• The - 'pliiiellis The old gates' a Eit . were . oparied I ~a l um4.,ome was,at , ar .._ and thew:pod- 1 ern prototypes, "the , Dii:danelles. straits, Etr e open oAlt.ciittnetr,tt state of war,makes trea ty Stipulations Avid, and ',the .Porte _ dams;it ttii9 neeesittry tcr-adtitit., his : al; lies through ihein to pfdtSe: the - eiiiiitol. The eecounttwe'intrrg_are thsk;hey„. are VOW °pelt' for ,thisi3lassAge , pcsi./tiwAtitis4 . and Freneh fleets, -;::':. • , ...: !..--,.1 -- •t- The Dardanelles, f rom' WhiCh the *Tait of Hellespont, - derives itivname,aftii four. str ong castlea:buile - oppositee each other on the European and Asiatic . coast ;:and are the keys - offinitantinople. Two of tilese.castlea; Aii9lll castles, Were raised by N1ah910140.1.1-110qn after - of Constantinople, in 140 i thenther two, the'new castles, wereinti)Citt the "'fiddle of ihe 17th -century to .piot'eaille`Turks n oinsi the 'Venitians.' The latter'com. - eland the entrance to tile liellespout, and the distance from each is' but two. miles and a quarter ;in four hours' - sail :up - the s trait-are theold' castres,irltieh are about 'I 1, three quarters Of, a Mile apart'. ...Those arc well minuted -With formidable batter- • • MI *along tha,European - shore' 'to ,the .nalflors., the aspect of nature in its* rug corresponds with *the frown Of the Trans ; but the scenery on the Asiai share is beautiful. The yegion abounds,too, in p l a ces' famoui in classicstory. :liore it was Leander paid' isifightly visit 'to hero. Here the ill fated hosts of Xerxes crossed on a bridge of boats ; here Solyman ecos sed on a bare-raft, - and 'in modern - times, hew. Byrou swam .from-.Sestos . to Alv.- ' . These famooa straits have been more' t,‘,rattonee passed: . 1'1,477 . 0 .the tiarlioitsder F4phiStone, - appared 46 iorc.tti*i tower castles.; and the 7 : 4loiirtl; :ottuallyiwinit. through :without dirrog . But•the Other shipts , ..did not follow • - ;htra --and he returned'Avith•4ti4hi 3 heating.:p rild trunapets-•sanntling. • A:l3ritish fleet udder . pikkivorth forced passage • in 1807... '''D'Ockivorth in • his despateh: to . • hi:, government;•gartng, an account, ofthis_ .fact. acknowledges .. that be ran a, narrow chance. ifo, set sail •• the znornin!,; . the1,94:11 Of.February.%Ata.quarterl)6fore nine, the iWhole_squadron, under a treineni . Jens fire, had passed the outer castle halt-pa:st nine: the leading ship",, the /Can opuS, etitered . the-narrow / passage Sestos and - Alydoi; 'adder a heart' Cann ott • at l e _both eastic-.s; - reeejving.,ll . tote ah SOO - pounds, weight. • Lich, ship, - 0 ; it ilassed, had to endure-this calunrade.' . -Tile admiral remained liefore Constititi cp,ple until the third o€. March; vi-herthis quailren of inn's siiii)kret arne4: thii&in- . t erval the been' sO huisr • that, .the cast le&rrere'made idotibly forinfdablel: The admiral weighed - ancher .the roar ring Of this fly.- . and !every ship - was Falsty' of the pas!.=ag, about" The admiral in his. • despatCh . ,, cipresaes his 'most - lively sense,' of tii.4.voct ccirtutie • npa - admits' that ;Itad....the,•,TorkS been a1 7 , - tit. ! wed a .-Week lOnger, would• have been _ a very doubt fut point Wheth,er -a - ..ret urn' - lay_ilpen•toltirn•at.all2":"' liehist , 42 killed. and 235 sounded.: - The,: Turks were indignant atthe escape of theßritiiii flee. il l at they belie.ved that the by ratunella Was hod by • - Duckwort ankireheided:hina. . •-• • _ '• 'The Dardanelles are Said t4 . l'bin, sucl formida4lO - eonditioa'.as to heiropregaii • IFGESICIUS ESCAPE: , .FRoM Pittstrx.---Thi, escape of Sviires; from the New Itatnpr 7 shire State:P . 6B6n, where he was sen tenced to 15 years conffiseinent, was most ing,enious. The prisotters 'nerd* to break-,.. fast, and . tyt aiming, .. - enter their . cells, 1- Whicialise With a spring,whileAlie Turn key follows ana;lacks an outerlock -tarb inmate holds . hisband up to the bar above tltadoor, as the - officer does t his, .wha du ly . ,counts and repOrts'the inmates to the! Warden. Senires made, out of sole leath er; n:iery itkettiOnsywraug hthand,no .n ' .l' forgeliui ? . ,,Carve odethefingpt nail and give them as, wed as' the: fingers, very natural 'and life-like Appearance, b • the useotaqiloish, ;white - plwiler. ' Ott the mOrniii,af his : intended esepe, he fii:ed his imitiftinii-band'Aathe grate' ellis eed door, ,makinvits ,`position. move by the use of,. sheetnakees ,- wax.i -Qn•retu'r , nine, he eltled ilie, deer the same e*thici ' 1:e hail : gone - Witliin;inct‘palled'tlie;.:a4iii . to after hint, a. 4 reirtiredi.:;The rurnkey roll owed , .counting.., the:upraised, bands as 11e,,,nnarcheathrengli the corri4o; trkd 'e - Forted . all Ify.as-figni;' 'Vie Pri!iiritt4-:trtlt ! ri passed out to the "rear 'and secreted hi - - , Ell apion,,,, ,, Apt 4pipivr,4tieict he rerria I CA] until the prison :bell ,rung, \ arid the guard on the• Wall went:atria- breakfast. - by the 'aid - Inf . a:, plifli.-- he", 'Astended' the v.. - alli and' 'es.c.4led. 'lie - bard '. bile eitht lainii4s ottirne .t:at 'fie made-` % end use .-s;l'iliern. - -' : -: - • -p: =,. ~.; ‘. ',' . , Kossvrn 4.:4ZD Lams l'ireot - tost.-Tiie N - . Y. Times has a report 'froth a qaar ter-entitled to respect, that.Napoleou re cently ',. invited liosititit ta.a , seeret.eon ,' ferenc,e at 'Paris - for thelmrposepfascer •tairking.definiiely fre&him :the extent tof the Military. feecer - whiar he ' eeehrlniefi' intstqap. : 44d, i7 in ease s Atilt camshould haKeinlothirt4pottiiitipsf...zoidebding for \ herliidependence, ,and--that Kossuth a . 4° 4 41 8 . , -./1,14-4!?-".944 1 e'Ve ;4_ B :Ye , ie F,erie ma tlnse'Lanagotatton.‘mith, ' the Einpevor • upon thili snikject. Thigimas at-the time of hisAiwpearance froin.,l4Undoa, evir ' zeirin 1 ihe=lferipiiiiers and the search saia:tiiii#yliein.Amildetor bun !by, the Paris Oic4. *Alin ended iti," divert put; ; - in attentioß,.. .Virlibas:e good. reason, for belisviOt , lhaf.* - 104 - ae, as in May nisi; Ln uis.lslapn49 . i ... canse'd ~,40 ~.intirnationj. be roide PeolKossuiiii thato.hti, ti=ne, tnigh , arrive_ .14,ira..lonkvat width' be' sibuld b glad i:4 id ate.,i;. with -him on.: the a Tait! Easter - - '• - . 4 i"t "Tl:MOVltileilirper:4% Althea States vilp t iejest ! gustvr t iOis Vat, 914 tonh in uge,.aGthe wit stiiiflnf':, -don andlitr?) s t nOtting: o 4,4 l . 4 clAttgla i (ing 4110444 000 , tooki—z,l , New Yoricit Mk' 44, 4 4,0 - 44) 482 ,0004nuni. tons; 'lttitik MEE thero m regiWOO*l • ln 11*14, the 0 - took ,:thatoiricant -I- .Monttinc There , 111 be =a reeitifig held at the. ce of H. H. Frazigr on_ Friday; next; at ,ff_q'elock 3.4. to take hitoixmahleratioa the ,expetli of re-form= itlA' the *ramie Lyceum. • ,‘ ; • - - Donation , VisitP , The" frinndi bf E. E. amp' aroeretiftiOtilieil that a DOnitiOn Visit will lin ma e at hiS resi dence on Wctintntday l ittft i einixin and evening. !the 21st.inst. All are respoc ed to attend wiihout further notice. - " ;Nord 1 !" Ouch is the true meting , of the word" Pepsin,l or of Ihis' two Greek t words from c id whiCli it is deriv . This is the significant and ap pr.opriate title f the true Digestive held or . Gas tric Juice, prep red by Dr..T. S. Houghton of Phil adelphia, from t e rourth atotimell of the Ox, for . the cure of . Lodi estion and. Dyf , psis:' e's It is na tur own rim y for an unhealt stomach. "No art o man can equal its curative wers. It ren ders Good Eating- perfectly consis ent With health. See Ihe figure ofthc ox in anothe part of this pa -1 er. ' 'I • 6111 • • - , lo ls Tteultural , No ice. • . . T 1 ose intending to contrite f premiums on grai of whatever hind, oirebr i i ttot AO to leave specimens of their respective crorr with %Ir. Geo. it I Fuller of Montrose, on or fore the third Wed nesdhy f January next ;at 1 o'clock, (drain,} atter *WO :pallor* will be a d, itted to competition. They W. 11 also givistatisti of their crops in wri nog, stating the number of titelS and the weight • per bushel, with the certifi cof those whoasstst , ed kg measuring the gmutri a td crap ; :Oso the kind of ground, witether sod or:otherwise, the quantity of manure or.plaster, 41:e„ used, and hoe applied, A* her with theleinwaitreitment of the sod and 6 r I ce9 P,L:' Each 0 4 1 411 1 'Wilk ' or sign his statement , but ill ham hie s 'atitne 6 o7 t NI!: Fuller in confi detArcraly 10404ractiva bli he i judges lifter they r l * l.l madetheit : dieisidettl, - :: • The Juiltif• - • S'L l -t...'N4 461 Takgartonni" tilheeifist'ldel'i Wednesday 4 1 .Jaliii****ntll amine the specimens;of` Hs etsl(4. • likiri 11..,7 Jot 7 .--....-.:_...._,.:_f•_____ T ___,...._. 3 At Carien ter'siHot:ii, .in i inAant,by -Rev. . 11. ; iicer itiINS.O7I SIMI II . I a •Ii .. .INCT 'l,;anesboyp, Pa.. ' - , 13r 31tutrt 1 - - - , -- aim for ißeat. •- rr iTE large n snperior ti Farm in Dimociton -1 ship. own ifly Benjatitin Parke, is for rent either for a ,f xyd vt.m °lt, upon sharer---eitio4 Willi Ur without sleek thereon. Cloud terms i will e giien,and gl *Teurity requited. : I For terms and at ticularsi empire of the ukultr siped. " GEt.). (;;ITEs, Agent. Dec. 1 185 . 3. - _ 4,ai. * . I [ l. • ----f-1 , •4-- --- - -- -- ---,- ---' --f -1-- . G -' 11 A.WLE . .- ....„, la ~ :-.,...-, i , 1 ~;,.- ~ t., ~ - ~..`, . , ~- .k --;-,. ' , -k- -4 , - AT rflt • -'. -"' " • HEAD OF NAVIGATION;" , :i t ITii, on hand Ifni' assortmetiLot ,Sferinexx, \--Pazwureata: mica Delahles. Plaid Dt 1 1,,ocz:Es, black and co ored l ttnd <fres" Stum, .131)tiNgT 7 ,5, SATINS. Tippets, Of lfort 9, 80.13. 1100 , (111, IP/RE 1 Sivrz SusirLs, ..I)4INTS, very cheap:, Dr., •Rs . , l'Xid div 7 • ' 1 4 . •, , f - • , ' ....i Ll 4 O, ' ... , , Clotho,:sziniere4, Ye' . &tint:lto,. ", 1 1 Ala-= krAto Roues. DUcetuher 7,-1.553: iWiliter St°. ll ra:,of Goodo;. 1 i ...LAST IN I ITEVI. i' , • - .1 . . ecembet l. 8 1843. . . :'' 11.ENTIFif - i -,. RE rtrit ' • ft. A.V.E , the 'pleasure.' ejannouncing t. to their. ' ctvnmers . iind, thl 'public - ' in gerierel, that . . ',..,, ire notioni+iin; a esiiable stock of y • . t,.t. ~ - ,, , W1,11t4 Lt 04) Si • ;.„. 4hieht, added totheir pr t ziippl,te t i . i . dersittheir. l• lisertment foil 4 : h&=c ' 'let. ;en . , are 0 ,leedy to sell at 4e.'riery,a.Ar.i, AM' ace from city : prices. ..We ennitider it ;6inirely .inineeessary. Co ixi -enuerate every article, 'satibileil,'is. we are, that fan opportunity ii afforded,Aie can giFe convine , jig: infog-4ttinal our 'anat. its. .1* nt tclf: i lriPinTr, .4 3.17gr,ALTA.114" or.iparcgi*lWlly ; equa l. - to any ;iitherottcielta..4,totts in thi4i Oar' lity., _.... WANT-ET)'; l ''. -.'• ' `l, Wheat,ltre, ()alp', Corn,. gueliwhitat, Flannel, i . 0.:,*.".: Wolilen . .04'1163'1i, Liti.L.Vriedt An Fil., ike. 4n e ichaoge fa !Moods, et thU LIWC.i C.vE PRICKS, ' 1:1n4 . 4.1.3a put:lefti,Sta; : BENTI.4I4Y-Jc itEAD. ' . The *Tare , t *-31Exr.ta.viLE . r sravpinpultil :gig .4; liiis' Aeet ha 'fir t publicaiions t pf, AirAltlil#,T hi jam (4 'fa jt h iihilitlirana 5 .Pr ,n44'ued , a , enc in itarkiiiee. -j, 6 t i a tith 'of commo P , -di only 26 ce 1 0 i , r 4 Uteri . , i t i .-11. i i I to, t ( A t Plete ) er . , lattlY # 1-----L-- ' , art uure,:pmt frieell;" , dremq‘ &oat/ luL4 r ,. , that jo, g ittel. ne W i l l reap 'the alp Ake of the atit' WI itiflllid -both hrlhir areal x •and , -'1 The same brilliant latittka ' will be envied :rill -or( Adore, and a large additicin -1,,, ~bothie-talent- • and httnAer: .! Ti' ....r , tirranhements have iwin compl+tet., -ou each as will enable-the TO priet& tttlired)ate , ..by , fait the finestrilbuttated 'icatirier•-t Ter , pisiiribiod, end much superior to - the present - Usti, of - the paper.' • The - cottutnts - of - the "PiChirtell f w:ll.coesfently be 144 1 4iflid . la all that eissi*lAW adtititiNuctern eit ' ` :kiakure, well l as -itillitiforp piutp 3 4oflvillkOgYl 4 4 4 oa. tbeki4b repu*twit ark 4101; tan/oval- - i i-, It I -iili i. The lie ? , ,r "Okits¢yirT f aPtati 5;34,11 - auu u • fiielto vt.etr ini$0010! Atria the ArPwXi_wor 4,01 htiildlogs of,lpotepn :the eastern aadmettent itooliolkore. of .tilitheivrincipal ships and 'steam etalof the nary an n• -• 'l!nt, pi-(Vice,:with sad. accurate' portraita , e '" "il l y noted charaitei Et the world, bath Meet .'. 1..-- .. ' ' Sketches of be.auti: , .fts Lsrnm,takee f : , Wilkfe, will idio_l?e4tren, wit al" . - ::'• • --fiwathirinlael.king• ... _ _ . 4.-#19414* t ; 1 'l. It,' Wells; and Sanil. Ire - 0; Store tho third itt). it o'clock, to -t+x ,i,.. -g , .-tffl make their 1 de- Di anmes, .. E • • • - CATLIN, * ,-,__ X- - / 'F. - DCANN, .!".91',- reat Bend. ati the 4th Ittr.N.iam.tx . . •McKext, "both of rrintotg, Rehtucltv . . =ZOE fly 1 agazin. '' --, of ihikiopularweeki —lila ice ,eispe ,first of Jatte4iy it . netwlt!t — heip rank with the T i it!..ci . It is -iditea with 114-is * , i i t i; E:4l,— an auihor'.. print/I.:On ii.:Aptitiil' irhlte ;echfilo.t.:4lelO7 - rate bru. cint.4tus' *tie OA doable i f 1 e c;*l6 , i-pakirs; iiid the t iii i sit.rptut ' is'attl,' t.' die . ~ I 1 Sena iti their 0r..1-, ,geture the" corn, to qddi6uk.'" • 1851. lep.tiLEAsolvq eoce its Siiitbilt ipiTived ~itt nitre! pritifed-,upwk r of the :liettirial iifaU.l.ot e t 1 PROSPgOTUSr MOR`IPS4. \ 1 - -.....--,- r, 1 The' Saturday - Eve'',lig Post, ' 1 ..,. , ' Unrirallecl:Al+ay of Talent. _ .. 111?. Prolirietor of the Post, rn aontrcoming Golotit Ibtlintbkie, would thanks for the nert#:tiatroptge_whieh *as islieeirthem fur in i vanee•of*y otherji entry weekly in Ainerim. .1, And As thek i t t oll siiitlibl :MUM . kir>tucti:* 00 and artfofluii . Ahtiii" ar figOnentsf.fix'.les4. have been nrtede -willeit'fdet, "., of liberality probably Onetplulekin the-history of American newspaper litentture.„ — Therlsave fitrgeged as contributors for the ensuing ye.er the following brilliant array of talent and genius: 1 • Mrs. Soatimorth.-Enteison Bennett,- Mr.& Denni son, Grace Greena+d and Fanny Fern. In tik :first paper of Jsknuarrnext,.wp.o . ogn commencing an ariginai Navelet, written eipres-t- 1r fig our . columnii; entitled The Bridt! 'of the Wil derness. by.Ernerson, gennett, authbr 'of "Viola: - 'Clara - norelainl: '110; l'iti."l . etl Wilt.":etc. ...This N'ou vel e - by' ti te,anthor'• et' :.."C - tar:i lig:41ml: we design .folltlVitys.hy another called The Step Muth.. cr, by .Mr.i.3l..:ry _A. Denison. author of "Homo Pictures,";. "Gertrude _ Illissei: etc, Wit . Have, also the.. promise . of. a, linimloci of : Sketches 'kJ Grace Give-nue:4,mi)* brilli!ot 'anti. versatile puti` ik.AI 1).... filw.p, lt i exclusively) eniployed '. n pea :tlia, Vi'st . and her 'oisa 'Little, l'ilgiawf . 41rw. Smith:void', whosefascirsating,trorliS ere uti* beio4 -republish eit in 'kEuglaod. Also will thaint Talier All pleasant conniftion - tijth the- Past. 11 - next- Stuir from ber•gdted pen. vOll be entitled; 'firinin,theAmig• .o'. vitl.l4 f;stici... Vow, by Brian 'D. B. N.: South worth, •-antikar of "The. Cur e: 'f • Clifton," "The 'Loot ; ./Elpirak "The / Deserted. Nife.7..etC. - : - Alid lastrtot : leaat,— . ..we ararmilior zed to announce a series of articles from one 'iiht has - riipidly'risen very Ijigh in popiilar favor. . 1 my tre -entitled a :New :Ssi•iiSrof , SketcheA, by , EU ny /4?n, - authar of "Ferri Laves. : etc. _We e.tcpec ; taeOnurience the Sketches by Fanny Fern --its v4lll :tithe aeries by Grace Oteentvood—in the eacty nuntbera of the Conting .„ lrT. ..;. ttwraritoreign CorrespondeneAgiictltcy ral ArtiOr, te pev - Congresionali Iteports;therq Ilarkee% lie regularly *fieri, - leitko , .Poirr:tok.rhe;iinitage; pri the Post - to any partof the United statos,iiiien:imid qu'arter . Iv adv a nce, Is z•ontr _. cents it year. ! TEaus.--;The terms of the Post are ripm, payable in advance, 9" .• ' (And!orte.to the getter np of clutk) 810:90 13 •., ", L (Atitt one to the getter up of club.) $15,00 •20 " ' (And one,.to.lbe geter.up of club,) $30.00: • Thesmoney for clubs'utirst alrays ini.gent in nl rance. Sub.scriptionalna.v . im. e.ent •itt .'our risk.-.- 1 Yi'h . I the .entn. is large,••ti - d - aft, elnialdbe.•proeur 7 ed. i' TOssibio-.iliecp t of which limy be deduct:. et' f In the amount. - .A.dtires nialtv4 - o , lst paid ; -•• : ', • • - ..I)E.ACON it. PETBRSON, •• . t • No. GII South Titirdrect, -PitiliulelPhia N 1 B.—Any person •cl.-iruits 91' 7 Tecpiiriv, a copy of 11 ' l',ost as a•sample, can be "accontinotiated.hy notitking the publish‘krs by letter, (pout paid.) .. 1# .:N NY GOOD*! .NEW: GOODS 1 Lathio . p RE rim receiving Alan . :e and . ne4sonable na 11.1 sortriieur of ; % - • . , .41111G:f"-Cr.:211041311103aillkWilli, • \ ;which, in addition to their Cornier • Wolter Stock, they offer ii= one of -the largest sind.be' it selixted lot of 'goods to befund in the ctiuotrY,and at pri ces that trill tilJt fsul to suit those - who Wish to buy gtxals cnaar. plE:ga GOODS. Black tiio'delthines; G►ncy silks, French Teri noes, Thibet cloths, 'all wool DeL►i► plaid And figured dm,' Silk'wuri) AlliaecaQ, black and figured' do., cashmeres, ladies cloths lon cloaks. - • • • • CLOTHS.. Breath.,loths'af black dire skin - cloisithereh a largo 41,4t4tm0at,.-fancy and plain cas~imcreg , twee4.stitlifotts, slieeps grays t lieotueltyJ/Yeaver cloths, pilot elotliAositiq and iilk SIMETTNer S. - AT ALL •P RACES...) --Shirtitigs and blenched, white-goods of t: Wei ysaii, iNittii, - brown and blo.ficheil (mak' flitnnebi,f red aid ivbfre. ell . wool flannels, iickiri4s and ittipeA , siniffless higs. Carpet bams. uil flune and fable - elfith, rose -blankets hurQ blauks.:ts..• • - • &c. +u6. Black. -silk broehe tind Ba. . State shawls, cow (oilers, Avititer•gloyesebosiery; of. all descriptions, fall. .sty le . Eilk bats, bats and egos- to taut every 0n0...b00m and shosa„a complete assortraent, up per and, sole-leather, ralve Qkins, overshoes, buffa do rube 4, sleigh bells, umbrellas. - • ' :%IISCELLANEOC:S.. BrograF, gibs; wash board;, basketg.• trin (low u1..a14.444:4 Lc. Ate. ..- • • , GROCERIES. HARDWARE. dm. Sugars of all kinds and at.all prices, a lot mota of thaw. good teas,augar linuse syrup. molasses. groceries coital kinds,. cuarseluid fine salt, psakiro,;, packing: barrels, - nails, iron of all kinds,• window el‘ss of all size; crockery andighes ware, the bestawrtmsnt ever tiffered inWil. ontrose.. • 11.111tese—ttipgif. 001 it • -• many more. we- wiltu t ell attlieArers/sprea ifrke-iy ?'lease call .and„eragoirkelasilre Etta \ and Ocill;Ikell gc - kids as cirmr. as : they. can be , i l;?oufkt; in anyplace. _ , rPiixt ifs 'ezelsange fur gtintle„ at cash prices. , , \Ye still , cou timid by Prod nee of allkind't q . 1% - $ w orb. All -you r , tyho. - trapt, tind tj nig: re turrii .call 'ilium - • ' .IL,LA.TitROP & CO. _New- , ~.„ -"tom--fioo , clEr ~B URRIT,T is TicoiiingenotherOoev I t -114 L, id stock . itf Ifittiod yiinti•r #octik-by 4 bicjv Iii;; - ' 'int' 'kill be 'lttilly: .. iepleuto_hOa in?-,E4tery de is • "ent..e . e:i 'U.:stimuli,. idiiting`ltridtkinhOlete, jc ritii lid v - in new. vit. tie* of loadift-Dressi 060x35, Rich 11 . 4 id and Fancy DeLoines-se/d , . CaStaieres, Tirethettes; French MeiiuO, De Etal, , es, .Muliaii Lug; besi - Ernbioidera - r,ROgp : „-!Silkii,.:. litionvis, Uieli Bonnet tiatkiiik r . ii_ila4kfulifoeir..laiiihrt.incot .of Winict. SNOOK kttutileitsuil . C.saffs, ; Yjc.tOrinso *rid Muff. Ladies Rub ,iser-LII9OO, Slippers and Over. , Sltor-;,cloaks of eligookirel- .00,otyles„ anti a heir, -.:atoorispeptlor Peiloot* 'Cooking:. Stoves, with a , great' iazietilvtotherjantvinik -: Staple - ',gm*. , which: mill .be golt.i . on : t4o oust fisvOrabler.terata. tp :cash and date lioverst, . L ...„.,,,.,...; ~„ , .....,..New,ilifilcord,.. , ;.i . Ovetn. .. e r, .163: -:' ~, ~:-,..:. 7,: YJFresh- , AiOval:. Sr' Goads D y RE L. . A. RE just- receiving a valley boo*. • aw --0:10;11 , may be found I.4lies 'Kid Glevi-4, only Sit cents fipair,,iffmoibrldafle lag, Colored Carpet Vurn.Derams, De'Boge, Cish. mere. FretiebiKngtisiximci:tFoun#l Mermoes, All of winch etratielt as cheap - if not cheaper tlyui iiAe desmest Tor - Reidy' . • `NOVllliisilrose 1153%.. " Adnana strata . s,Sal6; • p a gMtla e ger ;o,4o,9l:4oFo,r,fthe.okoarkmrten,lrt dVfl - - uss a 4i t os onto, ivio e,i)osed'Yo sate 611% idii4day 14V - 4y r. oext r 4t,,Roe oVor.ic • P:'2. :the following 44striticriketnitks, -- ittiAte". `Oll bell* 4.;Usiox "16'111"e• c6iantY:i.i&reeio l : 4 111 'preitlfse4 (bOtalded;iiiia - 44 6 4bia hs `tiltoftk":' ilk(ficiK 0.1'814 of, 1112411. the ens gli,d or Atroo )ktnear( . l,*,sV4iiaro -rnlitW '3 4 6 o 2 Taunt. suld,o:fisiNest ti . y. Lind of and'one third Rota. of land or thereabouts, be Alio same more or leg* • about4444 l *Am P.tt large "chard of grated tre - ei s a framed liourA. l 34l l l.and,,Forutougie :tripeteollaVo.tife est a te o f '.oo7:oentetile itatigavi . , or alite . ftiiaa;knoirli-!aa,:sof ivf - saki: which.-sill'take plicle*lfir 'A. II 8A1LEY, ..:... / LWAIMASPARTI. O.'BOOLIVIIMaIitn, -7 "" ,- • a .1,, , . . • • , New !Inn 4, B .,l'ulfraille ; c0,40*-41,sattnits . :, ~,,:i*. -, uiiippigi4kforoloi'- , :. * MO "initif 1./ ... • r ..' ' fr ' fate . 'Ai* .. 1 ,i , ;%.2'. for U.; -" 'S 0 , 4 , . W.OO- 4 gll r; ,tr. Mr- .O . 9it h 4 1 Z44 0 , ',. . 4 1 41r .0 Atvl. oeteet t ; •• • ,Pinsh niloi WA. liftiNkilrfte'''''' k - 41441iP i 1, IV 14 :43 t UelitiVir•WIW . ; er'tilif t• "'" ".' ' Of Ihroitagilqweeilei:ite, , eiii.' , . • • :n;#6111 Owe. We are determined•tiont - ~•• :ittipitiffi oi o coll-shall not • affray : vizotielisi l . 4 . -, 1.v..! . .. 4 . , - 4 1 4,/ . : ' - 4P.1.0 P4l ;- ' b: itid - p.vi,' . ,- . , ITesALNIEJA, , V ik not 2• i ' ‘, . ' II* , ' ' ;OONit i ir °f'. '' . .14 ' than *xi too tifto* t 3-• e•,.- - T - 74-7- - .1., v li. - n•j i f: .:4 4 . . , , O r , -:: ~:' '''. 4: ' *•.: 1 4 A : '; . - . li ,-.40* :',- : -_- 2_ -,, • --' • --- - -. e 4.2' ••"' -- •- : '': - , A :RE .receiving their; =v. .thtifFall, *4400 invite' .the 'old friends.: In guiclitiiiiiathelit,Vsiial ester Wiaiier Oa* tl!ey have adied Bich is now vine to nny inllie'sOtiuntrie. Gro - ceri'esJ—a Omni siock,—l,Dre . 1 Goo4i:for Wie ter—Bonfx aft, 'hoes --- Hay ar —lroftand Nails --Redo Robes—Horse Ella ey, .he, Scalds and. Bay State(' _ Grain: tool Sucks— ter, always svnntect.: Our usual varictrnt the hart at onr="I3RNICOH:STC including Pile; hult, and l' Montrose, Nov:10,-1853. TO THE Ye LEASE examine the fo lovitl-eatohipo; and 1 if you- there tied um itioneil anything that you may want.call at the tore !of - the subscrilmr' and . you esaAuty it, at a low,er Price than at, any other storein the county, quality . considered. do the - .llcisring list. Is enutnetated apart of my stock. . IP;risil„a 4 ;De'bides, Alpaccas,-Ce . sbnrgs„Bdtn ,' basins, Poplir;Sils, Satins, Ilehslins; inns, Etobruideries. Littens,Silk and Litainlftrkte; Black lace Veils, Muslin Collars' Slut wls, - Gloies;` . .Hosiery,: ' - firoadeltslart, Cassiiner6. Satinetts, Ken- , lucky Jeans, l'w t .e , l.. Veitikls, Heady Made : Clothing, consisting :it Coats; Vests, Shirts, Draw ers, autl Under:forts, fiats,, Caps, Mufti,: Boots: Shoes, Trunks, Tnivelling Bap, trrnhre as, &La, - Flassuels, Sheetings. Shirtinp, Tieks, Horse • Blankets, Cotton Yam; Crash Towelling; Diapers,. Table Cloths, Tighe Spread, Ac.'eke. - paper, Window . Shuacit, Whips, Rat Traps; Saw ' Handles, Hand Saws,. Built§cythes, Barn Shovels, lid Niuted, do., and • quite a.variety Of Fanning Tools. • A-hopping - , Ames, Bnxtd 'Axes, Adzes,: l'laneilrons, Bench Screws. Framini Um; els, Files, Rasps, Saw Sets; 'Patent -Brad. Awls. Patent. Se,wiug Awls and Handles, Baree and Wits,' : Steel Squares, Sand paper, tic. ' • - t - Locks, -Latches, Butts, SCreUTs ,Bolts., Window i;! - -'astenings, Window Blind Buts, Door. Scrapers, 6 rindstotte latnlings, Lampi, Shov••; t els and Tongs, horse Cards, 10u - try C 011164, Steel Yards, Nitils;-,F4x itud.lieutp ylope; Bed . Cards,-; 1 Coar.e anti 'Bite 'Vire, &littorals, . AV, to , Wa s h ' Brushea,i Hoda;Cital • $5,00. Tub:t wind Tirkind, Pork ,Bblz, steads. Was.ilboirdr. Pritlies PithOVViitlen Riskets,'Broolit3, Pittekt : P4ita, ' ' • Gists*, Paints, - Linieed Oil,; l'uttr...erid teach; Vartiii.h..hesides a gOod . assorttnent of Crockery,: Stone Ware; Grocerie l l, DrugA,;:' and Yankee:Notions; , • • 1 •* havp totoo-Weit,-and will sell myi entire qt.oCk; fur anon eAr, witlanit regard tp profit. There is no liniolag about the above. if you want anything in. my; Lune, justl call, and you cant have it at a..bar,, ,, ain. I. • J. S. LI.ITLE.. • New Ifilforti, - NoY. 10,11353.1.. N , . . , • • . rcn ow receiri% Ids' Autumn and W,joter,.atipi 111111711kE1L1117; 4111G11111211110114111111111.1W 1 L consisting' .of nearly ;every thing wanted in *MS market, villa will be ' sold tit 'prices that cannot: fail ,to please: . The public arc united' to call and ciamine them.- . - - ' . . :- pr . irArs., Mrtiicirfix, an . Ch - , enzicals.-A firs rate assortment.- Physkiiins' bills neatly and expHitiously put up at : reduct.d prides, and . pre scriptions earefully c-ompouoilerl. 11w best quash= ty 'af artices in, tlint departinefit will .be found at the Drug and variety store of Anitt Traititt. 1. ,Paints,. 0114, aid Dye-itaffs.—A full as= sorfment, and,ot-Pw hest quality. at . Ter.:sup:it. 0 rocrifiei: -2. S. gencrla lassortment, anti Aid; liCA_ ilia-rria rket atford.t. - at 7t7caites.. Dry Goods . .--A mall !nit - choice seleo - of the moat staple artieles'of Dry paods, which will be sold, at, that will -make it for the in . terestof purchasers to'cail utile store of Apra. Iffirdrearg and 'Cuttery--embracing' in VIM f Ipmortment Of those .celehrated Waterhurtir Pocket lintel.f,Stone Ware t•ciitt-TegrtzWs. 1 ' Dry fists ': =- Glais lira large ' - ;- . _ I MIMS , , I [ f P.lothink:Depa, 111:. ;R shrtment — at Tvr.cr.t.es. -.. ' i. , ~ ~ ,X,igifor's.,-4 . choice viriety of . Li4eopL for medicinal purposes, at TVll r ligt.L . K., . : . illusical Instrnmentir.—r-Viniins, 8.,1 , 4 ,, ard all of the neeestaary• ii4ttirea.". ; Accordeoo Fture4, Ffes, Clarinetts, Tailor Fork 4, Instrtte; , . tion Book., Piaaalfasie,:dtc,•itf Tcautien: 1 1 . .- Jereelry.- . --A!new slipolk ofTashinfirthte Jetrelry..• L:.•: es: and . = gedhitecri, eft,re leall it tlierfit ttc!i ! - !foie of IA-Tinttitt.t.` r ; - . -' ' ~, '' ' l f ' 'f . „Perfv - mery.+A. ' grbern I. 'aiiertinent if cholee'P6rtiitikl - at Tetni.tck. - ' ': I ' ':: : ~ ' :Pa?!F,..Y .q ( ? 0 4so- A r qnfrei, lA r Zitons , .iv.—.-W i ;rge ar4Ttlat rite sitTOriaietC Tile best ithtee' ).f , blii , nation; i.: at the qii-e . ..a..4. Tuttacx.z.., • ..'fir: - --Patent illedrcine.i.—AA ' ;iiieti, ai a etio;)taelng aharly ap , of tthe iittptv •abliithais, ul t. at Ttli:tr.tt!. - i. ' • ' 1 .- • -." k ' t .' " A. ' I ' k 'l .l f - -ik L;ght.--ButtifiCß - rlftid:Camphenb.aiiti . cTililei: l ;4l a itgOdWeki if /4 1 11 0 . ' 0 4s; 'lo4 , 4', l iit Tuunr.C . C . s. ' , . - • • --.- : I - - . . . ' ' . 87/6i:T;Olibiettaii;-‘l7l34is'"‘t - ilf4ll . urns, l'ltii:S4o6der .. i. ttui4 ,l ‘iialpil L k i P a ; l l o-O +Y Wiudiiir' GI ak,'"P t utty . , 'galls; irruh-sr , .=; . Sappctrt rya, sll64trer""Drares •- • 'a; kood it•itttrteht 'of Sitecti des".'llituAles,'.Ve4N_,l.'rtieilt-Spoo as' ;`aa'lllitte'i •Ktd‘i; . .,'•-_4(J,, tk., , too ot . itiefints . :to' mention, 1(4 at„ .• " ' ' ''' TUARELL'4'K ~_ , Moab:to 4., 1 Az * Nor.4'..T.SZt ,- , ~ ••. • : $lO - 600. OF. NiWGOODS '‘:43 4 REAT ATTIiACTIOIiV . ' I:• 2* ~ 1 i.1,, t:, .. , • •.,' , l .... ..,' .- : c 4 4 1 Great ruOt for ! the Arm (ioads at Eat 'il r • • , ONE ,PRICE. Tt:PRE!' '-': ?"}i o i Fr HS I irepteliVin4 l'ar.,„,..ovit 'stock of .F4itCya,rol -- !Hestia and Staple Cro s ever brought - Imo Su.gueliannamamt . V . .f OFT hatildrir4 cases hry Geods, comtirising in pail a,s' fdlio*f : ; hi c Ylch' oll 4ll:349Wkly :, ;!.* it_iii . c 6 :l4. l e.,o l i.t 4n i l I.lrt , Pe, .- .., ''.. :1 l' 1 141 . 1 1 18 . , ' Tatia- ~ , d - t Freadt, P,lnroa, , , '''/ ' blaik. ' 4 ' ' - 2 pieces Rai il •i :, - -. Gifte4iilking# 'a, [ 1 :101 - W, 110fiiiet sa an s ' r.,,1 0 pcs t rai ,1 , F7 dNw.,41 0 . , . 6 : 1 i'v'4 PigAait'ql. l 4,: :i.ir.' • .' 6l Fet'Atliintt Butiquji,.. :I s tlnsian, 4 , ilk,., ,,_ F i erti.A i;nifd•Yarcta,. 'laid' Cosm.. -:. i , I s ti i •7 i StO, S,A" ' . aw * IgVited de)trge, e f filrl :, t d o ., EnTPI Metiicxl, , 1 ' di, Lyonesi;2l4 - „ i ".,/i 6 ly!a, hosiery, etc , Cibury . „Cliabi,,eastekpavrp ; ..,, French cbanble de naive,.' Vistings; ' , - ' OPider*.A*l6,.-„ltin.kimeh.,;.' Ij i , -- -rt. oia . gmasaliwpfitni; - woo r ttNiketk: - i ! Scatcb Plailb;r; 1 '' `-, - .1 4 inintioi, ',' 'f l ' ' .. 1 , IVliiia - .0 . 60111,• - ••: 1 . ' ad n iit.;. l t- ~, 'Wituglit'eftiniizehi, ' ' t : iintai i'OViia, ' ' , i . , CAil4iro,,.. 1 inE:ii.' - '-' • do' '1 • do.ltumnitTolkinitri lii.ll Linens, do. Cambric do. 1 Ina& MuslitA •!, - 5 do. Lin.ln do. Ptc.„sic.. , ': '; lef 4. t*-TATON • to., at!ford, 18 .. . • - - -‘: , --- , Frailkli, ' rateri --. ‘-' 4#04..4 1 / 4 7E.Y. 2-O_lP :, - 4,.., .......4. .: ~.,(t f m , ora i os i ;Pon to :2 , .... 44. , . . !..', 7 .. .W ILL-0."4,31461061.01.01.141b.0RM, r!trtpst 'v x Ed to himpftl4oll4o*lllwitte.hip ' of itl ve:zi g n e iWillr oir lift 4liAlcinili: not al! ; ' , lie he. e iriTals o ,l l 4 4 l4 tt Wl' Ksitipitioei id' claim : ' d e "nestV, And *4, inOderiiitii:': ''-';' ...* _ - .t ~ 116 isoiStafts*Tderietfli . or-liatinii - Lial,•' ; , Alillite fauna * illtin ast , Uwe estliefOrr;i : T y opied by J. T. pleb** goqii Patbattilli , Gbat liritow.4 ~,,to_viev_;:- 1 ;,, T , .• ,,. . ; •..-1... :44114: 1 0 .4.04,4100,1't i' • • ' 'PE'll "......' • ' 1 1141 0- I°ll o ----3713 37: 4 : : t.•n Y. , - V. '' 4. f. 4 ff. '. ISt , -,.4 -ff hfl i f t i . f -rs imoote g i - vwthit-41.0-I*pommy ,Ilobnikb Ao:lwilt l bilor the meirion'Of stailen6i on., $4,44 ski Vtils init. 'when and where 'thb taste; . of . , •.t . •t; be made ' known if m 7, snit WE' "fist* ii' 'ilikrni- . 1• • - ts-i'''• ---,441 4 ', ,I • .., - t tosiiv 3, - - . - la,' ll oo4t :tafir Mataa-- X:* (4 to4,4#ec • aiack' of Goods .oeutio° of their oY `tAcithi and to . . their hunt, - Mittonand Mit; 1 t prices may be pdentrnse %pot, r, in quantity. :MD • BLIC! 'l . - . 1 .-- j''!' , ;; - :: -- i" . IT IBM - "I '''''",_. -- • . 1 . •• - • , --.1 . F-4500.,000., . ,t, , :I ~• - ..., - ••., -• , 1,.:h.. - , -,7 Luuresjogitinst Lou or , Danscige by Fire. 1.4 I f - I • , - ; ' `, . i • ..-: I'., 1 - f- -- , i ' i DI ECTOIttg..• < t . A. Q. Steltlipins, 11 \Broad street;a.Pe r b.-Bat: ker 1 Spruce etreet ; dirardßancker; 1 ?Broad. -way ; Tltweas Andre lc, 136 Ceder str 't; ., Satr:l G. Soutlimaytl i .:).77 - est street ; Albert . Conk lib, 810 Greenwich st e'et ;' Jlitue.s.A. Cr by,113 Broadway; Cha's Let t, Kin,;Sbridge,l.l. '..; Lim: bert C. Hall, Chicago, Ill.: I.: Smith' 'e.`ll.oclt , - ester, N. Y, • Williatn lif. Leland; New ork ;.\ Pe ter R. Roach, 138.-I.r: street:; Staa S. Bell, corner West:and Lai t.streets; John L . Dees, 18 ii ii Wtit4 street ;, 1/.V ' Wart, 118 'Broadway; lio ratiu 'N:G rri allup, ci West and Barrow streets; Peter 11. Foeter, cot'. nseroot and 'West; Reu ben llo_tts.Jr,, 48 Eighth Arenue ; Steplien,Croni: well, Camden, IC. Y; ; Albia Wacli . eigh; Philadel phia ; I>estar B. Britian. 40 Water Sticat: Sam uel Sind-air:l Pribilneluildinks •;- Sari:lac' 11.Sbaw, Cleveland, Ohio.- h. - - i. - _ . • ) , Rout. CaMtBERLI.I., rteiiident. , • Castta.r.s C. ct.anax, Secretary. , CHARLES L. BItOWN, Agent, Montrose. Pa. 1- • 1 . . ANQTFIERSTOQK filamE - 4 e.; -NIE TV ,G 00Da 'FOlt VittiTE T 1 . • v ed by' .IJ. LY01..r44. ' O.X. Oct. 2.8, 1853: FALL just being Monlro4eil , NrOUSLINE . laines and- Cashmere,- patterns, Gala Plaids, Alpateas;Partnettis, and Silk , l: - lonls and ttquam Shawls.' plain 'fitn ey, fit ' -LYONS, OAF: - L'sl (I en, Cashmere, t e.t rea ; k) Berlin Gloves for men, women and children"' N. B. ;. AI Te.w pairs of Ladies= Fre;oh Hid Gloves at cite astonishing low,...prita al' cenli . • pex pair. Call and examine them.. . I' .- • J. LYON'S i.SON: RUBBER. over bhoui as good . asswtment 'l,lr sale b3j - J. LYONS 41: sox,. Under Shirts, a very eonifortable:artide fur cold weaLher, said by • • • • • L Slontrose, - Oct., 26 1353, ' ' CL. 17,1 (1. Nr.A. Stove and Tin-Ware DEPOT• : . AI L. WEBS - Itgit- 'i.... dxj:,.: :'.,-..' IPATOULID •respectfullyi infortii'.-the...peopleFof 17 -Sushuelum and vicinity: county vicinity: that they_ have open 'd an e*tablishment of I thel-above kind_ ill 3iontro: ',at Shelol.l stand of Saiie:iti . Web-tar;one door •ltorth. of tlie-ilfontiyae b oikrai office,. Where the intend to keep constantly in hand .n lirge assolment of Stoves, Tin; .ocpper, Zinc and Sl;Loo ••iron'..Waro All - of *hick they will sell 'as 100 ti,s, the same 'article can' 1X... bought in this county „ or.in-Northern.rennsvlittnia.. 1 Amoni, ' the stgsditniient of Stoves can .be the follow:- log, besides others too numerous' b ine.tititoil: --;.' N. Y'.' &.Erie A ir : tigln, fiir wood. •v , MOlraWk lElevated Oi•en - 1' 4 , :. • '-` - :. Forest[Q4ee'n .. - ,:- . • it-.. c 11;ey.4411e State, for 1., wood or coal., ~.. ~ ~..., • _ . .Modern Troy --... 1 ": . ' ".: , -. ~ ... Bny'Slatn,•for iyond. - '..-.. : , ' , Eastern Iron ,Bitch,'loir.roved, for wood:'.- Elm Tip) Preinitnn. 'l ' ' '"i‘- - --: t .A,1.4.. l'srltir; Office, am] ,s:•> . ,p St4sces,..llnl.4sit: Porn:ices, for _beano.; . I. 4 .iblic" uildings,-„ehurellei. boleti, jiri6to &loses, k..c. St ve-tritutOngo.•Tin• ware and,ito , .. - c.- pipe furoished at sihul*le as lo*. -as they can be hou4h.t., r 4. the Elistr : t :_-• • . '...•,-' ' „,.. 1 Air ki,46 01-.. 7 f,,,tpii xypric. done, on :oiOrt, ,imtice and the na * t retsintab,le 1,40. .. r „All:i4ndx ofl*, duce taken in exchange ; for wares. -•' • if you Wish; to sove mone,y, ~ b e i snre and call on us before purchasing el. where: ' ' ."-` ' },...: ~ i . - - 'A. L. iveuter 4 , C0.1 - —lclottioic," - SeitOfil.br - 15;istct. . . ,'14.512,4 reILLI a (V iz - now ciiinPrre,),4 arerlosCleveg .- , actOts wail( ed..aud *mu.: 1: )".10Tt Ni*Txrk: cOst..lloosollW lastic3evfor.less-11"124co4 op tlipi--Ame uccppatel Gitsoit;,Octobei:2B; l lS4B.- - .1 ~.: , .1, 4-414 AW....„ , .-.-:,. , ..,,.. ..• rya iiiiidred `Moen Zigh#f.. , a qußk \?,.*t . tit. uudbEll* P"ta*lsiii o ,v7na V:mk . i .- * ,t..*l9W* tU0:,,. , CtitilOii, oC:toilet 24: :, .Al, 4- ; ;;:l , - .; ; ,_::E :f ,..z -1 -:-.; ; ', --- -- "- -/ FINV - :FREllitli ~-, ~ r d ESS GOODS.:' _...-.-._ and 'veir disiraLle - assortment of 61 044(rtrrAediitISq Vi r r, ' EA el.)EV4111:S:-'1% 14of Va;lith, 4 4: ll :,6o4ti k cigi:# ..pg, J400,14_1 8 1 sint , ;:oell',4 -nay kucr riotiltothor anklet 'uktally t c is fiit p*lops; ;„*fitgoo.sort,iollBs3,: ...._: s - A= -rAlutt ,Dinuic;k p . :4 about .O 12 C . . 111 114r9t gOure,4lsereo9, L vi e *R s ti#4.. 44 ik e 1611 : 14 '04 . 1j 41 1r_d 43 4 6 ti e t,Mil/ 111 0iN I P i i* I1141 # Ofitrige9qr*PVP ',Otrtieel ft!'osl. TPSY Wt. i tt RONOII.4WOI4.!.akeSI.WIC-59"-Air N 0...... . Valle beeti sippAr Iva! ' if ili tire m iA aud taigament.ollVlrchsit4JZ'oroietiiie:-. de6l4rl49l'•=o***Alrii- i';yeitii foppt,Ztl, l i r „AlpoLwow. ,homicimr, _, 11 .tei iarptese l i . .t thew ouky litt. ..-.. -...- " :L..311.,T- ..tr I t • : Irrrll* 1 1 W 1 44trelier;litilP , 18iii:4"-W ' --, - 1 -k. ..'• ' ; 11 'a , ~. ~ , 'l'. ' ‘ ' MO" :- ' *tfie, «"As..'; -, - I. 7 7' 4 I, N " ..... iil , -2 .- 4:l4.,trzalf •. ~ A it , , t - • 4 .. 5 . -= , . c '.. 2 7 -. t '' 1_,404-.4 '.Z. - 1, ''' .'• , : , ,::.viif.-„,,..,;,, ~,-, ~..k-,..f."..: -,ii .-Pi'''-34,-4';'''4„l:-'4-""''''' „..---i:,:.':,..::..;.f.,:r*i1t.1.1:-.,-4.l.Z.re=,- _:...:.:f.r.-..:?,:.',,,:.::::1•:7".',z-i,-- ...---:-', ;.],•"---- rfletrY • : Pleturavi • - "Uses o , t Inert:oft rqi i n la , .• ' Witlkii:ingtetrui• hvii it:l:limit, And. daparting, katohei,ind ttoiy ; .::,,- . • . ' v Ili:tura laAitAsirit/ lust nolo:1,0 "Puri ItEl which pedlars snr;thitevg- 1 1‘ Sailitsg.eet..lita's stormy maim, ' _ - . Sai to:6o4lkm! vraywoin brother, p Gadget ;wee were.. Just tip iiiiiiiils Ail iiiitMowap sent us by a friend;:ond: beii,g rist to; tAt )xl.inC We give our rendet.ll hie benefit 1 1 ,fsllsiphig-4 he brill heed the wise segges..{ 4 Y...1 . 14:11 5 *I • tiOnle more just like ' cm." _, •• •.. - :tioi 'itsieli•igil ' ,-toCkats, kepi., pins, Aft., is',' varies, ind .coda ' tootnd ire are anxious to sof). theni.4l.with a iuntr, posies, au 4 get the t•AY folio.atpinip . ..,:i...• -i;..' i-i,:,.- . .. i t .Our onto is, ! . work - tux' 64r. . 'Oda allows? WI, second ftoof;* ... _ . Arnhine iili l tit'geiCa•' . 4 l 4mi :Aoilkii gt,ein . friOnintericet.'l4oeiein . #.444 lv .ciAg—pieas4k-o toi:iiedtryeiy#l. .., degree:min Causei.thein ttasCeetwdiiiii., le the dii,e2s,e 9 JOlM l 4o:o l _,ett,ig** * iin 6 tf „ 1-` - . ,- ' ':' , ''irtheß/SYCi;.lc:::7l - P . , .... ••,;,...”;•.-. ,„ ,-_--. 1 ,r. , 5..• , ..-.2 ,- .4i ri giN t igri Invigorate ...t4c,,asetc,T,, enauF..-._.. ~ _ .- i and cure' - - igilraelietKPfitonikvw -- oimpiaild,, , skiOdiseisetTit.kt : Scro - fula i ,'Clirunitkitherintatisrif..',l*_....,„, _st., HiPJoiOt s OPITO . ii_nt;-Xer-0 14 4Aus„ is littd_ViOrtlerf b ~usTiji :,. :;;;.s.ql.' l , s i . ' , ' , i,„ .'ti - - -- 17 ;;-10,?: eitei4,'"Salffipiruftr;'; ,t i I':' Vidliii,iiiterit*itTiAttittetii*Ato I ii - k4iiiiikiiitiYaidi.iiiiktilAiiiiisqltlirip6oll,i btilditYgrt‘iits4siirlfVerflittiletiritA ' • lestitztOlithtli.o..* l l.iv•Aeifinti4o44 l 4 4 aft of Wein be Orim . n„ it'sPeair_inig4tej:igt, th . rcrds; .lt is klitit” whi tit it Flls*6 - he, t he ' t i ti:fi r Lificli'ettwitiltA3ficelott Wei* -,- 5 -i; i = -•- - 4 ,- -fhi5151,10.4 - F .titai. ti pi) lia.-IllosciiiilViiiittler:h* i'F:,.'•l4 1 $5 lutitAieren ,-'-': ••,'''•-, .'" -- k1 .4 . 7. Z`4'4W• 1 43 P - The ,hiatify . sind.efEeitet Of - fitie j . FiikOt IF' i ' % - ii t 'silly74ckno*.l . ,atie.ct : b,fe.!i,it. - 0.0•:17 1 :gti.,: - A-._., u§ed 'aid seed '.it`` lc will girifk :*Ftwv..., 0 909 , t4 r f I Chiticlititrieness, Coughs; colds to ittlitriteiNs-111F,1 ipluri..i . r, Catarrhs; astliuricivheefdp . 10 ith;: - ..c 'arid nit dijeOes of ;the: pidinoni Argf* :a 01:_j: from jail.' ".. ~ ...- 1 - .',..' ,-,,,. , ...j::: : :4 -- =:.;' - -riii - A'01 . 4.. Its. action i* pp4oy; tic: ifi,iiieitif, isikonvecliii , 1 Wiling in ja.' high - degree - eXiectriiirittc . iiisritAl•p ir Ilaphoritit-inid thole, - arid -wilt etrielheitiji r eieill . .! .i. few l hours: , The -dniele:isinall f ht)44o6o - ****, that chUdrep,will•desiikit,*(l•44lj**WArft,,, - 's;ciiiis!•ind :filinilice-re4etre 1 A •...ftoiiiAltaiP.P.X;il l'yriOared andinCiricipairr•tilSctiv*-1**13„; , ?: - i:,i, 1 4-*Forti: . teitiraoriiio ; - -restitteiinhriko&*iieCciil*ll liars - around/ -each Vattle't.;and-IPr - ,',ll4eici . fillii*:J ., ' - 1 ' the It it3o' 4 idalltitVi4.,E43 6 .no l •oo:44, l *.* - I 'he cheapest !-TPC .O y -e lt 3 " d ?C.s o %"ftlse Xr 1 6otti.:. - .,. .~ :--5 , ,,:;.:::::;i.:; 3 ;! , : -1 .1,-i .- -4,:ti t . i :.:-. ' .4ir ' :/C c ikr-f4-10 - 00:01 C*f i6l'.'iitthiilettOtik(.olftitt'46l:%4lnt!lteil : m .c.,...,,,, - excitant, Adatii_e, - iiliefikiilittiente: ,TellistitiN eel]; and'wili• Be foivid*Tinfo . . : ._ , .4 4 7 rhenmatisni.ietfirrieo.,',oi4l4 l V.* 2 .4l*.. i - 2 1 4FfjOr . t ll6 l-keild; chOt*bz l6 kra94itsl.f."-C , T•rlei-t}i 43: 4" :Ti's ialuahle tuetlicine ovribiriesiiin .. ihtAir),,,s j ., i : tf: . l 'ss'•, P 'a hi n i! ; K 'd f et. lr •s%O i'errf fna e ta 4 in ie cia 'tfi :,d i* .q.i l 4r4: 4 !4:*g l"S i ' 4-.- 4 „. pe etrating-iriothilir ind:l.eal li itif rcit i"'fAi II • act 0 1 .Es i ii: the ,eheerbeet :S(1 0 010, _4 l ..W;Pr9iNtelt, t em 1 i ..,,,,'..., he lthy - -secretion',, Coll!oluent I T: : ! '', , 47 4, tA L, - , kl • - - •:- -..-, t. u:hiws in • • a ShOrt_thrie;."2 It.:_ineihillOa'firSr- - - , ,Lila -, '4.1 GE° ' rilLLEft ''' ' '''' '' ' " li - '' - • ' in'edir beforiilaik. s piabtlit'atrirrf-rM 1 . . ., _._ l .- - -.-t AU . ant , stroller 141 - ..:,,,, ,• , : ,-,.. ~ .:,- • ...--- ' , --_,vii.,:e_A, . . d I t r.' ' stoc k - ;will. halite' ecnplaints'4n"a; shrivior Airoo.? AS just received hie - rail an • . inter: care _ . _. , _ _ , ~.„...r ~.,, • o r.: ~,. . ' ~•:, . .7 .: .-„, ..,-. ' '... •', , .17•••;•••1: - --: , ....:-•••: 4 1- .•any ':other. article curtungifroretkr„.o . .",Tf.:,s , ;7..,.: : :4,-t i `Reath\ '''- lit , :i46 ' Chitliih 1 '',.„,. . Try f it,yri-uglietd fek1.. 1 .4mtn,#vam i r. , a,,,,,.. T i ' _ _-'- ' * _,‘ - __g,,-- , -% I es:, 4t , is guaranke4..Y ll T,o lo P- 5 4..„,?,,,1PM.Y, , m.,v,m, enihrac in,i ' Civeri Co;ts . ... of . s ri : Varleti_ s 4' . .gra'&l 4 .' 1-' 4e ; .r ....q . ..- - 9,,k ed •- , •,. • P ifl.,Cl = P.. i.4 „/ . ._ 1,$:„.76010-:„Pet„r °°1 2 .,::,,,,,,,,.." - ' , :' ,---- 0:1,', 44 1 , ~r vr.,-A gg rer 3,- .tar,et , c47 , , ,,, 1ur, • ..gc t - *t=7,g,M .. Frocks,: -Sacks„!:l4ntl , Dress= .0e.,4 1 .1. 4) T -est* , Pant_ ,F. • - ....,..laft, •• ' • 'tikt - Aciiii,,lt he ~: 'tegl ::- ,- .0,.. ,Zu , I,U .} i diottr•i a :-...;.«: -' 4 44 ,riu.a.-A1402,'.4,;.4q4gk e. .• Y. - ?•Eill • ~:,,ii They - • ,i ii i - r efAii:iii - e a l4a i iii4r 'siiiits,- - Fancv Shirts, -Coll:irk - Ov:et•Allee , Over I iliairigi•led . the Rubble ~ eY. - .? • _ i ,,__ , c ,..,, ,,, shirts. Stockin.:4, l / 4 ;10ve, , , dte;': ite.- • r• - •`•%`' -. .rt c - .J . i - puigaqTc ketir__etenttl. o l4or.trtM. . a4.4 f4.0; !L -Assortment or iwhiolylbl4 --: --, ', .'., 'i , - 1 21 - mditte'lloP-1,1 ' 4-T ' l ' - " E f762;tif' - TS -5 5 - ' I 1 ' -- . 11'4 4P QH:' ' . I. ii4 lid: 4 -.!---'.= '' =-?- adhai - 4 :11 *-'!;1 - .P. 1 -',L*09S . V.1111.;,,, , ,, ,•.,,,,,,t,:: . :7.,..- , ' iii .),. u 0 , - - u Lii i„ . 37 • __ -,.„ •.: 1' ..4.liiiri:i*re4 tailiclazativ.Cpurgie . ~ ,m ,* if . yr: 71 .......I'flUild r i ' Fi t -i to change diseased action..., ~ ,--- •-•.-,,-•,..,...,,....,. 4 .,_,A„:,„„ 4 ,. mew; ws'lnen'' —l6 " - -9 - ---- ' ens I "' s --F - heisiittidenti:l4` - iiigss.iiiiiitni*snulAilt Sliti. 4 -s.,'F' , and'Shaei. , rndirt itriblrir- - Ponts;. - §heVe:44l4fitul . -.' l eit 'mho laid icittdentairif-yfil ith4444l3oiitolediA - p - 4#1.! ;ti t -- -- ..: ' - . - 'r - ~' - ' ----.1 - - } j o t i - , ) w.iilr ccitistipailoil ~ 1 1- - - - i'Sin. 4 ,4oOn-;',Ainiz.inaitli:felT .•'- he*- etiPPli: or *-O' t 4 ci "-F t. : : -T a i vrs • " 'irili kii,x these pills 'Areireit'att silo; -"Pe-4'.7i (lei. dm: - :Aeuks•4 l3 .4 -0 0ittcierY , --. '-. '.:A. ' '' • i ' i • ' .ant or . a ffiyitt , di,ii:ki - iorA- - itiiri.iteigif , liiii**f4'..,'fi • Atio, Trunks. Gun-4;ll'ra,, i..e l ,l l : ll ePal*.*#„ck, ,0' . .. ,:„. -:-. 1 I n d r u t i,' ' -- nal life#,' taivii*jiwititiiptots:=Att:t, :ciia..4,,h, ard T. C0nee,'4,,,:,114,1„ : ‘,4rmx.. f., .. 1 . 7 .-X . , .... t i ve r f r icl i da ,, air ., jita se a t - ly i liti z , , -:- ,-.. -- 1,:1,---:: : ! : Fabcy articles . - , - ' - - ' ---; -- - : ' ll- 11V v . - , mirriose. intll7: ;L.riitig;rilitAiii. - ~. ' iti.TA. •liis!artleni ieriledY'Perhruteeeyriai; Paslll4m :he a lthy' g li . - 4 1 4!"..1 'lli -4i t n' 4T•4 - til; - '!' • 7'4:1 '3.--....- - i.:4 , -z firili4"re• larSfci,i 6 ; '1PP' 311 1 . .... .. ai . :1! 1 ,11i4! = :MI ' - ..ii . „.ta il . - oragligineiaLlirti 7- gritilutiff : •iii%e mon trose.• Oct , t I'Bs 'f , -• -_, -- - •• • tiro Alirl ,'-''. • "1 -- iiiiiiitnericiliii'oo-7214 -, Vt... , .. : aild Secietitia• - lett*f.itite:twrAs.k. ~ -----,444k iheir ,'• elredi liixi - lxissokt -rl 4o.eiw , g 3- _ 444 . 4 .;_b0i,..4 1 440, gcwe. l- TrlTO'Etßil l it9e o C - , 1 - 4,,,,..7,1, , 44 4/ - 'freso: el . getet4 4 - 1-7•lcAo•,l?:Nlaret W 5 14,- _,1.,;,, L .2.. ,1 . ; ' - ' l 4 is:alinnOit il -, r_(iaietti . Art:ll.3ai , tifOilitrp ,,, ,d4;,. k vdtdilifs-..*rtiliiiks . :lol47itaAeii: .11/0 61 j, ...,10.0 4 1R=1 , t, liitler•Ot oily; te" - giveie - iietal44( .. , ' ,..!,:sa9 t :Aidelrik.-4,11 1 - .. II ablut",thrOOOrit7tdri*ft*:9f, ~ „„1.0.`„04,11 . ft0i, itaiv.iltqe?.o-Nr.e*rePSi'JP*lti-.. I:i;,*-iltico.:W • -1 .0 - id' 1 i i s 'ebriit t _ ti - isi • . 1 .- - , --'V.:-Fciv. , , 4 1 r. - e c .‘, __ ~ ,*,,,.. ; ~,..5 4, ,, :- 'l7le , W.e. Pim TAllitcii,fi ,lll .,t4 4 -*,' '. '.• -' .- - '• -4 Al* ithOriii - t46 - itaiiilegia'sji! etliTrio __...__'' ' '' -..- ',_ ; ,A., V lAtiehterSt;ttiolitiiiiorbucehOli '.% ...i. .4". if ; ',:gripinki,viiiis..7oooleyoniai rtrlth t t: 4lit, [ -tb°, r ua44: k -o A l0F F 11 7: 1 1 k . 5 -11,10 i.,q -- ii:i --- :',•., , iii. • , ..-,,,...--?: '- ~ ,- ., , A1k .e. 4. 4 ,4 ', Wiliak • and larig i nfee :10 - .lw ~ : , r, :,. 4 . 1 ,..; hiiiihilliVideVilii4.VEAdji= r alror • r ) :.• ~'• ,:. •': ' o w , 4. 1.-.....*.0rb-.40,,i , . , :,-,,,:0gt..,,,,k ~ 4„ -,,,,,„,„...,„„.„,,,,,...w.,,,,,,,,,...,,„,,„„.„-„, ~„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.*1kyrtig,,,,:..14:.....,2',-;- :=-..,,,, , W n i i - #n* v •• , 9#f ens e'.: w .a Y:; , lP;lv,Rr? , :t.rr,M,ij,4_;# , . - _ ~ ,m oo klgiti d ti..-gott i for, o unicies.: ..,v, ,:', :',....,z: .-,,,„i. , , , ,.,,..4 , ,t.- - 4 ,-2 'e" , 'OrtifiVts.4oWflk*tlO :, *# 64 4 6 l*-4044'=M `- 9 -init*l9Aiiges.is: 64 :Atiiewutestooi:oi ,- 5. Clem:ail° eatfeNElThielti•Afiiihito,ooo3.6"4• • . :aid friends. - 1 •;-- -- -• - •.. .::r:: ... , :',-- ''-`- - ' , .1.•,-'? - ••-`,;•.: ,, t,;c• Art 4. einalricoornerg ti fillitains-pr i , *eiiiispr. ... ; . ' , gv._ fititialtiti.:iii)l,l.6',foOiliel:YO r t!lA*4l.ll'.o ll Nri, P ; P: , , 'asked' for it.if it faihi - fo: givit*a. ti**0041111! wevita7, - , case ; -- Will yriu - ikeit_vn'ilysti. !Fa4;:#7, l '!' -- ;-' ,' . iii - O - jiyi4KilottY9,ROArsiitssVAia*.iniy,- , A* [ '. 'Br. - e & - d trTiZerfrge: :...P:A- - 4:tii4o;:' . fli in . deetreeitiers' 1. .Thia rein to. .__ ..,,,,_ ..? , r __, .... ..4..'; r. t o. vaiieties4of Worms; "Uhl ~ .re_lifiuce' I!. ...„"r ...,..lr„ 'is - :iiiiiillE:iiind - 4 - fialbi,lAs. 7 7s' „ ...?..... tinantltr ii64liiiix:.irieiriiiiiii*Miftti . • !-VOPVI I .Ii*ft ,--. 0 . 42 f t )uktt'aeh ll 4oo4,!•* 4l 44:4ol4• l 4• l - ,1 40,.. y . , : 72 11i.b ; liy it ; Pric2s cents. : - , , ,Q4,,i , ~, , i,- ; ;. ,- -?;:eel For,- t6 i titnotAls fthirtirtlfiiiii -m ' ..,. ~,-,,,,:-,. :,titiitiii'llipiiiniiiiiiil t drriiiittiAtiiioiei .. ...Wi . ?., Skenie - - Pitl*triecti,V,tktrki.:We ; - ,o4o_tir: ', itorl6 mad , fOri.tille4i.ldeilinke.4o± , :, it4 a *Mt thq: - Arxilki. ks 6lt #t 1gi• 14144 ' --- m . . -; , - gi' T0i ,, ,1 . 4, , Aiiittp ,.- 4 - 1 0 :riik :..... - - 244 5c - ;: ,K- 44 ;, : Aar S:2Ortier:tliirp.tkine . t . ti**,treoth - -. !.. - 4,,, , ,,e-61 ciiiiihrwa - titßiAlikidi.ixitailf gi*s.! . - 11 , * ,' Belar , •W-Iturrtivri,.. ~G ilisriii•li.lit. ' " - ;,., ; • - :- '7 7 4:.. , valy444...rigiipti.*.:;; , 3lWog. .. , : 4 . 1. - _:r.4 . t Dulalit;,„stAfdsteplerepara , 1 , f-i '" lit ii4iOiliti ? 4,i i ( l-44i.v: '`,;..:,4:1A - i , .41.1 7 47414.'i94 ' 4-I . .!l t ''''' - ' - n.:._ *' '-• -•-, -.. • .'-• ~,- - t . '•-•tfi ,', 4',-441:itOrk 4. , i6i.-- Toitlew.:44 - w-1,... •-, i - F , 4 ; it.: . - -- --. -4 „.:.,., . v i i s liit e . , 34tigiat'4,. [,lerli t rintee'e t emk•oorgnSe 4 3 - ..•• • -:,1,451,4 5 ruivesfill'a..'.E.,...4 - i'' 3 2o - o: ll t*lti!' . b*,'• - ".'.','. ' `,%51 - 4 '. : '.. ' ', ro-#g1.? . .../ii e X.?!llfi',q o. •;• , -' - .: l E 4 q.ll,o. o otrks-i* . 4 l V - K-k;' - t11,,,-sithscrknerefitiSqi*Mil-44 , t 1 . ....%1 . - - f , t , zl#;,E'sci,4 3 4izittYPit, !';;J --,-.-. .: .- .f,... 1- ; ,-- lii , ::- - - -, - -4.- sii , 4: '" 7/1 " flitit 1. ' 141 : 4 4 4 f'7 . * "'L YLgie.tPilieO r ' ' - '-", .1,4 rf tri* -46/ : ft r irg i(i'' K .4 ll:lB, teg " *04. 31 'VII MipaiNcE - CoPti..4oolo:. A._ ,-i..mit IR el pdeoni.--Vor,swe. Aid fiower of tO&, these Inoirim tint id.'a Bilimis , roo litil . g - : fmr. Si 5,. 101 bill 11 .4.6.41efe 0 ±1* . _it a !/eLof. Oen- v...... tooripptrumcf oil occOtintiouso iiig lii '.'s ' 1- , .1. - LYONS aS, 1 Mon trO . -Igo • ,in't.ei 1, 1853. 4o7it Pop lar . • NJ 'ltin!ned Syir Auditor's THE sub.icriber, appoii assets in the hatid of minigtrator of the est - ate of . !among the creditor? of the thereto at Ina otri6e tn. hlon' 26th day of Norenlher ne: when all persom 'merest think proper, or be debarre. said fund. M 7 IL J. ' Mon, Oct. Atnkebs. $1,968,1 /110 1 1!!) 1 KW , T-;roOMVG`oulityl Ddi JLI njr.: Offseelkintr,krse a 4 - •.t 8250 liEWAILDi rrtititixasi.re,rard.kriii lie paid : fur. the ii °ltimr . ;iirinyktion of - the . tiefstm; or perooni, set-fire the l're;bvterian Church el tibitr On theinhAt of Siituraity the Bth . of Octobfir... . - J.13.-SLOCllll,4l6 , igie . k.:: • • 4. ) *! difie Oct. •0. 18G3. 4 & • /4 1 4. . v rf:' EN T - NvrrF.s attention to the niutstiglS..4.** l .. compltr..a.ssoVinent 0f.,:••,..7: ra 7r4 , ..vp,, q :'lcetr, - 6001:05‘.:Vbfer l ite SAV . 4 ' he is now receit ing. lOttaiqou/ ilat.vkipik rw ;to ply of Staple -roods,Groreties,lini4laf•s " :chi ' 1r " . .., )0 ,-; 4 .•L a Vql4 l") 4, 4 'F'V e l,, ‘ ,,,' l ß 'l4: . ... 4 4: - 1 - vi ' :Fal 4 l. AiND lAA Di: .u LI :.,. Sat* rjUur Alirst BonaitA. 43 , I*. . ; and Ilasje4LeZies and Mines' due*Olii.Ald pliqes,:ae.• -. TO the gentlemen - e allita &Ine ateghaitfritli n.tiAltk • ' !• ti ti - d , .-• ElOl6, CilAgiltl'il..3: ' i l t ti l l4.:: -,('-,..,. . Hats. Capa; Boots and blioes, tfii;, : ::,...:::: . ;23.•:•• '• i1 1 1 4 , t ,ltat_ c r i f t. V na r' i r t rj =,.0 tless IMO 1 ........ reltf . o! # • _Pared tOliolirciue nekaitili sit ' ' ' 1 :6•41i1 rum! 4,..31gc1.i • ,- ,' ..., Hy rerpecjfullvglc , i 1 4 ; r_ • T • o : i * A :• : • ,r hi . e fiiitiisnail pail !gthV inheol - , , wit,3 we worth the piice i askedlutthetai , vl - 11:, - c.... 4. ;, ' ' -2066 I : ql o .C_E' WAt"PAPEe' It 11 ill stllet _an(l , priciA ti tke or4aimet eta o& krt.ibin this.ialiitybbsimeeteistai.it .11 :Ai: IA; A:L3li`f- - .517, ' OP r, L 4 4 .13114411136 !. Sonnneipiille;set.o.tl4l4442 , ki3 :e • ; .; : • „ 474 iiiiikhiliviTtOliaftf - • 4 . • - , . 3 . t.j3.lolWlllittli: tt . : AtriV*l6,li f ina AiiiciA.tie littea 3 . .. ::ict , ow. WI S t rltl l 4 a gl i i . lA 6. lW h ii4tl A, Ilfatii,,Sitk:Oiitton nntrWpol-Intidg.•l44-intratMe-.. Inities 0 inglinuni; Prints mi1):V9 . 4 . 1140.3, ..k'l :-. 10 f5: 4 • SRA. ...J . S. :CF..1.9V10:4L NP4040 4 lt: Arso 4 ivii.cr;iinetrAvi s opisiottil 4 , Saline Vin eititsitner - tooa.s.POC, Sliiii:' ' erYiPlittfen l ittiltititiOr ''grkt* : :V.itri*C. Bitigkitti;lnfort4t'si Tittiilti.Sitevtitigili#oloo . l94t...' ' 6 4 ike- do ' -411 i?!"' ,. ..tz.r 4, 4 i., - ;',.. , ti rigvp,....:i:4 : :., I • • iA t W "E ll r li r il D -g'Pr . 41 .1 *4,41- k.i.t r a* large, Mid we 1 - s t; ee tlel's tic' $?5,00, -. .Chtirea . ', "ItretitlpitiOriii4 4 !-ItAiiiee: Crockiii„Tfriviiiikiii,Siiiielai'.'ntr' • .'.- . l' . :zt .:. -- freer • • -• • 1--. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers