ito:-.5.:# .. ,:: : _:0t.'40.-_' . :firOittti Education of Fanner& • To Tatn•EDITORS OF UM FA= JOURNAL: It h a curious inqury why the knowledge -- of agricultinS progresses so slowly ; and why h has as Yet, attained so little in , this Coon try. It is *fact which we are , ill willing to covisde,that our productions are little more than:half what they should be, and far leis than what,•they are elsewhere; and yet we seem to be 'Content to bide , our time, and be safrified with results, when accident or change shall Prance theta, or when we shall be jos fled froti'theotd way, by the coming gerlBl - Dior* tuna ierenhundreu yeans before the Christian . era; saiall prophetically; speaks of a threshing machine, 'Behold, I will make • theeA new sharp threshing instrument hAv . ing teeth, And' yet this intimation pointing out almost the very structure of the machine now common use, was not realized =tit the nineteenth' century ; and then' received with a doubting caution that well nigh dam -, pened the experiment. The merchant has carried his enterprize into every noel and miter oflthe known world ; the learned have exerted their talents to the ,derelopement and practical apPlicatiori of scientific pt inci ple.s, which has given their class in enviable place in the estimation of mankind ; the me chaniC, availing himself of these deyelope , menteofscieoceihas given' them form and shaye to au extent, vrhiehentitles them to the #dmuation' of the world.; while the farmer stands tor* wip mingled feelirig,s ofdoubt and astomslunent, that all the other-pursuits oflife *hill so rapidly past him. What is the ren3edy for this admitted evil I We answer—the education of fanner's sons through the medium ofan agricultural school. We mean a school to educate boys in the art and science of farming ; and unless the fiumers otour State wilt zealously embrace this idea, and avail themselves of, it, there is nohOpe that their condition can be otherwise improved but by the . lapse of time, and hap petting of circumatitnces. - There is no one of the colleges of this coun-, try adapt!d to instruct a farmer on the con trary thew system is calculate d educate young men , to a state• of entire •unfitrrs for ,Any such occupation. A boy graduated at . one ofour literatiinstitutions has already spent that, part of his life which 'alone can be profitably employed to learn the art of farm - ing; and.scieuce without, art, is still worse than art withont science. There are peculiar reasons 'why farmers should take up this sub- jest and.make it their own. It is a feet with regard to the system ' upon which literary institutions &rent present based, that their pecuniary resources" are never. adequate to their necessities, however economical they !nay: be. _ The consequence -of this is that education is made to cost more than they, who,',rely upon the produce of a farm. are a blito pay. „Besides, if this expence should. haveheert undergone, the fanner has in all "prc•bability driven his son froth ,alr l taste or de site to pursue \ the calling for Which hiS tints judg,eutent, intended him. And if the boy should return to the farm, it is to exhib it-to his disappointed father and brothers -host Jilliche knows:of the business of his fu tpe - life. - , a an ' Agricultural School the pupils are tilliaitorers on thefann as well is Is their stu dy iffieir - bodies are educated to the art and then minds to theicience of farming; whilst their„hands are employed in the work of the ' firm, their minds are employed in the pursuit of the knowledge of the .reasons for what ther do there is thereby an intermingling of *oretical science andpractical art, which is but to be continued through the whole of their ftiture lives. . The Institution thus be emnes, in a measure, self-sustaining ; and - lhe ?the *Would= may be reduced to a- mere tpfle. \ April 20; .• . `-- , (From the Germantown Telegraph.) ~- ;\ ~- - • .iikiklin - Se 8•11. • 1, , ..\,-- -.- :mii,Situina:—.Eximmience has lonisatis-. t 7l Kelt me - that frequent Stirring of the soil is ir pierentiie, to a very great extent, of the , ordinatieffects ofdroug:ht: , ! ,I,do got, of (mime, wzb - to be Understood ' as-including 'the doctrine that it will render rain Ilti*M ; -nry: , for this ironed be to deny ' ' Prot**; but that it enables the farmer to dirive s iMpkirtant 'benefits from . his soil, at times ai4in seasons when the , windows of heaven" to be literally closed, and the 43:01r:ling . rnaheth for the kindly and life-int pubs* ram." A surface th atis kept eoestapt y..fineandlight, does not allow the moisture beneath to exhale; and -it is thus rendered available far the ;use and nourishment of - -- BY passing the cultivator through a core . field obi* a week, the'crop will . be secured againafthe effects of drought urn& more - ett. - fectually iluusb,y any othev - means that can be ..uptio- ..As the Soil fallsNt.ogether, and be becomes Consolidated; the moisture ascends by capilisry attzaction,. and escapes to the - clouds. Every one must have noticed this in iolid lands; and even in corn-hills. where - . owingtos practice prevalent in 801:120 SeetiOns Ofthitveountry, - and which is almost invariable =... ivittithoisewho till ligbt, sandy soihythe hoe ' iiiataxetied dOwn upokthesoil immediately _ova; the 7 cosijiiplariting. The compressed earth italwaya moist in the morning, while tbe - ,,foaciel` between .thehilli remain dry he - 4 * l o 4 9n_F ORPrestia - ' - - As.thislippli. r of moisture in the soil fails, the:Mark 'ofthehoe beciimie less and less sip , parent, anskfinillr no humidity is seen,— . - On-fu*down, it will be pereeir e dth a t shi k ,ila is exhausted, while sn the apnea betweei the low,. where/the surface has all ihe tiibeteed:Eghtaed fine, and dry, ' these - is moisture enough often Within an Inch'of the :surface:. I havefresnently been surprised on observing the *Oats of thissoklaial is, and sae alluded toll ftegnently . in my comma - rikiationi teiiiiiAtipepers, and in . swap ia .-e Ceteesolot`Withistit Wit, .-I hope , to those -!- kit.,..;ylmmel turigidenOmt - thiy'wire ~]"_.,-,' ~,IWomitiet.:- M te- i tiati;eteie.4t mielli foi, evigSberpurpiskiihielk itesateinly ii.not. he haysluehle for theassistiweeit rev " - 41 1 "*.:Pnuit,' Moisture. No:' -- Reiftir hriii:lich the 10:mi kik' ehinen taty lig ygibifoft#llo/* lilt Ilia :ofOlimis way)! --I ,lrx*itt.:l 4 *lerthistveleniviteri= Y10,44 - bgibs9rtita- , :i - - : * - eit-Earlii** - thr- - 41 - ohisksii - 414 - Ai'k leftwiiitri** - #:****sed:iii Aiiiii** - • ,i -:liiiirAluielfo 4 0-** tAll::;140. ,:gi, Visoi.toAatilidt*Aft4- er for want Of water, let the surface belni.`• mediately stirred. Beep the culdrater !no ting, and rest assured that kts Operations ' aitl tend more to the benefit of your fields than anything save - rain:, r - . A.`PRACTICAL FARMER. BAtd.Bagle Farm, May . 4.:,1853. r-- Hens: Maintaalur will prohlthlybeens4t ed in the State of New' York this w hiter, acid in Penusyliania next winter. 416 itninigrants hare landed ak, New York since the 21st. of October. 1.0,9P6 rived during' the week ending thell24o re ale compceitors ere coming in de tna d as Assistant editors 'of couCtry papers, when it is nec e ssary .that the editorial - corps Sheuld also set up the type. It seems to. be t a veryigood opening for young ladies o it rea sonable degree of education, and'good Lein Making Gel ectious. . ' - ,The editor of the fittsburg Disi ch, in looking threu,gh a little work entitled the 'Brewers Manual, a publication intended eii-, elusively for'Brewers, Mills it recomended tb country dealers that wberi, as is often the case ale bewmes stale before half the barrel is out, he can restore it to its original life and excel lence by putting in from six to -ten pounds of putrid horse flesh., Let ale &linkers, nittie their own comments.. . . 'l.\ Iflint rfs enths. MILLER & FOWLER, lgorneys and counsellors at Law. aneselicnora in chaticery v Office No. 44 Parke St.:Chicago, lIL • Jona O. MULER, CHARLES A. F. witti. Lines & Reynoldi, • rip AILORS, Shop in :tha room over 0:1). Haw lor's Store,_near the*Franklin note!. * PACIIPIO - 80 4 1ML, - fikgENWICH STREET,(nearißnlaY)New VI! • York. A.F.Salisbury & J.lO. Wh ler, Pro prietor*. In the vicinity of the principa . - Stearn boat Landiniii. • • ' Byl . ROCKWELL . WINTO ' 84 Co.') "1/I".IiNUFACTITRERS and Dealers n: &rate %LIM Goods, Hats, Caps, Furs, Manilas, Para sols, Ribbons, No'2o- Courtituireet,i NEW YORR. (up stairs.) I R B ROCRWELL. . 7 HOWARD. 'W R WINTON. TH - ONIAS, GSTRUM,DeOer Dry Goats, Groceries, Clothhig, CrOckery, liljsohs and Shoes, etc., Susqueltaanci.DepOt, Pa. . • BENTLEY & FITCH, , Attorneys At Law. Montrose, Pa. a. d. BENTLEY. . rs -u r . WILLIAM Wii, SMITH & CO.; Cabbiet o tod Makers. They keep constantic on hand a g assortment of all kinds of Cabinet.furnittr-- / Skop and Ware rooms at the foot of Main a 1 A. ,41; Ei BUMP_liamillictur of Saddles; Harnesses , Tr unks, Whips, 41.4 Tuiniiike St.'. Montrose. • WM. - JESSUP & WM. JESSUII, Attorneys at law, Ifontrose,.Pa. PractiCe lin Suiiquehanna, Bradford, Wayne, Wyoming and Luzerne Counties. - • JOHN GROVES Fashionable Talks, Shop under Searle's Hotel Main StTeeti Mont-, C. H. SIMMONS, Boot & 8 ot a , ker, over A. Baldwiti'silarness shop, Turnpike street. , • ALBERT CHAMBERLIN, -Attorney a Law, and Justice of the Peace—over Il L. Post Co's Store. I. • CALEB WEliB, Saddle, Banton ‘. Truittrliluictactorernp Ilwelling rods south of the village, on M street, • t . . L. PAIINDS, Attorney at Lit*,l quebitin' a, Pa. Office on Main-street; b4e : door - 'east of teal:mimes. • • . j e : B. R LYONS ik . CO.; . Who esale & 'Retail Healers iti Dry Gonda, . ries, Salt Flour, and Haniwate,Laneilbero' P F.: B. CHANDLER; lialtr Dry Goods, Ready Made Clo th ing: o ies. :,, kr .1-. Syttioneryi-ete. Public. Avenw, M;• , truss Pa .. • ~. Ii 11 . FRAZIER, ittiriei Offien'aver - Bentley & Rauh ISt ' • Public Avenue,Montrote, Pa G. Za NOCK, M. resideoce No. A;Spwcgo - street • :: ifool CO. LL '3_TOST it-CO. - Dade . 3 1 Goodi, Groceries, Crockery, Hardy Floor, etc. corner of Tuniptkeftreet Avenue; - J. LIONS B.ol;;Deidersi `,per, 'Hardware, Crockery; Tinwar Bouka, etc; - Also, carry on the 800 buAneas; Public Avenue, Montrcne, BENTLEY ,&_REID,'Deale GOAP; Dit;g l til l lefileines, Pidnia, I = ieri; Hardware, Ciro4ery. • Jewelry, Silver Sigmas, Perlin-41er', of Public Avenue. C. D. VIRGIL, Surgeon Des fee in Odd. Fellow's !ha comer pi and Turnpike , streets ; MontrOse, .WO4 done with the beit material,", most imprinted stil e . Charginklow. - t- WC &JESSUP, Ittiiraey• Law, dud s COMMISSIONER OF DEM DEEDS for th e 'Stite of New York; la attend.tfitsall k2rtiol - isinuded tO hirn with promptates twenty. CaSee on Ptiblic Square, occupied by Nom! Wm IN:.:GEEENWOOD, Chair Jan ,PA 0 T ©E 13 11,0 Also keeps ccatetantl, Orti hand Oa" Seat Chub*. Ca b inet ' sod - Furrutore, l at the Chak susd {Wire Shop a taw rode north' •of Sernoues Store, Hirford:Pa. blaiti-t*, '52 BENTLEY 4 PERAINS; Mannienturers °fend dealers in all kinds of Oast ink - Stoves Agnei . 4ttuid Jmp11411046. etc. of fteait Sayree Store, PnbUC Avenue--Manufee; tory at the Eagle Foundry, Foot citCherb , street / Motrose, Pa. - ' T - ' ABEL WitBRIX; Dealer la' *on mixbeitiAK'ubitodids, Paints, Oils, Pri•Stults, Gnxe** DTP - HardWlAM•Stooeirare, Mamma* Mai, Watches, „levreby, - Silver Simon. Spectacles, Musical Nitriuliesta..Tcass es, Surgical blind :ma* -lquor; rirfaiscri, Mirrors,- Stationery ' Emilia Yankee No: "Lc Steam" Glist Sot mill 130sVitROTHintOiningrirdriusttom,_ bove aquetakifly vetoed - ' 2 , 4l Befute 2asid. - 4 47011 ,,C# 1 .1` *fa— : Sigierwr gOraii iE • , Bras, the levret cub pneei Culteee,ir *Riot don widtelimipatta, media ail Nies • • . Neetteekildr 18$1. • tOP - _,,- • 1 .,.. rfrok ~ .-4.,-..- ~...,L - ' • t at , V — : - .usik.... __ .;:"Z..'.:M*l.--f:... • riediar: '-vriploont Ofikv, or tile BIM HAVII(0 recently added to our assortment of JOB TYPE several new and beat - IWO fonts new RULES, BbRD.ERS, 0 ItrAMENTS:ec we arc now repareii to etecut every kind of ESS , • 1- PRINTING,.such as PAMPHLETS, . • _out' CULARS, • POSTERS, • CARDS, • • BLAAWS, CHECKs, in good style, at fair Tuires. and with 'despatch.— Having the advantage of new :Materials: through , out, we can confidently promitie to give . • j l . Entire Satisfaction . . otho e favoring ns with their patronage. - Special Mardis, School Tickets, Bill heads etc., will be printed on short notice, on good paper • %It All kinds of Blanks usually called for, con tantlr on hand for sale. • • - • OrThose who have Job Prtnting to do wilt find it to their interest. tocall at the - REGISTER OF FICE. - ".. • - 1 A Sumner iirraugement. • Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western A •.. " R i l l LROA D- • 0 N and after. Monday.. Oct. Oct. 3d, 1858, th Mail ' Passenger Train will - leave:Scranton at 10.15 A. h o fi ec , t • ' . . I A ved a Great Bend at 1.10 r. v. • --• with the day' express trains East Ki and est on ;the N. Y..d: E. R. Return, will leave G t Be:nrl on the arrival' of the Day Expima from Ne York and Dunkirk, and arrive at Scranton at 6.1 . P. M. • - . • - A: Freight Train with Paisengl k Car attacked, will lestve - ScrantOn at 5.45 A. 3f. rrive at G re at Bend ai 9.50 A. x ., connecting wit the Mail Pass enger Train east land west ou the N. T. and . E. A. Road: • l . , , . Returning, will leave. Great Bend at 1.20 r. u. and arrive at Scranton 6 P. N. Passenger taking thisFatewillarriie in New York early in the eventhg. • ", • Stages will be in waiting on the arrival of pass.: anger trains at Scranton, to convey passenger's to Carbondale, Pittston, Wilkesbarre, Philadelphia via. the . Reading Railroad, Easton, and all other internaediote.nlacm.._. . ._ • . • _ • The trams we connect wit h ar ri v e and depart from New. York fad Dunkirk. as follows -. ' -Day Expr se- rrives at New •York at 10.56 P. M.. and de rts'erotn do. at 6A. M.' . i Same tnti arrives at Dunkirk 1A25 r. IL, and I departs fro - do. at 6A: x. - 1 •• •Mail_P er train arrives at New York 7.53 r. ta., and de its from do. at 8.15 A. M. ' ,-,,Same -train arrives at Dunkirk 6.57 r..x.; 416- parts fnxn do. 8 A. M. - D. IL DOTTEREft, Superintendent. Scranton; October 1, 1853 • A 9 • - F 11321 7 NEW FALL GOODS. • .. , Bintle l y . & Reid . . . A RE now receiving a latgel and desirable stock 21. of. Goons, comprising almost every variet/ of Dry (pods, Groceries, Cro4 kery, Ilardwah Drugs, Medicines, Paint; Oils , Dyestuffs, It stgel, Boots and fhoes,'and Lt'm her, Paten' ciO.s, Stoves and 'Prware, Perfuinery, 111)4 struments. silver S itootv, Jewelry. dc. which will be sold VEILS (11 WP, for socks, mostskinds of prodyce, orb credit. , , • , . Nimtrace; September '28,185i 11.8.4-Sperm - and'ilephimts, Ta ners, Lin seed, paw and Boiled.) Castor 'Olive Oita, for sa le by ,:_ • - . . - /BENTLEY R_ EAD. • .___/_______ `I RBI Baskets ; Clocks, - Carpeti • sat . els J Trunks, •Umbreltas, Hats and • C ps, W ips Window and • Wal / l / Papers, :Looking lasses, and Flats, &c., just ,reeetre'd snd for sale by ; J .1/ , . BENTLEY &RE S - At'r antf i lom. constantly onland' '-- ' ,/ 1,. - BENTLEY it READ. - rURE'W' hit* Lead... White Zinc, and every oth • - ' eedescription•ot Paints. just redeivedvid for le ele cheap 141 the chew oe 4 - ' 1 . - :/ '-'•••.•H -• !•._ '.-• - 'Aliiiii.Eir •i- RE A D . 1 1110NEVFMONEYI : - • - OBEY CAN BE SAVED by ptffehasint of t hee, .I.YI. pume nt Co, at Binghamton, who 10...ep the 4 t assortment between New York And Out:4n* ti orDru g s,Xedichses, Paints, Oils. Dye- Istuffs, V Glues,. Brunbai, Chemicals, Pat ent Medi Ine s , Perfumery, Fancy' Goods; dm •Also; intiow Glass of all. 141ses, from Iby 9 to 2trby 6, Putty, Paint Bruilass,Grainin . g Brii4h eri 4 ma, glass Wine, and other things too nuin us to Men ion This nod* * '• • • 1 , A it ‘chic* we pledge ourselves to Bell on as g to n- as they can be bought in the :ty Of Ne yor i i, nr eliewitere. '. • in tare pixparell to Supply dealers as well ass consumers, at the lowest market rates., _. .1, -.‘ LAWMAN dr. CO 149; mi - -... ' Tompkins Block, 'Binghamton. 12 e,Leatbet, Public • Grocesies !BINDIRG i. • - .__, [A- Tana GoPi...i . .. S :y , ecial AppoiAtment. • OW lim ALL'MEN, that'we,the andersitra ed. Jiih Pierre, Charlet Dtmierre, Theopho. las &midi: asid Itenrilrits, 'of the Cantons of: ' and 'Neuf Chatet' Watch Mannigeturers, S e N DC!"y . _these presentidulk - authortie and appoint -J. A.:SINGLETON,' Watchmaker, of M , and - WM. SINOLETON, of the afore ' lace, tore our Sole Agents for the State of P' ylvania, and this said appointment to extend n t sie tit and -West. ' - •.. ti the rei fi es to these qesents , do agree to pay al Lay( cods AtitiftEnted ' any infringement on t our appointment, and o- this we set our rei 1' Peative Dalian and seals 'the .prilleimi of Cirl Pierre, IL Duval ; ' P. Hag nue. -Dated in lihriti , ic erland this fi rst day of Jan ' Dry,i in- the root of our Lord l one thoossocl eight *drat andfiftL i t:o. JAM f -PIERER.. rsi a fIOIIA.RLES DIIPI ' LS.] THEOS SCiIifEDT„- I 1 ; ilENlti PIWZaLS.I - - ht Dry Is, Grocer- Wa oot 4 in the -- , New iiirnit'agid Gtroceti7 ilitOlk% lIKICIIIRILPATEICK vier ocildinopectfullyAnfonn his numerous Old. iked well tried 1 friends both in and out of the • Profession, and the pablic ingeneral that he has ust embarked in above uhmed lbiisiness,.and bus now °a hem], and ii still , receiving a full and well chosen assortment o f every thing is * Halo(' tongs; Medicinal,. G riot. Dye; Beintr4c , &c, all of which he will-sell for Cali or. Barter upon the /Manifold and =at advantageous te !o . the purriuseee, In reference Ito his Drugs aid St , he would ainiply*te. that they were elected by , Usual' from the - etitahlisiumitit of - P. kihiffelin Hsi*/ Otrf one. of the. most reliable in the City iir . ltei Tair-and for` parity and excellence be tieliiiiiir vier. never excelled, if equaled '.bi'' • eta* ever !Nike* twilight into Stisquelum •• • • y-. His 'Steckler Procerzes *full end we 11... •• • • and' c eitil uttOly owl te'sold cliesii:'.:Ae - also a few Liquors git M 114111113 t.) • ' . - Ilitieb' '', ja kir as a morn'.. el - • r'siiticialms - ... y hatgiit far.: •-_ 'tialliefore_par ---siiiiimi•• •irgehiewhre,. : ••• • ' • ‘iit Pitts A Wit net Ala thei boildifir • •- . Atisrisa ilialhemPar.: mem Eitestr4pposite. .* t • . 'lnillixt.* '.--"" • Nautitincir - illiiill.k ; 3. -- • -•. '•-• - - . `^' 4 . -1 TOOL& • = IarTEIT " jf; ,' *telecast ireptiestereToois may-v,*)ellVeremsaili# l. the#P ' Pub., *IN SiIiVriIefrEEV'SCYTHES. _ rif 6t#Lff bsst 9IMI Iskand_wd! , maim 114Lika. SAUL and fedi ical In , all of ;h. woolen oD approved ~: ~~ I - 1 P*0011: • a siit jpy Papiw. a id vaviaP choice rga Ne O n ' rv.P yommx, nurnunera .xow rrir Is einefulli adapted to the Wants of the Home - • Curler Itsl.l , 'ORIGINAL TALES are of the highest order of merit, literary and tniar al, from 'inch writers as Miss Metti V. niter, .T. S.\ Arthur, Mrs. Denison, Mfrs: E. 0. - Larails, and others.lts Ladics',Y oitiA's awl gdfito / nal Depart:nails are under the most careful supervision. and the steady aim of.its conductor . -is to furnish , a paper for the family, which, while it promotes refined gayety and alioleksome clieerfuluesi, shall also en lighten the mind and enlarge the heart. - The or-. is- the advocate of all the groat interests.of hiinuinity, , a friend to rational progress, and pro coats upon the principle that the Family is the true nursery of national virtue; greatness and glo. ry. The temperance cause; as one of the most im portant and most needed of modern reforms, com mands the - cordial advocacy of Tan Oaoart. and all important movements throughout the country , in this behalf, are noted. - In short, Tux °max, by employing a 'varlet' y . of brilliant minds .in adorn iti venous departments. and aiming constantly to promote the enjoyment and highest inbevestimf the Family, has extensive ly secured foritself a cerdial welcome in intelligent households, as exactly the kind of paper needed in the Domestic Circle. -Every man whorwould gratify his wife and children, and have an efficient aid in training op his family in- right principles, should subscribe for the New.York'Family Organ. To enable' all- to subscribe, we offer to mil it at the low price of $1 per annum, in advance. - The present is just the time'to subscribe, u are about to bring out sane of the best tales we have yet published. • Chub- Terms of the People's.Orgas. • -no Organ is published in a large and,beintiful quarto Conn, and mailed every Thursday,in strong wrappen, to all parts of, th e United States , at the followiNTextmedinary low prices: • One copy one-year. , - $1 00 - Six copies,. ;00. Thirteen . ~.10 00 Twenty-eight copies, 20 00 To secure. e Organ at the above rates, the full amount must be paid in advance.: It may be en closed in a letter, with name. address, poistoface, Lbunty and State, to I , HOOVER It CO. 1•198m8 1118 Nassun street, New , York Vi if New imingeneat. , zknicouuerzois wronzi . . AT , • I.OII.EIRIROVII.II4IE. PA. STOWERS .& THOM :.... WOULD respectfully announce, the inhabit= V V ants of Lodersville, Great Ben -anci - mini . ty, that they arrow receiving ane supply to their already largeistock of Goods, i • their new store recently erected by David Thom / sortment is extexisive.embracing every article Usu ally =lied for, and will positively , be sild entsrza so& cult than ever before offerer! inihis siectiooof country, Consisting of • - / Dry Goods, Groceries, Vroekery./lion, Steel, Nails, - -"-"----" Rhnous...F.l.our iiis and Salt, oi e added to ten thousana not; not - eiru......14.4 , ' • The subscribers wish ' generally. unclexAtood that Osstt is what they .ost want, and Tor CASII will" sell (not as cheap tit) cheaper than any other establishment west" • New York. .. Please - rernembe that what we tell you is no fiction, but -stub' facts," which we e'en and will demonstrate . • examination of - our ,stock and prices Ali 0 , ..• who have been in the habit of. going to Bin'. • ton to purchase goods, evlff find it to their a. call • . STOWERS & port THOMAS; ' or bet : geirri. further, or we have what you all , ni. • e, ..4 1 • . - 36t1 it FULL stock o► intend to sell vsi duly 5.] • Australia, California, Or any place tot the Globe., eameat present greater inclueenients than Keeler & Stoddard's • -. BOOT• AND SHOE STORE' WHICH is now filled with a new and eaten -1 V sire • assort tit of article& in 'heir line, tic,, n embracing a get:poll variety of ew and elegant styles of . ..Ladies' and Gentleb es wear, among. which < are Ladies French, Sil Lasting anti Pre nillie Gaiteri, Kid and Ename t Polkas, Kid Pat ent ieatherand bronzed ,tenoy Linda, Buskins and Ties; gentlemen '. French an Philadelphia oak tanned calf : yin ,m) , l kip Boot , Cont,, , nrss & button _Gaiterr,. .;31 , .a,t,crsii mil_ W , :n-liiniitiin Boots, toilet•• Slips,- Alm ca. e ~ milt. anti Cowiti Brogans, die.— Boys kip, r I If and cos bide Boons and Brogans; all kinds of Misses. and Children :s wear. Also, tr genital assortment of Findingi, which consist in Part of lasts, pegs, :parables, Hungarian nails, ticks, thread, wax, Bristles shoe binding, awls :rasps. sandstones, ooe knives, (tr.. Akio, oalrand hemlock tanned - calf upper and soleleatber, Mor ro:tee skins and linings.. - Work made to order and reptiring neatly done. " • HEELER tit . STODDARD. Montrose, May 25, 1853. . ' - - HIGHLY IMPORTANT " - Arc. BOOT tSz SIIORMAKERS. THE 'Craft will please take notice that BrerwAter '&1 Simmons are proprietors and manufaCturem of TUG. Dewitt 4 Lstnorees Patent _Revolving Last Helderi. • By the use of which, the work of shoe _shakers is greatly facilitated. This machine is,cidehlated to preserve the health of shoe ma'.. kers. by enabling thein to ddo their work which standing or'sitluig, lit an upright position. The utility of these Machines inay-be ;tested by at the shop of c.i.f. Simians, in Montrose. The subscribers Will visit Brisquelianna..Biiidfird; Lu senseyWayne.`Wiomusg and 'Sullivan' Oorinties, for the,purrse of selling machine"; Shop,. Town,. or Coupty:nghts: Allor4rs for maehines thank fully received sod filled prdhiptly. Machine with right to use, ' - • BREWSTER 4k SIMMONS.. Montrose, August 17, 1353. ' ; -- .- DISSOLUTION. THE firm of &S. Mulford'& Son lute been disl 1 solved, to take effect from suet after the 39th day of April. All those having unsettled acccuutts are requested to call and arrange the same -b y note e otherwise. -- , - . S. S. MULFORD. . - . - ' 1 • W.J. WILFORD Mooting*, 41Pril 25,1863. . . - ' • After the Iskdiy of .May the Win' en will kse carried on ' subscribers, under . the: firm of W. - 1. - * S. H. by Word. who will endeavor by close attention to Weiner!, and selling goods at _small profits, to merit their share of the' public ,tron•• age. I WILLIAM 1. MULFORD. . t - ' SITLVESTSR H.MULFOR Montrose, A pril 23,1451. • • .. .. , Wool Soolu Dried Ap MIRE very . bigheit market -- •A. Or . Gra in 0f, . 111 tindsoe White Boma. dkc:, either m for GOO& at ciao mem Sept...l9. ew Stoves. . . Bu is 00* ieceiying , a new tul went. of Cooking, Parlor, and 1)100 Stay - for wood' or Ccal i atid m connection with hi s .rey_io,osi stoa4 wUr mike a iselect. and mi./ ete tof the most popular and irispray ed-. kinds' o Air-tight, Elevated . Oren, Premium and Plate• _o stave , Pipe t sheet Iron, Zint„ itorttuliCss, Sc,: tiedli wr iell at the luirpsit` _pear* - Asr ,:aroptived credit: _ Nei►' 13 ePt-/1 0 ,/ 13 64; - - • ' ;' silt Plaster: - " MHZ ongseriber!' ,noiy -3d4 " " Wit ' ,111PIO4 ind NSW Quaistit7 er bk., balipopt siestaidli *tam next. , Fos?. - w; . . '-',UISEARLIr GROCERIES, which We :Low for cash. J. LYONS as SON. 41 03; I will be Paid Dried Api it or iu J. H. - Sutphin • - . lUf ,ilta in _ _ . 'cc • OIL TEW:subscriber is agent fez. -the following lasi: 'tame Coinpapies,'sloing buiduess at the low ..est safe rates. • State Mutual at garrisbura t? . • Capital, .5350,000. . tt Cash Mosta lat Hir . sburf. • - Capital, $OO,OOO. Home - hisuiance, New Yew& City.. • Cupital, $500,000: DIRECTOR& • Simeen L. 'Loomis, Jasper. COrning, 'Theodore McNamee, Millard Bigelow, Wm. H.lMellen, Geo. Bliss, Amos It:Eno, Oliver E. Wood, ; Levi P.Stone, Henry G. Ely, Smelt Low, Charles B. Hatch, J. B. Hutchinson, -Wm. G. Lambert., Clues A. Bulk ley. Lewis Atterbruy, jr.. ,Levi P. Morton, Amos T. Dwight, John G.Nelson, Malt P. Baldwin, Gea, C. Collins, GeO. D. Morgan, Lucien D. Doznan,.T. l Messenger, David Sanford, Cep has . H. Norton, C. Ely, Stephen Paul , B. W. Bull, Alfred S. Biases, Roe Lockwood4Ludan Hopkins, Lyman Cooke. J. A. Dwight,' L'H. Frothingham, John B. Swift, Curtis Noble ,1 Ward" A. Work, Nathan H. Stock well, James Murphey Wm. T.,}fooker, Danford N. Barney,Homer Morgan, George Pearce. 1 . _ - F. B. CHANDLER. • • ' .Montrose, Se t. 14, 1853 --; STOVEgI STOVE G u, t Bead & Lodersvill STOVE, COPPER,' At TIN, - SHEET - IRON- ESTABLISHMENT: I ITIIIE subscliber rexPeCtfullilinhirms the pnbli • JL that , be P3AA received a - 1 -iarge,additiotiLto his former stock of Stoves, cnnsisting of a _variety of the most approved kinditiamong which are ' • ' CLINTON 'AIR 710117',' • FOREST QUEEN, STAR/OF THE. WEST, . • - WESTERN QUEEN, • - --- all eletiated O, s. Of square stir tight Stotres are PARAGON,' ' /11(ESTERN EMPIRE. / ORANGE AIR flioll7l 117 4 VITED STA .7 4 ES, • / RJfERS,UTICA . COALST,O VE STO A inriety of premiums, some of new style. the . IIrALLAILI:,, IRTIG lIT, F. 4 R.MERS. A good and various assortment of Parlor and Hall Stoves for Woimi and Coal. Box Stoves of various sizes and patterns he as continuilly-receiv ing, and intends to keep as 'wett,t a eariety,•Of the most popular'stoves as any dealer in the country.- Persons wishing to .purchase stoves will find • it to the it interests to call on him.. They will find his Stove 'Furniture - made o f. the strongest and best inaterials and as ,cheap as can be bought in this urßtoome,county and mach better than, offered by pedlars. • larSfove pipe 4 Tin Ware kept for sale; and limas to IParmetx twill be supplied with Pans. made of strong materials, at W..k.10, le pri etv;all ordere for work in his line beibaukful ly received and punctually attended to. - • - JOHN COLSTON. ' 1,1852. 't( _ S . OVES! STOVES.!.!' - -; • "TH s l ere and fellow leaf," remind us of the •st appmach of the keen . frosts of Old greyV, inter,twhen one of th ate nnsurpassable and highly approred Stoves from the most extensive manufactorie:s in the Union, Messrs.Sheir et Pack ard become indhipensable to every. - fam4y. We would respectfully announce to the citizens of Sas quehiamia twit adjoining counties that we have just received and .re receiving the- largest and best as sortment of Stoves -ever introduced into Eastern pennsylvanin r- which will be Sold at the very low est Cash •fignre. Those who arc in *ant of Stoves will find it. to, their interestlo call and examine our variety Lefore purebasiog elsewhere they comprise in part as follows. e, . United. States. • - Oriental,. Parlor. , • Eastern (lore° 1:..O. Vlenetian " i . }lse CliPper 0: • Fancy "j Notional Air tight. &Ai Irving ."; 'MoniingStar . Cottage Farmers Air tight. ikr • ' The'above'Stovei= are toil well known to Tegoire any minute description being tpi most popular and approved Stoyus in market. All who may; choose to favor us *alio call will be shown through our assortment. With pleasure, recollect the number, " Eaton's far famed One price Store." Harford, Sept. 1853. • - • , VALUABLE LANDS . -. .F OR- - S AL ra. „ . lu Klll,-SALIt IN ONE BODY..alxitit 45k0 streg .1.. of Land; on the Neraterts of Bprinekrook. a • branch of the e Lackawanna river, in Luz no coun ty, Penn's., about Midway befween the !wiring ; towns of Scranton and Pittston. These I ads are- , covered' with Valuable timber , and being, situatel in the most eaten - sive mineral region. in Petiritill vania—Aisown to - contain itoti ore, and licks:yea to aboistid its coal, and beitig also in the 'immediate vicinity of several railroads; made and note in pro graier Ito the cipitalistlan opportunity for the investment of money that seldoin occurs. For further inksmkatiois apply. to •',N. P. Ilosaik, Esq.,' Wall street, New 'York, or to thesubscriber at, Montrose; Susq u ehanna counry; Pa., the attor. ney in fact of the owners. I - 1 1.. , HENRY DILINEIt. . i Mil. Aft, custom Mr. S. having wirker ty is r beieptr. 04, ivi 11 Gol elry r pr y . 1 Proclamation:, MAR' ! REAR YE! !: HERE AS C. R. 4throp (L. S. A. Woodruff W hava formed a co-partnership, under the name and Spla er C. D. Lathrop do Co., ae,dealers in ,ISForREI,TIN and' *hetes* it la 'desirable tint thoiaarne. should be: made,-kil f 9w,n . h?-the'Publici fin: ihePubliiilOod ,as'well as Our own - .` . Notice it tbetefesi hereby Oven to the pW peo. ide or idoottooo the. region round ist, that we may sill he &nod laboring it our volittifin, at the old stand on Moon &feet., *here we shall be happy to see our friends, and to supp , Ijtheirarants to ;he best of our . D. C. ~L TAROT!. idontrcr. a Feb. 10, 158; B. 0017PRUFF No Mls. NviLst ere dOpoqed to bare want. Cali aid )14 trax ;10,islaca—iraiaa w aid 1 4,4 7140,00* &Eh , ' 7 " P- DAL leall I.s Braigielama -Pesea: T/EIN subsaihers will act as Agents for the pri valee sale of Real Estate.-Fare s, and Lots—lodatea -" in Surquehanni - county, Pa. All who wish to sell Or porthole= Real 'gelato, trill re-. win prompt' attentum by - railing on or addmatiAg . 1111 it , Montrose, Susquehanna - connty,Ta. The kffowing Farms and LAS 'an now offered : for No. 1; 40 ruAti. s . 1/8: iuf.Fnune ROVIIO and Barn no 2. 80 Ile 50 do * • ncr 3. 100 do' 1. '60 do „ • no 4. 100 60 - do* no ' 6. 170 do' - 40, ' • do* ne 6. '96 do . /16 • do no 7. -'' Stare, Warehouse, and Lot • no 78. 156 acres 75 im. fnuned house and bar ; no •9. !in - ' do ,85 itu.,log house and barn*" no 10.'; :do good . (ram by‘ . no 11.-:Limn and lot* - no 12. 100 am& im. •no 13: 1140 doj 8%1 iai no . 14. 56 d 0,., -60 im no 15, 168 'lso no 16. 120 do hu* no 17.100. do - no 18 .211 do / 80 im no 19 300 do 200 im, n 0.2.05 145 , do do' 12(1 no 21 190 do 120/un do no 22 90k Vdo Li , . do ' no 28 46 do /30., do , no 24 292. do/ 225_ irn no 25 126 100 int, do.: no 26 196 /do 140 im: do no •27 . 45 im* no 28 A l ,7 good savrenill and dwelling • no 29%134 acres 90 im. &a r med house & barn 1 . :ono 175 do 100 irn „do ; do ' 31 188 do 96 im . do , ~,• do , 33-160 do 6t - 'do 'do no 81 150 _do 8 •ini - do no 85 150 do 10t irn . do no 36 300 do 17 ial.., 7 Ay'? do no 87 ' 190 do 110;7106,1,,, no 88 170 do • _ do.' no 89 176 do • 90 ;, uo 40 .80 do . no 41 212 ' do. - no 42 92 do ' - ';`.sbioktfr.+2 ski - no 43..4 do. l 4di . ' 1" no 44 138 do %, ' • no 45 300 do 200 do no 46 110 do 80 in. Grist MiII no 47 200 do.. 160 imiiyoved ' no 48 103 do 80 unproved. . DO 49 88 do 45 improved. -Howie' and barn. no 50 83 do 63 im ; , do do' no 51 95 do 30 im do do no 52 126. do 65 improved no - 53 200 do 150 do no 51 146 do' 100 no' 55 60 do 40 ,do -' ' . 'no 66 50 do 4 do o: no 67 2p , 0 do . 100 . do • no 68 5= do 'B2 -do ' no $9 160 V do 140 im. framed house - & barn eo -60 82 do 60- As • do do Price froM ten to thirty dollars per One, B. Pereons desiring' to &Ilium any of the n4sfe, by giving the number Can obtain a full des aittion ALFRED BALDWIN. " • _ 11.. G. BABCOCK. • • Montrose, Pa. October, 1830. • . .N. Those marked thus , (*) have been Sold. NEW LINE OF MAIL STAGES KirkAforid tt) Montrose. STAGES will leave Kirkwood, passing through Corbetisville, Liberty. &c. 4 evervrinorning af ter the' arrival of .the Mad and . 'fight Express Traine,of cars, reaching Montrose 93 , 11. Re tar ni ng, leave Montrose 'daily (gundays excepted)' al 4 r. x, reaching time to take the Mail trains , of cars, both East and West; being the easiest: and most feasible route to reach the New . , YOrk & Erie Railroad. This. line intersects ti tri-weekly line for Rim ock, Tunkhantiock, \Wyoming. and Wilkesbarre, which leaves Montrose ~ at 7 A. Y. ev ery Monday, ATednesday and Friday. Also; a line to Friends Lemysvilleote. Good Team wad comfortable Car - riagel are pro vided, and the Proprietors will spare no pains to accommodate the public. Dec. 24,1858. Facts:for the People 1 XTOTNITHSTANDING .the prediction'of the' .1.11 New Albany :Ledger that Frank Pierce will be elected President because the Prophet Isaiah says that '' the. Lord :givith pi)Wer to the'faint," it is universally admitted that the subscriber can and will sell -. .' . :, . 1 • • B-0 .7'S 4 SHOES CHEAPER thaii any othershop icy town, not even excepting - the gel - Mine lxiot &shoe store down town N. 1 - 1: , --My -Aerini are - cash or .'pity-dowu, and 1 would therefore' inform those whirare indebted to Mimiman & Patrick, that 'they, must call and toy up or.-- , --uuffeed. A. MEN.R.IYAN. Rilootrose; Sept. ii. 3; 1852. 1 - .1 h , sawlisup r 41rteu • -11- `1 SPRINGVILLt , , ..4o 111 H E undensigried having entered into a copart ..l. • nership in the mercautilj business, at tbe old stand of S. S. Grotrer„ to be conducted and -carried ,on under the nantiAtild style df MeMilliutA Park, i respectfully big leave to nfnim tbe"publie that • ' 'GOODS of every. description will .be i ' Sold on reasonable terms for cash or any kind of . produce. It is our settled determination to sell es cheap of a' little cheaper than Any other house in die country: We are _diterthined to keep , a gOod assortment, and hope by alrict atteriticii. to b4iness, to merit's • • . ,eral 61 re of public patronage: . • • 4 JAMES McittILLAN. • ' liARK; jun ! , ' • - Siringrille; May 1 2043._ ' . * ti SASH BLIND; AND: DOOR FACTORYi.- • . ~ . LuniOsborof s ,}Telwitea.. -, .• • Til.subscribeit's: will furnish Sash , tilinds;and Doors. at their- eStablishent_ on short notice and reasonable terms. - Paintmg and glazing-done if ' fir ed . • .Also, Noted and Matched 'flooring sold th. -- ~,: NEWF44IIROT4EII.B. - born, Muck'. 1888 • - • . i . • , TO MT. PATRONS, • • A' B mi , busbung frequently calls me to Awe pfaces for- several j weeks at a tiine;, for the benefit of -thaw; Of My %friends who live nut of • town particularly who have often called and found me g o ne. trbad In future so arrange it to be here without fail through each term of ,klourt, at which time it:will be my; pleasuie to attend to all business-of myprofession. , : Many thitiAtu. my friends. for past favors.- ; - p_ C.D..VJRGIL, Dentii4. tis to li •• tbie mill. :Incited at Jonee Like; will be. kept constantly on kink 01 kindi - of feed, coin meal, Av.., at the lowest' cash Prices. , ' - • • Custom work Will be :dans!. With .dispatch and in all mutes Consgiu warranted. l'und in the:ear. #.B. SEARLE; Apri15,18113.: , - , 14-41 ' 1 -NEW =GOODS. New:Gimoh Cosstantlyirrivings Great Bartel's; otiectiber;hiiar 110 4 ing.a _r B Pendid** * -, 'opium:et - of Print*, Bosee DA** ladies Vild" 13160441011100rt5, Ribkoms'ltiser. tions;Edgings, &0.:4041iti4 ihich - were bought easlClttbe laiiiwt**auct shailpbeadd - low for the reOX PlO)IS. _ Laneaboro j • L .:A . ~ Ci e t tire y H si blishea "it rost will keep AN:E /Ma erg tbOrth ei out . DePokill b at 5;k111447,0eaLf0;iW414 t't aitt,lne` ka) PAM f‘ aniroos.--0 , , De 4 Ire z . t r .• 0 101001 4 4 11 1 1 114- •-•• - ; and Wit do* do* do* do* , do* W. K. HATCH. MORGAN 4VEST taai.rid ,ta Ait, at > . Abe 107:1ty J:14: buuratitt;ii. ', ' aii of • - • Oflko - the Dblriet Cburtibe tbs ' • Anotherßei tiff° Wender; REA 44iir . T/ , . .... . , Tirg i', OR, oitgutic., , , JllCE., Prepared from Itikirt, or . the fourth saintson of Ina pc, after directions_ of Baron Leihig; the. great Physiological , Cheraist, by, J. B. 'lough ton, it. ft, Philadelphia, Pa. • _ '- 1 . Ilia is Naturett own remedy for an unhealthy' ., stomach. lie art ofrain can Onal its curative pow ers. . It centaitts* Alcohol, Bitters kw. nauseous - drugs. It is extremely agreeable to the teat .and may be taken by tile most feeble patients w on. not eat a _ water ,cracker without acute am -- Bewtue Of drugged, imit at ions : ' Pepiiin le - net a on. • Call on the agent and,get . a descrilitive circular, gratis, giving a large amount of scientific evidence, from Liebiei. ammal Cliemistry;; Dr. Combeee Physiology ordigestion; Dr. perem.en•food , diet; DriJohri W. Draper of .New York Universi ty ; Prof. Dunglison's Physiology -Prof. - uf Yale,Colleg, Dr. Carpenter's Physiology; :, 'together witikr reports of Cures frOm all parts of . the United Stites. - •C. • • .Aliat.Tvatsu., Montrose, wholesale and retail 1 1 0111 111 . „ 'SAYRE,' BENTLEY. 4lic PERKINS . , 11111VAVING• purchased of Wilma & tlie EA JEL riaLE FOUNDRY, are now prepared to fill ; orders from : the trade,_ and do work in their lhais ' with'skill anddespatch. They will keepermstant • 11cm hand • PLOWS;(bert kinds,) - A STOVES; (all kinds,) CULTIYATORAF • 'S 7 P R A TV CZ, TIT Its, = • CORNY S lIELLER,S, 4.c. We - partleilir attention . -to the Heel . which-we•maolacture. inaoufatttite andkeep The Celebrated- Blatchlcy'Plain: We bare , purchased t is exclusive righl,•to -mann _facture and, sell in thts'County, Wayne; Wyoming,and Bradford _ -Rich's Patent Iron Beam Plow.. This Plow is made entirely of iron,,excepting tbs t liaralles.. iS celebrated forits easy draught, be easier: than any now in use, -while its. strength and durability is greater.. . • . MACHINERY • • of all kincli manufaciured,and iepaiieoy experi eneedinaellineits. ' &earl' En..itzes Gearingsfak . Mills, ISAin. • gle 416.. - Among the StOres ;whiff we manufacture, are KE YS - Cooking . Stori. - • t - ROUGH READY' - • do '• •• . • tFORESt : QUEEN,'. do • • • t - TRE.III.IU - 3.4i - - • do _ And Other kinds, all a aged for burning.woodot coal. Also ' - Self-Regylot .farlor . Stotts. - - . Cottage Pad . • Stanleil'a; tic sizes, -..d0 : And a rariety-: of other Parlor Stoves„.toth Wood and coal burners: We keep also on hand Grind stone lritniniitgs', Pog Churn trimmings Umbrella and Shoretand Tongs'Stands,./Ec. cfc.- Woek done to order On - short notice end at the lovest pikes. • WOrderi for Stores, Agricultural Implements, ine...are solicited from those in the tradeould will be filled ai reaqenable- wholesale prices.- - S, H. SAYRE, - _ B. S. BENTLEY, 'S . . PERKINS. • • lfentrose,,Marrh -4, VALUABLE - REAL,.-ESTATE - FOR : . - SALE! :.:: 1 - 1. 2, - ,.71 LACE LOTS.-situated in the pleasant- LO est art. of the village Of Sussueluinnal-also 3 Houses --Lots in the most.busmeso part of the aforesaid village. Also, . . - : - '- • . .. , ..• - . , _ • _. A TariT cfnitaantx,g 1.33 acres; . , • witti a s 1 hiprovement, the lea:tinder heaVily timbered, 'iituate - 2 Mi/eri from said .village: . 1 Susquehanna is the :great Central Depot of the N. Y_. . it E. Railluad; ititate at the - fast of- theheav est . grade. 'cm the road, near • the..greaf works of Stemma, flonewaCta and the, Cisitacle, and-posies. gittg by nature the' best watering plate on the route with the locality of extensive 1' Machine Shops: Foundry, ie.- - Suiiquetuumyt, although numbering 11 0 -•but,2,000.• in . hitmas,• - atid blit.4 pears of age, is destined soon •range abmgside:Sof the most i4nng and pop .. /Ons towns on the line of tins ,grea theirofighfarc„' - ' • -.' -.-- E. P. 'HINDS, Agent. • •-• • - tece one door east of Lenheinfs. • !Lhis geelienne•Depot,llor. 18, NH. ,lf . 11l 6c. ROOT • -Ens . _ lIIIINGIIIARTON. N. Y., WOULD"respectfully' inform the Gentlemen • • of- kkintrcoe 'that they are provided with a •“ti,st_t Ccmkxneiture—a machine. for taking the ttbe, 'pa of the, bend, and also fitiing the Rat to the wine Shape—tinis•Making a bat set perfectlY• esti) , _fin an 4 =also - preventing the , brim from thrown being' out of shape. Gentlemen leaving their m e asure, ilia always order a hat whiTh we will. Warrant ;to : • - • , 'lle- Spring and Zell , kaehions always be fin several weeks! earlier than -the reviler tiine flu' introducing the'eame in the city. - A fill assortment of- I the yarinue . stylys and qualities of Hate. Oat* acy FUTS, Buffalo Robes ika.,.`,4lv, ye on hand at lew,prices Binghamton, May ,` 25 issa -, - - - P= Bilop • .111 f & lAldoTriveald respectfully inform the 1311-7°. • Pehtie that-they *re maaufactoring Blatch zliett Celebrated Plows. •I They`also keep constant ly on hand.: , ; •-• ; - ' 4ide Rill ; Wayne couxty, Ides:Plows, Csiltirators aurits Cutter- , Skoes Plow , - • orlitiriOnepatkernit trinuaous' to mention. We hina4by strict attention - to business - receive ,our share'of public patrittiage:.. ManisfactorY D. Post it tA ste. '':Fountlip;M. Mott near mill. 13`#4 1 ,airinil: done an short n° llo4-1 ' - ELISAH MOTT.: • Fetijrt,tBl)°' tf _ • • I t . , ~ - ::T EM P RINCLBALOOL - IND .. -':- -, -- °CERN: -. Trill'lM;lol4iii44 -bikiiiilliiiiei a tholes lot '''" L : 1.- - .etgatePARIES: Vie, selling Ahem (10 all fel* - maylailikiftrzus-u;tl4 wr . ,be tgmgh&., this side of. ,r4 i IRTIC; qke, usiarilasivi`teat r yo,laudtec , ' stmt; onitiiiti:iiait'of Ba ll wi n & Cos '• --.- 8 ,''.,. YriAbeli'ittiehintlfet# band,. • -i.O.- 7 '..i'ZiOlitl -- ' . ti - -; Pitniiii . Piiiiniei , Apo - .. , :;:::ltigiiiiititiValt - kilia• ItILIORM4Nit la - . s 4. .• _ . .. , . , .. ~. . 'i, 5 ,... ' ' indleCtibet , . ,L,...,_*13 70 YRINGAM-la la 3 .[ 77 Z . bill O A -91, R , ' ,1 !! 31 . 41 , ke y ot ...Oki, .- 0 0 4 . 1- .. mn ,.. , 4. 41t t to l oo k r0g,,,, ,iitiouid*rm ---:---h•chl,Mo 1101,.' to di/I*ml' abiuriagwkliOr liiiiii**)4l" tonew;iduribin,° !t b: . . - ..0j.,.... 1 4 1 ---.- .. mow Id° lotto ' ' .--- - -o f 400 10 0 ipo'. "; - -P k lsk- -: x.,.11.1.. 71=ctiaiiiiiKO, r -- • . r . . , • 4iiiii;#l,„ r • = . 'l_ft......lFurniaL... - - "' - 4 2 ‘' f '-• lc 1 .. "'. "ratlal,trvirruivanr" . t mA k a I 14114- 1 -10110 . - 4)•.' -,--, *:' -;5 : - C - Iri f4 7 ,- - ,- --'", .- ' ,- _ -.. 1 - , . , ma y,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers