~:;TAT'``"4;.~:.'='.:~':;:_".~,..;, There will be Unirerrastlth4lifit4 rifle next Sunday forenoon axitirifterinxiiond• at Salt well Schott) house at 5 .gri i a' d a ::• DIEDsc,.I 1, B r idgewater, Jane 21st,,:ldrti, Ssmrn, wife of Loren J. Smith; agedl6. I The deceased was highly respected by all 'who knew her. She has left to her heartstricken hits bond two children, one an idiot. • Thou' defkdate is the home front which is taken by death the young wife and mother ;410 there is a consolation for these Who weep MAlie. Gospel. -The funeral Berta ma were attended in 'Forest Lake. — In Itticietixi, Ill:, May „loth, Herein M., danghte of 'Dr. Samuel Bissell late ofl3moklyn,Susque hiA na co , Pa., and wife of'Samuel Adams, aged V 4 years. The husband of the deceased being -a member of the S. of P., Division No. 137, a special meeting was called, and the followino• preamble and folu tions drawn up and adopted : Whereas, We have heard with pain and egret the death of the wife of our worthy brother Sam uel Adams, therefore Resolved, 'Mat we sincerely sympathize,with our brolher and 'family in their sore afilictionis, and offer there our heartfelt tribute of condolence in their bereavement. CFRAMolced, That , the members of this Di'vision Meet at their Hall on the 30t1i,,,at,.1 o'clock; r. thence to walk in procession to dwelling Gf Br. Samuel Adams, from which to proceed tr the place of the funeral. • Resolved, That the W. P., or in his absence the A._opp . citnt eight pall bearers frain the brdthers of the Division, and that lie take upon himself the taco of Marshall to conduct the femoral precosion. Resolved, That the R. S. present a copy of the above to Br. Adams, and that these,,tog,ether with a record of all the proceedings connected with this matter, be sent to Rockford t for publication. At the appointed hour the brotheti met and pro ceeded as agreed upon, to the place Of the funeral, when an appropriate discourse was:delivered by Rev. Mr.—, after which the audience procecifed to she burial ground, where the deceased was in terred, according 1.0 the stipulations (4110308. of T. Miss Blackman's Class in Music. r HE ensuing term will commence on the 2tlt of TJuly. .7'ERAS. • For term of 12 weeks or 2.4 ,lessons on 'Piano- Forte, one hour each, A thorough course in sitigin;, For 24 lessons I+ hours eaca, on Piano, with Singing in connection, r of Piano, re.rt Books—Burrow - 04' Piano-Forte Primer. Wit ling's Juvenile Instrueter, Ilunten's Celebrated In -tractions, Cooke's Singing Exercises. Montrose. June 27, 1649. .Late Attie a.l AT LATHR OP th 41_11,1S B }".„. THE great n 4 -4i still continuo& Goode arriving daily by N. Y. et E. IL - R.' Another splen did assortment of Prints, lAwns, Oinghains, Tarlr ton 1.41W115, a beautiful stylC of goods. Bonnets.. Boimett Ribbons and Flowers of all description,— Sheetings, Men's Summer -Stuff., Cliedirtieretts, Ca.ssitnen.-s, Satinetts and Clgthß, a gnOd varlet v.— The largest stock of Men's and Ladies Boot:, in town. Arriving mnstantly, Dry bonds o 1 nll de= , •rip tuns. A plod stock pf CarpOting; ju-t in. Cr•K•k cry, Iron, Steel, Nails, !qui:xi . ..l..4es and :sugar--cif tilt , best qurlity—Lariz:eNt arip..l best lot of the country. More of that Tobac'co. 2 its, for ;." , 1. Best New Orlean. , and Porto Rico Sugars for Gi Cheapest and best re.a..s in town. • sloie of that six shilling Tea. Mc3re - gotizis coming next week. Call thid see. rharge for thoir;np gooda. LATHROP it: SALISBURY Montrwe, June 28, 1849. New Grocery Store. (One doqr South, - of _Ville (t. Knapp's in-the Sto:re fin-meri t , occupied by W. if. ;Post.) THE subscriber bas'reteived a large mid exten sive stock of Groceries, consisting of Tea.:, Sugars, Molasses, Coffee, Tobac- Co. Rice, Grntunl Spices and Pepper, Starch, Cloves, Kaleratus, Ginger, Nutmegs, Indigo, Cigars, Choco late. Sperm and tallow Cmidles, Codfish, Mackerel by the barrel; half and quarter barrel qui kit.. //`-',"'";; kv- the box. Raisini by the box or pnund. Salt by the sac- k < or barrel, Clock., •-tone W%lre With); Ware, Flour, Pork, do dc. d-e. dealer in all kinds of W;1 4 94. and :Lipfors Tie <,071 and will sell hi gottglscbraper titan they can he bought at any other store in MOntroic. Rader, if you dotft.belieye it give u a tall and c . 1.1 convince you. Don't forget the place. ED ASTI. S ROSS. rif.'dtf Jiine YS 49. ..ale - - VlAtuttert` Vinegar for . yolvs A RASO at only 2 cents for sale by J. L OAS - C a paid for Wool. 9000 ixiunt. of Wool a-anted for Cash and lo exchange fur goods by New 3iilfvtd , Junb 26, 1849 AIIDITOR's NOTICE. AYTNG been appointed by the Orpha.nta Court J. 1 of Stisquehanna County, an. Auditor, to ap portion the assets remaining in the:hands of Cha's, fl.crc, EFq„.id ninibtrator of the estate of Olive lien 1 tll, dee'd, among the heirs and leg,al ; rePre -t,aativos of said decedent, I will atiend to, that du; v, at my office., in Montrose, on Monday the ;311 day . of July next, at 10 o'clock A. 'AL June 23, 1545. Executor's Notiet. I , _ I - ILL1 LL pers.unz interested in the estate ot. Vo4nc• . lion Ryticarso n , late of Lenox r town hip, 'd, el nre requested to call at the Executor's house in Clifford and make inirnecliate_parnMent, .acid • i II those baving demands against said estate to Pre sent them duly attested for settlematit. ' 1 A. R A TOTED, .Exit Crifkird, June 27, 1844. A 10141151 I STRATOWs . 111111)14e0i LL persOn#' *fiat/and to the estate of/Bran: l E „A. Mott,latti.-ei Forest Lake, decensed, 94:e. re quested 'to.ma ke iinituAiate payment, suld llwae having4iftuan diva n dinaid estate to present;tiiem duly attested for: iettratp4it. , 9.ldOrr.,ir; Mul* . , ,• now -iv suideedul,,iiienit*:,-:;l74l4J3)itlicre Tie Stesii7<_ I Invited to give it s trial Constantly on hand, for tali, at the lowest Sapnewellour, 'Fine 41°4;1 if' 9.9n4t494 alder. Shorts and Bran, 7, ._ ca s h fiaid for 4." • P. Xonttose, .I* - ,12,1849. [ . ~larajjarlairt: 4/ 18 - lit`rifiliVrjiaillsig r. i4 ll .: ; Acumen 16-the" ..PVinidainTniand 614 7 that she basofientidi-Pan4,441/4001144ii • :conskstin g of Eta/liar* Ilead DrEsseLThad* ' Legho rn Rats dg!te4ret-.4l'iliiiivit6i'notitie;i4,.. Frietrisrak•hm 10, r-. ` RELATIVE TO lan AifER.ISMENT - pF THE CO.I4STITtrTION. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representa tires of the Commonwealth of Pewee'. in tits Asscnibly met,. That the Constitution of thts Coin mortwealth ~ be anmieeded in the 'second section bribe fifth *Ade, so that it ehell read as. follows : 'hi Jtidgges bf the •Sttprenie - Clime, of the several Courts of COmmon Pleas, and of such other Courts of Record ail are or 'shall be 'established by, law, shall be elected hype qualified. electors of the Commit/wealth in the manner following, to wit : The Judges Of, the SUpeeme Court, by the qualified electors of the Commonwealth at large. The Presi dent Judged of , the 'several Courts of Common Pleas and such other'. Courts of Record as are or 'shalt be established by law, •and all other Judges required to he learned in the law, by the qualified electors of the.respective districts over vtch they are to . meld& or net as Judgess r And the Associ ate Jud ges of the Courts of Common Pleas by the qualifie elector: of the Counties respectively._ _ _ s 3 The Judge's of the Supreme Court shall held their offices for th4terin of fifteen years if they so lung behave theniselyes.'well: (snlijeet tothe allotment hereinafter &evicted for e eubsequent to the first election :') The President Judges of the several Courts of Corhmon Pleas, and of such other courts of Record as 'are or shall be established by law, and all oilier Judges required to bo learned in the ' law, shall hold their offices for ;the term of ten years, if they shall so long behare them-selves well : The Associate .1 edges of the Courts of Com mon pleas sh4ll hold their efkis for the term of Mire years, if they shall so-long behave themselves well: all of whom shall be connhissioned by the Governor, but for any reasonable cane which shall not besufficieut grounds of impetichenent, the Gov or shall remote any of them- on the address of two-thirds of OA branch of the Legislature. The first election shall take place at the general elect ion of thlieCommenwealth next after the adoption of this amendmer, and the commissions of all the Judges echoes:nay be then in office shall expire on the first . Monday of December following, when the terms of die new judges shall commence. The persons who shall then be elected Judges of the SupreMe Court shall hold their offices as follows ; one of them for three years. one for six years, one fur nine years one for twelve years, and one f i r fife teen years ; the term of eaeli to be decided by lot by the said judges as soon after the election as MI; veffient, and the result certified by them to the Governor, thatOe commissiens may be issued in accordance thereto. ,The judge whose commission will first expire shall be Chief Justice during his term, and thereafter each judge whose commission 1 sht'ill first expire:: shall in turn be the Chief Justice, and if two or more cemtuiss'ons shall expire on the same day, the ledges ledditee them : -.1,01_.1.,4.,L. b e Lit e-hich shall be the Chief Justice. Any vacan cies bap sing lay ditith,•rasignation, tar otLenrisc, "in any ot , the said courts, shall be filled by appoint ment by the Governor, to rominte till the first Monday of December succeeding the nest general election. The Judges of the Supreme Court, and the Presidents of the several Courts of Common Pleas, shall at stated time,, receive fix their servi ces an adequate •eeterensation, to be. fixed by law. which shalt not be diminished &ring their continu oe:nee in office. but they shall receive no fees or per quisites of office, nor hold any other office of profit under this Commeer.vcalth, or under the govcra ment of the United States, or any other State of this V nion. The Judges of the Supreme Court du ring their continutume in office shall reside within this Ceaumonuicalth, and the other, Judges dnrite , their continuance in office shall reside within the district or.cousity for width they were respective It . elected. in the Senate Mare"' 1,18 , 19 . . PtesolTed, Thtit this re: . : , olution pits:;.—Yea, 21, Na; s 8. ill-tract from :the JomnaL 1.8A'...`.1L. W. PEARSON, Clerk. In the lionce of Represe-niatire; April 2, 1849. Resolved; ; That , this rei-ulutinn 68, Nays 26. Extract from. the Journal. . 11"?.1. JACK, Filvd April Pr nitviefln;,i, , I no cutivrty titit Ilia above and foregoiag is a true and cortiact dopy of the Orinol Re:solution of the General A_sson,bly, entitled " Resolution relative to an'Anulidinent of the Constitution," a.:4 the tame retuning on file in this office. 5 .v•" 4 14, In testimony whereof I have here : tk . • ,unio act my hand; and caused .to be ..z.ilized the seal of the Secretary's ,F9friCe tit Harrisburg. this eleventh Jay ' Of June Anne, Domini, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nixie_ TOWNSEIVD iIAINES, i•• kree'ry 01414 ;:(101,4:14,-, IhirraurgJune:.l4, ujo - drual of Si R BVItRITT. " Ite3olutinn, No.'il,BB, entitled Reiolutfon rela tive to an atitendnient of the . Constitution,' was 'read - a third true: " the question, will the Son 'ate agreee Co the rei-realution The Yeas and Kass were tal?en agreeably to the Constitution, and "were as follow, ; - yr d is.—Me„ ls r s . .Bms. Bran-ley, Cmbb, Cunning ham, .Forsvtli laugh Joine , en, L.r.rrence, Levis, -Masan, Mtttutas, ll'Caslia, Rich, * Richaribi, Sadler, Sankey; Fraveiv, Smill,Smvser, Sterrett .1; Stine-21. "IVArs--.llte:::yrs. brnm, Frick, Ives, King. Konigmather,; 'l'otteigcr and Damie, Speaker—ik • "So the queAkin was detennMed in the affirma tive." B. It LytiLA, "Journal of the House of Representatives. " Shall the resolution paw; I, The,yetis and nayi were taken aireeable, to the provision of the tenth article of the Constitution. and are as 'follows, viz " - I + EAS--liesm. Gideon J: Ball, David J. Bent, :Craig Biddle, Peter, D. Bloom. ,David AL • Bole, Thomas K Bull, Jacob' Cart' Jelin' If Diehl, Na thaniel A. Elliott, Jo eph Emervi David G. &hie- , man. William Everts,"John Fausold, Samuel. Fegely, . Joiepli W. FWier, Henry 21. j Puller, Thomat.: • Grover, Robert Minivan, George P. Henszey, Thomag J. Herring, Jogeph Iliggftts, Charles Hortz. Joseph, . Hower, Robert Klotz, 'Harrison P. Laird, • Abraham Larriberioni Jamei J. Lewis, James W. 74 E n 'tom Jacob Brea.rindy,. John F. ahr llodr; Hugh . m'Kee, Jolla - Wtaaghlin, Adam • • '' ,- Samuel Marx:John C. IlYeri,lEdWard' Nick erN•SiewarL. Peirce, Jaineal Porter Henry G. -. Prat t-, Alonzo Robb, George. Rupley,t ,' Theodore-Rymaii, Bernard a. &ha:mover * tarnnel Beibert,'JOhn SharP,'Cliiii.- Oau Sniv o ,y,'llitxial I ~ .fit'eef,•derenlialt B. Stubbs; J 4 304 1 Stutzinin.3l,ll.4'SwsortradkOamuel, Wl im ilt ii k : O e urgia".-11,*Fieboli $ thor — ri, Mizel l 1 itt_! .gium_glitl-WeiMii-, kAviliox, baiii4 -Je is i,.*ac4 :Ty, imam •10. f Pal.ker, - 13peaheri.:•.-58.'' , ' j 2y , 1. 4- 14.460111111 M .Agustcl • it , ':cornynDivia : lit COurti*,i: f -P l 4 l ,:":.ATfifil, 'peorY-13. Eilii,*: . John ' ,Foll94,4l . ol; ; : :n*nste-Giii‘.pie;Abil 11,±41(d e dit ojrkuityllein*** . aaAiii;Joi e pii Litittiuk :R ; , ..0;="- tio,l‘.J. a milikket, , ,TOln 1 MIKII 4I , - , r4liati-tit i gerity, ,- Aviiiii -Afillei Avittui T.';-,.4loiiisoili,lobii" A. Vitto;:•WiiPam Y. Itobbo r ti. \ 1 :1•1 ~ RESOLICITIOX TiII.LIAM F. RICKER, Speaker of the, liort4sc R , pre. ,,, :nrali;•es GEO. DARSIE • Sp( aker of tiff ¬e. Scer,tor." s 0.77ce .1%.. L. 1. r SSELL, ..., .1 , p. ::,: , 7', of fAe (fl Seerittary' s x Office. MIEIIII Joliii rriyi••JelniT. ntlitirtunt 11.7tnif le [Smith,-John &irk *John adi der; George Walt rs land ' "Sothe gnestion vina determined Ilrth'esellirrtni itife." f '' . ._ "SneuniAr.es Orker.; t .. iT I _ Harrisburg, 114..1'849.. . M PITIVANIA, SS • ' ... ... • ti I'll Illi ti e •I DO CIMTIFY 'Mat the above and foregoing is a true and corr* copy of • . * the," Yeas " and "Naysrt4etroq. the . 15 , 4 %t e . "Resolution relative to an amendment ' te" s* of the Constitution." asthe ,snore ap ieari Mi the Itnarnals of , the TN - Co Houses of the VieueraPass6inbly of . i th.-Coramonweidiii, for the cession of 11849.-i . • .. L Wittie l s.s nay hand and the seal of said iOtlice. th, Ofteenth'da . y. of June, one thou- , aucleight• hundred antlforty-mne. TOWNSEND,HAINES. Scero of lit" 4'cm/7,ton-ego/di To my Creditors. TAKE NOTICE that, I have applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Stmluehainia Cdtinty - for the benefit of the Insolvent Laws of 'this Common treaithl ands - the Said Court have appointed Satur day the 18th day of August next, at the Court Reuse in Itlontrote, to hear we and ow creditors. L__ June 14, 1849. ALANSO - N LUNG. 'Harvest Tools ri RASS TES SCYH, Sirk/cR, Gran C#' i&. A.. , X Hay Forks, Lawson's Scythe Sticks, Jealcf-i., Rifles, Quiniatart Scythe ..t...;toqieg, a;441 V. S. Grin 1 y Stones, a run. . ' superior assortment, jup , treceivt,-.1 and will be sd 'at the mat reduced priceyby ;New 31ilfo , June 19; 18491 H. BUT R t'i*T. ______. • . Cheap Goals. Il i rE are V`&7eiviug a large supply of gnu .ls 4 bought at the.pre*nt extremely l”w prker wiliela are offered at corresponding price , . U BCEROW Co. Gibson, June 15, 1849. S 4 Pilatea Lairays: LARGE lot of Dress Lawns, good stylt , and _AI 3, quantity, at Vq per yard, at the sii+N 4 June 15, 15.19, U. BURROWS t 'O. Cbrap Sugar ! - • Good gurntity of Purtoricp . Sugar, dry ± light colored, at ti cts. per pound. June 15. U. BURROWS. HAY FORK'S at 22 cts. each. ►ao SHOVELS "t 4" " June 15. • U. BURROWS. _ 7i• 4.lvinfas.—Oooking Stove,, Air Tight, of the A.l moil. approved kind. Connnon du 'do. RusAa Pipe, Connuon do., Stove Funti tore, Sheet Zinc, ttc., VCrN' low pricet... • U. BURROWS ttt Co. tsr. At. Trash's ifa,Tnelic Ointaleur )It the cure of inflammatory diseases, such as 1: • inflammation of the bronchitcs, sere throat, inflammation of the bowels, inflamed si,re eyes, cancers, ulcerated sure=. salt rheum, fq.y,, FOll.l A. trrtTUTTOn, lieaa ache, tooth aclie, ear ache, rorml, burn;, (tray!' limbs, Se. etc., in x..lt.les for 2 and 3 shillimzi, nt June 15.. • 13~ 7 7,SANFORD'S HAY FORKS, the besErti the 11 1 world, also Stz'a.w Forks. Seethe,., &mi t , Ttaki!s, Hoes, Shovel -4 - , BSc. , Se_ at 're RRELL:S. Sheriff's Sate. BY virtue of a writ of Fi. fit. issued out Of the Court of Common Pleas i n and fur the County of :Susquehanna, and to me directed, .I will expose riddle sale at. the Court House in Montrose, on Monday the 9th day of July next, the followiic; prophrty. viz; All that certain piece or pareLd of laud situate in Gibson township, in the County of Susquehanna and State of Pennsylvania.-liegin. Meg at a post the North corner of lands in posse, .ion .of Charles Bennett and Co'. Wells; thence, South 43i. deg., East 190 perches to a sugar ).tree,:_ thence. South 307 deg., West 90 perches to vinfoir Detaiex's corner, thence hr the said widow :llen nc hind South 1.11-tleg.; East to a corner °Hand which Amos Taylor conveyed by a life lease . to Ira Taylor ; - thence by said Ira Taylor's land to the: higinvay. thence by the said highway to Sohitnnu Taylnr . .i lands, thence along said Solomon Taylor's land to Leri Boutiett's line, thence along 'said Levi 'Bennett's line to Pre , erved Pickering's hind, thence .inn 2; said Pickering:. land to a piece of latifl con taining. S acres, (which was conveyed he raid Antos Taylor to Roswell Gillett, to a stone-, corner. thence along the South'sidc of Paid ti ma , ' lot to stones corner.) thetlre along the we , t si•le of said S azere lot to Wm. Palmeter's line. thence along tlic said Palmeter's land to Charles Bennett's line, and thence along the said Bennett's line to the place of 6'p:in ning; containing 180 acres mire or less, with the appertenanees, a small framed house, i framed bariis, a small orchard, and from 80 to 100 acres improved—late the estate of Amos Taylor. Taken in execution at the suit of John Mantling to the use of Silos B. Guile, against Amos Tailor. C.M. GEItE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Montrose. t June 12, 1819. Satinets & Broadelothti _exchanged gor I)ERSONS lavin; Wool, and wishing t , .* ex change it fur cloths of the above description. or make sale of it, arc informed that they can du so at the Factory of the subscriber at New Hamp ton, upon the-fullowing condition: Price of Wool front 111 to 31 cents, according to quality; Price of Broadcloths from 4' 1,50 to e 2,25 per yard, light mixed, sheep's grey, and black Satinets. either plain - or striped at '45 cents per ra.n.l. The (odds will be eady at the time of tint delivery of the iwooh HIRAbt PHILLIP 4 CO. t • Hampton, June 8, 1841. Susqueba.nna Academy. rrHE SUMEtler term of this Institution will cow -1 menee under the direction of L. F. Frron, on Monday, June :15th, 1849. Terms of; .7'uilion per Quarter. Orthography, 'Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Geography-, • 'l;2 .50 English end Latin Grammar, Latin & Greek Lesson', Chemiliry,, Philosophy, Hitany and History, Latin, Algebra, Surveying, Geometry and - Astronomy. 4 00 By order of the Board of Trustees. Montrose, June 13, 1849. .New Hooks jtatst received at the Book ' ......„Atraulay's-History of 'Engirmd, Wehsder's Dier finnary aklltibr and pocket, Anthon's Latin LeSson4, PlionogniPhie Readers, Burns' Puems, lianter'S eelebruted.lastruction.s for the piano forte, Horn fi Little and There a Little„Retiring from Basinef.-s i Duty vet us Will er,'DeeiSion makes the Man gil Letter Paper and plain Cap, white Letter Erivel epee, Bible -Dictionary, a new supply Exehang Cards,,painted mottos he. •• . • .03 GEO. FULLER. I r Merry's Museum and :Parley's Playmate, • A few numbers of this highly popular and in-1 stinctive periodical - for the yotmg,. just receiyed,l and for which subscriptions wilt lYee received at'the Beek Store.: Price one dollar "per annum in ad.: vane. '0: F. fining u l a y of Dress Gtaxls. - ,,,t Jiat riceik; larigra.PP de =bane; giugra t•DiuNTs.-,. Prinw• lustreA4e, Ate , ~ i,..t_ 11**4 ginght $ 4 4nd#onlldg' ~„„,i'' ' 'ilil 'of 1 ' .''''(' '-d rtitlier- InillinqY tr—sti, Toast likinilet i 4,494 Inure stock, "is''''' 4 7 - 0 1 d. Aotk Iwhicli, wit 4 ("F !Pliany,s)rikle'sL °1.4)13r ...- - 'favorable term&- ,__.,'-'2'.' - " • ''' 4 ffak af ', ' ' l ' - j3argainit_l_ a ti e ' z o' at - - On* be. &e., many -- • CO. iling IT. Bunßows & • lin ( 11; • Goy;on, rci- 0 - - -":"' ' .i: • !New Gipoldi ".. ". " -- ; , R- ~ J . - . ABA'L 7711,015* 1,1; --- , - .?-:5 ,, : . ? , t II_T A, just returned from f t he city of . .New,T• - Al I AA. with, a welhselected :nal desirable-assortrii ill fstfl Woods, comprising a great'er Wariedythan is ti til ally kept in a conntry store, bought exclusively 0 cast down at the-foe-est. rams, ,for the quality 01 t goods, and will-be sold us eha . i) as the chnipcsf. I The best quality of Sugar !at od. per pound to lbe found in Susquehanna county. Fine ilat-or sl i Teas,a good variety. Molasses, good and etre. p: Coffee of the best 'kind. Spilces‘ of everrticlicri P. two. Saleratus, Raisins, Wed, Fish, and all i•tth 1 kinds of Groceries% good" and heap. Calicoes from 4 to 12} ca per veva; Ginglian S, Mou.ilin de BanelkAlpaccas. Plaids, l)iaper, de.. c. Sheeting of best quality and seine very low, Sidi - Mg, brown and bleached; Ves i tings, Handlierchie i, Keatucky Jeans, :Nixed Deuirus, Corduroy, Mel - skin, Ca.:sintere,,Lineus, ece. dec.., Broadcloths' fro 1,1 to 14 per yard., Ladies and gentleineris GlOveli. and Hosiery th - beetles, Comb-, Brushes, Sill:, Thread, Twist, lin - ums, Suspender*, Batting, Wadding, Cotton Ye. , steel 0..0.i5. Combs, and a geitea-al - re.ssorteuent .1 Yankee notions. !lock*, Wetche-4 Gold, Steel and Brass \irate i' Keys, Gold and•Siltrer Pencils, Gold Pens. - -Thit. - bites, Ladies and Gentleinetta Gold Besom . Pin , Ear Hoops, Finger Rins,--s, it:c:kt c., embracing. age - • era] assOrtment of Jewelry. i Spectacles with si ver bow's, Silver Plated, German Silver, de., Sire • and other kinds of Spoons. Violins, Violin Bows an l S . :rinks, Flutes; Fife . airinet, Areordvong. .dc., Instruction Book:, 'fti, nin k ; Forks, Base Viol Strings .titttl Boa-1. 1 7. Hardware. Cutler-. Pads :u d. rube, Stone War. Se. 04.1 Linseed Oil, and pa etts of every desierip that, Vi.i - uisli. Sp 't 4. Turpentie e,411. Paint. P,rii.,ll es, Nail i.i Glass... Sash and Putt .l' . A. general and complete lasi rtinent of Drilas und,Medi ,rtes: Iledical lastruniept Trusses, supporters lc. I'hy *kiwis - --vpplied ' with good articles on moderal terms, Choice Liquors for medicinal purposes- an 1 the arts; ,Dye Stuffs dec. Glass Ware oil every -descriPtion. Lamp Oils, Tanners Oil: Candfes, Candle Wick, Candle Sticks, Stittifers, Trans, Lamps dc. I re:, in:t• Tools, Hots, :-:lluveLs., Axes and Helves, B tskets, Clothes Pins, Brooms, :Boot Blacking,, d:c. dc. de. - • , Boot,::, Shoes, Upper Leather; 'Mirrors, Tea. tells, Tobacco of : 1: Forts, Snutt,'Cand.T, Sponge, Glue, Ro4in, Salta, Alcnr, c.cipras, Inrliuo, Mace Tapioca, Arrosi Root tire., S,s-.ntial Oils and EA seliees 4 all , . medicines u evt,:ry description. ttnstirli Pos-der and Safety Yoxyder, tar I.r ail Shut, Pert.ussioi Caps, Pistols ke. The pui.Aie aro invited to call raid exraying, th quAlity and .f _ _ ' Wear , 4e, June 18, 134 9 How & 'Simpson 4. ART._ ~4 - ...- .......<4l-frr. n tar,w2 addition to their .., ittoelt of Gonda, bought Fioce the great de cline of pitiee; in New 'York, and 7.otich they will ..ell Tor mill dr ii?ady pay at lower prices' than ever. 1 June 5,, 1849. . 1 , Anditer's rr undersignvd having Leen appointed an 1- Auditor by the Court Cl Common Pleas i.f Suqquehanna county to distribiltg the proceed, arising fr,iin the gale of the real of JoFt. CitAst: of said County, will attelid to that duly at ofike ti> Motarkr4e. on Thar:day thu I.2th day of July next,:at ten n'elock in the Sure:loon, at R'h:th time nmi Place all per,oni arc required to make their eluin43 or be :rob:11M I from ruttling in on said fund. [June 7, 18-o.] A. GROW. 50,1000 lb% "ef 0:31 117ani.A.d. rril h Al price will be p., iLi in ca-b and trade fur at. June';. 'b9. LATII P.( )1" ,1 ALlSllirtn"S', niew Good.; R...lttir Pric es. t reeeived Ir; A. Xla.s Son. a new stock of Goods oon.cstil? , ..; of Day ,Gcx)utz, a full as .ortn.ent itocruir.s, reoctirtt Y. tf.tutrw.ter., &c., which they ()tier al- sale for Cash or l'roduee, at the yl , ry Thra-est liriw New 'Milford, May. it, IS-10 aagt EL(...ceived A T :11 , ,x - rnthot BOOK STOlti; Bit11;4 itrigiz ._ trafr,..? Deinletplt Forme, C'(...;nta -111;..t Itieb. May 29, 1849. t. 41.1 paid fur It.u.:s at th .7klinitro3e Ruuk Sturo. ; Mac Jost Received by Rail Road, at Mi. S. Wilr4on'lN. t :KEW t tuck of Goods, purchased at the pre4- .. - 11.. ent reduced price:, and, for :tale. accordingly. Drr"Gooth4 in all rariOT, Crockery, Groceries, Hard ware and Cutlery, Hatne--,s and Carrhure Trimmings. Shoe . Kit and Findings, Iron, Steel, , ertiils, 4ht, Roots awl Shoes, Bonnets, .lic. .tc. :Nlontro,c, 314ty 184 9, 'QPINNEN(I WHEELS, Reels atj,l Wltehl-lieadS 1.71 for sale by I ft - BUR Rill. Mai,- 28, T 1849. Jeittiary.;•i oc T •r r Bvivicti gli:`lF z l • ti 14 A V ryi;ri the 7' , 'q;§ - 11. II n i , A, von can have it by calling at the first door above t hr stage Hotel, Where refrying and a ljusting Lever, Cylinder, Escaphment,,and common Watches and timeleepkrs, .lewelr2.- and Musical In struments, are done in a style lint cannot fail td suit the most fastidious. All warranted to per:, .1 form according to the quality of the; article. .rust received, a good assortment iof fadtionable Jewelry airl Wattle', which will lie replenished every ttro months, consisting of geld and silver Levee and L'pine Watches, Quartieis, &a, from ; to 80 dollar., silver Table and Tea Spoons, Gold" 11im7s, Ear Hoops, Cluster, Jet aud - Stone Pins, Wri-4lets, Silver and Gold Pencils, gold Pen:, Pen Knives, Scissors, Silver Thimbles, Cold, Silk 'and Steel, Chains, do. Keys, Card Cases; Letter Fold- crs,Tooth'Picle: and Brushes, and mins other tve- • ful and ornamental articles. which wiR be sold very, cheap for-old and new silver and gul l. - Pay down and small profits is no', nrOtto. idontroise, May 80, 1840. \V !W. TRIM; Hats and it,""'a . ps4 Ilk.LAßGEand:oirierinr, assortinehtiof Drab Far, Frcr ,Nrapped anil Cafiforntq c Wool Hot.; ..Tryboro Palmlxal do., and ..Sio.nptcr Gaps 'of Kerr Stqlck . Also, Coarse and Find/30.4g and. p!..'hoes, for Lolio•s i Ornfirciocii., Youth., and- Ch - P , lren;:in fitll 0 a..ortlitent,lttst receeeivecl'atitl will be mold lower 1 than ever 6y „ IL' Till' !taci. 1 • Net:v . Milfortd,-Ilay 14th, .1849. . '• tj . . rp a4u err cart Miniatinirts. ST 24 DEANS desire; to state that Ite ta , ila • . ken rooms oiler the Store of S. , S. Mulford d ik• Son, winlre he is prep,ared to furnMi Daguerreo types to tl..ose who will favor hint witi} a caaiL - 1 Having lafailed himself of the lateit and most important haprovements'in thwart, he trusts that,' his - f 'icturei "will-not fail to please. Ho will remain but a sho :time, therefore' call at . ybur earliest 1 convenience - . ' (nSOtt* sigle Machine Pori fir4e - . • Fir par .' tars inqiiiire at the oftleit. - uf - the .Sus quehaana •gigter, 1 . play '2O 180. iivroloiiigarsde 7 % 11 -.l cel ; 4 S. Mack ad - GreenL-4r treat suPPI -4 -laic* , salqf I pei~ed' QaMll4 itAgi cents, 4:011, B4crivhs, Rakes 1 eel &c. by J. ISQSS, 3thStocila 46.eite*- WO+ lAcco .4.. Post • .: I =‘ , AE . RE . ucuid; tta It:NT ki47tiatl t) thii country - iuni„tonsiiit at Toci tali be f‘mit - • 0 . • .Dry s I A... largq. stork of Cloths, .„ Cahnerea, -- d u rd s , rcemndl,7,,,Jeans, Summer Melia>, Mick Mid Fancy F. Delain• Barr' iges, Drilk, Organdie.4, Caruhries; Lawns,?? Itillin Linens, Diapers, Birds-Eye .cast Plaid and Plain Gingbaltt and .Silk .clrava ed More-111aq, Plai•l3, Prints a Lai& ass() Gingham, Plain Porky Red C'alice,liatileinF get Ripkin Jeans, Mixed Sattinets;)Laeb Collars, do. Catrt, Liaen Edging,:Ca3himeie Delaine and Silk do. • 1:• • Bcortaf.a. ;1 Rutl4d, Florence, Pearl, 'Modena, a targd . and beautiful jaA3ortmenl Ribbett4, Crape and Tisiue,Liningsi'„"Floiv Rushes. Hid We have alied tt., our stoaftbis - Apring, ;to of Hati, Fin, Silk, Bnish; Lt Chip and Paint Lea of any catiettr the spring fwilion4. . . _ Boot; ,and Shoo. •i , .• • 13 Gent's Fine French Etoc,tq, Gaiterv,4 - e.; p . galls, Ch s ildren' snd Mime'' 7 Ladled. Itillit, Boot% Color ed and lilac:: Gaiter) tnld Extel - 4ore;' - lit fi le, the beirt Stuck of nice Shoe; that canape totlnd , Poraso/4--a lr. , autiful n.:rortlent, ram, rery, nic. •- 1 •:' I Geoh•of large- ..31.f. , 1( of Ladies' ar.d Geht,', kid, Silk e.nt.F.Litte thread Ifo.iery 4.. , f all kinds. Buffrilo'invrn Lack and pat.. Shelf and lioni do., Oinips iiikFringeS, en Cution, Silk. and Ging ih fine. choice n-stvei: of Fancy Goods as‘e,trl be found. our stock of Staple Goods is large'Also.. o.reek-: ery and Gta 3 . 5 m,sntd , a goodiHtock, equal if not superior to any in tOwn..., Grocerie3 an.l Fish—a:large ' Teal in pnr ; also, Cotes, P., , itgipioca and every thing needed. --. , . Irma, IC :Ills, St eel, Nail R , xlS,Spririp,lSteel, Ft.oun Iltid Square Iron, Crowbars antla,"t2,•••:ehaim". ; • Hardzcarr, a large stock: Steel,sll4yel-silt Pocks, i-,..ife..„ ilm.l almost every article in the lifp. i ' addle e.r.../ Hrirners, [.Voce, Oil Carpet rixidltub ber Cloth trinandugs in variety, Fly liitt and rrrac k 'Riling bays. Wood Ware, i:eeler's and Canayo.iliait., iPaila , And fin trace, Drug', Oils ea. ~ Thankful f,. , 1' patromte heretofore, Ise-con fflent- I ' )•;') hope that ive are in a condition toloffer iUtluee- I ' rieots for an ituzreased business. ~ llai-, 130. I:L. POST & IPO,° Apr.l. TURRELL CrAPT. LO. 'fanny and Wafter 'Toilet :have fornied a partner-hip fur the trnrirportatipu of freight and a .11 betiv6en neat Bead and t•-w.. York by the Railrontl;:byilie k•eg u tar Freight line, which leaven Great:Bend eVery mornins. at Sr o'clock Captain Tiffany, who has been fur i n wan' dier of years ertgr'recl in a rthe purchase arld;salo of rtfticd. /, • m the New York markets, will 'Yen - 4in in York and give his per,mnal attention fu the 4ispo' Sal of all property committed to our ca b, and Make returns as• soon a; the property is ilispb,sed of Mr. Follet will be at Montrose 4ml-Grttat Poad tilternatelY. Orders for the triansportaticin of - ,ti"rei l ,rht, may be sent to hint at eitl - wt placei and t ill receive prompt attcwion. ur ebarges Over the regular elslit will be a small 'tomplisFicati ST, 0: 7IFFIVNT. ltdzitrose, `.law t, '49. WALTRR FOLLEff. - •- - • A Large I,_d 'of Ginghanis,' Priqt:4, 13roacicliM / t. L'uol.3 and Shoes, ete.l.for'sale 10.4 for Ca.,l if offerod•F:c.on.. by May '4. 1..519. ROSE & F- E 1 ew Arrataginnent., , ,, .. . 1 24:TINaktirchrt:zeA the Interest of F, • 11• Chancl- E,; - ' ler in tfie business lately carried of iby F. B, t /tardier d: Cc., - the Kabscriters wouhliinvite the cttentjou of plircha.sers to their stock il Stotler, in 'ware, Dry Goods. Oreceries, Hurd Wiire„Bootsc Id Shoes &e.,. c{:c., fecling ttsz- - -ureti thatlihey cain •ti will sell any part of th,2ir stock, at least as Ipw -.-the same-quantity of Hoods can be bought Out • ;New York. Call and see ns before phrchasing„ !you want to sa l ve money. ' E. W. ROSE.' • May 4, 1849. d'•• R. C. SIMPSOI`L zat4 pizgal- I . LYONS. .1 0' FAV ARP. A N GAMENT. Vreight and Vonr.issicin . w York vi:d Eric Aailjioad. D'Fikliolsaiion. 1 ' • TIE Parfnenhip potter the :firm of F. 131-Cban, tiler & Co.. ha:; been dissolved by Mutual eon .eitt. The books amtaecouitts are in die luta& of 1. W. li,httrand R. C.§impAon, either of whom will et tie o)I the basine.i4;of the late firm. Thotte in lebted will see the propriety of seCtlitig the;r, ae ' tiants as,soon a.... . SIMPSON. possible. 1 1 .13.CHNN: . fiLE11... 11:"C I Montrose, 'May 4, Is:9. KW . ROSE . 1 • La.teiol yot,,per ffitallroao.l.• NElV•and beautiful stock of sptir _ilk. trier goods,. b0a , ,, , ,1a entirely far cas r lowatt rates and selling accordingly, , 29ke RLNTS :t cents per yard ; Prett4 1114 cent,4; ,lawit dress patterns at J. OTTON - yard and butts,. grorerie. ware just opened and for sale by I • J. tOoEattEs,a. fresh supply, Nlith , •SePt. teas in town, for sale by J: - 1. ;• OYSNETS, ribbons, artificial flower-s, ATi c win; cheap at the .tore of J. 4119,10. --- ;ATIDI 7 SN SEEDS huge stock, justi:oilenel and for sale by J. L-Vp.Ns. Boiratlts. LIST rcceivel, 4 Lirge stock of liter, ilonriets .embracing Tustan, China, Peaft,Stativ, Eng and . Prenc.h lace. &c. &e • itomtet Rt6bon-s, -• . iatitiful.a..ssortinent, and millinery g,rxxl*cge:ner . y Also a great variety of styles. iof.larrimei :t../s, anti tiros::: goods in great varietyi.antlbeau• all of Atilii(ll must- be sold, and ure;;.o4recl at l4trest market prices. . alfr 1 , U. BURROW:811;CW • If .A. 1.,. satiphia a, cd: • .,1 .* i . i AvE jmit,. received a rich ' lot - , ()I* .4priiv (nods, prints, gin,ghains; printed lalvp,s,, • ,and ac dresag,oodsr. • • • - .-. I 1- ' ), ' Sprint/541e .L'onnla, • - i tt', - , 6. rPt flowers, tilawls, Ifentucky• jea - ilts 4rn - lifie' otl ; heavy cotton stripes; plaids -and rill , `: 4'°' - '. 'Root 3` and Sltoea, the.;' -'• ' i t'i, tie ilthey offer to theit_ frien4 and theript?liti,e - Ok; trg' for eoh orimitf . ce,at'priees'tis ChiVp'4•%:fh eir; 'tmi 41. .'• - ' • - Butrunerkirillifii9i-D' 4.Eii..EF;D- oft lie. li'irge•itil . (iii;i4ii Id ... tiniothlr aed. for ale by .., :.,:'': : 7. . Ma fOrdi7 ' . .. ' '1 • '1L.Au1w..M,....:. tzEttgv in .tigif Bartels; -fir - fir - 6na;sl Pt' received - VA fur frtd4 V 11.'Llr()NS. !-' 15 , .. 1 847 .1:' :r .- , ' '' - ..b , '--'l'. tWeat- - iitalilabas ti • , ;31 1 Tigridr4 4rablo 'variety Orxidi t iiint,kyn-111414 at 4 'of - Turret', , 4 for allow stack.—amoniNibichyinbir and DrY791) 0 4 5 ; Hard A r arei,ain . N ll o;: l3ol % -1100 N-raper, -3 Arroni,. 4 o*ft e !lon% dAi•and neariy . , evory r t in a'coimyystOre. Fnencisantlibanib ! y, are: united to Far aid ariillfroin. aro " the opportunity of izirebasingGoo 1 4 '1 •bolf le prices.prmitrese, nay 11, \\\,.-.,.. ,i f ~ - ~.; - I E-,::,_ _„_ ;u ; ,~<. . - ai~rßa~E===rya_ _bought . In Itri- I V H ::.:Ont ' ',--zt4tioCiiiii renioied ,t 6 aNiiiit ft6iStiklpW' 4 dir6t:e: ` - '.ait kirlifirtitliei:_'' 1 legeet, thiid-lAxii ' . . - - - ;friinc,6l. jend, raa nei.i' t a ' 1;' , 31t 6 ,;* 'A iniC, 1 g 19; ' ,; - ;;" ;;" .:',V..,,;,-' weed, Sergei Linens, Table Irtment, ;, Drug- Vorked E:hawls. rt - socileitF , ,;o6 tauthoE maxmG A tegill... Avid 7 1, pike_streat. - 01- 7 BALDWITV! 800 andTrtinklAtin*ctin.. 0. Sit( fait ce l a 40 c.t. ALCI . large &ho.n, c$ of ✓ 4 ke:, ~lce zji ROSE g ova Ware Hats, CJ Printitif :firza dpi :aril ner.. 16 - 1131 - • Gro. I"; a style STIFFIM it*t. awl . 1. IMO. , Ciockery, willetric XXV -&- ,o , otI„ Ervu. , -=, hfa ct clilver Sr AJAZlfat_ ,-PdrifOka ,16infix; Cliernica4[Pa4i l tic-' (NA rtiq iceo 6B l ° bo a ll, Teal**KS-fc 4 lwarc,:Clocka, Watches i f.Je* •Slicc4l.clo, Alt*alaia.ltrut4eotk,' cal Inatrumenti i - Licoorat PqrAw . .Btitticinarr- ! §lic4lYaialcit• (kit, r rip, Book Store is iemiked'itile - Atora , 1.:- 'anerly occupied by l -lifilitirrilrieDitill Hat Store, one door al;,lri, Sc44lks Vol44ere just een received a ra . .p?i - Y . Ar c ,I * -11 04P- 1 1 I w hic are - ' i, , .;.-1 - '. r . _ --::, r ,- ~ .:. :, ; L - ard's Remains of:lgt, -.--,. ';"' ',!: • '''', 4 ,; . ; 1 , Tire Women of the Reirialntgak:' ,‘" ; _,_;,' 1 .... 4 !Die Fbulili /. 300 k, V -13 : 414- 1 4 4*'':: ....'; IL- 7 , Life cif. Cromwell riy Headly,-- • ,--,-.';'-;,-..--, The Happy Home, b Illev - ./J,' Rattilltfoio t . Sraall Clasp Bibles—elt-aliabliArW=V; .11 , L..irge Family Biblesfrolno,to $ (4.- ' ; :i'-' 1 , Water Drops, by - Um. igovonieri' *.k a , ; ,,1 , ' • • 1 Mdrry's :iluseinn, , 1,... ' ~-' ; . ~.-- - ..M ', Tl.'.i. American Val* I Book,'l ... 1 • ..!:, .;•?,?0,"",,, Letbig's, ' ' tural Chernistry..,-a105'4•74-1," Buist' 'tchElalGaidnefi:tf;::'Et.i. Cu ls2-CiirtOrteari Pr* Booki-.'"- '' , i'...li" , : - It' , 7''. , -A" Tit naaz' Fruit,e tt ituits_,k c -, 2 -.: .1..'',: - .'- - s`o, ; Co Ip!ete Gardener and Fioidat,4, , : - ... - 45-;:,...., --- f - in 1 Se uel to theltysteriealitla 7 11 i.sesies_ 6 (44. 4- 1 Conon School SpLukerp -, _, , 1 ) - ,:.;:` , :;- 1 - - 7-4', 1 ' 4 .4,, , 1 Pintlisfs FrenehiGranirnat 04 Raiidei t , -- '4 - ',t" , ,, 1 Bu Irres - dreekOrarn*r, • ..• • ••• s ; "r,`e : ;:',l l . : du mereaStii - eSlng-i • - ••- --','.•-•:,:!!-' i'."' ' MIN ies' . 1 --, 'lL.,idci 4 , - • --:, . i :J1 I .3ln atle?s Iristihi. g la lidi - iri*‘i'l . i t : g.milrlson!s Compl44 arrier- . sots. ~„:„ ,„ f • DudglisonOn•New Iteinbt4,s*, ' f • • ' 44444 Ready Reekoitei,:‘ ''',4 i , ~ ;',: ' . -:----.4. - fleai"s liictorial DesellptOinf theiTialiad ; =', % I. do • 'WOriders:ofthLi.Worli,...if:: 4 lido TriasuiY"of noaindikoe' ' :''' :l A.., ,do . History - ofilSeAirriatate , 1..: .;,1 Ido - Sunday to* '-l'' -:.:n,,, • _ _ ~ ,'. - Z ; s ; 'l, Al ge assortment of Braonc,,Bonxs of $,Oll ~ery 41C ription as to size arid' Opp& ..-; ;:,;,-- -1. 1 : 1 1 '.k. 1 Wri ing, W rapping , Poit:Orteo,:tital VA( ,; ~ a ic per, by i. the . quire or , reant. 4Akfit:'•:- -,-, :I' . 1':•, - 4* I 'Qui! % Ink, Plain ate.iFin i ttEitiaipk*P.UOßmi - -1 . __'..... --...A good acwrtntent or.F 4 ,44nat burn • said Palndeaf 4-71 terge . laiittfi', Likewi e, CAFS 'nf # varte,V. -1 .:‘ , ,P ,, ?- - •,',-„.' Ten 3—Sinai ; WS* . !Ng tit pit\ i l I credits. ' ' ' 1 _ :.,Er 1 Aleir V 45101 1 1 5 i P ii4iiiiiiitiClkOlinii t r OnamentiietiWater Plan- ,-v , M 1 Hive Elive.s., decided te ti ;v - thibe stikite ' by those who have d it, 514 tiy r eigierie eed bee.-keepers , It his t ee proteetions againt theta) n the bott ni is jam, SO that 1t1 . 14-egl will r under, it 2d, it , is sor.e*ttrated Al& calm! awl.above, Ate ~ tom : iiiiii; ..houltl 11 i tch: itch:. *ad, the te;e.. tenFkliP.iP ' miniAlo4, by Temoving-the V, - Iken*/ the .sitlei, and t , '..:- "-- *, • - , in,tiOt suffrcien to keep the .;,. .. eofetedcitil all thro e ' h' the seasoix- rthelees_. the core ffetin the nkWer. I, ?;::`'::,'s-; L ,.-- , This ilivprau be us9tl citsummung swarmini Hive. ' -=+: .. — : It is perfectly Gimp's ,la I ittri3tinst gives the beeS,ample..room for alt:te v9t.,._. mule, tiui 'lv that theT-NOL: ' PeveT kIY < 4 O 'li outside o the hive. ' ~ .1 -:: ." - i" . :4IF-_ The lit. s .will increaSe one finA:titopit-ur r. than is the other kiwis, and ' _ Ude-010 , 1r of hee.Y• - ' '-; ':; - ..y. , t',Y The ohl comb can be rent ,ed atw' .. safety, by taking out the ..se Mate. drartmks,.. h es in will it is contained ; - Wi!hout , "(4l,lo/1* work of, t e bees helm., '-1 , ',1.-,i' -':.--.c.1. - The fill Scribers having porelatited ilii.-; value Iclinprovementtoi offs - ' ani m( • I .-- '• „_ _ 1 , , . , 15se: MaT fe'L • a tto MESS imerit -a.V*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers