IJEWISBURG CilliOMCLK AN1. WKST BHAXfll KABMER HUM 0 R 0 II Si t Selected for the Chronicle Plain Talk. Mm. Svvisahi-lin. of the Pittsburg Sat Jtilay Visiter, goes lor horsewhipping aYuukarda lo reform them, and in auswer o tliose who charge her with wanl ol womanly sympathy, quotes the passage whom the Lord lnveih, he ehastiseth.' Of the tippling shop and their victims, he speaks a ier ihia fashion f If e were a man if we were a voter we would vote down the doggeries. A we are women, il e had a husband, fath er, or brother, who was likely to become a victim to the serpent of the mil. we would lake their disease in tin.e in the first stages and warn ilie dram-eller within reach, not to encroach on our harth, and if they persisted, we would burn down their establiahinouts, wiiti as clear a con science as e could Luild a fire to burn the June busanJ bave our p'ums. 'I his will be called ineeiidiary doctrine; but despf rate diseases want desperate rem edies, and where on happiness, and the lite and soul and honor ot one dear to us are at stake, il would be well for the inaa who stood leueea us and l is salva tion, if v.e bad cunrludi-d ihat salvaiion jicssitte. We should newr ariviseaii) oth er to curb a remidy, lor the penalty wou'd be impiisoi rneni for hfe, b ;t we would censider this a positive blessing, compared to loathing the besotted fate ol one we had Jrved. To us no chject on earth is so loath some. so huleful.so aUniiuiaMe.as a druuk- rd. e would not live near one, for we should die of a sick sti.niach. It may be very angelic for a pure minded virtuous woman lo iuve mid caress a great drunken bast, but (or out hbare we have not the al'jihti st pretensions to being an angel, and the ceil of an anaconda would be quite as pleasant a core as the entwining of a dn i.Wda arm. From the smell they have on the street, one would imagine the anel that staid iiear them lon, wou d require to be pretty strongly scented with brimstone. Ei! communication-) corrupt good nian ners.'' and people are forbidden to be "un tqually yoked !'' We can think of no yoke ntt unequal as that which would bind a de cent uomau lo a drunkard ; and we mo-i firmly be! ee h it'io con i.mewiiha dn.Or en h.is'.trid,i a violation ol the laws of God, and the Oictuies of common wnse and com mon dtcrrii-y. A woman who will persist in so li.it p, t!.uu'.) bf shut up in a lunatic arylum. iraiit 'hit she ha a r:!)l to dis pose o! lir-rsel! s she p!eae : has she any riyht to 'uinh the state with paupers and crimirasT lia- the dri na d any right to hand d..vvii hi vices and ilietrconseqeiices lo postei j I' Fom lloldcn't Dollar Magazine Ode ou SoliliKle." Hipy th mm h w! wi-hes here Are briiiiioVJ by this narrow doom, Gcultnt tc bfi alt.e the atinopii re Ot In o ii room. WHne ii wi ll sun whow night i'h moon, VY'hoe rhirkr-fis answer him lor clocks, V hose shetp yield sum ier pniiaioons Aad winti.rsuc.is. Blest why when day comes in or out U iUas s.niln (, n;v.as piud. Who Las no loolh ai-he, c. rn-, or out. To make him mud. Siund s'eep by ni".ht, a fea'her bed, 'I o waul to s't-ep at'd ihn be nl.le. And have the iiesi of vi.-tu-.W spread Upoll ilie u!te. Thtii msy mv nij;ht time hv me roll. Thus mat I e:it iiv meai ti day. Hide from the wml.i and not a soul Know w lit it I May ! Trie following is the copy ol a will lefi b) a mull wh"" choe lo be his own law yer :J I his is the List will -'!t te.-'amt nt ot me J .tin I hoii I uiv k!1 ni ittnijj! to o re'nlions, to be divided ao.i.n tin in lie- bel ) they ran. N. li'any b-idy kirks- no any row fir inakt am ub -ui It, he is 'l io have a.i) 'loii-. jjtjfjej by niH, Jutiv Thomas. Ti mi'rif a nun "think a good dc-al ol jou"a'l tht is uecesar U to owe him moie t! an he imaeii s i'u ran pay. To n ake hi.n f.rrt J"'. ali ii is nee-arj is to rtvrr.-e i!h ni!,er end let him owe you. Well, P.it.JimrMo'l qyilekill you with that lnk-Hiv. M -Xo ; lJiii I ttisf l.u ha J. Whi.t fo V So 1 ooulu have ei n him liun.'he vil lain.'' F jiures d nt 'ie," J,t ? Well, wt've fo' a note on an Ohio han't, that proioi-c fo pay .n dem aid "v:: dollar, ' and 'he woiil .ivt) us but f riy cents for it. Ji fig urea ii u'l lie, who d. ! A- la '' answer the rjutstiou as to how the trtes gel iheir clothes ul ol their ti iuk w ithonl openiiiK ihein ! ' by avini. thit tree leui l out their sunuirf-r dresi. ! Wboevur kites a driver to blunder.lhnl be d.du't woliop his horse for it t "W.iter Melons are si) ted Cholera B'mb. gLe.U iu Baitimore paper. CIOURT PROCLAMATION Wher. tt. J H .n.Aa m.Wimos. Pieileit Juilg f the 2tHh Judicial Dis'rirl.sud Jcka Mmtehut tn& Jacob Wiltenmyer. EmjY AMocinie JuIk ii. Union county, htxr tnr& ibeir pieceH brring late the 56 day of May IM9 sml t me dirertfd t.ir hauling sn Orphan (;uit,'''U't of Cumnion Pleaa, Oyer anJ Ti iminer and Ocneial Quait i -tM-i..ii at New Ueilin fir the rounly f L'ni-n on the 3J M.mly of Sj.t nit (being the 17th day) and lo cnutiiiue iwi week Xnlii-e is ibcrcf.ire hm by pTen lo the Coro nor. Justire of the Peace slid Uon-iaMe in ar.il fm the coumy of Union, to appear in their (ii. j uruiier pcr.m with their rolls, revr-h, inqui6i- lion, examination and olhir remnibinr lo do those Ihiucs which ef their nfii. ea and in their !b . If appertain to he done ; and all wilne. and other perann prosecntm m t-ehull ol Itie Commonwealib aca nsi anv peraon s e r q ,ir. d to e then sml there ttteiiding and ln.ld. p.tt wilbont lee. Jurtire aie nqueateil to he pui.r lul in attendance al the app ii ieil time. Rien und--r my hand ami seal al the SherifTi' office in New Beilin, ihi 2d day ol Aucut. A U 1819 and in the 7ih year of the Independence ol the United Stales ol A mem a H E Mi V S Br YKK. Slii-tifr fl, id tare the t'ommomrtalth f Grand Jurors, Sept. 17, 1S49. New Berlin: ifuimiel Hunt L'uion : M En'e. V Seebold. I M tchell I'ei.ns : Mitihias Dunbitch, t'. E K.iile Perrv : Jac Stiver, J Fisher, P Arbogast Vihtli;lon : Jac S mob Chapman: rranci -rz Muldiecreek : Frulenck H.ius Reaver : Solomon Kllel Wt Heaver: llenrv Aurnnd West HulTilo : John M Ier, Wm. Tajloi Hartley : Samuel llnupt M ill nl.utg : Thou ns Lehmnn. John Cast Lewislmr: Peter Ilursh, m Wilson Ivast Buflab: U in llrown, Leonard Weill BufTuloe : Gideoii l!ta!e Tiutrne Jurors. Union: J"s(rwij;.Johii Row, Ji hi.Good, John !' Miize, Con elms Pei'm Mar- l.u Uunkle, Henry Ftor-k, Artem Ma;7- Penns: Leonard A p Cidw'i ! ui -i il. John Kriter, J-.l n s W it-r. I-aae ihhI. tinjl, Muhafl Kiei z, J.icoh I'. i hi el Perrj: Fred S.-l rnw 'er. And K h i r, J ' liasSnjder, Win ileiot-s. Johu Kitbs, A. Swinelord VVushineton : laeob l!enIrii k Cc litre :Hlohn I' S.niit., (ieo Yarir.g, Pe ter Frain, Jaeob Walter, of (' Heaver: Iviat V . idel, J hn Drumier. Henry Sinptor. .luo Tr x l, Jno Sii;j ton West B 'aver : Joseph S'un fl West ButTiloe: Aii'l For-'er, Wm F. ' rt Hartle : Ah FieJt rick, J -hn D-ile, Peter Ibibe VilTloibiirg : CliHr'es Montelius Buffaloe : John Hnurk East Bunaloe : Snmut I Rt l er Lewisbnrj; : F Lieiall, Thomas Rber, Thomas Xebil Whi'e Deer: J -hn Fiher, ?nmuc Ilend- eroo, John rt ' Inir Kelly : Phiii, tJeiuUiliii". J l.n SLuck P,li! Jurots. -Z.t JfV.A ) New Berlin : J T Leim ti, W IVters Union : J l!o Jr (ien Klitii r,.! M W. l i r Penns : Gcorpe i'. w, Jir ph Sthur., W in J M.iv, iNinitiel C Ki.-ln r. Perry : Samuel hatJie Wahinlou : ltiti;el I'crman. J-re. lie. pass. Win :!rhoi h, t'eoijfr C J.'over Chapman: Ca-per Arrio'rj, Geo'ge ller- ro!d, Jr , K'tns J-'h'.ll West Beaver: Sam SStutrpff, D-ntel Wae- nfr, sen'r, ISolonmn Ilomi, Ji. West BuffalM : Marcus Tea, Sani'l Pi il- man. S S liarlu r Hartley : John Stchler, J.is Glover, Win Huntingdon M 111 nburg : John G Nchll Uiitfiiloe : J"hn Simentoii.VVm Vanvalz' h, Michael Fichthrn Lewishiiro : Is vi B Chri, James Kelly White Deer: Paul Goodlander, Jas Mar- shbll, Andrew Youni Kelly : S ni.m I Spott. Jr. Thi eiri lltii' ciinixmiil i lor -ale ly the o'opriit.ir'a Ag-nN J KenT.TEr, Lewitbnr May Si Clo e. rj. Im-cone ; M V i'hinsloii. Nor thumberland ; J il RrfM-r, Mill.'n ; ti I .Vi F Piper, Wattiotilown ClASTORnnd Swi-ei Od.Lniidnnum.Par. ' eorir.liolftevj, Coidi il.Csom Salts, Sjleratu. Cre'im Tartar. lSlar-h( Oiiedelpor, BjI 4m of I.i e. ial Soila, Ul-atn de M dllia. Votn Tea.l amphorXoger. I iunami'ii.! l-Te, Pepper. utmeg4. Mtgieii. Muidrd. Oj ium, Miirphe. Quiiiine, ota Iivvler4. Ac- liir unle at t'.V .Schaffie 1iuc iV i hemim! KT.;orinm A Word lo the ASlctel 5, CCO pei s-.ns in Piiilti'lelphi ntone have Witnessed w ith ailoiiishment the Won derlul tln-aey i. Thomson's Cotnjioutid Syrup of lar and Wocd Ixaptlia " curitid Coiixtiiiiplion, As'.hma, Urntiel.- iti-i. obstinate t'oiths. Pains in the Side or Bres-i, L ver l-oinpl.iiiit, fee. .c. 'I his prepari'inn im en'iiely u rrgrJabh rtnitilij. and mav he Hiliiinusleri d with :erlecl sat-i lo this ii-ebte udult or child lis power as an IIxfec:orant is admirably td-tpted lo n lieve the op;resiun in pul nonarv disea. mid while il a-ists nature ii throw inj; i if the viliaied matter whiel. .ollects to ihe in;ury of the svsiem, ii ac's is a woneral Ionic or strrnthener. 'The teiiitmt:v f Phvsi"i-ins iind olhers n lh valiK-of id's yr' Ut remedy, has Iktii f the moM s.itiMfaetory k'til, and has iveu tl a rharaeier and sian htrd as a FAMILY MEDIC LYE. hat has placed il bevoml eoinoeiition for be various diM- for which it is em ployed. Prepared only at the N 11. corner Fifth and Sprin'r n're.!, Pinl nil I; tiii. Sold bv C. H'. 'Srhiifflr, Jiole Agent frir ''ewifeburg and vicinity. 273 ol jrriMis j J -j y ts$4 jj Cook Agtnlt and Colportturt will pleaM to ohnrrt.JSi If VERY cilixen of tbe I'uitrd Ststfa hould j peea ropy of Iheae worka. Tbey are inn Book or Our Country. Faithful thronirl of the VYAK ot Ameiiran lnd"pen denre. In one large volume, 8. Illu,ried ilh Seventy Eiicraiug, in hnUoiue tiilt Minding. Pi ice $3. Th Presidents of Ik United Slates, Their Memnir and Adminislralion To which is added an account of ihe lii.ugora-1 Inm of each President, and a hi-tory of ihe principal political event of his admiiutrati .n. ami of the tianartioii of Congress at each se. ion during the period llluxtiatrd with rl. cant portrait of the Presi dent, engraved in fii,.,.. 'Phi is a handsome royal S'n. in beautiful pictorial hmdiee. 5U STATESMAN'S MANU.V!, compriitnff the Live, Addree and MV-Mngt-a of ihe P eideni of the I'uiied S:le. From YabiiiLtn loTa.ir In lui-'irnti.in a l d.e. M trrh. '8 '9. Wih a hior f their Ailuii'ii-traiinn. and neach Ses.-jon of Corifre o iiiu- hit nr'ral. Mati-tirit, and other iin"it ml putdir durutnenta, and a cornpb-te Itiilef. or amKtictl tulih- of content lo V e whole wink. EJited hv E:iwi VitLtt. Esq. IMuxttated with rr Irait of our IS I'rc-idmi, riiiruved on tel. from the mM approved authoritie , and in the het Ftyle of the srl ; printed on fine p.iper arid t anrt-omely bound in einMrtnatie. ile. It will li l m.hi liii-hed with View of ihe I'apilnl Pre-ident1 Mouse, and the Se:il of the veral "'tare and the Ceiled 8 ale, fn four laree 8vo vnlutne-. P. ice $'0. Tbia i ihe citizen sml Linrary edi'ion. ff 7Tbe Reference Edition of the same wnikt in 3 volume larce Svo, without portiaif. Price '7 fift. This ednion i lor r-f reuce. and t- jntcmleil for Statesmen, I,ei:i'ls1or, Memher of ctv Corporation. I.awytia, and !u'ividu i1s loildinir putilic rflice. The Reiuthllrof ITio I'nltrrl Sfales, and its Political Itrslitutinn. Hi-viewed and Etamiovl. By At-rXia Ilr. Tocai KVir.LE. Vlimlier of the Ina'itute ot France, and tie Chnnder of LVpolie. A c. In one large octavo volume of nearly One Thousand page. Price The 12 t?rs of otir KcpuMic, O.ir N..tiotis G ft t hor Vonn.' I'i 7en : ( i i twit ii ; tbe live of our President, the S:i to a of lit DccNriiiion, Anii Ih of ITimfed a'ion. the Coiis'ituM-m. wih n hi-t .rical -sereh ot ihe American Tnin. I!!utrated with rl(i;:it f rrtrsits enirived on Mfel and illu'ni a'ed pir'nrr of the eiin'r. ibe I'apilol anl l'n i.li nl'i- Hon t Ws'binetnn, ISunkcr-Hill, A c. Ac. Elegamly bound, toll edge. Price So. No cvprrse ha heen tia'd n tb prepa ration of t'tc-c vi.lumr of I)nUiiienI. Hixtory. and Stati-tic. to render the nme worthv of pa ifunane. not ori!v of Statesnirn nnd Leuioltors. toil of the American t'ttMIc ecnerally ; who will find in them ihe Trxischt op Political Knowledge, and a rnat-a nf iiiformalion. l.T-T OF HOf-KS pu'.H-hed hv E VHr, 1 14 Fu'ton etrcet. Ur, Do Hog' Iispry nf Romanism 'othe prefers! tiie 50 Engravings, price ? H 00 Tl:e fJuide ro Knowhilce. S.On Tbe ..m'er nf the Wo'ld, 2 50 Vr F'li." Family Monitor. 2.S0 Vm. Ellis' Ouii'e to Soci il happine. 2 Sn l!rotlu at-d Si.st.r. 0 l'he,.ver I ecture on Pi!jrini' Prog eaa, 2 5ll f 'hii-iiaii Murtvrology, I 25 Chriii Mef-ner. , I 25 te nf Inftdelity , or. Trttth Trinmi hint. 33 U Id Fil'oiv". Otrrrinc for 13:8 elegamly illiM-n'cd. 2 no (V.I F. Il,.w tlT-rinc for Is41. di 2 50 n.t.! IVtlon.. (1tn-iin for 150, do V.On The I'-'d Fellow lliui-ira:ed and nea'ly lonrd. ,nn Faith I!or.. and ''hiritv 'llntrated. I vol 12 mo. Gilt Vn.lin. 1,00 Friendship, t.ove. and Tmth Illustrated. I vol. Ii mo, fMi. 1,00 Tali- f nm the Arabian Night's Entertain- meni. 75 R hinhond and hi Merry Foresters, 7? Wreath of Wild Flower. 75 Youni Penple'c Mirror for 1818. io. Mn.hn. 1. 00 Poit.M i,.t,r.'.I?, lf.lrnttand Cotportmr Who niay desire to csnvi dii-lrict for the iluve iiuporiatit Natnmal Work will he j lrased to ddre a line to Ihe puMtuh -r, "tulinc the rr ion ol country he wihe to occupy and by return of Mail he will receive a l.ii o' Pore with Terms to Aaents, which a'low them a ve.y liLeri1 commt:i.n. EDWiRU WALKER. FublMier, lU-Ful tUli ll-'t. IVf Vutk i'onhumf'ioa disirmcd of i!s Terrors ! HAVl LtiSS'.C'iHore Sifivp ol Ai'' .iu a positive curt; Im Coiisuinptiin., ile. I. ne. A.-llilll i, iiii'l ii'l ii.-i-es ol Silt cliei rti,j luno a single btil'.le will prove its Ifl MCI. '1 lie proprietor nrit only recommt'iids bi Xapiiia t'vut'P, but warr ilits it to cure ! lie warrims it lo act uoti tnecliv e, and puni) ii ; be warrants it to remove all ni pediiiieuts w hi. h retard the free rircuMtion of the blood ; he worjnvs it lo open the internal and external p..n of ibe biniv ami eje. i i ibe ohiiiixuuKs panicles which nan -jccumiil'ited in ihe svMein j bf warrants ii as a nevi r- aeino remedy in hectic lever, niobt sw. mis, d spepsi:i, liver complaint, pa ii in th che.-t, and asthma ; ami be war tains il to arrest ibe lorrwiii n of tubercles in the Imis and lo heal those alrtaih lormed, so th.it peisoiio in consumption m,iv loke :l with :he most po.-mve eot;li deuce ol n cure, for its great seat of aelioi is the tun:?, whieh it peiiei rales iu al! di rectum, purify ii thum of everythuio obnoxious in its progress, and which, il applied aei-or'l no to directiona, it can not fail to leave in a perfectly healthy condi lion. Aent at Ijewisbnro 2in) O W mi:h .FFI.E. Get the Best! VI.L vour.g person should hive a Standard D'ctinnori al Iheir elliona. And while you are about it, pet ibe lie t : lh.it Dictionary is voah Wesstlu' the gteai woik, unahiidifej. If you are too poor, ve It aniounl from otrvoui bark, to put il into your hea l. I'lireiuilwr J,mr lr. WVbi.tei' i;re.it work i ihe lie-l Dictionarv of ihe Engli-h l iegiiage London Morn.Chron. t oioaiiuiia lli et time the amount of ninHer of any oiher Kimb ih Dictiouaiy coiol ib d in thi coun'ry, or any aluidrnent of this work. I'ubli-hed by f! C Mririam .virinfii ld,Mas and lor mIc al tbe 4 heap Bookstore of l t r l.t .ND I.. wi-bu.g HEST Spanish ami Hal! t.; iish, also Aineiican CKS and all kinds Uhewin;: TOR ret), for s.le hv Pli.NNY .V FL'KU'AV. Iwifbiiru. Ilec 4. 8H CDAL OF ALL KINDS FOR sale bv KKtll'.R V lLrIXC-i. Lewisburg, Juno, 1849 I'LIZAse IO HEAD THIS! SEARS' New Pictorial Works:.::1849. Great Chance for Book Agents To ritm rao 5u0 to 1UU0 a Ysam ! Boolt of Uaivertal Utility. O EARS' New and Popular Pictorial O Works ihe most splendidly illustra ted volumes for Families ever issued on the American Continent, containing more than '"our Thousand Engravings, (ieinei and eecu:ed bv ihe most einiiito: Artist of KtiiiiauJ and America. The extraordinary popularity of these vium s in every section of the Union, renders an ayeticy desirable in each onej "I our priucipal towns and villages. Just Published, Sears' new and popular Pictorial I 'esci lption of the United States, 1 oiitoitiing an Hccoiinl of the Topography, SeiileineLit, llilry, Revolutionary and ,ilber uileresttiijj; Evetits.Slalistics.Progress in Aiirictiltiiie, Matiu aclures, and I'opula loll, it' of each 8 ate in ih- Uoioii, lllus tiHierl with Two Hundred Engravings ol the principal cili'-f, places, buildings, see oerv, curiosities, Seals of (he States, fifcf. ; t:omplete in one s;lavo volume of 60U pa oes. ele.anilv bound in gilt, pictorial inus 'in retail price, 2,5'.l. The Pictorial 1' ainily Annual, 100 paees oduv , and Illustrated with 21'.! tluoiaviiiy!.- designed as a valuable and cheap pient for pin ti'.-. an I teachers lo phce iu the hands of young people. In iitraciive bindiios. TliC JIIS'Wll Y OF PALESTJXE, ! from IIih I'atiiari hal Ae to tbe present : imc. I!v Job i Kiito, lidllt-r ol the Loli il.iii Picturiul Bilio , iV u'. Alo, NEW EDITIONS f Sears Pictorial Histnrj of Ibe B hie I'ictorul Sunday Ilisik Dtsctipiion oi tJieal lirilaiii ami Ireland Bibl B'ni:ra i hv Scenes .tut' fitketrhes in Contiiieului CuroM Informtilion for ihe People Pic torial Family Library Pictorial History it ibe American Revolution an entirely new volume on tbe Woudcrs ol the World and Eich Volume is lllus'rated with several lim.drt'il iiioravinos, and the DiCLE willi I hie Thoos.iiid. . AI.UN I S WAX I EH in every Town and County through. out thf Tnion, vi cell " Heart' Arte und fop-ilr I'irtoriiil MorAj," unietsll ickoow (edged to be the Iwst ami cl ei Ct rvet publtshc't, as Ihey le Ul. ly are tbe in l al; lt hy active Agmt may char ?5n0 or f 11100 yeir. A cash cspit d of 35 or $0 will b nei sssry. full parti uUrs of the pr'nciples and pr. fits f ibe a uc. will bi- given on application either priaona'dy or by letet.; : -; Adjns jiioarial ly post paid) RlibtKI' M:KS, Pir.nnr., 121, Nassau rit. New York. " lett-r will be taken from the i fhee imbss Misi pat. 6I2S0 English and German Physician. TIIO'S A. II. TIIOH.TO., l. D., 1X7110 has been regularly educated in the 'mversity ol Mary land, and an 11-u -rary tir'idiiate ol I 'usiieton College o! Vrro.oiii, and a Member of the Medical and Plulosuphicnl Society of the Stale ol Mjrj land, oiR-rs his prob-ssional services in all the btauches ol ihe lleiilinjj Art to 'he ci'izcus ol L-wisburg and its vicinity. fie has b'in eiiuaged in the pracsit ol medicine, in Luzerne county in this State, for nearly Ihirtt-eu years Irom whence lie brings lt-iters of reeommondiition from he first men iu that and Columbia county. as legntds his standing in the profession of inedi"-ine, and his genera! character, viz Hon John N t'onyngham Rev Maims Juke Pearce Ziha Bi nnetl " Andrew Ileaumont S F lleidley II B Wright II Xicbuin. Esq' Jese How man, Eq I lis U Uotninsii, E-q Charles Kalbius " J H Young Dr A B Wilson Tho. W Miner' 8H Warner - A Yohe " M Stack Kev Thomas Uwiua i N B. Ilr.T. may be found at his oflice if the Drug store on the east side ef Mar et St. nt XI lo Walls' store, or at his resi dence 1st dmir rs-low Kline's hotel. I.ewihuig. Jin. 5. 1-49 rERFU21ER ! QCH FFLK has received a choice as lij s'ir!toei!t from E. Haiissel and J. linnet Perliiiners, whose preparations are 1-i.teiiraied li.nrs'O.1 )x M irrow lliy Water Cologne Water P. arl Powder Fa uc v Soaps Hair Dye Shtving Soaps 6i". &!. Cur'ii'i! tluiti Also a generril vari'-tv of Jewelry and Fancy Articles. S.iectacies.Peticils, Wallets, I'oothbrurdics, Hairbiiishes, &r. Ac. C. W. SCIIAFFLE. rwibiiro, Miv IS 1 -4J Unlutt)lr Koolxs. VFKESH supply received al the Lewis burg Cheap Bookstore : Fake's Minual of Clnssit'al Literature I) ivies' Analytical Geometry Blair's lint tnric. (University edition) Comsinck'a Mineralogy The Complete Farmer, I vol. 62 ct The New American Gardener, I vol. $ The Btsik ihat w ill Suit You, or a Word for Everybody I can furnish ihe above works, with a great variety of olhers, at very U w prices. My 30 R F I.Y.Mr A 1.1. Harrison's Columbian Ink, IN Qjiart, Pint, and smaller sized bottles, Black, Blue, Red and Indelible. This celebrated Ink lor sale by tj .W. siCHAFFI.E QACORDS of BARK wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid. June I strEK.l.K & MA.vDEKSUIv. V COMPLETE RE DY RECKONER, in IJollsra and Cents, a bio forms of Moles, Hill. Receipt. Petition, Interest Tables, tables ol Wage, Board, &c Price ISJ eta for sale at Ibis office. K4 OIT never refused at the office A Oxl ofihcLewkburgKiironicle. . EqoltaMe EJfe ImaraMtw, Aataulty and irutrt Coaspaajr. Office. 14, Walnut Street, Philadelphia. OariTAL, !25t),000 Charter Perpetual- 1vHE Company ars now prepared to transact basirieas npoa ike noat lilxral and advanla geous lerma. They sre authored by Ibeir charier (ee. 3) " lo uwfce all and svery insurance apper taining to life risk of whatever kind or nature, and to receive and esecote trv-ts, make endowment, and lo grant and purchase annuities." Tbe Com pany sell annuities and endowments, sod act aa traatesa for minora and heirs. Talk of Premium rtimirtd foe the Auurance ot 9iuu or IM u-uoie itrm oj Age. r'rein. Aie. Prem Age. Prem. 16 fl 50 31 $3 09 46 3 36 17 18 19 20 21 32 83 34 35 36 37 S3 39 1 53 33 33 94 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 43 43 44 3 15 47 48 49 50 51 53 53 54 55 56 57 68 59 60 3 49 I 56 1 59 I 60 1 63 1 66 1 69 1 73 I 76 1 F5 1 89 1 94 1 98 3 30 3 37 3 33 3 40 3 47 3 54 3 63 3 70 3 81 3 93 3 01 3 13 3 83 3 62 3 77 3 94 4 13 4 33 4 51 4 71 4 91 6 13 5 33 6 54 6 78 6 03 30 3 1)4 45 The Diennum are leaa than anv oiber company and the policies afford greater advantage. Table of half yearly and quarterly premium, half credit rale of premium, abort terms, joint lives, surviv- otvhip, endowments and forma of application sre to be had st tbe Office or of the Agent. Raltt for inturing $100 on tingle Life. Age. For 1 year. For 7 veara. For Life. 30 $0 81 91 160 30 ' 0 99 1 30 t 04 4 1 39 1 64 3 70 50 1 86 3 07 3 94 59 3 48 3 97 6 03 Eiample: A peton sged 30 years nut birth day by paying the Company 99 eta would aecuie hi family or heir 100 ahould he die in one year, or for 9 90 he secures to them JltiOil, or for 13 110 annually for seven year he secure to them 1 1 00 should he die in seven yara. or for 20 40 paid yearly during life he secures ij! 1000 to be paid when he dies the insurer securing hi o n bona by the difference in amount of piemium from those charged hv other orfi.e. For 49 50 ihe beiis mould receive $.S000 should he die in ore year. J W. b'KOHnis, President Francis W.Riwle.T eaa. H C. TuckeU. Si c'y. For further partirula-s apply to H E k v i:.-hm;kiii Asrnt fnr Union and adjoining eonntict. Consulting Physician V . IIatks, l. U. Lewiaburg, Union Co. Pa. July tl. IMS 'CHE subscriber would inform the d-n-1 tl.-mi n ofLewisburg and vicinity thut he bus now re-0eiied a new and elegant shop, next door to the Post Oifie, where he will carrv on the bdsine' of CUTTI NG A.NDM AKIXd garments as usual. Work made by him warranted tn fit. Produce received in payment at market prices. .KM IN . MlLLi:it. JvwUhnr?, April 27, 184S Daguerreotype I! com, LEWISBURG. r"PHEuhscriber would inform the ciiizr-ns ni X wistur2 ana vicmuy, uini nc hm taken and fitted up ti room in the new brick building on the south ide of Market street, between Third and Fourth, where he is prepared Intake Daguerreotype Likenesses single br in groups, in good style, durable, and on reasonable terms. Cull and see. Match. 1949 JOHN SUTTON Myers' Liquid Cure! IS a positive and never-failing Remedy for PILES- whether Internul, Ex ternal, Blum or Bleeding Scrofula.Whtie Swelling, Ulcers, ulcerated Sore Throat. Canker Sore M-iulh, Rheumatism, Cutan ei us Di-eases, Mercurial Affections Jj-c. also for Scalds, Burns, Cu'.s, Sprams, Brui se, Alf . We feel justified in procl timing the Fact to tbe World, Ihat of all medicine ever bro't before the public, none have ever l-een mors beneficial to afflicted hum only than Afyrrs' Liquid Cure 'Ve know Ibi is ssying a great deal, but if we wete to write volume we could not say too much in praise of thi iiKAiTH-asioiss,itTt-eBotosain ntvim. Hundreds, say thousand bleas the happy houi when fi't they were made acquainted with iia transcendent virtue ; snd our present purpose is lo inform other thousand, how and where tbey nay obtein that relief which ihey perhaps bave long sought for in vain. The superior eicellenee of thi preparation over all other medicine, for the speedy and per maiient cure of PILES, i well known to all who have tested it. It ha been prov.d in thousand nf instance a. and ha ssvsa rait-sn lo cure the mott obntinate eatet, and we sre confident it ivill never fail if used s proper length of time accord ing lo directions, Asa proof of our entire confi dence in Us efficacy, we asure all purchaser ihat if. after s proper trial, it p ove incff.ctual, the Money paid foe il will be returned. Tbe Liquid Cure is sn effectual remedy for tingworm Uile, Pimple, a irbar itch, f ro-teil Limb, (ybilblains. Halt Kheum Mosquito Bites, Ming nf Hionaua Intecu and Cutaneous diseaaci of every description. It is both sale and effectual for RnrcvMTls uiving iinruediale Slid ternianent relief. It effect as a real Pain Killer, sre magical. avsav rxttt is las m should provide themselves with this Invaluable Preparation, tbe cheapness ol wnicD place II within the reach ol all. Full Directions accompany each Battle Pamphlets, containing copies of ceriificale from those who have lesl.d the liquid uure, may be had grain of our authorized agents Myen' Liruid Cure is prepared only bv JiCROME CD. 31 Spruce St. Sew York A genU : C W Schaffle. Iewisborg ; J H Baser, Milton veowS3a COAL, CPA I.. COAL. fPHE subscriber has on hand and is I now receiving from Pittslon and isha. j mokin, Best Foundry, Lump, I Broken, . Nut, and Pea COAI which will be disposed of on reasonable terms. June, '49. I. G- LAWSHE. Townsend's extract of Sarsap'a- A LARGE and fresh aopplf of this celehraied Medicine, just icceived from ihe principal lie pot in New Yoik, and for sale al lbs new Ih-ug and Chemical store of Dr Tkcrnkm BvJctr Tha Cbeapast and most splendid Aoartnaent of rx WATCHES AND JEWELRY J in Philadelphia. No J LETI It lsAIlfirS, 5 sN 413 J M ARKET 81 REE I. t 413 cie oWa abort Elctenth, nvth tide, HAS jut received by lts arrival, from tbe ami celebrated manufcturera of Europe, inagoificmt and jud noulv svlecied afcortmeulol Golt ANI SltVKB WVTCHES which he will seU cheaper than any other ealab lifbmenl in the 1'uiied Suum. Aooo lb asoortmetit msy b9 found Uold Uveis. 18 a fine, lull jewdeJ o0 Wlver Levers, full jeweled '5 Gld I'Epine, 18 a esse, jeweled 25 eiHver I'Epinea. jeweled 1 u do (Juartier Watches 4 lo 10 do Tea Spoon equal to cnio per sett 4,50 do Di-SMtit do do do 10 410 do TahlS do do do 15.00 Together with a splendid aewtment of chaste and rich Jewelry, 4c. Gold I baius of saiiou style from the best manufacturers. Pieise preserve this adveniaemenl. and call ai I.EMM LLOMI S". No. 413. Market street above Eleventh, north ide. fj I have U.dd and Silver Lever etill cheaper than tie above puces. A liberal discount lo ibe trade. 3iu261 THE IS EOKEY ! WATCHES AND CLOCKS Curtfully ItrpuireJ.ut the thortett Aotice- T HE suliscriber desires to inform the citizens of lewisburg and the publi- iii eeneial thai be carries on the ateb- Makiug Business in Ilie shop forn erly oc cupied by C.J.IIouel,whete he is prepared lu execute all kinds ol work in bis line ol business with promptness and on the mosl reasonable terms, and by strict attention lo his business expects a liberal share ol putromioe. lie has constantly on hand an " watches-pa:M l, ver, En"ii,h.! and French. j JEELRY Gold Wnich rha n and Guard, PenciU Pens Breasipins.Iv.rrins. Finoerriiio-, S.lvi r Sja'clitclt s, L ekew. S(.0"ns, Tiiimble. djr. Whieh be is determined to sell low. CALL .l.YD TRY. A-L. H.TFli:i.D. lwisburg, Nov. 13. 1 17 Fever und mlfjiie THOKOL'GilLY tRA 'JlCA I KU Uy lcO i0S TO AlC MX 1I RE IlilA V great i.ii-nai ot : iavtnu hihI fttfinn. iili ui'iroarheil i: ii- iin.it.iul sue ea biu n'c y in ilie cu'e of II i wrcti he., c- inji un.t ! If jmi Ai'uitl t-H-j r ll:r rfiicil (poi- ntiu) C'tuitlt .fti . Iki ni a 1-uitlV iitn ( y nte thai in not gu ild (J ty fh urtt 't" ttg'aturt of the t ic tn.l Invpinoi an I r iel r Jn. U.K-v au,ou a iter lutrl ci. i 4 it.e uk.ulu bo i crk. I hi rcriuMi) Una uipi l-t ti t ulbterej up b a'x and dec itlu j ud , 1ui b -a A. n t,.j to lb. cHiitl elite mid UvVtertfil ad )4li U of lUe int.l-l .11U ol tetei and .Ague .ttlnci, ar If voui W..HI AltlFHllTS A Ltf 4 K,IO M tllch all i b' RM'1' ud evv-rj .erwii wL. t.t ud il will t atify. Proprit-tur's OlI., li Arch Si. Pttilad a AwkSTa: C V iSik -tile, J l.oru od 6l l.akei. R M Uovre-i, LtwUbutg; A Kteii-tlr, Willi.ui ('rows?, Sv.itifg.ovr; bsswlci V . yy Srrl Hot. G 8 Hackh.m., Philip liilbib, .M'Krr J YmU LEVlSSUnSJCUHDItY rPHE surweribers, tli.iiikfnl fur past patro J lia;r,wii!(l iiilnriii the public tliat lliex oiiluiue lo nianuliifure !l kinds of MILL GE.'iRI.VC. Cast Water W heels ol ,h n,t aIl"""; pattern. Thi esh big Ma ch ines. One and Two Ilor.se Ploughs. e invite particular eltention lo n new ariiele fliaril'i rutrut CAM. ILPl'tllS, lor if filing in lira iD. Farmer l.y this i loowli t an seed in ns murh train, in tne day, a m tnree nays with common pluuhs. exatluBB nnXi Zuvnins, snd Fining the same. H(LLOW W'AKK. Keltles mid I'ols of various sizes Smooth irij; Irons ami Viands cast Tea Kettles it suit cooking stoves. COOKING STOVES, he must approved patterns now in use, foi wood ur dial. Fancy,Parlor, ood.Coal Stoves. AIR T1U JIT STOVES, Racr'N Seir-rrculalinz Alr-llEht litrlur V anil tnes, (a near article. Threshing Machines and other articles of machinery repaired in ihe Iw-st mannei and on ihe shortest notice. Catstins war ranted lo be of ihe best material, aad a' prices ihat can not fail to pl-a?e. CEDDKS tV MARSH. Lesusliurg. March 25, ISI8 1209 IaiKriihriiiri D cl Ki;i;EirrYiF: fcei J. Ul.l9ii.ll LMT, Lit, Third tury. Philadelphia. The H o. IKxar Ctat viailing this E.tab- nt-i.uieMi ,iir )miuiK ui uaviiiga uaguerreii pe taken,eiiresKeit (lsiierii.g .iiiiii m, tliia ruule Clare of the deputy nnJ tubhion of rhtl.nlelpliia. inU vust nunitier, nf i ranger lesorl lo il to t rotuie redly g.iod Dagueir,ulpe. Tlie proprietor wiil make everv ejerii,.n In e mem! the lone raUlilisLed fame of Ihi well known eaiaMiuhni.-i.t. Fauiilv rnuHa. gruiipe nf i lu. ten and atngie rtrait f all sue-ate eietuted eua:!v oell (3lllj ALL KINDS OF JOB MINTING, AEATLI & EIPEDITIOISLT tun TI D AT THE "CKS.CMCLE" OFFICE. ANE Bosgev nn I Sell of II irness, J One Two II .e W.ijiin. One Trnct: Vnr;f,n. For sale l.v FT P Shet'er &00I flliKR VlXliGAR for sain b) ivats I VEUER & llDI.U "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that auul Jiteate. G ON SUMPTION! DR. FlTCIl'a Lectures on the Prtven. lion and Cure of Conumptinn. This popular work for sale in Lesyishur. by S. F. Lyndal! J. I loughtoo and at this office. Price. 75 cen's. rmcKS or hiack. Lav Evaaraour Kko taia l.aaevi.r.v.-Ttm . aunapao" ,or ' m ,h lioVrem tnwua rt'.ttt , r TnwMWKf Strpanl!. k K xW'ruml a, in. ,KK.i NAl tiENllNK. "d sll rnl. Tins T.iwiinsnil isim,4xlJt an4 uvr woe; bin w Ibraier. a worker un railfiwb.c rsl d Ihe like yt he ai-suiiis in till ot l.or iwYi purjxis of eamtn er-lil for wha' Im ian4. U- w.. - hawrxld lw meilicai school. aiiO pist'Kel lor'.bs. years ! M Uh truth i is. he never practiced meji..- . Il in kis hie ! SlKb M-t'rMi. ssird ntlsbrewn .r.... looks bud u. the character ami vt-racifjr ol iHr ewui. lost sincerely, Se lian never ms le those sttiinenf if elf or ol m.' W'lw-n will nn l ira lo isi bonew ami irui nil in all their ileaiine !)! intsrcours wi-i, :br ,, meu! He apliel lo one Rtwl C p to i him In man. uf.etarlne his oimtiire, tsiiiie th wire sinu I :,.j4 nake. as aa incuceinent to embark in Ihe umi,es.. Tt,. men bave been H-sultine aisl ubriliu: uie in ail ..n , forms, in oroer to linire" the public l'h ti he ,e :h Ihe (M l !.'' Sarmpanlla v n s thscssaias. e.,, Hartaparilln. ln te inn the 'Mil tjtifmal h.n. t Tills S. P. Townsersl say I have ..bt Uis as nt rij name S7 week I will rl htm Si- U he will (,,. rluce one nn'le solitary pnxH of Ibis. Ills ien . Thomsm. Ssillinm i 'o.. are a" sin hni a us. y laiseh-s. is. smi.ty inatle to (Weive ihe pio'ic. sn.1 u.p he uu'h rftiwti in n-n .ol to hs monrimr. ""' j m pnnnd. This is m miuioo the (mh.ic lo piirrli.i-e timw nt Ol-I Or JAI 'OH T'W"'si:- 'irsatnil. hailii; ti nu, (Mil ISictor' hksis. his fnmi'y VmI of Armi,tuAbt aisnattirsacrs ihrl'isit ot Ann. )r. Jaeoh Townsfiii!, the origin i. wsrnvE- tn of tt?e Genuine To-wnsend Sarsparilla. O'i lr T .wiwiel Li n-w atw-ir tycr vt r. ini hi kxu brn Viww.i th- A UTf!'K r- ! lit S' V ft HKK t ihe QESUISE "!JQI-dL TGiiXiL.D SIAUSAPARILLA: B in jr", w-" P-:Wii ;a iitnit ! niacubir u.-p, 1 w?ii"h ;n au. it hv Iveu k-p oat ui miiact. au-i it. -a t Ci.cu.11-c rti ia ih. on.r who hid pr...eJ it- w r;H u.t kiv-wa im r.-Iue. 1 fii r-fi-d ihe i f maT. nevffifH's. a th'- prsiD r.o ui . rm hezl-".! ul -rv U ce4, ud rcd Uuta U- pr e uri cti ia w jo -'! IlKATaING POWER. Tile-GRAM .-L tSkMl ALLK1-P.lt-.'lU Ti j BMOUlsiFtUr it Ul2f 1 "TaTiiv. I . I" I i.T.r.- -le out ihe ifii4;h td ir- '!fi m tit lr..i. -. r( . u ta louti'l HiCaj aV.e vl U -;cii';riil'n of V'fiof i-.n. I'nilks 3 Miiis S t Taw-ronf-i, it in.;jr-.-c-. W!Th andoevvr cheii;r'vhi i-t ! nnu r ; .lli-t, r rp.- 'fi ou riiivr prmciyet &v a ffTnthC n:.m. Th r. kaowWe ! Car? ..r try.Hl. i the I:?-- rli.-if-r.-, r. art.havrall kf:. h.on-i-' i.ilr rui riT. Hi h idil : -tiirt i'i .-1 L)r - t j, ni..a. T.- Sini.n n-:, it w we!! k:i"-vn m mr i.cai ? cnn'an.s r. nj rrr'Iir:.-! pri't-T!?. r. I im m .- e-i . h -rr nrt or u .-. an-1 then. t.:cl it r- r:- -1 m (":- U i-r o . : - direr fimf"' a iff mri'. :::r'ri ! tr.'-jf.t'ir to - Nu.c .im: j ;:. -ai vtrv.r:i: arr .f .jsv. lh thttT niirty f;- ..-jtc I". 1 a ; .. 'Kf im- n. U lft-v are ihjI p-PH-'rv'.- i i t; . ,. ti-''i '.- I lh Xt ' iC-'i il I.s mn.j M- r.r thajsy tfs'a's. prt "';, 1iil " u -tr,nr ; - t-h.i-jTit.11. wm !-r hf'. :..v "i.i- :.. r-,. Jf .ntJ 'j. ; ' r.; a il:t- . :i fr -o al: it u Anv iv rvi! can o i w n-f ei:-it-f ti-jui !. ":r . 1- - : i:r";i r '' ' S it '"cr i the r tiwri ir'jra a.' y-:.,i v ; :-r f Ji :-",m.. iis'ipii or .'i J r-i. v'-ii it ao a-. . ! thrJr:t k - S its P.. Hi i l K KXTtl cT or ak'RtP " B-il -Mien i ri'-t ! ; .... a- "Ji SAtiSAiVX lUtA t"::iit pr.jarfi iiti a I the m-r pctffTtta of w JUrwiar..;a rt are ti t rxto-L a. r:hini raib- 4 t-rCui.JiS arui -t iTfii-r.!-!. i. i ri'. "Bc:ttd aW t&' ; ihn rTf.T ptrirle ui i. Va! '-irtur m 1 p3' ao ! cnrruirae-i itfiD : ai-i U.u." it h rt-rei inc-. wl io-.ut rt'.v ul If a!rl hfatin pt-,yit. f pared m im mxw. ft v tiw1- Uc hi nn Twrri-1 aen m Vj Cure of lnunmrraUle fi IT-Te 'he rr i-on wt.y w Ix-ar mnTr-ivt!ivi om trrry mtic ui w- ijtW'H by bh-ii. womrn. and chu Jrr u Wtr 6lH a di"p r vVr in i! rur- -i t r,ttLM r.anl n. Kf t TTst. .'H'.F VI.4. PILKS, l OSTH JLVVSV.V. CL'TASE OI.'S Ettt PI'tfi. li IPi.KS, BLO fCHU ar.ilaH a"".!. a-i l'i irwii iMFuKirv of tiih: blooh. It isitse-e a mjriv'is: eir,.-s.-tr i:i sll cnTpU:-t ,r. Si'12 lr nl Hi-'ttfM, irnti Ar.-t.-fi Ikr .St:uv1. Ir-il u-i.'tnt cirrtiis" ion, .'It-riiiittil 'ti t b 'S..I tn ti-il, pal:.iunjn l itv liein. c I 'el .ml Mm!, e 1. 1 - Ji'miii h.l lt.i.hes I'Vfr ttir rs. tv . l:tpt" no! t:cui tti Cj. ! ..t.4 Vi"1 : "sl pnit!i.'fci-s s t- .ct-i-tH-a I'm ai-1 set.- Isi (! jii.tii. reusing siiidurvs ol ilif larrs, Cros ai-U errT o-.herpart. ., , , Hut in iMithlne ns eict'letice r iti'it st en stsl acknow ei-.! :h .ft lr all kn.l- sn I a.-os or I'tMALK CO.MI'r.AiM S. It woiks w-e.-ter lu r in- ..I - .; or ". . fMIWiCa W-unh, tlt'ur.'l, eV "J- tP Mi es. Vi ' vs.. itt y. tlit iiira :i as i-sri an 1 ; a.i.1 H erlroiu i! u cam ail the " w " Jaejf ' By rriLotrnu; otiairurimus. snil rejutiii.? .ie s?itfji n em. n eives t.si ai.d Aiciitib !? tlie h..e btl, sjJ Urn cutss ll liirma hi ..... Vtn uai DiuH (M DebllM jr, aril ITiU rt'e-eu's tr re;iee er-l .rlei "I :hsr n-.tl-atlifs.Ms Spinot tiri:u':tn. .Vfi.-ar"i, -Vr ITlns iAwiti, Vmntimg. Kpil-ptf fit : C. '' I cleit.ses the b.oi.l. elfiu ihe Uver to healths ictisn. Iiioes tlie t..niach. sn-1 eiv- ir 1 ili-e-u- r.. - smt ' bowel of f sti l'-'ti siit'ii a. aiti: suisiunwtwn, r ntiv ile-.kiu. e.iiiii.-s e.e a.tu.aou ol ihe t..M tinj f n le ;ir..li e.uU. all oer th IsUJ.aisl a injni.'ie pntfimTt.'kn : r'z vtri"' (! 'i -"". if , nrw ou! 'hrH:i,-rn. aitti iu isufaUa. ii e..u.e isttriu aT.fm 1 nf-t ihi thii The MHlrlnr yon ir--"nnntlr ffl? Bui fan any or in., e .(tiitjrf b tuu . S P T-'-iv'tiJf tn'eiior iti'I 1 Tii-: m. !i-;'i t! i? r-M f t COMPARKO TKEOLO IV. S. lMrair nf OR nRjn V tCT, iha'. lha ftnc ilCr BLE ot DUTEkl R ION. a : NKVK:: sm'IVLS. whiTe the other POrS- m-r. 'r ant! 'fr' fA httttlr r-mf-iiniii ti mr. tr-i. : ih- ""iir. Ipjiiitl exptoih! ff.sr Mjni;ii.ff wWy Mm It-" kf 0'riiSt ri-mi(itn. h" ini- xt th -" ir: put mrid intom yn't'n mtrnattm d-irnsnj vi.k atid t A caissfi !)' piji bur !!? "Iwtki ' fcr.-'W 'ht wi.n Um. annrw in mir n.Hrviri.. wivi tftr-w it pnxluCe-a flutuifiicr. h.irtrmrn. ftet-mtitiion t( ih hari. ,irr i- p'inf. (iTh-Ti. .Ivvn--r.. r..rruf-.'in b'MM i What m ft-fi'nia Iwit m vM ht:n.r in ' Whit prhtcri n'l 'lw 'itiitt.-w brh hr:. t KruT 't ' th Skin. Sr.iM lirii. S4'i Hhr-rn. V W.'t Sellin!?. FeTrr Sry"t. an-t M ta'rf rtin m'-'m.il lemsii t ii wvlriMi mv r-.viv.tn bt i nt i-'-"-. wlitrh laitur. n.J ,t.ii t,,i' M ut 'i ' 'h Ho).. ' m Is?. Whtt Ciiii- R'riinii(m ht a fw c- i flllld tlH-h lnllilMlf bvtW"Tt th ii-,i- i ' ' . irrifa'iiif ,-tii-f ii.tUnuiir ''le i.r'ic'e :"iie" whirh if S nf Mi-id'H -.i-.-v-si-s. ot' iii-ini h:.iv, in V-ntrt'ftt rimiiaiii.tfi. ar, tmi y m'.'. i(k- ! Krh jiITi.m hunt in ii:itnre. N'w r ii i,.h hurr.:.e u in ike an! e'.', Ji! '"' f irvvhv tn iwe -hr !Ml KlNi, FERVFN'TINO. rn C 0MP(rM" S P TmvNrn. anl Tr b w-iiT( 'ith h. m ui rfr-it-.., thai OM Tr J 9t T'wii-rit,I' '. i; irim' Siriaru-m, w u.M IT AT ION t hi ii)irir pn-(aai.i ' ' llfvfn ..rhi.! iliu we -Siuin! i-..l in an !r ta-rtu J r-r iV n-n at-nt ffmblaii. h S P. T ' riri oric- ' WV Wt-h t ITT. ?svtfwvf. artvi-s im Aa frv'k. ' s r T'",1'"'.'vr'' "r"':". hot: irii iti-t ar ni.ir tn errrr par'icu'r, iwv: .z - " Wet oinsV th'ne ii r-imnn A S. P T"n-irl i nt -".r. never w w vtVfiiij. n ih.-vrm'-eiF,)-it know-i mo i:h- rf th.1, ' r 4rwe:inr than an nttv-r Crttpioasi. iiMrHii'inr. md;. V m.in, wtii gunrmu rv. fl pti ic tifVr tj V ? m Crivin? a .i.iii4--rin(ifir nftii-ini.r-'tia;iti.. a'l tlie"' IU' .n lhe arti.-le it. in (i-parii-?f i. at. f' 'Ji e-MWvb'Brtf chance w'ticlt nii-tu m. Ur Uivim ilie AU..MS But wh.u elm i-liiuM hr rTwi1 fr-m - -s -- nothirrc comr-araiireiv f mnhcu rdsarw ? h r. ' neiun ature rxn.-nr-n'-' :. .. It -niti r ir "" rnmrnnn ilvVnrt meT. Ift.w nutrh nrfv ifiipvaiif i Ihetl the peTSrfi-i wh nir.f'ir'uir r.i-;::ri e iV .tt'1 ,:' WEAK STOM-.rH? AND FFrf:I.KI SVTEM ahouifi krw wrii viV; ikU. prjri!rt i" pivr. s' mannr ofa-Tunnf an! r-Marei.tritm tli Ir hrilifi?'!"'"' a.rm the ktunaii yte:ai, auU tuw lo a-i, retne-t- ihe i!isfir ! Ii ii to arrvM fmo V non -he mi"irim-''. m ","'"u'' inn wotin-V.1 limnnn ir. 10 aIh 'Av h.;e m ths ,-.-p'r:.r bntn. to rewtnre he-ilth. sml b.'wsin. ami v:ir '''r rth- hvir-n. tin to tYni!h ir rrni'v t':a -T P -JACOB TOVSFr ha -Ol'UIlT auJ H1-: M---"?' port unit T an-l rTr,.u 'irtn h.a . Oran'l I iiiver! rnenrtf eit K!" witllin tn reach, an u tit k miw't l e vf a'l .n J "' IbaU ihev lin! an kiL V';"' -x:-- . . ' TranarviadaM. Fewer to Heal A.knt for ihe above Mpdx ii.e C W Srh tllr, L'wis,nir ; Join 12 Ri-t r, M I ion; Forsyth & I'riesily, lorlhunib'lHi'd GBXTLKMEN'S Fancy Goods. Vi- n.er Goods in nnpra!v at C. E. Bow9 Chea Siort
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