. . 1., u E , 4" r ., '',' s • ! . - --.4v4:-.....:,:ziAtiflOPP,iri, yt ~:: ,_, -w `-,`: .., i : >•;--,. TI4I4I)IWINTI, t 4I-47- % - - , --2-174"- ..., _ . -4:1,; -,r,- --Tilt,:':---'•--Aih,f -- , • **lV' ' X-W lii4- - '• -- -. i - f ::',;,- , ,,,,-,:.„‘,10.,,c4 .•- -:. ' ....- ~. a "'''''• t '.. -5 • 77.- 11-.liiiie' - ' lade' - 9-_- - Ot what putt e• tilAtioils-arll‘,t4? be made-tom r 4 ., ..N liri.73". i s i i i i i ,ik i euoO n rut; Mal scarcely a'mo l ament s ieiiiQdo?„..igr,,any•tat4ei-t-tirice of the tinaelion ;lgl4;ll: ' 4ZI Why 'isi this vicinity, though as Will In: )(1 ~,-.-: f:.3. - . ,- *E l ifi l i Quit paper.. a : iub4d i! ,.. e.lelna; • i lit - 4*. • tteiteld - ii"Latteiboio7oov . oyl_p in , ~ „,: _„,-. .__ ~,,., , day in 'some 0 manner; *alter ' l "7 1,... ‘:::::"Fiti. Agnal/ltutg•We•-: --..7 - . V'.4„.„.,* - 21'• - ; - O - sniagl,rtiiiireation: . it: - borne, or smusCritent. 17-,...' -' r.., 44nit:tits seems to' e the dullest y , :ti. for ( '''''::;.. ''.:. • . 4110 f utilia.denioristraticiii we have yet ' - ''...„,....t;thTg...- .• . .P . i: 3.. -„, ...., ... r :. •--2- ': ;I -:. 1 , ...,. .._ ._ --, 44„ .l clfiiiri: ,- '-'• - •- - r:' -.-, •,--,....:, •••-,,:' i i i-i, .4,.. , * , . hi - ''indeeilieulthat tomethang th e Itt" 7 -17 . .,:5.5t,.- #k e th„, g . the.,,,tlibWb ~ '. c htxili l Scl. i tilsis, , , : 1-.T: ..t *l'. ' ' - itiei•initt,other ierviees begins to be take& pf, time - n' ,-,.• ;It. .., . '., - - - ,,- . -- , ,,,'•-w ....4 - 1 .4.,„..,;_•:,, , •-,p& - 4 , -,= ,, r. , '" -t--' -,- -_, • • • l i, imkpai wakritia.—The 3t-pit,: i , „,_•,••-••••IS'",':bfOfi . •-•,-- • - - h d' iff* 7xil:?.:l*i**,ikatiii'liely liot,lore as elsew ere, u g ~..,;4.,- - --- , - • -sh,--i v ,ZE l as t ,17 . 0k-.40 0 hol; cl-P, - - !..-elisvltraltuccessave days - -,-...•:,, ~_-:..r.:- - • -. l4 •N''' -- jr..,:to - tell Or. hear-long stories. Our fuif Or ..,..,,,..,.. :`-''''''• ''''' E P page is accordingly- Made up of slterit... : ~ ..--- • ...:;--T.,.. ~,.:.• - ,_ _,....,,„ t ,. _,.. 3 . this weak, w hi c h" " 1P745 .•'.. 0 . 11614 . 11 0-o , l l2 W l.ntl M:' ln Juuwl'ut ! ? iii.firoviont-to the 4th, we are Compelled to '- rz• - •fr : '''.a , 'aoiits t what': of ciur usual amount of editorial .., '' ~, ,, l ateneral,news.:- ~ -. . -, 'lgic .:P;:•- - :'". f . ..:, , 7.--- , ‘• . ' orroz.ellistii- , ---,Seth - rk. Lyons has, bi+..n : i . .,: . 1 2- 4* . iiiiiplligetmAster .at ' Lanesboro' in this .co,, 4- . l:.'itti_ii4iL.;:.::::Y6oriklin; resigned. Presuming this 4i.iii*liViii;cird6ce with the wishes of the 4itizetia , t C .4 ,- -- '- • 1: 7 4: ; 14 - 0.n t l, v icinity, Fe should think this ?: '7. ''''''lleilt. lipiOintinent,very worthily be: . t-) . •,..,:'1?.... , ,,,,AFLr- , - ,i . ... 1 - F:' . 'qrs:atitiscrifdr:,Lyons besides °eine' a thorough, 7 '' rf ' : a-I . ''.' t' ''''''.- . I' onewhoion.stant trout a nd c!n,s!,steri Whig , 1 ' " 4' .i i' ll74l l i k e fi l.tb " • in in • l business i l t .': ::::- 7:: , : t 7 .041 ' -:. ' ft 7 loca th tl e o l - vcili :ie l . „ raos 's : h th r e e ycitizel", he. t .' 71.i . ' k 'C '? .:':: :: '' '1": .' , :. . 'every tl* ' ' . F aa c e .- 'll r 11:: .' the fil office I a i El* hi g . 1 hon esty V t We d .e l a fr'nn v laire o n. w the th capabili ty; t°o r drffie paper, c e i it 11 ifbii;t, and e tlcil It. that -Ljb:eYfe 1 ‘ - ilie‘iiiiiii4nent. went much against the grain of 1 .. 1i...'" . tfz,,,nit tais s isgs ' ' ‘tif:' , Locii- fa«) . isna, who on the resigns: 4, "' :' 1 ,: ! . :I' 3 -ilatiiiittlieir ": - fornier Peatiriaster,hoped to dictate 1 il l t- Ov," . ' - ',514 .-- entlorr' . 'of fils:Zuccessor.; - . • . h 1.,-,7;':::::' -'' it . - ' If' u t ‘ : 11; ./ =4-l . f - ' 1 11*Ailo foe° H o w l ' oi: Proaoriptiom" - I- +.-if . -.7 . 4. 1 i4 . -.t a li ; be more superlatively ridiculous th w ! , 4; i i.... - ;: 4 piteous hoWls of " Proscription " lately .set ;up i ~ , i,;:f. , *;O'- ' i4;hirge,...portio. n. of the Lico a foco rt ii -g e t the . ; , .ik6ii , teretrfevetbrizikei lis c e among, , .. . - ,i4;- - -i-eititip - poiptra exts held under ibe'oambos t'en- - t 1 1 iid ;Whik.iiiing,. abuse and 'misrepresentation' is •,' 1,4 ' ; ; . :• - • 2 - : - 4::I ; President:Tayler; aye, what la4tempts I 1 '. ,- 14 . 4 ` ''6l,,Aistort,andiarble his former tfessvms i.,,3l: . ,'•„,tgiClittinctliing like. inconsistency with lass Course,. l&i C.: ift 7 ‘giteWhig aS did. Jefferson halls clay, something '.4 et • 4 ? - Yiti:lig,aPp -' r . otich towards an equality inOhe tha dii t . ill:::•:,4U - lnifirtri-tif Aces. But we defy them to show I-I.4i‘ - riiitie4i•larcplised to learn nine_ tenths of the i .. ,!•.,::itittiei.tinder.l:as administration hi the hands cf one : ' l 3 .•isrtyr 4.° ''' who hare monopolized them' Itdont--a par; . 4 :;-3)::;t-ItyIoti,-,:* . - .tte r - -virulently opposed both hirn and: : t 't!',::W:llit **tin's : lle:F . o 66 . ol - t: 'The leader of this concert at howlinglt in this : State, i s t h e r ete *h il id at i . , which has reeen , t , ly , g o o ff t - 1 l';'• : e cut representing a huge machi ne for citttui t , t t ,:.]'§:ltingenheads, with. • a' pile. of he ads rolling "fre e I,p ,cl., ni i t . t-t-•44k - tignt iiid:heilPs9f` in 1 1 1 r , , rati t "'Are4' :.it en entie: tliei:iO4 . : - Of ---•• .... 41 - 6 r e 4eada !la : , ;1;:-1•-•77 .‘1, “ ,.m #:, , -•::::- ,- ; - „ 4 1--- • - -.- , :: , :it - 'whig:ti:appootated in place of a ;:::- : -the::bloody picture to illustrate I it, and • 'l!:{li ' sk‘' ::.:1 0 ,:tbigcry al/ th e 1„ t f i Jilitiir:, : iilitesTsf4lthe concert. _ • ' ' - ' ...e- '''''''''' ' : pipe s ' 'l4, the or-nth here raised the iprcum- 1,,A . -*: ,- 2T - VOr:'ex;PDP. t , , Zi4fik-Jity-z.that: the' worthy Postmaster at, .#arford , f 't%: l 4`, : r .l l i ii rlifa- his head .gegie,weeks ago, tho'„we ihelieve . .i fi--' ,Pli 4.4 ' 'Sie - i?;ii.l4, : :*liis . shclulders as.seiurely aSec i ' - :. - - , 'tr-•,: . TheMilkea'harre'Deniocrat heads its: .6rticlCs- F.-- -- el ~-,- ' • G,--, .. 1' , i;: , ' - 'ig,:i:4*PCho goes the sae at 13' i touti-- it:f.i,.tiiek..r.7Rtib 11 . pa* the tomahawk in Laserne," l"..,'' .l 'irlitliiii4gitei tie change in the' Post office there 1 .:, : -'-'-i • ges''''',. 0.,.: 4 The head of the PoAninster of this 1 ..:it lac-is iUt last brought to the block." 'Now this ' ' ''- ''''' . '' bout - cutting of heads is most ap iiiric*li."FYe 1 - • . - . la t e 1. treated bl. s . a strain of irony bY h e : iI iiiiir44.4::.:liettip' Wyialtimg Whig which announces , - 7 _tlie . .bi' ' ~.yntniitp4ipts: of., the Permsylyanian .at 4 ....-,,,i.-e,."---.,..,ivi: , ...ii.;,ifi1C former subordinates of the k' t Ziiiiiiiiiiiildtil . 4lllll/ilidelp*beisg• 'displaced: by 3 . 1 -. '''Ot'ii : 4•4.l l o:lll - i;N;ii - -.-, - , i'aii‘leil.::_itiiii)Ett i • Pinunp.rm.a.--411e. ` J ''-, -; ':' - '",... : ,: - '''"4*(Oit'iii4 . _ . S. - -311r..1.1cwis is busily engaged ''' '4 „,,'''''''.,. , 'l'444:6:kiei.iis Of Democrats? The mnr " -` *- gt, ••• ''''' . 77 7- 'race.in' ' 'tli-ariii - ,Colk.ttor of the port ~,,%!,...... ; : - „, - - - . - - h „ ..... - , - 1 - tar t i t tiiiii,tapp . P.3l- that any ini*s lifllV":l,itken:ai*st 111 , 14 " .- • 1 ~,..,',...;•::. ~,j.::•-•-• ,t-:-,:•-- , ': shsi : ten d. - - ithy he 5,' : 4i,„' '.':,i ', -F1 i . : ,; 4 9,4 1 " - ,a/ 1 : , . tt 8 3 71 TP. t:. to:4W' , Siivii" . '' ' '- illid , rittuorifindigti4ion- of these howl . :_liit r * l i '''' : V . ' . #l" -7 7.1cti''''rrti c.- On, -- '-When W- higs hard been 'el 'ods that the - 4 - 4 - iiit*.paft4 . " 6 l--bz? P en i ~ .taiiiiCn-iriiiVitower.; or-tw-i*:::the - b ea u tiful ex i ''''''''" 4 7a s ji Logos,6Eo:: - viiiiiiiio blepay . ntiefilie. - •_A.miwe '7 "''''''''''''''' - ;''ji*o''aii'ti, , A tUiliniCi'- - Phyilicads by ' la ' - ' zientl iit:' , ltcricjparig orite.. cuff 'hi ,•, , .• - ,-....46445-;;6641e, thCltny-ings of .I.)etifoco g4irants„ . ''''''' ''-iii* , 4 tT'•1 1 e:f 1 :!- .. •—• : , .. . thi s ' 1 --- '' . *:ilieWgzi : , .. , :,.What Ofiroeslipf : pront -an '•`?-'':.' `ttir hutting 6 . 2 ire 11 . 443 permitt e d . to tilt '. Illa"tA T ihn.:*" -higs*r.:n -"heir Still there in bearing ' : „iii4 . 4* 4 . 3 o7iiiteriti**nt t l';f i tg. thxest4 'Ws '2 4iiit'iiiZ-Aitiot" the = :X;OeOfkio :' 4 449 here °yen.- !'... 41 , e,.1 4 , 4 4 i i,i,: i ii6 , 6. . 5uae...4 4 , ,_ , ... „ 4 ,1!„! . neio _ t -7, -; - ia-1 , 4 , -.. - .-7 , .. , ...,....,.„-,..,:. .reiii4iitire.S'WithOnt:. ,*Ave..:l!litOY•r',l 7.''''‘'‘. '' -- ' ' -'-' of titan Afff.i.444''ti?, to-carry .„. . iii-41113174.4.ectii ~. - . on of the StaT im s:a if:, it:,slus.n: .., igniteitir4.l,:fiti;tp9e.l. l -:' ..-... 1 '; • -;• •-:'•'• '; rir -A:•.:',' • tii&4'';iOltaify-bii*Cio long.. laid .e.;r4us!yp , , ?..1,,,,..! ,, )-afiiit;,, , i iiiiiiiiii.-fiie -gottnt :, that theY:a*C, ti t -.".T...v. , . , •••••" , :1- --,-, -.0 , -. , -. • - . '. - -•." - - .:= .. '-'. - 7 . ; - ; *lilAki.** - ZiAl .. .iel4o any &lion' Pr:: :.,...-..-1146..:?,,11,_,,,i,,,,,,,.. .1 . I< 1166,,,,;,......p . ~i 4 4' 4 1011 I''' 1ti1 , :.7. Y ,4s" ° ,-3' l 'Re. 4 0 , 46411: . 4:41, • Z.': 7:f2 ' 3 1 • ,c3r- The, Wynathar„. mpies article_ ar Our friend Awn, '.l'tar.E:l4, ,. (whiloin our op-; thi ‘ ipaper, beittl*orfOlol_2l#4 . (Ock - ,', %pone* in. the Editorial field, as ,'publisher of :tire; toll ::'.*Ttrose-bgampit,),.sepnis to be 'flourishing that -yiT.sertir.l4eatiom:* Druggist; Grocer, and dealer'W atitictinilf,o„thiPtiatittOrl of the - I getteratmerchandize; more: essentially, ice shet4 ',11P141:13514'4034)1nd 6 - ft' TuoP .noeir - gAtifiklaheaa Omit he dioin Pri4g. Of the merit of* of Montidee in , this icor', notwftlisttualing the fori . _ Patent Ikl,dicines we cannot creak, buiso'fitr as cue; - merreputationfor strictiless of thistplaceorer,that,' hare obscried, his Groceries and 'general rarietk, we intended no sort of '-alur against the - reittiartiou faking, into Tien quality - and prices, are not soros- 11 .1 1 " .-1S? of Timlritannock, either past or present. We mere ly made the pas.silig remark Upon what hail for rnetlylbeen the common report of the two places, in contrast with the present inditztionz, suggested by ttio suppression:there of What seemed to be tol erated , . Thdt Whig says : " The editor'ef that paper [the iteoist'erl is in error in rbgard to the Ten-pin Alley c J An thia place being suppressed. It has not yet been opemxrto the public, anii the current of opinion is `to"ffrong against such a movement here, that we ,much doubt whether it trill be: If it is, however, thejf,egister, and altothers concerned, may rest as sure 3 that no e:gorts will be spared upon the part , :of our community, to counteract its pernicious ef . fecal, aril if poszihle to fillpires3 it. "We ale aware that the character cf oar place infoimer years has been frequently and severely anins4tiverted upon, and for aught we know it may hat been just ; but at this time we bilie 4 re Tank -1 hantiock contains as great a portion of respectable i and industrious inhabitants as any plaza that can be ranted." . . CoNramner_an.—The Meridca (Cone.) 'Mercury; seems to hare taken open itself to be the Champi on of "i-ired Btintlitte," alias Judson, the editor of "Sri I ,Suntline's Own," vOto vas recently noticed in our column. of 'cOndensed items as having been flogged in the streets of li'cw*York by a woman,- tic. The Mercury quotes'the item from curpaper, _headed `iSkut, - /zrott.l,"---,riys the b-tory circulated the.enenties of Judson,:that lie was dogged by the woman dc. is "flagrantly false," and " a down right lie ;" yet admits 00: " lie was assaulted by a miserable and notorious courteiau of Leonard bt., and struck upon the head with a whip: [this is about as near being flogged as we should want to he, by a woman.l The Mercury continues its de fence of " Ned," whom it rtipresents as quite a re-_ spectable but persecuted individual, and calls upon us to " frankly state your curer," which we tnirbt properly db if we Lnnc the Men:ury's .opinion- t , f " Ned" to ,be more correct tuni just than that which we have g4-en from common report in other pa pers. As it Ls, we. decline ; either vouching for or deriding agilinst the respectability .0i ellrgh4l2--a-blll-rpmitn'l_t'a:yit:t_slitl merely say according to the old utsim,; - if its a lie, you'll:we lit as cheap as I," \chile giving die_ substance oilthe Nlercur - y's•ferther deferr.e•ai follows : . ..- i i As to -outrageously libelling the sister-in -lag' of 4. 0. Bennet," the sequel ;will show how vouch truth he uttered. What he-did say he was force I tsty, in reply to the repeated gross and mean :;t acks made 'upon him •by the hog of the-Herald.-- s to IL-. Jodrell being cue of the prominent riot - in the late mob, that iiissertion is unWarrauted -liy a shadow of truth, like till the other malicious +ports in-circulation against him. He was stand 19g by. witnessing the tragic events of that aw f u l. night, for the purpose of obtaining a correct account o it for his readers... C . -hen he 11-..i..1 arrested.' The Binghamton Democrat says that the pitven- Or train cif cars from Neu- 'York ran over a cow ntar Greet Bend . on Friday evrning Ls nh:cii thiew , a car off the track and brake it, but injured nizi person. trjr,, cattle car containing one or two animals of di ice 4 stock coming up for sonic of our farmers last w had fire hecidentally:tomuninimtcd to the a w, by which a valuable Ileift.:r was scyerely buived. 4.4-5: GOV. J01111 ., 4011 has appointed Hon. tlm a gh Ihtf tt fington to 1.q" . : be President Judge of the ' dicial- Distzict—;-an appoinituent highly spoken* A newspaper bearing the initials of a frit*, be ing directed. to a young lady in Ssraausufil tely, the postmaster:Aix...Jed letter postage, which he :tag -refused, and a suit being commenced. went ,Through all the Courts up to The I.T. S. Supreme .Court, making :•., , -AtO cost . on a difference between cue and tarn cents postage. Ile postmaster was s.U.SiElinetL i Th 9 news of the murder of Cll. Kinney hi.? the j.nC:l4ni u 1 Te.z.. 4, 3 is to be unitnuided. Hnpe it X 11.51" be. The new , .:‘ ~f,the death of out:" S'enatir I'orter 'Mich ; .ahoeontratiieted. waolis father, who dietflatety a, Bold°. • ! •Patrick Kiinnedy, an hi-h laborer, wa..5, kilted by i the ,'(all of a trpe near (7-arbtal_de on Ilenday the i, 18t1zlat. . . . .... A little girl aged 16 montlr, -laughter 0,. q:, Grier; wa3 Iv:idea:ally drowned near C• :: : : ^ P - 4W.- 1 A 7 :._.„,,..-;:.r.S .. last Weelit '1 • • - ''Mk":' • -. ... • .. '-, A "irieeto....of the Canal Ward being appoiKed , it .Philadill?bia lately, Gen. l l ower, Prezident, of the Board only attdaded. Long,treth wasAtili tea 1 ' unwell, and couldn't come, and Painter i 3 so huff; i at Paver he troufdta. t. - I • . 1 : At j a•txiference of editor held at Lew-stow-a I late% an Editorial I'z:tate, Conventicnwar. ? ;.,reed tiponto hit held at. Rearribarg in November neid-: 'Now biw•is of llicm'can rail ,e. enough of ,the dough •-•. -. to be t there 1 , 1 - . - . i A tiew paper i 5 about to be started at Milford in this *ie. 111 . s prerinned to be Leeofoco, as there 1 . 2 i Xttre else flOtiri4hing among the Pikecounty kr nms bat rattlernakes.and Loeofueolsro. t linter - itioxis of marriage are, now to be pUbliFhed• .iri-the papers before-hand in Massaelurattts,lhtir.teaxl Of rmilmg them .in meeting. as ; formerk Better tells .(ew„anticluated-maia eils, and 'elearge ii: lor , ..I. : •lTher.e. , is '-thei - lioe,:Sarnho V iiice„-isii,l!';'•KWell; where is the raltel . vitt del hcisil7t 7 : , l l ireit,ell; .110 re gr. '.W 11 31 tOtt it" - .t . 1 33 ,,Y . b 4 IM: licukit trig` - -10114103" -''''" ' oli , : ~ l'- . L - :) gralEki.:;ti.-=-~Thiciiiiceiii, ni b ub4r. 'of the i,isiisggesiekatioei4ith Wing:Davi : toern *73:*lennect : 10 f - the:Vizi* Siiiiiii r =‘i:ilM. danu i rrwmg :seieniierifirittAtittiatumiza• ii- - 100109(-. .. - lA* levied ofplipipifiai" LW:: -- .':.:- -..,-;" ; •;4; , r ,- ;-„I': i -•:.:-- '''lo --- - - ''. - . l'.=-1-1' .. _ ~ a z us i s ltie iiice*taie in az . - , • ,0 1,1 9. . , *A tlif,4*i9 -, q - 4., !Mil* - • ' 1 - • .; ,• 4- , ;.; edttOjttolree;lnt ~......, ' --_- i s p er - ; --- _ ~ti '"u7 - ' 14,-*.ihereurehl--*-ziogeokrisiv,". ~ ri 3 ma '' -y ' •-•'-':- 1'; ;../ ~' , - f.....: , -;:_ --'. 7=' , l ititaie , isgt, ':l,unl* 4341111 41t.' ~_. 'irtin#4* t f: l ' t !ft'- .;11TM-1' , -'1" -, i•`. wst N 7,,:. ''''•-•- -,, - D , : +4 : l =';':- 1 *,ll:' r;;;g:4-RIN:,:,../.'-'152:1:;"1.ii';-!:: ''' 5- 'I- W37;:',..V..,--'L • • -0- 141atiat - CONDENSED rr.Erds. :At - - " . 4:..;', : Z . '- ' ' ` , 4: .. ''''-_.•,---%.. 'I : 11;',.... ik r ~;...,..:,-.•-,-..,- ...-.--,-, ~...:,-;, 1 . ..--,..•-,.:•.-.; „ :,.•.-...q?,.,:r1, 1-610 ~ ~,fl. ..:104 . 4#1,rer,;,.1..k.,,t.f . 0 *iv:44 l ". ni,... .t.ii1z5*gi251.1111 1 7.4..#, .I'i lA74iiide . . l iii -1 ga0:07:14.71# I .'"..!'":',' R : f ir t " -e * :; e- v an- 0: -1 1 f -1- 1!S/# 1.1:' ' ' '. 2 . n -;- 1 . o. l'l. :'"‘ ' . " 4* . 4 - ;:f . '4T4k . ;/A:4 k 1•:.0. - • 1 4 . i.gdcit:44).iiAtt.,t-A. 1 'or .of the Otli.nat t . r is iti'l aril- t depute is toted. 1 - , . I At this Moiti nt it -would beprernature i, ot . k' (I ,0 t o speak' iie amount of likely li be in the 4e, sury and - applicable to the ~i,mnietion'; fth North Branch Canal, on tu• • ' t e 15th ofkugnst, as per act of. the 10th ~ 1 pil , 1 I '1 last. I ' I , I Much de ettcl on the promptitude of the , s venal . coun es m the payment o their tax-, el in - adrand,, and their action annot be kpown befor ithe last days of Jul . ij You are o ‘ t ubOess aware•of the idiculties. the "D 17.1var'e Division, Pa 'Canal.,"t in - 3 of the • asequent 'prOrolting 1 sS of rev- Death of Ex-Preside.nt Polk. dine. The 1.1 'trade on-that wor , .will, in The Dally.2l - ezcs says that the President has, is-, useCittenoe,l be better; but I fear u 't. in time Sued through the proper depart:nmnt, a prochuna- t ' aid you. The cholera on th s e s- rer, and lion announcing to the nation tho death of JA.stvs .. / ati,l- . 1 ittsbnrg, is nOw sensibly.dimin slain g the X.. Fors, ea-President of the United States, and or suitable military and naval honors to be paid , ref! enue on,eie main line of Canal. to his memory. The Adjutant General has 'actor- I These are clitlidulties wholly' of in unex dinalv issued .a general order that the national flag, p4eted chars ter, and we shalt c,ontetid. against shall . * displayed at half mist at all the milker: 1 th g em for the benefit of your 'Canal, as best posts of-the country, and the proclamation of the :. can. . Pi.-ident read to the troops on. the day succeeding II . - . ; H -1 TAMV,..I, 1113 dratl3 guns shall . re a n, ' ; 9 . ' — 't . 'd 1 - be ti d t daw would. hive hi:Allred you a sum l not leis mielattlitliter.-als of :ip minutes between sunrise thans44)o,oo, to, be applipd tote North T ula mans aid a national salute of 30 guns at the B anvil, had iot the General lisse bly ap close of day,„while the officers of the army Will L'wear crape oti,f,the left arm and': on *their swords, pr , triated so large a sum for " old bts' 4 due ' and the coterctifilie'several r4meriti"be put in on /the Canal, and: which have :bee , suffer smaulumstaitnit.ons,fonroz3 a rnou ,R tl 4)q. 7 mio et. : `-tuiiyiids and na- ed i to accumulate, and now ahem ted to be will fire 30 . iniiiiite ganiV.biigionik ,at 12 o'clocl. / ~,. in commission. (p; off without an inquiry where tl e money , M., carry their'flags at half-niiiiVfor-Mie week, and 1 . to come Om and at the same ti l ine coin, : the officers wear crape for six montlis,T• The officers l pit heh ' with t er pledges made by the Leg !of the revenue marine Eel-Tice , will wear the cut- ' isl Lure, the ostimportant of which is your 1 tomary badges, and, fire the same salutes ordered i rue itorious naL , , for the army. The proclamation of the Presi t p est assure I; that all in.my pi - (4ns to do, is as follow; : to cure the •e-ecimmencement of tlieNorth The President, with deep regret, announces , - clone. BT nth Canti the American people the death of ;lames K. Poi ', P shawl • be i late President of th e United States, which Qccurred 1. . , v ' 'ln haste,.,- .1 • 1 at Nashville on the 13th inst. 4 I Tery triply, your obedient senft. A nation is suddenly called upon to mourn the 0. J. BALI,. losz-. of one, the recollection of whose long services . ; 1 ' in its councils will be forever inscribed on the tab lets of histor,-. sed by auy store in town, and however lunch we bare differed in the political field, Ise hare orer fuund hima fair dealer in hi good's and wares. C A Mill - Grocery Store . hus been opened by Lnrsibs Robs in the room lately occupied by Win. Poit, asialliat& Clothing 'store, in the lower Ward, as oiill be' been by our advertising culamn this week. , :This shows that im..iness is not de clining in Montrose as has been prophesied on the opciaMg of tho Railroad. Mr. Ross hails from Binghamton and those of our citizens who have a partiality fur Binghamton goods and prices may do aeli togive him-a call. As a mark: cf respect to the memnry Ora iltizen who has been distinguished by the highest honors which his country could bestow, it is ordered. that 6 the Executive Mansion and the several Depart mouts-at_Witsbiegton, be 'immediately "Aced in mourning, atertirrtiti_ospeot - ert-trarx,..--, E ,--ws.-----• morrow. • •It is further ordered that the Watand Navy De partments cause suitable military and naval honors e to be pail on this melancholy occasion, to the mem ory of the illustrious dead. (Sizned) Wa,hington, June le, ISA:). Me , :NCIIIII.V Exa.—Daniel Ryder Wll5 an Irishman. and had been employed, some time ago on the Delaware section of the Delaware and Hud son Canal. and latterly on the Washington Rail road. His habits of life were not good, and hehad, in particular, contracted a love for t polsoried who which is sold in all the drinking housean this part of the country,.as elsewhere, under the name of domestic or American brandy. Last week or the week before. Ryder made his appearance in Cherry • Ridge township, and was for some days tu .11.44 a, vein. it, a ery poor suaniter To prevent his becoming chargeable upon Ai fund of that township. be was on Sunday last, put into a mazon and brought almost to the toll gate near the Cajaw pontl, where he was left in the highway in a condition of nearly utter helplessness from chsease. He crawled into the midst of smite, bushes, growing by the•way.side, to escape the op pressive heat, and there he remained till the next day. - Du Monday, the supervisor of Texas township mule application i mgreeablv to the provision of the law, to two•magiYirates of this borough for a war rant to take the Miserable being track to Cherry Ridge The warrant was issued, but poor Ryder was too for gene to be removed. He died towards night, lw the road-side, in the bushes which had sheltered him frost the noon day sum—Honest/de Democrat. LInt:II.ILITT.—We hare just been informed of an act of liberality that proves the old maxim - that Ciirporatinns have .no souls," to he not correct in all its meanings. We hare beard from excellent authority that the Lehigh Coal ik Navi gatkat Cimpaay, the Hazleton Ctol'Company. the Beaver MeadAw Rail Road { Coal Company. the Buck Moutnain Coal Company, and the S pring Mountain Coal Company, have gencrou , ly paid the whole expen , es ofthe Sheriff's poxse, military, awl civil. hind elf and his assistants, for their senice-i upon the :26th whep thni effective' work was accomplished Of,opeAtthe Lehigh canal, and put motion titer:VW& boats whie.h,had so long been idle' opposattit,'otai.laorough, dbiitriteting the navigation of an limpiktant public*. work. These Companies were nit more and4:...Ob.ligation-.to 1 13 ,Y the,a: expen-c.: than the eitixea: ; ; On his ._Linen a - I svaulted i= to pay for the arrest 01kb rallitAtt beats Inn. Hence Jr:y ttre entitlCtiifn -, ;:groati'ti*sc Ili thus relieving the Comity -on epayinent of a laittf, sum ,whith it iveuld ha're heeti highly ill l Pr9.Pe*W; our opinion, for tint county to have refused to to those who had went their bime, risked their.p'er.;, .sons and given their rervicesi to enforce the dne execution of tin lairs, which iota time seem' to have 'heron v.•hollf tii , regardcd and set at defiance.— : Eta:o7l, irldy multfoler J. TIM PENN DlpthrlCT Arits•:---The Intten.ier E.mtnittti;r in remarking uponl the refiral Of our judges to bring the;perir. , ,traton - t; of the gross fraud in the district of Pauli, at the Ilk general election, to trial, nary the decision "Arlllriaterially strength en the feeling in fai•or of electing judges by the People. - , 714 oNelfitui that - cleric,/ judges would igpilyans has brit its force. since ex retience has shownliti This as NI'!el1 ILS other instan ces that it would belim passible fo•elect more stipple ; fools of party than have fretiu4d h r been appoint ' ea."—Dai/trYctra. • CITALEft.k. AUCING TlfE Toe- Chicago Deniocrat say* , that four Cana dians have passed throUgh. that city on their return from Ind epOdence, luring abaudoned= the design of going th O t tliforuia. There were eight of thfina when ith,ileft honte,; the' Others ierished byOolera. The Cleve= landilerald salsthatouivat 26 Piersons who left Jeftersomille; 1.9/11.1Y 2, for the gold , 'country, only Ow) , :oltr--sAssex,Re,g;B-.. ter. ' .1* 4 rep, ~ -, News • n reeelvd at St,. Lou*, from, Oart .K. - . ei, of the arirtcif several of th 6 l'ittsba I 4 v*HErti grauts, upon 4. ohmic of 'wan xiey Ana wiihotit prorogation Anildering five e°ltansaslndisai,ind'ivonnling-miany Oihers;:=ilhq: hAi+ beep", n*steat,br-thur. 11.0 rnlo As - and taken to: i - oilit:faiiii?l'. -' . e -620 F t -YAre—O n , l oo 4 - / Y - , - 4 0 keP *7• UP,• — il Sits**; € . o,Alyeij 1' - :, [ = V., 4. ":71`(--.i . - - zt i. t47 1 -:; -- ' ' 7 ' ; -':-z'L-., • 2 - .f: - -,1:,::J; ":::.', -- c.-' ''' - '.4. - rii. 1 , - i . • -*. -- - Z. TAYLOR. _____ The lenn District Frauds:ur readersi will recollect that sh4rtly af !.rhi' late : election an intlictinent *as pre- , ,fi d against the officers in the Peiu district 'hiladelphia, for ,:friuds at 4.4%,+1...r-4."••••••"" 4 A.'"" g candidate for COD 43 YreSS.— indictment has been pending.ev....risince, .. . _ v effort to (bring it to trial being'suCcess ; ill resi z Ated,. 4,4 last week Judge POrsons a.pharthe pr;rediityB on the grouo of in fortnalitv iu tho indictment ! . The Philadelphia Bulletin—a neural' pa per, iedited by Pcmocrals—has the following cominents on this disgraceful aflair : I I.l,sNs Disvkicr .FRAUDS.--The investiga tion into the PO,nn District fraUds has proved, as life feared, a farce, the indictnieuts having ' been que.shed_i for , informality. A healer soar of the i's were :not dotted, or th ti.l not , or whether the bill itself was Ivritten .opif, is!., ; Optead don post, does not ap ' - Pear ~Alii..orily,thinl; certain is. that aki rinu. inveetigation is ‘avoided. We confess that ice should have tholaght better of the indicted parties, if they had re fused to avail -I.ll:ernselves of any fornja de-- fence Lut had gone to trial on the merits of the case. We are fibre that, even in a, parti zan xiew, sound tactics demanded that they shouprove their innocence, and not 'screen them Ives. under a flaw in ,the indictirient, the -o ilissjon of a word, or the plea of h joint inste.d of a ser`pral ! prosvition. A great politi .11 fraud was openly' charged upcin , the Judg s of election itaenn District; and the .1 Hems tion was lileralded from one end iofl the , . Uniot to another i -, iat will now be said ' of the quatter Stranefers, ignorant of the itiunac iond,ry ofibe :i i ccirsed parties, of which here arc presnined to be cognizant, rm their conclUsions from the reeord , : notince that the defendants hard avoi trial : and wil,l hence conclude that ie guilty. 'Some may even go sk) ;far ronouncejustiee, at least in 'political a farce in this city and county. Toall at - reply can 'Nve make I Rout can ect. to corilince strangers under ;such r circuinstanees ? Alisl alas! 1 ..c NS aliroat Mate petNoL will f will p ded they• al 'is to 0 affairsi this we el kFVECTINO I NciugsT.—The Pieavt4 'at it is kingsitkee. a funeral in 47 0qh . .4.4 has oecastoned inure sincere and 'di. 'etal's*)patily than did that of the lame,r4. :Giainell. ...Many ailwart felt the secret pangs `of grie4 and bled .kyitlitunaffected sorrcivr, all Imknoii - a to th v outward World—unnoticed br thellvul , rar , rtze. An incident Of affecting;i • 6 ' coarac i er• occurred NVI4le the body was being taken s t,) the lalie;going to demonstrate that' under the rough extenTor, the finest feelings of ournature lie &welded. When thel cof fin. w-it I its Fable drapinT, was placed on one', of the • rs, .an old man approached it, god' laying-I iis hand , ' upon' it, exclaimed,: ith, much motion,. Tar well, old friend 1 I la was brit i you at Fort ;Vile:" and, tur ing as wept like a child. This example }was followed by one. who were the habiliments of the laWrer in human lire. Laying-, t 7 his lmia ny hand upon the ,eolEih he, too, with feeling said, "Farewell, old fr 441.1 tn. while the tees of grief jeot irued ellelc. Who can ti cs felt I - [ , P111 3 ::r We 'eel •"7" . • by a let , r. ..x:treene couht . that • ..11 , was drowned in Tunnel a*, Onlioud4 ei'ening last, , zither he ha gone wit,ltalriend'to- bathe::::, - I.lo,hail,;Uill reached tit ,tday,;froni ')row 4 %ilk, and li,ad,withlli f 'k lu PPlii vir -: , ~.- eles,telel l eopetkmaknif • gaud opera ike ..Whl" he . , was selling. Tl 4. 10 11. - , 1 4 . 0._ he I llak .Abctlkr.Vie . **l4 , l7P - .631,_ . gne "T. .1419 1 eri - 0et . ,.. ' ''' l . I '-i:e* . / 4 0( . '."!* bi , aboie'N bleiPlu ,iel i it,'' -;:,T1;03: y, -.),1,e :tie° . vete' *A -1 0 . 4/ :, .. - - e - nelt laybr:.:o l .11, i )rm Order . ' , - : Oclii, , t , via . s , Asith, nppropitit: eeremon/ .;!1-' - : , ..-,.....'..- :_-1 -, ,A.ii,".11,'. - '-. 7-,.., ..:--....::;- , i , -; -. ' --. -: ; -::' : -- x v•--!--', - - - 'n+4. - -: ~.. ,--,.., 7 , , -.- _. r A :. 1~ .]i".. ~: : , :.,I , ,1 1),1-1-':1„.,..„ r.:-Hr:-....,-...?: y t petf4 -. ..f?.0:1';:1c, .i.r.4f,4: . -r,....„ , 7, - -1, , f 4 „ ; *, , , Aic :..•, , . plr ;,titt - 31,*i.,i *,, 5 - 040: . ,_ _-• 0 4 .4, 0 ** ,4 . ; ,,,.. ; , N . .3rOlirii(atiiii: - .:iiii*W I: ' 4 - 40- i i " ;4 4 4 loAgi 7 l rglib!,:, 7',7ri0.-,:riiiO4: - *i. k49:iti.li: 1 1- #14.10144544413.1041#.4440; 11 -*ittfi*- 1 .0*,',' - ' 7 4 1 : 411 40 1 i t4,14ti1t*,,C4 ;1 HTlii -, _ l 4 l teatiOX.rAi ?, **.tiiiik4 l *,l4oo,' . :1 L Ife.olii i%ftisii; : siii4Wiii4_*444,k , iieWl fo6s4r . lanteri: ~ :":. -,,' -',, , .::. .-j -i 'Pr' . 7, - :!'l ti- . .4$ -: 1 : - . - Ili*::. - '4lO - 40:04*ii)!'6.ciqpiti.l'ill. .1 in.--17efei'iieel.$:0***411 1 011?ei - § - 0:* ' in seire i • of Sir Jehri - Frainlilinlhailieen'alltit . doll() i 'lParlianient , inelteiy - i flatteriktgits ' The ' ;Nisi& - England • are' in :ilte - -40 - . . ~ -. ~, ...,.:-. .pro,nust ir , _condition. - :.* ~ • i , : 1 , i--., : - , , Lil - In I e and, however, alth,ottgh there , j'fare_l', yet no : *grounds for . positive A , - alartM - Y there a i',nnutitlakable eyidences of- - thefatal' disease the &Owing potatoe, a nd esiromiii‘: in the v'tnity of Dublin. ~ ,-'"..,,..;;, - , - .-' i „:::.' t - Lord Clarendon has officially anueniiCed , , that th '' i sentence of death, passed - ow the,' Irish Si4io• prisoners in Ireland, had'lbeett', commut'd to transportation for life:•'' -,-',. The hole of the Western . Provinces in' ; Ireland .re represented as'in the, most de-'1 plorable ;condition. • Society is utterly'diS , •' organize .; . _ , . In Fr , n ee a Ministry has. been 'formed with Do Toequeiille in the Departtnent - of. Foreigii , 'airs, Dufaure.lxiteriOr, and _taro_; juians CI mtnerce, the rest being unchanged.,' This is it; hqlf-wity combination and 'can. do great thin,gs.. ' The President's mesiage . we can' jt dge better When we see it at length: It i - sAus letoni that it is praised in - thelE4-, grish paters. -The President is reported:fp; say that if France becomes tranquil all, ; ,En-' rope, nil i,' be so. True:' but France ~can never be ranquil so long as her Laborers,are not guar utteed tlieir.rigl4li iid. so long 4 Italy, Elt ti,gary oi,:,,P,6lamt r are not free. .1,, -. i - All ac i,unts .reeeiVed from the French Departm I tits - represent' the. appearance. of the grow rig crops in the most favorable light No k"I t HYING Yet AT Romz-.—Tlie Paris journals i f 'Thursday furnish intelligence to the 2d i t. up to which date hostilities bad not coin . enced,. though Gen. Oudinot de nounced ,fe armistice onthe Ist. ' . mans have 'announced. their firm to defend to the death- the es ink of the French, and it is stated lave an efficient force of 800%0. 1, i tlf44 renews) of his powers as Is tern 4 l and 'this the triumvirate, ba - ciFed le, declare they Iva,/ never con, The R. ttsolutio pected aa that they unqualifie poral rule by ti cede. says Lt the bottom of every . heart, , a determination the Most , accomplish the destruction of, power of the Popes. All bear tatred to the Govergnient i of !r whatever form it may-be p'e shall fight to the last. against of a restoration." 0 prowl the tc the I pries sente , all projee The tat the Aust.', bombardin vested on The and Sas° stitution fo g intelligence from Venice left. ' k ns, under \Marshal Radetzl.;y, : hat city, which was aoselY in k, li sides. i'o,4...ritiorko. of: IlanoVer - have promulgated a new (on- r ',OeiTnany, in which the principle I; suffrage is recognized. - In the • is the previous, attempt to form the Oerman„State.s the King Id 'adeithe prominent.head. ti.us; I ided : .from the present arrange- I the other States are F inrited.— onfidence is felt thatlhe p - resent *bine the several States Under . head Will prove.m6ie forttinate:. , ft, 1 ' ~. '. - . 1 .4 hrts-so ,constantly repeated tin . tt :Coll the Daties'aud Prussians ,rs i inl;is renewed, but we_iiin see . no., , etiee;of the fact. Ihistilities still -'; the - neighborhood of, Aarhui, ish .blockade is rigidly enforced. in Hungary presents no , nen since the fall , ofuda into*. diungariatis nes!event ~ has 0e:,... lated to have,a permanent in‘fiti yesult of the struggle, though ltns have achieved farther ; tuit eels' ‘important victories. ...- - 1,;-, :: : ~, IL. n4ence,,that the eotntiatant*iik itiheir forces, and ..accOntit.S'Ot.a . Tattle are every 'd..* looked ,i. of univers. present, a union of .Prussia is tria is exel ment. All Very little attempt to one supre than the h The yep the war be speedily to reliable cvi col:16141e i and the Da The wa feature, an< bands of th eurred-eale enee on the the I,l4pga: il in. l here is e eorieentratin , tretifendeus ^lt tit‘v = stew . ,; "o'clock yeate eases.of eh! hours preqi theni prove took our eit: boat first ne: - . ties, not -be firstrefused t bodies to bt eration,.low brought-as . it administered • A passeng yesterday fro loath, sick o admission in three o'clock terrible ,m • ; Great -afar They are:taki 'precautibm,: ..! Theiveathq ,ge.nerally ve 4ILA. IN WIIEELINII. , ;--A despatch; 4t,of. the 24th inst. says. .: - 1 tei t "gryoming,arrived 114 re at 16 raity morning. She had twenty lent on hoard during Ithe, 24- 1 ,1), to her lauding, and even O li fatal. This sad tiiitaingetie . ;ens by 'surprise, and.,loeti the ' the wharf, the'city :fitutliOri,r . .e; prepared to, act pipmpilyi• tallow the passengers and deAd Inded. After further, consid , T4r they were permitted to_ hel roi and the necessary ailiefw:usi it rhamed. Gelb was landed here, 'aboard the-steamer Shenutt-; ito chOlera.. Ileiwas refusedl / i nyof_ _the hotels and diet,l'at i i ci tl4s morning, a %loam of the n.:.lprevai)s itmOng:but ci, ; Wm.- * active measures tOit§e'pveri I'x*l ,' d. i i l * -' t t t'enetk-i ir hot, 11,-'-,a''_s,,; b a'. s, ia:..-'-g'- i. • ii : - ' * . . " " - ~t-t-414) itlea,taille4lfireil Cilia4* ' ;t• - 11 :it*Iii4iini i'l tiligi.. l 4* V . , 04: 65 -. 4 ? 144 4. ) - 4 , 1 * 711 0 -04 * it ~ ,• :,:Y. '": { 4s. =..,, , t -(,--,,,.... .T--k. .. . . f. , , , .. 10,,k . 1 4 0 441 .04: -**1 4. 4 iiiiiapr; 1 lingi#4 l ii** , ',, f4' - Att:6, - 0( rAt**::vc',.:i..ifA . :: ~dtpain4tet n eo*eiglik, ~,...1 - ~ -,..„ 7;4;...-e-t .f . - t,..1e...) , z:,.:* r0.P7... Ex - -Gov S brationalEdu on ' el2h ?Lit' ciiiige; th - BrilieAcitsi.. -, 'At "Um: 'Oar . ; OA tliP. I I Übe ,)fe4 , • • ^ .1 I IME ° ocrri."` here , - ey‘ t 10) at Mr. Elie" ac• ; 9P.9FPI ids; 'ill m (l . 4 t axedial 'efTtKL7,,f! Odids;f o , r p ` ha rt ebrdin4 tilii ;w1 ClaY; h as war tion will nd in rhirq' 'Parteij•' , great 'al •publieau roken - to t •to the= ft-45th' es upon - hich it ifo . caavass. L lWO*4.7ti Irof c!tff , :r riot ;oe Iltliaz ,gat:#,)!ll c.t4* o -rgi it, - . - on . .o : 4bitc-,io la*rile Ight ke mgel... kV ,tile: 7 0:0 1 *P41, , _ 6. -, ,,n - e.x., - ,i119F1 , - a; - 411imilt'Y-: {"forwaia - 4 - and l_tißif4ine,ii , ~- ..; ,-,,i4 et"tic;pi , or. in I ng*AR: e:94,Wr4 ceiv sex ETTI:i:-Vo TYRA.- l''' A' h: C a fias - k 'ger iii,the 11 says : , 'I - hive`ll.l 4 - rho has en thie::of,ili enitlip‘tri)hble of dL '.- 'of eixtiitli4' IA Ika.,, of- fot a- : itn - Visf:did. rs 'hi re ular'lniereantii Y ill flour ' IieLWILS at - ,e comma)) ed almost'any eiseo. ,11 ibipita-fatel j , re s !ei ve(/ ' 1 11 EY : t / Ye e 1 Ifftlx ' 4 July VA.()) fro; whi ger wit ,cou tutt, doll chie food. Fra# 'bare, boro for men' - for iiell -Au ,olio' e tla , i.than e pf . Ott ti e gr 4 ‘o'clo k in 1 AlOri -- 2 Otel 1, 6 The Ladi4 }.. 7' Ciizcils, '&e.. . l't After, forming, the. procession', will- mare. to a i',noit beautiful grove near the B.tarrucea Viadiptl where - the followid , order will be observed, viz : - -- ' 4 -,-- 1 r rrayer, 1 .71 ', ',- / 2, Arpropria e Music, - :.--, , - -'l' , -1 .- - i 3 'Address to the Sabbath Seliopl.4. 4 I.luoc and discharge of Artille6 • , t s 5 Rea•ding:_ll.7AeciaratiOik:Ofirldeiimilelice, d h.1 1 41e Mali iliseliargtirotAitilii' 7 Oraleti, ArtillertAnd..Al 4, , , : a Benediction, ColleotiOn,.. ' 9 The . pro lion: Wilt again ~ fo in tle. Order,iu which-tcbey arrived at the ore'aull march back, intft the -Village olLiiiiesboto 4 t and dismiss. , ' . ~_ i. ! i • A.Splendid di, play: 'Of fire works;`' le ,exhibited in the' ''enuig. --' , ' Ily:order of ' t e committee':of drigige . • • , ,' • • • 1--•...:.- 're, .thents. - . - ' -- i":4s,: , :.::-, ,' •, . 1\ ' IL - 11IYITS, Sec. 1 LaniiiliOro-"J' it 28 .1840 '' 14 -' I' 11 , 43 : I - : i 11 C R/MISISATION The, Sunday ebocils oflitivio *ii cel-' 4 ebrate [ the-'4tll' : this;"' ':iii 7 : -. . ' . ':': 2 The Favxsli,ba-the 4[ Catir- ( ate. r. sr - i• tiA to atenl andiiarticipat ,a7iSii .....4tints to be prole-I'4d by ; the . pa - lois -,;-,*- 1 1. / 4 ( 1 8 o f the schotov; :- lie $ f ..1.1 . . c•%,,....--.0 Aiable at Elie .13a' .: tilt Chttih_ite ',. - :_----' t .....11 . •'', '''' .. ' : ui l . . : itn C ii n."Z nal: ' - ' iiioaer. Il ~ . 1 •• 4 :,., •_, 1 1, - • Oto ends,: in th hope thattarly anaraw Ira be had id le - joreiniiea: `: t:', -,' 41 ...,,:-4 i - 1 i Raol , ed; That , the , fr '('f; : the' National find State adm,inistinticky,,• in Pg • insylvaall4l* requested Of meet lin . the se t' t. cttieks - • and, counties of tie State, a d select dileGataseanhl'in 'xi :her `to their rePrese latirei iii:ftee s_fctict,,giOatute„lNrho shall meet i i i cOYVentiois*.'the ' , court laitt,4tia - r[ani.%. 'burgti 1.22 . 4.ie1ea..)(q - am:Thnisdar', l6th day 04u, . e4xt;loi,t,he'leFfrie of..sel kr, a can , ; Aflate'r r CanallPgramir9fter;_iind• to: ,kEich eth' o,l3usinr - aithe:4erti-i-4:et-04.eilipa IL - may re . !•cititire..- - - -1:' , [By ordOi Cif the' Co ' n;) :43.E0.`,88,8Fri Mariam • temp. • • - ',I - 2 - * -• 't• • ',' - lit.Si''k4 - 4:4:41i r O F itrirD% it* - Otibilt`ils 4 / 1 0 - . : 111 - ee t 040*P6i/firliV24*hgW:Sin - (I lie, intii*iii:gix**Wirilv `":AP4 4 11 1 .441:q.,1. 1 ' li: ! e gli t s , "S etcon j i l li g :7 7. oi)l.2ni.‘ i :M i t - th / 4 ,.., 4: 4 11 41:: :: 4 : e teee; , ella the irtiOle-Ait' -Aletiekeer et dllo4lneit , ', ;' 4o l : 7 4 l l: "Org4te rl !e' t . 'esse tiji-,17.1)4-;*ii'(.--Aiiin, n 0 at 1, r I WT * lS hai fe13e 1 2. 6 ' places. tb l i ' 'dott 's • tlic , le o. - italitOtt rt s p . ....,.. of e- , - blifiliS Vie ' l . • ' '.2.*:41L-1 }4 % ', 7 sider, Ali Sm wing at n of it ;leidl ets iedr—re. .--84 a letter, Papaata, Ncr B ass ett . mate anal d. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers