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Advance paynient in Cash per year, If paid witlnn the yoar, If not at the end of the year, From the Boston Path-Finder The Old Printer. • Something .11 - afar:co aketeb, bra too near the truth to make much fun Wsee him at his case, ith his:anxious, cheerless fano, Worn and brown And the types' miceasing click, As they drop within his stick, Seems of Life's old clock the tick Rtihnin,g down. Years, years away have flown, i l And the printer long Tve luiov. - ri, Boy rind man ; i Time was when step elate r _ Distinguished his °nit, • And his formwas ° tall and straight We now scan. You could see him every day, As he passed along the way ; To Ins toil; Ile labored might and main, • ; A living scant to gain And some interest small attain In the soil And hope was high at first, ,And the golden cheat he nursed, . Till he found ! That hope was but a glaze In a cold and host,' air, And the promise, pictured fair, Barren ground. He ne'er was reckoned bad, But I've Seen him smile right glad At " /elided" woes, - While a corresponding frown Would spread his features round, Where virtue's praise did sound, If 'twere -close." Long years bl3'B labor. 4 on, The morning hues are gone, From his sky ; For others are his hours, . For others are his powers, And his days, like passing showers, Flitting by. eth see him, night by night, B . t h e lamp's dull dreary light, "landing there, Wit ehweb curtainsspread In fe ,, ins o'es his - head, 'That ti v showers•Aed, In And when Proclaims of 1 If you r You may see hi week . and frail, As his vestry ste do fail, In motion like the \V ending hank. wayemg moult ;ht the noun, His form by yur,r, uzLent, To his hair a tinl4\is leut sadly grey ; And his teeth are sol\Vyed. And his eyes their trus qrayed— Grmt havoc Time has rufti ; . With his clay. TIM soon will come the (lay, \ 'When his form will pass- ,away From your _view, • And the spot shall know no more The §ormws that he bore., , Or the disappointments sore That he knew. KATY, DOUGLASS; Or, Philadelphia in 1216. lIT CIIAIII,ES J. VERTESON, CHAPTIM STALES I‘l' NIzION Not far from Independence Hall, and Within sight of that venerable structure, there stood, in 1776, a mansion of considerable pretensions.. Its dark stone doorway, its large windows, and the elabOrate Carv ing of the hall betokened it the residence of some person of wealth and consideration. It stood a short &tance back from the street, and was sur rounded by a garden. terminating at its lower ex tremity in an ancient orchard of ipplc trees, which, with their low, spreading branches and ;thick foli age, gave a rural beauty to the house. It was in the month of June, of the year above mentioned, when a gentlenia.n knocked nl+ the door of this' • dwelling, and inquiring for its lesvner by name, was ushered into the parlor. ' Tsis apart ment was large, and wainscotted to the Collng. It had two windows Lacing the street. whie at the opposite extremity was an elaborately catred man telpiece, on either side of which a door tr t 'lendent with its polished brass lock, opened intoi a similar room in the rear. The floor was bare extiezt in the centre, where a superb Turkey carpet, Wii, a rich ahaaar border around it like that of a modern fir rug, was spread. Against the walla stood, at r dis • tames, tall, sentinel-lile chairs of m fny, with strait backs, but legs curved, and each toot carved to resemble a limes claw clasping a ball.. One or a F ris two tables, to match these stiff, yet ne rtheless_ aristocratiechr.irs,, were also:pla.ced " t the wails- A spinet of mahogany inlaid : _ ith some lighter wood,"stood on one side of the roOm; mid a sofa, erect and - as uncomfortable as the lebains, on the other. Before the huge fire-place, slich was now of course unused, stood a beautiful; Chinese Veen, composed of small panels of white marble set in a frame of some dark wood, each panel paint ed"with a different scene in the richest at le of the Celestial. artista , i The gentleman alluded to, attractedl? -a picture hang in ono of the receases of the . tle-Pieog, walked ' in That :direction to examine the painting. It was the pOrtraiVof a lady in the blcanneff.youth, but attired in the cooktme of the preceding genera tion. . The face was exquisitely fair, ast-yle of,love liness much intreased-by- the powdered hei r : th en in vque, , especially . when the . dress, as to this ea4 e , Was black. An air of mellinelic4fhatkg over i features of the picture, and .a iho. iistor ga his own s fxpresaion became moue} sad, whim countenance assumed a stnicipg . Zedimee "to that 01 - the per tr alt. .The same ey , deep blue; the smite noble contour of bee,' aral ihe'san3e,ex preSelie mouth were visible inithe gait+ and iii the` face the Artist had lama; bit the 'complex:kW:of one was browned bynosand hirjut,ir was of the Odoror of Ahasint e, not ofo - .04,,aa !tits thatof the female . As he!gtood there, attired'; in the rich fashion of a golden:ln of that day, he riukt hive struck any one as a num singularly hat hiwne both in face and figure.. f , :. ;,:i r • • "And so," he said,. aolth3quiainB.. this, was.my mother, who iiiedrigiving me birth. 41:;.7.001.- WILL OF THE PEOPLE IS THE LEGITIMATE SOURCE, A that she bad lived to guide me with her dear coun sels now, 'when t have no One in t ie wide worldto look to for advice. An Orphan e nee my earliest childhood. for most-of my Iffe at s, tool ih a foreign land,,l never Muive what it was t 'have a home, or I &wren It ~--Tnr. PARTY U; '16•• any one, to love me. And now am to meet, for .Weeks paseed. Mewhry had become „settle the first time, that uncle, her brot e r, who, because his new abode, and teas publicly acknowledee she married for worth Mid not f tontine, would 1 his uncle's heir. A round of entertainments, g i never see her more.' It is stra% that lie should I pm -thy to him, and partly to some strangers of have - allowed tier portm4 to hang 'n his parlor, but filmdom made the ariseKende circles. I ,t* l'hila I perhaps it has only been Placed In re since he re phia particularly lively that summer, and as le 1 tented, and resolved to Make he son his heir. I delplea was then considered the capital of tbeo u have heard b e is s inguldr as we as s t ern; but try and regarded a.' the - wealthiest American it, though for inv parent's sake I ace pied his of fired these '.circles were of course unusually kiln:tat reconciliation:le will find' if he a empte to make ~ lids a ....- acquaintance with Kate eiregresse.l' t - at me Ids slave, as I have heard het ished her to be, great; rapidity. Indeed, nothing like reserve nu that ilie blood of M o wh e e b roo k s un j us t restraint l been known between them since their first ineer no easier than that o f ;•t ee a ce ., B u t, pilaw! of? view. Under the inure: of a brother, Mowbry tar What tun I thinking ? A u a i mm it pelmilesi; 'cadet, ; advanced at once to intim:icy ;he read with .Kate, lam eummoned from Eigland a e a offered etre ‘ ll, f ' walked with her, rode with her, and generally was the richest itritances in the colonies, and forsooth, 1 h e r cavali e r on all oceasions. Such comp:mini. lip before I har t been five minuteel in my uncle's 1 1 -intwi l n .-11 two young persons of opposite sex is house, I am speculating about a quarrel." ; always dangerous to the peace of one or boll, e.s-- He smiled as he spoke. and was alitnit to walk ; peeially when the lady is beautiful and fitscina log , to a seat in another part of the room, when sudden-, like our heroine. 'Kate was a girl wilree. cure ea ly he heard the door in the opposite roans open, 1 lion, it she had been absolutely plain in face, in :Id i followed by the rustling, of a feneile dress. while , have inatle a listener forget it ; what then wee he immediately the torn) of a tall and singularly grace- , influence she exercised, when to talent was ad led CIIACT4TE Ili -TIIE FIRST F01:12In. 1111 girl crossed the parlor with a light footstep, and 1 loveline.is I A delightful frankness, a. sprightlit ass Tile nest daY there was to be a breakfast party began to arrange some flowers in It vase that stood 1 that rarely flagged, mid a widt) 'observation of ift. at .11r. Stanley't and after the meal was over, the on a table between the front windows. The back and manners for One so young, rendered her ac, ins i guests assemble'd in the great parlor. This was' of this lovely creature was toward-shim, but, as she ; pardon peculiarly dangerous to Mowhry. Leine - e the nparttnenfl which was; desetibed E in the first' executed her pretty ti-k, her face was turned oce,a, ; fore lie knew it, he was irrevocably in love, but cliaPter of our nariative; and from it•ewintlOwe. a, sic:natty half round, and Minvbry thought he had ; famileer was their iiittTeOllrSe, that lie did not '''' view wa., comniautled, across some ripen lies, of the. never seen anything so charming.. It. was nut that ' cover the state of his heart, until a trifling lucid eit 1 state new t\ 1 1 This venerable structure, at that'. .the features were; so regnlarly beautiful, for per- awoke, his jealousy. t m in h i a ti. i T t r d e oc en s te n di tr awidely different appearance from I I haps the forebeachwas tee e broad for a classic.nuel- .., An evening party in l'illl was a very . differ rit 1 re The grounds in the rear were! el, and the nose was • slfgAly turned up, but then affair from what it is how. The guests aiesenth eel I : not laid out in 'Tavel walks and grass plots, as at the mouth was unrivalled, the complexion 'bewitch- at an early hour,- iliniriably in pairs' and it ..` as 'present, 'but Ar e wild and ruck, with only here its, and the eyes sparkling with mingled miechief, considered ti breach of etiquette for a gentlenia to aro flare a • sprinkl&l aboiatS• Neither of the and sentiment. As, she arranged the flowers, she ; pay much attentiun except to his partner. . -n- buildings now ierected at the corners of Fifth and; hummed a sportive air; paesing now and then to , versation was the staple production of the evcni eta S;a111 streets, were shuttling . nor were the long rowe, admire the effects she produced. It was evident lOn sonic ocensioys there was a dance, more r-1 , i ofd frjees . hctwe n them andelie State "louse. Theta. elle was unaware of the presmice of a spectator.- ; quently miteic, but oftener neither., o g lil l p r_ il_e n i_tsel a fi s anveyer, presented much the same So_light was her every movement e and so sprightly I One morning Kate looked up from }ter sea-teg I t now, exce t that the Steeple then her whole air, that Mowbry knew net whether Co I and said to Mewlay, who was loitering at Ilui Wm- '' pi 1 "'" ' - " -1 6 ' .P d ; had ho spire, ; ,ut consisted simply o a bquare , think lie saw some fairy sprite or a being of real chee k-41 and blood. • "Are you going to Mrs. P—'s to-night ?" 1 Wooden tover:r, rising, one story above the roof, and:, '"1 belf tl d Heighol" she said, at last, when her task was "If course. Are you not ? . 1 s'inalmmted by i t ' w° c ' eta g ona nes e" '' °me finieled, " what dell mornings these are. So ranch 1 " Yes, I have Accepted an invitation froth Mr, like tepe e , iis; polities that one never sees a beau. lam dying of 1 Despencer to accompany him." Crowds laud Tit collectin e e file some, time, get% ennui for want, of a flirtation. Not a new book 7.‘lowl,ry had been carelessly tapping the pahe: in the frOnt run rear of the bedding, nut! exactly) worth reading, either, since Goldemidee leet D o vw , - but at tha,,i_ words h i t t ;4,lthit , ..l Kato. . •Feli c e, to I,,nr - Irr.;, or sonde, Now if to hail scene one to talk to, I. might Vim an or pique . . mating° get airing." ; " I thought you went with me-you always did- timej the peanut; of the spectators in the, directiont of the (beer fixing the South, annetaiceil that the Though Alowbry had never seen this fair crere It is a standing engagement." . e chief , polite of euriosity, was theme . The guestsll tune before, he somehow felt immediately at home, His tone' arouteal the high spirit of Kate, and and lie answered almost unemnseiou.ely in the same die answered with a-heig grouped at the windows of Mr. Staeley's mansion, htened cuter. spirit with which she s p oke. , " I knew no such thing. Not at liberty to Igo now beheld a man elevated above the crowd on ' ' ' , some. temporarn 'platform; and holing in his hand'l "And why will hot Ido ?" he said, advancing, a with Awn I like-" , 'step, with a smile and one of the profound bows of " I did not mean to 'my that exactly. " replice.! a she from which lie proceeded to read. It was that courtly age. ' . Mow bre:, haughtily. " But I thought-I believe--" '• impossible to later at the distance, but several of - i •'timeo ti , :took their hate and joined the At the unexpected sound of a voice, and that ' Kates little finger , were plying the needle . NVIA:e •••ell emu' voice belonging to a etranger, the young, female as briskly as before, but this wile the only :sign; of crowd, artione, t min Mr. De.spencer, Men - bry and started, and looked aronnrL Her color waslieight- anititoon on her part, and :die answered perempe t . et-heli'e Thus tmy heard that- immortal doeumein: read for, the firs time, to a public assembly-that. cued. and herevelliethed proudlr, -while she meat ,lordly. to flee of n suns inalienable TightS,, Wbiell since mired elowbry with a scornful 'tool:. It 'seemed to " But, me no Ii its, sir. What do you mean ' him, indeed, as if her veryfonn expanded. Stand- say: if not that ? Why should I not go with 1 Sr. wits ,goer, thethrones of half a world.. When it ine with her foot thrown back, and her bonen Denieiteer r. oier, end. t e crowd dispersed, the party re-i swelling indinnanthe she lookech as he often after- "I do not like hint Ile is a conceited pupil) of turt ‘ i i etl r t•llit, ht use, nll more or lees thetightful. e , ~. wards; told her, every hid' a queen. out Engliehman, who, .because hiS uncle ie nee. -'• " r 00,*144 -1 4ll‘Veg i l9ef? -1 4044 /11- tw - n o nixt.lth wth ~,, tuereeet or ett-tee n unte.----,e-, ...an. . .... 9.... ~...- arr . ' beauty, only !hulled the more, and s eemed, in nen. A t 1 .e, wen were 111. a.14.0,...L0TS 2 CC tie : la • -,.. :.. ` l 77.. t "'''r.Z . , ~..u ry „ preiu iced in tenor of his own country. lie was . any ; thilanbut 'he edxcienh a jealous rival represented Eck, rather to enjoy the Fetes,. When however, they may haze-been .blaelong boots fur le * 0ue1a , C , , , . for aIPI know; tilev rose f m ; •I , ; _. ' him • end indend he was now filled 'addl. serious lie noticed the color deer:cued on her cheek. and bre l ".( l e - -•- - net h , , - ,,,,,. ; nnsgieing,e, ms to the raeult of the struggle between. her lip comPreesing as if at an insult, he said- le:dense and have net ILIU an earldom a single.. e, . "I believe I must introduce myself: Mr. Mew- eh: " yet" , 1 1 America and Faiglami Hitherto, though blood had l 0 3, a nephew of :Mr. Stanley - , and. I believe, fur . e, - "1 thotedit von despised birth,' answered "Ln.ate 1 been lierlleen bold' sides, there had been hope cif . , an aceommodatilon, but the Declaratiim of 'tide-. some time an unexpected guest. I leave lingered wish a smile. Time taunt wars the more pr i ovolle. . in Yew tork longer than was allowable, , between the mother country and the colonies.' pollees, becaese, not an hour Inefroe, Mowbry iad m ice i t t i . , x- I lei ace bad 4 4'w f o re v e r '‘ - ' t ' a t'c al of I se l' aration but had I heard that some unknown deity presided, patiatine on the supenorit r y eti of i r ic an t it ho o t T " I emetkonfiees that this h aul been an imposing ; g e l r , steadier- er as I find, in my neele's house, I should halve conic . " And FO I do,' atesiwe "So I do.” a -1 ,-, lv •oel embarm-sset .But that -0, ceremony even In one acemetomed to the pomp of, by express." in ?ly .court-" remarked. Mr. Despencer, whon the party , . bad-r4arieeternbl4l, breaking a' sileuee. of :tome conn • The brow of the beauty cleared off at his name. her e 1 ' such a popinjay." but her lip curled ,at the coneluding words. Win' his inanner3 are considered a model,",re ' tintuutce. "Is It true, tOo, as, I bear, that the bell) 1 - .-th e torted Kate. ) ) "Spare tour compliments, Mr. LA..7 irY._ . not . i WhiCit 1410 to Onnounee this separatinarif Amen-, said, e for eke the bills of Congress, they do 'lle is forever quoting Frehch, which 1 know . 0 ., (I ,i not iinder „, tm „ii ;•b„. can you bef[r Os* t s. 1 ca from. Englan4, has the rernaelmble motto,. ei4 .. tie!! ; , I your John Arlene; claims to be prophetic of this 'pass freely here." Then changing her whole man- 3 • , ner.m.s site saw him color at lienre.buke, `she advan- eai , d , _lle, with him in . ' cot and frankly tendering. him her hand. al led, I answer , ime .._ Latin, which lie _i n s ne t It has," answered. hate, to whom Despeneen - hat I meet introduce myself. I anrcalled Cllha- rant , 0, e colonial ladle-, I. ant aware, I _on I Iwo . ; appealtel . )y a i•-s'illtt,;,- {. event i''' , 1 t 1' 1. e I remember it . ,well for I rine 'Doug/ries ler rr f2.7;1-1111.1111(1 , .-, lee Kate by a t-. 1 French lireratere, but like Lady Jane Grey, 4, 1 ' i wicked w, edd, acid am a iiimilet, nitre • f you r e e od 111'1er-eland tlie ( lead lan iguages , butter dent ~,e 'ewe often read It upon the bell. ' Proclaim liberty leek's. I Lye here as VOU will lier,.-Ster: 11:1.1 so t;ent!oln"n. . I to theicaptivesentid the opening of the prisunnleore to thein that are bound:, It is a text from Isaiah.'" bit his lie, en I looked out of the Win • ''f'qv ha' intended as , 1 suPP ( ''e• T'r fri e P d ''' '' .ti 11 ' ) " h7: -• • - • II il . " It!willl.pro4aim the, death-warrantee rather to whielisuppositho I give you illy, hall'l." dow in silence ; at la -4 die Flod F4lnie , .rhat se et 3. , the tle..alat'ZetrtlArll /14re brought .. thongs. to this -A niece of Mr. St play. Then yoll in n 4 be . - Tihm yoa .. ,,ican to go with the Rarisian fob f" .- ' 1 -et ••," 41-3lr. t•oile ,, who.ze prejudices were all - cousin to me," anewereil aenvbreesrather etl:orl,-; I •" Cerra • [ - I -in mime Kig In of royalty. e And yet there are soma• "Not so fast." cried the epriehtly girl, •eritle he, w- • " Pabe end heartless--" • ;who ha.ve. signal that tostrument, whoni I shotild,.l Mir her hand quickly, e fer Imu a nit-re of 10 , ,1...- : . turned iiin . Whet titore iii , pa-A4 4) would have] , i ' t tie sorry to,see keentk.llll . as .traitors, as I.fear they I ceased wife, and strl - K , ronnexion whatever of ;emirs , : ' ;W." N4Y11V,7,. We tie not know, for, at the k wut t iu:; ] ,. will he. i Mv friend Morris. for byname, and one eel for which I devoutly thank the star , . if yeti give • Nate rcee to, her feet . and faced the epee -er, i • I tut.. gentlemen hf bfrili end Ince:7W sueh cousin shakes as that. Why, my- peer diger , • enee Ile-eh- 111 n with indignation and el'nterlipt- I , ' I confeits," .rid Miwybry, u I do not tae how. are dislocated, I verily believe." - And she pressed : - What a„ you mean sir, by atidreSSing, me elms. , ? i ' anti Aieerie:in ]can hesitate to favor, this declara l .1 theta between thnie ef her other leuel, and made Wile gave you the rieht to coneml Inc ? Ohl if 1 ; seem e?or my 'tart I run for ludependence, heart a pretty grimace as if-in pain. was a man" nit.: added, "you 'would net dare to 1 and sool." Wilt a wild, yet fa.-- , einating creature she i:;. in-rd; Toe with your ttrannical whims ; ))I would , 1 • , , Ii rep'seye Net his, for a, moment, wi t tli a flash. and what a treasure to find her here," said Muwbry teaele yeti, sir, that the blood of a Dong•lru ,, .. .•, 1 ' ''''.' which puzzled him; it might mean tulneeation nr, to himself; then lie added aloud, "pray forgive etill in their dr:Teel:me though ene (A de., humbles=t' i ,aat_ e'er. , But Mil Stanley, rose frotrehis chair, every; me, lint 1 was en glad to count cousin with settee- lifee-bry actually retreated from the intli,in ant iSeaturo of 11i3 fire working with) pa„ssion, and ad-+-I, body that 1 waslsearcely aware what I did. I bauty. Before he could rec e ver from the. our- 'val.:eel directly' towarde hie nephew, while a Tiro-I, have never "'mown arelative of any kind since I : c., 1 , pri..)e in the a-, ,- ,re..35, Kate, viii a scornful ctrl of 1 f oun d eil u nce fe l on time guests, as if all instinctieteid was a child" ; - the. lip, turned a\vay, picked up her work bat , teet, "Son have not I' she said, eatehine ermiething of , arel without even a etairtesy, left the apartni en ; ;ly foreisaw the xploeine that wale . cemilig. " What . o I freer 1' nxelicitned Mr: Stanley, ttli t i the •I.dnesis with aliil he had made his concluding If lie thouelit of :In apology, he was t,,,, prwi l to most breat lees; with rage, addressing Mr I Mowbry,l remark, and lifting her eyes in • sympatlin to hte i follow I.er with it afar such coutemptutee triat- 1 , - Repeat thoee lvorde again l" - . And he truck hie ' face. I ment it; -o Le took his Int and sauntered Out. ,I3e- pane, which lea (gout compelled hire alw• sto car e Na I lust my mother at my birth, and my fore Le returned, he nude an eiestintinientWith One I r e , fiereely, On the floor., ' I, . , father five years lifter. ,My nearest connexion in of the belles of the city to incur:. her •.,o the tessene 1,. elotehrytadrule up his I miciti for thisnroval, Div/land, Where I was when lie 'died, did IRA WWI bey that evening. 1 • the night.] flir , and he felts seeret, exialtathm that, Leo be troubled with me, but vent me at once to a ai ne . or y, wh e n he sew - Kate reit er•With her I rt- it would be •pebliely Whale:see- ti,by liteln and Wei_ edio6l, from whide in daertime, I paved to the i ner, had to ninnies, in s pat e (.I' his Linger with er, , dreadeill Tied. I" She nor, not belle him, ; ' iasaid ni, Uniiersity. Since then I have eerved in a ilipio- dial she never had lotiked lovelier. lineself, " but she sliall-eee that 1; cell, ,unfree ev•ii manic Motion abroad, and have been Ind little in 11 -Tlie altercation of the .mernine had e,all l a England; but, -had I lived there, I think I shooed brighten, color thine usual to her''clieek_s, am for nsmae n e , ~ lerythiMe for priliciple. Will, hen. EngliSh. lover de1•1 i .., .. i t iI,• , - - • 1 , 1 scarcely have sought those who neglected me when sceue cause or aunnher she was in high spirits. lie. : Thu feeling e lie returned hi's unclog engterleok ; a child 1 often wished I had alideter." coovereed animatedly with her hanthome ett iid- and mildly," bite firmly tineweire.de-- •• •,;e• -; 4, • 1 "Pid You?. Then let me be one," said Kate , art": ant, who appeared perfectly devoted to her. u- - ",I Mit for thl.lndepoodenee of; iny - ooMity.oindl) ICS44,r, egain•proffering her Rand;; for liar sell- 46 re ring. the coarse of the evening, she and Maki bry {'feel it My'duty in e this eri eize,to assume ereir ,hiliein soul was deeply affected by the iheartsfelt emotion With their respective partners, were, thrown ttie, •111- I behalf" . , , . , .. , . „. , ;•.;,.- .. in which his supple narrative - hail been tell. ,er in one corner of the parlor. . If ajtlounderiedt , had,fidlea oa the a e lenebli it • Miewbry reseed the tiny finders thus again of. e I under Stand," said Air. Desiieneer with a - td rag could no"' have produce,' n.moreeStiutling .efteet, fared to him, but /lid not A. st=len lie eyes,however, of contempt, " that tim Congrette passed a Deg ern- ;than theeeeeyonle e, for -hie, Stern Mid e jtefprgivin? .. looked the thankir he Could not expreese The se- time of Independee to-day, and thaithey hay or- di:trader was as well Inicaset as hieltiyalky.,..t ' rialnmesa Flight sewn hive trait - nu 'anlharra'slig , dered it trete printed to-morrow, fin:a the . to Iges-p fee 'breath passed through the room e antl;tl/eli but Kate, m a'mement s smilaigl up at slowbrn, House. filet do you think of it, Mr. Slow) u ,s , all wasl foea l moment, still ; Ki• de : had eisetein ', said-- ; . At this period the aristocratic circle of Pin del- s n ue neel en e nnin g r a sped, Deanence4ereee where, "This is betterllthan baYing a cousin, 1.1 it not 3- plies 1111.4 decidedly opposed to severieg the ten slue Motet% pale tie.dmtheand eddi e her .lro, meet:l,' Far my part I thiiik it mine deli htful that on are neaion between the color, and the Mollterl ilea- , w ith e tleeee i e ~ ,rho bey suited thie,Welielnit,lipait} tele my brotherl-•you are qiii presenta.ble, I de- try, )':VeTI those persons whose spin/ 00a lead trihuted le Ration only to natural •cv'emettlel dare, only - rather a giant" ' 'fli as het eye eaupe,let been heretofore Amedieue regarded the etc as cottecrtti; oil ale r seeking refuge and sae/pert . .fra , , sight of their figures reflected an Opposite our- premature, hence the 'Speaker -expected a pro apt ,D o speac k q .le moment of althea, fie,l'egarded 1 1 ron . she suddenly ranged heree, Iby his side, - and assent to his implied censure. " Mowbry, di, ugh i m are diis v . .., " She hives filiti.'? 14 though!. • continued, "Why, you are le per'ect Hercules eine educated abroad,-leaned; to the peptilaris4ki, and ; and will` i tier refleetioniheceuhltllavoloolit pared 'with such a poor little edit as,rniself." ' the events of the day hiving soured his tempe t he idealh ti •ftl . .without ailleiling• ~1. 1 '• :11 : ' 4 • dhow 'thought her anything liut a elgl4 in - answered with uneoluttion.betterness-- '. . I . But Whiet. i a In)trast. 4s high cabinisfr,*ras ~th excited Minder peremi; blit did not:vent - we to tell her so, " I think the sootier flit- colonies neeeept if,sir, and , m i . n 1 o f Mr. Steteey. . Hie face 04.witt after .the rebel:lP - tie fine, inempllinent . receive-1-, drive every foreigner sot of the Arynthe lie ter. passic4, hie ph le (rune trembling 1 1, it. ALI4 I Ile !though slighter Mid shorterthanhinuielf, sli'e was ..l e arrinn American, and-not foie" f seeing illy 'eel 'tit e thieet • tiered npi tellikaep4e#,.**Hg . lull for her sec,a - reaching aleavellS shoulder, Wbich .of the tyrant on the nee* of my f Itew•titiiatie .' his eg e ta'en, ' 0 'tire's face; -.. ,' • ,iI ~ :; I - kw women did. That' were strinding . et. ' • • " ier t un thuii, aide by -- ,Iliti hearer's face fluilmd with Mean?' , e 'sgeni "0 1 404 tie , nee thie instant, ne.en i e ek Le ., • - aide, laughleg arid - 4 titl. if' they had _known. Lett lie was too"brave, a Men tci Seek an inell ne... inherittlyea rye 1 :this halif:. •''Po you '4 w il e i4 " each - other a year, when, 1S e entere& i' . the woran'of Moii.brir,n9 .he 4;0 Citing., ..;. 'elf `.treasen, het •ou young I.Vilkin I Oh' !i, .Yl 3 ° , ml)_ e l ..-- t - SOle ii:marv4 on me, t . ,' Kate ," he. split 'hy:tinsit' , erzng With cutting irony: ~ ' ' .f..'1•:.: ' : .... 'welt 01 "..-- ne con 'timed, ias*W, ..142PeT 44a l - 4 114er - V .- find re and'Alotidery makinglove to aw.,11 • # Ifotlinks so fiery a knight as you seem 11 . 11 1 e, litiuk,gt.wi s.4l.t.eing,streelr.i.-Ift Pi . _-,.._..; F,„ l ,, r i ottlei before," eali even hobble' &ten stairs to Meet Mr. Mewbry,weuld prekr fightheg witlaft.: '. 1 • •- • would : on out ; weiit lei I 1, 1 0 4 1-,14 '-`"'•-" 1 . him- PlelakTnnleunniieglllee i 4on tieedtiot bliiili.., lii,gtoia to ; playing tlielin*C 1,444, 1 1 .11,eic 1,1 741 1 ' 1 .,. : T my.. part .you." 1 - _ ; L ..., .;ti. ~, - -1.11_,.' ~ o* .. ,oe,zt,ldr i -AlOurh,ryrloo' k •very -much say_} hut. great Militia) caPtitu, i waists Meli of 4 lite Th enpAre4einastered his pialsOmi iTajle4 4 4•wi, like" 1 P...r. IKPr; Bll 4f - 1braY,.44.1 seal - -44erae Xi cle- meneeingly." . . • '' I, , I: • '.. stvanea-c#m"ss - 7 -- • :. i 'Pi • 1 - • . ' • r - 1" 1 . . MONTROSE, PENN'A. dare, that saucy minx has run away and loft to *,et acrainted with you as T can. 'But I I we ail, friend•. THE yorp. l OF'TET t 'I',E9I'Ltu THE TRITE E 15,130 THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1849. -.—.--....,- . lime saw that the conversation }cll4 likely to become angrier, and thought it was thne to inter. fere. • Had Old been on goodsterros will lslowbry she NVollid ha k'.. taken his past,. for her. woman 'is heart was with her suffering country, . and' that ill tile or the half tory atmosphere with which she n`at; surrounded ; but offended' at Motvbry'4 cad price, and piCiued that he had not nut& an apOlont hejlire this. :44 said, laying her hand on Mr. Des,. pericerls arm, and rising— "!Coinc, 1 seii Mrs. Morris beclzoning . to me and yod nest exort me across the room. Her husband can;tell us. I sippase, all about this Declaration of Indectidence, f or, he is a member of C'engress ; and I nfm; I am . klyitsto hear, more abo9t it. W 6. will leave you •Lere, she continued, turning archly to Mr. Movolny's partner, "to convert my fiery 4. 1 cousin, or if tit: 1 faifs, to enlist with him. If `'e, 'tins cannot soo t he Mars, Minerva cans accompany' him; to the fiel , ; and you, ray dear Miss, can play • either goddess hi will." l'prhaps fiat i could hayv said nothing'ore Cur.! tine, to MOwbry., Aware, at la4t, thatlic was ins love, her indi6rence maddened' him; yet lie hail the gocid sense to see that hp haul already, rendered' himself ccatspic lons, and pride forced 'hint, for the Test of the eve: ing, to act more guardOly. r . GovEßlatErr.-1` ' 't‘ Do iii)t strike WM 31r., StaUley, frir'yet'i• •Mo :. n old man, end. I cannot strikip. &fel:. s'l'on'WOfild o sorry for it some day? !• ~ li, One of the gentlemen lintiltaneratibt litia it s hand soofldngly on the aril of the, exeitecb linel •, who, cont: lied by the act, turned:amt.nodtiptio t ience.• l o lriteiirtg hts =tie iloliM tii.theflUtty,' Um : ,; ." ever, he cfnitmued— . . 1 "1 wiltnot demean mr. .f-tti-stiike yott air;mal 1.. beg parOon of the3elaili . fort my passion; But;' he confirmed, elevating his. Inc ; fort ptoudly i .,";_tlf . e„ 1 Stanleys,.father and son, b vebeen tnio to •the r king sioce,they erosge'd the . bittniel_ in -the ,train f theComilktror; au;l so too, . •Itav heard , the...lloff . brys have ever been :tic°. To hoe ofie!.of that dt--. scendenbl; now deserting their' royal 'inaster;'iiii 1 leagued with,a ,parcid,of fruiters,' putts nicjiesi6' myself. - He is the last ()relater liup,,too,„' trail the Old man sadly; " but God Wills Lt r r•atirr..,,h , , i..; The toe .• in which tlne•••si-or.ti vt cre'Spolten thrilled every heart in the romi, and almost'. .made the tears spring to Ilciwbry's eye - i: He kfifi-if; thitt his uncle loved him, and felt how bitter his Prwent conduct tnu.lt be to the old mint: he therefore eller a pause said respectfully- / - i 4'l "Mr. Stanley, Inv opinions are cafilscientions ones, .as •yours-andeacli orus ninst'act'iis ire think to be right.' God above willjudge our heartsti - 1 feel _ that, licrettf , er, in this world, I inust•be . a stMager to all in this company," and he glance-it at, Kate, but her e±es were on the fltior-- . -slie was 'weeping, though lic4daiew it nOt—so cheking, &Awn' a last pang, he; said, "hut in Heaven's name, pericipSor& limy peep again. <1 ge. forth,: a humelesit, inimeles 4 . man, an outcast from., my Lindy'', but.. LL shall b perhaps, to die for freedem." , •' , llogelt that he would' show iweekiLis..-s'ithe •r, -, minetl; so,taking, a hist glance' around , the';•roon ' • and seeing ,that Kate ; *till a. , :erted.diei •hmd i b : rushed frofil the apartment. In the hall, he 'flu,' a gathering,tear-froniliiseye,-find-lejt the house. His uncle"ifd siie - c • Cliless With amazement d - ring Itlowbry's last address% hue When the hal door plan , ,ted to afterthe . exile, • the•-iddimiti 'gay , a vacaut,look.aroufitt, tittered a groart:findA'ell t. the floor in a fit of apoplexy. , 1 - ,• - the fret= use of the lapect,litimover, t restotodliii • to consciotisfiess; but it..waa sting before: ;he ; hi his bed. Kate watched by him-like It dtlOghtti , and often IM tears, for.ivhich, as the sufferer mac them, he Ilessed lice!- •.• , , ' - Aite44tlieg.. 'lt was the dream:of ni age to goo„yrei n . 11(14)141 imile.d..before:A._dieil:_lait. - his fortnattte I Said !. nothing of it, I would nosy rather bilifild you in Tour coffin." P.-- •,, 1 - Kate shaddercd aryl her , teaTs fell faster! • She felt tlmt the old man, as well aS the exile was de ceived, and that she must bear 'tier sorrow alone and in sihnice. - • . , . , s cuarruu iv.--Taizrros. The, night was Mick and threatened storm. Th Delaware sur„4-ed sullenly- along, tbe"icc grindik and splitth s ig with the title • ; while the' giant treek that overhung its bank-s, toAseil their skeleton ern s in the NV bld, gitoaning as if in agony. A for Stara Nrere txXavionally min on high, but they were'vil i .ible only fu r a maraca, before , driving, clouds hi them front sight.- . . . , ''' It w.ll„.flte ti nkjit ottlie titentifourth of ocri --- rur , IT:It - Irli‘ -- V^Vt 12”ni!AO • .A.lnt . ri.in annals. Wit.hington, after.hivring. , bee i• defeated at Long 4.7iand, kli entlearcircd ,subie quently. to make a stand iii. New Yor,:bilt, had been forced to retreat through Nor J6 . rsey,:lits ., itr-, my ditindling from twenty thousand tia.three the - sand, while the thitish general, at the header, nea - ly thirty tbousaud troll's. thundered - in+ posait. Throwing the Del:tit-11re' bet Ween hint and ther e, -. al army, .Washington had gained a breathing • sp ' I for his mem But lie snort discovered that.hisiita - !ion wetild not do:- that, if per.sisted, in, the gaunt was lost. The British bad already : evert:tin tie jersey, ane, hundreds oe thinner 'patriots, laditivi rr ,the eause-of freedom, Shipwrecked, were. endeavo .- ing,to . prentrvetheirTives and proper-V by ;giviig in their adlrmion to the royal cause. , Every., day added to Um; number of those who thus 'deserted the popular side: ' In this emergency,, Washington determined on a midnight march to Trenton, hoping to cut off the detachment of royal troeps there t gird perhaps, save hi country at the brinic'ef rehirt SeatetUnt it beeldie, Which had been placed n on the'grontal for leis aceonnuodation, and .wrapil in his militarfcloak,l the great ]tern,. watched „aim-. kiwi," the prctgreSS of the boats, as, struggling Ina 1 the drifting ice, they made their Flow' ariltoilsonte prtrgress fioni the Pennsylvania to the J'erty side. :Uour after' hour had passed since he assumed, this. post, nor Iced he left it except ,for a brisk wait along tle.i*ver hatikoecasionally,.to;keephishhx4 front congealing. Every quarter of an tionr - trmo'c au officer would-approach for 4a-ders, or to.givein telligence ; and the mit-cr.:Mimi that. ensued, was uStially in brief Woril4" orf the part' of Wakhitigto , , .k.hetring the- pre .occupation of his'ntind; - At laSt a tall and soldierly figure approached. i . , • : " Ali ! Is that yea, bleyrbry in said tlte hero. " It. is, your excellendr," Will the tePlr. ";111t e lkii‘fent iby Gen. Itito;'.'to inform Voli ' tbaC Me ' - tillery and •citissons:are safely landed; Mr:With i o further damage than the wetting o f a little_ po ---' der."' ' e i rtl well. T could see that the r ui3 _ _'vvcr e even thy the fitful light of those fen= stitrs;'Nttln a t , g,1,1t1 to I*,ass4r,o there is #9,,little • slatiwil do . licii very; late.hewever." rt:iSrilr.°‘el f k.Yc-'r .ex t ll tti e: lV e ntitptl . sat - ttn litfrctheii!"s :' tn. s, then,"„ 'replied Witsliingten..•,risiztg.,.,,ille„.ga...ve .it ankions)opli at the pity, And said—" do; youllth it krill 'Stiiym t“ '' 4 l ' • ' '' ' ' ',- ''. ' " ''"'" ' •-• , - -1. - The-piing mai nisidevrici-ansWerin; 4 - Oitls-,"b , t the took; oiTiliSatp, *Melt was afar, andprOetit 11 thelcar particl&whiFh had collected Ahem , to• 11 s fbnerats touelL ' • . .' " Geml tiod," said 'Washin' foi' 1,. - dik..ply'tntire , .?.: 38, W 1 140 4 , 10 ,10sgctts0i , w 1 , 1 4 , 1 1111 P Eeem,an • - ,riverent Riciirtea:i9l4,,r*tpl2,,Man," t he.,lailded f _•,k,b it fo'stik,lit ray brain iiltinursCwild, #1 the Prosiit. t of kbngl'efeiitM id t'his 'i'slitOliii.se;iihiliikli`tit - . inVt•orttllfi.!trW 4 ? , %'' d ' t trYoo ) ?k e r.P n/t. Y . I have'pnleveiv s thind° 6 e ful 2 4 l T' t; "-die. i; 'niiiit'diatitnei r tii4idght,''Wediea , rTlitirlifideiii • morning. ? nut, Listinder.•-syntolnivol•sies — i me it i• manned for .f 1mP,?(.'0.771-forge t „A. a *qr.,' to a t*" 1 `tioti." : ‘ 1 'Aibe tiPoke lie draw his cloak II Idly:Ilion , hint; out ~:ode guiekly- forward itilli •direet ‘ ihn II his h?Fse,iirhial fillthiPV.AT99l l, ; wl3 . :144 . 4 f'i . 1 LIM - near by. • 'l' ' ::•. .. - ...: ~,‘:. -, `'The stglit of the ihtiera-in-eliief . hi' motion,'. 'risme,' all that: the isiornenik+iset;••• f zialkairi , . . ed. : Twit/1)01x% ,*1! 0 . had. tiC,F.A. SaT4 4 4CFpr, ~.., tiino;niiih had only fCr .0. 6 : .no•O', - no 'gathered tithe : thew ,tinkzis: auk i 4 il i. - .: -- ;:thd-ut ; amiy , 64, , ft.'. mwox. r '''' '•. - ..' - nrf, After koepeding,Ocot:ti ink W iiii*d. di • i ded his 14FaY: bile' ''ra`. , 'uiillei r tk, 'ilia 't l •:': : thiVriiei road, Avhiln . tiwidier ., o**.; ; *ith;fiii self atit4u344lAulgect *e.iiireOviti.li:::'l 7 o l hOWIed OsTna4y..iierf...4siitlie_lai,44*lo 5. .. , i7 a stars, heittefere gee'' atishrieil l r . - gled vain' andlialt hitsgtinii4- - xattle;• hod' .. Iltnnponginli• onttolislO WO Anlo• 3 -.•'il ; 'g '11 4 4 0 4- ••tiie 4 94 V0i•1!1e .1 414 !14 11 0W f 3 iiwr 44 - .119 • 11 e . 'Of fife, Or :grunt littil ; Pieira,.olt in,OilelfoOl AO .4 Itin);., ptiOn'aditifirli4r.'•' o lTO gilded tiiiippingl'ile) out to the ;ghastly' lszliti tint thVidivattcsit - dOslittil '''' I ';f- i:. .. . of-Or.iek -their hp*: ground. .. len t rtiteli*g .. 6ll* anOtillepread * t litnisat4:nici moving th q furesT the werei the! eerily - senilds Ala**, eight niil6,: \. , thq ranteetnpletely.exiiiinkteil, gled ma fully \elev. 'passed SOrnetartn-lie#;:* ,sonrids.fin. the • nines% but , reflect. Only be the noise' !Of \th'ii•iteritimiit slept again, littleitiinkingithat the de.. - tiny or Anieri= Wng lief awe. s-- • It Wi4 ( nearly - iiiiybrikdr. thitn j the and .fait fnUing , sleet. - ; front, and close: ly it,. its waszliii tliewbry., rat , this .insttiet, sI evidently: hi C'etisiderable emotion eyes witllds hind, feeridithein' ed, and reining in his diersWlie . cfoWdeil roinid'loo;' "My brave boy:;," he'saidijir trembled with - the" altqa4; het do not yet,se.e us... surprise; I. Nov or; uever—this Forwaicl:r - Tears gushed from 'every -- e , the. voleq the-manner affected" thatt,She words. • The (*whiney man detilniinedto e'con9ner ow wino Ariv'en in, and `ilytniteit ' the•alainit Niith Ahern: v Raiiiit. _ theiti, .the ; news[of their surpris.stilttfenteilunnintAh Americans:; n4d 'dm twdPnitio- s ,Plittglid.lhe•*4 skirts of Trenton almost a t the'samOnioso;;;'•:' ' • The - noise of dik firing iti . o..out .-.-:, .hak,;, ' , ever, been bard,, and the enemy '' : . linif ,•. -beds, or,front the-tatierni,iiiere I , "; f if.i . th sPe,l4 , thnigbt , -Pltrue.:r4s l 4. l * . il4ll t I W" ;° V. • 40. priFates arrawredthern-elves ntiankis, caryifro r ir, tieerstno7ln o :lii:thei'ini4 thitherto qttrelr ' men.. Cell. Raid !the 'lleisiani " ,ll; 4 7lieen dawn the pack of earth . L.witki , • tti the playing s'ice time preeedinre.* u his fen*. te ranr, door and , pletti4 Atteself rat t ) litiA; tiln3ring illy - -..--0 - - .'"lvlth the rtill • a , mang e _ rent, the AmetieZ l - t h l ironis of their . street, wild . ivith the outlets. . sm e" . leader had excited. e ztor'e that d***sfi. fOrge , . fore those ei v i ro ,.."'of grEipe44 vg“Snitsity.,do,uld have - st 4 ltt Timitessiarei'lneke nailed,' mid, in a few mi!';tes t ie 'day Ives' won. .I' '' - , _ Ner-...-r,•tv,\,l victory more : „comr o, 4o-. t , ,'. Wiln., tise 't"'' exception., tu•••n exy . dr4goo3,_,N§T 1,50 1 904 J , e Lae': read; them i tge force at Tientlxi' l l a4 -- killed al ; m, DiuQ' - 'Aineng the fennel ''xiii:4 •00 .' • ••,- • • ,; ."l' tt • t : ;••:•tf: . • .' Ali I den. gmnx,' Kra. WaskinFtr4 ROL” . ' the lima of that Officer, after: a. g g ht Tee: over " r have to; thank you-fel:the nxecii* youisztAi ry did On this glor i ou s inerrilig: r';ouoit'aio , thank Ciaßain MOwtry,i, whom I 41r:dirndl* tit pieces so. Well: but I do not 460 hiair :-.. : ? ,,, 1..1 , ..., 4 ' ALS ! ymmeseallency, lie is linianintli 1 1 .4 . 4 fear mortally." .. • . __ • .i:: - ~ u Where is hk r mia yiraiiihoxi,.itihrictilt - .w.ej o k_hcen carried , to 3rdnder Pict., - tends him.] 'Yet life;fierhips' LS Xtf-. - so ' , lattle'isl; to him "that-he. will scarce thank As for ortripains preserve it: I have noticed that, ,freirt f the 44711 jom-id . lito army, Just befinO the battle of 'Ling 10 lan-( up to this: hd.hr; he has'sdivaitt iistlikibrei posed hiraSelf, as if. he sought dentli.”-:_ ••••• F;:z-:' , ,, f Verll4ps some disappouttment of thnhout , pot lad',". sighed the great leader, as ,Ite.lett- thit.,10, , ,s toward 'the dote, ird4len tavern; in ti s iOng;t:OfOid llowbry lay; weltentigitrld 'a d • , ' .-- *f't - - '-' 7 ' : •' • ' [coneirDED ?mu -limmt.]. 7 -' ,4 - • 4:,if''', I -, -:„_: , ..i'4 A N:in-41., Dcsri,E.A pauper,mqped*Kit; ty dstlikerd'froui the 'Connty . hOirse• - :4,lyrirvid, and Jan i e iata*taat:Ptwmat i a ske ro9 6.: b nier-- i oa the' Way for a botdo of-w yorporkiihkir . nery soon got drunk. • She was•erreated__, .htt ,stable and taken, to.the Wittohl , ; #oo4e, _um ' pockets scarehed fhi. the purpose of firOetf lignor Ibttle;bat 'nand vas Smut' She iias , j up in a .cell for the night, and yesterday ' watchman op going into theca 'found hei.:,,.. bohling about a port, On the fkailsuli4ll4l 4 a ' (If its contents. On being guns - Owed as 0 *II I ?, she ,had'conceided it about her.person,,shulrh thitt„she tintl worn it for a /*ilk" rittd, 'eliowd stibigi by- 1 1417dt it had beenlasteiteliinto):. , „ gatt The bottle laid pia& So:tesp ad ' aff _ bustle that thuflitl . nstables' suppose& it.-ite1,..... _ ipoi, l i est ee article-of wearmg apprir4 film.r 'undisturbed. tici\s , truesit is that "APPe!alla& often,deceptivel—c/ii* cr Alpericarr. "A. To*n. oF, o.lziar_ ,AT not ,Cl4* yefe agO , , n,11r..31.11,1e4 onp 9f . the ear,l,y- • ,Vrtt. a nelglibt)rioglox6,' solckt yoke,ivr 6300i - 4)14 Ind ince' 'V&A in liaytotinf. it; fifty , ,dollste bibV= b . nidelt fte'rarattily-faaed:np pint. 'depisitd4 Itri ," t9Petto'box . ' 4" . .4.4loeVingy -1 1 1r4:. 11 ',iiks... 1 custeaned' to milk(' p.:ze o,l7onei weeit - ntrottx - i* , i,rttie aasw or a l ga' 00; iyheneier : lie folk*** 'eliindiOn fur it: ilieWlitliillotiiiiiiideitttl oxen hci ...sought Ilii!'kobneetr,Apoe , and ~, hi coOeniont por,ti n on,J;e put it-liik :,.Idtii,tutnit not O t .idity, obtain.tke fu11 ;. .„ ,: 1 - 4pe 'ellkrea, it - up "niiik ilgtaionilje . i . eat elainiirig isho da,so‘l pl:, „Itretwits.,W ' no, Ku. ExaTri fii -die tidr.:vo It ' :iiiien,, , ', 44, tituimetion of 4.1i6 dri;, , ;tuietiiiPlat* -,' deposited the-trensini4lo'ndditY MO; ().(Ezkilidt wte 4011 AT ids*: ca.' , lr 1 r ~. - rriiE bc4roio I Mist," there resi6.s ally *Libeler deirre to bu dietmsteskikfter ., . ye f lded.to,lthe.infieenen 0r.th, ! ,t:4=91*.0-,f e ry , ex4(l'. eight leot wsitivot, 114 •peneet4 amebae by brisitatiaille - iiifeei led % 'the enielcMF And „:4.! r , ,WhO l gibeMt , f - q* .r0;1110 answer.;- 0-whit aii-iiia 4, , Want tifieb k ~,rBta* there?' nolroient, reply. , i , ilirl'iat,! iii!ttigli`ihis. , - .AOPlteer o in , n baolccroo '- C and primed lint . ~. , as l 4 .to th e ilkts6,\.-;_ , : , j„ . , "El 4 ~,,,„0 , ,1i K do..t -fi irent..gria7.o - :t4 oallifBiiii.',:incl "'roam 1110 - ,to - li t -villne'ef -; r: a illiail befOrel - etart. ,- ; *- 1 lo,\!blor.etsirtecl.liiin oat of bis`,010::: r -., );l-- - -''..; l \ 7' 4 '.: ~AZth.onfiLEVinaii,4An inclinii .4 in ir - iali, '4, ` tad Introducililluzr DIII pi.kope,= "Akrha a&l'deleit it de k r ' Milli age ti*beii:‘ , ""lairit)t tcl.' --- tliiiiiillitill onefOn6ther• --, :.: r.l * - 2 . - . -•,% k; ; , 11ifyi: doar; ri `!. i t pr!utiraly, griti 4,4, i 14v - wit S , 'eateMii.l , :y2 4 Eimo tt f t . ,4iiithetirs til, 1 vo.--,-lANiat a I flig ntd tilk.tt , dosol $Oll ut_, •= - .4*i. - 10 , 7 tlf ,‘,..,,;-4.i, ''ril• - '.' -' 44.,'-' 1 lY 1J MI Antr wits> A g," t fief* idly= '- 20,1)4 • r 6',11.: I':l';'..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers