LEW iCHRON J c 9 AND THE WEST BRANCH FARMER. H .---vHW 5ln inucpcniJcnt Jomiln Paper ucuolcu lo Nevus, Citctaturc, 3a!Hirs. -grirnltarc, Sticnrc attit iWoraliin. 1 niTTlTh PI e- C.j TiY 0. N. WORDEN. Tlie Lttrhbitrg i hronicir : I'ullii-hrd Wednesday Afternoon at Lcwioburg, Union couuiy. f Vnn Ivauia. Tlbms 2,0(1 fur n er, to I, j.aid in (he first ha'f year; if pameiit be not mud'1 wiiliin the vear : simile n.iml.o.a ici. Subscriptions for six nionhs or less (o I- pud in advance. Iji-icoiitmuaiices option! wiih the Publisher, except when i refiner are paid. Advertisements hatidsomtly inserted at tifl els. per square one week, fcl.OO for a mon'h, 8",()( a year. A reduction of these rules fir larger or longer Hdvtmts. j .'aual advertisements and Jub work tri be paid fr when performed. ! '. . .. All communications b' mml m'isf cnrr.e i ,,. ,.....!.;..H l..- ,h - iu., ..rl . I. . II. 111! DUJI1. .'I i the writer, to receive. a,Von'n. Office.M.irket strce Between Scenntf and Thiid. O. . U'okdkx, PublMier. HIE CHRONICLE. (KrWe dejiended upon a gentleman present to furnish us some account ol the cloving exercise of the University pupils on Wednesday las', h:cb we cxjiect yet !o receive. '1 he al'cudiocc; was litrj.e, 0:td a pleasing iirerest iimih V:i-.. The exrrci&s iii Di-clniiiiriiii were par ticipated hi by the following oaim d mem furs of (he fir-t three l isses M.-.-nsis. I". wter, I'. Line, Tustin, L'un, C.is'le. Wnitoii, J T. Ltii, Whi'e. ul J. K I Tiijnil. As fu Ms compari-'iii!,' wi?h firmer tlFiirts could be made, they spoke o! divided improvements. I it-in j i-iuiop oi trees, aiiu w ueu (tie cuurcii have obtained the to iul joined . , . ., , , , , goinj; bcf." echoes through those dales.they nm. I as f.iir Kv:lIH'lls of lue oriifinal . . r,, 0 .' ' b . swarm as by maytc, with life. 1 he Swiss productions o( the day. I . , e . , . 1 J were accordi'njlv of the first to hill the THIS SWISS. 'using star of the Reformation. Zjingli M ich has been wntleii an I .unj of the! tnd ,Ci,,vin s,anJ forlh lheir representa Stwiis, nd t..u.:h nnv y t b written and ! "VHS ,hi 8ri,"J JraM- Zuin' oB aung. i hou! ever ex',ai.tiiU ha subject t'i li!e ulmn ,he ",ar of " nd Fioli. the days of Jal.us Ca:nr down to'l,is ""'""') Cav'" -"d Church and the prev nt time, the hnns'es have be n ! ?""P' n,,d' ,h"uyh "lo,n xil,,e in eteri.allv ,uuS upon the liberty of ,ht. j chancier, his services f,r the good of IK-i-s. mid their own glorious f,nd. Sir fits Irtfii the tbeme of the orator ; the lay ol tin- poet ; the histoiiin has caught t-iilhusiasin Irorn her tsccnes ; and amid her wild, wonderful tseenerv, the pain'er hns found fit subjects for his CHiivnss. T't.e Swiss kjsms, iiidi eit, a frul.arj country ; one. seives them fr nr. the power erUf others, at the I fame time precludes its own pimple from conquest. To the beholder. Swi z rland r.reein.s a .cenery unequaled bv any on .be globe.! ji combine uwfulmsJauj'su'uli.i.i y. nvur ami beauty, Antarctic snows ith the ga, splendor of sunny I aly. Tnej noy pinnacles, that pierce the blue can ipy those horiid birth place of the gla cier and the avalanche green fields, rTiier still by the contrast w i h their fro eu boundaiies Ihe lakis.wiih their stilly s ilemnii the hainle1, perched like an eagle's eyrie on some beetling crag are the elements of Alpine scenery. Stand on lofty Ulanc.and look, when morning breaks roni her portal in the east, or when the Vetting sua tinge the glancier with a ro aentc hue -and the Alps are beautiful. Tiiere they stand, silent monitors, pointing up lo heaven, with their tops girt with na ture's garlands ;he fleecy clouds where living thing dwells no', and nought dis turbs the monotony, but the distant roar ol Hhe avalanche ; with their hides dotted by flock and cottage, echoing to the lowing iff the rattle and the sweet music of the -Aljiiue fcurn ; there, in lhe gorge below, ajtre t4e rooantic town and vineyards the take, spwiliog in its purity the old castles, those bulwarks of tyranny, that have frowned rom their rocky sites for centuries and there. Industry and Econ omy dwell, and Happiness makes her home. It was ttioaag such scenes as these, that many of the world honored poets have anight inspiration. Switzerland is indeed their Mecca. Byr.m wrote Lis Manfred there. Coleridge "lifted up his hymn in t)ie vale of ClisOHini. And ' M here Alpine utimdi'S crnd (iolJamiih sat hi ai down a peaWve hour u (end." G'izi:ig upon such a couuJry as this, well may the Switzer exclaim, - I.auJ of the furel taJ the rock, H nwuntaia reared al ift M nirk Tike duroi'i career, the lighliuni'a ahork My own Swim land (. ever !. - Bdt ihe Sis are do less remarkable than tlieir country. Sit at the feet ol History' while she unrols tlie musty rec ords of oiher days! un I what name stands in bolder n lief ujMin her scroi! T When tiie Roniau Cile penetrated beyond the Alps, it. found there a brve. ind hard peple, finsssed of libi-rty, and powerful tnoub by rtkif rocky ba'tlemcnts to matn- tun it. Such was their rim richer, ami, j character, distinguisliiii him-ell by oriu wiih blight variution. such it lias been ever ! initing and prosecuting great t-nterprizes, since. Their cradle o!' Libert v was rocked I and '"V stability and success in emeruen- in Alpine storms, their strength and hurd iness gotten by biiflwin;; the elements. Tlii ir character is thil of stern retole. j C,,a"e '" !'"-'m v;,s ,lie rsul1 "( trellec- I ''". like I lie rocks around I hem, which are as eternal and unchangeable as the iniybty ocean. The history of this people, is essentially their own. Their ramparts of rocks are the mighty burners htiinsi which the waves of poll i. al commotion hove dashed :, ....: t, . .. r ., . . a,n-- 1 ne storv of the republics ol . . . Greece, is bat reiieaied um.jiifr inein. Uni- ted, their banners flapped tr umphanily over the field of the sl.nn ; divided, still i hey were powerful. That their courage and firmness should have become a matter of barter, is much to be lamented ; but, few nations there are whose names are not clouded by worse deeds than this, for not long ao, and the ling of our ovrn loved loud drooped, red with the blood ol the slain, from the dome of the Mexican Ciip iiol. When, theu, any people have purged their reputa'ion of p.Iricnl sins, they may impeach that of Swiiz- rlmid. The characteristics of llieSiss are very prominent. They love the song and the dunce rude festivity is their delight, as i Inns a i' does n.t hcoune liccii'itius. Tliev are. h. sides, emin. nlv n relitiinns neoi.lf. .... t. ii . i .t . r I .. .mi am, ., ill luni irtir Itnd, ries the incense of devotion from a tllouuiiJ iillars. A loulv snire ncens from , . . . ' , . , , "ie c"u"ry ""5 " vuible alter tl.e lapse i of cen'uries, Freedom ol th'iught also characterizes this people. The pure mountain hrei-a,-s they inha'e, and above all the awlul subli' imly of the sights they gaz upon, are conducive lo this. Upon the rocks of Uri i . first da wn d the spirit of Liberty, anJ she was nn bird of passage. Th.-re was the i I iin:no:tal "oath of RuMi " sworn. Then i cones the s'orv of Tell. Then, while Ejr"Iw "r',un 1 ",c,n was as!,,pP in "'tj'" da,k n'e- ,ri1 ,lle Slss ,,a;,,e ' " 7 ' ' lhaug::t ,n rchg.on. I nests, inouKs, aii't tHsfinis were sent ueiin at , ' - the wall of the people. Ii was to no purpose ! ' 1 . 11 i.e. i ii.o inn. 1 1. .. ..icrii ins urtlCT3 lilt t 1 . j uiuiiuers oi uiu j i n an were urowueu in . . . :iie howl ot the lemjiest and the crash ol ihe nvalanche. They bowed th knee to (j.id, and to dun only. Finally, the Swiss love their country. Ttiough the poetry and the real life of iheir land are very different, still their heart strings are entwined about her. The soldier, while he listens to the melodies of his far-distant home, is melted in tears ; the wanderer.when life's journey is nigh spent, ; hastens back to breathe his latest si'nh amid the wild scenes of his father-land ; even the exile, torn from her by the "ruth less grasp of power, exclaims, 0 Switzerland ! "my country ! 'tis to thee 1 atiike my barp io agony.' Hut, though the fate of empires no longer waits the arbitrament of Alpine shepherds, the Swiss are a free and happy people. True, the French Revolution, which con vulsed the continent of European its length and breadth, like a mighty earthquake, brought the peop'e down upon the aristoc racy, and Swiss fell side by side ; but the muttering of that awful tempest have long since died sway in the distance, and while lhe storm moans its lullaby around their lovely duelling, the Swiss may cry in rap tore to the winds, "Blow on ! blow on ! this ii the land of Liberty. DECISION. Decision is tn essential ingredient in true greatness. On it dejiends success in every sphere of action. Without it, man is a mere slave to instability : he fancies that all perplexities beset his pa'h alone ; that he is placed in circumstances peculiarly unfavorable, and in which no one else could succeed. To-day he plans a jour ney lor the morrow, but,' as he is about starting, he perceives that clouds veil the heavens; he then hesitates, unable to de cide whether lo go or remain, until a late hour relieves his mind hy deciding it for hitr. it is now too late. The oppos:!e cie.s, generally commands the esteem of his fellow men. lie forms resolution-, season-ibly, and cariies them into eflect. He yields to no ordiniry circumstances. Friends and relatives may disapprove his pr.jeci, and endeavor lo dissuade hun from im-essant toils and privations ; ihey msy even become incensed at him ; hut he consoles himself with the reflection, that he is aspiring af'er that hich is ennobling and which will finally elicit their highest esteem. With a realizing sense of the justice of his cause, misfortune d'ies not abale his zeal, knowing that this is I he common lot of man- In adversity or prosperity, in honor or unmeri'ed dishonor, in rcpu'atinn or undeserved reproach, he adopts the sentiment of another, ' If in the lottery of the world it lie my fortune to draw a prize, I am not proud of my success : il 1 draw nothing but b.uuks, I a:n tint troubled wi ll my misfortune.' Persons of decision may not be able, in every trying circumstance, to form con clusions immediately : hut those of on op posite character, influenced by selfish mo tives, can almost instantly determine upon n course, and, at least as far as the way is strewn with fl'iwer, ptirsue it but no far' her. The former having made a res olution, although his way is thick eel wiih brambles.ii.oves onward and upward ; and each step advanced, qualifies him to lake the next, until ha arrives at the desired ... ... . j It is m evidence of a waut ol decision; i form in iividu.il, having taken a wroni; I course, on ihe discovery of his mistake to retrace his steps; but il is a striking proof of his ability, in such instances, to relin quish his purpose, and to undo if possible what he hs done wrong. Hence it is, that sound reasoning aids in forming de cision. An individual may reole wrong ly, and if, apprized ol his mis'ake, he sti'l resists in the same course, he exhibits a spirit of of)$ iini-y, and not of decision. Knowledge al-o assists in forming a resolution. A man uho'wou'd carry on successfully an enterprise, must undtr.stund ' its na'ure at least, he must have sti.-h a 1 .1 i-s completion may be acquired in the pros. I crution of it. D; cir.1 n is e-seute.l in all; j the vicissitudes of life : to the general on' the battle field, when tl.e banner of dea'h' waves triumphantly, an I the weal of na ! lions is pending ; lo the statesman, iir originating and adopting measures well! ad .u(e 1 to meet K,e.,t eme.i.-ies nd ' lhe hera!J of lhc s;alljin, on ,be , r . i bahlemeiits of Anm either nt home or in .. , , . ,. , ,. . ,. foreign lunds, yp..n whose fidelity to his .. . , , , , I divine commission depends the preseut and ( . - r . , eternal well being of thousand A 1'ecp Into Futurity. bv lire ac. " AH aboard !" shouted tlie conductor, and with a w histle and a jerk w-e were again on our way, and soon tiie trees and meadows, brooks and hills, seemed wh z ing by. and the dust and cinders flew thick and fast. But amid lhe roaring and jolting of the cars, steep like a minisle ing angel, came io my relief, (iraduallv ihe noi-e was hushe.l, and the speed at which I rode inspired dreams of a lolly character. 1 was in a wide rotunda, from which led two halls on either side. Many tall Corinthian columns rose about me, hewn Irom the whitest marble, and their gilded capitals were lighted from a slained glass dome. The ceilings were adorned with carved works, images, and paintings, and in short the master pieces of the Giecian sculptors, and of modern artists, seemed to adorn and decora'e the walls and niches. Cut scarcely had I begun o gaz! upon the beau'ies of the pile of splendor, when a roar like that of many oceans burst upon my ear, and I corn-In led I was in the 'em pie of the gods at Mount OI mpus, uu'il a mass of polished steel, and brass and silver, rushed into one of the long h ills, and passed out at the extremity of the other, f, I lowed by a train of what I called some thirty pagan temphs, iJI glipering with carved wood and iron, gilded eagles, pii -nacles, and spires. N't sooner than lhe train had stopped, out stepped a Yankee (I knew him by his voice.) and shouted Hartford 1" at tlie windows of each ol the cars. A throng of gents, ladies and children poured from the opening doors and Mood wiihin the rotunda. Being very anxious to view lhe interior of the cars or lemph s, and lo the motive power, I entered one, and had hardly recovered from the shock which the dazzling magnificetic re WEDNESDAY, SEPT. flected, when the train, which had benj set in motion again, stopped in a rotunda of the same size and splendor with the first, and the Yankee Ciptain cried "Spring field !" I singgered lo a seat in utter un conscii .iistiess, and as t endeavored lo lo cale myselfon what apicared to be a pic ture of New York city, I sank to my waist in a delicious air sofa, which again restored my senses. The towns and ci'ies, lakes and moun'ains, once more shot in cuiifu sion by, as lhe conductor hurridly tap ped me on the shoulder and whispered " ticket.' " Where are you bound V said I " Boston. He -there in twenty minutes. Fare from Spi in e field, one dime from New York ihree dimes. 1 handed him a shillini;. "lis hind the time," said he ; ' no such coin in circulaiion.' - I had the iood luck to carry a gold dol lar as a pocket piece, which I drew out, and paid my fare. "Where am I, cap tain ! ' said I involun'aril. lie smiled, ami lushed from lhe car, which had entered the third rotunda, and shouted Worcester '." "Mister, where am IP said I to the nearest man. He eyed ma with evident surprise a mo ment, though bis eyes sparkled as he ask ed, 'Keen asleep !"' 'Yes, sir. Got to New Haven yet T or i this " Tell me the year I" said he. Its 1349 of course! are you crazy V I replied. He tapped me on the shoulder, and said, "You've slept a hundred years it's!919! Several have slept over. This is tho air line railroad from New York to Boston uir-lir.e that i, there are no curves.and but three corners, which we turn in an instant, by machinery. A III sorts t.T new improve nv nl, now a-days. Why, man! it'.l lake you all the rest of your lifn-iimn to look at all the patented, labor-saving machinery in New Kiij.luid. We do everything but sleep and eat hy some new fang'ed inven tion other! We" "Good ! Ii must be o. Yankee nation ! what can ::ot Yankees and steam accom plish V said I. "Sleam ! Nonsense, man it's out of date on railroids. This is Fuzuui's elec tro magnetic patent, eight day, twelve fowt driver, 800 hor-o power hattery, silver plated, self propeller cost 825,000 this thing which draws us now! This road cost some twenty millions, and has paid for iiself twice, and has not been completed tVr-e years th-y use the patent siispen si m bridge, Vulcan rail, which is laid on a solid wall of stone, four leet deep. The rails are some seven feet apart. We go at the rate of live miles nnd three quarter? per minute, nnd why, sir! you are be hind the times, indeed. What'll you give me to thoto lu Ihe leioathan, not eh: phaiit " three weeks !" " Anything in my possession. I'm a great hand for new things. I'll see the leviathaU? and ride! Hurrah! hur " "Stop! here's Boston. Keep close to me, and we'll get a seal in lhe first elevat ed omnibus, for the Ocean Hotel best house in the ci y. Come, we do thing so quick we seldom carry baggage.' I made fast to his coat tail, and my Yankee guide rushed thr uh crowds, and temples, and galleri s, till we found our selves at last in the flying, elevated, elec tric something omnibus, which was an open car some twenty feet long, on a rail road, elevated alwut thirty feet above the street. A double track was laid all the way, and we met several cars or omnibus es, rushing down, propelled by little elec tric engines. Below the street was thronged with trucks, goods, merchants, and car riers. On cither side, broad side walk. were filled wiih people, and above, the houses rose from eight to ten storeys, nil constructed from iron, gilded and painted in the most costly and beautiful manner. At last, when we had come about ten miles in five minutes, as fast up hill as down, we arrived at what f should have supposed to be Solomon Vtemple, restored ; but no, it was the O.ean Hotel. Of our en'ry into this place, the furniture, the car ving, the gilding, the painting, we will not speak. A'ter visiting a fashionable tailor's shop, I sat down with my guide, iu my room, to take a rest preparatory to seeing the tlqthanl no! the leviathan, and to rrmke the lour of the Stale. What has happeaer1, Mr. Jonathan. since 1949 T aaid I ike Yankee, who was gaaing at the sea of roorsv He nearly fainted at the question, and1 said he merely rook) ment'rrm few of She fwtfV 5, 1849. 'General Taylor' said be, "was President in 1849, wiiu't he T )cs, he j was, and we've had any quantity since Wt're a republic now, and the United Stales extend from the Arctic Ocean to Terra del Fuegn, nnd comprises, in short, all America. England's a republic, and a Yankee is their President. There was but one kingdom in the world six fys ago, but the transatlantic telegraph was then out of order. We have n't heard for most a week from t'o'her side, and here ! see that flying car up there, see it ! It's going to San Francisco, the Isrel city in America, or United Slates, all ihe same. There, it's out or sihl ; but lh Great Aerial Electric Navigation Company are building a car that will beat that it's manufacturing in that machine shop yon der." said he as he pointed to a building fourteen storeys and a half hg. " There's generally," coniinoed he, universal peace on earth, and the lust dis patches from the moon said that the revolu tion had been brought to a close, anJ that bloodshed had ceased to slain thai para lise, and while we sptak of it, there's a fellow from the moon, who came down on a fly ing car yesterday, but their air is so diffe rent from ours he can't stay long :'' and he poiuted to a most perfect li'tle man, about three feet high. "But we'll go up to lhe moon by tho next car and stroll about a day or two, and look - (here 1 haf recourse to ihe camphor b tt'e) and look about town. Yes, wo will hem, there's some angles there some gals, and they think everyhing of us Yankees. Hurrah 1 there's the California, the last steamer from Liverpool. She started day before yesterday. She made ol iron, cutis percha, and durus. Durus is a rmtal recently discovercd in Greenland. and small quantities are found in Patagonia i metal which wont bend, break, or receive any im pression, except when the greatest degree of heat possible to be obtained, is applied to i She -ran through an iceberg on her last trip, hut did not stop, and you can't break her lo pieces or sink hr, no, you can't. She's six huudred feet Ioiik, and twenty-five broad ; is covered with guita p-rcha, m-ide transparent all over, and runs under water half the lime, in storm. There's the evening train of flying cars for New Orleans pretty good load ; the electric train carries more though this wea her. More competition on this route than any other in A merica, except the New York and Rio Janeiro evening lines ; they run for four dimes. See thai build nig there ! At one end they drive in a flock of sheep, and this door ia a mutton market, and the other is a ready made clothing store. There's a prinlint; office in this building, and there's a machine in it which will make a spelling book nut ol a shirt in seven minutes; but they'.l have to give it up, as there's one in the very next house which will make a spelling book from cotton batting in six minutes! Fact, sir !' I applied camphor to my lemptes and nose. "I tell you the truth ; but the crack in vention of the day is gumbuggum gas Goes ahead of chloroform, altogether. Why, last nie.ht my brother in New Or-j leans was smashed to a pulp by the fa'ling of a stone weighirg twelve tons, hut we immediately applied the extract of cold water, and gumbuggnm, and when I it ft al two o'clock, he was comfortably well. We don't die at all now, if we cn manage to get hold of the extract of water and gum buggu n gas before heat leaves the body. IT ail warmth has left the body, lite has left it ; but if not, life is perfectly safe. Now tea is ready ; come let us get lea, and then we'll have a ride. At thoughts of supper 1 uifofre, and we had just got to New Haven. What slow, good for nothing cars and steamboats we have can't go but a mile a minute ! We ore behind the limes. Early Marriage. A writer in the National Intelligencer notices a communication from the Rich mood Republican, signed " W. W. Y.,' in which early marriages were advocated, and present "lhe other side of the picture, ns follows : ' Says W. W. Y.,"AII know, or should know, ihe opinion of the good and wise Franklin upon this subject, who was warm arfvocwe in it fever." Perhaps Franklin was philosophically right in his opinion, but facts go to prove that he was practically wrong. Fot instance, gen ileraen all know, or should know, that theehildrenof very yoong parent are gen eraily deficient in strength of body and lavicdy and commonly die young?. "All VOL. know or should know, that Franklin wa ihe fifteenth child of his ftther, and the eighth of his mother ; and mow still, he was the youngest child for Aoe successive generations on hit mother's side, from whom, more than his father, he inherited his eminent talents. Pitt, Fox, and Burke, wens each the youngest child of their re spective familea. Daniel Webster ia fhe youngest by a aerena! mm'tage ; to also was Lord Bacon, whose father was Airy, and his mother waa thirty-two yean of ae at his birth. Judge Storv's mother was forty-four at hia birth ; Benjamin West was the tenth child of his parents ; and Dr. Doddredge was the trtntitth child by one father and mother. Il is a proverb that Ihe youngest children are the sovar test. And why t evidently because the par ents are mature m mind and body and con sequently trail nit a higSer order of menta i y io their offspring. Dora the mtel'ignt farmer tipect a healthy and luiurianl crop when he seed with dwarfish green; eorn or unripe potatoes? And why not bring in requisition as much science and eomnon sense to propagate 'the hmnai form di vine' as potatoes and cahhegef Grnt that etrl v marriage would obviate much of lhe vice and wickedness which in now almost unavoidable,' is n I lhe feme by worse than llsr disease if it be the means slf bring mg intoeaistencea race of puny, ill-'ormed children, a majority of whom die Vf .re they arrive at maturi'v f Bo, the evil - i d es not end here. Those who in live transmit their tmishroom ewns'itutina) to iheir offspring, and thus most effectually are the " iniquities of the father visited upon the children.' Ou ihe other hand it mitfht he shown hy numerous examples that the first born of healthy parents ate the most vigorous in body and trend, and that as j areata advance in life their offsnviM heom fee- b'e in intellect and in person. Mstoritv, temperance, and health ars? fejnisite for proper reproduction, whether the progeai- tora be younger or o'der- - , Silent faiBraara) mt Christians. The H.ble call the goad maa'a Itl a light, (says Dr. Wushutll,) and at i nature of light ta flow out pon'a. ooaly ' all directions, and fill the world uneowaci nus'y wiih its beams. So Ihe Chnatiaa shines, no; because he will, but because ha is a luminous object. Not that the active influence of Christians made of no ac count in the figure, but only that thissym bI of tih: has its property, in the fact tbut their unconscious influence is th.;chtel influence, and has the precedency in its power over the world. And yel there are many who will be ready to think that litfht is a-ery tame and feeble instrument, be cause it is noiseless. An earthquake, for example, is to them a much more vigorous and effective agency. Hear how it comes thundering through the solid foundations ofnntuie! It rocks a whole continent. The noblest works of man, cities, monu ments, and temples, are in a moment lev eled to ihe ground, or swallowed down the opening gulfs of fire. Li: tie do they think that the light of every morning, the soft and silent light, is an agent many limes more powerful. But let the light of fhe morning cease ftntf return no more ; let he hour of morning come, and bring with it no duwn ; the outcries of a horrer-st rick- en world fill the air, and make as it were, the darkness audible. The beasts go wild and framic, at the loss of the sun. The vegetable growth turn pale and d-e. A chill creeps on, and frosty winds begin to howl across the freezing earth. Colder, yet colder is the night. The vital blood, at leng'h, of all creatures, stops congealed. Down goes the frost to the earth a centre. The heart of the sea "ta fmz-n. nay the earthquakes are themselves frozen in, an der their fiery caverns. The very globe itself, loo, and all the feUow ptarat that have lost their sun, are become mere balls of ice, swinging silent in the carknesa. Such is the light which revisits as in the silence of the morning, ft makes ao slioc k ia - - e . or scar. U wouia nrx vik inram in the eradle. And yet h perpetually new creates the world, reecning it, each morn ing, as a prey from night and ehaos. So the Christian ia a light, eve) the light of the world and we mast not think that because he shines insensibly or ailentty, aa a mere object, he is therefore pewerless. The greatest powers aie ever those which lie back of the lift- stir and eommotion. of nature; aud I verily believe, that the inaensible influences of good; men are as much more potent than what I have called their voluntary and active, aa the great si lent powers of nature are of greater con sequence than her little rfisturlen-es and tumults. VI., NO, 28-283, ttt--: :: r.--iczr.-jLf The Triumphs of lhe English Language.' ar asv. f axis anaoasa avvss, u. m. !fSw aaihar all oar Suon banla. Let h irpa and hcarta be string, Ta celebrate the triumph of Oar own good 8aioo tongue For atronfrr Ut ibaa koala lb a: match With batlle-lsfa unfurled, h aa, wiih Fred,a. rhouirht. and Traibv To roiMa tat rets lbs worU. tout Atbtna leama ils household lay On evsr? serf worn share. And Scotland hears it echoing far Aa Orkney' breakers roar -From J ore's crags, and Mima's bills, Il lewis oq evarj gale. And warms wish tViaaai and song Ttta hs-AMa of laaiafail. On many s wide and swarming deck It scales the roah wave's crest. Snaking ha pawrleaa heritage The freak and fruitful West ( Il climb New England's rocky steepe. As victor mounts a throne ; ftisaara knows and greet the voice Still mightier Iban its own. Il spreads where winter piles Jeep snows On bleak Canadian plains. And where, on Essrquibo's banks. Eternal summer reign ; It glsda Acadia's misty coasts. Jamaica 'a glowing isle. And bides ker, ga mna eaily flower,' Sicca Tessn punas sklls. It Kes fry clear Itasca' lake, Missouri's turbid stream. Where erdara rise on wild Onrk, And KsnW waters g lei in I ' reeks lb loud, swift Oregon, Tkrsugki atm-tat Sail eye rolled, A sat soars wbasw Cali brnian brooks' Wash down tich asnds of gold. It enands ia Borneo's earr'phor Craves. On eawe of teres M ilay. In iald- that curb old (an;eV flood. And lower of proud Bombay ; It wakes ap AaWsiiJiing eyes, Puak btosta, and swarthy tunt The dark LibsrUa aooibaa her child Wia English cradle hymns. Taaaunia' maid are wooeJ ami wow In gsntle Sjioo apaech ; , ' Australia boss land CruwV IitW - 9y Badoav'a aMtarad beach ; Il dwells where Afric'e sou' h most caps htisrt or, bright sod blue. . And ieuveM'svaawd m mntain gird Toe wie and) wai Karroo, i - . ' "i Il kindlea realms so far apart, Th il. while its praias you sin. ' Tssaa may be clad with aulnnm's Knits, AnJ vnosa wiifa f users of spring t- -It rue ens land wfeosa meteor Sight Fhsaat ia aa Aieu- sky. And aH far which Ihe Sou hern Cioa Bangs in erbsd fir on high. - - . Il awM wth ll thai prophets toll. And nigbtsous king desired. Wit all test grant epochs taught. And ajl-tou O-esks admired, . - Wuh Sbakaprate deep and wondrous vera,' And afilton'a loftier mind. H uh Alfred's lawa and Newton's lore. To chwr and bless soankind. Mark, a it sprraJs, bow deserts bloom. And error lies away, A vanishes the mrst of night cfw B Ms nf dy ; Set, gtsavl a t be victoriee Whose moaoaw nt we see. Tbeae c but as Ae dawn bit b speaks" Of doooiijV yat to b. Take heed, then, heiia of Saion fame. Tske hr)il. aor one disgrace. Web deadly pen or sp.iltng sworj.- Oar noble looru and race ; Go fortk prepased. io every ehmv To Inve vd fcelfr each other. And juaofe thai Ihey who eoana! strife Would bid foa smite a brother. Go tVrrtk. and jointly speed the time). By good awn frayed for Its;. When Christie) Stales, grown just anJ wise,'- Will acorn rateng and wrong Wbew earth oppressed and savag tribes atball erase lo piue or rn.ne. All taught to prise these English words. Fair Paaaooa, Hsavas. and Hons? "Sandwich l.lanJ News."' A few dty' ajo we received a file of the above new paper, and upon looking over its pages we were agreeably surprised at finding that its editor and publisher, waa K. A. Rockwell, F.sq , a young man who finished learning the "art and mystery of printing, in our office, about the year 18ft. With the true American spirit of adventure, it seems thaf Mr. Rockwel has wandered far from hi native land in search of "game, and tha t he has fcund in the vast Pacific ocean, an' Island whim promisee him a prosperous home. We are happy thai he ia doing well, and trust that the Xewi may be lb means nl introducing into these far off islands the genuine spirit of progress and reform, which ia now revo'utiouizing tha world. Ljeominq Gazette. Such Fraternal Love, said Lord Beaumont, in the Brkixh House of Lords, "such brotherly protection aa France was now extending to Rome, had never been seen by the world since the daya of Cain and Abel Y Mr.Greely, being asked by a- corrrapor. dent at what season cf the year gold hunter should atari hence for California, replies gravely, 'We consider the 1st e-f April aa good a season aa any.' The sa'ary of the President of Mio has been fixed 'at S29.000 annually, the tame aa our President'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers