ittg NeMOCIIt. liiPART * MEN r. in. March *R A ISO% Ihnitetor tPailers for II Neu recur.. itimeatate leseiities. I r rho" on loot t rot the pubill4 rya, • • brkr •000 moot of Pqrry:lohip or tooloTtroo commoontoo. A iitl of tho. ocridohto. Oros, removal*. hooi- r. tte ,till Ind 014 , 11) in form. The hie Rind wit ton pet W. hotter it will foe.lete, Mtn win d° it I tow.. Pet wino whohl tor 111 , 1 t 1 1004.01PM* t hit 4 them in oorly nn Tnootlay •corny Moir tn►ar , iun for 11141 WA. are Gutsily engaged in waiting Inhaeripthol and advertising due JACOU & LitirmAN, which will a the halide of some proper perun oivellip in the County for e unmoor the persona h whom ill be lett wit' be announced at un in tlibt taper. The amounts are and will be paid On Might, in near can, we have not the least doubt. mita' is to Imo the business or the led up, and that, if possible, with. ur offense to any or our patrons. It much howl' ror both patron and r that the i , uloeriptions and adver t the pest year be settled. aocountm of the firm, milk on thil 'de of the river, aro left with the ful• persons, to whom prompt payment is ad t• in Toik 7;jh 011 N 11, lIEn.ER; CaKAFT. ver.—thisr. Ztnvensi►s, Peat Mad- utit U. J. CAMTIIELL, Poet 31as -STEPHEN BAUM ringcride, CiwirtslA:, and Ashland. ^ N HARNEH. I mistakes that may have happened, if . iu making up the accounts, can r~ud be promptly corrected upon calling our mien to the matter. The Township of lilflin+eciclei by e at their lute Election to have hereafter tit Justice* of the Peace in laid Town- WS. Dr. Belle's Euil,n.c 1,6 n for all incident to bores and cattle is tdver. NI hi to ,I•ty'h PrstwitA r. It c=m, 'd high recouluk, t.n °twig, !tell %el% oaro thzeie of onr reader; who feel in road in the matter, we woul I state that Triennial is , eisuient will be tra,, le the , :niag fall. Mgr 14() iin ,1` a Sup'rior Quality. 'Boykin's Own Ma!:,.,"Yew .... 4 priptt :tylo4,—advertir." I in t 3ris 1 . .:0e. Ladies ake a no: • Nar . !•• : set , ', ll Prxl- MAT. It 171 . : , I.P '4l. is ..,cut to sil prig tirt C‘ot , e.. , „ httf: , * tsvnillyn Or; ”I.:*b t. TOMATO S ;,. Vt , post Office al , tr,— /No.ors • 0* seod by mail, to :toy • 1 . ! rec.., a package of seed of their supolior tomato known as itipp i rory's Superior. will be imppiiel 1 4 .44 per gros4. o Sutpultu,its.—As many t,f teih atriberi au se their phtees of ro; o k l e t between this aid tli lirA of April, ue will thank them fir tiotiOmr us of the elmtiv. Mating their former :piciro. , ani pre tent re...- Warne to cider to wake the eorrevuou on our beak t. re- We learn tLat a Locotai,tiie ing to the Catiquissa, ext.loded at Williamsport, on Friday hot, injuring the fireman. a 3i7iang man named hook to seri ously, that he died soon after. The eiqin. ter was also injured, but it is thought he will recover. eir MR. t`luNsmcri hits rei n to the corner of Court blo use Alley, TT he, with the aid of his lately procured t hmi s t an t, ie now prepatel and fared up to ivait Orion hie old as well as new customers in the must approved style of the ton•wial art. ,sett ad vertitement in another column. WILD CURRY BALSAM.—The rucmory of Dr, Wi-tar is embalmed in the hearts of thousands, whom his A:blithe of Wild elterry has eur:.d of eongll4, CM)SUltir• tion, or soti,o other bolo of Pulmonary die ease. his now over forty years since this preparation was brought befirc the public, and yet the demand for it is evnatantly V o , slUr Cif" oir reap t:1 eotemporary of the liVehiienn professes, we Lehew, to be of Quaker origin; a people who ore well known for their cautiousness. We propose to pro pound to the learned gentleman a direct in quiry. Now. Damor, NUM there or WiL3 there net ally in the Danvi lemonade that you mention in your last issue 7 Bo honest.. Don't "go !Auk" on your limier brothers of the "whiskey brigade." I=l lel,. The indignation of the respectable titirens of Bloomsburg has keen r►+i'c►i to the highest pitch by the action of the half grown and forger boys at the public gather ings of town. Their conduct has been corageous, and will no longer be tolerated. At our church doors, at the doors of the public halls of the town, and, in fact at all places where people congregate for religious or social purposes, these same top are found, homing, shouting, and acting in a way to outrage decency in every respect.— They will meet their reward. Mr According to Doctor John'e account, in his last paper, he has a IlugUn'ti on "mail :4 ., a1c, in his Mike. In tla.l paper of which we speak. he CtII Mr. Buckalow a great political rascal, yet the 'Moor has in sauettun a plotogruph of this Mineral& gentleman awl another of himself hanging - aide by aide--lo loving proximity. We '44 he should prosecute Orr, of South rolius,and Cowl], of Alaseschusette, who inn in uric into that Couvcotion, for fig his thunder. A Request to Subscribers. 13illiheti40111 to the DittlOOltAT are pink- Wady requested not to allow their indebted. mess to overrun one year, MI sulmeriptiens 1141 he paid in advance ; hut under $lO consideration ahould the year puss around with the subscription unpaid. it grict at. tention to this will save us an hatnetote amount of trouble and a very heavy leas. Dedirollolll. Thu 11edication of the BMhline of the Bloomsburg Literary Institute will take place on the afternoon end tNeniug or April 3d, Eminent speakers are expected, and the students will give .fin exhibition eonskt• ing of deelaniationOstsays, colloquies, and musie. The stockholders and public are in vited to attend. =l= Nciv Illampthlrelectiod; The election in New Hampshire, which occurred on Inertlay lout, reaulted in the itueeeis of Harriman, the Radical candidate for thivornor, by a majority or about 3,11001, 181}6, the Radicals carried the State by nearly 5,040 majority. A Democratic gain or nearly 2,00 q! Ea" Charlel F. Browne, hotter known RR "Artetnue Ward," thu American humoriat, died at Southampton, Englund, on the 6th 1' The committee in the contoited elec tion ease flue, this legislative district, be. tween D. %mush and Jones Mnr.4•411, have timided lOvor or Mr. Rood', am slain;4 W01111)0 4 , - "nary Ltrhanaiv. Dar The editor ." the Pittston (Helm has purchased a 1,71 r pros and promises an enlargement or In paper Ot all early day. The Gazette is a good /ma/ paper, but in politica is aunnig the most Radical. [Win Connvetkut the political campaign opens wiila spirit, An important l'outure of the situation is that the present Let/tenant. (inventor um] Secretary of State, butte te.l by the Radicals a year av, have lately left tlyna, and the latter is a candidate an our ticket. Limit year we were defeated by only 541 voNi. We tiduk there is no doubt of Ebglisli'6 elr ti n. TRANIcs. —Petition* and Bonds for Tav ern License; Summon,, Suhpunnts and Ex editions; Blank School °Mors; Bonds for School Treasurers, Oversedrs of the Pour Culkaor, ; Bdinks for C omi t a hh. i . sales Petitions for Naturalization ; !Ranks for Justices in Attachment (lAA's; Notices for Road V: ; Rhin]: Notes for N i mble*, and othor Blanks; all of which can 141 had on reasonable terms and iu quantities to suit itureha,er4, Ti.g.l .- The Demoktratic Standing Commit W.! .If Nmthutuktitutd Cuuuty have pre the form of un oath to be tore 1 to the ofileers of primary deetion, 11.:id in the *.-mmy rule 1:1,• the 1,!,,v -:llama of the sante. This t 3 very wi•o t aS nitwit trao4 eotti be praetive I tut for the '4 , , 44 primary cle ,, tioni in flint Co unty as 'ln von'ineto I. W. L. Dowmt ad .1. J. iteitotwo..M.:r were appointel Represen talk NVni. M. Wearer :•.4en utor;•.•l W the Ma,.s Convoith , n, , :q h.,t 4 l by the (It:tit-Lunt of the State Cen tral etmnittee. WA- The Iladieal party throtighont the i t whole country are beemnimr, ot Pent . :since the late r‘vurses at the spring eke ado. This al country roying par. ty le dettineti to I e made werle-s for doing injury, and that too before many elee tions pass. N‘ hat country ever witness -1 **l such despo iu tyras u.: as shat l.racticed by the don:in:tut party in this country ? ! This Awe of thins wilt not exist I mg, the American people will reverse the action of these tyrants, fill their places with men bar. :irk; respect for laws, and the good of the evuntry at heart. After rending the Pre:slilent's veto mes.aue of the "military tecomtruction one suvpo;,c that be would not at tempt to col;ove its provisions. We would almost think it his duty to refuse to execute this damnable set, for we cannot regard it as a law. It is no law—it is a crime. Sup pose Con;res3 should pass a law demanding the President to commit murder, would ho therefore be compelled to obey ? Weshould think not. But this hill is worse than mur der. Eery man mho voted for it deserves to be taken out on Capital Bill and shot. NORTIIERN CFNTILII, 1L111.11".1Y. —The annual meeting of the btuekhulders of the Northern Central Railway was held at Bal timore on Thursday, the 28th ult. The Al lowing gentlemen were olectell directors for the ensuing year I). Cameron, Winer Morris, William Colder, A. K Kapp, Jacob P. Jones, Thomas A. Scott, John M. Ken notly, K 0. Biddle, Henry Welsh and John A. Wright. These gentlemen composed the board last year. The executive officers of the company for the es uing year are the following gentlemen J. 1). Cameron, President, C. G. Miller, Vice President ; Robert S. Hollins, Secretary ; ,lohnS. Leib, Treasurer; Stephen Little. Auditor; J. N. Dußarry, General Superintendent. Dit. J. BRYAN, Consulting Physician, Via Broadway, New 'York. SPECIAL TREATY ENT in all onset of Seminal. Sexual, Urinary an :I Nerve'. Disease* in male orfe male . A !vice Free 41111 correspondence titleAly ada Aden tigth .140, ft, 100.-Iy. AGENTS WANTED. thimpfqg gent of,e, MlO capitol r9ireet Lartioe .sr Gentlemen can earn from $3.06 to *MN pre day.— tioctoes stotop.oh4 nii4t*.** Tit i PP k CU., Eighth St. New Yolk. Jon , !I, = The etrttione of oppoMte ore m4y be pnine4 by fntlnwing .ithige ruiee, and ell may nra rry happily. if deoired, wiTho it multi to wealth, np r ar been ty 80114 directed envelope end •tamp for IMO imitate 1* Madam I.lll'll,tif. litittdßlift. Wide Itouee, New York, AVOID Tlll , l QUACKS. If you ore iedforinu fmuo tlu elUeli , of Voiithfu I In. direreiino Rod 'Ave Weminul Wes% new aie., I will Pend yon, free or Cliorpe. iuforntetien %duce if followed will eido you without 11110 11.11 of Illt.illrinkte. Wrote FIEARY uVrllllOl, 30n. I), New York. OVELY Ring AND FOSTWE BOYS, rend tln I • od4reupoo linVellne end Its repte,iied I will rood you come olooele InforniotlPn OM will pluses yew. Aildrooo MAST NOOSE, 031 Illrosioroy, N. May 1 lin— BP,SCIAL NOTIC . TUN fierninwo mums OF rover sod Moat who freelle 441,4ay 46 6ory Minor. (OW. might MN* fortm ouktow 00m liklf firireaol t tittle bed they evenedthetatirif . ilio WM of (het seresuird slalom all maletheal TIM% STOMACH 911141111, out iI it is too lets for prevention it is hay tna tall fat into. A Mille bottle of this irresistible ,iirrhal look will stop the paroasysteer and a brjef Mime of it will restore the pelmet to Clint etisilialth, prodeet end thought. Mr, howltier. who would tether fort mall Moan thou welt OWis ASSiiiii( o 4 will resort to this aura detente twine% intermittent end remittent fryers ut the commencement of tine 111.1011 when they previstl. Now le the Note to fore.eret the system wrest te• ter end eitori httttnus tompteitits end dy disco res aim,' aro often miemaleted. end always aserevewil. hyihe chine and dnttpe of Wittier bud early amine. Oil AKSPIINOR tIY INTFIitaIITTNNI'B. The Dare ot Alton Salto us flint "Sun it, Mereli float nourish t h s 55,,,,k i s ifs I an. tot It WO* tort« IWOorrtt yters ogo kit tort onatel v, in those nonintn dui,* March Ag,inn tan to pinvi.ntod. Itin.lotiet'o HOW', Jo a siusln went. wit pot lii.' ft rem-Orion to resi•l et ety sortie, of in* iniifrni ft Vet. in. it th"ro is ali nitispintt ton to itysn. pins, flit* 04.41 , 111{ittli s4lol{4,tr ;VW win just as etitininly preVi•tit 1111.10rdefo cominoli to 111” 0. twin of 6,11(.4 en I fro.,te WRY by held in allektinvo by this oiositt MAW abut. MI tune also no ojilli , cl , to4o tllt system et ter they here mode judgment there. Idasit Retriever. Jog use. It is torrefora motel woinfir fur any Como 15 to be %oiling ib J 1,111,411 IV MIA S I M4s 31 OF WILD CHERRY. remedy bite long been eherieheil by the tom. montly for itt tionetkolde effieeey in relieving, harp in nod curing the mart obotonne. pnlurui nod long. intuitio' emote of Cough, Cold loniseenn. Nowt 'Three(. Wen. bitto VV looping Cough, I:tonp. MO. not, lonatonietion of the Lutist, while even Con coition - on M*4' hoe yielded to do woe influence when aft Mr intone hove felled. Ito whole hi tory prove* that the poet hoe proilueeil nn teowily or equal Vnlipi, nx g ("ON for the htlillerintt.l4o4 demon out pulitionoty ofriltioue which revoil 01l over the loon. • ••• • ;•'• I N 01,11.1 ILb 114.1.14),M0N . PrOlll van, Ca r r ., ••f roirhekl, Me. • hbout eight yt , oth leY tool. flettry A. Arrh. vf, how l'ootto.t.ror of r,ortead, ofut,,,d t.,• spay, was ..Harked watt •+I 4 1, •021. CO/ligg= w0,d,00.0. of ru .g. 41 Igat a ILOo.s•y nu nt I b - .41 th d oar I out? piwortihn ot.oiadd him 11451 A 'belated rousbiubkluit °WWI' ou.dtral %mg.. WO g 00.11111 0 gioei•lC b r,uB it. AA leogth (root the ' , ed. 'whoa of 11,10 , 0 II .too toitero 1 Ogg 14itl+Ig.tti Iu g+lfti;l4+ , • one bottio INtrtoe. fotl o o o t ot ia tit ry. . *ht. h t 1 too btu' sot ihtb b that I obluitled bi.. 011.1! b •Itte, tt WA .butt tt ia• reit. ofrd tom to h.. ua out at nlO oY 0.144. I (111114 I eon *of ty rt.tothotetto tots toto,dy to ottolA is Itku, for it th, I Minh, uti It hotpot+ to tote--Tho hdeot 4414 11401 dy fur the 1111,.8. .tatein.nt, tenUmn.a. Io my vat wttuy 01.1114 In 1,641 ito t4YUf UI y kt 4 I 4YFn , 31414 I .1 )trir Praparad by W, VOWLE: k NON, Trt sta,da tio.too, also' rr - liroui goimr.,ll, Th e Pep t rn. KTott cr Nook! V. V.. says. in the ttibta L.Notoiner.l.) way of 41,ttily i 4 m1 , 11.5.41- ing n aw , lirril cettintate in Iti4 1 , 14.4,4111... of the cot ur tpd 14, .1 PlO/1113, .q 111; • 161.41itt1411 pedrrA uws itsbk." “W+puLlirh tbts oinsolitny. • - fat ray, lost it, gintitatt., N,lind Hiatt 6.0. ttl,lti au• . 1,11% ,r #4l pf Pr. it u,i fit jai,Hce to VI Amteroi br,ng oottoh.ll Ih. re log rlr.ue in the 111 ti Mr* Wm.'' , Irt.ttlitt nt, uhich th , fr.o.irr4 ttf I'm. bNuuiuu Wilt E.lttor for briligiog Vi Owl( notir's. ',fr 16414 tMet Our. Atbf , r4,' I.lbre Waive' i for yAb by lot NrigtOtb, Propri,bo N an,' by %U thnouirla. 513 sch hug, TO Lk Di ES. It yea repot re a reliable rtatedy ut yea and reth , we Itreenter tries ta MAW , WM., why hot age the held ? Thirty yea rot tveriehre proven thAt * M. ttAIiVIA .$ base no 'vial Co• I untying te4-trurtt ,, n, and trill ututties. mutter from wind cause 'fool are 4.ite. and sure in 1 . v1,11 cr.e. Vflifi t thie 00114 f. V, Lux 11.**11V11.V"$. G01.0r,v191.1.5, 1. 4 if-mity i.rur diritr,i, ;el' to an lb , Abovn, and in eniibin Inn neperl4. eawex, 01 king r A L. 1 1 ,1110 Psis 41 , 1 1.111:11 tat With It F. 014 4 ,, lea 11 4 e 4141 applic.l4,ll, It' you Cannot 01 Oh 1"t11* of your /1/11.1.01151, 1. , lid the 13 , 1 , y 1.0/ .1. 141:th. Fir Itr,K,P..:+y, 3rstti York, / , 4 they wilt wrid tr«w frtna ob , t tVa . ) ol i by WWII of n;atl• I Jan. 9, U 4 C LY• A SEW PERFCIIE FOR TUE HANDKERCUIEL Photon , * .•711liglei Bleerpoing Cerelos.” Planlosho ":right Uhmrsing Creers.of rbsiewelox Cerere.” Piwle■ } e "Night Ulaeauslog terros.n Wkslon'', illoonston Cercae.” • A tra4 axgnr•U& 4..iicAtt#, And rrarrant rerfnmo, disci lot tr:nri Shr rmia osta Utiatittil itorvr tr.& whirh ii tattoo Rs $10.3110. w Idimbfaciar..4..nly by ruALom & NOR, Now Work. nr,wmtii OF 10UNTET1 EIT4 An FOR ritm.os.s—TAKE k 0 OTLF.I4 F REE TO EVERYBOJYY. A large R pp.CirenlAt, ;telex in fritmation of the Irentest importance to the !Wine or both te.log. It te:,,hep pow the homely may 1...C0110 booot the 03 1 0 $ 01 tellsool.i. 011 i UPI f0rg134•3 No petite 14.1 y or reetletnatt ehoold WI to seed theirad+iresp, an l trceive 3 pe,e.treid, by ro. tarn tool tl'tees P. O. Drawer, 1,1. Troy, N. Y. Yell 27 ItV; —1 y DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, And Catarrh, Ifeht,cl with the uthint.t t.ure.tts, ivy i. 1.• AV'S. M. D. t#r I apt hod Anriet (formerly °Me,. deo, liolhind.) No, :An PIN V mi t er, ti.AwA Tretimentate, tram the mom riniAnie mince , * in the City and Cotiotry tau be even at his mike. The med• icul faculty are 1.1111.41 t nermonnsy their ii.itieme. ire he lone no stcretsiuhisleiertiee ARTIFICIM. EYES, monied without PAIL No Onto tor eleele ihatton. (April U 4, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ALL rptensot konwlng titetn•oleo• In.tetttoe to the nunt.nnatted tot work tlwto to !ho TOM 4 14.4.11, hy,o4 en F.w o ry, near Iltatopoilllo INV t p1 , ,44,1 to Cu)o* tortxmol and Husk** payttiont *tilt ,nt .clay Re I c not live Viotit 10 , 11141 tiEUEUE VANCL. Mt. Pkttant. /801. EVERY w.,,, iba rovrAnr. PR E4A and the print ins nolderial as compat44 pla it ,e VP t; Mall Call do his awn only, pick ly awl cheaply. phey rtra tR,011.0.. in Vothillatt hllO that a boy It yearn old can cavity wanner the 1;1111.141 laze. HIS ru11414 41 Pod/ actiand WO sent with each .114444.4. chalassia he r+tl rhaaet plea at wet h w i th, taut a provthils komlnedits of OWN print mu, circular canton. Pat fall des:mama, prices, leetanhatiala kc , 10,11 I rea toMi. Om •votiolon t 1 hoot* • PRINTER of 13( po, Coto, tea coots. ADAMS PIIESS 00„ 26 Ann St, sot Match 13, 1067-1 y, NI:AV ORK. W 111SMAD3 AND MUSTACHES! royen,l to grow PIM the nuinothent farm in front there Ui Ann wnekti by uning hr S•ervißtie's Hen. tipappotf 4!noithufn tin wont woodortni diocovery is noniern voinnte, acting upon the heard and No la 00 7010.110 rt 111fratiflit1110 Witlitlitt. it ICI% boon wout by the Hite of 1 . 7.011 i ond loonfou with inn wont nu. wirjo it o ucepoz. Nimos of nit pllfehltwere, will tw fritiotered end if Mill., '14114101011 is toot 1101 , 01 in aunty innturint, the tunnel will Mn theermly tetaa , t. Puce by mil, real/ - ti awl ponfunid, $l. Dee. ettptive eimilofn and trolininniols atoned Ono. Ad orn** ntlitSTM tlinnOntto No INS Kw, Smut, Troy. N. Y., Sow Repute lot the Vinton *bin*. jYeb. xt7. I,o7—ty. . itEACTY! Mllllllll4. GOLDEN. FLAXEN & SILKEN CURLS Prilimi.l bygy, tho tom of Prot lig surxx. Aw l LE USES SLI X. von lii 01l On tow; OA nimbi nod NW of niliter ona into wary 01401., of heavy rigonive curls. II in Lunn bona by tlin ot rims owl I,oodun nab the ion.% µtzpiiyu tiontita. Vous no Nor/ to the boir. l'floo 1111111. pu•tyiiiii 0l ifo.offfilitio eircoloro boiled Lrov, 4141•1re.0 SHUT & ttL, beitor%ii. No. 'inelifooof Thy, N. YlNela Aping for We Urn./ Mimi ribl,ll7, ,- . N A Cough At cold, or ~ ,r FiRotiGHIA! A , Nor* Throat, ~ awn., 4,,,,r,,,, arIPUTION, AND / ' OPUS la 0 MIMI. II 411.14)Will if'()G•oo' es cowneth c 001 Irritation 01 the Lunge, A Perna. C 0 A UCri , A S oataptioa ow Hoot Throat M', or Con. Nc 0 cy la ovum Tin IWO, O Lo INS ANNA ARONCII I 414 T1111(11E1 1 1 Havin o a direct lettluenre to the pert., live imINOd I. WO :Olaf. For Bronchitis, Ahmlo um, CatatiliNomanop tiVO and Throat D'oreasw, INOCUPP PPP PI II WITH /0:11PAVII /100/.llPtellli. P1114E104 AND Ilitl6lo Ml' “(11,014 Will And T 40111411 foetal in clearing the vet when Mara 404(10 011111111 N Of slo+llkOil 111#4 ft , ll.'Virift the ibMNI OW, an 1/444/141114 . 11.1 1 /11 n 4 the 110 , 411 1 1(11111/111 111 1 0Er411/ 11 11 are treeteatended 41111 preverthed by l'hytittater, and have had P.0'10'1614 treat psitinetti weft throughout the retrial, woe art tumid ur ,hilt, 0.114 ha4ing 11,1014.4 their t dittley by .4 titOi nr 1114111 , yPuroomeb yerr difOtlieln in hew leralitleo in 44111 1 11$ 14014 or the woyht, asht the, Trachea WV emveroady prottountod twiter than ether arftrtaA 0111.1 a telly ”Itrewa'a hoard:Wl Trerhao," rad de 441 ham any n 4 the Worthless Imitation* that May he OSTISMI. 00141 tvary wham Nov. tit Ihtia.—fitth -- - YOUNG MEN. The experience 0f the peat lee year. has dernnn• eireted the fuel that reliance may be placed In t h e ef• that.) , of hIPECIPIC PILLS, for the wetly and permanent ewe of deadest weak• agog. eistio,tionit, Pity%icat and thereon* drhility,ito. potence, rr u out of power, the remelt of Saliba Est. coo*, or Youthful Indiscretiomwhien neglected ruins the itappineoo, and indite the sufferer for linoinoro, Muriel Nemeth or al midge, and often torminateo to an untimely grove. Make no delay in seeking the reineitv. It to entirely vegetable and harollow ou the system, OM he uttd wehuut dol"t ion or inter• Amore with hosineoo purouitcand no change of diet tiercssaty while moos thsut, PfirlN One Millar. ws tuomrt got them or your antssidt. oeut the flooleY to Dr- J. nr1.41 11 . slt 1 1 , inufWay, Nuw York. a .4 they wall be sent free from uhoureation by return of MAO. Ptivoto eiroulttro to gontlotnott oont tree no appli canon. jinn, 9, lota. ly 1, V, dlo Cu, WONDERFUL BUT nivii ettriMP RVNlrdilTO'd the weld renowned Aiortdodiet Nod dolntillslo/0.61 Clairvoyant, while IA a eigiltV , l3lit ewe deiure•atee the very feeturee or the pi•raon you area to merry. and by tht 41 , 1 of an indroinent of ictanns power, koorro ;Latin,. Polak,. wimp*, gorrantenne to producn a P 0 4 ,41. and life Ilk, milieu - I of the future hurhetid or WIrO of toe op• pliceint with date and nearridge, orengat I , ra+tint traiir and choreic kr. toc. Deer le on imp+tnttion, as tefithottairall N itboot number can assert, ity otryfilig glace of birth, age, di rporitinti, rotor of ryes nod Baer, and dickering fitly c , lite 44d clomped Opel ittbiff9l.o4 to yontrodf you will rerelV! Ordure by return of oueil, tf.t.fri hoc a ith inforotaiino rt. Aildp , rp io rn ifiddert , . ri 41t taltattuoe P iie•a 31i, W. rt Proy. N, Y. Fob. V, leer; I y A YOUNG LADY L.LIFI;NING Vo her rminity home, otter a poptirn of a few month* in the City, waA hardly re,e,tnineti by her frlentte, to pinto ~( 11 COll r 4N. rtiNtlC Oa.hi i tore. rite had a test ruby completion n( &moat warble inonothritte.. mot 'attend of tw..ety•thren she really Ilpplrc , l hot eighteen. I 'min itomity hate the canoe of ro great n 01301 V, eh. , pi musk tAi them that the used Abe eirraestan Balm , and ronaitiore4 it an in , valuable tovtifition to any 1.44 y 'a toilet By no nee nip 'may or Gentleultn too improve their personal appirxranca aft honared (.4.1 lt, it t.itutile In its con• biontoon. at Nature her.» If 3 .intple. yet itr.ornit. o* l iu 03 ettirurp in thawing importtm , fr rtn, alto prai,o;, and , twat 114 tog the skin and cum• fly its•lireit.teti°in on the ram le it draws (mi.. it ail its Italy 11,41,na tlw *AMU. 011 I. a4' lug the .4/14,: - 03 N3llO - 0 14300003 it child that,hi, O ,Ol, 300) 011 .111 , 1 b , •aatifui. Pare 11. scut eXptriks 00 reerapt of in order by W. 'IA I . » & 1 . 0., Chentttott. No 3 11'eot rnYette N. V. The °air .101 , 11040 Afool3 re, the [Feb Y 7 =II tote of tit, 'U TUI DESTINY Madame E. F. Thornton, the treat Cet t io t tl A tt ifol • cialtvoyant and trychunwiroati, who has awinuirned the silents fie Harr , * of the Old World, has now located herself al If tliltioti N. P. .itad tmc TIWVI4OII pmlic!“l4,l tdOliddffni pottier* of sight. as to enobte her to inia t irt lid./Wlfte o of the greatest importauce to the Nintle or owned of robe, tea. While in A stole of Ounce, *he deline ated the very feature* the porroo you are in mar. ry. And by the aid of au oiritiiment of intense pow. er, known as ed4radtded Pr prd 4111te n lifo lihe teeter* of the future holittrh4 or w tic Ith dot , Advt. po ninon to life, frotiong tram, of rlorrarter, ko 'Shim I. uo bombe?, Ar I hottrAtoN of terAttotOtittl 4 can pert Otte will oral whim desired a t rtrtti.oi remti cote, fir Written yuarantee, that the pi - tore in Vilna it purport to hr, Sty 00 , 1041111: a mall lock of ham and IdatillS plate of bo t h, aire, dispnimion null tom. lelioo.dttd etichhting tiny cents and etAinpr , t cave!* Are yiniraelf, you will receive the pic ture and desired information by return moil. All communication* micredly confidential. Address in confidence. MADAME E. F. TiIORNIUM. I% it. nos Duds." N. l l ,O 1.17-Ip, Dlt. PULMONIC SYRUP. ; Mho reel row'clnecure.l N.J. IL Sunutteic, the Propree,r, of Pulmonary Ct. emelt lon.Whea It had j aucumed lw meat tortel;la`dt, topte.t, and wheat aimed? chub appeor=4 to he ineethabe. Its pat=•aleate pro. 1 noon; el Ms .111.4$ inenralde elan be eommenced ; the we at th'e anoput but petvorl'ul remedy. ni. ; ?icon wan /micro.' to a very ,hart tiMP and no return et the <leen has bee* approboutled, tor all 1 the aonicoma diecitly dlupprawd, and t h e pratent w h; ht to mere than two hundred pound.. ! 8 two IN recovery, he ha: devoted he atittnti** . caelna'vele to the cure of Conannuttlan and the Chews whlelt are nanalty comp its ed whit lt, and the came Oliv'efl be he medicine, Noe been very ammerour and truly weedcr It% Pr. 8 nuattuu et nut/wave: , cuaenal vette to wen, of the larree edhe wectu.., viler; be ha' a 'e.e. o renew , * of pattente, end 4 le truly OMOOtPhof; to Oa pot= comnunphret that hare te he 11140 lOU u; the,t carne ea, lad la l i a toe month, lea he, mime pdraona. Ht. ! ectovacK'S Pl'Laacralll 8111:P, BEAW'HID TONIC: alti 11.1,710,11d18, PILLS are aentradr at, retuccod in twin* Comm:mum Full &ran i Vona aecompia, twit. do that any one can lalia them i w thhut redline Dr. 8 manna, hut rent it I. coa -1 von;e it It , 111 Stet to Whim. Ho yea. wield" tree, but or olltartmah avant imulon with he limpleontater ! he tea iv three dole" P eaee abeam, when purelodenc that On two like ewe* co the Dector—dne when in the lag Mao al COLVIMMI` en, 0,1 , 1 the ether at be new la, in peree h e th—laun en *tot (encentoeci ammo. 8414 by alt Prurient and lota era. Pane dt.ll ; pot bottle, or :Ado the half doom Lettere let 1 MIV:ZOO o*.: mrl arlita. , a ;=, d ret4eti to l=r. iteneardee Pinot:pad U bet it. Noctl; 411 3t., dlida.lo ph* Pa. fir etal 17hoo, ale A :e-ti , : Daum Hornet di, Co, N. Y., 7, 7. Ho ,re, I'.,..tmee,, 47, 1. t Juan U. Park, tr nein:tali, We: 11.'new ;C. To, tor, Chiral°, lit. t tlediod 1.1;;A, tit. lone, M 0.134 w. ea, tho.l yr. _... .._ _ , .. .... . .. MANHOOD: 110 W LOST, ~ 110 W RESTORED. JEST pobliebed, in a wooled envie. lope. price 6 tents. A larinre on the nature. treatment and radical Titre of Sentinel Weakness or Stwrotelorlsom. rammed by floW-Abooe ; Invoimitery Liele eimic he potency WWII* linbility and Imp dimente to %farronw penerolly ; roottoSoption. t pilmmy, end Fits ; Oletitel unit Physical Icecpurtys, Mr, By litlllorl J. lelliVerWell. M. no ;MOW lit Mil *Green Book; Ice. The world renowned motor, in thin admitohle Lee. tine, dearly lit'OVVo trout MS own experience. that the av ,lo consequences of SOL/Omen may be eit.ct.. *tally removed *Minot Medicine, end withom des. serous roman! dperstions, boogies tostromente. room or cordlolr, W4llOllll eats 1110,10 41( coned once rennin nod eiterice!, by which every softer.,, nn matter to het lite condition tone he, may ono himself` cheaply. ltrittett ly and radically. This Let tore still mire a boon to thottentien nod Mime mite. mow sea to any address 10 ll plain Cirirtioilt , , an rtiourpt Or Ilik VIM* or IWO onstage stamps Alin Pr. COiVetWllli'll Wilmer ft nide, prim! 113 ova.. AO Acta, LEA*. J 13 KLINE re M.. 107 Bowery, New Vork t y. U.llOl. 430/ Feb, 13, 1.117. ly Peas & I.;0, . , .._ .. ~....._..... GO TO BROWER ' S IV BUY YOUR 011,2DVODA3. fiRICAT !SALE OP quo DRY GOODS I FANCY GOODS: Jewelry & Nilverwaep, Worth over $2,000,000 I All to be Sold for ONE DOLLAR. EACH I AURNIIIIILEA Co., 162 BROADWAY, NEW yoler. 0141412T4 FOR EUROPEAN eteurAcrruerme, Antonio/of that in erinerettanco or the overstocking or the engllelt Market, en loonethot +toothy or DRY AND FANCY GOODS bare berm entwigned to them, whit instructions to be cloorva for itnotnalnht rash. at any gealliee. A. & Co., therefore. resolvott to offer them wording to their *Winne' *stem ur hullitmes at It moth. with. out thwart to valint. Th. 6,lll,,wifte lid AMMO the 'NUMMI whoinsonto prima of sittee or out ouch,* with it they now offer at ilf . PM/ fillit it satin it pies patterns Pratt sts 01941 Stool tiptoe, and Amnon elothe t' II to 14 3010 Alpert.* and Miselitt dnielotte 4 to 10 mon wench Mr lbw', and Twitta 10 to WI mom itanitirie, mote and Mohair 4 to In OM bymn'e 4 to 10 4 1 4 0 11 Printed enitenas $ to I Mimi hohnoral Warts II to 6 Stititi vine 10111,14 e ottlets 11 to S *KM Pilk nod Late veils I In 6 40 13 / Seta One toff nod cotters 11 to S &WOl Petra 1101014 . gawp, 230 In 4 3400* Pita ha n dkerchiefs 1 to 3 20(01 IM Jodi".' h'istotiteit'Ahlkerehla '7 t Is two o o Ono touhroolo'd It'Oltorehle 9 to IS Sir n flow lathe. town handkerchiefs 3 to 4 30110 Iltmeti *otos home , ' .1 5 to 11 10001 town cotton ettrt , S to 10 Si4lo DOXPII W01 1 .1.11-:Lec 6 in it Saito Wean bahooroi. IS to 111 man Dozen mover toll ..,. r hog, 4 to 11 30 0 4 Oiii.Pft men'* W.:lokb 8 . , r 4044 0 to 12 thael Linen and cotton ehirte 2311 to 6 WOO We , inn isonorshtrts 630th 5 IMMO Pairs merino drawer', ISO to 6 ttddil Pants oattkrns wmienere. doeskins 3 to 7 will coat .. brood cloths,reeelmerea 6 t o 15 !noun Vest potterns in silk velem, pinch. th,p eiiii.ol/1111 , 011. Att. 250 to to Soon Drown linen table clothe 73 to ASo Pomo Yank Irma' ft linen damask 4 Itt 3 hOoo Ilithtto white , horn nape tat 4 told goon* otilthoteht l a mlislin 43 to :to tr oa ao yard, bleached Mt:WM 2rt to So tonna Votes itirlitittitt 75 to 1 So Lam %VII 4 moot a So to 2 goon Lotte W ., ot shawl* 630 to 13 4«..,, ?Novo Wool shawl* S to in lootia I.loirs' broakrart shawls S to 740 loilan Ponies or cloud* fso to 3 140$01 WO4 0 1010114 130 to 3 goo. Illnaketv 350 to o lam o Litton and tnth', sheet! V In 7 Polon Vards sheeting muslin 23 to So linoo Won Mpttli COttilft 20iAtifl glogett Vittoria spool thread t , 419 P ,0 011 40 Mark linen thread 4, stn 17 r000 *NA bold"*** SOO+) Lothar' silk velvet and morocco pmonnote* !Soto 3 ronffi,l,4ihr ,' 01111101 haw. 4,30 to to 600,11.PtV IWWICCO portotoniee with Sheers 5 to 4 34u9 'Porky morocco logllo'l'llo putt. monies 4 to 4 406410 ViVel.lll4 , l/0 Ohm , 3 to 0 laano rin ,, i nod ti bade pocket knitter Prari ttltoarit nod ivory noodles 2 to s 1000 LreHrtt clock., gilt *Mt bream, with and willow( abodes 20 get too :WM 'V tit HMI Mach )0 t 0 030 3Hoo lirvolvers fa to an them r;.1 , t0 lOW, pier*. 25 to 76 Lott., Heal atottomo, hair nets & combs (Soto 75 too , . Itavot paves vetoes 20 to So 'lava Papier Matto» itootWoOtt 1111t1 Vialatil worktooted 230 to 10 2 0 ,,,,, Tortotae 001 and silver card and onor hos a Ziof,f,t, A 1t1,14, hwrn.:c.. 114 velvet netto o . from Vo to VW ph:tarts 2So to 15 sono hoe tt,,,tcy towed 7 to 13 Soon Vine pork-! bibles S to S 10...., Losoopod 3 to 7 I 1..00, ho on* Hate haver 3 to 6 to o roue t thMa Gholarit 3 to 15 On i We have &tot Ho:Myra a tzpiennt4 Assortineut or i = JEWELRY! comprising Bent's Gold Miming rooe Wolchho, lA. dive Gard »Hamellea Ittoottitt Camt watehrr, cents' hooting earn fairer w What: foltt toh 404 3 , 3 1 . 1, 3%01 aeva,aoh art.( Weal rihhott slides, *eta Hottatre aletere Wilmot, stud*. gold lit oho 0, peoetla tolootore loco. eta. rola tooth piCka, »maser,: Wain gold mgr. *'c i• i mediamediam di a mond toms, seta talon*' laweiry, (jet and rot..), oct A 1.110 , :' JeWetty. t P 011104). petal HMI other i .lame*), Nola pima, (edger tstmotton finklefg), art,j , it , gold pens and gold .I,olrion toodtwo. Wil• ' 13. Milt 1014 limonite'', *(nonnol WM... eid 10 , 1, 1 1rt: NW malt Chains. gold oval hood hrOrokta , iti and 1 Oda hroetataa. thott»Mine rhator awl guard chnio.:, i r0r..1, opal and r icerahl brute haa, 11 , 1 , . , 11 , 1 jet and la va toot Oar». lt lot »ar olroto, coral. total and emerald ear .40ro, y4,1'014113 fi11110.114 1. aroa .., g„.e , etc i Ttl I.: rit t, V iAtr WA ft t: 11CPA Gilt our CO ti ettisc4: l'ilvet tlllOott 1;,,,i I,:i set 4 rwBtor4, fro vetches, to. : lief ritoott.,, to, ka, tea go—oto peach*: at - totting cape. icoliett urns, t - -a toae, CMIIII3 pil,hg N, en ror lomat., I f rli at ha* itet r , NrOko 8.44884,0 i .4 rd twatel.r, f. lot toot Ha 1M0,401,1 all , i oat(, I , lPitla Hop. egg *hands. , o toe nothierit. t 3tl C.V..... , . Ste Mi I,lt at 0.1 ,,. I,,St of ertictre to be :Fold for titi V, lh 40, SR, i;M:11. The etocnses err apt hi tle. sole or rooms Sr ICertillt.Ott, WV. Mt . • 451) artiOi to tit •* *Welt . awl Its value ; the Certificates ate eticlosed la tkValapeA, 11,111•4 al, , “ail *add at 1 ' 25 taa Each; 5 for $1; 11 for $2: Wit,ttrae•r krlo,le way be named to tto 04 , 114(0;2412 4;111 be utitainod ut ONE DOLLAR! The talkie alit be ,hou 11 1,0 ❑lr 1101001 . of 040 ter. 14): lite, *1) 1t %))))))* a 1 100))))01.0 *.hottity ho ply* if« 0)0 ):t 000 lAre the 11110111 or not. 111 ra,,, ar tl4 tee s. , ni 410011 01 ,8010.0 line low • 40 01 0:1 0 01, 110 y r on he• 14111111 rd and 910 1110110 y Will be 0.110140.1 4'.Vl'll. CllaWll.ttleattloll the butatt to SO% F. Att• 111-IA; of s'a' E 1,1 to; VII LIE :i10111; THAN A !JULIAN, PR 0 0 . In p,na r. A ' 'ERTIFI ,'ATE WEED 1;1 . ' 4.'S. AN or ONE MULLAH,. any Ilut(..llowing unit:Soo: Otto rutty. Viil . o/11, our 'Mt rf l'Adien* Ilalasnral or 6166 . 4 lirogono. one trimilcut troop 14)11,1 (la oproitt,), one due Mototo thototatort.or parr Merino Drawer* tot', Wm* 1.4 it 'or or finite dose, or mu L:own rinket, tlituilktirchtera. WHAT TIM Pftuss rAve or Ud; A'rartdale It Co. of ilita coy are now scit.ling out great vartutv of lire++ 4111.1 r4/1: lair( 43, Ituboo• (41 $441(4, 0,4010. SR t and what valttable 111 dry mho Ivory p.... - . -•aa ea, a, (010333 pat • s••e how this is done. but Wet tt 1,, d•': •401 vii que.tiott, Pita drat has had* hots .►}e eateet, dipd it Is to be by 110 .40004 eatom, •i'l the had •'f awirollstor and tow!s et;locera. t 41114 rule loottoptata .0 much aboutt+l6. hoop, the protract •rs wall unit cull per rouisily sour hi tor tb•i jolt and L11%111411 0, r. form:theft of ail theft coutrui,ts.—Aittrasai 1/hrautatt. 1t•to York, kb. I. hut A ClCAttltit tt alt tuvittvgB.-114. Eloyers /t • Car. of th t Arormeooo Itau.e, called at the Jewelry Eattpbriutit. id Mato evtetday,*Att after pay tea boa tf3reitt. au 'deftly fatted Manuel( eatltlitel to a Ztriowcal Dos. valued at $3OO. 11e outwort alb 4 that he wan offered 11150 (or the In. vtruntitot twfore teat lot the..tore but reftrae4 to part o tilt it Wo .10oitti Lail tiffs ♦ quarter well to vt-I d. tSu uroleiptoS.l a 000liott of other valuable articles Weft , renewed, 41100.4tt which V 1414 d gold watch valved at cd, oy tow of the all:Idles of the /large Ohre,— / MAMAS./ NM/. S pt. V t,.Jlt4t. artatvaoa t.fa Lazo , L—The Itio4 eligibla and protitabfe rtopluyoe tit we have b otril of tor 1..04ie5, %W. hove friends loft othiro..s. or the male af tepid rat a for Illit Jewelry Sale•' of Arralidale & Co A tufty of our to ilsoollottee lie been very sue• ressfur to this way, tot on y iii 8884 per outi soll.e bat also ill 4011111 4 614041111 M la tho-or to *l, 11040 Mlle oola the certificates, as will be sera (rout ,ter iPlecr. briny columns, tbuitobtoor also Cab be third enktittut, —AI. Y. s4liddy Atertotry . Auk 14 10114. 14 of ofiderrialtd Mu. tl W Wilkitison, oft his city, yrri. r. , sy draw trout the rerttfirko b Ar an title at C 0,•., 7tt maul dwell. u very 141..1 tirt..l fooltind piece. vviutol lit hue dotter for which ha was ft . 4 0ittli to iof the V*l) , mum:rata law of Oros Ithrt, Sept. 13. DAN. lira Un;at vs. ry Ywaporiallt of Arrundale &Ca. No H 4 Kwit 'woo t,itt 1101 *WWI, to .Uit the prime tak,ett of Pun ti ai Tile tailathet ui lathe• eat. ,yen• ;low olt f., vi•O• ;I Urfa cutottitratuno,t uU baturoay labt, was. We utolet,4ood sourlUu,•g latllatts. red priiirtpie ell , ttsl.4 lielhosti littee atuuv della tare emir numb to 1143 that cannot lair to be polite are .t.po. roily the pt... rotittiros. as io this runt. wally v o toubut artiee.•s ot dad pad jewelry and coot• ty ,diver word...Voir/Wog Daby Xescr, Yeu I,t, low 11040 1 . 111,4 e... ep. Jolla 1). 'avatar.), U,mita• ion ea.oon, Su .114 streot. lesterduy got' out dollar's %tette at tenth...4We dud, Phil) ohs r,rlvJ PI a Hale 12.14410.00 Hunting kv tot it itthkettioast Platte, Vetoed IA /Alt cover mot stool. At bietr—ituArassit WO, Er• 'woofer Nov, idol to seiedrity or lets please Mate whirl ptoportion of Ceiltheate. VIII re prim trout each Uellartatet. Ww're 104 4p,:,iat 111,1( 111411413 are Overt, we *elm uae•unl Door the Dry as Maury &Dieu. Depnrtwanh Alia hoe halt trout the Jettelf V oh.; *llea .turn thrpartateut • WisetitiVo r kitsireu, w e biticies EMMM==E ra that tut, looney mod uol) toe paid ON RE ul 101.17 *THE UQODS, wo pt tor *mu tU ft stool) , ot moor:, *oat by Espftsa, euw , %Mica Ufa*. 0114 Unlit %4r Willa Apia* EUYWMERE, to whom a liberal ommenartiuu Jain hu paid, which too ho loom of oh appltottoon, LIP' 'rake Calle to onto your IMMO and clime to a libel, distinct baud, and miarn., Akin ANIMIX In CO., ban 611•3 Ili.t Liroudway, New trk.W.iO* ' l mmo Lofty MAN IN NTReson. A inn* wfin sutrPred ter }}rat* Now Notgnos son Genital Inthility. Nightly Emissions, son tintoiontl ggnoktwvs, inn result of toothed indiscretion« and rims yen/ outing his nays in mite*** milowy, so for the fluky yoevt Itlitit send te any sae affirm. nil, the simple mesh.' wood by him, It hook rifosioni stirs inn tow nooks Snot Nig habits of Mrnetrone medicines. lend aMc tied surwitegisitil stamp *ad it 149 ONO lOU naiad , dram rOMalt tIK Y. OW NEW CIAM34OO AND GENTLE. . . MEN'S FURNISHING ems TllB nodorolionesi rendorenfullt allilegftee to Ms moot Mowodn Wino No has opened a now (nothing end Orinlomon's Furoolonind Moro, In the lower view of oho Hortmon tbaldinc poonthonod coring of Naha end 11111naon 0/few blownonourd, r.. flay iai peas Mori from firildM aria' a larp Mork sir Fail and Winter Clothing and Oentlinnon'd Vernlehlni Ponds. ee.. kc. Ile sm. NOS lobular teal he us pleas. an. 111. Honk sun , prem. BENS AND BOYS CLOTHING, uch DRESS COLTS, SACK COATS,. OVERCOATS, rims, "ITC DRAWER& COLLARS, COLLARS, "Of rms. NOSIEJY, 101 PLATERS, RANDSKSICRIEFS, MIR IeLLAS, and in nisi everrlblag in (tie Mottling Of rd waling till at Very boto Prices. In addition to tbe above do bee an depot assort went of Clothes, Cameimers, and Vestinve. .117" Clothinr made to order al thr rhorteit entiee Call and gad Wore yorchroiog •Idewhore, ett4 SHURE GIMAT 11411G‘Iti o J. W. eIIgAISEILLII4. October In, INC NEW GOODS AT , NEW STORE. THE NEW STORE OF CREASY & PM, 3 o b OAS NOW DE,COII3 all ft czKra so sti 53, [TEAR-QUARTERS! TIT MI. GOOD GOODII TREY 1111:1.L MANY 000091 I Tag tamp •...yrbina van may want. Call sad amt them and pee mill b. mare In buy. THEIR STOCK COMPRISES Prints, 4Vhytlies, Gingaros, Shovels, 0 to Sugars, Rakes, Lawns, Baskets, ifolasses, Al3pacas, Tubs French Twills Jet tot loth: raslinaeres Mug., 2 1 / 1 :31; i i Sti / Ticking Os! cloth Eial Stocki , iss flo , ‘lt skirts, flalmorret eltrts. Window Shade's. ttnerne.nars. Clatiwure. Lookintputute-t, Utdor. Imp.. .cell., Ste. In short Ws k , cp everything. Our en.tootcrt vitt.% hot tusk and it thug ht. stvca Win We ilctetnnot not to ho uoderao d. lttl kinds ot" product Utitcrt at the highe,t 7' A lewt. There is ronneeted teeth the stem It T I.AVA i Kt; 111.3.A1t V\l EAT, cottoinc buying cloths nr Its or elte.ahe're ran hays them wade up with neuttlegt and despatt h the'ap for edit!. The to at Workmen are cutudantly emp , oy«.l. Mtrett '4.4-3444, CREASY & JOS% NEW - GOODS J. J. BROWER has again repleniehed hie stock from New York' and Phfadetphia If you went a hand*ome art of Furs, go to If you Wont s beautiful French roplln, go to I( yon want a splendid Balmoral, go to Upon want a nsce Pa Lain go to If $o grim ChOdra Vs Dmn nuale, go to tf you want to buy Good and Cheap Goods, of any description, so to 11, AIMS ER'S Ulooinsbors. Jan. IC 1067. EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. Tan Prnpripinr having ►ennvated and Witted hie REATAVKANT. in tun ua•waeut of lb. EXCHANGE HOTEL, hp wnotd awe rept/4411y eolieft a ettnitnnattee ttf ta t , pettoueve of tile ettt eutAutitewt, an owlinity rite flee etintaitto of new ones to Lis tefteentuente, an follow.: SHELL OYSTERS \ir. CANNED OYSTERS BOW II ovvreus, mon ron. to,ee inure per week. HAM ANL) EfiGo, TRIM 110LAGNA, best of LIQUORS AND CIGARS. 1 " OPttrie eon bo served up to customers in I moment. Intilet. in Vz%IIIUI'S STIFLES, ems% Lo. COMO. FRIED, OR RAW, In elm the lump of the epleurhen. LAWRON CALMAN Rlnompburg, Feb. IR. 1407. her. erffileth littd tLiifßn of jAV to Mi. ris young nod to hid, to Opt and to simian I ti t , h ow ty whi c h unto was to ptetiotto 111141 far*, to rreo tar tat, ood aft nowt* fon'. BY THE USE OF CHASTELLAR'S White Liquid Enamel, iii t For Moroilona and Oratil• Ole the Completing., 3 he moot valuable end pe 1' et preposition loon giving the WO ft brontont penodito. tint the only found in yinith s it otorkly reenter. Ten Pt • is.. hooted Mott:hoe, Moth hoops, raileerninte. Eruptions soil tows i oi.ts of Ow akin. IL i loth , li..allne the saute It hawk the aloe *Mtn and elan, ea Memo tit. HA liSe CantiOtr be detested by thb Oinioat artu• tiny, and heittg itvto.teltie Prertitnt inn I. perfectly barudeen It is the only fit title tii the Itiod mold hy the le euch. and $o toltoi , ktel 4 by OW Pdrinion no in • dosetteittle to it profwtt tokt upwards of !IMMO Mollies Wet* OW Moine the pest yt or, a rothetent Imbrium* of On rifirery Prime only Ili eeet. Oral by POOL modputd. On receipt of en order, by sllllOrdi, POVITC4IO§ , , Chaminta. rub iy, wry— ,yy We Kiwi RE. Trey. N V. UNOMUIRINTS ME TUCt SILL GOON CEIZAPIII rzm VIM Fails FM apes Cl e e Brushes QS FM 021 Cracker. Gi,itra FM UM EEM Carpets Crain C 40t 1 0 tid ALSO, FOR ISO 7. BROW Erg. [MOWER'S. UROWER•i BROKER'S OP NEW 0991)6 ARR/VAla AT M M• 13ROBST & COni STORE. IN CATAWISSA. TIN satfrialbert boring fart mocked theft Woo merman of Wlov, Dry Goods and Gr. eries. They lovite the special attentloo of the pains is 'hi het that they We parallelled • 111,14 STOCK OF GOODS, If Kb W Iduintqa of vlla►hq leilecemeole is purebAsets, by telling CHEAP FOR CASH, plich 11111C1011 ■a here Maratofure deloantlod moot fa• Iravigaul pri4oll. ?heir assortment of (1/3 1 tr i CSO CV II superior to those sold In most country IRMO Country Produce taken at the main prlea to exchange for good■ Cr Otto thew a call ',dune purebniing aleewborc °Rome & ABBOTT Catswilsr, lad.Ra 167 pItIVATE SXLE A Valuable yarn', ontiereiened will otter his valtiabln Arm, ei pt vets *ale, sit u ate in M i le»n Township. Coin le' IthiCounty, about tote and u hslt miles view of Jet• Jet wee, un the public reed leading tl Bluotneleitii tuntaining EIGHTY AMAIN ferry acces of which ere cleated I.lo,the Waned WELL TIMBERED, (TUN AC&I OP IIeIEADVW.) *hereon ere ereete.l e FRAME HOUSE, FRAME BAIIN, fre4 the epee, tarp Mill•h//iblini. 'There Is pond welt of Mat tat the duet , Qlpo a VW • APPLE ORCHARD no the premise., The terms 14 be made 1507 10 the purchaser. V et..V.h"TINZ WELLIVER.. bledlorm. Jan. 30, issT. pUBLe SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. The ongsrsignsd A.lministratrie of Jobe White , night. tiegrampt. %fit (Ist at Wattle eato, nit TVI:SPAY TUE DAY ur mnacti, the following property to wit: FIVE VALUABLE LOTS, in t h,, tow n .1 litootoronre. lying rArtligitotto to each mom the our fronting on Thmt street or paid fawn. adjoining the property of th.l uthlerogned andwuttt. sac TWO OF TUE LOTS ere weal storlost with ORM:11 1111.1 T; the whole Wog to first rate eon lawn. 't Sole to comment,: at 10 o'clock A. M., of gild day, when renditions will tie made it now n CATII A RINE WHITEN 14 FIT. Bloomsburg. Alotten. G. 1.0.7, Administretrte. C. W. SNYDER, wrinlES AND RI), IRON, STEEL, a SUOVELS, FORki. BUILDER S HARDIr.IIIE, Sawc hies, Chio;'thi, AI N., Adams, Auger*, Vtc-ris 11.11DSVAil'Z, Shoe hiplittgo, firurlt.s, POWDER AND SHOT, 1s Avo. ecvntivt, tINIA hIALL rAxs, ihr41c4:04,R0P , 4 awl Fishing 'Nate At CtILVELiti - ) $,,,e.,11,4•4 Kt-Itlea, Crowat W!f, Witg , th S:‘,1”1 0 . Chalk and efutik. Lin. , s, W 1 1 ,4 1, Carpentormi Tort , , T 4 lOO and Per Owl Curti»ry.rtr.durno,Toya, kr., Ara.. i'atih a log 01 Piker sr lodes urually kept in a Hard. ware Mare. VV,SNYriEt Bloonvolling. January R, 1t166;-10. ASTRO LOG V. THE WORM) As- ToNISHED AT THE Wonderful Revelation,. %lode by the Great Awe°, gist. Al 10 1:111.: M. A. Mit ti t r til. Abe reveals se. cwt.* no blotto! ever knew she ft-lorev to heppi. arse thole who from tio . firt events catastrophes. 00.4. 111 love, loss of Vttlllo , l, any eriemin, Inas of money hove leonine ee.poneent, tie brings tosoncr ill. , <« tont Je , revered, ai res Information con• ferning eths. , ,,'. it i , moti or 10t , q41, restore* lord of stolen property. leos you the el mess yoo ere beet qualified to !matte and an what pot will be most roe. food a , causes speedy ocriringes 14 , 161 p.. the very day you will marry, gives you the name. Iwo, tires NMI charade/tome of Oa twrsort. r , he reeds your very th.inglite, and by her almost sup , rnattersf powers Unveil- the dark and hidden inyet , rtee of the Allure, Front the stars we. see In the fir imittent-. the malefic stern that overcome or predominate on the ruttfiiturett , m -from the aspects and positions or the id.thete and the hved stars in the twiveos at lbrtiate of bath, slos deduces the futon' destiny of HMO. Fait not to rourult the itiMtttst Astrid , atist mt eaeth, vote you but a trill abd pm may v ,, C ;wan) have sa favorable an opoortninty. Consultation ffa With likeness and ail desired information, 64. Parties tivint; of a ofvtanec can con,,elt ogle 1,1411.1111 , by mad With sateiy and ..atteMetion to Iltimis , lveit Ita tf in p'.oon A full and tapir' it chart written out. with *el Inquiries uhriewerod awl likeness enclosed, se - tt by mail on Tee to if mi.... above mentioned.-.. ' the strictest secte . y will be maintained and our. fespotnience retaltied of de . drured. itcfmtmees of the highest order furnished those desiring them.— Write plainly the day of the month end year in 'Ouch you were born, *unloving a /IWO fork of haw Address. 111,10Akth II A. Ftlettltlth Feb g 7 P, 0. Drawer 2t.3, With), hi, V. REPARATOR CAMEL'. Throw away rake Watt* your ewitetwa, Taut aft/a 'li...inactive of comfort unu hot intuits tt rirt ; Coanu outt. COMO youtidut.c ,, lne arty and fair. And rejoice to your ono totrut.unt hair. It E PAILIITOIC CAPILLL Psi' Motoring hair u un beta heads ( from Whatever cane., it may have rat ow nY ow) end to 4 414til of hair Upon the bow, it at , it , eptat it will forgo the hoard to arifw upon the einnelhest fare in from Ciro to o to t woo t t o, of MO ktratot WA Ilaatta is from two ru throe menthe. A few ignorant preetitionora hers arreitiol that thete 'lO nothing that will tort or Nutt, to HP , growth of the tont' or beard. Their assert Was ate fate*, as thltatialtait Or Wing W/Itteittai (learn Wit' experiebee) can bear wt need. Out ninny Will say. how are we to niohiguith the genuine from the aputious 1 II catmint), I. liiiiiCUtt as bint4teNthi Cf . the (11aillilt ihepa retool atlVetliaoll ter the hair and heard are Oittlfely towline..., and you may have at. many -thrown away law antedate 111 their Wylie.. I'o taloa we would Ney, try the ileparator Vapitli , is wilt cost you waiting Wee* It Nit). maw, up 10 per loproatattalloll*. II your strutatate does urn keep it. send tie one dollar sad we will filiwunt it. postpokt. tutother with a reeohit for the motley, whirl' 11111 be whittled you nn apohretiou, provonag mire as is. WM,* is not eiv..ii Adorers. W. b. 416A11K a ea, ebouriete, No 3 West reyette elt., Spume,. N. Y. Froi in . 07— i y ,—.. ...... ADMIN ISTILS.TOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Robere Ga!loopy, deceased. Letters on the estate of Rohett (WWII. late at tt *awes, township. Volundos County, been beets stebod by the 16104014 said County, to Ilatetd Wegner. of titoularis toarnoltip,ami moot, mioresal4. All vniotot Le% inn dating ItYtiintti fho tottnts 010 h,rouy requested tonyestott th,ttt to OW 4 , 14110011411* Wl' An *PUIOIOIO4 HMI those attacked to the •4011 of the decedent wit* make may ttestest to tbo oa. dott.iitoed Without delay. Madinat, Feb. fl. lso7—Sw . BLANKS I bLAIIKS 1 I Qt OVIIII dueripon !of sale r. illeoMerk Si MU, It. g, U. 11. 'W AGM, Adia'r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers