Vtoonolintg finnoctat. Arch 4, *$U. UM Ozo. D. JACKSON, of the State Senate, bu our thanks for Legislative ilocumanta. Sestrim tame, late Sheritrof this County, removes] to Mifflin Township, upon his farm, Tut week. John P. lICSR was laht week appoint ed postmastor at Polk ville, Columbia Coun ty, vloo 1). L Everhart, resigned. Ns learn that Andrew T. Ikeler. of Greenwood, has purchased the lintel awl other property of John J. Stiles, of Ben- ton, and Intends taking possession on the Ist of April, Mr. Stiles retiring from the hotel business. ler WE go to press this week too early for much late news; and more especially will our columns jack late news this week, on account of the non•arrival of the mails, for several days, on time. The heavy snow storm on Monday last pretty effectually blocked the trains on all roads. 311-The "Coon day," to wit, the second of February, is likely to bo "a success."— The day on which the coon was supposed to have left his "bole" was particularly clear and calm ; and, according to tradition, he therefore retired to his winter abode, leaving us to suffer six weeks of additional winter. The coon is likely to turn out a true pro phet, Mr On Monday last the people of this section were visited with a very severe snow storm, lasting the entire day. Snow fell to the depth of about eighteen inches. The snow on the fields and in the woods is deeper than it has been for many years; and should it leave suddenly, high water and the de struction of much property will be the inev itable result. Those persons hying along large streams should make early preparation for the coming freshet. BIL.We might not be considered Ski spokesman for our "County Fathers," but would say in reply to P. John's inquiry, that the $5O received of Thayer & Noyes' Circus belongs to and, no doubt, in our mind, has been handed over to the State long before the astute P. John discovered the amount set out in the County Statement. Ordina rily it would not have appeared in tho pub lished receipts of the county. The money hue been appropriated as required by law. =1:1 /fir The Berwick Gazette suggests that the patriotic Chairman of thr‘ Democratic Standing Committee of this County call a convention of the Democracy for the pur pose of counseling together relative to the Gomm to be pursued "in view of the mo mentous issues that have been so suddenly sprung upon the country." If the impeach ment question should be carried on much farther, we woulitimt--he--surprised to ace . the Colonel calling out the militia l Mr M. M. POMEROY, the able and tear• less editor of the lir Creme Pensocrat, de livered a lecture at Willianaport on Wed nesday evening last, to a large and intelligent andi nce. "Brick" POMEROY is a popular speaker as well as writer. Ho handles the Republican party rougher than any man in the United States. The leaders of that party squirm terribly when under his lash. He gives one no rest when he starts after it Our neighbor, Dr. John, gives, in his last paper, a prescription for " preserv ing cut-flowers." The Dr. no doubt reels the necessity of some such remedy. Ile was a flower not born to blush unseen, and waste its ',realness an the desert air ; on the contrary, be spread his perfume so wide abroad that other plants of more recent growth began to get Jealous. They caused the Doctor to be cut down in his bloom. Hence his indignation. But whether the community have profited by this mowing op eration is the , question. Iffir On Tumsky last JOSEPH Monnts,ef this town, departed this life, after an illness of a week or more. lie was an industrous, hard-working and peaceful citizen, and by occupation a minor. His funeral was large ly attended ; members of the Miners' anti Mechanics' Association, of this and neigh boring towns, turning out in respectable numbers. The deceased leaves a wife and several children to lament his demise ; but it is hoped that their loss is his gain. Peace to his remains. ar Tar INDEPENDENT is the title of a DOW paper just started in Sunbury by John J. Anten, to take the place of the late defunct Sentinel. The new candidate for hvor does not present a very favorable ap pearance but the editor promises to make "great improvements" at an early day. In polities the paper is Democratic. It would seem to us that the Democracy of Northum berland County ought to support two Dem ocratic papers while the Republican party in that County support four, y5 4 1,14e Dem ocracy control the public paticitiate of the County. SIP We have already called the attention of our DOMOCTUth) friends throughout the county, to the importance of filling certain :foes with Democrats at the election the monthr In Au first pia® make it a point to nominate MIMS out Democratic tickets in every township, but see to it more eveciOße that you secure the judges, asses ors and 6 specters. An exciting Presidential election is coming on and it is your duty to fill these offices with good end honest Democrat., so as to prevent the Radical scoundrels from cheating. It has so often heretofore been the ease that Democrats have suffered the opposition to fill ell the important borough and township tdikslm, that we do not think it is nut of plaoe in us to again call attention to this matter. The Reptiblidansi vistiirre er they are-in the mejority, , anstiarAi that ne Democrat gets any of the spoils at their &Peal. Treat them in the lane wit* mote it that they do not get a t'small,"-tur lose it is that of a nigger. Sae' The Danville American says the re• quisite amount of stook to secure the char ter for the Danville Water Works, has been subscribed by responsible parties. Water irorks are badly needed in Bloomsbirs. In ease of a fire there is nothing to depend on bet a lot of dry wells and half-filled cisterns. With a favorable wind the whole town would barn down in e:i a fire should break out.— Tbe young men are forming an Engine Com• pany, and why not the older inhabitants form a Water Coin pituy Or We publish in another column of the Dotocitny, "An Act relative to the es• tablishment of Fl Law Library in the County of Columbia," as read in place in the lower House of the Legislature on the 12th ult.— It will be observed that the establishment and .naintenzince of a law library is to be wholly out of "fines, amereements and pen alties imposed by the marts of the county, and all rncogtiisanees declared fgrfeited by mid court, which under existing laws are not payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania for its own use-" In many cases these floes, amercemonts, penalties and recogni sant:es aro never collected; and the passage of this act will have the effect to look these matters up a little more closely, besides ap propriate the money in a very proper and commendable enterprise. VirrUBLIC SALM —Bill% for the follow ing public, sales have been printed at this office during the past few days: Tuesday, March 10th, Andrew Frees, in Centre township, about two miles from the Half• Way House, and one mile or more from the river road, will sell personal pro perty. Iram Derr, auctioneer. Thursday, March 12th, Joseph C. Smith, in Madison township, not far from Jersey town, will offer personal property for sale. William Switzer, auctioneer. Wednesday, March 25th, John Shipman, of Mount Pleasant township, will expose his entire lot of farming utensils and house hold goods at public out-cry. ham Derr, auctioneer. Thursday, March 26t11, Andrew T. I keler, of Greenwood township, will sell on his premises, his full and entire stock• of farm ing implements, together with several hots , sea, colts, sheep and hogs. Haturday, Alnreh 7th, the administrators of the estate of Benjamin Fowler, late of Centre township, will offer for sale a lot of ground with the improvements; property of the said estate. Friday, March 6th, John Savage will offer his entire household and kitchen fur niture at public auction. Sale at his resi dence, in Light Street. William Schuyler, auctioneer. Saturday, March 21st, William Shaffer, of Centre township, will Pell off his farming utensils, together wish a fine lot of live stock. Joseph Wititcrsteen, auctioneer. Wednesday and 1 hursday, March 25th and 26th, i.iirnon C. Shire will sell, at his Manufactory, in Bloomsburg, a large lot of new furniture,-Lasidass-many-ether Sec hand-bills. 110 W ARE YOU, GEARY ?—The following telegram was vent how New Fork• to Presi dent Johnson on Toads, : Every decent man in New York pity iv with }ou. We will take care of all Gov. tieary's men. Cod bless you. Wo are ready for the issue. Tile 9114 ERA IMES Of this bright and cheerful world flee the nysprptirc 11' Wong a good digestion there can ne I tierr be , bodily Carafeetilllf 11*entail enjoyment. Between the stoned, and the brain there is a close and wnader fu I alliance. If the one is dtsords red the other to gloomy. dejected, inclinable of effort :and 11,0111 . .. rem to all that makes life agreeable to the healthy. Is thin a eairditinn that any rational human being Is wolltne to eit,luro, 1411,111 M inr Ulla of certain. tut• mediate and put manent rtitel cot be übtainata every. where The Dye;teptie has his fate in his own hands. U he Otiose* to flattish focuser the *Monter that racks hid body and disturbs the mud with nameless horrors he her only to step to the Purest drug store and pro. cure a eepply of liositttec's dimities hitters. N. phase of ity,,ovpsta has ever yet resisted the alterative, tonic and anti•bilrous operation of ibis p o tent vegetitie specific. It 'eternity regenerates Irthergie stomach ; ro uses into healthy action the dormant liver : put. to Alen the dismal forties that beset the wind: gently relieves sad regulates the bowels , strengthens the enfeebled nerves ; re• stores the appetite. mud mime o as it were, a new creature of the d..sp ending acid debilitated isivalid. ladies who eutri:e frost indigestion kayo only to take a mall dose of title SUN eetelahle currect.ee, mice cia twice a day. to secure entire exemption from thesaineenit penalties of a weak stomach and dud perfect functional veniality, with but few *Me sex uniuteropterity enjoy. The Coilewlasilersediee ere dd sii well estab• lished one theutuails have beau beneillted by their use. They ore (or pale by dragging generaily. rim Pt.RVYLI.N a protected *okay:it of the Protoci.le of 400, sup• plies the mood with its lire element. look, RIMS foretictli, *heir 111111 new life to the whole *nohow— rot eyspeion,tiebildr. Pon& Weettlielel, 04.. it ill *needle. A 32 puce onniphldt containing I valtrtblit *realign en 4 .1 fini Una ilfintileilto," with certificates did rucomniendetions. Ir.. will be sent free. J, P, I,INANIME, Proproinr, N 0.30 Doy or., New York. WISTAR•S DWAIN Or WILD CHERRY: h., bean tired 61, newly hulls century tar coughs. colds, cnnsaugniou, Slid every alredtion of the threat lonia and Owe', It (Iwo& cntsgO by lonnenson and cleansing the lungs and alloying suit:Mon, tour ru• moving the cause torlend of dryinctip the cough and irnYlbg tau cannel brnind. NE:111 W. VUWI.€ k WON, Proprietors, No. Id Tremont at., home. 19/1. 11. ANDERS' WATER, A pure polution of iodine dmolved la water without ewer nt. containing 1 1 4 grams of lodine to oath tluto ounce of water. lodine to admitted by all teal men. to be the beet %ammo remedy fur terofula. uicere, cancers. eypbliia, salt rheum. Ike. and Moo sande CAR terllfy to the wonderful Muncie MIMI* prwpaiettott la ea sub ) sel. Virceler free. . P. DiNdbitlitit. ti Proprietor. No. 3J IN/ Street, flaw York. MUMS CELEARAinD SALM works Pio a maple on old sures, burns, aelelVte, wounds, bruise, sprains, chapped beede, eh es, etc, dm It le prompt In eaten, penile the petit. WWII out soreness, slid reduces itio lout' emit, looking swelling.. red Inflanintloris ; thee ildinlling teller and a eemplete Cute. Only ett cents a nos; Sant by mail tor :te cont. riAtir I ik PLENA. Proprietors . No. do Tremon as t ~ Boston. GO TO BROWIM'S TO BUY TOUR 4iilti , jl:XlDLOW I WILL GO TO SaCrara TO OUT MV bOODS. WELL DIGGING. Themortheralgeed dives notice .hit the public getter. olly aid h* is a practical Webti UIUGICII.*Pti le hrepived to tentsens na shoot oldie* upon the most hitaeoettile lie has had la m e e m end expert. tow he the hash.*** retuatkable serthiso \Thuile eilehildielOthied &w hit his hue wield do will to dive him atrial. WiLLIAM 110411156. Oloaatabatt Jim.. 13, sPEqi.v. NOTICES. TO I LAD IES. Veer Mention le &lad to the moat efficacious filmilelee error Meows for the remove,' nfohelei/ette‘ty and SotiellitelMato liseloJent to the finale eel. Dr. Harvey's CHRONO THERM AL FEMALE PILLS, hays twee seed An onwards tf TRINTY SSSSS with tievorylOS ealleAtel. They ere sOlpteil far 1.11 urdr eery eases and nicer fell le libel/ adieu i f takes IS 111110, Dr. Harvey's OOLIWN FIN ALE PILLS, viva DULl.Ailal A 110 X, are Intended for ipmeini rases rrgnlrinl more power fel medicine. They are (Our deerero elrneeßr lA. ordiner, had Rod era pertriCay hatiotlese sad rot In hie. If yea anent eel them of year dm/Opt I will toed th.•m by return in ail. pert pain and secure fruiu ob 'million On receipt of the money. I waist.* rend an Inuetrated mod Contlalentlal rirtolar to Ladies Addreee.l.llll.YAni, SIV aaouwatrKew TIMM* HAPPINESS OR MISERY. The •ittlni of youthful fhtillff^Yff hlr hippfnoii, ruin• hi. 1111)Opitli fur rode) toarriogo +n,l thr prowl or btellies■ and rods I ie horn in misery ; but by the us, of the lung mid ■ud faithful remedy BelPs Specific Pills, he ay on recover hie hea y lth. Make therefore no de• In? m dne th is remed. It ciess speedy relief surd 011111e(reet a elite in all eases or rianiltvil Weak neva. Kniirsinno, rhysital and NV( VOUS Debilli V Mill Itrrangetiwnto of the urinary owns. Poetry" heue• At Is derived be tiOng a single box It I. "lithely vedelulite mid barmier,' and no change of diet is necessary to st sleinit thesis. I . lfre ..tir Dollar per hoi wish lull directions. Pistil by Prirygirts generally. In pier,' where they cannot be procured I will peed those by emit poet-paid •nd aocure fr. m iihrervatlon on receipt uf the money. 'llldeess. J. hRYANI, IL tilb Ultoso• way %Kw VIAL Private and conlldertlel circulars will be sent to gentle unin free of chaste. DR. J. 13ItYAN,CONSULTING PHYSICIAN $l9 Brosioway, New York, Giros 1 1 111:11A1. TRKATMENT in all . or &mi. nal, Pl. Vial Urinary and Nervous 1114raan. In male or Oolitic , . Armes rain and currespondaare aratriLY ItUNtIDIOITt•t.. To loin - maxim-1 will von my private and ronfl • &olio, circular, free of charge, and for to rent* iralonble treatise on rieuttnal Weaknris, byYr .Roa . E. Do iOn pagt••• To habits —t will send toy Privatis eirtalar with Anatotoical Pngrav inns free of eAdree. end fa? 10 cent. a vain able treadirt. by Dr. Jolla II •av sr r 1 ,5 taintol: Impnrtnnt Information on all 010 , jeole of In- Irre•l to the are. rrtiEchoßy OF MAN It STREWTH. A gentle wan who ouffered fer year! , from Nervous and Genital fiehility, Nightly Entioriono. and Seminal Weakness, the revolt of yenthfil indireretion. and came near ending his day,. in hopeless wooer,. will. for the *take of suffering malt, send to to 011 m ■flhet• ed, the pimple mesh, hoed by him, which effected a cure in II few weeko alter the failure of numereue meihrines. Rend a directed etiveloptialld stamp and will coot you nothins. Address, RDOAR TRIR.IIA IN. it!tith N.Y. Chi/. ITCH ITCH!!ITCH!!! SCRATCH I SCRATCH I I SCRATCH !I I In from 10 to 48 hours. Wehaton't Ointment cure. The Itch. Wheaton'■ Ointment curee Balt Rheum Wheaton's Ointment cure. Taller. Wheaton'e Ointment cure. Barbers' Itch Wheaton'■ CAW:vent wires Old Pore.. Wheaton'. Ointment cures Every kind of armor like Mee°. Prlr.*. 31/ tent • 'hoz ; hytnnil,rJi rewa A dAreue %VEERS & POTTER. No 171 s Wnehinptn■ Street Sown. Mope. For sale by ell Druggists. ecpt.73. 151.17.-1 yr. TO CONSUMPTIVESJ , - The Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON will sena •(repp of chnfer) in all who deoire it, the pre•crihtlon with the directions for malting and 'mina the remedy by phteh he Wilr cored or a lung affection and that dread dine re ronstituption lli• only oh jeer In to I.Pruit the afflict,/ ;and he bones every enttiree w ill try thin p intimi. no it wi'l emit them nothing, and may prove • bleii•lng. Please adotera• Rev. EDWARD A. W11.01(01. . 163 Bomb Bewail Nast, Williamsburg, Now Yost. INFORMATION. Intiirtnillon guaranteed . in pro. nee a luxuriant g rnseth of hair upon a bold henl , or . brardless face, also a rceripe (.r the removal of Funnies, Blotches. Ernpitnn•, etc nnth.. skin Icnvine .inte soft cleur, and beautiful. con 1w nhistined without sharps by addressing •rllfls.V (11 a I'M at. Liitntiln . i.y, new York ERRORS OF YOUTH. A arntleinan who in early life was • stetiwita that de honing vire on common In yOlllll. whit+ resulted in Nominal Weaknear, Involuntary and Nervous 1.1,1.1r/111bn and CdMO . near cuaulq her rilly.l in hoin•lnae orlibety. After living I.ows roe. relia • .Itt iiloainril front a (mind conic rintplr rules awl prearriptionalliat afinclo. l ■ pn•r. 0,311..1.1 vitro. (In behalf of wily . ..nog An ity he will send the same free Of rliare to all who may desire it. address Eliomt TRENIAINK, etatioa If, UAW florae, New Yore. Novesebet 11, 11081 DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, And Catarrh, treated with the utmost atiereee, by lAA ACS, M. H.. Oeuiiat and Aurist (formerly °May. den, Holland.) No. SIR PINE Plieet. PHILAD'A.— Testimonials, from the moat retinhin *tmes In the City and Country can be area at his calm Tbik mood. t col faculty are oerUad In erenigithmy their hati i rthic as he haii no iterrnli in hi. piantiee ARTIFICIAL EVER, inserted without rms. No charge for mot. inatioa. (April RS, 1046.-1 y ERRORS OF YOUTH. A nentlemin who offered for yrare from Nervoue fb•belliy. PrPllllll4ll% Decay. en., all the ellfortp of youth ful inditerel ion. Will, for the elate of guniihig humanity, rend free to all oho need K. the 'melee rod Aireelleoe for itiabitot the eimple !mode by hich he cured, tlttgerers ur lrhuit to pinta by ih.• silver, freer experience. can do en by eddre,ime ?,n perfect rondflenot, JOHN U. Oft fog N. tit 'War ittreet. New York. 113ny 99. 1117. irr Messrs., netwasess min Muesli! Mateo, with tile to mom seeress by J.ISAACCOI.O..OtuIist and nutlet (Mtnterly of Leyden, flollamll. Na. 105 Arch Stier!. PtiOludolphia, Testimonials from the meet salishte ismer. in eity and country min be mien at Ms Ake. The Medical nanny Met , invited to se 4,o, Hr ony thpir ultientol.is he has as seem!s in lo+ pram ire. AWN ha inserted ilk libel psy. No chirp Ms examination Nov. 13, oat—ly THE HEALING POOL, AND 1101788 OF MERCY. Power(' lapociailim Reunite. for YouNn on the CHIME (HP VOI ITV 103, awl the ERHORs A litinEl3 and 11101F.APES white . du Trot the 'anal power., and crania impedimenta to MARIO 4 G 1 .. wile filite Ana at relief. nI In aigialein riara veleuetalrenar r.harrie,'• Aadraiie IHIL J. 31113111.1,11. Hi ICU I I liftman Aniaciatius, Philadelphia. L . A. June 3, 18117--1.4, M. M. TRAUGI1 1 T—L %W, BLOOMSBURG, lb. Will practice in the several Couto of Columbia and adjoining mintier. All eatlectioas promptly attended to. June eli, .g12i11a2183.C5 AA V'olWitat flfl WHOLESALS 4110NYZ41*ZONX1111 AND FRUITERERS, 240. 161 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. tor Orders promptly attended to. reb. no, 11163,-40. SEW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAW STREET, (1414 AR LY OPPOAITI si.t.sive STORk) 011.0011110 U A% PA. Till undersigned boo Jul ailed up. and opened, big nee wrove Amp TIN *yr, In tile plans. wharf he Is prepared to up new W CRT. of 111 kends In hit line, on , ' dn, repair. 04 with lIPMIIIOOr and dlordele, env Iho MOot re,. qmobie term., !Initial, beep, an hand . 1 1114IVKIS nl warlana pruterne and *Wee. whisk Me will sell upon 3(91111%o 'Oil murderers. files both:. 111, He Is a good macbanle, and de' serving or krl rhbllc palfoollll4. JACOB MBTZ. Itenalabltre, /apt. a, P360..-Ip. OYCLYOINLP AND P . /TOYS BOYS, send in I • addressed envelops and NS reels.and I will dead 7011 Addre ss a leahlo informal► lan Wag will please pen. Address MARY 1110018. MI Broadway, N. Y. May In. 10611...4y DU,. E. W. WELLS, BUCCTI4BOO. TO DR. F. C. lIAMBISOti. Die token gnome Si tho Aire ke. AU st• dm islt Was votti pr‘r 10941iNbatit " STATEMENT VINANCER OV rim COLIMA' OF COLUMBIA, YROM JAN. Iht, 107, To JAN, hot, IS4S. The Auditors elected to setae and adjust the amounts of Columbia County, respect fully beg leave to report that they have ex amined the atone from the first day ofJen uary, A. u., one thousand eight hundred owl sixty-seven, to the first day of January A. n., ono thousand eight hundred and hizty-eigbt, and respectfully lay before the Ilimoruble Judges of the Court of Common Mem o f wild county the following statement and re port, egreetibly to the =al Stanton of the Act of General Assembly of this Common wealth, missed the 4th day of April, 1834. JOIIN J. STILTS, Treasurer of Colum his County, in account with said County: tater, Mt. Im. 7. To anmesi oulatalwilas for 104 and previout year., iissn an " To ...lance in !mods of TrOa@ • urnr, a. per Auditors' re 7mm Jan, 11467. 2880 70 reb, 0, To ra,flolliant , Del 11.01rhoor of Drinrereall for k. 'Pug Cult. Plow. 30 10 Mar. 5, To Crib of Jaime . Kelchner of Hrinrereek fur keen...S (4 th Juno To nnomil of Coonty tax as oommod for IOC; • To °mount 'hided in DOPlicate of Aunt Two nsblp. • To ■m,mnt or Tvill dry itmese• tornt 1967. 11 It. 1 . 41111 or Coil Wpm hoprov • nd Cdal Co.. /11104 rodertned. sopt 2 To verb of A IV 'Rai, Aunt, land trdi...no.d To Carh agouti,/ l'el,oo. L, rrdo nmp•d. 12 To cash of Thayer Am Noyes' 30 00 Dee. 2 To fish of Georg., Evans of ft rem rcievk lur bravos Club. Pun, To Push fo• Inn cloy ossemmomm•l 10 , 3 int) 1000. 21 13 " 19 To eamb front Northombmrtmod Comity doe Colookloa Co.. for retainne Bridge. • In rash p 31.1 Affloonsuni. amuse -100 dm, tam, Iro7. WI 31 • To rash for sundry Tore, 143 IN To to, 11111n1 nntod Ind on 01 To Cnidi o(ru nJry action., re. desuptios toolleY VA 70 And autoloading for IMO end previous ycors, 6280 35 I.;aunorotions onowed Coin ut icoion ell , ,wed collector.. 440 Amount of County ord.,. t edtrmnd. Iwo Ma Trrooureeo comm. ou 13191101 du at 1 per cent.. 4.0 Valance. 3401 73 133477 W t. John J. Stiles, Tres., in account with tax on dogs: Dr. To amount outstanding for 1566 and previous years, $ 947 00 To amount assessed for 1567, 1264 50 1211 50 Cr. By bal. due Treasurer per auditor's report, January 1867, M 5 51 Amount outstanding and uncollected 376 48 Exonerations allowed collectors, 98 00 Commissions allowed collectors, 83 40 Amt sheep damage orders rdeetn'd 1056 75 Amt pd. for fuoessing dog tax in 1867 28 54 Ault pd. Treasurer's cow. on 1056.75, 52 84 Pt ateuleat shelving the amount n( Cnonty and dot tax ease•eed I , lr the year A. U. Val. in ear It dieteletiet the rOuril y. no wria a. I lin amount lion (coin each, also the names or the coll..clors of .aid Mitotic ro, tax aes'd. WI. Jae. Itl mm, •Monheni W)'nkoop, SAW , *1 Via ti:l Uriarefeek •Davtd %lino( 11:1 $0 Heaver Ramnet Niltle.llllCi 3rl Demon cafoo.l Rhone I.crn ick .1111111`11 Jecohr Crntrn!is rat rick Killeen 340 40 143 40 I'we) , Holiarsi do tin 1100 NI WO 4.11 et ntre 11. A. Feb veeppenbeiser ion; 4:1 411 Cid:minas P. 0. 0 , 01100,11 7.17 16 bOl 10 Finnlilin °Thomas !lower 4.1 afl 10 .0 Fithinger'k Jnorph Volvman 1%1 44 334 47 Lirernwnod 0 /sent' P. Evans 60 . 173 1144 le fir inlnet 11anirl Neybeir3 631 03 14 33 Locirgit chro•rgan Morrill OM 34 1303/4 Madrona 'bow. K irner 1 9' 30 13237 ililinot.gwr John i ri' v 31r. 22 191 94 1:3 Pira4uoil Irigoim J. W e lli Velr 39310 i!0 1 $ M... II II ilolith AIM HAW 31 1 ; 30 113 73 31 , 91 in • 1 . ,1 rJ. Lints 74171 231337 okringe Pruhtor Voila' 4.17-7 ese SII Pine livid. Coos 13331 Roariogrrerlit N 11er44.nt,4$ 13 1 1 43 2224 0 1 Progarlgog e. 1 . Moore 153 0.2 ifn 84 Scott Jacob 7 erw Illigel 172.173 2,4144 Deduct ten day• 4.4*.orrir 1567,35.wl $1 . 3 . ,444110 $1:24 - 2 - 1 - 0 " i X t•ra er,s'oreit4 troll, 14,t) 70 07 lagavr e soil Co. 11l lamed for 190. 2 1 395;5 II 1.4 porta. I Mirror)... Tax on does. ital. dor. Piorito •31atio•w Wynkoup $7l 34 $7 30 11/acer:et r •i mg, id Vllii4., C 3 30 ft. g .,,,, PIIIIIiIIt.I Nungeaser Se 30 Penton tinniggel 1g imne II 311 10 20 Kerwirk Jairgra Jar oby 17 r.O Cergt.4l to Patrick Kt Ileen 91 60 9 :10 Conyngtiain do do 13 10 7 30 Inehlre 1 1 , A. Srliweppenheil•T 73 , W 9 71) Iriotallii•Oli P. Cl, I'm pm•Il $1 SI) 34 SU Villifillilli • I limun 4 I 1 ItWPf 411 Ls FleNlager 't Jorrph colr was MI 11$ 34.1 90 Oreemeroid i l iJnergb M. Kean,. hi :al Neaoloct 11an1. , 1 Neyharel SI ,k) 111 SO Jul .1111 Aheahaot 31nogilois :NI UN LOCH* I ehrirti , it ' , wall / him goo Vista wit •Jatur. IC rasa, 33 30 %Imaigur John I,eligy 3. 1 30 3 30 141o.Pirasant Thong*, .1 Welliver 1300 8 1)0 1113ii1 M»)1» , 01 SIM in•II 3 ,1 311 Marlin •Prorr .1. Woltz 71 00 orange 1. , ..1...n Holies 41000 Piorg Jacob Lone • 30 301 Rourinicir %. 1,r,,...h.gch 32 'V Sark/loaf C, 1.. M,..fn 40 Sll actdt Jacob Terwilliger NI III) $lllOl5O 811051 ROTC—Those 'worked with el *IIIIVO 111111141 been paid. e mirui nt plinwiee ihP anweirt nr engine and doe Me due for lend, IVO and Intel frini the different dire. Oriels in the county mlco. Aw'tdob dup. POllO/101V IFIC I lohn W. Kole, $llll IN • W 110 Nruton NM P, Appleustin, 41 +43 3 .16 Fiabionferook molten, to 30 6 40 U;,Jipuu 0 Jacob Orrli?..l. 6.h11 Pine A ittprt Hinter, 33 Olt Brevet 11398 y Ilinteentee, 134:39 Renton " d Adpleiniiii, 190 , 41 Geutralin bet, a W, H. Reinhold, V4l n 4 4 011) W. 11. krinhntd, In 39 Hemlock, R.A, Ilartiniist, PS 19 911Wirull, " Jacob Been et, /n 3 37 Pee from ORE, 41944 40 i/PR33 EXPENDITURES. AEllll'OE* AND CLERK'S PAY, By amount fetid "Wilkes, end Ewen fly amount paid E. R. llroehway, away and llestrtnes strown4. AMZMOIS PAY, Memo township Weaver et man Wier rree ' k Townoblp Bet wink norouoh CRIIIII,IOIII Turrualip 1.740.10, conyngli•rn Centruals nmouth rrunkliu Towniiisly virhlumereek Gier n wood thmloeli Igekonn !mewl Maim! Mullin 0 NONIONe MI, Plasma " llroup Pine Knarinitemek ONFOrle.f damn BRITON, CONTRACTS. lip amount pale William 4, MIL bridle on Fish inatrauk tub la , By amount paid Peter Gowenk, Mar. on Irmo , Ilan ballrein CoMinnie and amour 0141 BRIDGE REPAIRS. By Imnont paid 1119atiotnery Cole. %Imolai. 4c. 295 94 14y , flimutio paid J.lhn HiPifirr 103 33 Ar cnouni pasd U. 0,114 iniflem44 199 111 Ily ainintini p9lll koolnit H. 11e... hiltone." 411 no ay ninunnt 'Mild Filiol . l, lindinan, limber. esti 39 By amount 9419 D 491 4 19 Ps MI 47 By gruovist pe44 MHO ralwillooro - 112 40 By anotimi paid Jaws I , 9l4tioyer. brldy• on Coll Y lien!lntultna 441224124 and Non.. •Q ___, 24 00 /1/ 4 222142 4412 ~.W11110f.111141414 In PO Hy Otllollllll mild N. u wourwiril 23 is PI 2 2102211141441 , 1 4 Arw , , , 'al .131 Ity tottielOt psi 'sl44ii4iintl..*Siniillialf 'ft 411 by souottat paid Jtosplo Ilmilivr 1418 el 11 9 1 . 1 , 41910114,11.11.114900 Aid Br ammtislinvemim ity amount pod fralassls ol o %an• ottsfy mid tigootior. a b b sad W= duplirstsm. eft Oat iirt. 4941010 g Ily amount pikhltor,vrpotts it Com House, sad pun n iliall*aasi tbsialair 11.1.141004LO1?UWA NnUdi. • By snow pal i, Ofttftfitlituthig Court *louse. _ 40 0 0 etP4IIIOWAIMP iy 1111111441111 plat 1, tttitbr*OSOSlSOS* set ifittotS•f• IWO tOltirr rrltYtor. Sy amount poi AtOO O lOllllll4P fer the ptat NI emonnt raftt tpa room! eudittables der ray Wevo , WA iMgCnitilat" COO Ify imam* pors4 oitiOry 0 • • aq!* B o (: 4 NX111•4140# Allet wy eisooot pal. Allem %won eyl.olwHowor. WIN Hy assont..t pals, J. P„ Posalay eltotsi,soimsor , MI tly amount paid kloassausaty Uolts astautils• 1111011“. .1116 fly swam irdst iambi IntartidosalltastiaillVll, Uy sumaaot pita Was. ICtialtisastut is last. I, laud Qtatit. IS ISO wmidunt wild a. M. CLEO 0 - 4100 IMP KN. vs By niamiiit paid innidry perdue,. .prlng eleellasie Ily salaam paid gawky persona general election.. CA WI ME 13374 00 Ry ■nnunl Iml4 A. %limn fa, retal Coon Humor 11114 Jail. $3l SI Pia MO; wimt SCA Va. EU By sumo paid itandry patient. WO 22 INI'IDENTAL EXPEI22I2. By owoant p 4 1 ,1 ollittonory Ac. Mr Doan it 83 EC BEIM Ilia By Rowlett ynitllwo Inourunes WU 2! 30 II by amount paid Jahn Doak in the holy of lotto J Powlat. fli 77 Uy mowing paid J. M. Chamberlin on boll of N. F. llilhorn 10 Ii fly nom rm plot ILO. rravollni on body of a small child 14 To fly mio.uot paid Win. Hoagland on body of In II 143 20 111 6o JURrIPS' Wi ANIINILEAOI6. By amosion paid Juror, flioring the yr) air 16137 41111N4 ‘43 By amount paid Dr. V. C. Harr , attend• once on primmer§ V 31 r it%) nirrirrr %Rv, Hannual poid ,Poor rofrotan Protlq. for rogordio: slams ~ n.rtinn returns. 34 4 Pill %Tomo. Ily amount paid W • 11. Jacoby, IV to J. 4. Pandora, Or C. B. ttrucaway. 130 11 $441X.1 Od Ily amount paid J.he 4. Plgoo, P. ENNI 'TATO KV. Bynr+ 1,314 C. tx , 4 0 , , litentisty tot sup port!r,s souvois 209 37 ity amount i 314 State Immure Ouspitil fur Ur!: support or c. putt. 43 fly amount paid riailry praani , wars. 1371 Ui Liu itA Ey aweunt paid IL II 10444. 11100th township, 30 OD ••J4cob 64traul,arrenW00,1 0 30 NI 11 , 41ry HA , bre, Vine 9u 00 444 0 01 03 tIU 0 Elul Conner 00 Geo. Ovule Ma. Pieitina "to UD ° talker Ever Vine " 40 Oa By amount paid Sonnet Snyder for boarding erirenerr, 4e5 83 07 •mount paid Femur, Stryfer for reneerrne James flenweres to tb• Howie ih , fuee. 'Ol 0338 83 BADEN DAMAGES. $2211 50 Mom township Ifoov,o. do Benton do Otior Cro”k tinonahip enhiwi township Frritkitit do Ft 41:tqvk township Green w tod do fWI Hemlock do DS Oil iock,ou do itn 50 4 now w. do ton Mt- ninssout do 331 in %non do 33 nu Main do IA HO Modl.ou dO LS 30 Osnogn do in to do 4O Qtt 410 41 XIS 41 VI 3! md (.74 dek do Sager Loaf do feint do 111:9$2 2$ TIP ST fly amount At the orvr , rdi omit+, 8113 TKACIICR'S 11411)EY iNSTMITS. BY amount somi C. G. Bari , ley Cnauty t4 , 111C,111. Widen' uo nor UM rf wiernd tut sum, 73 43 WHY 41,n4c'•:4LatiS Ity .tonsott paid Bliths Hayman. ',try Cms• 41161*1.1110.1, 11 64 By o,,,otint 1.4 W Thom. J . WCIIIVtf Jolty Cum utiosteuer, Id It Ry 6.ltglitnt pii4 Johrt ree4 r pt.is Treasuret•e I.rtwl♦ *tamp*, 10 73 311. HEE INOIIO. 0, ANl.lllllt of road, rutboa, parr its.l Minty 114 teas 141 Undo., to the several SAIWAIIMP, awl rxdritipllMlltiltAilelf. $1864 97 Hy awl, ef onillo 14.1041 fee the year 11 1 67, itiftat 30 Ihtduct o,teti 4440 , our reit lAA 11 0 9 "4 1 'faze* refunded to township♦ 1544 07 3037 59 Anual eztraiwetst th- ever NO, lott3 311 loam of ror ruf izat fly 'moth{ dim rum a•Atians Laded coos, Et. "suy " Sir 40 110,1 mo mot rheep4(l4 oni•Prlfem4 for 18'7, MO So EiCPOI of -harp damage per paid food, for said your, 78P 04 104 FIT 11 FA ENT nr COUNTY ORDEALS. Alumni's inau«il lit in ina, 13 1 1fit 33 in ilia 13Nii11 ICI Deduci old (minors riideninen 4 1 1 30 Vow orders re , Wente4, $13n43 33 Umbra new orders redeemed $13893 33 Amt new order+ , (rond view orderelnntede'roel, 43 00 Ws the Itederettned ethtitors of Colombia Conn.y Mote dole Mom,' is Adjure Mid settle tiw 'mount. f 1 fellow*, r and C , tothie home do hote • yrertify the; We not .41 the When of the Einhoolsonneris in ittoitihitiors and enreinilyeMoolliol the methods end mother'' , tit * the onittn toll the drat !My of looter) • 0. teht ttl th let My of Sm. DIIS, Ned Wilma merest se 40 total in the foregottut sisiedvel sod eee Att.! elbelattro due 4 'olll , ittill e,m ly of th• olo non font hundred mil etc tittl'ilf* 410 eeverttp3ve mete, (3 euti 15) Mon Junta J. EVI 444. treasures of chill Given under tuts hinds thi3 eigh'l4 44Y of halm/ nue Citt)4l9llll4l e tent nitwit...it en. sixty eight t county .1 WWI 111.41tRIXI, j Auditors' 10 49 19 1 30(4 1 1 $ Ahrrt: WM kiIICKNAItM. t:hrk Wo. the tinaer.rainol Voutonlaa , oa*sa of heriurobla r.eittry. aro rerhfy thet tiro. ra I cohort otaiNorat of the aceuoute of thr wool Qoual, for the 3 rar Whores our bonds January Nth hollh Mt' I'. cut,c, Coma: Athol! D 4 1 111 YEAULft, WM. KRIPKHAUM,CIerIi. February 14, Lew. 74 an 15 IX IN 119 w NEW CLOTHING AND GENTLE. MEN'S FURNISHING STORE. THE omhierrocnoll rftrirortfully announce, to hi* loony tripod,. that he hue opened n new Clothing so' Gpullonwie, Fnn,lchink Siu re. in ilor lower 1,11111 the Harlow' Rai Wog, eropheart corner of Mimi ano Markel Creels, plann.hure. Pa. Ilovingjuat retread !row l'hlladelph.arrilti slaw 8001 or Fa II and Winotir Clothing and Grath. we tor Fu infra on Wadi, 1k0,11144 118 ant. to, that ha can pinsaa all. MI, stook con , primes MEN S AND BO IS' CLOTHING, ouch “ DRESS COATS, SACK COATS, ODA COATs, PANTO), vests. emit* UNDUSIIIRTS oiLd/reitd, COL LAKS, COLURS, XLCS•TIRS BMW, IWSPiNDENIN FLINVIONOMPS UNORELLOSAK. and In het avarythlng Is tie Clothing or re Waking liae at Very Lows im. In addition to the above he ham an akmant snort ,teal of Clothe , . Novihners, and Vidings. ' ry- Utolloine wadi ta1m4•144 - 00'01111iftent oink* tall and pee hefty* parehesinid eleOlillidltatte. sod SECCaII GIINATMItak. s. NUM Oetaber 1111, lIM esti 40 /VW 75 Sll 30 iIUU •!UW 04 EItIV co Virri% 01.R04 . tideitlßT4o, IMM!!!!Mial DEM i I N %%(3:: E= menwm. PER V WE PU 8 ROAD AND BRIDtiR VIEWS Il IWO It 1.1 1.7 A The uodosopeol moo, fepputlully Inturnis Ist Lilip• d 7 toomMititad 111 imblir lb I. Ms ottoilis jos it boded*, iw ,Soyiy forgo aid yowled osoors' MOM of 0 • pANif,,imaymigiuoijos Nevi SUPPLY, well MI Mehl Illany 04 for the &tient and molds smidd , min 1401 " 1 " Al l 6O PIATif •v' in WO mu Ned le this Waal end riciiiinr,Mmi Yee eitarything Mind hi dowels., Millinery & Falvey Stores, and ronkul np end lull. her ponds upon lb" malt res. .amble tome Olen Per a e/411 nod nonollin Err now Honk of diode. LIZIeI SAMILEY, d'IVIE. Main Sum. fflillplipy funidoil.) goatee to. ow. ppuow•buts. DRUGS, f " DRUGS 6 1 4 • Pludielnes. nt Jnfin R, Mayer, Dyne OW ratiwr of Mill and finrkot Street'. A good a.m. emit of PARE DRUGS, 111.10EiNsi, roma. Oils end Verelehreer, 0 101 3 4 OR Wird, and will he raid cheaper 11100 at oily other Dime Ntnr,• in iorrro. SiMI 00 QUALITY GUARANTEED ernotriptions tarerully compounded at lifoyer'o Mom Pinto, or/. end Jaynes Medlelnea fold el Mores Prim genre., WlANrt's Tar Pordlo. 114kPr's Cod 11.hrer Wiri.low'r Soothing drop, sold al Oroyers Wu. = For any tellable patent medicinal, call ea Martee rul alarm. ',ember of ill Wide. wholesale and retail, at J, eyrie, P.m! Lem Illoomshurc 'ar 2,14i11,—0f RAMS COMMERCIAL AIANIIRES. . R 7 Ws nrstmunes ors owl &Mors in Perth frets. thst this n 41,14014 prises hive beets adopted for the proves( spring session RAUtIII'A RAW RORK PIIMPRATE. Prim, RAO per 4,othi lb. BAUGH', 1:111CAM) UONE FERTILIZER Prier. $4O per Limo ha. ME BAUGH'S Cilia:AGO litiMM MANIA& . Nit«, 09 pot IVO lbw. ' J • .' i . This weft litowo Palmlir 4mAir±.lottrk win ti f ,, tv , " 4ttott vv.ry patimsn r , itorrq mmintire.o. Th. , high eO O4 which if*cte iris. 11.. ing he ODE MARK Of, lire mellow re Irrerfr^»t f, .o.tl of ore city of Meager. tar froverchi ig Aro meein earl Plieephate yiereing arateriii. Slaws. Wire rfro. ice , w 7 hole re teelicciem with eer *deka w roVlonhisi, the la r ge s t rot ft,,,,,,b, 04 et the Weie lOW prices. RAU & a trY9, ehriadelphia. NORTH-We:STERN FERTILIZING CO., Chicago. JOHN RALSTON & Gent Arts, New York. GRORGE W. KISKI k CO., Sotto& 3r4ao OM OCCIME Dt'aDALIC Wfiliasale Agent, italtignote rut all information feepiiiling the above Manures address other of the above houses. January WS, 18a7.-9® J J. BROKER, (fur. Main d Iron •te. ) Is now offerin In the Public Me STOCK OP EE SP itING GOODS consisting In port of s MI lino of INGRAIN, WOOL di RAG t&RPETIL Pine clothe and earsiwore for Ladies' toots, Bond.own nronn Bond* of 411 ednorno and #lli Hatatttio and Prints of various yoninWe and prints, Mooched and Brown !Krishna, Ladles Frontheorneto and 11 00 33 1/0 107 1 J 4 i le4 3YI DALNORAL SKIRTS. Good ■..erloleat of Ladle, and children,' Gaiter, and Book', Fred' Groceries' and Apiece. New oseortwent of Glass and Qaeensware. —forreNth I Meeteereriwtorrettultawdrilteitsturth Ramie. Now is the time to make your *election,. se I am otretiog maim at very low pri,rii and our main is rid/ denting to att , fitA I not to de coolers . J. J. Imo Eat. . 0 lii3 . $4 Sn 101 , , , ounetturg, April 30, IPO7 &LLEN & NEEDLES, SOU MANUFACITRENS AND PILOPDIETODB Or THEIR IMPROVED SUPERVIIu•PIRTE OF LIME, ALSO, THE AMMOiIATED El 3 FZ PURE GROUND BONE At Lowest Market Rate& PERUVIAN• GUANO. We «ell only NO. I—receivcd direct how the Ger etnmeut 3m 4 tiw 00 SIIPER Pmnspii ATI: in flags, eoo lbs. visit. 11111:6, sau per Nun lbs. Ammonist , rl VIATII.IZER in Rap. IN 1116.'40, PRICE, 133 IHT ligKiln.. A DISCOUNT to DEALERS ON ABOVE PRIDES Agricultural lVorkx, &etch t t I'lum Ste., °mos& Mama. 41 S. Water Illirret, awl 44 S. tklaware Avenue. OPAI.III IN MLA. eANDI.R4 AND GENEUAL IXINIMOWIuN NICHVIIANTN.. PRILADELPIEIA. January ‘lO, 1E614.--13t. SOLLED}R'S ICOOT AND SHOE STORE, rorr.wirts TON EIPIBI7OPAL, CIIURCH4 On Main Street, Bloomaburg. Thr gilluariber talino plonniurn in to ILO Pf ( Tic liinnin.burit, unit vicinity, thin ha hai im baud a large gad Ilri 1111111011111ellt ur BOOTS AND SHOES, fla ter Mille. and, gentlemen's menu, to mitt all fancies. Ills Cite work le et the best quality. mid trim the now reliable inannteriurers * tla betas • grartiest W.likutau end a gandjuilge nC 1 1451;1 4 .fai=31 - yrttla he is not likely to he imposed upon by receiving worthless material hwily wade up. Thane doyiting anything in his line would do well to rise him a call, before porthusing elsewhere. He woia a GOOD ARTICLE , 4114 it prime to mull pnrcharls. All peronne who desire light or henry work made to n#.ler can hr Areutinootivetlai fits e.lahlltkhlitettl. It' {4o t repairing wilt be done with newness and despaten. Alt siemint assortment of Ladies dprins and Porn met Ohms nu hut. A. tkitilseldtia. pt ;I Si Mi. f I • REAT CLEAUING OUT SALE TO NAME ROOlll ?Oa THE NEW SOWN HALL, to Ye erected 011 the corner of Main k Market 4111. 1.. T. SIIARPI,ESS Now Offers for Cash or Reedy ray— FRENCH MER SHOES et OS ell lILAut A I..PACAO at 11l end OS eve. AMERICAN MERINOVIS at 40 rte . Fit:llOED POPLIN& et ITS eta. worth PO rte. ALI, Tilt: AlloVE. front 111 to M per lent. below the regular priCei. CALICOES front 9 rte. to cia for brat. 111. It'll & DROWN MUOLINOO to lAde beat. birethrd awl brown Muslin; et Mk. All w&A Untninterne nt .1A*1 91 113 3 t 0 115 ' Hoop ski rile. Corsetn. & nntione low down! HATO & CAPP et berpeine. IlttYl'N It 0110114 for Men. Women. & Children at a ropily tortured pivot Oar lot Reiter, & Elltor•, yin choice. al 49100. grotto $5.311 One lot Leaner' rihrtre.kid Relmorele end Geitrre et 53.05, worth 1111.00. ['offers, Teas, Bwgrare avid &raps. The behrhee -40 eV, one& comprisimir all Chile of Gt.1(1110. CARE ITS &b iii propnrtimtahlyiaw prier.. emisil7 Prod*, inantod, reek paid for pillar and Polo. More On Male Ottani below alarkat. Januar) 0114 twoh—Vt. HARE cIMAINVc. The furls Ivo /Antes' Dail vile of five veleable 111- venting,. Needed is every rawly, and paying huge proem, can be seared by epply ins either persoooltY 14, letter go J. 1 1 1.1.4211& Co., V 2 Market Otreet LOWEST DATEM 1 AAD *ILI. PM 11(11.1) LAW, Owing Is the tell AI propt end 1110dIcinioi4ilwol,111011, we sr.; now melt, lug miry attic,* dews to std Owes prissy. Our *tot% is Intl and soaosisto. na4 Oaf, sad tot rows Istoil OE this,* . tli place to hay, U. 1901. _ STOVES AND TIN VAA% A. M. RUPERT, Annonnento tatiny friend* and nuratoross rm. tobwri thilihti Continues thu itiffives hholniwo Mt hU NU It (1. place of budlhosii lilt MAIN tag EST, Ot•OWitil. Ihn customers Mid tilhero CAM be aceommt,iLitott with FANCY STOVES of 111 Yinds. Storopipil.Tinsare, and every 'Miele found in all well repulatml STOVE - AND TINWARE irrAmmiumrprrs In McMinn. and an the me.l rrnononblo term•. aT 11P011111100, for bosom , and borou, will toper up Oil .hart Notice. AlOlll, all t mil, dope promptly and moon Moral terra.. Pin alio keeps on bend 4 loran pup ply of Milt Pang, of different viers and priese ; bt , llll/11 flog in. portmont or ritllloll'll Palm, Pelf•tuollus Fruit Ptto sorting Cana. Woo bum a ealt. July au. istid.—tf, 11 . C. IIOWER, 4m4l , t.totork writ fin toond opon nonfy patittin of inn Arroyo MA (lOWA. Tito lonh notitontiott in which it*totfo ttono 0.k,0 haefl Ovid. dart tog folote ,, a yenta par/, we stud, tufty yonfon in Int; foOtre. Shoring fufw Oro en. Phi* would respetiftilly Inform the citizens of Light Street and alchuty, that she has just returned from the say with a hoe assortment of Fah and wishes MILLIts [NY A ND rANCY GOODS, well caleutated to suit this trade. HOT N rA made ta order. and repairing dove *rote aesthete and despatch. AO ware esetated its the best and mast tarty meaner, upon tereattable serum. Particular attention ii paid to &Pee making. She has PATTERNS or every deetription pertaining to the trade, or baud and for rata cheap. She will diP(I spay *pedal attaatioll to tutorial. tomtit *pent time and money toloara the an In al l Mahe is cootHent in riving esti ofaellon, ver4 Wordeu's Standing& November OP leb7. GEO. W. NAUGER, Proprietor. The above well.known hotel has recently under ,tone mike, changes in Its interne! arratogements and its proprietor annanncaa to his tomer (Wont and the travAlled toddle that his necommodations far the comfort of his gue.te are seeend to 11011 e Itt the country. His table will always be found imp Plied. 11 , 4 only with *Millwood food, but with al the &lit:Athl of the ileasoo. Hit Witt@ se , i tidunre (figur4 twat mulgt bevereitekuouraust-ter4 gurehaeeirifireet from the importing houses, are cn. ItteiY pure, and free (gum all to*ehona drugs. He go thankful for a lihrroll vattonaeo in the riot, and Atli Coalition to duvet ve it in the future. GEORttre. W. MAIJUER. 111114 13, tetig,—tf. 4 DMIN IC I*TRATOB NOTICE. Letters vr oda intat.ation en the e%tatt. or David W , enult NW of Montour Too nilin, Columbia County, .omen.Prt have been granted by the Kept stet el said County, to J. 6„ Montan, to ratBWillnas COI eiNilltY. A I perionn finvol awns terdinst the 4.1.- tato ej the. Maotdent ore re4uested to present them to We iltintini.trittor for *1416,104nd and thole Peowton Mowed Yea indebted to the rotate will make unwed*. ote payment to the underpinned, J. ik Fife iIAN, Administrator. Catavitess, Jan. NEW GOODS 1 NEW GOODS THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTBD STOCK (W FALL AND WINTER The undersigned respectfully informs the ritisena of lilounisburglid Columbia county, that they keep the stiff. rent nintitors of lotottf, coal and egmeted lump enal for smithies purposes , on their wharf , a& ticKelvv, Neal & Co's Furtmee ; with a geed pair ipitiato scales on the wheel to weigh onal.bay and **saw Likewise% horse and wagon. to Moises coal to those who desire it. As we porimuse a !ante amount of coal, we Intend to keep a superior and veil at the very lowest prires. please cell add examine fur yourselves before porrhasing elsewhere J. W. It GN ',motor. AUGUSTUS MASON. THE arateralirned wlll take, is (wham* tar Vail and Graearim the following named ankles : Wheat. Ityp,Vorn, Orate. Potatoes. Lard, Ham *hold dt.r, and aide meat, flutter, Ettida. Hay. kc, at the hialtest 030 prices, at his Grocery Ware, ad inning tht.tr coal yard. 1. W. llENVERtilltrr. Bloomsburg, April VI, . 'lO FANNED'S AND LAN MRS. The subscribers offer fur rale, in lots to nit pur eltaw, %in TONS or norRI.E REFINED POIJDRETYR of the 1.0.11 aianafsrturinit Co" wade (nun the nisht ruff, blood, and deed annuals of New York City, for %lila the Co. hays excluolve contract, Price only TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS PER TON, Freight and charge* from New York added. Warranted by thoen.to be equal weight for weight to nog high priced sop,rptthcohate in market. The molts nn corn. Cotton, Tobacco and Groin have been astonishing inc past sown. It matures the crop from in days to two weeks earth% and doubt** the crop. Pftlilphiet with cortlAratea of hundred. cC won known planter* and (armors, and every infor— mation, sent free to any ono applying by letter or otherwise If TWE'SIVAN* HOTEL, Orangeville, Columbia Co., ps. The Nuheeribrr reopertfully Worm hie friends and Ilse public, that be has taken The fill 1 above well Minims twin UP ENTFITAINMKNT, mid will be pienried to receive the cations or all who will favor him with sena. lie will keep A 4•1000 TAISLE. o der well smelted with the beet of I,lquera,end every effort will be Mid. to reader entire Una. JUlibl Ua 0. K AIIL E R, Counselor and Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBURG, Pa. Would onnoorroo to Mt Mende ant. the public In general. that he has rearming the hooka of WIN again. (*nary/tacky an.l all legal bashing§ ponallO) ;tooted re. ernes in the It nohow linll4lll. IMO/ NOM over Eyer & Neyer'r. Dreglltogy sioanorr si AololMill Miro ftPrit m lelll o 9'.111r1 as 'radio `Wltichi horn begs weltareil has opened a Atst,class HOOT. 0110 P., HAT AND CAP STORM. At Me obi eland on Nola thrum, tiloomehorg. His Mock emommed of the very kneel awl beet stricor ever nffOred to the Mittens of Colo dies County. He can accommodate the caddie, wish tea futtuwins kinds and at cheap pekes: Men's tali boot*, fine, meter kip. double 0010, Hoye child's boats. Men's glove kid, Cohere**. kn. Mete, glove kid Holmium Mum*. Stew*. women's buys', and mirages' glove Mil laming amble, Wormers Move kids, very dee. Wonwteut flue gnat morocco banUOVIN, Women's men's aiumeco and calf .bans. comnem Mime.' and Mild** Men'46, woman'., mieser . , hope. end chtt44 sitpperm Na slito seep* a great vat tety of DATA CAPA., AND STRAW 00008 of every kind, at Mu lowost prices. both On wit and connicy poultice. spmentber lb.' attraction is in our floods, Potet tee alattottod it the cry of high pares, bet call and -ow for yourealvitio ReepeetfullY. IL C. HOWER. Nfa t. 1. J 8 A NEW ARRIVAL OF MILLINERY AND ak FANCY GOODS, AT CMOs EX. IMINVIO, LIGUT STACET, COLUMBIA COUNT!. FORKS ROTEL, Fa fetid( !)aril M. Clark, litte of Nentalr no., du:amt. The public /bow/ bear in fled tbas W. CREASY & Cu. bare sonstantly on band GOODS IN LIGHTSMEET. All iludo of good Goode CIIEAP for cask or CONS. try product. U. W. cIEAST r Co. Llibt Simi, Not•, 6. 110161.! NEW COAL YARD. McCOLLUM k Nom Cnlninbia Co. Pa. Or to tie Lodi Maanfnetu ring Company. New linalt Feb 12-9 moo. [THE urna awn,' Orogrialnille Meteb IS, 11187. iii.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers