CM VOL. XXXI. OFFICEIOI COL 1111111 A CO. President Judge—Hon. William Elwell. Associate Judges-- ti Peter A. no WM. Freaky and tII. te ( no, s--.Je0,..r ( maw Register and Itetanst,tr—John G. Freeze. Allen Mann, C otrim i o e„j o— F. Fowler, i Montgomery Cole. Sh e , r--'Samuel Snyder. T r otturer—John J. Stiles, Daniel Snyder, &editors- 1 1,. B Rupert, I John P. Hannon. Commissioner's Clerk—Win, Krieklamm, Commissioner's Attornel ir ki. H. Little. Appraiser.--4 apt. Crew. W. CB. - County Stineyor—lstme A. Dewitt. Pistriet Attorney —Milton M. Traugh. Coroner--Williunt .1. I kohl. County Soperintentlent- Chas. Ct. Barkley, Assessor Internal Revenue—H. F. Clark. John Thomas, S. B. Diemer, .1. 11. Ikeler, J. S. Wootls. Colleetort—llenjamin F. Ilartolan, Assibtant Assr4s:.or— VEW STOVE AND TIN SITUP. .L 1 MAlv S•rn rrr, ANN orrnsiTM MILI,CR'S r. Ulm( ;US 111* '; , PA. oindet*dglnnt 11 ,, s j r t Cued ty, And oir nlnd lien. STOVE !IND TIN %HOP, IN 11114 plote, tow Imre jA prepare,' to mak, up flew WI of ill hoods in Mid do ' , pair. ;# 4 .- 011 ttethattf , itOd dt , tp ark, upon Ihiwour«t andirdil” penn4, Itr d!, , 0 keeps In hand tcrov P. 4 nt vit t ioUo worm. nod «tyleo, %bleb lin will pull upon trill to Ora tlOrchrwrw. . , GIV.! W. • Ile is a deo4 i lini ie. and de streted (4' . ht toddle patronage. JACOB Acgt.9, Iflrth—ly ESPY UOTEL, Espy, Columbia Co. Pa. ITU 1111.1171 , 4004 11:1 ber..llle 0 1 , prop pronri , anr of 11$0 ki't 11 1•11 , M allfl ennvr , Ira 11..1 frient, and the pithhe in gf.11.1411. Mil he ha. lint In. kung iu tollllll4ii, nrtler th, and for the feces,. 'ion And effier I:1111,11 , 4n of tray, %Opt way fs,l diap*s„d to r.,VOE it with their e 1,10.11 h a+ h "'” siffir" rn prcptrltlin. 11 , lel for 11, t,ltittt nl of :um ilinhieif .hall In , neintitql, on ho p rt. I. i t flitttr pttr,,,at ennitoll, The 141r411011 11.. 11 31. OW htll l ‘lllo2, in a 41,41,1 n o n, and ull , 111 , is amply i1f1.1114 , 11 te , 101:1. Ait')”W. Apttl 11, 1.'4..-41. PLASTER FOR SALE Tile undon.izon,l is about tilting on a at h PENN rrnvACE MIMS, affil will otnr the 1,0 lit UNI lIL NORIA) l'uNr; DES I' 1%0 is Scotia While Plal•ter. freapnrF=l te.lify for t),` in gnnetifi , purr ha+ OIL al "ay lime iroak tI Mat of March a,Nt 310aNr11, Jain. V. 1,67 BU( El' AND SlitiE 81101'. ().c i'.lll GIRTOX. Ile`l"or'MY infortug ih== pnidto that ho ix now pre pared to no,mitactwo all Isiatl , of gm BOOTS AND SHOES, TV6 at the L IrEST Asa!, ; At stmtt n 4410. 41 , 111 in the vnrs trent and 1311.0 Mr. t:irino. OA is in Minimsburg. ha had wane "r t'i•ti.rot *txpi , ro nri , with a rep utagon for yin“iliatirk. integrity and Cpl' r Iqt , (lT44K rvrr Sorfth Ea At f`orivir of Main and Iron tire , is, over 1, K.Girtonli Illotinistoirg. 10, ledli —l,ll FMIKS GI O. W. MAUGEtt, Proprietor. The :glove well knnau hotel has recently under rule rid,t in it, internal nifangenu and its pr,,prim.q annOtifire4 10 ana for tint I iii ptthile lit hi< or r,olllllll,,thlthlt, for the coattnrt or his gusto are xrcnnJ to nine to the ..,; try. Ills lisble aiii I,lWayrt be round Oth pried, not mil} With wiliNthlll.l3l 1. 0 4. bat With 31 the 41,414,16.-. of the $41 ,,, !1. asa liptrift (except that popular heverstare known as ..11( Urn ry pnrebased direr! front Ine itaportiu,k lonn.en, are en . MeV free ft. In nil vnironnns tinge, Ile is thankful for n I intrni patinitatte in the past, and Will continue to deserve it in the future. F taw , : MAt'IIINE AND 111:1)A1 51101`, Tun nntlntsigned wool,' roost respertfolly saniwe t o the pubilu generally, that he is pr , Wired to (Aerate all kind, or MACHINERY, at Jtis , Ern 811ARI'I,PtS+' P+D''NDt:Y.ln Miamisburg. where ha r an always he (Mind ready to do all knots of repair. tor. inclading Threshing trines, and in short, ntl kind. of t Nit AND riTtN6 I.l* CASI'INE, AND M ACIIINERE, 41611., on Own fl ink m , In a good a orktitantike WWI ,111.111 the most reasolihl,l,. terms. WI long etnerience in the hositiess as foreman In the shop to LewisAlans of this pla , e, for over nine years. warrants loot in stymy; that he can give attire satisfaction to all w°ll4 IMO write Om. work, vicuna( II 'IS It T Bloomsburg, lsTov. 21, INVENTORS' orricEs. VET NEUIL & EVANS, inners and Patent Solititorc ALM; T tri 111 , roo.noct.ritta. 4livited—ConAitlhitous on Comtwt.ring mg and Skrithe..l4o499s ;rml MA:DK and tillrtlily oloo.fed to. Speer.' co to II EJLA - 1 IAI Ard , .s and I NTlitt , CI.. Aollfrotir Copies of all lboottueota ' mo t patent iNitre pmcittril. N It.--dave your. iVeoilltn`iP,4 tremble and tray. cling P-Xp , newlCl4 4 tam to no acatmi aced for wool. al interviro with thi. All toliktut,4 tloota Al& too; cmi or CtAti,actell in tiritnic mattou dir-a a. °tole, with iminip uocluold for Wir• cumar with rel,r,hrts. April I .".,Llfitio—ly,—.l W. FAI,LON HOUSE. T emh,rribet• hating purr:4u.44,d the -Fallon in LOCK HAVEN, Pa., of niter ty (4 . E. W. Eigany. would .ny to thtt it wade+ of Ow ii , mwe, hie arlimintatteep, null tit pub its gem to li y, it.:4 ha inn nth+ In “keep s fl VW, With HIP and ormf , fts of a nom, sag bumble blow Hutt? Nartinge. J. OPT EliklitiL, Late 0( the Mtutienn House, Ph thatibilthkat 'ack flueett, Dec, sti, itaut. ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Aertate of Leah hhe, lute of Centre To&cn. Mllk.l t tit ct turd. briets of administration on the estate of Leah ?ohs, late of Ventre' Too whip, esiiinthia toollotY• deed., here been panted by the Register of said rlodlitit to Joseph Point, rosidints in the townehiP and roomy tioresaid. Mt persons haring attune on the battle ors requested to present. themselves for r•uleuteat ' and those Indented to the relate will ohs otydieot forthwith to tee edelleirn Of. JUSLPII rose. lBll7-11w. IMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Batik .41esande r rople, dawned : tin of AtlonOnlettatlon tio the collie of Ale split, late of Eketplosereek townellitltt ty. deed, have Ihimso ranted by 11110 Keitteter ettoty. P. Render who resides to Ifilibleg• bold county, All peer oebovitait dilate 'the est of the iiketoloot 4lt eellfeitoti to lo Anuwoi to lb. udwilmetrator, sod lbw. PINOW' to p inde►led le MIMI parleill If 11810oe tbottio. 111 R, 'l7-thr Me% , • , .., . .. . ~. . . . • , BLOOMSBILRG . ..,,, ; • .. • ~,...„,_,... ..........s, , ~..„.....„.,,,..„., . - ••4, ...‘, ~,',';',,:';, . ' ...' • .101 M ,,, ,, ',,i: .. i, I) rm J OCR A T • poontoturg Ptitiorrat la Pl'111,1SI1E1) EVERY WEDNESDAY IN 141.0101511V1111, PA., DV WILLIIMNO% H. .114COHY. TERMi 4 ,--111 00 in minnow. 1( not paid within slltillN t fits, fin rent« additional will he charged. NapapPr diarantiiiiio4l mild all arrosrairns are paid wept at the option the niiitor. RATES (4' .UWl3ll'llO '!KM 1.114VN COMATITUTH A OW Age. Out 0/ 11a14. olio or threa 30 Ever,' mihamilaul insertion hiss than 13 30 APACE* lAL iii , 30. Gm, 15. flan 114uare, t 1,1,01 300 1 400 1 000 lO 00 TWO 1010 0100, 3,00 1 5,011 1 600 1 113011 1100 Thrl.o . 1 3,00 1 7,00 1 0,30 l',oo I 10,111 t Pon, 410 0 rOll, 000 1 0,00 I 10,0,, 1 1,4,00 liOo3 1101(1.01111011. I 10,00 1 HMO 1 1400 1 1000 : 1 000 (Inv column, 15,04 110 110 1 130.P0 1 30,00 I 31000 il‘erotor'r , nod Adottnistrator's Notice P3= inhorodwerti»aoftcotminetriudnefWiling Wort Val tnnttitA. solireo, without ailuertheiumit,tWuntY. CI:UP per (Mo. iolvortivouninits t, yuhsa in tuft Hutu nil •liio niter Brut sl"..riotto. tlFrirE-111 shive's Illork, enr.or M3lll and Trott siu.otl, Marta* Winter's dying ! winter "s dying, llis fro.ty glory twist forego, Rear it. in the south-wind sighing, st' it. in the melting snow, litqw it, in the waters roaritnt As on the "molten river rides, And in this rushing torrents pouring Down the ragged mountain sides, info's +lying ! winter's ilving r All his struggles are hi ri.ish Like all ile-pom he is trying Still his sceptre to retain ; Though uometimmt he in strength arises rlutl shakes his frm,ty leeks heard, Tet none who know him he siirprise.4, ills thr e atnine lorksslnsulthi't be feur'a Winter 's dying ! rimer ,lying Cold and cruel was his reign. Nom. among the poor are crying, Nor For him do sorrow f'eign When he troth lordly mansions driven, Brihke,pi , rer*nti, alto' the hoer man's door And many a ea , / insult has given, Through the, shaky hovel floor. Winter 's dying! winter ls dying, Many hearts will sing for jeiy. Thin., who .mat in sorrow sidling, Out of money null employ. !!other-, who thcirehildrett prosbing, (I , *ser to their .hivcring Tlmintli with mother . . love eare.sing, Seareeconhl shield them from t storm,' Brit hr's dying, yes ! he 's W“rilior breezes have crane And the smuttier birds are flying t to their nnrthera 'home; In tie warmth of sunshine, gladness, Wipes the tears rroni many an 4 , 31!, )holy hearts relieves filial s i vkwss, Therebow, let t Winter die ! New 'bay Pity Int' SubAcriptioiss. The following is an mowing recount of the Way a farmer IXI4 taught how eheaply he conk, take the paper. The leon is worth potelering by a gaud many men we wet a :•' "Von have bens at home. of course.— Well. I will end you my l op.r f or one year, for the products of a single hen fer one -•eaom : and the procce4. it seems trifling, preposterous. to imagine the pro duct, of a single lien will pay a subscription; ',crimp , : it won't but I make the offer." exclaimed farmer B. a g ree to it," and appealed to me as witness of the affair. The farmer wont off apparntly touch elated with his !routine:4. The editor went on his way rejoicing. Time rolled around, the world revolved WI its axis, Una the sun no its orbit as it for merly did : the farmer received his paper regularly, and regaled himself with the in. formation from it, and said he was surprised at the progress of himself and family in general einc time in the Hyoid' of Seigel:Aker, I happened to be up again in the other., when who should enter but our friend farmer 11, low do 3,11 :kir. II?" said the edi tor, extending his hand, his countenance lit up with a bland smile; take a chair and be seated, line weather we have. "Yes, sir, quite tine in led," he answer. and then a short silence ensued, during w hi c h o ur Mo l d It. hitched his chair back ward and lorward, twirled his thumbs ulp . struetly, and spit profusely, ',-*.arting up quickly, he said addressing the editor, ' have brought you the proceeds of that hen," It was amusing to FCC the peculiar expres sion of the editor, as he lb!lowed the farmer down to the wagon. I could hardly keep my risablei down. When at the wagon the farmer commenc ed handing over to the editor the products amounting to eighteen pullets, worth twelve and a half cents vault, and a number of doz ens of eggs, making in the aggregate at the least calculation, one dollar and fifty cents more than the price of the paper. "No need," said he, "of men not taking a family newspaper, and paying for it too.— I don't miss this from my roost, yet I have paid for a year's sub.eription and over. All fully, sir; there's no man but what eun take a newspaper, it's charity, you know, com menced at home." "But," said the editor, "I will pity you for what is over the subscription, I did not intend this NA a weans of profit but rather to convince you. I will pay—" "Not a bit of' it, sir ; a bargain is a bar gain, and I am already paid, sir, doubly Paid, sir. And whenever a neighbor makes the complaint I did, I will relate to hint the ben gory. Good day, gendemon."—Ag. riculturaf Ream. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., PA., WEDNESDAY, MA. W. H. JACOBY. Illowasbara, Coluluuii County, l'a For the I ►enioernt. l viivrEn nt HAVEN THE IRANIKRitirr LAW. By the law just passed, jurisdiction in bankruptey is given to the several United States District Courts with the United I tates Circuit Courts acting in a supervisory capac ity as Courts of Equity, and Judges of the District Courts will be assisted by Registers in Bankruptcy, whose powers are limited, and provision is made for refereuce of dis puted questions to the District Court Judges, and for appeals from the District Courts to the Circuit Courts, am, from the latter, in eases where the ma' riu dispute shall ex teed s'..! ; otto, to dm Cuited States Supreme Court. There are two kinds of bankruptcy, untary and involuntary. In the Cumer any person residing within the United States jurisdiction, owing over $3OO, and finding hitnself insolvent, may apply by petition to th e j u d ge of the district in which he has resided fur the six months preceding the date of the petition, or 14 the longest period during such six Mouths, and shall thereupon be declared a bankrupt. The creditors hav ing been properly notified by the Court may appoint one or more asi,ignces of the estate of the debtor , the choice to ha made by the greater part in value and in number of the creditors who have proved their debts, or in case of failure to agree. then by the district Judge, or where there are no oppos ing creditors by the Register. The whole affairs of the bankrupt pass into the hands of t h e ass i gn ee s , who have full power grunt ed them necessary 14 the collection of all debts, and the final adinstment and closing up of the estate ; and where delay is likely to occur from litigation in the find dirt m Om and of de assets, the court is empowered to direct their temporary investment. The bankrupt is liable at all times to be c a lled up fitr examination on oath opal matters relat ing to the disposal or condition of his prop erty or business transa and for good cause his wife may in like manner be com pelled to attend as a witness in the case. In the distribution of the bankrupt's es tate dividends are to be paid as agr e e d u p on by a majority in value of the creditors, from time to time, at three months' intervals but the following claims are first to be paid in full: First, the fees, costs and expenses un der the act : second, debts, taxes and as sessments ; timurth, wages to any operative, clerk or house servant to an amount not ex ceeding fior labor performed within six months preceding the bankruptcy debts due to any person. , who are or may be entitled to preference by the laws of the l*nited States. The voluntary bankrupt is entitled to his discharge provided no fraud is proved against him, at any time, from sixty days to one year after the adholic abut or bankruptcy. but the proof or discovery of any fraud or concealment deprive. him of the right to disvharge. No person who has owe received his discharge is to he entitled again to become a voluntary bankrupt, our less his estate is sufficient to pay seveoty per cent. of his debts, or unless three-fourths or his creditors assent in writing to his bank ruptcy. hererences and fraudulent convey:wee* are declared void by the act. amid suitable provisions are made for the voluntary bank ruptcy of partnership and corporations. The evitaptions are as follows : `The nxcessary household and kinglet) furniture, and such other articles mei tows. saris- of such bankrupt as the assignee shall designate and set apart, having reference in the amount to the family , condition and cir cumstances of the bankrupt but altogether not to exceed in value, in any case, the sum of $:00; and also the wearing apparel of such bankrupt, and that of his wife and children, and the uniform, arms and equip.. 'Hunts of any person who is or has been a soldier in the militia or in the service of the United States ; and such other property, not included in the foregoing exceptions, as is exempted from levy and sale upon execu tion or other process or order of court, by the laws of the State in which the bankrupt has his domicile at the time of the coin me twenty tof the proceedings in bankruptcy to an amount not exceeding that allowed by such State exemption laws in force in the year I S 6 I" Heels of involuntary bankruptcy under the law are daSillivti as follows:Departure or absenve from the State where debts are owed, with intent to defraud creditors ; con cealment to avoid service of press for the recovery of debt; concealment of property to avoid seizure on legal process; assignment designed delay, defraud, or hinder credi tors, arrest and detention for seven days, un der execution fir a debt exceeding one hun dred dollars ; flaunt imprisonment for seven days in a civil action founded on Contract for one hundred dollars ; assignment, gift, eonfes.sion of judgment, or any other act by which preference is given to any creditor, endorser or surety ; dishonoring commercial paper, or suspending and not resuming pay ment for fourteen days. The petition for 101 adjudication of bankruptcy in such cases may come from one or more creditors whose debts reach two hundred and fifty dollars, but the petit' must be brought within six months after the add bankruptcy has been committed. In involuntary bankruptcy the proceedings are more stringent titan in other cases. The penalty for any fraud or conceal ment, direct or indirect, under the act, is imprisonment, with or witboutlard labor, for a term not eaceeding throe years. tar Malice scorned, puts out itself; but argued, gives a kind of credit to a false se ousation. *dr it has been ascertained that the man slim held on to the lart was a ibee “The Situallon.” We observe in the Tore Lula, published at Petersburg, Va., the article given below on the situation of things in the country. It sppears to us to contain a vast amount of truth and it will no doubt strike many others in the same way. The following is the arti• cle in question WHAT IS To lIE THE nEscur? This is a question asked us every day, and as difficult of solution as was supposed to be the riddle of the Sphynx. The more strew uous and rapid the efforts of the destruc tionists in Congress to tear down the pillar*, of constitutional liberty, the more emnplicat ed do their schemes become, and stimulation is lost in doubt and uncertainty, and nothing seems assured beyond " fearful looking for" of some dire national calamity which threatens utter destruction to the prosperity of the country. Apart from the action now being taken upon Stevens' military force bill we can get but a general view of feeling and sentiment at the National Capital, de rived from the opinions of those who pro fess to be posted as to the complications of the situation. There seems but little doubt in the minds of Southern men who have been in Washington in a psuedo representa tive capacity, that terms, however degrading, ' may he bad of the party in power, and that it is hopeless to look for help to the Demo cratic party of' the North. It is further- I more asserted to be the opinion or the little band of Dettmerats and Consocvatives in Congress and out of Compel% together with influential papers not Democratic, but which I are battling with the Denontracy in behalf of Cooservatism, that the South can place nn reliance whatever upon the promises and pledges of the Republicans. and if she doe-, she will not only be dectiv , a, lint will be de sorting the only party which even pretends to uphold and state! by the Constitution. The rapid disintegration which the Consti- Puh' is now undergoing at the hands or, Republican fattativism. it is thought by clear thinking Conservatives, must inevitably lead ti strife and civil war. The excitable class think it will be precipitated at an early day in all probability by the impeachment of the i , President, whilst iambi heads believe that no resistance will be made, moil the n e w form of government begin v 4 to hear oppr.• - sirely upon the people at. large, and that the t day will not he far distant when se It is the eass. Dolte, of New York. together with ' many of the leading journals of the North, even including Repuislitant onus of a milder stamp, agree that the commereial interests of the country are now on the brink of ruin, that a crash is imminent, nay almost inevi t,:!tle, which has no parallel ; and yet in such a crisis, and at the moment when the Su preme Coma is seriously threatened, there s e em s to be no tendency to hri in the price of gold such as wool] be supposed to result front an anticipated panic. Awl a strange feature of the times is. that whilst Dentocratie and Conservative Members profess to believe that the Repub. hew s are destroying the Constitution ate' undermining the liberty of the country—' erecting an odious despotism and paving the way to untold civil troubles, they are. both upon the floor of the Rouse and socially, ou terms, not only of courtesy but of intimacy and personal friendship with these same would-be assassins of public liberty. This an anomaly in the present state of affairs, front which our renders will have to draw their own conclusions. The Dentiterats are at the same time said to he sat earnest and determined set of men. and fully alive to the perils which Illellats! the Repoldie, and in the last degree anxious to preserve the Con stitution without the shedding of blots!, by combining the Conservative forces of the whole country. This combination, however, the Republicans are bent upon preventing, cost what it may. With regard to the position of the Presi dent the most reliable accounts we have, state that he% not alarmed nor shaken, but full of hope and sanguine of the ultimate peaceful solution of national affairs. Ili* immediate l'ollowers are equally sanguine, l tut the party which has hitherto and still sus tains hint, seem to have but little trust in him, and none of that warmth which should reeognise in him a great and fearless leader. They do not look upon hint us a leader, and what is worse have no one upon whom they can rely as the Moses of the age to lead them through the wilderness to the promised land of national peace and prosperity. To sum up in a word, what apart from the struggles in Congress over the prostrate body of the South seems to be now the pop ular tendency of Northern feeling, every one is paying court to General Grant, as court was never before paid any military chieftain of the United States. What the result of it an mar be, time alone can decide. As for ourselves we can make no speculation, nor suggest a solution which may trot be de the unanticipated developments of avdetalyl:y per* While yet we were enemies, Chri-t died for us. Did you ever attempt to im agine what must have been the state of mind that God was in when he looked upon those who were not repentant, that were his enemies still, and that worn so vagrant as to reject his long life services, as to cause his passion, and as to work out his death? Did you over attempt to imagine what must hay? been the state of mind by which, alter hav ing toiled for them, he could in the act of dying pray fur them, saying, "They know not what they do? l►u you get any idea of what the divine feeling is toward a wicked, hating, and hateful being, which Manifests itself in dying for him as the means of rm. to . Solid Sport. I knew a durkey once, who, unlike most of' his race, was industrious and economical. The result was that he had a "house and lot" near a little village in western Penn sylvania, lle soon concluded that it would nut do to own property of this kind without keeping domestie animals on it, and deter mined to stock it. His first acquisition was 11111 old sheep, of' the nude persuasion, which he was very proud of. lie spent many leis ure moments playing with the animal, teach ing it various pranks. Ills chief amuse ment was to get down on all fours on the grass, and nod defiance ut 4he animal. See ing which, the latter would make a savage plunge at him to try and sec whose bend was the hardest. (It is a question.) But as the savage creature came forward like a battering. -rant, nig wool! incline hi: head suddenly and drop his liice to the earth, The vonseqnence was, that the sheep, mis sing his mark, would tumble over and over, for a rod or two. One day, Park called a couple of hi: , !1..' doiKi to witness this achievement. came to the knee and looked over, whilu n,, ';t down on his hands and knees, ns usual, and began to nod at his property. The sheep did not min to see him at first, but presently raiited his Tread from the grass in, which he bal bun grazing, and frowned upon him. "Oh, jis' watch him now'." said t 4 anitio, in glee. iluckey matte a rush, as was his wont, and Sande) suddenly dropped his limo to the ground. But, as the fiends would have it, his flat nose came in contact with a sharp snag, he jolted bark just in time to reveive the ron shock of the sheep's hard head between his own nose and wool. There was stick rolling and tuuthlinc over and over for the next quarter of a ntiume, that the neighbors could not tell which was the sheep and which was the nigger. They soon got separated, though, and Mr. Nig. got slowly up, grinned foolishly, and said `Tun my word, he ocher done dat aline! t;ettitt' too smart for tlis nigger. Fse a ;wine to stop fbelin . with skit a fullah as flat !'' There was plenty of mutton in the neigh loothui.ol the next day, but the sheep was 'lover seen again. Educate Tourxele To t h e IlleChalik, the worker, the man with S i t I'VV.• to tl e 0111“ * IV. wll.lstam.i• day by day over the forge or bench, we now speak a word. We often hear expressed among meehatt'tes an ar de n t wish 14 im prin. 4ltent and l'or further knowledge; but sor.,•-t to them that they educate dim wit,. awl they will laugh at the idea.-- What! a mechanic educate Itim,lf the thing is too absurd. z.iuggest that he attend the public khools. No ; his pride won't lot him do that. What then ? He wishes 1;11° the education that is not.essary t 0 salceep in his labors, and if he only hail it, he in could be enabled to take a much more ;ale ietsition than he, now orenide , . Al thunuli he would reap the advantages of ed ucation with his labor, he has not the energy ur perseVIWIIIIIPP to obtain the ptesiession that h e s o much covets. Ile looks to his at , iptirentents as he would wish to Lave it, aural shrinks from the task. Ile op ens seine treatise upon alastruso seiems—for it is all. Artiso to him—and. puzzled and vonfettelv,l by terms that . are new and ooktioWll, he closes the volume in despair and mishit., h e know it all, Ile lives on, labors on, and the ta , s t uirionent is never attained. But, mechanics, rouse yourselves. The day of sleep and lethargy is past The age demands that you work withhold and brains as well as with hands and tools. Bestir yourself, then, and begin Dow—now at, the present time. If you are a worker in iron, learn its history and properties. Trace it from the mine, from the ore, throng! dl its manipulations, until it comes to you in the workshop, and than as it leaves your hands, let a thought go with it, and he not satisfied until you learn its destination anti its pur pose. Learn tso to which it is put. If chemistry i ,ected with it, there are books that u. written, and you can readily learn the wcw.ies that are connected with it. But all this takes time. To be sure it does. It takes, perhaps, the time that is idly spent; the time that, perhaps you spend in loitering at the corner altos supper is ended; the leisure half hour that you idle away at noon. Put your text book in your pocket and learn a fact, and digest that and your dinner at the saute time. it down with your book and family—and we mppo.eitvery meehanie of good sense h a s one—sit, down, we say, and be cheered by the smiles of wife and the prattle of chil dren, and learn the lesson with their presence anti their help. Learn but one simple fact in science or the arts each day, and then count each day's gain by weeks and years, atm you will store up aneettiount of useful knowledge that will surprise you, not only by its amount, but at the ease with which you will attain it all. Books, periodicals and papers are cheap and easy to be obtained, and it is your own application that must lay hold of this knowledge s that is so truly pre sented to you, and appropriate and apply it to your own use and for your benefit. War An untbrtunate Kentucky editor thus addtesscs his delinquent subscribers: "Friends, we are penniless. Job's tur key was a millionaire compareil with our present treasury. To-day if salt was two cents a barrel, we could not buy enough to pickle a jay-bird." Sir A woman m Ohio, quarreling with her husband araimied a tot p0t403 dot s throat wigek,eived his death. is CH 27, 1867. Eight With a Maniac. Yesterday afternoon .a tragedy occurred in the lower portion of the city, or probably just outside of the city limits, in the settle ment known at* Boonville, which will prob. ably moult in the death of a man whose name is unknown, and who will, in all prob ability, be laid beneath the sod without any one to shed a tear over his grave, and with out his relatives knowing where he is laid. The facts in the case, as near as we lure been able to learn them, are about these A few days since the wounded man took pomemion of one of the houses in Boon ville, where he held complete sway, and so violent did he become in his actions that permit's !hared to pass the house. Tuesday the policemen were sent for, but it being late in the afternoon, they did not go to the place until yesterday afternoon, when Offi cers (Joseph Harman, Enoch Arnold, and 1. Planz were dispatched to the place to quiet the excitement or arrest the party. When they reviled the house they Cll4llw ored by persuasion to induce him to come from the house, promising not to harm him if he would ; but he not only refused to do so, but threatened to kill any one who would enter the lieuse. The ()leers, however, did not regard his threats, and they attempted, t o enter by the way of the window, whirs they were met by a shower of bricks, hurled at them by the maniac. ftueof these mis siles struck and came near killing Officer Harman. The officers, seeing that they could do nothing else, fired upon the man, one of the shots taking effeet just o‘er the left ey.), inflicting a fatal wound, Coroner Di e k )I,,em e was sent For, it being thought that the matt was dead, but this not being the filet, be was removed to the hospital. Who the man is, or when he mute front. , is nut known, and his presence in the neMiborhood. es well as his actions, is mue thing that cannot be amounted for, Ile has been in the neighborhood for several &IV( on la , (t Sunday being on the road in all the hard storm which prevailed that day. That he is a mania() no one will doubt.— TOM 41- ra neatOrrflt. Hold the Itstdiestbodßespontable. For a week past the air of Washington has been full of rumors that some sort of a compromise was about to be patched up be tween the Radicals and Pre.4letit Johnson. I low notch or how little truth there may be in these reports we do not know. but of me' thine we are perfectly well assured. Any eompromise which will relieve the Radicals front a particle of the enormous weight of responsibility which rests upon them, ought hot to be countenanced Po a single moment. Ileocr that the South should remain mime re. erred in Congress 14 years to conic ; bet ter that it should temporarily be subjected to military ru d e, outrageous as this would be ; better that the next i're4lential elec tion should be put to the hazard of a deci sion in the Northern States alone, than to make any compromise by which even a por tion of the dread responsibility to the future should be s hin e d from the shoulders of the Radicals. They refused to compromise at one time when the lea-t coneession would hav e averted war and saved all the live. l o st and all the treasure wasted during the blood stained administration of President son's immediate prolecessor. During the progress of the war they fiweed upon the country, they utterly refs-el to listen to any suggestions of statesmanship, and they still stubbornly insist upon carrying out their extreme views. Any compromise that they might now pretend a willingness to make, would only be a delusion and a snare. No bargain would bind them, for they reeog nixe neither moral nor legal obligations, save only such as make a favor of the neer°. Nothing short of universal negro suffrage will satisfy them. This is what they aimed at from the beginning, though they . denied it with so much apparent earnestness that the people were deceived, and this is what they will untiringly labor to accomplish, till they succeed or are overthrown beyond the power to raise again. Let no man who wishes to preserve the character of our gov ernment as "a government of white men," commit himself to any proposal of compro mise that embraces negro suffrage in any 61'81)0.-14m/coder Encounter Between an Ele phant and a Kat. A very extraordinary encounter between a rat and an elephant has recently taken Place in the Gallen of Plants, London, which was witnessed with interest by hun dreds of persons. The keepers were engaged in destroying a great ninny rats, when one of them'es eaped and ran to the spot allotted to the ele phant. Seeing no other refuge, in the twinkling of un eye the rut snugly ensconced himself in the trunk of the eleiehant, very much to the elephant's dissatisfhetion. lie stamped his feet and twisted his trunk round like the sails of a windmill. After these evolutions he stood perfeetly still, evi dently reflecting on what was best to do.— lie then run to the trough where he was ac eustomell to drink, and plunged in histrunk, then returned to his den, and raised his trunk ; with the water he absorbed, he dashed out the unfortunate rut, which was in a sheet of water like that issuing out of a tire engine. 11`ben the rat fell to the ground the elephant seised him and made him undergo the immersion and projection four times. At the fourth throw it feel dead. The elephant with a mnjestie e:r, but cool and pinch; crushed his nnnoying little enemy with his foot, and then went round to the spectators to make his usurl cake., collection of e., singer, and other dainties. The feat was received with vociferoup sp. 14111110 % whioh tile elephant mooed fully to appreotater. A TIVRILINU DATU. I am Limon ashamed to tally, considering how long Turkish buthi hare bet, an insti tution in this country, that my experience or them only dates hack to about a fortnight ago, when having involuntarily takena cold, some one suggested that f had better volun tarily take a Turkish bath to cure it. No sooner was the idea firmly fixed in my mind, than I resolved to execute it, notwith standing very serious doubts as to how I should ike the operation. My friend had urged tne to be at the prop. er place at 10 A. M., sharp, from ten to twelve being the hours devoted to ladicsand, as the process occupies nearly the twurs, only one batch can he provided furs one l ir liming. The term "hatch" will not seem inappli• cable to any of my readers who have ever enjoyed the delights of the Turkish bath.— In the low dark heated room, into which on is ushered, after disrobing and being enveloped in a sheet, the rows of women seated in low wicker chairs look like nothing so much as lines of tall white loves, in a brick oven. It wnuld Ng ern at the ounwt a.if this must be rather a diqmal proeeedim, but it did nut prove to be se. Thu but air is [Pt fiat Ili Op. pret , si ve, because the top of the head is kept eovered with a thick cloth, dippedovery few moments in cold water. Then, the whole :ink ;44MMA, somehow, to strike all the women as a great joke ; they arc more sociable, and gethetteracquainted, than they would at tt watering place, or ra ther at any other watering place, in three years. There are neither good looks nor nice clothes to be j ealous or, for, in the twi light of the place, wrap:x.d in thin al/vets, and compelled to absorb heat, until the per spiration ru n s down in streams, everybody looks alike, and the natural amiability and humor of the sex break out in all sorts of drolleries awl funny speech The principal wit nn the oe adou wag a l s o the greatest subject of our mirth. She WU a very tat woman, with an enormous w a t er • fall, which she had o b.,tM a tely refused t o take off, and. in one of her fits of laughter, insensibly Ailing down upon her chair, her waterthll had pressed though the w:eker• work, and all her efforts were vain to release it. There were diffildties in the watt of any of the ladies a -si-ting her, so she had to re main in her taineut until au attendant ram.. and retie% ed her. These ati :dant-. by the way, ar.- nit or dinary servants, but female medical stu dents. one was very nie.r., looking, with a figir,4 which was universally admired, and which, shortly afterwards, to my gteat aston ishment, was abundantly di-played in a sin gle gladiatorial sort of tunic, of scarlet flan nel. Talk of the "Mack Crook," the "Prt.m..l Spy, - and other half.ilressed sen sation 4, they will mit any of them compare with that scarlet tunic, which left one arm Dare, and was draped low over the other shoulder. This pieture‘, l ite eostunie was adopted for the purposes of convenience and utility, in transtl.rritr the pule'''. 1.,) the scrubbing an d showering nonn, where tle.y are taken one at a time. laid on a ni:a4,le 4ab, to/wed literally with tine soap and um, water, rubbed and klumbT, until yoa f,!el that, if you were a turkey you would be in a fine condition for bonintr. Then, in as in -tint. you are sut bolt up• right, and a stream or tepid water, which however, gradually gets colder, is turned upon you, until you cry enough. There is a cold plunge bath after that, for those who are courageous enough to try it, and then there is a warm dry sheet. dry towels, anti the Venn.; in the scarlet tunic to assist is restoring you to consciousness and comfort. Then there is a heaven of soft warm Man kets and an easy chair, one which you would like to keep po n 'milli) of and dreamin, but, unfortunately, either the supply of blankets or easy chairs, or both, was limited, aad mT delicious embryo nap was disturbed by the fat lady of the water-fall, whose turn it was after mine. With the sine le regret that I did not achieve my nap, unu ; eireutuseance.s that can mover oceur in a lifetime, the retnembra ucc of my Turkish bath is a source of unalloyed pleasure. 3ly cold disappeared as if by magic ; in Net, 1 tbrgot all about it, until I got home, and found a nauseous mix ture which 50111 C g lod soul had tentme, who does not believe in purptory, and thinks we ought to take all our punishment iu th7s world. 1'01404y, the Turkish bath is the L est ren►edial agent in the world for colds, vors, eruptions and skin diseases. It is moreover, so positive a luxury, that °nu would almost be willing to be sick, for the sake of getting wdi by stwh warts. The only drawback is haste in leaving, a nice nap in the blankets ought to be part of the regular programme, and then a cup of Turk ish coffee or Chinese t.a to finish off with. This would make the Turkith bathe glimpse of Paradise. skir Education does not alone eonAst in the knowledge of se!ence and books. There is an education of the heart, which is essen tial to our we,l being, an the moat erudite scholarship, the sentiments of the young properly, and it will be liks "bread cast upon the waters." ===l 1119. Mol's lives should le like the day, more beautiful in the evening; or like the summer, aglow with promise; and the au tumn rich with the golden sheaves where good works and deeds have ripened on the field. 1111. The Cain in of s vessel is not got. .mod by his maw, but a married taau orally irk NO. 5.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers