LHWr.SRIJKG cmiMICLH & WEST BRANCH FAMER--3IA11CII 12, 1 CtJC. t h '. XniiiMmrg Cljronirlr. o. n. wcii nrK & J. R.'coBNrirus. Tm tSnitr .Hz-w. Tl.. !,.. 4'ur.iM' i.; . circnl !i"ti -fa.iv N--:v r iii I tii-n t'l.iii.tv. l'rt'o lorn, national ; Slavery, st'i-linnal ! Township Elections. Nkxt h'ekk, Fuil-ay M.ui'.ii 19 (lie auiiual Tjivii.-Mp Klictioos occur in t'uion and many other comities. Iq aJ liUinn lo tho usual officers Ij be ttliosen, the Assistant AssKsson are to be cke-t-'d, to make out the Triemml AstM.-sstui.-tit au important luutler to all who re-iliie the LcetSiitv of coBipctcut auJ careful moo, to lay the taxes equally auj fairly fur three years to come. j In Ljwisl'urg, two School I'rtxtors are to be choseu in the North Ward; and the jdace of holding Electors in to bo fixed iu 1 (ho South Ward. We would like to sco the elections for Juices and Inspectors turn on Liccmptnn and Auti-Lccitnpton. Let tlte Kej ubli-' cans in republican dijlricts have the Jul- j gt., aud all the Anii -I.rcatiiptim nun vote 1 for him. la tho IVniocratie ui.strik.-ts-, let the Hi publicans fall iu with the Auli-: Leo mpton Democrats on Julge. 'l'heu ; l.t the 11 publicans, Auli L-vmiptou 1'emAorats, aud Lecomplou Democrats, each run a cauJiJato for Iu.-pcctur. Iu this way, a pretty fa'r i-sprec-iou of cpiu- j ioi! can le got at ou that op. .-lion. : Fur the ether offices, let the Opposition and the Adiuiuistraiiji) each nt forward tin ir r.i:T men, aud thea each si'ASli i;v TUUtt LKIE.NKS. ! IsyLast year, several of our friends Improved the time, when the Towuship came t igether, to ct np Clubs fer the Chronicle. This day will afford another ! favorable opportunity, and one or more Clubs can be raised atuny l'.lectiou district, j Tl.l' IT. TrilMS-in .,:,.!c. tV.-Sint-le copy "tie year '.-!.''. or :! cents !"t"pcr week iW a shorter lime, l'oiir ce pes r'on year or one copy four years fer '. j I tf Tea copies one year,li-. e copies two years I Ver one copv ten years for S O. rr iir, i o'sixteen copies. ir fo':.-e:i ci-pos and "(H- , I v."inachson." t or :o, f.vciity-one copies I i;'an i 0;zniachsi.n." TIic'ainpaLferr 1858-! ' FIRST GUH! j Tho State Kleetiou in New Hump-Lire, : on Tuesday of this week, was the first if the season. Tho "Democracy" declared against Locomptonism, in hope of stealing back into power but the charm of their name is broken. The Republican majority on Governor has DOUllLliU from last Spring Ilaile (il'p ) bavin 5,0u0 msj. j over Cato (Deiu.) as far as reported. ; toTThe githering of iflbc oud job hunters and holders at llarri.-burg, as au- i ticipatcd, wa3 cciuplettly subservient to , the l'resideut, who had SO majority out ; of 130 votes. Wm. A. l'oiter, beat; .harswood (the original AJ:n. candidate) out of tight for Judge, and a Wcstly t I'rost cf l-'ajctte county was taken up for Canal Commissioner. Some bitter and ' defying speeches were made by the Wcs ttra Delegates; and Dorter will have: :rong personal hostility. Au Opposition Ticket, judicicurly managed, can succeed. Jackson Tp., Union Co., aoclished. fTha following Dill has passed both . Houses and been signed by the Governor. The Towuship being no longer iu csi--tcr.ee, wo conclude the Klcctiuu District is likewise cxtinc'.J AX ACT relating to Jackson TjienJoji, in the Cvuiiii I'uiun. llnrfiif, by the division of Union j county, the greater portion of the territory j composing Jacksou township fell wiihiu the bounds of Snyder couuty, not leaving fifty voters iu the part remaining in l 'ui.;U county, the territory aud population leiug too small anl expea.-ive to keep up an or ganization, Thcrefora kEC. 1. J': it cwrtol A c, That so much of the township of Jackson, in the : county of Union, as li.s cast of the farm ; if Dr. Charles Wilson, be a,ud is hereby ' annexed to Union township ; and all west : cf that, to Limcstona township. fee. 2. That th4 Court of Onrter i Sessions of Union county shall appoint a e irveyor lo run the division lino between ; the townships of Union and Limestone, 1 starting at the eastern line of the farm of Dr. Charles Wi'uoa, and to make out an accurate draft of tho division line, and bio , a copy thereof in said court, and too cs- 1 pense of ruuuing sa:d iiaa shall bo borne ' l-j the county of L uLu. j j-JfU'c learn that Ahl,thc Congressman from this District, alleges that the ;reat mule contract is not in hit mini , but in the name of his oo.7io-, Carey Ahl arid CUas. Ileltzhoovcr. We supposed that tvould be tho way, hut will Lot Congress man Ahl bo "about" when the ;';' aro counted up and tliwk'1 ? Old D.n Frank- I'm said that in some p!ace,the law provided that every man wno owutd a certain ! amount of proporty,as a horse or a jackass, ! could vote, aud that it was always a ijues- ! tioo with hiu in such cases whether the j owner of a jackass or the j ickass, voted, j Our Congressman voted itcijh ou the reso- j lutinng to iuquiro into th- frauds by which tho L-comptoa Constitution was formsd. lrrij AlciC'itc. Anxai-ous, March 1 In the Legisla ture of Maryland, to-dy, a kcrus of reso lutions, sustaining the aotiou of I'res. Du-1 i haian cu tho Kansas question, were re-! j-otel, by a vote of 1 1 nays to 1 yea. The j resolutions "ero v i' 1 ngauwt by tho Dem- ! t w in; of an atncB-imeut made ' ) : ie A ii-r,:-iU Mi-o.'i-r I t I).'!-'.:-', ' -V. '."'. . 'ii.'-' r :t- ''I ' -'ir-ra:;." rn.in ...1 .-, !...V THE UJSULT. Fr.'m Uii- I'utju Uwuirkon ArOi. Mr. Duehanau and his Cabinet aro not likely to err on so simple aud plain a question and that Democrat uho utt up us oicu Ofiuion yyiinni tliciis must have gicat coulideuce iu his owu ability," &c. A RESPONSE to the Insult Some of the Anti-Lceompton Democrats of Lewisburg last week circulated a paper cxpre-ssive of their view, and obtained tho names of over One Hundred Democrats, (more thau half the party) to it. They claim a large majority of the Democrats of Uuioa county against Lecomptou,on a fair trial. The feeliijgs of many, if uot all, arc csprcssed by the following Additional Response. Tn Hit I'. titur uf the. L'niun Argus .- Km: Yon will.loiiblless rcmeiii'oer.lhat. prior to (he assembling of our lat Court, yoti were mitieiloil to publish a call for a Democralic 'ouiity Mcrlinx.'hi it'j'r.t of ivhieli was slated to b "tet ascenaui the sentiments of the parly in iliis county on ilic subject "1 the admission ut lvansas under tin- I.ccrniipton Constimtion.'T Wcainon;; many others, thought no Democrat should object to a popular expression of opin ion, by ihe party, on a question so deeply in volving its peace and perpetuity. To com paie opinions in a friendly way, and in a re spectful manner give utterance to what niisht prove to be the sentiment of llie county, that it mil-lit have its inibo ncc in ihc formation of a proper public opinion on the subject, was thought rihl by many. The notice was hand d you in u'ood time; it stated openly and cleailv, the object of ilic ineelins; tiieda pub lic plaee, and a convenient lime, for its as sembling, that nil infill know llie object; and the place. Being Court Week, our friends from every district of the counly could, with ln.le extra trouble, Le represented. In this call, however, your Argils eye could sec no pood ; you were fearful it might injure the party, and rufrf t" publish it. While we dub-red with you in opinion, wc could not but respect your secmin; anxiety for the in terest of ihe party. We abandoned the proj ect for the mcelinj, not because we thouijbt it wron-j to express our honest convictions of rittln, but, from the opposition of these in whom we had confidence, we thought such ex pression at the time mi-lit be inexpedient, as the opposition to an expression of opinion came from those friendly to the Lecompton constitution. Yon may well imagine how much we were surprised to tind, in your lat paper, what ptirj ortcd to he an account of a meeting of the County t"ot,im.kt. heartily rndnrxin Lr cnuiitttn, and fully commuting the Kcmoctn cv of the county to that side of the question ! Now, when was that meeting called ! Who ever saw the call ! When and where was the meeting hel I ! ly w hom was it attended! Who ollercd llie resolutions ! What was llie vote upon them ! These are questions that the honest IVmocrats i f the county want an swered. X)i ! you not know that the meclinj; in question was composed of but three per sons, the IVsimaster one of the three ! met together without formal call, acting without authority from a majority of the committee, their action withheld from the parly until too late to counteract it in the Stale Convention ! that tile whole thing was a miserable trick, conceived iu fraud, brought forth in darkness, and sent anroail to deceive! Knowing all this, as you ought to have known it, we arc surprised that you would admit the proceed ings in your paper, in such a manner as to give them an appearance of regularity. A call for an honest, open, dayliRht meet ing on this question, yon must sitpress, appa rently afraid of an honest expression of opin ion, here, as the I.ecompionites are of the same Hung in Kansas. We cannot think that the time has come, in the history o! our glorious old Democratic party, when it is nec essary to its safety that the Press should h muzzled that life-long Democrats shall be compelled to speak in words of purchased flattery, or not be permitted to speak at all, or, what is worse, to be spoken for, by a self-con. stunted committee of three! I'ntil .Democra cy m this county is enleebled by age, or de mented be other cause--, her honest sons will prefer to form and utter their own opinions, in preference to having them manufactured and expressed by an irresponsible committee. Did yen not know that this Committee was doing most palpable injustice to many Demo, crats when they sai.l that they expressed ''the universal sentiment of the Democratic party in this county!" uttered, too, in the face of the fact, that they dare not meet the people or the Democrat rn this question, but, slinking away from public gaze into some place not vet made public, by the dim fliiker of a"dark lantern," ibis immortal trio, in their concen trated wis.U m, take the affairs of State and .Nation iu hand. They first aO"'"1 three men to the Stale Convention, when, in fact, these men had been fully entitled to their seats by ntfur ami former action. They then tell the i'resident that they emphatically en dorse his Kansas policy, and recommend the speedy ad.oti.ion of said Territory under the l.ec.oinpion constitution. They assure the Cabin-t that they believe them of '-sound mind" ar.d of "qualified honesty" rattier a left handed compliment, yet the Cabinet may be thankful that three such men would con descend to consider them sound in mind even in honeiy somewhat "qualijcd." Our friend liigler is next called up.and, after p.-.ttinghis head in a matronly manner, he is informed -that his course on Kansas and on everyihing else is endorsed." They, however, fail tosay whether they mean his course on Kansas as expressed in his speeches during the cam paign of lSott, or that now recently taken in the L S. Senate. li the former, the Democ racy a; proves it most heaitily; if the latter is meant, ihey might ns well also have in formed Benedict Arnold that it is now the univcrsa' opinion that his patriotism and de vot.on to his country should never have been doubted. They, too. have a word of approval for our excellent tiovcrnor, but say nothing of the manly principles put forth in his Inau gural Addr ss. They close up by modestly telling the Senatorial and Representative Del egates he w to vole on resolutions and nomi nations. The public sentiment of the county being laid down the President, Cabinet, Senator, Governor and State Convention endorsed and properly instructed, they adjourned and may well ask each other "When shall we three meet again V Sach assumptions are n it often witnessed, yet are not entirely orig inal. We remember of hearing an incident that happened a few years since. A stranger very gravely stepped up to the Speaker's desk in the House of Representatives, inHar risburg, and in a bol l, commanding tone, or dered the Members home to their families. He did th same in the Senate; so with the Governor, and all the heads of departments. He felt he was commissioned from on high to take things in his own hands. He persisted, most vigorousK-, that he must be obeyed. It was soon discovered that the poor twin was crazv, and he finally compromised, that all might remain in their places if they would give him a smt of old clothes ! It is wonder ed whether a suit of old clothes, in other word- a little i-', had not something to do with the meeting of ihe Committee of three ! Philip Hii.lmtf.r. lU.iai PaicE. X-ilwitLMaiiJiiig the "insiructloDs" of the Ciiioa county trio, Jackman of Clio ton Co., went Aoti-Lcccmpton, first anil laM; Sctiourc cf Snjilrr Co., was Anti, i lut cived io ai Utl ; vtiilc Jlilkr, of Ju-1 nut a ., the C-liy V.'Iiig woo liss a; "chitn" Mote the i.I.-lvnr", Vfvr.t I.i-c-cri'.j ". ".ii 'r.r'-i;;!!. . Tin: rir.ZLEU. Oh '. 'ti it deep niTntrr, Rat bjr SC. J aul I'll tiua kh bultkiin vf it." fJ'So answer to last Anagrams. t-Sr-.N'o answer to Charade, Feb. 1?. rETAnswer to Puzzle, March 5 ''Tit.t 6 fartlings from G pmce unit three times ti furtft iigs remain. Aus'd by .Maggie A , Kelly. ir:'Ans. to Charade, March ti .ViirA.' Ans'd by it K, (who says there are three syllables instead of two) S W S and M J S, Uullaloe IVAuswerto Acrostical Enigma " The !Vr in lndiu.' Ans'd hy A A N , I.cwitdmrg; M I. D. I.ewisburg; Snow; M S , I.ewisburg; 11 K , Lewisbuig; I. A , I.ewisburg; Flora A , Kelly ; W II D , I.ewisburg; W K 11-- , .Uullaloe ; 1 W , l.eivisbuig ; II F I , l.cwisburs ; A A , Uutlalor ; W I. A , I.ewisburg ; C D, I.ewisburg; M J S and -N W S, Uullaloe. I 'Answei to t.cog. Knigina, March 5 " liWiiHifion Irving." Ans'd by M I, II; M S; M C , I.ewisbmg; I, A ; M A; W II II ; I W ; W LI II; A A; W L A; C D ; X W S ; M J S I'Ans. to 1st Misc. Knigma, March 5 "Submit fvursitm" (and that is as far as any of them have got-) I if'Answer to 2d Misc. nnigma, March li " uHgA.v, the lilllr s;imtt." Ans'd by M I, I); Snow; M S; M ! ; I, A ; W 11 IS ; W K II ; II F ti ; A A rj-; Answer to 2d Misc. Enigma, March 5-- ., Kiunan." Ans'd by M s ; I, A ; M A ; W II lj; W E II ; H F U; A A; C U for T:i LEWL-uera chko.iici.1:. Kiiltllc. My first brings joy to all. My second oil brings sorrow ; My whole but once a year is found, Ii may come on to-morrow. y T li 11- -, 10 year;. MM-El. I. A .:t I s i:.t; M lam composed of S7 letters My ti -1 -1 -ii l'J is an animal 27 Hi 2:t 3 17 is a vessel 1 11 l'J is a nickname j 111 7 Hi s is an island in Occanica j lg 10 21 gc, is a nickname ! ti 'ti 1 1 1:1 : l'l is m the Chronicle office 20 :) l'J 1 is an abbreviation j tl 18 15 1 2.1 is a good book 21 11 11 should always be restrained My w hole is in a flout ishin? condition M I. D. I.cwisbur: -3 e 3 ill 115 S3"..- 13 .13 if snKalK T - t- - 3 o O ? T ? ? - zi o r n 13 bt Pi H Tj4T-;i I. -c 2- 7 il7-'-1tt i Exonerations to Collectors on Miititri Tax for ISotf nml previous rcurs, viz. Wm Rule West Uullaloe lH.'i Reuben Klosc Heaver lr" Simun Kerstettcr WcstBeaver K Jacob Krdley Prims do Jiihn Krebbs l'erry io I'lirisiinn Kersieiirr Chapman do Win Uut.'lius Miiainhur h."iG Andrew Hauck UulValuc ilo John SiocUcr Union do $7 DO 19 57 3 50 8 . t:i so 9 on 9 oo 1 on so 71 5V 'J Z M 1111 07 1 8 l Exonerations to Collectors for Hi Jo to Treasurer, overcharged. $67i at j Dclimjiiciit Collectors of Military Fines for ! the year anil precious years. Perry reier Tronp li.V 13 31 Center Henry Musser 1 s."j i 7 13! Washington Henry Summers do S- 80 j (.'enter Daniel Showers lHjT. in Hi S.'linsgrovc Jeremiah Cronse do 51) 6:1 Washington l.udw.Arbogast4 do 4 11 i Millliuburg Wm (iutelius ls.'ii! 31 8S j ijilC.O Of. ; 5iDPc l-ai-i in full. i Military K.rprnsrs ami I'rcrips puij for i lSj'J ami tSr7. J ('uininisionrrs and Clerk's services i on Military business $) 00 Printers tor publishing Statcmcni of Military Fund f. r IS.'.U 19 50 Assessors lor furnishing list deliniucnl Miluia men at 2 cents each 17 5G Heceipt per Slate Trcas., July f, 1S57 325 00 Cash as per do 20 2S 11 430 17 Statement of Military Funtl for 1S57. Tit EA m 1; lilt s A 1 vorsr. Iiohcrt II. Laird in account with the Mili tary Fund of Union County for 1S57 nil. I To amount of Fines uncollected fer 18.i0 and 1 previous years t? J.Sti 03 1 To amount of said Fines assessed for ; 1H.7, as per beok in which said fines are entered by the County Coinm'rs 51 1 00 i Due Comnion'th last settlement, lsjc 335 32 113S 07 C 15. fly amount of said funds outstanding for 1S5G and previous years .f lf.D 06 Ami of said lines outstanding for I8.7 235 S3 llsonerations allowed Collectors lt-57 and previous years III 07 Connmssiuns allowed Cidlectors 8 KiiineraiionstoTreasurer.ovcrciiarged in Ins account of 18.'0 S 61 Amount paid I'rinters for publishing .statement of Military Funds ID DO Amount paidCommissioners andClerk for services on military business 40 00 Amount paid Assessors furnishing list .f Military men, 818, a 2 cts 17 50 Cash per receipt of Treas. July 6 325 00 do do July SO 28 11 Treasurer'sCommission 430.17,1 prct 4 30 101 1 87 1 121 00 ! lla'ance due Commonwealth l-o7 $1132 117 j 'mVin C iuntii. S3. I, Robert H. Laird.Trea- snrer of t'nion county for 1857, do hereby submit the foregoing account of the Military Fund of said county as correct and true. fiiven under my hand at the Treasurer's cilice in the Borough of Lcwisburg the 7th of January, I85S KUUHRT II. LAIRD, Treasurer. WE rhe umiersitrned Auditors of the county of Union, having carefully examined and j audited the foregoing .Military Account oft Robert II. Laird, Treasurer of l.'nion county, UO find and report the same true and rorreet j as slated. ' Witness- Whereof, We the said : Auditors have hereunto set our hands, at the j Com'iiissioners'onicc in the Borough of I.cw- j isluig Ihe cirhth ilv f Ja nuary. A D. !")'. 1 . THOMAS. . ! j. i. hoc ai:, ' Au.';;. is JOHN" KilssLri.,) Account of 0!d Union County for S-j7. j Orler iwucJ by the Cmnmirtioiicri of Union county on llit Tn'SKun-r of iul i-i-uoty, fr tls-bta Ju hy to- uM riunty r f t'ninu, hiiJ for wbi' li tiij I rcsciit ixuuty nl taa- r ii iiat.i for Uie ouu balf. ll.tutiiilt Jgui-hOui. t. Julia Chal (ace oill l.'i $ 1 0'J Hale t'euiii-uiiiiry, in full for stij "-rt ! cou- I TicU, lor tu-' jr-r f -' ih (t ihii ; Ivu r Kani'l-, aUtu'r of Ja. Kiuile, tive'd, w itn In oK'uiu, . Jar.ttittH:k, St (t'r .n-.is. ;".', 1 '-T Mi'IiftW Kt-cL.i.cr fr Jii!itiuK in tin arrest of 11. J. i("J' rmf(, mi.) -x'ii-n.hill i) $)-t WJ t Ii. I'jr-lo-, tj. t. tuL for Julio aiiU Auu Jt-us-f O'JU. .1. I liao;i 40 J:tuv IVuiiy, riitl l;tmi,? -Kultci L tiiudur ituti uUitf rotl j'vew ;'' ' Wc, tho un lrrsin.-tl, Comminnontrfl of tli- county of Uiti"ii, li.-r-?l'y rul.iuit tin- forrgoinc an ouuLt of llie i x-p'ii-l:turf-t of ih oj iMuuty ol Luiou tor tli year A. V. ( IS.'T, as furriTt attl lru. j liivf ii uu.l.T our li.nd- itt tho r(.mmi-f-ii'U rV .fli'-o in tlit Noru.uli ol L-:ionrir. the et.'litU ti.iy i J.tuur, a. ir is. j iu mmi;l i -t Altt Wy. KM.K. iColuia'ra. ' liK'H'l V. U.MXCOI.N. ' 1W, ttm unl. ri-'iif.l. Au-litor? ! Hi.- rounly i-fl'iiioo, in-i i rtrviully XH.itiiii-'.i a.uJ atalit'-il the f r-iin :tf-fi-uiit t' Ihe '.iiuuii"ii.t''-ts of tu.i-1 eouniy, tlo t.ti-1 aifl j report th- s.ii I aee-jtlut ol" etl-i-lttii,ure-t cf ll id r.iuil- i ty (H t ni. mi fur the ye.ir ls.7 true mii-1 irn l .i i-tiUil. In wilii'-Hd whtTiHtT we the 'iiid Auditors li.ne Inn un to -l ur h'tii't-t at, the Cumuii.H.ioiit-r.t' nltire, iu the i-r- vmh ol Lcwishurt;, Ihi ntith ilar of January, A. D. ; Ida! A. THOMAS, l J. I. Jl'H. U, -AuUtori. 1 JullXkfcLEK,) ; j c u.l t -? I r? ; k- -z---. -' s -1 r o n k- cs -art " iz . , S r. - , S ? - ? .- ft r; ? ? 5 '2 5 S I r m 1 5 2 t.I i-,i"It" '-" 'ZZ ps"? I i i2La?-1B'?3-!3 I : Z, - - '? 5 z ?. - - - -t - 2 ft -: ;j :-, j 'isS ?zZ2ZZZZZ'?'?7 ) 'Z-"z kJ m q 0 54 1 2 1 PHsiii-.tlilli I f 4 T ir.il 2 ' i3iY1' -- " -1 K-l w 3 El"r H s- o CSISli-JJ Dilinquent collector. TM.-tri.t. OiItistiT. T.'r. St.TaJ. Co.Tar Milliiiltir.' Wm kiiili-titiki 1.;i; jli.iij 4.17 (skid ia part aimsj fettli-m-tit.) ITEMS OP EXPENDITURE. Auditors' Tay for 157. Auilitnr fur ninkiDg CVuDtjr PHlli-wt'Qt fir itii-ltiiliiit; Cl'-i k fr.. ;.u A ikk'nu.iiy,&url'j; f'roth. and ltfg.4 Uca-ttk i '-:.7 ihl AsHC??ors' I'ay. Aw-H-rit 1'T th-ir ncrvik-es in lo7 1-1 Ol) KliTtion HxiCns'C5. Fpiin i:K-i'tion. Mikr.-ti. 1S67 2VI s livukTl fcl. ction, Oi-tobr, 1S",7 Kit 7-i) 1.9 SLTubliintj Court Houpr! ntulJ.iil. It Aoinmnii. wrul.'v O urt h'fim 0-rT. 4 Iii W I'arilo.itntkiiii; lire, wruhj; I t Kui fi''67 II '-'. I.th KLIsImkihIi. .1m'm fs.iirr llr.uk.. "11 Ikk . Mr-lfc.w.;r aii.liitli r-.s,Tuh'i:Cl U.ikii-I Jail 12 l"l II IK-mi, cleaning Court UoilaC anil 1'riry 4 lJ-t 04 Attorney Fops. John B I jnn Ev nalarj ax Commis.''8 attorney 2j rrothoaotary's Oflicc. Court Exi)ciisef. ! Grsn-l .Jurors' raj ntl milag, Fi-li.T. t1 e, L"j7 i'ii-0l7 i I rnww Hi uo A'lj"Urn.l Court, llran.1 Jurum my tii May TkTnj -1 1 i lusts do L"7 1 IM-Mi : E.'l t.T. rm :M I I ,lo oT S!US,; ; AJj d Not Ct 2S W l'-r. T.-rm i.l i'-l Tr.1T.TlH) do llrikill Travi-rw J.k lirai J (1 . .1-. do d.i do TrakT .In .lo lo s ;.....;,T1 i C'vuri 'r.or" wairi for K'-h.TiTm 1; A lj U'ourt mtil MnyT. -'4 (.) li.y do Juni'niul N- t IVrun i" U- i A-lj-lCurt Not. 72 Od-GS CO ' TiftaTr" or Cittat.lU nJri Court Ki-I.T. JJ .in tl- do Mur ;;t iO ( lo tl .Tun' riint .-Vp.T. -5 ') 1 lo Jt A'tj'l t'nurt Nov. 15 in) do J A Ktino and othtrs IX-o.T. 15 2-) do Kot- Ti l.vn dr 7 i".-li: 7) ! Conpta. otiltagt: u-l maiviug rcttini-K.-b T. H li do ilu tlo May T. ft M Uo Uo Uo St p. T. 7 A--'H IS Roal OrJors i.ucd 1y Court. i FI.('lin-nnn.N.thr?.(iiricI,iilIaftlpyTFp ft S L lttfk nnU oitu rs 1 CO J Fox Fcalps. 5ttiuu.l itnontou and othen 70 Slate Cost?. Ctii-tf pnt-l incase Vft .Itilin ChnppI II? io vO.Hrtrft Iionwhy 1 2tt (! T haTi 1 P. tt- r 9 02 (io vs liiilip l ft..r 5 Vt J r V;m -;tn.l-i!' ,in-I Mijr.cfl J '2 ! Uo t II I CnnJiriii.1 l;; y t W thAihi iuiuui:ui 1 Ol j (lo V Turin r, .;. 1. Uubickrr VanannU'Vi i-j ir, tlr T. n'inliJKatip.Veat:ir.MnrU4 iJ-PO -9 ! Kent for Ofiicc.H and Court. I C S .Tainfi-, l abncrivntof U rrUi-rN (flitv 14 tT7 J r !!. rvnt f.-r rrfithnoft:irj" ofit &: uo .! Sfhn-vi-r. f t oiiimiion.-r' tii.t; r,u 0i I Wm Fri k, i'rutft, dr n-nt M. Ji. Ciiurili 12j &i-24 C" i Roal Ianiacs. t Philip fipU'j-ffr rol tlamairm .".ft M 1 Jor. Andtrron and Jue i'luny :ui OtM.9 C j Xcw ri!pro3, and Repair.. 1 I hiif.T.r-pTtirin.e hriU.-f Tii-fir (Vni.TTino - PS ' I utbi-rliii;. plunk A tilling nt Vr!fi-V 1. 4 ii 1 V riinnn n. A V llih. n-tiriKR rt.li.-.i 4 .11 j V W.ilk.T, 1 1 .Irtya' t- :ilii lillinir linirl- hr.le W ' 1 l Wnrnt-r. Iu:r,.HT Jfc hHiiliiicTiirtiw r'k " t I. n.rbt ai;-l ii M'('lium,wrk Uf l.'i .' IlCbarli.-.fulift.rtmilUflrt.Iln 'A.ull-y 17h0 SIioriiT'a Fee?, etc. D I' iiiMin V.?i. f-ir pt-It cliniT, Mimnwnin?, i ami il raw in.: Jtirorrf fiT f.-h.aml lay at..l j A'lj.rr.ui t uii.l u:ir. St-c. C't, ami boarJin V iitkinc, a pri-imT 7-1 12 ! D i tiaUin, bardi nml Trsshar for pr!oniT 7'.t 7" Uf ruuvt'3'in 6 KUt-kuur U Htiu."t of livfiue Ij 00-201 S7 1 Tulilic EuiKlin.kT?. ! M Imii-r. "Jl Z tin h putV p hcitcr in CU. 'Jti RS ! Hnrtlry A KiYnn !.)., jn pri for Uo Uo 'Jnini A rt't)flit.u,tHlI tor ma'iir pipof-Tht-aN r lc-i 1- j Fi it-k A Lilly. trylimliT nn-1 jrt'fi'r oRio-K 75 J ."Vhr-'yer ?n. t irfuniMiiuC lv .t7 ; h t'nliiMT, for cittr: privy, tHviii oiheer'. mnkin-r i-rivy W4 ll in .(ail. Ac. Tl. 0- J .T Srlir.-yt-r it Sun, '21 rh.iire lranU Jurrrm 'J4 i T Hay. . 11. 7: JO lte.Oal Jnr MI.anJ.lail Ti n i jikHta.o, hrry-r, in pnrt of t.tll rnrotrhtttonf 12 M Krick A Lilly, in full f r nmttinrr K-nri V2U) V9 L 11 Ht-rl.-t, J X Harriitaml ntlirrit rutting c nrl-ni, trm.lin' an-1 work at C.ll.lot '2o2 Jn H iii.-5 v. 1' , day plowing tin 7, Eoln Young, nn" p:ic for I'n tho'jr'a ot&cc i .! I IMItiMin Ks-i. rent f'T dtabl o O-i Wm F.igi-Iy, 3 ti-n" find i 7j424 2"J Coroner's Inqncst?. I II V P. Unrln. K-fi.. hflUing in-avt n J aJ ' l"ly of. I II Kailu-rmnn, ilartlfvTwp H :ft j R Can Jor Ei-o,. lUy tf S KfiH-r, bite lH-.;r lu 12-22 42 District Attorney General. j James li Uaiuliu, Lill of fcca" F'h. T. 107 12 50 Uo Uo May i tu) do do ft. yt. o Uo do Ihw. s uo-02 CO Comm?.-?sionors? Office. Jiirrb Ilnmim-I. tVmmij'.-'iout'r 1S 00 in in :(Jje )H 11 V II Linroln do ;,t A Kt-nnwly. (lirfc 2ix W) J 11 Cornelius !. pal. ink and rtam papor 3 to S L Itifk, for County Map 3 r,o V IVnny, cord wood l County Trintin?. Werdtn & Cornelia-, papr fir a.? Mntientii 2 61 J do fuli forprintg pero'Dt " ! rwi A :nv, pnlUV hriAc- l-(tinc :i 17 1 Moith X i:u-li, publ'a tltetiou pztxlam'a L-O-llOK 1 Penitentiary. ! Jrlin II l.inn, Att'y in fact f-r .In Baron, Trca. -f 1 K.it. Ptnir.. in lull for nMHirt vt ctuik-L- (r ! tr yjir IfcVI, and i.. ; A'zriculiura!. r 11 l.air!.Tf!. ,-:r: : "v, ir.i.-M.t a 1 m i 1 y f. r jw 6 " J. - Mi.-ejt-'llaneoi!?. J A h ri t;-.. -mean i, hi-ritruinl Cofn'rj 0 rr J..tt, Kittilni, tiail-i 17 J VV IVuNiu-U-ti. rr.'t.r.lfns f..r ft IIi;. nnJ a I'nj'V ut M.liiui'H.'tf lioti 1 7 -j ii. ti.j.iiurf lJ-. t'r "in -f-t'-i! 4 to mittn-'i. t. I inuii rutiiity 1 .'.') r, llriv-trh mi-1 ti hlt-t-kurr, IV. retuii Jt I v. i.i ti wa ii-r'"tiiirvi i A Keint-"ly niil J U l.mn. ntslsin-f t-ihutar BUt-Ui'-tit fiT KfTellU.' O-IU III iD-M.Dei If 'M It 11 Laint. alv-rLi'-ifit; nij't ptota.-M 1 'J .1 Kiith-Tui.m. l'J 1.1.-. li- ti in. in Lawi Twp ' F Ni-nus, l,j, jui I -taliumry 1" li t!j LlanH bo-k.t 1 J A V. t.'ii- rniuiithe. rinitinn hll for Totirt, 'j-. ' it V -Mtll' T hri-i- 'n!..--r.?iiy.l'i'. t- Ituliliu 1 '"i .1 I. I'itrk. 'rinj' vmtue at New ti rim 1 UruUiiA 1. liter. uierrliMii'li:e 1 7'i I. It li.rbst, eutliuaii'l l-iiiug 's cori woo-J 1 - Jt'ha lll'Uiiton, ?-tati"UT 2 ( htisi Jt itJt. 11. ithI. .il mi'l fen 1 lutut-: i aiJ NvrtiiutiitM-rlaiiii H-ii- 1 i '' ilu l.fwisl.tiri; l.iiiii 7 sl .! . .1 Ih, in..,. I t- i. i) ; H A jnm l nirt U m u nriek. ft r Iron an-J aiH- h--n .v.. ik i-n Ja.i al Net Ik rlin ' t J K lliMt. h.r hu J ot'ttidti.t; C Iw t r nttil M lluni. li.-r - -i John UVfiffl. fi.-iiiiil ft-r iron ln-hU-a-U 1 U-HitToA tat, k,uruuuUd.-l-.aiJ 1" Ml 1 1 Account with t l:r town.-Inps for ttoivl iSuliooI and ioor Funds. liOkd. IlK.I. BVst Uull.lo -3 Is,; li:s I'.rrv lsol 1' . Kiankliii I-..'". l,-'l li.iii, -r 1 lUrtl.y 1:.7 " ."I JV. i j The ahovc amount pi T;ixts as n-fci i-J lj U.ll.I.aii I. ; Trt-asurrr. i W thf uii-It i'm-l. eiitmi-'i"inT rf th'T-inty - f 1 t'nik.n. lnr.hy r-ul-unl lh- f-.r---..;ri uc.-otit.fi ! t!a r. ! c ifla Mini f,i'vjitliiiiri "I ttu: taid cuui-ty I' .r Un- r A. I. Is -7, ;i- .-..nt . t :in I In;-, j i.ivoii uii.l- r our l.:nrt at !l.-('..miMi.-H"i)-r-' li. .in tin- i-uruugh of r.-i l.'ir,-. Um- tijith d-.y ol .luuti-iy l-'o. .i.r.i: 111 MM 1,1,, ! Att'-t: WM.KI'I.K. ' Coimis: iuin-r.-. f KltiriJ V. ll. UXftM.S.) Treasurers Account, 1 S "m. L''Frt If. l.ninl, Tnaurrr, in account with I n -' n i 'utility, Ut' T b.J. iu handsoii thf f.-ttlrun nt, lir.- 1 :i Mnui'j - m 'tl l'r"m v:ri' i M.urci: 1 jJj '01, 1 ' frciuCllcftont I ' ' s 1-..7 J;'.Ji l from Tjri-.Ua sourvt. 1' ;- 7"i:.ty , lOS JoJi.0. i;l. duu by CnU'rsol 07- pivr. year li 0 ' (1. liy amount of or'h'r i'u-d ty Cointitif-ionfr i (luring the rr l'O ! I 4i: , Hy ot lvr- p:,j."l f-7-.7 i". t'oiutiiiiuii alio---.! Troa.'-ur.T -: l' i Dil.Uu.;Cuunty l.-y 'i'Katuur -l-' :;4 I ""71-; Ord.r5 outran din;; $T1I-1 ! Wit, the Uii'lurim-'I. An !it"r 'if t hr fV.unfy of I'ni'.n, having -ar. fii'ly -xaim--'l and nti-1 t-t tin- 1 rf ir -ni ;r ri.uuin ol ih i;..uiiin."ii.n.T an-1 'I'm .i-upt of -i i "ii'i t. U-i til id and fi-ort ih fid rtt-nut of ri-r.-ij.ts a-:-t s;-n Jiltir. -. and Tn-a-nr-'t'- wrt-'UtiL l-r I'tii-.n c-iii.iy fur th" i ;it lv-"-7. tru and t-rrt-.-t a- -t.-U-l. In wttn-! h.-r'-ol'. we il:- Raid tiiili r hive hiT- un- 1 to set our limi'ls. at tlf r-'mnii-'ion. rr.' olli--.-. in tU boro of LenL-tiur tliu tilith -Iny -t .(miliary, l-..s. A. THOMVS. j J. l. B n; it. Auditor?. J'MtnMiull-Ti i Heal Estate- Ai I'OU Iii:T.--A liist rate BK1CK aULIIoI'sK on Market street, I rtwrrn 7t'.i and Sth. Inquire at This Ollice. March l'i A FAPkPI AND SAW-EIILL, WITH CIt:('l'l.A li SAW, TltO lie renti-J iiii Shares, in iH's.cssi.in f,f I Allien ynn. on l'eniis t' rcck.L i inrt--no I n. I niiMi (',., with 2-iO Acres of TIVllCK I. AND ailjiiiitin:. Tlie Saiv VT . II h,c 1,. otxt, l.'r lli,..'.l ...n. ..k S; ml .ni l improved, an.l can saw 1 .) .Tlxu 3 feet or mure pt lav. Jt. .'Vi The I'AIi.M is calleil l. Aerc. with Orchanls.and fields all niiseeile l but 1 Arre-. To manage the whole well, the Tenant shouM nave J or 4 tiamts ami z or a nrrrrs. Inquire further of JOHN STKHii, Tanner, arljoiniiiff the premises, 4 miles from M:l!!:n burg.orof Hl'GlI llt:i.l. AS, Owner. Sunbury, Pa., March U, IsSi. ORPHANS' JIOURT SALE. VGKKKAISI.Y to a rinriiis order of the Orphans' C'miri of Tnion eoiinty, will be exposed to public sale, at the huitse of Mary K Kotiiison in UuiVjIuc township on Saturday, the - ith day of April, 1S5S, all that messuage and tract of LAND situate in ISuH'.iloc township. t'nion rouiity.adjuiiiiii; lands of Andrew Majrr', h'-irjlands f.-rmei Iv of Jacob Vaneida. and of Thomas Kubiuon, deceased, containing EIGHT ACRES and Forty Perches. The Improvements are a Two S'o- - ilAirey frame Dwellmit House. a sinal!-v,. frame House one and a half si.irAy. a stnail lli'HAlll, and the land under gotd culti vation. ALSOX piece of Timhcr I.anil. fa s'lll:lle in said township, adjoining ivif'ands ol J. .li n stahLJaeob ll.irim.in. "Yx and Daniel Keiisler. Sr.. ceniai:i:- .; A CITS and 11 Perches. Sale to commence at I o'cli-elc, P M, uhep. Terms of sale will be made known by MAUV V. KOtilsON. A.lininisir.i'ns r-f Thomas lineisox, di-c' i. Ty the t'ottrt Sam'l Rii-n.('lerlf. SHERIFF'S SALE. 1" V virtue of a writ of Yen. Kx. issued, rr.t of the t'ottrt ol't'oiTimi.ii Pleas cf I nu n 'i.unty ami u. m. dircrted, I will expose to Public Sale or Outcry at the pm.i,. h,nlsp t'harlrs t'rotzer.in the boroouh of .Mililinhitrrr. on SiTi un iv, April 3d next, at 1 o'clock", P M, a certain Lot of tiround situate in I.imrst, r.e township, in said county, bounded north by a Schoolhi.use list, west by public road leiditi- from Millliiiburs to v.-h:it is called Harbor's Little .Mill, south by public road leading from said Mill to the public road Undinj from Mililinhurs to New Uerlin, east by lands of John .M.Taylor, containing One Fourth of an Acre more or less, whereon is erected a new Kail IIOl'SE &c. with Ihe appurtenances. Seized.laken in execution and to be sold as the property of J"hn tt' pmrrtf. DANim. D. (;l l.l)IN. Sheriff. Sheriffs Oliice, I.ewisburg March ltCH ). ithaiis oim I S tl-Kui'Valtial.lo Real Estate! O 1Y virtue of an order of the Orphanst'ourt ) of I'nion county, will be exposed to Public Sale on the premises on Friday, March 19, 1353, the following valuable Tract of Land, late the estate of SAMl'EI. WALTER, dee.-ascd. l:i?o of I'nion township, I'nion county, bounded by lands of John Phillips, Isaac Eyer, Tairitait, Furman & liarton, and others, containing ONE HUNDRED & EIGHT ACRES more or less, whereon are erected a Tuo-Slorry lEiitk House, A SI'KING HOLsn, SMOKE HOL'sE, and other Outbuildings, a HANK HAIIN, a YAC;n- SHED, with Water in the H.irn yard. There is an exeelient Sprint; of Water near the door. Also an Orcliartl of choice Fruit near the house. Also A -USE -pkAasv on the premises. About lOO Acres of the land i cleared and in a hih state of cultiva tion. The property is sitnaled atom three-fourths of a mile from the town of Wintield. and the public road from New Berlin to I.cwishurs by Winficld and I'nion Furnace passes by the door. Llf Sale wiil commence at Hi o'clorW A.M. cf said day. when terms will be m;i.! keown and due attendance aivrn by the nndT'ined JESSE M. WA1.TEU, n win (d,nss, Fv 'he (Yuri : A Iti-u - :ia' r sk;'t. IToi'!!. (.''k-rik. I".- !v 'f.'" I -ItV0 HOUSES TO REiJT; I 0K on S.uiih Ffiirtli Mi-'l an l Ui- i:i.-.r on :ili i'cti-l ltrft-t. Int'ittr . t oi;iii;.s a miii. March 5.1" at Lcwisburg t i.ui.tiiy FOR RENT! fJMSi: TWO KOtiS ocrupi-.l a! prr- ht nl I W a -inirK.ti H ut h . n n ii a ?.i:'iri. 'I y are Mntaiilr tor S I I 1 S. 'j AI.-SO tin- OS't'lCS I liuw occuj.y. ; Y t 'i't-i 'it apy ! Jjii jomn n. j.rxv. SHEUIFF'ti SALi:.i:y virtue i f a i , I I ... i'.i. i su' d out of lio; lYurt oi ' U -r r-l.'.ls l.t I'll;..':! 'i. i.i.ly, add !) fi.' '!:! . ' '- , t-.l, 1 v: i'A i- (.- to f.ull.e s.i.p , r f.-K'-i . , ; i ! (".'..; i.---ts-: "I !.:. i v. r,n. il .it a, j ..ii .M os iik i the - !d .it Ma roii i fr-t. at 1 oU i n ; P.M., a r riain V A'.-l I'T (!' l.A.Mt sit-i:ti.- 1:1 llanlny ti.wn-lup, a.lji.iuin the j-ui bo r.-.i I b.-uuiiit; (V-mii lir.' I.a.ap-I li-iu Chur--1! i ; jll.-y, t!a -i.'-e iyl ir. i. ( V. :i- .r.,'tie. v.uth d. '-T'es r:,.t rt rrh.-v t a , . tin nrc by lan ls i l I'lnisiian Oai.ti in n!i J 1 (b-r,.,. t a t li pi ri-lo". i" a p'- t .1 c i . : . I. I l rl. ii";:.-,- to J dm l.'-a I-, tii-neo ! y : 1. t n .i'li s-k di-:'ri-s v.i t and -!o . n tithe ot t"::iii;i. ",fi. uiaihii:!.' .'i-i. imito 1 r !-ss,y. li.To n eri ore ! a Tv. .. s Sl.-reyl-A.-l!,l,-. H r. ..::,f :.ir!!,:tt. ' J ! j. u:li- r On:! - 1 1 ' . ! : i . . Wm!i ti;'1 ai-'--;,;. .. - Si v I, l.t;.' 11 111 1 vi';ro'ii nr. I to i.-: . . I as the pr. ri'ilv -.i r.--mhr I lim'n. HAM El. D. (.! I.idN. .-l.-i : . Si. -lill's Oiiie--, l-.--.vi .l.tirj. Match S. I-. VALUAIJLK UKATj K.STAT K ni; sai.i:. f piIKsnbserib'-r. 1 , f.-r sale his !!.-.:-: I on the we-t s, !,. s nth Sici-tid ia the li. r. iiuil - t L- -.1 ; '..;!-. I.. :wee .M. . , 1 an '-"'le 'li - .--.e. i: -: . i. i, , , . nr a 1 -i .-. r--! a hal! 1 I sr. nn a f. -.i.i. 1 le. t , s:i: 1 s- c .1. 1 .-'.h i T, an i in 11 11 1. .-t, 1; un-in :. Tri.- inii.r .v ai.'i.r, aie a e.iintiii. ii..us ibi-.- 7T'1' ,v' ul;lrIi 1 yi.ij.in; )l"SI of pre -:1 l.nek. -I. In. l.t Ov .:. it.1.1 ,i.-e;i we'A fni:li-;-.; v..laa inail.li- I n e, mt.ii-a: s.us and liriii ij 11 li' .r.t a tire-prra.f r.."!' u :!'l a Win-,' ;i:l,ir 1 1 ; i i ly !; feet an Da: Kitchen a Well ol ex cellent wa'T, with a Pump in, under r- t a la: e (,'i-tein also un !--r reel a Iar-'-i t.ry Ma! le an Ice lt -u-e alll .ti.-r i.ert s-ary i.ut-biiiMinss. 'I'h-Te arc also in u.-'jF?t, Lot ch-uee Fruit Trees and shnil.'aerv The loc.-iiion is a desirable one erdo-r 1. 1 a pr.vate residence 1 r pui !:c busiuoi s. I: is i n the most elevated part of the Iior. u-.-Ii. r.ear ihe (Vurt House. and but a slo rt-ii -tai.ei' ir. in Mar!:et street. Terms will be in a !e e.i-v. June!!, I-.".? t;. F. MII.I.E!!. ; F O K S A L K . MV n.-s!.!..ncp.on North Third -.treei. -.lil.-.-wi-! ;ir- i 11. ....ui. nu 1 !C,.f,; l.arU buiM.wr ft. deep. Kas-n,.-,;,. ,..". Auiclk full Iil-1. Kvery Coavei.n nee ::i the war of 1 li;-I-:i.l ' i.-j . ilso, a Half I., t -n Marl., t err S. K.it.-r's re-.-b-i.ro, w:th a c- ,1 W'.-i: , i -.".-,. ter and new ftAi, ; very i!i-s;r.i!,;.- , r a i r.e-s stand, ct rt -t-leti. -. ;, r I.. : c. ... ,. '.i Also, "tin r Li.;., st-:i,-ki- h ! -. wiiiiotit I'm!. br-.-s. JOHN I.i.rK i.-. Lew;-bars, O. !. 1 fn! Fariiicr-; Cliaric fur a Bam in! ; lOR SIM!. r.e.-.r I.-'w:sbiif.-.a Tract of I1 a'tlt.ts; (M l-rt'S Mi t:..el I".;':.-;;.:' Lan l. iimcstorie s(--il. It tvdl bt s, ,i f.n r.-a -enable terms at ,-. .re srtle b r t'.i.-b. I;..-,i;:re al the Offce of llie Vhnmcl'. June lo, '7 , IJcw Arretn-jeinr.5nts---Ik.'e'V CcOa-I : TOSKPII L.ItrAW lmvi!!- !;ikon !hi i J -well known .WVA.'A' 1 7' 77'A rc jilted it. and lded in an exiensive var:-:y I ' HdtS, Ciqh, (it .((- ,t& (.'i'V;, . ' ANn a lara- anl splendi 1 Un-k ot" CH-THs f'AIMIdiTIS, Ac, U'liieh he will r.-nftt ordfT, a he still cpij.::.mc ihe Tail, ri'i'- l: i-i-nes. is pri ; at- 1 t- rxoeuu ail w.-ik entrusted to hi e:n '.i- tl:- :-atuiaCLi'-n tt the ; cu'-temrr. i N. It. Ct:!:;- r.rd II- rairrr.sr t-rdt-r. I.enliT. A--id bi - - 1' nc to MOiti: -:!05iS al WEST MiLTON ! J. S. l"!dtSinan, At ihe well known O-d Man ! 111 Ke'lv town ship we-t end of Mi tcn l!u onus bis usual ei-s ar.J -he general that he hi ist r-'e'd a i're-li st. c ic .-i '. at ret! :ircd prirr5; T, r Cah rr Vn tlucc. J;: ' call arid se ! ave travel and ilri.l-. t.Ji-. Nc v. 2, 15 l A 1 !MA.. . 1111 Aiiolhor Oppcr-uniiy : ' M'Carf VU tin c Za:i, tak nu-"l;--d v( inf. m.-i. ; f cil:cns t I l.t vi-i ar.d -v.: .. ; is '.::.-z ; c ur.irVt Uiat we arc .iL::ti:i :i'li i. r a hi r; i!mt an;! n.uv ( i:i r them a ra:;T:.' and at lover iTier-s liian ever in n-i ion. W'v - have n t lie ld stand a:. w ("iiu-; .V r.i' lv.cii's Vtuz Sviv. and hav.n j UMioh '. '.-t--r I mitt 1112:1 uc had in our t-1 ! i; and im-re convenient r.u.rns i every r. :-f v , shut! I e !nt:rr aide i.-i ntV-vrtTin. 'a'e. i n I. .tunc t-.-"- i , i ... . entfl frh-n ii rr r. : Se t ;, a , r (r,!:..;. rr, -I I. , hi . . . ;-n l.ar It .len.. n .l,.-rl it. I-- v rr :T.I I tn I-. r-j Hi i 1 v ; :. - I hill Ih. -e uli;. It tl.. v sr.- t:. ' a i::tli I. r !uI pi C.-tin:i-ei I l;-t.l. I'.J -i !;- v,:i:. I;!'-.- 11 '-.r-'.-r::; li- : n r ti- ;!i-nii r I riv n.-.t:B fr.i j r -"- V.. :v.tk , -.-!' -n-1 t.' :)..-:r i t'-:' ." h V r i ..f ;---. I j- r. .-ns t:il.- n :tt t' -I t. H"I. . t t'.. .r r.--. !, : r. .t,-t,ir- ft v. nr: r::!.lr- ;i : -.. i :i in.ntf . .i in :t i-n :ht !i.-!f. I'lll.ioi r Vi. v.- . " iiiM":' . . ;t t. . i t. A in' i. l ; i ..-In:. - ti.'ri- ii ' n -I-i k :n..I T;i;n .:v ;is'--s - ! f-r l!.tt:i 1t..-i'.-. tvi-. ni tl..-; ... -1 l.ri.l.ti--1. : !'ir'U7. t fr it -r .; (:-. t. 1,1 sn:t )). ; b.---r. V j rxtrn l a ri-.r-iinl :iu atili.-ti n- !1 m ; r i n ;ti. I 1 t Vt.ii.i '' i ur i: wl:i',l'. 'r Tl - v W;Tit T Ti Titr.-- f.r n- t. ); m.-it:! it tli.' ;..:..-t. r... u i t. i 1' k .ti .n : M.uiin:-:Jj IiuU'if. W f-:uJv t i .i t A!:TY. rti-t. t N". P. Tn-tnirtVr,5 f'r. Tl In !! nr:. r.n ! n; : f:i:u j ftirui-h. .1 ftt tl'f Ii "t t ri i t, IVr-'ti- ii.:i'-1 ., ;. t: ri V.- I ii;tn.- ii T:- w h.iv.- in r; Vfr-lnsii; m ; , i. -u ui- t I vith. I.rwi .t-ur.-r. ' t. 2. I "' iJetGooJj! Black Diamonds :! Ike. I!uy llttr'y. end .S',;re .'in' .1.'. :tr-.' .' , 'PIIEsulisfrilioris iirrparcl to l'nrnili ; L. at a'l times the very 1 est t'OAL of every ! description, from the ilSccs-llarrc an.! sha ! neUiu inir.es. lie has on hand an article of i very superior -tua'ity. such r.s is sold, in bro't to tnis niarkot.whiCh he w ill dikp. se (.f ai the lowest eah puces Coal weihru, and troed j measure warranted.. Zv Ct ai exchanged b r nierchaiuable C'cuniry 1'istUice of nu si kinds as weil as for c.ih. I'oal Yard at Tho's Nesbii's Lumber Yard on South Wait'I street. Nov. l'J, ls.-.fl tf 15. 1. NESr.IT. I ! I iwiNFIELD FACTORY ! j .V;r ISiirllrtoll, f 'ri.t.ti ( gzzgri THE snl'Sfribor, thankful I t:'-'kay' (' Pa't r.itron.li'e, would iniotin I SSk 10 '"s lr"'r'''s am' 'lie public in rene- ; tn re all fcin.ls of Yi oolt-il .u)u .. such as J l.'loths. t'assmcres. Twee.ts.attmeits. Jeans. Iliankets and Flannels; also, farpet and j Stoclkin Varus. His niaeliinery b.-in of the best kind in use, and having enioii ve. the best of workmen, he feels sate in ktivi:; I that r-s- work shall not be snipass,-! bv i any ritahli-hiiient 111 thecounirv. A .-...; s-ij.-j ply ot the above coods kept consiattt'v 11 h.in ! ' for sale i t to eit-iian.-e for wt..-;. at rrifes that ran not fail 10 p!ea-e. Wool, w-,11 i e , I'arded in ih-best 111.11, ner ato'i on it-..- -ht-ite .! iii.i.ee. Tcrnr- ft r rar.bii--, e:i- b .11 ihe -b-'n-erv ef lb.- r. II -. M RK II l ITtl.NW . t.ii. : : Mil;. . i.t-.-t. ::. s ., J lo tht Atlmin-rs of a Fir.e H,;lli ltlCll OLO.-bY J1AIK.' f Tt's i. -fit i .i-ti-m a fv , i,..l..l..l J I. IM1... ... if". ... e-.e.J, ,?, "' I : '.ill -tit oles IMIK R.-T...A1IV. lit tk'trr.tt. it et nil '..i tki.il ' uit. U.11.1. ,t, " l-'S; O l-. si ,. 1. It,,,,. !,.. i,j jt. ,..., , l....i-.-Jv.r, U. I- 1 -III.- l.-tl ub i Iu.,,'.' i-i-eh- r , 1! tttiii lruff. it. I.ii.jr, tin! . i.. :ts t'n.,ti. i i ,.i-. . a i-t,nt-rtuI r.ek, kT -1..LvV 11 u t t- ; t-1, I 1,. -. .-. tl i.-- I as a rt- -:i;t,r ilr-,.,.. ..." t-.r ui, it. .' .r. mi I .t I,. , ... .tf,-,; - e, I ,ii ...1 i.. t.tui.,1 I. it i.j ..n tl.,- 1 t! i. Ij 1'rav. (,r 1O-&.-.1 ,n ,: ; r.i.1 .t.t. y t. .: ) m,i i:l ,...1, ,!,., ,-.- t .,- ;tr' ... -i. -. .r 11. r :t. i.n.t :;rl. -T. r t-: 1: - 1 : . O 11 It I ,. -11- . I u ..,, ' ' Ti r.t t r 1. I. V. ,,,,u.r I.. ..-.. jTV .1.11. r.- . Ik. -I it. t-llr -tt. 1-tt r .11 " t t kuk' ti.,-.-: -, I . : I. I B ..Ii.t, f- ;. . s - r. I. .-... I .-..-t I I .:.v- ... . 1 . U: .; , . . ,t,-.r.,'t - r -. 1 1 11 itij Ij-iel I r 11 r. 0..tit t v. , r U'.-r t t.-.o far.. I I a,, 1l-. ti " ,. . .: II ;.r, rat.-, til -V... -1 - lia,r I.-.;. - . hi--. 1 ,. 11 -ir I .-- 1: -ti ... .. I ' .1,-1 I ' : trr i :;!!! ,.'. - , ' .--..: . ,lv. ..1, . -t. l'l, -- . r .; V,. i.',.',.' 1 tl.-l.'t I i.t.w ;. .- . I I k'!;,'l I ' 1 . tl ,1 - It Ii.ar-. I I -r K, .-...j ' if.. ...,s:. L. l-,u.j U.I., i.i it. I t'l : r- T--r: V ,t - 1 ' t.. . ; . t , ' 1 f-ir . s. j.t r)i 1 1 l . t , ! Ir- i t. r I 1. ,'- rl r I.- .-! ....... ,.,.r - . ... 1 i .- . . I...' 1. , It ii , . t t , , ...... 0 , 11 v t'.i ..'1...1. . ,. t..'1'.iu, . r .i..,. 1't. i .,,".i'."i'.."r't.'i-'. .!.,, .. l.t,. 1 ,. f. 1 it, 1-. ,., , . 1 - -.. 1 1 . ,.n u. ..1 t luktv t.-t .- ti it. V i-r.: i.k,; .-. !. !:. Tl,.'!l-. M I.. . -i- i 'iu. .1: .s- It ,.l.,n.."C 1-v. ! It A .1 V..-' -It: J. .... rt- - .,. ..C,ai,, -: r-: t .-it .- . - ., r. 1 il ..r 1:. -t .r.tt -. .,-...: t i . r 1..::.- 1... rn. tliat I 1 , I.,-I it ,. . ll,-:- t,. u-.- 1 I I-st, tt-r ' t 1 -I J a: . - ,1 .,; t. 1. 1 - : i, .1 . , tl , r Hair ilc.I' 1. '. . -, at 1 t . It;.!;. 1 . , . k x ; i;. .1 ; t r to an r t r 1 trl:.;. .-. 1 . i,. si t.f .kak.4it. a: I v.;'.i, 1 , . 1 1, . 1 ,. r ,,.. ...t; .v.K.r uy , i.i. a 1 ..;r 1,, 1 ; :..-,-0 k.-vliinil c .1-r ar.tt lixla-- it. ' a !. . 1 i t . - - , ' .:.!.-, - v n: I ' a rrini t-. ai. I . i ! t .. r 1 . 1 1 . 1 i. . t a; j ly it. t r t 11 -. , 1 i. 1 . 1 .. !, r 1 . rt t- r. ri-t..i, it i.- I" :j Oi 1 I; .T.rtj a l.u eel r ' ' "" " I l.'i. ' V BI.I Ci. .1 Uo.tu ,v ( o . r,t ri. t'-rsf. rt-J Br.-attwiky. V t, t it 1,.- j:- ... V. V. ,r t. 1, 114 fc. 11.11-1.11.. 1;. -i-i I., - i. At. I .at..- 1 bruktsikt!". DE. Si-KfCBL'S mVIGCRATOB or I. Mil' EU-iiU'ily T.; AN AI.TI1 I K 1 ii.ST . K i . Y .i IY N KPt ? WII 'Ii Ti- t it: : ; n-t vt:i:t 1, (.;:(!, U-t tl. Livtc t'ii I ' i.' '. ; ::. ii. :.rt . i. ur I. uturiu -u nt. r: : ; r j,.. t j . ,'. r . ; . ,! w ! ...v c-. li : ii a: y rn i ? r :. 'lo i ii 1 h I,.- - ;! : iO"U .y :-!:.; t- (1 to tt.i.- :.- : . 1 n ' I t ,.:(( i t i i t :ru in & lars:- at . i , i , r: 1 r ti..- .:, t ; . i, t mr, nu.J w t.u'l : .- ' s ; . ii: i.- l'..r- Invi- ralt-r, is a iii'T--: : . . m iiic;i:-nv j' wr tii 1.. - A.- 1 1-; o r .4 ; a La? ir' -..at- aii u : my ut-. A i ;y. v -1 : fr- in I-.. : it. Wr u-l tini f - i . ; .- - it! ri i- : t ! tt r Ifcf n!li "UT Il ; r ::',.- i .:; t. .;- i n r.i i -. rp a 1til fj-.iiiuy o( c! .1- .i. :- it J ..- I-i-r d r all r.:I-r.., i.- : - - :. i . m ... r f r mi. Ii & :t : I ll: -,y ;:..(. t irrUfi tiifr rmrh a ; -.- i t -. :. a urtui atui untuia ti i rt'Tn.r-- rt 1 - j r-ye. "fiTf f-r fi ' I f - r . - .1 ru-J 'it with ft l;rlif.' i - j - : t:r Is.v. r. I r. w- tm-ntlT nu-ti: i. i .- : - l i-. .. -. ii. .i--iiiirriy r .-lonJ. ' - - 'i . I - ;r f -f u;hr Uy !" ! ... ! ;.. I, -I i ii .- : r w nt.-Ti r I . it . iif- utl.- i'. i- rx I . It ::i J. v. r t n:j ;;.;tt. DJ Ivf'-n f i. . m. . : u lv at wi-rk trnir r r.i :!." BVt. jt-. wMItf r. -1 Li:-; ... ;l w .j. f .-.:r ' it-' rr. n J, rn a ilst i: -.-I -. 1 i.tlt Vm Mitlt bl . l M 1 - i- t.. I-! li-m h.s u-c in. 1. li r I- tile vf iowf'rai'T. t-.l: r s ei i L.m tLht Lf was ai.lt tJ ii- ,-. !."..- 1 u-in'M fcn.pt h.n i" .r:i. . -;i-. 1 .- t!.-T-3nin t-ak Us t '..( d 1. -.-n. while at ethers, n- : Iiiin. I -ii :.!- Iu;' rat. r curU hinj. ' A -. i'-1 " -' ' k ; i ti-t- !.;..! w i f a mnn. with t I - -i- ' ; !. Ilflnj losif'ralrnf time fulVi n - r i.:.' . ii.l. t .-i l ; , -i... up 1 ur..iL.,f t ltcM I- i.i- l. .-i' . 9. We nw h.;a n::.D W-.lay a bun'. J ni.-in. aii 1 1.. ii-. ' .x.:v--i-.n. 1 La- rot r.-D !. t i I' 1.1 "1 li I r-l i ' tTj. . ;.t..l tlirlllT ai-iir "it Pfc l t.J . - :!.. I,.n:-,u - r i L.v. r K' ru" !.; cot ( fT- mJ ' ; r- -:r- ii in ri,ti f.. : u1 !y r'"( o.ifftn 1 l'r. -n: :' 1 r-. rr.r. r I.i r- r II' m !y. --f. :.n.m k i. ii j ' . ; :.. t.i" i;t t ;,- I v.U r. 1 i. ir- ; r-'I'ara.:' O trviyjf 1 . . v . : .,:r. i :-".:u ire tli- in. -t i y r--'.i i - ir. A in ; ,i.i t,i..- r!-.L. tiTii: : 1 -u . i .r.n.- - f ll.irt uim'.kii. v :i.' ' : I ' . ; . : i , ; i. r -ii -;;'. at.ii it i. i.L- i.; -i-y..: t . iht i t : ; -- n i . w I ; Tf tl.f 1 ui lur. ;-.v. k j.' At t v. Vt t-ritor!". : 4. 1 - .. .-ty. Ni-w Y tk. s,.t 'v f ;;a.v7 d -; ; ru-hiUrK- t . IV . I;. 31I.KWIN. 1-;M. G-cat E;xitCificnt I ?vi X i: V I.O S T! "f '!' : i:...v uii! vr r-ad v ct. I: cf:. d li.at the pur J t li-.r." .-t ai.y ar; :clc c: II. i ds fi r f nva'e ci Airmiv iit. and ihf paving ihcrcn mt re iiiaii a !.i .r r:. i. nii iit-y Jtst ;" the nr.t.rt-.-..! d. th r-' ..f. hr.N jut I'por.k d, in hi .v: -?.v vo.VMuDiors Uvisi. i n thf c- r ff t r.r:) aiitj Market b:rfts ;ir-, a p!i.nt'1d as rtn.cM .i n;iNi AxnsrMMFi: coops. 1, r I.:. - a.t u -.-.i ..-!.!'. it: -it . ci i.sis: j .1 r:.:t. f i-ie v:;r:. tis i:Vs .1 Press s. ' . 'lb t-ee IV- Laino.-.. U. re.-e-.. r.-j-hnt.. I.a:..-. Iir.:;i.-.i.ts, Ti-sti-s. Ki.ibr, itlnies. l i;..t-. l'r. I. -rsleeves. if tin. do 1 ,--. : c i -, Tiinii.i.t'-'. (' v e -, Miii-. -j-t-tli. r ui:h Vine Lot ol' lioiiicstic l.ooi!. rrtt.tt, Mii.-'iiis. Ve. Al.-o. Iu a,'y-M.t !-.' 1 - - V't'-inis, ll;,;.. r.av.its. Ltner.s. and a t'-' I resll seli-r 1 i . s j. , f i't;.u.; term:. mii.assi:s. 1 t-.i--. I t e. a, lb.-t-s,.. in i;:r-e or sr-., 1 r;tt.tti :i 1 ... rif If bv the iitarl.-r. half, . rwiiole t-.itr.-l. fALT by the sn.el. or i nsliel, fi--'. in slier:, f-.ltn--st evervtlmt Uinaoy krr in r ttr st. , es. rati be t.-und at this corner, ai r.li vf v.iiii-h will l e 1 1 Id at the LOWEST CASH PRICE or rtel, atte...t f. r C t-.tn'rv rro 'iice. All ' n-'us. is a I'n.r Trial ; IjuicSi Sales ;:.:a . i'r. bis at:, I l'r. met I'.u nt.'i-.t. S'3a93a'l( t f a stiver: r i;tin:iiv, V. 111 ihe llnrtlev V net ctr. utt-1 any closer ihan the mills : ti i .-. t in '.his rt --;t,n. and onitc as pec.!, it n. 1 -r--'-lior. which enn be tr-tt-d by ismui. .'.: 3 laie or small r;iianinies. ALEX. AVbb. I.e' is', ttrz. Pa.. Mrv s, '.-",. CA1)I A'ET AVAItE IiOO)I VOKTII Uli Street. The Miln.i.r mi st respectfully informs ;l-.e e.t ; Lewisburit and victitiiv. ihr.r he bns .-ti h,.-t and i.-r sale a cber.p lot of l'l It A 1 1 1 Bt". I f the Spi ir.t- trade, coinpris.n Pressi 1; cr and ('oimnon I'ui-can-5. rcc litrii i.-s mil Iluok ('ti-i -. tVnicr. f.-.i-il r.i.a Pier Ta!.;.. Pin-i'?: an i r.i-oakfttst TuI.Ic-. 'i i-lrtn-kls. (';' iv.txe r.n. I otttop l!..ri.-i-'o'- Mai;t.-S Sidhs. ninl t'hali-s of all km, is. COFFINS n'-'';'-" il'""l'rJ slo-rt notice. The piibhe are c.n''..i''v ittvl-rd 'o ew " his wi ilk. as he is sure ihar tit.-y w:i! le -i;' fud with I1.1 st, kk of Ware, nod rr-o s M!i.OM(b l'l u Lew: - btl! Z. ''pt. I .". l-'ti .5) I.OCIiS. HaU '"- .".f atid Jr !. ' ';,,r arirt-.ii.:ii.k r..st oti:.-e--i i-i-.'i' ' Cash. A. K. m.NOi.MANUU:. Ar : Lew isbtirt:. Apttl -I. 1 :'!. .rsi-siiti iti'.i i.v. - 'r- Sl'l II I I (he p.'ttt 11.1:1 .1 iIk ! 'K . '.- - . - 'I !' . '1 -:- ' " y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers