘-`; OPRAPERT if04.488.1f8, Tens; Aral:Air' Gioceries mod' in this; oi any othei 'Winn In thWeiniritp - - J. IL 81117PHIN:l. gu n rk ie r s qk 401 28 ; 1884 .' • • . "*- Auction Sale.' • . THE sabseriber will offer for Bile it i Attetkai - at hip reald t atee Foreit,lf*i:tat .Saturtlity, ,tho3 l eth di Of)liy)telt, tfio Followlileril l ~; griaw - Ersit , raiv oldillartaol Cow*, 1414eep,' - together , withhilitwk,l: o6 ie bop,l twO borne ;wig. on. 1 otie era M :l' !Notting Hill, i lfOree Eike, liorfikiicAploVoc I' t rag i lot of Iltiose tuAdFuraituroltic.i'monertta- toyne . ttlitWt. • - - • awns under*' cMh dime; all over, one year', credit WithOa" it saltily. "- Sale to eatunetkee. at . 9 ti'eloric.k. NV • - • , - •' JOSHUA W • YoreafLake;4olol9, '1854r.5. A Large sivadAmmo - ; Or ' s .I+l. PLOW 12100911 Z.'. TO new arriving ` at our stem Our Goodatiave i... T$ now arriving aim! Awl iionly pay win be ~ ic toy *nett in.* jOnt•ntaelt donor* nt "try tilinglimilVitept In * enniwy storey and oni we, 7 ri ,are.constendy odd* reio,- we EnteicktlV k - air allaftiMent. 4 r9,4 4 e".• Yfik In_The the 'sues ''or, bsveneeene 'ind ii. -1 ft , . bet stock of Fa il nod aniiite./Ply 'o:oge4' l _l4loo'o'We, ee.'itt, fePtii • seeniedibitweinormelrgiode *a & r eap u--: ja"blerilinktubm lien* iiN l l4", ; In. the"4oo - ant nee iretAenseilyesy at %bestow or ,11,=.1:•; ..4.41111111mialtralir11111•11 XTOTICE Sa•bereby giyara te all • • doe -estate of Ater ilineepdad, lite efilitnitiq tartan tan aettlip tltair • ta Pn tnediatelyi and all ow!!haialait , ;'. ',Sad emote ilteaahrtieal dal' , ideated for ent • • ) MARGARET il. - .GIDDINGIk Atha lirktls';',Ajait *l'Birigdpip Tuo,„.L„lu.h... :Dtir7l .l =`' 1 /14 7f/ I) !Mitr l, . - ..,,..• , Y- L. - ' l',l lierintiol4,suminie* , 46oo4 -, !..t.,,„, : Wlddil irarvpmpimap3. - 04 .-- i#-Auipt._ 6*.i6e,74 and tl4PeoplUiiettda.notuo ', ' Aittiaictelling-, ma 4 nendi ly low Endeeis: They , t for , Gaels ' , after a `ton/Lidera* 'decline in; . et, *44411 %tail, loid !Fet, eirreapOndini,price& • Want of timorrdera It :neo.. - ..easyy thii, ire !Mold refeeptit:* tO : -liii*.i., yertlamentis 'of our nelgbbm,f4Wis ..,ryliars'or ouf ai the nuiety *Op by na.- . Suffice It 19 Y, our abort; ' meat wan nererbetter noriakker - eitre. . . ,:. ~ '.." Clover mind TituothiSee . 4 . alao.:Bi - +rt Firkins.- 11 NTLET.& Ilr" . ' ' imits ,snd' Shoulders for sale by 41,Lik . D . ; -• . i . , ,-... r.-:;, - I L - , Sole leather,: upper tio:- land Val Volt:M*4:9f Boots aod &Pell, just t . , ,- - -t,:BrSTL.E7 Iteiv iil64Ais lad, Are* l Ai Al iiiiiitt , " aillibit Ready aysittipiC TlLE:underigtied, would • -I . l cedtillltotaloome to . the public that thtf haTct4teredjutotOilartner-. i 4.. Ite ship in the 114earitile busin*it. the' fread.of %mi. gation,"'and that, the - husineSal i ll he • r - eioni ducted under' the iminie .of. !lasi' ey & tt. ,' e hi. site °lli-. old frienda 'anti the ialdio gen rally :tri t , thia . I uS a cal. befUre purchashig elsewhere, d , see now i rheargoods efr; , 616cre,ight fof cash. , e Juive juit, received a 'good assorueent 4:4; Nei?' Oat4s, which; makes onr stOck complete ; we pi ' ge oneselies 'to sell as cheap as the chtapetlf. , :' . ;,. , ~,- : itj ; :: i• • ... •: i - , G. it: - A1'i1#..:,.., kp 1 :1,41354.1 . 'r , C. W• li")17-. • JontTOM! • NEXV: 'AftIe:ANPOIRE'II* 1 . 11:11VDS-431i MlLEMlPo2aitlii ' tLine"4. 4 tireenAlinttrflnii, Drpot -••••-• .." '• : .Mar York, eff7.4olak, SaPi• • • 1 flap e.lerifrii. .• , f "lUDS k Ife.MILLE.V. ha* made JLJL for iniiitrding freight te,. erw-Y of Capt. ;ma. CADWELL ilf •Orange be in attendMiceat tbC.Afonti4CDepot the week, l te WIC charge id' !Melt; freight as may be entrnsted to theiti. .i .iteturna will be paid at, Me titoro a will me. ' Grocer iti general; "Flour, Pork; kc.; constantly on hand;•rfur sale: at the' Prices, or in exchinge for country prods ~ L B.lltnct '_.• 1 - •., WILLIAM April WI M. ' : ' -- . 1 • ,J ST RECEIVED, .: AnBv supply of GOODfic whi efic;bii Ca:.+ll. , ABEL .Abel Tarrel,), ; ---, titnilv hand si Or -141111 cut -Patrol JJ kinds in I. * Chem 44 ))14.1 954 1 Traissei * Paints qualitielt; 'Die; Stiff Dry qt. detiFuni Hard used. -- : - Pockej /, I tie A r otirm.a, n largo- and full , , .1 . ir i ii, a , general.rarietv.;. I p ri f w , . fteiettl Alitstruninits, and -: ',FiO • ur& eorts Of t4ringii for inxtruntent4: •'' , . Afaterfals. for Light... , pimp. CO Burning rluid, Candles, Lampl; ke. I • Stalionerii, Mirrors; Spectacles, - Six Shoes, WaliPiper; Umbrelk+; Whim: i l ly everything wanted in thisi - et; the Store. of. lark - . - ' . Ally.l, Mineral Fire : ... r root THE hestAtrality•ln inarite,t, oa vi far Race-hy , . • ,- - 1 ' ABEI -Montrose, April 27; 18M. i • '.. ,- • -- ..,. --- , .• . ! tAVEST ElC.lrElli cO 4ll e NEBRASKA . FM. UNI3 ' Q , JOHNSTON .t cii,,,..are. [ 1,1 from New York a- generid assert and &nit:tier goods, and we Cordially like to tine gocsis cheiii to give usisi ris large; :and we are 'willing, to Sell for You mOnd hare almost., erery. arti • I we are . Citing to compare:goods and t - store in she county—we hare t*ken • 1 Ilimit* pia& to 'please thei:Ladies; • 1 Figured a nd Fancy Riks; Silk Tisan 1 Be rage . ;Jane:a, Plain owl Fancy La I 11 - •rit • • I and Dornesticr Oinghants; Figured. tin Embroidered Curtaink and Paper do„ 1 thderhand -orchid's andAeeves„.lla . 1 and Oilor - , Straw. and - Farley'. BO tniti,rs to i tch. A large' stock of I andll44, ' Lao Iron, Steel, Nails, "Ir 1 IliCrse.,T r i t il.,. Plonghs,- . Sulf , '. Fish,' C j stones, o 'toneu:are; Store 'pipe, Leather?' _towing ts, Shoes ',cc, kc, .- chancti of you our stock be / • c' t . t r •sirs iruly. • satyr; JP I. . Sprin ilk, April ; 18, , 184, • . . • EICERIFFI 84 BY iir:4lle er writ.; of Vert. "Er. nod out of the. Cqu of Conunnn Pleas of SasinitehannaCtrunty,' and to the directed, I will expose to Public sale at the Court .Ifouse, in lMotitriiee, on Sitar:day the 27th day. of Mt in at one o'clock P...)f....11 that certain piece: or poked of-Land, situate lying tnd befitg in the. township of Hush, Susquehanna tout ty, bounded and described as fellows,. to witr: -0110 -north'-and east 4dluun by landiof • t. - Kirklinff and ' ohn' if. E on the io -by land of Elisha Bin (1 1 :4 1- 1d OR tfi west be - now or formerly of T. n Hibbard, co taininjhbo, t - ti acres, and all -iropro K. late the es tate- of [Di-lid- Case:, . • ' - r.. - . • : - :Taken:bit execution at the suit of S. S. Hulfbrd.k Son rri.-IDard Case. :,..- ." •. . .-: . .-:r, '..-Also,litll that piece or, parcel of ,1 4,d sit u ate lying: and being m the township Of. giro Susquebamuti eourity,and described as fellows,. to it: .Begifiningi 'in the .cntre of the highway limns* mm Ciflbrd con, nets to jthel Calendser.atter,so : oillt3d . .d immediately at-the inpotton of the roads and adjo , glande of Et.V. ward -Oran[; thence along tatid•retul . th i 4 deg. west 'two chains, and 79 links to_ or near,tlt: centre of bridge 'over dip ditch, and joining - lands or, e • Calender farM titmice plong the line of said farm so th 'lO deg. JruSt. - along the ditch 4 chains and 9t lin s to'e a i efetieri : thence itorth.l4 deg, cast six•eludus' id.twenty links. to a prolific, the ceotro, 4 this. Clift ci •Id Carbondale . ' 'turniike road, .thence Aug Am cep -Of i said remit ti T north;, deg. west 4 chair* and;64 11 kite the, pf... ofbegi ning, containing two acres . 1 ., land i s oc i .. . t h er . with . - appurteuces, one' Tavern II 1 y 01 i.., a} toe house, two Barna, lalle..Biatinnediri+hop, a d som e other all *We% 807 :1w.. Suit ~- and itll I'll: I Prime! ~ • „ • -- ~,, 1.. -•,4 , ,. : : 1- : .': 1 Takev 'i f. execution at the suit of Satrinel'N: Ch - imiiettiand Mamas Arnold rs. -l Alra Pinti. 1 • . i . Alsoi all that certain limit or ; ,` "of hind situate, lying and bein g in:the township' .of .'!ford, i Stem luinna [county, and bounded and.d : 'bed as Adios* - to wit -. - On the north b y lands of Zi ' S. Surns,' obi .by lan of Jonathan Iluniki on the '.eih by ;kinds. in • ' n of:Wet.,;J.,Weater ' - and, 4lv ;the I - weat by d44llollowax Loring, isnittlining ' about ibixtf4ive. acres, together with the appurte . .cesi., one:P lank House uneTratne barn, and setae f t tree:rind abaut thirty a cres . Improved,":"aid tnitiiing' all: rights to/in- , !wield tic Late the tlktite l ef Jesse' : aeker. i - i : 3 " 1 ft " ... T*lr` - in - execution-at the suit of 1. r:,.rhilui4. Trn. JOAO ' iiiiiixtr:` . 1 -.: '. ' ; 1 ' 7:` .; .' 4 , •:i. " Ify ' irtrie ofyrrits Of - 1.1. Fe. i c e4' 0 4 ilr, he 'Court - f Common Pleas of s..Susonehthuili CdMily, and to Me directed atiabove,:l Will exiiiiiet to , o4blie sale at the' the time:and pire.i—All ti,,,.. certain *tr . * t a parcel ii !rfrig_ad - bet On. thri:Bmooo. of ;st*”..t.i.una: Depot,. &twirl , " ,ChminlY and. State. tif Pentksyliania, , bounded AescribL44.4 -07 lows' Wit :On tiro north b,y stree ' ,as had skim Mt th pap • OSalazyillake, on the- thyliiii,ofll6l4 en - litri" /3Oiidi' i bg WA 'al . :firi.:VoOt Ai 'EH Itakt.CoMpaety and oitih I ' cat by' r knit* Tr . cco ll t m . said jot. bo l 4 , 0 0 . i• k front' and' I PO deep, ,it which are - twethree.sjor: .' framed - stifle*, ens tlfirtY"-three ;feet !lent and tl • deey , -.,lliebther n twent' feet front and fOrty-bi-o . '"fee . Ileep,;'.nisti,'Mte Bake, tense, gran, kc. ~...: 1.. • ~._ ~1 :. 'i • T etrin executiorrat the snit:a ' Ofierdr.3l. Bro*; 11 be r, vs:lri IL MeKtine, anaNri SMlth;•.'i , . : ~.,! tso, - Asa 61441 ; 1 0e* 1f0r...1 i- I flfiland, :ifittt ; atelytng. d being In the .IWiron o f Seointehannii - v-County of Stuoquehanna, an . : hate 'of Penns* t knotlll, , Lot.No 171 - -- ' , 4ilddoWit mid Awl • baiina, In abo l ut Id I Pigte fiotitee; d - • iticted time and U- AlllO m Itts ...; _4 1 037i AU., on &DWI or port of gm made by. Wm. Weals 6. eOeerlUeg deeds ii-ihe : deed . took No, 21 4 ;paN Perches more:or legal, stog i e f(nrrt eld I,l4.l.ol l eKaii _ l l ucTie,)otse amen w_ _ , aid 4 11 i*Pulted•l '-,' ,execution et .tbe t. - of teias. y v ae of A. writ f L es above, I will extw Place Aikt that Vet!, , f weetlar king *the 4 iwilt ) by-leiMptyr 11, pby Ite*l l oo4 ll 4 e t Amjutiti Nilsen 07 1 7 . YPAIOI-- : .4 i t * Vik' 4 1 iltr`iiikv; de. 1 ,411iiiilreollice;Zmisoio, — - , 4 4 . `J~'Bt ~, ~ ..A li .fD,- -...-^',.,:iii4,-..---`w•-•'i 0001 N -*Uip nyitlfMti,'S'O A.l?lril'Altz, 4111* ~.. . T', .. lakil - _ ,. egict. "! A l K- ' " :44. ' ' iti ej e lt *A . ; . Clliel Pa* " ! - ' t° l:- P I 1 %: -,. .tirr i #44.* sic:4 6 4 —, . G°9 ol s:•'. 7 '," mai - 1i . ...P*-bo l 4er-4 6 4-.4 ;will!' ""hiliyi - 10 i', -- a - i4kstiiife ta - o#4 iieutsiagotiley,.• i'aii , sitsN',G4 " 7 : 4 44 1 .ally i tt itiddi' i a t e ' te 44l :' ' :,'.' -' 10 teat Oarei itatJrn'Titre A** -, - '' . c ,/, - .. ..* - .4 ulls " 410S . I WIFOr u l 4# lol i..•Qn. , . '..,., ...-':. The_'Diir t(L.Orint4in .' •'Oil iM:t 4 'ata , ,T.Of, Orft Olet, corn" itilS n ilt. th . ,,llitjklYrl'll 1- . ) ''' ''' f ',' I 4.,AJAL4PAIntivw,3 '-:1 prin t naintiew 111 5 ' . 'brlnref.oB4444-litigiPelly Sack:. 'area - ar,l c • Nan Sakai .iery i '-. 1011h-Anitrei And at c " la ' •'` '' - 1 1 ' §ttir 'Veining., plaid : tv : ftie diiisittiti`thalf . ,, printed 4wfus . PoOns,'Nßage4 plaid . iiitt` AT 4 1 ' trett'lltrietilil!ick`•* l : l Ir9.!' 'Alt a figureir ,-, ... ,-.: ;4:..J - .. , "-T:st-' - . - ,.‘ , --,'-'' • : Ginghants—A ,* , so me anoepinmnt r 4Printai all 4 1., ledmii ng "les,-M- '" . c'F"4 l ' 4#,P l ;. .4t,e.,; Tory preutfif ~..' ,F` ,I • , , : ; : Diess 'Maxim** 4tile wiiityies inaithid7 - l ' - ttliik - SiliclLuea; rorfaa Bllttellic black volVetitibbbnar,f ink oinfiworeted_r . da, itt-igteat:wieiy. li ,-- •=.- ' ;• 1 . ,_... 1 • 7 While Goods. , isms lacano l ,?4nsooki Caliziorickr illahop tnilia," iii.f.llllo4 - sriong, dotted swiii* - s, 2 4r. ... i.t. liiii; Cotded &Lig, I q Ltdek' tanit , n i i:eie tritldkifi- ' eldefti,"&e.. k n .; F . -h- *t..cd.le - ork, Swiss aid .1 1 10- ' net !edgings and - - Linen ntidliniiint ' l,l * do, - /kun '' , liadittet i ir, ,ktng44,C7binfitiett4s, Pee-ms, Collara,, ao, the - *assonent ; in town. and blir pgZUM m;eiveil by. FrelOt;:' trnngentonto 'i in _the we County, will.. everyday .of nmipridtker or , th e seine Mem; I, Sai4 ao.; 10 ,Ast Cl* I (4:- : ' ' - - - csintxx. will be. sold URAELL. tfa -vets_ .ton,:Lrglinricedigtmere*4 for , sinittnefirear, are veryidiPFihiblei',lind cheim • : • Afr * l - 88 1rt': ment of Ladies' Bonnets, bfk i ; aut_childie4'allat4,, Hats, &c. 1" EMI D 1 .- -.31.1 DE 6.LOtitt.N . M'ie = -11=. In • tlds" branch' of o ur. bwaltieqa suit. Our stock of,Orothing l is very regiinfilvei, and well Made up; in late and desirable styles,ii especially . invite our,fiiends deilring any =thing lei ie line, to Ore us a call.; Gentlimen!la Nit", of every description. ;.:;• t.: A large mock of Wall raperingMul•ilo" 7; g. - Boas, Stationciy,:and''Yaukee Ifiit • &Pi ,grcat, ,aroceiievi.=—Tetikt, Green and 111g4;i•e6r:chofeesigi, freeliott ' - evreis.i:-Superior St. Wailing° and tiful article of brown "and white Supini, eheP; * 4 7 ,- lei epices, Scup; : Candlftes-Lariip,ein, A very superior article of citTendis4 Tobuceo; at . '2.B_ cents per•ponnd. • ". : • We are - in'the store formerly Occupied) by lAtlimp" Salisbury; and More• retentlyliy Ogorge Fuller, opr s.osite Searle's Hot 1. We'-wonlilvbe.very deed to see our friends at the.osk PUCK frt9gEt Itipe to merit our share of the pnbnc",piitriniage; hood attention and low Prices. • ' • • " r •"- 'O. W. FULLER; .- !Montrose, April 18,-„I854. r' ri-'r trtmett. all surto.; •nibiacing all ' - • Ctunplvene Brusheg, .c., and near : 11.}e,S)und at _ 14 - R ELL., I. Ht. , nett of color:, . ;,_ SEvv.(4OMOS. - , , i, - z , i.. : : 1 - I..it' LA1 1 11110 P ScICO.: .. 1 r t E now receiving their stock of Goode for bring 1. and Summer Iritde, Which' they prier .. 'at /wiry., prieet! than vier offered in this kes betbig. • Thank • ful for.the.libetal 'patronage thk haverecelired,,they ' i will endeavor by Strict attentito to.:-pewitteiN .. .ext4,l4r, ; many Piste indisCreients, to me • even*larger shake.: of the patrons of ttiose Who Wisli "pi buy - ROODS 011.1?-111); - Call and examine for yourseiven,:ited see • , if our goods and 'prides will not,bearrusl out in,all we: have- -' said. - ' •- - 1 ••• •.; V: ---- .:.. ;-• • ' " • , ,. LAMES' ..6./t,.EkiS 8 ,9 5. , ..:.- i- of every' style. ' Thirty, pieceti,.Fi 441'7. Flaiit ; atid ' changeable Dress Silks, softie' as - lo 1 ti..4`... ' cents:=. 2 " - Bla . ekSilks, all Widths and iiiutUre44l-:i goad iiitiele for ci*: - Lawns,. Berages, - Delsinesii d Gingham,' good and cheap, Fine White GOod4ef crekydeserii)" . - Lion; BrOwn and Breached Shirting; Linen Gooris,of every kind; •Embioideries and taCe".Gisods;:.B - Onnet Silks and Fringea. ' '•-- 1 .1 - -: ' ' 4 * ' - • ', - MOMS '',. • k- •I - -- •l•• '- •'. , of every grad?. • Black, gown, and blue Drointelinks;.. I all of . which:being bought at bargaine,w will scltve.r•y. / -" CASSLIfERES!, - -•- ' -'-, '. of every *Styli., equallitow. .. Call and 'exainine•onr, stock or tlisKe icetods, AS we can - and.: ' ! Sell them at the very lowest pnces.:-.* ..:' • • - ' •'. ' 1 -*. •-; [ • - ; t, /./....V.ILV lwr r.' ' - • = .- - -., . a new article for Summer wear.' Summ a * Cloilt.cTick..- • 'sings, Striped, Sbirtings, Eihie and BrownTForlll.; Xem -- tuckyJeans, a deans, andiTiveeds,momplete. ' ent,..2,-,,' .. HAM,!OAPS,,AI I 7.I),.t.ROT l'S, . ,).'' -.•::"- a nstiortinent, and of styles tsauit, al' , 800t5. ,4• , S ; Upper and Sole Leather.- ; 1..- '- . - 'i -' ~ .-- - -*•,. * - CROCKE.RT A117.4:GWA55.1.411E,. Dever".. m e The icsiVcompicto and exteiiiivoit brought into Montrose.," Full setts Of.:lichite Granite and - f lue Ware fpr'a ver * yrittleuniney:r !Mirrors- of all sizes and of durable i plate t glaiell, I :- : 5 -b1...- , --•-•.-;-,,-, itrARDll.'4l?-4 / 1 -Qtki:4-8 7 D BAILS~, ,- , Calf and &entitle unr pric4s,lsetbie*yint buy. :* . llit- - line, olden and Till:4l'6%e** constantly hand: • ' •1*• "- ',' GIROC'E.RIES: . -- : ,':1, "": ‘ .-1 1 • of all kind& ..- Sigari.Molassia, Teas • kc,, at tewtsthiui Bin9harqon• PrifeS. .'' Adit4 ) s,J 4 . 4 4:rei i.td.;Table Sii4. • - Fleur: by - the barrel, dirk - 0e; poundlC•citialt. and- 3tacket'el, Pork, Farming 'Nola of etery C. ,kindi Plen g h.i., and Cultirapera " } • - - *•,,"<:- • '-'- ' -- '':,..,,.1c - - . :' ' ' -: '• •3 - 's :-.:0'1.7;:e14T0.";.tr; •,•.•I'.;-'11 7 ,, .-..1., 1. -. ~: The. great es t ',rtilizeriitt the alld; , aliqtti!tilittes-fti suit.., ..... -.. ~, .- . • • :•.„ ~ ,: ; :-; ;,• .:.41 . 7 .. . 131477!Ek FIREIVA..J4.O Xul,, , ii, ,:., .. .- , . . Prod Uci-Ot i4l kinds isken in , - niiii44 , o; atiesk'pHss& • - -• ', • -- UMW . LAD. ;coir. - :rk4 rig 1 rrt Of ~... ring_ nvite all that I, as our stock mill 'prirfoe--. : 7 wanted, - and frieis, - ,wtth any. 'al pains to • .- h': rer - Black, . Iterrig'es. 'and', s,Silk,.,Frenefi Plain i'Llislinll,. lilies COIIOA, Mai, • parimo l 1 - es, also trim : nods for•Xen 11 .: Shoes, and. Itery ' I Grind-. n, Glass,,Sash, i.:MMe give - us a ,re yen liny: . . , 7,10 N & CO3---- c ' T 1 el ) ul t.l .fait.. 4 follextlW :rocowlitt_ * AnitY 0rt5. 41 4., ?ft, P'4 o Arcolltuoillg tha With. gni* Ow* known as.l 31EkValli,Pnelc! . ' -, -, 4r tiardi.Eiiahli 5.4, .4, T1ie,..,00614 _owl side itthitunint ' "Bugd/Pg . is4 4 l** l 9 o, I** l ..telic ni4 V 1 ,44 4, 4 1 :: muwffig .Bil!I Pe** I Nl a li r 41)1410;*4-1 ' Hignia4llo:Piiied .1; • • " • 0 Neliragka al Are fetter* rial Yowag -Ameri, ii frO the Hon. Judges i doinni J- connty—foreign An Grind Jutrymen,sCrier, - and other .n and Churchmen, Merchants, - .....kres--- young. gents and Old Yap __.s.iteirstrange rs," "the.rest of mankind," and the Wies beAides---all hail! -Just Shut off the I!ghtning a half a nihtele;lf you please; I to spook to yos..! Yon iicinbtkiii7 recollect what • old Bulnoo told the.liciuse, in-Gooirnitf. t oe o f the Whole, that hemroulil dtt io u sluOnholliii with the Nebraska Lill and its: outlier; the ' Little - Gil ant. Well, I .suppose he has don4tjit. • .AIIVtt,I4.. And let the loud mumonadek-,Ciflhililigionti Intlaidliiis thunder on against the,. bloodsx ' 4 1 3 .* * 0 11 allik eai... of oppression , site! . Ou tra g e "thOr ' . over the empire Of Tyilieuriwitli In Irs this ) red akariwhera __• . ~. and red hall& thiitliolds the - f4s: l •:tt the • • and hurling:Dope* 'toppling:, ' i rtWeii thiencti. do.alfi; bellowing. after Ileuglisr - `, hem :Buibtt• Said,—Excrour me,. f ellow chinena,'ltild not littuato go off in this rhapoot on Liberty and human rightiii . wb, n I began, but supply to; lay before. you -' a 8 . 144. ,-.,• . . ntw of b isti tt man ess,, art , b d u L t t cidi r arn aitai br, rit prOfeasl o tOPllos . a Dentist, I' will litopbyirariodiii!"..',the' . k which most anottudonib“ti thief! i got . • . 1 .• I . ibe tter, for a moment, °rimy intercaki . ..4"Pr; dli 0‘ by "saying that I hare restunedroy_ titt.: I .Ifontrcese, and may be found at'Mott ' 0;*.. : . Iliairit: heath of %lalt Mitchell's, fla4f,, - . - *, , , ''toe ".10,06t. Ant ura. t will waft ott,,yiryik _ .. ..., ..:Alit town,) if desired, - Thoselitgitt; '', fog plate teetli,,ean boat, ~ .. ,-. ,eAry4 ; .arhile - the work. isbeing:dialie:?'' - -' • 'aro, ate lore that I make them itrtick . , . 4: t.'• , ,1 - ' toirs r.• , .1 . .:54 .- .i. -,- cv.WIN irl ' :Mcmtl.'"l4Pi l /, 1 B XII p\ von pronERAL r •r: IN i•FULL - ' Mi101:11/8.60*ING POil THE 1 14.4441rci de Rhii!ey De Dsire4 Die kc.l Mick Er 4, ftiped " neuthiettA, Threadifici . \ ve *MU: * g e46l4llllWlrtnie P t or9 o 4Lerlf •wire, Ciizmexrixii lkitisplielts, Plumb Bobs, '•.424 Ariesagifior Setts, AktoerksA sat, 4h - 1 41 . 6;i,* . , Opera aasortpAßtqf Wm:IRM - - 1 1 911 10 4 0 i. 1/ tf...t n iftll4 11.4. 11 11M74. , lERICIPICOWIII - 110'1 1 1 istitideo LI l Scot-. 4-71LAah Otto t Great Bea ,1 notille4 tov•imaktOningldiato PaYTaea 4 l`‘ , qOlO.- • - )keluld dulyivittiefigleattki far tiettlettleut.' • ELTLABRTH SOTTRN, , MlNttNialsWA., zrk :=9 -o *. B,l '" Fe k*M ll ,o, o4 4 , Te. 1 4.71, 1. • : ' •'• • .. ..., .. ....,...,. _.. ....WQ.Y.W4tIV?'- . ‘ 4 4'i4;r ..' , 2e. - 4,..i , t14:;,1!*. -. : 1 .f.0 .. :::‘.ifi601 •.._ A - einv , , ItieisAlait.Athii fFi - ' 414 , 88i4ck.'_ ,' - - r .---, ..'1,--,...R. , , , ...f(..%:-./ 1 _41**,04.4! brtite.holot . , . -, TS o oFtekgtif i r t .,4l- I _, t - in.vseic Alia -11 , 00-: osy.m tie' : , ,Aniiiiik*- - 0 - ifinktrti , ' li 'atiksv' L iq--" ':fillk.7iir . ~N. P ‘ir-Workit':. q . : i= -‘ . - - , ---7-.- ----,.----. ,-1 , --1- "..A:d4;-..i :,..-,,. i -,.,'. ,, 7 -, .'.":;,-j .- .40yzif.f.i4:A.*( 1 '.41) t' ''t ,Phoint 'l : :' '. s . il ti ;-- k Vi litii . : :ii •- 4 41 4it: •- .9.71 - te 'r- , 'Tti*6lso4o-2--. 'kli* ''- U0tici i ..,,..,. t .'!..4.,. 3.,..,,„c„: 1 , i; ~i.,,,1 . ,,,,,, If . i , : . C;II,AATMKT* ••;:., .-.; .V ~- , -,' r • •-• kLac , __ te ~..‘,. ..e .- ~, 0 .- f• - ' ,.1- 1 , 7:!1e. -- "; , lel ,- li• - ...1 5 ;WiTN - 44.1e.:4;.Z.- - 4, , :•-•::,il , " , •Dit11.: A' N 47- ' -tii:7'ii•nii:',,,,,‘ A t Viiii . n" 4 4 ::77 :7ii. :2,t ; t: _ ::.37,,, . -: ii . - .. , ;:ii,.;70 ,,,- ,•:.1,- , . -- I , _ - , ~"-,..,„:: c ,-- .1,4,..3-e6.-,,446*** - ~..i....0!,{1,,., ii or of:4- I ,7 : . ;at i : i . ;;fili 1A:::-,.;.! - O0(00 ' - iki - 7071r-'Lrr. ',l 1. 1 ;,' , . - -t- ..,•:.- .1-: 1. , - -• L. ~ - ..:,:,.4:*:43.4, , t.,-;,4.,,i, iiit . ,: r ':' , „TX/161'4G, ' , ,:4 1 4 - 1010.e:0: ; ',..: , -,.. ~.., , 4 1 5..„ ‘. .: : ..,., It k tt-V., ri2o#l>i -:- -:v.ituOtOviii., 4L. ... ! I.6o2itee-es. if, ' PlfilicrOni 4 l*lllitkik „ .1400'.W.f:.' , ..,, , r: T e. .**..f,tir. . 44 - i .' 448*41 1 . - ';iiitt. - 40401illiit* "igt:-i - -W i ?.-4 . Ilititt" Atek-,Piiik*s.. 6 oW;r4Ogf*ap.A!!Pfi - :, %,Pzkif - - . ,-, Ij ciiinbile,di.; ;; . 4i . voiti*fga -- tioAtoiiiy„ - p -4 ,: •,,,, , ,,y..., fwill'Wielii..tit; ttiV*iitii 'hi:?.iK"-i&:'.`:o-e , -. " ::.!'. 7 ,."-, 43 ~..', ...is;•.-f ~,:::- i ..„; Z'l2 - .1-1..,72,f.::t.. , ,...f , ' , 7 1 .r t y,t:-. r , = ,., _ ,,. . -4 . - °• ,, L - '•.: , .. , --.'- - ::46iir.4,4;icir i t-':: - ..: , ,...4. ,4-sk..-4, , , , ..6-r--,-.1 "il'ties ' ' ' bit' ' lirikignQ V ij .,.. `At*iikli'i4lrY: 7 :: , '' ' - Hritlawilit l aar..i - -otliOrlSt*o7lle7,.9)*o....**i .f'.!.l' , ''.'. 14 46 . , :{4.4hkv? . :5cr444-,.T.eit;1f01**1,10.44, - 4 1 :: , .-;.! - -,! : - - ::t„, ' lll lclecltMgaTi;lttl44.44c'Ettiitf:4'.. -- i;]:: 3 : - ': ,7, ;i - ::::•4 7- : , fr, :i - 1 :' "- ''.. ' *-- .- . :•:-.:: •Z 7 :7V ! - * 2 !•:,. , - - • g'' V: ': : 1 : : - !'= ::: -. i k . , :- . :. ,:•°>, i,t I Z,*(i li . .‘..141110044 .`,..,; . - 1. , p1y i' • ‘ ! - -A1.L40:74: .ifillkt - E B p i A07..R.Yd . :0 1 0, 6 0;4 1 PNit.zia4.4 - 1*9., . 4. 3L ,,...;.:1,- - lli .t Yl44 h4 "i. 7 il l#PYYSFP A i t l: 'w . . • -.:: ali dl li tti f t'i! f0r ' ,, , ,,,,,,,4 ,,''' •:-_: :- ::_. : , ' 'LL, ,'•, ;',......V.^: - : • : , f:, • I ,' ! : ' • • j: ,• ::`!;• •• ;.1 ,-":.:.-.?::; ' • .: ** i . 4 1 7, - - 'TI." ‘., 1: .1 , ..:::.--4 i ., , i..* : : ... ,. : , : ‘,- C_9 l- Ati:oo,Cl3o,lol'irithli:io, •t• . (tKrt , `.;i4f:::.', zo . ftrelt; e-rie,l4ft 1 - • ~,,k.t;, : , . - -J, Thiuitiailvpoi,noicety,ii _ .:8601im i . : .0-,..4 . „, - ;.. : c 4 14 1: )X4P,43,- lkiiiof* -;-itiorroldrii. i - i10t";4 . ..t-n - :- fi itv. 17 ' ' 41t7 i l 4oo * loo - 0 44 -11., ":';''' : .rctiC t itiflttlitAkil.,4oAsro*Zit-s -en4c!Pg,gi 4) Nur - 411. .... c- ' , ...,.-4-.f;-:;,..,1. 4 . : , : ,, :.. ,' ' —:, ' ''' , - l''':7 77 -4 4 . : •4: ; i'1..., ; :k; ; ;;,,:::c./ : *Pt.:- . 4:t4.t . - 1 :: S OL Books iif iihn* . e.iitlycjiittd; 4 4 9 lo,:kj' t 'lstri,Wp - . ,' " „ Then rlttig', 9tv#,N7fTN: 31 41111#' 4/1 eiscellaneous B 74 . ,, ant. d,T.sl i , e - o4C.:F i tiii '. .'-' Ix,. • 04 1 , ; Waiiiiilleitikif i • ii _ ~,, , ~., :,.. 4 ... .0, -,•-, ••.14 4. umzurzi - - i ----t. -.-- Earthen, • 4-'lAiidirtisofit,:dientVii*E2 eritfei . i: 011*-1 1 , :14 ithiiiAtikri-Opfer,3bodirejr_ "tri),lf9toll/tt.--.. ottio-1 1 *Y - 040 43 ' ..- 4,2>ealog- ....r_.o, ciock - sqortokiiieth:t‘!iiiiitas - - 4i.T1w",..,..,5,3 .. . ~.4041 1 1 11f 1:_. : 44,14.11 eeittltizqTrilt. cli lanapvie: .ist - drior.L J C 4, , v/iblinvs - andcwohinitea - Alkiiiiit. ~r_inseto :1*44 . -I,' , ll'`:.- - :•" , :i;:`;c:::4414;:A: -' A ugly P/a7:.'W;g 4004. :TI!ell - 1 1 11* for eadg:chettp by - : ~. . v itt4li • l'Apitl4, 184 - , GA ENI S TtrSitreee' lead -rebditer, sale , ". (April • ff,r Apiiipolis Ha 1 L in er& kap& vgairgr _ tg lUUtt - iiceivecitAnd ch 0 t ii..41 'of , . . ix:SlN : :*Lii9rtl*eß.„4 . zotklf r ini.iii!i s lo4ii**;. ._ i'-ijilid POrifolll .: l9r, :04 0.; atiSi t Boot! '' = .rOuisAttg..All( _ , f - 4 , 4*4.- - -.1. ,- AT ci i &E , ,tiAls ITS; OR l6l *tPlifii , ,--' A aoop -(fAmi:44,;..4z-01‘ I ilicAus 16r ornisfsuipst e cokitities *3? We tam_ 111 / . 4: citizens ttitd ---,--- A..: s ' plec t - *• 0 1 11 • of 1 , Sp aln g ,,, 9.. g ,1.--•.. r-- . : ..,,. reeVlP,i!t4 l ,# . Z.i4,1 : 1.--,. p(t& - ..0 ,4 3 '_ .t . • -.. , . ,- 1. : . F:- - r- ,. -•-,- . ; - ...,., .- , .; • f i -, '"! - , ~........ 1.., --- ,-.. 3 .-: 4 "', •_, 11 E- 1 - 1) Y . , •lild-D t Ere 4 . VII4Y-0-3:44- .5 - - Arii. , • ;Co : tatejli.st 3: . 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