1867. SPRING -TRADE. GRAND OPENING OF CAR J PETS AND . House F‘nishing Goods, Iran ERIE CITT •DRY GOODS, CARPET an trousr. FUENISITINO EMPORIUM DIEFENDORF, alloSS & FOSTER, No. 7 n..a iron.. a^d 19 Fall Street, Eio, Pa Jett retelvPd and now openinc The !swat and most complete assortment et' rarpets 6 , r .before offered Io this tositet,coosisiinc of Body Brussels, Tapestry Brawls, • Tapestry Ingrain, Th•ee Pira. Mgr.: it_, ' Dutch Wool, Maw , Ills and Hem,: Ctn . • ton, Co" cocoa Battings of all Width.; Oil Cloth., we ! , Rugg ana Ortsggels. NOTTINOITA'M. TAMBOUR AND SCOTCH t.krV, CrRT IN4, WINJow ShV.e Fi•tom Hnll•^ds, C , /rnielq , aad the ja.tly celebrat.l FRENCH -ROLLEAUX •HXDES! ATA IR A: 4 ;11 VE27lRri 9 Pentr.Haleand S.. arse• liat+ramma ennetanfl- on hand and trade to ....trier. The heat rtnelity of LIVE GEESE FEATHERS, 7Ely poood or sack. 1 moa n . ch,:er ood I..embreqoPno mrde to order MI hung th tho wool pstieftrtory o sutler. V. woalt reeneetfally eall the littera co of 'brew .ho are furniellitue boueemenew, to our 'arge and coal ybte areortroeot of WALL PAPER, DECORATIONS, BORDERS AND MOLDINGS kb Ire nal sell at low Prices and hum on short no tice. Tit our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, Wa would auk the attputinn or borers to our very rape rior ;York of Toilet Qtalle, all 'Ores Tablipnen,l+7 the and or in the spread, Napkins, eabo••••ei and embroidered, -• Piano ar7a Table Covers, Pama•k and ITO fa Towels and Towe.Hog, Tlllow tad Sh^et linon and OM Wrillave just r.c•lrrd a large acd beauti'ul assert rarat ,issasoaablef D R . ES! S GOODS, C LOTUS, J, AND YANKEE NOTIONS DIEFENDORF,,ORPSS At FOSTER, No. 7 Reed !louse and 10 FieLICO Street. brie, N. B.—Perticoter attontinn paid to the ru• blotting of nnrches, Bottle atil_Prirste Families. • mr2l-ttf A ST U U 0G -Y THE WORLD ASTONISHED! At the wonderful revelations MADE BY THE. GREAT ASTROLOGIST, MADAME If. A. PEREIGO Pie terms eecrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to happiness those erbo - , l fropa cohost event.. caseate.- shies, 07 . 01100111 , love, lou of relstione and friends. loss of money. ke . have bosom. despondent. She brings together those long separate), gives information con cerning absent friends or lovers, restoees .lost or - stolen property. tells you the business yhn are b-at qualified to nurime. CAllsell speedy marriegen and tells you the very day you • ill marry, gives you the name, likeuess and eharactoristaes of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers nn veils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. From the stars we see. in the firmament—the malefic stars that overcome or predominate In the configuration— front the aspects and position. or the planers and the fixed stars in the hekvens et the time of birth, she de• daces the f-tare destiny of men. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs von but a trifle, and ton may never again bare 41 favorable an op portunity. Consultation . !O, with likeness and all de sired iniorrostion, sl._ arties living at a dietetics can conealtihe Madame hr 'mail with equal safety and sails. faction lict themselves, as if in person. A fall and en- OM chart, written oat, with all inquiries ariewered and likeness enclosed. sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest seeress, will be main tained, and all correepondenee returned or destroyed. References of the highest order furnished those deslr. log them. Writs plainly the day of toe month and vesr in which you wore born. enclosing a small look of hair. Address , MADAME R. A PRRRIGO, feb2l•67-Iy. P. O. Drawer 29.1, Buffalo, N. T. F F AL, I T E I) SUFFER NO MORE When hs the ace of Dr. JOiNTILLWS ELIXIR you can be cured permanently and at a trifling cost. The utoniebing sneceu 'Which has attended this In valuable medicine for physical and ner•ons weaknere, general debility and prostration, lon of muscular en. ergs:impotency or an • of the consequences of youthful indiscretion renders it the most Ta• . ual le preparation ever discovered, It will remora all 11011f01111aleClAnni. &Manion, ex unman!. incapacity to .tody or businoti, lota of mem. ory. confusion, thnighte of self-dritraction, faits of In• sanity, Sto. It will restore the appetite. renew the health of those who have destroyed it by /enamel a=ces■ or evil pm:tiros. Young men, be humburged no more by • Quack Doc tors.' and Ignorant praotitionors, bat mend without de. lay for the Elixir, and beat once restored to health and Impulse's'. A perfect cure is guaranteed in every in stance. Price $l, or four Hides to one 'dare's $3. One bottle ii sufficient to effect a cure in all ordinary cane. ALSO, DR. Joitretwee FPZCIFIC Pitt*. for the 'needy and 'permanent cum of Gonorrhea. fleet. Urethral Pk charm, Gravel. Stricture and all erections of the Sid ney. and Aladdir. Gorse affected in from one ;to ten dept. They are nrepared from ex/stable extract? 'bit hermtere on the q.tem. and nexer-naumale the etomseh or impregnate the breath. No chain - mot diet is necessary while noire:them. nor ems their action In any manner Interfere with litigious pursuits. Isl per boo. • • . RIO •• of the stove mentioned ante's. will be sent to any address. elnsely sealed and post raid.bv bail or express. on reevlrd el ,Iddr•Ra all orders to - - BERGER, BRUITS k G. 1.. Chotalsta. feb2l . 6t-t7. No. 28.5 River St.. Troy, N. Y. • REPARATOR CAPILL/. Throw awty your false Mum, 'our owitoltes, your wiz— Drittrretfre of comfort, avd not worth & fie: COMA alr.d • CORM youthful. come ir Kb sod fair, And repliee to y or own luxuriant hair. REPARATOR CAPILLI For teatorinir hair upon bald heads (from whatever emote it may have fallen not) and fo t ping a genwth of hair coon the fere, it ha. - no equal It will form the bard to avow oprin the arnootheat face in from live to eight wee% ". or bair upon bald beads in from two to tbrve montbe. A few ignorant practitioner. have *s norted that than* is nothing that will force or buten the /myth e l the hair or board. Their aseeroinns are hale, ea ihnuaands of living witeemes, from their own experienre. ran bear wi teem Rut many will sag, bow Oa we to diet Ingo fah the rook. from the 'potions? It • ertzioly is difficult. a nine•tenths of the riffereat preoarstione aCvertlred for V. hair and beard are en tirely worthies', and von may have already thrown away larg.amonnts in their in:imbue. To inch we would may, try the Reparator Cann ; it will emit you nothing solute it fully come. no to our repreuotstiOne. if your druggist does not keep It. send to one dodge and we will forward it, pant-paid. together with .receipt for the money, which will be returned you on applicalloo, providing entire esti.feetion Is not given Addle,' W L. CLARK k CO , Chemist.. No. 3 Went Fayette Bt., Syracuse, N. Y. fet021417-4y There'cometb Owl tidings of joy to all, To 'mi.', and to old. to mat and to mall; The beauty ',bleb mice was so precious acd roe. -le free to all, ' and all may be tale B y Tug V OP I:=1 WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL vor Improving and Beautifying the Complexion The most valuable and palest preparation in use for giving the skin i beautiful pearl-like tint, that is only found in youth. It quickly remorse tan, freckles. pim. pies, bloi au, moth ?stele, sallownets, eruptions, and all impuitiu of the skin, kindly healing the same, leasing the Ain white and ohms as alabaster. Its use cannot be d.t.ct.d by the closest iceutley, and being a vegetable preparation is perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the rreneh, and is con• ,only by lb. Parisian as iodizpensable to a perfect toi let. Upwards of 30,000 bottles Were 'told during the put year, a suMelent guarantee of its efficacy. Prim only td cants. gent by m alt. put-raid , on recent of an or der, by BE,EGEIt, SHUTT:3 h Chemists, feb2ll7-ly. 215 River ttt., IVIANHOOD—How Lost'. How-Restored Jut published. a new editi re of Dr. Calverwelre celebrated essay on the radical cute (without medicine) of Spermator Oum, or Peruheal Weakness. Involuntary See:deal Lowe, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, impediments to Marriage, eta.; also COD11101010:1, Spilezieg, sad Fits tortured by Self- Indulgence or usual extravagance. ifs Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 ants., The celebrated uthor in this admirable easy clearly demonstrates, Jrom • thirty years' sueessaful practice, that the alarming eorrequeuees of self-abits• may be radically cured without the dangerous nee of internal medicine or the application of the knile—pointing out • xidde of cure at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of throb every sufferer, no matter what Meting , Mon may be, army contain:welt cheaply privately and radically: mw. This !Natant e - honld be he Jhei hands of every youth In the land. Sent under eta!, in a plain envelope, to any address post-pald, len receipt orals onto, or too post stamps. Addrom the publisher/ must: J. Cr. [LING d0:90.7i0 127 Bow ry.7P. Y. Post 01100 Box 41111111. ERIE RAILWAY ! 111WaiRWIIPM 1867. GREAT BROAD GGAGE, DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE TO NEW YORK. BOSTON AND THE NEW ENGLAND CMEs. MI6 Railway @viands from flantirk to Now Veit 460 mile*. buffalo to New York. CM miles. Pala mane* to New York 4'16 mites. Jon a 7•011 TO2I MUMS THE SHORTEST ROUTE', II Trains inn directly through to Now York, 460 IMES, without chain* of Coached • From and after Nov. 10, Mo. Trains wiU leave In ton .lectlon with all Waste - sk lines as Wham : From DON. .015 if and RkLAMANCk—by Yew Trek time from Colon Depot": 0 00 A. st. NM York Day Erre" from Salamanca, daily (except Sruadsvirj.,- Intemeets at Danielsen's with the 8.30 a. a Dar-EXprelle from Buffalo, and arrives to New York at 10.30 r. 10 A. a. Espren Nail. from Dunkirk, daily (asespt Soodsf I)), Stops at sahunanes SAO A. ■ . sod con nects! at Rornellsville and Corning with tbs 8.30 A. a. Express Vail from Buffalo, and arrives In Nsw York at' , 00 A. N. 1.1.5 r. Y. Are York Might 7::trona, from Dunkirk, daily (incept Slandaye). atop , at BB.lllllleDell 096 r. and arrive" la New York at 12 33 P. st., oonsectiot with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and. New England Cities. F 70121 BerSlC47 l ;tar York time. from Depot COM? Estimate and klimhigsn Streets: e. 30 Yak Pair El;Fef." (Sledge imeeptedl• Arches In New York at 10 10 p. Ir. Connects at Great Band with Dela rare, Lackawanna k Western Railroad for Pbradalphia, Baltimore, Muhl. gOOO and point; South. . • 8.30 a. er. Dqte , /el Mit, via. Avon and Flornellsville. dsilv (exteptSundav 1. Arrive' in New York at ?AO a. lc. Contacts at Elmira with Williamsport k Rl. roira Railroad for Barrisbunr, more, Washington and points South. 2.00 r.>t LigliZlO, Express, Stamm excepted. shape for wood - and water only and arrives in New York _ _ • 7.00, • N. 6.10 r a. /tete York meat Express, daily. Connects at Bornellaville with the 4:16 p. m. train from Day. - kirk, and armee in Nei York at 12.30 P. X. Alto • connects at Elmira for Harrisburg, Philadelphia and the South. 11.0 r. V. C.Serimiati Express, daily (except Sands , al. • mien leNew York at 3.46 P. N. Connects at EL mire - with Williamsport it Elmira Railroad: at Great • Bead with Delaware, Lackawanna k Wilkens Rail. read, and at New York with •atternoon trains and steamers tor - Boston and New England Cities. Only One Train East on Sondey, leaving Buffalo at r.lO r it., and reaching New York at 12.30 A. it., in ad rarer of all other routes. , Boston and New England pas:slogan with their bag. rife, see transferred fres or elorge.in Now York. The beet Ventilated and most Lostirfons Sleeping Can if; TAR WORLD sampans all night trains on th , a railway. Barring* checked through and fare always as low as by any other mita. eV' ASK NOR TWEETS rut. rvsn. RAILWAY, which can be obtained at a 1 principal ticket. odium to-the West and South-vest. H. RIDDLE. Geni fetal& pUODUCS MARKET. M. F. WORDEN & CO., Would rerpettfully anemone* that they have opened i store at NO. 128 PRENCEI AT, DETVERN AM AND am, ID R lE, ?A . , For tho purchase and sale of ALL KINDS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE, BUTTER, POrLTRY, MILK, IF± • ro- Orden from abroad will receive prompt atleo tlon at the Lowest Market Prices. or The litzheat Fria. to Caaik plat for rrodoce. [alga tl N OTICE TO PRIMONSIIAVINti PRODEUIT FOR SALE We aro now running • Varket Line from trio to Bi. nova, on the Philadelphia is Srie railroad, and 'Leh ni peenre all kinds of • VEGETABLES AND COUNTRY PRODUCS To carry it on, have establiebed a Depot on FIFTIT, STREST, In the Tear of the Old Reed Roush BETWEEN STATE AND FRENCH STREWS. Whet* ire will be at ail times ready to receive and pay the EWES? MARKET PRIM tor ttob rne. AU hartoc Produce for tale are fenillollt ed to givens a can. lograro for ti tarybot,itfib St. 00.113854 f MAY k JACH3OIe. - pFtiLEVA NtTIVINAL CLAIM AGENCV, °Mee in Farrar Hell Baildinc, Erie, Pa. SOLDIER'S BOUNTY All claimants for extra bounty allowed by - late sate o COIIITOU. can have the same promptly collected b sending their discharge s to me, the receipt of whir , will be promptly ackeewl.dged and aedz notions to turned INCREASE Ov PENSIONS. $l5 per month for total lou of ore of pith.er lag or arm. Instead of $B. $2 per month for each minor child of daceasod soldiers or aramen. Also.othertnerpames. ADDITIONAL FOR VOL. OFFICER 3 og U. S. A. I 'three months pay. proper for all In tarries March 21.1, and discharged attar April 9th, 1855. Claims cashed. Velma for arresi• of pay, and D• 00.111111, and bounty prompt's' collected. Fnequalled facilities for clewing end completing ease.. Allowance to prisoners of war collected. Only seance In North-Western Pennevlrs tic where years of esperieues in the U. S. Treasury can be &end. rze - Tbsinkfal fat the very filers] patronage bestowed in the r ant. we hope be ioereased experiertee cod oars... optting httention to patron! to rectue their contlitied favor. pales in Farrar Hall Building. 4 ddmsx, S. ?ODD PF.RLRY, (m 9.0 s • Lock Box 101.derte,FIL POKTA ST TO At Ul LDEIIS Tlia tallest and Bait atxt of PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, GI;ASS, And BRUMES in Erie my be foundat HALL WARFEL'S DRUG S'iOßE;= STASI ST.. *llll OP STTKXTT Flavin, bad long expesnuee In the tilde. we ere enabled • to ' , tipple pertlem with • superior quality of goods at the lowest priers. Oar stock vollmkees a general variety of everything that Painter• end, and those who gin as their. patronage can rely no ant helot dlesarplptsmi. • Orders for Tarnishing bdlldlairs witLbe satiefse, torily tired. CALL AND EXAXINIC OUR STOCK. pH PLUM TO CRT YOUR kgNEY BACK • F. COIRAILIN'S BOOT AND, SHOE STORE., - Mete Atrent. Neerti Onpoette the Poet nee, F. Cat:while. Pont end Rime Dealer, respectfollv informs the Puhliolhat be as reionrnd bigot/mid to the Store Enoto nn tat• street, neer`, 000neite the Post Deice, ether. he invitee Cr We old Mende and custorriert to cirellim e mall Particular attention clean to REPAIRING! Raving carafe) workmen. and ortiperinteading all bit nueineu him.elf. be believes he ow give as good salient& lion gnd et?! at ye low ',Ares ae any other person to the oltv. (lona Vita War-anted. sloo PI A" V e. D ON A PIAVO, FORTE! US to $5O ON A MFLODE.OII_ _On ORGAN 1 By pstretujniot Z. SM 1 - 11 0 F 7-E 11 IE , Instead of ending orders to Now York PIANO FORTIS - AND NELODIONS Foraished from the following eelebratid Ifitatifeetarars Steinway & Sone. Now Yo*. Wm. Raab* k Co, Baltimore, we., Wm. B. Bmdtrary. New York. Grovesteen & Co., New. York, Damen= k Gray, Albany, N.. 3".. B. Spear, Byrum". N. Y Jewett k dowdy:Lazy Cleistand. 0. PRICES AT A LARGE DISCOUNT BELOW MANUFACTURERS• PRICES! Pi&11011 from $250 to 11,600 111 persons (Intent a irrt rate Plano or Melode on are invited to call and examine OCT leurtramenta ba tore pa:chasing eirensbezo. Every Instruatent warranted for dye Tears. No. no Ptoto Street, Fria, Pa no&Thati. HEARN, CHRIATIAPI & CRAW. The Plane to buy CHEAP FAMILY GROCERIES 1 Sneh as TUE, • oftee. Chocolate, Baku'. Brum. Corn stank, Farina, Pago,Yoplors. Pearl Parley, Rine Mon Rice, Baking Powder, Cram Tartar, Split Pew, Cracked wh e . A. pea t i Whoa; Hominy. Soap, Mustard Reed. Jelly. Cape* Spanish COlvae. &If &Wag Maur. Fun ily Floor, Corn ltral;Oat Neal, aft hinds of Paneeflar diner, Raising Pickles. Currants. Yip, sad, to h e t, everything belonging to a First Clem family Stare. au.93-tt HRARN, CURISTIAPI Oa CRAW, NO& 93 AND 29 PARK ROW, Han jend WENT CHUTE ut OF m CllOlO TBd wadi we vOt men Chow rd tit WM. R. HARR, Gen't Pw. Ag't. AND. PAINTERS. an Goo. A. Prban k Co., ThilUl, N. y, Chazabm & Cabin. New Yort Z. lIVITA C „ AT=RRH. =I DANORTIOITS AND LOATHSOME DISEASE EIMIEI CAN *BE CIIRE4 ASD EXIIHILLT ERADICATED PROM THE SYSTEM BE TEE VIE 011 DR SEELYE'S LIQUID CATARRH REMEDY. CA TA - RR H WILL (SMELT RESULT TN CO N3ll'lE2l'l ON-I Colas ebeekod to Its Incipient data IT NEVER FAILS! CURE WARRANTED IF DIRTIONS ARE FOLLOWED. SINULE BOTTLES WILL LAST A IdONTII COLD IN THE HEAD Rslleved la • row Inmates BAD BREATH F Cansod by eifewthe meritleas. WEAK EYES Caused i? 7 BENT !4. SMELL Wb.n lessened or destroyed. - DEAFNES. : , • • When eau by Catarrhal &Meanies. ALL ARE CURED BY HIS REMEDY! THROAT AFFECTION Are more frequently than otherwise caved. by r thitk. . oral mucous taint from the heed, stret daily during the might. wad re , grating from Cstarrb, are aced by DR.. SEELYE'S LIQUID CA I'ARRH REMED'IYi SYNIPTO3IS The symptoms of Catarrh are at drat very Wight. Per. none than they have a cold. that they have !.goat at tacks, and aro more sensitive to the change, o& temper ature Ia this condition the nose may be. dry, or a alight diseharp, thin and acrid afterward' Welt and adhesive, may ensue. As this &snot blooms( chronic, the discharges are Inetesesd quantity and changed to quality; they ars low thick and heavy. and are hawked or coughed off. The seeretioes ars offset''', seeing a bed breath; the s ins thlck and nand; the eyes are weak; the woo of swell is lemanid or destro. ed; deafceat frequently taus pace. Another common and Important symptom of Catarrh is that the person is obliged to clear his throat in the morning of • slick or slimy mucous. which baa fallen from the heed during the eight. When this tabs place the person may be Care that hie disease is cm its way to the lungs, and should loose no time In arresting it. The above an but few of the many Catarrhal eymp tome: Write to our Laboratory for our pamphlet de scribing tally all aymptoras; ft will be sent tree to any address, Also directions where to procure the medi cine. We are reeehrtng lettere from all tarts of the Union, and also nnieerone testimonial' from those using bearing the evidence of its Webb'', merits. " eet Th s. ble rem U eda motel= no mineral or poisonous ut It Ma nesetahls extracts elusive therefore It is perliectly lambus even to the most tender sad delicate dal& I= SEELYE'S CATARRH REMEDY I AND SAKS NO OTIIDI. If not sold by the druggist in . your vidnity they will order it for yon. Prim two dollars pm bottla - All persons WM.( with arty affection of the brad, throat or loop, should write at ones for our pamphlet fully drealtdag all symptoms pertaining to the above ADDitI39, D-R. D. H. SEELYE & CO., FIZZPOIT, ILLINOIS. Sold by all Whole ale frad Retail Druggist:. GENERAL AGENTS John D. Puk. Cinchmatt, Otifol gaiter Moab Ji g i g, tar, Chicago, 111.; Burnham' & Van Schanck, Chiang*, III.; Dana Barnes Co New York; D. Bansoni .6 Co.; Bablo. N. Ir.; Parana . Shale, & patron. Bich.; Weeks & Poen., atom; Preach , Richards 6 Co, Phan dalphla; E Sellws & Co., Pittsburgh; Calm Bro'o, at, Logi", Ito.; Barnes, Ward I Co, Now Orluum; R. A. Baboon 1 Ey.; 1 Bro., Mem- D ui& goon; P. Wm, Blehmool. Va.; Thompson & Block. Baltimore, NI; Dexter & Nellegar. Albany. B. T.; Strong & Annarong. Cleviland. Ohlo; Brun John etas. Deem; Itch.; Wilma Petan I Co. Loulnills, Emrtnekr: alliß sosaileine that meets the wet Cosin'alats tad is mersbee ct the realest items sad famortaass la Amin% is Carter's Estmet of Band Weed., Thou made esa tett* to the byth We atelemea, aed al On eve a bit Wel Wit Imam "Inte sues Med map w oLio-facpsa SAT TO ♦ !18W TONI. UP1867.-®q As orineepptaselass Ants and Roaches From their holes noes out And Lao and flab In spittle Ws. Gaily skip about. 0 111 years establbhod In N. Y. CUT." dOoly Infallible remedies koowa." - - 'Tres from Folsom." sw o t dm:wrote to the Hamm Family." 'ate comb out'of thoir bola to die." ..COSTATI'S" Et?, alacri, o, txnuors Is a 'paata—usad for Bata. Yld. Unanafai Blot and Had Ants, &a., &a. ' I OOSTAW3'. RED DUG BITERVISAVE liquid or wash—awl to destroy, sod also or a provootatire for nod Bop, COSTARIP ELECERIC POWDER FOR ENSZOTB I. for sloths,ll.equltors. Fleas. Bed Bogs. Insects on Plante, Yowls, Anbush, ko. • Cir . 111 Navels l I l o fall worthless initiations. 4 - 4/ Moe that "Conwas'if' s sente is on mash Box. Sot thi and liles ledge lii. tiny: Address. • NEWRY R. CMOS,. • 484 •roadway; N Y. Sold in Ben, 11 c rigida, and • retail dealers aterywhers. ."COSTAR!S" CLLIDRATBD BUCLT/lORN- SALVE-; For Cilis, Barns. Bruises, Wounds; BoUa,Caaeere, Broken Breasta. Sore Nipples, • Bleeding, Blind and Painful Pins, tin-liniens, Putrid and Illsonditioned Berea; Olests,43landular Swellings, krutions Cleans. nes Alsatians. Mar rone. Itch, Corns, Jealous, Chit. he.; Chapped 11.04 Lips. &a ; Bites of Spiders, Insects. Aniurals, &e , lk. ~ &nes 26 cents. 60 Cent' god Si elm , Sold by all Druggist' everywhere. And by HENRY R. COSPa ef, Depot 484 Broadway, S. Y. .00" 1 "COSTA It'S"i IMPSIVIAI CORN SOLVENT, Tot Coma, Batton', Wart; ho. Onus. 25 stn., SO eds. and SI tins. Road by all Drunnintm n•yrn.b.lb And:by HENRY R. COSTAR, D.pot 484 Broadyar N. Y. ..""COSTA R'B" .. . PREPARATInN OP RITTER-SWEET & ORANGE BLOSSOMS' POE 8C41.1111712.10 tAB CiMIPLEXION Used to eaten sod beautify the Eldo, remove FreeVas, ' mplos,Eraptlcroa, As. Ladles are sow using It to ;mimeos to all others. Bottles St. gold Wall 1 remelts every . Thera. Aed by HENRY R. COSTAR, Depot 4114 Broadway Y. C 0 S TA S PECIOILL COUGH REMEDY,' ;F t ez piac Coup r he, Ce b. lda ta rl an oanien sa, ne, Astuo Sore , Thnei_ comm_ t lo Cio tti c a: p i Droanial Affections, sad all dilation of the Thro Loafs. Battu. 25 do, so eta. sod $1 Hue. Bold by at Dra Dl NR l gnets imerywhets. Ant by' Y R. cosres. Depot 411 Broadway. N. Y. "COSTAR'S" p cumin= BIBII . OP PILLS, • lINIVEDII/L DINNER PILL, Tcr Tenons and Vick Ileadecks Costiveness, Ina I=l.Dispeses,, Siimam" Constipation, Diur ea Chula, Fmrs, ad gals* dereagement of the Digestive Orga n. Roza, SS eta, Ed ets i sod VI lavvi• • Bold by all Dravida:sr abets. Lod by MIT k. co k , Depot 4811 Dreadeig N.Y. THE MERCHANTS ANION EXPRESS COMPANY. \,; CAPITAL, - - $20,000,000. Our Mercbants and Manufacturers, Carries by Exyresi, Money, Valuables, Freight & Parcels, Over more than . 13,000 miles of Express 'Line, And to more than FOURTEEN HUNDRED OFFICES, And through them to ICAkte than 4,000 Cities and Towns, lt Just and Liberal Rates, Base on DISTANCE and COST. Our Lines are Constantly Extending, A ND! will soon exceed those run by both the Adsiterican and 11. 8. Express Co's. Over $lOO,OOO per month Are nom saved to Express Shippers by thi4 Com pany,f and this saving, can be made permanent by continuing the same liberal patronage hitherto-giv en it. 'Experienee assures our ISUCCP., and convinced us thai we may rely upon the public confidence and support, which we hope to merit alsmy.t. e Other No. V.O West rack wow. fe. ti-dac C. B. BARBI% Agent. ....._ ~, ~....._ ..„..a_ . _. ____,____ ,r_.,.,,._ :_.:.....„... .;) v , ,: , x. SEWING - ~,....-. . - 1" - "ia. 7, - - f. _=. • _, -_ .= -- - . 4 1. ,_.-.,„‘......„-,,...,..._,., ' , - GEORGE ESTER, Sole agent for Erie county for there getehmied Ma chines, has on heed, t Lytle t Goaldinire Tailor shop, Fifth street, between State and Peach. a large varietEr embracing all kiria and prices, which h* reepeethilly invites the public to call and exem.ne The Howe ma chine is acknowledged to be the tyst in tee, doing ail kinds of work. and being easily kept in order. Fry proof of these &amnions, 1 simpl - ask a it (al of the ma chine, warranting them to d , all I promise. Or Let all call and es mine be'ore ptrchasing other riaciiines. Special attention given to repairing Ma chines of any kind promptly repaired, at moderate char ges, - ;malii-tt rIPOIITA?iT NOTICE. 1 I.osf?oga.9fi lbs for 8109 " toot While Co ff ee, en., lbs 1 03 Alrrwis do., 9 lbs 100 iev AT ONE DOLLAR AND DPW PDS The beet: tea in the m•rtet at $2OO Choke Honey Sem), per franca I 40 Ps/me Did Java Coffee, per lb W ICriWthity-should be without It. Everybody ig using It. To be had of 0., its we are the nee/. &11 and pt etas or those PATENT LAMP CHIMNEY cLEAssr.s. nicest thing oat Just received. All of the shore goods lie will sell cheaper their the cheapest. r All mir goods are new, baying just beso trelved. We invite all to examine for themselves. _I my 17'66-tl-1 HEARN, Clll ISTIAN ,& CRAIG. I$ TOG WANT TIM Bat.ll AELTICLE or TO.EACCO AND CIGARS ib the Starlet: go to‘ HENRY T. STERNER'S, COA•fill Op ITATI A.prD FOCATII STAZIETB, 11111, PlOrS't AVAOL:VALE AND RRTAIL DRALERS Everything la the Totseco line—Cigars. Ping, Chew leg, Cigar cuss. Meerschaum Pipet Holders, , ke., ar ways kept en band. Our 'variety Is so large none fall to Le stilted. vr Particular _attention paid to Indira sod a , l goods warrantad to be what thity are sold for. STOP THIEF. THE GREAT •iVESTERN & AM ERICAN HOR.'E INSURANCES DETECTIVF COMPANY Rave-sallght six stolen horses wlthitr - the past.week, - and hoe captared more horse thieves since its organi zation than any otbor company, or than all other com panies and deteervos combined It has s detective force Wending from Pittabrirg, Pa., to Courted Bluffs. lowa, and from Cairo to the Lakes. It has au actual cash senile, of $1 4 1,510 09. and an authorised capital of 5100 000. It has over 18,5Ud policies in for. e, and la the poly live stock Insurance Company doing bnerness in thirßtate; ' • WARNFR & GERRItH, No. 1 Park Row, P.r.o, Pa., wilt insure tour hones or cattle against death die eaee or accident, and against theft, or sgainet theft and death both. for less money than it would coat to adver tise your stolen horse. We might fill up the whole pa per with tames of parties and certificates of irodividuels who have received remuneration from thin company for lost ahimals, but one front the veil known firm of Louth. & Sterrett. of this plate, Witt be Toad with in terest, which shoos that the company is Leon:Ten, i• fact asorell u In name, and that they not only pay hor ses. but pay them w.tb premptneas and despatch : We, the undersigned, hereby certify that on the 25th day of August we insured our entire livery strut, con sisting of 12 tortes. •Ith Mantra Warner &Gerritb, ta the Great Western and Ameriesn Horse Iniarence Co.; that on the 143 day of September one of them died of Choirs. and on the 10th day of September tie received s draft on New York for the full amount of the Izmir anew. - LOESCEI & STERRETT. . . Brie,Sept 11, Pei. Insurance casibp effected In Waterford by ectlea• on Mum. SenT & Vananden; In Wattabdeir of. Wni. Vaal. anden; In Edinboro of Esquire Burnham. - Very Respeothill, WA/ 1 .14ER k GEBBISA, 'General Fire, Life, Marine and horse Insurance Office, No.l Park Rim, Erie. Pa. GREAT RARdAINS in Wall Papers CAUGIIEY, McCREARY & CO., Having determined to retire from the Wall Payer-trade, are now altering their entire stock, Including GILTS, SATINS, lIECONVION AND COMMON WA LL PABERS AND BORDERS This lea rare opportnnit: for persona whiting to pa• psr their houses this fall or next spring, to lap in their stoolrat We are compelled to close oat oar wilt pipers tome dtately, to m.ake room fOr on increased stock of Hooka, Statlon!ry, pictures, picture frame,. &c. oatll.ll 1 VOSOLUT lON OF CO.PARTNI3II44tIIP The firm heretofore eziattng node? the name of CA'RTE'R Fr. CARVER, Mae dissolved by mutual consent, dating from January 16th, 1866, hr. Carter retiring. The books Of the .old firm may be found at the old pram Prompt settlements refluested. • 5. CARTER. J. B. CARVER, Mr Carter has auodated hie ion with hick, and will continue the baguets under the nuns and Erin of J. B. CARVER C 0.,& Keeping a nee and well selected stock ofMega, Steen eine.. Platt Chemicals. Kure Pharmaceutical -Preuara 11eas, Ram Perfumes, Taney Article,. do. Thoszperioneed clerks of this house are retained and A - persona Gan' rely upon belay correctly mired at all Norms—Tim service. of My. J. S. Cuter as,. also beat seemed, 'ad be. be happy to moot 124 old Maids sad customer. at 21 PARS POW,-11111 OLD OTANI, ..au . • • F. A . nutir, uvaLuir & TIN. Stf-W IRON k COPPER WORK, AND OAS AND STEAM FITTERS ' No, 331 State St., Corner of Fourth, Erie, Pa. ME to either of tha bets_branettaq golicltsd and partaptly ectiented. C. '11:21', B. Intsts7, a. licit/03G ?fa PL, otter. Copp,? Smith. Cu &Steam Mtn Conati-1,1 FALL & WINTER auLLlrdeu* GOODS MRS. 8. H. HALL Takes p h ar hi aaleoonetna to the pipit: that the hu errata a low 'fore at 1229 Peach st.. 1 square North of Union Depot, Wherelbe keep eenattritly * large ruisty of MILLINERY AND DRY GOODS, Misery. Cloths sad si metal emartment of everything tyr kept we load t ta °I atm alike Had. • a imsint pso& put milisation tia ;mraaM Otomd twd Operated by SELF EAMIN 4 FLOUR 1,114) BUSHELS CHOICE POTATOES AT ALUM' ANY PRICE LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRIORS CAUL :EYE McCREARY k ca., No. II Park Row WORE OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Ayer's Sarsaparilla A. compound remedy. designed to be the most effectual Alterative that can 'be made. It is a concentrated extract - of Para- Sarsaparilla, so Combined with other substances of still greeter attentive power as to afford an affec tive antidote fur the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by-those who suffer from Steumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure ialist prove of immense service to this large.elass df our afflicted fellow- • citizens. -Ilow completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many, of the Worst cases to be found of the following complaints : - -Scuorets AND SCOOTOLOVA CONPLAINTS, MICUPTIoNi AND ELLOPTIVL DISEASES, VICTIM, PIMPLES, lkorents, TCLIOWL SALT Rnaysx, SCALD MAD, 5T141:1133 AND SYPHILITIC AP FLuTIONS, MISUCCIOAL DISEASE, DOOM, NEC. Dal, !tA OD TIC DOC:1.0111=X, Dcratarr, PTPALA AND INDICEiTIOX; EISTSIPELA9, ROSE on Sr. ANTOONICS Fritz, and indeed the whole class of complaints ari,ing from lamtrrarz OP rut: BLOOD. This compound will be found a great pro. motor of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors w4ich fester tin the blood at that SCILiOjI of the year. By thetirrie. ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders aro nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the enduraneemf foul eruptions and'ulcerous sore , , through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this.thiough the enthral channels of - the bc;dy by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions,. or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell Ton when. Even where no particular disorder is •felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, land all fps well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later semething must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrOwn. • Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been' egregiously deceived by preparations of - it, partly because the drug alone hai not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to 'be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. - Daring late years the public have been mis led by largo bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for ono dollar. Most of these have been frauds -upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and - cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a'remedy as-shall rescue' the name from the load - of obloquy which rests -upon it. And we think irk have ground for believing it has virtues which arc irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the. remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. =i DR. 1. AVER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle 1 Slr. Bottles for $ • Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has, won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary fur us to recount the evidence of its' virtleg, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its ouality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do fur their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic rciort TAM COTE OP Costireness, .latusdiee, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Lim. Complaint. Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worm+, Gout, Neuralgia, as (s -pinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They axe sugar-coated, so that the most semi tire can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aptrient in the world for all the 'lmposes of a family physic. Price 25 conte per Box; Five bozes for $l.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Phrsicians,States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AMEILICAIkt Atm u.' AC in which they are given; with also hill descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure.. Do not be put off by rinprihciplei dealers with other prepatatmus they mulse more profit on. Demand Art.teN, aml tube no other;. The sick want the best aid there fur them; and they %hould have it. All our mrledics are for sL.le. by N I , 1 1::t1 El!thaTti:q , ". Alit) UNDRRTARIN:i W A R E =yaß 0 0 M S On State St ,between Seventh and Eighth. Th, Lave entered into the Cabinet Making and FURNITURE TRADE, tc.l prrpoee making to order and keeping cosetantly on head all kinds of Fornit,,, ord•-rte will receive prompt attention. Repairing done on 'bort notice. • - UNDERTAKING The rubecribere will give special attention to this de partment of their bushiest. They will manufacture and keep constantly on hand a large ateortment of tdotallia Cesee and Comes, and bold themselves in readiness to meet orders In this line, promptly, from any part of the country. Determined Lowness no efforts togive tatisfse• Mon both in the gctlitv of their goods end prig's. they hope to Femme a liberal share of public patronage. MOORE kt RIBLET, s prIPC2-if.' Sneteetors to .1.11. Ern -vv. READY PAY STOME. - A. lIIINIG Would respectfully inform. the Public nit Ire has Parch;used the STOCK of GROCERIRS of Arme f o 4 RUSSELL, 0014.1 F OP 'STU APO - ETA:B STS Where ho intents to keep a poi an aseorkverit o OROCEPaES & PROVISIONS, WOOD . WILLOW WARE, AND VARIETY DOOM as is kept in Ell% ' Kept constantly on hand. BEST BRANDS OF ERIE CO. FLOUR • WARRANTED A GOOD ARTICLE! rr The highest Siarbit Price pnld for ell o Country Product it • Irv- Goody deft .. . Terra free &charge to my part o; th City. , BOOKS frOlt TIIC MILLION. CAUGUEY, MoCREARY & CO., BOORELL:ERS - AND STATIONERS, NO. It xop.TH rArtx ROW, Are now opening the largest Cod most esrffully selected stock of elegantly her Ed end beautifully ill¢rtrated 800 K B ! Ever Inv uslat to ibis mark.t. including Standard works, new English and American Juvenile Boot; Mies, Prayer Books, and Church Services, in nos stries.-Also. TINE STATIONERY ARTICLES, Writing Desks, Fancy Ink Stands, Wise Toilet and Work Boxer, Pertfollos. Stereoscores and viers. Prang's Card Pictures, the mont'beantiful Sunday School Cards In great VP ?Jolty, Port Ifonnales. Card Cases. Gold Pena, Propelling Venetia, a large misty of Fancy Articles In Scotch Plaid, Photograph Album, from the tut mans factoriea, in the best styles.. ju2P66.tf ' CACCIFIST. VocREARY k CO. A UTHOILIZED CAPITAL E 1300,000. CAPITAL PAID IN, V 201,000. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK IV 11l open for - bomb:l*gs oil • MONDAY,- DECEMBER, 12TH, 1684. 111 the Banktnr onkel now occupied by the Merchant', Bank, In Brown's Rotel Bellanz. north-east corner of State street and public Park. - WM. L. SCOTT, FRIMIDEST. 'WM C. CLI1111", Cseatstt DIRECTORS' WIS. 1,. SCOTT. of Arm of J. Rein h Co, Coal Dealers JOS. IacCABTER, of Orin of Zielden, Bliss & lleCarter BuDders. GEO. J 11ORTON, Coal Dealer. W. S. BROWN% Agent Bp ENID t Brte JOHN C. BURGESS, of firm of C'emene, Canghey Braver, Vils& wale Grocers. O. E. CROI7CIT. of flan of Crouch h Bro., Flour H. R. BARS, of arm of Dam Jobneop A saaroan, Stove STros Omit/Jars, F. F. FARRAR, Gray Ar, Farrar, Wholesale Grocers' J. DRESIGAKER, Grocer. Rea. DIM. t. 108 f. IF YOU WA NT TO BROW A LITTLE qB EVERYTHING relating to the human system, male and female; the WM. and treatment of diseases; the marriage customs of the world; bow to .I=l well, end a thousand thinp serer published before, read the re vised and enlarged edition of Mericar. CentlOS Bum; a crarione book or eurions people, and a good book tor wag one. 400 pages. 100 Ithatrationa. Pries $l6O. Contents table s int (reel* any address. Boots may bs had at the book stores. or will be mint by mall, post paid, on receipt of the prim A MILO, tkall3o Bnadwas. New TOIL. Ilanufactusere or COTTAGE oIiGANS. Ince and Wareroom, No. 017 Broadway, New York. We 'Deft, the itteritioit of otxtEcts and the nubile to Cli7B NEW STYLE COTTAGE ORGANS, With new and valuable impro.ementa, exelanivoly our vim. The mules are the LABar.37 TBE haftZr.T, new and beautiful lo design and workmanship. Our Or gan. are made from the beet of material. Voiced with great ware, having smooth pipe organ (malty of tone, yet deep and'nuellow. Are finished In hlibly poll.hed Week Walnut and Hose Wood Cues with double bel low., double blow Wale, knee ewe'l , Ae: All base our new pa.eat tremolo atop with which tbr , twit b•eatlfal athlete can be mdueed, varying at the will of th. per. former. We reelre ens good. active agent la arerw enanty.a will meet,.nar iere,,st diseonnts; send for illuet , at,l price lilt gtridg toll pal tieulars. n. J. WILT AM/ h CO. Beneath:trete, 627 Broadway, h Y . a- J.-VVILLAUD & CO, Wholesale kieoto :or th' it, and tit tt, o; Sry voik , for the cafe .rated "VOSE" PIANO FORTES, Ste itrist'y st,Sattos Prat end-hare not l',lleJ to eeome the LESIIING wher..,T in•rodneed. Desists will t,e fold of the towePt shoirsCe sre stisrantse4 toot. hot, I.a ge price hit ev il:lg cotrect'llo.owelp. from ph, b ortphs sent t soy act dress on spoltes'h.n. Athltes. J 0 WII.I ARC CA. Wholeasie Agents, No 021 tlrrado ay, N Y . THE BRIGGS NEW PATENT PI A NO,S Acknowledgel by tie. te,te and re, fe ii;og tote tt, Neatest and mottlesb:ct Stott rixnu.scture:l We are Wholeiude A gent,' for 'Ora City. and a•. emir supelymg the principal 31ggic iinueet is New stools, and ao trait I* the derntnd, th t a I trge t.ctry basbee • erected capah'e et . tuTntng oat 1,000 Von's p,r month_ healer et the tlanufac.urers I.OtCFI4T WllOl,llB al.w Pit , CES—b,sed and ebteped free 01 charge. :' sad for price lir.t g.vieg and correct 0. J. WILLARD , Foie Ar.tP, 6.7 Bruntivray N.l NSW MUSIC Jest PubHebei, B.ot in any addre s co reniipt of price. TeaeLe.rB got - pH , dof the lanai di.d - unt • got a home of you: 1./IVa...NC., :nog end el.o. rim by Tooter .3(1 I II newer forget thee dear Nary r ....,0 blue eyed Joni/4 Beli—wine by 3! °Mee - Oh Annie CAISIO hick—sung and Omni, by Taeher....:•ii Told In the twilight—sons and chinos by Cri11ey....30 Oon't merry n rahn tf he drinks --Li one •si I'll marry no non if he dri.tioa-,,p , y to the no .re-. 5 Beautiful form of m r dream. (I,ith ) , 13z by Dante When we marchid to the roll of the ....row— snug y Itiahop rt) Oh tame to me when daylight R.te—eong by Ra.sfordi:d Nearest and deareit (Lich )—.nog by .1 Ic Thonoie:: (U Gies me honest frier,d4 and true—song by Tio-ker....iio Do not by diner warning, rep . y- to Gt p Ws' warnled— song by Tricker Jennie who liras in the del—Deng by J. tt Thom,. 35 Softly o'er the rippling water F—song be J. K T ones with beiutiful flthegraph of the Auth , r ..... ....4) Bells in distant Insult—song by Tucker—, • 0 The light q.t. P.. 1 kl.—b- Fts.nein If. Brown ' 35 Morning tight st*.ot.tineh—by Besdon ~ 0 Sunlight Dells—t , '” -n. Parkhurst — . —.. 4 0 Paolo galop_by airl. I arl,hunt TO Something pretty, Mazurka —by lire. Parlhurnt TO Beware. (tune ett—ssord A be 1 o , gi..llow 33 Pretty Xo.llll , l o —poriz. by K. P i laff/min .1" I'm T r iad father's tense—_• Or, _AO Mollie i n weicomr to Pat lin..ony ......................43 Fler.beart in all my coma—by linen TO The cot I,ehlo t' e mill—Fon; 1,, Celtoo 30 Swinging ennui the WOE, la You naughty, naughty man —it n g intim 8 a-it Crook 35 Now,l lay me down to rleep -ran g :Ltd CliOrtl3 by Wal bridge 30 Blue lyre or black—song by F. Pal., 35 Stars of the Summer nighl—Claartetta . 00 Coming, gaming, by and by—song by Gasr , el 45 We'll go with Bract aritic—new rong and chorus-by Tucker 30 mit, boys, halt,—song and shorts ty 11e , :nugh•511..35 The new borne, sweet home—acing br a aisro Pampa...PO • • • • •• . Any tnttaic pubgahed will be ient by reocrn mail, and parties over-paying will reetitiO thole c acme with the music. Addres, orders 0. J. WILL allir & CO, No. G 27 Broadway, N. V. DU: LEON'S a - LEBRATED PREPA ILT lONS I I"PE rr.r.FEcTioN OF Ff EDICIL SCIE4C.E. DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER. It!sa p ctire core f.ir aaldem It ',Acres gray hair to its original color. It is a tonic, not a doe, and act, upon the iecis,tione. It immedlatorly.at rest§ falling. out of the hair. It alleviate!. s euralgta and Headsello. It radically can, Dandrua and Humors. It keeps the Scalp healthy, mean rad cool. It Is an esquleitelv magma hair dressing. It restores, cultivates and beautiful the Hair. - It makes harsh hair flexible and Inetrona. Dr LePleS Electric! flair Renewer bas enjoyed a hieli local reptitattati.far =ay years Its wougerful reatnre tire and Invigorating proturtom are well - known to the mutate taco ty of Philadelph a Being fully yattsCed of the merits of LPOVII E ectrle Hair. Renewer we have precured exclusive owneevhip and are d•termine•l that ever- household In oar land shall hare the op; or trinity to reap Its benefits. LP,. LEON'S INFANT RENIEDI A mile delight fill and rill •acions co, for the various ilia to which ml auto and yoidig childvan ern suLlect. Invaluable ha veil:dog children It siiftenr the gams, an. lat!”11311t1013, iuvigaratAt the stomach and trow els eeereetn ecidity, and is a rote rod epeedy cn e for Crarripli and windy pain.. A rack esc.illent pro paraion for children of a restless • n i fretful habit and In all mars of loolienesa, griping. roreiticg or other rn ward grief, it given immediate ease. Coed far more thou bails century In the prlvate practice of one of toe moat eminent phys.cians of Philadelphia. In sow placing this article within the reach of all our countrymen we would remark that we know it to he ed r of unri- Aalled ercellence, and that it hoe prored la theayanda of ease., a. we are required it shall in millions. a priceless boon For sale by Dragghts everywhere. SILVERS -WASH POWDER: Saves tone. labor and money—makes Washing a vas time and MOD' ay a Fee Aral. Sold everywhere. Try it. • deen-ly &darer& ill orders to MEGLER & SMITH. • Sole Proerietors.l37 North T. ire Street. Phila. K EY TOPE STOVE WORKS. TIBBALS, SHIRR & WHITEHEAD, ItAIif7ACITAI34 0? STRIVES AND FOLLOW WARS, Rave a large and extensive assorttneL t of Stoves at wholesale arta Retail. THE IRON GATE ' La ftrzt-eLloa Coal Conk Store, witb or withc rarer Ton, for hard or soft a al, or wood, am! is BETTER THAN .THE STEWART sr o% We al 43 marnefaeture the WHEAT giIEAF AND NE:W ERA, Both low oven Cool Cook Stovve—wits wool grates— can be aged 'later for coal or wood THE FOREST JAK. We are still mannfacturintr this ee'ehrated L. oven Stove 4or wood—with or without reservoir. THE'MENTOR,- A Low Oven Stove for Wood This is a nee; Stove beautiful design, and now for sale—talk-ter eith ' a. largo arsortment of elevated Oven Coot , Parlor Conk for wool! or coal, and Parlor and Wee Storm for wood or a-nl. C. U. TIC.P.ALS, D. Su , W. H. 'WHITEHEAD Erie, Jan. It. 181 I—ti. pANK • NOTICE. KEYSTONE NATIONAL BANK OF ERIE. • • CAPITAL, $250,M).. ' DIRLCTORS : sgtoEs MARVIN, JOHN W. Etal.l RUSH MARVIN, BESTER TOWN. O. NOBLE. ORANGE NOBLE, President. • JOHN J. TOWN, Cashier. The above bank will be opened for - the tranancti. of business on DEC. 5, 1865, IN HUGHES' BLOCK, West side of State St., between Seventh and £tgltn Satisfactory paper dtztonnted. Stoney received on Deposit. Collections made and proceade aceonoted . promptness. Drafts, Specie and Bank Notes boned and sold ♦ abate of Public Patronage is reseee-fully F LIA NC'S PFEFFER, E►SLI►CTCAIIE ♦EL DIALLA 111 BOOTS' AND SHOES! EVERY STYLE AND VARIETY, No. 816 State Se., West Side, bet. Bth and 9th, BRIE, PA rir Just received, • now stock of Goods, which will be sold at the lowest Immo. CATARRH. Culf.ftP FOlf. ONIS DOLLA.Its 1. READ For one dollar, per mail, I will send free to any address a recipe and medicine that I will gnarinte• to care the worst cams of Catarrh in the head or bron ellel tribes in a few weeks. It has saved my life. and eurtil ma. of Catarrh and a lover* bronchial trouble I had suffered with for years. I tried the t eat phyaloyane apd all the advertintd medicines of the day, but found oo relief till I obtained this. I wluld give one hundred dollars for this recipe and the medicine it I now hsd the Catarrh and could not obtain it len. I believe, tf Instructions are followed, it will care any ease wha4rer that has not already reactod the lunge and b•a- Ze a settled 150131111111010 U Cure it wh 'le von can. Address T. F. SYYIIF.3. No. 1621/ Fulton '4., ILL T R OTA", HEMOTHD. The Subscriber who hail °coupled the 'Mansion Rouse, just above the Cepot, lot the put four years, has removed into the • NATIONAL HOTEL, CORNER OT PEACH - AND BUFFALO STREET Whew he will try to aceommodete twice as many goes and as well, uhe did is the old stand. He hopes th the patronage which was so libenify extended to him there, wID be wended to him to his new quartet. His stabling IA mfiletent to accommodate all Waders who aosharra with their pstrargo. JOEIV 3011.1. F O,U T I=l Ilorso allll Cattle Pow this *Maid, stieb aS LUN:I; YELLOW WA TER, II COUGHS, LIS TESIPF,R, FE vrEs, rousnrit Losi TITE ALAI) VITAL ENERGY, Sc. Its use Improves the wind. Inc:taws the appetite—gives e smooth ands glossy skin—and , transforms Ih er miserable skeleton bone. To keepers of Cmrs this 1 , r,r , , Is flcrea .ses u quiitLt; t a i -kr. Mil In a ll di...-11.,1" Swineuh, the Lanes, Liver, ke . this article act, as a ,pecific. By patting fri,m one-half a yelper to a pater 555 barrel of Awl!' the abase llllett.os srlll be eradicated "" or en tile pros ents-IT if g preventive and Cut• f t • I. Price 25 Coats, yr rittp.A.:.....r.n S. A.. VC)11.717Z WIIDLES ALE DREG AND MIDIFINF DM, No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, For tiale•by DruggiAta and Stort'itt , p ti uut the United StAte2. - An t ;A;o1.1 NEW -PERnII For the Handkerchief. 7 .,:. g . ::, t-,; t.- LON)! ... J *-= ...... ...7:.-Pr z A Most Exquisite. Delicate. grant POrfunie. Distilled from Choi and - Beautiful Flower from wild takes its name. . Manufacture , l only by PHA LON it NEW YORK. BEWARE OF COHTERFEI! ASK ron PIIIILON'S- . -TAKE NO OTFa, „ So!dby Dru..^siAs ectem::F. D ,vp.. C A RSON, Dealer" in ALI. HINDS OF GROCERIF.3, FACE?, F.,;17.1 AND PROVISIONS, FIRL `'tree!, between State and r roue-, F- Sarin: purchased our stock trf, . 'the Late ro, In price.,' es , fecl confident of being r r able to sire faeion. both ic price and qoslity. Country Prodr.ee of, eery .rt hooch: •r , • :Le • rem alcreyeden-tif.l r.celefni ;:ef ket prim for th.trarttclev. I= And on tL•e Lane. = 11=MII rsztunmr.r: M'O - .t JAcK•cu , ::: ..!..:1F.7- Fir.: a Sr ur r MEE M ORRISON 15.; DINSIIORL, ,WIIOLSBA.LE DEALHEI6 15 FLOUR, PORK, BEEF, SALT, - CLOVER, TIMOTHY' SEED, ' SOS, 601 AND 603, FRENCH SIS• • Zietweez Stla sad dtb eit39ll3t.f Ft , N U RAVING. TUSINESS, WEDDING A-ND irrE CA La Rill FleatlNCertilcatee of (71t au! , STAMPING, EMBOS6ING, SEALS, BT •• J. i. LAP :A 1 , PARAGON 1115ILDING, WEST Pt 11.6 1 7 11 ap2P65-ft Frs. MMME Purchased the wen—known Las..ry occupied by Wm J. Sterrett, des.re, to re 4: and the public that he will coittitir ' invites their patron...is. THE Will be largely inerewed and antes have been proeured, and sum. of Horses In the country. lam d term,. : - the establishment as t. rt. r•tir.er: - Want to obtain the rerviceso: a go. d r,t ready at all times to ere d 1:.• .r., 7 . prices. %collect the pare, TER:ifiTi."3 01. , ) Fifth street, rear of the Reed House Erle, June 11, 1885 —it TP. !,`,` J. EICRECLIXII. JI4 J. 1 rr J. EZCLIENLAVII malcrrAcrunELs B 00 TS .k N 11 :3 11 WHOLESALE AND RF7,11, dT RP,DVCRD PRI' S 3 rlnvin a 1%-r• ru • own manafeciure on hand, with a tar:4 , .:2 of caromede work, wo ch- ito , a at lieteil than any other establlshccont tivo Having had long experience ss to V.. trant. , ' cern, we elan take special value cn.;anrcss.i mar them.; tie have the czczarcre ,a make the PLUMER PATENT BOOTS Si for the bette(ft ' ot oar customers, and oui:.o et them, to estiiry any one as to their ,orc.ac those those made in the oh! way. The Pioneer Bgot neeils no.breskul zn; firm the start as one worn torlictre 0 , • CUSTOII DEPART:L.:ST Will reeeive, our own espe.mal attent:on LEATHER. LASTS AND FINDI!LI Pot the trade always on nand to ino Tendering Oinks to our feends .uI past patronage, hope by just and benorstle merit la_ron finnan co of the same, and orJA:1!: : to sail - wand examine oar stock Wore ru rtaw!: . where. No. 623. State St Erie, Pa. 1212E1=2 J . IIDSON & WILDER ,Venufseturers and 6'bn'ea TIN, JAPAN AND PRE - SSEP IV/ STOVE FIFE 8T 0 V 7 E TR I til I N , Waterford, Erie Co., P 4 orklotm , v - m.tl promptly •t0..,' R E EMEDIAL INSTITUT lOs trECIAL ca,x , No. :4 BOND nTRF.EP, WS—VI% Falliiarntation ' ith the Al Olio Elotka, ...pedal Milano.M 10 otaia at 1t,.. -5157- h'e tart and att..! 1(1 mu lot ferret tt ; tor, ail' advers , s o.; • 13 goo/quit; Imposters, without refer"' should ha trusted. 'Eudora a fttarap *teat to lilt. LAWnssce, No. 14 Bu:``', i *,- NEW YOBS. EMPLOYMENT POO LIUTO 'Disabled and retuned soldiers, 41doe. of than soldiers, and the unentgoyed of t.th,.,„: artily in want et nopeetable nod profitsh merit, innards; no ask, can procure soar Gln a postpaid addressed DR, fpa ttll envel,pe or re..7,t, Eon 16$ 8t00.4a avg-tf MEM MING BIZIM ntraom • .. . ,r t.: :.i . ME ? T'•!... t MEE! ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers