grit Oburbtri THURSDAY. MARCH 28. -IsF Bar The moat Largely undated 7tem3p , jper in •N. Pennsylvania, and Me best Adverti sing mediu m• TEM SPRING ELlSCTrxrxm. The New Hampshire Patriot and Ga zette of the 20th inst., brines us pleasant news of the result of the recent elections there. „ Harriman has a majority of 3 030, against Smyth'emajority of 4,657 last year —showing a net Democratic gain of 1,627. The Democratic vote numbers 3 2 648, which is 2,167 larger than the vote last year. The aggregate vote of the State is 68,376: The Democrats make a gain of about 16 members of the House, one Councillor; and the county officers in Graf ton and Merrimack, excepting, perhaps, the Treasurer in the latter. Among the agreeable incidents of the campaign is the result in the old Federal town of Bosom en, which, for the - first time in mote than sixty years, cast a majority of votes for a Democratic candidate for Governor I The LewistoWn (Icifflin -County) Demo end. says : "Thi - DeMocrats of .Lewistown covered themselves all over with glory last Friday. A sound, genuine, Demo cratic Burgess was elected, by forty major ity, as were also all the father candidates on the Democratic -ticket. in both wards, save and excepting only the edge• in the East ward, who was barely beaten one vote. This is the Seat time in upwards of fifteen yearn that Lewistown has bad a Democratic Bargees, and the first time in twenty years that the Democracy mede a clean sweep !" • The Democracy of Carlisle overthrew • the ltadical dictatorship and took the cor. porate author ity i in their own banda. The Volunteer says : • "Weselected the Burgess by 183 insjori ty the Assistant Burgess, the - Assessor and Assistant Assessors. six out of nine members lat . the Town Counci), an& Bor. ough .Anditer. We elected a Justice of the Peace 'and one Councilman in 'the West ward, which uniformly given a large Republican majority. At • the municipal election last'spring the RepubliCans elect - ed their- Burgess and a majority of the Council. This is a triumph of which we may well feel proud." The Democrats of Franklin County made a gallant fight at the recent spring ejections. The whole number of town ships in the county is twenty-two. Re turns from nineteen are now before us. Out of these,-the Democrats carry ten, the Radicals. eight, and one 'is a tie. The Democratic gain in the townships beard from, over the vote of 18G6, when the Re publicans carried the county by 293 ma jority, is 327. The recent town elections in New Jer sey show material Democratic gains, Burlington county, which, in 1865, gave the Republicans 2,468 , majority, and, in _1866, 708 majority, is now Democratic - the Democrats having gained four free holders, and secured o majority of two in the board. In Salem county, which in 1865-6 was Republican by 262 and 264 the Democrats now hold a majority in the board of freeholders. The result in the city of Camden is thus related by the Democratic paper of the place : "The election in this city on Tuesday list passed off in a very quiet manner. The day being very inclement, and a com paratively light poll being out, both par ties suffering in an equal manner from such cause. Charles Fox (Rem) was elect ed Mayor of the city, by 71 majority ; Democratic gain of 133 votes since last fall." . • IN;rna U. S. Senate, on the22nd inst., Mr. Wilson, of lifessatbusette, offered a series of preambles and resolution in re- gard to the imprisonment of Jefferson Davis, which poseesseil the more interest as coming from one of the leading Radi cals of that body. After reciting the mode of Davis' arrest, the charges on which he is held, his claims of innocence., and per sistent endeavors to .secure . a trial; they close as follows : Resolved, That the longer confinement of the said Jefferson Davis, without a trial or the assignment of a specific time for a trial, is not in accordance with the de mands of justice, the spirit of the laws, and the requirement of the Constitution ; and that in common justice, sound public • policy and the national honor unite in re commending that the said Jefferson Davis be brought to a speedy and public trial, or.that be be released from confinement on bail or on his own recognizance. No vote has yet been taken on Mr. Wilson's resolution, but our information pm Washington warrants" the belief that if is not smothered l ict — commit tee, for party purposes, the Senate will adopt it, though the measure is not likely to meet with as favorable treatment in the House. "The public sentiment of the country has under go)tte a change in Davis' case, and two- thirdp of those who were loudest for hang• ink, a year ago, would now be willing to see him released in the manner - proposed by Mr. Wilson. , The way in svhich politics are run in New England is shown in the - following dispatch from Bridgeport,. Conn., to the N. Y. Herald "A careful canvass of the Fourth Con gressional district shows as it now stands the iron man Barnum will be elected over the showman Barnum by _one thousand majority at least. A body of monied men, who are radical Republicans, have got control of several mines where a great number cf laborers are employed. Those monied men are going to notify said la borers, through agents, on election day, if they do not vote the Republican ticket they will be discharged. Wealthy Demo crats having got wind of the arrangement have put in and bought two or three other mines, which they will work with such laborers as vote the Democratic ticket, and are discharged therefor from other places." The Kew York Gazette says that a new weekly publication of the feminine gen der ia,to be undertaken in that . city. It will be owned and menage I in every de partment, mechanical se well as edttorial, exclusively by the ladies. Two female Phonographic reporters Irom London have been imported to do the city affairs. The editorial staff is to consist of Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Mrs. Calhoun, Mrs. Croly, -(-Jennie June) Mrs..Parton and Mrs. Ter hune. Miss Olive Logan will be dramatic critic, and Miss Anna Dickenson will do the scolding. It will be gossipy no doubt. TniNNew York Tribune has it:flood word to say on behalf of the destitute people of the Smith: " The starving," it well stiy, "have no politics; and the merciful Should have none. The best re construction we can think of here is the supply of bread to the starving." • 7 Tax PreSident on Saturday vetoed the Supplementary Reconstruction bill ; but Congress immediately repassed it without debate—the Rouse by 114 yeas to 23 nays; the Senate by 40 yeas to 7 nays--and it is ,Acer the law of the land. • "" si ON ROGUES FALL OUT; &V. . 'One of the most interesting debates that aas xet taken place in Congress occurred on the 21st inst., upon the bill extending relief to the suffering people of the South. The measure was fatored by the Demo crats and C mservative 112 publicans, and warmly opposed by the 'extreme Rad icals, like Stevens, Butler and Ashley. During its consideration Judge Bingham, of Ohio, one of theVivocates. of the bill, and the ablest Republican_ in the Honse (always excepting our own incomparable Scofield), becoming indignant at the spite ful mode in which Butler displayed his hostility to the measure, took oceasion to give him's piece tif his- mind: in the fol. lowing plain manner:_` { "It does not become the gentlenian who recorded his vote' fifty times (Eldridge suggested times) for the arch traitor of rebellion, for the Presidency of the United States, to undertake to cast an imputation either on my integrity or my honor. I repel with scorn and contempt any utterance of that kind by any man. whether he be the hero of Fort Fisher taken, or thehero of Fort Fisher not tak' en. [Rears of laughter.] I also at-nd Ihere, sir, in the name of the American pee ole to repel with scorn any attempt to tevy charities by confiscation in violation of the Constitution of my country. This, sir, is the proposition which the gentle- man (Mr. Butler.) dares to utter in the American Congress in the sacred name of 'charity." (Applause and laughter.] Any man with ordinary instincts would have been too much humiliated* this truthful statement to bye shown himself in public for a month afterwards, but shame is a characteristic unknown to Butler. A.O soon as Bingham badconelud: ed be rose to reply, and delivered him self of the following : - "I did the beat I could ; other men of more ability could do more, and no man is ready to give higher pttiudit for their valor, their discretion and their conduct, than myself. Because I could not do more. I would feel exceedingly chagrined if, during the war, the gentleman from Ohio, (Mr. Bingham,) (Ad as much. I should be glad to recognize that much done, but the only victim of the gentle-_ man's prowess that I know of was an in nocent woman hanged upon the scaffold. His only victim was one Mrs. Surratt. I can stratain the memory ar Purt Flatter If he and his associates can sustain him in the blcod of a woman tried by military commission and condemned without suf ficient evidence, in my iudsment." Although these-remarks do not teem to have been received with the same favor as judge Bingham's, they are none the less pointed and true. Bingham was the law. yer who acted on the part of the Govern ment in the trial of Mrs Surratt, and it is a matter of geniral notoriety that hie ef forts were the cause of her execution. Since then, facts have come to light, Which convincingly prove the woman's innocence, - and place all connected with her death in a most unenviable . petition; "When rogues fall out," says the adage, "honest men get their dues." The coun try can congratulate itself upon the fact that Bingham and Butler 'have had a quarrel; for through it, we have !tenured- Radical admissions to facts that have heretofore been asserted only by Demo crats, and vociferously denied by the, par- ty in power. On Tueta.Y. Butler renewed the con-. teat, in a violent attack upon Bingham's conduct during the Surratt trial, in the course of which be alleged that important portion's of Booth's diary, which would have thrown much additional lint on the history of the assassination plot,. badbeen torn out and destroyed or hidden. .Noth ing daunted, Bingham retorted, in. if poi. Bible, a still more caustic manner, than be fore, reiterating the story of 13sitler's in efficiency as a eoldier, and unpleasantly reminding him of his connection with bot tles and spoone. We do not often en- courage personal controversies, but - as this one bids fair to give the jai lic much information on subjects that have heretofore been the cause of wide dispute, it is to be hoped that, it will continue U1:1 til each party has made' a full exposure of . the important facts in his possession that yet lie buried from the knowledge, of the public. Tax Masts roa Orrice.—The war for place in Washington is represented as not- having been_, equalled in - sixteen years. The Washington hotels, the mite room of the White House and the lobbies of the Senate chamber are literally crowd , ed with office-seekers and delegations, and with local influence urging . appointments. Senators are almost worn out ; they are bunted down at the Capitol, and at their lodgings. The rejection of a single nomi nation by the Smite, of course, opens the door fora dozAn applies:l ts. As en instance, the fact may be cited that delegates are present from one town iii Michigan, urg ing 5 different candidates for post-master. The , demoralization existing arming -the Radicsls in their efforts to secure the offi ces is laughable. They approach the Democratic — Memberst and Senators and propose a division of the spoils, in order to prevent a complete dead-lock between the Executive-and Senate. Simon Cameron is charted with supporting Demociats for offices in Republican Districts which are represented in the House by bis personal enemies. WRY TABARCRS a ' AVE NOTHING TO Do The New York Express explains very I satisfactorily why 'shorans have nothing to do, and why employers are daily dis charging their workmen, as follows : First—the Southern States are not ad•[ mitted in the Union on an equality—and second, the country is in a state of alum, owing to -tbe revolutionary - measures of the dominant psrty.. The Southern Sates, if-they wan represented in C mogree.9, would be - to day - what they always were, our best customers; but it csnoot ba ex pected that capitalists will invest money in States whose future may be such as will characterize that of any land governed by narrow-minded and unscrupulous rulers. No laboring man need to be told that no nation can prosper when one branch of the government is constantly and uncon stitutionally attempting to destroy the other departments. There will be finan cial uncertainty, and consequently lack` Of sited) , employment for labor, until the Union is restored. • The World thinks 'the times are out of joint and. men are Sick and mad. We fear the majority of the people cf the North will nbt come to their senses.until some convulsion occurs which will bring the suffertngs they have inflicted upon others home to their own doors. The mutterings of the greatest fiinancial storm - this generation ever witnessed are in the air, and when the tempest breaks God help us all." T Mu. WADDILL, of Chester county, Chair man of the Committee on Ways awl Means in the loweriTouse, has repoited a bill increasing the pay of members of the Legislature to $1,500 per annum. They are also to have, besides this large ad vance, mileage and stationary ad fibinea. Of mane it will pass. , A humorous cerropondent of the Cham b.rsburg Repository gives what purports to have been an interview between himself and Horace Greeley, at the Lochiel House, Harrisburg. - On their entrance into Hr. Greeley's room, says the correspondent, "Ildisce immediately flung his 'broad briinmed slouch into one corner,' kicked his hoots off into another, thrust his white coat down beside a chair, and continued to disrobe himself until he had but pants, shirt and spectacles left, when he tum bled into bed and stretched himssif for a talk. Upon the bureau was his lecture in manuscript, written in unintelligible hieroglyphics, and on his table was an un finished editorial for the Tribune, suy posed, to be written in English, butt could not swear to the fact."' Soon after a Sen ator appeared, sod, with "a benignant smile," proffered, on behalf of the:Legis lature, an invitation to the "philosopher". to visit the Capitol. thank you," said Horace, I can't go. I have been rather promiscuous in my associations of late, I am free to confess, but I still have some regard for my reputation!" and as if td clinch the :gesxlark and cleats the debate,- he swung back to the far side of the bed and commenced reading the the Tribune. This unceremonious reception caused the Senator to vanish instantly. when. Horace kicked around to the front side of the -tted again, and with anxious emotion struggling with every expression of his fat alabaster face, he said, excitedly—' Do I look like a blackguard—that they should ask me into the very halls of the Penn sylvania legislature?" As the story comes from a "loyal" source, of course its trust worthiness is not to be doubted. Pennsylvania, an exchange remarks, is ,progressiog rapidly along the road of fa naticism. A few more strides and she will stand alongside of Massachusetts, its equal, in every respect, so far as Cuffee is concerned. But a few- weeks since, the Legislature rustle it a criminal oflenee for railroad companies, or their employees, to attempt to keep negroes out of the cars set apart for ladies,, or to request the "coming man" to take a seat even at one •end of the car.. Now the jury bill is be. fore the'lEfouse—a bill to provide for the election of two jury . commis-ioners, one from each party, who, with the sheriff of each county, are to select the jurors. A proviso to the bill requiring these tom naissioners to take the jurors from the White portion of our population, was voted dowri - by a strict party vote ; - every aboli- tion ist voting against it, and in favor of making negro jurors. Gov. Geary seems desirous cf patterning after President JohnFoo in the matter of vetoes. He has already written a couple of dozen, which have mostly been sustained; but the Legislature is getting tired of the business, and it is not likely that he will have as much Sincesilo the future. last week he sent in a veto of the bill allowing the Penna. R. R. Co.-to• increase its capi tal; and the Senate at once passed it over tbeiveto by a Iwo-thirds vote. We should not be at ill surprised non to find the Governor as unpopular among his party leaders:as Mr. Johnson. _ • THE following dispatch, which we nue to the N. Y. Tribune; is the first answer of the South 'lii t- the Military Reconstruction bill. It will be seen that the negroes are pursuing the precise course predicted by Democrats—that is, voting with and for their old masters : Nowhere, N. C.. Starch 21.—The elec tion held here to-day resulted in a unian• iutoue vote for Major J Ain° Hughes. South ern candidate for State Senator. The ne grow; voted. LoWIRT IN A NEW ROLE. He Preatheth a Sermon. and Exhorteth - Wonderfully. The Divine. Law.! Autharitatively Expounded After the famous effort of February 20th, it was supposed that Senator Lowry had about exhausted himself in the oratorical line ; but those who imagined such to 'be the case, it is evident, were not fully acquainted with the wonderful vigor and -veritably of mind_p,ossessei by our Erie Statesman. Os the 10th inst. - , he appeared in a new role—no lees a one, in brief, than that of an expounder of the Oospels—in which he disarmed the Divine truths in so effective. orthodox and rat ,thoritative a manner as to . lesve no room for doubt that he is the legitimate successor of St- Paul. The occasion of this remarkable effort was the introduction ofa bill allowing the,qualified electors of Philadelphia to vote upon the question whether the street . cars sholild be allowed to run on the Sabbath or not ; and if any person. after reading it, can doubt the sacriligione character of the pro posed act, be must be too far gone in moral' obliquity to leave a presumption that even GahrieVe intercession can save him. It is with pain we have discovered that our apace will not allow us to copy the whole of this pious exhortation but, in order that the peo ple of Erie County may not be wholly deprived of the benefit of its valuable teachings, we Rive below some choice ulnas which fur nish an index to the general character of the production. Like all true disciples, Mr. Low ry could not begin hie sermon witbo-t s text, and-the one chosen was siogulaily apt to the oecasioo:"Remember the Sabbath day to keep it floly.;"—an - adjuration which, all who know the Senator will verify, that be faith fully carries out in his own Rata, as well as a'l . others of the commands given to Moses - Refers to his last Speech, and Proposes to Speak fora vast t'ariety of rnifiiliduats. Mr. Speaker, in all the contests in by-gone years, upon the Sabbath question, I have tak en no part other than to vote no.' The sub ject I - thought was of that character that would fetch down upon me the ridicule ot the press on the chorea of the lake. All that feel ing' have laid aside. I drew my sword and threw sway my scabbard one month ago to morrow, sad I now propose to speak, without fear, for Man, for God. for Adam, fur Moses. for Cromwell, for Penn, for Pennsylvania. and for a minority of Christian citizens of Phila delphia, who have no immediate representa tive on this question who will speak for them. Abominations of Me Church Shown up. The church-going people of Philadelphia are jostty excited upon this question, Like all einners, they have brought death to their own doors in consequence of not enforcing their own divine and local laws. By the la eel lave of Pennsylvania the black man II given the equal right of locomotion on equal terms with the white man. Philadelphia churches, as s whdle, saw iumsellers and ne gra-haters put their divine law and our local at shameful defiance, and they were not onlj silent but satisfied. Poor Colored Mothers obliged to Borrow While Babiei The bill which I reported six years ago to give poor colored mothers the right to ride in the ears without first being under the necessity of borrowing a white baby, having previously passed the &mate, thank God, fi nally passed the other branch of the Legisla ture last night at high twelve. The hitting of mates lost night in the Rouse of Repressive tires. during their struggle to keep the negro wader,-was horrible ; and the light from the ivory upon the part of those who will not have their highway to immortality broken up, was alight to the feet of John Brown's soul all it goes marching on. `"v Propose: to Ride a Race on tAi Back of a Legg ed Soldier. Philadelphia Christine trill stead is the pillory of time, requiring the black soldier to walk to Heaven on one leg, while they ride thitherward in - care and carriages. Yet the one-lesged soldier wilt raash there, first, and I would rather take my chance by a pas sage on his back than in the beam of an - church that outlaws humanity for the prejudice of color. Fearful That. of . 4 Earnest PublA &fen." Snob Christians are a stumbling Moult to plunge snob men as I am into bell, and are as "rounding brass and a tinkling cymbal " Earnest public men have gone through heil upon earth in consequence of the conduct of the unreconstructed Christiana of Philadel phia on the great morel questi"na from whose obligations they slasnlr. Parsed Through Dry-Shod and Speak. • far rifEJ lint I hare passed through dry-shod and on harmed, and stand up in , the - Senate to-day speaking for the cause of Jesus. The Devil', Sledge Hamner and Chirel Defied I will vote against this bill, beeauu It Is a side blow at religion, a sidn-blow at the min isters of religion. a side-blow at the observ ance of religion, and a direei blow with the devil's sledge haminer on the devil's chisel, to cut out the letters written by the anger of God on the keystone of the 'Ten Command ments.' - - Doesn't want to be a Coward and a Dog I would be a coward and a dot did I place a sin individually upon the shoulders of an unthinking, unwashed, ungodly mm in Phil adelphia that, I dare not assume myself. The thisanetifie4 ... lVretches that Ask - for the bill Described Are those who ask for this bill, as • rule, not scoffers? Are they not legislative lobby ists? Are they not Infidels ? Are they- not the young men who desire to turn he Sab bath into • day of feasting, mincing and rev elry? Are they not the red nosed sellers —the keepers of the very purl e of Hoe ? Are they not those who love ill ir beer better than their Bible, keepers of f horses and feat women ? A Fearful Train ej, Evils tha: follow the Adoption of die Bill. This bill will require you to ()utile yone police force on the Sabbath ; it will throng your Mayor's court an Monday morning; it will fill your slrai.honts with starving chil dren through the - week; it will dermal. your 8 , 01:lath schools and increase your prisons ; it will open the- rota to vice and fill the high- way with its votaries. • A Kindly Interest in the Ofarys and Martha:. Shag we protect the Marrs and Martha. of Philad.lphia, or shall the stone have been rol ed from the sem:Ochre in vain • Pitiable Effects on - the Fathers and Mothers. Shruld it become a law, the Sabbath break. ere. for whose benefit this bill is albite(' to be. will ride in the same care, look in 'bewails glass, drink from the same mug with liquor dealers, with murderers, with criminals, with the paupers of sin, with negro-km.4M and shoulder-hitters, with harlots and hor:o thieves, with lottery - gambler awl legislative borers. and inatead of a. ear- to' Heaven be a higbwarto bell. Tide bill will, if it becomes a law, fill the father's heart with sorrow and the mother's eyes with teen. A Pertinent Qaestion--Disoiples with Besets on their Knees Is the wisdom of those who ask us to strike down the institutinn of the Sabbath greater than the *wisdom of Ood, pf Moses, of Solo mon, of Penn—greeter than the wisdom of experience, the wisdom of the Christian world? Are Senators who advocate this bill wiser and bitter thee three haudred disciples of Jesus-Christ and John Wesley, now pre sent, and whose hearts are upon their knees before God that our souls may arise to the importance of this great question ? The lraeg-Bolt of Heaven': Chariot, Strike down the fourth - Commandment,'and you break the king-bolt of Heaven's chariot, and undermine the moral and physical well be lag of man. The Poor M'an's Place. The piece for the poor man, after his sic days of labor. is not in the street cars, lead ing to the ball alley and the dance honse.•snd freighted with the votaries of sin ; first on foot. a ti n e d .o i n n es th l e n P a la bt e v. a ti f .r h" ttl e c n br i l e s a t d ian ing lia b b ie b l a i th to the Sabbath school and to his ettwoh, guid ed by the instable and precept of his Savior, visiting is mercy the house of the widow and the fatherless, and comforting the slob child's bedside. Awful Irtekedress of Riding in Street Cori oi Sunda✓• ..The than who leaves the bosom of his fami ly on the day of rest and takes the streetcars, for his pleasure and recreation, is an unnat ural and unfeeling stranger to his household —While be who habitually takes his wife, his eons ands--his daughters with him in ears on that day,is an enemy to society for polluting the purity of hie own association. Be de bauches his own wife. The whole family who practice these Sabbath e xc u rsions, w ith th e i r parents. is not only with them on the way to the beer house, but the poor house, the work house, the house of ill fame. a divided house;( a house of shame, a house orhorror, to no house of their own, and will soon reach the garret of the devil's kitchen, and in the end take up their final abode in the house of beam= and Clergymen with Slip-Shod Con The Senators from Philadelphia may poitit to this deacon and that clergyman, with a elipahod conscience or a badly located church, and tell us that they are in favor of,this bill. Away with such dissembler., who, on such a Plea, support a measure that compels the Christian people of that city to surrender their Sabbath for the benefit of brothel-keepers. A Naughty Act—About Opining, Boson. Human legislation has opened the bosom of faith and obedience, and fixes the penalty for the violation of the law of the Ssbbath, which is the keystone rook of the deoslogne ; and taco like myself, who have aitaohedthem selves to no church, are as deeply interested in the observance of the divine command ments as those who break the 'bread of the sacrament.. • - • TA* States m en of the Country Reduced Co ci very Narrow Limit alone is the safe statesman and wise man, wh., in all 'things, most fully recognises lb. truth, the, power, the grace and the cotenants of God. A Seat in — ihs VI) of State. with Fate, Dash, and - Eyes Diluted towards Different O CM Saab a legislator, under all ercumstancee, will set himself in the ship of State, with his back turned towards Voltaire, his fate to Cromwell, and his eve fixed on the Star -of Bethlehem. The Sabbath has outlived the axe, and shall a corporation, in swaddling clothes, make us deny the Divinity of our manhood and slay a master as old as Adam, and that, too, under the hypocrisy that' the good of the Republican party requires it Religion in a Helpless Minority in a Radical Of the religious community of Philadelphia, only twelve thousand, It is true. come here and bold up their hands in supolleation, and three-hundred ministers of the gospel are here also holding np theirs. They are in a helpless minority. The Clergy • Peniterit. They are penitent fortheirunchrietian con dna to a rice which they hare been more un just to than tuts any other Christian people. These char% men of all the cburche■ are about to be robbed of their Sabbath by men disloyal to manhood-and rebels to God. Sao thektryl yi Shall be Bleastui. Seastors, let us help_them.:_ The. House of Representatives. In emmequeneilti Abe shordt lag slam of Philadelphia towards their brothers, bee tuned its back upon them. Sere them, save them, Bettaters, sad their chil dren, sad the limbs of the ilabbatb-school. whom Christ loved so well, will rise up aid bless you. Nottoithatouting itt Evil Doingt in ?AV.:idol pita, the RepuMaps Party yt one of "Great Moral Meat" The foundations - of the Republican party stand noon the eternal truths of God; its mor al ohsraiter is its blood ; its Christian pritt? elpies ate its spinal column. —Repeal the . fourth Commandment, and you break its bulk and strike paralysis through every 27. Ilecruen-Fortakas _ • Democraty—Speakt by Authority, God can have no attributes with the poiiti• sal party who oppose us. Democracy to-day is a bundle of hates ; hates towards justice and violent halal towards the hero of the workmanship of • Creator's hand. Therein no life sustaining principle in hate. A Burning Hell upon Lest The human heart of man, who carries in his bosom perpetual hate, carries shout with him a bittulug hell upon lags. The hates of true man should be sanctified by a - night'a sleep, and if a soon dors asp will set sod• it! bate, Ifs possessor is in danger. A pirty who. as nothing bat hate to stand upon, has is wester corner-stone than slavery. Hale end the beast will perish together: Hale has an unhappy life, an -untimely death wren forty hell. Love and - justice has everlasting life: The party that builds upon them sad the lair of Moses, 'and who puts all else be hind them, will bury the party of hate With its face downward In an early grave. Admires the Devil in a /Spare Fig At. When the devil makes s square, open fight, s stand-wo fight. I rather admire him. ills contests heretofore in this chamber on this subject have been of a bold character, and "so long u it Ins a fairly fought contest, whilst I due not vote for him. I did no! , abuse him. The Old Mischief Maker in the Senate. The old fellow L back again aeon us In new clothe'', his face covered with the veil of deception. Had the devil asked us respect lolly for one day in seven for his own, and that not the Lord's day, I would have taken his petition into respectful consideration. Mephistopheles says be has become pions; but, old hypocrite. I will tear your , veil from your face and your disguise from your body. Has Saved •his Face, Cat Air Hair, and wants a EZII2 The devil has cut his hair and shaved his face, and comes into the Senate chamber and says that he is a christian of grestrespecta bility, and coolly proposes to enter_ into this partnership with the Lord for purely elegant , and benevolent purposes—the - whole profits of which is to go into the packets of a corpora- , ' Lion, with the Senator from Philadelphia for its treasurer—end promisee to- carry passen-; heaved end to bell at the rite oration' cents each ; and,Lfurther, be promises that the negro may ride with 'them in the semi cars at the same price. A Friend of Ms Negro and Lover of #As Lord. As a friend of the negro, had I no love for the Lora, I would protest against such abom ination. * I will not speak for the Lord on this local branch,of the cue, but lease that for—the Senator from Lawrence [Mr. &towns]. _lt is as peculiarly in his line as the negro is io mine. You cannot base a free country with oat the vote of the negro, and tho-e who, stand in the way of his ad vancement will be ground to powder Returns to the Deed But to return, the demi says to Elevators that he wears the sate boots, looks well in the same glass. rides to church in the same car with the Load and - the negro. and that be is so touch of a Democrat that be does not de sire the partnership if not baptized by the votes of the people. Most respectfully wantd I remind the devil that the baptizing by the votes of the people in Philadelphia may beep well enough for hitzi, but bad for humanity. Regettioas on Voting., This thing of voting, as well as' this thing of speaking, is food for reflecting minds—sod ibis bill to require morality and the command mints to be voted up or voted down in Phili delphia Is as novel as it is dangerous. In China one man-votes for one hundred million's. In Russia , ove man takes the ballot in his hand and Yates for all the people. In Paris one man fates thejiallot hoz in his hand and shakes his lima et Europe and vote, and France shbuts "long live Napoleon." In Eng land the wealthy taxpayers and the landed nobility speak softly to Queen Victeris, and she votes for' England, Ireland, Scotland, eauada and ,the Wands of the sea, and all shout "Gbd sive the Queen," except poor,_ down trodden Ireland. A Dig at Tom. Scott and the Petma, R. R. Co. In a smell, badly ventilated room In 'Mi nces avenue, in- PhilVelphis, itita a little man In black, who votes by the light of the Moon. by telegraph, for Pennsylvania. He never misses a vote, and never votes in a minority. and is always able to give an un answerable argument for his , vote, and is alike liberal to both political parties, not only before but after elections. °Satoh fffeMffNMMl In the exterior of this State reside two man. comparative strangers on our scil; the one too youthful and both too cowardly to eater ihe war. but through whose mouths ten th'on sand loyal men and half a thousand wounded soldiers are mie-etrokee for s these man dd all the speaking, yet they never told the truthifor the truth'i sake. and wiji, on this very queV Lion, in all probability, deny the Lord to slao der man. 'Whiskey is King. If a barrel of whiskey and the Ten Com mandments were running to-day for the} of fice of reconstruction in Philadelphia, whiskey would be elected' by more than two to one: Will no' help Harness Them foe one will not help harness up the pord between shafts with the devil In the lead be fore the streetcars in Philadelphia. Pleads for the Sabbath, and Striker a Side s Wipe - - . at Shoddy and Beast Butler The argument that the Sabbath is peculiar and binding only to the Jews is unworthy of Senators. Respectable men ought nowhere to be' so illogical as to say that sin, absolutely forbidden in any one of the Ten Command ments, is not sinful. "Thou shell not kill"— le this binding only on the Jews I" "Thou shalt not commit adultery"—does this apply only to the oircumeieed ? "Thou shalt; not steal"—does this commandment forbid Only the Isaacs and Jacobs and Abrahams from committing larceny? Or is it a divine Coin raandraent, in full force, alike binding to those who deal railroads and those who steal rage, to those who steal. Millions, and those who steal spoons' ? The 511mclerous Radical Home Editori Again. "Thou shalt not bear (else witness against thy neighbor." I represent one hundred then - sand souls. I have bat two constituents who believe this divine injunction to be a dead commandment. Ninety and nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight believe this commandment devoutly. Commences an Eloq uent Peroration. Senators you. cannot gee rid of yoitr !own moral responsibility by bin ling over in chains the good slime t of a great city to the bid el ements of violence. and crime. - Let as` not shift our own religious responsibility to the shoulders of unbelief. A - Meeting Beyond :hit Tomb—Where not ,Def tatters. Related. - If we believe we shall meet beyond the tomb, do not let those whci have fallen, through their crime, shout in our ears, "you did It." It we, are atheists, then ItA men' and horses live out their natural lives, and be buried in the same gravel._Call this horror of nation of Sabbath breakers superstition If you please —if It Is superstition, then superstition Is di vinity. Thei , ower of God Is stronicer than the limbs of men,. yet His divine wisdom taught the world, throtigh Adeui, that they, together, would cease free worldly employ. meat bad rest upon the Sabbath day. The War not Brought on by the Acts of the Se cessionists. but by ' Disregard of the - Gun mandments .4Vengeanoe itvoine, I will repay, with the Lord." After an experienceof sixty eeitur ies—after a bloody experience of five years of civil war, brought noon ourselves because we dixregarded the comMandenents of Gred, l due we pass this bill before the blood of our 42hil dren ceases smoking on the rocks of Gettys burg ? Again I'ray. were I e deist. and .be- Hewed man to have,tbe soul only of the'brute, then I would also Oppose, the passage of this A Physiological Proposition. llama maohliery, whether born of woman or manufactured by man, must have regular hours and well-defined days of rest ; other wise. half the value that Is in them 'Utterer be gotont of them. Drive eves, or ears, or brains, or horses, or engiatta continually ahead, and you make them die lite death of the suicide before they have lived out half their days. Rid State of Affair: for Hones cad Let us enter this infidel wedge of inhuman ity into the horse and dri rem of Sabbath Car labor, and the devil and 'humanity would join hands in-boly_hoeror swam compelling the poor home andlis driver to.welk barefooted upon paving stones upon the Sabbath day. He Must be shod, and the road and the care must be kept in repair on the Sabbath.; 214 is Bill the ' - You give Paine and his Age of Reason dresser text to preach the equality of man and of horses, - of car drivers and of wheelbar row drivers ; and ' , Common Sense," and the rights - of men, will be plausibly plead- and cannot be resisted. Pass this bill. and Christi anity in Pennsylvania has '.passed the Rubi con. The marrow in the bones of this mon ster is infidelity. Its woof and twist is revola. lion sod the belly of its unhealthy body is Ailed with revolutionary gunpowder. limas of this Strange, &aqui -Story Congervatism always wag a coward: it al ways-1m io the interest of capita Conserv atismlst one time was a relipectable old gen tleman. To me capital, be bassists five ban dred thousand men. Thank God he ti dead! Putrefaction and savaratbn have taken plum. He has been in his grave more years than Laz arus was days. and the whip of his tub-mas ter will arm simian him to glosy epic iladicalmen, radical maestros, radically right are the only pounds on which men can stand. True rad/call= will revolutionise the world, free Ireland; uve mankind, units all the char cher, with the Ten Commandmeite for their centre, for the kingdom of coheelenee is at land, and the kingdom of cowardly conserv atism is one of the kingdoms of the put. Rose's Garnanna's nutsauto Bross. Warren L. Rose has taken the store lately conducted by Justice, °been it Galla gher, and fitted it up with everythingneceerc ry to make a complete gentlemen's furnishing. establishment. His 'kook of cloths, eassimeres; vesting. and ready made clothing is superior to anything ever brought to the city, and we defy any ono to visit the store without iindies something to suit his tests. Mr. Ross his been very mumessful in securisig a cutter who Is not surpassed anywhere. Under hisikillfal supervision the concern is taming out work equal to the best Eastern establishments. No person tan hero sn excuse for going abroad to get clothing while Ross affords the conve• siences that be does. In addition to his other goods he has also a superior stock of hats and caps, hosiery, collars, cravats,—in short anything that a man -want,' in the clothing line can be got at Ross's: Call and see for yourselves. ' je2l tf Cr tenure To Ltaxses.—leist - spring Messrs. Henry, Bryant It Co., proprietors of the Eagle Foundry. seemed the right to ran utsolure the celebrated Iron Beam Curtis. Plow. which had previously won a wide rep utation wherever it was introduced. The re• cult that has attended their efforts bas been very encouraging—and they are now entering on their manufsoture upon an estensive scale. The plow is-mid by those .vrhe havtuseti it to be superior to any other m de here, and the heavy demand which bu sprung up for it, is proof enough that it must be all that is claimed for it. We would advise oar farmer reader to call and examine the Curtis Plow before purchasing any other kind. inr2l-tf. Tr ,you want a correct _likeness so to Wager & - Co.'s phot.:greph rooms, Ins Peach street, above depot. Having introduced all the latest improvements in the art, they flat ter themselves they can satisfy the most fas tidious. They kale the most pleasant and airy rooms this side of the eastern cities, an improved background, beautiful side decora tions and a large life sized mirror, in which the subjects can look themselves• square In the face while the' picture 'is being taken.— The sky light in the largest in the city, and pictur • can be taken in a cloudy day as well as in the clearest. Sept.l3-tf. ger The Erie Lodge, No. 241. 1.0. of Good Templar's,. meet on every Tuesday evening in the Odd Fellows' Lodge Room, fourth floor of 515. French street, at 7 o'clock: Stranger Templar, visiting the city are cordially invited to be present G. W. Gy:isms, W. C. T. OZO. KNIGHT, W. 8. feb2B-If. ger 8. M. Weigel, practical piano forte tuner Orders left at the Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Agency, 820 State street, Mt, Pa , or by mail, will receive prompt at tention. A tint elms workman employed to do repairing of pianos and melodeon,. [2,a Weep • LAND- TOIL BALI.—A tract et wood land in Le Neuf township is cffered' for sale cheap. It contains 107 sores, which will be sold altogether or in parcels. A good atone quarry is on the promisee. Address J 011211( WALDRON, Waterford, Pa. mrl4-tf. ' Par Ea tire made to the Morsting Gtory stove can be kept up all the winter round, without kindliest. For sale by Nimrod & Compeer, 605 French street 00t.25-tf.. ger Fora parlor or fifth:lrv:mos store, no one is equal to thelforninc Glory. for sale by Nimrod & Company, 605 French street.• 0ct.25-tf. - . For Insurance in well known and the most reliable companies, apply to R. W. Russell, agent, 501 State street. feb2l ly. J. F. Cross's Erie City Intelligence 015 es, No. 1.252 fitste et. islo.67tf. HICIXSOLVIIP FLUID Sassier Bccue•-Io a aerials' can for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Oviedo Weakness. reissue Complaint, Genaral Debili ty and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, ia bother es fisting in male or female, from whatever ranee orislast log and no miter of bow long staedlog. Diseases of these Orgies require the use of a dlaratie. It no treatment le submitted to Consim pilot' or insani ty may mouse. Our Flesh end Blood are supperled from these sources, and the Efealth and Ilappmess, and thAt of posterity, depends upon prompt use of a re'hibls remedy. Belmlsoles 'tetrad Bean, established up wedge of IS Team prepared. by H. T. HELIIOOI..D, Dranist, DU Broadway, Ns . * York, and 104 South 10th Street Philare/phle, Ps .mrl4ll-17. Parrasav OIL 07 PAL/ ♦7O II • CI, Tor preparing, restoring and beautifying the Hs% and Li the most delightful and wonderful artitle the world ever produced. Ladles tall dud It not only a certain ?greedy to re• store, darken and beautify the hair, but also a desirable article for the toilet, ete It Is highly perfumed with a rich and-delicate pe , fants, Independi;nt of the &grant odor of thy oils of palm and truce. THE itatv;L, OF PICRII A new and tesutifal perfume, widen in dellemy of Kant, arid the tanazity with which it eiluge tc the sndierehlef and person is unequalled. The above ensiles for sale by all draigista and per unuirs, at $1 per bottle etch. &rut by express 1. anj address by the Drop Wore, t. if. ARMS? k CO, oetl6-1y I , 100 Liberty Street, New Ifirk. Neon , lay Oen ar.—ltadetne . C. F. Thornton, the pat ithrUsh teleologist, Clabroyant Iwd fuchons. bitten, wh'o hu utonlshed the scisoUre tams of the Old World, LSI now located teasel( at Rodeo*, N. T. itadatnegtorntom possums each wonderful powers of second eight, am to enable her to impart knowledge of the greeted importance„to the - single . or Inartistic! either sex. While to • stiG of trance, she dellassthe the eery features o' the person you ere to many, asd by the ald of weeinstrameat of intense rows:Allows as the Feychemotrepe, guarantees to. produce • life Ike picture of the takers Disband or wile of the applicant, toroth'sr with data of marriage. position traits of character, &e. Thu Is no humbug as thousaads of tenthnoulals can as erl. She will and when desired a certified worthies's, or written - guarantee. that the platen is what It purpciste to be. By onaladar fifty agate and stamped envelope addressed to ?ousel; YOU will nodes the platen and desired Information by re tun mail. Ul conmunicatiou sacredly oontidential. Addams in molder os. Usual R. F. Timms. 1". 0. 80, tgl Budacm. N. Y. Ibb2F67-Iy. - ♦ Coca's,. • Cow. oa ♦ 8011 Tulsa? itquireA teem' &ate atteetion, and should be cheated. If allowed to °annum Irritation of the Lamp, • parlament Th oat plasm% or Consumption. la altos the remit. eatmes BRONCHIAL having a ditto! tottatoee to tit litty give toutood4ito rind. Yet BRONCHITIS, AST 11 MA, C , AT ARM, CONSUMPTIVE wad Throat • rawest. ?melee tee wed with always good saamee. glares sad Pablis Spaken will' Pad Wean assail to eloetteg the rotes whoa talon before alaging or SPoeklng, and relkelng the throat after en maul 'MUDS of the vocal organs. The nachos an nionnasedoi sod papseribed by physic:lpm sad have had tiatlatostela trans nattriat seas throughout the toantli. %lag en wade of tree merit, sod haring proved their ufilarsy by e bed of mane pm, wash you Pads them le or. loollitioe to various parts of the woridoad the Trochee ere aistrereally roseauseed het ter that other Wields. Obtain only 'Brown's Bronchial Trochu,• aad do of tab ikai of the troreileai Imitations that ow be offered. Bold ortryvbent. 0n294142 Pao To Braman:T.—A !arp 4 pp. Circular, mina Infonceilon of the grestoot importance to the yeses of both ones; , It teacher how the homely amy Nome beautiful, the darpissd respected, sad the bream kmod. No ittaii tidy or ■sottemaa should feit to mad their addeew, lad rosin • coMpostpaid. by rebus marl. , • Addrem P.O. Drawer NI, W 4 -Iy. Troy, New York. Kumasi min Car nutm AND In tIAPIUMES oe Tams Ilmmoon—laessay Gm yang sten se the mime of Sal ted% .ad the 'hisiml &ran, Abuse and Dl..sau IMO meets immelhosets to Ifeltilefir, with num metes of rend. Seat is sealed hitter sevskiey free of thane. Address. Dr. J. SKILLIN HQ INDITON. Reward emaciation Philadidelds, Ps. Ilmesteris ammo? Boots sad Improved Uri Tsai cuss maraud d. lasts disordsie to all %sir mien at Little apenay lift la ca ie duns is dlot, no laseanalsnes sad no swam It Is plassaat in Mats antodar, laimadiateta salsa and ems Mom MI Ws:t eas volatile. ?Ass so Nana tralriasat acid Nash lismedlss tes tutpkasaat asd dawns d'. Vao Efidlobeld's tit Nat Balm sad hapioved lon Tag. ortlil7-17. O. Da SCEIXISCICT PULMONIC SYRUP. W. great Doconciae cared Lit. 4. IL Soaracz, the proprietor, m Pabascoary Comarptioa, when It had estalsed Its DM lormigable off,cgc,, sod when speedy dtttlb appiored to be lairritabla Mb physicians pry- Domed ficlo ass incsralge wl be commenced the Oso d fhb simple big powerha remedy. We heath teas netared la a Imp AM time. and Do ream of Oss Mee* has bleu lINDVIIIddi. for ate the RIDDIANDID cpsfaltly dleoppeared. sad his preseat weight afore OM two hundred pounds. Slues his samery, he has domed tan attention saeltalstf, to the me of Liciamaittioa sad :be Osseo which are coaselly compliatm with R end the afro afroatitd tor his =Wildlife hare been cm numerous sad irDly wondered. Dr. floestwe makes padbadorat etas to several of the terser stare weekly, where be bra large mecum or patents, tad Oil Intl/ setirabblag to ow poor arm inseam that have to be (MO cost of their carets" sad in a few smiths heathy, robes persona. Da. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC 13YRUP. BEA at EEO TONIC, sad MANDRAKE PILLS are co Derails ail read ro d ED caring Consumption. Fan dime- No go orabutronr orb, as that ear one ran take t hero irtthoss amino Dr. Saussus., bat when It is cou. vet:Oen& It la tot toles him. He prat aisles trey but for a tbereash camellias:Jen with hi. Reee:rometer - lab tee is tam denim • riteiNe doer% Wilma puithasfuli, that the two ammo of the Doeter—crae when to the hut gale of Ccumswilthth, and the Whet as he oow Jo. in &Kent Wm/Ws—am an the Gamenmens etamy. Bold by WI Drogybes Ind DeslerS. ?nat. S:,SOI per batUrs or 41.50 the half doze., betters tor sdslae should always be direeed to Dr. Schrock's Nixed* Othee. l 5 North Rh St.. rht:sde.stt st, Yrs Gerund WhetesslosAsestet It. oar liarose st Co.. et. Y.. B. Ulz. . Ilauttmore.. Ida • J.ho O. Park, Cinetnasti, Ohio: Wattrr 4 latior. IIL t CoII os Brea— Bs. Louis Mist sr. es, tuts 1 yr. A Yoga Lear—l tartan: to ha• souotry b to., af ter a solourn of a few months la the city, ems basal, heognised by bar friends. to pleas of a coarse, netts, Bushed fsee, she had a soft, rah, something' t f almost marble smoothness; sod lostsad of•y-tbree she re alyappsued but eighteen. Upon logo try as. to Ms genie of so .great a ebsop,sh s plainly told them that shs and tb•CDICA.SIAN BALM. and sonsidehl It an invaluabls solutritlon to any Ladys Toilet. By its nsa any IMF or GsraUsessis can improve their phenol are isurance an hundred fold. It is simple le its aemblus- Won as Sisters herself is steeple, yet ansurpused la its enemy la drawlatimpurttlas from. also beallag,eleans lag and beaatifying the shin and shmplasioo. By its direct salmi Oa the satiate it draws from it all Its fro puritles. kindly healing the ems, and tearing the sun. lies as naturs.intsnded it to be, clear, soft, smooth and beautiful. Pries $l, sent by mail or express, on receipt of an ember, by W. L. CLARK k 00., Chants* No. 3 West Payette St, Symms% N. T. The only American Agents for the pals cribs rams. Worrumura ace Tatm—ltadame Remington. the world renowned Jterolosist and Somnambulistic Clair voyant, while in a clairvoyant state, deg:mates the very features of the t ers - m son era to marry, and by-the aid Of an Instrument of ioten•e power, booms as the Psy chomotrope.varantees to produce a perfect and life like picture of the future hUshatad or wife of the anal east, with date of marriage, otrupation, Itat4Dg traits of character. ke. This is tor imposittos, as testimonials without number can snort. By Ostia' place orbirth, sae, dt•positinn, solo, of hair and eves, end enclosing fifty cent., and stamped envelop* &damsel to •ourself you will receive the picture by r turn mail. togethar with desired Information. qr._ Aldus.* to eonfldqtlCed&ADANlll G tau DI R,I. vsGToy, P. 0. floit97, Weil - Troy, N. Y. 41321111-1 y HAWS VIO X AAAA SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER Haire Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer renews the Hair, restores Gray Hair to ita original enter, prevents its falling os, mans the Bair eraeoth and gloat', it doss not stain the atia. it Us proved itself the best prepara tion ever pruentad to the public. 'Give It a trial. PTICA $1 00. For sale by all druggists. R. P. HALL & CO., Na m, N. H ~ Ploprieton. fala2VOT TIM GLOWS or VAN IS SlPPlSClTH—Thereforie the _Nervous and Plibilltated should immediately sue bold'■ Exttset 3uehu. t0v14'67-17. EitArf RAID COYSTITCTIOIB sutore3 by Iltbabold's !atm.! Sloan. mr14117-Iy. A DMINISTRATOWS MALE. My firta• - ef an order of the Orphan's Court. of Erie county, the ondertigned.adroinistrator of the estate of Henry Martin, de✓!, will sell the following described Real Estate of said decedent, on datorday. April 6th, 1116 ; at 2 n'el'itit, D. to, at Re. 319 French street, Este, ra, to wit: •ll that pleas or parcel of land situate io the town ship of nnuunit la said county, woods! f01i0.,.: Coalmen tug at the Northeast corner of said pl• es, thence South 2 4 1 deg Rest by land of John Johnson df ty-dre and a-halt rods; thence South di deg. West by land of John haus, one hundred and alty-four !Oda to a atone or poet; thence along centre of the ••La. Roar North Miley. West dfty-Ave and a-half rods; thence North 64 deg. last by land of Llezaod.r Pink and Mrs. Metal:mom one berthed and arty tray rode to the proem of beginning. contalcd..g any three acres andalzky •even rods of lend, more or 1r.4. Being part of tract No 364. Also. all that part of traet 1 , t0.381 to sald tow+, ellip of Summit, um:ail:ling one we of lan bounded North by • rood,Sootheut by land of John Johnson and o out by land of Matthews. Also. Lot No. 18 in Oat-Lot 889 in the city of Erie u subdivided by Vineeut k Nimrod; said lot b log for ty-one feet en* in then in width, (Mott se Soath aide of Huron street. and one hundred and twenty-Ave feet long to Bothnia A lley. Terms of Sala.—One-tbird In hand,,the balance in two equal instalments with anniul interest, to be secured by Judgment bond and mortgage on the preadua 4 JONAS HUNwlsotr. mrl44w. AM', of Henry Partin, deed. ERIR CITY: PASSENGER RAILWAY COMPANY, The so' scribers having teen appt.inted 'at a wilting of the corporates of the Erie City Passeager Railway Company. hold on the I tth Isl. • Committee to open bookstand salve sabscriptions to the stook of rid Car potation, would hereby eve notice !het sr Id books will be .penal on Tuesday. the 91k day of April proximo, at the owes of the Dross' Reel Estate Assn R. W. cor ms of %tate sad SDP. Streets, in the .city of Eric and will remain open from 10 °Vont a. m. to If p. sty for the spasm of ass goys. unless within that time thtre shall be sobserlbsd the whole soaks of shares anthotiset by the mad isomporstlon of the *Cotswold trio t Ity Passages Railway Comsat. so to wombats, with tho provisions of the Act of the 19111 of Fekaaary, A. D. lip, entitled nAn A ctllttgala'ing Ral's Dad Comtees." WY. A. GALBILLITR, sowAßn J. ('O+ ELL. WILLIAM RENRY. WM. 7. RINOIRNICST, JOEY ELIOT. Erie, Pa...loth Marsh, ACT OF Ifni FEE.RARY. A. D. ]RIO Elm 811 I—The modal stock of such Company shall be divided tato shuts of fifty dollars nab, and seal' bs eslled $n and paid atsuch times and plates, and io path Dropartioos and mitalmenkh not. bswover. get dolarz pm stare in soy period of thirty days. as the Directors shall minim, of wb ek public notice shall be given for at lied two weeks next pnwedlng the time or time appointed for that porpoae in the manner abort awned. N. B. Copies of the AM ot Inenrearatien of the Erie City hammer Railway Cawley may be obtained gra. WWl:Lily by application to SBWaRD'J. COW ELT, 8. W. tomer State and nth Ste. 1=211! AGIBPITO WANTED - Tor emseliro History Complete. EstrumUnary C pportually I Unparalleled Sumas Thia history eontalas sealants of about one hundred battles not generally f. , sad to the eviler wears on the Rebellion. even to these most widely cirmileted. Now that Greeley'. Nistory Is completed. Its popularity is treater than fair team and sells with a tepidity which macs. it the nzost valuable work far Cowmen ever published. Address 0. D. CASE k CO., Pub Ham% Dartford. Conn I= STEAM DYEING ENTABLIS I/ 316 N T. JOB. KOiIL3fILLER, No. S 3 East Tooth St, PLAIN AND FANCY DYEING, Of all tindsof SILK, WOOL AND COTTON GOODS , RIOBON3, YARNS FZITHERi. Done In the bast etyle, at the shortest Data?, id •t reasonable prices. CLOTHES CLEANED ar AU goods will be prised and reasiabid Wort delivery Mr Ton az. Fxisciroits• NOTICE. Threw', Setters testameatuy to the estate et J. V. Boyer. deed, ban bees mated be the matocribere: tali persons ladebtal to the aid estate ere rwisested to make lamellae payment, aad those heriog dams or demands sedan the agate of the wad deadest will mete known theism without deer • Debts doe to the estate will be lenity collected It set settled la Mist) data. SOTS% @.I BREvn.LiER. gracators. REAL issrArie FOB SALIN. • tobltt 1.. Bonet and lot on 6th sr.. Wines *WI, and Cheat net The how* is sew, with good cellar well, diners and other dateable ronintoditiee,—griee . $3,939; term easy. House sod lot co But Oat st , botcreso Hoilaad sod Oorasso. 4$ by 110 Sot to as 'HAT. This haus Ist% ex cant ectoditloo,,...priet 0050. Term, cot 4talt doom and tames to ow mounts. - -._ Boum sad routandag 10 acres. la Mil Creek. 111 What trom Zrie. on the Lake Shore Road. La trzeillent kosattl—prtes OAS. Ten" obe-halt down, Wanes to salt the purchaser. Roan and lot on Eat tat et,tatwass Holland and Gar man. A vary condonable dwelling boaa,—pries WV. Term vary any. Ham and lot cot State rt. • her doo's Derth at lb. E Root, SS by 11M1 hot. • Tory good place—Woo PAO% Ursa to mitt Um Dunham. We also has s brge amber of good-banding lewd dutrat sst.'s° ots Ihrulag lasds to this osighterhood Oar We. A OASXST k 81IIFISAT, &al IMO, heists. on Stale Street. Eds. A. .r7-3w. GOVERN M ENT PROPERTYAT PRIVATE SALE $OOO one aad seeond.bas I T 0,,, lirtAlassod Collars. :woo 0 .11 ,11'. ss.oo. agl door %ono Goteromeat ~ co COW• 11, all etome.oew god worn. 5.0 , 1) BIZZ . h . " Miry gowns. alro.. /ere stnek or Wl2lO, baggy aad 81,40)0168os Heroes. r0n. b .... , 1 Mao; gologlotreeo. to‘d 11.. n, *to, it, w t .: 1; ilarsers-11111e wore—alt oak t.eoed ferobtr, elseasd and 0t,..e. as 00 p„,r barn or etodlog Bridle. Lea do o Ce wagon find:;..'e Collars $1 to U. f Stn bet , lined artq.„, $2 50 sod 0030 reins $145 to 81 21 1 ", , . 11oes $1 halters se-to .12 ps, 015e.ti e.. ..- 11111. will plated bit bold e 11 2 ,; good as our tr 7: brldl• $l4: ratios. -addlro for 0. , * MO* to It ass swan. beer* neon. $3 to neon • net $$ to SS; 13 rs. does $2 t. $l2. lir • pltal Uwe. new arid good se cm, Is , -tra •—s2o to $lO r Meer( A tot 1 t..t Ili to al 10.000 bags. from 1 u ego . le. harbilit. elk 2,6 boa. $10; $ boa. $ll per dos ; , $760.58 50, nd $9 FO Smell order. sent by ggpresr. C No. 837 sad POP Nori h Fr6ot 9 i No. s Lark Ku*. Now York, tad ko 44 p.", Wublngion, C. Pries list wont on appllcatioa. R ILLS CITY iwtr WORK,. 4174 F `f4) .:c i I .. 1 , STATION %Rl AND PORTABLE STE,- , .r , •..!. ~, ', 'r 1 1-- • • - ~,Ii tgAECr AerflqG cutcrruß. RAN utuAra q : = 14i ,z... 0 --_,--0, ENGINES; BOILZRS, pIL SIILL4 ♦MD roofs BRADLEY 3 PATENT F,NGINE, 111(1 .1 PATEN r ENGINE, CIRCULAR RAW lIILLS IMLAY MILLS AND MILL OEM „ - Zjle DRILLING TOOLS, PUMPING RIGS dO4 l / 080. 81F.LDEV. Prestd,st. _ • V. J. IP J;lDDlLL.Sulwriat't 1 st JOBS /3 3 .111.18P,Swarytaty and Trtin, THE BRADLEY ENGINE SRAITING, PIit.LTES, 4C, EUIE CITY IRON wom Men Steam twice. Me dou eq ble u the ir o r e: 4 „, Beets of Paths who wish to talus* their v.., changing their bother. eart don by asibt the Engine, which works the Exhort. St..n double the power from the same boils'', the Inel. • we FAMILY SUPPLY STOttAi - . n ew Nos. 23 and 24 West Park, (hearty. 4 HEARN, CHRISTIAN G. R 0 - C E 'lt- couxrßy PRODUCK. FLOUR, PORK, T 1.311. DRIED a SE►LED PEWIT+, r a 4 e 4 30r4 e • ki r r , I el po , till .., tu 7. ! .,... el im ,tr i t .9- at !, of Oil , 1. L '-; 111 'l ,ll ii - - lsa e 4 tr 'WELL, SCRM:ED BEFORE DELITE 1 - = d —l5 Ora otter great Indlernients- to plirtn• ..ibi, f : , .. , 1111te i In theft winter supply. i'so to dealer' paretasati. ear load. -f, , , • 081 rt ar Gina etas WI and • • rasran tee to /inns tiO4 - -141.... jalyl9l.B-tf Sat•mtel I: -,,,tliefe, T‘s am Qadtits of Pans. aut Ai *ruts to: the Climelutd Rife tulng aniir -Powder. ri p A h o l m A nd trash .stoek alway 4 kep •htah •it Ibe .old-at the loirfet - we plods* ouroolutt not to be undersold, ood .p., to giro of a ealL Tb. Wettest pries laid for enaat.7 etllll rA6 COAL. ' COAL THE PLACE TO DCY COAL COD t? - 4ALTS'ItIAN Br. CO.'S, Coal Yard, comer c fTtralfth and Peach rho Asap tortataat/y or hard Lelogb ro:tl3 (Fars aer) lamp and prapared. Sbatookit. sad Nat rime; EMl:mint:tit • for grits and 11:1014 BLOSSBURO, PITTSBURG AND BEE For Bladmaith Pnrpsrin. Oat Coal is an iscelired by rill, is kept n dr! k door. end A IL N C M Dx U G 1317 PrACIVSTREE SOUTH OP IFI,E DEPOT mrlC67-tf. MUNgY, FREE Aw WATER. ant adisi Local and Traveline Agent.. Female, of all am, aro vanttd to solicit tradt , tr , City, Town., Plage. /hamlet. Wotlubcnj and to throughout the entire world, for the most te' o ‘' l ". .hies ewer known. COO ter teat. profit and AP:` tinuartss Olit!litp. Smart cotn and wocals uals from $5 to $ 5 2" 'lsl. - and -no net of leo /41 Capital toga •f term $2O to gto-thy Toni invested the treater the ;molt SO woner S V -5 advance-we first te. ad the 'Melo and revolve ps , ward. If yeas actually wish to make tuout7 and easily, writ* for foil particulars, and sarea YILNOH &CO Wren. 215 Broadway. Newspapert'eopt tag will he hberally with. V AND 310TAI.'110, 'FORCED to grow upon lb* 'ernnothat fen , t; three to fins wanks. by using Dr. SETIGN F. 9 RD. RATEUR CIPILIAIRE, the most wooderts; dr In modern acienek acting upon the Beard most miraculous manner. It hue been need 01 Putt sod L with the moat Betterlss Names of all purchase= will be registered. sr/ k natisfaction IP not gins in ovary instance. th will hi eltwerfutly refunded. • Price by — lisi ( 0, " pod-Aid. St. Dispiptire Circulars sad tntunt, malted free Address lIERGfiIitgaYTTS COP' No. 'SS Hirer street, Troy, If. Y., tole menu t' United Matta. • , BNALIT . ANEW, GOLDEN. MAIM; rILSEti Prodtroed by Umtata of Prot Le BRIT'S! 11.1: 4 '• WIZVIEUX. Om soylloation warraabei to earilf straight and stubborn hair of either RI tato .1"' bL s or Imam napalm eurll. ,Hu been Heil' fashionable' cj Path and -tendon with the "Pi the moults. Doss so injury to th. hair. hies smiled and octeipaid. $l. G 5.4.40,. t trots , . t 0... Address BERGER, GRUNTS dr CO, rbbr' • 7,91. River street, Troy. N. Y. Sole agents for ttnr , Mates. Mgt' CRIPIPKII. COMA. grie,• Pena% Ohl lib* woo beautiful And f•fr, With starry @pc, and radtobt bur. NV boos outing touodtibt set. totviottr - trichslood the von , boort mod CRISPER COMA, For Gorillas , the bar of oitbor •or low le' Glower Hisirlits or Heavy, Haul,' cult BY lades tidiest/els Leda. and flontlmme tity themselves • thonsatid.fold. Tt is the world that will earl stralgot tisa, oo . mom ttom•girs It • tomattfut, glom, inpearmo ' , Aare, Coma oot male earl, the belt. bet noel beast 11.. sadeleassre st: Is Wetly and ddLd' ir tetfooted. and is the moat immolate Milne 01 11 ', sew t Bawl to the Amertata ;redid. Th. tit M goat to soy addles., aged and pest-lla. kddreee all codas to W. L. CLARK & Cholf Ho. 3 West Fayette St , drugs Gtaral-ly. - R. & w. - • lianntasturtri an t ll Mao Was Deslenoi TOBACCO, No.e rodent St., Att , ggbety CUT. A' 'MU Door from Suspension Briar, feb2l4l?-!y F ARM FOR SALE, Of 120 sone, about 100 acne clew" d. the I,ly rod timbered lead, aith p ia el . , gong otebard of 110 rafted apple bra it . other fr uit tries. Situated. fait faro Roatb et I's fieidoada, oa the Ridge Road. and about fost,, Itreita Belik , P l l.. We itillereek Tuottabip. 3°- particulars eager, of . aoalli-tf. CONRAD 1 0- lElO'OOl DISHILITY, Seminal son!: ussi at t aam atra m by 4 or ia ir ti bo u bas „e iro . r.d uag hit: Adbiss with p, stum i1dr66.17. aorardwo. GUI MANUFACTURE DRIVING PIPE. Mutufbetund by the ERIE, PA. rp„ Who'tint§ and Rotad Aid dealers In WOODEN At WILLOW wAP.,„ TOBACCO. 58(14.1t1, iimi S-T P.' `jibe *cm the *tide 141 foul "jig II ~.. ,-iTh SZGARS. miry", eireo' Sirs if tbl 8401 ~: IC '1 Alt 1r 4 B 11721 ~.,~ » ~~~ Trot bun iibos
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