tErAt Aararitil FAD , 1 ,, , _,, , ,, , ~ he trial of Matt` eir P. Ward ter the murder of Prof. Butler, of:. IsktOsville, Ken tacky, as a-e lmve already stet elig has „result, od m his acquittal.: . : Tire viiiicit of the Un einnati 1 9azdee who ha.s raid - all theifsairnol , ny, p•ronotmees: the killing to have been de.. libel-nth, eold-bliioded murder. 'The pre s s in all sections of the country is giving vent to its indignation, alleging that family and mart ci are that`saved theiteek ofthboatmler er. 4 ..ilkswe have not tales. the testimony„ we _ =shall -'. n et attempt to ImPugn the verdict of the i' 4 34-b0 4911 .11 001 fro4thelialthrloreSuist , ti Ftfal cmin g f 4 treet% for , the infonnation of our, readers : < . i A despatch from miz&thto - wn, Ky., an- 11 94nees th 4 the* jury in the ease of Matthew F.*,Virard; charged with ldlling:Prof. Butler, ' ofAgettlavittes 1 1 8STI atter 'an ahee, ,nee of only , about fiveminufes, returned a Verdict of " not fg ,ruiltY. ' this veidict*lll, ne'doubt, ex • , ei ' i t Ce ; univ - , rietnark, we recapitulate a less of lead - . 643 (4: the Caie :, PrOes-10 W. 11. G. Butler, a,temtlemmt of :excellent ebaraeter andfine education, was formerly_a private teacher in the Ward fam ily., ill() are ''wealthy citizens Of Louisville, and hy r whorn I3utler wa,s h4, , hly 'este,emed. ,the time --- AA the ti or w the munier, hoever, he kept h 1 f igradeill. ' -, . an d a,sc oo o 'super or in it- city, an had fora - pupdabrother of 1 a hew }.. Ward, named _William. This boy, had broken the rues of the , school 1)y bringing chestnuts and , distributing them among some of the , boys, who : threw the shells under,thel scats. This 1 1 a(tracted the attention of Mr :1 , who in- . \ quiredlutO .the'ina.tter, and the fau asAst eaed (4-William War 4) who; at denied 4,e lr -` it., 14,:, Butler tthen corrected i e boy for breaking therillftl,' and for lyjng. Mathew F. Ward on , the next morning, hearing of it, repaired; a gua-smith's shop and purchased two,pfsiols, and had them loaded, and,ill coin: patty ! with hiS brothers, , R.'. J. Ward, also Artned, , and Win. Willi, P i .r. l34l Pd to the ; • ':school,, inquired forth. Butler, who came out , of ariadjaining room, and Ater a short 'alter ottioa, sliOt hint through the lungs. Ili. But ler died the next night. The _ principal Witneßte4 against the omits r ed were the scholars 0 .4 f prof. 'littler, who It were forseat'in the school room at, the time; We sulijoin the evidence of one of them : r ` 'Edward W. Knight called.--Was prment at tbe school room of Prof. Butler on theses, •• • , on dif i y r iri - V9vcinber la.st. itt : Xr.. Sturgis -recitation ' room, and . savi Matthew F. - :Nard . Robert J. Ward Jr and Wm. Ward, enter the.gate from, the street into, the :school house yard. I, - This wasabtnit, VO o'clifock.. At about 9 14 o'clock ane ro ^gar. Ward's • , g ‘. had Call4l and'Jeftword for the. hooks of the Watd 'boi:s to be sent home.:i:: rind heard some, threats front. these boys thedarprevious, pade him expect some tronble the .mo '_ment, besaw th'e Wards coming into the gate. ITe inidediateiy, went -to the door opening 1n to the large school room ; the other boys, for= lowed; but were hninediately,ealled back by -Mr. Sturgis the assistanteher. -'; When: I got „to the recitation room. door,. • the Wards had &me through the pkis.*e, and - Were - ht, the - main school room. • - Mat. Ward said; " is hate a little`matter_ to settle -with :iron; which is the most to blame, the little contemptible puppy. whO begged chest. nut.4-And then lied- nboutit, or ay. lb ho l y. xlio let:run lave them V 'Mr. Butlerns - ked)Vird 10. gi) into his room Od be would explain the affair. Mr. Ward - Said: :"No here is the pla4e to answer' the plection.' Butler refus ed_.'to , - answer without an explanatiOn. Wprd then said, "Why did youeall my-broth -er William a liar ?"\ Mrc Butler said he was .'not' dispOse. to answer the question withont explanation. Mr. Ward said, " You are d—n liar and a d—a scoundrel.-' 7 . Ward • tlien made a motion as if 'striking at Butler, who sallied back a little. • ,Butler thenraiscd hil.right arm and moved towards Ward.-:- AVanti*ew • its :hand from hia pocket ; pre a pistol to Butler's - left breast and fir- Butler.,dropped iMmediateiv, "014-vny mid thild,!-16 , God ! l'm dead r - Mat: then drew aneithar-- pistal,siza • libbert J. Ward drew a knife. Sturgis ..itme . 'out of his;recitation room, and Robert said, ";“ Come on, I'm, ready." =tMr. - Stntgis retreated, , to his r rooni, an& sn came out ttgaiktand Robert advanced toNr . Ods him with a:. bilk . and Mt: Sit4ia run hack into the room and made Ins escape out of:lther , - . Ali the, others'testifie3 to nearly the seine state .ot, facts, and also ,that Prof Butler's right hand was crippled, so that he could not • - open ',Or - 'skit it; the fiwers being, ahout half shut-L-that in reply-to Ward, Butler *spoke as if-he :desired to reason with hi n—that.Wird looked ;healthy and - vigorous - mill spoke in a loud tone; whereas- Butler 4 s replies were po lite and gentle: One or two were unds the impression that: a' moment before the pistol was fired, Butler, ; on being pronesmeela liar; laid , his right (crippled) handlightty on Ward'S shoulder, hitt All were teanfident no. blew. icas. struck; Others -Admitted that Butler Might have - puihesi, Ward back a:little, hut, e pis ' . tol was -fired so quick by' Ward ", he:. laid -given.the lie to BUtlerithat -itiratiodifficult ‘ Am - them,' it appears,-,to State exactly what Oc curred. ' ~ '-.:. - . '' - ' a... ... - -Dr. ThOinpscu.who was tallied itY to' dress • the iiroun& .of Butler,. testified 'that the de ; •VeaSed, , it) reply to a question. as to,, his :posi tion whep he was shot said, " we trereeleuth , . ed -31Vard-callel me a liar, , and I. struckhim ; 9 1 . we ' enehexl,, then . I meired ; shot; didnot r. w wire shot me.'". The Witt:MSS' further ed. that Butler was a small Man, wegh-, 4 .„,,„.5 or 140 lba, the fingers ofhis right herd Were aixart half closed and could not be i striighterted,;_ his Erni was probab*.thrown forward when he received the shot. br. Yon dell, who was also, resent with Dr. Thourp- SOP, testified that Butler said that Ward rais-. -od - his hand to `strike hint, when he . (Butler) =gave` him A blo* and -Ward fired instantly ? infficting - the wound of whick Butler died in a fe* - - hours.- -.•., varietysiri , ' . - . A variety of other t estimony Was r introdue; - -ed - to ' show the uniform 1 - ;4:d character , and tlie 'long -iontinued ill health of the .prisoner, ant also to: show that Ward; instead of plir7 .- Clialdilig OW iis . tplit:vrith theiltetition of shooti ing - Bigler, procured them to -take with 'him -to the:outh, as he was, at.thetime r prepatr i ing tt• leave fin. his firm- in -Arkansas.. • , • '•These are the leading points of the testiino r 'my- 921 'which 'the- jury hate proncauleed the pisoner *' not guilty , , ' - or,in other wo* th at be was jiiitifiable In killing Butler. -! ~- . - 'Tne CitiNCIS o Win.--The life Inlor, • en& Companies-of:Engliuid eidetd4ted the thsnoes - of being killed*Wifitifided in bat _ .111 e, aid fixed the nito of int' Sinsnee: A7per .ty may be:huntred against ":death - by dent or liiolena3 . any eiittse s - ineloding• deathath= in neti6n, Tor tls' ca 'the £lOO per, ittlituirri 'and • lf-to_bleltdes pSyn!tint In ease. ;Of of half thOsutniesureil i d lookialilii'& . :4leitthillB peeceut g un. It wkidla** - froni : these tetme,'llsiCtimatt twee Rely- to lose his' eg net 4 6 to_ Use , heisaiVrebably 'becanso he as:htwo 140 ilid•46k_me - head , • 'A fasti'f49 - e stablishes that* Public lands ouni4-hi - of to• - #3 . 0.10- OF yeses. - .a4en1e,1,41 #. 4 fiJr4d4l**-..' t **ie. - -till; it:4s tbiAghtlin 10. jocW-ti ' l i4OirKstP44 bill in the _Newt - 201 - • - g o g' ‘tr!canlatt al - 'wtf , Fs. tkev- M:whei'a ja:' • ' ; '...-.''' ' r - ' l 1 '' Pub* jaatica is - • ''" ;m - , Y ritn ' " ' In UO:ry theipl , lippSikjto .-•• *ply tha , :di •sgrace, WWI , ~..„- : trial_ bait , '''' ' ' ': ' . arla.: thew Statet: : A uPittaana, PO ' ' ' ' aY Plat ipopular mass (*Wt . g-ivis , - di at whick' eftes tf the .1 . , 1 jurors, c o unse l, an d t h e ‘Wards, ete. :if id. - . , g on - a pole, carried in procession . • 12 the town,andillen formil,, he lrt ly set e t , and b .1 hi front : of "the. c Coint House. 1 in G -t, y. as soon as . the ver dict hecfmte! kn wii,, - peat excite ment pre inaed,!and Mind': , , ;en. meeting. was Wl gliaite)iaald to I . y e• Virre49ll.. to . the feelitOilof the itsii`, .;itY;'•- At tliiinieeting of a - tomes or Tial, ' . 7 - ,-readoPt ed,' ex ' g , so " ,w. -- and -fdisrruty,. that wit: witiry eould . be *mud in , the commOU wealth,declaring thei intention: _to -burnthe jurors 14 eftlei - broding iiitklamtempt. 4 the Part played ‘ in this taw. by, certain oirsiial dignitaries:. and 'the hmtiers in lending the influen4 of their names And place-41,in rescuing . from °Wended justicel culprit-, stained with, f blood: 4n entetifign solemn looted against the _eon $ purined by - the. Judge in the ease.. Mat. N -aid; • accontO34 nied. his wife and.. brother, bits tett Loursvilleinndtaken Passage On theer dits.,Tark.- He went,to. Can. nelton, In4ans, but idienthe fact of his Isms.. enee, beetune known ;there, eonsidemble ex, citenient. waa :Manifested, and it wits pro= posed. te address a-letter to the murderer, re: questing hill, to 'kat* did town. It seems :he had le lea le New Albany previous to. this, as. preparati ns, were being made to turn, him 'out.. Comt ittees have been, , appointed' in Louisville tfi collect funds for *erection of fi l o a,monutnen te; Professor Butler.- . The edit. er . :of the Lo isvale•Journal emplains, that he has been graitly. perseented.for his'eOurse In favor of Wards, 1 • . .-2, ..- ===MZE'" .. . . . Ili' - ! ' 1 :• . .. 0 1 gnivi•. this: week will,' be found sevemtiailtieles "relating ..to the recent. trial . 'off .11.-fhtlieW.E'Whrd;Tor hitirder, and •his*viittal . ..14 `'ti Kentucky jiiry. ‘• 'ln ag ,,,.., . , ...,, .. . hind .•therc, - ...liiive:, been many- reiis4.s •. '.' where Vff.. 7A.' fe - i' . .Y eit ' 4.a P; iiii t h' ss6 o ,--It rri s, ". lords". ha4 l . maid c - •'<ed......‘eonimbners'`, l ! :and: friendless. ihSatie, black, was indicted-Xor iii Ir.: • - • - 'theyWere-Found der, . lie hid. nO :..trelativk . iio! , thone,_ 'and • I) , n - -.,• 1 - Pc ers ; - . eve :almost, Id, no counsel. ••••••;Xfut heViadcoUn; guilty of- malisilinfOtei P .6 tilY . ,. inidi''.o clai m- sel. . Paii7,' zw.,,itit,:tvili . tnteet* i. to !plead. his ing " benefit lif clergV,.." were diseharged, and • cause; . an i ,save iiii..his4:ne'filaa freih•ja . Ede to ,moped plintishmenti But - this was_ ; long,- at*hieh lii hnity and jhatibeShudder. '- Ana Tongl-1: , - he''4feei. • ;: not. in proving" iiiii, ' ililess:of • fig ? ; .9 1 ' - . ' ' . 11 ---L N .' e6t o l f:ciergy . , With tuyi t . : ni n rd .irc . , ii4..l iti. praying , that.he-4.-.. .insane, :tendant injustiec, .lias been' long abolished.-- andl s 41)4 - - his 'lnstiniky had been Pr . peed liv., "gveii-handed lin - slice to all is nOW. the rule hi , ej m„. -.... • .< . • .. • " ' • 'lege ''' Of' die "n - There the pm) . .. • n in.b.s.t,'_iiih '•' . '. cruelties inflicted ..on: - the - eriMintil' einirtS of England, as Well,' as I prison. ;.. For dug' act of . humanity, - which other: parts. ...Of -.the civilized, world; • -except: .shoidd :1; ' gl rifled ..14, - , every truf Man, the. * Kt % iitu n k , 1 ' • p4ple o , thu'. South- Weieioud in their denim- •' -- •,, '-''''' .• • —--' • • eiations 4f - tiN . 7.;' SEWARii ; thel showered •bility.. to.onitder poor plebpirsNriihout. pup : , ishinent, 'seems,. to be • recognized now, lia, .it iipba hini cir,iriePitliet of OPprobliiin Which •,theihost, chilons mind could. invent ;'they , - vias-eentioieS:. : 'ago in ~,Ehgland.... • •13ht this visited Jipoit him the vilest wishes of evil that should iiht•he understCiA as•agencral charge , could torment a man: ' Bt) to !. idle:scene and ---‘ -• . • th e: '•'.i• - .c h The r 1. -I against .prop eof _at State. . „tile f ee li ng I the, eirchinstiinees . . - change; .- tii: is Southern' - State t excited- .tbere. by the - .verdict of - negiiitthl,'' wo - - .wehlth.f.brotheri; 'hf ha aristocrat- • le fiunityl are arraigned for nitlrderhigii imiet,,lShOW 'that , Many. ICchtuckians hate.* :a right • <inoffensive . . anilipeaeeableSelfoOl master.; • A I sense of •Justice-. ', Iliit .tinit, :"'link" can'. b6' leading_ SOUthurn linVver; the? lion. Jon% J. 14;aceessfull v . plead to a ' eghrge. of . iniirdc4.l CRITTEI42DES, lialliktiliffly . come' for Ward. 'as • there. •• • • . • . . -1 I . set-ms indisputable._ for no one. - -,ean• their advoeate.:i -.Si:mutts:hum with ilie. - • an-.. I .• • - "-, •,‘,.... -' • • - . • . i . in _ doubt h• mbment- that . h isutler had shot,Wairiill nouneenient •sioits. of public prints,and ti , ..,,,huk slirood. :9 f wolves that barked at noV. uhdcr yindlar eircitrustanecs, - he would- liavii . SuwAnn; hOnoriandlaud : the: advix - ,iitefor - his' i Imo ' couvictixt, - ; ... W4ther the existence o - ;position.- ~ T h . • Ore.unistatiOt i 'we ...s4, ' •are institutiethi s Whieh gi Ve one-man. control ovai iii.4.fige4.- . •.1: SE . I:4labi.n , il intensely and long I,_ • •-•-• - . .- •• • • •, •• -:.- , - g et tne person :Ind in .f.set the hte'of • otnersi doe; f 01... , hummq.(q..,lotirrisiiis ...for.pold-bOOtled , - • . • . •- - . • - ..•: murderers whit played the asswahe•with 'win- ...n9tOtin'idlY . , : ivid:Jn`.lP7iiiiiee •suleh : out l %'l .dictive maliee,nl clear intellects. ' Tlie . pow. as hoili, the,'unirdei•- 'and the ae( 'tt 1 - ' lei a ~3ie. , - ~ .., pr.: of projimliti made one :detestable 'innor-.; leave 'the- thoughtful. 'reader to decide • foi row mitidi,landieialtedlit other beyond mir- himself. - . it, . One laboriid,for a cliimt to 'whom poviir , .• . • • < ty and igahMit4e. and .. cruelty were lUouiti-•; the_ othc, served - a runi . ily. whose affluence:Mu. telligen4e and ' , :easel,,.iife..are renowned.-. In the one; there is a. merit which no right think-. ing.mah - can•fail to . *Ord ; . in-the - other, we look in i vain for time first commendable ft .'•- tore; fOnuded-',eithe..e. iit justice,, humanity, right, qi: = the good of.society. 'Yet,: the an them-1.3.s itif the South were "'lurk:A:at SEAVAUD; by the. power of Jirijudiee.,.andetiligimils. of thatl ... , tiori are „showered upon Carrrrinz,x, I by, the iiree of.prepbsi:essed favbri'tisin..,,Ar 1 s I".• Pa" ir -- ' •. - .:'. - • '- ' --. •- - f The veto of the Insane Poor Bill, ha.s . lien sent to 4ie Senate.- It has for sometime bait ittioslliairwed by. ruiner... fr%j 113.1 . 1110ie 106, bask in ithe sunshine ; of the .Exeeutive eOuntC-. nonce; tit is now a fact; whatwas yestirdly only ryinor, is today history.. . - ,• ~ the President's heart approves the, he,neip. lent and philanthropic. purposes of .the' bilk, but his . .ahead finds constitutional objections. /le 'cannot find in the constitution, any Po anauthorisingCongrL.ss - to appropriate w 4 the pul lie domain tP 'a,areat benevolent purPose qb,... 4 . 1 extensive with thehoundatia 'Milo of the . ': ;. though!Mr. Monroe 'found in4Such Object - n in 1818 to the - bill giving the ;Mate of Conn w i ll icut, al to)aship of land, 230;410 - acre_f !x. the benefit of the.. deaf and; - .'ilunili, ; :f4 . t t, State.,, ' Xor Mr: '''...:Q. Adams to a l ike t ., grant o the State, of Nentu4Y; iu1826, fk alike, iirpose: • "And 'yt.i, it -*as Spos esie that both Mr. . tannic and , Mr. , A dams knece kmethin#' bout. the constitution. ThevetO ni " '' as; read, . and ". Prderod' to lie on the t . table and be printed:_. . r rP-,: wen of Mim!;sip thei spoke Soinctinie th #- 1 84 gahistitheeisaig and EaVor, of Alie bill, and 'ties' followed by: mi.. Popte; Of Term:int , -he of the. Al, who_ fipdlte of the i.nif.a: sure and oftho P :dent with some seyeritY; though 'with r':,: , `dnethe official StatiOn • AsiSieis Ds -, 1 : -;— Amcalttlfejoal Sente.k . .here-: th • : AnieriessAasociation •fm' the Admie.eineistr•Seienee:** eseti .10:- IL E &heelers .: of tbia c i ty, the eistir ef" the .eelebrat&l i Isr . : *C-1126'hdisn'tiih&'011 Aiserio*-]"entitl ::':“ . 'A i:triii tiff' the 7 orgimiza-; tixtr,of the':Aziferi S'Deer,"-,'llivtichthisin' irks ;afar,lfact : :: , Artis *---- fed that-those finetaals be: , ,i , th e ' , icia&g tart &Er , 1,5p.34- id-?herSs, are W' v.tr'llit'd. '<filet, - hits ~ are ..- . iirOvid . ;_ frith . thi i l ati :2 . It is- .. - ewhst mtieh.:- , scipert?" tom . ' iVely ,_ _ .P 1 ' ''....- ''3 l&iii -3 ti1ti91441:20% : , • suit], .Ir*i. seqsi . : h is: .a l- 'e*POCtice:'. _.-- '. the - gall ..:hlidder play . the: funetkioffd* ~ • f' i( ii•oulg '. he • the eani;ses of its a. - filled - 1S ,theitaiSiiiliy la#fonlGt/obej.,- . ' . -I . •- - - .. .i UTSUELL 1 l'paisgrvh...ilito: •• *K:6. . 13 .- '7 - ' -;:.' 151 4 0 -4 1 am. mior *Wier Oielit riticaherd : - at t hesiid fit: f !"*.:53.4,i f . I .- merit; lieicillo 3 c3et* tiooper+heisid;Of ' 'ed , ,::on 411 S, other; yisir.ritr,lo.4-e, • ••• , r . • ad . dit , ce4 . ;-,41 - jii*Olak;t4:f*44. - .01*.t. linable distinguish \ air - t - ~ ~~ ~, ,:=lre Dlivith*ileire4 We A fi k: lived' eti -of ill':Etui , to ' 4 wtt=is-ite sicies. North'AnierlialsiisFor ty ' ' 'of 1"e BA Atig;',ll*Un - it44' - *linty, t # -, Aifile .t i tii4e,hislitt*r ' il over 4::'"'' - , , .• "L H. H. FRAZIER AblE ZRECI. "WM .:I!,,MITOZIL ; 1110~1TROSE, .PA. ; Tbit' . i',lNtor* • The.,BcgieW~l.PM►tmg mik e is removed- to., Ike.* the odd Fellows Ilan and thc ree4dc " ? ' " P in -, 1)11 "".. building Ti ChesiTH " Igtreet‘.. e • - t • , or V; B. 'PAPIER,' the Ainerican . Nei,ispaper Agent k ‘ the onl/ authitrited Ai , * for *la paper in: the citi es of Beffcin,lieni York ..and _Mi - , - -'N'Vere.it,not that "the times ar e sad . • is oat of joint," and the Denioeratie party even more So; would end4vor to learn whether 'the ~ sPe' ny !lava' mina ',tin& the . Wash r : L inginn: Union are to, he eiassed ni orthodox \ democratic papers. - BOth skew A, strong in ' elination to- take ;sides . 7 . :ith ahoitrtist Mrs •sia against the- eoinparatrvely free govern ... ments Of-England and • Franck : in.: the .: war l'juStcommeneed. -We haye ne objection to i..these papers going where- their ins.iinets lead them—their ,cipSinitts wilt . pbt • probably' he . , 46 - em pti.,4 much' 441 . 443.rtritk0e ii,iroaa 04 lin. :ter = hut,lf,wo Were,,sure 'they.,apeak -the sen tiinents.of the.parttt', we should . .haVe another clue tO the. nature of • modern derimeraey:'---. There'''. lir"o9litc:.iii•iisi>ect that the jrniirAtor,, Shani-DemOefiley *ill haVO tiie' lion-skin . • torn from his..shoulders,and Stand out in 41;p naked deformity of his real ammeter.' - •• lalfor be the imow rlsee is ,Wash- a, larief is of 3/1 dth:aPy wilt)* by 04 1 0. 14 14 E 1 131.:•4:1163 d 7 - 74 ,... i • hlritt dy the •Ltiftlitehtitutiv Itgista. Inge STATE Issarr.', -„; . • uorernor, : JAMES IaOLLOK, of Northiimberlana. = Liana/ Commissioner, A4281E, AileigYony,, --, . 2-- ."^ I;;°A,N!.4L-M• §MYSEP,7 !!t.:lki(litgk/rn r efi..Y• . RMOVAL. t iedO . e h ' . nr‘N" . e. ity not. cp .he Many kind , . . , .. . thino our brethren-of the - press have said on . the reappearance of the*Reg,ister, for,we pre;' farad that .our. readers. should- judge °fits.. qualitiei:fbi thenJelreq. But the'follOWitig: pleasantparligraph, from the Ogle County, (Ill.) . Reporteil irg-lia.vc•-made an exception, because of Its reminiscent character. and for . 1 "mild*mu -nition*" sake.: , . Mortime r Wr."_ . Smith, Esq . , th e editor of the .ReiertoJ was, formerly **printer in thia:oifiek, . ifterirardi studied bow, in. Tirukhatino* and .now ha., - , gone to seek his %rhyme in ,the groit West: .... .. If talents, integr it y, wit perseverance.are u , . . 'expect d-s , liprixed l iti the'Weat, we shall to see . , SfOrthaer come baele a COngresstnan in a. ' few • - yeels;-that is, if he will condescend to, accept sucban office. , • • .. ' ' • But l ire must stop, and let our friend speak: Tait" Sesoexianxi Rson34ii-We wcl come _this excellent paper back upon . our to The 'officei and material, - except--'the p: . ress,.Were-dest4 z ed by fire a. few see . inneejtuid -the •Regster now makes its ap , , petirtnee t iaokingliarget and:better thin be ttor° it went i tbrouigh the "fiery ordeal." • ThEl Paper isn't ar old frierid of ours;; tbengill its-ate shciwii. tilt. it has 'been climb alma Ineup thesunnYlside of life,'-and is 'ly changed l from What it Wait"' "Whenls4jorere first scqi!aint;' .. it yet teeallkassoCiations of our early blz hoed' alnioseaS•dear* our "day of life" , it; -title:. lb* 'xigl,i 'years have . - pawleti, - and- 'we ;hiA•e'staiidbred , fili away to. the sunny West, Ike can te-day:iiee- thn„7Post Boy," with his .capacious ssuldlelingsf stowed full of newly; printed paperlicla,he Comes gallopping along the WYehtsingi,and hawk! !v.. .hclow bis.hOrial gear aull-inusical•it.,"echoesintliegletV,'and , _4:: .._ ()ve iCtilr°4 3 o. lllo lso llo und._ . _ 11 : . --:,54 4 1).r. some :stooge reason, we hardly know what, we 41 usqd4ojoye the Post Boyi And jfet we prounticif wee . .tl)e.esnse ,the,(klarlit: tle klickyi,. (IfolwitU A:Wet-44 KlEFRisblail) brouihtins,eilie:News every -,weelil:itt : Ulu - long,ligw v elotoly. at ti* appoiuted.h_Our.-- • , But .ths ; lenall, uttpretendiw,Raper that. : he corriekiviikilowtgroyn, to* pinta of , * fint ,Plass t heiboybunsolfbaq , 4o.4loubt,lw come a man; And an aristOaratie i‘elt,„•juttl four, with kburlypdriver, .new thunders al9ng [ owthoirbitifiebetii'liii-41weekWetiV.44teeb 1T td- idid fre . " 44. 1‘ine:roll, - illi . _ 1 totliik!' '...,'!''..;" 'I-- . ' ,-: . •,- ' . . . _. ritiv..A:l4/`e. ;1 2 04toiruki, 43,sdied' B.rookAdef' beki osial6ll:inthe'tiOrtherti Oat Vf Liberty, , in Alio.. MonfOrt, postigusiter. ConneelieuilAgialatuire-hai;e elect laillearycputtonir-Milig,A6Yerno4_,leld the: )1:m0f-the state Qinetli are filled wit:Ml*4 . 4 1 4 rihm 411011 friggicse:Zado u rA 4 110g0a4.. ararroialas - of Umkl Powareaad tholiuman, JB Smile Z '` "Of "'ire Phi; zwilea „ I "linnnegT l4-. Inntaant," UV: bn 4 (0,1'4 'l5 cents. 41 • The auth it of 'this wont takes Intiddle ground atnong-the disputants on the ',rap ping" queistiion. Ile does not, believe the 'utediunto intiatosts; neitherdottithe believe that apirlts, angeli;Cal or diabolical, havf anythir' to du with t4'",,rialtniflstatjons.',' kis ;book ii intended to show- dist a* pls . boniest& which have been.dtiveloied, l all halie I!eiF-Strittitt. inVOlUntair7 Peilb pons of the hunian mind, whkth , haire:,been hihitherto uhtiost unknown, and 74061 in con- etlott sVith!tik 01113660' Ot *id; rilien eial, have oecitpiedhis t attention,for serer* years pat 4,..% It would. require more thne than we can .deiote to the subject; at prwent, to' enable tia to pass judgment updet; tanding b on the *OA, is spoken of ) ' as aGle ingeniou:s.- It is for Sale at the Book - Stote oC .ti, W. H. Fuller, through whoiti we have •,-fe cerved it froin the publishers,,:)D4.wttar. Dayeupott; New: :York. . ' 271e'Pote , the Loom, and thelAnvil.---110 . ,- inglustrFtulf thQ *ay number of this period 'pal, we are tempted to use a great many inr.' erlatif . v&v, to evinee'our oiihrtati'irc itsk excel , . • line`; -but as seeing is believing,it may bettcri to copy some pf -4s ',..reonl•ent-ii-Vli t ch we will do from time to time, that our ;rya& ors may see' that 'we -do-not reconturitA: it: without -reason: An: interesting artieie on the tennsylviinia'COal Field.S.we have ed tk our next number . .. lltodie; ' ' * " ' i , reit (Youth s Ca f mitt.---WhoWIDI be n't achild; in - these daps' When so 'tut , .tulet4o- writers 09•votP i,hCuliPlYt to., business of furnishing nice magimineS for •:childieia •• Of these -itiagazin 'We Widve• Woodworth's is one of the very . best i -tie ,little raiders of airs Az.' VOy_ , glaa to' Oct, the .I ; ifa'ir' number, but the :think` MrlWood• 4. ,,n worth must ;hare made so e mistake, fort the April number haSn't . cotnl." The_ Cabinet is publish by 13., kt Nyop.i. *orth, I.l . g.iiussuu "st„ 2,,q• i u•-lrork; a l one dol fd lar per Muninn, I • ' '-- • 1 .11 • .' . . • -1. • •• - • :I I . , .. &trunk Lila the. Now that<Barumjii has ngeinent of .th? afliiits.of we doubt not , that4e ttE dusty.of All Nati4iis" w , flt, and the.ATeric;:in pe mortification <lf Witnessin In seleerg him for Presi ation, th Managers show for ion man of Barnum nets tact, the sneet,isful this monster exhibition is reqniring thint him net ha that-is ,CNilended by-Man ing the wire - Pulling iir' out-of-the-wateountry to only manage, a greater 4 and is engaged- in in° . the pimnt I thne,irat-, property, gained a beiter . , 1 a mme more widely kilo million of !hose who toil for fame or wealth. Ti 1 child who has never hear( ntun, would, indeed, be it than any thing lie has got i iean Musetnn. • 'l' • ' ' i I . • ".bole is liseeret - in al this: n . luch4he mil=, , 1 1 lion never "dreamed of ilt,.their phil phy." While they have been treading the 1, beat l -; i en track; and searching - for the "phi] i pher'gj -stone" in remote corucri,'he ha.s Seen enjoyli ing , itS possession in quiet,nini' with it, Mei ;Aladdin with his lamp, lio6ju . riii up all ktortii of .riches and successes.; Instead ofl scrateh-1 ing his head for - ankle*: as probabl i an 91411 `Fo6- Vrould,"he rubs hitiamp, and fprihwith 'rises up—irhateverhe lishos,from adomesi 'tic.Bnffalo-iint. to a'Cryi.tal Pillam 4 With. Tit he not only fills his pocket, but 444 . ,• . . . mmis.tirs. to the , pleaso,re, fula gratification c 4 , t6.'' kei'ilC. ' ' A Museum is erected ila liej ' Ul.ignrY/"stml.ed.Pl! , a.1 41 r - Inagett4r9ugli , thl - cvantry,Sending its . vide 'to our very doors;' and a - Bank establlsbed,l nding its -bills t our very, pocketa:' AOW t'. singer rises u in:a distant Part Of:the 'Werld 7 --anightingal, - -in melody, . whose :doled motes , • enchant A . --1 who , hear. 'ilarniiin, always lookingt about . ftir . ini thing -that is eleellent in science or t f iiit, 'ergagei: th©' efichanirels' ' tit a pride tai 7.9l'idM.4e a millionaire , tremble, bid 7 fir' 4 1 - Ailosopber's stone" is , _Cf : snittlted i the lam rtiblxxl, and . the scheme' is successful. I Barnunt'sambition should !hie a llltle l abov his Present Ofllee of Presiderit7er the - 04 ' Nike Aiso4o6, and ii*p -at thatihiihe E l 'P I ideney Which is the gifirof the:Aoiericari peo . le, liii . viirodoept, - whoever he raiihr* rl ivou dtiaire'MusilstiAock .41 - -i4l to hiis trmorsi so cot o . r qt. 1-11 .. , .iliberar t '''''f i A4ri i• - iii • -=and thia, reader, ' . Barininii . aphil li ' stone" l • is , , s . imp er 9 , Woad do more, for him than - , - military fiun -- i didi:WFrankTienle. % 1 - ' • i 1 - ' 1 4 toW;.irtve felt disposed, weinightl"poin 1L;,P1 6 ri. 11 ," Ind 41 * Cnik . r&ldepi .- 0 milke . not' i on't" --4 iiighi stoi ,, ,_ tP - iiliiie . . Otta:til .I'f . 1 of Btuntun'a .thrlillir-tt medit ofisavertisiag, hat we will fattean, 4 1 e hav L a:_iiiideilratteo for the man iodep‘dently o htlileiltlit'Y - to r .iiin...Cnift. in - 4 1 4 1 1 1 siect Toting. Americ a gray, look p o lindit* co in age.- , The Akan . ; - to, otraia,l to - heoor, and to *hes, like kopek isesaimes,",*364 i _Wide •to all *who have the eiergy; tirectirol:l4ll3e and boldness to.,enter., '' ' jl,! I - C - as WM a Pennsylvania Ri w ysn W mid should chance to make up, just, SI till tim he , would perceive at atee.that fa .lEltato* elect tion is not 4ir of -, When, the Locofoeo iediti. 0110 f6 -. ol.,tlieli CipionesitiTA old Una ; light federa toifelS 4 Pm' InliY lu" ) 1 1 r that t e+ rank and 6 1 0 , 444 "autgrxifierjare b. g . diektrsDranothre:ocaiset. Thatlltaahind lag e 4 'lewd, *Pitfall)? wit/ I 'o4**W. / l 4 hf javiiim' oatsifth ti` 4 i ti, and''an'almanac eCpatitliithe filioi - t . rti sad lirobalk it Will Mora lifotacalVk ' aa+iith the ltis.intesaled for; as it has otiorii done. ' .., , $ ~ iOne 0 1 t . f ihafe papers,. , that tuts a shown a woad gilt - qv car ing 'l ar d ' • Mule -aa Wwaceottutafila i wlllk Oa Wier! Yit I. t ' 1 I i i and lielttatiT' igpanC .-- rao,.. ark "f!flitr..-Irern 0.-dear, *s " Inin.'": , .IE7OO deo *talk IllAw ivht!S *ell' not hive f sk . ..- t ~. ~ p : yett ari9tamg to soma it , ii the dailociutr. 'tOn often brvirtne4 *wore pghtly. Stiek to th 4, nun , znisrepresent your opporic ni ble, *kr - without ,that yi iind the country (i. e., Btunpoiniiiis Coni a tiy - Tc ' I - The assoc - Hation,purtiuun 6 e ti'hi the = basenient Of 3 In the o&Mon trose, On 1 0f itenday, 'April 24th;, I. i dent and. Recording SeeretarY !the -Wee r President and Lary performed th e itidul ing of the -minutes of thl SeactlYC'tim Piwiaept remark's., i du Abe meant uable acct.Adelf was 'ma _ _ _ - . J ' ' .i l e ? ' ' • - heti, i i ..N? ) lAcellanal 9 l' usir !t" 3 . I n g‘p re- Seated for thii •Cnsid , ration of iheeiation ' the diseussiont,broul ht. forward at the •pre- ViOUS Meeting in Gibson, with.:erenee-io a Teachers ' Institute , was taken up ,and . re marked upon ; by,,. C. W: Deans, v.' . A. a Warren, W. W:: 11 0 4 0 0 d;' 4 1 ,, S. Foster, and G.I. Cox. On !notion of Vir. W. Hay-, wood, the question was laid. overii:seyeral ex priing's hope that the tnetnbisiof the 'as= . - .1 ~ di seelation, as well as all the ,i, elle e in e , 40 County',, ; wpald interest . ' rrm Weethe in the matter„ and,be prepared to enter heart Anil band, into tie= worknext fall. ; A eibly to i re the reP i oft of the business Com Wee" the` ,i f question; ' What isibe best, in e a. eoii , ducting a itation in grammar 4 ' *as. thOli taken up d discussed. Ist, by 1 . B. Kent, •,who urged the necessity. of hai g a - Class , ,together,d ring . recitation. , :'..tie ould ques: tion, and repeat the questionS to the': ieiii_ gent as much as the lawn [ -woul4 allow, and close upth a parsing : exercise, 2nd,' G . J. Cox re arked, that his tnede { would - de ni pend upon the the. -Text it book - ' . 'lle 'for- . lowed„his ext hook, and. insist : upott.:bis scholarS learning " ver.batim e literutim7, witat if, conitaitied; disapproved o the indite- . 'tive systenhdid _not question uch'dire:--L. W. W. II:r Wood said that he ' oubted the' propriety f following the ; text ook - irked cases,. for he had-discoVered, erroneous -pri4. ciplesl in Test books; and be would - not like , to teach any erroneous pritteiple-. 1 •ouild teach' 'his' his' classlto be - pore- iridepend t:.= . 4th, by C.,W4 Det,tts who mainly - nrgedl the ty ofi teaching therOughl}-L-won teach, but one thing at . a . time, vanying,ps , iculars -t? suit aifreient cases.. sth, by I ev. A.. Q. Warren, i'ho remarked that he pproved -01, 'what had een said for the in , part,. bnt sal some ifficulties in the way ;,:, condo' . , g recitations ' in' Graintuar front ur .prese t _ oi l "i'et b ooks, and proceeded, in a- Very int*: eating manner , to -point Out, i icsarid. ,and inconsistencies winch they etainecl.7l - lastly the Preiiident spokei 'favor of a 'combination of the ; inductive synt h etic metheds in teaching grammar. • - On inoeion of C. \V. Deans. e questiem was 's-nspended. • After an; e. ression of thanks,to the trustei.of the Bap ist, Church, the asSociation adjourned to - meet t* COIII, Houseiut:be evening. •,, ' ' . Evening :,S(*sioni—The 5:..... lation met - and livitened to an address from : ::.S, Befit= ley.F.tsq.",, Mt. Bentley's c - pe len& ' a.S . a ; `practical . teacher,enabled hinito .furnish `the association with suggestions fo every ,_day, l . .use in the the.sehool room. We wouldwish that eierii,totcher in the'eounty • d the ben efit of his renntirks 'on teachitie as au 'art - and teaching as a science. : ::. I i . ,• ~ i • .111i.l&anntel A. Newto also association with.soute -interestini .riecially ' upon school :Govern motion of W: W 11 1 aywood t th -the a,s-soei4iort. Were l tendered to ,forbi - s elvint" and prseticid ad ' • On - mottm also it ivsit . ' . tie#::titeeifiig , be-heldin , , DIM 1854, at 1 i p'elock P. M. After mint of a business comic tee C . 6-IW-De4ns, A. D. Kent, and' :the asmiatfon adjourned. , -. - I . v. ‘ - • - J. JAMES() C. W. Ilisss i 'Ree. See.. , • ;''. •, i, , . , _ Judge , ollock a course in Cr l OW SillOe• IL r 1 a.ssurded the man the Cry Palam, l i - . xhibitieri e the 1n ..1 I 1- 1 , , 1,11 .bee p - me a4xed pie sav e j 'r.o the Its demi I fitilpre. ent:of. • 4.1 their , g Se 1 .gentus • i. genius - 1 al n llprinter a 4enc mere ehihi's vial , I • ." 1 - I • ' f the "brain Tabor" . pclitieians in do. h P4ty 'in I• 4 °me n. -, In ..fit - ef, he .ricit IWersity' of i ltmeiness i I "tundertaings” at aceunlulated; wore . 1 an d, eputatm,, ana., 6s ri. -titah cone, in a 'to tigreen l ,_old age 6 lean w Irian, or. , . I the Winne 4 Bar 'greater.- uriosity - i Amer his finite . .. Upon Ihicrnimination - of 'Judge, the Whig eonvention;'for -Goie 1 ... ministration rs assailed nco 1 gress ..ivith- : : . ich; - vielCnce...,. ' them at the : le.that they - Were. ing the factx, and.thit.lii4n *•1 iztknown, it, j_,.._ . ' ' Produce' it'. vor; as it ileurgs - aliezidy Aci have . -• The -PoitsOle . .Rtripor44*; : ol:! gin . Of. ~ the. hogntDenineraCY 'i! County, having been. tnialed.4 : the Pennsylvanian - and.; its - kin . 1 tracts .the charge :::• ' ' ' - '... 7 11 . - ''. . 11 . . :i . , .--.- • 1 .*.• M . N. Jams_Poi4.o4*.r4i, . , April 6th . ink; 'We puhrni;hegia'! !! Mr.', Pollock - hair:voted- in Coq ~ .1 . t niatl4 ' Supplies. to ..tint Appy . 1 Tpon examination Wefirictit to' ,. ii that,: on the contrary, upon. xn :, which; Came. tip imfore the Etciz' .the war and the araiy; that Otri / is": fiiVad. iii6Orded- on tkO i ctesii -, '; il TSV . e .had:abeii t4e ialiielstc4o/'.;l p . apera ate, lift . , authoritysidered. 03;-ind, its ',way. into-our columns.,, t. ing the ..eirOr. we ciioOrfOlyiiiak;l tion.,-; :;WO,- `,.w . c'add :not '.-know:i'i the-diameter'_ - nuitii. : 4lol.l7: I".00Ock e : 1 akio:4t,_laik,Aho.: . olly *ay to . fei : cand hepaihat .iinr, #o,stfike: '! fr*--h411:.- 11.8WeP:944.f°111i6: 6 . ..geta , -.-and .- aftviyabiif!!: ':' I - --. .• •.,1\ .• • •,": . ~, -.,.. -. - i, ~ ~ .. , --.-4 podatmg*ver b*p book ! ouParku sdel,ol,4-.,-T1114,0e. xho; iir t it:'! .. - i ' o.,:r t hA arc , ntßyea.-w,iviirg ' otr igu Y,-''' :! :11 ) 9.1 .t-s they maiglid lying on t , heliii* ,- . inetiko, ; o_, a u to ;0, 1 " " -) 40 '1 1011 107, ( Mit. ~, kmatiOnam., Snieral 4 . ; . '. 3 114.1 . i ids' ‘, , 'ill., iti - iffiy lirro roger:at t 1 men ectitrill -s ,, flYgilt ‘ k. , '' . - - , , hem -to - " s . - • v , ---,-"? - '.r 1 , •.' , ;.•.- E -- t '--1.4. - ..triT ' s ; . W I : t ; i i if t t ii e li t aii ii i i iiii.ti e o' t ifiii ., % It d el111°(-- -:- - c * - 4 00r I t l i miltan . -li gA: : 6 - : i.6 **4. 4 . 0m , 46. : 4 0 4 ';' , —ere,. :417 771 1 _,. -- - - -• — ...., 4 " , "" : hiblti ',4 47.ipMcekittW.Svitt ; ~1 0,4 ...:;;:'. fitii - 4 - , '11in,;4:4446 --, oi. ' - ' ..v.ii. ' lnctr, thikit ** - 10)2' , i ,' .''f [ • 1- - t 1 :,,, - '._ ' " f ' ' f! ; ': - , - ..; • ...,fl,- - „.1'. 1 '4.•, , :1. ;. ';- 4- s r..' , s '. , :.:1 1. 4 :1%41" .vor'ed the.. ' rem;; .0n I,.,lhnOks ,\-rieudev-) RIM that, the , 8 4P. B th; he 'appoint,: nsisting of . J. Cox, Prey. pollo*, by or.tbii Ad , rse is Cm.' -criu.tioned 'l)M9llt -0111143 i lia • n uiyhis fik- leailjai on :50605111 gel Aus itit,tsakek:.of -rf-. l .abw , 'Yote: : 1 : Siuita 4k- #s were . . Taiiirtne `' , 4•NaPV:- -- a1ag! ,, c , ..14 -, .. ,. ,„4.. s, .. 1 % , • '. , -.5 • , ) 11.1 !n=l! Jr*";l' • , The, _••••••••• r • • • Ardire 1 diQ to . _"1775 luLfmits, . 4 ) 1 chiLpregost TWTribilf the_ - .prOceosi‘ President i;al7l umiv'O froi that. ..at"L.- li ' 4 - ,ur \ ttill,._ , ... Av - , ue to ..,- e :Stet Vent I ManY-ftrit ktiqing,. , in.the faitivlties; bat "thstandieg the leo .m . er t Iciiis quite 1 1 ,twi. len y, mid , presented a fint. , t ip e 4 a 4 a N ___ The streets through whichAlie-,p r i w e s pio n Pat*l i tVere ailed with alStatek.. [. ; l e arrived at the,Palace fit- .12 0 . V,,,, e i r0 t and, o d'a large crowd-gom . - 14* Mal 'Milt) Itidies: i' 1 . c - - sat . ' ~ . ~, t ti ~, - 1 110.24 1 5f4-the i pzefssicgi.-„icoc4fLthe• , Pal , ~ half anihour,later, etiteitug rreek ... the sixt , venue entrance. ~ -Th4, 4 viols, at.: that . MO a+ eat from.the stand, if;At,vould havAlisien d, : , 4 typed:in coloss, *odd have made a Pilta ' worth a wege't° -16 °k at- i ... - A i I . the rimt os the .f galleries, all. ..t.l* 4. tom`...- airwa y s:yand . ixlitnnui f i the,low flour ere crowded :with bright , 1 otbeau ty and intelligence shininglarni r i •thegay,col ii i aces ors of .e Oresent , faihien, of.Asdia liFesses. The t sper ' stand wair , pleed i upon a raised' , .1a orm in the . East Navc, just. under the on , -r tim of -the donie.: .4mMediately under he teen& of they ' ido4 -Where'-the equest 'aril statue of litraslOgt.on stodA a large f untain has been ;placed, Sx the centre 'of.Whi; stands a colossal tfigure,i 12 feet in height, standing upon a rock 6 feet' high.— The ft_ re refit -milts America. Ila the - riglit hand is a 'spear piercing the' im*lfrOm which the water gushes:forth; and in the lett hind the tigt re holds a wreath of laniel over the kvater. i The artistsl4ere Nr' ' Borup and Mullerl; ,the former is aph tpil o the celebra.' ted Thorwaisdea. , • 'This statue as suggest , : essr iv 1 ed by, ihe architect 'Oeorge,Cars ' . . tensen, and 1 executtiti the Crystal, Palace - an six days. On t Treseet, ocemien we were notpleas- ] ed with the arrangement, as the statue stood directly in fronCof the.Spc 4 ake ' seand, and not morthan ten ror tweliet feet distant 1 , overlook ng the . ppoli. of the lo titain. This, obscured the view of the speakers from the West li4ve. ' 4 . - 1 4 1' nib remouies commenced!= at precisely' 12 6-4 o'lock, with music and the singing' af ihe prize ode• ''l - `; ' 1 . Allti the odebarna a PraYi'r by the Rev. Mrn i ovey, .and the di followed a Grata Chorus," and speech by P. Birnurn,ludge W. W. Campbell ; Rev. T.; L. Cuyler, Tior.- \ ace Greely, Rev. Ilenry Wurd 'Beecher and others. „These exercises. - wereinterspersed with music frol'A the ands, .and'cteeasjen n ily , with f a flute solo by 3% r. Drollo. In the evening the vereises were *emir - lied, and spmehes Were delivered by 'Elam Bur -rat,. Park Godwin, Rev. E. 1-1.!- Chapin-Jail' others, .. We have no room' fOiyimy of the ~s peet c hes,,some of whieh were " e 4, i It appears' that only a sma ll art of tfi.e au- On dieiice could hear them. ' - , The, report occupies ten colus of the Tri -1:1n bune. - li 'l , 4 ' ' =• 1- r i'!'•.. i Explosioi of, the . Steam Towaoat _Peauil- , . ; vanis . on the.Dela*Orili.l • • Six' Liies' LOSt—Several others" Injur e -- T Ten. Horses. Jailed.: The , stearii tow-boat Pennsylicania; baptam Joseph Scull. met with - a sad ident litiout eleven o'clock on Siiday-'eveninglast. - frie .ik - as passing dori - the river frimti B6i*nt • wp. With sixteen empty amid ,l oats' '4iid ba g el• in tow.., ,Tll6, horses belonging o: - the„l4 , ttei were O n the: forward deck of - the :: - Stealiihost';; and a number Ofrthtkdriie:li and haiidiS4ere elso on board:; r - , ' 'When the base - Wei ; ileilrly opposite Florence' thebbilefeikdoded; throw.; ing thes4d4iig Water and steam ,over like. 0 forwertj - part"ot the: boat, and terryilig death. and destruction in 'it tra4 . -ThOse` „ :(9 ! le''Were nOtkited or scalded:by :die:: steam - and riliit ,t water, were ' blinded by the 'vapor *ap6r in4T-110zie . time e pled hefore.theeitent (gibe mi seller could; e - Sicellafo. • Vile dreadfid ere* of the ex losion:ikere made manifest as soMi anything, like 'order Ould - be'reatOteit -."-: 4 ..- Will lrlittq a '4s9l6r**Thaii; - the" first fireman 'Atli!. b6l4,'Ss - 4.Sidt'l4ly - :seiltded, iiiiddi4 - 46or;Ift‘rifiti e . iiproasi*., L oB:kiWg ik fiFeily.:ol; 'lives, or did Tpeently - ifir:g:Aii i' court' Ili' triii4ii kre - ei,.**kir Viiid., '.. ..-.• ~ 7..w0 , young *en supposed. to be &nels on,. the ',,toi-patli;:iveie ,killed 'iMirighf:,bi the' steam end i *later., ".:Theirl'numes are not ' kliPiTik;'‘.: '- - -,' .'- '': ' . • . - 1 ..A. • an an d bo y,' liiiiiei-uilmown,belOne' i!ig to e augd :I*tiges,, hive _been = missing' since i - eilareity: - It is believed the pp overboard - Vs:4 ioeredrowixed., - , • . -.'-' ': ' '... - - ; Of the 'lnifferers, 'lamed t Win.:-EP:: 'pe - ow ly:; - Were'. "put on ' the' eitetun.ti4oo*-' iskß ' ' ey . i'On'Sa,tOidiOr • ToorOing; 'for the t F.?, pose O beiril3rOuglit.to' theeity and 'iii:kin to the Pensynatini lit ekspi!Ol.: 7 01fi:Ulti: l *Ii6' wiu .ninpkv, - 4das . a driver:On; the 'to*iiafh; bo t ,diood in, reat;:asonyihile - 00_0d:road td the ;city. e was 064 'eighteeti . y,e . arS:e.f:**. His y• wail j siik4!l tktld'itoinie of:Vilk01 Ciiiiklib4l46,P.teital-i*etiee , inikirWalliulltieets;*#6 *in in Best held yesierky Morning. :: ' ~- . :1 - : ','::, , --oi • .:illitl-iechlentittiibut:4 ' Wli tfaif'44 . 4 4 : iron. ThiS'exPli*ii ISthe ( iiielit, ' Se,risOni:igf the kind that has .ievettakeu,pliee On' ther'.l) - e. la.in . re.4 l la - an 1 0e - SiglitiPh sliolild 1)6 %ad' is into' the" edilditiin'of theVejl''' ',in- 'retard to tiwir ituipx:tiA*4o iiiiftity. ', l : . Ai -'nocidonf 9riie. iefio:tis'4iitioird :0014n tbe ,:salikied. tOtia* NTitliouediii most ri gid,soUtiny. - 40- 010x*nie of thii"-;.etplosion:,-- i 4/ ' Nellie' .:.itaarise - pfassidatetuagis.• . • . ** g ouge tiro "cnnilia*. aoiiiixdtte4s -44.066-1. t are t41)441: **o -4;43/14ince*C9*f.4. iieeds:****Annum, anik*ii*PT coed tirave weeks 4,4Forthoffeiv.hoattc!ldenceex .*. • 0 44,4).- oes not exceed tweptiw4gon•iti - not tl tb,r. tjyty.:weekss2oo . o4.#o . 9t $ 1 4 .. —k- Ell -:•:i. -. X..-20 rr.—The Drl s oeroA !Erg says .--- . . ~ . " If Judfs Camitheil sad r , . .„. !Oa Pokey wthh" to rssaze &IV Prontat W . ar real orTpeeutthiry,-out,of their netower t io. T e e t ro kattit „th e y! mmit select IsmooAirilitsyve the g ra de of idiots to take churl- ottittme— lisire,gitte them* this advise.graili::,sz ; ::.,t 1 . 2 . n al 1 c - -• lakTilik. 1 4 1 a abl4 0.010,,W ' 3o o' . L z'f.#, ' ...tgq.4 l thi. 4* - .., '11101,Ak!-; op . , I t'. :atiar , , , , 'llo4 , ..,),lskie k ie , , ,tlatiaa - hk, 0061 4 6,. - = . , ...: .-1...' .." .I ' . l . litZ.:l+: l / 4 , ! : 14".'7%.*E1ti?. - fi'":',.:Ct• .4frA, - . •• -........,.-;.., 6.4.:-...i,-;,..t01fy,,..,•.1,,,:•,,.i...24....4..intivi -- - - -0 4 - ' - ---t - - "-r3- ~, 4,, ,. " L _, ~' Ihilhit'' . 14 44;,. 40 1 11 0en Abe: Wil!rh s ". 1.. ' 'a (00011.4. Coutiiile Na y, thefolo ; Knir s eite t tons. wetliv ' n° **ill" convey the howl. heeitfelt neht4lnellta of ;thaykg-E -4 .1 .„- ,k 'its not rikturo Yeara sinee New . &OW was iobgraftted ponhaving a Presid (4. lir oull-itlite born and breugl, i t p ~, ni C e Pt 1115 9 W ho would not Ouly;Uttend toyer interests, hue underslan& ourTeeuliar tem: poll and feel ings and governthefil aeCording: 1 ) , .. Theio has never been n - vhiming a losPeet rellNe We l g l ELtdttll u ' "t. • `for jti'l ) ellulAr, * ih - e - ei ..' ' 1 11 1 agb : with therose-CoAdtegr . ''' r . , to vt tre gif m n Piiiiie A rqtaad di ne . ' (lilkr W r otddbriglitai tear' iddis c .. i n th e war m rays of ass Ares= *mild& stUntier "" . thmitils everYlneadew , The inisa i waald spring up OPoltaneaustt a n A ve rfniggq 4l l4 l4o P;whils the codfish wouad crowd roma ever" wait - and the alc-who' pa run up : every river, allsing ing glory to the triftphant Democracy! Su& , was thepicture. ' t , . • `What has , been the reality T. one year has elapsed and Maine has eI, ~ an oppa sition Senator ; New' -` ..ilampit;ir6;'oolutecti. cut and Rhode Island. have , , i # against him NI their elections, / antii Yerhutht anti Massaeltusetts have but tri tor itt& the same , oPposition." here i ' haie a New Engifina P r e s'ient, with all N ' Engrand a itslor gainst hint. Wium uis p re d e thu r th enge ? The exceeding weakness. of bisand &I. lY of his mouser"- He mail l e grase - lf atone& —not the President et ! - 4 Vints-not even de President ofa par fy—hut the Vresident orals section of a .div ided 'Partl, tie tool in the in the hands of tilwvil9 are, - *ring . jo pe 4 his successors` : ;SPja°l4l/a've , e4ll 9Pes-heorl so disanpideted. •,- ...- 4 1 g t.. .,...„, ' 1 foreign ji lein. The steamer Afiics *wiled at New York owFridayla4t, with three days tater ftonz Europe. The news is not v i er.r importap Nothip g of.a decisive ,clunrk, er has, - bap heard from the Danube, or tir. Baltic Thew has been some *Ong het'freett the' Turks and the Russians, bn the Tdrke*re::„.fina t back, and are stuidi 0 on the,defen;ive,w4 r l i t g for thearaivaliof t eiralbea. The:Eat and French troops are passing aktostlie st rapidly, and in large munberaV In theßallie, Adnural N Vier has hettrd of etgilteeti Russian war vessels, aUd 'has gonete AIDA them- We 1 shall probably hem oi fighting by the tiet arri val. Sand moraßUMilan MereMntin . hal t been:alltured-'.oJne l of Afield taketi' 1 thit el l channel has* tearried 1 5 0 Tortalaaatt. - The't'reati *llllb/rice ; between- it s im4 andranee as nra F h kee tified. A treaty Ink aN) been anteludid betsuu"vAnshris sell Prussia, and it is said that a t secret' rait has been eoneinded h etween' l .Rtisiii aq Sweden, \ ~ ~ ,I# From Spainii is repotted that Mr: likader lassucceeded - ml - unsettling or keeping UT7 tivd ..the Black" Warrior affilir,and thee " iii a very 'PrOmiqindebance of a. quarra . it yet, - 'Ms will rotse filithusterstoek Is Spain has Issued fileerem - for miateringrseka slaves on the Isihnd of Cuha,and othq` de crees which imp pa dispoiitiori to' etieVtbe stave tade, and perhaps to discountenance slavery itself ii , ':,,,,,::-....- 7 , , '-' Fri!: Washin g t on . .; 4. 0 ,,:i,-4 4:,.,„„ i . 4 * ,. 1 ,---„,i, ~ ~......„;:,...,, ._ re„..TiPr'Tflleinti,----,:,' 7 : .WAsn 4 air e 4x7*n4nY; Maii*liiiii;;-' i f , 2',.,. [ tp i;iii .. ' . f ..- : ,;:, t i i , ,i4.i orai t Ilie f4ci men;.. increasing - .: e- . . ~ 6 . ~ , _lea a"-.. ,raia'eni.g. ' ' 4 •Tk..!r.oPPo..itkntli.atec *., ignAln4 DaY9ndallYtklngeiN.o l .;nes'id; , 4%::, Cabinet kfs .I?eiii-in:,,sei to-4410iiiinitoiq , t t Spanisb, nuitteri, the 'ellailii4,eio-?whitli Inis not tninspiFe l k._. - The. - Allerdean,C.Onstitf4 1 New York - . has goe s to - me*ika t liitk§eitifiid , eopies or the:Pralisden treaty. i :Pie „,briiiii4 , . ivith ,the big:seal , is 4ill...here. . - It:ivill: beg :carried . to AfeAlect by..Yi,:findideii4.llL - ..teir s . , :: .dayti, The. Sciuthem ,;lil74sicit ?Miti , s .have ...- i_srted , in..c4ucils . ,to.4o4:!*ti c,laYksn'. 4s i;:' thenainent. Anadditioi i ale , on the iiitaks., Of Spain= goes Pq,..C.nnielS - 1; f ' ''_the :' State. %r t. -1 - -404 - 41, - :, - !... '' - 'il:' - ;I _ . . .:-: -', 1 - 4 :' ,.. :WOhiii*k4tY: 0 ;1 8 4'; '' .. , :11 se 4letidi . fit the N44a4fAirsiihil ilia: . if.*lll 'iin : o; lit tg '. , ,Tolifiiviii2 - .i'lllCAdiiiiio=.' t c *io.ii hal br'Paghb.,` ,01, 1 * . rAnOn - ee ail it* ei.'. tii**r TOtt' e*rY:.*4ll(?.l:o,oiiikariikit,li - ' , : ,huk'ili 6r lght ; thit*O4Wlited'; , :tiii' 2 li- -- T.*inir.& 4 i 4 iiniimitted s :!'l 7 4tale4ileickti :ViN v - count - thblleietinin - eii*Osiqkfice iiht,.., ''fi t 411ibitetti:bytiie ;7:lonii4iAqiild:::''''' Ift)iii: - lii.e.',ived t6'6:chatt.‘t'',*erp' ' ,-,*.. lifiie: Of 15irlini6tniy **lei in'kiereiotWfi e ''i l /, ...-The.-Apti-Neitiriski`Deth*** - ei-. ..- ' 7; - -'; il riting ',tn "thaAdnu . ..iiiitiiitiOii."l"Tke - -66 ' tvi lieriiiiieis 'ate' purageiFiti:aikitl6?il , , a Treedonr COnvelltinn s k 'f:.Z . i i ii t .` ''' . "bri` . .tli"6:": Nebraska '-OkindlOt; -;' - . : ' --reek:::' *!-.` ' .= •s- 'P. , -- 4'l'4'-' , . 7 :`:::101: , t' - ' : The lAritt:FebiastnuNdrtike:iiirVV -= , l itienibeii.nii- ieceoiiiii; tifiliajOi-lirlettel4; irePitheiii'.6 defer t ti the hill -- I kiiiiiiViiire 'idid- at iill . ' " ... _-... - ~--,:•:',/ -::::..;,s(.f.i'At-i,:-4-: _ .. e , _ ... -, ~..:i:- . ,..,j1 : -1 quot I.4win Tenztsylvannk .:c---- rid . A ....r,,,,.-„,t- ...' -- Pinii%iiipttiffltilqYA,OW- i- , The Re ..7, 9F-i .. - y141wii...kW44.001. , at Ort ed ; Oa- hill raid* . to:t 1 . 1 0 1 4 1 4 ofi l o44lWr.. liqno7l,- I .Psi ** (t .vents - . 0. OW - ,. :4- .er. that :jig, tithou tli tAttk any itir,a o A 1 (ruin cbtajnjlAtill..- ftfA , ing spltitu 6. : licinnr.a *A iti*ortotlk*. ,vosei°.ulli - `:- th e;:&t.f.:**o-:0143414#14 1 *::- ~a iteta4 o, .1 forejanlo..9l Ora 54t 5 10 0 -4 2 ,:rFfIs- il, - [.,tand- 4, .- ~.. :I di.444-*****il*4iiii*Pq*: 10 ' 0140 s-:" a n d ` . i l a!OS l iii : # 4 #* .4ll 4 li Y l : .litiet - . - 0-4ini* taw pt;.betill ieNo44lk; aalß, At tie s lN** keepers of lonlleen.ge,d . tipPiipg,h49s - ,.**.lacTig 'att doeti.- O "OPRIY , tO*wAO I :O4_ jiiiirli-:, km iAtinu4turArs..ctr:-. l ifivr*Aßl:MTlN* : liquolsßjt 4 lvtail Pi* wE,'' , 4. - l A tto9 ,- 4--1 flit iixim4a4tlY,Jf slanclkh.ViTAP9v.l:l4,ok ft-- ;.. • & R.. f 7‘. . " (1 : 't ti ' '. -:. '" ' '''' .• ....',......a 1 . .3 • Th 11§F!it deg iiiretifitinia,‘ ''' t-a: ''' ' ..itrf:',l,l4.',llo lieu=et -t-iiiii-ladokurifigniiii, au g hter., '., , - ' • , , .iimiraiilio - • - add, u I,cur, pup--We4t i. ; ' ian:----;c,:: , , , thissitaW434- - , 's ''':. - 0 frf.: ‘ProPertY withodeint. Pi'llsati°4L''' Hasn't a mitaThit4thi' tea; k:Otrab ry, a right Ito keep dor - , Did -- lithe i rs keOp doge? . t h ere anything , ulat our'.thg; • t ilSOltui . blution . ' giVing a right { to destroys In the 8010.kof freemen 7 - ' - ''IR : di s semetiMedtrwaload; bite peepitc anditlidvietiraff diaVi'rtiiittltiiiitNi4e 4 - bk , ; , then 1 3fay, weitalaf&• ' ,--- 41-r6ti‘ nators hottrwr r e gis , _tx--). `tildealexmau•-•, qtly Cad ii t ~'3...,..--,-,...:- , ...., een ole , Ali& is 1 4 1 i t ir -y • - -‘• !---.. • r-.. 1., 84)1)064 sit, ', ;20,viiritiii* PO ;611 4 144 r e ' 11 ia .., - , not M 3. l rOtttii: ' iiiilc the ll - "466 r ilek ini am I :n4k - 44 4, 41E th ey wiio , Aris `to bl i iili:, 4 ~f - I - ,,, itrli ' * l, - 9 .' 31 "/ _We look ute,,thiti -... -,.:-11-.1:.1_,-.2.:1,1___ orao/5 prtiperkf*kpliMirlien=b 3 001344;etion. 'iltfiOjed -....,..-,„„,__l-k, 1 rnessafr a b out - - 4ifir at i o . tr. .. ~.,:„..,..,e... /0.2 we" ..,--: .'4..4.1.4"jra Vki4A' 1 . ... .. Z I - A • A 1.. . ...,,,,...., Euro' ptt' , iiiiwilikhi vn ,,, orzeu` 4 :.- ‘, ~.., t . ,),.-.-, ~.. ~...,,,.11-4 ~..- .. 1 ;. ~ ,i ~.. 1 -,•,-14. 1 . d 1 Mit: biiiii:filt, y:.. .',1,.' .. .. 7 ,llfkr r01:0131 redbitlatiC :, , '..., -1 , -• V •e' .. lave beeic let ItiOaoilii'p ,;,-;,- `• - - ' Seq.': Theae.-Ws ' triig ' -, • .--. :;!.`, " . • . ,- Ito. i' b' ' 'L.. yet* , 0410,,,1if0n bong 4 e l - ~ - ..*. 1 4 : ~ .-.„-. - ~..i .. . . ,' ..-...;Af1t..,...-... :.....,-,.... o_ -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers