liEWISBUUCi 'AND WEST HUANCII FAKMEK Delegate Meetings and County Convention. Tho Democratic Whig voters of Union county will assemble in their respective election districts on Satucday, the 3d day of August next, and elect two Delegates, lor each respective District, to attend Countj Convention, which will be held at New Berlin, on Monday, the 5th day of August next for the purpose of nominating Candidates for the following editors, viz : I Congressman, 1 Assemblyman, Pro- thonotary, Prosecuting Attorney, County Surveyor, Commissioner, &c. By order of (he Whir Standing Com'ee. WJI. VAN GEZER, Ch'n. New Berlin, June 27, 1850. Delegate Meeting. The Democratic citizens of Union coun ty, will meet at their respective places of liolding elections, on Saturday the 10th tlay of August, at 2 o'clock. P.M., to elect two delegates, for each district, to meet in County (.onveutioo, on Monday the 12th of August. For the purpose of nomina ting candidates for Congress and Assembly. (KrA general a'tend.inee is requested. By order of (he Standing Committee. June 27, 1853. ' J. M. BAUM, Ch'n. SUPERIOR Sugar CureJ HAMS, just tj received at the store of the subscriber one door East of Kline's hotel J. FORSTER. Lewisburg, July 3d, 1850. TAKE NOTICE f PHAT 1 have bought nt Constable Sale, 1 as the property of John Wehtz, the following articles, viz. - mantel clocks, I wood stove, 2 coal stover, 1 spring wagon, 1 shoal, 1 horse, 1 settee, 12 chairs, 26 yards carpeting. 2 setts of buggey harness, and 7 bedsteads. And that I have left the suue with said John Wertz, timing my pleasuie. JOHN WERTZ, J. Kelly Tp, July 8, IS50 pd Notice, to the Tax-Payers of Union County. VT a meeting of the Board of Commissioners of I'nion Co., I'a., it was resolved that all tat pavers paring to the Collectors of iheir respec tive Districts, their quota of State TAX for the jiresent year on or before the 231 day of July (so s to enable the .State to meet the August interest) thail have an niTr.ntvT ol 5 per rent, stlowou them on the amount so paid, of which the Col lectors of the several districts of I'nion county will please take notice, and inake their payments to the County Treasurer on the above mentioned lay. when ibe Treasurer ami Commissioners will inert at their office in Near Berlin JllStrH WlSTKB, 1 Jxt LiRinx. ' Comm'rs. Joh Wilt. J Oflice, New Uerlia, July H, IS.jU Or. fcf;jl- SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS, A Mi: AD UP ALL OlHKlls! The Envy of all Pi!l Manufacturers, EECAl'SE they are safer, lielter, and more efficacious than any others. 500,000 lloxes have been sold annually for the last five years. V . .., M. ...... L' ran always lake them with equal safi ty, without fear. If Pill be necessary for purging and cleansing the Stomach and How. rls, and purifying the Blood and fluids of ll.e 1m ly, take no others for no other pills produce those combined effects, or cuiiuin &arsaparilla in them. Eat, Drink and Live as vsuah and purtue your usual occupation whilst taking them, without feat of taking cold, during all kinds of weather. One Thousand Dollars are wagered that more genuine certificates (from physicians, clergymen. Members ol Congress, and respectable citizens) can tie produced of their efficacy than of any others, and TEN UOLLAKS will le forfeited in every instance where One Bos will not do more good than Two Boxes of any others. Fort? Pills in a Box ! ! and solJ at Tuvntt-t'ire Cents a Bus, with directions and much wholesome advice aecompa aiving each box. Thry hare no titrtr or nttlJrtistrvt Frrt from itmtt or pmtrdir of hhj . im, Ihi mnl grip fae .VwaocA "r lU tf It. Ifmiuot mo nrimrtr, rnmitimff. or 11 frrlinQt, TIIKV ARE UUOll AT ALL TIMKS. Jml adaptrt fo mifft dttrvft cmotm to mauliml. No one having once taken them will be willing afterwards to lake any others, because they al wava do good, and if they do not, then no others will Dr. M. B. Leidr, The Proprietor and Manufacturer, s a regular Druggist, Chemist, and Physician, of fifteen years' experience io Philadelphia ; (irad uate of the University of Pennsylvania; Mem ber of different Medical Insi itutions of Philadel phia, New York, Boston, Baltimore, Aic, and associate and corresponding member of several Medical Institutions of London and Paris, cYc. OcTBiet mi Imposition. Beware of all fpilla called by names nearly similar, got up to be old on the reputation of Ur. Leiily'sSarsaparill. tJlood Pills; the first Sarsaparilla pills ever in troduced and the only pills containing Sarsaparil la. Take no others and you will not be decei ved. "Others by similar names, or nearly similar, are a gross fraud. Beware, then, of Imposition ! ! I " Principal Depot, Dr. Leidly'a dispensary. No. 114 North FOURTH ST, Philadelphia and sold wholesale and retail be C. W. STIIAFFLK. Lpwtshunr: J. M. Renter. O. W. Krrr It. Sf Berlin ; J. M. Taylor, J. A J.Stitsr-r, MitHinburir; Iiavta A Srbnure. PWinsgrnvr s Ywininnan A Walter, Ilry Valley; ."pottn A Myers, Kelly X Kuadi; L. O. Kohrer, M'Kees L Fall; Thomas liotrer. hamokin Dam; Kobert Nilh, MidJlcliri;; II. A. Smith, Uenvcrtown : Henry Smith, Aiiam.Wjr; I. S. Uoyer. Frwburjr : Wilt A Kilert, Hartletaa; KlerkoiT A Itousrh. Centrvville; 11. J. hhenP It, Milton; W. P. I. I'ainter, Munry; Ur. J. M. JudO, Willamiort; and by lniiits and Storekeepers thru' out Ibe L'nited states. ly&H DULL'S HEAD HOTEL, ilifflinburg. Union county, Penn'a. SSS&IrjiyaS GjSSI3 RESPECTFULLY informs the citizena of Caian county, and the public in general, that he has leased the above stand, for many years oocapiea by his Father, and is now pre pared to ecommeilate friends end the traveling .comnMwity in a Banner acceptable to all. The SUf SB ia Urge and roomy, well arran ged in all its depart Aents. and every care will be itflkeota reader ass guesu comfortable and happy. .KmTAP'-E wU atwayabe furn'uhed with the 'choicest detieaoiee of the season, and the best the market afd. The BAR will at all timet be attended by careful persona, and none but the eryUt of hqene will be kepU His STABLES ere tmy'.a and convenient, and the OSTLEK3 puastual and attentive. In start, i pledges himself to endeavor to eise Rr:crl atisfaction to all, and hopes by uict attcrrnos to business to merit and receive a liberal Share f patronape. Mdllinrmrfc June 2t, 1850 TT 'XTTi Q for Jastice8,Consta. DijAiN JVU bles,&t;.,on head at tba fOfltcle ofHco, or printed to order. To the Voters of Union Countj. IELLO .V-CITIZENS : I will be a can . didate for the office of Prolhonvtary of this county at the ensuing election, (if nominated by the Whig Convention,) and respectfully solicit your support. M. H. TAGGART. East Buflaloc. July 3, 1850 tnpd 11EMAIX1XG in the LEWISBURG IV Post ()i1io, June 30, 1850. II Bay Jacob L t Creamer A W 2, Craft John P Kscj. Cronrath Danl, Campbell Keuben P Fotrey I 1), Krchn I-aac Dd (i Ueiger Susanna'i II llarrUon S I. t-q K Kalhenoan Kredk, Kemb Keuben, Kaup NeUon. E, Lee J S Esq, Levan David Esq, Lehman John M. M M'Clung S Esq, Millor George, Melzer Joseph. I Pontius Mary, Potts Joseph, Peters Juth L Khi. Peters A J. R Runyau Belhuel, Ruhl Cbailes, Kuhl John, Reed John Van Esq. g Schneider Ernst, Sterret John A, Snobs Jas L, chiller Wa-li, Slarks Win, Kheller S C. T Topper Saml V Volentine Mr A W Welliver Jtary IT Voder Cicorgc I. 38 Persons inquirin for tlic ahove letler will please say they are advertised, other wise they mav not pet them. A. KKXNliDY, P. M. Mure Xins for llie 8ick! CEHTIFICATKS A.D TKSTIMOXIALS, Sujficbkl to fill rrrrj ft-Vlffff ij thin KijKr. ran l prvductil fttinii J'irL't Oh Kyindixf'U tiftiir of Pr.Swayne's telulirated Family Medieiues. Dr. S V A V . E'S celebrated Compound iSyrup of Wild Cherry THE MOST COMMON SAVING IS Thr.t I fiwM nut rive one Iwttle wt ir. !w:iyiie's Cumi.iuud tfyruLMjt' Wild! 'lKTry" fur half a iloz.-n 4l':,ny oilier prc-par-atieni. 1 hare triil all the popular unea, tiut tiiin etaikl unrivalled ior the cure ol the fllowin! ilii.iM'il. viz. lnjluema. Onujhiy OJit. t'nsnmi. Sjiiltiftf if Jthutl, Ittlintiitiim nj' tlit Jlmri, WhiriHwj tbiiyli, Ticllitig or ttirimj -tatitiH in Utr 'i'hnml. lirmojtilt Atitihta or llitil.lir.vt f t'tr Xcrniu .Jftrm, tir ilu pairel constitution from atiy eause, and to prevent persiiis from falling into a fc-riwr.tliistim (lit-itie hari notitceoiial. ami when too much Calomel or Cjiiitiine has heeu used, this m.-lieiue will prevent it evil erTcct ou tile system and repair the tiliary function?. HKM.XKKMILF. VCKE OF ro.XSCMITlO.V. Abraham Hunsickcr, " miles from iShippack ville, I'a., contracted a severe cold, which set tled upon his Lungs, attended vtiili violent coughing great dillicully of breathing, an abscess formed in his lungs, and made its stay through the tijr, and dichar;ed large quantities of pus externally. This mournful state of th ngs con tinued for a long lime, until making use of Dr. Sayncs Compound iSyrup of Wild Cherry, whicli jierfornu'd a perfect cure. Have you the Asthma, Liver Complaint, or Bronchitis ! If so give this medicine a trial. It si-ldcim tails to cure. VEUY IMPORTANT CAUTION. Be verv careful to enquire for DR SWA YAK'S COMPOUND SYKUP OF WILD CHERRY, as some unprincipled incli--ilm.i h.c siolcii the name of Wild Cherry, thinking to borrow a reputation from that alrea dy established. Remember, the geuuinc is ; a in square bottles, covered nith a beautiful wra.i per, (steel engraving.) with the porliait of Dli. sWaV.VE thereon, also his signature : all oth ers are positively irticivua and couiiterftit." swayne't Oclcbratcd Vcrniil'uisc. - sate and effectual remedy for Worms, bis-pe;-la, t holers Morbus, nitkly or Di-peptic ChilJren, or Adults, and the most use ful Family Medicine ever olTcred to the public" Extract nf a Letter to Dr. Swayne. Djted. Andersontowu, Indiana. A man purchased a bottle of your Vermifuge the other day for his child, and by its use dis charged sixty thiee of (be largest worms he had ever seen. It is somen hat difficult to get the people tiy it, as they hava been so often gulled by nauseous and worthless worm medicines. Yours being so very pleasant to the taste, at the same time elfeclual, 1 shall be able to dispose of a large quantity. Respectfully, yours. Towssr.xn T. tMiiKr, P. M. BEWARE OF MISTAKES! Remember, Dr. fvfavne's Vermifuge is now put up in square bottles, (having recently been changed.) covered with a beautiful steel engraving wrapper, with the portrait of Dr. Swayne thereon. Bear this in mind, and be not deceived. See that the name is spelt correctly SWAYNE. CLEANSE AND PURIFY. Dr. SWAYNE'S SUGAR COATED SAR- PARILLA EXTRACT OF TAR PILLS. A mild and effective purgative, great purifier of the blood, they correct all the functions of the l.ivcr,and as an alterative in Dropsical attections. they are very valuable. Giddiness of the head, dimness of sight depression of spirits, headache, ic, are cured l y' these purifying rills. jo medicine can have a better effect fur monthly ir regularities, which occasionally happen to wo men, they are perfectly safe, and willin conjunc tion with Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Clierv, take all pain from every part of the system. The above valuable medicines are prepared on ly by Da. SWAYNE, N. W. comer of Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. Agents fur Viuun county. Pa.: C. W. ScHArn.1! aud Thorstos A llvafJt, Iswutt'Kra; O.W.Kiwler K.WilN.n.VuVrliniH.Menrh, Millerebiirir MrMe Hlieeht, Bearertown I. J. River, (Vnlreville L. A Taylor, ll.fliinliurjr lmilh.Mi!!MT"!l Valley Wilt A Kilert, Ilartleum Havifi A Selmure, iscliio'irrove Voungmnn A Waiter. Ilry Valley iteulicn Keller, nary Inland lloyer A Summer. Fn-eburj? aml lfaupt,Jr. and by Storekeepers generally Iy390 LAST BEST! C. E. IS now receiving stock of a large and a choice SUMMER GOODS embracing Dry CiOOl latest styles Dress Goods 'Silks, Silk I.afps, Parasolettes, Lawno, Prints, &c. &c. GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE, a good variety. Our stock was purchased on reasonable terms, and is oflered to old Iriends and new at th cheapest living rates. The trading public are invited In call at the old Cheap Store, south side of Market St. bptween 3d ajiil 4th Sts. C. E. BOWES. Lewisburg, June 26, 1850. WOOL. A LOT of Fine Woul for wile bj June 4 J.HAYES & CO: Large Sales Low Prices ! THE "MAMMOTH" WIDE AWAKE nwl filling I'p again brimnil wilh a stock oforl.s LARGI"!l.L5ETTEU tin J CHEAPER linn ever TE have just received and are now opening i f a large auu splendid assortment of Spring and Summer embracing everything adapted to the varied want and tastes of the community, and at prices thai ran not fail to etve universal satisfaction. The LADIES are assured that we have a better assortment of Ui'CSM CaOOdtt lhau has ever bceu presented ill this market. We have every quality and description of Ccnlt'tiiicii's and JJuya'' Dress Goodi, Casimercs, Vesting, Summer Stuff, Fancy I Cravats. Ac. A splendid lot of HATS, CAPd and I!).. ETS, of the latest styles Ribbons, Flowers, Silks, Calicoes, Lawns, Uinghams, &c. liar J ware Queens ware Glassware, GROCERIES of all kinds also a Urge stock of Master, &a!t,aiid Fish, at very low prices for CASH or COUNTRY PRO DICE of all kinds at Maikcl prices. J. & J. "WALLS. Leivisl ure, April '23, 18.";() UNIVERSITY at lewisbui'sr. C1IRCULAR for the Academical Year com- meucing Oct. 11, IS 19. COURSE OF STUDIES. Primary Department. Exercised in Spellim;. Heading, Definition, English Grim mar. Arithmetic. taeagruHhy, His tory L'.iS.A., lVuman?hip and Composition. English Department of the Academy. The fame studies as in the Primary Drpartm't continued in the use of larger text books ; and to ihe6 are added (leueral History, Alircbia, Li'ceu- dre. and Eli-ruents of Purveying. Classical Department of the Academy. Ti mi Junirtr Academic cIush. . KnglMi (inunmw, Latin Umnuaar, Arithmt tic(two UiviiuiiiO vii)ahy. . Th fame Uniii'n n in I. Ti-rni. an-l onmanhip. . Kimli.ih vsniiiimar. Ca-Mir. Antlnn-iir computed ty ltt. liTiiuti. liret-k (ramuuir. Ilitury L .A 1'cu- Baikh.p. Itook-Kurpitip. Senior Actrtfemtc ctm. . Ca-nar, iinvk Iti-a'I r, Aljrcbra (Ll-.-imut.) . .V.nriJ, i l dii .! lo fnnilt-tfsj. ifne- rU Iliftorj, Ku;lUh L.ii:uai' autl CuiujNksiiivii. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT. Frohman cities. EnjrlMt Lanua1 ami ( out;oMtion, Algebra, Lirv. IT. 1'larif tifs'iiiftn'. Uvv. Anal'3sii. III. IMaUf. if..jid and ibiTi-l t.metry conij'U-U-'!. Li vy, AuuWirt. iSophnihOre class. I. Iluraw, iiJ'y. i'Unr ni ihfriral Trit"'noin'try. II. tin clu Miiifurativtn.Survfyitifr.Niivipatintu III. !) itiniplt-tl. S ln t Orations of IKuhiH-Ucs, Historic, Analyticul J-ni'lry. Junior class, I. Ih-mi" iTn'inK on tht frown. Cirrro Offl'ii, Me-rhni'-jT llydrffetntk?. and llydraulirs. IL l-niiwtht m-.t on tht I'rmrn. l.'io-m ! tifFi-ifa com-li-tfsj, I'tu-iitiiatk-!, Ai-uuptiw, KUctridty, Mant tiftn nnj utitir. HI. irv?k Tras"lyf Titun, AftntKJiy. Senior cm. ffnr Ar;1 mi'-nl Yar uumnrin(; Ort. in, Ih.r.) Nntnral TUtuli.y, Iiits-lltrlual rhiIuoi.tiy'. (irifk. rnlitiuit Kiiwrny. Monti l'hilo?iii1iv. liutli-r i Aualf'y- nuiution of t . S., CuV-miiftry, I. It. III. lsi'turf. tlt'tural UrviewH. No clas in the Regular Course has less than three tluily recitation?. Kvery Saiurday forenoon is tlcvtUd exclusively t Vocal Music, Reclamation, ami reaJtim seUxt and original CoiniHitions. The eTudrnts are require J to a'ttml, regulaity, fome reliiio(is meeting. Minors arc expected to attend furh meetings are recommended to thern by their parents or guardians. There are in the borough no 1l-f than nil places of public worship, of as many different Christian denominations. Text Hook. Etujlifh ftHfmi(y und Ultwalnm. The It i hit. Porter's al Lcit.liT. VnrTrtfr' r . I wtor'n i'i(-titnury. llullw'ti'K Kiiir!ili (ir; ltmiar. Parker'.' Prfin-f!ive Kxer:i wti in Knli-ii '"JiiisiL:nii, I'nrk r t Aiiiijlair'.; Lfcturv 1'iiiverfity trillion.! Ltttiu i''ry.-. !Iu!litnVirmnmnr. lnlUnn i.vmlr, !-vor tt'e l xit on, Itullk'ti'u (-e?ar. S hiinm and Zmtip(n Virgil. LinT.ln'n Livy. Antli'iii ' lloiac!'. Tiiat hi-r s; (.'ivro d tHTwiis, T Wr'e Taritn' tirnnauia et Acrii-ola. f.'rrrb Lnit'funf)?. Hul I ion's H, ultnii IlendtT, l.iddi'M k Smtfn Lexicon. hTen i'nihrn AiirKi"!. Owt n's llMtiier'n iMyse'ey, Lluimi'lin tt Ut'iuwlbeiif, f'iekV Classical Manual. M ithrtmttuf. lrvviis" Arithmetic for A-ad.-iuirs. Kletn enfjirv Alifeiira. Rstunl'm. Ier"-ii'lre. Surrcvin-r anil ir:ttioii.Analtienllieonietr-.MliU!it4!d"iNtuRil l'liiloiojttiy litcnotyjrvU.i oiml-a A.-inrn:niy. IVumbcr of Sturtcnts. The number of students during the past year in (he various Departments, was lol. J be number thai have entered the classes in the Ke gular Course fur the current year (exclusive of those in the English and Primary departments,) ts as follows : CvUJeuE. Junior cla. 8 St'l!'more rlvi - 14 Fr:!-hnun daps lu AcADEJir. Senior cla.s - - -.1 Junior riafrt - - Teachers, PTKPIIEX W. TAVLUK. A. M- rruf. of Mathvnutka and Natural Pltilonsinhv. ;K.OK.fc K. ItLla-S A. U Prof, of Grut-k Lanuae and Literature. t.ll((;i-: W. ANDERSON. A.MI'rof.of Latin lAnnJ.i?e and l.iiemture. ItfAAO N. LOOM1P, A. M Priiiripal of ttm Aradimy. ALFKKl TAYUtK. A. M., Tutor in tbe Kn-ii-li Lan puagu and Elocution. Buildings, Library and Apparatus. Tbe Academic edifice now occupied by the members of the I. diversity, has been erected, at an expense of $S.0O0. nnl it is adapted to arrom modal? lirO rtudnti. Another eiifire ha5 heea rrnumneed. which is to In finished within the cttnrsc of Ute prewnt Actwleinic year, aud to am tain rtudy rocni and ilorinitoriex for the aLT-ommotlation of o students Iberolleirinte dpartm't. Tbe Library rontnins a nunilivrof select volumes, and ia constant ir tmTeaionir. Chemirl Apparatus lias tecn ordered nfficlv'nt to supply tho iionieftiate d-mand. The Apparatus for the illustration of Mecbanical Philosophy, u now complete. Tuition and Board. Tuition in the Collegiate Department $30, Academic f 20, Primary 12 per year. Board, including lodging, washing, furl, and light, can be had in the village and its vicinity at various pricea, from $1,50 to $2,50 per week. Sessions! and Vacations. Two Sessions in the year the former com mences on the 2nd Thursday in October, and continues 27 weeks; the latter commences on the 16th .May, and continues 15 weeks. Sprint; Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, 6. By order and in behalf of the Board : THOMAS WATTSOX, Prea't, GEOKUE F. MILLER, Sec'y Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. April IS, 1850 CL'J Dr. John Locke, S2ttr SCRGEOX DEXTST, MAY be found at hi Oflice and residence first door east of Kline's If itel the two week following the Cist Monday of each month, where be ia prepared to execute all operaiion in hi line of buatnetis in a manner creditable to himaelf and aatiafactory to those who may favor him with their patronage. Dr. L. apend Ihe third week of each month in Milton. ' ' (fj'Aroroatie Tooth Panto, put up in beautiful porcelain boxes, an excellent article for keeping the teeth clean and breath sweet, for aale at 25 cts per box, by JOHN LOCKE, D. D. S. Lewisburg, Pa., May, IS50 STEAM ENGINES FOR SALE. OXK of 10 horse power, with one flue duller can b; seen in operation. One of 5 horse power, with iwo cylinder boilers. Doth matte of ihe liest material?, and war ranted perfect. Enquire of J. SMEDLEY. Machinist, Columbia, Pa. (a Orailuatc uf the Vuiveraity ot Peniuylvaliia,) IMiysirian & .Surgeon. C7Oflict', npposise J Deckaku's Hotel : af&Cfflfntmvff, Union county, Pa. June 12, 1S50. 3mpd LUSHER OR SALE. "piIE subscriber having leased the Rock' I dale Stiic-Mill formerly known as llourihtv's in Suyar Valley, Clinton county, I'a., uud buulit all the stork and fixtures belonging to llie same, now oilers for sale 100,000 ft of Lumber at said Mill. Orders will be received for any kind of Lumber, by the undersigned at Lewisburg, or by his Agent, S.C.Siiel lek, at said Mill, in Susar Valley. M. V. SiiELLEu. Lewiiburg, Jivue 5, 1850 6w SAM'L ANDERSON, Fashionable Tailor, In llie new Brick building on Market street, one door above C. E. Howes' more. CUri G and MAKING done lo order. Lewisburg, May 29, 1830. To lllatkmiili. B' ITUMIXOUS COAf., from the West Brunch and from IlolliJaysburg, for sale nt the Shop of the subscriber, near the lid) scales on Third Si. ALKX'R AMMOXS. Levtishurg, M;ty 7, 1850 I'rci.Ii Arrival of Fruit &.c. JUST rereiveJ by Tbomricon'a Express, from rhiUJclfihia Orange, lfaisins, Filbert', lemons, Fis-, KnR- AValnuta, CncoaNutsi, Alinoml. Cream Nuts, Prunes, Hekan Nuta, lirountl Pcan, and a variety of CAM) IKS, all of which will be eolj low at the Store of l)n. THORNTON & BAKER, i.ewisl'urg, Juno 12 JiimI Kecritrd, A CHOICE lot of Black Watered Silk, and lirecn Kriiiged Turc Satin. Parasols, alo an additional tufy of Linen Lusties, all at untisuallv low piices. for site by May 29 . J. HAYES & CO. VBEAUTIFIT. assortment of Seailet Cloth emliDssed Table Covers, f r pale hv May S9 . J. HAYES & CO. onr)n,jB3- f nirJ cutcj bacon V7 J J for aale by May 2 'J J. HAYES & CO. VN extensive WARE f aortment Baltimore STONE for tale by .May 29 J. HA l ES & CO. (M-fCKSSOBS TO C. A. WTETU,) Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Chemical. Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Sash too!,niassware,Putiy, Dye-studs. Brushes of every variety, Perfumery, Confectionery, Fruits, Fancy Goods, &c, &c. One TioraloTo the gnat Mnmmotli Store or J. It J.W,ua, Markkt St. LEwisnnttJ. All Drugs and Medicines warranted Fresh end Genuine. rillin subscribers return their sincero thanks to J those who have so liberally patronized them dming Ihe past year; and we would invite you, one and all, Io oil and examine our stock and pricea before purchasing elsewhere, as we feel cotifiJent lhat we sell as cheap, if not 25 per ct. cheaper, than others of tbe trade. Try us, and see for yourselves. N. B. MeJiral advice will be given free of charge by Ur. Tborulon, at the Store ol Thorn ton & Baker. T A H THORNTON'.M.n. JOSIAH B KER E.nmiHv! LIMPS! LAMPS ! Just received and for Wholesale or lietail, Pine Oil and Burning Fluid Lamps of the latest slyle. Any erson or persons wish ing it, can have these i.amps on trial, and if they do not give satisfaction, they may be returned. Churches and Stores or Shops supplied on the most liberal terms with Ihe above Lamps, and Oil ,j Dr. 1'hnrnton & Baker, Agents fur Ihe Manufacturers. V FRESH supply of Old Doctor and S. P. Townsend SARSAPARILL received and for Whole-ale or Retail by Dr. Thornton &. Baker, Agents. Jl'S'l received and tor sale, Pine Oil and Burning Fluid, warranted pure and of the first quality, by Dr. Thornton & Baker. AY Till I'E Lead, and Linseed Oil, for sale by Dr. 1 hornton & Baker. Dentistry. WH. C. STEWART, TATE of Philadelphia, is now located on 1 Market street, Lewisburg, opposite Mr. J. Schreyer's store, where he attends to operation on the teem al reaction oi nis tormer price. Teeth and roots of teeth removed witb Ihe aid of improved Instruments, and in an easy manner. Filling teeth ami setting on pivots or plates atten ded to according to tbe latest improvements in the profession. Ulcerated, spungy, and inflamed gums cured. Thankful for past lavots, he solicits a continuance of public patronage. No impure materials used for fillings in eth. ly2MS ''SmairPronts and quick Sales." H. V. SHELLEE, T7"OULD respectfully inform his olJ frirnrfa y f and the trailing community in general, that be has received a LARUE and (iENEKAf, STOCK of llcs'chatuUze, for Spring and Summer wants and uses embracing DKY GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, HATS AND CAPS, FISH, SALT, IKON, &.C ic. These Goods we offer unusually low for Cash Country Produce of all kind and to prompt and punctual paymasters as usual. (Call ani Sec! II. P. SHELLER. I.cwibburg, Mjy 7, 18U. " TR. MERRY would respeelfully inform 1H the public, that he has taken rooms in M'Fuddin's brick building, nearly oppo site Shelter's Store, where he is prepared to take Daguerreotype Likenesses in the latest and most approved style. Mr. Merry pledges himself to make his work vtml to that of the liost City artisls. He h;is all the latest improveuient!,some of which he has added to the art,nnd amnni these is a Wheel Hull, of peculiar construc tion, by which he is enabled to obtain a higher polish, and thereby give a more brilliant and life-like tone to his pictures. Mr. Merry, by long practice and close attention to the art, is enabled to show the VAHit.OATKD eye, be it light or dark, with all the beauty aud brilliancy of life itself; and it is in this most tsirntiul point, that more nrtiils fail than in any oiher. Lidies and Gentlemen are invited to call and examine specimens. Children arc taken in from three to five seconds. And reRir.mbcr,a9rmitl pictures ore taken in cloudy as in clear weather.tho' (or small children a clear day is recommended. Lewisburg, June 3, 1850. LEWISBURG Wltolesate ,J- Ucttiil SSaSK.vSJTCS- rilHE subscriber, thankful for past liberal pat- ; ronape, would inform his friends and public generally that he has just ree'd and i constantly ; receiving truth supplies of pure j Medicines, Drugs, Chemicals, ' Extracts, Herbs, Roots, Minerals, Tine-j lures. Oils, Essence, Spirits, Gums, j Plasters, j and o:her cooils in bis line of business, which he oll.ira with the full assurance of their being gen uine, and cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. I'hvsirians and others in the Hade are parlicularly invited lo call and examine for themselves. Also constantly on hand a large slock of Window Glass White Lead, Chrome and other Paints.Dru? gists' and Physicians' Glassware. Morlars,8pachuals,Cruciulc.Tru-ne, Cnpa!,J ipan and Spirit VarnUhes.Flax seed, Sperm.Whale, Lard, Fish.-Eiherial, Fosgiue, Camphene.'and Pine Oils, Dye woods ground ai:d chipped, Castile, B ir, Kosin and other Soaps. Gold. Silver and Metal Leifs, ltosin, Pitch. Tar, Tobacco, Si-gars, Combs, Brushes Walking and Pi-hing Canes, Jewelry, Kizors, Knives, Fruits, Confectionery, Ac. ckc. &e. C. W. SC'SI IEFI.K, May. 1830. Druggist and ChemUt. Made plain to See 1"V getting one of the Spectacles or Spy Glas 3 ses at the Drug, Fancy Goods, Notion and Variety Empoiium, where can be had any quan tity of Silver, German. Blued and common Steel Spectacles, Goggles, Spy Glasses. Mathematical Instruments, Pocket Compass, Magnets, Tape Measures, Spectacle Cases, Camera Lucidas, Magic Lanterns, &c. Ac. at C. W. SCHAFFE'S. Easy to Cut or Shave ARE Pocket, Dirk and Penknives, and Ihe Wostenheiin and Roger Razors sell ing so cheap al ibe Lewisburg Drug aud Variety Storeof C. W. KCHAFFI.E. Lamps, just received MORE LIGHT, at reduced prices ! A large assortment of LAMPS Solar, Supper, Tea, Hanging, Side, and Hand for burning of Pine, Fosgean, Lard, Etherial, and Sperm Oils, for Parlors, Churches, Stores, Shops, Ac. al C.W.SUHAFFLES Drug, Notion and Variety Emporium ftolicc. SUBSCRIBERS to the "University nt Lewisburg" ore respectfully requested to pay their Second Instalment, now due, to the Treasurer. And those who have not paid the 1st Instal't are respectfully notified that all such delinquents will be charged Interest on their Instalments from the time they become due. SAM L T. WALKER, Tuns. Lewisburg, Feb. 25, 1850. Itlack Walnut Wanted. A QUANTITY of Black Walnut, either in logs or sawed to order also, Walnut Crotches the whole to be delivered on the Pa. Canal, at or near Lewisburg. For further par ticulars, enquire of April S3 II. C. HICKOK, Lewisburg To Justice of the Peace. B INNS' JUSTICE, new edition, can be had at Lyndall's Bookstore, iu this place. Lewisburg, April 10, 1850. RIED APPLES for sale at June Uober & UJitios. NOTICK TO COLLECTORS, A c. TIMIE Slate Treasurer havinir notified me X lhat hereafter ho will not receive the Notes of Banks out of the Sia'e vnder the denomination of FIVE Dollars, the Co!-' lectors, Retailers of Marchandize,and Liccn- sed Tavern keeper.. re hereby notified thar fu-" ""l VfV '""Jr in payment of luxes, Licenses, ft DANIEL IIORLACIIER. Treasurer of Union county." New Derlin, June 6, 1S30. THRESH TEAS. Ano" her lot of. X1 superior Black and Green Tea . just reed from the Canton Tea t .'om ',215 pany, and for sale at New York retail prices by J. HAYES & CO. l.ewiabure, April 1C. Agents. a test Arrival ! rll 41'ES & CO. take pleasure in announ . cing to the public lhat we are now receiving from Ihe city one of the largest, cheapest and best selected stock of Good ever ollered to the public. No labor has been spareJ to render their stock complete, and to obtain articles of good quality, so that it can he relied upon thnt whatever they ahall offer for sale will be just what it is represented. They have an excellent assortment uf .Dry goods, X" I comprising nearly every article usually enumera ted under this he id, among which are Uroa l cloths. Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, atiuetu. Tweeds, Cahmarettee, Drapettes, Codiingtons, Plaid Linens, Tickings, Drillings, Bagging, Cot ton and Hemp Carpet Chain. Plain and Fancy Goods, selected wilh particular rcfeience to the taste and convenience of the Ladii-s such as C hangeable, Plaid, Grenadine, anil Foul ird Silks, Figd and Plain Lamartine Delaines, ('rape finished, Figd and Plain Linen Lustres, Boreze Deslaines, prin ted French Lawns, Silk Illusions, Pink, Bull", Blue, and Crimson Tarletons, Plain and Figd Blue and Pink (do.ted) Swiss, Linen, Cambric, and Lawn lldkfn, Gloves and Husieiy.X Bonnets, Fans, Parasols, Parasolettes, lsoJ Fine Moleskin, Leghorn, China Pearl and Palm Le if HATS, at lo.ver prices than ever oirred to this rommunily. a choice tthctwn. Glass, Queens, Stone, and Crockery ware. To those who wish to procure anything iu this line either for utility or ornamenl.tbeir assortment particularly recommends itself. I lard ware cutlery, Gras and Corn Scythes, Axes. Shovels, Spades, Straw Knives. M inure and Hav Forks (of supe rior quality.) Door lriu)mings,Glass,Pbtty,Nails, Iron, Steel, Ac CAliTETS BA SKETS. Floor and Stair Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Ladies' Satchels, Traveling and Work Baskets, also Market, Clothes and Corn Baskets, Cedancare, Hakes, 4"C- 4"C In conclusion, they would say that their goods J 1 C U. .. I. ...I . ....I -ill hm I lia,e I'eeu uuugiit a wiy iu" pi,L, disposed of on the most reasonable terms for Cash or counliy Produce and lo satisfy the public (aa to piiccs) jusl call at the Cheap Store of J. HAYES & CO. Lewisburg. May 2, lM5l I LABOR SAV E D, 'XJltS OR SALE a aupeiior Washing Mixture, which removes all dirt and stains of various kinds in a few minutes, without injuring the texture of the cloth. Persons wishing lo avail themselves of this valuable mixture, with full directions for its use, had better call at ibe new Drug and Chemical Store kept bv Dn THORNTON & BAKER, Lewisburg Latest News from California ! j- nORE GOLD ! 66 4 LL the world and the rest of mankind'' J are respectfully informed that we hate opened an unusually choice assortment of SPUING- AND SUMMER (Goods, comprising a splendid variety LADIES' DRESS GOODS of the newest styles Calicoes, Detains, Ginghams, Baragrs, Silks, Parasols, and Fancy GooJs, and for Gentlemen's wear a large stock of Ctotlis, Cassimers, Summer Stuir,Vestinus,Suinrner IIats,&.. Salt, Fish, Nails, Quccnsvarc,Ila,tare,Groccric?,!0pring 0UmmCC II of which we offer for sale at our proverbially low prices, for CASH or PRODUCE. REBEil & IDDINGS. Lewisburg, April 22, 1850 frezm i ,j;'.f,ijf Hot all voa Tonrt? m-n whose fine rraiws areexraivHna:, Ami who m--J to purport j"U. a if moUrttnniliioj VI hen y, n th ink how in lime past si or r. .tmlers have vow. Ju?t coiue to &TV LvPAU. s lor Loots that will fit joa. I you want som ww Tio .ks O, sn rheap aiwl so prettv? Some prav anil nrjie ear. ami snm iu.r an,l -,tin." witti Fur a dollar or two. .tkvk will pive yon a In aiuw That will be all your life-time a iouuuua 4 uk-asurv. Ami If yon rhanee to he hi want Of t'mt ir Vest or TrowserUitns. Jn-t eo ti Lv!DAU.'s, fr you can't lluy half as cheap of other 'coun. Amt nrw I.txtiaiX wouM say jot wonl to the Laju-a, Fur wi-U 4t,ns he know Imw iniMTtant thir aid is He ha Shoes of all kinds Whiirr-r-r-r-r-M Consam it. Boss ! this 'ere Poetry Machine's broke ! Ilowsomever, the substance of all we had in Ihe hopper i this lhat s. F. LYXDALL has the best nd the cheapest lot of BOOKS nJ STATIONERY. nd the largesl and the be?t assortment of HOOTS and SllOilS, and Ladies' Gaiters and Slippers, that were ever seen in Lewisburg or any other great seaport. May 7. 1851). KAS1I not refused at tho OiTia? of the Lewisburg Khronicle. r IfsxTa . . . 'A- - ' 1 1 ii n r AND T? T T? ClT-T r riOTQt J.1 ,l!iOJjL J JxJUij V n iUTO., CEODES Si. 91.1 nSH' jjXviXfrformei a Cop.,rrnr,hip io the J Mercantile busioe., and enlarged the Storerormi lately occupied ttf S.b. Barton opposite Kline's Hotel are cow opening well selected and extensive stock ol Mer chandize, consisting of . 0ru (Soobs, GElf- IIAKDWAHE, C!UTLERY, Carpenters' Tools, Qurensware, 9ALT, FISH, Furniture Mounting, Glassware, Window GLASS a general assoruneut,' Coal, pinsttt, Bar, Rod, and Hoop Iron, Nails, and Spikes, Tinware, Sheet Iron and 51 elal Pjns, and a more general assortment than is usunlly tound in country slofes which' they pledge themsttves to sell at very7 low prices. Persons at a distance will find it to their advantage to buy (or Cash or e wi'.T take in Exchange for Goods, Wheat, 15 ye, Corn, Oats, Huck wheat, Timothy and Clo ver Seeds, Butter, Eggs.TtiHow.Huid Soap, lieeswax, Feathers, and all kinds of lrtr or country produce." . The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited, and every assurance given lhat nothing shall be wanting to render entire satisfaction. SAM'I. 8. B ASTON. SAM I 'EL CEDUES, JAMES S. MAKSH. Lewisburg, April 1, 1S50. ttcmouate. MEDICAL CARD. Respeelfully announces to his friends and' the public generally, that he has removed his residence to the house of his father,' formerly occupied by Win. Porter,) a few doors north ol hlines flotei." tmce.Ooi. M'Faddin's new brick building, net door above C. K. Bowes' Store.' Lewisburg, Apftl 1, 1850 JOHN' 15. MILLER, TAILOU, respectfully informs his patrons' and the public lhat his Shop is now at his' house the new brick opposite Mr. James P. Koss', on Third St., where he will be happy to wait on all w ho may honor hirii' wi'h their patronage. Lewisburg, April 2, 1SS0 HENRY C. HICKOK, ATTOHXEY A T LA W, Lewisburs, Union Cennty, Penn'a. Practices in Union and adjoining eoontie also' attends the courts of Perry eoonty. OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied by JU IS. trnrist, Esq. TPHE undersijjnpd continues ihefZJ'T-' J II V BL SLYESS at the Old tand,; ou Nonh Third St., near Market, and' respectfully solicits the patronage ot hijv friends and the public cenrrnHy. CHARLES F. HESSi IwisburT;, May 22, I5f BOARDING. riHE subscriber avails himself ol llie col- J x umns of the Chronicle in publishing lo the citizen? of Lewisburg and virinily that ! he has opened a BOARDING HOUSE in thai large and comfortably arranged house, formerlv kept as Temperance Hotel by James Kelly, two doors east of" the Franklin House, Market street. He is prepared to say that hi Table ahall have the best the Markets can afford, and the Lodging of Boarders shall be as comfortable a can be desired. I. S. STERNER, r N. B. A team and carriage will be kept to convey pissengers lo and from tba Packet Boats. Lewisburg, March 13, lHnl) GOODS. J UST received, and now openins nf FORSTER'S NEW STORE, second door east of K inc's lloti I, a new and Splendid Assortment of Goods. suituuie tins ana ll.e approuciung sea son, consisting of n nriK aT'aCKina?iis li i'iiTllf.'. - ... auiauivrs avsrvasj uuvus every slle and variety iiew atlo jojjuil'l filirsces. Lawns. Armuie Ilelames, (!in- A preat variety of stvles I hints, tali cocs, Sec. - ' ' A beautiful assortment Idie.' Parnsri's, Morocco and Kid SHOES uud G.1ITERS lor Ladies and Children. Also a choice seleetioa of GROCERIES, QuceiiswarCr- &c.9k:.,all of which are ofTi-retl rem iricaMn' low for Cash Country I'rotlucp, by llW subscriber, J. FOKSTEIv. LewiImrj:, Aprf 3', 1S5 Fur the Ladie. Coot is tba brves Th:tt I make ax rase "HTH one of those nire and cheap FANM tbal can be bad al Ihe l-ewi-burf Itruiu Fancy Goods,' Notion and Vaiiety Emporium where Ihe largest, 6uest, and best assortmeiil f Fealher, Fancy and Paper Fane are kepu AU latest rmitemw of BurTalit, Shell, Horn, Side.Baek and other COMBS besides a great variety of other nice things. Call am! see at - ;. w. 8CHArn.E's.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers