!El E, PA., NOV. 2, 1865 t t lot of superior file sticks ,t e •at ihii offio To persons who wish item It file of their mai they err 111- bl., Price fifty cents. , Glow; —fir. John C. Beebe, the old , t w oe 4 dry goods dealer, is the first in the ibis SCS-011 with new goods, or, st least, ot to o avertir the faot. His s t oc k i s si o co mplete, comprising an assortmaat i the etsple goods. s . g . Mica mos.—The following Is hand. as;a corrett list of the officers of the U. Mirbigto: Lientonant Commends?, F. ) a; Lieatensat, F. 0. Davenport; mo pe vi'syrie Ste ibins; Ensigns, I. R. c C. Elly and R. W. Atwood ; eau, D!lerao Bloulgood ; Paymieter, swrirt ; First Assistant Engineer, D • SeeinJ Assistant Engineer,'— ; Thira .I"istlat Engineers, Smith,Ms• lo"; Gunner, John Murray; Oar- Gcfge W. Elliott; Mister's Mate, Lsostrl; I%p:ulster's Clerk, John Odell. Oaf DEDICiT IO2( AT Cosay.—The new church in Corry was dedicated on la•t, the 2 , 711 ult., Bishop Simpson, auotat iirinA. preaching the opening The building, we are informed, isa tint one. an ornament to the town, and a ,t to the coneregatinn and people there. built of wnod, 411:80 feet in size, - and reep'e 1118 feet in height. The cost a y ; , u t $l2 NO. of which $6,000 had hein rti previoos, and the balance was rattled he Jay of delictitiou—s4 500 in the after . tai S 1 51,k) la the evening—leaving the ca free fro)t debt. rt "FIT CaNTRIUCTOIL " ON THI Wl7llllll vu —The Cleveland Heald has, the fol• 'rg on the "Fat Contributor:" Gritsol I, clinic lecturer and author tlunhidori•" waq placed on the witness If the police court in Cincinnati, not t since, to testify in a certain ease. We 't know whether or not the stand was en d accommodlte the "tat man " Pro— rsrr Attorney Straub, epersonal friend of !e•iuter, ro:uishly determined le "rout" lit Crcirihutor in the examination, and rr , lintly put bim through as follows : Attorney—What is your name, sir! st Msn—Griewlld. rot Attorney (sternly)—Your fall name, ,7u M t tu—Alphonso , llinor Griswold. tOl. Atterney—What buiquess do you fel- Nleo-1 am e lecturer. r „ A t t or ney—What kind of lecturer At Vm (h'ushing)—Well, really, it don't orne a man to— us. Attorney (with sineerity)—Anewer question, eir. What kind of lecturer are N'.an—Etlitors that I don't adverthe ELy I am a poor kind of lecturer, but rasters say- roe Attorney—l mean what do you leo t Itsn—G.nersily on the stage. I once Jr , ' on ebilliard table The proprietor, ins opposed to the Fenian movement, eld to it bemuse it was uwearin" of the 3 0,3 on)ther ocniion I lectured on a kt , :rri.y—(living familiar illualra Cie effe Its of intern.-- alas (coloring angrily)—You misun :l me, sir ; I siid I puce lectured au a I Attorney—Weil, I heard yoll. We t4lr to wit, it that yon have lectured on r i erPat many timPe. , it Man (perspiring terribly)—Confoun I won't you hear me? I mean to uay that I 'enured on a B,inast.. this time Court and spectators were in it ofltiughter,in which the lecturer &laity t) j3in. It wee trying to the fat man, dh• ! 'bilk. as all honest people do on this that if Chase, "or any other man." riar.s at the expense cf the country, be mmi!ting a foul'wrong. Yet we all kocw thing. is (Pine to an extent which never he allowed. It is not, howtm , ;:ei by the Union potty clone, Mr Ob• Ths Democracy have never been free it.—Dispatch. are gratified to fled-our cotemporery lacing the clurso of the Chief Justice 4 turves. It makes as error, though, in that , •the Democesoy has never bee, f•om such acts." We think we can with e safety chstlenge the Dtapateh to point tinele instance in which a Democral:c of the Supreme Court has been guilty kite private pleasure ton at the ex eof the Government. g aot, ; of that performe i during the days when the !envie party woe in power. would have kne 1 such a burst of honest indignat on the offending party would have taken d eve never to be caught at a similar , rnaiice. The Dispatch will hardly deny t - the standard of t official morality has feeritritsci widen the last few years t•.eee of fltxrant corruption, of loose at. t) dity, and of extravagant and un opensss, are daily coming to light, in• •err frequently some of the highest rrs.nt official+, and with now and then :::table exception, they excite no word t:•nhfal Comment on the part of tie !:tin press. While the burdens of tl e ' , Are steadily increasing, the standard :ill integrity la growing less. It is of t zii.est intention to point oat the causes !'parable condition, but that it. exists );t!pallie to admit of denial, and all eit:tsits, no matter what their party •:ions, should determine to expose it, phase it may appear. TrieNORTH Wetly —The prn "f t'zi north we3tern portion of tho :tr:„.a the last few years, has to par :lt:it? continent, and very few arca 1 /* P.mvishly prosperous country.— ':' a comparatively few years s erosion -(2- ntrealtll almost unknown has at `i a w:rld-wide reputation. and become !.n.re of attraction to people from every ,f rain. Cities and towns have sp like mushrooms ; plaori formerly r, lnopreeperous, hone grown into ao- epee commanities; property ham ad. .!ie Tali• to fabnlous figures; money is trrl> prosperous, and nearly every !, vsa has the ambitioa and the ability, ""n'nz wi , llthy. In no particular Is this pemtierity better exhibited than in nu'xi`or of new papers that have sprung exigence. Four years ago, It. was impo•aible to sustain even a small 1 io wi-tt ern Pennsylvania ; now Ire tinhliehei in three of the counties of tteptieo, awl rub appears to be prosper— . Tee weelclicq have largely increased in agisnod value at the same lime, and comparison with those of any othrr An aocurate list of all the journals ta i is the nnrth western part of. the 4 ( I ‘l be of interest to many, and we taken soma pains to prepare one as *I. giving -the polities of the papers, lettual or probable circulation, and the, of their publisher, and editors, as Wris we can remember them: XIII COUNTY. tify—Weekly Observer, Democratic, '; o Vhitm aa , editor and proprietor, 1,900 epoulation_; Daily Dispste independeetße publican, B. F. H. Lynn, publisher cad *di tor-in-ebief. Jesse H. Lord, political and -wwq editor. G. E. Hurd, local editor, 2 800 ; Weekly ' — Disititch. 1900; Weekly °untie, B.:A...Deveoport proprietor. .1. R. Graham editor, 1900; - 'Spectator, (Ger- Manfßkiiblirsa; B. E. Sturzueckle. editor end . - groprietbr. 600; Weekly-Jeans!. (Merman) neutral, P. Ph. Seibert editor and proprietor, 800; Corry. Daily Telegraph. in dependoist, F. H. Baldwin editor, Baldwin Day proprietors. 800; Weekly Telegraph, 800; Mks-Milts, Weekly Bulletin, neutral, Wm. C-Jaekeee; editor and proprietor, 8004 Girard, Weekly Delos. independent., O. L., Phelps editsr sad proprietor, 800. r . ,a Nei . dvate, 'Weekly Democrat, Demooratle. Thom ie W. 0 rajson. 1600 ; Weekly. Journal, Republican, J D. Moholas, 1500; Daily Re— publioas. independent; R. Lyle White. 1,000 ; Wetly Republican, Republican, 1500, Con •eauloille. Weekl♦ Reword. Republican, W. & J. Rupert, 1600 Titusville, Daily Herald, Republican, Blois Brothers & Ooßsweli, 1600; Weekly Recover, Republican,J3loss Bros. & Cogswell, 11100. Pranklin, Weekly Spectator. Democratic. R. L. Cochran. 1340; Weekly Citizen. Republi— can,--- 1300. Oil My, Weekly _ _ . Register, ficlertsudent, W.R. Jokes, 14500; Weekly Monitor Republican, —... 1300 ; Rena, Weekly Timer, independent, 1300. Pith°le. Daily Record. , independent, --- 1000, Warm Borough, Weekly Ledger, Demo cratic. B. F. Morris, 1300; Weekly Mall, ,?, Republics., R. Cows'. 131 n. Tidiouie, Woody Chronicle, neutral, E A. Stevens, 900. IRLIg OUltiT. Ridgway,Weesly, throeste, Democratic, W. R. Barrett, 1000. , assize!! COUNTY. Emporium, Weekly Citizen, Republican, Young & Stacy, 90 . I. 0, • ' • WICIAN COUNTY. Smatiport, Weekly Miser, 4epublioan, L. Begets, 1000. Reeerpitulation—Domooratio 5, Independent 10, liPpuhlican 11, Neutral .8.. 5, Weeklies 24, Total 29, Total Circuhtion 86,- 000. The circulation is mostly estimated, and in some cues may be a hundred or two more or less then the aatual number, bat, In the aggregate, we think our figures will be found correct. A Grand Scheme to Raise the Rhino. For some weeks past the papers of the oil region have been crowded with accounts of the grand excursion of capitalists, speculators and newspaper men through that section of the country. It was flamingly announced that the representatives of Heaven knows low many billions of capital, and what amount of newspaper influence were in attendance, and particular stress 'was laid on the liberality of Han. Charles Vernon Culver, member elect to Congress from tile Crawford district, who, we were told, paid the entire expenses of the trip, amounting to many thowvands of dollars- All this sounded very fine, and we inwardly mourned that Erie did not possess a citizen who, like Mr. Culver, could boast of such princely wealth, and rpend it in such a prince ly manner. Culver was the been ideal of generosity,the quintessence of enterprise. Bat, alas for our trust in human nature, a turn of the picture gives it a totally different appear snce. Culver's magnificent excursion looms up as a grand speculative scheme ; Culver'. splendid dinners were mere baits to catch the supposed gudgeons he fed ; Culver's liberality was nothing more nor lees than an immanse application of the old advice: i• Sow -that ye may Reap." The editors whom he invited were not, all of the class who can be humbug ged by a littli wine and are good victuals, and not a few are highly indigntat at being sought to be mad• the,instruments for the ad vancement of Mr. Calver's speculations. The correspondent of the Pittsburgh Commercial, boiling over with ineolted'dignity, thus expo. see the whole scheme : Ott CITT, Oct. 20. 1865.- The special dispatches of the Conenserciet have furnished its readers with the principal incidents of the late " excursion through the oil regions" of editors ani correspoodrurs of newspapers,and it only remains to briotly'no.. tics the object of the raid, as it has been called The exoursionists, - who were ,he gueats of Hons. C. V. Culver end Galusha t. Grow were kept in blissful ignorance of the object of their visit, "until they reached a place called Reno, or Rhino, where they found IL, Reno is the name given to some twelve blind red unimproved acres, situated on the Alle gheny river, f ‘ur miles south of Oil City. and owned by the Hon • Charles Vernon Culver and Galuaha A grow. The place was named by Mei Gen. Burnside, in honor of the late Gen. Reao. who gallantly fell at Antietam, and who, for services performed in Burnside's Hatteras Exhibition, was among the first pro motion. to Major General. It is proposed to entablish a city at Reno, which, without any disrespect to the memory of the departed young soldier whose name it bears, would probably sound better if • properly spelled Rhino, as money is at the bottom of it. Reao ie to be the %use of the death of Oil City. as the latter place is to be 1301,040 from all cam• municatione with the business world by rail and wqter. • In order to build up this town of Reno. which is to be the head of navigation on the Allegheny, and the grand railroad centre of the oil regions, Mr. Culver (who is the bust. Bess bead of the concern) proposes to form a joint stook company, which wilt represent s capital of tan million• of doll." the "whole amount of which stock, when subscribed, Is to be platted in the United States Treasury, and wilt beer six per oeot. interest." A board of thirteen directors, one each from twelve of the principal cities, and one from the em. bryo city of Rono.t the latter to be President; and who will be Golnglis A. Grow, are to take charge of the interests of the compsey. By the liberal and well matured pleas of the managers, imbued by the efforts of those Of the ezetirsionibts who have become interested since their visit to Reno, it is thought "the entire c tpioal stock of the company will be taken in ten days nt ten. per cent. prenutten.:" This premium will furnish a working capital of one million dollars, which sum is to be further increased by the sale of lots in the proposed city. It is then proposed to pat down five hundred wells at a cost of three thonaand dollars each. Calculating (like biro. Toddles with the door plate, that if she should have a daughter, and that daughter should grow to be a woman. and marry amen named Thompson with a P., how bandy said door plate would he) that oil shnnld brstrualt in ens hundred wells, and that they will average ten barrels each, they would have, one idteu sand barrels of oil per day, which would real• ise $l,BOO 000 per year.' of three hundred days. By this plan, it is claimed.. which the reader may fill to see, the stockholders ese only lose the interest of their money and eny premium they may pay for the stook, while Mr. Culver w;11 make, in- any event, hand somely by the operation. The foregoing is a brief and fair statement of the plan, as di•elnsed by the projectors of this excurbion, which had no other object 'We give the managers of the scheme the ben efit of its pnblicatioe in your column, unao. Hailed, and leave the pablio• to - judge of its merits without comment But- one question that will pussle all to answer. as it is probab ly a part of the undeveloped plan, is how are the Directors to become depositors in the United States Treasury There are other mi nor matters in connection with Me plan rot undevel3ped, which will doubtless be made known to the public through the traveling agents. who ; are to hawk the stook through the Northern cities anti towns. • Cold Blooded Murder at IPlthole. Pinto Li. Oat. 25, 1885. peas Bra :--Our unusually quiet and, mural town'wu throlm into peat esoitement Co 'day when it became known that a-man bad been shot to death some time during the night. It seems that a eonoere saloon was opened last night, on Fifib street, -via all the sodas hie CIIIIII7OID COMITY. vsimiao comer:. WANILIN COUNTY welter-11;1r%; ie.. ke. t . - • • The unfortunate who wee so tortuaato ro to amts . ! as angel pits At 'Abe ships et? u dancing girl,- who appears sightly on the boards of we et our moat seiididadee at !annulment, being isterripted by a rival who hrestesed to break the door dews: Its.. after expoetubuing, finally treks plata through the Car and that s Would be ',idlest tell dead. Of coarse the coneart saloon sad duo, broke up in a row; sad la the excitement - Us homicide and his fair companion made their cacspe. and engaged a rams at s prominent - haw, where they were found this morals& mach with a revolver under their pmow f, .The homicide is one of the sporting fester. pity, or in other words, "shoves the palms" fora livelihood. While the police were removing him tirronsh the streets a crowd of several haadred gath ered sad expressed their williegeme is bang the criminal to a derrick. Though fhb Pollee force' was strong, yet they 11117, obliged to run their prise into the Metropolitan Hotel and guard the doors to keep back tb• crowd. The+ will prebably remove the priseser with out further difficulty. Reflecting • philosephieally on the tragedy, we may conclude that woman is the root of all evil, add concert saloons the tblevne of time A strong and energetic police force, corn posed of experienced men from the eastern cities, le now organized, and we ■q hope coon to have more law and order. It is reported that a robbery area antomit— ted last' night. So, you see, ars are in a liar wap of becoming celebrated, and minor hairs of the blessings of older aides. General News. A DILIADIIIIL Iluansa.--The murder of liarriet Welles, by her paramour, Levi L. Farwell, which occurred in Washington on Sunday,. on Thirteen and e-half street, proves to have been • most diabolical deed. The ev idence before the Coroner's jury shows that the murderer deliberately administered chin. roform _to his victim while she was asleep. then strangled her to death, threw her body iato a closet,robbed her of her watch and jew elry and then Bed. He has since been ar rested. The animating purpose of the mur tier is said to have been the refusal of the woman to marry.him, he having sworn that if he did not marry her no one" else should. Although keeping • house of prostitution at Washington, the deceased is said to have been respectably o nneoted.and has a eon at school at New Brunswick, N. J., for which place she intended to start on Moadaj evening. She was 85 years of age, and went to Washing ton with Farwell from Albany, N. Y. Far ,well was originally from Massachnsetts. Be was arrested in New York, and taken to a station house, to remain over night. In the morning he was found dead, having opened a blood vessel is his arm. Non. Caleb Cashing left for England. in Wednesday's steamer on a epeeist legal mis sion connected with the State Department.— Thus far his business has been kept (maiden tial, but it is very clearly surmised that it hat► reference to G.e adjadication of the claims for damages made by this government on Great Britain for depreditions of the Alabama on American commerce. It believed that the governnient has accepted the proposition of Earl Russell to appoint a commission to set tle each claims. Mr. Adams, our Minister, was mistaken in supposing that this govern. meet would decline to appoint a commisailis. It was moved in the 11. B. Court, at Ne■ York, last week, to admit the ex-rebel, Heavy S. Foote, to pract'oe, and the motion be log carried. that gentleman was called up to qualify., The first oath, to -support the Con stitution of the United States, and of the State of New York, he readily took, but re fused to take the prescribed oath of Oleg!. once, and left the court room. The Georgia State Convention organised by electing Herschel V. Johnson President.' A message MU received from Provisional GOT ernor Johnsen. announcing the State debt at over twenty millions, and advising the repu• diction of that portion of it which wasincur red for the rebel cause. The Masons'of the Korth are about to re ceive a distinguished committee from the cap • ital of South Carolina, in the persons of two representatives - of the Colombia hods*, who come audit° retitle, relief sfor the Masonic lodges throughout the State,"whieh hue been left by the rebellion in la deplorable condition. William Gilmore Shnute'snd Robert Bruno are the delegates. Id the Georgia Stile Convention met week, resolution memorialising the President ter the release of Jeff D trig wu sanded to in clude all. Federal prisoners, and then passed by a large majority. Gen. Grant has gives Kirby Smith perm's. lion to return hoots on parole. He is at pre.. ent sojourning at Matanzas, to Cuba. It is stated that Kirby wishes to renew his &Hott est» to the United States Government. Gen-Dick Taylor. brother-in icy of Jeff. Davis, has, says a Washington correspondent, vainly attempted for a day or two to ascertain from thi President whether Davis ti, to be tried soon. An impression prevails there that the trial will take piece at an early day. -- The delegates- to - the Alabama Convention have memorialized the • President to .order speedy trial of Clement C. Clay, of their Stet*, who was me of the rebel agents in Canada during the war, and 'hawse enspeo; ted of implication in the plet which resulted in the assasdnetion of Pro-Heat Lhtooln.-• The W'ashingtow -..--,.A•a•mtchtersay,it le probable the prayers of.. the monioili/ists . wiD gna t ed. Major Genital Martraott left for Keateety, ow Monday week. where he will report it Louisville to Major Minima Palmer, ems— minding that Dewitt's:it. Se taloa. eharge of the /Miter GeneraPe Ail, atEarrlaborg, in May neat. _ Mr. D. T. Patterson, eon-in•law of Press. dent JAl:eon; and Senator eleot from Tenses • see to the United States Senate. bold the office of Cironit indite alder the Rebel rule is Tennessee, and consequently took the oath to support dm Bentham Confederacy. This makes hie ineligible. • • The organisation of the eolored In Charleston, S. C., has been forbidden by General Bennett, to avoid collision with the whites. • Provisimial Governor Johnson. of Giorgio, has written to the President !aquatic( the retention of the halted States troops in that State until the civil authority shall be tally yea:goal:ed. Efforts are being made by parties in Wash legion to bring Oct., Mosby, to Wei bottle," Military court. The Freedmen's Bureau hes under its ears in the SoutheraStates, about 7,000 sick and disabled nogress. President Jobeson has °frugally informed the Governor of Georgia that he cannot ree ogaise the people of say State as havisg re sumed the relatioat of loyalty to the Union that, *daimon legal _obligations gm ilehte eta. Mad in their name in aid of the rebellion. The memorial signed by 1000 solered re+ dells et the Distriet eteeintsbier, asking for the elective fremehiso,,mill be presented to the next 00111Teelk. , It *ll be scesspeeled by s similar petition nsmeronsly signed by white.. It Is stated that the• Was Department hoe tabloids. the payment of bounties to such of the colored troops as were not frog on the 19th of - Ord, 1861. The rebel Is Gov. Altes, - of pealshata. kes started satwepsper it tie oily of Mesta°, is the Imperial isterest. 02111. M0011114.111' psi 8111011111411 r Or Anil: —h to earnestly reported is this km411444'; ales is - Washington, cyst Gos. Clams has bees reealloil hem lamps, le seottpt the sestets if eseretary of War. Tim slaws weed be abet alseeptabbi to tYi people had the army. The present iseambeet, Ghettos. hes soldered himself so isfamou that Ms same Is a shack is every besot ass's see. trite. It Is said that he would bare resigned. after he dowered that Prodigal Tobssos was his master. bat or fear of wrens' safety sad sooonstabillty, whisk his positive at K enal miseis. i ~,~' r ---- ---- - itialarviirlidiitirs: Watardniar lint: o ta liThiotta West, have been swindled to t extent 0f . 5 5 0,000...bY $ mon n amed /"' I L 0 got., who sold them worthless drifts on w York , *pled -byname person to Ohio.— regorsonsi &nested he Windsoilvii-bro ,itar whom he had swindled out of $1,200, but upon ' , standing the mobil Was reltassd, and Immediately crossed the river to Detroit. Th. : irlolinelasti parties lions Laition: Glistkiiii '' other itisnia hivebihou atifindair fat do • throe Asys past, is seers& of the swindler. As ao forgory was committed. it is believed that McGregor cannot be arrested. List ritaii - I;;lft*'titi ILO; - Ifliiiviiittii of the wedding of Senator Wilson. of Messaisha Sous, bitlehanit id N Ask pressatsal 4 W with the thoiis'‘nd Aolltri worth Cr silver 'plate and other articles and a puree of one thousand dollars. It is taparted that stupeadom . trands,um the Treaty, hue been diesovermLin ihn:dbit triot of Northeast Mississippi, and that the Assistant Treuury Agent at Columbus, and his subordinates have been arrested therefor. The steamboat St. John, -of the Pimple's Albany Line, eiploded her boilers In lbe North river, apposite Twentieth street, New York, on Sunday morning. causing the death of seven and the wounding of seventeen per sons. President Johnson has issued *prudent* den appointing the first Tbursd► In.Deeeln bee se a depot National Thanksgiving for the dose of the war, thepreserfhtlen of Union and the eslargemeit of civil /theft in the etoontry. The alarm about the Fattens in Canada is increasing, and the disarthing of the robin. teem is urged as a preoatrioner7 -measure. Border raids from the United States are ap prehended. It is stated' that arrangements have been salads for the trial of Jeffersou Davis for trea— son before the United States Supreme Court, at Washington or Richmond. at an catty day. Counsel have'been selected both by the gov— ernmen; and the defense. - • Three young ladles were drowned recently by tbesinltlng of a skiff on Spring Lek*, near Pekin, Illinois. Bas Zixi [Dr. Keyser is a ybysician of over thirty years' experience, sake graduate of the Jef ferson Medical College sod of the University of Medicine and durgwry of Philadelphia:] Ma. H. T. MICLI/MOLD:—Dear Sir: In re— gardsto the queatiota asked me as to my opin ion about Hoehn. I would say that I have used aid sold the article Is various forms for. W. past thirty year+. Ido not thick there is any form or preparation of it that I have not used or knows to be used; in - the various Mimes where such medicateagent wouldbe indicated. Yon are aware, se well a' niyeelf,that it hits been extensively employed in the various die eases of the biader and kidneye,and the repute - lion it has acquired, in my judgmeno, is sue— tabled by the facts. I have seen and used, as before stated,.every form of &mita—the pow dered leaves, the simple decoction, tincture, fluid extracts,—and I am not cognisant of any rrepanattoa of that. plant eq mol to yours.— Twelve years' experienoe ought, I think, to give me the right to judge of its merits, and without prejudice or partiality I give youri precedence over all Others. Ido not value a thing according to Its bulk. if I did, other Butkus would out dd your., but I hold to the doctrine that bulk and quantity do not make up value—if they did a copper aunt would be worth moss than a gold dollar. I value your Buobu for its effect on patients. I have cured 11th It. and seen cured with it, more &mate of the bladder and kidneys than I have ever seen cured with any -other Hoehn, or any other proprietory compound of whatever same. Begiectfolly yours, Sm. GEO. H. KEYSER. M. D.. 140 Wood Bt., Pittsburg, Pa. August 11, 1965. 'Ask far Helmbold's Fluid Extract Buchu. 210,2-2 m. One of our_ Government officials, just re• turned from - Peru. tells ue that smosg the fleet and most frequent Inquiries made of him Aber* about our public men was, whether he knew or bed ever seen the celebrated Amer lean chemist, Dr. S. C. Ayer, of Lowell. Riti remedies are found in every villsge from the elevated slopes of the- Andes down to the coast, and their remarkable cures seem to attract even more attention there than is this country. The sentiment of wonder at their effects takes is far deeper held on a half civil lied and superstitious people than it does with us wiser* the rationale of medical prob tams is so much more generally understood. No other American has made hiduelf so familiarly known to the masses of the people in foreign countries; or excited in them so 'lively an interest in birnielf as the Doctor has by his skillful application of chemical science to the treatment of.ilsease. That most be _ ►dall man whe deem not. feel some pride of country when he Bede among 'distant nations that he is already Itnbwn and welcome there, through the labors of air ;statesmen, merchants and scholars, whose renown his become national property, and consequently. in some, measure his own,— Whether Dr. Aver's remedies de actually cure more than others or not, they have secured the reputation of being a God send to those 'aided with diregee, and where great amts— berm in any communityielleve that they owe their.beilth and lives to one's ekill, they are sure to feel an interest in him which will dud etnression when they meet hie eountqaeso; —National Ere, Washington, D. a CAaria s EXTRACT or SNAIL? *Nilo —Ms 111, beyond all doubt, °so of the mos t valuable ant, weefnli ; lititeines - ewer • yot presented to the I,tmeAtan ; psople. ',The; cartaluly *id PrOtOPPowte with - *blab it - theist, aid glWee mace 41.1foreit diseases. whether taWinwa>tdlT -or applied- outwardly,' 'ts equalled ,hf litoSather known 'sited:, and this fact,shows, is a 'clear and happy meaner. the adoPtadon -of the common herbs rowing among li t thithe Swery,day wants "adze:wash ties of our *tee, and clearly etpitdas why thialierhst caused to spt firth so abnni,asgiptbtlhis (wintry around the. dwel lings Ake if fifstieli andthopeor:/..Were thisllont . (arliertf, alit isruiitilly'calletrand cosefAmred-:,or this Egtreet of it is)•io.his.ab taibiat; Oily; kr minding to ferelgardapdafries for it, iso:doubd hnt.thatjarge quasi titiskpf it weitidise imported into this sem trilmtilf. lad - sold at high Pricesobutof the druj gores to Misery class who now tremolo it under their fleet u a worthless weed.:-'llut sash-is human folly and 'gnomic*. rat elso articles with hard names and high prices are preferred to those salutary herbs which a kind sad unerring Providence has wisely adapted to our. wants, and freely spread around: op{' doors. nov2-1t • IlonsaffoLti" faisitieCoe's lithigh Balsam and. lioe's Dympessia Cure—eke y should slways be hi the house ready for immediate ate; they are the most reliable remedies known. Th. one always bandy and speedy in oases of sudden ittaeks er oup s amongst the children, or for curing the most ntubborn coughs and colds, is -exeelkst ter, Ore throat and all lung ditlioilitles g the Other; Cee's Dyspepsia Curo—le tertian to cure dyspepsle, to matter of hes long Minding, indigestion, and all diseases AS originate in dise;dered • state of the SiOUSall 'sad bowels. rox orrr C0312111/ROLLt. COLLIE/a AZD NATIONAL TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE. A 0: BInL L Ls - 4ss Coirmit Celine Building, Oonvir Mao sad St. CAW Sta. 24 Wisp Hafidlitig, Odd names Balktisg. lith St. id College Bandit'. No& tot sod II St. Clair Bt. alatvaiskses rts_wasi paw, Oar.ll, IM$. G. L Roisiooretl. Isaditak Poling* drattaiy, Ohio. R. &Wain Allighost.City. Pa. 41,rauarseloittsbarg. Ti. • W. ZOO. PAW, .11.141k5a7 C•aaty.l9.. • arat-ss. Lsaithllastowa. Wastatotoliad Co. W.C. Armor. Latish-. Wostaorsisad Ce , Fe. R. IL Runts& Caatos, Inuit Co Ohio. J 8. Palliy,Osear. Assad:om Co, Pa.. - J. 11.04•11, Sig Prairie. Wars' 00. Me, D. Croadt. issos•ows.Chataaqoa Co. N. T. J. Sin. algerty's X lismols. Clstisamdtft‘ Pa . .I_p 1. • LW wiNhadiahart. Cambodia Co Pa. • , J. 'IL Liassesa, Wsehania-lwy. C. Cs., 1 , %. • 1 1. Bre vsestat t Notiusaissbarg, Casa. • C. W. Shattass, 11.11althabso, Wawa* 08.7. OWL sub, Ns. canals. • . Joseph Ct., lad. IL D. Carrier. Dassootrills. Isikossi Ca . W. 11. Clsston, Tray, Dais Co.. lowa. R. Ran. Stoskdals, Wabash Co lad. • X. L. Rosa SaUcresld. lima Co., Pa. W. TaalleliL R. Ramos, Wash C0..0. WaCastly. ilatlesdaid. Nasser Ca.. Pa. l.'ll.l'hospiwa. Haas. Wawa Co.; Pa. . A. T. itsassa, gasasistra W. R. ff. Admit thossoril %lad.- C. D. Hphrig i llaadsalsatara.lts. • ter tiros as* ialsrostioa toss Voi Cantle alba% JINX/1111. MTV it LIM • - .11Minsi s is. • .* ?tab' — j "licrefiraftschkultiiCall each seetaineneo 'airattre'D. t;gift, q4id Catarrh remedy, a sure and permanent i ettre. V.ilecttazt mirsilva a be4..0, 14. Wm's Pilli by Memilhliisiod friiet-ths iyesfof public, by enclosing one-dollar end Mx poet - Age stamps to ,0. G. Staplo. Stomaslut lir um at Materiel's; Y. - ' ' ' /mi It littesid of thelstliee of Fraser, ibid.:Wl fit . class, %boyars the bittisomeit le thailtettl.' ..With their rosy cheeks and black hair. who ion help bat tkiek — se. Dr. Velpaa'p Pills sever feil to make the eomplezion of a healthy sad rosy hue. Laillea n try them. Bold by all Druggisto. oeb-lm R. S. MORRISON SONS • Beg ism t ti taint ti. siiiases a irt; Usk !boy have ritiaereilloir stair al • - D-RY C00D41.. . To this UESII BLOCIOn rho rally IssisiTty asse._ plot by Ilsoirs. HAYES whirathey - Woad liassiag a lap usorkosit cf DressOoods, Fancy Bilks, GLOVES, HOISEB:71. Oce. listaratng thanks to oar snstoinors for Mate past Instal patrosats;srs rsapsattally ask o mutinous" at Ma rum ; Inksaalb 41181, C. DECK, Y x cassicirrasa AND 111101JUlai D5..11 f • BEGABA, TOBACCO, SNUB 110., Piltli below State Street. FAIR, PA. Oppoilis no Dispatch ilia*, Mo. HUBBE GOLDEN BITTERS. A PURELY VEGETABLE ,TONIC. INVIGORATING & IrRENGTRILNING. fortitlitftbi when what the fen Meet. at whole • . soots vatar. 1111 eon !lisp/polo. WU] moo aoskoost. Will ears Gatlin; WM/. .11f111 moo Eloastbura. • Will ear* 801.1.146. R -sue Lim Geoplatat. Will nods Oat omit" s Uplift to. will lativrato tha onus of ddlooitios sod amodloribto. Iserous WOoooporotozo of tlio lady sad the eine Se drulatlars, Wises hid u s grime sorroboliodi tir system, eontslatng se poisonous drain, sad le THE BiSS TONIC BITTCRS DI TM WORLD. A fair trial Is earnestly polialtad. GEO. O. BUBBIL k 00.Sipektati, - ffadsou. N. T. Central Dapot, Aurn lean !apnea Building Si BUD. ON BT.. NEW YORK. Per Wu by all Drouginta. Grows. ka. gar MOM - ROADLBY. tzM, Wholesale Avails. adlor sub by Hall & War&l,Cattn. & Cum sad WU. k Rooth. °aura& G LIOTBSTEELN & CO., PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 499 BROADWAY, NEW YORK The Idt-titian of the Pahlic and the trade te invited to our New Sale 7 Octave Rosewood Piano Fortes. Which for 'ohms and purity or tone are nartrallioll, by any Issentalssa oared fut Lia snarling. anatala all this modern improvements, Treseb, 'Grand Action, Rasp Pedal, Iron Frain* Ovaratroar lass. iss., and each in. erasion P being male lobs 110 persona • nterrition of Mr. J. H Chovesteen, who ha■ had s praeleal 'spot lines f over t 6 years in their inannfactare, it rally Warranted la aura particular. 1118 - “GRoVESTEDI PIANO PORTLS" Iterotimi the sward of 'merit over all others at the celebrated WORLD'S TAM. Whin ware exhibitod LONDON, rAtus, CIZRZANY, BALTLNORZ. BOSTON, AND NET YOU And she at the AVICSICAN INSTITITIT fur Ave nieseasive pare. tie GOLD AND MEM= .INDALN from both of which can be 11109111 at one wenn _ De tie• introdeeina at improvements we make a • mire perfect ?Iwo Forteoud by mnianheiwirl with a strict ea. system. are nabled to ones Jrthe to etre t• at a pries whin will preenele all esempettUme. huars—N 0.1, Ann omen, rand oentres.Bme *mint, plain ease 12,11. • . _ No. 2. Seven octave, rowed screen Eon •• od heavy moaldiag $3OO. . Np E. Zona Octave, rimed senor% Now woad Louie atria sue. Teams : Can la Current Fusels Descriptive eiree. , ars sent free, IL OIL T. A1711031t a CO., Wombats:on of PEotograpttle-Kataials, InEnaumi Am am% • 1501 iICILDWILY; W. Y. L MMusV.o sonta booboos of I'HOTOWIATEIL A& • =UAL; in on hood.rautse. fior the lolla•16 ". atorewoopro and Iltarostapio frefouive boos so Infornill, bootie VIEWS OF TOM WAX er—ua..adr..tww.omi • : , INUOTOISWIIII3 OMIT OP MI GM? O all 00111 TIM - S Fun. ' - Datil t .. Traktiroa, "atm ais Oottysburgh, Zamora haalos. lair Oaks, Leant *nada, Sivaipt Statism, . Prodaiskobargh, City Point. Farkas Italy/ills. liohnoad, Putalborillr • te lrra, nabs, " Chattanooga, Fort larva, Atka& . • Olualootos, Enid& Itrawbary Elam, Oa. Oa. • hooliosi oaf "snip affet . eXtLoodwipol, 1 7 =t 6 ot= ti rw it ammo Photographic Album.• "hi :4% G. fkbe tha tatf ma lomaolooton taws* grotto. la cm& ifseistf, fop t - Ifor to price trout 50 amo so I 5& Oaf ALBUMS km Ur girl. PI.S of Wog ooporlor la Irmoy rod olaroffllty to lay fOhoo— Tb lo Ono by son, ULM r o eppl of Woo garfrora Assrla ostruLMl• • Trade will and our Albums tko soot - lisamalatluayAsa buy. CA= 1110TOGRAIIUL c. sow alabillPit as Pm 0014006 Ow wt.* sidltbirram I.lllia way . *NC . • ' 100 blai-Gra 100 liwb4:101•' 01011tidurs, la Ms 230 ether O M 1.10 phis.% VSOOl■ll6. Nor, 0111•004. lilt .001110004 Jl2llOlO. lb Wag% 110,11malamill ,000 011eybo fit We*/ . laded; buleadulkos Lai* eildistud , Webb 44. Odabliso 6100 00 • 1 01 079t a 2 41= 4 1grr Oas Moos Pletaro Mrs Calibeys, 11:11•4 as melya 111.110, sad mist by wiel4 outt. AY Ore *Mug gob V. a IX, bin pier prort at ib. ormat Mak 110010 oda. . Urns pd., awl craft st ow psis smosi MI iheirillf _ - - New - Groery! . TAC9II BOOTZ . would respoottally an. swam to the people al Edo alt. mut sou% that I, has spaas4 a , KEW. 011.00217:, 5T07114 es Ow rag Mkof Neat Cras s a iliertD10•••• Sae -" • e ilk Late Shen Dept . ; - • ' , There be sill keep es Mate sr • user t of PlOvr.noprs, ° lll6oD'Alfti WILLOW Iran; LOMA taitorrea7tbbopsapaily-lerySlaa OA else- 441 Cl=l Wine, Sweet Ctike raid Liqiers." • Iriet Morlet lb* pia tar 11/obi% mous illv• ar koolk It reg wisloff mare good Me nos: 1 Odle royeattooon Igo tior.V.oot Lower. Goa ea: law Moro !a **AI: arttokitt. . A It,3IINISTRX4OI4ii:6ALIt . , .. ~ . • 0/ RNAL ItSTATIt.• be said at pails aaikat the m4 f i lmag rimat. lig a. eity et Zele: iat tlatarday Wm ata • aril* Weisel a% ta., tha Rad ratattiot Ilt*a Ilait. sateasK situated. )4 mile 'Nat at aid X • Push 74454„ Gait SW miles Swath at Ibia, 211Marrassfoilikvatediaad;witiamodervi= *lberia iadastballdiara rerMalilli • 1r.." . .. Or Or 400 . A • - . GSM= BILL I PIO. ..„ . 411401414 . ... ~ ' • : -.. Aillail41601111,,; hotel Removed: pus sussomen wao itas Occu, raw tiro lisooloa Rob" Jam 4 1Pon Via Doris for do pot bar form Ms mum** bite the . - NATIONAL NOTNL; - - coma or MeV iittrra.o ereams, 2 :l ol4. lf. "l" tinlr= "4e.: _ s e mi lke= do A l g ia rr i roca yam o• Await itsillooliot Idol *N. irl2l bo torbotoa le Ma bi sow sioisvo. WIN itliobrotamoosorialls like ow low witb Oak - • • 01101114 r , • 011111.110ThilL F E E' D . . 'C'. U 'T . T E R. - -• - • Thosaaried ett rereeente s me sod hogroria 6)12i Iriaft Coveted 802. gristly importer to say tsar lti-• food Cotter to oak Ite strength. darablitr, tosmptetsere, itolf•thedlng.letlastabiti throat aid halted. stiffs el tat, daleloiltr, ratting alillota of feed meant welt. different laagth of eat, decreed by hand or Irani power. ali nonaidned, al , . the Itandre Fe. d Cotter the deeded-pre finenes siii , ivory stkr fear Astro Cotter. It taalt the Suit Pnadittna at the New Yorh State far is igra We air ibille to_ tits pablio with tell aoalklasso that Usti trig Ws es** iatisfeetion , '. - . . . . . • _ Plisse*/ Emig Cattalo : Ifo. I, 125; No. 2, 830; Ito. 3, M. A Moral liscoont to tha trade. ... THeIiiXIIEBTBB PREMIUM CUTTING BOX Ili take paean In ogling the atteation of &Von and dl wins 1 or me Cat lag Bona. to the /mproyed Socha ter Peed Cieter, m machine comb/alms Strength, gimotteite Ind Utility in ru gr at a degree that It meet commend Peel t o (ma men it .Iket sled It dna its wen with the veal est sue and raptdit7, twilit Coro Stalkkel iber wet or drl with eintal ease as hay or straw. Than le co cheese fat driegns o lt le Melf feeding, Cutting frog Ire -Ogh the to ens Ischia gth. As meleusins dotter tu splettltura Implements se , s oar fetid Cates, t "We rounds , It the most perfect ratter made, sad later flew' to our Meals With the fullest each. duce" It bat always taken the first premium at State and Coach-irairs, and deservedly stands at the bead 4)1'1'11 Feed Cutters of its ass Prima No 1, loproved„ Slept, NINA, 7 tea t throat, No. 2, Improved. single knife, 9 lad' thrmat, $lll. • 11b, al dlareast to that trade. J. A. LAWSON'S IMPROVED* REVERIIIIL FLUE HOT AIR FURNACE. ' P. P. BTEWARre LARGE OVEN AIR TIGHT COOKING STOVE. This splendid atop needs no pnise at star hand': Wherever has been used, aim grown tgto nnlvinsal laver. Seine et points of rtaninwrandation are ewprisead in the following t Ist. the peculiar position of ilia fee ebarear. by.stalch till heat can elea.r be thr.wn'ont into Um room, or confined to thi Stan. (The Wire know how to survelate fd. The Ore t ands. perfect control, and any temperature belt desirable can be nbtaioed. Id It torus .ither wood, anthracite o. Miami non e cool. 11:h. A tu , may be kept with entire safely daring the night and breakout and dinner prepared next day with no additions' fuel. sth. Se a 1 ake. It is unrirallod. or All o 'the shore article t.r sale at wholarale or retail W. dr. MERCK k CO., Corner of state and Meth Sta.. leri where also will always be found a general MAO rtment (revel article usually sold in a drat class Hardware and Hoot.) Vandal lag Store. [ettlil 6w] THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARRE'S Celebrated Female Pills. NOTEOTED LEITERS • BY ROYAL "% kl- " 4% ‘ PATENT! -mb• . . ' pareifron • Preseriptitst cf Sir .1. Veda, M. D., PAyeisism asrisrtUatety to thi Qaue. kis 'minable medicine is unfailing In the ease of all . hose palatnl•and dangescas diseases to which the female emastitation is subject. It moderates all eseees and re moves all obstactions, and a speedy' cure may be relied • on TO RIAkRIED LADIES tis peen/larly malted. It will, in &abort time, bring on he monthly period with regularity.. Each bottle, pries One Bogy, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent conateitikits. CAUTION. These Pills sot Meek, by Feasts* /aria, air, 111111 VIRE! .1110.11M13 of Pregiasey, d hey era swot to *iv en_Mierariegs, bat at any easy tine they ere Nee. In all as... of Borrow and Spinal Affections, Pens in the Back and-Limbs, Fatigue on rlightexertion,Palpits• lion of thi Heart, Nysteries and Whites, these Pills will effect a care whoa all other mina ham failed: and al though s powerful,. emedy, do not contain hOst, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full 'directions in the pamphlet around seek pit tam which Should be modally ;immersed. - . BOLD BY .ALL DRUGGISTS. - • Bois Arta for the United 13tatee and Canada, JOB MOSTA PI Cortiandt St., New York. - N. B.—sLoo and 6 postage stampahaelosed to any au thorised ape; will inane a bottle, containing b 0 Pills. - • esp2lll3-Iy. triA227Oll•D•l l l/13 INS; , &AIMS CO • 1 1 • from Ow but =Awe PHILADZLPHIA, anlflSB4? HART aro Re, CONNICTI %CUT. ?MCORP ORATZD MO. CAP 17'..it $1,010,0030. T. G. MATS, Prod. , 0. U. COIL, Softy CITY FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HARTFORD, OONNECTICIM IMOORPOIII477iD 1847. _ C. lAITA;, LISO.KI TM. Z. BARER, Nest. ORO.V. L 131711. Baer- INSURANCE in the above old and reli ab A2 011111111111/ din , be °Maned appliastbek be - , W. lIIIMLL, Areat, NEW. BOOT An BEDE STORE. WHOLESALE AND DETAIL. HE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFUL. L2lnfnrm tl;eli Lieu& and Um piddle that Um dltakad iba Wove button. N the cast lid* of the Mamma, next door to sr. John lieele's dre goods state, where thry offer for Bala the - but aimortiod stock a the aide west ot , New, Yorl4aelectedtrey lout dill stoat tuntisctortu and Dwight at Itednoed Prioes • AND WILL Bi SOLD . - AOCORDINGLY. Spatial mita hop atm TO *TER LADIES. Wlthevit Preir Wrongs. Whew vnald.bo blockaded. NOONAN it MICE. mikelsll44l BANK NOTICE! • lielstome Natfooid Bank of Et!e 4 CAPITAL, $150,000. _DIRECTORS: • lIIILI3I'N MAR, JOBW Ir. Ilt.l J. SLUM .111.111114. BIBThII 'WWI • O. )101ILX. ORAWO! NOBLL .1010 11TOWN, MI above bask will is. oisasni to ti. tranimiii,n . • ; • togoom OD Meadey, Dee. Stb, kr PROW Bleri, -Wed MO ei Miami Soros% sal WILE 1141thears parr; dliaosated. - • • New rioirot oa Nod% . Oolkotino mob aid From& aseoluited. " _ t arialy y.d. as 4 Bs* Rotor *Melt WI oak - Asa el P.Dllo P0'141160 U roople.figi cbulutat-tb :lima nisi , . raiwouina Tartan tad Int; ?lame lc tomes Patent Simian lisaluess Met Is sus -Ststargtristaistorsos Ilth and eth Ste, tdo. pa. (MAW mole to iodic to tie Sisal ides. Isarill-kr. • • • ._ LIMA& 6101111.4, %% um tiisq•=ai - Nesaiimami.aggusi._satisagiouatiostioi the% IM fir/Optima. • .0.1114,* Invented by the ee:elmet_ _ , This new Earns*. is ellen.] to the pablis he the et a t.itent belief tbet it stir pluses ell others in use. The Ootrety Commissioners, after assenielag a tuesn• ter Of kiwis, utionlolonely adopt( d this for the Court lipase, al the but tit., *ad seen. Its merits way be ttriely stated se"tellens e . It does not clog b, dust a (I niches, so uto impede the draft . -It eye lee put in ; erred lug , ' order in Gee minute!' time.. no =niter bus let.ce it fwel been in nee - _ - •• ' t • It bee bbs . best radio of any Femme constricted, are haling toe least feel: - It Is aaiy. eoatrolNd and am: be managed by them moalunaklllid matter., al' er very little Tsp.:lmm A single es , ntieatioa vUI satisfy any person Oita great so perinrity. Call at W. W. PIERCR & Co.'s store, and emu:Wm It. or send lea a putpbat. PRIMO :No 1, 1—: No. 2, I. No. 8, ll—. P. P., BTEWART' OVEN 'STOVE TOR RITITRIL ' AvirsitActys 01 BITUMINOUS , COAL The Pineal Hall, Parlor or . Siuigq Boon Stove ever Availed. It Bawer chokes as, always Oros freely, Ir plifaetly tight, as to elsaasetry I simple taming Grabs vats,'and Is complete in all respects. By VA and as tbracite ea& are eat be hot la 4/ all the sear tetrad. • . • Parkas sio I,s,—; s Craw Dealers la GROCERIES AND PROVIMON :~►, Dried and Sealed Fruits, • r.ubris & 011.4, Ship Chondleiy, Boat Stores, &a-, Pa 7 ZlZArrrs BLOCK, PARR in-; Abio, Public Dock, Foot of State areal, lyll. A. (R mronn, jan2r66-U .1. BYRON TICYTI. REMOVAL. GROCERIES! GROCERIE S! THE Subscriber baa removed hie stock of groceries from the stand above the Lake St, •••• Depot to the room in the With Mork on State rho, , corner of Fo.ath, where be dill be happy to we Oil friends and cuat. , mare and fib Mal? orders for goods • Mock of Grocenes is large and oarfolly ea looted and .red at the low. at rides roaaiataot with the *rig isa t , fl• tartan all in need ef anything In hie line to bit-% call: ' P. MINX *Div New Music - Store. • • PIANO FORTES AND lIELODE9As; Franc the following eatehrsted - MANUFACTURERS natality h Sona,Naw York. Wm. Shaba 8 Co., Daltintora, Md. Lindeman & Pow, New lark. , Wm. B. Bruit ury, New York. • John B. Dunham, New York.. Groveateen k Co. New York. Geo. A. Prince & Co ,Butta , o, N. Y. Carbart, Needham h Co.. New York. Prices. at a Large Discount belay' facturerli Prices.' PIANOS FROM $250 TO $160.' Also, instruction Books and Shoat Muic. An persona wtsblne a first rata Piano Forte Of N.L. ‘l.• on, mini:laded to mill and examine our taitnuseut. ce an purchasing shtewhere. ...Beed'a Block, State street, nearly opposit• tar , Oflke. ZEMIN* 31'11 or P. 3.—F:racy faatrnmeatwarranted far r • may t Keystone Stove Works : KANTNACITEEIbe QM. MOVES & HOLLOW WA.te - :, Have • lards and extend,* aseertmel. of St." ; , Wholad' and &Sad- Is a first-olaas neat Cook Stott; with or Willteu: nit, for kard or soft o al, or wood, au`._ BETTER THAN THE STEWART 8L0C...:. WHEAT SELEAP NEW Ebb,, Bata low ono Coal Cook Stoves—wits •wood it at • . eau be awed either for alai or wood. -, . THE POEEBT .OAR,` Wlarip Itfl ssawalastiring this co'obratod 14.: •:u Store for wood—with or 'Mama tesorwcdr...er - • ' THE MENTOR,' 4kw Oval SINK tor Weld. nib la • new Elms• beautiful t'aelgu. sad now for sale—toptartr *ari a lam* assortment a elevated Oren Coos ' Parlor Cord; for wood or edal,aad Parlor arid Oltos SW for wood or arid. 1L•1111 1 31.I4i, D. W. H. WEITIVITS Zria, Jan. 11 THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE OPEN -A. ID a Clothlog Store on Qv 001111 ff of Fourth u t State sheets, whine they prof ass to harp IhnOOl 14 hand as good ao auortment of Clothing ao can bikini... is the city, Scads in the tut manses frog th- best m . tidal. sad so finished as to afford iittlesetion to ti • nut inritical-cistomer. Yatlealag &WSW= tali I • paid to Custom Work, In which broach ire propos,. t easel all other eitablishinents Uth city. We iilt 5..- srs3s keep a to. stock of Cloths. Caashnersn, Vitottail, to from Which outonsets an select to the Tory best athallitege. Gents' Furnishing Goods, Mew" degeriptlOD. gorapnilag all .rtlelet In teat lie*. The Coeds, of Boys will SIM I* in ode* opegielitv. litre saa all. • B.46Sgttel AN •le LINILIDIIII. G10.41.3t112 licambu. Law Cutter with it.tec4b. je2241641 • 13 CIO/ lila la ripady to atilt d down', &daybed to De :4, 1 notaries and Buildings or all kir& ; coosapcto.: castsrials that Isms , too I the but of Mae year. imasfattanid oft se 'stint/ dltAraat sad Lem r lam say ottcsr composition reeliaggla Fund. trap datable wad at lowcetw• daaselat. . 6 4 ample s ssat fro by sea& &RAW =Olin No. 17Na diaLuas e llaar Yetkb. I rv. z_7l_r - 11, • P tIr IEIteN po* 7 ; ) A , W 1 01 014 4g.d retell dealers la 11 IA B DAN A.ag- A /11./), AO a S I°' , r 'r .• ol fent?! ' OW ...a , tfriti :of Btatei'ared -Saws,* P4.,' Notre' to call iptiotal ottottios ttithofolltatto: ' " "Ugh' to tbolrstotirt. • . an & EIUE, PENIVA. • . E. P. Cr.:1.1.7.!?.:,. Tibbals, Shirk & Whitehead, T'HE IRON GAT k. Wi al :o maimfootors tho New Clothing Store.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers