1,HWISBUKG CIIKONICLK AND WEST BRANCH FAUMEIl GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK.,. 1850 THE BOOK OF THE NAT.OV ;" THE OLiiESr MAGAZINE l AMERICA Published by tbe pieeetil Proprietor far twenty )nn-Edited hy Mi. 8s J. Hale. IMIE publisher of the Li-Jv' Book, knowing how Cim;ilrtfly he put down li opposition in Mi'J, and Uiji attired that th- public i also acquaint-d with ihis di.HM it oo'y tiect-sstrv lo say thv tu 1850 he will improve u 18 IV ; and h will, os usual, ivemore reading and mor eijiraviiigs thxii his colewporar. Comparwon lietweon Godey ant tte other Philadelphia Monthlies. Ia 1849, the Lidy's B iok gave lt pa g6 which is 116 more than one, mid 143 more lhau Ihe: o'her PhUVphia tnomhlv. He nave 218 cnifraviiit-v acting which are 20 colored, and 93 lull j page 138 more than one, and 160 more j than the other. : tVegnve. in each numVr. a piece of ; Music, printed separately on t.utad paper. ; Z, r V making tel f-, or 12 pec- in a vear. To show the chajnpnesst.rtheLsdv'a Ris k. fhiaeanie music, if bought .cp-traetv at the muiic atores, would cost ex;t!y" thu price of the whole subserr'ijm--?.?- The Colored Fashion I'lates alone cit as much aa nearly a!! 'Mr. uerainf- of either the other Mngaz-.tes- These en deavors to plesne our subscribe-,- hnve coat us an immense sum of money ; but f hnnestv of rmrnosean-.i n positive di-like fo falsehoods in prospectuses, will entitle a publisher to a larjie enlwript on lint, the Lady's Book ia entitled to it. Stitue cf our peculiar Embellishments. Ladies' Work Tsble, which comprise very kind of Needlework, Embroidery, Knitting. Netting, Crshei, Patterns for Ci, Chemisettes, Children Clothes. Wedding Drttse, In-door and On-door Costumes ; Bird of America ; Colored flower PUte ; Model CotWie and Fur aiiure ; Fashionable do ; Lace-Work ; Vignette Platea at the head of article, etc. etc AH the above are illuatra ed by en graving. Slurtrative of The CostU'nes of all Nations, wiih deaeriptiona by Mr. Hale. Mo.it of tbe old feature of the Book that were j.opular lat year, will be retained, and new nnet added aa they may aupgeat them eelvea to the publihcr. A NEW NOVEL, By Gilmore Simm, wDI be one of the Features for 1850. Rcadlna; Matter. We have one stood at the head of the Magazine world for our contribution; they are always moral nJ instructive, ami such a may be placed before a la mil ) without hesitation. This department m under the control of Mrs.SRH J03R PHA HALE, whose name alone is suffi -i-nt jfuarantee for the propriety of the Ltdy'a Bnok. We may aav the same of our engraving. We will never, as it is done by a cotemporary, publish indecen' Ptodel artist picture, such a no parem would allow child to look at. We will not here parade the names of our contributors : it is not neees-nry ; (tndey'a Lady's Book and it proprietor are loo well known for us to take up upace t ienmerte the names of those who, by their writing, have placed themselves, i the head of the authors of thi country. H kovt wkcA more than fiJfilUd ovr primii, aud enter upon the year with a tew one, which th who know and who doe not ? will believe. Godey'8 Ladj' Book for 1850 will surpass tht for 14!, ard eiceed all othev mjj'n' P. pre sr', and to rume. Ttrms, cash in Advance, Postage Paid. M.ipr.ifieenl and expensive I'o iniumn. Subcribe.r to a Club, r Sinttle Sjbcn tiers, may chose dilfarf Dt Enitrsvin);. Oa enpy en J $3. with ny two of the tnttr.win i!nttiJ pisminm plate : -ilh Ha nf th Rrv. Jotin WJey." - W.T P-earhng i" th" tw.-np Amihi'hi-t.." - Kwroct fiiiW H V;!.mi," tlni: Tyl,H nJ O i Whiter." ' Likenrs of 'he J,o Wniii." U. hi ea-ltorrr. K v. Julin FMrder" the tt two ih-.uch -'ri n grvii., unt only pwmid'H. Two en 'SS. TWO " ,h atwve nr-ma m ftrh irMrrirwr. Tm tuipia f-t fl nl n rstra ropy of ih Bo k. nJ two r.f (. i(ring to th nrrron ondiut "' I Flrn "n" "'' nJ o! tli B ut. iI ny Tt of lh l..v n- t'inf t I irnun eliding the c'uh. Aa r..w kimIioc 6 ia Jince. Mliwuiption I , ir;,0 i.o 'b:. il'i:d to rv f th Iwv iif 'inj . More and most Lil end Offer 1" or 2 in .!vi.re, 1(1 r.i ie of the I.U'n l'u will I rut. nd ropy o rilliT of -he tot .a!ii:".--e'il print rm to er.b -ul.ri-I. r. They cn, lu II cr, lert hi. h ih-y pU-r- F.w we wi'l end ten copies of ibe Book, aul Ihiity ropias of ny of the tove engrav ire. tkngit nn'." of ibe I.vdv's Book, 15 cent. These, riati-a cn not be pur ha-ed nt th Stores at lea than Three 1) Mlar ech. Premiums are oi.iy hen 'he Sul -w.i,.'i..ii are rvii ilte. tJirect In the Pub lisher. Tv l.d.V Book for" 1 850 will contain ( Severs! Hundred hnr.ivnJffs - I'.wl Mowers and u h"T sen Imtj club-shlPoblik-e us vert much bv hiiyinB iln m all adilre-d to on" i Hme-rt is-:ie in..n venience to tlu m. nnd" will be a gruartovoi . us. Premium to the town send ne the Ur CKs ou"'f su a.-iib.-r. l b.-town .. ika larirest mminer lit n-ril uh nts-t-Wf IMII. will teewirtct lo th.- j Lsdv It-fb 'or IW i 1 "r1 I . eh' nn.nh.-e. e -h s-hscriber ti-:i rmi.e J i an mm ol ab.v pi lies. ",0M Andrei WJDF.V, 1 13 Ch .stresi, P nl id.'tphis. ni mm m s. r. Towssuxirs rttinrxMind syrup of Sarsrtpar.llu ijfi i ,1 g.1'91 rerun- - a . ... . .... iiiviiiii in . . a,.. I fy, Mipply 0 n c' '"" " " t n ihf lr nriil tb je't in N-w "k. "perMrs wr.hin2 pwur S.ra,tri'la have ertrsr tt- m-i ? 1 " - " fpHC subscribers have associated under ih! Finn of S. St J. WOLFE, fir the purpose of carrying on a Wholesale Grocery and General Commission and Forwarding susine. Libel .1 advances will be n.ude m all kind of duiitry Produce. Place f but'iiess, new Warehouse on the Wbarl mated lately below the iiri'ic, fAMUU. WOLFE. JtJX.i l HAN WOl-PE. Lewisburg, Pa. Aug. 7, 1819. A Word to the Afflicted, 5,000 persons in Philadelphia alone have witnessed with astonishment the wmi derlul efficacy ol Thomson's CorrtDourid Svrun of , , . , fa ' 1 ar ana V oul .aptna j t j curinir Consnmi.tiuii, Asthma, Hr-nch ' ii-. t.l.Mt.uate Cough, Pains in the Sidi ' or Hteast, Iver Complaint, it &c. Thi prejj'irwiion is mtiicly n vrzttab!' ttmrJy, nd mty Le H:nmisiered uitr. rci)(:t safely to iho iV-eble utlult or clulj Its power as an Kxpt-ctcrant is adiuiruiil) Hdi(jii-(j to relive tli tppression it, pul monary J;se.i-.c, mid while it assists naiurt: m ihruing olT the vi':ted tnattt:r which collects to the injury of (lie system, it tic's as a general tor.ic or strcngthrner. The testimony of I'hvsicinris and others to the value of thi. treat rernedv, has been of the most satisfactory fcinJ, and has given it a character and stnnditrd as a F.1MILY MEDICINE, that has placed it beyond competition lor the vaiious diseases for which it is em ployed. Prepared only a' the X E. corner Fifth ind Spruce street. Phildi IphiH. S.ild by C'. If. Srhnffle, Sole Agent for Ijcuisliurg and vicinity. f"7: HE subscriber wonM ii.f rm the Gen- 1 tie eincn of Lewisburg and vicinity that he has now re-opened a new and elegant shop, next door to the Post Office, where he will crrv on the business nf CUTTING AND MAKING garments as usual. W'.irk made; bv htm warranted to lit. Produce received in pay mint at market prices. JOHN B. MILLER. I-wishur;, April W7, 1M8 Myers" Li(iiid Cure! is .t positive and never-failing Remedy for PILES' whether Internal, Ex 1 terna', Biiml or Bleeding Scrofula, While Sae'liiifs, L leers, ulcerated Sore rnro.it. Canker Sure Mouth, Rheumatism, Cu'ar. eous l)i-eases, Hrrcuriul Affections. e. also for Scalds, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Brui ses, Ai ?. feel justified in proclaiming the Fart to th Wo Id. that of all u.e.ticinan evei bro't hrfort I be public, none have ever been more benrfkial to afjlined humanity than .Vycra' Liquid Curt 'Ve know this ia saying a giet deal, but if we were to writ volumes we could not loo much in praise of thi sLTsToei. iirr r uoLiismsn at a cm. Hundreds, nay thousand. Urea the happy hou. when fi at they were m.ijs cduintrd with its trauaceiidmil virtues; snd our prrsrtii purpose : to inform oilier lb.!-aiiJ. bow and wber ;h--j ay obtsin that trlief wbicb iby Hibf I.Mig cougbt for in vain. 1'he supe ior ellei.re of thi pt ,oi. over all other medicines, for the speed pvr- manetit cure of i'lLES. if welt known t all wbo hav le.tsd it. tt hsa In en I fovnl in thousand if instanria ami h Jivn rtnti. to cure tlx most obtl-nult ein, and we sie coi.fi.lenl it u-ill nrvtr Jail if ut d pi opcr length tif tint accoid iug to directions. Ass proof of our entire confi iteure in it. cAVacy. s asnre all purrhtsera that if. af ei a prs-r uid. it p-ore in-ff. dual, thv Money paid lor it will be rtt'trntd. Tlie Liquid Cure is sn itTeriusI remedy foi lingworms Biles, Pi.nplen, Berbers' lu h. Fro-led Idmhs, hiiblsms. Salt Ubiiim. Muouito II us. tiiigs of poisonaus Insects and Cutaneous dima-rs of every desrnnli. iu It ia b.th sits and eflertcsl fo- KsrtWATUX i k-ivieg iinmrdule and ..-ini-Mnl relief. Ita enecis as a real 1 am A.Orr. aiv magical, ivtsi riMlLI is IMt UMI 'hould provide themx-Ives with this Invaluable Piepaiauon I he cheapueas of which place it within the r.-ai h ol all Fu'l Directions arcoinpany earb Battle i4io'blet". containing copies of certificates from thoe ho bve tested the Liquid Cure, maj !-e had gratia ot "ur autlioiized agciiia Myern' l.i'.iiid Cure is prepared only bv Jl ItOME tV CO SI Mpruce St. New York A genu : ( W Schaffl. I.rwiJiu.g ; J II Raser, Milloa lvo6:)3 GOAL, COAL. COAL. T MIE siibscrils-r has on hnnd and is now receiving from Pittston and Sha iiiukin, Be-i Foundry, Lump, Broken, Nut. and Pen ('OA Is which will be disposed of on icnsotiiihle? terms. June, . I G LAWSMK. ii . I i . L. ! ni eieriin' min(.iii'i tm u niv ny io ; ... . n w z- ooi.rt nr's Ag-nt J rn-nr, w. jtru-uonrir Mas At Clo e. S. lni'iiroe ; M. Wubimrt.in. row. ilio'mlx - rtan I ; J II R.-r, Milton; G Id FPipcr. Wmin ; OCHOOL-TIC KETS printed ' rt ' 'or alc Bt tlna ofijC'. NOTION ANDVARIETY STORE ! HAVING taken the new Drag EstaMixhmeDt of Schafilc S Clianilerliii. I would rc pecifullv announce to Biy frientl and the public that 1 bae replruisbad my dock add will keep Ctinstamly on baud a large, frob and well aelre td stock nf pure Drug-, Medicines 4c. which I u-I'er at Wholesale ar.d Rciail. My stock ling entirely new and purchased for c!i at low rules in th Philad market, I am enabled tu Mil at lonrr prices than ever out-red iu ibis region Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Patent Med , Glass, Perfumery.Oils, Paints, Liquors, t Fancy Notions, Variety Goods, rruits, and Confectionery. with a large variety of other article usually kt in Drug rs'aMibments. Tbanktul lor past ! eral patron?. I hope to merit ita continuance. Perrons wishing to procure pule and liK Medicines, are particularly intitfd to (jive me t call before purrhaning elsewhere, as all IlruB s'e carefully inspected bcluf tUered for sale anil s'l ,.lnli-inea mi.ufuciurcd by myself are r ranlrd pood. Havine a prsciicjl kuoslede o th iuinss f'oi upward of ten cara' etperi eiicf, I flaitrr niysslt that I su a couipcttiil jud if Hie same. All orjfrs entrusted to Die v.ill I roci't! stteudvd to. snd nir friends uny rely upon get ting everything of the verv best (jnslny. U. W. bi.'H Fk LE, D.ugjist. Lrwisl- IS49 tv Bt; J SAM'L AMMON, f 1HAKFUI. tor liberal pa:ronae br-retofore I received. reiclfully llllornix bis old friends and the public generally that he ha rsmovad bis 'l.iilor fcliop J to the Basement of his Brick dwelling on Market sireri. nest tloor above Penny's ssildli ry (late the olIii-e of II C Hickok, Eikj) where lie hoperto suit all who may give him thfir custom, as he does nil work in his liiie in the best anJ newest sty le ond on shm t notice, lie his ihe Fashions regularly, employs none but good hands, nnd is determined to keep U with the tunes and merit a good share t patronage. CUTT1SG done to order. Charges reasonable, and Produce taken in exchange for work L isburg. June, 149 ly270,7 Fancy Goods, Sot Ion, &.C. JIJsT rcce'd a Inrge and splendid assortment of Fancy Goods such a Sierl Bmd Hold Pencils Thimble Clskoa " Pen Chains Silver Pencil Viaiung Card Dominoes Tbermomeiars Kaxora and Strop Walking Canes Hcisaor tin (ilaeeea fpy Packet Mirrors " Compasses Bead Necklace Finger King Sstin Beads llsir Pin mber Needle Case Bulfilo Comb bitl Buttons Shell " Spanish Dressing " l'(rkel " Hair Brushea Teeth " Vail Flesh P-HH Sbss Jewelry Uuard Chain W.tcb Key. Cluster Piu Stud Wier Colors Emerges I igar Case KnufT Bo lie JSpeciaclea Perfumery Caaes batchel Night light eAmellng Bottle Dull and Steel Tweeters Doll heads Toy for Card Caaea Cliildra Port monies Fancy Pipe Pocket Books Pen Knives Accordion Pocket " Fiddle 8ilksndTbied Parlor Lamp Purse. Cameo Together with great variety of article not mentioned in the above list, for sale at th nw Drug, Fancy and Variety store of Ma C W eCHAFFI.B EnRlish and German Physician. TICO' A. H. TJIOUSTOX, 3E. TtJIO haa hri-n reularly educated in V tbe 1'iiivertity ol Miiryland. and tin IL.ti'irary Graduute of Castleton College o! Vt-ritioiit, and a Member o the M-dical nd Puiloophical Socitly e.l the S ale ol M irylind, offers his pr ;fe.M m:sl services hi ail the brauclu of ihe Hcaliug Art to .he cititens o( Lewisburg and its vicinity. tie has been engaged in the prc';-e ol medicine, in Lutcine county in this S ute, 'or nearly ihiiu-vn years from whence he brings letters of lecoinmend ition fro;n :he first men in that and Columbia county. .is regards hi standing in I ho profession of medicine, and his genern! character, viz : Hon John N Conyngham Re Msimsdt.ke Pearre - Zibs Bennett - Aiidiew Beaumont 8 F Headley - II B Wright H W Nichobon. Eq Jts-e B'innian, E-q " Charles Kalbtu " J II Young D s A B Wil-on Th-w W Miner s H Warner A Yolie M Sierk : baa U Bowman, t,sq Uev Thomas Bawmit: N R. Dr.T. may be found at hi effiee st the Drug store on the enst side of Mar ket Si. next to Walls' store, t at his resi dence 1st door below Kline's hotel. Lewisbutg. Jan. 5, 149 FERFUHERY ! SCIIAFFLI5 has received a choice as sortment from E. lioussrl and J. Iluurl. Perfumers, whose preparations are celebrated Bears' Oil Ox Mirrow Uy Water Cologne Water Pearl Powder Fancy Soapa Hair Dye Shaving Soaps dec. &e. Curling Fluid l8 a upneral variety of Jcwelrv and Fmiev Article8,Siectacles,P riciln. Wallets, roothbrushes, Hairbruslie-;, Ac. C. W. SCIIAFFLE. Lewi-burg, May IS. 1 S4e FRESH supply received at the Lewis-" borrj Cheap Bookstore : FVk. 's Miinual of Classiral Literature M-ivi'- Analytical Geometry Blair's I.hetoric. (University edition) C'imsiock's Mineralogy Th.- Complete Farmer, I vol. f!2j eig The New Americnn tvardencr, 1 vol. fl The Bk that will Suit Vou, or a Word fur Evrrylu'dy I can lumiah ihe above works, with a great variety of oil ers, at rerv low prices. 1.t 30 w F I.VNDA1X ALL I INDS OF JOB PRINTING, SCATLY i RIPEDITI0C8LT HKCrTID . AT THlv " CHRONICLE" OFFICE TO PHYSICIANS. DRUGGISTS, & COUNTRY MERVUAXTS. DR. J. N. KEELER it BRO. most res pectfully solicit attention to their fresh stock ol English, French, Cerwan, and Jlmtrican Drugs, Medicines, Paints. Che micals, Oils, lve'tufTs, Glassware, Tcrfu. niery, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, Ace. Having opened a new store. No 294, Market at, with a full supply ot fresh Diugs and Medicines, e iepectul!y folicit country dealers to exam ine our st.xk Leforn j.ilii lla-ing elsewhere, prom ising one and all who may le-l di-paiid to ex tend to u- their patronage, to srll Hu m genuine U.Ujts anu M"t!ic i.", on s liliernJ trims ss any o'her lioiic in tdc City.and totsi hfully esi'cu'e ail i:Jeis enlrusied t i us pn.mtly iid who de spatch. One ef the proprietor being s rejulsr physi cian. atTords ample guirsnie of l!i genuine juul.ty of ail article .olj at their entaoli.amciit. We espicia'ly invite !iut'iiits and eoamty iiiercbants. who m .sh 'o t. .m.e ugsiitj tr Dr. Ktclrr't Ci!e!,rtd Family Xcaici.m Ifcistidar 1 slid pi pular lernetli,) lolurward ii.u ddreai. Nrtiiciting tbe patron af dealers, w respect- utty remnin, J. N. KEtiLER A BRO., Wholesale D-ugii-ls. : 281J A'o 2W. Maikel Vkiiad. igORNAMENTAl I p.e subscriber ofieia for sule Ornsmen- tal Trees ol every descrip'ion, particularly i'n lutrcpenn Ltrden, and" Paulimi i linpt.- f rialis, a splnndid shade tree hitely introdu ced from Japan, remarkable lor us enor mous leaves (sometimes two feet iu diam eter,) and larjje clusters of rose-colored flowers, s-poltrd and striped within, emitting a fragrance simi'ur to the Lilsc. Also Fruit Tree Pear, Cherry, Plum, Nectarine, nnd Apricnl trees at rea sonable prices all the varieties warranted i genuine ; also Hot-bouse and Green honse idanls, together with a variety l flower seeds, all of which he will sell ft low a they enn be purchased in Philadelphia. H. R. NOLL. Lewishurg, Sept 12, 1849 UNIVERSITY THE TRUSTEES of the University st Lew isbuig would respectfully inform it Patron nd Friends, that, in the School under their care, (at Lewisborg) the following aie th Classes. Sub jecta of Study and Exercise for th current year. Departmeat aad Studies. MlllARY DEPARTMENT. Six Classes Exercised in Spelling, Reading. Definition. English Grammar, Arithmetic. Geog raphy, Histoiy U. 8. A Penmanship, and Com position. ENGLISH DEPARTMENT of the Academy. The aame atudiea aa in the Primary Department continued in the use of larger text booka; and to ihese are added General History, Davie' Algebia, Igeiidre and Survey ing. CLA88ICAL DEPARTMENT of ihe Academy Jun. Academic Clou. English language. Geugrapi.y, History U.S.A. Latin Grammar aud Header. Greek Grammar aud Reader com menced, Arithmetic completed. en. Academic Clau. English Language. Geneial History, Cajsir, Virgil, Greek Reader, Oavies' Algebra. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Frtthman ClatM. I,ivy,Auabasis,Memorabilia. Davie' Legendre, Trigonometry commenced. Hnfihomart Clau. Horace. Odyaey. eleel Oiationa of Demosihtne. Legcndr corui'leted. Llaiiea' Surveying and Navigation, Analytical tieoin.'try, BUir'a l.eclure. Junior Clws. Demosthenes on the Crown. Greek Trsgedy. Cicero ue Olficiis, Tacitus, .Nat ural Pbdosoi hy. Astronomy. Logic. Sludeula iu lbs English bejwluient re-ile with those pursuing tbe tame sludlea in the K.-gnlar ourse. No c!n ii: lbs Resular courte. hi less than :!ree dilv rccitjUoiis. All the memuer ol te -tBool. Oa thiee division.) Tei'-'Cised every Siti:rilev in Kevdir.g, Declamation, Ei.glttb Coin pnMiiou, and V. cal Music. Ad the atuilenta r .etiuired to attend, regn larlv.some religious meeticg. Minors j'e evp.- Ic.i to al'eiid nuch meetmjs in aie i.C'iuoiieudi-J o them bv lbe:r rsr.'.'ia or puaidisii l'ht re se in Ihe Borough no le-s li'.aii fix plaoej ol pjoi:c wor-hip, occopt-J every l.orii's Dsy by as tusiiy ilidcrvul Lbiisuaii denoniiiiaiu'iis. Member of Etudants. The numls-r of students during the past year in Ihe vs i uj depart menl s, n as Itit- The i.mi.U r il.n: b.ve entered theclassea in the R- s Jar t nuise tor tbe current yesr (oxcl-.-ive ol hose in tbe Enliah and I'riio.iry departiueuis.) ia as foil iws : Collsos. Junior c'as Sophomore cl is Fmhman claaa - Acaaxai. Senior elas Junior clasa 8 13 IS 12 2d., TEACHERS. STEPHEN W. TAYLOR, A. M., Professor of Msthemaiics and Natural Philosophy ; GEORGE R. BLISS, A. M., Proieasor of Greek l.aneuage and Literature ; GEORGE W. ANDERSON, A.M., Profeaaor ot Latin Language and Literature; ISAAC N. LOOM1S, A. M., Pnucipal of the Academy ; ALFRbD TAYLOR, A. M., Teacher in the Academy. In order to meet the demand of the Institu tion, the Board have taken measure to supply the necessary Apparatus tor the department ol Mechanical Philosophy, and to inciease the Li brary, bt-fote Ihe commencement of th winter session, liming the year, tne nuinung now tn progress will be completed, sffording study rooms and dormitories for 70 college students. Another Prolessor ha been added to the Faculty, and mean provided to enable students in the classes specified abo to prosecute their studies wiib the greatest success. Tuition and Board. TUITION in tkts ColIegiaU Dcpsrtment $30, Academic ISO. Primary 1 12 per year. BOARD, including lodging, washing, fuel and light, can I had in th village and ita vicinity at various price, from $1,37J to $S,S0 per week. SeaaloiM, Vacation, Ac. Two Session in a year the former eommen res on the second Twesday in October, aud con-. Iinuet7 week; th Utter continue IS weeks. Spring Vacation. 4 week ; Autumnal, 6. Next ession begins 1 1 lb October. The Board are happy to add that Lwiaburg is at present, ss it aver baa been, exceedingly , healthy. By order and in behalf nf the Board : THOMAS WATTSON. Pres't. GEORGE F.'MILLER, See'y. Lewiaburg, Union Co. Pa. Sept. 1, 1849. A. L. HATFIELD 1TTAS removed his Waich and Jewelry i II establishment to hie houawe-opDosiie H.ye. store. fj-Bwk Agents and Colporteurs milt please to obttrte.JT) "17 VERY cilixeo of ihe United States should Ti possess a copy of these work, i bey ar the llook of Our Country. n"r A Faithful Chronicle of the " ' ' WAR ot American Indepen dence. In one large volume, 8o. Illustrated with Seventy Engravings, in handsome Gilt Binding. Price The Presidents of the United Slates, Their Memt.it and Administrations: To which ia adued an account of the Inaugura tion of each President, and history ot the jirincif oil political event of his administration, and ol the transactions of Cougress at ca-h ses sion (lining the period. Illustrated siih rW.nl porlraits of the rresi donts. engraved on steel. This is a barijs.ooe royal 8o, iu beautiful pictorial binding. 42 SJ. STATESMAN'S MANUAL, composing th Lives, Addresses and Messages of ihe Pieaidente of tbe United States, From Waehinton lo Taylor's Inauguration ad dress. March. 1819, With a history of their Administrations, and of eh Session of Congress also vaiious hist orical, atali-ticsl, and other important public dorii.nents, nnd a complete Imlex, or analytical 'able ot e.n'i-iit to the whole work. Edited by r.ivn Wh.lias, Esq. Illustrated with por isi s of our IS Presidents, engraved on sl -el. ft'Ha the most approved authorities, and in ihe rest s'.yle of the art ; printed on fine paper, and tai tlsonii-ty bound in emblematic style. It will also be rmhrliished with View a of the Capitol, President's L'ouae, and ihe Seal of the several States and the United States. In four large Svo volumes. Price 10. Thia is the citizen aud Library edition. 0"The Reference Edition of ihe same work, in 3 volumes targe Svo, without portiaits. Price $7.50. This edition is for reference, and is intended for Statesmen, Legislators, Members of city Corporations, Lawyeis, and Individuals holding public Offices. The Republic of the I'nlted States, nd its Political Institutions, Reviewed and Examined. By Alexis Di TorarxriLLi, Member of the Ins'itute ol France, and tbe Chamber nf Deputies, &c. In one large octavo volume of nearly Oue Thousand page. Price :!. The 12 St?rs of out Republic, Our Nation's Gd't to her onng Citizens: Containing the lives of our Presidents, the Signer of liie Declaration, Articles of Confeil eration, the Constitution, with an hi-t-ricsl sketch of ihe American Union. Illustrated with elegant portraits, engraved on steel, and illumi nated pictures of tbe Signers, lb Capitol, ami President's House at Washington, Bunker-Hill, dtc. 4c. Elejantly bound. Gill edge. Price $3. (Tj-No expense has been spared in the prepa ration of these volume of Documents. Historv. snd Statistic, to render the same worthy of pa tronage, not only of Statesmen and Legislators, but of ihe American public generally ; who will find in them the Tf.ascv or Political KaowLiuoa, and a mas of information. LIST OF BOOKS published by E. Walker, 1 1 1 Fulton street, Dr. Dowling's History of Romanism to the present time. 60 Engravings, price f 3 00 rhe tsnul to Knowledge, Tbe wnudera of the World, Mr. Ellis's Family Monitor. Mra. Elba's Guide to Social happiness. Brother and Sister, Cheever' Lecture on Pilgrim' Progress, Christian Martyrulogy, Ch rial's Messengers, Fate of Infidelity , or. Truth Triumphant. Odd Fellow' Offering lor 13 18. elegantly illustrated. Odd Fellow' Offering for 1S1? do Odd Fellow' Offering for 11S0, do Tbe Odd Fellow Illustrated and neatly bound, Faith. Hop, and Charity Illustrated. I vol. 12 mo. Gilt Muslin. Friendship. Love, anil Truth Illustrated. 1 vol. 12 mo. Gilt. Tale f.ora the Arabian Night's Entertain ments. 3 00 S.50 8.50 350 SO 3 51) 1.25 1.25 34 i no 3.50 3,00 1.00 I, lib 1,110 75 75 73 R.'bitihood nrd h'j Merry Foresters, Wreath of Wild K loner's. You;ii People Mirror for 13-13. 4 o. Muslm, 1,00 Pj!'Wati ri:.BJt A '? 'rvtx nd Colportrlirt Who may i!. ire in r.stivsss diftrici for th above important Nafonal W.-t. wi'l b pleaei to auuress a line to Ihe puMi.-b. r, stall. i t!.i por'ion o' country lis uislies to occupy, at d by r.turn of Marl ne 'vill receive a I.i-i ol Ptti-n eilti Tent s t. Agents, U h allow them verv liher-.il comriiianinn. EDW ,KI WALKER, Publisher, 111 Ful ton elii-et. Ne Yoik. Consumption disarmed of its Terrors ! HAS'I INlIS' Compound Sytvp of Anp tha u posilive cure for Consumption Wedine, Asthmu, titid all die ases ol ihe chest and lungs a single bjtilu will juovt- us eiiicucy. Ihe proprietor not only recommends his N'mtha Svki p, but warrants it lo cure! lie warrauis it lo act upon tliech!e, and purify it ; he warrants it lo remove ail im-K-dmienls which retard the free circulation f the blood ; he warrants it to open Ihe internal and external pores of the body and ejerl all ihe obnoxious particles hich have accumulated in the system ; he warrants it as a never-failing remedy in hectic lever, night sweats, dyspepsia, liver complaint, pain in the chest, and asthma ; and he war rants it to arrest the formatinii of tubercles to the lungs, and lo heal those already formed, so that persons in consumption may take it with the most positive confi dence of a cure, for its great seat of action is the lungs, which it penetrates in all di rections, purifying them of everything obnoxious in ils progress, and which, il applied according lo directions, it can not fai. lo leave in a perfectly healthy condi tion. Agent at Lewishurg 210) C W SCHAFFLE. Get the Best ! A LL yonng persons should has a Standard j. Dictionary at ihcir elbows. And while you are about it, gel ihe best : that Dictionary ia oa WtasTta'a. the great work, unabridged. If you are too poor, save the amount from off your back, to put it into your heaJ. Phrenolnjnur. Dr.Webster's great work is the best Dictionary of Ihe English language. London Morn.Chmn. Containing three times the amount of mailer of any other English Dictionary compiled in this country, or any abridgment of I hi work. Published by G St C Merriam.Spring6etd,Maa. and for sale at the Cheap Bookstore of May 30 S F LYMULL. Lewishurg BEST Spanish and Hall r.iwh, also American CIGARS and all kinds of Chewing TOBACCO, fr sale hy PUN NY fe FUKRAY. Lewishurg, Dec 4. 1848 mm ?f. all vunia KINDS FOR sale by REBER & IDDINOS. Lewishurg, June, 1919 EQtTITABIsE rLirC IfSrBiSCB Annuity and Iruat (Joiupany. Office, 74, tl'alnul Street, 1'hxludtlphia. CsriTAL, $250,000 Charter Perpetual. 111IE Company aie now prepared lo irsnsact business orxn tbe most iiberal end aJvanla geou terms. The are authorised by their charier (sec 3) " lo make all and every insurance apper taining to life nks of whatever kind or nature, and to receive aud execute trusts, make endowments, and to grant and purchase iiiiu.lies." The Cum-p-i-y stll annuilie and eodowrueuls, aud act a linstees fur roinois and heir. 7a4e of Premiums te riirid fur the Atsuranat oj 100 Jur tnt icl.oie itrrA cj ijc. Ave. I rem. 16 $150 Ate Piem. Age. P'em. 31 32 S3 31 35 36 37 39 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 $2 09 3 15 8 2'J 2 7 S 33 2 43 2 47 2 51 S 63 2 70 3 81 3 92 3 01 3 12 3 23 40 5,3 HG 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 83 23 30 I 53 47 43 49 0 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 5S 59 60 3 49 1 56 1 59 1 69 I C3 1 CG t 69 1 72 1 76 1 83 1 89 1 94 1 99 2 04 3 62 3 77 3 91 4 13 4 32 4 51 4 71 4 ill 5 12 5 33 5 54 5 78 6 03 The premium are less lhan any other company and the policies afford grester advantage. Mar. tied women and female children can insure Ihe lives of either husband or parent tree from tbe claims ol creditor. Table of half yearly and quarterly premiums, ball" credit ratea of pieii.lum, short terms, joint lives, survivorships, endow ments and forma of application are to ba had t the Ofhce or of the Agent. Rates fr innuring 100 on a tingle Life. Age. For 1 yer. For 7 year. For Life. 20 $0 81 91 160 30 U 99 1 30 8 04 40 1 29 1 64 2 70 50 1 B6 2 07 3 94 59 3 48 3 97 6 03 Example: A person aged 30 years next birth day by paying the Company 99 eta would secute to hia familv or heir f 100 should he die in one year, or for 9 90 be secures to them flOOO, or for 13 00 annually for seven year be secure to mem ft 1000 should be die in aeven yesr, or for 20 40 paid yearly during life he secures $ 1 000 lo be paid when h die lb insurer securing bis own Donas b tbe difference in amount of piemium from ibose charged bv other office. For 4 9 50 ihe heir would receive .5000 should he die in one year. PETER CLLLEN. President. F. W. RAWLE. S c'y ud T eaa. For further patlicuts-s spply to HENRY C. HICKOK. Aifcnt fir Union and mljnining cn'inties Consulting Physician W. Hires, M. D. Levi isburg, Union Co. Pa. July 21, 1 1 19 HONEY! WATCHES AND CLOCKS Cart fully Hrpaired.at the shortest Soliee. 'IMIE subscriber desires to inform the J citizens of Lewishurg und tin- pul;li ui general that he carries on the Watch Making Business iu the shop formerly oc cupied by C.J. Huusel, w here he is prepnred to execute all kinds of woik in his line ol business with promptness and on the mos-i reasonable terms, and by strict attention to his business expects a liberal share of patronage. He has Constantly on hand aii assortment of WATCHES Patent Lever, English, and French. JEWELRY Gold Watch cha ns and Giianls.l'enciU Pens. Bieastpins.Earrings, Finoernnos, Silver Speelucles, L'jckets. Sj-ifiis, Tiiinibles. Whi.-h he is lie-i-nnined to sell low. C.1LL dXD TRY. A L. H ATFIELD. Iw-hiire. Nov. 13, 1?17 ''HE stihscribors, thankful for past patro X ' "! r tJ lil iiilurm the public that the oiiiiiiue lo nrm. if.tc'Ufe all kitids of MILL GE.1RI.VG. Cast Water W heels ' moa t0"d I inn Threshing Machines One and Two Morse aa : I'iO.lgllS. '" e invite p:trucu!ar attention to a .nicle Wiard's Tatfut C1C rLfll'CBS, lor UClilll' IU LfiliR. Farmers hy this ploug enn etd in us much grain, in one duy, u n Ihrer; days, with common ploughs. e.T&iuiflS miB Curn ins, "nd I'ittn.g the same. HOLLOW WAP, PI iCeltlcs and Pols ol various sizes Smooth ing Irons and StitnJs cast Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves. COOKING STOVES, the most approved patterns now in use, for wood or coil Fancy,Parlor,'cHHl.Coal Stoves, Alii TIGHT STOVES, Race' Se-'ir-regulullug Alr-tlght i-arior v oou stoves, (.a new article.) I hreshing Machines and other articles of machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Cast inns war ranted to be of the best material, aad at prices that can not fail to please. GKDDKS Af MARSH Lewisburg, March 25. 1848 lv209 Pianos! Pianos. THE undersigned continue to furnish lo order on the most reasonable terms. Pianos, from the manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Philad..whose instrument are too well known to need any pan- egj.it, oavmg unuormiy received tbe commend ation of Ihe most eminent professors and compo sers of Music, and tha award of Ibe premium in NwYork.PhilWdelphiand Boston. of lone, touch, sad keeping in Ion up lo conceit pitch, they aaot b aurpa-aed by either Amer ican or Europeaa Piano. iMlrucUoo given on the Piano, heretofore. Referenr ma ba maib to anv of thoe narania or guardian who have pupiU eommitied lo hia charge. H any be seen al his residence st Mrs Maize', Market trel. Lewi-burr. ahns im. and particulars will be made known. Tha piosi popular aud favorite Aire and Music of different kinds received a it ia issued from lb different moaieti astabluhmenu in the CittV. Myl CHARLES KAL1SCH "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful diseatt. CONSUMPTION! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Prevst tioo. and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale in Lewisbur g by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and a: this office. Price. 75 cents. TRICKS Of VACKS. tar TJvaavaobV Res Tl Jssetu.v.-TW a v .inwlpaiilta for sal la tha dirtfcrvet towns u,j S r TowosnH'i SarvatkulHa. It ia ailwruvrd sa Ui ORIltl NAU GESI'INP.awl all taaL Tins TisrseM Mnoitsciat anil twser ws : but waa facmerly a workar mi raoruaiw. ca. asls, sad the lika jet hs assanvw Um wis 1 boaur lur :tm puip". "I xainin ersdii lor afaatbs Me "a has a.lemleu two roeoical sctmols, and prciH-d Utt u.'sa vears ! !" Nuw U u-uih ia. ha new jirari:eso msltu dav to hi Ills ! Such tnlnl, WKktd miarwsnroB ksika bail to the ebsractar anJ vsrwitv of the sun. It moat surtersty, be had never made tiwesus,tnrat of Sufi ell or ol tne- VY nsn will men learn to be kooest aud ira-a-lul in all their nValuixs atsl mtereourwi with Uteir iiw men ! He appiie.1 lo ana Hnal C app lo assist h-m ia man-ttt-urUiC his miztorr. eiauns the Is-re sums h w.s SASke. as an incacement lo embark In the bosiuese. Theva men bsa been insutuos; aud libvltra we is ail ousvibe birnri., in onlrr lo impress tno pabUc web the belief tlt the IWd ls.nor's Hjuesparilla waa not iti- fnmtn. erigioea Sarattparit a. ma-ie Iroaa Ihe Oui Uoetor't 'Htrtnal Atess. pi 1 me S. P. townseiid ease 1 have 4d the use tuf nam for7 a wee I will xie htm to if ba vnll p.-u. duce one emi-ia s!i.ry prajf of Una. Hit watementa at Tboinissin. Ssil'raio t Co.. ara no.hu but a usavsi a Uteet .s) Is. simt,ly insiie to decstse ilia public and Seen Ihe trdlh down lu rrt .rd to hBmnr,rstiv es esmmf Tni is to csit'.iun the pulj'tc to purrliese n Jne bui oVd lr J 'OH Tuwnsend's Sntanlia, ha.injt un It u Oid ltoct'.r'e lilreww. his am. y Csal of Arm; ami sis , , ,. r . , K I nf Arms. Old Dr. Jacob Townsend, THE ORIOISAL DISCOVERER OF THE Genuine Townsead Sarsaparilla. Old Dr T- wnsend is now mlsmt 711 -ear- 1 see. sn-l bd fan. been known ss th' A VTH"K Mid MI'.-fiVEHEtl HABS.tf.illlLLA." H'ln- tss-.-, he cw.pe ll'nil lis nia..ul tc urr. bv wliirli rnra is It Ass btei: fcspte oltr.aiksr. ait I ne tucun.-ie. Hj4 io tb. UI..T - hsd proved lis wonb and known Ms vj-ja. Il l. ! r Uie mi - f m ui. iii.Tenhe:-ss, as 'h- pr-s . ., rj tn l.sle.l ol .e d;e.os, sad sattsi u rn. s- o.metl us s.on !-r.t IIE.M.INfr POWl.rt. ThiISRtM,VNKt.fA!.LI"lrr!!.:,3T.' . mai.useluiel .at the isrirest .tea-, anJ c-.: 1 - i' - . . -out lbs length ami bftK-tth ol oie ,s: s - s fourd iiteai-ssio i. dr?rnr.aiiHi or dr i.v ,n -. I'nllke ,..uim S P Tuitiwe.s:'s.lt es-.', l.-awlnevi-rcnaniseb-j. uwthra-n-r: V---s :; it p onsossir.-r princijJ. b, a s.ea.o.e smiw T-c -. -s kitoivle.u;V-o: L'heoili v. an-l .be .ii-st a --o-r:.. ul .... ait. have all been bro'ishl in ' letlll-ouon It -M rr.ii.-4C tuts ol tae Old llr's Sr; Jill s. T-. Ssrs: r it le well kl'S w BW.aeril n caaliitis a-.au : ri-sl pr..;ri . swl some p.-ipen'ss ..bicb lusr. or u-..-, n-l ntherv shicn 11 reis.ntd m prsKaro:; it "e us--. -reduce ermrniultcn and trid. vibicll is ll.iu.-i't.s w :1s s lem. Soiree, lite r-.iertles ol S.s:.r.; a a-- o tbsi thev emirrlv ev,.irte arl are ..i :.. tt p-r;,. ..-s.. il Ihe, are uot i.rt-srrve I hs a et tetiS- p'or.ts, sr...-- , Iv s'lho-s efs!rir:e.d i.-i Its Bii u se ur ".. er. these 9JtUl!t pnnctj'e; wlnrjri Ay oil l sp..r. or s - haUihsi. under best. ,,rr tht jr., ssssn-iJJ -Kts r?- wrtitt ot Ute r.s. rnch 51W tu 11 ell iu ue A11J person esn ts.li.tr sre sr tbv- rwl u'-i IT ey set v ,sr colored liquid, which 1 ioire frwtn the eolone ir.-r :n ihe root than IPMn aasihnu e:- ; the v sen then -tr.m tL insipid or vapid 'i':uid. swsrlrn with er hui's-w. s ,i theueall is -S.vKSAPAHII.I. fcX 1 RAfT r St Al ? ' Rut such IS not On- article known ss :he GEN LINt OLI lit JACOB TOW NtLD i SAKSAI'ARILLA. This n s prs(ind that ail lbs inert Jtreparuse of la SIsrsaDsnfa rool are tirst remttse.1. oservthiiuj rspabe becoinins ari.1 or fsnuevatHH. IS ulraxisd au-1 rrjeuol 1 then every psriele n m-tKi sirtue swared in a c-s. and eonre'n.rl-l kim ; and thus is retslersu mow- a ol ,siut ai.v f v. ViJuable and heauiJI properties r pared ui tlir- was. it l mje the m.ts. p. rtul ajjsa' a. hs Cwre T Iwiawmerwble llseaa. Heme the rss.n wltv we htu fnsoiejiiois."ti ! in tut favor t men. w-tmao, an chudren. W, 0; ;t doin woislers in the curt, of ,, V..Wf.'.Vr.snd in KHF.CMATISV. a'-""''': VI. A PILK.t. '. Iisrt V AT.Mi.VX. all CL T.lAi OLS r.RVPTlO.KX. PIMPLES. HLQ WHS. aud ail airecnmNi art-tlii; tn.ai IMPUKi l OK THE Kl.oon t eVbr irirvfllmta a'ar TH 'l WnpirL- 4V1- miv; t tiuet'i P.r' Cmf9 . vi prmnoie. "y r:erc.'rjuiu tt rPT ' vfimrion. rv.iju. tictarj rt u. iu.w, ur. "3 Tr? o.her wrt- . But 111 ns.tSinif iat mm exrtUmc mrr mai.utHiT m tj ckaoT.thls:v! ;h vti m FtlMALK COMPLAINTS. It wnrk m -mr in c f F-or Ath r W"1-' UntM. 'irrrfua-.it oftti iiMtti ut t--n.J. tu t u. ru1 is !W:ti.il ia nirint all :!- ,r- A"ijf Bv iins.irit iirwiiai. -ikI reauuitii nMm. it rive oww a-J .ltt I i W U'1iAcun-IHtfins!" . ...... 1 ikit. stttr raslM-aa a rrt aU "ii-l.'t ' aditrft, m Suimt: irrttaTtyn, WifufMl. A V vVif xiti'Vi Kviinc r . i.nvsgiunM. art r iai,si tw M.MML vxi-ucs :hc ii-ef trr ; u'th fua. U.uea trie atiwh. and tfiw b-.welitul wrt-rd.r)c.M.i.r n:i theMkm,e.r,m?.-s thf f ircu -au-H ot t mih.. t tciiii een! wan.i.h .Ually ail bodj.au iiVfTiiMf rrwpirsitjn : rr'ax trtnrxjr- ail ?irt're-- nvtvj ail itlMtru ,?!. aud invij;rain tiia ei."!. :.?'' nytr-rn w n thii- tirrt Thf MrIrnr on pr-Ttlnl mrdf But f.tn anv i: ttei- miih ttt pan! r; S P F -A-.-al inlennr anitp t Tii "p? fn.m fnft i n ; V COMl'ARKH W TH THEOLI PN'S. rvpraifwof n- CR f F XV T. thai tti one w INCAP BLE ui lETEKiOH ATIOt arnl whiT ih ntVr wimrintj. fermtntinti. ' -f" rV?rV ffrn'STniii it ir.t lrritfniif : ti llii(I vtptiwh'iS. .i ! .iaiu.tiTJ ntir st!" xtu iriiTihl rmt i t rv piMnnn 10 the t;tterj t -ir-i: put aetd inion j(.v.n a'rtu!y diastd irt'h '? W canMrs lTwti-ia hn-r will 1 n wvtti all fcn-'W t'i: ftoH aouni in tmr itmach-i. what nailicr jt flatn!iii-, h-r:tuni. pAipra1!-.! i the har hrtt ' i plaint, durriio-a. tfyrttti-r. (Mitt, an-l ci ruj'i:- n ' b'ttl t WImi h SiTi.lHta tU! an arid Hnrr v ' ' k '"! Wbal prOs'tK- alt It- titiiRrt whirh bunt on i."- v " ' th Skin, Sai l llrn!. Slit Rhrom. t i. SwpIiiiij;'. K-firr Srt. ntui ultin'i fis inir-r-' ' ' tfriwi I k in neetbtcxT mnr narri Itut jn I -j' "' wlueli aonr. and ilm-t -j.-i i all lit ftunU ; th- b : "f or l. What ma - Klrurru!iirn hnt a ur a:fi Brt' dmd which m"iitiaf-4 itstath' S--a-tn Ih jonifs I " where, imtatttif an. I iiiltnmtnf tTi tl!ti-at 'fw" Q whifh h an1 S tl nrrvksUei dia --. 01 imp :h- ' bliMsaJ. ot rr-r-aefs( rimtiauon. aud ueariy a!i tb- whirh atfllt human naiun. N'w w n ihm horribi) to make and sail, and i "'' tts-rs to ne Thi SOIKIM., FEKMENTINO. , ll -TMPtt'l 'r S P TllWN'sl I an.1 w a wttM ha m tu.fs.t.'! th.v ! P ?' oh l'rw-t-aa.i..rw fVtfirM rr-r- Sir4ipsirii.a. t -.. I"' ITATIOS ih I-: iLie-ri.-r prrptrin llearn istrbitl that wr ohsHit'l ileal in an am--v k 'i routd brar th muaii tii uant rtnwniblaiic tu S P - -" jrnd'a orfn-V . We s II tlttdf rwfiwvl. becaitr-r it in the oht v that S. P Town -.'itd'i article and aid Ur. Jt--'!- I" ' ' Sarajipirilli .trr hnr-n triije apart, tfml tnr? liar; ili.it the- are mit'te in awry partKii'ar, hi"" ur.e in iri'iiir m e immuL A S. P Ttwiiftl I- iv i?.rtor. aisl never w'. aftemiM, n haniareiifisr know" iv m-re ." n'-' ': ' , de its,- shan .i.m (h-r oyrt-r-ssa, .ivff.it'tr.tinr'':'fp',u- man, what gwtrtmfr n-.n the pnb.ic h?ve ii; Ccivii.f; a er nun. M,ri,t rift ineiljei:ie, .ii:!titii liiea nl' the aitirlr.a u'terl in prea::n- it. m tapnble ni e lian-fe whirh muht reti lct ILem (M i)lfa-e iiTeail-! health 1 Hut what el-e -hmid be ener'e,i Irt o e -: noihuir ftTi(ia-'atirely of im-'MfinT" -r i -.:? ! "' a jerwn t m exueneiiee m r ;-. .tpi.! ..' r " ' CtMtirnim tirt-ent meat. I!iw pti:. n im. :. .'.. " WEAK STOMrilS AMI . f Ml.i:i Ssi htXt.d Rim.w Well (he nte.ll.-at ' er.lei l ptnflt-. " maiinttr ol H--eiirtni ailrlentl ' ih -t hfatit .: a!n an x:rn-'ive kn.iwttd-.rr of ,, aiieet th rtiiman t-vn-.-TU. and horn v :rirw tiif-na to adafa rrnw lhewa d4eae-. ' m. . . si L. ..mat. its nnrAsisrvs' n I w 'IT " " into wrrrtded hnm'.nv.io kimlfe hot tt d-".:wnj boanHt, to rt-Ntiara health, and bUt.it. p.d M..kl ... I Knitsa a.rv.4 Est, fvanmk inlirmltf h f Ol I' m jAOBTOVNSKNI h.w S4)LtiMTaiid FtJiM' port unit rd mi'ii to hnnz hia w Grand Vntretmal CirMtrfefl Ht-mW, witam the iwh, ami loiho kn-wlrdcr r a w-oiw- Uutihey ma karnanl krvi-- h inynil rxi.' rBtftraani ruwrr - , AcrNTs for !he aLove M-iJ..ii.r- ' Schiiiile. Iawiahnr?i: John II Ra-rr. H'u ton ; Forsyth & Priestly, Northimik'iao PENTLEME:rs Fancy Goods J intft Cioih. Cassiinerr.oncf hut met Goods in geuernl, a! j vis-.v &es- $x.v&i&& C. E. BoH-ev Ch ap 3.or
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers