CME cif+ day and ortningoreonrt tem &call. , rutormA:ll9. ,Tatkoury tot old. The ateo are aphindid ; and the largo ok. 4itAion ;Anti, gagethOr with do bird a work lo worth t twice or piut,Nri, . I :juW itt tho 14114 . 0 gut up dub& To mid the 11,3 of the dirty old 'Ain for griming the common Grid nod ohm the mod and ' , woke from heat ealmo throughout your how, eo and get a Soap Stow 'e of an Iron one. Tlirre is a tertiblo airwave raging at t among the Imp in . this medium.— is senuely un hour in the day Lot it 14 wont of—tototh, unwell I,y the tdeps/. Three died for butcher Talus ; at his htstu me. Their re eaius trlinity taken ow t•l'--we believe, J. Visc tundotem to ncg• cough or suit, lionever Alight. editi on way follow, owl rliougig 11r. wiN. ulra hi t Wild Cherry bus tnoquently his snitch dreaded tliogare, no. the tlislthes or ibe throat, !pop and t ulwayei earea where othi t. remedied A hoot) bolunging t Jolla Keller, rilia, alp; moku frout kid gable one amk Ivy a WWI . fie Wag 1111'0401 SOlbe wile:, by isiairs, and brought to thi3 Often day where he reintikta in jail awaiting aiLl bridle of dlr. artlea. NKSt;IVINci. ThUirday last Will thisJoghout the State ay a 0.1,iy giving awl prayer. llu•iness is shory was ahtto,t entirely so:Tooled, atores Leiug closed. Or mirs! the ttokikr .it' turkeys were Ilk I N A eVers kale T.. '4.l' cletrary h.tto “Ltic r a tlp.tro t+l . a ft.l4 Iloliflo4 ed 114. CNp, was 1141,4 11i - is:mold Itt , apt It Wile', in tOM ft et . It Cirll , 4 , t 11.1,1"; 111,01.41 fats. 11 , 11. had a volt tti4y totoptit , t,..4 of, aitthoat marhlo titto'etittts. ,, and ko,te,ol of ittektf 4htet. orp. trailp ght , tttbio,h, l'poto iogbirt , ttotaiht , Cali,st of g a rWittOP. she pla ill tAit tbrut that pith gE4,11 the Cirtwritia Nth - , NO **att.:l4 , 4 , A It as tit• ritittabl , qb.totitt , tt is pity totiti alit , Lid, or (1,4:41,1me. van ial.rorer N e er porsohal tiviwatattct. nit 1.110,4..1 feti. It It tiutple , is itt , Mat. ht tto 1.3 4 ltalttt• , utttiat..ot. oe , .9 11$ • nit hey 111 ertlti Mg no. Plot 44 , i , i:..41.4a , thz awl iwatilytog the t .kth aroi ton; phitiop, on the Cathie it OWN.' truant ail th , ttoputito-#, imatty the hots fraying tto, ottf . tct.a. Nature ottratal. , l it ...1t..1.1 rtaur, taut. 01111 , th and be:11111th), I'm , . 6t, brat as ortor by W. I. 'I.A It h. do t th, Ghronate.ll. .. , tlarat ,, N. V. flu only towiltutti Atoot, for 041 i, tf the .am , .. it? 10.7 . t ITItT"ETI tto'lliberet at Ile., We that eitieken 4....114,4:1 ►lietusekcs, at a radii:* uu I& hour, into *seem! benrchsts, in )wit. during the nag week. Our typo, 'Mr. Yort, had his chickens A :harp detective is an their truck, air prospects lilt' lermting out the polies, and briuging them Indere thc r 6rhsien %VA: ./ 0 ;WO .711IIAJ SUM* gO:ti l / 1 4 oT a cr: rt:11 and badly Imri ntilay 14,t ileuator ly.ra rron a bugxy by & frightetual ::tl daawm.lllll3 bead.. Theft L•., loy litem ts:4 neriu•l3 rtt 1.1/Wl.e to Make a lAA lir. ,4reek wire left (Nt on 'l'oestluy ittornitil; lag. for their • , it oat i% ! l',lllll Irte Lee n it resident of New 11:1•11 •1.;.r 3 hit .• 1911101111 1.44;411'1 ;!.•;.‘i 4 , 1 litt!. : 114i+ W3.1.5t171c•1 :mt :440.1.11y tbi: nit.. that it. tireat IL-, fl.l4v.viat,!. Tim accit:m: 1:10 abecliktv tte thi• ••;•tilit•tr wltatt ttig t Lihl it is :41.0,0-btk.l ire %;!!. LEI, His whi:v litT viol,: taught.— Sit. Vt hette . er 1 lake my walk:. at matt lay pear. titi,t.rahh. tiptiejet.: Ittaiph• vc..ttla le. healthy. .444 1.04::. awl a' Ow). toil Plantilf:on !litter+. rho tor 441v1.1i.: VIOL 1.1 !.. and •t .1 •1011.:e rl.4eif .11 t • r ..'',+1!1•!1.4 ••1' Wi41.11111. it 1:14411% .oithP.. With it every unat, way be his ou k WATER... -A deligtrnl toil et •lior to Co!flpac aril at hall' the 9!). NG Bunt iLAit Y. • lAL4 Friday night rglars u .pted t•. rub the County yat Middleburg.. 'rho- entereti the *sinners' Mime through the window. Matted du: bon &tor out of' the tel then I.1:w open the Fare with nut there was 60 nionoy in it.— !so ebtored the Reitisters Olive. by a round hole out of a pane of Atha a chain end and then reatbiag in and a nai: out of the window. But they notwy hem. The Protl,ostv • ti; had nearly 81000 in it, but this, th•jy . r.,;! 1 11 to try.--Scliosyrut c Si 'mu eichutiges nre • n.,erting that the negro vote of the will be counted in the Pre.identiai 1, next While we have no doubt groes will vote at every election poll hoot, the Routh, at that thee, yet we with in believing, that Wore the :t by thaw I ,orreget4 of ..itAisioniAts vuui,te.l. in elder to decide who shall next Preablent, there will he a little gut um* cud shout t to ritughe4 •er utengreliAo mw —rrchmige. court is in session—Mut/0i EL- Judge, and his Associates, ud //seis4n, on the Bench. John K. WIN appointed foreman on the Clem, There is more Commonwealth busi is term than usual. quite u number Testing eases are in the herds of the Jury. On Monday evening the Jury hurl tets - irted two true bills, the or whieb we did not learn ; but up m time, (Tuesday liirention) no Jury hud yet been disposed of. In our •sstt will be found a Pytiollsie of the pm,modinot. There are mare in J. Zel/1•11.t.. , VII - • ‘ . 4 1 21 . ? L:4414 ' 34g1 considering the TO ragas and coil woottior. Is A AI'S. W. Li., 'Whine (fillisinirlf of I .4ir. duo, 111441114.) Ile, M. (rm. Oh *NEW thiinhin hin4rehs in ihe city dii.ll'..intry LON be ~.N Mho. tarn. I hh used. itl 11 Iht ~r , ' 4.r..1#11 , N 111*If , •1611% hi. IA Vii:l A 1. I.l* , 11....1141111. , 11111A1N. Ku rinirith our Pr 41•111. 11.1.4 0 I thril 10, I y I, /1, u 1 , .; V 1 , .; It Iti u A lute n po,Ciretolnr. giving Inforoottlim of tde inivorliitit« to %Ito yaw./ of both It irt.rh.As how lb., sosy become lowitifUl. Ilrr dry ootOl And lb.. forstoirn 11. No ) nI lady or tivialPllll.lll oboold 6,11 to Pr nil 'brie 1144449, mn.l tredve a ropy port papt. by turn atoll Ad Wide I' r, di. Troy, N.Y. Yd. 11 Ily GIIACK*B CELKI3RATICD SALVE Erotio Mr. V. Twain. Mimi muter at elalirbair. 314.. ••11111Ve twen WNW.' 01f yl.l l / 1 11,114**214 WWI. W11..f.11111 , • 1•u14 21.1'7. illid e sow ill •• •••••11, 1421. bud 1 0.04 You. Pulv4. Al. .10112 1,21 . 11 r 41.1 u./11....t 411 , 4112/ 1 14444.. for 1.4. HIM 111.10*Ive "Well. W. IN MIA. at SON. rroprkims. &ILI by ■il 004101140. Mea as. a 601, ALIA by 411/11111 (or WI C 44. KNOW Till DESTINV 111 miaow I'. Thin rico n. Ihrmut CogOPP Aotrot (VIA, 41414 oyes,* and Vorclinnantiran. uho lino Os 0' the o l d wo r m. kn. how Ilindoon N. Y. Al4ll tom Tuorul.•l. p•...r.,r..4t1t V:olHierrisl 1/04“.(0 or ..nC ond •oubt. (110111! 191 7.. *Milan 4uuwledl•+ (4 . the Vein , at iMit“lfillitlCA. In OP stooli• or wattled 91 !rn, 4.1410 0( Amor., %Oa ilintne ales the very Is utatnn of the pew.. you no. lir 1441• ty. 011. 1 1 9f (hi out of bit lontt upheld 44 tnlen.e pow. rf. lsuoou 444 Or 15.114 to sm. duty Is 110 luhe welrtry at OM tutors 14411, al Ow 4p p l.. “ta.i.v..thrr nOh nab of aollf clap. pn• mali.a. ill Ills . Iran um Stun• of r liarkri..r. i c Tian stribuuttins. 11131 kb. suit n ill o..nd wit.n dr .irrd g roglig..lrectin. NIP. or C !viva pagan:ltt<•. Shut the pi. 110.1 4. hal it lainanin babe. by rariolak: u *total lurk of Ivor. IVO 1411411411414 fr of bwh. 1004 i1ipp4 4 .114011111141 r.rnl• 114 , 1400. nun enclo.lax t•iln and eln.apen nos addressrd to fettle.. It ynn will setrivo ibo )•...- turf. sod &WA iuf•mneUou I.y ...Mien wail. All C4411 , 11141141C441 44 1114 uti, dty roulluruulll. AilArrgs rn iltiwv. MAfAIIC E.T11;111tX1'11V. P. 4). awl Hawing N V /frh A YOUNG 1.-IDy icgruitsisu s['l'i'l•:ll No MO::Ii!! Ow. u•e you b.• rOP+A pennuneusly.u,..l .1I N Ie 'Mug ,tolgsiii.ittug o:l•4thaneed (hi. III.• r t. I to MI Soot V OW. I lieiserPt I y mitt ririiel em icr nur - rarthi; lip M. A et . NW . thir spv.r 1 ill re •.- nit is. i% ..11.. Allrelsetioo. u. - n , llls u n•.triv Jot icy 114101110.1110. loot. • 1 . nto . itt•AILIIII A .4 or A.. II II iII f• o.trst 14r rpVM:l.f res.. Vt• the br.lrlt t1i50•...1 Isto veti. s 5 s r. l n by Os{ nmtr iiy ..(08. It 0.. 4 i. 41, 1101Li1.1.. , e.• 0.101 0110 t , I ,• r IC 11.1! 0,111. I II 1110 1,11N. 1. 10 It al tmea, resiativel Ita mad Itaisptter4B. 1 i oct ' , ln* to gui1t5...4.4,4 10 • I er, •> R f (o.g. 1.41,!••0 .4 t. •113. U N., 6..111.• If a biltestgit toe rit:•et .4 out C 1.4 ;of attala.eit§ cu mn. 1.nin,•31;. 0 , 11p. 115 e Vlll4. %Ile .41.....1y 1 twilltithriel • nor 01 lioen.frilrp . l'm 11.1 1 1 1..1. fitsr 1 Pill Irian' %IN 041 41 - r 1,40,. o' Itsr ist•flo.)% 1,11.1 11144.11.. t. rui , s fir., Ir.l vi v.",. 1,. fj, • .14,• T..,11 it. i• p• • n•tr..d Iwo 1 -. 61 " Cidta•l•iii4 sir 11 Uhl 01. Ile., •y• 1,0 P.elf te3.0.,4111 , 110. el-15,11111 itoptelf OAP 110. 111111111 X.) (14.11. .". I I. 111•t.P.05115 sr 1111 r lowan. ti1..1( .1•61. 110 Amy ismith.•r talvvi....l Mill i....;• SW*. Isfirsbllft s. $5 a• 1,111.. f ul 111*.1.11.41.• 1..1:411,400 rtiliP. Vs Sti ler *NM 11, 115 ad. 10... 5.4•V1t 10,1114 . 01, %5515 51 . 54 oryf•i • by 110111 ilf ell•erwi 0.11.....1151 01 WOW f«... ail ••1 - .1.f.1•. 111:.111:1,1:, $ 1110101oi N.. 403 how,. rt.• Tll4. N. V. 111. 117— Iv. . . • r 311.1fA HOUSE. It. U. sToux Ell, Proprietor. 1.111 I. Iv! , 111 . 1 k rtnna ;- .l••tc M.o.+ up iker thr airman.. 011,14 ..1 1114. 1... t • Ivey In11111r • 1111.11..11111V. 041 %I.llf. 01 to. .1. a I.•tv •1:.• 1 , .11 /1111. 111. 10 - • U..14 . 1P-1.1 •• 19 11. 1 / 6 II r 1..% vl. It Mt..' f.111./...11111 eft fit.lll .1. Ohl t ati where. Mr 14.. t't•lili I'l pn n..ut Ohl h. aLn 1 , 111 . 04 to. vv. 1.41,111 1 11.11 I, 1114 811111 WIDIad ...Iwo. aln polloioot.oof there.i.lot patron ege. 1.. , ...0.•11ung. war li. 11.04. i IA 1....% MI TO FEN:I;IBLE PEOPL rotolor. if Ito. 4..itott if VW w«lth.r won r.e.l 1 . 411 1 11.4•• t Ira to veal. ,mi 111,••11,••1•11 11.1 MOW onil, Itottos 1101 1•144.14•1.1111•11 Its tss.••••rl p11 , 11•4•1t dlmefsas, stsso otstt••••11 4,th I. 0, 40 .0. 01 1105.1 mare f 11i. .4 oriole: tittrrittOnt POO t.tototch owl sq•sirals 1/1:4 1 111.• 3111 4 a 115. r 400 pow 11•• N rl+. 4.00• xll your tat v, l lll •lUIItn n 11h lb el :'41.'1.11•) • , nrlll l /Is 11•11IC 114.1 I, lef s• ItllY7 K 1 ITN s 1 4 11111 11:11 ipi 'Tees. op II $llll mord, enrage 111« 1/1441••••• 4 too Is 004111 1111•41 fp/4.1..9111 51.4. 1:11.1111115•41. 2 1 1/ fief /11111 IP. I , , r...., “ 9t ;bw ••Ito doll poi may ow • IPIL•r." p. flop wsw.r ammo. met ilf pl. wr..110, 1. Joie istriottoilt to , Ibis io IGr 011(0,1, Llstt 010114. 111! tttt tot 4• unit. A. a tristooy, is• o. to I . # for lipio ppm fover oho keno. loot Sm. r e•a•sr•silsr. I. 110 1.011141111.111,11 515 V 1.011514/, .4,.c11je, 41 lino* u vi 551..10 «woo arpfo.triwo it to vlll4.ity N• 1 .11.• 1111; EN INV. elOns.u. nr inuoingable agonise. nil. sinit iu taw. in..nfillic %VIII y..q 4 prole ptoseeril 11711,11.1 lilrl.llK um, gUn.l tr. 141 . 41 f IN POI.M• loaf ul iii. 1:4. • r Sit VC %Ant or Ixl. 001, 1110. 1 131 Lit'S 111'1'1'IUt1.,n Ilt .0 .lueltsit•'u nun nftlr.• 1.11 tour to. Illy pie rh us In , Ha m. the,, In howl is .1•'p•• to ~., 0 10." Tier un.t ••••.11 , i M tisrlo tine • 11.510.1 111 preolaintims Intones ItUf.l 111 011111111 Mr. p u ns nn pipit Ii •••. How A ►u.* , tl4t fount•. llcllng /meta ix awl You low, II in 11l .01 rryaryi :1 - 11:. YI They Isemfylnte 111. Maltl ire laref , :di Mow Ninth nionnon orutio bin., nod legMlyan 41:1 111•• wl•Ctn NitrUtllla rau 1N• 111111 r iltalltlel4 , 111 now. henithlol-11Inollig n•• p• 4•41 to ptut , ont u• 11•0•11nitn. Itt•I r •Ya11I Inver did :l1111• not ,11 1 11111.0 ithd git it. /RI d • Willy% an 1 1 14 WIltIlig• I jul vnyyrnityn. Sot poi!. r v . IV IST AIC S %LS k M OF' IV Id) I 1 hitit Y. ants. Cetd4 -61*14.1. Croup, Irlusidair Orals Lumina,. Mail the 111111%.111.18.. st• 111/11 a. gown, tat. Li— upon ar Inc Tama. Cll.lll .111.1 tower I.l l .lfail 1111114 iltangent.l climate NI ail stitwatte ilia gear lAN 141. 1.4111,11), enough p 1 esa: Ipd I.o.4lllNotal'al fa• tiaege.. tinny inigiantot 'llea 10 nave NI Land it 044 /1111 .011111.4 e 1.. all the... I lln Miler ~,,, th...! jt. Wl*(d, I #l.ll-0.11 IU MI 1.3 1.111.0 (I.lllld 1111111:.111,1 r. Ito d) •ler ' , ever* nigh 111 g. the 11 111.1111• /1 1.1 11116.1. 1 11..11.1.54 , , tag and 1.. acesitti 1.07aa. a. matt V1411.1..1..11111 t l / 1 Cif Übe aka :a .1. ti ralirtol U. united hugatil. fell( JI)104 Or fl ALIA'III. riivasbsts 11142111%• N. I.—wrilea: • ••1 su. supra I.y si oregishar to eel risse botiso MI *lir Illshew for II) *lir, befog us.seursl is:. Iwo that so in. , si old is.,; isrosisise aseid rdert.. h. rant% isssi ..‘r the bolsi- *limpet' mich pnm pvidehtr of lip Mel , I sosseureil VIIIP PI llild 11111 e N ii• ot. IoW Milk what It. , Libya' r tans I.,ford In he stumble lo raise sle.r.eir fosse IYe bed. rastehisis mint atsy owl g wore ur bliPpl 1 0.11 , 111...51...11 the Ihtlrnw sip ehrpipil, ppil 10 4 1114• Pd IA /111 tl. •Iclisfl. to that 1 hhistriesi smaller Wale, tittlllll . l..ll ply mg n. Niefiird this 1.1110 Wits els • horsy Wild, 'Phu ceased rewillisis ha• etrlme rpuorh la 1.11 up. hip lilh biglis ritslun'd her lii hralll PIMPS that *ash several Physicist's bad Sued le do tom had failed." Pulsars' by 116111 W../ . lWitir• • 110.01. I'rre weirs rt.. hos. Lou . sul 1w sets by OrlaigbaigebowlY /SLANKBI BLAtilta I ! 01 *Well (11114C1 1 1 Utah , lot *Or, sk , toe A Cleutterti irks hatetied tot ir*Hl MIS .140114 fhttillor. P. ~ , , ,tors, I rtay. or IM IhrMrwr4 14 , hltr, cot torti.4l. too. *Ht. fo• th , • ate of 'Or , riot horhattour. to , n I ore to MI atm omit 11.111 r froniyo Alyryli.o. Hot NOliklime Ow +Hoy& rosttPa by a% 40Forrtel Wirklb 114 rah by IMO 411 / 11 4re.09 ,1 11 In vrtivi romMtriwia., JUJIN MilW.4 41 remit ItHrrt •.111,w %wk. My MI irfa. 1 cooLyn!rti,* AND PFATIVE MTV, p•itit Areowll etollellllle and Yt r0a10P.0144.1 wltUrnd Yon .4 MI Vvliiht•ll. litlnrypas Ist ill War. yew, MANY lllMMlE,l4llllribellwati ft. Y. Pay 111, INK -Iy. • fr"ati I,i)Ktf or MAN 111$11Flial U. A gpnllt Won N I.N *WIMP (nr grira from hortimlo Nepotist itehlthlt, Nightly KllllllOlllll4. kfili 10141 i HMI WM* 11V.10. tLn 11.11.11, Of Vl4o'loo i t i t jj. c ri.l 141 CHOW UOll cndlnt his thaya In unpile.. ulisory, will, tit Ile.. 'Ow 44.1M . ..ring toots. irn.llo phy ono ed. Ihn *is:lphi m••. 14 .•1 ,, wnirh 4•lb ctril • CNIO 111 N rew Nn h. allor the luilosr.• duh,crnh. gisdirtge., ip.i.ll.l.llre..tedenv..loyt and wig zo.l y•ti LIM Ail 141:NAIN. IYrhtl ft! N,l'. . _ ft CA AIM,/ h. 601.111:N. rldl X & PI Licr!V rill FA. the 1101 al Puf. 11X1'KEI'X' • Pit I 41:It 1.11 VEII X. I 'nu •pultexiitoit wasinoterit la c',t thr 1 01,4101 effil hit of I r NMI 111:1IPt•.or lorkvy uoil•plVe cull.. Hap her., nos•il 14 fßodite4.l4o4, rlair NMI 1.411114uf, wish Ow Iwn.l Er/411411w r.••iillo. oh Injury lu lbw haw, enrr by mull, •ealed 5.0•1 I,llllpirt4 Si.— 101111149 vtivhtht♦ whit. tt A. 4 t,. ., 41 it., I 14,,...>511 , vtr , N. V .140 in int tim Pit • . LIXCELSIOII! EXCELSIOR ! C 11 A ti 'l' E 1,1, A It' : 4 114111:XTEk101'Al ITI qt !Nip npiloyipm d un d . vi.vocs lIAIR Ii 141 ti t .. lutf;* •e• srtally , Olio Itsystaisblr depitainry reenwftwpd• Honig 0. NON. Met 041‘11441 Intliquiptittlo Mitch• g..r0t5.41. , liulsoity 1. easily flf4 Writ M 1111.j....1 the bat moo not therant• It Is to lam, It un I , ql , r0f.11.116. fr.r tflolN se., pow • 111,. I, .ly. runt. ptiOrly. futon, othi en.lettol'• eti,rpiel any ono leaving Ike obits *AI 61111104 tt4 tt,tt nn. I Thp. *aunty 141.1 tondo 41.404 by Ilsr 'tele. stmel It. isidy tral eir•plost 1 . 111.1t41tr. Price eetsi per pu..bace• int pet r. o. to ON? IliddlPM. rib rne , opt .4 .... ..r.ler. by I It PIIIITTYI k kris. /). Iterrr Troy. N.V. llier.: rattled. plod ja) , 141 013. .1 3 nun uuA Cu W.I. to 110111 11114 IOSINPIi I twoul) width umet , we. eilbprecauPsll.4 fan. ir Irre /or 4;1, uud e4l way be Irelg. CRISPER COMA. hb t rb'• era• twit ellitil rn,l Mr. marry 41,0.. end radial VI born cousin, tredrilr sal. •ett wilmd. Ear birierrl thy vary heart had wind. 4:it libPa• U 1:031A. 4'1111114 oh« 'lair ftt nrllMer fkg avy had tiloaPy Ilitsviror ar tlr.avy m ac ",. ClIfF • hr no‘pg Olio art Itle GPOrtuntes rip hmatory 11...maylvt.• n 1 1 014%1.1 It is •hi nnly yrlkir ha INr world that 4 , 1 traighl, knir. pip.l it Ow some Il•••a /W. it w 0...% it NM'r►. MO.. TI.. 06404 row, Hot I , Wy curhe Ille hair. hr• him frotior. Mnrnld.•. 'lid clealtor , .t; 1.41111 V DIM sh•liol6ll.y peril surd At.ll. Ihl• 1.1,4 rompipo. Ndicl.• of Ma kaput purr naer,-.11, th.• A 114,11./111• lit. I'rns/.•\ h.• seul to Any N idmo.. PPAP.. Amid p...Apisi.l 1.1 Si op "I GM ►+t•. W. 1.. PLANK r. Clt . tm•hurtr \...J aproirwio...l V. VO. f. '67 Iv ! ITCH!! ITt I!! svit ! ! wlt ITI:11 I= Wehaten'e Oirseeti rum* Tht Itch. Wbeaive's °stamens curtv i , w,t Minim V/bravnes 0:010.111.1 run.' Teller. Werdtea's liesoinssa cures Earbere' Pei Wlwatevi's cistemet risme 04 Pores. Vaeutosee trirotrwsit elm* Every kind of limner like Magic. Prifo..Prow•lo 1 , 11: bv emi2,rn route Addy', wi.cco N NOTNA. No. IV. Waohilligiall *IOC' t10 0 p0i.1114.4 Vol role t.j all 11,4466•16.. V. 14 .- I I, ..W iii.i1i,1ig.5....4,N0 MU:STACHES r.. grow firm tarn In rriim ..% oo..11.! 11/. Prsvien.'n enntlOotifn. 16- to•srt on, lortong Itp•on IL. Millen 11:1 Pk!, 1,. , •I . 11 Win ;won N.. d ;... 14.1.. 1 T0n Ina 14.10.1 flat. nio fooleth.lo.efo. .1 011.111 NW gokelo • 1..v.....1h11 - 'n I$I'" 0n .. .." %% ill li....brerfn refund. •0. Ef {re Lv 1.111, a and el. 11. 0 11. t till li.. ni,nosl.of its..l Ir 441 tono1iAT. MOW.. lin". Al .1,, 11. f :1.3/ 'lll & 1 1.. AO Hit. • rl4.y. f.. ... Ono (11. 1 . 1 1 61 0, 1 IE4 la. 1,44 ly. ‘VOM)E!:FUL LUT M WAVE it r3ll VrTnti. the tr sold criii.war.l Ani,olo t iA t an,t d , iiiiii Into u rtnuruynnt Hutt the very ferlervir rre the 1.16` .111 Y. 4 tO MUM., n.tA by the: bit of en I,..rran.eor poWei,lll.l.lllVl, 4,4 lan rilrhis• too'folte.llll , oti . i • 0, 1 0 10 , 0.104 0 a perfect wii.l life Is he oriole Of the filtof.l 110414 0 , 1 eloirn of Inn itit. Ittt. nut. 0 'tit tutu• *lid alwffi. , lle,OrtopoN , •p.'cadine et, ifAeler iii:ools 1i111041,..r slit plating pt ee lige. Motor:sit ttttt , 10+4 Of eY OII gold 11./1 1 '. tn ,, 10; t 4 c., ati"«.B4 ouisiopea nii.el. "Pz 'ow/. - li.ymt wl.l si..csvc p. wire mi.llll ef wail. ilb .I....aresi Information ; :ir Addl.,. in NI %141101. GEN OW ilk: r, r tl. us.); 4.4, Writ fr. . !I. Y. N ORPIIANS' COURT IN TUE RIRNwr of ..x , ../.tioho be Oho r0t..0 or Aft , lttar In r de4, l h u t o b,. oe do• robot or 14. 1 .t..tah.., rib. ban. i. 1. 1 , pi p rtaka.i.ti Par r to inky tr.laiwwq Nr 110 CritiloaJ film. Recor.i. 4111 , 44 l'aUtaaa. 4'1•41. par 9•1... 1...1 in IP. ,ilp-ves rma• saki. anbro, that I nua•tal thr pitqatoot or my “pionisn 0101.t n• my datice.. n. 4 1 •“0,1.1frift. Menus day or Not, •,07, at la *eat.% k. R. to. It. 4!, KAIILLIt• Atuttly.i. I et. 184 ‘V ! WOOL!! WOOL!!! 4 . 1,0111 CXOIIAN6PO polt al NI the Mglll , 4lnorket in .%tiannin . loth Pubar hi• own intinnflin sire. NOW. t% Minnow...B or City. ihing en yimir N a nd Io Iho Beau{ Pit utiztit Mnionint v Hlr. Pa, J.l; 14JAute. eept. 4. 1867. 'f() CON S M MTV Elm The lto. 11.0 . AND A. 1Y11.0.01/ wilt' tibt.w of eiforLo . P. an W 1.6 .1 , 4111" t, the prP , rriiitittl. w ith thr .Iltrrlibtle 100‘1'.2 .wol Poirot thr irmrsly by %%tide br oo• riwo.l ..1 M Woof a5t...1.04 snot Riot Como.uitlttitAn y ke. Vl4 belarfli Ih., hp bnpet overt, • Clirofßf Will spy proterspiloo. to , it wet coot fi1..." "..Viii , g• 'Ma 001 . • 010...t01, Pirate aidAvvv• Nrv. KOWAND A. Wil SOY. E!llilMilliEM;Ml INFORMATION In(mn•aliru pronstiired to v.i.tiwn a Intla'in•tt arn*llt or ban 'won n bolt !lend ry IwMdre+• 1 . 4 . II". Vie eme I'lllllllw,, Inn, u 1 1 ,41 111.111.110110. II h. 011111 t I. uJog oh. vou.r volt 'loot, and lwrouteroi Chu ,M• nhininr.l tlith..ll , fittoliP ..y ,ddir t malis Tim lg. V. hi 1 11.'1111AL Biogstavy. Pk* Yolk A nnotioGY. THE WORLD AS TONISHED AT THE woharthii 11044.11 Shu Omit Astrola Om. M %II 0146 a A. 1'140.1410. efo. uo li•li•V./ rinsigtri 1.. hi rpf Thos who 014401 invelila reloorophy• I Ili lour. 1."• 1. , 1414011 1...• hinaey. V. hr. ilrylitioltloll.lll, I,llts. In./rine f Iho.r limo rouarnied•ltiv..i. infornimiion err NiilN al.•rni I.lrPnr ur Lq err tertere• 1.5.1 atoll', prelierty, you ilir 'm0i1.... Inn nri. hors Tuilitittl Knit in KI:141 yr.l r lit 110 will vile . rear's oi•reey 1110 Old 1. Ila you Ito vory any ynn will marry. aitto• yea inn 111111 e. 1 1 111. Cirri Mee rintPilo Irriol tea 1.1 tn., 11rro,11. +.lts frild• vois i err, iloinahra, oiti.l tin her a litlfirl ruprraarnral I Orr nerd. the dart hod hi Won lityPiPriro of the rittlitit. Mn .m tho %lat• irr ore lu the llrtn:onrnl tete •torr 11)itt ny•orroino 111 Frr.limilintir e 11 APUrli -troui this ari•orla Nee lif.oltiolio ill lie and the Ii It'd star* 111 Ito• isitmai.or al th s 01 billet. rho. Ihr ftitoreil•istitiy or wan, Foil Ilnt 11l let'. of 1.41r14 Artroliwirt out•Illf 11 te/.1 )4.14 11111 n trine, viol you Rio, nrr.r NOMIN have w. favnrahh• nu eloirtriyilliy. I:onaatlntinit Pro with all deoirail isfnrnlKtfah, $l. litlnt et n Otrlntica eau rob rill% Ihn 10111111114411 by mall with • gnat safely and tkainairlvas as it is io'rrirn A tall and etyltrit [hail wrltlrri .SL airlift ail Infiniti.. iiiiarrarvit anal 'telt My leas; ON ire ipt 01 psi a glove niantionad.- The rilti , trat oft, • y n 1111 w iu•iiiitainad and 4'l CIO. polidemtd returnod ur diatroyail. Rofitranatia Of liar bleb*** nrdnr fornidh«n 0140 n.qfitmait— Writti platitly tHe day of til• !IMO 'lt 1.114 yoar in Wealth Yoh Wars tHau. e Lr..ltt 10th if hill/. PIA k•ANIii e•LttalGt.. 4187-1,:-.y V. U. Ltogwei Cti,.,.1•01.1.1 1 0, h. Y. 04 1 PRIMP OP PM 1 I it?, gr4l 11w (lien! di A 14(10114 0414 1.1+1441," pities 110.troy11w pioNV proo• flopoWlmoilt4 I. MANIA( OK, 1411. pnre , form,. M 1441.1, Sow 1., poiltql 101110 t aminp.p. free eitsar, A 014••• 11111, J. PKII,I.I N 11141thili 110 e. 11aw414 A v.. Junr b. He -1.4. HAPPINESS on I%lisgity. I"hn of rtnalifol hollaryolinn 4.yiyny• hl• nApplm,•, t pin•pt , •-i• rnjoymxia marring,. N.I lon•inft. 11114 I. lift in misery ; but by Wallow!ly ess or ins wig ulaJ Lilt] Bell's Specific Pills, I'm taws , frenver hi. health. Islnk". lh 4 rersue nes OW t.y iss using I hi• rnm•dy. It /Ives -Lowly ralluf ■ud well .nun os turn In 111 th 014 or thosilnal Went urge, Llulsussms s.l.lly.trai asui 101nrarts. Deblista and osr the samara nraassa. Poolia Lau.• Ql Ao Jenard Lr 11.11111 losx 11 la Impala rrt•laub• and hanntr+. 1111.1 uo thoingh of WA la 11100.14111ry th.sis Is.sliar r Lox with full d I Sol/ Ly forsirui.i., sour.'. wirer Im.y ranana W prorionsi I will send unit by wall goal-paul anJ PvC.llfBlir. us ohherVlllllollol , fif no/nr . V. 400 , w.. J. dltl* ,N. U. nuU 6RnAL• %VA% hiIV Shah. I'fIV.I.• hion rolirn , nt/hilifCl4llllri Will Le out In lanilesuest fret or rhoir.P. Int. J. IIiti'ANCON_SULTING PHYSICIAN SO Broadway, New Tark, iveo SPIA AL TOIKA'rIIPAT is all, or Stmt. MAI. 14 , 141•1, UttitOt, and PiONVo4llll‘m..4l4l , lft ..1 r. mai« Amur Peet and vl/fttAllp./1114,:ficY ratlicri r rot 1.1.11410./4.-1 .end tot private end ennli .1, ..11.0 llt•ulun fru of choirs'. 6.111t1 wr W rent• n Do Mt..- on etiolun I 11'c:4 tress, by Ur. Sue tlllt plLn•. Ttt 1../.18.% —I NM fend my Prlvat• Ciptillni with Atsil , ruoicnl fru 01 rAertit. 11114 fur 10 c.:111, , a vol.illtoir tr. 111.1.. by 111,, liabyby ecn flop .rtAttt Infults:,,lool ou all oubjrctit 1. 111- Irre.lo, op! c,%. TOTATS2. Your atlonts44, 14 44114 lu Iliu MIA4t. 441 1 .1 4 1114 • 404414• fool known r.., elloir.t./../11141 0 411111111/ , 11:48011/1 um: aulumittuutot4 iud44144 iu1144: 1440.1 u Dr. Harvey's eIIitONOTII Ell 3IAL 1431 ALE PILLS, w.". L." u.rd rhf ,11,Wore4 d TiMITI Teea. WI unvoryi tut puree... Thn y opr 44.4p, / ,.1 ior all pair lAWf. 4114ducmt (40 ou (Iwo ucliuu 11 liikoit tat . .'.. Dr. Ila:vers GOI.I oEN FEMALE PILLS. fen,' b.: In/LIARS A 14 - 4, • lut , tol•ol fur 04 , 1/11 c,./#ll f/ pairing ..ore $1014.0t. nooltrini • lel torn four atrireer kind Roil u.a prrla Ily bramktis unit • II you ration/ prt Uluot of I , llr etroppist I will rrril 110• w Iltr If HMI a ill, port •italtl CNA spout from bk. ,tritittito tot rrrript of titoory. I to lIIIPIO4. 'Phil 044 1:141/CtIlial 17rl all, b. 1.8411. IL mi oppliryljay. A4lJnoi ail VA .111 . i 4 dr. t•etir • {'oar NOTICE. The public it her. by nowso that the tettrtwiri property. ho tongtlic to o, W. Jartt...l, main• ToWt. ohlp. wv. mid no thr 41.1 of ttot.h.r. nee put. the.e.l bt the utteertietted. VII: 3 l'ltttj I coo , . C I outings piotto. ANuitt.w '..httr T 13, tax:. • J. BROW t Cur. Alui4 a ten au. ) i. iww oc, r iuv, :a not fuutic bit *VICK Of SPITING GOODS coops, , too In part of o fnU lino at INGRAIN. WOOL t RIG lARPETB. trir, r I4IU. .n 4 n 1,1416,1,4 ft., I soil. p . enstic !luod-nnu• I.roe. fboofp of 1101 I ' 4ol . 'lllP ;Ad q~lNlilSt. 1 1, •1u I 0.. ono! it:l. of V11(1 , 1:1 , .51141.11... .11.1 Wen/. WO II fled 14.114% II XlllOllOO. I.lltllro Ffellf4h Curenti and DA.Lb.ORAL SKIRTS. G.. 4) rii Dr LadSts and thildrous' GMtrrs erceb lir.mermf znd elarta. New us‘ptiMein cp . Glaa and Cureasurare. S! r• 1 fr t , 01.• I' 0e...0 ego Non io ihr Ho pp 1 .. 1..n11r ! noir tttt f.a. I Mr ring en.. 41. %Co V nyerri tri4 nn. ".•,•••• • 'IL . ' : r. •• ' 110-ocisborg. Awit ISO fz 1 7.. 1:0011` Alirt !'01,311 Acr- Lucac,rl,l Cu Main Street, isloomsburg. ptilwril,r 4.11: • , j t s . ti erf' Ott r. tL4t fie w et , afifirouieht ttf 4 40 Ts AN ti , t,;i+^«~• •q•,W,~,,~fe'~ , V.Ar .IMtfro, u: of tire b. 141 afil m 044 reiffitii4. l ”f , . 111 g. a 0.6 , .140 4.0 7 3 . 7 . 1 .d.,L4 It , is not to 14- to !word upon tiy t4tvitong tointeru4 t,adly mmif. `Om.- 410.1i14ng is htet tiue WOUld do wit to pfvc tutu it, put viittsitts elweriwrp, 4 GOOD ARTICLE. Og WI — MO l'eeir , .101 , »t i;t.l.N.y work notiro tfi °Hier Nod in: comfit...l4loli fP* , '"fr 11.0, I , o 1 —4 4.•./1 *Mt le itll Oita toit ,l,l, 11 * ,, 1101 11 o' kritd Ut 11 1 00 00, ' tuttl.. 41 . Lrthqq Pqmtig pirpi Own nu haw!. A, 01111./aLCIII4I. 1 1, 11 1..t0j N CLul lIIN AND (AE.NTLE MEN'S EURNISIIING STORE IHE tPgpt'et4lllV 111111 , 1 , 111tres • a tut. cpenv,l n 1.4 w CI Ri; G,lrli.l,l,•fi's rut hula Blom, 'lt I hr. 0111 at ital I t.i./(1+1 I td hiWn 4,11+1 141,,,w).t tirg. ra. tutored *too 114114400 *with It Iwo Fall and Vfissier CJothing mid t:eustemetVo e , s bassseaf Ilsui A 5 440 btork ia,4 111:.% .INI , BOYS' CLOTHING, •u'h 48 !AWNS (Oils, tAtk COATS, WITH (OATS, Pmatt, V lAT id, WIRT* t !Li 8 '0 4, II 0 EA Y. Etv. PENO.k2., 11...VOICERCIIISFS VMS Ei.1.4.4. and in fact everythint. in tan (•lathing or Furoiohitig ut Pry Low Pe liata rn a4,lit;an to tot oboee hi hits an altaaat **sad Mr Ili ni Clothe s. Camitners, and Vottings. Cinth tug WWI« In n. del In III" fitOri.ri antics Cull and ore brims ptireil tr6tlq elmvkilmfg, t u rd : 4 MINE 41i UT CHEMOULIN. Octotwr to, IstG. TUE SWAN HOTEL, 01111 ITPLAI 1101`$C,3 Or*ngevlUe, Columbia Co., ra. The elibaerlher reepertrilily il.Pvwk tf• rnewl. and t h e bad II RIMY. Widl k ppw is 11 1 .FP1 , 1 111 FINTFIII,' 1 1 INMENT, 1'94 601. he plowed lo v'tc.vivt. the MIFICiaI of pll who Will favor hlus wMI NIAI, IN Will ItlIP AI fp; 00 P II well pipilied 'pith Ihr bps, a I Iqu elp. and epory aloft .1111441 'pick to imiar poor,' pmf o r 4 , gnIN kINVUUL. ursine/Alit Monti 9A 047. OUSE AND LOT R BALE. • v i t if # # WM ha flair at ptivoli* Pah- I itrilPer mad 1 I vr, witostel /an Ole h r... Itnlipowt # Mirrele Money Ireift near IIIIIPISIU111.: illi'l t .1. &Moo & vn.. In Ilinnm•toteir. The limkm , ia. • Wilt IMMO hilll4llll.llWn 010.1“ a blob. riith /moor, awl mil IlaiiA• The k Ng At gond as% in r/. toting orsetiOW# and wall otamodl With Om! la.. r.yrlr •Inn-ot domes , 11 , 01 l A ir mf nit , tont Win/. nen eireibill . 748 Vim* lON Id med. lik.lal. nll4 meld 'ill* Weill 440 r tumor paw utile• 14tH(, lc; ttio Waco. . 0ev.14. m?.. 1%0 AIL A. ?OPT%• POO , Aito Aeries. /Ave& !I 'Mast Armorai P. A. ?Awls ',atm C. MITT IP hen*" outbeAAA.A in ortitr AMa Mot non to Ma own name. A. Mil', DAVID A. FUUTZ. Auto. I I WM,. ffUltl•tl• In ot,e WrfoutsALF: DRUG ■ P 4r) .14E11111Nr. RU11101 1 :4 MANI:PM/111R lIYU POI Tipt . A At (11(1AF:if at Itr old rider. No• IJO raloklio stmt. uudnr 'be aim. and luta of IAVID E. VOILA Z. Dalilmofe, An(n•t I, 1117. MANUEL lEVIEBETT WIT . HERTZLER & GUION, IMM/finite AND DEALERS IN WItiES AND LIQUORS. NO. 124 'WALNUT tel MEET. noo No. Ili GRANI PTIt EET• MARRY liv.writAß. Ott). A. GCV..);:. Ahrti.t 7, 6,7, S AMUEL M. ITENTIAS, VETERINAP.Y L'URGEON, ORANGEVILLE, PA. t WILL treitt all kind• 4111 , bat low 11 , 0 h I. heir m..ud when. Liwrr Ir nucure. us emit. Opeirln rimed to 4 hours ur no pay. Aunut ;,1•4417. •• LCUK IX NOTICE. Cc? orc nt Jacan Kt MIL 'igloo nisei: MP.. angela hnttcp iP brrrhp trlv.o mot Otter* to tamPniAlv As the a.tote or gocoh K•que. dre , lowd. lals ier Flebielf id , w•n.1.19. I mon Ii I. ololly. lerli.o W.I. IP Atli oft by In. I • ppeo 'twin) to !Hernial? K. nor aim r .• Id.. to .1114 d.N noblp : and MI r.oso• hot; Ina rt situ, .opitoO thr • plotr PP, V. cootie d to 1h •at 1.. gr r Mr.% G,r owttlriourl. hull •119. r know log tht tuft -Item to Fr Ind.i.lyd ik 111 took. norolPte. 11/ Is All KElteiB. cmttit August . :S. la 7. tIEYERS' Newly Isuproveil CHESCENT SCALE OVERWTRUNG PIANOS, Arav,wi.uriorm rt) ift: 111 C usr fledil end bigneet rewards In AVM I' ien r. 1.41 v..d. Iblvio.itrua and seronl hand Plano.. IW ,, PIe. Nu. 7U II STRUT April PO. IFl7—:'in orflow rih PIIILA., PA. EXCI110;(.;E RESTAURANT. The Ernpri.•lnr havitif rtn , sl,ll , ■nd rtfirted bir araTAUlt Vl', In the im.rtnettt Nis EXCH A Ell 0 TEL, h. u'n , ild sunlit r".p.rtrtiliy roltrli q cnn Nautili:* of 6.1.1 curdiNily in t .. 111 M 14ft:edit I. irett . 411 t 10 Li. rcfreebuletitil fellow,' • Sti El 1. OYSTERS, 4; fo CANNED OYSTERS otieco 011 1 1111111. Peed thin. few*, per Week. HAM Alit) EMI.. TRU% ItoLCHUNIA. boot of LIQUORS AND CIGARS. ?" ihyst.•r• r n bio served up to Clilleitirta at a MOinrbt• none.. js if IR 101' ei NTl'i.L9. pviwp.n. cioArmi. FRIRO, OR R atV. trs son Ow tibial at Wit epicurimt. JOHN P. CARLOW Atiguct k MA% 111 THE USE Or CIIASTELLAR'S White Liquid Enamel, Iro/ 114 , Penr Ira n.ll Fkiltit• 441110 "'ample Wm, ll* tnn. , ViCnn! , ll. , 1. , 1 r pr.p., io 'Wing flltn n t.. auttlui pnarloik.. It'll that in only roan.l iu ))..nth. II ciatrkly re , ti , Ve• Tan , rork WS. Putoor• Itletrh.o. Ninth ebtrh••• • nation OW , IM.O. ~,, 1. 00. It.. b I wily Ihn wort leftving the akin white and flair at alabat. ttr. ha ISM CIIIIINni M untnrtad bt tar tititi•ot era* Hun Had twist, a ittti Stair pttphraii.ii id tidtfrdli} is lilt ..llt y to ti, is ; the F-..• .41. wadi: by the Cimino, no. In 41 P..!'0.0) . .1 . .14t. .. pc rbrt I t.tirt tipantrilt 101.40; NO . 111•11 tb.le 411 , 14 tip. rant pat. a imarv.l.ll.l F. , tr. of it. ..ilirkey. Pro 0 '4 II Y 1 5 Comb' tarot by stoic PO.l 040 tut raceitit of %i' mitt. 0) iry:: A ; 011. cita..A• Feb Lin., tit. Etay. N.Y s4TVIX M3=Eg if. H. RunebLyger, Agent, 41:,(i,i &rat, iktAr Cie Ahrtitcam 11.4...:;? DtoOXteilliritO f rillo o .n loir4 to rho tmin t RIM! VA ., aditOlia 4,1; ittl, FINE t U F Am) r!.:*c twr.« .- rie Avn thiliTirrra iII:ARA, al! Inn , la 01 hArroe Ottotrt, Nie'ereettatto and Print ipes, and A" Weil«. pWatoit,a In 4.l'e tabee SHOW A , 40 Wrsoi Ido wmt trt gtv, hem uolln.tOt ni iwroli.ll to the Cities (or thrir auoitlirs or 111.t.1111.1i0g siren. q tratollag padiuna his rotiflant V "Iv*. bands tuft stuitpty l rash "" 1 toFFEES,TLAs,SUG IRS, MOI,ASSEi, ,=„4. 61. 0, Pr h rr. Pri , P*. ere., &e which he t I, 7 :•-1/ C"nt FYm P !ue , ' , thuttwr '2•3 ir 11E13 D:ZTITUTES. V An art a yip Levittown,. or Ptitnnsvlnnritn. se , It tut,ut itto C . tit t'otv Aloft. 1 1 "1 - / 1 , 111111. d. A Pcot, ,- , - ..00pr , fcce.t to nu A. • tor ft* , rsithittott pod frlllll.l tom, 01 n !Cc .1e to kdior zatiOu of Common *clouds. &C., '11111C1,1114 rO/I , llc. • Mee, Thal 1/ 1 r. *tots Plo^riniondent of eneh Como) , in *lllO roirtoottwenlift is hereby otithorinorf and w wilted nt,oo to ~lt year, nt rot h Otite and pt , rr Ito On, nt• 0 pre wile hill hori.lo4l roonulleit itr 'ft 400 1 1. octiog tint. to:IV otolti too.l roov .rut till 'iron and iwo;to T• , :ish« , l of *ion Com. moo ti,tmol f , ai.rl t tho, 1,,,t 1 if ift1011( or i«nriinig In 11, s'. (1 d tt . rou , 40,1 .1/00.112.0 solve, lot" o Our , ' 11,0'100. 10 he devottol to tho 1111pfnye111 .1 of Toowiterft in !tie sr i«.11C0 nitti 40 of irattott. ono to root moo in 500 0 1011 *1 boon five' Itultog n kilt n c!'.v ror song In. Vol faa cony for v1,4111)141 (root the rdore of inntonc" i , vc 3. Provider! Thvt nll tiontOo 0t DirPctro4 11114010;.•ll 01011' 01111 1 1 ,, 5 1111« llas#: Ed of an«numlt tho a ihrutorea, with art nrlkueg may 110,11/110ti 110111 *h , 01,loy : , td that shy tottohor tit to , Who:lw hull • '''f' r t -, to the In gtituto of 011 ty, will.ul 1 0, p'Yom 1.1.10 hnv« Ufa '4 not orw t , t im ta l flint poi 0 , 141 *11,4-0 fed, ht' rt 10.0.4 moth' oil hie rail*Qrhln 111 the 1 Ou'lif 1' '4 tnaditog, than tin othil iJO hero Ivivr rertovid." Ia ar,t.reaati. uri tipr at,rkyr tied art Of AgirritYV c her+ t.t eh rtoomoti timittot tt , and oit,.. r at ha I teat of Wowing in wwo hero• w inn lied to , nbtt for Litt purtinao above ptata.l, Ili Ow Boa oi Vv• btOI item of tats o m‘t LtOt• at) Sni ante, at ”immoliare au I , lwit'AY. Lull 2314 4, 4 F to Nt )1/ lel7 la tt•c.ock a to Mr. .1 P. Wid t.PI theft*, t•npetiatara.eut 4C.5101033 N. WON of plotoylVittia. 11114 othEr two. Wt.i b” iu attehaaiicy to athltaa , th.ittatll.ltr. GEM'. 4. L 111.XL , ...T. OrlnErr 91. 1 1 4 q, Pep'! 31 Cul, re, UNDIAtiIIUTS Alrc ;WM TIES 11E: DER!,fIOTT'S NEW 1 ' DRUG r 3 Are let A !Irv! &IA Wei Matear .t.ttrk t” 14410 Atirl taedb ma., r- Uti,t, 414,02. nye tuff. Irtioil.twa. bumps. Lttlf Mitt Chit Ildel; are. t'bril audio, mid (a l to vuriutq 41( ANIt EASCY 14, toilv (leped f lb • f.sll"winq Itlu•letrd ptepairlition* Hok" , tette. , MIR ICE. wm RI Vt7EIIIIIIt, Ilationto or linroll4 , ltari, SPrlt II 0111 Nweettp I,ial. moot, noir 'Whit! and , 4 , l,tvie, AUttlicalk 14 4 1, ki,,srer, it it Tonl4. Itirtmrs, 1104Pi•if tit* WlLtt cIIKERY SYRUP. Miriam Witte of lin». Prtscriptintti eilrefutll corn- Puotoile , i st 411 hail rs top. Nom, strr comAtterir Gbaaae tAIPLOYeII. 4,3 itinettfOsotrg, t , ADMINISTRATon Nona. Ltttore of Adofinhytlnttent nn tim mime of *op W. Pottont. Into of iiiimmt tloitiodon County. Onenanon, Mann loom itooto4 by tbnltosiWnir. of shirt m Itoltio ottion of 4 1 , 211 4 *# Town Otnit. Ali Por4tons !MIMI* 414114110 riminit 1110 rattle Di the 1 41 0 0 4 *ln #l44 1 r; pn Ihr rdotiutet for filf tont I o hrlrhtrrl to th , arta' WIII hitynirm h. the und.itirs..l. # 4 411 . 44 WPt MANG. Adwinultiiikor. 0, PAT —So. NOTICE. • i• bpi, kr itivra that Ire. the undorsistiOd t sillYxtt of ile,plock Too soNts. rc snags I empty (rem dile dor ( •4. Von ) torpid polo prior. PO istroPio. tee • goto•iyi ion 100110, Ali woo sow (wow %go d e j ai %oil Po dept. W sol todhil IP IoW M..1dl PPIPSSOS• Dr..l R BUS& lISOW It i . Willis,x 4110 51 11111. t., i gh I :1 , 44.. •WlolloPer 'wok & W. r •11 , thar PHA. 44ki111A* WV • lIIISIohIt S. DMUS*. .4V. SW?. Waist, tiosdftr•lgned rerpeettully letbrete the eitfeese lilonm.buirj and etslutrahita reiestroltat tb.y kft p II Ow dir,trno ision.t..ra of Al•all CUM all I Ilriltriela 111 arp et+4l inr %. , 1 , 111101(PlifllaS11.,1114 their wharf. ad. ;Onto, Mellirtvir. Neel Owe leerstere wit*. pollco no the v. wotte euxi.hll7 llll el • straw 1.0 , s• oim• !win watrui. Cot COSI Ai 141.116,• 1, - .# a a ... v Oliee, 2nd floor In Exchintre Moak, war ftengn Howl the "Ann." All brain* r .,.. in MA banAr wIII lb att•ndo , Is with troop, 14.• and cue. COMOIity M rlinOO 11, i• I. Oa leas prAcil e drill. iliryl.lll, len?. ' - - 620, 110CP SIIIRTIL 621.;, WM. T. 1110Pii119.1, GS? Ott■Nur." After mow than flee ye'' , etrwellibe4 an,l sepa l menthe. On the Natoli rivtion qt AraltrfLy rpT QUALITY HIM? PK IR' P, we ~ ff.r nee Inetly per belted *node r., wierebeela el 4 lbw publle le fen coetteeee• 'bele eaperlnelty are, ell other ie rod Amerleen markei, lino they ere an seibwerlelfed by ell wise trey oir dial In *hem. 0e *key glee mare eet• ',femme than say other Ilkir awl meowed 'Yew In .eery ferret. Ifral.r• In Hnep Melo *maid whie n am. of thi4 Net. Evers la t, who hos nod trtml Omit Id An Or *Atha t ranker Ohl. 1111 r II !Motorist •lllhrle, 4.014. style, lowelh awl •Iz• lir 1,104-p. nee rhiletern. Ale, fill fte MADE "6 i 01211Eft.ellbrfel and eepaped. Arf rn , ..11„ 1 .kme• Own VINO, hod d41.1'.111 , rot rive till Ille lelter .11" It Nevem no the tepee nri've"li v.+ heap. *ad twat lbw, nee etewpeel - 1 1/ T bleaufaelerelk OW! Artb " uww rerk tape. ?to elhert 1, 0 1 081 ". York zed hands full flee ~ r rent ?few work zed 1.4.t , fi, Pews eklrlo, at Ter, l'/W Wholesale atul I.elast, • At tbo rfm,Anet.emA PEll FIT ItiaPttfhplei tteA IWO. N. , . Albt Arch err. , VI.11•e•Iph . Vi M. T. 4urzoin. Ott, IC. tel....Ottrin 'EW XILLINF.RV 0000 S AND FANCY TBINIMINGS. Tde. urfletstirird mart rrsr , trolty Infarms 101 TA. Plietll.ll.,ll. and 111 , /1 , 11.,11 , ` In Ff .n.rat,th, t .h. ba ..t r'd•J h•r sot , cly Isigv al.d vaned assort• iliCkir EA \I I ELI 1\ CRY liooll3 A NVIA* PI'PPI.V, wolf .04 tyst.ful.y oPlret.d fmtlov pr...nt Awl routine irsimn. Der PileAV dtiNNgrd AND lIAT.I pr. calcd , Msd to 1, .10 the hood D DID lorro and vielady, You did evit)ibing (wad is dosi3Odys Millinery j nine,' Pifores t and m^kca r., an 4 •rlb 1114 row!' 1140 mAilt r►a• .t . n.ble Vrtus Girt her a tat and ./11111.11 WI sew 'twit vi p n6u. LIZZI6 BA AILEY. orucr. main &yeti. ,Rdris. , r OetnOter V 3. 1 . 4 1 7. fitoausburp. cANARI: DMUS AND FANCY CAGES FOR SALE. The uhdeirraned veer* for sale a lot of handsome Canary Birds and Fancy Cagea 11 - 11rAP FrIR Thn ['lnfo RI, of the beat ulna. r•, and for tweet) they are not rurpangsd by their *lnd 4 1.t1U, tilt olibiCrlbtr is desirous at bums Turkeys, Ducks and Chickens, In Irif end small pinntliler for the fall and ter market. (or Khlib he will pay lbe mast liberal meta witadAm snive. ifurldlnp. Nato Muer'. October 23, 1R,77. r 143%114,11am LADIES' EANCI - rums AT JOIR nod .r`R 111tnefertery. sn.7l*.Atiomol'illttt.iftwva7o. 0411.111CLPHIA 'Pete nee Se Siert , a y own finprtatlais su4 liesmeN e vor uneef the I;a:est Ingot 41104 k bvintlets reicctiou• FANCV F1)%3 tat I allsee and ehildron's %lam sto tha Cll7. Aloe a is 111.1.0f10i.P41 naat's tut Matta and 'onata an.. nah:lld t11111 , 1•.4 , 4411 V sands at very relairon• 1114* tity+t. sad 1 w..tifl son.,‘t a nail frau g u y 01..a4. rd ettiaai 14 0.1111, 111 , 1.1 Vitt. ty. liessectlier the Name, Number aLd stmt : FANEIRA, NO. VII above 7t4. snoth 'Or eptt.aira. R o l Intim Mn n'amapaa. nn& Matt:toil 14711 eq ittai t 811 0 1 1 11 Pia.onnua. thAubrell. 11147.-410. Mha tralta it. As am placebo.* a lan, so olio uP rmti. V. 404 1141 .11 •130 1 4' 4.f (WWI. aPd will *1 We ..• . 4,1 Vf 4/0 b. 1P.... •.. c:.4 sn4 g 3 WS g• •I cs ts. or.• twiel•lon.e.i., U. 141. 3. w. tirob Ha* AVGI:rrOW i 1.1403. riff. 'elm. in enchanne for reel "Awl I . . rworit ~ s*, q,l 1 ,1 441111 , 0, LIM, 111., it4r. kW. SOH • .=t. KUL I r. Erne ,at the 1142,,21.102 prit2,2, t niwning 2111 C.,'21 22 2. 1 W, ilLMA:l1":1UT. ~ ii+=.c~ui.,bur~. A~ySi ?S. I~~d —lp .~....,.., _....... _........._.._..y _.v._._._..__... ERMINE & :0I1 4 31 AN, PRACTICAL riousr AND Sigu Painiersrld Piper Hangen, BLOO.VS.BOO, IP:tutor bud u long gittO^t'ontr'ln th• ahoy, luuul, ono* thou would roupnel sully , e'er tO (bp elt mewl ar litootit.b.ire and polfrirOU Mini/ Coln: try, , f 1... y pr.•o.4' • I hit tondo ol liquor-1 , 1114 t¢= patnhaq, lops , tiruiollu. Cstrztnt. Fro.tieg. 014 tilt mirk twittitvii4 t., Ihr Peintinu lut.ineuu. 7;',7 * tttttn.e t. R et 04..4 rhoo itt Thu 4.:Plift ttntia. .4 - { .131 Emr.:Vas , ,v 1 1 .`l«+, It. 'l. 10 , 1o , ?lo *torn, anti f".. . Still. %re, rittoilVtti 10. Lith..Oftibilfg, A ugu4 7. 1407. !NE" GOODS! NEW GOODS! The puh!tc itruld bear in mind that U. W. CREASY & Ce. trove lf.nanatly an hand THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN LIGHT STREET, Ail alds of gw , 4 G , a ,l * CU p rot calk or coup j by u au, w. cke4sy ph ' Lieu Strom Ow, 6, re/ rIITEA. WHEAT rLouu. AND FEED, OF ALL KINDS roa, dit,4B Cif LAP BY wassoptimg, iuly HI. 1067 NEW BAKERY AND CONFEC TIONEKY 1 1 Ca ILVVIaVaa3=3,AXItk 05 ni ini, %Tafel', 4I OW MAµl r. BLOODlbtati o PA. J. P. FrIX. l'enniiolornf tbio ooloW , ohniont. wool rellootftwo I ofnin4 bit 014 npd now enotollwro• thla h ha. ovurythimi nat , ,,l nN el hI nipor whit In •o. ^hi. Mb , to ruiwob Input with RREAII, CARPI. ANII V. In FE( 1V IN ‘gs, o heretofore. 110 hop 40;for, hunimetorolo lb, 1 44 or "r . .d. 'Nil w% Pr 41.10410. koopo cm• et/ rilloro .pporttf THE 'iEXCHANGE BUILDINGS." wiureeevnno gooirlun Wild con bn iccosnimblatoil o$ all I.•rennoi. WI !wenn!, Wm bane boon rgonlop eft trial Ale, I.owl Hoot owl Porter. h, !Ws, boil% ao quart., howl, *in Coll uPun t4rl4l4A>lll 1,111%E. W 'Wenn in kiVss Block, Main Strast, aho Pao 4444 4114441444 I by do orotet+igeld to 011 ft,,w 1 .1e.m..3,,it, 4440 411111 unhand. %VW .411 , al lat. P 1144 tatio , rll44 *la Kt 4A41 Cull* , 441 640 O. uk.116 litc - aM # to ali out iljairtstat kip with I It ewe no proplifilill tot Wille ia but • gown ""4 "pu rls P 6 9los Or fopiai t‘therlT U 1H b... avoirthing proisiala in II I t Urn d blow roars will ii•colWwWigefiil rj" 11. UN ruraxurh fK out hi van. 444 woo ceriii•ll 'Waits a sessiimlian 111 its Row . J. V. INUX. April; 11141. 1:6 tr.? NY tatill. r 0 IEI 0 D. W. 1103111 Vi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers