.4,/,;-••„.4.-,._-_, : „, ;. . _ .: I . ' sdnesuellikli - . ; We See by the iienn,Sytrilnia 'St :tour*? •J_liat the laubject .. ( I f .Co,riiii, SclioOi;Sdneatinii la. retie - liliig inereii attention in.iarions part vitt He Corn . weal* , Teache*' Institntea; have held iii '..SeViiral cOinfies,iiiiil,4l3 othept, iii, te be-IntroilUced”-this wi''''ilter': •Wit , ' l 4 o .i; not hear of anything of the, kind being e h l contempated .her e , tkough Sitsqueltartua • county shoul d be, riioNiog. ten..?" th i q Matter, or else she 'Will - he - left behind iti‘ i therm:welt:of prsogreis. - • -- -- • ,-- '-- - -',., ,- --. ,---;:. . , :The Ed u cat i I 11161 Assticiation of N firth , ern • Pentisylvania,:-;whicli appears not to include Sueltiehintia coubty—ii appa4 .--,i Tr ..' - -'"li ' - rittili'd - Oitilitiieli•l`O7niZiflifti the iiidier4 .f ' t7lS. . • ...-••.‘ o n - aTiot ar - - k id fi ft y eesta pc ' Taesem cash - acu '.. otits infinence. • Its - -Seciind sessiOnsynti i ' ; ,tiliiin sthititice.' - - : - '' '• ' • -'' ' held at Jerse f y ,Shore, conitnencing .Sep 'l 2. - --tsfe Dellarcif paid waltin the„year. • , --.. . , , \ . 281b,.1,854..•1t.5iauect is-to elDvAle tkt ~.•1 . , _lftwolkiliarkatid fifty cents if.not paid until' at .:fte,e,tba espitation of the,-rear.• -.. • ...-. profession - - .of teaching...and .to improx ..ter.13 .0 suliecriptiOnWlllbcPcitai,tted to !villain ,. . ~ . ~..., - - t . s c ,_ i ... i us ett,T e a la nge i.th an .i wo y ears ; - -'- : the conottion oi our -vottimon . non a. ~. 4. - i•Discslithitiatiiitt optional s!ith the publisber,till _W e hart not ': mutts = to'litiblishr it - i%`--pro l . - ealittiimusgetvereia:77 • ' -.......-- -- -• -•;,-- --. ' .. 11 ;': ' ~' 1 t;1 7 :14? .:' Satre .,. .t,h ,' .! • ::: 4 , , -..' 1. 1•.. I: 4 4 1... " OF - Bat " IN - ~' ' ceetiings, out tunowtng TeSOPLIICII ' opoto. -So. 4, ~ RATESADV JS Di ---. '„, *.. . ' ri .4 ' * 'lol,' niiin" t0 e, mb....---'-, .... - c,.•..-..?„‘...1... : :..i.:.,.50,:50 vc..4iel,,x, ,#,Aaopt ea 7 .Htit. ; its...r . e .. cept, -session ,„ 1 -,-, sacksubsequent tre0t,....,:-. -.. MO. w ill ; g ive 'some $, idea, of the nature: ax 9 volt slaws Catirspey':annum, iiith'Oper, .... 3,00.. •-- - • • - ..., •-••- -- • ... c 4 •A. liberal discount made to ye#ly advertisers. spirit of the Assdiciation. . , , .... tlf -- ' • ' ---:-- . 1 --` -7- - - - - -- ---=- 7 = - .- --'--- 'l. Resolred, Tiltif 7 we'rrga'rd our ,C)nik tOart Proceg gs. i ' ; man n Sch'trtd system mm os coen dable h it -Ain . ~• : .gencrai features , hut, in us : piaci ice) li en" - .''l3litniii.P•: - DaYton we- rho Lacka'wUtt" iiig \ fee n iri t ig. addition al imodifien i ion an ii. 4 iitidireStern''RfalreS&COMpany - ; - =ln impnivenietiti'-' to render it _successful i i et •-- . .i i - c.iiio., v‘ .-- , i , i ' ic l i i ,t ,... 4. ' s .o i l '- , ..ii f i a j zv - jc e ' t • i , t - v o the 4liftusion,-.of ther . 6u . - ,,, , trli,,aitgeneral - e - FT '--•- -- -, - . e di et was uctuniti. ~, • .-\ • ..-;...p . , •_- _ , tat t o p ress last' , week; ,a x i .... • ' '-' • ' • - 2. Rilvlred, ,That.--- - tt- is . es-Ind-de t ' ' -mierbilfor the plaintiff for $1,942. - have a sa.lerinicadein in eve v coilitt v. t , V) - Aillieti , ifieck' Vs. .1. H. Wells and J. id. 1 -i it` atici ,i lect us ein School Districts, e ' - -- iChitiendeti, Adinirs. Sc..:' - In debt. Ver- canine teachers,. and take 'general-- sopei - dict frir - Plairitiff - for $117,58." , - -'-, : ' - - vi . bion of the Cammon Schools and - ed - .. .S.i. ---•-. •• 1 cat ional interests hi tile cOuntv. : ~.. D av i l l'Ai n y •vs. rt. S. suavis. 4i...ppea -„- ,, , - . . ~ .. _- -- ,,- 'i3- 4 - „zt.:lst-..- , ..--• ,- f -... r . i g. v er a ict i II& ,3 . ..ttesoixe . ti, - T h at= . - we r deem. it aiti is - ', ' TP , ...,,,... m r,„.. , g7' , . ,t, - 0 , --.- ~ . , ,- - , • toe To have-the . Cutinntitt-schnols regula .- ~,plairitltt•pr 4.448.-.. ~ -- , .-... -- ‘ : - iy gra f led iir everyiScliiii-Dll4tf.itt.. ~i,tbi t L ..•_,- ;Waiter ayia=sh N I S. Hiram Bates,- lip- eviry child in the "C`tint miniiii:'aTt li_in ay li tfrotiijUdginint. o f J : P , - - This - suit stimulated' bit - amtlein)cal honors, and e ) '-* ' . -= ' -1 4 1 71 - V" -- (1 , 18 eS for sure, .it'Y therougli Aveileul 7t.' ' ‘.' 5 z, 4 ;!tr 9. 1.1. 4 . t9 . ec . - ! r - a IC lIISITUCII4/11., , og . . \ 4: . Rilijr('Cl, - that -the inisitiess t . .'4 l. thstro,yitig,ocPlaitliifr's Slieeri by - o‘fe" - • teadling shOuhf be mores:led in ' Nos - I bedint's- dti The act of 155.1. makes the - - t vt - snake it - their )rofe, , P•iirlit and anus ted•urner 'Of a dogliable.for his - shep-killing, q,i _lli fled A hemselyes-tor the ~respenSiliir 4althliiigh - the. owner was mit,akvare of his ivtli k- . - ' • - . - 1 c • ,44-2- ' •• ''-'. '''' --- --- 1 •h .• i' rel ict 5. -Resol f rO., That we deprecate 'tli' r . - ,-- : t;otieisity ...ti.ocritunii,. t, eac . t too -. common prictiCe - of employing, ' tl '? • i4i4iir.i . ef 's4 -I, °°' ,, -.. - :-•• - •• ! untaught :4 to , keep SOln:ullit' rather: Aat le t -' Lewis - Sprout vs- Turd Lackawanna and I the eilucted..to impart insiruCt ion. 'Veiterii-Railread Company. Appeal: -6. Ilcsolped,, That, We rectimrnend t 4 '' ' The diteridents ha - d undertaken vcar- Directors - iri PverY.Distrief? at.el . teacher ts„ __ ... :1.1.. p . i .. iritifr: , i i ti - alltliy 0 - t . ~ Sprout ,1f i i i i f , t ex e l t ry • bi s , c o l k it;t:l i , i tci s ail .se ti c p . t ri a in i g iii_t i. ti e r . m m, s , y n : i 4 ,v te i n t -, letZttit Viregeti Spring:l, l ! from giiiiiii-ise eiperiditui.e and facilit - v in advanCenient i 1• - : pot to,..Great:•Bentl,•and; while in de- 7. lr e s o lt7a; - . Tifat -we ifepl.t_rei he prey , of etidantis'liands, 'one , of seid.iptitigi was allni deficiency in th, -mirly•tli.ripiiiie of bro v ei t .. -_ it-, er ai ct : fc ii othni i ir for 5t6;57 , children,itis ruiii_ous i . e ., the mind ii ., iil . twirl i v t- -,-...--,... -......- .;.- ~, .- - ;Lis, and addinglo threares and lierplexli, 1 David Case,Vs- J9lin F. Dtinnore a nd, 1 tie -- of ,tbe terieliiir4-'but' recommend, il • a. . •1. 0.. B. Eldred. : Action of'Tre: , -pass...V..er- all eng-agedin the huAness-of-inst rue! t - o dic.t../.,..4, attendants by o. f der of Court. ' n 1 gid adherenc e . to-the mttte; - "pi - eji: ei ~ ..Lanc.:- T h i s was an action -11/5 eat: - all i l az-a „e s ' i . ..,- . -`,-. ' . _ . . . . Rrsotra, i hat_ we a ppreciate th cif Treat:inks, forsselling on an , execution, Illim-- of the : Hon Thu:: -• 11. IBurr.fwe'S the Plaiiitiff'is last- enw.' - ' •, - i f, )rff;f i r ly Stieiveiarry-4 the Ounititinireull• 'ii - friioiefelice Wl:s3 fennded abort a sale 1 and Snpetiutentfilict ittornmoti'Sclioc,rl . .=L' . !• ,- I - - ,1b l '" :1' ''-' f" the in iniiiiitri , % - is ill;,. .relentt v ihri pli , ` ,, a sv *Au execotion, tasue, ~ ya , usttce 9 ~ ..._,_ j ~,, ~ , ~, "...- J_ ' - 1. - ( . 1 ,;,,, 4 1, 123 ' ent f or t ern,-, , and - . "coin mend .. the', Pes,7,7!,vil . t:an.:, 7 F*F A. ...„ ; •i!' 4, case P. W " - ''' a j" .5 ;. - .S . /tooljaviiiiii,:t:ft , inditeu:cl by fain. ii, li, 4tha r il in. -Trdver, ha d been- 1-mattered favo i,, filid -- 1 . ) , at i5, , ,A,;:.. e o f ' eve i;„i.'. fr i e ud i ; 4iain - St'the - 7.preient.' plUintfif in favor ofeduC"atien. :- • '" i ''': : ' , - ' :1 - , • r--4tila'iiiiihe'defendant. - ' ' r .. '''. 19. - 7"test;rCti,- That ' -we hold oiif nix - : For ' , til ^ e',Dis en - ciplt,,tfl'ednu4ieifaimea me_etitig ;1_ Le.wi.4li.iii/g, on:.Ntnutlalli, t h • , • . 1 -; •- '- -'-- - .- '- ' -' ' ' \' i 2fitli of DeCSernber,' 153. - ' 4a.P.HtealPtion acts of I$3G werß re- I --•-• , .._.. " ..: „ editto=. the -art.- - • -it 1849; and that iA4 I -' ' -,Far 'lke lie titer . .) 0 Ail damages recovered. - tire ' was 4 Mr. --Whether:Abe affidavit Lerti,, iilar-•iiii- Axer.uPtieri cif "atuY 1 Pf II PTtY- -7- -i which, appeared' in ,the Democr4-1 of- V r4 ..1t4g9 , -"Wjimcg lui4rgefed'Abc Jury that, 1 week, atia, which 4 Juive cujit;4l!;b4lo et) 1 Asithetigh in; -words; -the -Legislature lad - •0-titute a suffieit!tit'sui;i4trvfirlmvin ri f, iteW"lite-Tex erriPtitreili'tuta Ca B42,. 'Ye I again lkfei-e; - tite Po l l;lic.iit ay - be - * . iYeiiiii . 'a: @n7T*filiiiiii, 'tbe"statiles:rieevartig t° ll])eir i As, ln;weve:r.' the _ yoting - men tiiltOse foa . .',i;xilii6il-,4 - ,4l`t,''ai4.4 'Tip olii!i'g lii , youd 1. 1 :=,' vit's •aCcemp.' lni, dial, o f: Clas.4l-4', l „"lfil - ,IPs 1 Tau *'- - '"' " - ''' ' • ' i` t t.' -:-1 iurti i - - - ' •; - i TriiM474.-tfitZtbe...YitP449nP 1-/ e e o` t ' 4 ,t I - bare any•know!edge,.mliectable.tintl_tru i . , ''he- , 11-Aci, - Of Is36.4l2tetnpting particular i ifill, and Its' - -thelr-testimeny until` iteein: to : - east" -a - - it4taa - tif -T r•epetty . " s from ale otroxecution t b ( ..; so - , c o -- ai * ~- ..n fir. e ly .1.21.f.?,,..c,k.,r the ~ T 4liti :.,..4 ; ti•• damag es, iS - Silit'in iterCe; --- Vei•iiiet llOlO cpSe. to Corro)>Otate' tiiioatit,efr -114,c. \ :I));iirtifr:fitif."*A;6o., • _, : - A. --,;, _ .. _ i chase, i wire cone.lo.le4,that .1: 11 .)ay :Le jlt , " __ _ w. .. -.44.•'iaricr Hayden .04 ..' S. Little .-Ye. J (1 " tified." - , , .1.-shall . introduce' 60 - ii extra , ludiciial ''" e 's• - iiiiiipli \ Ball;E:D.turner, arid Jaraea - Sum' • oaths, .in -my .fiefence ' against. ,tb 'llsntOrii T- - -"._*, ` - . -Lr Ejettra.eilt - 7,he -- trer.Y. fine s , f ur) 'charge 'of Vr. c-Jinftivo 'reasoni. r ?r i, I ......al 4- liVtiefiii4ent.,`,:lataa . Surail'ae , 11) 1 . , . 111 . 6 4. ,10 := 16 i 4ceUr,tlilitceafee acecsser,,,,te Km . I l ii ‘ inztlitligiTzliiiiick. - - 10 ..be ietiaiide arilliiiilg - ' the falsehood and:its; di;grace. here'.! w ey \. : , . a , , - s is t i - i fs e k . „„th e 7iyi r agLifri ,K f ri.t46,-psyment et helot_; and-sscond.'-i t -ii -- 4riy oireYtai *ell te,ttintlintetiest,!;within -- 'sixicaitits. s•-• 4 the conviction of - mot ititelTigent pectple. .- 1 6st - ttB afa -. .§iiraiehia'ail re6eiViug'''tbe;"reQii - 1 flinthewlniinill tell a dtlibeiA4 ftlls4l . of?ds . . —' 4 -; % '4• „ ,-°r • t -.-li. B ' - 1 :;..'e : 3 cveY l' . ia .... i ' •" his v ~ in...r ii, Te, sf • i t . he l , aiid -1 ~ja j i s 4it);Oiittifts A.s.ic tle - other . .Tierce - 1 oifini.on, seein to require it, to.' ack iiip Ids * 4l atint - ta - they. find for thephinitifis.. : ~..- -. falseimods'l,y . iiii , •extrit judicial . :•ili. •. ,1- Tlie - 717:Er., 131 ,4 . --•-'i:- -- 112H,the metier of tbe•Ter ,town'shipile, inat i v Al c i- has - lareg"ar• 'd ft - tr - ,t,'” int i 'IA'S iko i-e -cid& t)' - '' .4 6.ifia ijakiiii(); : ik''.4ift 'of 'itallbeli.'Y lard for: an oath ie . ' whi ch therti if, a tt f ached 1 •-:.',..att.l' .tri i i IC,. .5 5 -1- ,:: _-...-' wart, 5 appoint Alvfxpsll ,, -,Pg.0, 3 .1P 3, i,1kcai - L eet legal reuaiV4lmili 'th e ease of; An ear." - 4111tuaikBniiih,judge. of ! Electrons,. and ijudicial onthor , an oath "'alit of h.? Ili .inary ` , George - M. - Frazier and Levi Westfull,lo- course of judicial ':procedure. - r. Base' s i hiss; s ere en'FidaYt ' '' ii4-lt to i iiii is. o f ilicluiineter nid ;l's ',I ic:co i ns‘ , Ins .---,,-. .day of Feimiary 1854,; and: iii- quence lie . las not, laid himself! fin .il to an ,4 4 , 1 4fiai 1 - bieleetlea, shall be : 1361 aat tlie indictment fur/ otrlury,l4thopo...iie.. , house , or George Leach, knoi:t . :ta;,. :is ;the I'a° fi t . e ra t , st * a . t i cli ,..i weti i,f a i se t t .,..,,, ~f ;, ,,., • 41 . Ki r k 13-,.., ~.. -1 - the -7a-- 1. "of Sus-i • . 2 ._:. ...'-...,.....„.-.., ,v. ! , , -,..-,,„,c •‘,',...„ ..;!..... 1 _1! t ,5....... U R5 0 i,' in - --oropg. 0. . 4' f ' .61:1,Cr . C(Ty11)g • WO. ital jUaritg, Xi . TV . Ijr IMR! y, a ~rnia.T••-inttlitit- t he ionatiAle - Of-liar- - ~.-m - ; 0 4 ' t - ii;ll, - .- - rb 14'i''O'iritl i ,•i l f ‘ -';'4,,;' - ''.. • ,`. ` r i to r ;i ll . ' ..„, -,' ,---• .. .„- , .:., . - -,...,'.. .„ _, , 4 At,- ,.. . • ....:*• . 7 '1; '^:- 14 ':. 4 ---' , :ilR4(• 14 14itsat'gtver notice 61 BFlltl'etectiti.n : u-tallied : b r ,. re fL- r , n ,,,,,,. ~t ., „,,: .e h e. „lu mei ,., i i.,, isi . • 1 a i .o.: -0, :.,2::: : ;4 ,1- , . Z . '. 'or-,, 4, , i l :, 1-.1. : :. :,:, - ... -..'--- • 7 , _ --.7 ' ...‘• 1 - 7- -".. ''.." - 7_7 it - , -. ir ,,- . , ,..... tußf-,.. 1,1 0P.<U' 4-- , 4 1 4 tr u . ) `llt ..:r- - . :gClitlelliell, .010 1 itere. : iirpsent and:i . cli i.' ~i . 1 14 5-.. J;•; -', .'_•. -- . t -I': ' ..= : --; -, r'44,:, 5.4,`., Irefullil:to - pablitili - .;theiattleieln kii ' ' tt*Alfs. 2 ,.. A .! 2-11' .g,n r - r .'. 77 :4;_ t lY . 9.?= c- ' :geoll&iten wflose iiOnd'4lll' • liiii . .6 4 - 6 ' ll'a 1 ige‘ibou,th'jPfa 4 Pilusiur i l t 4f '' .l " rali and theti ' a'o - eplaiit.i.lie.hia -- tter:.4.tli j - ilitvioArofien tpractised upon` by - fiolil i- • i . --- .1.'•: - • • --.-- - : -, - ..- 1- - • ~ , . ~; - . . . y,ll. of - -the young:tried ) .a.5 7 ,4.1tat.; they 411011 tans.'` -1- .AW.,e;learn.oo l W - nilsVl: Platt., the - ~,' -- , ~-, .._ . ... 1. .:yokiiflig.---.1, k :' , ..:1 -- 4,-: - 1 i-, f it I, i•,- ... • f I .... entarett Irol2l,anylimis , tti9a ofl.--f ge ls. 4 si r e- Ar . enlte t , V, l o4-4-9r ‘l l .?!s•Uei t Put . ., k t - 2 ., 4 - i i!!!-P t " r i hi.. Whiliat 114 iaine'tittie it ittilfint+ .; '' Ailfierinje4le. late -canvass. ~ st ill . e l .. --,....,.... I,i i,...,-, ~ LL0.,..,, ~,- .i.:-..-; - t ..,.., , ...... 1 ciusit,eiy ,apm . titatii i ietti,,,Fes,:fiincpy tins no, l-Ahatr.-143 , --. professed ~to via 11 -. • , f . 4 : :,,, . 5.. ,r. 5,..,.. . ) ~!. , t 1 .: .d , .44 , l. i - i cut . .t9ttor,tlise_, nearing . wuatet,er nwp,:- . the ,_... 1 .Ar inik;- at least . rwhile ,-- iieolting ..‘, i oath of .31r. Chase. • . -_- .Jr.„.. .`,tit 6 f.tbti : J r nlierice C 6l '" 1 - --- .., „._,- -- ',.,.. L ... : . : :,:. - 4 ''• I f ' ,„. 1 ,-,,, ~,- --',. ; ',''F'.4.• 5 , ..• 5'- ''' 'A." . ,"7:42 - ... 'Li! . ... 1 . ' . ''' ' s zsr.:,lfirriv4rwar: '" ,• g ... ~ ' ~0 33, 44 , 1 0 ,, , i,f P„ 4 . lll 9 l r', l3 qP n -f - !.9P i • - ?-.!* 7 -• i r' e "•••!'s , - - - , i,d , - -, c 0 ,, , -- , :- - - - .---P -,-!. ~ ' ;-- , - -, ._ iie - riam * Oni - th -'hilint," -1? - of Wsitriing i us g at u j - ut n 'Y' *B '. • •' -, ,- 1 „- ..; _ ;--, _ ....., e..., ... .. • t-.-- -, e ,==.• • ....” ' = .) 1 1 1 I ersona iy.appeared before rpe, A trio - - Wit-, iiiiiii..4ltr - 4 fUlle - V.-bli'_ *die 1-13 ' ,..46-4eUl ' e :lifiiitii.' 'tSiie - V u tiiii;jit'st.i4nt illi4elc ft . ituil + Triatiel;- I ' t At the iiverils'a -4- - 6 e= j 9aia. '* l l_k . V ' t: l ;4jd;'oAif ji fYi, r c: g:' c 4 :iftr; ' ,-iO4qf*kl out iii.gtrquyir'io-,*iii viltet fur this 4 141)..,,,tliitrti:; ;lOW 49m and say4i4l*ser r. , rjtiric ,c..-.-,- - -:•; , -i -:-,,i,,: , --. ~--. ;.-;:.. e , i addressed fai ll -a r . tte fer o.. *.ij , t, 3 ; E i 4. l , ,, ef i riii4i i.tt ~v_.ev,,o3eft 4! .-'1.1 . ,..-70. 1 .1 3 !.r.t. ~_Ptft .... 4 ... 441 ',._ 45 I. Job e • 1 ill tr it ' r. 4 ' 7)55, i :,, . 1, , i , e, ' - --' ''. • ' -S u -' . - ' tuoPtimeA . ....._ ~...•Thos e Irboilliog t our oppesi- -.- ~ ; ,...-0 . .,--.,,,,, .... :-..,,,,-.171. 1 7.-,,,,. 1 • ~ ! . .vt ... ; I *s; Those tip oy . uerrost,..itteikia. xtte,otoinst..,..,irtp -.r :-'- ' rilitt-, .: Ili) r _ e*Thilb .' le—Plittirig .:t ' al IT4 l ;o l 4 l3.l i4.id : iliultilibeP'iliilii . ,h,P l ;:..i . ? !.iii . 11 ; 1 :°4 48 *i' - dia 4 nainly . : ;ol, Te t n - 1 ill full!itsvin'; . 41!tifE14NT'l!of.t- gOt,4‘,,toe' is 9f' ,frii), triiiiliKlS:Wiii pifia)4blilie. - -cen;,-; I: 4 iiii 3 ins rece,ireElin, iniinfatiirmlfi.' ' - '4.:. - -,----:-, ; „,;„?..,-. ..., .- .. ~-, .;.„... , - .;.- .., t.. • •a•P - .==•=•-•iv.,== ;) - 1-.1-I,lttr .1 ; if. ~..1 Cid :44 . lliiii ailattlir.'e ,. .wlien)-1 3 er,:eliall , - :P,- 11a - , w. ): 9 - e ,41 1 -..l• l ( rtffP, l ! 4 .! . rXtßl l 4 * -'ir -.f.•°', -'---- - 1- --- - --•'-' 1.-....''-''''''.l''i.: - 'tk . l . ; • ' \ 4(l 4 14-01 11 4 )1 11. 1 ,t;-....k rril#t,44 411 ,i , t.orcil; iffop4l4,4l.l.F.AT:mile. - -*ill rf , -gi I? , sm -, ./,'' e g - ' =6 .fpittaik_Wie'4itieli: -D.ejPitiett . ' , eilitt.' s l • jaliiiiiiiiin•• r 3 .4re 441443 i! 3 .4 1111 i 1 e: 14 . a* Y:1. ffir,lneil;El.,def„riiif 44 4 ,5:, lip_Ao,ll4•6W-40 1 ' we itiTejhey rill i lat - ..ateb 3 .iihi:iedec i gi: 1 : #,i,-,:iirllo 9 ,?:6Wbili;i ci iik e i t -ti: 4 l 4 elit:e- -pop t ...,it.ly - oilltriwn - 4149i*O t ote:ebit, letter':f4 , :i4lllC-:ttif# 7- tilAtelPielit. jii;):llo*Ktii* -. #l' . ol.l,!rrei*Cari - iliiil , 4 14''' x '':::10giii:it*Iwiii4illie:tie - diAiiK-i*lfo.i'pkfiiriiiie: 2 044i - 6: -. 6i . ‘-, .I , s:re: lin irt4 oiptia' -,- ;fe 43l #;..44dfi '.4 :4:ii: ` tirik4e ' "OlcalP :4 1 1- 1 4r-I:l;;l4iiii4ik:j'itvii r tillave 7 t lic)•: -: !ciiii - ed, - 4 - 4iiii - ire - -. - tielp - . - the, ,A - 34 - 4 - iilgivii)tpskw,-o , ,bik --', gm. *.i*4 - . 1., E jw . :40i iaig1 i ..,. .. „: 444 ,, .. 4A a v n -• 4 4 43 .1 1 :* **.ir o : ; '. - d i d ga l „ ', J o t misetlitiattAlle , wiiitaiver,,ilit'eaittiWitit- -- '6l - 11 -L: S. -...i 0 ai.,,,,• ~ di aiiiiirr i tt 4 - lii i i r i g *4.747, , fa. ••4, , Q t 1 ~ .1',1w, - ,n,,K. -. k , ..:, ~.,,. . 7 ,,,,,,0t, , , , Ar . i, '-) .=?:soqlloot,if:,.':*.tgiOtt FiIAZVER t 4DI'I`6.It. , printrA. Thursday lgorulug," :Wt. 8, '185% _so Ith Lap 71s, „„' „ bur - .)..t1f.... t , 671 i i0n ,,1v eT .-- con .i.r.-1..F., , 11i1 x 4,. 1 ‘... /u. - , 4t40 - --.-r pnntipg office to be,,p blished t awes_ •partly,in;..type when i wits wit.litintivn . at, Elder Pest's most earn, t' and repeated ii... - `-' f t quest„. ,-, ',-• - ... . ..:,' ..7.i ',.. - ... t4at - lie tried tiipei-it ' ''ile Elde - r ost-froin' purstiing . ..„. e controve :y any,fp lfer, hilt' ' toldjiiini, l flost. distip ly, they i must - bi_ ...p it bl!shed lit the Dem ra t if imiy , `lire. ,',::: Lf - 1 . .' ' -F.. ik. ASE. ' . . • Sworn to and SubscrAhed this-20th day of- Nover ither ' 185 - 3. A. WILLIAItiS, J: r. ~ Susquehaisa Cout,r/;141. ' - - \--Personal y aripeated. fer 4 . l Pezt A • 's , Cr lj 1 f _lie is, one id . the JUsti o f_ the, reit in 'and for said ' eouPti.; Alvin ay - widens 'r W.•"' Ty off, who bein I duly worn, .dude • and I sit) that they a.r workmen in the O ffi of the 11 ntro.se Dien rat, mid that the ar icle ad- . d ' z - te: idr. Pfiaseliy- -Elder P !,- and 0 1 which thel, latte publisid .in the,. egister list .iv k, with " Ili statement that Mr.A.;hase le had r e used to rublisli it in the Democrat the w lE. Previous, wassePt to the.Deni*a? office by ?dr, Chase , with directions to pub- • Ilisk it; anti that hi itedordanpe with. those tiithctious - , id - ortiele was; partly in type, , •i - ithilf-„,lt wi 'ire tiled„ as ~we,.utiderstood, by ..i ailicti94 -- f - g ha:'-roit: .:jmr.L . cbitse- ,- ex : ineed,.ip .. ..oly irese r nfe, great regret fit . its recall, apii - ,-ow ~ iii, 3t.terniirtation to keep the'reannse pt or the. purpose of publish-: 1 in,i.it 'after” ari ,:should Elder Post'persiit in ,continolpg th aiiutreversY. .. ' - , .• • .-A LYIN DAY, ; 1 . ' CAs'it'Ell, W. TYLEII. i, - ibicribitd tliii 2.oth 1 dav'ef . I A. WILLIAMS, J. P. f _!di% Cliage,l reply as fol- 1 4‘$. ; orn. s N.0v0n141.4,.'185 To the oath [ . F r i d ay '-Ift . I i • • • .- On - to -1.13 t I it . 7 -- ~ hulk. it:.o as, f.ATliiirstlf-- tl e lith , -.1. called on, E. B. alia.'se;::ll , :t . . q.,...at slaw office, anethen 'and tere.! in_ the: pr . 01C.e . of two or three other rains, had a, - . iiversation with hini upon a certain:gy , Jae 0 -. mine which had -11:4 been. 'gee . - edin - his. ! ands,: for itithlic:atiO his-paper. I in_ the; &tune .O !, the conversation I told him that vOth.. his 1 - rmii.sion . l•:wold so amend the . artiele, ni t . 'in) Ike'uo . iiSuckietweeit . hinit i and 5t.:),,ii.t.14, .n.. strike' Ont.'. the'.aneedote, . . . Which. appears • - rather .provOkin.r . .. lie re plied that ~he 4 - (l.m:tile .up his !mind.to 'strop the controversy Where it.was • •!- It was !dis- - glistiii,s;•o - hii r alertt,-and th re conl.l be:,no hetteqt: 311• Cont unlit it. It. tett . askedlltim: for the article, - •lli. Said be had Made itp . his ... . ritual. tO.keep . 4, - . au.) f itso it against- me . lf • it . . 'lmeatuellt-cessarn . oll. if I . pitisned the sphjeet cuithet.'_. I the ft ;nuked . bun to tioirch4 ..I,iiiit . as, itoxa',.. .Usi_tifailitot !disiaised toliai - O.a col, !:24cricrrrn, hpl4,,,riv/T: me; : He .s4id..lk,-.7_., ti he . 4nittie• L r. , thust-dt - up wh ere - it • .b.hea . :I- • •-,.:1 -.! ~ •• - '. .. -1 .! . appettle4tO\thegentknien- . present to- , ivit- , iii':'..i . AiiJrilid . tiCi:: ' 1:::rii tit Iliadt ask e d:Mr.. a:.'tO - ''i'''' -1 - th''...iiiiCie ini441..(1 %lii .11 lie i:40;e11 s to: ao. ..i!: l'itat .Ihitd•demonded;il.l I•imthe - ..article,.. as, mine by rizht, .andhe=rt..! re fa- i 'tn' ietnin'it.• ! .3. ; 'Tkat . :l 'had (h . -in - anal t•LI) !p r i!)ti llcat tpr!' ,f, it 4s'it ;6, anol4,li: lie. r.;.fi'it :.,,..,:And',..!;:ilyett left the office:: :Such. :tee; i i . h facto i ttt the' case ;_ an.1.1..a0w - refer:to thooegyutleait In i' 'iVito were prevent, viz: • Mr: - E;ti;to.ii-s Arai xstu:i, - (if ga,../i; titiff Nl 9 :\Vit.:. t.t.i . sts - ;-1.,.. 0, 4 )j..,i1i r. - tse,i as. witnesses' of the , facts„as,l have slatted them. -1 - ....-! .. %.. As : tO the al'ftda •it. of the . tWoyOung men, a few Words' iyill.st 1 ow ihatjt• has, pci -Wiring upon the potni 'ii,'") s ue. i.l 7, eli . iefe to:facts 1414 o'4Urieoiin . 4. day t .(l;tl.l;) the .1.5t1i tal tilt.,, at Jiltof*i?,t, T ..o. fftCl,,,of 4)i I, 44 ric; personaliknowle,, istio ..it.t..*(l reo . when the4ootteif4f setbAtitutiteg . 0 stat e i 'ent .f.from ro 11K,..Litiii, in . thelliaci 4 .Of idtj-..ahielp, -: Was tin . - - der- "Oeagele - ratloU',.irul iinsvitOZ ,1 / refer - to fact4rOW l .l.9ll l PI 4 2 e, - an .i.,h;f<ii<ki-Yf4l l6 lF -- . ittg;-itt Mi l ..9hasi,esilo.teraffar.C. , : - : - . .41*e plebes uteilitinierrie re- el fferentO , '- 'That.the pul4lea .. - . 't;f;nfO . 'o* - 2 - 0 1 icldila:it -113 iieiidell,ror *7.iiet; "a0,11; -r re'l'nes.i. - 1iX -t,u;iitiiat frietielAkti4iae.: .. . ties;' as gr. c , 4;lls:it, : af r .41 .was partly., in 4:1;i 1 / 4 , " ca4not pi ityte!,.that its ~ebecite:ent, pub- . lieoiiet4 4io . r.efuiett....ll4O - r_is . :oi - eree a iiW 01.} - 4.l,iliefi !;tit . .:7: . fo;:s.vV. - chis;:ki the, 0 real • a that liO'sro . peSii.ivelythat-le,"rati,!- Vasa taipabliA4l4said,;airtield": hat I.lr. ChaS3 ekuresied. to the , young I;t4tiet3 and s avowed. hio • aminoticiii to re areu:ioipt, l 7"&e.; • •, . . s. ,nOt-,.. wo• lid , not keep.! the i- • -- • ' • nuseript, at ' `l6'l,o,ii§ii, LI ' 40 6 . 4 0f.. lane! n 1 1) I.° I'' r 1 *4 1 4 ! , equent time, re- . ).el all, thi..p - rove `lelariiele:: • - Whit Iri li ihatk aluele It 'man ,hau.,said I . o_ me. ether per- D ; h sane if Whiittrieut . el2 th . o:ria .., d --', T ii 4 , were 4 1 01, ' a'cltarde: of ) rjur . and. I bii '44 04. ag ainst . - - _ 1 . told . .,.. li ; .tltatttbe hail the ~ w it-' aeFtsthf!tlhe iittred; - himself? :ape - i 4" -'. - -' - a quit'i're;rietate,' ile • ,eclu this qtee, I at Ir - `‘!. A ''''' i- ''''''' liii7tiiitidiciltiCoitrse' tte_tia.e 7 :toirti ma A , . . 'lutist ,•-•;.• :-.3•-••.•... ; -4! it- , .... i . 4 . , ..,,. - f a t j !,,,-..r,..._,-...---,;ct •:.!.. ~,; '-‘'! - i": 9 q'' llr ' e T;'l * ''• , g4reb i i! .l 7f Ine; r atl4 - #64, ii. .4 plql:tojiell.proyedhy• trl. Abe...*.ouiletueA4- :4-4; ~ ' at?reiciejved , Nus • intl.- :.01atiOte;.ttrat oertuiri : l , tl4linclt!.:iii : ray.;artiele :a:outer tpLt . . 04NR) fa ' '' . .l&iirifit,"':alla OW this Fc.?W!i- . Tqt! " egged "= -6:1 '4 ii*iit:ii(il4 l. s4.' -' Ite !PIP'•AI4t.4 I ;,:i9YFPFY ' 1 ,t,..,,.., JeCeig . ..d 1 )0 ,:ifetistiatiou;' !otaip ' whit iit.iiirriu the Ibl kiiiiedviiltei;l - fi : 2•1 1 0 ',Plase.,' as' to ,- - what iinigtif 1;i:{40% . 4.41' 4 q iir4iio t. :JitiA, - 41 . t4tin;. I '4i;t4ll . lid. T ifli;'. , ti 1 . 1e4 - ''an . L of ;i : iir''giiiiie • • •• ~.., -1;,-; -•, , 4 : •,11-,•....1 1P. , ..:,..4 0, • 4h?q4:4e 4t,..fi.,c Fitit.o44 - 1.4 - . "0-)p....t...liope, !Of piling tifull stailisn . entiof -fiet.e4:•frotThMer. ' Little-facia - !•Whielirtknew'eould•lioV 'by:ten . ' Y ' r ' j,14 ! ie F tati : of “ - '•litii . i,itiligp.' aid '),„„ 4 ,. ~p • 7 *ci•i#li:, 1 *;:Plfl ~:*4*W.:syi' A . , oration,t(.pnbhsh :in. tile.. pplo r y . f:Ltkag;ao - . *4 . :*lk turret iii;ii. 4 .id :. , _ , 4. : 4; .. itiiiirbe6r.e , l iitioxil.."o:k4 to-rket;;lo4lAftwe'; - 1.-4e' T ' - iii4fiif iiiiiiti eit : io'fiii4liiii:' l ßl4 - ii' ibir ..... ..'. 4' 4 71 ,--, •!fr. l rrt , , , 14 ,......t., , et.4 - 4: . ..., - 4 :...!.,, . i , i- - -• -, :1:;)f-P4) Ai: . 4 -. iP9FAP-014.:01. ; :;41:q 04.4. 3 - 4**104.0 fryiff A! , .4.1e4:,- .. ,..l.o*Fttolioni it . 0 1 . 1 :44 1 .i - yoyi ,r/.:) ' .** . .4.4 0 4: 4 4,0443* ~ 44#5041404PPE0fe-- -, ~. ', , 0';:m.7*,4. -, t0i ,., 0 1 .4 1 4, ~ .-040 t 444E*weilicit01 . 1t,1• . . :4*.g*AcOli.l . 7 v .' :.,404****-;'.;itiatrAtiiiiiiii:**4..'itt: tee. 440,01: -. .*Aiii:'iliiiiii.:-Itii*S14.ilf 4 'ia. . 4 ile,hliii. : *iO.a'tfi - 'otiiiiV(iiiiit. - *it. 4 , _ ; ,,i.. wc ...„., ~..,:f . . ~..„3 - i A i r . , . , . - .1.. , ..}7 -1 .4 ) .,i i tn k .. , % . -- - ,14 .: .J.v.).0X0 101A....4, .4 111:11 rMT . :4-4• L 7 714!.1. ' , Y4 5) . a.. 'iko fAiiiti i l i t hal -s' ' 4 141 ) 2 ** ' + F W 1 ' s 7 :: -r , :,,;( .. , : , ..‘• .. • ;1 - 1. - ' , ' . . ~.T,, .. -. r.. 4 -. ,4 i#o 4 ?!W , - - : 11 0- - . .. ;' #° i4 ,.: 11 0*: .. . ......:*!!:,, A.:: ~.'..., .: ...... ',.- -..,,_ ..:.: -•,*4 al* • ' **o .; • '..7 ‘.: . .'...:. ' '',:-47.1ii s ) '''•:,r. -::: : :"‘7-.4'N' j ' ...-- ' .. - =lll ..., . ~ oath in' the . :':Of hitlitiii.liohyitbatanding.-- 1 But . r forbeir \following -him, - upon minor, -ports: ;:If en of justice - could be s_ib iends seried, en d=: the JrnOrisls of:the - Community be' protecti: , L'VroUld gle - cover upAis:. 1 .. ..-; i =, 0 glaFirq.. faul 5. , ,- b y wor art unfeigned ;; When'l I sayy I moat sincer y desire thaille inay,repen .f,end save bim ..from the recoil - 6i . the full weight of the - wi "fig Whiett heha's endeavered to inflict upoit me. 'Thoug h late, it may lot be too I.tte,,for:him, through nu feignedke7)entance,land a future life of up rightness and honesty,.to save himself from utter shipw4ck. Buiving better heed, in , future, to pf, proverb, !,, Ile 'thatdiggetka„ l fit shall full into it,7 and to the-eme of Ha -1 man hanging on the gallows'which•he bad erected for Idordecai, he-may rise from the f ate of a teeltleas adventurer, who would, in violation of , truth and tigl4;build . himself . . up on 'the nuns of Others, b r , t.C(.111 ., CT 41,correspondeht . 44,,LatimisPoroilk• forms :Us that he': -liort.es :stolen .from Messrs Fosfer:iSt ."ons- neni'4liiiiesdales, were found near _ Tca, in too townsbip cif Thomson, and ahinit born, and.. net. near" Lilcsboroi - . 48:-:was ,stated in the . ReOister last week. We the eerrectieb eheetfiilly;anil plead' not gipltyi . tothe. I mpute ICOI of ilesning to insinuate 'anything against' gOod tiamQ and,: futile - of ~atiesbero !-: : - 3flt uts nitit -Jol,rr Itlitchell bas arrived inlien• --When a man cannot contain l imself, is he too large or too :mall 1 —Strong;• Cheese -is supppSed., to be the rankest thing alive, , but hatred is rancor., • Ladd. readers may be interested to kiniw tliat at. Dublin the Queen wore her lionnet on, her head. -` =-Kontl: - sAys, Plferi behave iii - the 11`r teries of ieligion, 'but the-era of i:eal :Oh risti anity is yet to conie. - • . . London - ''pipe: . yecikiv record - of crime "lief .Inive 116 en woninu-beatin:g •--Tiperob ono neeki*o ! , pltt-1-4 "on cv.- ion - at. the N4W;;Yorki val.tte.4 fit;fiftert cloilata; . . • :amount of Chlifornia4old tiosaL . t.-.2 • At:- Mint Itinoi) -itA diFoovery to NOvenitlr Ist,. is 42.04.i0M7,uncr; • . _ •, is- ' now .6i a iv3lloag d - pjekifiz up fact; ffitsfpf.; e:u :i•v. an bioken 1\11:, in thi - ..ltuisi:in.pks, , Funt bad been •-,. • , fortittly;niy.Abillition candida..e or .resi encr ; suffering - .f ;9 -P' •a. • tr . from an attack Of paralysis in Philndelph,ial - i -The clieler Ifni . brok en out iriNeW Or- leans. That etillrtunate Oty,liaiin i t ii.iri,ll± 1 • mot rid of the yelltmv fever; is now visited by I :-. this new seourre. ; . 1 —The Albany T.:veiling .Tonriial w - itn . . . c . parents against ) - .yei'rnitttag their .oys. to v:s- ' it - tippling shopp, .ten pin alleys and=lhe leoi,litturc. 1 —Tlie non.:C. 0.-Athe.iton; recently de- Ceased, lim left,*B,ooo to rrmident IN4reei and ,ilie, bulk of: his prope.rt.y; upwrdi f . of 6'15(4000; in hiewife and cousins. t , --'--Dean Swift .• proposed r to tarrJenutle , beauty, and leai•o every lady ''..to :rate. het.own 1 charms . . • Ile said.the tax wouldbe cheerful ly -pad and very productis e. , .• . •f /.. . . . ~,. . . - —I lie J(vit, Father linirola:' who" was - manyrized in !Or, 1657, - by theytiosienr, wai . unmixed at itonie 'on 'ltte'Soth-islt?- 1 . 'He i the third Jesuit canard:led in the ionise 'aril siyear., - - • .:. , . 4.' , / - ' ,_ :, : ..... : ,• ' I ;1 1 ..: nerve whiel riec`er 'ielies', - , 'the . 4 11 'eye ' which.. never • Wane . lies, 'the: ih Ought -which never tv,Phriffers : 44h#se arethe 'lnas- t toy 4tir.'Amtrrer to rt ..se Willi ,e ters'of.N . ietary '- ; • ' ' • office- f Marshal, - • • • •' - ' • - • °wee- o an.eoito . apptnntlnynt —lf 'you - wonldlcaCh s,esrcsS' to others o f Mr Filintore,would to to Rince his fah-. _begi- •ii .- _tr. tr - you --.......- _ . • , 7.-1--:- ..' tt.t..t -,1 ni .1` ~..! '4 :. ::.:$ n 1"9 1 Yot_ 1 1 18 (:". .1--01Y.Y. can. ~ ;•••, Dr-in-law, Senator. mastv. in-- an embar pect another Will keep 't'3lli .. ..:Ftect• - 4 .. !..„yr.t,iptt rasing situati tilt. ''" Thavlititait4A):Whor-l'Ainre you eapncit..youiself!...... 7 , .„ 1 - elttnnoririg for'llg'.ierit' iiviit .Ar M 1 %4 4 1 11 ) 1 6 1 ' , =The Turks in alliance with the Circasl- win' id' ettarzeltisi ;rotesitliviii lilt' thEttn iq ianikand laving .asauxtlianesruany• tnadsol- ; - •:e.ttator I‘Itoor; whichle; '4ln Vt;Ciitteni, 'tilers:of ilartg,ary,lhave \ a_-force in Nsia.tbat; did eac t. 'desire , that he . wished; to take. gives thellusbianspnough;toda to Itofd ,tle r the resrkrmsibilitrihrths§'inat ter. pon his own. '-. :i . - -,., ; ... ..- ._', : :. , 'own ShOuldersj • tinti 'thav- ibis 'could .be -It, is iiteli unrieritood; it Washingto ;',l done, and that he - echilii:intike - \ the:tet . cit `1 '--- ' ' - - ' - iltt .1. 1 ,• that the nomination of Linn Boyd kvas inters-, t appoiptrtient' hiis 45 tin, hyl., ..e.:Arnbler ten. ! 4.led, and is , to • be considered as -an endorse-' 1 dernig le 'him his:•resign 7 n,i ion of -the -, op:: -meat of the . . con rso-:Of Air. Seerettirk,Guthriic : Vpointnierst conferred ttt po l h 'hint lioir PresiL, ;since both Speaker and.Secretitry v laili, from , i deni'lirdliteire' ! :andh . thrkr receii , ii4haek .Kentne.ty.: :, :, ' % -i • `,:,,, ~, f C., , 1 ,:: - sam ' 1 .? • .. . . , L ,., .:-.-Tiit R ea d' hg v.p w ,I ou i i n t , _ corni iki ' i s ; ..'ofAcb i t hat , i hii Wo i tiki - 11% , lieite. Senettir. 31alon; and ',lnce the reSp . tinsibility vithor that men '; are r frequently; or: juries: in that, C. county; 'Berkg; who; do trot understand'-the Jr , ' PruPerlY„ l "l l 9ngeo". ' - _- ' . = `-' ' 4 ,,.' .English language ;`-and`dult , a- ciite might ' 10 lks - Mr- ,Ma rihnli A hillier i . s•-ai(,l - es wet! be.decid • by - -toshihrsi -up :a " topper to have prom .)t ty'and'cheeKeiljr tissontiod . e i b as t r yi t m it before. tin; -.-.•..-_, : '., • . .. , --..... --by at, ncetv . riting l and I enderinktho resH 1 '. e:-!- - .A2Nea' ntilitan r;nor : tarin OtlytVei'„tlihi s _his i' i gn, aLi c'n of 1 4 r oth---1e4'. ,- .4 T--:igt, - -Pext• daY.A . P liOltieii'Yhetl'Ope' tveitoniintuiililte.d tlt%4l' l/ -o' ; P rui6un.4- i sle " isiltnelit.4 I le?*° il 'un - klk fi _N i . _ . . - perttler-aiiigizi;'.:iikrilie'tiei'fali,'Wen, tej• - ,. Ne* itn.therieatleii 4} ' 'L-"ltea'fi9l4' "e i; iAar bdP -13 1. 1 ••-• n in !-,117' ku!:llotie :Ninettistoin y '66114.014 mac e ' in ti ' cnila - argilty , : • , ; -.• • e 7 6 1r' .:k ce • - • . ! s6iii :f: • I L- '': ' , . - 4 6 ; IriishiSt!??s•Ll(44ll*.Al/ article nion of;-die D . euaco:,,*/ ) - enyn,ill the gaitiinorc Phitforni - had expr444:-stproroyed . - Pr,thsalTroveti.of the, CgInPFOOI-401.!1te nosh- ; :ince, would it4re Inci , . certain; aefesit. . The friends • of 0 1 ill - ftsun4 Pf4dißg, tues4 t 'Aver had sufficient stiengthp elect a President.'-' ,'-'-', —Many of die Penneylvilin aesisilapo. ; -are :advecati neilie pantag l / 4 1, 0 iclatv 'atrther- I iziiig and requiring the SeereintyUtthe Coin= ' illii)BWeakh = to hare the•itisrein!kkedr-hrite r-crennial Assembiyinitotished ltithe !Arnim ;pete'ofineh--etuibiy:':. --'.r - - .1 ; - - - 7 Proi'esmii-Sillioo.lo . lotkinit of We' ifintinfaieure `Of ''‘pOrik.tort ``. it 'Serres ' "Tijklide 64y14;' •• We`: ia,:i In'iNe. Utlitvii - 4tainsibil'ulost perfect • -Noth- int -Casi i ;iiiinid,' the - :ret:laiirtr , of Chester` 1 Counii , i Pe., frill» ii iiiiilibti iiediniful' Thitailelptia -Potent( . 17 :iiii inidig;-` and' l iitirtli, ' :whitii)letOT tiiiiian'Or-ilite Of; Siieti,'eiiiild iiat' - ziao iMied :freln itlo.-,,., .-.. ! ..1 -- -.:,-- , ..; , :7 f....... i 1.-A ...r.r.; - ' - -....Y.11.-i "414Iiit:Lalcit Litell —e tit lifesday f lan:lr: finliill-"tifider the" V leftecthii AY 4. 1 . 40.7 B.fter •was formerly 4 ailnistielt Thai , Afiiilmcese ii w,ibiefoif -1110,-.4Ml' be 4 ,0 1 1 00 drumMliefigic 4rz3 4 4 Aft: 3 Z' t = • - ~,~.~,~'~he'~i Potomac. the\ a le, and' reliable Vash . ... itigton-...7"taildespO . det4 - .OT, the:.-z-Biltitnore ~-.Pairi. . /itil*. riefe : ii,g * •thepertities.c 'end trittiblesiofr' estcliiiit .ricßee;' - 's •-': . II o . ~.., apy,. is • ,;. wt 3 11. p, IT r AIM . i i he re '' —O, 4 , $ 1 At Nagai:" -,tips:! - ..5t . ., ngpr. 'veil: .dis,;ere;!. ;toil alrpoit. every `_ ..befin-.,elsei';'i au-rop . Osi4 Ition - toiritirtin tl l #444 l; °fhiovif,koartY' -Which he - can it ever-liteet and- .0 ie rt urn, nor appease. wit ht;mt promptltdismisiting, or getting r id-of,* portion of fits Cabinet,: _This voitditiOn (will be :exacted. .61 hits as... 'lt sine Ota'tio;i; .. b$ - those who will hi lief; other way 14 . ajweisecii :_ . .. ... - It is : already j knoWn. • that 'Senator Bright; iiflOiiiiii4calis free]' and Open-• ky, against the line - Of Freesoil policy p.nr suediiv the Aamtnisteation, . and - against some. of the aiiiiiiiiitirietitS.iirgiiiiiterg tit. go -abroad. such ni- t 'foie _ of ,Sciule. Dale and Belmont. - .-Nr. Bright . takei . ground; with: Btlmmid BUrke,.Of.New Hampshire and the .Hat'dS oil ; Nor.will ;these two leadingend;Vigotous-Old:Guerd Deniocratii lack -- etimpaity.Tht .this. *eat work of rotbrming Att.-course-of the I.tret -1"r" --t".: Ii- LI-Whispered :dies, that the .-§t -eatise.to cherish I infix ' for the - .Pri ,that. at the time ten; of Kent ucky man -for thti en Fublic Buildings ; District.' the— kr expressions 'Very , lOW and' honor- Stnnton'ef Tenii for, and _cininerit I '-abroad; aroVto %IT .ex peel oil, n foceig he 'pro m ptly tent i was .tendered.' -' been. ; returned - to can, - and, .have.ti h temselves ! .. • . 'kinitlicr; Cacti.: the 'President ; i a. high integrity 'an pered,abont ; heti which has been I tell to the 'public 'pat true; t'oefric bi!.atithoOzed to upoiiit:'• 4; is d l:-. 411 - 14.1; K •-•iii .•• A. L.-POST. =BM sta-Deinocrttic lcii6Pprs . agoinsi him I'm an op! refore' (I( him -IktiOy, &mites' whispel before.: lit e r,l '4.'.44, ~ Al hicifttt tnr . 7 l-itv.,..t....,A,ri lltin ie l . Mr. Arnhler . ,was - :a. , --StAttes. 'llikhts 'pp iifitc-41 hitt; ,a higligntiefi; , . ilionhobte- gent ioniati',l 'alid,:a faithful -public tifficer'...,Fartlier-,,.be I, was; - the .sell-iti;4o( Of '..Senatoy'll.laion. 1 Tills latter • , ..f 0. probably_ / ,.liatl r ffirriti i o welibt . with..ll.l 'Filmnic, in stlr - ctinc, , Mr. i. . . , •t II '1 ' 4. .._f• •he -- Amblerr - for the an arnitthhi aed. I .W../1 4 ; 10Ved . I distinguished and 1 influential _Dernlocrats—so tnueli not„ (hit , I just.hvfore hel ft..ilie ; Pi e,itlential, chair he appeinted, at of Frank ! lin Pierce, Mrd,B . roatilieacki a yiolent and' I bit ter .I)enai4x,at , Secititd ) }.ll ler thol'reasury... lAfter the insfallation or Presidvin . .riereec in the Executive 1 ;Chair an,,eitort was ntade t.. 1, get Itir, Ambler reninved , from °tile" 'in that -11 PierceL,Deinneralll, I - En t i obt appointed. rung_ ,1 1 papers cailrng 4 . . tr, Mr. Atuhler's .renitrFal Is.ere gotten tlitatul laitkbe.ft,re;t be t . Pies-II ticlent, : ,13ut for, same , lime Betio!' was de-I I 'eyed. ,lt• opt= quito t . hskuglit, a; capable and upright! , - Nar,slial. from inflice who lintiSettatot:lltiri 1 son fig, his ftithqr-itirlaw.. ,And. ,"y K- it cvneld not do !le i; displease : kne",llll,st of t i utt, 4)40; tpr;Likr .ictutival by 'rig 8; 1 Win? 4 tO Ile : dc,tie'l 'it is \ Nre'port ed t hat. ( - tone ; that Coe preidtlent liar,ing learned that, „31r. AntltlOr.. Pad garriyed, ;city,'. sent i foiltim Ilia `zit he ild - that t- -etaitt bi - =Oh( R' 11 in ~~Y~Y~~N '..- , heri!, , lic :political. e'ir -,, I f uton i ha1. , e',..-had goo d , - 1 tber ,thatt 'friendly:feel-- 'l' , i( 1 e t'. It is asserted tho friends of Mr. Stan , were-pressing that.gen- I . ace - of, Clornmissioner oT I -ntid.Grnum.l4-:fietbis ; - Sideut gavo*ent to forne 1 pr(-judicial-:to thechar- l' .f,INIr.-IStitntott.', Tri.Rlr. - i ise, ercry- way qualified ly -entitled to -a m I ilasion liorn - the whole country i s i to msion ittleas ••wfullcl , t !. 1 ,ered,-M? mission-abroad 1 ri,i3,,. Ivo :: ,StanOns4)avo 1 'Con.l.reSs,; ; Nviie,rec.i.i. liey .1 he abißy.'te,-,:spoult . for . ", L :.... vhichjlier.rxhair4 against' .4 Chief-,-Itlagistrate of unsullied bonor,is whis in Democratic. circles; 2 1 1 fth . , a NVltig writ et-- i o -in.- order that, Wit be nf l 3 of ihel'rusldent may put Up' e4Ltil o glllit,i;ter 11p7 1 ae.lo th 6 :Prviiiclent tliat i wliut suine of ,lii3 .profes; I I c tN..;L' . - — 4 . 1 fric:_l(l3 a rel,renthing.iti ':4irrt; in9tad ( - if telfiug `, t,.is ',chalgOd t .anetlius 1, )oitunity 19 expictin.- I . Mit: the -jui:uzi,olet 1 ly of: cnie \of theigrave - 1 ‘ ed agginst lii- - fa it fatuo. , Ir. --PreMildnt - Fthincre le be altOninte4.lelltt.Aitt7' Marsha - 644i, _tor t he . was kind liehrted Presitle\tii, ,an e 9int ncemen L. Of tit e -ckfrbil 40, Mit3hutill :41Ity, -before.. Ji ba'Xbevit ;6114tigiutloge4 ;ft. fr es i gn , r -,ncit: 14 it-,4 epines,ia • . . . 'finest ;enable s h ape a nt] yet is -toy bad f 4i F .be•4elieved Q : yesideui- Pierge.tt At, lerii it-E . ta . . the c or4lo4,•Setai4;iirhW,goi stiogg,,,qtar, to er4illtin. y, ~ :: :! - :..;: l. ',ll-/ 2; Lo t • - •:-1: ',,,•. 4--.... - •-• • •—•:‘... rk--.. - 1 . 1: " , :: - - . 1 il t 041.4, tiViiiiiscialra'Jyrtili„aii-bebn-iiiiiiii.s -,. -- b .• : -.••.; .•L i .--.-- ~.. -4- .-, i .,;-•• ,, 1,5, f T.!! 7. .vid 1 ^; -:-?t l e ,J 4.. • ••• f...; -,u-- II ~ ...'4 i. i 5. 1 • q , q . 1 . 1 . 4;11*Tt r i.T.F.,,*„.1 -- ,4fliyioncpi IT , ea= Tr 4 ::,p, y t ta.p .t.a taltaan tp .t a . 4, t pert; . , . , . _ .. , .... - , - .*.3 4' .1 13 :Wal e -,* :., . ler `74l. : • quo; zna 14xas--1,110, - o9iy -.,Stgiel. 11,1 i.) p liktlteil. 1 4,n b. preJ r ii Gov. 'Yowl .niollOii!t.wrio4l . B3iiir;is )'itiettito 4'li. i - iii \ "(icio‘Cit 3 - It7iiiiiittiit '''tt4iii:s gat; .ttoottot.i. ? .4 capital pf,sBo,oooioPP isintik i-tiolr:tll4oiie..iftd:444o, fiye4i;:plocitl4:.s„o-. tealtithe edit are 'Or'il a nue" . 'Tti - • fsrie - 'l.; i..' 4.-- infiiirri l' ' - iali g - 1 -- t l i.''' . - 0 '. . _-, _ t , -- ---; 'i,,C . , „- •--- e ... y_ r. T 1 e, ; .,, ay . t At,„ . ,- , . ~ ( ii. re • Una States in:b4l.T.4i, - . *hil4aiti„•4!) . 'i.o„ , 300,00 :-..s;`,iiridli; ii-' 4 '..';n'''‘e'f:: ' :ii,',(l'! .l #,.'iiiiii; 1 i .t.,f 1 =i ) 7 , 1; MA pauaii#i l .)494 ar - , 1: \ 41.4$14itipti pit i s lii4i.'ii; Vi r kii:l ' !i!iittqViiilt*iiiot;i. and two . : itittoti . p.t.„(9teigp,„:lt4r4aiipti*,. ftrt;,- - ! xe, t 7 - : i ifit4fgni!4ii:ll:itlfp#l,A-ii-iit*Wfolii - iINIAI. - tm , „ - :,1 r I y,..llo,, g eil!t..i%c ; T,..it:di A ,!s,t 4t e.s,t,), tim e r - - - -Milk c46 . 4l:ipAli'e, - Jiiiiiii44%iiiitoo c • 1 'ii,... - 0rr...#. 5 .0 , 0.0P49, 6 I, iliiikp 4 , t. . ' - i.'0.11`1, , 4,`, 4 4:,.. - :.'-.:yete* t'Aeli!T - , l , l '.'L'-'!'. :-. ':'.'t' - Fe' , _, ,,r ' - ':',:j'' - 1.,: Is rktao . li Of.§iivr:A% , (I)4l„:sSwt,ft.,- ; - !,V,Wiptt '''t'i. s4.iiiikilitiiA/Ptiili;:: / 0 - iiiiitlittfi - Alq'iili,: - ' icaiieo , tliO itisuall . i)plaueti;fif:iioli, It, . %V . 7.O)As itAli : Witt l ail.Ottititliiii,'!§llVl44l. , ,a00 . .q0p . 1 . T - I.o9:palippa,p.94nq, ipisitEi li , t',4.'tv! . ti . i,s . tli.A t tlxvoiOi4 fiiijiiiilttOttiio.l adiiiices tlia L Prica itt'augai': - rreimaft : fp Tr- j p . firiea t rearikaai*Viliiiaittitaal one, and a hair. - c4lB - per, pound . i .. *lii it'l l igignit*fia c iliiitiliiiirediret v aVAifiii,iw, 04.tlie.entir Consitritpttou - of 650 . 00,0 a •••Ati;iii.,‘,/iiioi-lii6l4ltiailqi,L:-;,'''l'7-v.l - t -, i id 5 . , .•.-‘ ', . 1 -:.46 , l' -i• b - s • -, ~,- • .... ~ :, et „,........... - Pk, ..'` 4 -, =... .a.,4 ,1 t o . pit , treqttilittit or! on t $6,00 4 .• , rin _ . l ,- .. _ . ,._,.„1___ . ..' ..-:": '.. •? : ;,..v ~.,--;,,.., ' ,1 tiba, -- iiid ii•iiiiciiiii4 l ii'hilre'citaiiiiiii ' tit' '-'_' 2 ='!°,_..,m g 5i 1 =7 . ",; } i 1t .,tt r , 47 ‘..).....!A„4 4. 1 ._„.*f.;- - ; §1: 0 ,00 0 :-,: 00 0. --_;, .-..,!-,',,....:, : %,: , : - . ,riv-. ..,..--. 4 it . Al l.- , ,,_.? ; Atea,uninnuni . l:Fit : 4 Ir . liSP4l.pij!, r....- .r:: tt. y . ai. i f -----4 , ~,---- -,,, . - '-'''-' :i...:'•"'p '.;•'• -i . . , t - 5-;4.1 . 3...: ;.:-' ,r_ . Ci . u3sistigrittiiiiiirr , : Oiliiii7oo4:l4.iiisl4o-5. :Tutt- WiA 70--.4Pxsiiiii tity*Miiiiiiir4, .ii..-. inrSitasi;t iiioneittlikiiiiiitlitini_hidoiiii3rii* , ; Was 7th 7,co.rifetiblidit4:geays4ati 143: „tatti4h}thei • oiltiiiipip,o4BLlOonli* , : : :6 •l6- 01 - , thiity4)44 ~ '..i.a,. illio4s.l.sikripl, - *ckei r .)iiiiiiyil „iice i rlpilpiih4*: - .:0444100: .11, 0t ilits,.frristisuty-iiiiillilitv;irkviiresktif*iit: iiniiiiiiie 'lima taintiiiiiiirdiAtii4iitiniiiii*: . thoi---1 , -- . 1,-f, Pet - • ' , /fSpaitt 4ta., faildick;:ittitit) - 4601ittiiiitiii' 'altbbijAi'pirt - Ibe.negtiatfor-ei ... ,, r.. Snide infSpain.,,._ Gen., dpdfonin - Xtettici); 'ittlot „Atm i r fairs in : E rope ; are ; in .. a 440049 fa 4r3 ctbfra , , -- -.. ttottoneCtib.ap lys4ltimtVie 0.) *linisition .11>thiaMesiila Va 11440; a . ;,a: atiiiti'if t . I:l*.utottaiy*** 4 oo)4) .0 G u ir,f , ifortnai.4. a forego)* . ..'_., ' 4 ! 8143k1; and W # l . 131 0 " . 31110041°Ut 11 '' 4o -% I ~..i • .. s i NPl eini V ili , t , 4 l ..*l t _... 1-, nesair • . ~.'''' ^.. ',- , 1 l Ant ':,..res7lMot . T'''' 1;t1f, . -- . - -!: -- --', ,-, :/ •-t .= = '',- : 1. 4 - ,-;,- :, , ': ... •- •-=... ' ' , - " .. r :R , ''''-''' ':-=-.-:'- lf ' 'yea Ai w i, „-:-..,,,,,„,„,..,..„,„;,; - .1 ... k ,„ -2: - ..• •:,.: - ' . l"li - 4 - oTif t i ---'- • -,1 1- - 1 - r. l' ,-..-' I The Demoe tic; Caucus. fa ---. ,},,-., --‘ AsilFt citoN, Dec- \6_.; ithe catiCus: r of t e Veitiocratie tnetn hOrs- of the : goose coirieticsl tireeably to ;Olt, in theOtall of the Et6,6ke,A l- ., 800 wafter rio'clock,this eiening -iiiid this ettend, was tftlerably full. e h rre . . 1 nay,' ichardsoheud seVeral ; tttheit, hours A ore absent; I - . ; 1 % ; 1 The caecus,organizta by selecting, Olds for :Chairman and iNlesers. It.ge of Connecticut,- and Davis, 'alai 'ecretaries.. ~ I . The rities of theliou,se Were adopt ed I l s the rules ,of the meettng. Mr. Stanton, of Tennessee. offered a series of resolutions affirmittg, the itrilici ..plei of the - 13titintore , 3 1atform, in favor cf earryingont the inaugural, - against in ; t erference in State politic.s, .including in I xtrnet from Jeffersc)n on the ,taint; tk..e.l 1 These %•ere ruled out - on a point of or ' der. 1 I A ,n'appeal wag' .cent but .. wa's sustainitd•by;ttiOgef - ndSoriltz, _ Tht:y then prt)eeded - tii.httfiot fir a . Aialidal,e'ftii-Spttaket .: ard FIII - ST ')3Ay.tOZ • • 45 Beeoek * • '37 . , .V Toihi• _ - - iir.ovi!viii`trit.var... 1 Boyd - , - C.4' Disney_ ~, ~ (i)i - rv: 1- - ' ;."). - ".: t , •,,, ' I t-. Lip 6 Bvytl,: of g.',. rail 4gplayeii' f iiiini iviafed. . : 1 ;- e-:,•. -,1 • . '.Col. Fornerivaskben ii-oininatestPivrk.-;, oil the •• first . ballot.; .1 - t,•l‘., .Irciiing"ib ailig.,l the cvnly.opposing :pfttniiii3a - tcli . ,r - ~, ,,i 1..! t 1-. . , .... i>.-- I ,_. ~ - , , -NirAsitlNG-tpN, Monday, „r/ec.s;l aa. The nominees aro hll - -elected: ; ..1 - v7iii-•• i iney by . ..4.-21. vot es, !, Intel- Rine -- : . lr . irgirvihvis voting for' ' hini—Briyiy - , Yavilkne4li lwell,•atul AreMnlieiv.,-Mika'NVislidr,:.NV.blee: iler,•nrid other Ilvrids -"' -'i.ue-( 1 -'-r..: 1 11' 'footing likleade's name wah ' nor prapoied:' The IHards tiltawed.tio v *putik, - 3‘,..3tantivivs•lreS-. rolution'S - were . not m:l oifered; Aiit-hag t win' be elected Prifiter.: by ;int :" (War wb el - - ling mikiertity. . • , .. ', -! - ~ :.. 1 - • Lewis D. Campbell's resiibitahs- f iais-: ,ing iv. Cominirtee to make-repoer'oa, at- . It et init. tha rules of ihe 'll - ht.rse, pansed • ha aninlooslv,-. :An initioofint -0,0,e-...Rnd if AT--------1 rr ' isney ea ed cmt fsolliatebugynepluit, tnitiiass to the (4evezliiticht. A .Bearerpfdispateitesfrece Mr. Gads den, Mitti'ster trr Me.s. , iitif, reached Itere te-daY-: Re Igt the City, rif nu the lth• of N'ore tither', !and: yere"Crei on tile: 23d. . eUigetice %brin.:o abdut-: t . - tnovtoieuti' 'Lower ia is trtp tirt ant ; but.:'rt(it There is '?;nly about t bun ' Pnr;et Bred'ett - ia . , t -- expetlit ant.- lk . Ir. cia - ttattt;tv ki4 direct edrindasure:i .1)0 ta ken to suppress ;with j the "Unite(l!States tr9npall . - f ' Sante Anna - la ifit the •tteat terms with -Mr. Gait:den; and is truly dn:stinttsltylprC sdrve ti - ettCe'with' the itTnite l tt - St at ea. _ aliiiidetoi.• of thc. .dispatOds sliows hat ilto e'.*/ . loi,titilOviilj'.fail. l . l . a ril - pence-bett:yeen- lilexieO 'cod ' the Vaited *rates Le to.Rintaiped:; : • - sr-= •---"' ‘ ' ;...4:....,...1.1 7 ... 0 „.._......!...÷.. Minor 'lneidfnis-Of the Mari', • A latter in the Earii'Patriet from Con , L , . .. , , taunt tnep.e et tee t c.ptb n,t., t states that the . T,Urlcisb, crolser;hadlehas,ed: sione It.tissi: an. guebeats i into the hat bur ~ "ot..sehasto - - vol., ; , , t 1 _ , 1., . •', 1, _• . ,!-. -.: -- 11:1 - y felegra Oh fcilin,. Coustaatineple or, thedi the Tuijcs; :a!'"ei 1: E . Oort ed :.. to,uav 6 ,i stormedS.and.. ; eapture(„l theillio.s.siapO,for-1 tress eythe Shfzilatit,"„ (Ali?.) "la, with ' t ii)a:•l 9. t his,: several , iOther t ,,:!;k t rtress'ea ill - . ,gr.or.gia,,ard the..khocasusilrav:Adlen in .to posselision of the:Turkish,allie's. , ,'.l,`-hestir furts are darteet, ~IWhiettlwa: taken bv" the - h.oords ;..-,Folder,l)v,the-typop*tfreur 1 -Piriilas'etts,-Tand StiOnlice:lslti4tand.,itueh- I .4- 4 i 010 ,44 61. 0e' tlis. ... ,;-, , 1::,. - . .- Ae . al3surd tirrno : i ;va s An c....lredlaileiii: .I ,fer. a_ Alai, or t %ve,:. het',.1.2116. \Jo sietn'sllaili • rnassaerpl,fifleen , .hundred ch' ri st,ians . ,hl heseloiliea,;,----tptit,j-ty - 0 1. ii it re o; , : I ,•. , -D jsatre;t lea,' has 4 br.i . pkeu,out.arniutg the Poles irr Ores ,R 0,,,,ii a n ;ratik§;L, Four! ..had vitt v .47.Prn ": • . *M I% SU P 3ll , Sar g7 .lOll4 The coknhyniraitrts thetween Orsltz . . • A 9 f / t9e*Wailt,'"ChASdf;i*::".rid:i • .4: l3 q;P Z ar !l ls;P ° 4o l t t iM , c of ;Nk r ar.,if4ts .reqiiii94llt i Vio„CiNtogyie. l ;4:§xil g htArg,fht .? ? I'lkelicg mos ;? rptljuri ' °ll sa M 9 10 11 ( 1 ;V' 4)4 ccorpti.cyarinee,.Wei f uefte... 1er.31-'t n t 1-/M4tkirTP!-?ileri:fOr I, 7 ooforCe,gurce don of the r45 1 L. 4 1,t-er Allgqir•:il -illPAYk l i i i*Po. -1- I ..orga . o,..iintisnittirsing.....-- -1: 1 . , 7qlr l - M t:1 • a; .11410"TrIr4eCTiggrilMiliadoil 1 S_, t. P e A, 4 C„ -1 1 .4 t.; 4 kii,-L i -4.o9rne2 2 :JT 4 f t i a s u.. 0.40. - 4 3,P50. Fall, it? 4:0.44 1 ;1 1 K - TtkrPel: ( tveL . 00_," 1 :.91F9* . °434 1 --AaFP Pt: o .' l2 cl . i t . 4.1 I;PIIii tile: ciiiTs Aiilf:ttot;flFisk% Wi,N04,11 - 63 : - 4 11 ):t11.4 1 :VS4c. ). K.Mil,tiAt:. 1 ",_f k ill: . I . Pitceipliibfi'i,: -.. :•,:sli . r•:•,'-z:- , ~.. fi.. • ; - Int 49yikgeep,s i kimin.A.:F tog. 4 9.h.Pus P... : - 9 cit. .giapa: imi. wei T ed:; IC Turkish i 4cpailt; ' l ir : 410,iitt::ir: i a`citiii ; . : 4 a* i.Poiiiiitßiiii*Pitiui..t.Tik, py.:Pu(4oF 4 l.4' :r: • ' lia.s jo n't z lili4tSis,ch..,..o,ll: . s . ,VA l ffi., tie?,t .. :to.,ite ! i . From liuchaviest; . Ic4n'.2,7t,aarAcks say m kt i. ar,eprprdajapi itifolfii.mak.l.WU -I,;the4,l4flu, LoyarOl. - a*fogis ... t,* pi f l Om tri- ga n vs!us Ail,e,t44o3:tzmg.i.itoyili,go, - 4, 1 l ith): . i11050pp45;_,,..,194:: 010A,tvl i to , 22Lii990krItivefi4Ati f iltfici'-1 . 1 - : . ,..v.-,`.: . . IPLiirish . .giglm pr,iI4:=TWTRPP. ir..A:l - •-. „: - cf,- --, : -;- - ti-liii-k.. 4.i• ..; v . .i.-t - t -:: c`.t , -' i-.0 - ; ( 3 . 191;04.4.51ias illfAtFO';,4 l !'illNCl.. ll . 0. 111 11 ° ." . ,/ ;tele — re be i l .... 41- 1 : 4 1 1113.6 Y - 141 2 *.auglia '''.' - :- .f -. 'antir.,,w..,,f tOlkyfigeas.,,-0 1 .iii:ukIsPx., , R.391 I' I . " • .", fy.:i:= '...LArtfra;:jl , - - . 4;_l 0 1* *z 'hi - ^hail ....+ ‘ at4pm, Litt 'itr 0" 1 . .T,Fie, ma:lp tictikrcii.... i.alis. 0, erattoP. . 11- cPijac , Al l 4 l -i;i4.4.::*t1iit:%1 1 49-;? , ---- : krft IN A4i•l%-101 1 AC qf-,; i. 0. 3 . P i ::7i:erti,C9*l - itc:eur° ll . 4 . altAlr• 1 :0 0 1Tur,:g,,,.. - i-Tlkiz - , il l .st. , iPY4! i 9P 1•44:s caR4R4-af aß..!arcu....E ti 4 ...:,:-1,-ti..„.1 , . 1 - -,--- -' ' . -:.:)... :;:-.----7"-, 7, 4,t ri- , -,.- i r- t _ _ jr_fi r, , -;, f:_____ic-. 6_,%--- Jr 4- - - In Sdtt' ‘ .' te inainiaa:nrrivea . at 1 -' , : ' 0 ~ 4 ~' *.n . ....; ' P.!.-',' - ,- a u rr .: I 1 . 1 1 - iie''''cfdricV 614141-uk intelqgende from ° - n .e. 1 4 - ,-._ ' l g 'lt ~ '=, i'',..qin_ i :6 3 i ts t . .... 114 eN . plth,ipg . V,?,l4'?Y - °,!-P-,TRturrf,, 4 6 it'L ft. -: 'dtinhitgilr f . . .- GrbV6.o:T**l l ..T 1V9.1,%.% L,. 4. , 41 , 21 . , 1 ~. 1-4 . ' ... I.' ' 5 " 1 ft...-& - '? -1, ,itht , _`l,., . _ , t rb '- -isig -, tt . Int, ....:64.. 1 1., l'entii,at4 : uiot;igtt he6toi4 ; Isel im bftraie f o - w: ,4 - .000. Offit.far**4o :441401041 1 0110 ipiiiiittid-41 1 diliticiki:40160.0,+ I.l.".4dialif t ‘'. ..,. '''' ..**-14.111 4 ' . • , - -,:-4 -: •-• 0. 4 / I ,v . :. -,.., .(..:...,..-.:., ...,If N . .( 7,. '•::, r" ... f:::i i: ' ' 4.. : . .. I r' . .'" . . g . , • V s, f•••• • i'. , l'Z' # 1 44 : . *: . : ':. ••• " * . i r : ,.:: : S . 74 : tt1 i ?"1,.....! .21.: !; ' ,...F•ltref l ." . k :f:V.Vilttil'et I s }'Cs vier, Mr. nn ;11n, I .talt;' the,Cht ":: ' 32 o4l)Ttie : ' Be nIeQP2 .1h 010' 1 , arrickS ‘, i'm) with; tnur °thei- ' nt . :fi ei i Al l fet s imilltiog in -- , suninter; and - a€. half .'fist : firititithevrin : ' '-.• ter, '9l4(i . ..eye:ilk- snit ens liiiitilte 'nun& , ' I diately,aripes, ileithr, iiphis.bitinketti and ' matithiCana'PliceSltiltem. - 0n446 head of , . 1 his iron'. bedstead; :Ye:studi4Atil seven •. : o,cie gri.,_# -- thit„hon '.i lia drumAietifir for -- •.! t brealifast;_aed j thel'ideti,-fallinto xa nk . .- and proceed-.to '. the tnesS . hall. :' 'Twenty .minutes: is the' usual time spent if br'eak- - fast., Guard meutit i tig takes ''place at. half past , - seven, . Mid : twenty-four are placed . on- guard every day- ~ .At eight ' O'cloek the bugle i‘c} Inds' and the recite; oi,vg h . 66#103:i?ee. - ,. \ A, jfitte o'clock ih - 6p - ate', agaip.Outi4, , ~ : - OrnflAriiiri' dismibs their respective stet!. nsillie: c'mdeti: fai nt - -: .rankti`tipp*itOlie iritiki --- alialiv e ictlgli, ~ dinner..;,:get,w,eenolern_nad One- a part.. ~- of the cadets; :Ace tipl6ll:inT riiiiii g ; a iry '. othersrt e .,fetteing,l, '!liiiity., - After dinner 1 they have7o,4ltwO ?,!clqc,4,feriedreatiop.•-• At four the hugle,..Sounds and they go‘,ei , lifer, to batmOkolni;:tighc:OilintfY, dri11. , 7- - This exercise last& tfol:ltour eV ii: half.;,- After that they - devpte'thotime! to reef& - r ation until ` Parado.,! which takei : p l at o at- -, sunset. After - patlatle:thei fo r * - 4A*. ;- rank in front _of theL ihaFracks, , and,ille • names of ihe ilelinOqnte are reitd;bytii:n . Officer ofthe eqtlets.t- ,'Stili)er comes - = andl.after - upper - r ,recreation Ititil- t eigbt • ov n'cl9ck.colt iliii Yughl -sOund : to , call to ' quarter&-antever,,} cadet Must he found ip his ratite withit n few minutes EIF study and. must fernain". here Avis' jemlployed • lentil half-past nine;].. At half past. diae-tho ,-, bugle again sounda, t his is.called.'tatt9ott and its the. drum '-iatis';;' , rarv:radet tritkit. he in bed.; having '4i.4 light ettrigurilip4, and must rernain,therenuttl reftropg, -1 • If d,nring tlie niiht. the.cadet.isloiniii ...- to be absent from -Ibis-- Teem - mere .than -, thirty 'tnieutes' l andla - o'ci- not: giVein sat* feet orr'acen`uut ' Of,r hi niself,'-:icharge42:ii# , _ preferred' against I him „ lie is enurt alartiaied. • -:: -;:, - -1 0.0 - .. ' --- --:-- 'l , . - _r;`'. - 'The use of int 4Xic4ting-dtink-' and ' of- t obacco -Ss- st rietli . reptidtated.; - . awl . s4i. 2 , arei ) laYing4 " 0 e0 : 4, .t .-%1 04.T i 0g - °1 4 15 * 4 1 40 and a. great many other ~things,- : The uni-hment to which cadets ai-e liabJer, ' are ptivatinn, 6f-:rpereart, 013,, - Ac., , eFtra, hou r s .ef Juty; re - priaratnfs, arrest,,or. con finement tn his rOorn :or tel4,-; ceitfine- meta ur amnt prison'ecmhnernent In dark prison, cli;Tni;gai %;t i r iiii tht- privileie of re,-- .410-ning, - aildl'iaublicAligartisal: - . Thrritier the trioni'lls 6f.Ttity-an.4.Airgust .t he , - ca /vets are .encanwell, and during e-rh m 1 eiiinifint: file "instrucci6n is !ioxtrusiip.ly . tnilita-t-,.- - .. - * , §y am ~ i . : - .- - : - ,1.:';',.` - -.!.. .-.., t . ' ' • 1 1, The i i - ;Tily ttiricnrrtt i s itiiii:' tP, I Cti.leii IS: , isvo In4utii, Aviieit tifey.arciiiit. }hemi 1 cbsv. , -...- .., ~,,.-... , 1., -.- . 1 ' Te . `Of The " (Jolla rs ; fer . rnolit.hl...arld "116_, _toned.' &nsis him ten oftnis. i' lironi2,Jlii:-bnitiniCe , els ~ required tit ,dres9l l itod .detri4., his. otntir ' ex penFes. ntid - his,priihtbi!ed•fir from con tract ing - --debti Withiliir. l -: , 'As the - fewnitt . for his ticiiiicatiO.oiiiCidet acquires nil . excel era. education ;.4.11 imatfriernap-c4 , t- ,0 ', l am it.: ter il ; probablihhir,b7l ' IgetViity•-otit- er iti*t it ut ffia . iti -the country -1 te.t:rait •ii lg qt . .: het 41k ! ..)4y-744..0414;',.i1i . -g!;y „t.„44 . T... cugh• ati4.:petilipleti.. , -1,--',...rif.:-.,- , ..,;.4' , ...'.. - ;:,,, . ._ . . , '. ....., ~ .. __, ~ . . - ._. .. • , - - - .- : ''. ' • 7 . 7'-'.- -- i" . . - 7,oli" , ;:-i , 441 4-7, 471 ' . , :. ; . ! ... -- * ,.:.,: .. 1 ; Livhv i•- ditiitir ,.. ifensation; ., :,.,-, • i ~ .--•.714 4 p ~ 44114 . 114 i-a! irjii,.;tiioi ,- ;1 11 . 1 il.;ii! . 6.i.;e :theU sit-x,-. ' pi' iii'tt it s' ',Old :, fi,i.:, [l :tatr'ep '43-::1i$.0 ~ om, n a .w. t) e !.tettesfo -laecti4a ttAli ? ?...--, r i. Alits•lii4( - ii: V1ZZ.02..:1, .' ' ... :.;. 1-..i.' -- ?L - L. ' L : ! ) '.. ' . - . - L ''' '. ' - LL L - '; . -., .7 , i_:.: , ,:. ;-• , . ~. •-• YO,t it " c6.r:t ; 6 ittly : '.l-10„ ',.`,1 . t.'4trpt1t.,),4a , .. 4tetictiieli - r,WO,yertternetiti , :. titian' iti , ,lot.t.t - - - . li env:elopeO,fiii4iivattUeeifsed , otlitibut'-' , lii's4. ft . tiviil I.4:4'ic'ei*itii?4lll)i'.:44V(lrilik.'tit'itO . Verti.2entent ~..- 'lt.. :e otliiiiio:ct,ll.4:yiioc.. .of ditteJisitig, NvithtVausret, 7 . 4 "6ftliait4...6g-.- ; tiryg - .gold , 'nitil•'itflyei,iltit ahe 1.'? . 1,..i'.eitrie4,4e, - .: all Over: . iliel6otint . i•i;itt' .. 44-iiii - . e . eili . ekof it . , - ; . hut 'it - lived: down ittel-,ti.ii,ii itieft:;lity 0i)- : \ 1.4 iu ig Ihe.....eat!,i.s,fof-. tOtTiij,i , .iiiid ...iod . ,7zi = iog _. i .,,, ck .6; the .4 4 „pt 4,i-tif,dia44.,:i1t44411.0.0!_.' ;it iotigh „its; :Dili' jai ilittir!,..'ll . 4(l. - :threitigit. - '.- t wii ittetubets':of. h . e . - . c.;'6.bittefi::7'ltt'f.u.Vei.,:pf, the ..'go'y'et:infietitl :'"iliti , . o'itig -. yi:fo,lo, - 40 -. 'totliktjvielific;,..ati .10 . 44-vas-actitil.64, . 4fiii.4iii , - , 1: . it li Vett- a- 1 t*i,: th . '4o6 . esriiti*,,by . ...haekirg 1 -, ;iit' i l'iii - iii.. - t - tio i :w4 i61:::,-.1kolyis-i-f,,tti,pti'otio- a l onii)lo.o,.‘.;:- A welt s b . s.oftifor 'pi, litader,..-ist Ott ~the no . isOini to ,IT:ilm2itria2:: . 1 • btediki 3 O*.i*,,i , .114 1 rD0041ttita .t . lfe:Oigniii :sitAtt out yr thi.Oexci• cused flf it„, - ,t;ut; -. bestoiiiArlltsFi -.gam i l k•,-.3, , k - p:Fw .) licillrtybrfLy aft4,,Ai o l66 ot. qt. tim mu* iNout9Pu4si "4: 4 4,Y' " ,- '', - Y - "li iikii - t littobtoo' iti - ernbets - of 1' 1 1, °I11 ; - -. n -1,•,.4 4 ,••,:::‘,.4.Jr.: •,.11,1 i oett .4-..4 it Su OW d enter or :P...gr Nso .4 ik i ' ll - --/•:.k; e. 104, - :' akitboi ttnt&a: A_ . .... 1 7 1 - 0 12. Ipv , 1 .. , - . - . sC . atxt • o Mr tyh ut. t ii 40)3i/11114% , -- t iiia r' ' . 4 - 4p:t , s '..),-.)., 1.- aa -- 71' .it -z-vr- f ull y It Aiim!ge . 13 , Tugmot:Aho at; m an 'funy .-:-..: "A 4.. , tt Avr -% 1 . 1 2. 4 - f 5 91,0?(C ,. srliPliguls.--the - Itroa , stants;of t 41104 .. 1 44 - .s , ". 11.1 . v....t - t.‘ ,. ..: t thy,. C;4O urv,o 'fp Isp anioup '' 0 "•-•.. 4 ,5, -..- q r. "4, ` 11i ,-1' IVelliiiiiii .._ . .. .... ........ . tq,,2404); icics.. t /. rai-,.:!" prv,,i.lis4 R., ..,e, _,cto . 9.',....ii,944;f: IV"' ii , tavi. il ~- ~ 9ra, , :fr *- i, og :400,1)4; ,l 11;t3,14,f,u A f . - , , : A,n. yzkclim6o. i : l's.vis ,are.'GOiKadttO '"-11-Iffß',:..c,-ii'l. :.17110- i ' "' " ' irift4,,,-e-v:..„b-,,, , ~,,,y,„4 „ ,,,,,,,i 4 ,,.,:., , au; • •,,.1.-.., tat ' 1' t " ; ..., 1 4_ 1 24 4 0/ 7.,;: i. . 7 h ., .:ii tt 1 rt. c . ; kii i1i. 4.,,: ti r k;4 1 1 4 .1, a : : ,,, v , r.43., ,.. 71 i: - . l : l. s . :: ' i t i: ers : lo o l6 . ..;: s lol": T i r i e : ,. P.,X,411i,tit,--laii,iills,?rtlirP4l:i3lo4,ill 0 ,m4r,fli,.3:us -...41 ...P.Otig laffiAj rho - t ut:v 4 _, ',. t ... LE 00d4A-0. iT:94..filii sditlibbo. 44.41Ccai,". si _, rOtiibt.,l7' ictl4 us." ..,,, ss. <ffery wit Aril tkna. -,'.4;.. 1' *TPAP:ekkattl 'P...4SIA'IP ;rI4IXieI: eii;l6o:—., ~ : i It:: . , r,:zt. * ( te i l--1 3 : 4 : . . ' Cir.calP 4. 9.40 1., - * ;r 146** ',.',.'Pavlgfi- Alio."-itAljp. kz.l.Qturct.;ftonts: 46110404v0tAh , ,?.. ...,.........r . ~ ~:.„. . . ~.. *irettht . clet:;is`twenty ;Riot . . race and w 4cc■ eft' loov4tgipeor tioiTliWitricalttteitt O*A r ork - fin4) ll o 6 *. and was y . rti ge,' n uocil kql aftorwas- Wu age ben • thifitirvoll . the :Now-A q©r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers