AUCU I LTURA TVlr i l l 4 II of Homo Cured. PCTIL.-- ** * 4l *** I will mount why this fellow woo called Never Mind. Before he is hitched to the wagon, I must acquaint you with somber bad trials he has, though luckily he ha., not had frequent opportunity to Tractive it. When harnessed, if not al lowed to start tight off, he will rush back at a tremendous gait, and it is astonishing how fast he can perform this erawfleh move ment. If the wagon or sulkey hits anything, ho is sure to break it or the harness. When I had him at home, the inside of the track was planted with corn. At the time I speak of it was just high enough to commence tasseling—say six or seven feet, In making hi retrograde rush, he backed the sulkey into the corn. The slightest resistance led him to break it, and back 'ho throw his whole weight in the breeching. Hearing nothing but the crushing of the corn, and not the crash he expected, he kept backing at a "right lively gait," and never stopped till the entire field was traversed, nearly three hundred yards. As the sulkey struck the back stretch, and there was no longer any resistance from the standing corn, he was fairly nonplussed; and stopping a tun meet. as if cogitating on the probable rea son why the enikey was not broken, he swung round and jugged off as if nothing unusual had taken place. We had no more trouble with him the rest of' the season. I do not think he will make the attempt now; as by never punishing him, or trying to force him forward, always hitching him where be could have leeway, and trying to attract hie attention till everything is ready for him to go, he has nearly forgotten it. In connec=tion with this, and brought to my remembrance by recounting Never Mind's memorable barking out serape, I will relate a circumstance something enalegons. A neighbor of mina had a bay mare that would match one of' mine. Both were good steppers, and I finally succeeded in trading for her. On the rompletion of' the dent he told me that the mare had only one failing. whirh was that the would not sore,/ when a -m on was stating into t h e wagon. I told him that was annoyine, but I had cured several of the same habit. The next day T harnessed her to a road sulkey and drove 11,111 t mil" anti beck. The trip was made The day following a friend to me rl ft w 1111108 to Fel , ra , e. We put the ware to a top hugpy by .I.lle_sithLoC steady old trotter; I threw the top imck, the mare stapling very quietly , though as soon us I took up the reins she w :wed to start. I raid whoa, ,very gently, acemopne;, ,, i the cumulate! with alight poll. Down she dropped, as though sh, had beer:: title!: on the head with an axe, lying q.lictly and apparently con►fortably to herself. I could not help laughing. provok ing :Li the situation was. My friend did not see the re►tsnn fiat being anntic,l, telling u:o he would give her a good thra-liing instead or laughing at her. I told him I wait not laughing at the mare, but at my own ig norance. The man I got her of told me lit ,ally what she would do, and I had not acre a enough to uuderptand him. 1 sumo- c,l Age ..c.m1,1 rear and fret when re6trained from ?.tarting; it never coming into my head that sbe world drop down and lie perfectly quiet. We unhitched her from the wagon, and from the sullen way she laid, it was appa rent she expected a Treating, and was going to endue it like a stoic. She never offered to rise while we were divesting her of the harness, and f made up my mind what to do befine the last strap was unbuckled. Old Quaker, hercompanion, looked on surprised. We had broken many a colt by his side, yet this was something new to him, ns his I , oks plainly showed. Wo strapped both the mare's fine-legs up, fie , tening the pasture to the .rrnt, ;nought both hind legs up against her belly, securing them there so they could not be moved in the least; put a strong bri dle on, the bit hang long cheek pieces, drawing her head up on one side, where that was also fastened. A bundle of straw was put under her head, so that it would support without pulling on the rein. When all was completed she could not move an inch, though she never made the attempt. We put another horse in by the side of Quaker, leaving strict orders for no one to go near her, and went on our way to the quarter race. Four hours elapsed before we returned. The straps were removed, and she was bid to arise. She did not need a second invitation, looking very foolish when she regained her legs. This was the most cruel operation I ever subjected a horse to; but in her fix it was effectual. I kept her some time, and she never showed any desire to repeat the trick, She afterwards went to New Orleans, trotting in forty, acquiring a good deal of celebrity as a safe and reliable road mare. linEenTon.—That was rather severe, yet not so bad as beating her as severely as some would have rhino, I should-have tnisunder stood her ease, too, and would have been bothered to know how to enre a trick of that dowiption. Horses frequently throw them selves; this mare, as I understand the case woo not no violent, and the solidity* she dis played showed a stubbornesa that would have been hard to conquer in any otbor way, OFFICERS orcomossA co. President Judge—lion. 11MI ill DYE Aw k "W " 4-111— { I. F " einski r lierbein. Proth'y and CU k of CuttritHJigas Coleman. Register and lkeender—sTobtr O. Freeze. John P. .it owler, Commitationerw— Montiohnni Cole. { David Yeager, Sheriff—Mordecai Millard. Treasura—Jacob'Yoho. L. U Rupert, Auditors—John P. limmon. ' 1 Jacerflatrus. . 3 ,.- Commissioner's Clerk—Wm ; Krickhaum. Commissioner's Attornek—is U. Little. Mercantile Appraitter--W, L Jacoby. County Surveyor—lsaac A. .Dowitt. District Attroney—Milton M. Trough. Coroner—William J. Ikekr. County Superiatendem—Chtm G. Barkley, Assesote Internal Revenue—R. F. Clark. `John Thomas, Assistant Assessor— , S. B. Diemer, Daniel McHenry. , Collector—fienjamin P. Hartman. ' ---- !MESH ARRIVAL OF FAMILY w GROCERIES, AT JOHN IL GIRTON'S STORE, 11110011115111 1 / 1 16, PUMA. The aubacribar has Just returned from the eaairrn cities Otis a large and caviar tank of tlrM•cbltt Groceries and Dry-Goods, which he offers to the citizens of Bloomthong end vicinity ss tow as ran be bad of soy dealer in this whoa of the County. His stock consists of the best varieties at mrExe, MOLASSES, SIX Of, TEA FWD (of tine nuslityA SPUTA. DRIED %/KAM (to their aellsen4 gosToN AND from CRACKERS, A tLA P &VAN IMES. ike, dte., CHEESE. COAL At LINSEED MLA. also a tore nestiontint of Dry anode and Hosiery. and a hill variety of goods of the alcove clas4, and of other kinds. la addition to which he has recently added to his stock a tine assortment of CEDAR WARE AND WILLOW WARE; in which variety of fronds 100 bas severs' new articles of modern Invention, estensivelly used a Iwo known, and which must cacao into use bare He also has a 11110 SU aply of French Moroccoel; and also of Marrero Lining@ for gloemakork work ; anti 4 loud noorritheal of Queenoware. EV" Call and minion. JOHN 11. GIRTON. Curnii of Main and Iran iftratt• planniptourg, Nov. O. 1867, EXCHANGE EFISTAITANT Tto ,, Prnpriell , r having rennvateg end rvtitteg late REigarAr RANT, in the haveinent or the EXCHANGE HOTEL, he w.,04 mma wspedroir *Atli ft cootinosnes n( the not roottge of his old rustainers, awl cordially in vit.. the xi teidiro or new omen to yds terressuntsts ss follows : ShELII OYSTERS, 4 (it CANNED OrsTERs skim) OVtTERS, FIEND Flat, /114 1 01 1, !. * throe tithes per Week, HAM AND EGGS, TRIP& DOLODNA, boot or LIQUORS AN!) CIGARS. o r ier. can be 'lobed up to customers at a momenta notice, in VA lOU* STYLES, STIMVI.3I, CIIAFED. FRIED, .I)Ft !WV. to rug the mites of the etilcu rin. JOHN F. CASLOW Wow - n.O urg, Ausuo & v 67, HOOP SKIRTS. 628. LEI VI Cll. T. SIMPKINS) After more than Ave year* experienee and experi menting In the manufacture of etrtucmv PINOT 41: LPTY IlttliF eK, IBIS, we offer our justly case• heated Bonds in merchant* and the public in toll ccolviemee 01 their superiority over MI other* in the American market, ane they are so acknowledged by sit .rain want M Man in them , ne they Give more *et ictletitio thin any other 9100. and recommend them in every respect. Dealers in thump Skirt* should make n note of this fart. Every lady who has not given them a trial should do en without (Mahe/delay. Our arogartment eintiragat every style. tenon and sthe for Ladies. Misses and Children. Alan, Skirt* WIDE To ouomialthred and repaired. Ask for "Hopkins' Own Slake," and be not derely• ed. See that the letter "H" is woven on the tapes between midi hoop. and that they are stamped 0 1 , 11. T. WINONA. Manufacturer. OM Arch tatrett, Phila deli:kW' upon each tape. No %berg ere genuine. Also, adietantly on hand a full lino of good New YOr k and Eastern Glade 6kittli, at very low prices. Wholesale and Retail, At the PIitI.ADELPHIA HOOP SHIRT hlanahuttory unit Emporium, Na, 1111 Arch Street Philmleiphia. T. '4OPKINIS. Oct. Ili, IMP.-10mo. AGENTS WANTED FOR 7HE BLUE-COATS, AND 110 W TUEY Liven, FOUGHT AND DIED FOIL THE UNIDO. CM Scenes 'and Incidents the Great DebolUoct. Comprising "inrrotives of Persons' Adventure. Thril hog tocolente Daring it:plot - to, Heroic Deed., Wonderful Everthee. Life in the Vamp. Field and norpite ; Atlventuttires of Spice end Scoots together with the songs and Ballade. Anecdotes and !lemon:nig Incidents of the War. seLesuiDLY 11.11.7gTRATED wrrn net:0100 FINE AND DE nunrut. • ENUEAVINWII. There isa eennin portion of tho war that will never go rata the regular histories, nor be embodied in romance or poetry. whim /a 4 very real part of it, end wifl. if preserved. convey to .lwreedin2 gene riajaria a la nor idea of the spirit orthe conflict than ace many dry reports or careful gossip. the fun, the pathos of the war. MA ifillailalta the characters of the leaders. the humor or the sMdiers, the decor lion of women; the bravery of men the Nock of our heroes. the romance and herrishrps of the service. the Valiant and heave Waned, the picturesque end dramatic and Witty and Marvelous, or Tender nod Pathetic nod the Whole Panorama of the War Ire here thrill in sly portrayed in a nittilerly intualef, at one., hivitori ca I and nonionic 'ordering it the merit ample, !Merle. tr Mehl and .adatde book that the war has r dad pipts Amusement as well as instruction may be found in every page, en graphic detail. brilliant wit, end authentic history. see skilfully interwoven hi this work of Monition Pend for ^ixulors and acs Oaf terms, sad a Nil description et the whet Mores*, JUNO U*Jl'lt• LAS & Co., Pintadelphit._ Pa. JaeuarY 13. knit--4w. EliFfilt With the ettITAGB rgEBl4 and the printing innterinl ac. erhopan mg it,eyery manilla do hti , own printing neatly, MAN (ph k ly and cheaply. Moyer,: noeitnple in eanittratrion that a boy 0 yews obi call easily wallop the latent ea" HIS Pruitt.' instructions are sent with twit tittlee, enabling the pitrethoter logo atwork with. oat a gravitons knowledge o OWN printing. A menhir contain tug fall description, priers, teetatatintale. &c , cent free to all. Our dpethaen Shoats pR INTER 4, TYPo. Cub , . ton canto. e Awaits raEss Co„ March 11, 10117—ly DR. W. H. BRADLEY, (Late Assistant Medical Director V. B. Army,) rhyskian and Pennwalt. f r,- Ono at the goals Hotel. BloomsMDß, PC Cells promptly Muniled to bosh nlipist.nud Dioninsimri, Nov. ,M, okid. WESLEY WIRT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ofitee In DEMOCRAT AND STAR Wilding, in SHIVE'S BLOCK* Moth 4, Mt TILOOMSBURO PA. ELL DIGGINU. .. _ The tootemdimod' SO settee to tho ottMle mtor. al' th at he hs is 1 • Idol Wittai. MO HR. rod to Psoitsrm to Sit Ilene 00 Aloft ItStke span the moot tossoosiotsiorstm •• Ms MO hod iorldit long sped. 4 41 sites Mt the othom tommthMbls mimeos Th ose wishing ramie " Mould VW:Would do Well to Om ht M . Wif Sabi IteXiXIS gionmohmir Jest, rt. )/47. CLOTHING emPoRIUm. !Yearly opposite Me ll:Piseopal thiock„ cLorsiNo OF ALL DEEICittrtIOM. =Man= AA Y stoat NI iNNINNOSINN a ONO Err riNINONSI 01 and low prised—adryted to saidittona t tastes nedwents. Ile hue the late* MIAs the OW season—a flue assortment of Overcoats and Gentlemen', Shawls, from low to the very bast Ms Goods are Farkiunable maid' Mlldt. In addition to my stuck or ready•otatie 141041010 have piece goods for avows orders. Cloths, Cassimeres Ac.Ake t. 9 • And hewing the arse stare salters. 11/ Man. tee aAt in all sales and five eatiorattion. Also a variety of WOOLEN AND LINEN mars Stuckingi, ?Imams, Vanua, SWIM. Nandkareldela —rverythlui in the gemloulan'P Hart of clothing. Aka, Hata, Bums and Shove, Trunks and Carpel will cell sr the lowealfarkM Meat 'Wass (Ora me a call beton) purl:baring abiewharr. ANPREVV J. EVANS, Plummoburg, Nov. 10, 1553. A " 'W STOCK OF GOODS, THE HARDWARE TRAM C. W. SNYDER, BLOONSBMW, PA., consiGlng ur every article found in 1 find.elado Ildrdwom Store, BMW)/ which MC the follow : jog IRON, NAILS. rad Ana., WAGON MINOS and ARLES, PAINTS, 011,0 and GLASS. GRAIN and URAttiTilad, and RYTHE ANVERS, GRAIN ()RA ULM, RAKES, 418 c., &d., KIRBY 8 COMBINED REAPER MOWER, liosTerrmirs cELEBRAT.ED PATENT BAO-HOLDER, AI,CD THE 13IPROVED CHERRY SEEDER. AM), Lrbini:lGEß'S OIL Pul.lsll at Wholesale and GIVE WM A GALL. Ohnnut.buri, June 111, lell7. _ . . . SeitANTON BOOK BINDERY. Hoeing seemed tior cervices or Mr. 11, Zoetto, one or tho twit bottlers to burOUllll An the Statu, we ere 1r 0 1.41.'4 , hire sh to hANKS, INA:RANCE OIUMPANICS, • MGM:HANTS, M AN crAcTuRERS. COAL OPERATORS, HUI' et, and others, with nLsur, HOOK of every ifserription, on short MAK*. bound in an y style Jrsin.J, in the most substantial manger, at reasonable prise*. Maatiranee bound, and old books rebound, at New York prices. Order* left at the attire of the paper publishing thin id VVrti 4,111. tit• or 114,1$ try Capress. will be at tended to and returned without unnecessary delay HILL. deranton, Pa., June Id. PC7.—lt. EW TOBACCO AND ei BOCER 1 ST( ME H. H. Hunsberger, Agent, Matt Stral, Mute the American Hozmr, ISLOOSICSNURG T 71Mity )(asps nithanditud furnishes to the dome *ad coon try trade, at Philadelphia (lowest) priers, FINE CUT AND PLUG TOBACCOS, Dom csTre ANO f *Tromp CIGARS, sit Sind, el 14fuokino 'robacerm Snuffs, Mser4ehnnin and ittiu Wood Pipes, and Alt urtrites pen:nein* to the tohne: mt trade. Smell dealers would do well to give hue u n 11141400 ol sending to th - . citldy Ihr their supplies or pPrclutoing them of traveling lidless. He also has constantly ma baud * full supply ply fresh COFFEES,TEAS,SUGAKS MOLASSES, Salt, Give, Pepper. all of which he ulk re cheap foe cacti or country produce. October IT C. II 0W E • SURGEON MITTET, nrsra-rruLLy °lrmo his profess b lig% inns) eery keit to Oa ladies nod gentle men Of Ithimmihnrgand virintty. He II prepAted 10 PHPini CO RH the various °novel ionm in the line or his profonommindis provided withtlteWestimprnved PONCEI-41A TEEM: Whie will he insetted on gold,alsi lazy, oil yet A nd r u bb e r bp e to loetiwoll me the imtnial teeth Sllderal pion and blvek teeth thititUrhrtlifed hr. all ovendliona on tcallhearefnTly and properly a tionded to. %evidence and odlrd a few door. above the Court Nam akin. Hlundisbura, June* 1803 HOUSE AND LOT FOIL SALE. o , . r Will he gold as private Bale a HOUSE ...” and LOT, situated on :lista and billionth ne !1 Streets above Iron, Mar the Plnining Mill of J. . MAIM* & en, in Illoonnibure. The house Is a new frame budding, two eturiee high, with cellar, and well finished. The lot is of pad size, in ex. repeal rondition„ end well planted with every dm wription of violet, fruit. All greenery outbuildings ate engird . The terms wilt he made liberal, and good title given For further path Mars inquire yhis With. , Nov. 13, 1807 , ... _.....m........,..........._—_____—_. ..... 11 • E. 8 ..8.. VA GA X., lit eraelleal Walehmeker and Jeweler. MAIN STREET, (near the Court House,) BLOOMSBURG, PA. constenur an hand a Ana niartoMent of Amorisan Mid Swigs Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, dlivurware and Sperriatiec Particular attention paid In the repairing of Cloche Morino' and Jewelry. Misponie Marts wade to order, All wort Warrarted. filoomehttra, April 17 18117. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, 11110 W RESTOREO. 6 a JUST published. in a sealed entre. tope, Pfirti 6 tents. A lecture on the nature. treatment and radiral core of Demirel Weakness or Spermatorhom reduced by Pelf -ghost; Involuntary Emissions. lin po mm y . Nervous Debility and. Imp .diments to Ida/rinse generally ; Consumption. bpikopsy, end Fits ; Mental and Physical incapacity, due. "By gown J. culverwen, M, D., author of the 'arm hook,' &c, Tim world renowned nether, in this admiraldeLne. tare, clearly proves from his o wn experience, that the awful consequences of Self• Abuse may be effect ually removed without Medicine, and without don. golrond surliest 'operation*, boogies. instruments, rings. or cordials. pointing out a mode of care at once certain and otrectirt, by which every sufferer. no Miter *kat lets condltion may be, may curs himself cheaply, privately and radically, This Ler, tura will prove a boon to thousands and thoassiottl. tient n 1 .101.11041 to any address, in a plain envelope, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Also Dr. Culvorwell's Marmite Ouide.Prme lbS earns. Address, 01,0. J, C. KLINE ei Co., 14 tiowery. Now York, P, D. box aden Feb. 13, ital7.—ly Peas & Co a 0 Ann Stro..t, NEW YORK SAMUEL EVERETT WITO HERTZLER & GINN, iNktominto IMP DEALERS IN WINELAND • MORS, NO. lt , ie 'IPIr ALIO T .WMEET, AND NO. 10 OR ANITII STREET. NNW 110017.1.11 R, ONO. A. OVION. Augnat 7. I fiti7. aoh! 1‘ out 1 wool, I I t ULOTII EXCRANG.II 101 WOOl.. Toe eadoniimaial vireo MOM anartea price In 'Millais tefrifilVia ea or bla eallayiluMoailopra. Whtio Nor minas *moos, of ray. *let on oar WlN4*UNallarisatrhsaaant NW!, at Mordsas• Till* Pa. J. is PANDIL Ilapt, r, 1667 A. J. EVANS' `0 OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, AT THE NEW STONE OP DENTISTIItY. GREAT BARCLAINE , AND lieductiutt Ii 'Prices. The uudersisasd will DOW to the piddle INAKGAINX In 011 Sind. of ZOCZ cr#l76olo nasicadlaus ap t Such aii DAS DOOM, ono: mug: QUESNSWARIII, Boots and nistiest tlatst Cap.. *ad 1011444 wist swot, variety. Our haaistioas froth the first ntlasuary, will b. cow duetedisibil atrlso, CASH SYSTEM. and persona wishing la Wiliblionstrqtaythwur in iut Andean do do at a very sawn pa retmtai s s Current Wholesale rillecoo. All kind. of produce and g rain Wen in carbonic CO' We cordially invite thi public to GIVE US A CALL and a share of their patrone s, Mestliar II Ar toftilo CittaWloo4. January Q, iota. LUMBER I LUMBER is ! HE OLOOMOHERE I.UI?r BRING OAP ANN', 1 would respectfully lufurtu the public th rip, have their PLANING MILL now In onerotion with an 1310111.11/11 alleg/111111CUlm trelaW:Ql23.4 welt are now papered to *empty ate order* oe rh wrt moire and at ego lentowt priers for rare', fbeir a.. troortnient 01 lumber conoorto of White Pine Plonk, Boards. Flooring, Sortier neudock Flank. landed or emplaned, to wait purchasaie Frame Muff. Juice and teuwtlint or 4411 sites. Their Miming tilt Sod heather Yard s Mooed at the 1110114 , 44 Iteool, very coarphieutly for shipping lu *Mel hallo, taw, They are constantly manurneturing lumber or all Wads, and hereon, who desire lumber of every 4e scrimitm will do well to econhot their stork before purc•awing elsewhere, They are determined sad ern firs try prepared to Kellar* atetip as thu theta pr•st- The yl3lOO desire to inning, the palate sot etdeeral:y those who wish to purchase toll,4on't lutt Ito vlt s one Mill *whiny prepared to tut Wither ot , . ••it every site sad length required. 'rho.. build Of ettlitfactord for buitolitth, eon site tom , Firing Oen *all The undersigned would also stanettitte 11).1 thq are prepsrod to do all kind or IPpaifilig of Ntathee sneh as Threshing Machine* M a o , r , sit kiod4 of agricultural itliplelintoll., Upoa ata wale, Address, P.C. ETU, deey, illoutoobtsr.. Rept. Id, INGO Illootrodoot. Pa. NEW BAKERY AN!) CON Fp: TIONERY Laiiibittu r iDlAactakl= Ir ON TROUP OITICEET BMW INARKET. BLOOMSUILRG, PA. J. E. FOX. PtOpttettw of this establlshoteol. Wooltt respertfully lotion' his old and flew risattittter*. ths, he has. vorythinft fitted lipid his I , IOIV *IMO trt ro alas loot to furnish Itoin with OREM), VAXES AN() VI f Eel It%Eltlgtt, u= 11,41101 nm Hereafter all wool,* who have born rarnion ed with Ale, Lager Herr. anti Porter, by the whole half, or quarter barrel, will tall upon Wi 41.1Aft1 OILMRE, at hie Saloon in F hives' Block, Main Street, who has been authorized by flu nniteemaned in sell the saw,. lie wtheaaetantly have n hspply of hand. winirh Will bp •41494 r Ms. F. has in CO - Daft tvtth hix ass V II" .•n theory.. tittlst op s °sibs aate CIREAI2II, in all wh may Carer him with Wit ettatnin rir to thin prepared to matte lee Crania in Woe (unts ilea ter porton*, pnblie nr attend gatherings as the rain may he. Everything pertaining to hie hue tt Wawa* wilt IPOstlie careful and diligent Attention. r 1k in thankrai in hie customer* for pact ra wart. and moat aardlany ealicha a euatinuaaer in the some , J. F. rUX April 3, 1867. FW !CYST (TRNT, in Ithive't Building, en Main &feet. WM. G)LMORE, informs toe cutzunt of 11;0 , 1$1,4s11 ‘trmity he Data opt hstl ,t New UESTAIJR Al NT, in ode place, where be invites his old friends and monomers Mean pod partake or hie refreshmeuts.— It is hie intention to keep the host LAGER BEI:07? AND ALE, ronetantly on hand ; 64, Panes. flarsapartilm Min oral Muss. Fancy Lemonade., gospdtseye and Lent en Onto., can etways he Imo talus Restaurant. In the eating line he prvosida Stalk OS 11411 L; n ot eu ro mmog to this OW , viz, Pickled Oysters' Clams, Beeline*. Fish. iimattemor I Clocked, Pieklet Tripe and Beef Tongue, Sm. ate. tie also b to article or Diyars and Ciworing Ahareo for his enstomere. Give him a Mill. Bloomsburg, June id, Mob. NEW OYSTER SALOON, le the bemoan of the 'ts4 l ' AtillEftittilill aturz,-)12 BILTZER LEPsfOCK, SFr r. Fresh Oysters served hit in +lvory style niiii at idt hews ; with en the Other "Bates" rotted in first Hess Restaurant.. XX Ale constantly an hand, together with choice Liquors of evu►y Wand. Everything In iip4ep order Omit this Palen% flowilylrm not tolerated. !imp in end and alp 3 00011 in clean neat or.ler, Bloomsburg, Play, 13, IM-3m. LADIES' FANCY STIRS! AT 1011% FAREIRA'S old HambHatted FUR MonnfartorYt N 0.718 ARCH dTlt above th. VII I A UNIX II I A Dave now In *thee of my own importation slid Atanuitimitre , tine of the largest and most beautifu selections of FANCY FURS for bathe.' mid children's Wear to the City. Alto a flee atmortimost of (PACs rut More* and ;Mime ara enabled to diepoen of my sootiest eery , raaaaa . able ptices, and t %email therefore solicit ame 1 Weil my ftian4fa of Colombia Count, and vicinity. Regional:ler the Name. Somber and Street! 301 IN FAltElott, NO; TIS ARCH St.. above 7tb. south Aide eilltAlt A toeQJ tNO WARTION. NOR COOINRCTION WITH 4.0% OTitt R SIORE Of Potts 0fti44114. October e, 1547.-4 m. EXCHANGE noTEL, BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA The undersigned having pure booed and lately Oiled this welidutown timer Omitted on MAIN tt l.. luuterdtateg opposite the Court Hoene. reopenfuoy informs his friends and the Wilk seminary. that hie Amur is now in order for the neminnuoilation and entertainment or travelers. fie has spared an pains in preparing the Eschattee for the entertainment and comfort or loio mien» His House ie sparioimi and enjoys a good bantams 'omi Mot oMNiutiat+ES tun at n'l times between !Inv Ilnnq and the different railroad Dewy. by which ',teen*: will he conveyed tonne From the revytnntve Stetitnie in due bate to sheet the cam PAIN r. t:AOI.ItIV Ahrit 20. Mt E. R. MUER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. BLOOMSBURG PA. Office, 2nd floor, in Exchange filock near the "Exchange Hotel. " An Aponte** Owed In his needs will be attended to with promptoettonnti Me. &Inflectiona made with the least netisible door. isart. il4, 1"37* lANARY BIRDS AND FANCY CAGES FOE SALE. The uedersifeael alleta , t ilts a lot of imeidronst Oaniuy Birds. inly= Cages *I A " " r 0 ° 0 4 12: _l'ito Ti V i nltor. 4 o p f : h . e rb'y :Pt • LSO, the eweestiher Is ifited i r r eu:of byre; Turkeys, 00* and Chickens, in hiris and mall quantities, far she fall and win woorlint, for wnichAtil 4 Cr Ty the moat Uletat Plirm Ithietra Duildlng, sin Street. Ostnltor CI, Inel, Illocnntlinti, etc Stock of Clothing. vualtzit ,ALElrcealtio cWi spring. and 60d/* 420‘tkriVibuiX•ek. l'lo v iat",7t.`,"l7.`. l ';'l,l*.P."l:::::: "I" "" tub. / V o A''P, 111.01IMSBURO, two dooes above the vls7Priran Nova, where 1111 nu y oil treniveoi (loin New Toe% owl I'Lt n 14,41014, toil 11111.00 , 00011 or !Men and Boy's. 4 Uniting, sa,lueinfl lii awe dutable wad bait.. mill, dlu.l StuDuirnil elating a 'rock, I:ei m un•l 1 /i/ Clot rin,l "me , . of ,01 •11444., and rwlewa. nil also bso frn. ,11.-ady lora, such of Van and inter su.‘, , t•iu,.l flanr,.l awl plain Wit., shirt*, riarut., .104 k. hailkarchiefs, gloves. sow petiol,r4 anal No.' , article., s It. Ile hn4ron , lantly on hand a lorae and wen ,r 11.1111. and Voottnitt which on ..nn 4 In amigo up to ord.-r, into guy kind of rlotheng oil orr 411-41 tinticv an-1 In the host of Iznik. 1.. ,- 1,,, h01g la Mad , to wow sad moat of It is of 1r..044 .0111•LINIInfig. \ - .IW I rlr•• and ehenp. Hie Upton of J,.w, ir, so ii i mornaeowd in till,. pincP. ''.ll and et• l'lnthint, Watcheob irer , lry Ar ac 11AV II) [AMEN DURO. tel.fitp A. 1.4,5 l';.11 . 011 1 11()VEMENT IN • LW; 1 0 fr" Nhultio• Witchlike ! lam.biatiom.. a:to Broadway. N. Y., ad a•lmagtmi rl r et, 11044011. WI 1301 110 Yhthelelphin. ' rif.P.l , l, !edit. 't tim•trurl4. , l on entirr•l, n. J wqlskan.oti, p.,.-r•sing many in r• . h .,/ ht. 11.1. 'I: 4., it .1., hu n te d n..r•' . t " OM t ^t 11 1 r .I~' 0 !, , 1 11 n qlm•. l✓l . PI.O I' lo•N pOWIT to drilfo 41 ....ley • n erium• ju the merit et A girl If•nl\r' %vat , Y.• ~,, s% , irk •• y. NIIN•1111 .•• mon to h••eilh Alt-40 ,1 W.Marrillt tthnpgnly oleo/v.l/4r. 14,4 1 f• a 4,11. I . 11111 rot ime....sitok• to itut out 01 o f4 trt e t t:el by the rokipasty in me ..n• 'crowns fii•1:1111 .h.llOO *h.. may lll•Piff . In .apply oh h swat r ;mill,. In come Sad ..posport.• this 1 , 114111 VA Clef 'WM VP:. it.. 11, II h.... 0. ia.lrurtinu ip Say rlPfroll In work Illsso usathiue tits sr eullre Fat 1,41/141111/. *goofs wanted for all low • I tb. I•nitr4 Intro. aa••nrl••• ow. NA airpody r•athl•ob«d Alen. for Calm. /Palau. ihisolval sad riesiob America. lo wham a II►••fal diataiwil will b.• SlSWrif. I lIIMINS SCWIIIIO MACHINE .141r41 co Ilr•wdway. N.Y. BEALE'S LATE POWELL'S EMBROCATION: TOR ALL UIOCAPE. ivilischrr TO HORN =3 HUMAN FLESH. llte are of an eslvrii.4l epplirarinn Miss now 1 1 pound. prepare., til l a practical Irenlllll. ballot a full k ono 114leo of all I/1.• awelira' virtur4. a KWh 111111 .. 00 ,po. *Wow arraoteil to etc...ill anything of tho• kind olft•reJ to 11/n pailhe a. au Pairt/USI appii cation tor Cie 41t,44.a5el for *Osiris it 1.. recouriateinl.'d We tor it will *troth its own roa4 1010 the conlifeace of all ware doe It. aaJ throw Rho try it Para Will newer be without it. and therrio,o Na r.• 1) 011 IAlii;11,11CC AO the beet test of its uitetulne, , a It is 14 01 . 0 41 16 0 . 4 by .3 " fa LaS.4 end nn wh. i.4‘0111•41 ii, to Ye the beat appletation eves etc& 'rhos Eniorucutiou has br►o put up for Over rigait Trnari. rod ft ts , thslettli lb.. jury. Wag ite Ann.! •144,1 totem reop!opt WV Irirn.. s and 1110 pl. 4% 'bd. I 11 wrisli a.' N. !sal r••rn dln• lOC I b . V./.1.11/* 11. watt,/ 1101.11* dad filleted aentrel, the borer II eehjetst. 0100,1011/0•11,..111011 , 01000 111:1,04 *0 the public under difterent forme. some of thew are itluriotle. other, at bust of little woe, end nanny wholly tot. proper to answer the purposes for whlell.they are reronsineuded A Judicious sad really %Aortal tompo •it lon, free hreth Wtt u, objeiunn, ha; ner..inforu long been de. aired by many ivntlemen who have S' A HORSES, Mid Sr., .nwitiress to t. 111,1111" th. care of &tido. postelided rattier* Their wishes ore at lutsth fully Itatitleit by t 'tette) tiring prevalkil upou to show this imluuble Elubroeution Iwhicb bap proved n. vet clusitot to the venu iu diseases) to be prepared sad aro:i(let ow to the public 11114 Ellibtrotoloon was pltelsolyely used by the COVE. tasithi during do. is al. Addresdite utili.t to PK. 1.1.1144 P l) HE d 41i2 eoulb twcu . lil St. Philadelphia, Po. M7lllllll'ill. 'll7 Sow. OMNIBUS LI \ E. Ins undersigned would reeptctfully anuounce to Ike citizens of Iliemosburs, and tire Public gen• drolly. that On it, running No (1,11h111U.11 LINE. be- t __ tweed Illqpitace and the Jif• for. nt /toad necuta .y. (Suudays excepted, to can nett pev,•ral Trains Irina South a West on rho C.ilawissaa and Wllliaill4porl Rail React, nod wkn th,o,e going North and doutli on the Lack, is Blnuwsburnt Suad, His NIHtJ Ilat are in good condition, comma. dims nod coinfortablr, and charter remnants. 1):,;. Persona wiehisa to toilet or see tb•ir friend* depart, rail to• accommodated, upon seasonable causes ny leaving Ilawly notice at any of tbe Ito Ws, JACOB L. GIRTON, Pruprietor Rlnomoburg. Apgllll7. 1664• REMOVAL OF C. E. 111 ARM" TO SHIVE'S BLOCK, flaa omit Asoys -01111E14311AT orrlc .TII re. , ltillitried ' C rfaji imotred hula Os 10, a Nil wild lii.iMphlt.l.o OUIPOIY 1 1 1 = it I.: .1 :k11) :4 31 )IER I, r 1; 411: i -HO ERIES, NoTqato. Ilan:ware. Ce dar snit Willow Ware, Dror4, Coor , cno• try, 1:141,,,-Ware ' Tobacco ilnlo and Shoop, Flour, Solt.Vloti and Meat ; nil or won I propore rielltiia at • very low Tipitapa CIA or orodulo. LY col and time. C C.MARR. Micouirhurg. April 3. MML • ---- - i'; IV TA ILO II 81.1 OP. 4 4 J. t• 411141 AT UER, I t 113, iiNhltod <. 41141 r t.thir *lmp nig moo •Nger “ (V ti. , v el/ Su. phwowai so err ail Who may taVa.• Mot wail. ikolr vitstosn' ON hap ... e•.•.r Ist of vrot ttiv. whirl. ha Hilt mak , tap ta 01'01 With toad .la,pailett lati.oiloot psi I Io ruttish/ vrati.altva • .1.1 boy' rfothang Alan tinily* ann.' is 16r lather' iliac. Ral'a delay 81.0 'hurt hotke. All work Waltant , ll. /..7 . MVO him tall I Rlonwoharg May H. ter. :2121hri t surgeon Dentist, Ent/fete teeth without /loin by a new method. H • two with r i fe et I y end s h w a; tee • st A n l i t l 1L1:7 4, 0 ; 7 f „ , 13-utistry Wendell to In lb. latest ' , to •or and anal approved style. and mince, one Aoot east of Peen.' Clothing Otore. ttlowitiburg, Nov, 13, Vtl7, CHAS. G. BAR K LLY, Attorney at Low, 111,00108611116, COLUMBIA CO., PA. (Mice la the filielierer Pudding, eiteund story, over Rohner I Co.,' short, 81e,,e4 deer *bow. she Sr. change Hotel. liilooninimg, April r, Philadelphia A Erie Roll Road, WIXTER TIME TABLE. Tniorrslt Amu marm r mown. 10111TVVESPO Nil! 1)V.1 Pli I A NAI.TIMORK li• itttihUltU, o,ll.l.rAmorug r, Vii GULAT OIL REGION or rammon.vANlA, ELEGANT SLEEPING CABS On alllpbt Trains. On and after MONDAY. NOVEMBER 251 b, 1410 it,” Vales ad the thiladelphla & Vile .11tail Road will tun a tellewe : vir maw AND. 111A11. TRAIN looted Ybdalelphla. 11 15 F. m, Noribusilarlard 5 WS, ha. " arrive it RON U OU p. ERII4 EXPREaIat Wares Philadelphia 39 eh anew Nuitheinherlund 0 44 p. su. arrive at Erie 9 43 a, ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia 400 a rat, " Northumberland 4 V. 3 p. in. • " wiry at Lute K a yos 747 p. a. EAdTWAID. MAIL TSAI), lame Erin 44 23 a en Si Pii,ribunenerland I VI a. in. - arrive at Philadelphia 153 a. m. gaiRERPISF.Wiri 1011110 i EIIO 4 33 p. tn. ti " Northiimberland 3 J 4 a. in: 114 arrive at Philadelphia I tiu p. 11:6114111,A MAlL,dipteer Lock liaeen 710 a, in. Nortbuinberlaad lu 10 B. 01 arrive at Philadelphia I' 10 p. nu, Mail and itipreo• remota with all lgdl/1/ on WARREN at FRANKLIN RAILWAY. Pawing'', laaviatt Phll.Jrlphln at Id At M. arrive al IrVILIOIOO at U 46 a ta., and 041 City al 9 50 • to . I,ctlying Ptoladiillibla at 11 P. AL, arrive at Oil City et 4 53 p. m. All ((ming nu Wilftoll k Franklin Railway make ChM. VOnlierllooo at 011 City with name fat Frank • lin hod Peiruiumu Comte 11.1(545415E 01111WKIEU I'IIItOUGII. A. L. TYLER, General 000 Luse. (Oct. JO. III?. Lackawanua & Bloomsburg Itallioad. 45/Pine sier- TWO DAILY TRAINS. - *Ai gUNI AND AFT'JAWASY Y 4. 1547, rAd• SENUEFt TRAINS WILL SLN Ad FOLLOWS L.T.AVE 1101.71'11%VARD AM AM P M, Leave Scranton, 340 7.10 4,40 • King.ton, b.S., 8 90 6.00 Rupert UM 8.17 " Deere Ole , 0 St 830 Arr at Nurtbuelherland 1030 9.93 I.CAVt: NORTHWARD. A M PM Leave Northumberland, 7,00 3.90 Ilutivtitc, 7'4oeta l _ .. pt rt. K Arrive si str.lown. 1,•11v King•ion at .130 M rot Pcroni,,re • liner' wall rrhlie x. malt kt Nevy Vork 1%1 :II I . .ep•meete , r- lallung Tram ~I4euth Irmo ririmetten al 0 5.1 A 51 V1:I 5. , 111.11,11,./lon.l.rrA. le Ilarre4leetri IY 31) P M. :11i...#.(1 510 %isneeltln g teets eu MP S 1 vii Ku ,.n, ; nor st 11. A. PONDA. 0 0111 • j " I. !Pk; I .1.01. n .11 tt • t, r rt. 4 1 . .0 1 111 IWO.. "I % !:i:OAD. WIN ER ARRANGEMENT. 25th. CREVI"FRUNK 1.1%11 PROM TIIL WORTH and Nori II Wee, f r PhOn.lelpkia. New York. Rend• ,ne. Noisy le. l'onovnin Aohlon.l, Allen• sown. Lannon. Ephrula. Laos. LaoLsolor, Columbia, Jt.e. 'Er4ima leave Harrisburg for New York, or follows Al 3 imi, 5 1.5 and 0 11/ A le and 1 05 and 9 33 rM coati., t init with aluillair Trains nn the Pennsylvania Rail road and arriving al New York at 5 11l and 11.1 IS and II Su • a and 3 40, 930 r. a. Sleeping ears acrompa• the 300 • x and 035 r a. Trains without rbange. Leave I errisburg for Reading. Pnitaville. Tama• aim 51uu rrvil le. Aah , and, hue (1"01 , 1-. Allentown and Philadelphia. ate 10 • x and Y U.S and 4 ID plopp i ng at 1,6 •1 ,,,u sad prim 1031 14U, .1.1100, ; the 4 10 r a mating fOIIIIOCMOIII. for philadriuhia and t;iiitiaitna r.uly. Yoe rottaville. Schuylkill llvien and Auburn, via Schuylkill and darquehaint.i Roll fie' 0. le.iee Ilan 1.60ra at 3 55 r x. iteturniag : Leave New York at 9 001 M. 13 M and .51 1 11abd 14110 r .11; r 13 • x and 3 311 r it Way painionyeel rale leave. Philadelphia at 7 30 A a. 111111"11111E frwn Reading at o p a .101.111111 , 1 1 rtations; Pottaviile at d 45 • IC Anti d 43 r M ; Ash• land it 0 , 1 • MAIO 14 ID M aad 1! au P. x-; Tath3 , ol3 111 P 4 311. a , audiWandS43p a. Leave Pottaville for Ilarristnira via Schuylkill and dii.unehaiina K ailrodd as 7 10 A it and 12 00 Heading Ai CO/1111/0.141111/11 Tf4lll : Lea v es heading a 17 311 A M P lOtn ins Fronk Pliolatlclplll4 at 4 tin P a. 1141.1.0Arn Arcotinnuilatiou 'Nato : Len vc• Pour town at ti 45 A. a.. returning leaved Philadelphia at 5 10 r. M. o.lunibia Rail RIM.I Trains !env, Road Mani 7 DO A. SI . 411.1 /I 13 r. r fur Ephrata. I.ittx, Lania*Pir. l'alainhio, Ua tunday• : Leave New York at 800 P M Phila• 001.001 e lel A V, and 3 LIP M the 00 A 31, irain tutmo.ll 001 y to 1L.4.1mg ; Pottovitle 00 AM. ; liar rio.Urg . h 31. 4/0 and 1 r H and (leaning at 1W and 7 la A ‘1 for Ilerrislotrit 40E17116 A 31, 44.1 It 4a r a for Nevi Yolk and 4•4.3 P M. (or I'oila. delphia uun maul %. 1 1 , 24!. Nen 4nn, 901001 end Creep Noll T. 'het,. t, In,. It wi 311 ;mints Ist 4Cdt4old ruler. llaxe.c.fe rnecketl Ent oua ; 11,01.,,uudt allowed each reartuger. O. A. MC1)14.8 General Sapersatondent MANHOOD : How Loo, Ifine R,re,,rc(l. Jost robliebed, a new edition of CIIINERWEI.Vb celebrated Elltay on the rnd • kill ware (without tutedleine)orelperuistorthoa. 14e111• In Weakneea, Involuntary Ocui.nal Loewe. luo.o• toner Mental and Physical Incaparity, luipediao 1114 to Nleirroute, ete. ;aloe Con ' , million. 1411,1).Y. and Pita laducod by seitittaalyeace or sezual extrava• 'tore. 0.7 - Price, in a sealed envelope, only B come. The celebrated author in this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, trout a thirty years' success. fel reelect., that the els ruling consequences of self. abuse may be radically cured wlthotit the dangi t• ear nee of internal medicine Or the application of the knife—pointing out a mode of cure at mice elm. pie. certain, and effectual. by means of which ever) sufferer. no matter What his condition way b., may cure hisiteelf cheaply. privately, and radically. Thtst lecture should h., in the hands of every youth and every man is the land. t'cnt, under ate, In a plain envelope, to any ad. dress post "aid, on receipt of six cents. or two post stump.• Address the publishers. Cll/iB. J. C. KLINE. k CO, 127 flowery, New York, roar Office Ins, 414 M. Nov. 47. ide7.-3se Machinery, for Colierfee, Mast Furnaces, StatioaarY Eogia el MILGS, 4HRV.BIIII4iO MACHINES. kC . &C. Ile is also prepared In make Sit/Veil, all piece and eattfirrer, plow-irons, lad everything usually made la 'id-elnes emiruirrei. Nis eltdneive facilities aid pratikal workmen, war. taut him in reevivlng thejlargest contracts on the mud reasonably terms. 11:7" drain or all kinds will be Wilms in ezehalibe fw Rl Tbtr eetebliohnient Iv Inca.nd near the Laeltriwn. nilMooinobure Railroad Depot PCTER rilaaamblera, $ pt. IT INOt ONFNCTIoNERI - . Too usdlotoloood would rPmpectfully gannyoce t o thr puhhc that he has ronerwit rum -CLAM CONFECTIONERY WTOIRE, in the building lately occupied by Hernard Ato %Pere he Li prepared In fural•h all kiwis or PLAIN & PAP/CY CANOlgek FINSNINI CANDIES, FOREIGN AND SOMESTIC PRIAM NUTS. RAISINS, &C.. &C., AC, IT W II 01.11 m ALI OR RBI all.. In rhori a full aloaulasent of all kinds of su4kla lo bis los or huriaess. A real warivty of Utllsl.A. TOYS, Stc., for tar liollitays. ruticutar attention Riven to It SIF.4D AND CANES, of all kende fresh i•vers day. 111111STSAS CANDIES. CIiSISTMAS TOYS. Isk aatisfortion sill be suntan. DM 11. Int ECKIIART JACOIIB. .HE COLUMBIA HOUSE. B. B. STOHNER , Proprietor. Thle tea new Hand lately fitted up for the !termini" dation of the traveling public generally. situated on Main Hireet. a few doore above the Coort House. on what Is known es the .•Itobblson property." It to centrally located wtl e town. ain tat ploasent place for . neat, to atop . besides being tn I hat part WWI/ 10(111 the majority of the bosineer tieing done. The proprietor feels confident that he is prepared to give general sailsAtetino to his emus, and would outwit a fair portion of thepublic patrons go. linanukaburg. May la. DR. Jr R. tVANS, Physician aid Surgeon, e AVING lot.aiettl orrtnationtly on Milli :Wort, 131,01/MSBIIII6 Pa., would in term the nubile trottenrliy, that be is preprared to attend to all business faithfully and punctually that may ba Intriaten to his ears, worm, common rate with the times. KT b• my. shies ottalatlon to Sanity at wa II at toodlelno. flea I Oriy,—ly 6.13 PM 1133 10 34i 2.50 0 115 HOD 4.00 10 13 NATIONAL FOUNDRY. DOMSBURG)CO - CO., PA. HE aabsterilett, proprietor I Hot abeve naused et. 'W( . ..slablowhistrnt,lo ROM tared to receive order, API:BATE by their powetibi induenee as the internal viscera to purify the blood and at...trilo bite it into healthy action. The move the °learned one of the stomach, bowels, liver and other organs of the body, and, by restoring their irregular action to health, correct, wherever they exist, such derangements as are the first causes of disease. An extend,* trial of their virtues, by Professors, Physic:bate, and Patients, her *hewn cures of dan gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not tubetantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the euepicion of untruth. Their emtidestes are published in my Arasioem Almanac, which the Agents below named are pleased to furnish free to all Inquiring. Annexed we glee Dsreelione for their use In the eromplaints which they have been found to cure. Fun CollTlVlSiste...- Take one or two Palls, or Ouch quantity as to gently mute the bowels. Coe tivenem is frequently the aggraeatiric emus of Puma, and the cure of one complaint is the cure of both. No person can feel well while under a spostive habit of body. Ileum it should be, as it tan be, promptly rehired. Fon Deseirern, which Is sometime* the cause of Co/direness, and always uncomfortable, take mild doses from one to four— to stimulate the stomach and IlTee Into healthy notion. They will du it, and the heartburn, bodyburn, and soidburn of dyspepsia will rapidly disappear. When it has Roos, don't !Isnot what cured you. For a Foil. EifONIACH, Of iforbid ',whoa ol fAe Bowels, which produces general dimension a the spirits and bad health, take from four to eight Pale at drat, and smaller doses afterwards, mail activity end strength is restored to the system. Fon nutriments's, 81c5 HIADALIIII, Nnosith, Pain in the Stomach, Bach, or Sick, take from four to eight pills on going to bed. If they do not apes ate sufficiently, take more the next day until they do. These complaints will be swept out from the system. Don't wear these and their kindred dim orders because your stomach is foul. Fon Senoeut.a, Etncetpat u, and all Demme of ihe ~ti.,, take the Pills freely and frequently, to keep the bowels open. The eruptions will genies ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Jelaty dreadful ulcers and wires have been healed up by the purging and purifying elfect of these Pills, and sonic disgusting diseases which %cooled to saturate the whole system have completely yielded to their Influence, leaning the sufferer in perfect health. Patients! your duty to society forbids that you should paradeyourself around th e world covered with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sures, and all Of any of the unclean diseases of the skip, because your system wants clamming. To I'VnIPT Tile Btoon, they are the best medi cine ever discotered. They should be taken freely and frequently, and the impurities which sow tble Reeds of incurable diseases will be swept out of the system like chaff before the wind. By this properly they du as much good in preventing sickness as by the remarkable MILS which they are making every where. Ltrait COMPLAteT, JAVNDICR, and all lithos, Afechoas arme front some derangement—either torpidity, congesuon, or obetructious of the Liver. Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render It unfit for digestion. his is disastrous to the health, and the constitution is frequently under mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the symp tom. Obstruction of the duct which empties the bile into the stomach causes the bile to overdo, into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a long and dangerous train of evils. Costiveness. es alternately costiveness and diarrhoea, prevails. Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness*, restlesnuess, and niehmeholy, with sometimes in ability to sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness; sometimes then is severe pain in the side; the shin and the white of the eyes become a greenish yellow ; the stomach acid; the bowels sore to the touch; the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever, which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious diarrhoea, dysentery, etc. A medium dose of three or four Pills taken at night, followed by two or three in the morning, and repeated a few days, will remove the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to suit such pains when you can cure them for 2.5 cents. RIIEC'MATIPII, Gorr, and al/ billanannfOry n eer) are rapidly cured by the purifying effects of these Pills upon the blood arid the stimulus which they afford to the vital principle of Life. For these and all kindred complaints they should be taken in mild doses, to move the bowels gently, but freely. As a Dig aam Pitt, this is both agreeable aa4 awful No Pill eau be made more pleasant to take, and certainly none has been made more effectual to the purpose fur which a dinner pill is employed., PREPARLD liY DEL .1. C. AVER * Practical and Analytical Chemist* LOWELL, MAIL, ANV FOLD IC Ay..r's Ague Cure. Pea TIIII wf AND cIIRTNIN ( * VAN or home MITT. farce, oa CMn.lw •Nr. Pavia, Rummell( FHA CHILI. roman. in NH A4Ua. P1111101)Ii..*L. ens , lhwun Ihraimuns, 1111/MrS FLYXIII, 11,141 II W11"1.11 OF UIOIIASHO OILI(1111•Tuiti IN MIMI D111•.U1011Ja, In MS SALAMI Of HlNSilaTiti Thie at wady has rarely tat tled to affright severest evert of Ilona and rotil, and it has this [rent ad• ',imago over Oilier Ague tond/eilmoi that it •ulal•e• the e u mphini willnnit injury to the patient. Ittos• t sine no quinine or nth..r de bderiuut sabotages Oaf does It ;triune quitnion or any ininriou. effect, what ever . t:hekin• brother• of the army of the westAry tt and you sill ("Wow. these alttinita. Prepared by Di. J C. A Y Eft & CO.. Lowe!, Nagai and sold by all ntsgests sod deal•,. is stadium eterrwlcr , •. WASHLNO 11.1C111141.1 It Is generally conceded that "the best Is always the cheapest ;'• and tbst biting the easy greet pleasure is token in introducing to the public DOTY'S C OTHER WASHER which I. rapidly becoming popular aid with Nu Machin,. the hard work of working is iottiltatad conilartahle and plea.ant task. ha clothes ate plaertt in hot ands, and dhut N. White tkus inimere• rid and ilia pteata cananed, (he Machine iv operated ao n phobic. Thu. the work Is speeddYt tlettriX not earily Anne. and that too without tearing al4 went leg out ilia clothe., which to a great extant ie the canoe under the old fashioned rubbing proms With a lJ IVERSAL CLOTIIEB WRINGER the time comps rcd with the former mode of AVEIO EN tS AND /WAKING, and twisting and wringtsg. TIHr dirt is so dissolved by tiro Hot lITDY that but tit lid enMprelliOil is neeessery to expel it. No Wally Is the County should be *about DUTY'S CLOTHES WASUFAR and the ITNIVERSAL CLOTHS" weiliasa. Tha Weep of itmse Mac blocs tans as fullows: Family aiaa Washer, • • • • • • Xll 00 Hotel Rise, • • • - • • • • • • • 16 00 Family am, V 0.4 Wringer, tl 30 011. No. • • • • • • • • • • . 10 WI gold by E, B. b11.71.1,..Acent. March 27 1867-Iy. Barwick. ?a 100,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT OF FENcING BOARDS FOR eels. The ortderelened offers for sale urine the most reasnaahle terms, at his plate of business, la CULVMHIA COUNTY, nne hundred then• vend shingle, sad a large lot fenetalt hoards, 0 6. the very heat quality, both pine and hen.lndi. J. J. MeliAltlltY Itrnom. Me 1. 1140; ■
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