fit butter. THURSDAY. NOV. 2, 1865. raosemavvr ow me v.* s. a. a. The Philadelphia Zeller learns that the earnings of the Phibniolphia - ot Erie rail road for the month of September " are nearly $250,000, and a remarkable feature of it is its almost exolusively loos! charac ter. Thirty to forty thousand dollars per month is expected from the new passen ger line recently put on, and with the completion of the docks at Erie, during the owning winter. • large trade in an thracite coal to the lake ports is expected. In addition to this, arrangements are in progress to largely increase the oil ton nage, and accommodations are steadily making for a through trade, on which the company has mainly relied for the support of the road, and which it has not thus.fax been prepared to accommodate— the late , war troubles having interposed obstacles to fuller equipment. The esti mate of the late President of the road on leaving that oftioe, about a year ago, was that the receipts of the road in . three years from that time would be three'bon dred thonssind dollars per month. It is already nearly that stn, in one year, without a tbretigit freight trade, with on'v a limited ambunt of the oil business, surno anthracite coal tonnage: Its rev enues, so far, are almost entirely from local sources. Whit tasY be expected whee to these shall be added all the other sources of revenue oontemplatod when the ' enterprlie of connecting the lakes with tide-water was first started? The Ap prehensions entertained by some of the heaiy owners ,in the Pennsylvania rail road, that the company had connected with an unprofitable speculation in leas ing the Erie road, are fast fading out in the face of the practical working of the road, and especially in the development of its immense local trafflo. Instead of a drain to the Pennsylvania railroad com pany, it promises to be a great source of profit, and to largely increase the impor-' Lance of Philadelphia is a commercial cen tre and shipping point." The Ledger might add that with•more enterprise on the part . of the' managers, and a greater spirit of aceomm odation, so as to make the road a favorite with the people of the counties which it traverses, instead of being, as now, universally odi ous, it would do a still more profitable business. In. the hands of the new Gene ral Manager, we are in hopes tint a dif ferent system will soon prevail, but we should be false to our duty as a jilnrnalist, and to the sentiments of the people of Erie county, if we did not say that the course of its °tillers heretofore has been a grievous disappointment to the best friends of-the railroad, PRICKS fN IBSY ►llO 11S115. In 1860 you could go to s store and buy a bill of goods, and the storekeeper would make out your account about as follows :. 1 nieoe of muslin. 32 yds, at, 12}o_. .$4 00 6 tits coffee.. at 12}n . .. 75 24 yards calico, at 100 2 40 1 lb. pepper, at 100 10 • 10 tbs. sugar, at 8 eta 80 5 yards Canton Flannel, at 15c :5 1 bilk handkerchief 44se .. 1 00 Total , $9 80 In 1865 yo•u make another purchase, and buy the some quantities and quali ties of goods at the same store, and the storekeeper makes ont another bill as fol lows: 1 nieoe of muslin, 32 yds., at, 600.. 319 21 6 !to. entree at 500 . . 300 24 yards &Lilco. at 350 . ....... 840 1 lb. pepper, et ...... 75 10 lbs. sugar, at 200 2 00 5 yards Canton flannel, at 750 3 75 1 •ilk 'handkerchief.... 3 00 Total $4O 10 Deduct bill of 1860 ._.- 980 Difference S3O 30 In 1860, ten days work of a laboring man at $1 per day would foot the bill ; in 1865 it will require twenty days work, at $2 per day, (which very few laboring men get.) to pay for,the suns bill of goods. 'ln 1860' the farmer' would come to town and pay his bill of goods with two barrels of flour; in 1865, notwithstanding the high pros flour commands, it will take four barrels to pay the same bill. -.The above presents a plain statement of facts which are brought home to every householder in the community. and es pecially every laboring man who has to provide for himself and his family by his daily toil and industry, and this state of thingar will continue just so long as the governmental policy of the last few years is continued. I! the masses want a change, they will have to depose the Re publican party from' power, and give the reins of government to the party of econo my, patrietism, justice and fidelitythe good old Democratic organisation. A. Dummies. on seeing one of the poi ten announcing the coming of the pano rama of " Paradise Lost," aed reading this line, " A Rebellion in Heaven," sud denly exclaimed " A rebellion in Heav en! Nein Gott ! dat luta not long now. Ockel Abe ish tare." The above, , which we find going the rounds of our Republican exchanges,' is horribly heterodox. All the churches teach that theatres are very wicked plaices, and how any person who lost his life in one of them could succeed in reeching the delightful locality referred to, is- a mystery we cannot comprehend. Will not some of our orthodox preachers explain? Several of them have awned their confid ing congregations that our " martyred President" safely reposes in Abraham's bosom, sad as their-Information unques tionebly coulee from an authentic source,. we trust they will tavor the public with fuller particulars. Tea election of Ws4e Hampton, form erly a general In the rebel artily. to be Governor of South Carolina, is 'singular but not surprising insiifestation of South ern feeling. Yr. Orr. former speaker of the U.S. House of Repiesentetites; was the opposing candidate, • and ifs election was urged by Union men on the ground of his reluchtit adheskin to the iebellien end his lakewarnanerf during the Weds Hampton wantinte . illeasliOU Win love and fought to the end. P . :orlon! te the election - , he declined, to talrtof' I( ? On, but the people voted Lai ids Ntaidi leer ot hisibionsadosa., - - ; 1 7: ra ,•. f Nitußo Pllltritail AND PINGIND • ILDIZ. - The New York Wor:/,1 affiNns thst: the statement that we are lergely indebted to the negroes for our succeee lek.the wer., is a downright' falsehood. 14ener negroes hive been in the servioe,drawte da by Sigh bounties and large "Ogee, and When led by white men, have iiisollne instemess displayed respectable- animal courage., But they have never decided the fate of a' single battle. Besides this, they. here been basely.calpable, and by - their conduct. es a people, hare furnished the must conclu sive demonstration. that they are an infe rior race. If they had risen in a body, as Wendell Phillikeipected and predicted that they would, td any time aftetothe war had diawn a Faro portion of the white men of the South ` lato-the field, the war , would have at once stopped.. But the negroes not only generally- refused to strike for their own liberty, when we were fighting for it under _the' emancipation proclamation of - Linooln, and when by • blow they might have secured it, Ind ter minated the contest...but the great major ity of them !steered constantly to supply ,the rebel army with food. What little power the - negro had over the contest, was in the. main thrown is , favor of , the South. Efforts were male, e. the sugges tion of just such persons as Wendell Phil lips, to secure a 'general rising of the slaves, and several expeditions penetrated portions of the South for that purpoes.— JuSt after one of these expeditions, had bee& put in notion, the Tribune' had an exulting article in. which it confidently predicted what terrible and decisive things the aroused negroes would do. . This, and all similar expeditions failed ; and al though Sumner and other abolitionists re peatedly boasted„during the early part of the war. that intelligence of our wishes and purposes spread rapidly among the . negroes in every direction. coming thee' them from New Orleans to Washington in - eight days, yet the most persistent efflirts could not induce them'to rise against their masters, or even quit working for the re bellion in the absence of their mesters." To ibe sure, wherever our large armies penetrated the South ,the negroes ran at. , ter them just as they and the boys in the street run after an ordinary military 'pa rade. We repeat that the statement that we are largely indebted to the negro for our military woo's* is utterly untrue, and a'gross libel on our white soldiers. A. few blacks, prompted by large bounties and persistent appeals from Massachusetts' coward; like Wendell Phillips, who - . sent their agents with money in hind in. the wake of our armies, enlisted and fought on our side. Bat for one of these there were ten who built fortifications, threw up defenses and raised supplies for the rebel armies.• And they did it voluntarily, for their masters had no power to coerce them. La •to the high qualities which Phillips ascribes to them, not oets of them I has been found fit to fill an impertant Post in.the army. Even the abolitionists them selves - dired . not trust . oee of them to lead a regiment ; and rather than rue such * hazard they seat them out under such men as Shaw and Higgins,. Boston gentle. men, 'Unitarian preacheri and idaiisachts setts philanthropists. f • As to the threat that if the• negroes do not have the right of suffrage conceded to them, they will rise and wade through a see of blood to obtain it s let no one be alarmed. If the negro could find no mo tive to stimulate him to rise during the , last four years, and secure the title to hts own body and soul, he will hardly be and denly fired, by political ambition, toaseert his claim to the ballot. -ff,-under cover of this thread, it is meant to convey the ides, that the Northern radicals will excite .a civil war at the South' for the purpose of securing the right of the blacks to vote--- very well. Let them try it. There ire a, class of men in this , cauetry who have long cheated the halter of its due, and they can do no greater service than to go fully into the business of hatching a new rebellion in this country. Only let them enter upon the schema at once. and not content themselves-with . nientting on the "platform,' and venting idle' threats. NATIONAL ECONOMY. The crippled condition of the•national finances demands the practice of. rigid economy in all departmepts of the gov ernment. No more money should be ex pended then is absolutely necessary, and the objects of expenditure should be close ly inspected by those intrusted with the disbursement of the public mrtneys. This is no time for raids upon the National Treasury. The pressure upon it is heavy and the taxes which•fali upon the people are of a character to impress:all men with the necessity of economy and the need of retrenchment and reform. This being the case, the country will tetra with astonishment that Chief Justice Chase and a roll of friends have been indulging In extensive excursions at the expense of the public. On a recent oc ossion bills; contracted by Mr. Chase . and his friends in an excursion on the North. ern lakes,amonnting to over two thousand dollars, were presented for payment to Charles D. Norton. Collector of the Port of Buffalo. Mr. Norton referred to . his instructions' for ..information as to the course he should pursue sal finding noth ing in reference to paying bills for gov ernment officials on a pleasure jaunt, -he declined to allow the account, and tele graphed to Washington tor his instrno tions. He was Promptly instructed t,opay the bills and. return them. as vouchers to the , Treasury Department: and thus a precedent was set which may lead • to the most unheard of abuses in the expendi lure of the publicTnnds. There are times and occasions when it is both just and proper that the govern ment should pay the bilk of Its agents.— The Chief Jostles when in the discharge of the, duties of his office should have his expenhes paid. This is.* mitthrregubited by law. ', But it does not, cover summer janntg oar the lakes, in compiny with large and costly company . of politiolit; teehei'of both sexes. There is no warrant in "law or custom- for such ptvii4gsllty, and the people will not sanction it when 's*, gueinted with the whole feats of tbm cue, The tendency of the age is towards laxity is titidischirge of ofitn4l duties: This is obsesvabistegually in municipal, State and Ustionsistraire. Hence she unnecimery tuiciardstfoti 'Of debt. end flirftil inassin iiibaSstaq 04111401 ! : ikeiA l 6 Oatfir isaubbeisiimat 7:lc '3zt vss f: 1 ; lsr;ittoi • ea • we DOW Of Sane View i 1110 this bills contracted by Chief Justice Chase, and ordered to be paid by the Treasury Department at Washington. Eratinealnoolionti i .4 now tiars than ever a inctentiti,,atoj it ' oust ipoob i ' a if de. pv1811310148 If our Governotent.• Nino, limed be exempt from the - operations of .algeneril and lisexcirablc . ruls with refer ence to the ezpenditure of - pit& Money. 'What the law gives Winch olSoer should be awarded him, blt - Oothing farther. No expenses for pleasure excursions, or sum :merjaints, should all - owe:Cal in the one or Chief Jastioe Chase. Snob a pro ceeding has no Werrent l in justice or right, and its edoption at this time, when the nation is struggling under an enormous debt; is a wanton addition to the burdeis entailed upon the reviving trade and busi ness of the coaster.—Bile. THU WAS?, OR ■L&IIY/=. American politics , hats never famialicd any thing which is comparable ter a mo ment with the infamy and vileness of the Republican mimagers in cincooting and earrying on, for party sucome, their war of detraction and calumny spinal some of the bravest• and purest, citizens of the country. The Republicans, in pursuit of mere party victory, throw truth. honor and demenoy to the wind , . If any person. ,citizen or soldier. , dares to seem to resist, but for an instant, tha-gmrpooes of tail party, they cry out: Crucify' him 1 crucify Mail It was' so with General Sherizzn. Stanton did not hesitate to stigmatize him as a traitor and betrayer of the land he had saved. in co-operation with Slocum. Bair, Logs; end the brave soldiers of his devoted army. Mr. Geo. Btocroft caught up theory, and in his eulogy en Mr. Lin coln eohood it ss far as his inflited words could heir so wretched a slander. Thus it is with Slocum I Icutigsted by Stan- Ann, through the C'zieego Reptiblioalt, bounded oce by Thurlow Weed, in the in terest of Seward, reinforcdd by the 'llibees to gratify the radical!, the Recut:lips:l managers are resolved to blot forever the spotless name and fame of a noble goner• al, in order that a booil election may \ he carrlnd against the Democracy. I'ILKIILDIN? MONROE. Our attention has been called to en er ror la the article upon ' . Oar Public Men." printed is last week's Ossaavaa. The statement is there made that his remains were interred in a oemetery on School St., ew York city, where they remain, with no monunient ,to mark the place where - they lie. It is correct that the body was deposited in. the place represented, but clot correct that it is still there. In eceordance with nrequest embodied in a resolntiou of the VirginiaLsglilature, the 'remains of' Mr. Id )a roe, were removed frout.their original phyla of burial and taken to Richmond, arriving 'there on the 4th of July. 1853; escortet by the New ,York Lia• Regiment, National Guard.:--- They were re-interred, with appropriate ceremonies, in the Smthesetern portion of' Efollywoetil Cemetery, • an sin eminence .. tionsmsading a beautiful View of the river' s*d adjacent country. 41, nest aisusoleuns has since-been erected over the grave of the dittinguiished son of Virginia, whose setae and memory the whole nation hon. MAIM LILILDINCI There are's; number of issues now before the people of the United States ; but the three most important - and -leading goes• time which mast-soon be decided one way Or the other, are briefly and intelligently eittraiiid up by a Cotemporary as follows : 1. Shall we give to the negro nos the right to vote, and thereby acknowledge ita.rigiti to demand a social and political equality with the white race? '2:B'oail see tolerate anti defend a die oritaitiation in favor of the capitalist in levying taxes to pay the national debt ? 3., Shall we enoonrage an opposition by Congress to the return of the Southern States into the Union, on the terms em braced in President Johnson'aplan of re union-or re-eontdruotioit The Republican party everywhere takes the afllrtnitive on these .questions. The Democratic. party tikes the negative. In other words, the Republican says yes to all these propositioni—the 'Democratic. party gays no. Let the peopte'ehoose between them: Mattawan, Pa., Oct. 31, 1865. Governor Curtin left town today to participate, on Wednesday nett, in the ceremonies of laying the corner-stone of the, monument to the memory of the sol dier* of western Pennsylvania who fell during the war. The monument is to be erected at Girard, Erie a►nnty, Pa. Gov. Carlin will deliver an address on the moo sion, and the balance of the week be will devote to the political canvass in Western New York, making speeches at Elmira and other' points.-2slegnara to the Daily Papers. • To put the . matter in plainer language, the Governor, after delivering the address at the dedic!Aion of the monument erec ted through the generosity of a Demo erat; will go to New York, and assail the bemocratio party as a mess of traitors, sympathizers, &c. Consistency is one of the virtues which do not give His Excel lency way particular trouble. Political Pozsgraphs. A gamma of stories sae afloat about at tempts to assassinate Omit and Sherman, by nmninig railway cars•off the track. This is too bad on the railroads. Their; assassinations are not entitled to Itejar General.—Tribune. Bamrsrt.ow would make • pretty mess of TelltileSSOB.. 'He would disfranchise all . the small rebels, bang all the loaders, and banish. the !legless. This would leave about four *missed inen.te*do all As voting and hold all the offices. Browniew would be sure of re-eleotioa for the next te e few. ' Watts the - Repot'Nen radicals are pee sing the - claim of steivois to vote in a white man's country. they are careful to keep out of sight the WA that in asyli, Liberia, and every. other negro govern. meld; White men- are not permitted vote or hold *Moe of May kind—We don't blame the deckles, only "whit is same for the goose," Ic. Tees Oincinostf Vona, ( Republican ) says : "We see that some of Our ootempo mies are inclined to be very joyful, over thereon% bat we reciord it to the shame et the State of Ohio, that, et s period Zit* the present, alosjority of over'sizty :iiidd. Anold *f . ottwoa SO doisdle dowi Eo 441. 1. :*141‘bOvitoitil..Pf liroagY thou, send ." • . it •t • L , * •*' •.. _ - S. . •-.... -,,-,..:. ? , ...a..e...1. -, ...„....aap„....-10. 1. il em eas4 .- 74ir ... 1hr 444 . 4 U H. Juno' Swetear of EIES &Mel court of Vermont, has recently pro- bee° fitt e d °P by tea Peeena - PeoPeitdoe, 'obi nounoed ahoOnstitatiaital that sektion Of Anthony, is a "" and the sot of It areli3. it autitathhig & substantial menet, The rooms are oenvealently erupted •and eomfortablyifferaished, auditor& as clean an a suepension of the habeas corps Intl regu• ' - careful holusekeeper. eau maks 'them. • . Onr lilting arbientry arrests, erhieli..:piescribei _ tried John hadys hie to keeps hotel:—.-M. that an order. or autleels . ellen fettle the , D. 'Osbert, has: nasally added a epleadid President shall shield one 9t Ma 1 9 b9ra " dentate earelege and let of eery One house to P ress Gem Pildohilthpb tellm °II s t d his stoat. Hs is going /sit loos to proem which that order 441 cover or 'direct. a covered sleigh for the nee of perti;s In the We don't-usinity.givemuch !eight to the , winter. _Mr.' o.'s livery-is %tieing a dicer , - plea of uttoonetitationility, but , if any - witty h'ghreptitation,---"-Bisttop Simpson has thisl tabs laliOanalOtitiobol. we fhoul4 sent a letter , t 3 Mr. dattghey, President of think this section mast bit.--Difnts. ' the Young Moues Chrlatlas Asioolation, Alit . 4110 log that it will by impartible, .on a vomit of olanforese on aid pressing eirottmotnneee," for him to fulfill his engagement to lecture fore this avellog.---.The late Episoopol Conven tion decided to divide the diocese of Penney! vfnla into two dioceses' with a Bishop at the heal of each. • i'he Allegheny mountains will be the dividing-line, that part of the SW* lying on this side to be the -*esters district, and the portion on the other side to constitute the Blasters district. A primary .43onveltion, to elect the new Biebop, will bo,hehl at PittF. bu rg kan the iuk,Hr. Alfred L Tyler has assumed the dutienf th 1 a seen' Su, 'riot oil lacy of the Foiled:aphis railroad. in plane of Mn Jos. D. Potts, resigned. Mr. T., we are informed, is a man 2f Astsollfs espsrienoe, enterPrieing in hie ibis sal elerrstls i a oar• rylag them out Wi trout ho will lose no time in mot in; the mu'' :assist issrave- sesta on the ea ad. 7 —.lr. R. H. Frisbee is shout erecting on XUs strait, U 'boo, $ mat sileent four story building, the Inwer put of which is-to be oosUpied• al store'. cuss, &3., and the upper part. at s the ears '42 I concert room. Mr. P. G. Straaahan is stun shout to build two large stores on the same street, and Mr. B. Riley wilt erect several baildingu on High Street..., A large number of other build Inge are being pat up, and' the Bulletin says . the demand forlmesei is en great that fifty more than than Sri At present in the town. lucid be 0000pied.---The recent election for Assembly m m in the Elk sod Clearfield district,. verified the 'anoi . stit priverb I •' The Hedy bird Geishas the most worms.".--.-Thayer & Noyes' aims, when last: heard from, was traveling abreast' the States of -Sante* and cilia tote,. It hal exhibited in LouiseilLs and Nestrate, an 1 will probobly remain-lo that:loll% dutdeg the seam, lastest of win tering is (lined. as ail al. —The former papnhir otter of Hood Tempters le being re • wised.. Measures have ben taken fur the es - tablishmest - of a Lodge in Greenville, Mercer county. Some :of the happiest .- thouthis of mar yoatkfal days are 'esnneerted with that erg0,....g Thras arrests," says the Mead ville Raysetine, 1 . were mein on Friday even ing, In Titusville, for passing counterfeit bills on the N. W. 13 ink of Pannsylvamis." The man who', snail counterfeit the bills of a broken down bank mart be either very impa 'dont or ignorant.---We will take it as a spe • dal favor if time of ' our friends in each township will send us early information of all the occurrences of local interest which hap pen in their respective vicinities.—A eor re:pi:beant of the Union Mills Bulletin states that Jacob Shepard, living in that neighbor hood, is over 93 years of age, and claims that hi is the oldest inhabitant thereabouts. We doubt if Alters is a person• of m ore advsnoed age tiring is say par: of Vie amity. --- C 01. Johnson sal his wits, two of •the of lest old. sees Is Crawford county, died in Vanes 4., recently, la the Immo hour Sid utterly the sameosiante. . They crossed the valley of death as they had traveled the journey of lihahsad in hoed.—The Union Mill Bulletin says Mr. II L' Church, of that place, "took a cabbage from his garden, the . other day, which weighed nineteen tied one half ponods, after bring triemol resit for cooking, and measured foarleat one hallo In eiroumferenee. ° Theliahbage qUestiou 'meth interesting.— From present inilostioes the book country farmers wilt take the prise.—The Democrat ic Meeting at Buffalo, on Saturday evening. kr demribed to us as a very large and enthn duds ono. Mayor Fargo presided, and needles were made by Gas. Stooono, Hon.' John Van Buren and dim. Mint; miry Blair. --The Return Judges hell onothor meet ing in the Court Efialss,ort Frillyast,ta count he soldiers' iota. Zit Ors' wa r received, for whioh the oonity hid to Pay t 3 judges 'an 1 ) , average of $3 lien. or a ea n amanoliag in the aggregate to little lest then sloo. "Evan's Gift Enterprise," S, sort of lottery concern, will exhibit in Farrar gall for five nights, commencing on Fridij evening, the 84 Last.----loather VlOVriall troupe will open in Punt Hill on this evening of the 12th host, with the "Ticket of Leave Man." The eomptny is sill to omelet of twenty performers, of whoa Ills; Lena Prentice, e young lady who ham ea cur, oa simlrere hare' will lts one —Tim "Fat 0311,rib *tor " and his Panorama mat with par suosest in this city.' Three eshiliitioni ware given: ', f ad on seek 005111101 the weather was so Unplesent ai to keep the people from turning out. To use the lecturer's own expression, .. the house wee large, bat ont wall filled ". Tye pt 'Ming* are rather better than the oversee while the lecture is interiparse I -with so Nash of the sotnlitl, that the entertaitrtarat is rendered d ou bly attractive..--Tie ups aa t dawns of oil specttletors are wall iluatrue I by the in, stuns of a gentleman - residing in this pity . Last year he was offered fur an oil interest he passassed, 'first $400,000, then $600,000 and finally $900,000, or a million in oil stock then selling at per or over. He chess the stook and purchased more, so as to obtain a son 'rolling interest in the Company. The stock has sines .d :Predated vastly, and the same speculation which lest fall he thought worth ever a Winn would net 'be sold now for one. - fifth that sum.—Business men in need of Cards, Dlll Heidi, Litter Houle, or oilier printing, will And it •to their advantage to gin as a call. Haring new type, superior presets and workmen who cannot be excelled. we letter 'andel!, that no allot in the State nail torn out better work thee the 0 nesavaa. .—it the court recently held in Ash tabula county, so lets Chas twenty five divorce oases were up for legal /statement. The people - OP that way go It strong on ' , great morel ideas'' —matrimonially se wall ai politioelly.-----A ‘ correspondeat of the Titusville Herald, ;wh inged the Pilled* peel olßee, says : .. Very few will feel ready to credit the statement that five and a quarter thousan i will not cover the number - of letters handled in this offtie in one day." The "Writer States the truth. Very few will.--a--Salow commenced falling at Cor ry oa Saturday light, and on Sunday men. ' lug the earth was covered with a snit of white, which aeon disappeared, however. A very - slight fill of snow toot place - in Mit city at the Men time.—The first number of the i _Vihanti' Chronicle has for a motto- 1 Prove 1 Oil things ; hold on ,o that which is good." —..ik corps of eagineers,• on Monday, com menced enntlying a railroad rents from Erie to Milltown, on the Atlantic & Great *astern read. The intentioe, we believe, is to build a broad gems connection with the latter.—.- Cept..T. It, Austin reached home on &tar -day, is shaip of the remain of Major Undo liarnonsse minister -was recently ar rested by military authority out West. General Grant being informed of the fact. directed that he be released from military arrest. He says: "It is time that mili— tary arrests and military commis 'lone were at an end. We are now at peace, and if any citizen commits any po litical offanoe, he shoiald be taken before the civil Courts, and there be tried for his crime." . "Otar these are my *lends who sap pert my restoration policy," said. Presi dent Johnson. "How loose my head feel lw said a Turkish provincial official, on the receipt of certain intelligence from Constantinople. Postmasters, Assessors, CAlentors, have you heard from "C3D stantinople?" Tag Yawata:is &stied, s iehenient Re. publican journal, awaits the statement, "this is a white man's government." as the utterance of a "leading bigot." The said-"leading bigot." we need hardly say. is President Johnson. Tizi Democrats of 'California gained largely at the late election, .end are in high hopes of wheeling the Mats into the Democratic column before fang. VIDERLE. PRESIDILThI. &inset * 4 SpeteA of .T , t6 Van Blom, made at dilkaty. New York, Cktober 5. It is a very curious fact that during - the butt sistty-fire years only three ' Federalist Presidents have been elected—Generals Hirtlson and Taylor. and Yr. 'Lincoln. Each one of these.died in the presidential ofEce, and' the Via President who Inc eeeded to the office iia each ease wu Democrat. 8s that, during the , whole of these sizty-fire years, Democratic princi ples. have been in the ascendency. I wonder that some of these clerical Repub licans who loot for the finger of God in everything, do not see what a providential dispension it is 1 No Democratic Presi dent has shierdied in rase. and no Federalist President ever lived out his term in it, 'bowleg the w tehtut care of Provide:Ace over thi United States From the gest gun of the revo'ution to the last seine of the rebellion. no WRY has this been more providentially end conspicuously presented than In the way the people have been saved from the curse of Federal dodiination. • Ilea* of Local Interest. The New York Tribeu is of the opinion. that "s eosreely-olad, travel-stained. barefoot Teens could get no hosting in our fashionable syr.,agegues, though his livers , d ‘ iseourse were Sermon on the Monist." We rase the Tri bune kits the truth I; that 'eaten** more soon ?skip than it is is the eastern of doing. Jolene% County bests Erie thus far la big eshbages. The Brookville Arminian • says "B. Nieholsos, - Beq., left st our odes on Tuesday last, s cabbage bead raised on his Tot in Brookville, which. weighs 24 lbs.. and masenre! 44 inches around pm thickest part, this after the head was trimmed." Oar Erie oonnty farmers "moat do better." Those having relatives buried in the Booth, whom they wish to have brought 'home, should re member that sit tnplieitiont for transports dos to end from Virginia, for the removal of the dead bodies of Penneylvaala soldiers for burial within this Stile, should be addreesed to CoLiCharies P. Gregg, Chief o f , Trsnspor title., florist:erg, Pa. —A private lePer to the editor, from Viotoria. Tents, dated Oat. 4th, - says Capt. Zeiglir's Independent Battery, of this city. wee eapeoted to leave that p'aos, for home, in a few days; having been mastered oul of the service. The friends of the company will be rejoiced to learn this p i e , e s r l a i i m gatiec W . C: Gardner has opened, in one of tits Liege new T 311211 in the Reed Rouse, ti carpet, house tarnishing, do 'mastic dry goods and notion store noon no intensive sash. The estahlishesent is under the supervision of Mr. W. S. Griswold, a gen ileum who has long ssperieuee. and is favor. ably knew' to moet.of our citizens. The sitters of the Cameron Citizen went up to Conneaut last week. and each of them carried o wife along but to Emporium. The print., tag business mast be good out 'that way, to afford such laznries. The editor of the Warren Ledgerjooosely remarks': " A printer in Ohio says they don't brag on the size of their babies out there, but they are • most snoommott sure crop. They may be a sure crop to printers Is Ohio, but it this State they aril liki all other mundane things —un cartels." They surely are in the neighbor hood of the Ledger office. We are gratified to perceive that - oar clever brother bears his dim appointments with commendable philosophy. oftem quoted sad beautiful Oen tense: "None know thee but to love thee ; none name thee but to praise." was written by the poet Balleelt.—.ln Cleveland, last week, a countryman, who probably does .not read the papers, was "done" nicely out of $l,OOO. A gentlenianly looking mall mat him on Superior street an wanted to borrow $l,OOO, offering hits a wrrthless draft on Jay Cooke ik Co. for that amlunt. Be nye that the palliasse appeared to be " • resl'olever fellow." Tie Dunkirk Journal is now issued daily. Its gas is 19:27 inches, with firs columns to a page. A partook mauls to pat deny papers appears to have seised hold of the publishers in thli part of the country. Assignees of the Merchant.' Bask at Westfield, jive notice that they will pay dividend - of 20 per Gent. to the depositors of said "red bulk" fifty cent postal currency is entirely refaced by our business men. ea:mount of the large number of counterfeits now 'ln eirePlatioa. Wk 7 ilsOuld be the. iediserialtately dlsearded te more than we' can Imagine. The '4:all:dart:Ate seem about se abundant on the other stiles 'el that 'which refneetl. We sentare the predletios that, as In the ease of the Erie count,* noisy, it will soon go Its welt as ever. Arta:nos Ward,". it ii ispeited. has - ratlaatlY had $200,000 (gold, not greenbeekij left Ws by a Nob old ; uncle in London. W. don't laswwhether Me is one of his jokes, er ' a joke eetully ?lived on him ; if the litter, it Is certainly a good one. We don't think is ever made a bettae.---.Ties morning express train upon the 011 Crook rail road. in Tusidsy of last week, ran or•en eltild; - a• it poised through Spartansburg, killing It theatre was epiited,alCsery -ea Saturday night, ander the wmaapiessi of Bober Hendon. It is designed as toperipasiint lastitatlois In the'plass, - anti Is Mitts iteitriesegaiti raj Ise eitore,---: trfrelo. - Vbeij; *414 tterevitettesed" handsome eogin,•procured by the liberllitr of deceased (Miner's friends isoir o , ty, and op Monday forwardelio his (unity, st New Albssy, Ind Erie Cily p!reeory, printed by a fists itr N t , h iq its appearance, and is nnytblog but e eqiit factory work. Not ose third part of our oiti.• ssos sr, isoladesi ittlt, sttelimay of , he Rams givsNre so boogied that their meet intimate aetinalntances will fail to recogize them. 'She pries of the book is out of all prap4rtion t.l its size and oontents, and cannot be regarded as anything else but an imposition on the pub. Ho. A reli‘ble directory of the city hits nev er been published, end will not be until. some of oar home publishers take the matter in hand. To ileoure.soourney ins book of thli kind maim, fir* a thorough acquaintance with the peopie, and woad. re•poneitiility on the port of the persons who prepare it. .011DICATIOD Or rut SOLI:OI2LS' and . GIR/AD.—Our limited time .. and space forbid us this week from publishing an extended report of the interest ing ceremonies attending the' dedication of Col. an Rice'e'llonument to the mem ory of our fallen Erie county soldiers, at Girard, on Wednesday. The attendance of people was unp . recedentedly largel, sur passing, in our estimation, the enoriuous political. mass meetings in our city duffing! the Presidential etunpairn of last 'year. Gen. A. B. lifcCalmont, of Venengo , presided: and on assuming the dutie! of the Chair, delivered a mostrappmptiale and effective opening speech. Tfe liras followed by Gov. Curtin and Ez Gov. Todd, of Ohio, each of whom devoted more attention in their remarks to politics than to the subject which bad assembled the people together..a feature of the occa- Ilion which we %reglad to know met with the unqualified disapproval of nearly all who - were -present, irrespective of party distinctions. .Col._Rice, being called out, made his and , with apparent re luctance, and spoke in a vein of earnest pathos,' genuine eloquence, and appro priateness; which touched the hearts of his sndienoe, and it. was unanimously agreed that neither of the Governors could be compared withhim air a ready, And ef fective public speaker. Aside from the manifest impropriety of the political allusions mentioned, the gen eral proceedings of the day were conduct; ed in a remarkably enccessful manner, and gave satisfaction to everybody. The peo people of Girard were bountiful in their "hospitality. The day is one that will long remain memorable in the annals of this portion of the State. We shall prebent a full and graphic re port of the proceedings in our neat issue. MARRIED. - 110WELL-11ETIAP:FEY—Ou Tbarsdsy even ing. the 26th init., at the residence of Wm. F. Price. Esq.. by Bev. E. A. Johnson. Mr. C. Rowell, Jr..rnd Miss Belle Bloolt,daugh ter of the Iste Mr. H. P. Mehaffey. PINEY-FOWLER-kt the Dan Itiee House, on the 21st inst., by Henry 110, Esq.. Mr. George Finney and Xis, Amanda Fowler, both of Chardon, BTACY--LOVEJOY—In Conneaut, on the 24th inst., by Rev. J. llobitupn, Mr. An thony Stacy, Editor Cameron Citizen. Em• porium, Cameron Co., Ps rand Mine Elsie Larejoy, of Conneaut, Ohio. YOUNG—PALMER —Tn Amboy, on the 7?4tb inst.. by R. J. Robinson. Mr George L Young, Editor Cameron Citizen, Empo rium.Cameron county, Ps., and Emma L. Palmer, of Amboy. DIED. Bllsll-,—ln this olty,ow the Ist inst., of typhoid fever;hirs:llarriet L. Bush, wife of D. W. Buell, end daughter of G. A. and Caroline Bennett, aged 25 years and 8 months. MoDONALD-4n this city, on the 20th ult., Mrs. Lydia McDonald, aged 21 years, 4 months.and 9 dam . BUftlC—ln this city, on the 27th ult., of ty phoigl fever, Siam F., eon of ft. P. and J. Burk, aged 28 years and 7 months. E \TON —Oa the 221 inst., of dvesntery. Charley, vin of Johnston and Elise Aon Estou, of F.sirriew, Pr., agel 10 years end 9 months. ADAMS—At the r,esidenee of her eon, A. A. AdAms, on Peach street. on the 29 , h inert. of billions fever, Mrs. Lucy D. Adams, sped 69 years. New Advertisements.' REAL ESTATE FOIE 8 %LE. Several very eboi-e brasiers, sites on Sta.. Street. be betwems Seventh sod 6 1,1 th Outs, tut side are of fer.d for ea'• on- very reasonable tanzu.`lt applied for soon. Eogotre,po o‘ Ott. 41 ii WI. A. GAL I BRArtil, Ageut. NBI EXCIU.It krol3 NALTUEUNtIe The sertalntyLwith which kied.i of Iteh .and erup tive dialing neeerally c a n be eared by using Caller's Cztract of Bandalion ead Batersweet end Yellow Mot. aunt I. , lres no ineuire for seratchlow. either in private or nubile. The ixabit I. dlagn , tlog and oar a. Drell stopped. Th•sit3, reparations eau be bad of all respect able dragsiate. i . nO2-gym. StliA4 VOW. Cease to the imetriees of the subretther. to Harbor 1:1•elk to., on the Hcffs , o road; a tolls It•loir the Halt War Floti,e, In the lett.- pert of •Laptetobit. a straw cow. Phyla of a red-oolot, with • line back. The. mnier t• reque•ted to coma forwtrd. prove tu'opattl ; par chutes sod rate bar away; otherwise &lA, will Otaposed of aawoldiag to law. W. W. DAVISON. Hutt ,r Creek, Nov. 2,1165 3w• A NT AND RVECRY PIERSON TRAIVBI,ED f.Qttl yetComplaint or with -Eby deem • aria lag from Itopneity of the blood, such u Itch, Bolls, Car bu..clei, Pia:plea.' the •aca or naelc. Erysipelas, Salt ithooto. fkretuts, Rheumatism, Pain in the Fide or to the bock. etc, should not fag to se Csrees Extract of Dead* lon sod ilitterewvet There It nothing. equal 11 It to such costa mad it cannot be use.l without ha; act Int bedellt. Prime one dollar per bottle. sold by drag. gists everywhere. nor2 , Bm. 1 1 .4.1 , 4C1 NU AND DEPtIiti'MUNT. lir Delano reepsottally glees untiee to hte patron era Mamas to g , le. that he -.llk carom/mei his t4OlOOl. hi the s'rote accomplish no as lir LW/ES, GITATLIMEDT, MIASES LND Lasnos, AT . P. 1111007 on Friday onot , g, Nor. 10th. Ho tro of tostrorLon for Ladles, Mimes and Madam from 2 to 4.q o'clock g. m Henn of motrootlon for Gentlemen from 7 to 10 o'clock g. m. Tuition for Ladle*, Mhos and Maiden, ski*. For Grottonno, (mmotnet.) 2619 e. NOTI it • MS DIEW ATLAB•OF ERIE COUNTY, ZUBLIBIIID PAU ACTUAL SURV EYS; •ill be ready for delivery abort THE 10TH OR 15TH OF NOV DIRE R, be l lowing at the Southeast part of the Coma/. au2der. D RY ROODS! ♦ largo and well aelsets4l stook of FALL AND WINT ER DRY GOODS! JUST RINZIVID, AT JOHN C. BEEBE'S, 801 FRENCH STREET. cwwa.. THE FAIREST OR Tit 01,111 ; to the pectlli Lit.on3 which they sustain, that t.c.ri, sod the otimxit they many sufferings and tftt reedona trona Limit coutrlinicaLp to Wei: happiness and welLit.t.4l py who are AL Not only so , nous Waal* complaints clit i wog et on withotielnvolving the genvrin m ,idusi. pig ere long producing p t r and primitun decline. Noels it a physician for the relief Id thac and only upon the most n; t , wolnaa 11113 artifice her grates; this. The ses will then hank hands idinple epecitk.s dons in relieving and caring Id a , those troublesome coroplaanta HEXMBOLD'S- IMTC'T Hundreds stiffer on in silence e th ers apply vitaly to druggata either merely tantalize them tritb Or apply remedies wytell me: e m. ; not wish to twit anything that., to the &Muted. but I am otligm it may be produced from ex,.., powers of life, by lablenus er ßi soma air and food, prstrum mew tea Vid coffee, and tregneht ehllOtoe,, tenet canoed by direct irrooth,n, a. 4 coils mei:rib:rens of the vagina Ludt _ _ When reviewing the causes of t complaituts, it Ls moat painful w e„ teudant evils consequent upon pie justice to the snhjeet to el,al,, Ent many additional caUgta wh!, ilfe, health, and happtues% of 0,: e4 or society, and which, cup , :y...ebtl 7 " "" leas directly. the weLtire «Lt,. ni. The mania that ex..te G r and maretage, CALI4Ci the 3.57, for corporeal develop:n.•ni t 04 In the reatranita of <lrk a school, sod especially u, tt meat of the ball-rmu. Tt, at, ir clothed, and Um mind nuttaiy perverting in tnitliaght rerd th Datum for sleep and rest, the s - c,..7 c ,; half accomphshed. In consequence of this early tem, unnecessary effort La requ.: t i votary to retain her tUtustvol day, thus aggravating thr• Llll wz, meat is over, another lu pr. ~ morbidly sensitive to nupn atant restraint of faallionsh , ..• hipline the exercise indo , peu , ',..; , .) and retention of organic h,....,!th exposure to night air ; the s • perature ; the Cottaplete Promtrai. Otalagive dancing Intuit, of taLrefislV,iza4. gitimate effect. At last. au eari,} cUmax of misery, and the c:11 oct titter!, regartlens of theat, polio .Ln:i, atonstaances of herd L. ate fiat:irk. be—tai, willing eubfect trtdtia -at T.., truthful picture of tie le.e , Jf t'l 7.; ()air young ueteeth Long before iL ari.ti toexerel..e. the f ibe nf•rAt It.. or,. sr, 4, t'.e require an edn.: their preuhar hen 01,1 . Is clan , •d'the r lt ' t 3, 111 eolntieni female brtuts and laps, ,- tideptly under ll of men tal et t l,,tt t ,a and at to riod of tife ; and, its we stall salr,, , ou emotions, whey ex , e•okr to habits winolt say th. N. 7 1 1.10 01 e 1..: %I nature has APll•cornpleted thew ,I, r. kit,l For Female W..akne.s and t 6 1,1.ty, 1.4 ' Leracorrhsa„ 'Too Profuse, ElLearz- 4 , Conclnited p e n.!s, ftr Prolapi , :s T. or Prolapints rten.lrc nEkr tLe known : Helmbobl's Co/vow:4 Lrc Direction:3 fur We, dirt, and al,- Feinafes In every period ut ram rue old age, aflt And it a rein:l7i In the discharge of its firactions litzength ie the glory of mach hood. • nTI:A(7 b more strengthening than an< of c, of Dirk or Iron. infinitely sslvr, irS HEIM BOLD' S EXTRACT Laving received the endorsc.i,ez• PROMINENT PHYSICIANS 1\ STATES, Is now offered to afl;,_•ri certain cur, for the fqllowoo; La, lams, from whatever Auto orig:utr4 General Debility, Mental and Physical 141,h-sale:, ItubLethiy Determination (1 ELN C.Ontuacdlrls. Hyster Geom.. Restlessness and lilleeplesone,s at N4S Absence. of Slow:Liar illiciency, Loss of Appetite, - DYsPePlak Emaciation, • Lots Spirits, Disorganization or PAS! tho Organs of 0,11.- . Palpitation of the And, in fact, ill the concomitu.: • Debilitated state of the To insure thgenutneTcut t 4SX' FOR HEIMBoLD'.q. TA IMPORTANTro - AVAY S ' if ( it- PILL' The onebinatlon of ingredients, a result e f tong and extensive I runes their orratiun and cannot du barn cate; certain to - correctlne ail lr Mena t astir 1111. teMOT.II.I. all Olin: , cold or other•lse. headache, pain Is: at the heart, whites, ail DaTuuj fa thrne, pato in the hitch and which ary►e from Interrupt, a .:*.ta DR. CLUIEBEMAN'S FEL flays - been cued over a gar:wets neat. offered aa the only a ,fe.c.ecoc of rene►i'f eostraat►nn. Ent I 3 •J.. c 3 ., fa ens mullion el tic frisk system is, s comsat be Wee acifimit r Cartag a rt 301 . T. The unazt,ovrisertdte u P 1 pia rush, AffsCAR/11.401 . :. , sch •ndenee 01 the noellc.i « to rest , ' ti to , o rmal conditt ,, n, that 'Ter the I , t of csoit-e cannot tesist t. THEY CA` [usu.+ that way. Dr. Cheeseman's bore befo s standard remedy for • yet are the mold efiee a 1. ae ever kunigt peenti rto F r.:11. a T Pivees 'I Ipthicirg with eerninty periothral are known to bouxande, e.ho na a ct kut period•, th•ougboa the eenrtr•. tine of some rf the moat eminent • tea. rxpli it dtrettions,stati-g whel with rath bnt —the l'alct $1 PIM BC ton 'aining 54) oGO I'lUrsentby matt, Tresoptle, a.d Minn he tvnt:tting the prep GENKRALLY. HUTCEUNGS lIILLIEF, Si Cedar : 4 1.. S Resld in 'Frit by Carter & Carver, & Warfel, rnd Wm.NLt. Sold iaC b Rnwland. P. B. HON arocissot CARVER 8z WIOLIIALI & MAIL Pt Leather, Hides, , No. a Parry Block, State St.' Constuntly on Irv:d I SOLE LEATHER, MOROCCO. FRENCH Sr. AMERICAN CAL lIPPEM AND SPL , PEGS, LASTINGS, Auto, a ior ASSORTMENT OF SHOL ♦ll of which they elt , baton OR enomi Nowa—u. CiIEVALIZEPS LIVE FU! Witt restore tbl Hurts' ORIGNAL tearics Led Pitornen le ft t tn t; Start Rhn oer cutlet th the betd dean, cool and he be used free'; coal"' leg icuurioz•, Tag ItSO HIS DIMMING VII. °VIE D r'" M i ta reoommeaded and aged by ty. Sold At th- Orn¢ .4 tor.i. No. LIZ 13.031/IY,'" I aminne all {.fool. the *Sol that to clalmad fur It: (NMI ta. 9 Cg d•: E M• COLE, • • Bong Eurosit. not Soooad elm of Elodornothri MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers