WM. 11. JACOBI', Editor. WednelidaY. Dec. 1, 1807. P. M. Porrountu. & Co.. 37 Pack Inm Neff Yntk Esc duly onihnrizent - ttoncerit. owl rowolvp Motor and o.locttiOno h.r Itio.ntoterni Her. Pub. 1.1144 at Bloomsbury, Volumlciu county, Ps, A Brace of Satrap Candidates Hon. E. It Washburne, the red-hot Mongrel member of Congress from Illinois, who sleeps with Grant, or at least has made Grant's house his home while in Washing ton during the recess of Congress, says, in a public speech :—Tho,liepernl was al ways a 'Whig, so far as •he was a politician at all, and never btlonged to, or had any sympathy with the so-called Democratic party." As Ihe'Deteneratio party has had scolbricogs and 'rencatidee enough without Grant, we tirelappy to hear that be always abjured Deniocracy,• Apes at the present time. Washburn, • furthermore. says:—"He believes thereis. no protection or safety to the•colored people or the ioyal thitee in the 'rebel States except • through impartial suffrage." 'flint is entirely antis factory, beeauee if etch were Grunt's semi metes, he wield le a more contemptible r than Ben. Butler to encourage the administration of the horrid neon itruction acts with such unnecessary cruelty. These acts are inhuman enough in theitimlvea, but as Grant sees them eilininistered, they are entirely devilish.' ; If •he ever was a Demo crat, he must itirei:fellen farther from grace into the slough of utter tweet:my than Ben. Butler, Stanton or Joe Holt, whose sins are certainly not to be fin-given in this world, whatever they luny be in the world to come. Those few Democrats who have bean in favor of Grant Ihr the Presideney now look unutterably foolish, but are making ecarce ly less fatal mistake in trying to slide off on to Sherman. \V have heard betbre that the "hair of the Seine dog" would cure certain wounds, but it is a des.peiate char- latan remedy. Sherman's late speech shows that he holds* not It single principle earnestly in harmony with Democracy, awl if he did. be is not fit for President. If ever we need. ed a statesinati in that place it is now. If ever the times called loudly for the greatest and most experienced civilian, it is now. Sherman's capacity as a statesman ie seen in the following extract front hislate speech : "When a conclusjon is once arrived at by slue course of law, the subject is 'no lon ; yrr on Or* elltelljoit ill.trirrxt:m, but should be submitted to, ;imply localise it is the law of the land." That doctrine limed bind us all t r aceniesee in the horrific miff tary bills of Conprefis, for they are "no lung er open to disFuseion," according to Sher infin•snntions. Whet a pily that a ci.ver soldier should make an ass of himself by atteniptisig toialtellife with mattem in which he has neither sandy nor experience! Grant does Letter by persi t temly flisig his tnriaii.:, to keep nom expo tug his ignotunte. Ile is like I.st tensible tliitf in the cellar. who gave as a rea"on fi e * not speaking, that he 'lied nothing to say.'.' Sherman. how ever, has spoken once, and just ndee too often. His speech has finished him as a Presidential aspirant. The Next President. At an inktual meeting of the Democratic members of the Senate and H. We, the of her evening, at Washington the names o Gen. Hancock and Judge Thurman of Ohio were wrntiorted a= canilkalatot of the Daimlers(' flo.President and rk:e President. General 8h •intan is spoken. of by the Dettincra:ie res= : so, also Horatio Peymour, Thos. Seymour. Franklin Pierce, fleorge H. Pen &tut, It• C. Wint.trop and sev.,ral other distinguished men 24 eminently fit to be tht Democratic ktandarti hearer for PreAblent. 'the Radicals ar t . tfilkinv of Grant. (lase. 'Mob+ Butler, ColAtx. en mei on and 'with Fred. Douglas, the negro, for Vice President. The —coming matt" rliettld be by all mean% represented no their ticket.— Stevens and Wendell Phillips have not yet ,decreed who shall reetive the ?adieu, note. ination. Umiak or ['order bold tour Peace. General Grant seight do more et this mo ment to reassure the country and prevent probable disaster, than any man living. .1e he seems tt., I..oS?lets:4 the confidence or the Republican leader*, jut could say to them in lew words and without Wary to himself atop your reviles and destructive attempts to break up the country and confine legis lation to its appropriate funotionr, and if did damage his pro4peets for the Presiden cy, it is his duty to deelair it anyhow. The interests of the whole people are everything, General Grant is nothing• IVill he inter pose ? TAU BLACK ART IN Pourtca. —By the disfranchisement of three-fourths of the men of the South, and the eurraneldsen en of the emancipated slaves, the Radicals hope to elect tho next Pre.ident. They fear the loss of the Middle Sturm, most of the Western States, the l'aeitle State., the "Bonier State'," and a good portion of New England. Hence their black Iteeenstrue tion scheme . Southern Stares mild nut he controlled in their interest, though the black rote, they affected to regard them nut of the travel. Su soon we they can manage thaw States, through nem voters, they will pro nounce them in the Velma. This may Ire fair:y styled the Mark nrt in polities. l• is the miserable thimble-rigging of despertite political juggler& With them the Union is the LiNlr Juket. "Now you see it, and now you tiqu't see it." But setae of tie people who have attended the littaieal show an paid dearly for a back seat in the pit. are Whining to he "among the missini." ggir The He teals are irnxion% to repent the experiment tried by the 11'hip in raltr, whin Gen. Scott. we nominated 'MI the "111,4 Plata of Soup': .Plattorem They' want to nominate Gi,:ti• Grant on Negro Suffrage Platforw, ••• • ' Tha l wits led Reptablitwit tarty virtie ly'detta.. The people, in their wrath, plaoed their fltet nAn the ink of the hydrabeaded monster andehoked it until it begged for mercy.' It was R. child of sin, its daddy being a thief and its mother a dissent bler.— During its short hut eventful history it cor rupted the people of the whole country and left desolation, misery and dobaachery in is train, For a time the people insulted in fitiiated with the gay festivities furnished by this new candidate for public favor, and like the poor innocent bird that is sometimes charmed by the brilliapcy displayed by the wily serpent seeking its prey, they became intoxicated with the extravagance, splqpilor show and demoralization so freely indulged in by this negro bantling, and were almost ruined before they discovered that they had been nursing a viper. Then it was that they rose in the majesty of their power, and hurled the accursed thing to the ground. Thank fortune, the Republican negro party is now among the things that were. Its late adherents may attempt to galvanize it into life, by handing its mutilated body to the semi barbarian negrecs of the South, with instructions to nurse it carefully and to gorge it, with government pap. but all will not do, fbr the death-rattle is in its throat, and it may be txmaidered dead. —Exehas ge. IT WON'T TAKE.—The radical editors, presuming that ()rant will bo their next can didate for President, are taking time by the fiwelock in their endeavor to manufacture a little capital for him. They are all engaged in mottling around a eereotyped saying that "Want it a tariff man. This won't take, We predict, as that party ha co often de. ceived the People on the tariff question that all faith in their sincerity has been lost.— Bosidos, the mass of the people are opposed t t a high prohibitory tariff by means of which the manufacturers are enabled to rob the consumers. It is the interest of every poor no:on and every farmer to have a moder ate tariff on importations. Since the Radi ce's have keeps in power the people have been taxed so enormously that we should think' they would want no more tariffs—only. another name for use-. flrant may be a tariff man, but to hat does that amount to? The Donne:rats also are tariff men, a nd always have been, but they want a rea.:on abl, tariff, and not one to rob the floor and enrich the wealthy at their es pense. &llus ) Jto num TESTIMONIAL BANQUET TO IION. WILL IAM A. totPtiettettial banquet. tendered by sevens! hundred Dentneratit of Thibidelphin. wax given IJon. William A. Wulistee,Cliairtnatt orate State Central Com mittee, as an appreciation of the services in the late and preceding eampaigim at the Continental Hotel, in that city, on Wednes- Jay.erenimt. It was a superb nffnir. The %Torun Col. James Page presided. and made n few few felititottg remarks. Mr. Wallace delvereti a lengthy and aisle speech me th_• i , •ue of the day, and remarks were at•o made by et-Govertior Meier, Hon. %Valiant A. Porto.. Hon t:t.nr!e %V. %rival wa!!!, !kn. Anson V. Parsons. I1,•n. sett Vans. tient:nil neaten Patterson. John Esq., and Cul. Clattleid. Ittodisty ',Anew: County, Ohio, gets the tna , :nitlcent tanner offered by the Demo. eratic State Central Committee for the .3rpe.t gain. The gain wax 1.321 votex.-- There were three town-hips in Ohio in which not a single Radical vote wax east, the three casting an ngrecate vote of over lifyi Healthy spots to dwell in, those. °rut SoinnLDAy isrroß certainly bears the palm of being not only the vheapest and best. Let absolutely the handsomest of all the Periodicals for the Young Folks that we have seen. The January number for MK the first number of the twelfth %A rum in already upon our table. It is lean• printed, and embelished by quite a number of fine engravings; its li4 of eon reign i., throrelomt. a rich (bast of rood things from some of the lest writers our eountty affords. and the whole is neatly bmiml in a tinted cover. printed in color. We advise all the bops awl girls to send •a mica fo• n sample copy which will be sent with full instructions alxtut subscribing or terming club•, for ten cents, and see what a bripla, wide-awnke, cheerful companion it would make fltr these coming winter ere Hipps. Prive $1.25 per year or $l.OO to clubs. The Publishers also offer most Ii . rid Premiums for .e!te.s. Addre.s J. W. nututhaday & Co.. Publishers, .124 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Loot( Ort.— A radical change in the tenure of mom :ages has l'een made by the late Consrespional Ltinkrupt law. It pro. vides that tuortgovn given Iritltin lour months before an insolvent del.tor fails , th e holder of the mortgage will be compelled to count in as other creditors. The effect of thin will be PI alika greater cuutiun in ac cepting mortgnses. MA STETENS lit at ! Ofie f ifour yntin 7 timn , nien rect . litly purchased a "pup" •shich he undertook to raise into a g ood titilliful anti obedient watch-dog. Intendinv to encourage the "pup," he named hi m a f• ter the illustrious leader of the Itepublican party—Thaddeus ti.evens. "Thad," as he wits faniilially called, became incorrigible. trieky, deceitful, and worthless, to such an extent that his master resolved on putting an end to his existence, and he was accord inely shot on Monday last. Alas pool ''Thad." CC:11=1:=1 A NUT ton llanteaLa To etIACK.— Foul years or war and nearly three of pence un ler lisditad usurpation have fulled to f ts t ort . rho Union. The war crushed out the re hellion, but ten States are still under mill. tary despotism, nod representation in Con arass is dun'e Ito eptirt. tom unities locenu they oleet men who are opposed to thu ltad italx Pennsylvania refused to hnrniontse Supreme Court with the views of. the RaJi,tl majority. and the people are 'rapidly de.....4.n't,a the view that the Hadiesls !rya be mulled !Afore the Vein can be restored - - . Superintendent, of .eotntuon Scho o ls, thu county Institute ,canvened in the Hall of the Bloomsburg literary Institute, on Mon day, the 24th of November, 1F. , 17: • The meeting Was called to ordeo at 10 o'clock, A. M, bye. G. Itstutt,gY, County Superintendent, President ex-oificio. • • On motion of Mr. Garrison, F. M. Bides and .Iforphy were appointed 'Secre taries. • Profs. Henry Carver, of Bloomsburg, and C. W. Walker. of )lillville, made some re mark!, expressing their happiness on seeing an many teachers present. rite day was di vided into three Pcsgioni. The morning and afternoon sessions to be devoted to class lee lures, dinusttionm, &c, ; the evening session to the report or critics and lectures. The President then appointed Mcs.ni. W. E. Ileaeock../. W. Youngs. and Niss Jennie Breese, critics fur the day. AFTERNOON NRESTIiN, Prof. li. Carver, introduced the subject of Arithmetic to the class, and after stating the manner in which he desiritl to dispose of this branch of study before the Institute, hu began with an elucidation of the element ary principles nail the best method of giving in .truction to pupils in the fondamental passing thromAt Addition and Subtnaction, and bringing out many useful suggestions. Prof, e. W. Walker, next. conducted a clam exercise in Reading, showing the man. nor or teuliing children to reed understtin l ingly, and with duo regard to the chummier of the article real, so that thought may be suggeited to mils, and information tier's? sl trout reading in school as well as knowlcdp of elocution. After a recess of ten minutes. Prof. Ca-- ver opeitA the subject of tr;eogtftphy, port ing With the form nod motions of theeari h. smting the principles of nature tending in pro.lucc a globular form and the effect of revolutions, awaking considerable interest and culbn forth wituerons quemcs. Prof. IL D. Walker then introduced the subject of Gramm's.... lie informed the teachers of the manner he would hang this brunch of study before them, and thou spoke of the great itnportanee of proper instruction in flmitumar, and the peculiar adaptation of language to thought, saying that inasmuch as a man's language is cit.- etlittseribed so is his thought circumscribed. W itimat language thought can not be de veloped peperly. LVENINO 1401SION On. hour was devoted to the report of critter, and the answering of questions and discussion of the various poiots suggested by the remark!. of a lass iu-tructors. Prof. C. W. Walker was announced as the lecturer fer the evening. The subject of hips kcterc--Uton►uttsr -he spoke of its an appropriate 'banner awl with n►uch interest to the teachers. lle treated it with reference to its value, its beauty, and its science. l'ref. SpAiding, of Cattiakvi, then made a kw remarks nfwu EluCettsim, and recited «cute seleeiii , no. 1131. 1 DA4 MORNING griilfiN. Mio:4 Eu►ma limenrk, 3liss Sallie Keeler null Me. William Price, were appoluted critic► for the dec. Prof. Verver resumed the , tNeet of Aritfr enetic, •and etl•luuKd the wet lied ufkaching children Prf: C. W. Walker then intrwilneed the study of Ilistury ff the (*idled Stahl. lie began with the trials awl vrzation4 t.f entities and ' , elated with great preeisl,ti the ditties:? ,r in ' , revering for and titalhig the first vttylge across the Attentie. Ilr►:~grNl.hJwa:= next taken up by Prof. 11. D. Welker. Ile the let ter:, tbf Lit t .411,11410 t 04 ibliows.— Veen)* Sillsvorals. Ast.bates, Substitutes and Coati:yowls, said with bomb itactebt tvuthieloi iuts extteixt in PLNotiot. !tr. I) A. 1t.11,1..r. heir(' in attendance, made a kw appropriate remarks. Ankh,NOON pmr. il. P. %Volker in talking of Galat i u ar if:milted Anne valuable ideas upon the itarNing congtuetion o sentences pe- I euliar to the English langna i re. and stated fvw uppheable to idtuui of thr lamina •e. Pror Carver continued his exercise in 41eovraphy, dwelling chiefly upon Latitude Lomutude. argued that a meridian is a in:Hite:maiml line extrioling North and South upon the surface of the earth, and terminating. hot at the imics as is usually aswrted. hat, varying with the Pell•ii ii , extending over the illuminated part or the earth; at one shoe reaching heyolid the North pole and pointing it/the South pole, and at another scarnn reseldna over the Smith pole and pointing to tho North pole. hot ('. W. Walker, impressed upon teachers the importance of a knowledge of Grin/wiry. hr 1111 Wing to them the univer• pithily of el e seieutp. Ito said it. is hound around tat in every Jay life. In the mechani cal arts and ill thu iloressienal uotks. Its principles are in nature, and we niust make use of them continually. Prof. Carter gave many t ;tillable hints upon the method of teaching pupils to read. lie said it is twees , ary that the child shoal be made to, eoutKehe'lld tin meaning of that which is read. Beading should he a study and not a mere exercii.e. Words are sive. of ideas Only when the individual fully toe der.tands timer n.veniug. Prof. B. D. Walker (templed the rempin der of tie atternoest in rlisc ,, arsing upon the gyairo/ character of the Occult. 1%1 Nltk 0 F.ESSION The report of eritics clicitud considerable discussion which was continued to the hour for the muting lecture. Prof. 11. P. Walker then addressed the Institute 14 one hour no the physical fea ture of the ocean, its utility to man, ttc. The lecture was well received. mod nil Feent ed exceedingly interested in the pimpled Iylle n 1 le Prc4tser. Alr. H. M. Si aiding, followed with a few rep silts cet I lan utiuu nlid Wailing : Ile wad Ihrhas- Kinn and ether selections with much and geed t fi•ct. WI , DNIPSII.IS-MOIVIN(1 VESSION S. C. Jayne, F. 31. Hoeg and 3fins 31. J. Creels were appointed critic*. After trunanetina some general lot sineif. Rec. 1). ,1. Waller MIN culled upon and nude !glee vt.ly Intel eAing retio rks on the Monty lona l'oreticr of teaching. Prof. Carver roomed the 1.111.11 et of meth! and oretwied the time rn &meld:ding 'meadow , ni.ked he the teneherd. Prof. ii. P. Walker urged the itopot• ranee of tenliing ehildn n the elooevitary •omids TV, r anted by the lever,e of thr et. rim!, IT tc.onext. repeuff d Iliftexer• -Ise it, ?kind/in.*. Ho then (Itch n few mintite4 ninon the manner of teaching 1.;/(,(tetioil. Prof. Carver. 'limn Geography. illustrated how the ebrece of Feurons. and tlas or the .firth red t.en might le exploined to pupils. idinplyfing . the Pttidy of(lopgrapliv Anil making practical illustrations with objects. Anmimor svmminikr. I'mr. C. w. 11 olker in a very irotruetive motltyr motioned hie ierture nn !limn* , of the United Slstoo. The next hour olio neon pied by Prof. 11. .1). Walker in brinainit out and (144 thoinv Como laws of lunpueße. The Inotilute woo then et)terta;red in hearios the rhetorical exereisem of the of the tionteaturft Literary Institute, slid% lyre very interesting and reflected mueh credit upon the Ottidll2ll and their tcachers. uniAre witA ,- nticuemsfUlly , illustratnd by the moo nf' tho Maxie Loutt+rn. Lie espisined thu motions of ao bodies of the Saler Bye ear, and Their 'situation with gotta the'AUti 'unit earth. Prof. 11. P. Welker v,he,odelivered n well timed stol instructive 'edam", on the sub jest of Eduratioe• TIWRSPAY-,t0IININ(1 HE'WY. Mr..l. Onrrison, Mr. J. J. Brown and Miss C. Freese were appointed irides Ibr the day, Prop C. "V. Walker conducted an (mor aine on iha sidkieet 4 .r Gennietrii. billowed by Prof. Carver on Philosophy illustrating with some interesting experiments. This being Thanksgiving day at 10.:A A. M, the Institute adjourned until 1.30 I'. M. to afford the teacher(' an opportunity to at tend religions worship. TIIIiRMVAY-AFTERNOON simoN. The Ileum was called to order by the President, olker which lie announced tho amendment of the schml law enacted in I sirl, relative to teachers certificate% The ing teachers were nominated and elected n Nlttintitteo . on teachers certificates, viz;F'. M. Bates, S. C. Jayne, B. F. Johnson, Isaac A. Dewitt, and C. G. Murphy. Prot'. li. D. Walker then conducted a clips exereiv. on Grammar, followed by Prof. C. W. Walker on the subject of United Moires Moor* ' Prof, Cnerer then took up the subject of Mc. fial Prwirtion intl explained. it to the clew., a ft er w hi c h 11. D. Walker made a few remark , . on Pentium.. explaiuitig his method of teaching it. iNENINO RP,SAION After the calling of the Roll the critics in 3 le report, which was followed by sense genet at distussion and eritieisim. The members of the Institute with a large number of citizens as.sembled in the Hutt at an early hour to hear the lecture of Hun. .J.l'. IV ickr.itsil.ksi. State Superintendent. llis address was listened to with great at tention. lie puke with truth earnestness, s h o win g am though great progress is being mole in common school education there is still ground for more marked advance& The audience seemed to elects the inspiration of his sentiment and each one felt that he had a duty to lea-films in assisting to make the educational standard of Pennsylvania higher and snore beneficial. He asks for a longer school tern ; for more att.•ntrivu labor le i school tiffveer 4 , directors and t ea c h e r s; f or fisr larger slate apprigstlittrons 31)11 an equal igltion of taxes. lie asks for a system through which we Inar secure a pre6K-sional body of teachers. Ile says the great State of Peamsylvania cannot afford to lose its brain—its power. On motion of Prof. 11. Carver. the thanks of the audience were ten:ls-re I to nom .1. I'. Wielicrshaus for his able and el ofitwist lecture. VRIPAY-110/01ING SEtWioN C. Cc iMnrphy, Miics Sallie John and Mks Maria Ft•vgt r oneher were erires. Prot: C. it . % Volker flehin resumed his :vet tires on the History el die r a fted spa," and Witted twiny incidents settletnent.i. The teacher', then proposed to diseum the methisis or knelling spelling. 31r. F. NI. HMO was tailed upon and tienion , trated his method or vinduoi,4o it elan:.. Mr. Monroe fitllutrarl wheo 3rf s Se hith WW, l nrii:ll.2t..i.l in by ....A•erui Gi the Ou metinn Mr. F. M. Itutea sits elected weather of the eonunitte.: ua resu;utiuu3. AtorEftNtmeli sus 9N Prof. Carver comhtared a chow leetore on kitheletic mai was IlAlewwl by Prof. H. D. Welker on Ottlo.grophy and the wanner of teouldoe Prof. Carver then annourred that at the next meeting of the County Institute ammo Nur , itt to the Lauber who Amyl cerreetly spell and define the arcate.st num ber of winds in common u,e, a ehoi ee o f Webster's or Womester', wiablidged denary. 3he whole number of words to be one hundred, and to be 'trammed to the class at 'Our lessons. The Medlin:try to be awarded to the best speller and definer by it muswittee appointed for that put p o se. Prof Caner addressed the Institute as ea t hers. Ile produced many valuable prin• cipl iu the science of teaching which may be used with good efftet in all your dis- Ma school" it twooerly applied • Prof 11. It Walkeruccupied the last hour in showing how Oect Les„sons may te Mon. ducted. and press ed upon teachers the con sideration of the weighty responsibility rest ing upon them. Ile said they must learn to !elate their situation with respect to the children, their Country, and to (,A. fXEJINO SESSION prof. If, 0. Best was hoodoos] and de. livered en educational lecture which was lit t owl to with much satisfaction by an ap preciative audience. Prof..ll. D. Walker then extended an in. vitatiun to all teachers mei frieeds of edu cation to visit tho Orphans' School at Or angeville. Prof Carver addressed the leachers upon the importune of cleanliness aLout the school house. The Committee on resohitions med.: the following report whit•h was unanimously whilitoll : Romdroll, That we, the members of Cot moLia County institute, 1 eiieve it to be the duty ofevery teacher to attend the anunal sessions of the Institute; and that no teach er duly impressed with the impel tame of his work will limit this duty. " Rotoirrei. That we recommend to the teachers of Coln whin County. the firmation of a County Teachers Association and to this end that a committee be appointed by the teachers now convened to consist of five monikers whose duty it shall be to call at an early day. a convention for the purpose of forming. such association. /61,44 That the thanks of the Insti• tufs are hereby tendered to Prds. Henry Culver. 11. U. Walker. C. W. Walker, 1.0. Best and U. M. Kt aiding for their service. and efforts in behalf& the Institute. Rcio/red, 'flint Ilre thanks of the ln,.titute am duo to l'or. Cur'•er end the board or trut.tee , of I lie lEllo ins! urg Literviy Institute (fir the we of the building during itb On motion the Secretaries we ordered to regnest !lir. Best's Lecture f o r p u bli cat i on . lit accordance kith the second rosolution the following committee. was appointed F. M. Pates, EL D. C. W. Walker. S. C. Jayne and B. F. Johnson. On motion, F. M. Bates. &milt Breere and Miss C. Freeze were appointed a local ts.itleittce to ahem teachers 1140 send educatiiinul items and vontinunk t itiow For publication in the county pullers. On 'notion the thanks of the teacher were tendered the County Suretintendent for his active tabor in behalf of the Insti tute. F. M. Rena C. O. Mr 111'11Y Tuz JhrztuENer. —ln the North the white roan Inte r s to support himself, and indirectly, the Go, ecalueut, if he duo not or cannot, ho goes -to the Alm.honse or starves. In the South, the negro is supported in idleness by our Radical rulers, and are sent to Congress and to State Convi.ntions, in Proforeneo to the white wee. • ,:MR, Borroit would suppose from a paragraph of Dr. Jolm'si paper of a week or two since, that he, and the /adios which he Normaw propose at some future time to work tint the problem of prohibition in this County without aid fVom the people. The Temperance ram') is one In which all parties can, and should Mor t arbt l am glad to add ore laboring. Many of the most earnest temperance men of the state 'arc staunch Democrats. At least one of' the two Counties of the State sustaining a prohibitory law given a Dcilioerntio Majority. ' and unwise to embers'ss us with this question until the great national ' issue is securely settled?" 117 co does he mean by es, and what does he wen by I great national issue?" If by the firmer ho means the people of Columbia County and not some political faction that proposes en make the temperance cruise u hobby nn which to rule into power. IVe answer, that we are ready in work at; only men laboring for principle cnn work. As to "great Nu ' tionnl issue." they never have and never will be sufficiently settled to make it (lest. rnble for one-bnrse•politicians, and often t4(.okorx to turn their attention. either to to. tal Notillenr,, or total prohibition. Hence, we propose here, and now to enunnenee ou r I crusade against the manufacture and side of an article tier which the hardworking and sober yeomanry of film County must he horthened with taxes. We are heartily tired of' supporting nlmshonse. asylums, and jails to provide for a 'raffle that works evil, only evil, and that continually. We are oprin.r4 to attempting longer, the sale of dint which is poisoning the hodies, de gentling the 111;1111g, and (sorrowing the mor ale of our young men. and if we mistake not, the itinjority of the voters of this ("minty are reatly and willing to enter their solemn protest by menus of Petition to nor next legidoure for a "prohibitory kw. Let the Committee report frivornlily. A .I)Estocaarte TrArt..Att. re:whitlow+. ..ure on n large CHAIR SPX% F t nett is Advises front Alabama say that Chate's friends here control of the political nmehinery in die Stem. which will umlnid.t. wily ea<t its rote for him in the presidential Convention. Witivviv(l.—A :Nolen in Ale !theory rnonty hag that the mode-ern whinnitig of a otehniar in School thr itmtlinr dinatinn, perfemly loyal. Nativists- hnpi will thereror.? tUkt wr inh, an 4 behave Viiir The Iteptihhering ofGrant's awn 11'ani in Washioirton city rcfuee to imiorse him for the Presidency. They ara afraid to to trust hint. Do not helm him to be oss the cytosine sir rho:rah ult., nt the residence isf thn brble'4 mother, in Mailinon Towle , hip. ly Rev. L. C. Sheiss, Mr. ()Tut Wilma nn :) Mi.st L.ntiots. flcllar, bale of Columbia County. In Berwick. on the 25th info.. at the rep. blowy of .14:1 Doak. Rev. G. J. Breii,iiijor, 31r. .11.1ili ti. (ilroy, or Irvine ton, and 3lio Fannie M. Snyhert, of Ber- wick. Fraok lin lown‘bip, Saturday nine. November 14011, 1 4 67, Mr. Pink; h Mule, aged $0 years, 9 mouths and 17 Jays. tiewfing : Wier p!E;o4 tYTY. 11 ARK ET lit EPO QT. Wheat per bit.hal. 62 00 Rye, I !n ii Corn 1 Itael:whtat " 1 1 , • Oat., ii 711 Cloveneetl " 7 00 Flaxseed, .` 210 Pri'Ll apples " 2 :;0 Prtatoes, " '75 barrel. Batter Tallt.. per ',mad Lard Mans, Shoultiem OEM IS6S How TO GM" A sKtyi..)Ti MACHINE WITHO UT ITS COSTING YOU ANY MONEY. An Eon!, Pleasoot, ond eoliths Il'nJ/. The publishers of "ARTHUR'S HOME lAGAZINE," awl that tlekant and atrae tire periodical, THE LIIILDREN'S HOUR," edited by S. Awritra, make the following exceedingly liberal offers For fine subscribers to Tho Home Mag azine (Terms ed a yvar) they will send a AVILCOX i t. GIBBS. a WHEELER & WILSON, or a HOWE SEWING MA. t 'IONE, worth $53, manufacturers eash prim. For seventy-tii a subscribers to "The Chit dreu's Hour,' (Terms $1.23 a year; they will semi one of the 116•VC machines. For forts. "Children's and twenty .• I I owe Maguziou," they will watil a utu chine. us ultove. For thirty subscribers to - Children's flour," and twenty-live to -Home zinc, - they will syna a sewing uniehine. FM. *do they will send ten Dome Maga zine's, twenty Children's Hour, and a 6(m -i/op, umehinc, Rl4 :Above, The subscribers need nut all be sent at one time nor Ilion the same office. Specimen numbers of Home Maga zine, ' cents. Specimen numbers "Children's Hour," 143 cents. Cireulars accompanying them. giving full particulars, s od rnntniriintt besA/rs uthei and 1::,417/ (a tfilethe pe mho), qtree.4. it hu Home Magazine is too well known c require spode' mention, and "The Chil dren's flour" is pronounead the purest, most beautiful and attractive juvenile maga zine published in this or any . other country. In almost any populous neighborhood, or town of moderate size, enough subscribers to get a machine can readily be obtained. A little concerted attention among the friends du poor, judo : 4 1 .0 11 41room, ma i m' , to help herself, would easily get her a sew. ing machine. The t'hildron's Hour" is so beautiful at tractive and cheap. that it can be introduced without trouble into almost any family where there are children. tlf~ Ito not be deterred from making an effort for fear it will be labor lost. (let all the subscrihrs you can, and. it' the windier tails short, then write to us, and we will let you know what additional atom of money to N.trtl in nriler to secure n 1111011110. We will always make this sum as smell as possible. It will range between $14.4 and $2O. lie menaber that the each price , of the tonelline tN $415. MUM or iMME MMIAZINE.•.-$2. It year. 3 copies.. $5. 4 copies, *5, $ envies, and one to Setter up of club, AM , 16 color. apd one to otter -up adult, Splodid .nvofß.. 11011. '0144 enpipp, 15 ern*. TICB3IB 010 (*waives 110rn.—51.23 a Er. 5 toriiv for /5. 10 collie& and one etterup of club, .40. Both Magenthei M5O sador 1 1 Address T. R. ARTHUR & SUN, $011&814 Chestnut Mt., PLiladeli his, Pe. U A R U I I. 0. lIIED. Posirivili lie Pa C.uiy• AT IitiVDER'S NALL'.-1 Illuvunibarg, Friday Dec.9o, POI. Two Le:VRES AT 3 ANT) 7 o'oLocx• Return from Europe, (after en absene': of three yearA) vtliere they have appears d be fore nearly all the King+, Queens, Empe ror+, and Nobility of the d World. THE MIZATetIT WONDEIId of THE AGE: Four beautiful and symmetrically formed LAMKS ANO GesrTLENICC UV lIIIVIATUKN. ORIMNAL AND RFNOWNET) GEN. TOM T111:31B AND WIFE, C0311411)0101 MUTT' AND MISS MINNIE WARREN Their unique end exquiKitively en c hanting Perfortirtnees and Exhibitions never to to charm and delight every beholder. They appear in SONGS. I!DETTS. DANCES. COMIC DEIANICAIIONS. AMUSING BIIIILESQUES, AND COMEDIEs IY CIIARACTEIItISTIC COSTUIICS. The RICH and ELEGANT DRESSES anti the brilliant collation of Di ANION DS worn before the various Potentates : or Eu rope, all or which are introduced in these popular Levees cast ever rifleafy DoilarA it 4 Ludies.and children arc *lnsider:duly ad vised to attend thy Day Exhibition. mei thus avoid :he crowd and coorusioo of the Evening Performance*. To the Day Lovees---admitdoo contra; Chihlren untivr ten. 15 (tents. Reserved Nents .V?ntM! Children nn.ier ten . 2:1 Ceti. EVvning rerfOrthenee .. ..idininlinn to all parts of the Howe, 2 curate. Children under ten. 1 5 cents. 1 1). f? , • kiirgeon Illentiot, Fatratt. teeth willinut pain ay a n-w alw+lhn I. It 11 , 111grr% 1 . P o ' 6 '.l l ) . haf1111.:111 and la nnw ti p 4 %gib gbod otVe , ',.. ..I il hemn r Iwo ni D.• tit Ipl • v tilt ....1.4 In in the Wm.& and en.t is pprev.ii pion P•ii tilt... *nil 011eu. On, .lit..l' mai ..1" Faints.* eliithing (*Wm. lilimasiabuip, !any. 11 Inn?. Ire"" nest !vireo. Rt.toorbeso alfy terrors aim th. utolobot by J, • %Arta. U. 11. Uegtfat suii Au , hl;G.rl.n Fly al Lrydrto. 11011sb f). biok era Arch sti Ilulsoorlphis, Trrohbootobols rem ob. •10.4 r..111,h1e snare. • HI rPy sori enabtrV Pall in. . q et hir. (Aro. lb* bor.lorsi cseoboy he rototi.ony Ih,Yr rille.llt+. a. ho b.,s qa serrets in WO poseur*. AK IriVICIAL EY ..14 in. nod withof pig Ns. elnirite for .4114MINNAIMI Nlty . 13. Du. E. W. %I ELI. , SUCCY-fioll. TO Da. F. C. ❑:IRIuLoN. 1134 lr Inw Nmwa. as 'll.l Anserieno ON, Al! or dpio it'll Mere wPI be i'v.mptly :ItLeudoil W. • him isphert. Oct. XI. 1567. IFW OYSTER SALOON, fn the bssesnest a tb. ii l l.ad r iork 11 IiCsKU::::11-;) BILIZEN I.I:ACOM, Strr. F ro ,b iv.e t :rF ..4v..41 on In en qv AcIP Rntl nl .1‘ !wow : with nil the Abut ••thlilis" rutied in giVit clarr XX Ala •anmaotly on hand, aasetbor with chore u. e ,,o r . o 1 . Itrry htivelt. Ev.tthintt ro lip lip nr.frr about til• t+•tn.•n. itnpd)nur nit t Sttp so sad lL Wail Ir. •.t •.• .1.. t . SNY. 13. 11:1167—.3m. A NEW ~ lultvm, or MILT,INERI k i° FANCY GOODS, ATe mns. Z, =alms, LiG UT STREET, fOLLIORI (AV! T F• 11 • 0 . ..111,i r. tputfolly Inform thp iv no Af 1.0,1 nn I r0.....10. that shy bit. Jn•t truant.' Irma Ihe MP. II SO I a.ll 1.11,1 1011.1.8114:KV AAII rriscv Guuus. writ :41ch 4104 to shit_ Ibis talslc cps N vni ms d. is. fessiPT, snd Wl* in I. Wi.h .1...1.161.11. All tt..rM ex.% Wed 4c ii siaJ holy V.lllllllLr. yissu gt.6•insidolt ;craw. ' 41 p, ft JO, !..; 41,d tott k ire. 154 , <ir , trilol ,4 “ e (to tb,.. Nutt, OW hang Lgq, tiler, eee. p:ey apr.rial alteneseeee er,h,jee, leo twig *pr , 4l titer Mlld 141(00.1 IF/I04(11 the art iv Ito !Wit ut.,14, Air Id • 600.1.'01. tog i•lrtibhaction WIC itt Nl,veilittot n. lhh:. ' I I CHRISTMAS ! CHRISTMAS ! ! CLEAR TO%'L FANCI - lin3; PLAIN AND FAN, T CANDIES of yll kin.s tn►uit CII It ISTMAS Tlt 1.) i'Ve3113,14 us 4111; CAN 4 t'.41,1 ts.% PLATE. MR &ALS iIIWAV El WIDMV ER JACOBV, Manufarturerz of CONFECTION ARIES, Ac AND HEALERS !71, FORD G% FRUIT% AND %CIS. rigeLuor 6141 . ORANGES. LEMONS. RAIANS. PRI rxb, ROCK CANDY Ruarto.,. LIVIIII t,itKoNTNI ciTitim mkt. uot.t.o, &C.. BREAD AND CAKES. Olt ALL KIND! jArgeity, INILL) J. WIIIMVER Ploomrburp, ?Inv. t3l. FRESII ARRIVAL OP FAMILY GROCERIES, AT MIN K. G ItToN'S STORE, SLOONISAVZOI PUMA, gbh hutioreitthr rhturnt , l fituti Chi tar‘tertt chive with h lErpt and firht.clatio 41aceries and Dry-Goodv, oilier' he *fibs to the titiaen• of Ha ono:bunt and winds as 11W 114 ran tie hod to any denier Of this section of the roomy. tit* thorn tor ohm, of Oa hoot oarim ire ,x r‘ Trim, Ltsvci, sea 114 1 , 1444 for nonffiy.l SPWES. Mit ilit 1:1 M . A. on their pen4mt , litherlPV. A to trr , ll3l. ea &es egg. .1 IA e • Aili &c vow:me, •OAI, i 1,1 t I,ti alon n Hite novefileiltt Of Dry goods and Hooter) , non n 141 i Vtlfl.4;t of void* i 4 the 1,1,40,, , Otis., out of whet' kinds. In totti.tion to a hoot ite has teevatly added to toe stark 4 flue n*aortmant of CEDAR WAKE AND WILLOW W ; in Which variety of geode he bee sewer& sew 4tliefee of mteiete 14‘441040, ettetltiVtily Vied %hero known, find whirk tan.t wino into use sere In also has n tine sonoly of French Moroccoes; and most nt Motovito lbotnlla tot nook; nod n good aanortioetitof The eelletiora, havint vet/0 duplicates. gr. h %rt. by notinoil to tootle the blitlike. or 'hid thiplistrrs with the Treasurer ot*Ceithisbie rummy by law sin or Peueieher st. whhotit, 4.quy. Thr dog toll, tuvored. ItSical well as 414 .04, Colic ter* irfoat , wolf by complyleg with Olt tiOSSSee 10 brio , or JOHN P. rOWLalt, SONT. g Malec Atte PPAGga. W. truotteauW, Clerk. gritilDClDClai4i4ot. bl twiba L wij,Oat. Quivensware ta- col ;KAMM*. • JOIIN K .411frrolv, M.. 011211141114111 Snii IMO Maws. Plkomariurc . GO TO BROIVER'S 10 BUY YOU On ir u ONt lowlffr. isto'ut roe r.' I@sittop. (fore**. betre PM r thilltiht M tb. Lll4 , r .4 rul4.lllilll* l'froity in Ther*Na C. lormirr *no Moo t , I'fel/F1,14.• ipk o ,,,t Toval.hip ps)4 t•nonly. A I porrree t V. • meslll.l lb.. 4.01.11 , . Mt . req utrd to 10 , 0114 11011111110 WK 1 ,, tht ifiluthirt&M.Ate .111.1 these in,lrbt old to Nws Collate %111 INAV Insowelitif pnymilt t.. 11103t.i 4 V Pt/ti ter Wtnitt; etti.Vel INN. 1 Atig. ". 0/sabot 1.1. 1417. hw : . ./kir Leer, Three Rfworod. hat Puaheited: a anw edition of Du eiil VtAWEI.I.I4 brnioll tie•ay on the rad• icyl eura(arithout tue•treta. 'Dui • k I.•volohiur)• Seiiiin3l /.•rou, !woo. 'rimy /Prato) null l'hys.eal Inrapnrfly, I inpatlinwisle t o thieviAge. :1161/, 117..111.411ipti0n, *ad Flip truldrod by aalf.lnataiitil:o ur itexual..ztroia• pace. Crr Prier. inn waled .nvolop.. naly 4 Crag., rue r /allot.'/ Monitor 111 this ndwUabln e'en) , rir,itli Arukorooratt.a, linni a thirty ya.ira' anrre•a• fat orArti , ... that Mlr al,ulalea e.0......00.arra of :Ala.. too hr rtdlrolly rifrili without Jim /ape I• OLIO ti J111..141'1 mei/Ivor (4 IN, appOrminn of la.• oat u mod.. of cut , NI nee. NOM. Nr. a,rt,slss. dust s Str. WA' by wren. ~r Kith living , / what play Cart 111111relf tlrllply. NV/ Orly. and radically. cif '1 hi.. I.• flute bot nt Ina bowl,. of every yunl6 and rlrry 11111/I 111 IN . 1 / 1 11,1. N••ut, ender • I MI, in a pin rovrorpr In any ad• attar puss .) rid. on recriot costa. or two pull A iu refe Ike Nabliftwr•. 1111 4 .1. 1' K LIMP. k co, It: Raw.. ry. No , V 0 ,4. eu+I , ADCO b 1 S. odd. Nov .2% INA; :ito Gills I.r Ilw babas At w ! A PUPIRO PIT(►cK OP VINE 001.0 ANo guise* W t AI.I. WAklt tIITEU to RCN. •.1 1► T/lONOOOIII.N ittlom.4 rm.). AT TOE LOW PRICE tor •w KALII. A ,Nl► SATI 4 r all PIN Et; IRAN] k.Co. Pie Nand Gala iluetiug W:11,460 Sn to 'MO Ina Magic t%ilrbr•tt • t:Mi f 5.0.1 ISM losilloot'lVolielfof. roottleltttl 1110 t , t loft (PI 11:..13 Ititaltug I:lstott ton t.•r Wrtcilas,•'w 1 10 31. *go 17..1.1 I . ttletts.it t stitl)..h I. itt.ro. ...on In . 130 al3 n.. 13 illittl toff Dupl. A Mitt. b.••. 1341 to 211.1 31111 0.4.1 11.11.‘14.11 Att...ti.t.,tt INltultes, II NI to :S1 31,1 1 *Over flu eatng I. too a, MI to 131 .31K1 /ttr•r 10tte1..% 1int.k.1.94, 7i In ISO 311 1 . l Id ..x411•••• %Vitt!1111, 34t to 1130 41.1151 (I.4.lllst.iling pm P.I. .111 b• 75 lOM ltl.eellom•••11a 2 4 01/ r Wat...ltus, 3.. to 1.00 1131 1 41 Iln•.li•'It $i V., %Valche t t. 23 lo 311 S (lull An•.rtaJ W.katot. 4.1 it.ll. l t. 111 lo 75 The iihnvo %Inch welt be iliapet.r 1 nn the popllnr ..no price got .n, Orin/ every roo a lin , Go tt or girt,.! ether WM l'rr 8• 15 bitnont f°l4'', rn rat."' I VI vinyl P M .114 l ni ,N. w tint If.vrigh In In ni...111110) rVpn.r of lb.. morn' Arent final I•nrtittiitne. thellllolll ph0..1 in ona'ed neat ones 1111 wog towel H. bier , ere rniiiind 1., the :Mich, • Ms tr..l in 111, hlortiflrato upon I n townn t rl Tun 1101...r4 wb •ther it be n woilh Of mu, Amur .toe 1110 n( any of 0 , 111 Celii drAtr rptilleve ?Mt to lb: whin. oyes. d rb..renn. upon palm rtt. ainolten isf its rorth. isn't no sun snob in wall/oil Iran Ulna Sell if isisoind un arcy It will nt Moro. b• stun Ilan till la ho it ttery. but 1 1 atin4. ll trovitilf trail/41(10 t which Why 1• priertire 'tort 111 are.' by oh UP.PI A .041.• cnitatent. Wilt b. sent ;out 0 nt, nprru pre ipt rrt 111 yenta. AVo for $l. fooron for slu gy thyr:y and clitge•it preolinoi fnr $3 Dilly *it and tralunLb• ptellaiWto (Or SW. taw hat.dr ,, , mid nr,rot wept rat Walrb for $l4 T.. ige• iits •'r shoot alibi Iy . 1 01... puma. turf Is a runs opportanitY It in .5 5. cothltirged b,, in.. 6., lusty mullions. d 4 Y I I"' 45 5 ' 1011 . 1, t. ea. nit nt to qua Anna cnrn • for rcrotior t 5 artbrno yrtrt by Ysprnoir. with hilt for I .rn Yrrry. yo .bat sin dissatryfaLtida Yan .e .504 Arne Try rte. t.• Jr..... W Lk: ..T Isaurllyat A. Ili, WV'S."' A OE 0.1. kittSi.l%., OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, Witt be tap•sint to 1 1411 P I. r 11 5 1•1111 ttei Virssios • risess. 011 1111:1051P.1. TII tOth. 1.7. et 1. , t•'••frrk 111'0 .0..1 , 111 1041 air arnisiiii 0t..,1•• in tin• inn d rir • I. i•nninitre. Cri;ninina C4.l‘l** ,on Nam stret4 11.0. r taw foal•ii 14•401 sin 01 stan onn i• .11'1 VPII a lard. iit.ni• nar•lling b . 160. awl miter not •nd iin sa ion r a inin t rain* tan (r.at .•f •as t 41 1.4 wing is v..ry 4...114041 (011101 Air bullring puri....rs. A No. Mt I tr , nay 414 r 11 1 0 1 / 4 2 4114 int nf Irrnind SW% P14..e1. In 1110. .414 t,,W 0 PC 1•411.• g 11l nig rotor); ufritrigii. l , 1,1 ctn.' a ;iniit [llll4 110 1 141 11114 114ikief ..,111410% • th. :!-Ph .11.); 14,7. Ar 1.1 rte.. . 1.1 he vs lo Hite kV WOO. • trrehre. 1.4 .• • •.. t•••. It th rapid , aw , ••• TA i. V.o.lwrall..r. 3 rimer, Ihri3 !jar .4 I. r.. 1 c..r.....3reg tr... nen. Ga 10 be 11.13 ea 111. I.•.rttbvl imam Ulf ty :me.' cos.!'. pab 1.• , st 111 IS re..al lona. r i .b 1. bterlat khorn. r ~,,,, ing earid Com to be r alYCilal tin. , the where Itort twirls rely an 1 tw*.:leat w .1 1 for hairnet Irmo p• sr*. bv• l•rel b. V: Sae Upoa INa trawl AS al. t.y emir toed. le togr ...d c0ny...11.d bell - Jetts .1 . 3.. 7 awl 11.. i .... ; halo. 9111 r 0.7 valet ,•• Tam). M It Pea{ v. vaal pa. tan 01 /al t Art a. dsvp:rd tot. 0 .000. 1.•,.' j- %Opel I• 1 VI,) eNIII3IIIIO. ly. taw good tont' :.u.. I ' et. I* 1 gorr.l bore bribe. hire la N 111 , b ia In tool Waal 1/1 ih.• t hoc. Aloe. eh thr ram.. .1.. y land 11l Ulu premien' fliPlar purlbern will tax ovaJ at bablit oaterw. a Cat Iria 1.4 ar Yruuud oltUalt Wil.lllll. loreelpn: thallser lila! a .Ijohrirry lead. J.lle A alzatala. rub liar fl. and r • c 0..; reer..g Jean r ..t7 -Gibe arr.., Watt at ..11 late th. c ut Gll6au t. if , .ll.••faile , , a..., 1,4 1:44, - p.ct.t t.l 4,t` tho 0 ,,, 00. to of ~ Ikt • ;• 41,111 14, •.• h•• f,t ttistti ‘'.",,11114 1.1 t.e 04.104 (1:1:.•• 11” • f, , 041 4144 hr t day Aorit lete4A, te,lme '4 l Ap , 1e . :4. With tyfertit 044 toe 1,1v,h4W hum.; :Oa 144/ Of pr T:10 deatil ar tirrOg Nret.led a n d &AWN,' to site wircit,s.or or pc:rolLii , lo the pay. mrntof tha howit rove she tan pugsd. ha tan tirr.t ay of Alt , ;l. (Pala. +a kwil the h•Aince or mot PUrrhase arearqt.l by jitqaut at as ao4tasks. At tit.. oyti 41 of thi op rent WA 1101 1 , Pini..).)oll/ tjj.l Aay of Aprtt Purdow'r or VW' fll4loflr in pa) 61( tit ea) ),,j/i Atifirp 44,1),N 11. V A NDett , t4it:Co Jrr Au Astra, Nos•ctuber 27, lIERIFTS SALES. 1.7 Rv siftoo of Fitri,lni n to. itwon.i nut tif rb. fnatt. Of I l'..lunthntl'onn•t; toots alterte.i t tit'R 11 4 11441:. in Wont:l4mm no 1,100.1ay. ibs lo day of 'wombs', to'‘t. nt t o'clock in the foittra IN( de.. Ail thorn two rottaut until or pi,M. oP inn'' lying st,a b.vna In tit , . t wn.•tt Ja in titeC.ntnty nl 1 . •,114mhol N 0 ,4 o r no , hifind,l 1014 0i" Joni on lb. ei. , 11111 to, ion Pa. 11 4 ,1 vin i with t WPM and ehrisnat., the rears thine 4.5 pito:e WWI bins in it a , t trosittp. rowdy an Plato atom+ai.t, honttas4 as tOltows: Itrett.oing at a raft .at., 'boort: by or John Christian snnih 74 Ater...... )nit foot par hos to It so., by NMI ' , Milli 1.1 ifriff , lril seat poreitOo to o WO , : to OW 1044 lei4oolll rF, , 011 RbOr.b . l'e 1. , brittnit's ts toll; thaw,: along thn sow so. CI 34 arlf.-0 w ent, tv eiil y later porches to n po.t lb • s, multi slur P , erchnot ton roof in I Mk fetattittsrp,ot ; ohms: by 131.4 of John irliriininn Mill 0.1 ilegr”,i. rash, slatyslno pottit,s tote. besiontng v.:m.0110,0v foot loon ;ma. 11l WM and allows's"..• of sit pot Mg for s u e.. maro 11111111 slots tat . tako4 into) • XPe,it• um, and to t.., told n. the Im:warty of Wildest I:daar, and John :natty, tintitit:trittot of Dius cece.lintd. I= Ali !Lot rortnin tract or parcel of will in tbs. town. ',hip of Hun ribgenn-b ni tua Conn!, of robonbi 4 Ootonerly nutouri hoondOil And sieb..lbodoot rot!ow 4 VIZ : ant the aorta by WO nr +WM "rvs. ap the two, by bind or Jaunt) Sono Uit the 441344! by foci 110* Koytnnbowb , r. and no the We., My hold tf i"n!:r111:16;fVllnlgu 4:4ITVi yrr, ;1:12: iilyee ttgi 4177inLIen the PropYfty or Thum. Marko. ALSO A rifrinin vet of bind siiiisto tha Townohip Hirai Web bud i'iigniygeritratobia afiiroasid (grand iny nintill one twodteups bOithded Mtn dysyribod ns billows w On north by bind Ittrob r my 00 rhe ort,,t leod r vi Wright and P. , nir f,virkiodsyr Op lOtt *MUM hi' MIA nP rangral Nrazi r And nn the wnta by land stort.-41intlitt, %lack ir o nu' tied it Oxon. itullitn. n Win baa, Whir *Nig,. foragers ntlned.Likint into pxotution and to hi fond no oho properly of Augustus L Kahb. fraraigf.. 10 , 4144 with the well nntieSett nehtn ntattlintellt A 1,110 AA that cousin 1.101611 g Ineat44 ire A Mt e♦ #lOllll ground atrial* , in Briar erri . l4 raiiraAjtt 4 '0140141., roan's, werribtarqt by the *MA blittntill Nitiot VPii A.ttiapi Smith, and bottbdad by littota( sas4 *mu .1 uwirtr. It wlt4. and A hAtt otag l'easpa 104,10lat t ; twine roarterti by *llo+ll Mel !VOW. *lO4 to is Intn.trGntinn abtt tu hu "At ar tpe V►uputtt , t4utuo doter. A tArn A ,rtnitt lot or 0410n401 **Op in the norooth of (7 , .lotittm4 utty.O.OlioWino twenty n v p nwt on I.oroot noctoto otot o.lttuti 101 l b*r• et Knuth z. 4 trtot ono torrstfiNt sM4 tom fo•O to nn Moo on Nbfrit fr Oferitin a IWO *ma. dwoll.itig honr with the eptherteheiteee t Meted, mkt," I it.. cgerni Win to u 4 roil as Mr yroperif of ICdw•r. SAattliti. BNYDRI, Ilthentr. thatil y. Nototober 1).11167. me 031(71.1. ir EM w al EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers