l.KWISBUKG CiniONfCI.irA&b WEST BKAXCtf FAKMKIi ii PENMANSHIP, .. The subscriber respectfully fe"'-5v t10'03 lns people l ,n' Boro ai r!SwnJ vicinity lhat he has rented Hie brick office, late Dr.Ludwia's.where ho opens on Friday a School for instruction in Loth Plain and Ornamental rgsMANsiur. lie conceives that his part consist in teaching plain, common-sense, business hand-writing, and this he pledge himself to do to the satisfaction of those who tua'te the effort to learn. it .,r, r...m o i.i 4 P. M.. hVi in the evening, so lhat pupils can at'ee-.i when j most convenient. Those residin;; it d , tance can improve in writing by coming to iown and practicing four or five day. j For terms, specimens, and recommend- j ations. nupfy to m al ihtf writins room or a K!ine ho:el. S.SHLLP. , Lewisburg, Nov. 20. 1849 ENGLISH oud German Ai.as for as V hy I G Lnwshe VXEiV BUQQEY for sale, cheap. For funher particulars, enquire at this otrie. Lewisburg, Nov. 7, 1819 II RES! I Corn-Meal Tor sale by Oct3l I G Law-she Tl'ST received a genuine artic'e of Cod Liver Oil lor wholesale or retail. Nov 13 Dr Thornu 11 Jt Buker Ulcerated Sore Throat It is well known that, if i.eglec:;, this complaint invariably leads to Consumption. L" those suffering from this disease would apply Dr.Trask's Mignetic Ointment.they would find immediate relief. For full par ticulars, call on the Agents, and get a pamphlet. Mold in Lewisburg, wholesale or retail, hy Thornton Si Baker. Price 25 and 39 tis per bottie. CKOl'P. The ravges of this dread disease, which annually sweeps so many thousands of interesting and lovely child ren to an uutimely grave, may always be certainly and immediately arrested by the application t.f Dr. Trask's Magnetic Oint-nit-n'. Mothers who.-.e h'eail tremb'e with frar at the approach of its dread rattle, try it. Price 25 to 33 cts per bottle. Thornton Si Baker, sole Ag'-nt for L wisburg. TRYTHEJIEW FtRM! WYKOFF b EOUSEL "ITJOULD iuform the pubic, that thwy have opened a shop on Fourth street lower story of S. V. WykofPs old stand, opposite II. inter Pardoe's shop, where they kstep on hand or make to order s""J Fancv and Omimnn Chairs, Levi .. ' t 1 -I I A. TiOlon rVOI S'I'g snmi aim. Bn-wi. Tables, Bedsteads, HSfrjRy of various kinds,. LviT'J Settees. Sir. Sic. All work in our line warranted to be well uade, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING attended to by the subscribers on the shor test notice and in the best style. Country Produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscrhera intend to be strict in the fol'iltnenl of all their promises as retards nrk and so doing, hope to receive a i.jeral share n( puVic patronaee. JOHN N. WYKOFF. JOSEPH M. HOL'bhl.. t.ei,burg, Nov. 1849 iTflRE about M'Lane's Vermifuge! ! 11'... .... . . . . l .1 1 lt..i the l.,!iuwimr lestim HUHl as 10 1 - , ... r . u. .,! ..fihis ureHt medicine for worms: This is to certify that I purchased oi.e .. 1 ..r VI. I IVnrm ii.iri. sfime two i.ll HI ii tisin. ........ ..j-.... months sincn. I administered two spis.ns- , u , I lot to a son pi mine auout 7 years oio, ami 1 Ji to a son t ' ' 4 ihiir im uiiu .a - ..w - - - worms passed from him. measuring Irom a quarter of an incbtotwo inches in length "Dec.27 131. G.W. Holludav." AGENTS- -C vV sirMirrn, Iwisl.org ; H deafer. Milton ; I Gihart, 8. linrove; J W Krihng, f unbury ; Mrs M'Cay, Xoilhumberbnd; M C Grier. 1 Moore, Danville Notice. rVO the Tax Collectors of Union couniy. l As the year will soon come to a close, nnd our County Settlement will have to lie made, we hope the Collecors will make a vigorous ifl.irl to have their respective D j plicates settled Up. Delinquent Collectors previ ius to 1649 will take this friendly hint, us it is the last that will jbe given And we hireby give notice that we will make no Fenerations after next December Court, so lhat all mte rested wi'.fattcnd. JOSEPH WINTER, JMES B ARB1N, l C .m,ie J.lllN WMI.T. J C.Wrs" .fuce. New Be.bn. O.l. 25. 1819 A niil v "Trask'n ltacnetic Ointment ' frcelv on the surface over the region of the pin, and you can easily throw off the disease. Its application is attended with nodanger.and it will relieve you more speedily than any other remedy. Price 25 and 38 cents. Sold wholesale or retail by Thornton 4; B iker.Lewisburg, and John 11. Raser, Milton ftATlATC A inu! application of LUlv jN u. Tf,sk's Magf'ic (Jaitinem, will satisly ny "e of ,,sl tffi acy in removing this plague of light boots. Sold in Lewisburg.wholesale and retail, bv Thornton Si lUker, and by John II. KW, Milton. P. ice 25 and 38 cts r ho'.tle. "i! I. 0 for Justices and C'ontiblee,on IS i. II iVS ..J for sale at ibis office, or oon'eil according to order i fANTED two tons of RAGS, in W exebance lor Merchandize. An 25 ' - l"h- lEiiK--fiOod Cider Vinegar lor ale by I G Liwt just kkcksvs:d A FULL supply for Wholesale or i!' t.lll Of Pure Whin; Leid Siierm Oil Linseed O.l . P'i.e O.I Spirits Turper.'.in? TVirnit; Fluil Spanish Brown IVjoiati R tin do -Whiting Cluone-Green Vecitian ii -ii do Yellow Red Load Lamb P. lack Yellow O'hre Copal Varnish K-ack Lead Japan do Li.'hirg'i leather di Crackers by the hbl. Alcohol Sperm Ciittd'es Tar Mou'd Tallow do S"ap Dipped do Ho (J-istor Oil Looking Glass Fiates Sweet do And a variety of FANCY Alt I ICLES. which we will sell at a small profit, nu.l not "at cost," as some sav. Da. THOKSro.N" BAKER. Lewisbure, Nov. 13. I 49 IJIIANDIIKTH'S PILLS. 7 I'M IE New York Sun S3V: "Brutid roth's X Pil's have been used amonu many of our frieuds.nnd in o;it own family we have used them nearly four years, when we re quired any medicine, fn thai period, no D.ictor save Dr. Rratidreth has crossed our threshold, and no medicine beside the Dr's Pills used. Our belief is, " Keep jour bowels and blood pure," and every kind of disease w:l! be prevented or cured. The llrenijriih Pills are eminently calculated to do this, and thereby much lessen the sum of human misery." The sruuint Dill for sale bv J. HAYES, sole ajj-i)t for Lewiyburg. HoiiJ23 TEAS! TCACI kHtl - ITUXE fresh Green and Black Teas.from . "42 cents a pound and upwards.impor ted by the Canton Si Pekiu Tea Company of New York, packed in pounds hulvesand quarters, perfectly air tight, just received andlorsalebv JME HAYES. May 6 " Sole Agent f.if Lewi.burg VfiftTED IN one-of the most flourishtng towns on the West Branch of the Siiouehanna, a purchaser for a DRUG STORE now doing a first-rate business. Amount of stock now on hand, nliout 1000, w hich will be sold at eost for Cash, or if more convenient a small part of it on short time. For further particulars, enquire at this office. 29 j Dr. Sutayne's Celebrated Family Medi cines . CIKE FOLLOWS CVRs! More Proofs of the Efficacy of Dr. S WAYNE'S compocsd unci or Wild Cherry The Original and Geuuint Prepara:ic .' (onsnmptlon, Coughs, Colds, Artbins, Bronchitis, Lier Con plaint (pitting lilood.diriicutiy of Bre i:hii.j, pain in the io in.) Urrx'. pa!.iuuuD uf the Hesrl, Influenid.Crnuji, bro ken Coiialiiuhon.aO!e I hr Lit, Xervous Del'iliiv.amt 3:1 Uiri?Hse ot TbpOHt, Urft, arid Lung: th most etZ c lua! nJ iie.!y cure known tor any it tl:s ab.ve dist-HM la Dr. Swavnu's cornp uiid of Wild Cherry. Keliable Testimony. vraji Jjhn M:!iyn E'V, editor of ihe ffnwlrr Spy, 1as , was aiucked with a severe infuinn- , i...n nf th liim.-. aecomnanied with a tltr.'uie : cotijh : aiier ui"g various other remedies with ; 1 c u o. .... ..r k,tiii 10 1 imi .t ... .-." - Svtavnu's Coinpnuiid Syrup of lid Cherrv """j'"- "r ' i , ' . he t j ..r.tril 10 iM'rfprt health. Wm. Montebus. a resjifctablo merchant of St u.l It. .11 .am.i. iv.iii.. J..I 1m.1I' j "Eucl.wd I send you a certificate of m. Beau. ntiTin of our toAn. His case o! I.ons- - - uipu.in is well known here.and of Ion; s'ending; he ailrihiues his cure entirely lo your Compound yrup of Wild i;herry. Be not deceived by Ihe many spurious and worthless preparations of Wild Ciierry, uhi red into notice by ignorant prelend'-rs, but see that the signature of Dr. Swajne is upon each dottle, which is the only guarant.-ei against imp-sition. Jternember .' the genuine preparation of Wild Cherry i prepared only by l'r Ssiut, N W irtfr of Eighth ami Kice streets. Pbilad'a Sw3yi:8's celelrrated Vermifage, 'A r and EiVctunl Remedy for Worms, Dya " pip.ia. I'le b-ra M.nbas, sickly or dyspeptic I hiidn n or Adult-, and ihe most useful Family Medicine ever otii rrd 10 the puliiic." I ujs remedy is one ttist Ius proved successful for a long lime, and is onive-ally acknowledged by all who have tried it lo be fur superior (tsing no very pleaant to the taste, at the aame lime effectual) to sny other medicine ever employed iu disease lor which it is recommended. It not onlv destroys worms, bul it invigorates ihe whole aiem. It is ha'rmfesa in its eftVcts.and tlie hcahh of ihe patient is always improved by its urf, even heii no woims are discovered. fry Beware if Mistake. Remember Dr S's Vermifuge is now put up in nuare buitlet $ha ing recently been changed) covered by a beautiful wrapper, steel engraving, with ihe portrait of Dr Sivsyne thereon engraved. Bear Ih s in mind1, and be not deceived. ItR SW AYNE'S SI'fJAR COATED fATW.. PA RILL A AND EXTRACT Or TAR P11.L.S. The vinues of these pi;ls can be appreciated only by those who bave used them. They are adapted lo assist nature in carrying off morbid matter, obstructions, impurity of Ihe blood, dec They si genlie and effective purgative, rorrect .11 the functions of the liver, and as an alterative ia dr. p-Ksl affections 'hey are very valuable and hould be in eserv family. They have an ouuide coaling of pure White Sugar.whereby everything disagreeabie to taste or mell is entirely rem ived wiihnut in tbe U-asl affecting the excellent quali ties ot ihe medicine. Kememher T Ihry are now put up in boxes turned out of tbe solid wood, covered wiih red I..WI bearing the signature ol DrSffayne: none other is genuine. The above vuluable Medicines are pre pared onlv by Dr. 8 WAYNE, K W corner of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. Jtzmts for Union Gttmty, Pa. C V Schaffle, and Thornton & Baker.Lewiabu'g j Seebold and . r5,in, Mtncn, wiiuersourg :.V. :i N Ber"n i..A:TBvlor.Miflbiib.!re ir. r ars-;!! tSsml Haunt do do D.4 Rchnore,S linsgr've It Smith Motser's Vallev LI J DUvrr. v-riiis r Youngman & Walter, Dry Valr ReubKcller,Nsy Island B & Summers. Kre:mrg and hj Storekeepers iner4ly I290 I NEW ARRIVAL or MKUIC1XKS, ic, a- the nilANKFFL for the liberal pitronae I J- enjoyed the past season, I would res- ; pectin. ly invite old fnenits and new to call ; arid examine my larpej new, and splendid stock.emlirscing almost everything uestrtii in my line of business, and ceap at that. Fit particulars, enquire at the old stand of ScbatTle iV Chambeilin. C. W. SCll AFFLE, Druggist. Lewisburg, Nov. 11!) UEMOVAL. The Lewlsburs Eatins-IIonse, TJNDER the management of J M'Fjd !in J 2,1. is removed into the basement of j the lare brick houe on the corner from Gen. Green's. Market h'. I.eishuri.rier8 the public can be aceommoditej with the best of Fried, Slewed, K lasted, r in the Shell TKH'E done up in ihe lst style Pigs' Feet Bread, Pies. Cakes, Nuts, Candy, &c. Arc. Tl;e public niny rest ar"5tired thut the eating-house s!mU he l.e;..; c'nn and ord erly, and sninii boss an t roadies not be (ermitted to loaf here By strict attention to the wants of the public in our line, we hope to receive a share of its pa'mnase. J. M'FADIMN 2n & CO. N B. After the 1st of Nov., Families can be supplied with Oysters in the shell bv the hundred, half-hundred, &.. ' Lewisburg, Oct. 22 3u.250 AE3DENTAL GAUD. '523 Dr jojm Locke, SURGEON DENTIST, respectfully inform his frienda ai.il the public in general, lhat he has concluded to make l.ewis'.mig bia perma nent place of residence. Dr. L. has taken rooms on Market Sipinre, first door below the Printing Office, which ha baa filled up to operate in. lit sid.-nc- on Third ti. with Mr. Joha PauL Dr. I.'-cke is a ri-?"lr grHuate of the Batti mo'e College of 1tXli Pwerry, beside At.i' h qu'.li6ca;inii be h-' h'. ' tie ad'antar-.' v: 6e xrar-t' eierirn-- ir. li.t- prr;ie fit hia pro(eijiion in lVni:sylai.ei Jhi, leniow, isconsm, and th" ri'v of Bjlii'i. ire, 'id. i-' L. eke' .'.I he J.iurmis of the day which ror.i . -"-e'v niii :ff-.:iit iniormation iu the line of hi nr.ife!in ; ar.i! from hh s-'ini. ",.en,. with -est ins; - t trture.-j of i i lod. A-c will alwis 1 ; l aud ' " jiuin of his era the Terv het jeti.ty of all the it.fit 'id in bis biisine. IV.sot.n wf-bmir Dental ofrai. pe'firmJ. will Gnd it to tl'.i ir advantage In )ie him n "-.!!, aa be is determined not to l e ririMrd in ihe beaulv and itur: ility of his o( ,-rjlioua ly any oi.e. LrwiMHiri;. Oct. 17, Its IS. riIIC subscribers give notice that they !;: v" enwred iutu a Cop-irtnersbip lor cai 1 v lug on the ' FOU.VDRY BISLVZSS, at the form r s .iru! ol Christ &. l'i' i;er, and they intend to n ike and ke-i on riat.d all kind- oi"(iisiiias. Stoves, Ploughs. & inc. required in ti. -. region. Ord--rs for work executed wi.li dtspateh. LEVI B. rnnisT. JAfKMOX M'KADDIN. Lcrti-btir-. S-pl. 22. Ib J'J nentistrv. WM. C. STEWART, TATE of Philadelphia, is now I .catcl on j Mjrkft street. I.eislurg, opposite Mr. J fchreyer's store, where he .itleuds to operations on the teeth at a reduction of his former prices. Teeth and roots ol teeth removed with the aid el improvid Instruments, and in an easy manner. Filling teeth and setting on pivots or plates atten ded to according to the latest improvements in ibe profession iriecrated. spungy, and ie.fl imed gums cured. Thanklul lor past Ineois. he solicits a continuance of public pitronagn No impure materials used for fiihngs in leeth. y'ZHH NEW GOODS at the old staiiil. REBER & EDDlrlSS I RE now rcceivini at their old and e!l X known stand on M irkei s'ruct a full and well selected assortment of Fall and Winter comprising the usual faiiety of JD)ry (Ei-oodsj G R. O C E R. I ES HARDWARE aJ QUEENSW'ARE. Salt, Fish, Nails, etc. eic. Our C-oodi aro wa'rnu:i"f to lie cheap as '.ho cheapest, iiu-1 . ! jh tbe feat new or o'd. Tbr f.r ; ast ia(ro.i.iie ; of friends, wo ask for a con'.iii'iance of I t!ie;r f.ivnr.- ; and new c titers and Strang;- I rti wc tf elril!! Y itiviie to I Call .mm! R!:;HKR & IHPINtJi. Lew isburg, Oct. 10, SsD S BASON A BLE GOODS. II. P. OiljjLijUil, "IV0ULD res''ct inform his old V friends an i :r.c pti'!;c in geueial. liiat lit; is now receiving a large a M. of Goods adapted to the wants, the means a;.d the tables of ail. fur the Latlies; GIIOCKKIES for the Family; Caps, Bootsj &e , for the Boys; HARDWARE, Q.jeenswart Inn: Nails Fish Suit &c. &e. kc. which he offers ou the lowest and mostja f which are olfertd mi .ur u-u.il I ttccommorlttoi(r terms, on the principle of Smali Prnli nnd Ji k ; or eo..u er- uu. Grateful for p..l patronage, we invite a We in...e and hope ,(J mer,r -disrr.mmating public to call and examine j anoe f l- patronage hereu. our stock of Merchandize, which we are confident will he Mitislactory to all. Lewiburr, Oct. 15. 1S4 Alicad of Competition ! J, .HAYfs"& CO. Take pleasure iu itiforming the public, that the) haTe recently received the Largest, 2est scectC4j, Assortment of GOODS er ofTered to this community Tl.- s.it.s .-.inn here lolore rendered by this siand, it is presumed is a sufficient guamut.e Icr their future operations. 'o attempt to enumerate their stock, would be superfluous, and ii hose wishing to purchas;,.ra invited to call and juJjie for :' but those purchasing elsevi here. Lewisburg, Oct. 17, 1849 II rMtn !i' 3" ORSTI a 3 (First Lehw LEWISBURG, TA. are respectfully informed that JOHN FOliSTF.R has receivej, t'nT rTMIE public J now rti.-rs lor sale a very ty-Iiirgc stock of Fall and Winter goods co epiisie- nl! articles kept generally m tho nthr -'.ores, wih the ad l.tmn of fnany nr.er k:n ;s of po.-d, no! usually brought to the country. An e.viminaiM.i ol the sll,crt -.i leuiu.iy invited Amonjr my stfs k a lsrte v ir.ety ol .. 1.-. .: embrarinz l-is.ttnerc!.-, ..a't::-: s. "-- Keiltti"k Je;ui.-;, T:c!!:;l2' f'nnioi. s"l "leei s C.t i -oe. (s.tiehamK. M- dc L.iii' Linen. Can brio. S.lk uui t?ot'o'i shoes, Men's ii(lUlt9 CLOTH .l.VD jjTjff!j ihn InSt aihi UK st ttfi.' riaocerECS9 Hardware, 1 45 TO WIIOLKSALK buyers, great induceinents are rlfered, as a ln.er.il abaieuieui ill be matw. . Jos: ronsrr.i:, New cheap cash More. Lc?sbL.'r!i, October?. 1810 Dr. Rose's &eid&c3. The subscriber having been appointed .le ajent for Dr. Row' M.-dn-mes. for Union couniy, oilers them to the T'"blb j with nwat coiilidenee as to their ifii acxj and certainty of effecting cures in all eases, for which they are designed. A single tes' only is required to establish the Let. Sept 27 SSHARTON New York Full and Winter FA-j w,f"NS184'0! TUST received at the Fashionable Tailo .1 lotiti establishment, next door to tru- Post Office. JOMM R MILLLR. Li-wisburn, Sept 2(, li?49 Superior Conking Stoves. The subs-iibers have on hand" the Etna Air-Tight Cooking Stove, arranged for Wood or Uuai. t nese oimc mi.n.-i to anything of ibe kind ever off-red' in' the country, and will be sold at reasonab'e prices.' S & J. WOLFE. Lew isburg, Sep' 0. 's9 ni.n UR ad S. P. TOWXSEXIT& compouud syrup of Sarsaparilla j Tlisr ree'd from the old Dr. a large anil .1 r,h sun-ilv of his cerebrated medicine. trom the principal DeH in New York. Persons wishing to procure Saraparill can have eitlier the old or young Dr's, gen r l. l... Mti;. ihB ii.enl. ' uine ano iresn. y -in'iu i- l..it.ur. June 28 t: W -S( H AKr'I.L Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a VMROE and fresh so;-pty ( this crle. lateil; Mrtlicine jmrt wriveil from ih ptiiuipn DeiKil in New Yoik. and for ele at tbe new D'ug Slid unenucai store m , Dr, Thornton 4r Baker Window SASH. A lol cf 8x10 Window Sush, from the cheap Manuffctory cf Sprout & Burrows.n oil h r1. and a. I aisse gm 10 oruor on short notice. v Mav.lil!) I G Lawshe AVE Bu.iiev andiSett of tl.-iiiics, J One Two Horse Wugun, One Truck Wagon, . . , . For sale by . ifPSkellcy m a. ar aw JU ..4: ' l. il." 1 hC Oil! "JlilHIHHHU FilUw; np Again j. & J, WALLS MOST respectftilty nlorm llwir friends the puolic the! they are now receiv ing their usual supply i.f FALL AND WINTER mllerciiuzidizv calculated in quali'y, price, and quantity I 1 -t I ai... ....Iii.it immmll. G ROCE- I k I k w 1 Hardware. Queen.sicure, Tish, fyc. j accommodating terms tor Lash, I rouuee. J. At J.WALLS. 10, 1819 Lewisburg. Oct. Cheapest, anJ ntoit rtSEIi:.!iI.K nd indeed imi oible ; Ueinsi Ives, belnre j. HAYES . CO. iBiirn m mis." STORE, ra Kint's HstlJ r T.. .,1,.. I fn,.ihj t..r .-?j,.i and Overermts. ' ; " , : rln;r l-.anneis, lane uiapr-r. .his.iii. miu , - s. Cahneres. .M r, A'paems, iilks, j Hsndkerebicfs, S fvls, 'J'riii'niiiis, i-. vV.'. r?fd llays7 boois etc. C.LJZED C.1PS. varied assortment ami aIo Cetlar-ware, elc. etc. Fall and winter . tS(DD5. fPIIC sti'iscrilier has ust received his 1 s'ook ut FALL AND WINTER (ionds embracing Ihe usual variety such as DRY (iOOD.S. groceries, hardware, qleexsware. IIATS.CAI'S Sie&.,. All of whi;h are offered cheap for Cash in ; Country l'r. dure. I G. LAWSHTL j Lewisburg, Sept. 18, ISI'J iXJ-JxlO Tens from the ee!ehin-eii iestahli.buieut of M'Calmont vV ll"iiJ, h i isale by I ( Lawshe 17 LAX SEED O.l. purv Wht-.; Lea !. Ve- X niiian Red, M hiiin, 1 ellow O toe, Spanish Brown, Glass, Putty, Ace, by I it l.awsl e C AST-Steel, Amcr. Blister Steel, Nails. Spikes. Locks, Latches, Unices and Sirrews. &e. for snle bv I G Lawslie 70R the Trade. A lot ol Druys and ' I). n l.o...t .ki.k .1.- .1 :i i"t" vii i.nuvi, 1 1,1- iiiiiisiTriuer itiers uf tost. I G Lawshe s 10METEI1NG NEW- S mpslone Grid I (j fjiwshe dies for sale bv PRIME Old Java Coffee for sale by I G Lawshe w JHITE Wheat Flour, nUo RVe Flour, for sale bv I G Lawshe SHIPS TUFF and Shorts for sa'e hv 1 G Law he, Home Industry. LBS. superior TOW YARN t J J for sale by S-pt 20 J. HAYE3 k CO. EAms Oil. : r MIIS new and valuable Modi di:-ine, now ll ss. a ;:h used b the iimhcal proli h as'.i ui-liii'g erTio-iry in ti e cure i.l Vulmimv ji Cvi:c Sertf.tU lihcwnatiMn. ('.. fit. tint I riJ.: Vmiipluhits if lit K't'' 5iC etc.. i prepared Iron; t OU FISH for meliciiia! ,er of tie -pres.ly lor our sales. . , Enr.ici from ihe I,..i.!.oi tnli nl J-ii'nil UJ li WiLLiiSs. M. !.. K K f . ' sor ol Meilinrw hi l."niersi:y 'o.'ligi-. I., n Ion, coi.ml lii.g phy.i. lan to ibe Hoi-punl luf :ou-0'np i'r', j 4c, aj ; " I be pv.crihrd ihe t'll 111 atio. j lour huu lred rase ot lub n 11 -u i!ieae ot Ihe I Lungs, in dilTrh-ul tage,whici bate ! nn under my care the la. lvo fearj and a h!''. to lb- larce nuinbri of c-.a. 206 out nt 231 its use via. fuilowrd I'V inarktd. unrquif .ici ifi.ioeiiieiii varying in ihgres in dilirient news burn a tem Hiraiy retardjtiun of ihe nrogresa ol thr- tlisea and a mitigation of distressing symptoms, up to a more or Irs conide.U: restoration to apparent b.alrh. The rfTecl of ihe Cod F.ivet Oil in mo-t of I these cases was very reikarkuble. Even iu a few dava Ihe cough was mitigated, the eiurc oration dimml-hed in uasntil) and oe:city, the ntbl sweats ceiseu, the pttl Iwcame lo. ana nt heller volume, and the appetite, Brh auJ alieugui were gradu,.!!, improved. " ' "inclusion 1 repeat lhat ihe pure fresh Otl f am the l.iver of the I'od Is mire hem fieisl 111 the irealimnt nf i'uln onary I 'onsuinptiun thso any egi r.t, inrdlrinel. ilirtetic or regiuitrual, tl.at bis yet bern ecipfoyed." As we h:ive made arrangements to pro cure the Uou L.:ver Uii in Irom hea l uu'irrs, it can now be bud ciiemically pure, hy the sing'e bo'tis or is boxes of one iji'Z'-n earb. I.s wonderful ffftcacy has induced num erous spurious imitations. As 1:3 success depends entirely t-n ifs purity, too much caie r.m not be used in pneuriug ii sem is p. Every boi'le having en it our w ritten -ynature, mav be deiientied on as genuine Pamphlets containing an analysis of the ! O.l, with notices of it from the Af-dical .'ournttls, will lie seut to those who address us free of postnoe. JOllX C BAKER $ CO , Wholesale Prngsists and t 'hen.i-ts. lyISs 100 North Thiid St riiihuhlphia New Copartnership! (Cl)airs and CABINET H AXING. HAVING entered into a partnership, the subicribers would in'orm iheir out alrins and the public in l'i y ral, :ba' we j rtay be found st D tiiut. r's old tsnd on Flr-t street near ihe Academy. h.re we carry on the 1 above busiiieax in all lis vstiriir. FailCV and Coinmou rh-;rs, Rostri. j Ricking Chairs efe.s. vnri 'is kinds i Bureau, Tables, Beis'.etiJs, kc. 0:1 bar.ri or made to order. COFFINS' ready n:s firms ed on s,hort notice. IJEAlvSE in res li e have n'so a suitable j dine for Fummiis. ' .. I.... ivlu no fr !r rfl WiVhi nore wiser, ..i ... f, iB M,,.h -r HOUSE AND S1GX I will also be attended lo by ihe subscribers on the ,' sli.ot. nt notice ud '' the Iki )lf- fj-AII work in our lii.e wsnauteJ to e well ! made, aiiJ on the most reasonsbk- t-rin. Reiiiotlnz llulliJiiiaw. We would also announre that r hive pr,ier Machinery for removing Bu.Ming-:. of any sii" , from Dan lo Ueeisheba if nei-eassry. I Country pnaluee und Lumber taken m payment suit t-.ia sisit UolJ Uu-l not rrfusej. 'J'bsnkful for past favors, we respectfully s-k a continuance of the aame. DAVID GINTElt. A!AM BEAVER. I.ewi-barg, May I. 6mi65 The New Foundry 1 S now carried on usual, at the upir end of Market (.ireet. where every des cription of CASTINGS ' P1 on hand or m.jdc lo order such as Trie Complete, or Complete ItiiproveJ Cooking Staves, tbr eiiher Coal or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES, PUJUeillSoftlifTer- nt kinds Coru Plou-hs, Bull Ploughs, and the Self-Sliir?eiifrg riaaEh, a new artiele, nod nhieh c:iu not lie beat in Penn l'nnia. Call and see and jude lor yourst'ves. cn;:rsT & mtaddin. ly;tirg. Set.!. 22, 14!) OB.-TRASK'S y 'ague tic Ointment!! W hat yotinj man wants to wear a wig? We all know tbe va'u'e of a gisul bend t.f hair. A youngman with h luld bead, is a sori of walking caricature of bis sficiea Hence the m.mv various attemp's to rente- 1 dv or conceal the delicieney. I l.mdre.is es-v of Ihe young men nfthise'iMHitry, r.f er trv Ui'm to ibe ulcerated pans euj a ,:ri n'l' inj! the thousanrTand nn chemical pref.a- I ener to the st em. : rations and nostrum for rcs'iirin ;ha hair, i So sanitary is inV'a'ti.'rj-n tl.n S,r; are driven the necessity of wealing a wig! ! in this respect, that many vf our -innvt a practice as little conducive 10 cleanliness, J respectable Phy sic.ans empl.iv it in tt.rie as it is dangernns to healih ! Now, we hap- ! practice, ami we have, dit.'v evi ice 1 pen lo know from practical experiTice tha Trask's Mi!netieOintment will reslori' lh - hair on a hald head, when all other ren-.e. dies have failed. - Sold in Leaisbiirii.wholi-sale and retn ! hy 1 hornton & B.iker. Price 2 and SO cents per hotl'e Harrisoa's Colninbiui Ink, N Q iart. Pint, and smaller size, holt'es, ... i.i r, , , i , , , i ' Ubiek, Blue. Retl and InJetlbte. This I celebrated Ink lor sal j bv, III CM LWiSHUr ACACf'Yj.. i "1 7 ILL. coiio ; ol 0. '..l.-r. i e 1 i ! i , J 2 " .aiu. "..11 i i -e o as i eielolore, in nl. ! si.i'. l s bi !.--. 1 . a !ionniK "Jjt-t'"n. F.vr-1 eJ t' " - po-l1 all.!ln Ln.- f hU Ir itiorvii -i a'.fit: alii uii.'ii nn I V'"1 'o fi n.a'is. i iixuisr i-.ibil ot -iu j I.. :V )"";" 11 rule uf ihe fhoot I br ii .-uts'i- n f i,r lni u n ill he im 'e ! n-st. ' '" Minder hi l Ul-oll 'be p' gre-i ot tUr atudi til., 'i't.r nl-n--brr h not aohct. u- fi.r luiol uf .ir ib .-i rrtul..r ec'.ula. Ti-rin-: lir l.oi.unr--- tt f.ir ihe hiclirr Uoeli h. " : Si ii I n ; r r,. n i n Euirlia'i b iiites -" i.'n m:. 21 i Li O-i. 3. SIGN of the I DIALS! CLeajer tta Ever. r tllE sobsciihers have the ptewure to mraonrl I lo ihiirnld cUMtoniers and the pw!' it lu hn r:al ibsl thej b ve openrd a larye and nf 'mil J a-sornnem of TOBACCO CC.' tte ehl aland on .Mjrket strrei formerly occupied hj bar. I Amnions as a Tailor rhnp. Their entire stock haa been selected with greet care, and consists of C ISStrM 1 ragranris, i.a Norma. Piimarei. ; j.fiflr,e. rtui.,; K. galia, Calello. JJer er.l j ,,or- H;4;f SpaUi-h. an t Common, j t ei,als!, Toba tO-S 'ah'er'. E!.. K : F ,;01Rre Oionoko. Urancb Stag. riur. si.d pi,, f., smoklne Tobacco Cm and ly, ScaUerlatle. die. Sniltf Kuppe and Scotch. . Knuir lioii-s, (irnnan Pii?3, anj s fincy arft cl of l.'isir ca-e all of vvti-h are otieied at j tbe lovre.l rates All kinds of Produce taken it I eiihune. Call. see. and jutge for yourrt!lt?e fcelo.e cuudtutiiirg ihe ar'itles. A. J. PENNY. HENKY t LURV I.ewis'-nrg, April 21, I3;3 The siicctss of Dr. Trask's M.ij;iiPtic Ointment in curing Sore Ees, is pro.rib ial. Tiiose who are not actjiiain'id wiili its use, will find on each Loltle e ptimphit', containintr full directions. Agents in Lewishurg.Tborntcn Ss C Ur Feter and Ague. TTTHAT is the mode of trea'ment best V adapted to the cure of Fever and Ague? It has usually been treated by medical men as a disease of itself. Strict ly speaking ft is not a d seae.but a symp tom of d:sa-:8. . It is the result of a d- I rir:(;ement of the lirer. Here lies tho ) rii.'Ti.-uli v, and l.ere is the disease. It w j therefor ihe liver to which the remedy should te directed. Here the cause exists. a. nd it is the cause which is to be retrieved, or a perrr.nnent cure wi!l not be effected. Cy addressing remedies to the s jmplr.11 s. we leave the muse untouched, ready to P",('l""e 8 re,',rn of the chill and fever, r n tho first over ejertien of mind or pooy . ' ' T!. ,..o r n. ex i.i r-...i.. J . . n ' V I 1 1 1.. 1 . I . 3 llji. 11 v i,wu- L'ocue ii.etTi cinj; i.tmmnrnt currs r.f such aireetiotis is explained by its wtli know dt obstruent effect upon the biliary organs. Imi'ations are abroad! Be particular to enquire fur "Dp. Osgood' INDIAN' cnuLAGOGfE." For sale by the sole Ogtnt, J. Schitt,tr, Lewisburg. Office Hemcrrd. HENRY C. HICKOK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, J.eirisburgi Pa. Orrii'.'E or. Second St., lately oce'umetl hv L. R. ' r.ist. Esq. A -ni J. 1?49 a ij acksm rrtfi x Theubscribers respect fully 'inform the citizens" of Lewisburg and vicinity lhat ihey have corr.enrd the above business, at M. I late's old shop on Second St. one siiuiire sou b of Market, win rethev are prepared lo Iron Buggies or Wujciis, and n uke all nrtieles in t lit i r busiuess in the most workmanlike mnnerr, at prict s which they hope will indncc these within!; Huythin d-uie iu their lire to call nrd judtie themseUes before goino else J.erf. Repairing done on the sVriPsf nolicu nnf on rasonalile terms a!sn Srioeinf, which is a very imporant mat ter to these thut have valuable hores,atid should be entrusted j only to jietseas of know n skill j We il iper onr-elves lhat we are able t. j eonry.Ht.' ai'li n:: person in the country iu : SI., en g I! .r- : e ak enlv a trtji. ui.J let U,e work show lur itself. A'! work wat ranted. Iron nnd a'l kiiu! of eoontrv Prodji-e taken in evchniie. U'e hope by strict a tenti..n lo bus Res.-.j' and a determination to suit all, h'.th tor work and price, lo icccive a hU-r'al khan of public patronage. HATE & Fl'RRAY. I.ew:shiirT, l3jrj' Imjwrlant Information.' FOR the d (li 'iilt respiration nnd t?ebi! tw i a I' li'i 11 1 ui-riisr9 III rne i.unj Throat and Breast. 7'Auisrut' Cvipn,r,. Sirup of 'fur and llod X.-!j,tha h i laen toSnd an iiiVMluable remerfv. Besides is power as ati Efperiorant To "relieve 1L0 lungi from tlie acetKii jI.it! d matter whieh' resists fiom Ihe relax- d state ofthe t -ei;i . 01 hot w either, it also ai-is is a lien' n ' cure erfefed i p"'mn:,arv ' where skill hisifeiS fat'e; .- t! Prep.tnd nly h An;ni,-t Si Di.-kson ' E corner Fifth and I Sprues- Sis. Phi:d. ; Sold by C It . Xr.h .Jplr. L isbor r. N I Harrison's CofuitihKiU Inks. i T)I A''K. Jsr-a. (VMinrV. Vi,v3 R... I. : 1 1 ,J-- rs.iw. ri. i rL-u:.. ci,, j ,k. ! tiw" mt fw'y.f"w ,h -f.e. r ! ami nwire utiraoie rivior t:a4 an, u,!vrr e,. . : ... .. ... ' tor e , ; DK. THORTfi .V rt KF.R ArrVt s?JUjt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers