The rie Matti, Obotrver. ERIE. PA.. LARCH '2Bre 1867 ti e , The most Lamely circulated newspaper in Pennsylvania, and the best Adverti s4,l medium. Sorici.ildr. W. L. Che Pis is the regularly sgeot of this °Mao to oolleet so cowl's. solicit ssbseriptions 'sad make con tract,. for Soh work. ,Any agreements entered i n to by him, or reeoirde riven, will be cnneid_ prrd as binding se if made by the proprietor mr2B-tf. ENLARG xxxxx 07 run rlANkt..—The bill re {,reed to in our columns, last week, atithortz• iqe the contereion.a the bonded canal debt inin .tnek, and allowing the comnany after wards to morta , ao their proe , erty, in order to secure nnney for enlar& - R.tbe canal. has he i'llrOP a lair It in understood that the coin o‘nY intend- metalline themeelves at once of the advantagel offered-by the sot, and that a. anon thereafter's.' poae.ible cm. niety4 the improve - Fleets contemplated. The .leeieneel enlarsement will enable - bows Polo 22.1 h, TA lona hurthen to be *motored. thus jar:elr decreasing the rod of transportation. f i nd giving Erie an advantage OS a coal mar ket -_which • will enable it to defy competi tion. ekr.pire &ND linusa FURMSITINO ()-readers who are about Tusking pe.robases of new carpet's. or refitting their honsee s will find it to their interest to oil' at the wore of Diefendorf. Gross & Foster, No. 7 Reed House They have recAntly r*reived from 'New York the largest Stools of goods that has ever bean brought to our market. and the admirable taste with which they_have been selected will render their store a point of rare attraction for some time' to come. In the carpet line. especislly, they present ioducetnen's for pur chaser. that cannot be exc•llelin this-vicini ty; while in every other branch of their bosi nees they are up to the requirements of the times. The firm is one of the most reliable and accommod.tinst of our acquaintance, and we feel it a more thAn ordinary pleasure ti call the attention of our readers to the wiTin owes of their establiehment. CATHOLIC AliAM.—The net profits of the St. Patrick's Festival, in Farrar Hall, last week amounted to the larger= of ssoo,whioh is to he devoted to benevolent purposes. For gle evening's entertainment, this is a■ lame as the proceeds of any church- -"enter tainment held in Erie —Father Carroll intends.purchasing acomple set of silver in etruments for his lemperance Bind, at ',owl 4111,000. The band has made very rapid progress in the short time of its organiution. and promises_.cventually to become one of the best in the oily. The present of so tine a set of instruments will spur the members up to renewed zeal in endeavoring to attain a desir able musical standard. It is the deter mination of the different Irieb societies to cel ebrate the next Fourth of July in an impres sive manner. Preparations for the event have already commenced, and the intended parel: in expected to eclipie anything of the kind ever attempted here. The celebration will take price whether our native 'born citizens participate or not. Gatette thinks it an "indisputable fact' ?flat Cochran has been ca.:rifted upon the ebrine of Ann. M. B dowry"—in other words, that his intimacy with the latter cau.ed hrreda of Republicans to vote against hi who would otherwise have given him their support We admit that to acme eztent'Als wee the case, but the overwhelming manner inehich Mr (Wilma wan defeated. shows that‘tere were still_ other caus.e at work. In the first place. Mr. Cochran was pm...nailv unpopular among his party frien le; in the' secnnd, his enures towards Democrat. hod orr.,ved nor play nearly unanimously atainat him; in the third.. Mr. Nnhleta public spirited acts had made him hodli of friend.'; :and in the fourth, there is a reneral feeling in the coinmunitrarainet making party nomina tions in 'neat el.etinns The lent named fact had quite RS much to do with Mr. Cochran'. defeat as abythine el.e. Our ciliz.ns have for n long time been daily growing more • arr,,nsly.inte the ennviotin - n that in selecting musicipst officers the he men should be chognn without to their poll,- lical creed, - and in taking this stand they are suetained by the experience of other places where the reverse has heed the rtVe. Last spring they ,elected hlr. Scott. an avowed and-prominent Democrat, and had an other gentleman of our party hien presented , under the same circumstances, this year, he would have been successful - ale& The day for party caucuses his gone by in this city, and if the Radical leaders are wilts , they will not repeat the attempt in future canvasses. rThe contest between BenatogLowry and the ~..' Radical papers' in our city continues with as .';',' much marina' as ever. The Gazette of last sj . week confines(' its attacks in • Berner strain :.... than its previous attempts, and promises not to let up until the "last armed foe expires." /;~,, tto the other hand, Lowry is not idle, and we. k.._ understand thathe is preparing another spreish 1 beside which his effort of February 20th'will he mere child's p'ay. It is difficult to decide which party is ahead up to the present time. The enemies of Lowry assert that the attacks of the Dispatch and Gazette have seriously imaged him in public estim , tion, while his tfriends say that they are only rallying his sun -1,:.: porters more closely around him. They point F, also to"the fact that none of the allegations in his late apeeeh have been refuted, and declare hot untillheit are. Lowry will continue to hold hie etrength among the o-untry Radicale. The truth is apperent that unless Lowrv'e foes dieplav different tactics from what they have heretofore done, he will menace to circumvent them in the fall convention. While be is b". cutfi lent and untiring. they eibihit a lack of eo•o , arative action. and a want of energy that indSces rainy to balikve they are not hrartilytin earne , t. In nil such conteete, the victory is to the ride that manifests the most determination, and believes it•elf most certain of aueeesa, and in both theve reepects the warlike Senator his the unquestionable ed. ventage. • F r ,- . 6 7' . : - .A SMALL BUT VALI:MILS IttivasrxwitY.—A ;7•;'.• good t ractical business education._ such as !..:%. t'an he acquired at the Iron Citr.College, i:. ,t'2-k•hurg. Pa , is a fortune to a young Men. 'Cilld ju.t What every one should hem no met ,•:. ter' what hie voeation in life may be. It is 't;' . n I only valuable to 'the merchant or general . „...f.inei. man, but also to the farmer, me r;.:,. - ch l l4ie and proteseional man ; and since the •: term cf tuition ere en very ley, we wonder I: ! that art person should think of permanently ~ ettline_down to any bueinems as a life-calling before having availed hinieelf of the Rdvanta ,?es offered by a couree of training i . ibis Popular inetltution. We have yet to hear it : .aid he any who have graduated there, that it Tae -not the beet investment they ever made. An an ti swearing society hits teen formed by • tnie y oung um I D Wadsworth; Medina r. t county, in which they fine the members for profanity- a nd buy newspapers with the m0n ...;: e7. -- If nth a society were started in Erie, t . ,: ye know at least halt a hundredyoung men ,!::: who, if they belonged, would soon become :, bankrypt. --_-_- - . IThe Chtnibersbnr s Repository, describiner ' the State Senators who will retire at the close 17 of the present session, says: "Morrow B. Lowry, of Erie, is the eolhusi n tittle. tempestuous Radios! and anti monopo. 6 . liegt of the Legislature. sad makes Rome howl Fe . , ay !,. -to order whenever he take a fusty that w." = An Erlean In the South. [The following letter is froui o:e of the best known residents of our - city. His well known character is assurance enough that what he writes can be relied upon. We hope to hoar from him frequently, during the course of his travels STAUNTON, VA., March 21, 1867. FaIEND Wifirstatt—As several of my friends in Erie requested use to write them, and you amongst them, I thought I would do so through the medium of your columns. When 1 left Erie, on the morning of the 12th ioet., the ground was covered with two invitee of snow, which fell the night previous. This snow extended as far as ffarri.burg, where there wee but little, and at Baltimore the weather was fine. I arrived in Washing ton 10:30 a m t . of the 18th inst.—stopped at Willard's to be in the crowd, but could not get quarters satisfactory, and in the - evening changed to the Metropolitan, which is a capi tal hou.e. After attending to two other mat ters. I dropped into the House of Repr.een tatives on Thursday. As the members are anxious to adjourn, a very short iteesion watt held. They say they are only waiting the action of the Senate on the Supplem.ntiire Re anretructinn bill. I met Judge Scofield who. received me in -hie uanel smooth, courteous manner,—here I saw Morrissey and Idutler Well. Morrissey (who, perhep., should never have been sent here.) is a gentlemanly looking fellow, while Butler ha. the most despicable, devilish looking physiognomy levergased np_ on. Claiming to he something of a judge of human nature. I have always believed thit a greet deal can be read in the physiogn ta4 of men,and in the instance of Butler the Almighty has written an intelligible hand. Crossing to the Senate I found the Republicans wrangling over the Supplementary , Bill. Amendment after amendment was offered—speech after speech was made—and - ell fair propositions were voted down._ Here I heard Wilson pro claim. boldly and honestly, that he would go and - stilton the South, and that they musthave MP9 elected of their cree.:l 7 —ttUnion men" he etyled them—who would come into the Senate pure and loyal, and vote with their party. 4 " - It is shameful to Helen to their : stump speeches in the Senate of the United Stites. On Fri; day evening I met Judge Marvin at the Me tropolitan and concluded to remain over Sun day in the city. It snowed all day in Wash ington. On Saturday the Judge and I called at several of the departments..and on Sunday we attended the Church of the Epiphany. Here we met Cal, Perrin, of Tenn., who spoke so fluently in our Court House at the lime Gen. Blair was in Erie. I left Washington at 6:30 a. to., of the 18th, via. Orange & Alexandria R R. The country on the line of this road hes been completely , desolated as far as Gordonsville 05 miles from Washington. Many old picket. stations are yet to be seen along the road, chiefly at the bridges. The station houses . are all gone, but few plantation residences left, the timber near ly all cut. and no fences remain. At Burke Station, 20 miles out, la one gond residence and 'a few old shanties. N rat much else is to be seen except scrubby oaks and cedars. At Ma nassas. 33 miles from Washington, the Coun try has ono day been better cultivated—there are a few more residences and better ones— juncdn of Manassas Gap- R. R. cross the famous Bull Run. The battle ground is three or four miles to the right, in the direction of e Blue Ridge, which is in full view the whole way to Gordonsville. Noteeville, like other station's. coasiste , of a log cabin or two—there is a fine plantation and house near hy—a very pretty lady and little boy get aboard. .At Warrenton Junction a few houses are seen in the distance; the land becomes more rolling. At R4tpshanock, 57 miles, we cross the river —here there are a few cabins at the Station and several good residences nearby. The soil seems to he much better here. Culpepper, 68 miles from - Washington. has about 300- popu lation and several neat brick and frame build ings Here the poor nigger appears unon the platform, looking for some agent of the Bu reau. Rapidan is 80 miles from Washington. It has a very good station house and good resi dences near. the station.—the people are be ginning to fence some. Here we cross the Rapidan river The valley begins to grow n'rrower. Six miles farther- on is Orange Court How, a town something like Wesley : till.. This county is Picking no slowly— there are quit* a number of good farm houses The next - Station is Gordonsville, 05 miles from Washington. There are a few new, cheap shanties here. At this station four trains meet and we change cars for Richmold and Staunton. The country nn to Charlottesville is an excellent wheat soil, though of a reddish day nature. Charlottesville hes.l should think. a population of 2,000 Here is located the Virginia University. The buildings erg fine, and I learn it has over 6110 students in attend mice. From here the country grows more hilly, as we Approach the Blue Ridge.. At Greenwood. 40 miles from Gordonsville, we are winding round and up the mountains, on grades of 70 to 80 feet to the mile. The scen ery in the summer must be surpassingly grand, exceeding that of the Penns. R. R. crossing the Alleghenye. Far below you, and in the midst of the mountain'', is a beautiful fertile valley, dotted over with fine farm house.. We pass through three 'tunnels. one seven-eighths of a mile long ; after passing this one we be gin to descend the mountains, with Wayne!. born in the distance, surrounded by a beauti ful valley, a part , of the Shenandoah. We soon reach Waynesboro, a town of 300 or 500 population: and here we see more of the poor "down-trodden." Mao and Rodney would run well fee Mayor here. I . met a Mr. Davidson, of Lexington, Vi., on the train, who gave me much informatioi, and when we arrived at Staunton. (4 D. to., of the 181 h.) my friend stooped over until morning. From here a stage runs to Lexington, 36 miles. At that place'is Washington College, over which Gen. Lee presides, and has over 500 students, in cluding those of the Institute. My young friend introduced me to several gentlemen of Stanntan,:all of whom have treated me very courteously and kindly ever since, end they introduced me to °them of their citizen,. Amongst them, and the first men I was made I acquainted with in the place,was Gen. Echols, a very large noble fellow, pleasing and onur--' Leona—he has settled down to the practice of law, and is also President of the National Bank. The General is said tube one of their beat lawyers, and they claim for their bar the beet legit talent in the- State. Staunton has a population of 4.000. It is located in a basin surrountled by high lands, the streets - and buildings' extending up the sides of the hills ; on 'the surrounding rising grounds are some fine residancee, as well as in the basin, Hare are located the Deaf and Dumb and In sane Asylums. They are on opposite sides of the railroad. passing into the town, and on elevated ground ; both are very fine, large structures. The Insane Institution.l am told, is crowded The Methodists, Presbyterians and Episcopalians each have large and credit able Institutes, well patronized. --The streets are narrow and muddy. I should think it ha s been a good business , polat, but pow alt are complaining. hien worth up to $500,000 in re al estate have no money and can do bat little, but all seem to be doing the best they cin; money is worth froth 3 to 5 per cent. per month, responsible men helping each oth er when they eau to get something to work with. There are two banks here, ingil with $lOO,OOO capital,' - 'but no manufacturing es: tablishrgente, not even a lime kiln, within less -than els miles. Two stages a day run frtm bare to Winchester, doirn the valley, over a line Pike, Wm. Myles & Co., of Penna., have purcessed for $2,50,000 the Bhesiodoah Fara. aces, 40 miles (lowa the Valley. Cot. Clsy.of Philadelphia, ie • aambering, GO miles west of here, on the Virginia Central IL R. Iron ore is plenty within 15 miler, but there to no coal short of ; 40 . 4 GO miles. This seems to be a remittal* climate. Farmers are planting' and sowilig, and the gardens will in a few days prciduce their early vegetables—peas, corn, strawberries, &c., &c.,—alt but the ear ly vegetables and planting: I woke up in Washington, last Saturday morning, and thought I bad drifted hack to Erie,-for it was snowing furiously, and I have been getting up every morning since, Ablat ing juat•tho eame way. It has been snowing and eleeting - since yesterday noon. To-mor row morning I am on to Richmond, but will only stop there a a few hours, as I hear the weather is there as here. and having nothing to detain in.. will not stop long at any place after I leave bere until I reach georgic The negems around hotels, offices and tav erns, a. far as I have seen, wort well and are happy. While you see many around the street,' cornea and at the depots idle ; these seem to be the patrons of the Freedmen's Bureau. Put it down that Virginia will no- cept of the Sherman bill sodmake a virtue of necessity. The people are struggling bard, and with all, some are cheerful. courte ous tin d- pleasnal. B. E. N. 1 Items of Local Interest. Twelie hundred pounds of bread were dig ributeti to the poor of Cleveland on Saturday agt. A young lady in Cleveland having been af flicted with a frightful odor for several days, which repulsed her friends, at lad discovered in her waterfall a dead mouse. ',alt.: had been placed there by a mischievous brother. Judge Johneon refused to give a license to the Carver !louse, at Warren, and the propri etors, indignant at his course, have closed the hotel to the public. The house is the largest in the place, and bee lately been enlarged and refitted. The bill incorporating the Marine Flipspital at this city Was vetoed . loy the Governor. on the grolld that the pat of public, land was net specified, nor the corporatore sufficiently restricted. Thei veto. was sustained' in the Senate, when Mr. Lowry immediately in ,reduced a bill meeting the Governor's objec tions, which passed finally. The place to get a-choice article of Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, is at the store of Mr. P. It. Welshman, 1.3613 Pesch street. He has a good stook of all the articles usually kept by Tobacco dealers, and those who wish to pur chase anything in his line will not Audit hard to get suited. A number of young men hare started- a movement to organize a Hook and Ladder Company, to consist of persons over twenty one years of age. Twenty-five members or more have already been enrolled, and it is the determination to increase the list to fifty be fore undertaking to secure an outfit. The ,large lioness belonging to Thayer & Noyes' circus gave birth, on Thursday. at GO rard. to five whelne, three of them melee. It is said a difficult matter to rear young Hone in our country, but the keeper of these is confident of success, and if his anticipations prove correct, Thayer & r lioyes will have an interesting addition to their menagerie We are pleased to notice that the orditrance prohibiting loafers from congregating on the streets and street, corners is being enforced by the police. It is to be hoped that their labors in this direction will continue, 'zed not, as heretofore, last only for a week or two. And while they are about it, we trust they will not fail to keep an eye particularly upon the cor net helo . w our office. The mania for office which prevails in this country 'vas never better illustrated than in the number of applicants for the various posi. lions in the gift of our new city Councile. At least half . a dozen applications have been made Or each of these 'positions. and the jarring and wrangling over them has led, in several!instances, to enmities that will prob., ably prove life-long. We hope that all the candidates will show sense enough to keep their temper, and that the tiest man in every case will win. The people of Marvictown, becoming angry at ltidr. Elihu Marvin, because he sold some of the streets and lanes which they allege that he bad previously donated, held a meeting on Saturdai i evening, and changed the name of the place to Bennettsville, in honor of Pardon Sennett, Etq. We heartily congratulate the latter gentleman upon the distinction he hoe attained, while to the former, who • will un doubtedly put on sack cloth and ashes for the sad occasion, we extend 'our sincerest condo- The probabilities now are that the room in Noble's bleak, 'lntended for the poet otEce;will be ready for its purpose by the let of April, and if sc the office will be removed to its new iodation on that day. The system of free de livery will also commence on the let, when the city will be divided into districts, and a carri er proilded for each, to deliver letters with out charge.' This regulation will be a great convenience to those who resiile at some dis tance from, or do not have sufficient mail to require frequent visits thereto. The U. 8. Collector of internal Revenue for this district bas seized upon the Kalvalage, rues', Koehler and Jacobi breweries, in our city, for alleged violations of the laws, in not making proper return,. They have each been placed in charge of a person representing the Government, and meantime an effort is being made to have the.diffioulty settled by the own ers paying the amount of revenue in arrears, which, it is said, will require from twelve to @Real thousand dollar,. The proprietors of the brewerieti put in the plea that they did not understand the law and. were not guilty of an intentional violation of its provisions. The Manehe.ter paper mill (near Swan Sta. Hon) is row engaged in the manufacture of paper from straw The matter ae yet is an experiment,' but Mr. Perkins. the Superin tendent, hopes to make it &aucoess. -The last two Woes of the Observer, and part of the present edition have been printed on the pa per, and, though our experience with it has not been entirely satisfactory, we 'are deter mined to give it a fair trial, and bore when we once get to thoroughly noderetand the mole of working the paper, it will be found suitable for our purpose. As strati paper can be furnisbed considerably cheaper then rag, it is a matter of some 'nterest to the printers of this _vicinity to have Mr. Perkin's' endeav ors result successfully. / It will be recollected that, 'owe time age, Wnt. Walker, former landlord of Brown's Ho- Leone arrested at the instance of Messrs. Loomis, Follansbee end others, charged with obtaining money : froth them by fraudulent means The cases were settled in some way, with neversi.if not all the parties, end we have heard nothing of it Mom In retaliation,Mr.. Waiter has instituted a suit againet Messrs. A. T Loomis and Joshua Follansbee, charging them with having unlawfully opened a letter directed to his address. The case was tried before 11. 8. Commissioner F. F. Marshall, on Monday, John H.lralker appearing on the put of Mr. Loomis, and Elijah Babbitt on that of Mr. Follansbee. The ..witneeses examined were Messrs. Wm. Walker, Sidney Kellogg-, Min McCloskey, Henry Butterfield, and M. B. Whitney, from whose testimony it appears that an unopened letter, addressed to Mr. Walker, did arrive at the hotel from New York ; that Loomis and Follansbee read it, al leging that Walker was playing a trick upon them, and calling in McCloskey to *ikons what they did ; and that they nfterwuds took a copy of the letter and returned the original to Walker's-box. The Commissioner post. poned a deaision,upon the cue until Saturday next, and held the parties to bail in the sum of $4.000 each, to appear at that time. The charge is more serious than most persons. would imagine, a heavy puslty being attached . to it by law; and unless .the circumstance' under which the letter wu read are consid. ered suffielent justification for the deed, the cue may hive an unpleasant endinglor the defendants. - The Dispatch, a few days age, published - a story to the effect that an organized band of flve hundred Feniano exiefed in the city, ready to march at short notice wherevr their lead ers required them. Our--cptemporary hasA' either been egregiously impelupon or con coated the-statement to create a. eensation. We have inquired of a - number of our Irish citizens. who would be most likely to know the facts, and they, one and all, esy no such organisation is In existence. On the contra rY,..;the Fenian movement, - has always been looked upon with suspicion: by the Irish peo 'pie of Erie, and the endeavor to start a utile ly here wee so poorly encouraged that it wee long ago given up in despair. The Irishmen of our city stand preparedlo lend anj efforts within their power to any measures that will be likely to liberate their native land, but - they have too much good sense to throw away their lieu and means upon a fool-hardy enterprise, -inch as making war upon England when she is completely at peace with the rest of the world. They realize that the time to strike is when that conntry_becomes involved in an other coatlice with the United States, and should' that, period ever arrive, we predict that there are not, many Irishmen in Erie who will not have a hand in the struggle.. We regret to learn that a movement is 'on foot among a certain portion of the Republi cans to contest the right of E. Camphausen, seq., to hold the office of Justice of the Peace for the West Ward, which he 111414.1 d for near ly five yel l " .ond to which be was re-elected at the late election, over James Skinner, EN. The grouiid on which it is based consists in the fact that Mr. C. is a resident of South Erie, and the claim is set up that a person liv ing outside of a district cannot be lawfully elected to fill an office within it. We fell as mired that nothing less than personal or party malignity could have started such a movement. Mr. Camphausen has lived where he now does during the whole, or nearly the whole, period in which be has held the office, and no person, ptevions to the late contest, thought of deny ing his right to serve in the capacity of Jus tice. The question wait first broached during the municipal campaign, and was strongly urged as an argument against Justice Camp bausen's re-election, but with so little effect that, although an uncompromising Democrat, he received a considerable majority in the two strongest Republican distriMs in the city. He Is admitted on all hands tolhe one of tho beat legal officers we have ever had, and received the nearly unanimous support of the members of the bar who reside in the Ward. On Thursday of last week, the Reed Blouse was lensed for the Perm of five yearly, at the. rate of $5,000 a year, to Steger!. L. S. Baum. J. J. Wadsworth and'M. M. - Moore, gentlemen lately enraged extensively in banking in the oil regions. The immediate supervision of the house will be carried on by 'Mr. J. W. Laird, who bee had much experience in hotel Veep log at New York City and erne May, and vibe will undoubtedly conduct it in a manner oor responding with the character of the building and the demands of the city. The intention now is to open the house about the first of May, though we suspect that a month later will be nearer the mark. Gen. Reed is to fit an the whole establishment at his own expense. .end he ban determined to furnish it in a man nor that will ()elitists any hotel on the Lake Shore, east of Chicago. The opening day will be one of rare interest, it being the design to have a splendid banquet and ball upon the oc casion, to which, ail the prominent gentlemen and pretty ladies, for manymiles around; will be invited, In regard to the Observer's criticiem cerning our - editorial upon the World's arti cle, we have to Bay. "first (mat out the beam ent of thine own eye, and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote of thy brother's eve."—Dispatels. Come, now, neighbor. 7 --we expected better things than that from you. If we have been guilty of perverting the meaning of Radical speakers or writers, we are not aware it ; • though, if the Dispatch will point out the in stances, we promise, faithfully, to make the amende lioncrable. But even. if the charge could be proved upon as, it would be no ex cuse for our cotemporary to imitate the ex ample. No ene can justify himself for doing wrong by saying that somebody else did the same thing. The Radical party is getting badly demor alized in all the counties of this section. In this county the war„of the factions has been kept up for a number of years; in Crawford, last year, the fend between Messrs. Pettis and Finney came nigh splitting The party in twain; and now in Warren, a vigorous fight has sprung up between Col. Allen, member of the Legislature, and the Tidioute Journal, which promises to be of the most sanguinary char acter. Allen °beiges the Journal with mis. representing facto ; the Journal tilts back by calling Allen a liar, and endeavoring to prove it in a three column article. Pietols and cof fee for - two are daily expected. In . our notice, laet week, of the election in South Erie, we unwittingly made a statement that might lead to erroneous impressions as to the extent of the debt of that prosperous heir ough. We learn from a gentleman whose re liability Is unquestionable that the entire debt is lees than $4 0001 sum, which, comparing it with that of the tfity, would not be one fourth ac large in proportion to the popula tion. It Is hardly n y to add that we had no intention of red••cting upon the finan cial management of the borough officers.or of conveying on impression whit& might tend to retard the prosperity of our progressive little neighbor South of the railroad. We are gratified to announce the re-electioa of Henry rail, Esq., as Justice of the Peace in Qirard borough. Mr. B. a sound Demo crat. and the fact of Me re-election in a Re publican borough, is evidence enough of his qualifications es an officer Hltioimonent was Mr C. L. Randall, the lately removed post. master of the plane. whose unmanly conduct,a feW years - ago, when she pretended to be Democrat, received a Dernecratio nomination for a county Office, and afterwards flung it hack into the face of the party, at the Vo‘x ing of•some of his Radical friends, is well re membered. Mole Teerneost 97 CLAsz ST., CUICACIO, Feb. 18, 'G7 Da. LISTON, Albany, N. Y —Sir—l think it my duty not only to you but to the communi ty at large, to acquaint you with the happy result of your treatment upon My person. I suffered for over thirteen years with a die cbaige from my ears. Hearing of your won derful success in treating diseases of the Eye and Ear, I concluded to avail myself of your valuable services, so in Jane, 1866, while on one of your visits to. Binghamton, N. Y., I called and placed myself under your treatment, and in a short time was entirely cured. It is now fifteen months since my ears ceased to discharge. Thanking you' for the great good which I received from your treatment, I re main, Yours, very respectfully, ARTHUR L. SCOTT. We would again remind 111 who are afflicted with any disease of the ear, eye, throat, catarrh or Chronic Diseases of whatillter form, that Dr. Liston will be at Brown's Hotel, In this city, to treat'all of those diseases that may be presented to him,on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 9th and 10th days of April, two days only. All in any way afflicted should cull oft him. Read carefully the Supplement, which we is sue this ,week, for further particulars. • 7. RIAD ! READ ! ! READ ! ! !—GOOd BOWE !for. the '.eople of Erie and surrounding country. J. Hogan will open at 1854 Peach street, (Harmon's block.) in April, one of the largest, cheapest and beet selected' stocks of Dry Goods, lids, caps, &e., ever offered in North Western Penna. inr2B-Iw. MA.RUBD. .- the M. It. Muth, Con% on the 10th Loh by Bev. Mr. Lytle. Mr. Owe Fox, of James. tow to Miss Bosse Irene, of Ede Co., Pa. Tzents.—PccrY—On the 14th inst. by Bev. (1. W. Cleveland. atthe manes of the b.idiee parents, Mr. Noble L. Tenell to Kbe Push 4. denghter of Mr. Tames Bcog o all of Moortheittille. Joirseron—M °LAl:sue—At eaniebts. on ths224 nit., by Rev. P. Rollin, Mr. W.E B. Johnston. of Corry, to lire. P. Metteldin of Meadville. COTIZI—TATI.OI,-4n North East, on the 11th inst.. at the residence of the bricle'nfather, by arc T. B. Bod een. Kr. A. A. Covell to Mtn Plante A.Taylor. GRART—FPILLI—To tl Catholle Church it ?Minnie on the 6th lost. by the Bey. Father, 11. t. 11. Geary to Mira Carrie Bell Spear. DIED. Lunt —in Mill Crook,on Oa 12h that. Porouido Ho, inf.ot son of Albert M. and Marian A. Maalhaged a weeks and 4 dojo. DOMILD•O9—inIDI Village, on the 6th LW., Capt. Jar. Donalaws. and 92 years. [..apt. D. was to air county ha 1797; and hu resided ha Tumor* and Am- it! toirsitttpa ever ohne.] arcs—On the 22d inet.„ Mn. Nay E, wits of John W. Ryan. and daughter of 0. C. and _Martha Spencer, aged 24 yearn, 4 months and 2 dye. Noarnaur7,-Ia Greenfield . Jan. 20th.. Freddie, only son , of Darid sad Helen, Northrup, aged 2 years and 0 month.. Lays—On the 14th on.. In Rut HIV Creek, eery sodden ly, Tredertek Levi, Req, aged 74 years. B*NZ-40 Corry, oa the 17th Inst.; Rey. W. D. Byrne, to the 26th year of his ay. otyroar—ln Harbor Creek, on the Wki init.. of Coe exemption:Mr. B. P. Gifford, In the 624 year of hie New Advettisemente. Vir ANT-8,111• Agouti to sell Finkle and Lyon"' Leek Stich Seeing Machines le Rile county. - For terms. ice., apply to_ ft S. H. BALL. mr2l'67tt. . - —, 1211 Peach St., Ede, Pa. pOItOVGII. OF gOIITU ERIS. An Ordlours probibltirk lorermentebetween certain sheets n the borough of South Erie. Seal. Be it ordained end enacted that from and •f• t r the lit day of June. Ai D. 1887. .Interments of dead human bodies shall Ds prof:Aired between Peach and ChYsterit streets, la said borough of South Ede See. 2 That lay person 'oast, or e u rporeilee wio. feting the first section of Able ordluanee shell be pan. !shed by a fine of fifty dollars for the first offence sod one hticdred dollars for eyerrsubsYgnent offence. mr2S lw. T 0 17 y INTIEACTO EN. Sealed proposals will be receirid by the Street Clem. ncitlee nt Coto:mile of IL* city of Fri., until Monday, p.ll/2 I, to- gm:tin:sod oaring with Nicholson Para ment'the streets around the Parka- Plats and 'ascii catlons can Fe a.ea by applying to the Cite Engineer. - .10kEPR Iint•ARTYP, 11 FraRTLEB, ' J. PACER stain, A. aIIETCIN. Street Committee. j CCOUNT OF RECEIFTS AND impsNDL /A. tree of the Dimmers of the Poor and Rouse of Ea-plorment, for the enact, of Kra. Pa . from January lat. 1868, to the 31. t day of Detterob•r, late RIOIII7II. . . To cub to the bum, as per Auditor's N. Partv To cos 1, requisition on County Commission- 5 - 731 60 r ere - 13.500 ocr To cub of Commirsionars of Erie County on ! account.. 4,400 00 To cash for pigweoid from farm ' . ; eO l To cub eincer teed sold from farm 50 39 To cub ebrep pelts $35.00, above $2OO . ~ 57 00 To cult hide!, ' 270 17 To cub Samuel Slater, E. q.. fines, ' 21 00 T. o cash pasturing cow ' - 2 25 To cub fist? 200 To cub seed wbear 3 00 To crab ft Bares (pauper in bonze) 3 00 To cub due Treasurer - 5 11 To warrants in circulation.— 1.199 21 Total • I , girgao3l3ol9s. • By warrants !mod 'for nod y bills as per . voorhers on tile, for ald to oat door purer' of ell elides 3 7,1829 17 For s'd In wrinkle transieit paupers through the collate 1118 13 For rrocierti.e 81.121.28. dry coca 51,607 18_ 2,613 48 For floor $846.13, erarkors $41,31 687 74 For what $125.882. hardware, kitchen feral- tore, 5e,'529303 , 4.8 64 For blocky:caching, re Ise ring wagon, burry, kr - _ ....... ~,,, los eo Fo• owl , WS SW ballow•lnt izif:ls 389 16 For deb 15 03 olough points 83,90 ' 893 Fre blank books and stationer. : 84 76 For Cu hives 17,00, soap $54.16 , : 65 16 rovdieging grace. and permit. to bury.__:_. : 10 75 For'e' Mos $650.40, leather $108,82 MIX 32 'For plirearians to out door panur5......... 361 26 -For t s retching g 6 7,89. oral 032.08 1 391 07 For constables for removing poops,, to Poe, House.... 38 WI For wood 6360 60 Justices feu 156,85 437 3' For printine annul cistern-pt • 60 00 For batter 898 56, beef 8 171 , 1 ‘ 2 -:,?_- -- ••••• 270 3$ For barrels $8 00, miceellemeouo roan, 44.00 For crockery 113,85, iron bedotoads =100... - 4 1 ar, ,Tor new -- buildiltri..- .. - _ ___ _ - ___. 1,10.6 10 For rove $202 , beefcottie 1350. Labor on lute -$2BlOB • 813 03 Tor Moines Willis, Eag., sonic:ea u Director ' . - 012. yet". ' • Pot' Andrew Thompson &eq., seniors u Di* rector one year. Tor Mau 4 taeart, Esq., services as Direr- tor one year. For ceste Pools as Steward one year....._._ For Dr. D. S. TPckeoson, plsysilan to Poor Pouts one year , 300 30 For Jobn H. Walter. attorney one year 24 00 For P. A rbuckla. alert and treasurer on. rear 200 00 For seamstreas $7O, lime and ashes $12,44.... 87 44 F3r Wasters Penn's itorpltal 020 34 For bat. and woolen yarn - !.. 10 80 For making rider 6 00 For shoefiedinra 10 88 For drugs 144.07.1umbar $6005 ' 101 13 Amount of warrants batted 14.912 44 Warrants in circulatton at last settlement... 12.028 ' 0 Total $20.9t0 64 the-undersigned Andito , in of Erie county, till,Tief met together et the office of the County Commluioners of Erie county. end after leaving cerefully exuaload the account of the Directors of the Poor end Alms Bones of Erie constr, do report and certify that we find them terrect u stated. , Given under our bands and seals, this 7th day °flan- Ism a 11 1867. -- [ Bl ll lll4 ] • Pllll.l> O 2 RnRN . rr . s.] O.H P. •FILTGIISON,' L. 8.1 W &Arita. 1. fa.] PRODUCI OF TIT; Fkl* .011 TNI Valle FADING Dso 5182 1 0 .61 ba•bels whost,ls toss bat, 100 blabs!' Willy, 15 Imsbals onions. 900 bushels corn. 1200 bash esbbsits. 700busbels potit , es, 101 bushel's Im:odors, 10 busbols turnips; 19 bogs welshing 11,600bonods 2014 site. oh plover mid. 2,101 calves sold. veal 00 lbs. 24 sheep pelts pod- 601 ,bustrils .pales. 110 dos. roadies, 25 bbl' aos p. 400162. baits?, 000 Ms bidet, -- telor, From Ox nem !so. - 1 or. NM —lO cows. 4 horses. 1 yesrl ng boll 14 stoats. 10 geese. 90 ehteksos, 15 doeki A RTICLIIII krAVV - PAC , VRID II TIDI ROUES FOR YgAlt ENDING Dec SIST. 1866 —Yen's—Coats 80. institg 60 pr. rests 28. shirt. 911. stoektoss 55 pr. shoes 40 pr.. hood kerebtefs 34, oesosl's 34 p'.. hots 6. Dori —"oats 25. pants 80 pr.. shirts 30. shoes 16 pr.. sTnektoss 18 pr Ito men's—Pirates 55. caps 18. elotra'srtts 6 5 . sorties 63. shoes 50pr st oh4ri ngs 85 pr..bso4be-enters2.,pettieosts 28 Melte drsfses 10 Mile—Dresses 52. ebeaslsetta 45. osttlooats 48 'prong 25. oboes 10 pr., stoeltlrgs 20 pr. Nomher of toms es in Hon's, Jan 1,1867 83 Admitted do tog ties yer • 101 163 Die 0, bound out; discharged Ell 14 - Res:wining In the lions. Jan. 1,1267, 119 72 Females di Waltz' Roan 51; I•eland 27; torland I; in Henan 10• fliumany 20; Trines 1; Swlzerland 2; New Brunswick 2; Canada 2 liaris —From 1 to 6 *argil; from 6 to 10 years 0; from 10 to 16 years 8: ?rem 15 to 25 rears 1 6; from 25' to 40years 281; from 40 to 60 VATS 20; , from 60 to 75 years 21; fmm TO to 86 years 12; one 9) years; one 92 yews; one 104 years. . . PffillOAL Mribirtos.—lllind 6: drerenid Is; idiotic 16; insane 9; deformed 1; deaf and da—b 6; helpissa 2. Nunt) , er Of opt door paupers Jan. 1 1866. 212; taken charge of dm fog the year. 999; total 1211; die • rimmed and died 787; remaining on -.hood January 1, 1867 424. V.&. and Indatotts ta - doatltuta and toot door paupers furriabe tto Rria 1130; air , at th Poor House for tniu stout paupers 182. nmalning from OVOT night to aoa week All of *bleb Is tesretfally submitted ?BOYAR EMUS. • • ?EMMA.; ATE WART.e ANDREW =THOMPSON'. r. Aliter,ll, TIPABUILIR, Ilf 41.0011XT WITS TEI 01110 TOY 01 TEI POOH OP RITE OCIPITT UM'.DZ. Yeensry 3. to ea to the holism" is p. r Au- " dither' repo?•.• .., ......... ~ ...,..., .... ..„..$ 761. 50 To rush. requisition tram dcmostesienem of , Erie county 13,f00 01 To essh. tectitsittm from Commlif mists of - Erie count?. 4.400 40 . To Awl fgr 111104r1Pe 4.6 00 To twit. ba'ane• due Tr. &surer ..... ....... .. 6 11 By aureole redeemed and marred by Ad• Etter $10057 33 • We, the undetergood Ateditori of the county of 'Eris, loving met together at the office of the County Com• missinners of Erie county. and. hiving amorally imam tee t the account of P. Arbuckle, Trimming? of the Dire; tots of the Poor and Alm■ House of said county, forth. Year A. D 1858. as s'ated to th• above seeonnt, do re port them correct, and that vs end doe the said Trim reee dee dollars and eleven cents. Given under our hands and anis, this 7th day of Jan• A. n 1947. [Signed] rnitiP ORBaRN. - G.H. P. vsaattsmi, corlß-3w. Y.BARTLEB, HOUND AND TWO ACRE LOT FOR HALE. . A large new diviner homes, with two aegis or UM, ememodiolui stable, and two stops SSW. situate on Holland street. near the Kosh'er Brewery. Is for sale or rent on very liberal toms. the lead' is plented with viers and lull - trees, and is nevi:tally desirable for 00- enlog porpowse. Also, SIX u rls on French street, for gale on neon able term. Apply to • int2l-31. J. &MALL . TOBACCO AND ClOAtte: . • The pile, to get a ebotat article ot Takeo)). snuff and Cigars is at E. S. WELSRMAN'B,IB6B PEACH STREET, South of the Union Depot. Always on hood s good awartmeet of the! 'boys &Hi eles of orrery grnts, Whole. ale awl Rotel% Also Pier, Poaches, Boner. and !hookers' Artistes of every dirsertp floe. Please favor as with a Cal. Dort forest the place, WS Rath stmt. matirt-11. JOHN U. MILLAR. • C4VIL E.lOl3llZi AND Saimoa. Sasidsoes wren Sixth Street and Part Avesta, E Eris. ) jaS4 67 AN . INVALI74B PURIFYING OF THE BLOOD. II U M O.R DOCTOR! A IN:ileitis* Ramsdy for kinds of Humors, ERYSIPELAS, NETTLE RASH, SALT CARBUNCLES.. BOILS AND iILES It Is are' graWelad to gar of this. or of ACT ether medicine, "It b the my but remedy known." it is not 'Teems so W 7 to prove it. It Is. however, eiceedingly gratifying to the proprietor et this medicine, that, while he declared to the labile that dile la • trod won. dean' and effective erectile for liamors as staled above e be has abundant proof at hand to sustain his state ment For sistien years the Rumor Doctor has bee. menu flaw aid and sold. sod every year has increased the mid no at Its Mutation, and theamount of Ito sales. In New Samsehirs. when it - originated. z o remedy for humors Is so highly retard. An eminent paysielan (seer an la. my surge an) when practicing in - New Ramps) Ire, per. chased between dity end misty gallons of it. during some agree or eight yew, and used it in his practice. He ham sines then ordered It for the hospital when he was stationed. Ocher physicians hare purchased it and have used it in practice with great crews. When the pro prietor lived in New liscopshirs at Goffetown.Center. for the space of thirty or forty miles around. and in Wanehiteler partieulaely, the Rumor Doctor was well known and I , ighly valued for the nummoral and wonder fel cores which It effected. Though manufactured' in Ur g e quantitlis the supply wee frequently exhausted, and tervhasent had to wait for =retro be made. La that mien some very Nevem Wes of Irrysipelu were treated with It—end thee were cored. Itrvalpelas sores, or ear. bone ea, those ugly. plaint ulcer', were entirely re-. moved wherever this medicine was faithfully used. So It was with Scrofula sod Salt Rheum. The Rumor Doc tor cured them Far Ms sake of shoving nbat U ttonglit of it, a :iv testimonial. an here !nutted: MILTON GALE, ESQ.„ BOSTON. I hereby certify that I wu morel. &filleted with boils for two yeum.• &Wooing themselves upon my limbs and other parts of my body. The sufferings which I endured from them are Indescribable. Sallies It to say that I faith'ully triad several of the most 'mauler ha• mnr remedies, but without removing the arti , ctiou. At leigth. by the earnest regnest of an intimate friend. I 'was iodoe•dfo try Dr J. W. Poland's Humor Do•tot, and am very happy to attest that all nu bolls were re• moved i•od my health was mtored by using Pt Poland's aforeuld medicine. . MILTON GALE. Boston, Jan. 14. MM. A. C. WALLACE, E3Q., MANCHESTER, N. Y. 8r..1. W. PoLinn—Dear Pir—l very ebeirrali giro my testimony to favor of your Rumor Doctor as an ex coilent remedy for humor'. Mr numerous accuatntaneso In Manchester know how severe'y I was afflicted with bona aid they know'how perfectly Food my health is at present Your Humor noetor cured me Plea.* refer to me for Dertiettlere fn to "am.. A. C. WALLAC?.. • Ilineheoter, W. 8., Jtin.ll, arm WagEtAR, tin:meg/A 11.tti-. I very confidently and earnestly recommend Dr J. W. Poland's Humor Doctor as an excellent remedy for he. mons, baying tosnernnderhally hetuifited be it mall. My own cue was very severe and o•etioste one. For more than two years the skin upon the Inside of both my heeds. and sweet down or• the wrist. wa• constantly cracked and brrken nq so that I was unable to ace my hands In ant kind of wet work, and was obliged to wear gloves in towing to &veld getting blood upon my work. The humor which an 'Meted me was probably a combi. nation of Erialpoisa and Malt Abeam. 11, general health was quite poor Moon after I began to use the Humor Doctor I could percale* dins of beating. I con tinued to take the medicine VIII wu finally cured. Yy hoods are now perfectly free from humor, and to all ap. pearanme my whole evelem ie clear of it and has been for Borers! months. I wed eight Win before I felt gale to glee it up entirely, bat they cured ire. HARRIET WHEELER. Stoneham, Vasa, July 6,1850. HRS. PORTER, DOVER, N. H, ~• poni,Ft. H., July 22,1855. DR. Potatur—l received your letter inquiring silo the effects of your medicine on ssa sickness. I am happy , to vat that I think It is "the medle , ne" for that dreadful sickness. I tried various prswiptione but found zone 'hat settled the stomach and cleated the bead like the Humor Doctor I felt as though I could hardly wait to get aehore to entreat you to Introduce It Into aldp chandlery stores, that It may God its way to those who refer upon the mighty deep from lea sleknon. If cap tains who take their families with them, or carry pas rengws, should try it for once, they would never be wil ling to voyage without It I have credit for my flag v since its introduction to the public. for bilious habits, headache and humors about my children, and have always found it a Burs care. Moto oo I am not fond of baring my name apperr In nubile, and would not consect to it on any other account but to "relieve the el:Halos; but If the foregoing will be ataxy service to you or the public, you can make use of It. Yours, HARRIET Y. PORTER. Huth more might be stated in relation to this medi cine. as eontaintd in testimonials, but It Is nelidlare. Ask Ilanehestsr druggirts about it. especially W Ellalm, at Barr's. Inquire of Henry Wnswww. or Seaford. 'bass wire wsoooee.g Salt Rheum. Ask almost 'bass parson In Goffstown and they will doctors Its value as a remedy, as used in their own cases sr by their friends. The Humor Hector was formal= sold hi fifty cents per bottle; but the east of Wvery ingredient romposing it - Us gone no So enormously, that the Price kw been raised to seventy-goo cpnta only„, and ttat by compul sion. The 'Tumor Doctor It'prepated at 'the New England Botanic Depot, for the proprietor, J. C. Trottel. Bold by Medicine Melon Everywhere. DIMAS BLIINNS 6 CO., General Amite, New York. mr29.6t-eow6bst. 126 . 00 123 03 385 00 800 0) 6 1 0 A MA N FAVE rlt E OF cr„. s 147 / ) /I ' N D • C Corner or Holland and Sixth Streets, CLIMAX ! CLIMAXIt Page's Climax . Salve, a Family blessing fpr 9:5 cents. Tt he.,:,; iv!thent - a A scat.. No family ,:iti without it. We 1; it, to cure Sci:ofula Sores, s;:!i ?nem, Chilblains, Tetter, l' - n.ii:es, and all Eruptions of the :;;C.a. For Sore Breast or Nipples, Sprain's, Bruises, Burns ' Chapped Hands, Ice., it I,erfect cure. It has been used over fifteen years, without one failure. It has no parallel—having per fectly eradicated disease and healed after all other remedies had failtd. :It i a compound of Arnica with Tne::;y onler Extracts and Balsam,. :id pat up in larger boxes t( e same price than any other C . : Aln , wc,rywhern. White St Itowland ' I t • v,Stnvt, N., York. J 011: 0 4 M. P.ENDLECTON. COUMISSI DN. 1 1E40E1.0 T. for the pirchw sad salt of DOMESTIC FLEECE AND' PULLED Cash'Advances Wads. Consignitionts flolisitel, Gan• orkpeolal Vorkot Repasts Furnished at Rena/at. RurgkEgogs —Lir. Vail, 'Cashier National Bank of Ocamares, Nov Took; WWI. J. Boorman, Johnson k Co., Nov York; gorcloo, uoYillan & Co.. Cievenud, Ohio; W. P. Weattall. Cabin. First National Bank, 41...."11 4 mi na ; mo o Arthur, Cashier Tint Nat'l Bank, Newton. Iowa; Vans/ Ford, 0110 n At Co St. L oot , mi gniu t no d t o nr , y Banker , throughon. the coun t ry k n ip s N ew p or k n orrospoodouts: ml2l-ihre JOHN GENesinsane do moo. • $19,08/ 00 Cl. CLOTHING AND GUTS' ruaNuffiNG Goor" D ISSOLUTION OF CO PARTNERSHIP. The Co•Partoerahip heretofore cresting under the Ono newt of Wagner • Rutin. ii this day dissolved by mutual consent. The clothing buaineas will be contin ued by J. Y. Rohn, lathe old stand, No. laill Pooh at.. three doors north of the Railroad, who amines all lia bilities. and to authorised to collect all debts due tee late arm. ' P. WAGNER, mrl4-11w. .1. Y. KUHN. FLOUR, PLOD 111 • A few handed barrels ehotee brands WISCONSIN SPRING WHEAT FLOUR, for ale abiap. Eal l pitse 91.619 Prima St tee-H. • .cmotrcra & Puna ussann WHITE Law. Preforntil by all pesetleil pester. Try lt, bud lOU 1 M • bay, so other. ftsetairil may by ZrEGLER k SMITH, WIIOLZIALIi DRUG, PAIN? & GUM DRAMS • No. IV North Third Street, Phil. IY6I, SKATES! LADIES', GENTS' .te BOYS* SKATES Vary st J. C. SAMS obsl3-tt I DR. J. W. POLAND'S tiNfICtrtLIZT RHEUM, SCROFULA. I ILL,/ • - R7173 - P A W 0 0 L No. 43 BrOADVAT. NSW YORK I.) In Coiner of Seventh and St ERIE. 74 IRON CITY COLLEGE, NATIONAL TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, Cornerof Tenn and St. Clair streiti, PITTSBURGH, PA The Largest, Cheaptst, Best ACTUAL -BUSINESS COLLEGE 111 THE UNITED STATES - During the put tan pain, upward, of FIFTEEN . THOUSAND STUDENTS, Representing every State In the Union, have graduated here. A COLLEGE 15P ACTIJAL BUSINESS. svpritied with Banks. Stoma. Pnat Office, Eomunindon Brolini, Insur ance, Railroad. Steamboat and Telemaph Offices, &e., combining THEORY AND PRACTICE. Students are tho l ronghly Instructed to all the branches 18 PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION,- Inaludiselook Itypior. Penmanship, Arithmetic, Com. tostoial Law. Politica 't anpOlny. 1111110eU Correspond. th• Art or Deterting Coanterfat gooey, Railroad ing. Staittarnithig. Telegraphing, Prot:tool Banktor, &a. Statute aoudad any Urns mei complete a full mune In from eight to twelve week. D 1 STY DOLLARS Pays ail expenses for Tuition, Books, Eita,kk and DI. ploma. NO E.STELt CHARGES For rernanshlp. Staamboettur, Railroading, Bs-king or Diploma, so to other Collates. Free Lesions daily In Ponntsnehlp to all students to the Coromereal Depart ment. FOR itIiRCUL4III, giving full information, and con taining a cimp'ete outline of out system of Practical linaintiss Education, together with 1 i , , TE,dT.T.IONIALS • Prom practical ttusinUs Ern. Needs ts, Boot•teepere, Bantus, Ito., address the erineipals,l shura k COWLEY, Pittsburgh, Pa. EOM p lIILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL ROAD TENN great Roe traverses the Northern ruid Northwes mantles of Penney!Tanta to the city of Erie,. Lake Erie. It hu been lewd by the Peluaryledais Rail reel Oorussy, and if operated by thus. TM or MB:11:1131111 MUNI AT 1 1 / 3 . Leave Eastward. • Kai/Train • -- -- 10 25 a. re Erie Erpreas Train - Wayne Aoool3ti II) a. in Arrive Westward. Nail Train • 716 p. Eris Saunas Train 'OO a sn Warren aecorm.._ 600 p. Passenger ears run through on the Erie Mail and Ex preu trains without *hangs both ways between Philadel phia and Erie. • vow York convection: Leave New York at 9 00 a.m., arrive at Erie IQ 00s. M. Lease New York at SGO p .• arrive at Erie 715 p. m. Leave Erie at 530 p .m.; arrive at New York 440 p. m. Leave Erie at 10 25 a. to.; arrive .t New York 10 10 a ta. Elegant - Weeping Cars on .11 night train. For information respecting Paseetorer bueineee apply at corner of 30th and Market eta , and for Freight bulimia of the Company. agents, S. 0 KINGSTON, Js, cornerl3th and Market Street., Phi Weals. J. W. REYNOLDS, Erie. W. BROWN, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. H. H. 1341179T0N, General Freight Agent, Phils, 11. W. OWINNER, Geri. Voter. ant. Phila. A. 1.. TYLER, QesePelPomeintendent. rle, Pa. .1%T.11W E1lt.11• • James P. Crook, having taken in his son, James Z., u a partner. on theist dav of April, 1864, coder the drxo =DO otIAMER P. CROOK a BON desires to have a set tlerment of hie old accounts. AU persons knowing them. solves indebted to him are requited to call and utile without delay. JAMES P. CROOK & SON, ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER • • WO) ILLIOPAZTIIIVILII Or WWllaw Sash, Frames, Doors and Blinds, Mouldings ald Picket Fence - Scroll Sawing. Matching and Planing done to order. Shop on Peach St, Ltstween lth and 6th Sta., Erie, Pa. We respectfully call the attention of tba public to OW facilities for doing work to the best of style. promptly sad on reasonable terms. Having fitted up enthel us. 'bops. with superior machinery, we Stet confident o giving entire satisfaction. - - cr-Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention mo2B' B 4—ti. JAMES P. CROOK Jr SON. MIXVIVNIA*I4II3:4Iv;I4tIMOAN:Toix4 Phalan's J. , Night Illeasiglatu Conrest... •Phalon'. "Plight Blooming Ceram,' Phulon , o "Night Blooming Comm" Phttloses "Night Maiming Comm.,' Photon , ' "Night Blooming Corona:, A most exquisite. delicate, end Fragrant Perfume, distiled from the rare and beautiful sower from which it takes its name. Manufactured only by PIIALON do EON, New Work. • BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR PHALON'S—TAKE NO ()THEM- COOK & HOEG'S BUSINESS AND TELEGRAPBIC COLLEGE, ' 618 State t bstween gth and 7214 Erie, Pa. The best, cheapest, actual business college of any to the State. Elosineis men say it is a college of reel merit, which does not give the lie to the public by giving diplomas to those who do not merit them. A- College of PRACTICAL - BUSINESS TRAINING, Combining Theory and Practice. Supplied with bank. emporium. insurance, commission, railroad, stocks and telegraphic departments. FIFTY DOLLARS '- Pays all expenses for tuition, blank books, /M. Time req , ir d from 8 tali we , ks. aszatrantr.—We have the best penman In the Went. Band for circular with stamp. COOK & 130E3, mrrd7. N 0 T B Penang° T Co, Inc t Crawford Common Pies', of G Church, S Z 7, August T.. 1856. vs. t Foreign attachment James McHenry. Tile defendant will take notice that ail twit of plain tlff's claim, bled _llth J01v.1866, for $4,C00 and interest, from the 20th of May, 1565. And mile entered for the Prothonotary to assess the demagee in this cask at hie office, in Meadville, on the ifkis day of April, 1e67, at 10 o'clock a. ro. W. F. CH CLTA T, mr7-6w. Prothonotary. . D in p %ITU MINIM/CV, MD BLANK BOOK DIANITFL!,CTORY, 10 East Park, Erie, Pa, We take Omar, In announcing to the public thtt we havee secured the services of _ - MR. J. A. ASIIBY A moaebonorlita and thoronah world:mu, to take charge of crsin, BINDERY AND BLANK BOOK 11ANDFACTORY Wr. lobby hu for 'e'en] years been engaged in Pen field's Blank Book Establiahment, in Buffalo, and has no interior in the Mildew. Other valaable assistant/I have beer engaged, so that work from this department WILL 13E+ UNSURPASSED In an that pertains to rood stock, superior forwud• log and superb tinislt EXCELSIOR I EXCELSIOR I CITA STELLAR'S HAIR EXTERMINATOR, Por Removing Superfinoua Hair. To the ladies especially, this invaluable depilatory recommends Reel( as being an almost indlspeueible aril ele to female beauty, is easily applied, does not burn or Injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It w trranted to remove supernuoue hair from low fore- heads, or from um part of the b , dy, completely, totally one radically, extirpating the erre, leaving the skin soft. smooth and natural. This is the only article us , d by the French. and Is the only real effectual depilatory In existence, Pries TS cents per portage, sent postpaid, to any addesta t on receipt of an order, by B SHCTIS k CO., Chemists._ febl4'67-Iy. 28e River St., Troy, N. T. SLEIGH BELLS 1. A Large Stock of ALL4TYLES AND QUALITIES, T o r We by J. C. BnDENT d. 18 gum suisoN eic HAMLIN OABINIT ORGAN' I forty Mama styles, adapted to tiered tad secular made, for $BO to $6OO eseh. gold or silver Or other Int, premiums ourirdid them. Ulna tested Cataloguer free. Address. MASON 3 HAMLIN flottorkor NINON BROTH MISS. New Toth. jaill'Bs EAGLE FOUNDRY, PEACE ST., ABOVE TEL EUPPALO Ran, ERIE, PA HENRY, BRYAN 2 & CO., . 11Wr074011,1317 07 PARLOR, COOK ANDOFFICE STOVES, TIN o SMUT IRON WARS, • THE CELEBRATED CURTIS PLOW 1 AND ALL BINDS OF IRON CASTINGS. Cray Wm sold by as warnated to give satletaetloo Rattles. fllslgh-skoe; Sad Irony, Re, oa bard or ma& the:tared to order. Puma aas Row Porno of sapartor teak* and data tally sleays • on band. • call and a fals trial emir aril• elss la wwe ask. HENRY, BRYANT it CM asalre—tt. NNW MTOVE AND HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE STORE! The Subscriber begs to inform thio citrons of Eris and vicinity that he haeopened - surtore of the NO, 1-319 PEACIT STREET, SOUTH OF THE DEPOT, Who:e wi l be found a eoropli,to aupoitinent of good' In the line, consisting In put or -- STOVES, Cr Eastern and Homo lianutastrus, Wr WOOD k COAL PLAIN, STAMPED, , TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, PLATED AND BRITTANIA WARE, LIGHT WARE, LAMPS AND LANTERNS, FORCE AND CISTER?i . PUMPS,) LEAD PIPF, Particular attention wEI to given to heating public and W' IT IT II 0 T All kinds ofj obblag in TIN, SKEET IRON AND COPPER, By Competent workmen. Kr Prices a, low as the game article tail be pnr chased eltewheie mr7-2mf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. DWELLING HOUSES T.O story frame, leo 309 West 9th St., Till italshea, price $2,600. Two story ?rime. No. 271 Reit 6th St, new and good entsh, pries $2,500. Two etoryfratee, No. 18.5 West 3,1 St.. Canghey bonne, a bargain, price $3,0e0. • Ooe and one-half story frame, N0.:02 Myrtle St, cor nor lot, comfortable house, price $1,500. Two story frame, No. 211 East 9th St., Hickey's house, good building and new. Two , story frame, adjoining P. &E. R. R., rin 11th St , will be -Join at • bargain. One and nee half story frame. lot 30x82.34, on sth St., second West of State, desirable for business. Two 'tor • well finished fraix - e, property of S. IC Wil son. South Erie. lot 67:179, finest lot to the Borough. price $3,500. Two story frame, No. 68 East Buffalo st., bones in Ens ord.., 6 rooms and wood shed on lit boor, 6 rooms up still's; barn, 6:e., ke., price $l,BOO. Moderate terms. 0 ean one—hall story frame, No. S 5 Canal St., con vent bestows, house In ,good order, Inside Sal out, ee lar and wood house, pries $1,700. 50 sem% barn, holm., 10 acme rood, Irtaflu from city, price $2,200. N 6 aefea on Plank Road, 100 Kenn .00d, rew modern stele bons*, lairs orebarik Will exchange for elty prop erty at $O,OOO. Reasonable dimont for ill cash. 13 ranley`plate, on Runk. Road, North Eart,llo acres valuable t oprovements, 20 acres timber, price $12,000. 47 semi, twe folios from eitr,lood Imorovemeota; -divide to nit purchasers, per acre Sit u . 45 sere% Bre miles fr , m city, brick, hours, ke., good mprovemeots, price S46Co• 100 aeres itt Gre ne—s bargain—prfee $3,506 112 acres ♦ X. 0 I land and improvement; near North East, price per acre 276. 147 acres in Earborezeek, very desirable and cheap, per sere ;75. City lot on West Bth St , Mo. 1449, Pelee $2,500. do do 10th do 756, do $.lOO. do do 4th do 2711, do 1,8(0.: do do 11th do 561, do 1,400. do do 6th do 1465, do 1,500. City lots oil' WM 7th St., Nos. 1442,101 and 1469 each SI,OOO. West hilt of ant•lots 260 and 200, in lota to• snit put . dames; terra eary. - _ A number of lota In out•lot 280. on Buffalo Road teb2]'67•tf Eight city lota in oat-10t587 West 10th and 11th Sts.; the gutter property, HAYES & KEPLER. • Agents end Dealer' in anal Estate.; Reed Honm. Us, Pa. ;Lai U "In the Inattar of the account }Court In lba Orphan's o' Joseph Waldron. adosinlitra. of Brier° ,No. for of hobt. B. Howard, deed. 9 Ifey-Term. Bled "And now, March 14 ,1887, the Comm appoint Benja min Giant, EN , an Auditor to make distribution of the Nada in the hoods of Administrator in the above eta. ted ease.PER CIIRIAM." The undersigned - Will Oleo,' at his adios, No. 805 French street., Erie. Pa.. on the 4th day of April nest, at 10 o'clock a. es . for the purpose of attendio g to the dutlu of hi. appointment. when and when all parties interestsi may be heard. mr.ll-3s. - BENJAMIN GRANT, Auditor. E E. Jong. M. H. JON= JONES & BROTHER, Manufacturers and Wholesale and &tali "y, Dealers in CHOICE ERIE COUNTY FLOUR I OATS L CORN, CORN NEAL, BRAN, SHORTS, MILL RTITFFS, &0.,, 421 State St., third door aouth of P. 0., Delve 17 tmi in the Cihr D INISOLUTION. The arm of Weigel & Meer t thle day die:lobed by mutual amseat. The dewing Machine business will t menu be coa ti:eed by S.M. Weigel st the old stand, CO State street, who Is authorized to manor all moneys Maths Sewing Mathias buslovaa and apt tlis all debts contracted for the mom And the Dune Dunces mill be continued by E. D. Zeigler, at the eams`pleat, who le entherired to re ceive all motleys due the mule business and settle all debts contracted for the same. • , • S. IL WEIGEL, E. D. ITIOLCD.- mr2l-2t. U ab3ra -character. at AND .TAPANNED,I T I N WARE, lUTII TUBS, ME COM private builder A I R W. G. GARDNER F MIS] LOTS Kam PA. birlOisto
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers