A GRICULTURA L. A BORER UNDER WATER, Many of our young readers may have seen the work of the borer, or worm which bites its way into trees, a nibble at n time, leaving sawdust behind it. Then insects are very destructive to apple and peach orchards ; pine and other trees also euffer from their attacks. With sharp eyes yon may fad them, perhaps, at work inyour neighborhood. A similar class of creaturce live in the wa ters of the ocenn. The teredu or ship bor er, is a small shellfish. That has the best kind of an apparatus for boring wood, which it uses very etketually. A ship's bottom, unprotected by metal, would semi be pierced by millions of boles made by these minute workers. They attack piles driven to film wharves, etc., and in a few weeks a stout stick of timber may be dangerously weak ened. In February, a great inunda• tion occurred in Holland, caused by the breaking of the embankments which pre vented the overflow of the sea; villages were destroyed, many lives were lost, and nearly 40.000 acres of land were flooded. It is believed by good authorities that the piles which gave strength to the embank ment had been so wettkanel by the teret'o as to give way under the greet pressure of a high tide. Where it is needed, protection is en against these borers hy sheathine the wood vith metal, or kentraieg it —that b., filling the pores of the wood with FQIIIC sub stance poisonous to the teredo, It is stated by a gentlemen, in the "Adelphi Academy Record," that "previotts to sonic thirty years since, the augers in general use for borityr the hales to receive the finsteningsof vessels were so made that, in using, it was necessa ry to frequently draw them out to remove the borings, and this made nearly one-third of the work. About that time adistinenish. ed Naval Officer invented the auger now in general use, which continuously delivers the borings from the orifn'T. l'non nau t i l i:don of the boring fip:trams of the tercel°, this gentlemaewas surprised to find it similarly constructed ! One more interesting fhet eon cerning the teredo and we leave it. The creature not only works through the hardest wood, but lines the little tube it leaves with a beautiful of fretted shell work, ex tending to the length of cueto two filet. ORCHARD AND NURSERY As the severity of the weather moiler Rtes, the knife may be ut•eki in shaping— YOUNG Tnaas.—Cut them back to secure a stocky growth, and a well balanced farm. 4) not cut so close to a bud as to eirlam..-r it, nor so fu• ;Jove as to leave a stub. PRUNING.—There are many who are obli ged to do it now ; select a time when the wood is not frozen. Cid trees and young: ones may have a wash or soft soap. mixed with water enough to apply with a bru-b.--- If there is much loose bark, or a great ac cumulation of moss, a blunt scraper may be used. Some eta made for this use, cluster of Caterpillar's eggs removed now is clear gain. Cions are to be cut en mild days, and hew in saw-dust or moss until wanted. Earth or rand will leep them as well, but they art less pleasant to use than when ple-ervt d in moss or saw-dust. Cions are readily sent by mail, tie them in a bundle, wrap in oiled silk, and ever all put a stout brown paper. and tie securely. Mark ''cuttings only," and put no writing in thepackage. Postage is two cents for 4 nz. Grafting should Lc deferred until the hurls of the stock begin to swell—which they will do this month in some parts of the South. Root grafting ought to be finished up, and the gratiol roots ready to sot out. Manure 'nay le spread in the orchard wherever the ground it not frozen.—:lntei can AgricultHruilkt. FALL PLOI‘INO N KILL. WU' E. 11.' writes, am turning over a heavy sod iin Eceemlyad, to kill brub-worms, to that they will not destroy mycorn, next June. Will raccantplish the obje c t ? Is fall plow:ng ever an injury to the syit ?" You will prbb ably disturb and kill a good many grub worms. Your corn will not be so weedy as if' plowed in the spring. And the fall plow ing will have done nothins but good. A very light sandy soil naturally dry and warm is not bcnefitied by fill plowing—for the frosts and weathering cause the organic mat ters in it to decompose rapidly, and these are essential to its integrity, but all loamy and el Ivey soils, or those rich in organic mat ter, and most gravelly soils are decidedly benefited by fall plowing, if it be not done when the ground is wet, and even this is much less injurious thnn plowing wet soil in spring. A CEMENT FOR CI LIAR FLOORS. -A cor respondent of the American Farmer writes that persons wishing to line their cell a r,., and who do not wish to go to the expense of buying cement, can take coal ashes and mix with water to the thickness of mortar. This can be put on about limy inches thick, after which let itlay twenty-four hours, then stamp it with a heavy block of wood three or four times a day, until it is perfectly hard. It is better than cement, as it will not crack or scale off, and the lumps or cinders eor.• tained in the ashes do* harm. MILK LEO. —W., in the Mired Amencop gives this method ; "In reply to a question !n regard to curinga mare with big, or milk leg, the best thing I have ever Seen tried is the root of gentian. Buil it to agood strong tea, feed from a quart to a half gallon per day in corn meal or wheat bran, and bathe the legs well with the tea twice a day, rub. bins them down well." To prevent a horse throwing the tongue over the hit and letting it hang out, a cor respondent of the Rural New Yorker re commends using a straight bit with the u:). per side roughened with a cold chisel. Am other advises the use of a straight bit with a piece of sole leather rivited to the centre, so as to run back from the bit an inch or two. ITCH IN llonsza,—A correspondent asks what is good for the itch in horses. The be thing we know is sulphur ointment,— Take one pound Hour of sulphur and mix it with some lard, and apply, rubbing it thor• ousbly in. It is sadly triad sad usually of boss a ears. NEW RFSTAURANT, lo hive', flulldlnd, on Mrli Ikelot. WM. GILMORE, I " 6, rino Aur rilliwau or Olaufnaburi and ticluiy 11% Hu WO up. not u New INTAIIR A NT, in this ow, whew he testi** kW old Ettends •nd I'4oolllere to soli end petteks of hts sefrestusete , — tt ie Ws totoottoo to ftepp the host LAGER BEER AND ALE, eaneknn~fy on hued Also, Harter, rtarsayarttle. Mtn urns Wifirt, hmty LorlsolllAlittM, nampberrs and tAtlll au kyrupi. can al way* ha had nt his IteatattntlaL In the rating lieu he present* BILL , OX /ASV not .tit"...d in Ws plow , vh, Melded ()yowl 'Wee. St rtieve Pooh, liatbet serf 'Melton, Pies let Trite Aid Bee( Tosses, kc.. Ike, Ile al NM bit s SIM nrtft of Co*yarm and Chewin# ruhaceo tor Ma riodottoq,. C - 7 dive him II coll. 101 , 0111/001/0, Jline t 3, NM I' 4 REM' DAIWAIN AND 111cduction ha Pricep. The undoroloned will alio In the public IMAIIGAINS In all ►lnds of 1..X1 ZIP cr coal ex ua clan. so I Nub go DRY GOODP. HVEENSWARP., HARDWARE. Boots and lint., cap*. and Piminn, li, evr.ry variety. trtttulitedtrttofJinnnry,wiiibston , batted on a Wooly CASH, SYSTEM, :11.4 perxnor wi.ltinn In ninthnon anything in cut Itne lan do twat a Avry small prrcontitat on ettrromi WhoieNale Prices. All kiwi, of proarire nnd train Micro In exchange. 57" 11 u twviAlly WOW the priblic to GIVE US A CALL, anti a abate Or their patronage. al. NINO! k 19101 AN Catimiesa. January R. 1.40, LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! nownitmtvnis Ltrow.cum.; crnipANY. I mild :coo ettul4 iufliriu the potthe that they Wye the, PLANING MILL nmvin O , tAtlon with an exloocivn apaortment of ai 'CY and art' ilftW tifvpttroll to fo.pply all oolong Ot. glow, Wrtivr. tool at 0tt:141%1 , g( prier,; (Of C 1 4 ,11, Their sort moot of !wooer y 491,440,4 of Vlikile Pinup Plank. Boards. Flooring, Marl,acc Boards, Siding, neinlock Mani:, broiled or Onoblood, 10 rod parrhaaros rrafoo .101 i, 410 Alt sties. TOoir Platiffou Saul and t, ,utmr Var.! v.. sitoatoft at tbr ftztilread Drool. Y o. , l%rbirolly for «Ibpbtriu tu.hcr ifs ths rare.. hoy are l',6,lfitoly fosootat taring 11l b.l" u( WI 1.1 1 1.1,1, atnf to rroau l% ho door,. 11.11 otter of ivory ,ortptifft, tvtti do ttrU to ex mime Ihols dork before 1.0!,!,41,411g hers. 'rhos TM' 11.1termit.01 k#l,l em. ',watts - propane to ne 11a 1 , 4 , 111 rt the Oil, f post. S Also fif Olt WM OW itillol , plet - rlaity tt of, ts it hto pon l / 4 1,0 1 , 1 -1"1 1 -11r I hat they fitiV. OHS Mitt 41 , 1141:r prepared to CO 1111111,r. ut iilMotar eVrty S - 1/.., ;4,0 Irllllt/ rofourott. Taos,. wishin: tea II Of! or rofflraf tors tor buiffitos, can save uftwooy, try Olt fog ass , alt 'OW itt,tl Alllll,llll'l' 111111 they to 00 4 1 1 I+lll , llll 111.11 1 the or Mat twly. h as Throfiffh.: Master,, heavers and all hods of 10101 , 111 1 1itri, irsfaa reaesaffs• his turns, F. C. H , .../torbiarc, St pt. I'S, liloqflo,hlre r • /Tuft' lelq, Rei,turr=l. 1111inOoD: Pll ,, ti , h.A, 110 W edition of cri.vi:VVEl.l;:4 i'el-bra.,lll.4ny on the rnd• ie I OW! .%I , ittliti HlPtileifie Itt'Sper.o,r, hop, s ri n. 11131 enktit.., hivoloollitr} Z. , c11113111 LI/0V44'1 , . Impn b•nrr Moitul an.l Ploye.ral locl e trlty, Li ‘lkrti:.z", et, ,nl4o I:polett,y, and rile IndnC.c d by twit' indulgctom or Sexual extr4t a• gm !ICU S" a p 1 1,, ,, * livrlone, only 8 rents, r 1 1 1:4 , 11 11;14, l'l 1111, aintrabb. egggy AAlg o ,f4l,. Aft,gx,;4l,4A, 10011 100101 , 0. 11..1 the t.Onng l' , *ll4,llgiAri gor aelY . A - ,41,,,111) i'Filr; 4 1 , 1111014 lilt' 440 g Al. till WO. of lati mat un-ilirthe or tbn nititiwtirnor ~r th« klpi , •—poltVitt2 .01 0 motto of intro at ono .4m rrotain, tutu • tr ,0 10.0. by mown: or which evory . -littorer. fin 111111AAr Wlt.it big r.ttolltont nutty bs, !IV , * tat* . 11. 0.4 Ar 1.10-aply. pit% 8114 Ul2llAgily, 0 Ting kilare b , in the Ititutht ut evrry ytuvlto and oVery whit in the tart. 1.004, nod , r 10 ir Oath orivrtope, to any 84. dte.p , punt , y 414, tal retort ui rt.% taada, 01 1100 punt 0;114111. Avdirt,, the pukli*herot. e. & en, IT7 flowery, Net% York. PostUtgi.o: tot z, 4 6. per. It - EADING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Decemter Ist, 1866 Gns: vr MAK vg most TfIP, worm VA ry4 Gar IMMotelptim. 'Vett, Vmh, r o tiovil te, 'lAtomma tax Lphr.tVii. Lltir, Lam:Ai:ter, OM:11MM, Trthvo !rave. Ilarrii , horg for 'Sew York, a• frOjowc At 3 silo,. t 0 thol 3A M and N lU an 4 900 p M op o 7 , lioleit Tram. nit file reto,ylv,onaKlul to:od and arr(vlognt VeO, Volk 111 r,/ 1111 , 1 111 IM AM ;Ito, 4 411, 3 .11 114114 11125 PM. simmiou 41itr1 tier/mm:4. oviou the 3 Ult • M and 000 p M. Trams without ra l grata iiirri.imrs for Pradjogi. rottiivi'l 6 . Oro,', Allimtown and Plitla3l , ii,i3.3, e sat 4ufd 44 1 , 1 and 4 111 r Ploopoil; ar Leli.Oloo and woo hod Way Phpi2lnl ; lb, 4 la p M w.l4,lll4l,ooltweliwip. for l'hilaibilphia and 4%4 riot Sch ivltt II ivria .1 , Ifti114.:11 mad Me,l ohauea ftntl fro it- I la kit; ut 3.21 PM. : Vogt.' PE 9 IP , A M. It' 91 and 3 10311 , 5 1 , 4, P , P Petheeielma 15 A M and 334 r m IV.,y : rain leo Vok POlVleell.lll.l at 7 311 A M. rota 111119 from 0 , 301 , 3 at 1 1 P M ..II 11.111011. , ; PollAylite at P 4.i A PI, and M r At:l4 laud 0 thi awl II ';ii A 9. ego) Tamaqua at 943 A,*,ROOlGlmldds3P Loaeo 'lle for IlarriAlorg Via Schuyl kin PA Se+Tieliflolle I: ilro,Ol el 7 an A M. Train Lerwm Reading at 63a A m ri . tori , ma from 1991..delphia at 4 39 r m. Colombia Kittlro,44 11P4311m4 at 1 Oil A 14 and ti 13 PM for Cpbiiiia. 1.1118, I.4ima.tor, Colombia. 0,, ; Yt , rii at 6 of 1' 31, dtlathil 6 fat A Al. mot 3 13 1 . 4t 4 , 1 e NVI A It, train tuimiag only lOW. ; ati A SI : Ilnr 35 A 31, 4,51,1 1;4 :411A19, at 100 40 7 11 A 44 ., for Itarrigoirl nail I I .24 A 11,1.4 New York and 413 P PIII MOO WO COO 11 *moon Melee)! and rum,. rioa Tict to.. loam , ham ali 1.400t1 at reilacml ilteketi ; ru poOlo!* Olio% ed eat h e:,—t. et. 4.. A N , F.m.i.M G,:terat FICAIIIIO, Pa.. Jon, I, 1.67 BLOOMS BURG FANCY TRIMMING AM SOX SURE, Second deer below Mittman's ltnue Street. Jun received it new !tork ZIINYRS, WOOLEN AND COT• TON YARNS, COSSETS, LACES, EMrsnowEalES, MUSLIN, EDGINGS. DRESS TRIMNIMM, bud every variety of article++ nau.llly kept in It IF AI% CV STO It Ell Pron.,' tlnckr, Byrne Hooks, Bibles, Sunday School Bonne, end n lure. lot of MSC EL L A NE01: S BO OR S, Aoraunt and mommqinduin Hunks, Munk penile 0 40 d, and Moeturelee, and 44 ;orient and well•seteet• nd tient/talent uf Paper, Ltieeionee, tem. A. D. WELSH. 0100Inetni re, tune' fei, lend, REMEDIAL INSTITUTE. FOR SPEOIAL CASES, No. 14 Bond St, New York. inrormiitinn, with tho har4est etittemaftests alon. a Ronk on *paid Limit.. Ina sealed invelove; ownt Li • Bdile reand wad lee them, and yen lon no twat tt Int 14 uAVertlnlo4 1 , 144141444 lire genora ly 1 / a • pitgart, without P4farancat no simmer annuid ke trusted. Elninnn 4 witnn4 fnr 4110444:411.1 dir Psi to UK I,4WitENCE, NO 14 tIoND drRKRr. NEW YORK. Nov. 14, MO— Iy.S. /4. Y. MUM HOTEL, NI CUT, Lyroming County, Pa. NaiIIINION. Proprietor. Po 44404414. PlifrOWN & PUMA Pianos for the People I 420 Weems St, N. T. WO WON e4ll tiw iIitOMIONI Of the Witte owl thn Dodo to our • lewd hew scale MOM. lh thu fultuw. otyloot wry mr, A, "letters, Trent tarp sound tom le. plorn MO, who,' minion or suttee Isle, wood bottom, letml eseatAine eltellt .111430 STYI.I O I N. J outure, 0401110 /110 style A with eur , poolitto moo Woe h, ea Vett 10101011 d tyin„ 30u w'Y4wt.7uttnue. Emu' c,,roona jaw 0,4,14 atopentinir hollow. omit!. Mita 1 , 41,11,110. fin otyltt p. eervetlyra tool dotek. (alley carved legit ... ibU e*/*Y.,tt sl4'l4slv.'.. PGar large mewl Earner*, nawoot hark, fimuliff#lNOt au rl u Ala I troth, 4iqpol4lllo I, tow carvoa , i tyro low (took, ti.. lOW contend trot lee. . fiat rho Owe( styles aru all dotatteui In 'tenant moor• erno.l titan* a n d have the rout iron (ignite, rrowh fiction, harp pedal. heeekil top, ivory keys slot 1(.1 Ponta nn.l axivo..l Itt overatetine 400, na art y all tea. 7 t ( n MHO* now itinottraetti red 'they are MHO a heat material% 0114 hi( hoieh, don hility, purity and an...tuna 4or tone, eNito.4 he output...n.l. t. invite the attention ot Ilit, pa#llr, or ileoltra and cite proteiototh to a et itleal examination of' the on att. of Our Piano* Hy Ant/Winn IN. treat Pimenren etta,tdnnt UNM eft.tly tuturtes tisul expensive 11.1141'nfOninn In inn Eny, we nfe PotNN , I N offer OD' Pincus at prises which defy rempeiltiort, and mite all N tall end 11114011110 INN Were portal/deg elsewhere. Parties Ordering (row a ill , ttere can I'o4 upon tee/gems their Ilene* promptly. Itml no enefestee cats 011*4 as the style. are su distinctly designated by the 'titers A ti I, I). The fq.ur to det.ctilmt kbubt., emhadp all the 60,1entigi eholops in *lit* Hitt" dlls4l of (.1111n. *filth 11141 by twill tuaautaCWtat• NO up to l fad bU pattotas. NUR' , DEPARTMENT, GROCER iso, • We would re.iiectre fly yeti the *noniron of river Leader. end Plfeui ny.ttcwell Teacher* to our retoh hobo,. a where ail huele or Church VI ;pie Wee and Aottleol lOWA. 0110 tie obtained en We wool hateable terror long experience of our Mr. Pnaltltlii in Miteital Convention*, Cleat*. the Concert Ream end too 11101 to gl ee Minna and Ilifetniation on ati wind. or 1.11. 0.11,9,111 M or proper awn* ur iotte anion retlintliett of setieleul eo.wile—progreee in inneielil ent,ll***. and Ine of RYnetal hru feet to t (Amnon(' tin Nude re ' , sat Iwo snit I Student.. yineet Murk ureeniehed tat the *.net terns with oweeptnee. and diep.it.'n,l;intetry utde r,t uu ortteY Nll4 114413 . 11.11$ .I,OJ. tar IMO., (.4011214., CUOCOIttI. Ity. . Now ready the new ttueday *thee! Stetting Kook, 4 1 E (4411,1) ii.ll Ir It "4E.' Py rroxios. Aotoor or Peered Lute. Putiday Rena,,l Monet, Ow:01RJ Un: nook. Kinn, kn., We will tonal n 'toren - nen ropy. Pet pea to sup f. 1.1 1 .0.4 .11 twit riots. !the price or 'Tee Bernie PROloin' i* no renew.: el mile rnae•*„ b. p. 11, - covet* tO 30 flytug •.. • ....... 1.1.01. • eies, in buarit ......... •. nylnn.... . ..... , „ Sfitirg If rt . fah ti 111,1111) Jo.l totrtylovott. rind Gotta tolototetl by all lettdi I'4 the bYttottto tore of ham., trow.. ISiE 118,4 * lnblett rorntture. &f Ace. I,:wery aba %%110 ha. !hallo ttn4ll , t bnvc tt bt Iltv t ht. l'iotylv Stool tor rlfl Matt, an t we t 1 11l fit 4 , 101 l porn, obit y bad Wl' Pt Itl+ll9, A1 , 1,11:11 MU. tot Tt mtory blot Agoorws tyrytytot Ity tAtt N & PLOW t ‘S. tirtter4l Agent. tits the hottrd 4.!!I Ittottoot Street, N. V ' As itt jecr.llll. in lbs ....MIN xebutb sin xlslrl.lifil% 464 ss lII , ' article 11111110 by ma Whfle Clubs or" eta tine I I lcf1(11,1,:eil ortolol, I,x tin the wont) tll 1.t1011(44 by tx , pf Ibuttytt p6t t, 1 , 4 41.1.4 JtRU ILV & GEN'L AGENTS Fon TIJR UNITE() STATES, 42U Bronthu thrrot. N, ()rt. ttl. 181 a 7. f )1111,1 DELFT] IA AND EltIE BOA!) hi, /He, MI eeri4 e the Northern net Verge V itom tit , . of Lrt*t rm 1,41,0 It 111 , a hi OW rntuJ hp , Tithe ei N ottionnbertnn Leave Eastward. Eno Mmi r,ott Ii 50 P 1,6. Lt. rOlO ti A 11 igolo4 3 , 100 10 10 A M Leave Westward. Erie . 0011 Tr .01 3 :0 A M rw 1111 I Mi. 6 14 P tt ii 4 4 Pll tlirnioih on the nod Etfinoos trims (.111iiiid olokogy both w.ils ill 3 and kaiF Inolocklu 11V , : 1 1 ,, t 0 a 111 111111 , 1 M r,lll lit ftP n 1 1; Nra Nark :0 5 int p 111 ; Writ, i Crse 715 P nu. Leave Erie at 5 pm ; arr,vt: lit Ntv Puck 44np in; I.NO brie at la 23 ant; arrive at Now Nntlt 1 111 111. nit all Nipht taint. 11/114111:111.111 resprelw 1.,-..h:rt 444111,4 ap ply 41 111111114 311111 111111 811111114 tlll , lllll. Plitladn'Ottn. Ant Gar I',oltlll 114411111*S 1.1)110/1/111111ty'A ,4:.,,1,111 R. 11 h0g.14,0,0 . 13th and Mit.litt. truer etiptrig. iptko S%. Rct Holds, Cris. Wm. hrown. Awl N. C. IL II . I Hillnime, II 11. liortrliAL G.not r al Fright A'gt, hhtea. It, W. t NNLit 1ie.0,41 Ttcket Att t. 11411'4. A. 14 LLB. Gentqul Sup't L .re. Feb. G. Na. A FFLICTEIII tit ITER MORE!! When hy the rt.,o er NI I , aiVVILt.4P 4 LI IX 11l you tru h. 4 1,0 , 4 prr man, bit) aol c The obibm, huh; .hcbbb 11111:14* . P.1 4 , V tt r , rat lh nri ty rn.Fl rro,i fati6o rat Vfo , 414,4'1y to:fol , tO'y of oriV , 1 brio lit. $ 0 4,411.11011 i Hail,. I ff foof,f it aft, Vollotao prooorofloo 400 , 1 . 014,44 eted II IA ill r , to o t , Piii i r Vona. , 41414,114 , . e, 141 4 F4'.04,41. 0XV1t , 141041. tt rtri It It V tct o,olv rot 144441'00. 6 ,4 4 11101114/1 V, rilialsl 4 11, t1 , ..010 4 t , t " loin* of ivh.iiinty. 6 b yr .tore the ofifollto. roo f ., lb, pubotb of floor. lot !MVO o.l.troyeff 14 by Solfolol Oleo, or I:V4 144 , !loos. ouutt awn, he Immhdeetel nn (HMV by "Winch Poi and isborotit prim I t.ittot . s, bat stcli , l w,theu t Mat A l tho om 4 and he at once cs— tem end 11mq:tepee,. A perpel aura is ptiotoolovti iu every u , rinuce. 'N31'031.43' tear borne', frl um. ad. 0+..0.33. One 6uttle it elflike:at Wr e&t.t a cute to all ortliaarY ease*. Alta, Ur 3.llllViiia'g flpeettle the nteede ae4 P..111 , 411Wit COM et (1,31+4130.3.4iir , t, Ure , as.,l {ii•elter4es, 1473% ttillitiAt.• 444414 ail At Ow,* to Vie ittilottys 044 Itlalder. Cute* vino I,oti in ftt.tt uuc to dart Tool are pretetr,ii 1r1444 veeetab is Satraet,that 111 e h ribietto an the vysteul and h.ver eau:wale the *Peale - it er uuprrpuale the hmete No diet it heePd4alr white using 1144.144, tier d..eethol4 +4033011 ill aey enamor ilstertere With beet nees pur.ort, rrev , $1 pet Area. Lithe, of Mr above iiwotomeil anklet+ will he .tot to any %dotes*, e. lomtly wolfed, owl poxl-pant. by moil nr t4A4441444 un ito Mt of price AdOrefis till Of. Oft , lot laolUiltit, 1 , 1111118 &Co.. rbetoi,t4.. No lei liivnr Bt.. Troy. N. V. fedi 017 4 147-Iy. CRISPER COMA. Ohl rite war hnnnlifui and fair, iih iworry eye., nail radiant hair. Nisei.. culling ientiril4 twit, entwined. Enchained the very heart and mind. CR, Ito COMA. For Curling the Hair of maim , Sat into Wavy and t:lurV Rinolph , nr 'heavy Mho,r,rvit Cori•. ht shier artrrle and o,intirnaen rno benntile 1111.111.0.1vprs a 1101.5.1tid fold. It la the only article in tun world ttS4IAIII en et et en l tlllt 5515. 1 111 the ernoe lido' Cry.. - 11 4 Isemdirsd appedr. wire. The eri.w.r roma 1501 0111) , rtirlol Oe Anil. bid to vigor:slex and rde.disot.r. 11; 0 , highly 5415,1 (It II Itchy 1500, ed. nod 1. the 11041 rnrtap4qu jirtitift of the loud eVet lefeled to 1110 A15v.ii..,511 It al.. Ito. The rrinjet 1 . 0.14 Win be 10%. , t 14 any inkireel. tredlird told 15.5rlitisid tsr 41 Addr . 0. ' 4 " 074 .' 0 ' to W. L. 1 18111% & CU.. Cuetinets No. 3 VV , ...1 , Syron:nor.. N. V. 'n7— ty Lackawanna & Uloowsburg Bath oad. aIS ft BAM tAPIN lir. TWO DAILY TRAINS. -se Qog Aso AFTI R JANUARY 08. Palo, PAI4. susumt TiouNis WILT. Kt N AP 1111.1,01.V13 LEAVE BUI/7 . IIWARD A M A 4 p M. Leave Scranton, 390 710 4.41. " Itimudon, PM 111* 0.00 Ripen 11A41 P. 17 . WaiVilli . , 031 8 AO Art at Northumberland 11 1 .30 9.3.1 LEAVK NcikTimAßD., AM PM tdmva Northumberland, 7.00 311. ' , anodic, 7 , 10 11141 111::1011.. 9.13 P M 0 li a, k Iligvirt 111 MI 2.4 91A Arrive at4truanr 1I CO 400 1013 Trains InoVing kmgcron at 430 A, M rnr ftrrtmt, p rotlllPrt with 114,10 41 f WIWI at %ow VOlO at 3.10 .... P4llollll* ink ing Trnltl Son .11 from aleramon at 3 ;,,I A At von No thninbetein Iran. II llarroMar3 It 30 P Al. litillimora4 A3O P NI. II 0.190110a0 111 IMP NI tin iti, pert mall Philudyl whin at 1 IMP M. H. A. FONDA. Supt. Klamath inn. 9018n7. SAMUEL KNORR, /tyro,: Ev. vr-Ltw, SLooNsBUKG, Ofreorer Hartmoo's mo,r,appioorte Poet Office nnomorburg, Arai 4. le!*1 N OTICE TO CREDITORS. All rre An. knowing tha melons indianitif to the undersigned. are requeste. l to make paymont huut OW. J. C. AUTTCR, NJ, 111114011111M.F0. IS OM N EW C OAL V ARD. The enderehoOrifqll, loillerms the el .es hr hieuthebeeit it • . meta* count),. thus they ked p 011 Mr different. itifttibeli or eloVe real awl eActed lump cent for sOibieliputpotee, on theo, wharf, tot. JUWWIII 414KPIPV, NOM &OOP VIWISAti, Petah A/PHI pair lo eeilleien the *Matto p'{agtl,her and straw Atka vt a ba res and Wad*dtiVAlntifttt AWIt //I WIMP Om dapirg it, A/ we WO/O*W a Wee outwit er test, we lelbod to keep a expeller art toe, nod todi nt On vary inO not price.. eloili4e toll and fur }WitSIAVVIII Wort'f , 44 fir ItiP• Ole PineW he or. J, %V, 111:1414k M. AUMINITUeI 4141o0:11, firftE nn eralrntd tailltnMe. in aiiennnint 'Or Coal too tp , worts., the toisnona t framed thita, Powtints, Lard, Pain Shiml Hid aid. , intent, lintfrr. Rua, Huy. au:, at Ilia biuheatr nxll prtuaa, idhla fhoeery annra, tiv ir 0,41 Yi4nl. J. W N ON it ali try. April NATIQNAL 1?OUNI.IIt x. • 10 00NISIWKG, UMBIABIA co., NA. HE sob.eriber, proprimor t of tho abovo nUOIO4I r% •apivo ..stOtixttinout. let onv. , epand to reetits orders an Kinds of Machinery, for ratiorier, Moot Furnaces. Stig lottery Faigineg, M titi 4 , TIP gi4llltlo M IA tre , lie it Wen prepared to make Staves, all Niue and p iii •irone, and everything usint/iv made in 14,4,1 n.« Hia ext moive taillities and {inimical wnikiiwn, war• 'pot hint in rer•iving tna larignpt contrite:to on (no ro loonnblo loons. .httin of ail kitittio will be taken in sultans, Mt Ca4CiPg4t. ** Th Pothbli*hontnt Ina.ed neat the Laeltawa• na 4 Illeemsbuta !Wilmot ht a t PETER BILLMY EU, IMaromoblirg, $. t, 11b3. FIT %NS' A• 'CLOT4IING EMPORIUM, Neorly oppoxiie the Epi.ropol Chu? C, ()MING OF ALL DESCRIPFIONS. Y stork ix comtinged 4 , 1" pna enth , fig, tordim ,1111 and taw laical—ellaelett to all rotolitione. tarot,. loot wetoto. Ito toot the hittbt *We. ror the vrorott Hue avvortntOot nt overre►ats and Gentlemen's Shaw s, trotn low to the very hest ltrx f.mods ate liwiton , ilde watt ell al,r , le, to erldtti,m to toy owl( ,or r .n14 , 11:116 clothing. tmve piert• goads for Ctst4olll Or&01,1, (A4,111 4 +0 4111.01111111Crem, 411,1nnvkut one or the lirot eingo rotfrr.. 1 {Nara', fre n fit to till eases nod give satiAuction. M. 0.) is v awry of tt tiOLEN AND LINEN Shut IS, Storkinre. Stllekm. —4 . Vel yllllllle w the gen. lt.fid , d', Witt e .oth, ikc . liato. Mello and lfhoce. Tt di,k4 add Cari..l ni the InweA IfarkPt prier.* Pb.a.e give ine a ran before. yurcha iu Pi+rki ASI/ittfoN J. EV Ati:,4, tilnomsburg. Nov. 13, 1110 N on ril ERN CENTRAL DI It i.CT 1101'TE wird AN!) sourit 186 roomf,ll bay erd Ili Mimi! Change of tar 4. O N no, : t i trt,r r Nth, P.46,7'14;414 leaVe NORTHWARD, rr I,)lo:Pitt Pt) Pattiotor , 'IA. ~tv, P A. At, v• rung ra..,, ,, eq, ,, t4 at Nottitair.t,, , ..tat,tl A tttr 4 A. M. ftr, raft+ nn Ltirßau ana¢r 4114 , 1 I: Wilt Howl, ua A Al :WI% tag in ItairtrlPP ;AO A. %J, HlnutwPur t•tr 115 A, M. Kt tilt,,tatt 10.,40 A. M, PCIIII. ton i:.t6r 11.41. M ili, 41.4% , 41 tlaollatare 9.1 A A. M. daily, faxrri.a Saaaay...' 114491 ,, a1aa 7:0 A. ,44, n arti o,," M. arltv.in pas avers at. Not Ibutakarland 4 !7 P. M. for tram 4,n 1.,a+1,4.4a/$ll4 /1/4A fUou nabs,/$ fl,O su-re ut a-91P Al. arrivtatt iu It .10, Ilia 1, 4 , 1 , P. M. kin::..taa 9011 P. N. sr rlrrom ; 11411111 41111 Sri a% nog la Wo:Ptiaaaatt at 4 4,1 V. 81 rASI*I.I‘I; ka% es Mettimorrs. dish' (elvept 17en, P. M. eiertamele.r;ire.l ti PM. re n t ovee att,l I.“l , tstrii2 rI0f$1111i; ut LtO, aetivtug in gikraulun 12 wt 3• Pi 0 rill W D. EXPR CeS Tn.uv,tcavrw Notthatalrwrland II 311, o.xeria wt.?. r•ccolimi at .1 , 10 A. M, Patt...t,a .414 A, %t, tam 6410 MoontNitwit 0. 0 7 P. 4 arrivta ,, 11l 1441. 41.1 , 10 /a 70.1 A. M. INtflobarg 9.311 A. M. It tuulore 7.404 A At :1i AIL. 'FBA IN. leave, Narilma.berland la 141 A 11 ,1441 y, r. , andi4yo. t,f0114.140110000”1010q.1.1.1 V tug rr ftliaoll at 711 A M. 1,4,.4441 4.1. 1 At tI 5* .1 4 . 1:14,040.bartl r. 14; A. 14. Itthrittl. 9.51 A, 11, awl a!r44;41,54 tit Ila 1,13 m,t 4 h,h.,doon a 43:10 I', M. Ihittotorol 000 I'. 11. 11,0 1 Ntqthitinberiatel at 1).93 A. M. rir4ltaag is NiIt01.1 , 1411: at 9.t/t. 71 04.1 bile 44.44141 i. 41 1t.140000 . 1 444, Vita 4,44- from rwran, ota,kpini44.4l 01:02, mt , r ,f 02 I%MAU la fj.rt Or 4444 Int , 0141 t. 4,410 IMO! 01 r,r 4,4.0 4141* ob, a 10 101 l car to.os+ 1,1 ,try pmnt "it tii«. trod 414141,1 , 111; Haul it , td, tot , t , oalt IF r ilks - 4,4 fr tolt :Ana e,,,P , 414,401" f4ft, 3. ft) ally other 404(0 J. ILAb 1: S E. $, VoiAG, Geu'l Iturrt.tirg G.4ti'l tiThstow e. and AAC M. twit COMEIRIIIMV. Cen'l isVstosts rst Freight Agent. Butj4lo, N Deceno9t9. 19, 144. sTOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT, Ann , thres to his coney fneade uud mnnetnna tr tint, chat be cmainots tht. above bnzmcs s at his 04 plate busisiv., on MA IN tifitLE r, ot.ooms. tits chtteierla and abets can bu tteconithod tied with FANCY STOVES r„..1 orall kindv.Ftnvepiprv.Tt* innre 1 and every .... c n,twh. fit in 1,11 NiAi 1,11041111 STI /Vl 7 : -.. ~ ANL) TIVIN `Ur: I r:TAIII.InLMI4kre 111 tile Cake.. Arid on the inn%l to.room.alle form,. hill; El NUL 1300,Ps TWO! A (11#. ‘v,ll bp wit op on oflort moue. Also, up kinds at topainor done vromp , l) and upon toto.r.ll fermi tool.* on hand tt 1”rzo Ptipply of Milk rani. ut dilier-ot ; be=ides a tiro: 4.0* Eon I men( of Flotieete rvithbvaliisu EKOtt Pro' CAM., (lit or 111111 a eta Jull I+l 1.0.1 tr. Iz;UPERB HOLIDAY PRESENTS Watches Watches atches DE TREY &PO., Importer" awl Whql , lsule Dr.rikry t n Odd aid Silo.r ifaalies of all descriptions, 34 Liberty AS . b.rft, F., Reg to inform the pohlto that they have lost re ceiceit the lIWO P1.1:9111. perfect. Had fiCtl:r,or Watch ever introduced in Oita market. The rXlTLetittp,, 3 IWO Wald. extra rotas l'arnt told plat, don Solver, tongittlicently coerave tioe -1) and t ddy Enatnclod Itnotool pm e at genuine Illimostoomet Hruuls, thoronuttly rtntn taual by t h e Ithtiet VAOry, Mid tk rt 3111.04 to bit 1,10 Ne Vine Ultra Tom* Kocper. A F31 ,, f6 trod nest bent's Cr lady ' ; size, Will m.ll t froe to att) ;Odra,* on receipt of sr& or, if prefer red, wit he sent, c. o. rte. on receipt of $3 es part payment. The watt,' will he sent 1 y Express. or mail 'eats feted. so that there In /1111inOt mit3lil4llll4 of 103011111; their ; hit the t'Attre.4 CO. Of rti , t Mike fall in their way, ivy witi send another %atoll immediately. Orders mo kind of Watelica prompdb , and faithfully loYilled. tor tam, ttle Tt ride, A (MN! A. —l4 e 11 OM AUeltt4 on overt , lawn *tor roomy in th coootry, tool to those H ing s „ s ki, liHorei iudoretotois will tor altered. rieooo 'woo Hooey by Eopreoo, (root (Mire Order or Itioult Urotto,) to Dig 'ru KV & Litivrty tired, N, Y 00.24, WC-11m. J. A DENTINITKif. fir, C . O s u k, EiG it o l ti t DENTIST. rt'CI.LY proteeto• louat ,arvicao Wr tit. Wu.. and twilit.• tiCh t two. 1.1 ottostolittottil victim). H e 0 , prepttrad as ut ..41 to uII tha vortotts. ap *,*Flom iu th, iine of ,sis pn,(psomt !Andre provi , l4 W ot'w lutest litiproVt'd PffiCh.L.4llr Tg1..111% whir W 111 , 41 n .artad on uot.l. i tlat: aa,siivorund rulthav by , I I loet.w. II us tho animal teeth Ni ler II elute and hO ak t , eth menefertu red fa , ull of err Neer no teethwu refit ly and properly attended le. IterN'estre nod elate It few doors 4bova the Court MON, xnme vide , NI te,nebort, JURCI 6 1063 00,000 SHINULES & A LARUE LOT OF FECNING BOARDS FOR onto The undo 'signed offers for pale upon inn nuoull qqopAlllo 11.11110, sit his plats of buoineMll. in ttENITOM,I.II,III,tI 34 MI A 1:4111N TT, 1.„11 111111111 M d thou sand 1.106110 and a torso tot nt fencing beisrils, of the very beet quality, both phis sof hemlock. J, J. 110114011. Down, May t, GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN SElf INO E►npire Shuttle• Machine ! 1 11 41.11tORIK)M 4 . A3ll nroadwnr. N. Y. Irdt N mbi/11011111 1 1 , 0., 9111 Ow. nit Plrem. I ph ie. mi. ill. ISM. Ttllll dittittliNg t• ran.trnetell nn ontirolv now prtnehotrpt. 0. i00,,dn..40, 1.110+0.••1111/ ommy tlsre and vald sble havin t 0;110100d by the awl profound experta and pritnmincted be Sintp['cit. , ' and Perfection Comb;nell. 11 IWO , t otrnlttlit nordle, porpi•iwis•silur whAra Ihr 1....eK SIII •r rim 1-Trrini w h.q. will rwitlwr 1111' low HAVEL ood b n'ikr GIS both Ode. ; poi toms p.•rf..rl INH ifilf nn rv.•ry •14.4..ripf •( 1111111t•flItt. sss n111.•r fit Ih.• 141:1roitssio. 1111.11, Of ►llk the...l. fro• 11 ilss rmirpto..l In Ib. Anr.l nnll.h.•r. INVillt us ilia, ".1 .1 or . : , 1 1 1 MIMI.. *milli.. 1.944 pw.soltiln (rlctinn.itruns or SlMltitil lii..' II Emphatically a Noinchns Machine, It riltir.s I , lrry rim cr. v.r. 1.., drier it ilis.is oty Oh..r nutrition, In the market A rill 'wrier 'rare of eg• rail with it retest:sly. without ratios . of lOilifV ur hofillry It• Str.ottli ars., wonderful Pi inpliest y arwipt,o, than ren.iprt I &moot insp.,— phi. , ho get out s, order. im.l tll'AltAPilrEElt by the compuoy to give ew. tlifoonlirMr .V.. rr+p.•rtlolly invite WI ,tio.r who ism &sirs to ftuitip, 11.11.11,i'lliP111 14 Oh I r srNrl.•. lo cnmr and eassitioe this 1:NIIIVAi.1.1: 1 1 a•ru• hull boor'. in.tntrun.• in nilitia . .ll to ruoblo Inv person to watt this iu4chto • tu Uhl/ row. fid. t.a.ePnn. At.•ats wanted for All WO.. I • the Potted States. 16. re nenriee ore hoot already .061660....1 1., Nellie°. Control dad *owls Anserica. to v. hum .16.41.t0t 0111 be given. I.lllPllni SI6WING NAtttllNF mire: CA. broodway. N. Y. LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. Bradley's Itlebraird Palma DI; ri.cx 11.1.11. no ( OK imu:BLE z‘Piii VG) The Wnwiorfol rissilislitv And twat rnmfort owl plPn.nor espy 4.•nrins tam 1141.1..2 "wpm', Piker' will he etiwriwiie.dlnientisinriv in nil ernw.l..ll A...n.nit0.0. • 'piers.. CarriniPli. 111111,11411 l'ar.. nein 0r• Pb sy , ll PII110011:itle 411.1 11/0010 1.7„„. ee 11 ,, ,ifiirt cm", le (01.1/01 nlll , lll 10 001 1 ~e. r „ p , A .1.011 plan As r*/11,1*411.1 1.011W01.1..1111,1 lip 4 61111 Or t“..1111 Ihrs.. an I.lYnl4aGla gspahty in aiss• 4,1jA0, not Omni in any iiingiv Ain. 11,11.1 y bniritinClikntql itt.• co.fini . , n d An tnnvriii..nc* of Vi.arihil Ihr Diaries tlliplie Pprllme ekul f. , u POlllllO 1111 Y, Mlll swyPf ends wards eriillogie iii.Psure With stow use. For 11111. ‘11.64 and Vuiing Ladled Intl nu superior 1111 010 e *. 'I y a ill tint bend nrloroult like ilie f . finale „ ie ." ve mei, iii.flact and rra• attl its ,o MC, OW.111.111) Akio. Will Have Ce...lt lapiwn imale sa 11001ril. kr.. c.. •rrd w mid hi1j.1.411 Shied& and I be. boti , .lll err, and truly ansililit splints. but twat* (or .1 01 11.1. I : throe' how %curing out N lieu diusuing down tumult. 0111111 , .. &C. • liPlie is I rival tmorite with all Air. a n d is untvrenally by bnsnxro , •v e► OW iliVelt4U !Mill' OF rue .1 , i! Avow iersrimnLl« advalitoruo, to ir 1% ,, p ,, Mir tu.slert moment. Silly. stye .II 11001., 11. ihi ily. Joetoutilly. Cothfoll (11111 etplive 611 . J. W. 1.44101..tes Ellpicj Elliptic, tlprnig Bklrt. and guru you, et the itripoiliOlll/11,11% chu Isitird Jig:1111ml 1,411 . 11 4 vrt0m pittli t .our to gitil ICE Shot rAiit. Solh,rfol :pi 'Alt.. MO rvJ ilik 'Mini.. ••!. W. Nail. thiptcl iipt.ii baud--u WWI , ' tin. gvnulau. Mini Nolte.. t h at every WOW altl NINO II (Ma ',Mow.' tio, otg l i Ih. 111110 lA. for OsOf ilk ' to t ing brisdud logother thurrot. t% hole 511.1, itiblitly and ~O rrultils. audit • bowlful* 11114 to b,. (wool in any othor rkirl. Full 0, 1 11.1 K lit all clomp tt here FatsT 11,4tift skirts are sold throughout the lmv d rflatav and 11100 here. baltufwaiire..l by the Sete owmqv a or, rnfrot, Rft °OA 151. CAR y, & :11 6. et 1:,..1 , 1e N. V. October tO. --tat ttEAT ArfitAt'lLON A r t»ittiUr :Et/ SiiflitE. TC twaq 0.4%, to nhoowire to try,.. (11Z5, lho No:Hirt that oo s tHolly his urd ',au th..noth .10 CIMItt 01 MIMI AUtj too smote 1.4 ur GIIEEN AND 131411 C rEA 8, ColT , e. Surat. Sytaa%.Tattitact cittata. MN:A Frail Coat *al. tta Hatter. Effe.. Lard tlaattta. Itriat f, Uttettera. limas, Parlor and liana Lamp, Paw , . .001 wads, ultd ptnt ataahps. Ityt. nfr C 1014,1 1 -,, (lath, 11)4 p tats, 80.111 4 , flaur, (lay, tats , tat.a art! Pat. ty. eat. ri.ti Th a d, t aattiva itattodt t Book., it'tdona Pap. t. lak, Hardware, Pat t Knives, I 'watts, tkr..kt!. Ate. its keeps in (act cyan °Hag appattadiaq to a first Chem) Grocery BU4 Variety Store. fto t. determined not In he undersold. All hinds uf pfuJ tire Inkrmnt ihei II ti 11 KET PRI (Is'. lta v iuy o.t received a new -Or k, the ii,ortio tire eortit , tly Invited to roll and tioinaeit e. 4 fly Are t uttennen to ha 11l 4. he 1 - wpf.T6 toot roily in ce tatn , lit,. pa:Pato:le kat.' it're'tio . it, lie feeto ihaak• f"r 1.04 ra4 alld 11 1 11 many yen'' , elpertrioo iii the irt.invAs, he 6.0+ rrro6drni he ran laritctioti in alI aho ii hint rent their pat JOHN K. GI hTUN, tll =meters. Jane 'IN, 1 , 60, 6 UO V tia CO., .Plano-Forts Manufacturers, 499 Broadwa), New York. "rug iserITNTION of the fillblie and the triple in sit to Wit NOW PE V 8 ,4 SIrTA v HuskuVtt , otr Pi ANti Uttltll^',s, u hi, It Cif' voluire and purity eft no are untivitheei t,v noy hitherto of for, o in this market, Thu contain ail the modern itnionvenieron. griltid ii Stoll, harp peitniariin• 'ramp, OV , q• Sr-.C. 111111 ritch iuslrumpnt fur thy plifivrVialmi of Jtr. J H, ititiovrrtirm, who lta a pia. lien! experienro. °VP( shirty yt , tirit in thrir untruulucturs, is fully war. (anted ill vVerV pativular THE -141itiPES7'EEX PliJAThpit re. MMA!) 11IL littißEOT A%% Ann OF MCRI't CELE. URAUD W./11.1.0 . A t AIR Where were 0%411111 , 4 ItlAttliinelas twin the two nw kers ondon, Now. 6. totally. 1 bit.delphirt., ' tutittmoro, no,t.ot MO t.e w York; tad turn s‘i the Mllo'llllo Inntltule for live wurtewye I itr 601,1) WO BU.vtlt MkPAI.S truth WOW t/1 q bah GSM Le soeu 111 oqr utts liv ih” intro.ftio ,,,, , or improvements we tetttke a more pet reel Piait , ..nat,l, and by manatact ring la , goty. x lilt a atinily ca Ii my44.M. ale xlllll, to niter Inn I inctratnenta at 1.00 - 1 Wilith 1\ ill preclude 1411 voinpolll , M Our rio.'g are fin", s lUY to $4,10 cheaper than any first rln n Pia no4nrtn. TEti rt —*tint rush in current fund,. Itoscriptive circularf wit tree: .IWe tt t ictitr—ty At P. NSW iIiABSSA SKOP. the Milionignod rosportfolly onootiorot that he bov miottra n *hop. In ( * Milt !limba alley , opp,,,it, Nom t=lrhoilpn 'Wel where he it prep- rt..l lit toll. 400 ih” Ini , hetl , l2 in all 11. bran, The art hi roloriov whilithrs and moi,otaeo , prncticod Uy hen must nk ildlllily. tie ob.) ti.nhOnn, innninit ilwon look nearly no Nbotills lIVW upon the 100.1 reti , uttlibitt terms. (lye him a trial •.0- Hair Tunic Ivo 'tory bort avidity, hood for divining Wilt, Vow convt.utty in hood, and (nr side filootorborp. April 83. th6ll.—M Wm. C. mummy, atm. W, CaRIWNIMIL re%l:d 1628. G. W. CAM \«, lIENsZE V & CO, WHD L ESA I. 1, OR lIGGISIW. 737 ihmirr tr. oho aunt bulflW Pill, Prlt4loll4P/118. 11111.708. MI , IIIIIN EC r,m icA PAIhrY OIL*, til.ANtt, V MIN And ever, ether eri kle epprrholulthi to the buetneeel o o w ehe dbaetb-o r ß l a it i yand a the Mardi IC 111$0, ► r at. NSW Spring & Summer:Medicine. Cl= 11 1 ZttriD EZTRACV tbARPI %ZIA 111 1.14.1 coSIIIINEI) • lODIDE OF LIME, PMCM) FuR C. W. I'haTMAII. JAWS B. NICOLA & CO. Manufacturing Chemists, IMIAVIIVA4 Tllll.lO urns ELIXIR PERUVIAN LURK trtin Pretolide Or Iron, ===t===l TOMO AXI.I Itta7'OßA7lll%. Ay fliyylelasse ow limited', its all putty of the folio try. PP* loroopapplipp. "Alarimpirrilln In rnm4ine• Iron w (lb (eolith. or Limn." pr. pool. Oro. of Oise mO4 prr.nq•t ofterniffro roolfro. in I form nips44l,. ..f Ind ro fortiori upon Ii ry.lrw. Wild Miro (is 'wooly nod pl.•nrnnl slows II it cofirednol I'•Nt. lii•' to.ulV•• or. or Imor erred. of 11/elieen ar•o oxeii. nil moot d.•eidodly w, . nn ifilSoekelool Weill Billie/ jelieme. ill cowielboillem : non 111.. Anronpnrfiln rnenln in fulfill pert. rely nU lily favroubli. rolferisitfusts. Tip. Pro' • IL •.1 fr tunny olronfirrol Wll.lB "A UtA.WA I. ILLA wrrii ions ue Or Lime" JP tnSun I. tots obrrs.a.« or app.tite allsowoola that It ho• irtl. •of 4 cluorsociet. It. sol .l root v.• olles iota osousoitrot oil K. r«ddy toossoniaa opus wall .h•• la .....I afro Ita•u •a Pala. scroorosloosto sum..., ass I choldr••n otuprosvot rapidly osnoler u•u, gam Iwo vit4/ (44.1441(411•01111IP X soololtloy rnlydtll'•h. 55 so ass ssoo raksy Voyled to a WS, autrh.•r 40 I lirl'al. Se .•r al ..t air r000sso• pawn*, V• eloilsirea It 1...111• ...if.. mow both by MI mil.hu•r. nest osofico.hos of medicinal 1.11141 and tlia plosaossont. all reel OW , r. 4111 of rn,u•..ly. If Indy Issaa c00n+111.111...1111 intl nynr.. XIV de.in•d. 111 no ►.• pull• 1.4010. di.oloasoo.at an t•i 111X/t llu• eye 14, 4110.411. I• r.•d. to Iltp•/..lot 011111011. and it Al4O I 0• Iss sosolarrate dote. afoul teller IS oat•.ined In Me Spring nj . the fear, and daring Me I►iuu Iraither, the hrelinnalii(Staf, nr merhi.t suotor• to the ryltris In. to bey illsmil••••lotot reify 'moot. *Ml6's 1,411. 011U.1 , •, Itrunnc6r. 11 ,, ISCets.11v1,41v**, lapis or Nine In 11,0 JnlnU. lasibleolion, plc , ore veer remm.m. A , ..05500 ...ref der ire.i ke• nor iliblipied ,•11t,•risii ilt• sis &Ms. Olrille• • eif cliou.lll ,o Om. new retort . *Huss of dAltd.ss'Altli.i..l 01 1 1 1JOILA; sly LI Wk. Na jorgparationdikr it, or whir* approrialates t• iJ as 46 41teratere, or Moil r, has errelocfart been placed Irish,* she reach qf impalas la•ltad. $5 la ass Must) al ta and ifiatirssierdabilio Ilan. Ita eta raatatt rea,ustiling an) lbws bathes to era• ployed. 'llia "pinion of medical lung roavralbe Ii tho Jn .rfiylb.n of fir ri Illiitaisosilir V.ll See. batnaot or a.e, air.. air pis 1.1 abirU roil be bad at the 'tote at all and all drat eta.• Urarlt•es. PU I4I m Ilbwmpbsorit, whelasate auo ntuil, by k bloyor. awl all Drawee June 1.. Inue.—Gm. tie Sligliqf Clothing. fa CV? !flooring and Stu:tosser Gouda.. 44) .A. vvifo.r11N'kv 106 ) • Ni ./ tei) stud! rip :Ili 10/ dt VlTrfl ;mention In hi. +kali of cheap and Noll. I innsible ihnig at .1131 N 47711; ET. 111.01)31S t.'l: G. two dears whore the duet lima Hauser whe r e h. ha. Pig re.,ived firma Now York and phl ladolphic a full oroqiiiient of Men mad Ilorti Clotlahag, eisrht4int thr nit.t d•orable and baud rondwing ltulr Suck, Frock, Gum and Oil Clutf Con!a, and Pala fe or all .ette..ittn.. and (mi.'s. ftH also has repleh ,.bed his alseady huge stock at tall nal IVieter Shea Is ; strtteel. figured sod plain Vest., ghlite, ,yavid a, atwke. collMtll. hnndkufchtrfs, gitOVelle .u.. pendent and Casey article., N It. Ale has eteletuetir on hand a tame and teen selerte4 aseertnient ..( 13..1180 11.1.1 V.:0111114. Whidi he is pupated lu evoke up In nr.1.1. IMO Hey kind of d"thini un Vet, 011.6 italics. and ID the best of us ;to 11.9% Ai: lUs elmleins i. mad: to tv-.ar and mart of it i of imam summiat.ture. ..31.z)aa1.1 s3F3P3l34:•l3atita so ALAI) crl :12 11::.t0! . .P.. "a`•• Ilf otwry ilesrripu•.n. CM^ ili•Cmpw of b•w.•lt 6 4 nut *411180111....1 Its ,is. sill :Inlet. hmitin hid ceueral aesonsucnt 01 Clothing. Mitchel. lewelry, &c. &c. hAv ID LowENucito Bloomsburg, April 40.1titia. NEW TOBACCO STORE. IL IL III:NSII1:11(EIZ, At eta Street, , e the , ,ta Whfqa try Ike. ryx oo hand, ltoo hi; 414 h• s to titc hattle atol couilt'y trwle, at Iha adt bt.t FINE CUT AND PLUG TOP ACCO!4, uomesTic AND 31PORICD CIGAR on kind+ of SMOKIAG 9'O111C41), nnd Briar Wo,”i riprs, uhd:d! pprilloing In. Irt,fr e; , '• $ r 14411 .1,1,1'4 in timers and ciww• (0t131.10.1 tt#1:1 , 11 di, ‘t 41i if, di% e Itto a chit ill g,,,,ri'ne to th, ritSi, for ..vary utti, the) nvq , a nc pqrch.t.ine of . th4=of o,llom - raL,ri. .11SS LIZZIE PI4.TERMAN, 1 Wool 4 tottontoro to the thhomohirr and phhih• ir , heralty, that ,Ihr• hub y.l&t. 1 , 4i:11 , 4 10m the eat.turil ci'taa her &p 1 *lig and Plitsusaier Stnek of MILLINERY GOODS, nr nU tirticw p figotglly fromd in higt eltigg %Wintery rt04,:4. lirr urp Ittr 411 J a 11.0114 the MONt hat,th.on, In the 10301414. C:11111101rzatutm , tlwelt for .1”or ,, Ne•tt,,,ly purchusq li , re !plot, :Willi • Ina ,4.. ck ui go,,,is [lmmo s wade 10.,,,kr, On I 110 1 , 110rW.1 uaf fee. or r,pliroA. pltre I. 3d 4 , of below the store of ltepbtl. tilo4rtobborg. 3U.ry 1466.—te. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! ! FOR FALL and:WINTER, AT IL W. BOWMAN'S (Man cta egraD f.'M qi.) tram) a 011ANG:EVILttr, THE ilmi , .rtiptuti hart just rpreired r, vqv taco at:d xrvil , vd ae.ottoolit of FALL AND WI ATf.lt Gotr„t, u htrb % to bull .11 %Pry tow rated flu loot the bept qu4lttles currint entssimeftss, AWSLI NS, CALICOES, DELAINES, mcnisoca, 411Ertit4, ltc. Arc The Grocery Pepsiriment with ihp hod ysnlity nt freq4b orrocerieo and pr”vi.ion., ' , tido not augur, moidoyes, *Alt, deli, Were. &e. ti..r Country Pm taro taken in rx^hansc for gongs. for which ilia biabeat market priro wrli hr given. gr Don't tail to give Mai a tall and secant arAtt bargains, Ornneoa illo, Nov. A riE..`t CV Mr.rttelouel Feb weppenhiser, or Mifflin Township, hos trlteettrell the Agency of Coltoohta County ter the 010 y 01 southern 111 tort' ra %tar, the 1.11. T 41'Sf: by EtiWrlrd A, Pollard, of r iono .. tiotottlete to ma tame vpinntit, of Urttrig aro ittWtt i 1 1w in.fory or enamelled Gas too ellen Nitta by I , .•tt 44 the victor. and to Itirtlrtt jttsfirtt in tluz titttitht`lll manse, the yell too nt he token 1> sane soother!, moot; tthn is 'l4 1111114 to tirVitte him 11100 AIM trtit'lltrn to Ott Yilldlt MIMI of hitt emitttrynteli : in It a hint try fir Whirl; 1.114 ti trittiirtlirt4 the ernteinal of the lotelliaeut, nod merit the attention orall hon. ert optlrrrat PAO. SHUTTLE SEWING I.lLe Cn Lel Z,1,1,7.7 LailC Are eorwrior to oil ether', for ►AMII.Y AND MA Nu MAT IND let! Ill'OA NS. Ce.Dito ell the Imre liiprotnwent■ eyoedy noisome**, durable ; tool cony to work. Arnie wonted. Lib. erM dteanrnt ellowed. Nn eettrigiostouto mode. A 4dreoe I. M. WU UfeadWq, New 7nik. Ilepiember de Co. FOUT MO 01111 catiii 11 EAVE , Cue'ullH, WS. TE I' FE• VFIRS, VoI:SLLIt LOSS OE SITE A s n VITAL ESEItt; V, /cc. Its use lailWevei the Wln 4 , thermions %An ametite , Ores • smooth mut irloso sklu—and " tran.formi th e inisorst;lo skeleton into a Cno•looking horse. To keepies of Cows this preparation is improve, of the at Deco pre tool est Inerrnte tit, of cream t cent. and butter sweet. fn cattle, it % on ni.potio their hi , males the In :4:1 diseases of Swipe, such se Coughs, the Lungs, Liver, • • , Ste , tads article ' lU4 mete rte a aperille. Dy putties Nun . ens-half a paper ^ • ' N, a piper in a barrel or swill the 1 1 11010 —. shoat:disgrace ' • will be eradicated Of enti-ely prevent•md It girrn In time, • preventive end cute fur the ileg Cholera. P:iee 26 Ceati per Plre., or 6 Papers PDETAXED DT S. A. 1701M1."1: & 11311 rnotrqlll DTWD IND DEMME Dl' No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, For Sole by Ilniggigs and Stonikftral out tL. Wuxi States. ror *NW lit llle IfIN! Plow, nt Y.LIM g MO YER, Bloomsburg. Jan B. WI 7 —l2ale W. 11. WIIITMo AS bean in auccessfhl practice for a morn I I yenta. hills the experience et lbe ditrereet P llll ' in I ;""i'''. 111 . 4 a im'iliber ni" Ibc Ais.d, lilenkrol institute of New Vi 01. moil sort, in n , to all prefy•sineel eioet al his edict , ha. t.l Yi direet, Yhpaii. •lpl.i i. bc, wilent Mrditinel, art, 10.011,1111 et the meeelse+ thimintolnrn,l are %Inch nil ak rows' the cenotlelien. bat frilii,Vl,ll. inns fr•el all injarl.•a it has au.taiued from mi. lenVi.lll. leptons in a Ischltby pert • its ri:t ..... 3. I; rsi rd nr 4. that thelte, , sing disease an. destroyer at Iteulth and happips.,s, sa t teristats ow I fiat c.h,l yeaity eau r mit 11......01:. to Molt' ;r3VP , ., yin mad emplia ieally be eared, 4. M. lincholV. Abberratiosi. that atm^ tit AI tint, and weakness at tho mind Which rets , ter. sme. ineapaht.. „,1 cassyllq, ih pleartites or party. His the duties It lite, 4. 11111.1i11ATiliti.:11 Ciri4 ar toujetionxin In or nom.. %%Ai ward EP11.10 . 6% . ur futita: Sickneri. all chronic atobbcrn mixt or FEMALE DISEASES radically removed ; Pd't glimmt and every d•gerl lime of uleetaiious • riles 0 , 141 IPrfollllollo dirego %Odra have balllyd All im.diedl skill. ran I ruled by my trembiela ; n 1.4 I du say all (se. rossearrierel rau be estro•Ai by *tat ...g my Me Fitted I,trlltet. 0 a pro rtlnu to Illq Ilia asainet NII flialift a of a 11.44 tlimalato ho Ilig tcrd.tuod..d tan.d: and rhoractor I lilt. ..i . ! ai • 47,:0) ii. ell 'mils of ; 11111 rot • peria..es. oily all chronic aro.: 4a.A.3 and IIvIVUUIII yi :041.1:8 11, tame Curd without the kalie or Tape) Worm. that eroae:o U, /Inman Tenafly veer,. e..n I 0 emeove.i n two 01 11.100 40.011 my newly dloto•vered renooly. wail:often ao eall.ollt.iiloll 111 Ihpleh anti I.lolellll, free of chorea. Will make rt-iio any thiliNnC“ 1101.11,1 3f..) by to:ier(rooddenti..tl Und 110 .1 the ocl,t prop e dllrrUVna to I. part co fn.:reentry. or. ler.—No, nVi rbila April 4. 18.4;•—ly. nr.!• , l; * r. • . ••• ; . • :10 , .• I I • ibti,4 ; •• • I r.•til it . ; fl. . 1. • - Pt • vt liit Itoi,o • , • 1?... th,tl c ‘ ro 0, • rl COI•!:E•fi, •• soit,“id rot. if lb do, ' Pnrr.,nn IA I Jiwei or set , tif,tl 4epo rt. (80 Oth pi , ll r vnonow Itrgu.i. 1,1 IL a. twttett Lt toy uY t htt felt. PI-Nn offirr. Apr , if (3S. A I.lm it.y , r4 THOI Fig corll , l 61 MUM 441 11,C:i , Str , rt,, A oua near Lit of 1 , 11,4 and Vhrnioo4. nlsrar4 1111 1 . 4 u I, enltlirbevp.vt th.in :a Ut Uu g Stor., in 1-m n, QUALITY GUARANTEED. Proki nplums carvlay otopomfed as Ainy Lorfo A, and Jay Mb Medicines told at Mope,* r, ! Storo, Tar 1'1,1.0,4% tAk 4'w Cod S)rcp, 0 : 4,1 1,1 et, t ' yr , :lab Fittla 111 1, t;idadti. tal l .11•1;ti. , ye (hog of all 11. iv,ato 01, 1 , ta 7. St t , , iii00111 , 1011(e, Pu. Nov *I. TM: tut. t, annonnen4 ttt rahlte that it , keeps comAnntiv on 11310, at otapt.tn+l, on, i1 ,, ,4 I.utz,'" Itrng t.tore. WALL PArl , :lt, Oii rfroh. nnl Pvrr Tn *eta and Fixture, L trio, , tat tho to 1at4,1 .01e4 a 44.1 d,b, do all fond. nt pop Ihingiag to order. E. J. 'WWI fON. Fliiioni4mr7. April N. 11 . 1111110YER. ATTOUNEY - AT - LAw o.lfire oppoate Post lice, over Iltalamb's oltor. !lack Lay, &onto, Pensions and Got rrana . nt claims promptly collected. 00mi.1,0 rR. Apr. 4. 'ski. CHAA Attorney at Law, R. W. BOWMAN BLOOMSBLRG, COLUMBIA CO., P tIJ, practice in the comical Confined' truturit I , ll' ettunta. MI knit; tincture,' "littmstrit to raw shall receive ptempt nu, mum, tinier- tin Main htte , ^l. CZChaltpc Blinding*, Miner's State. illormihunt, April tit. 144 M. M. TRANI!, Arttlitli ET -AT-14.1 Pi, oms t*RO, Will rtra inien in tn.^ nevcral Cunt'; Of CONIII And ini,inuntin en Mintz, lit All Cnitentntill promptly nonn.lo,' to, Jnno 2G.IRBU. I.lt. J. R. IA l'l)hician and Surgeou, ifooaccos ; a..coolly tag M Sheet, 141.00,NISBWIG, Pa., rs. , oltl tarn) the pubitc vonerttily. two. he petputvo4 attend to nit biteiopiea teititttitiy red puoctooley ii.oy be intrusted to Ws tom on I• ;we rote with the Woes, 11:7 Ho pogo Owlet lineation to to:lorry le w is mulleins. pi ,VG, 1 get— ly. van CYt VES AT THEIR EM OIVINIUUS LI: F.. JACOB L. taitTON, r opt iatat BEM PitlE Dittcs, \V ALL 1)A E BLOOMSBURG, P.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers