L.EW1SI1URG CHRONICLE AND WEST BRANCH PARMER NEIY STAGE LINE. lfare from Mifflintown to Selins grov6 Reduced. ON and after June 25 b, 1S50, ihe Tare on the Stage Line of the subscribers will be reduced la 81,50. The coach will leave MitHiotown on Tuesday and Friday morning of each week at 7 o'clock, and leave Selinsgrove a! the same hour on Wednesday and Saturdny arrive at Mif flintown in time for the evening train of ciira, and at Selinsgrove in time lor the for the Packet. The coaches are new were manufactured expressly forihe rou'e, and with direct reference to the comlort of passengers Persons on the Juniata wish- inz lo reach the Susauhanna, or those on , , - . . , the Susquehanna Wishing In reac h the Juniata, can find no other route hs cheap , .. i . . and conventtnt a there . ..ode tent.on ,u connecting with the can and packet at the ends of the route. Ihe same line will run regularly Iroin M fflintown to the Tuscarora Academy on ! Monday and Thursday of each week, leav- i ing Mifllintown at C in the inornmu and reiurning in tune for the eastern train of car. Fare SO rrnts. AKE1.Y & SKINNER. July 2, 150. IN EACIl BOTTI.E-Oss TMi-l dr tilUI Dv B dlf-OH hotUt containing ti4 iloscs la!a Twenty-Oas liavw. Prist (LAD mt Bottlt, ar Six llutlla ti iiifl. PLIRIPYING EXTRACT A rt m u Ql ART ISOTTI.ES, atxl of a me mudwol tirtmgth and qficary uat in tlit tmall bottin. Th grrat mtptriurity f This Pihi i: ovr SaKsaCarii L and ail ntlier ntnilar nlicui'. nutv n miIik tiienure be un-U-r- cnod from Ibe fiHUtwinrf fartft: rtaT bifauno it mit ottfy pwrnmrnoi, portimu of m ntedkaium, tlie i't at EstM iof Saraaparilla. Yellow Dock, Ckerrj Kuafra Barkn, morr rtrvfify, man rtvr Uy ronerntratM. and hi tyrr smmru Uem vfawM ijf lb"fje ftvryim in mrA bottle til ;l Ilian Cut: I found DOUl of uatiiKin, Clld h'.rtmct nf titirfimriiJt .- But, Srcowm.v l-ecanwe Thi Pwrilirr toMraMt th medical &Kcy and 4mu ttrtma of ctmil oth'r KmU. Brkta, aud Cable, Ptairvt(4f rvyr-f of wliiaHl art trrnttiy si prciOR to f rut par 41, and w tn-o fAe are C'Hiimitid'd wuii &arii rWtVt. k'tVitw Aodk. (Jkerry, W f"r-r, tb. v m ike tAw Mi. "wJd. So true la Una, thai to nave crcrw dnired mcdnul citccL Cheloei flu TnblrrriTtfl, thrtttimtta Day. But it In DtM au with Extract ttf Stripnriita, for in cvmw-qnence if ltd aurhmrkai A.w ana rraurca ie ho-k oi narwt.pttr.ua ha- to le Twt Tkrrta or 3lre 7UywtwM TiiRtr, Foi it, or Mokk liafl a Day, to lia'e ny Ntcdiea etftet ; aitd a a Uutje of tfarvaparilia uuly lioUi tsty-jmr poutulat ttiereli re, to wtna aiouiifuia at a doar, and eo attrny liuex-tt a Uuy, will ue up a bottle of i la Fnrv Five, or Six Dny, hich howttiatafcMr; llraifj I'nritirr, will I art from Twelve to Sixteen Ivs yr ihhh a boitk of Sara. p:tniia; and if it daily medical eilM-n.-y (in matt d.nc.) le aa rtairviNt and Hkaliu aa trie dtti'y flary dr ot Saraa panlia. tbea It Pkov iltot Ove loiii ii Mu i'lmi it a i Wiinh 7Vrt no( of fit timet murv than a t-ottlw of riwa panlta. TLe aloTT ronipar!on due n yet slrw the prf Offer wu in rttiac butweeu tle mrtitrti rff'ctfy tf Brim's Iirii ir.a and HuBMrAKiUL. TUi will appear hy Uie ceruncaiica of ourwc la HramCt Piumphld a)Mrw-iuf that ONE BOTTLE OF B A A NT'S PURIFIER naa daotb efficacy, and ure avone impure btd diMwc, diao TKN Batlle af frnnpnrilla. If, then. Onc Bottle f Pi-ainta m-ils fir Onr Iou.ak, cam iMU. f rmtriUa alinuld f.r TtM f cnU. CANCTEROUS SCROFULA Mr. J. B. Haskijj of ff Mr, Onrida Co., N. Y.,w -h was cured ofSrrotula in iiM. cwttre tn ilie fttU nm niIta te!-w. in au net .on In the FuraKTWE Cot kt m the. City ( Aen 1 . on Ue 2b(a i JAereaafcer, lS41t, uixter lue fuiiuwms cirrutuM. nce! :- A penran la U City f Sete Vjrk bmi tnttmt'actured and .ended a tpur-tutu anirie of mtltcine, it Hull's ImimaM MEDtCIMe, tc imiViti-m oj the yenmtne medicine. He wan prmeeuted t obtain dimaev, in tV Huprntf Cimrt of loe Cy l Now fork, and the case waa referred t!, Lnurt to J. 8. Bmwotk, Eeq.SI Liberty utreet, an mnmr-m Lnwvatr, tu Hcfrrm to take toe tetumiy." Tim defonUa!it in-ie in mntipiha qf aVftMjt, that tlie Pmprietornor Brmit's M-diciim bad In swmae published Ft.t; aTAlMr.T oi' emrn, bjmI Ohm had cominmed a fraA on the rnti-iV-, Thfrefore. waa -' n.iiiRwi u itiMi'-T. recae. i .ar. tt ttkw wah 'ei a hetMf fitUe, and Haakmc uj a'm a rjfr-rt in regard to te FaCT a !Hiluled,dii; WuwayMtmt. THiS sL sT.UN; o fW awMioiXaiNi. Ma. HA5KI aa'd, f am mWI a'iitkiitttj rT!i l)'i,t', ruTiAr- Ft Ira. I- - karaj otj it X-t a lt thfrv vetra i4.-e, 1 r'r td:y ttru.1ei by Hi I atteadrd t acil Jftclnra u all U.ld t r.HaU Wat hj tkat a tie-irn v.,rr tn. In uq-ien. . -t waHi uihrmUua. tt rx-t-.f I u, tlrHt' I'm; tier, .. tats aneJ inc. WVi 1 rum-n-uce u- I h4 wVn. ot.h'i. t m M a Inaj Urat? ; I rail4 aut im- n boj V. my hr-ar : mi h M jk ai.-rr in fr-.nt Ui.ta ir f e.ir ; oi ..r w .u .. .-:,- .,ut r.ij... i' rtaal at caM aw UfW up out rf it-. tilar, a tnli Ii-h J. ti at ?t f i a N4r a r.m ir,w, m-in., . tim mt !.r-;., ,n, .t irt arU mtt at tia h-4r ; an ultr nn ti InkiIiIt a Uf; mi ln-J. awMbr uadcr my rtrm e-jta-ly a Utf, nit1 ,t-u !..."., mv a4a, athmt nv IrWj c'Uld hw luriint into ; .hi uu -r .a, id, t u rfN-v,!, B ni) h-tUir t ui cTtow nhMli ii i.l eatci, l. tli tr , I Im I ni'it alrf?t Ht .,mi' 'ht,A0- ii 'v-;.. t.,- w. -t ha4Ie late4 7na J'. I aa j I unl t sr pnrHaf'J at a : ! ! --.' hn-n-l ti, aa t., t"..'.:. t ;-t wT 1 1.4, ih tttTk 1 tuik twr t ill d we ,a j. h tTOUasad ma and awwp IH nra. an tl.V. I . U- "-.. trm n ta ti.e W t HiM it nr-!. ar It 'n- i - i - .r I , 4 ) rv IwitUe : Uta ttlb HKil.rll All. Mr I l.'Klir. ml lAite agtvo tMt alre? l.tWe',1 .if nn t .n-n'i, air.l !.,-, .r.H n-r, at e.rpf W. I r .W tt-w'f i'. , wlm-h rt. a P: It FF.t'T CL'RK. t r.t t-d n V j" f a-..'-'. ',: 7 I'AKiit tl LtKi. Ulm tW4.TS rj.vt IH.Zi i. BRANT'SINDIAr4 PULMONARY BALSAM YKia Ka-atn iwaeae tl-e f'riii n d yfttg F-.iarr Ml ttie iitiv-ntttoed Pt'MFft IM lAraatT, a;ii al-o I--arre-i r-r4l 't r in d:cMt.on-, jurtuvijil nftai- --,, M d to ci- ton.ilt1 and f "OSM Ml IK AS. It f.i -airr t'teri im tfie ,m... and c1-fVh v iraJ V. nvdily and aa eaiiy a lUc Vurfng Iltsit Iwaia at ric' es'fma'ly. Imoimxm tif eune- of the aorf h-yele s f'.tia irilition ful'r prove itj a'mot niirat-nbfn tin-- in mil di" ea oi a 1. 1 (.-. lilCOAl, and iii:EA"J'. A DVINC; WOMAN' SAVKI)! CONSUMPTION CURED I We -Hrr the f'innw:nr e,-rtifii ate a fact of rnre, whica a; t. pntrt- the juiwer t't eave lit. ven v.hn lite jrraou in t- in the r-r- lu-t t, j!V;trt.cr, oin Erant fm ''in j'Mair y If'.aai i Ji.iuiiiii rol : we .iretli f.,' ow'uiev t SViVmi fa t of c trr, ninch to. I. pr.r.- TJ- pjrr t-e litr.c-ven wlirn th- rHn pr m t he m tie vTV lart t m r xiaienc-. wmq Hntnt'i titf - ltittm'Mty I la, tam n .diiinii.-rtd : Tin - d- tittt atanJ aloiM . eoubl V:in VTANV (t'REl a- n-ut.f'tm and nJ uUr,:g of h jeU!.$ and 'A'.M,.i ol -n ca M t'ONI'Mi' ri(N. THIJ t'tUK W"n effeetnl on tin ir.r ,,1 Mr. .iba ffafcKAT Ol tike Wa-a 4f IlaUfH. $lr!(!f Ct. X Y. Mra. Iiii. m-n was prtmoanonl rfv", and Mr. liykenu.o w"t tu tti rt ore .( Mr. Jonw Wait to prrhitr rttA far sArritfd and titer bur mi mieruilt, v-ftuz in wtia would hu h oV. Sh! wa ill tho lt stoat n the div much itpprtrd and ttrtrc$ri .nd to tviiwu ln-r r at dtfilre'M. and m:do a tn'n.f tt.'fir tnrre 7.-y. Mr. I'va-mui w hTauH..d to 9vWuinfiri -i;K.V. id fMMAN I't'LMitN.ARY H.I.SAM." He tmk th to'M-a iioitie with thi iiri)uL and r-e a Nt tltn to bia iie it r- trd h.-f ara- Continued to it until fb.. r.-rovrred mmd UEAtTK, and lw confirmed kJ or niattg Jour ftrsf pampHUt for p .rti.n't r. Mr. Dtkkiax .Wfre to Uh- a'aore farta Ix-foro Tuua. G. 1 ., Em.. of Ralim'on Spa, i'n Apri!, lei;. I'litM. ii. iiitM!, Eaq., J hp ire, n-rtniv-a thnt lie Ini . known Mr. D k--tiin mny y-.-i and that i- i tm of j 9 "tr wW avfvand rrm-thU citizr ; and Mr. Johm ait, the ni. r nt pokfi oi ab -Tf. alto ctrUkta to the , K. -br-t.T ol Mr. Jytkrm0. and that li.- uus . iuantid w.th i7 tiw-ocvr, buwij .iit-.rJ tui-tu oU-u jKk' ' an of if fym Brant's Pulmonary Balsam aona COXSi SJPTIOX C.'it. CtU. Squint of Mood. Wfrtia-T au ike l.mnier. fa fr rj -n i r, XiitkU eVi-tra. Acrerxr .-7J.J, l'sp,;lttwm vf tkc lit art 'Jtf'y. twiner Cier"'. wid.iL DIHTIIRS iD rilYSlfins KEroiVEXP. lr. K. UL'liKAKIl. Stjintonl, l onti. lr. J. N. f NITII. VV.trrt.mii. N. V. Hr. KOfMAN. I3V llrurr .tr.et, lirmkln K T lr. T. M. HIM', Au!xirn, K. V. lr. ;KO. KKANClf. MMid!.. n. Cum. tr.ito. A K'JtJKKX. I.rth, M. V. I'r. S. WH'T Frsl.i. N. V. IV t. R. ritl.KNTI.NK. Ilvron. N. T. tr. J !lll MtN. f.y.tM.II... K. V. r J. .-KINM.lt. H, nry.tr . t Brx.k!rn, N T. Pr. U. tllll'JJAS C'ortlna, N y. I'or na!e hv Thornton lUkcr. Iwis burg; dd Wil-un. New Urrlin ; 8 J t'...ac. Stlincrove ; O A F O Mover, Frrel.urc; U N Darkhause. MiJ.ll. lnr ; ,lt EiVrt, Hinle ton; An'f&- Meiich. .MifKii.burj All let urn and oxleia umi I a.MreMed lo Wallace Si Co 10i. Pr.mUai, New Voik lva'.sl 7 VOL f..r Mile June Uebt Iddin- Tl'Sr rccej'ej ,-.! for sale. Spcim n. Lard Co. by Vr. Thnmoa A" B,. Mechanical Arts and Sciences. !. ANTETON CO., SEW YORK, Ilu'e in court qf puhlicaium, IN PARTS, PRICE 25 CENTS EACTI, A DICTIONARY OF MACHINES, MECHANICS, ENGINE-WOES, and EN5INEERINB : Designed Jot Practical Working men and those intended forihe Engineering Pro fession. Edited lu OLIVE li B YRXI2, for- merly Proftitor if Mathematics, College of Cirri i.ngineers, London. Author and In rtnlor if 'The Calculus of Form,' 'The AVur and Improved System if Logarithms,' 'The Elements of Euclid by Colors,etc. etc. TIHIS work i of Urge 8vo size, containing J. nearly Two Thousand Pages, upwards of r itirrn Hundred I'lates, and Six Thousand i Woo.l-fJula. It mill nrppnt u-nrLinfr-.traaMnir. i and descriptions of Ihe most important machine! ' iti ihe United State. Independent of the result r -. -ii . . i American ingenuity, it will contain complete ; " "- riu..M, ium u- ginc-woik, and Engineering : with all that is M.fu, m raore lhJom nJ j,,, wor,h ; of f.,io ,Mme, magazine, and other books, among which ma; be nii'iiuontd the following : I. BiiJiiamthoqiw in Art industrial, oi-on ana.) . t.uaui-xr aud Architect s Journal, (hon-lon.) 3. KnntH-er tiiul Iecuaiut'aAtMUuit. lJlm-kuvlaj.w. 4. JVublicmtioD. ludustrk-lte. (Arwengaudc Atoe, Paris.) 9. tuiiit'Hui M clianics vl rluklr. Treat-; on Mfclliii. (loitrn. JWitn.) 7. Aiift-mviui Daiizvilung nut AbbilJunircn. i rorcter. 8. Orjiu Itr Utu ForiM-linUc tie j.ist'ut':ihnwfN;na in tecbnich?r itcui-uan. (oo aJla.-;:?, Hiei-baun ) W. Mieruia' Loeartttiiuj. lu. llvrmr'a Lo-raxit.iiu. 11. Tli Mtcbauicai autl MaUteuiuUcatl Works f OliTer itrrnc. li Hlliuiau Juuroal. 13. AUgcmvin MMrhiaD-Eocclopedie. (Hulisoe, Lcip- icontiwteu- 11. Cotton Manufacture of 0 rent Itriuin and America t 16. Hoitzr-r-uVri turning; and mechanical Manipulation. lti. The s-k-jin Entue. (J. Itournc.) ' 17. liw.-iiUUm-;tuui; (tftuttjtarii.) 15. 'i r tljt-jicl ou the Strani Entitle. I'J. l'jltv 0 uitttbt.iuatii'-al and Ltpual In'trumcntt. . mi. lirtiou3ure tivB arU t-t manufactitreii. (Laboulavr, i I'at jp., 21. iaiifcir t Civil Kiigiutriu. 22. lfruvvn InJirutitr anrt Pynaii"ui"tvr. crufi. i i. Origin aui pnzrfii of ai:'ation. (Vol- 4. Ewiu ffui i'lttiiiMtrrtt ties Maiitans TxiiK-tf. ( MicIm-I Alruu. i ar.n.) 2h. M iu-ill a i'aUcn. icnipieifii uimriiriiL ana Lumetr i rock.i torn- t.uxiy ant! ftimtttjiitaii a Uiarv Marini1 St. am lin-'iii-. (liniuii 't J. Wfirbarh' Mi-rliaujci aud tnKiuwrins- ji. ine JuuiLUiuttrian. (,ionuon. TJ. llurlow uu Mn-utb of MaUTialfl. M. Ilunn'a lt--haui'i. (Mrwly.) 4. KrUauiral 1'riurij.ile uf Eiu'inorring and Aniuttur. Zi. Journal of the I rnJiltliu lurtiiut. (!nhin.) The XraiariuuM uf the Institute cf CtII ingm&rt. Tlio Art iKan. Wale, LouUou.) :w. u-irt.Tly rai-rn on EoiCfS. (1'ulihciitU Lu;. by JIV. ln:pt-ri-il lltr(ittuar. M.tiaMuw.) 4u. Wtuu.-atf iluidi- tlw lAtrwmintivti. r.mlon. 41. Kail way ;itine aud I'arriafn Wh.wls. iHnrtow, -4. lU-cuK l J"i Macuiut. Iu:ruuiijJt!i at Aj'iarct.-. (Lv t. iiutiiaiian on Mill Work. fiG. Itrunit. H. rrni-liral 1xmujN m of motl-ru Too! aiiJ IrcJiin s 45. I'.rptTtorif dt- i'ludu.-triu Franca? it Ltran re. L. MiUbiax, I'mu. 4i. Trfatiw on tin- niamiTartureof tia,-. Atrum, loudon. 4J. Sfl(mginl t'nnw n Kailways. jl-w, Loiuluu.j limine mi tin Mi-ani tniot. 4 . .Vit n'ilic Aturricau. ah Itailmad Jourual. N. V.j Aiiiriran.ArI.ati. re Meclianus' Maaiiut. NiriiitiMu ,IVi- r, l':fti"iiajy ct Arcliittnuri'. v4. ltn.-tiouair' ti. .Marine a oiWs ct a apcur. 1km- jn-luU.v, i'urif.j i.S. t m way ami Mnai Ttil.ular Uridea. Fairbarn.j jt'i. Urtv' liailt:iy I'raft.a. 07. r:tiliw ijtln'Ciatiral l'ii-tioiiary. H. itowdttcb NuvtatioD. i.J. iiTi'fivry MatJiontnticN for Practical Mi-n. fllerl-frt.j fiO. Euieiaocn' and Mcchauica' Encyciordia. Luiti' til. I'aU-ul Journal, i Loudon. j Urtoa' lih-aMury oi hniiitf ring. U. Lucyriu-xtlia of CimI i".iif;iurvriii(f. fraj-y. 4. I'raildoi-k'e Ltjctui-rs on tiir Steam Eniriu. rfi. Mv.-liauiL'iU I'rincipia. iLcuuitrd.J The threat ol jt ct of thia publiration is, to pi ice iiefure practical men and siudentssuch an am ui t uf theoretical a.iJ scieniilic knowledge, in a cun ileii.ed l.rm, as shall enable ibem lo work to iln l.t d"aiiise, and avoid those mistakes ttlii.h ihfV iitiht ..lherwie rmn-nit. 'I hn umminl . f uatiulinl.iru.eunn ius brought tog. ther u aim,!., tie(in.l precedent in such work:. Imlei.l tlie e ! . l.aiti.v any euljrcl wiitiin its range th.it is n' J treated wilh ..ucli ctearne. and precibion lliai t even a luau ol the most oidinarv cai acitv ni u ii isii ui uii'ieiManuuig n, ami inus learning in. in it much it is important lor him to know. From the annexed list ol the principal aulhor. and tulj-'cis cuiiipreci iu this work, it is self ev ident that all cit.zeu( engaged in t;ie practical jii.t uselul arts, e:c , m .y derive esrnliii advan tages Iroin llie possession and study of tins pub iicdiiou ; the loiluvving may be especially de-.iL: J .latft : Mitlvtnii's, VouMers and toiler Maker, Ani Ccei in lliars. Copper and Tin, Culli-rs ant oiker in Steel in general Carpenteis. i!ri. k niaktis. Wuineot in Ivory, U.uie and il irn Civil Engineer.., Kailway Contractors am' loutrac.ors lor E nth work and Masonry o. every description. Architects and ItriJe Uuil Jvrp, Uutlorr, Master I1a-oiH, Uriculaicr--Miii lluiiders, Maters of Vessel., Ship Car p.nteis, uiid oihcra connected with buildins and docking lnp, Ulock ai.d 1'iiinp.rr.akeir llen.p Dies-ers, liope makers, .Maaulactiirert uf Linen and t.'uttoa Fabrics, Mai uficturer. of Spinning Machines, lioving Mat hinea. Card iiieukcrs and FinUher, Drawing ftl nc- WiCons and Pickers, etc., connected witl Cntioii, Flax and Wool Machinery, f 'ulen ler. lltenchers. Calico Printers. Cloth Poldeis am: .M a.m. I, and p. r.,oiu interested in t-cin .Machinery. Anchor and Chain Cable Manu f .ctuiers. Cutting and Turning Tool makers I'm and Neeille makers. Nail and Kivet nia ker. Molt cud .Screw bolt makers, Nail Cut ters, Comer-, Leather Dresser and Currieis Manufacturers of (jreat (iunsand Small Arin. Cai.tile linkers, biscuit and Cracker makers Lace makers. Ixibbon Weavers, Stone (.'utter., aud Marble Masons, Dyer, Cloth Washers and Scourer., Cooper.., Cider and Cheese M.iu utactuters, Crunii, Ciyst.il, 1'late and lilass makeis. Sugar boilers and Refiners, with Pro prietors of sug ir plantations. Manufacturers ol t; .ii l av. bai, Kound, Kiblon and Ho. I Iron Whc.l, Axle and Spring makcis, Engine D.i vers, and persons connected wilh the 1. c om.i tive generally, Engineers andCaplains ot Sieao. Ve-rcls, Mjiiagcra of Stationary Engines Lumber Dealers and owners of Saw Mill. Veneer Cullers, O-vncrs of i'lauing M .chine rv. Com Millers, and persons connected mth li d'ii.g and bran separating machinery. Far mers, and persons using Grain-shelling ami Tbre.hiug machinery, buhl Workers, C irvers, Engraven aud Ornament makers in general, Person employed in the manufacture of Ga, Makers uf Copper and Lead Tubing, Linen and Straw Paper maker. Ship Owners, Har bor Masters and others interested in D editing niacl.ine.y.Well Sinkers, Astronomers. Philos ophers, ond other using Philosophical appara tus and instruments. Mmers, Engineers, and others interested in Pumping Engines, persons interested iu Canals and Aqueduct. Ware housemen, and otheis ui-ing Hydraulic Prese. Dvuanoine trie Cranes, Jacfc Screws, Common aud Feed Cranes. Worker in Metal and Al- ' ! , " or""r T. " .. . ! ( rrrs, ...r.,.s .... - uu o.oi - ogists.etc. j The pub!i.-hers have expended a large sum ol I money io gel oiiginal diawing of machme.y in practical use lu mis country, anu nave procured : nearly every work on the subjrsrt, whether pub-; j lislied in Eoaland. France, or Germany, llir ' at I mo.! essential parts of hich Ining compiisrd in i Him li.tlii.uary, ren.ier n as peneci anu cm pre i hensil.le as p ...n.ls. The publishers have en-; deavored io use great economy in type, so thai . j each page of the work contains at least four ( limes i lie uunit'cr or words lounu in me page ot , the same size. This has also secured ta each plate working drawings of ample size and clear ; nees, so that a mechanic may construct accurate !y any machine dascritied. 1 be pulrli-hcrs are, in snort, determined, re-; srjl.s. of cost, to make the murk ss enmplrt.' w pofeiMc: , , si It is hopro every cue dwirooi. to el.iain the.ork will i M .sti Camphor ; m X in bolt e. Take 6 : innrr il as Mud in numbers, sad thus cueourage the ! , , - , . , ' ri i - - . i . , iJnt.-T.rue. i to 8 td'tespoonfuls above mixture: lj pints soft . the ork win be lfruc.t in sinii-montlilT num her.. soap to an ordinary tub of hot water; mix thor i Jci'"sr"T? m J",uar, KM' "4 m '06r',, wi,h ' ouehly together, tiien put the clothes in the tub, lw whole wrrk wJl be puMib"5 iu 40 numbers, at 25 ' "I'd let the n remnin fiiieen minutes before wash I ew. per No- sufl eom:let.tl wiihui tbceurisru rear, uwi.' ing them nut; tlieu rinse them throu"li two or I A itlvral 4isrewlrt J U a wieal.s, . Aey . re- ,urr, ... ., ,, . . -l-t:.' - hirTio in advscep. sl.sli r th- U't t.t i fi;"H.t. The Summer Session of the LEWISBURG ACADEMY, "T7"II.L commence on Moxdat the 39th of t f April. Instruction will be given, aa for merly, in all branches necessary to a thorough Academic course. Our endeavor shall not be simply to communicate knowledge, but to excite the youthful mind to act for itself. When this is fully attained, ihe progress of the student becomes at once certain and rapid. The kind of learning which most of our youths in this country neeti, is that solid literature, which, while it matures their minds, prepares them also for the prartical duties of lite. Composition and Declamation will receive their full share of attention particularly the former. The Primary Depmtinent shall have our special care, r rom Iho disposition manifested to sustain the Institution, the subscriber feel stimulated to renewed exertions. i c . ,'. . . . . I ne session will consist of , wcHw each, shor, ,cauon two Terms of 1 1 intervening, i ui tiou SO for the common branches, for the higher Euglii-h, and $10 for Languages, per Bes.i.n per Term, one half. J.NU. RANDOLPH. March 57, I860. Principal. TaiiiiingandCurrying 1?0R past favors, the subscriber returns his grateful th.uiks, and hereby makes known thst he carries on the business of Tannins and Currying, at the Oid Stand. Determined not to b' outdone in the manufacture or finish of his work, he is hound lo have the best work men and materials, and to Ir-.-.tt those who hve so liberally pfttronizrd (as well as those also who shall be plensr-i) to patronize him) with that attention which he hopes to insure him a full share of public putroniige. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange. Hides and ISjrk not refused, fur w hich the highest market price will be paid in cash or in exchange fur leather. L. STERNER. March 25, A.D. 1850 "WIN FIELD MOO LEX y i uta a 9 Near Hartlelou, L iiiou C o., I'a. 'I MIE stilneiibcr, thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed on his o'd cstnb- l.shtnent, begs leave to infirm his friends ui.l the put. lie in "rueral, that he has now removeil hi-. Macbimrrv intii hi New Mill, (luo miles above llartlcton.w av the Turn .ike.) uhieh has t een built and fitted tip on ;ie most unproved plan, and uiil have en !iy the middle of April an entire new sett of JENK4' latest Wl'ltOVED M A CHIN Eli Y, in addition to I. is iihcady good sett, whieh will m ike it the largest and best fitted-up establishment within 100 ini'es of it; nnd with the advantage of one of the best w.i'er powers, he feels safe in saying that his establishment is not and shall not be sur passed by any in this part of the country. IIh has engaged a goed sett of workmen. j a"J is now prcjiared for manufacturing Eroai and Narrow CLOTHS, Cassi meres, 1 weeds, JSntinetts, Jeans, Flannels, Blankets, &c. n the best manner, ou lie shorted notice, it reduced prices. JrlT'For the necoinmo l.ttion of customers, Wool may Le left a' he following Depositories : NewUe.lin: E Wilsnu'a Store S,lingiovc : Davis iV Schnure .to d John Hartman Jr l.i Freeburrf : (i i F C Mover d i Muldlebutg : SAdiglc&lia.singcr d i Ad;.inslurg : Henry Smiih ill I'ennsVallev Narrows : Mrs Moatz do Miillinbiirg : Henry Gast d llnlTalo: f.amuii Iteber's T.ern liulf.i'oX KuaJ.-: J M Crciglifs Store Leisliurg: J It ayes & Co il i do Kclier fc Iddings do W'tt Mihnn: John Datesmun do Millon: Masteller & Swenk do do Sweeney & Haag do I.ilicity P O : Win Dale's It..u.e Li neslone : Weidenhamer Store Pnttsgrovc : James Reed do A cood assortment of Cloths, Saiinetls, Cissiriicres.Tivepds, Jeans, Flanni l-'.l.Ian-kets. Storking Yarn, &c. always For Sale r F.x diitige for Wool or country Produce it tin; New Factory. CA R MSG and I ULLIXG its usual. MM1K HALFPENNY. Winfield Milk. March I, 1850 GOLD and SILVER .W onli in California, but ulto i Letri'hurg! A good assortment of Watches, MUcrttare &. Jewelry, ot fine quality and at City prices. Hatfield k Thompson :5--prc!fu!ly inform the citizens of Lew isbmg nnd vicinity, that thev have entered into Partnership I the OLD S I'A N D on Market St., opposite J Hayes & Co's Store, picpare.1 to execute every kind of work in ibeir linn, in the best mnnner. I hey carefully selected of the best English and French materials, Mainsprings Cylinders. E-( ipe. whei Is. and a variety of Watch Jewels, and fl itter themselves that their knowledge and skill in the business wilt enable them to give salislactiou to all wno may favor tlictn uith jmtronsce.q FINE WATCHES, such as Duplex, Kt-A'Va eapeinent., Lepines, Anchars, Detached, NV, Patent Levers, Repeaters, and .Musical Watches, c neatly repaired and warranted .-iso lor sue, a variety oi uoto and Silver U atches. Patent Lovers, Anchars. Detached, Le pines, ljuartiers, an I Erili-h Watches, Gold Chains, lireast-pins. Finger and Ear rings. Gold '"' Silvf ' UcIt Edicts, Gold and S.lver 1 - Pencils and Pens, do Spectacles, j.?J - .Silver Spoons, Sugar tongs.Ccmbs, 1 Ac &e. in hort, a little of everything, and ! anything el.e, not mentioning knick-knack.t. always on nanil or got to order A vaiiely of brass Clocks for ?3 and upwards wholesale ami retail Persons desiring lo get things right, would do well ny giving the sutiscnbera a rail Experience lelis us that the Credit System can not alT.r.l a living. Therefore, in order to "pu-h along and keep moving," the ('ash Sy.tem must necessarily lie enlorceJ. Feb 28. 1850 A L HATFIELD. WM H T1IO.MPSOX. JlliVliXl L WASlIIXli MIXTIKE. i OA Spts Ammonia, lb oz Spl 1 urientine, 4 -r ... . .... , asning .Yimure tor e Ma nv t;. w. Sji C F FI.BJ. TUE ASSAM TEA COM PA ST, 136 Greenwich St. New York. THE Proprietors beg to call ihe attention of connoisseurs iu Tea,and the heads of families to the choice and rare selection of Teas imported by them, hitherto unknown in this country, which, by their fragrance and delicacy, combined with virgin purity and strength, produce an infusion of sur passing richness and flavor. The Teas ofTcred, are the following : The JeJdo DIoom, Dlack Tea, at $1.00 per lb. li.hon do 75 Diari do SO Osurca a Green Tea 1 ,00 Too-tsiaa do 75 Tirki t-iaa do SO l'J-fi Mixture, a compound of the most rare and choice Teas grown on the fertile and gcuial soil of Assam 1,00 With a view to encouraee the introduc tion of these matchless Teas, it is the I intention of the proprietors to distribute by lot, among the nurennters, a quantity oi I eas equal to the First 1 ears Profits on the sales effected. Each purchaser will receive enclosed in the package.a numbered certificate, entitling him to One Chance in the Distribution for every Fifty Cents laid out, and on the receipts amounting to $20,000, the under mentioned parcel of Tea. to the value of 10 per cent., or Two thousand Uollars, will be (I I VEN AWAY AS BONUSES! according to the following scale: 5 Prizes 50 lbs Tea each at $1,250 lb. $250 20 50 100 250 25 10 " 5 1 500 500 600 500 250 500 5110 250 423 Priics in all. Ibs.2,000 $2,000 Those persons who prefer lower-priced TeBs.ean receive their Prizes in proportion, or they will be Re-purchased for Cash at a reduction of 10 per cent. Country .1 gents required. Applica tions to be addressed (post-paid) to the Company's Depot, as above. 3m322 Tt 7"OR.MS worms ! Various theories V have been started rlative to the origin of intestinal worms, and jet the question is a vexed one among medical authorities. Ol one fact, however, nil are informed, nnd in which all agree the fa'al nature of the influence they exert on children. As this season of the year is one ill which attacks of worms are most frequent as well as most ilanoerous,c take great pleasure in direct ing the attention of parents to Dr.M'Line's Vermifuge, It is one of the most extraor dinary medicines ever introduced, and lias never f u!ed of success w hen tried. AiiELnii. Ross Co, Ohio, Feb 18, Messrs J Kid J oV Co : We wih to inform you I'.at c have sold all your Worm Specific left wilh u... We wish you to send us some more . soon as possible, as it has given general satisfac tion here. We have many calls for it since ne are out uf the article. It has succeeded all other preparations in this county, and for this reason we wiU to keep e supplv on hand. K & M A PATTERSON. The above is one ol hundreds of similar eomniiiiiicalions which the proprietors o! his medicine arc daily receiving. Where it has t.et n iiitroduced.it has btcome the most popular re nirdy in u-c. AGENTS C W Scii.ri LE, Lewisburg ; H J Miafer and J II iiaser, Millon ; I Gelbart, Se liingrove; J W Frilim;, Sunburv ; Mrs M'Cay, Northumberland , M C Grier. J Moore, Danville imttt mtt 50 RNAMENT AMEN! TREES. A L The subscriber olfers IV. r sale n large assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet high, 40 varieties, all warranted genuine Peach trees, 20 varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine, Prune and Pear trees, together wilh some 6 or 8 varieties of C! rape Vines of the best name and exotic varieties. Ornamental Trees, such as the Piiulonia, Linden, &c. The above trees can be seen by the 1st of April, on the premises ol the subscriber, one square above Christ Si M'Fuddiii's Foundry. N. H. Persons wishing to procure a quantity of the Fruit trecs.are requested lo make immediate application to the subscri ber, in order to procure the varieties and size wanted. II. R- NOLL. Lewisburg, March 4, 1850. Brandreth's Pills are sold at 25 cts per box (with full directions) BY J. HAYES & CO., Lewisburg, and by only one Agent in every town in the Union. Each Agent has a Certificate of Agency. Examine the box o' pills always and compare it wilh the fac-ainiile labels on ihe Certiti i le of Agency. As there is a counteifcit of the n label out, this is of much importance, as liter is decided difference between the appear! nee of Ihe true label and those of the count .' feil. The counterfeit is done on stone ; ihe rc luine are done on steel. The appearance of ll r printing on the counterfeit is rnggeJ and blur.'j, ; the genuine label is the very pink of nealue.s, both in piinting, paper, and general execution. be very careful nnd goto the Agent,nhrn you want Biandrelli'e Pills : then you are sure of the genuine article. When you purchase otherwise, inquire of the seller whether he know the pills he offers you are the genuine brandielh's? Ev ery nun knows whether ihe article he offers ia true or false, beware of cheats ! ''IMIE subscribers offer the public, at their .L new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, wilh a Brick Oven. Lady Washington Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 2 sizes. Coal Burner for Parlors 1 size. 12 inch cyl inder. Loui Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove 2 sizes. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 2 sizes. Egg Stove the vers best in use for Stores. unices, liar rooms, and Shops. The celebrated Genesee Air-Tight Cook Stove. The Complete Cook 2 size. Also, nil kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Castinns. Arc. cVe. i CHRIST & M'FADDIN. I Lewisburg, Dtc. 12, 1813. ! New Arrangement!! AND Reduction of Prices. THOMPSONS' Susquehanna Express asd Fkeigiit Line ! now running regularly twice a week from Philadelphia, via Penn'a Central R.R. to the Junction, thence by last line of Ex press Boats to Selinsgrove, Noithumb'lad, Sui bury.Danville.Uloomsburg.Lewisburg, Milton, Muncy, Williamsport, &c, tJoods and Packages delivered by this I line in from one to two days. Ihe prices are such as must give satisfaction to all. Produce carried through (and sold, il desired) with despatch. Persons living off the line, can have their goods left at such place as they may direct. rCT'New Express Office No.38,North Third St.Philad. Freight Office at Messrs. Ciaig St Bellas'; Depot, corner of Broad and Cherry Sts. Orders ree'd in Lewisburg at the Stores ol Messrs. Shelter. Lyndall.and Foster, and Hotels of Messrs. Kline and Weidensaul and in Selinsgrove at the Store of John Hartman, Esq. W. H. THOMPSON. May 10, 1850. TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS. & COUNTRY MERCHANTS. DR. J. N. KEELER & BRO. most res pectfully solicit attention to their fresh stock ol English, French, G man, and .inter icon Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Che micals, Oils, Dycstufld, Glassware, Perfu mery, Patent Medicines, Varnishes, dec Having opened a new store, No 291, Market at, with a full supply ot fresh Diugs and Medicines, we respectfully solicit country dealer to exam ine our tock before purchasing elsewhere, prom ising one and all who may feel disposed to ex tend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the Cily.and to faithfully execute all older entrusted to ua promptly and with de spatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physi cian, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality ot all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite druggist and country merchants, who may wish to become agents for Dr. Heeler's Celebrated Family Medicines, (stnndar I aud popular remedies.) to forward their address. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, wercspect fully remain, Ljsl J.N. KEELER ti BRO., Wholesale Druggist, ly2sl No. 294, Market St., Philud. TilY THE JEW FIRM! W7K0FT & HOUSEL 1TTOULD inform the public, that they have opened a shop on Fourth street lower storv of S. W. U ykotPs old stand, opposite Hunter Pordoe s shop, where they keep on hantl or muse io oruer Fancy and Common Chairs, Boston Rocking Chairs also Bureaus. Tables, Bedsteads, r fa r irvi i a Linda J I " v.ii.-i U I I V . VV - vv. All work in our line wnrran'ed to be well made, nnd on the m 'St reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING attended to by the subscribers on thu shor test notice and in the best style. Country Prod i.-i: and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscribers intend to be strict in the fulfilment of nil their promises as regards work and so doing, hope to receive a liberal share ol pul.V rmtmimso. JOHN N. WVKOFF. JOSEPH M. HOL'SEL. Lewisburg Nov. 1810 PURE F II K S 11 COD 'PHIS new and valuable Medicine, now 1 used by the medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure of Pulmonary Consumj'tion, Scrofula. Chronic llheumatisui, (.'out, genirul Debility, Complaints if the Kidneys, .c. &c, is prepared from the liver of the i OD-FISH for medicinal use, expressly for our sales. Extract from the London Medical Journal. C. J. b.WitLiAMs, M. D.. F.R.S., Professor ol Medicine in University College, London, consul ting physician to the Hospital for Consumption, 4c , says ; " I have prescribed the Oil in above four hundred case of lubeiculoua disease of the Lungs, in different atages,which have been under my care the last two years and a half. In the large number of cases, 206 out of 234, it use was followed by marked, unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in ditferent cases, from a tem porary retardation of Ihe progress of the disease and a mitigation of distressing symptoms, up to a more or less complete restoration to apparent health. The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, the expectoration diminished in quantity and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pulse became alower, and of better volume, and the appetite, flesh and strength were gradually improved. In conclusion I repeat that the pure fresh Oil from the Liver of the Cod is more beneficial in the treatment of Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicine), dicteUc or regimenal, that has yet been employed. As we have made arrangements to pro cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head quarters, it can now be had chemically pure, by the single bottle or in boxes of one dozen each. Its wonderful efficacy has induced num erous spurious imitations. As its success i . . ;. . i I aepenus entirety on us purity, too mucn , care cn not tie used in procuring it genu ine. Every bottle having on it our written signature, may be depended on as genuine. Pamphlets containing an analysis nf the Oil, with notices of it from the Medical Journals, will be sent to those who address us free of postage. JOI1NC. BAKER A- CO.. Wholesale Druggists and Chemists, j Iy288 loo North Third St. Philadelphia j ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, NEATLY i EXPEDITIOUSLY EXKCl'TRD AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE EQUITABLE LIFE ISIR4XCE, annnlty and Trust Company. Office, 74, Ifalnut Street, Philadelphia. UAriTAL, $2ou,UUU Quarter j erpeiuoi.j T HE Uompany are now prepareu to transact business upon the most liberal and advanta geous term. They are authorized by their charter (sec. 3) "to make all and every insurance apper taining to life risks of whatever kind or nature, and to receive and execnle trust, make endowments, and to grant and purchase annuities." The Com pany aell annuities and endowment, and act as trustee for minor and heir. ruble '" '"" rHT.fZ nT .'. J tm a p,--. Age. Prem. Age. Prem. Age Prem. 16 $150 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 $2 09 3 15 2 29 2 27 2 33 2 40 2 47 2 54 2 63 2 70 2 81 2 92 3 01 3 12 3 23 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 S3 54 55 56 57 5a 59 no $3 36 3 49 3 62 3 77 3 94 4 13 4 32 4 51 4 71 4 91 5 12 5 33 5 54 5 78 6 03 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2G 27 29 S3 I 53 1 56 I 59 1 60 1 63 1 66 1 69 1 72 1 76 1 85 1 89 1 94 1 99 2 04 30 The Diemiuras are less than any other company ..l .h nnlicies afford create! advantages. Mar ried women and female children can insure the Uvea of either a husband or parent free from the claim ol creditor. Table of half yearly and quarterly premium, half credit rate of premium, .hort term, ioint lives, lurvivorghip. endow ment and form of application are to be bad at the Office or of the Agent. Hates for insuring $100 on a single Life. Aire. Forlvear. For 7 year. For Life. 20 30 40 50 $0 81 0 99 1 29 1 86 91 I 30 1 64 2 07 3 97 1 60 2 04 2 70 3 91 6 03 59 3 48 Example: A Derson aged 30 year next biith day by paying the Company 99 ct would aeeuie to bis familv or heirs J10O should he die in one year, or for S 90 he aecurea to them $1000, or for 13 00 annually for seven years be aecurea to them f 1000 ahould he die inseveo years, or for 20 40 Paid vearlv during life he aecurea -$1000 to be paid when he dies the insurer securing his own bonus bv the difference in amount of premium from those charged by other office, r or 49 50 the heira would receive $5000 should he die in one year. PETER CL'LLEN, President. F. W. RAWLE, Scc'y and T.eas. For further paiticular apply to HENRY C. HICKOK. Agent fur Union and adjoining counties. Consulting Physician V. Hat . M. D. Lewisburg, Union Co.Pa. July 21, 1819 EV.SBURS FOUNDRY riMIE subscribers, thankful for past patro 1 nage, would inform the public that they continue to manufacture nil kinds of .MILL GE.7RLVG. CastVaterVheelsof,h1,;mo',aI,ro,'04 pattern. Th rash ing Much in cs. One and Two HorseJs, 1'IOilgtJS. We invite particular attention to n new article Wiard's Patent GUG PLuTGES, lor settling io Grain. Farmers by tnts pmugti can seed iu as much grain, in one day, a in three days with common ploughs. and Fitting the same. HOLLOW WARE. Kettles and Pots of various sizes Smooth ing Irons and Stands cast Tea Kettles to suit cooking stoves. COOKING STOVES, the most approved patterns now in use, for wood or coal. Fancy,Parlor,Vood,Coal Stoves. AIR TIG 11 T S TO I 'ES, Race's Sfir-rcgiilntiiigr Air-tight Parlor Wood Stoves, (a new article.) Threshing Machines and other articles of machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest notice. Castings war ranted to be of the best material, and at prices that can not fail to please. GEDDES & MARSH. Lewisburg, March 25, 1848 1209 I'iiiiaos. Pinsios. -!r-JSKi: I if f if TI1HE undersigned continues to furnish to order I on the most reasonable terms, Pianos, from the manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Philad.,whose instruments are too well known to need any pan egyric, na.ing uniformly received the commend ations of Ihe most eminent professors and compo sers oi .viusic, and toe award of the pre miuma in New York, Philadelphia and Boston. For qualities of tone, touch, and keeping in tone up lo concert pitcn, they can not be surpassed by either Amer ican or European Pianos. Instructions given on the Piano, as heretofore. Reference may be made lo any of those parents or guardians w bo have pupils commuted to his charge. He may be seen at bis residence al Mrs Maize', Market street, LewUburg, whcie term and particulars will be made known. The most popular and favorite Airs and Music of different kind received aa it is issued Iron) the different musical establishments in Ihe Cities. May 15 CHARLES KALISCH The New Foundry IS now carried on as usual, at the upper end of Market street, where everv des cription or CASTINGS is kept on hand or made to order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Cooking Stoves, for either Coal or Wood and other kinds of STOVES. also ff of differ ent kinds Cora Ploutihs. Bull Pinnob. 'and ihe Self-Sharpening Plough, new article, and which can not be beat in rennsy ivania. Call and see and iudor. for yourselves. CHRIST & M'FADDIN'. Lewisburg. Sept. 22, 13,9 COAL OF ALL KINDS Juk sa.!e by REBER irmtvr:s Lewisburg, Jv.'tic, 181'.) "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in . . that awful diseate, ' CONSUMPTION R. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. This popular work for sale in Lewitburg by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and at this office. Price, 75 cents. TRICKS OK dCAt-t&M. 1st Evaavsouv Ks.d ibis i;sfir.r.-T'. t- , ,rsrarilla tor sat in tlw drifcrsi.s towns c..i p. Towrjen.!'. SamM-anlla. k l ..vrua as " l.liN.k Al., I.F...I l.sr.. n.i an in... ,.- w.-. . . .! iie.er w; kmwisroniHri a wurssron nu.nj....- D.l.,ana Ui. line vri ar .ui...: ...c ...... . . tmrpoM of eauiin-: creill fr wliai h' " " "r La. altenJe.l w. medical KiwiH ami pr.-lici J lur tr.-r . ,ru)in Now ih.i rurh l. ho never praeiic! mo. a. c . Uav in his lilo! "rh tn!o!. tr.ctra nn.,:taw. ,.a . . -. ..... . i . . :.. . -n-.,. nf .k. Mi.... I .v . lUOMWOWHB-..'."' ".'" .- - - Ol.islsliicer. lv, he had n.vcr m..HllK":laU;nKli J el I. Ha b-II or of me- When will ni.n leant to te lwnti a . :r '. ful in all ihelr ua!inca siel iiiurrcaune with ilieir i .j. men' ll sellout ta one BuelC'laen maMsi him rn . v ulaeiurim hi. mixir. suunx tl larse sama hs w..u all, h in Ufcucenm wcuiuii. h. 'uc men have been maulrinj an.l hbclli. me m " J"1-' form, lo ortler lo iiu.rew the iHiblic with U.e bcoel r--theOM llrtcuir'. Sra:tril!a ws dm the eemrin-. oripii 'l Nartapani'a, ma.! Iroin ihe (Mil faerw rijrnwW ila pie TUI.S. Y- Towu.eiMl Kiv. I hare yilrt Ihe u- n: i nam for 7 a week. I will kits him if he will (.-.-duec one ungle Miliary proji of UiM. His suncinen:' Thoniioon. hWlllinari 4 Co.. are b...hin but a Il-'i. .. nrlsehoous. simply ina.le to deceive tlie public. snJ k the truth rtuwii in p-Tarrl 10 hi. wurit, ftrmcHluif pown.. Thi. N to raution tlie public u pairtwse r..ie -Ol.l lr. JAI'tlB Tuwirseri'l's Sjrwp.ritla. having vn i . Old Ihicur'a lilcertew. his Jtimily Ctal of Arm, .. . niatureacrow the Cost ol Arm. ' Uk-'ISrv.' rSS3;? -c: i jfssjala Dr. Jacob TownsM.. THE ORIMNAI. MSCOVKRER Of TItK Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. Oi.l llr T'iwneiMl i now about To year '. bo- been known a. lire .1 CTIfjtt ai;J VIXV'-l EKLU of .he OEXVISK f'tttiSISAL -TOlYSSt::, SAlmAPAItll.r.A." Ho.ii poor. I.s a o Ilirnt IIS liiaiiulacrnre. bv wlll.h nira... ir Ii., 'c... . . . .. ol narti't, ami rlio firru'iijCiltwl :u :i.-..e .... ha-1 pr.ve-1 Its w.inl. an.! krluwri ll, value. Il ' r.- 'i- ihe ears of mauv. bCvnhcM, as tboa fKTtu-x, w ... i .' Ictn healeil ol s.i-e Jlooasvs, auJ saved le. ... . . c.aul.ej lis w:t l-rl'.l ThwRAM AM 1 M.UI At.l.rM V IV X ; ' . atratUUMClU. v.1 u!i r.C brr-wi M-rflr.UPii 1 C.f. - uut tin- tri'.-.'h ein-I brr :::: n .K '-vtw. , ... louml i:im..'ij ! vi."r.i:i"ii Jr-vrt'ifj:! I'llllkf V i li S. I. t'-'W-.; Iftl::, It l;:lp,"V . nJ never c-'uit.m rc: I.'. t '.ie '-.. ' r ; Vr. . , . i on stfit'r j.rficip.fx !iy a rit!rf '1 k : -. . fc:ilV.hrtUe ol C;.'t;l I.T. Lis i:: U:rn'i. ... a.t. liav: ail :' U biO.l- .I l..V injU. -Ill u it. .-z . Itl.-v .f 'h; l 1 la S t "HI- ...''3. T-. S..'- . . .. H ii. I! kftuwn to .V.r.tl nv.: . rn-'uJ'.'i n ; . : .. pr-';"'r't;-. :n-.j wnr r f-lU- .it kt.lv.s au-f :.rr, whirh ii" v'i- nrii ii ;t : ..! . . s. tliti rr'frriij'i- aiij mciit. w.tr i in io jr. mi i. tiiui." S itv "ii the i r ic- o. -ri , : 1 'a . Ittal ihcy i iiir--: f 3 . : -.i- 1 : 11 l,.ey JUV i.k p;-trtTrc-i I.t a fit 'fir fi-sce tv .1" i, t-- cr-ii( T. i in I. r.ui!u.J.L:t -I .-; -Uife TSuiilt pi iKVtft.'ej, . Nicn r? .'i i.i rf -t e . -Iia'.iii..!. u '-'-i tii t:. .in- ;fi-' vtr '.-ii.'..- -.t t ett-en ; li.t- r-'-'. v;ivli H'O to a aii 11 .;i : .n t n-T: ni L.. (i s:..v ;!ic lfK il i 1 'z -Ctt tiivi ii-;'ii-!. R I ii"'i l' 1 tc I't.-.u t!i; ci'l- ; ti:e r"j( t'l.i.:-win it;y"Iiii. i ; 'nry c.u : tnMi1 nr v.i; ) ' j 1 1 '. .V.V'.ill TH' 1 ..)! f j., . 1 . : s . then r.ill it S-.KVU .ItlM.A 11X i UA-T Mi i-Lf tl'.V- hm:;i r. 'li- .- yi. tiLA ti.Nt.'.'L.n wtl J.UTWTUvv .-. .SAKSAI'AiML.lLA. TI;- m i" fr i.ir-ti that all lh- w?ei "I S.i."i:'a.:iM r'i ht th-i r .:i .c.L 1 .er c.i,-; ' -iW-oiiHr..; .i-'i'I r fvr:iiP4iT:i:rn t r.-sc :r d ! p-' then e-r ptncU- ol iimir.tl tirtire i -Cttivt! ia a aiHi coim"''iii rittf-l luriii : tul thu; u i ren.ic-1.-1i utcui v i" lOrlL.2 .T.;V tM !-lj'.'t i.. i.ca'i: pn Ki 1 11. li'. pareJ in wav. it nif rfn rieer(n( aMi' iu tie lure of 1 jinn til era Mr Oien)? HrT.':. tilt r;i.'t w!i, m- tu'jr r'i: lJ1 !.: 'Ii Mmff m.'.e 111 il i.iv wr by i.wu, -s-jhi.-h, a aft iliilUiieu. Vs iJ:i ; tjiMiU r.-m titers 1.1 uie -it ct.i '.fPTr it 1 'xpnrsrs. i ? .fi'' "- I OUPt.ifXr.ztol 111 l:tfK9 "MATiS.lt. S'.K'iF- i f. 4. rir.r.s. r-ovvi :.v;.v.v. :i rV7i.v. (tl S KWJA'TioX.-i. I'iMt'LLS. ULOTCUL i, iil.it Jit --l"l-'."H'f' Si :-l 1 li-'fil l.Mi'L'UirV tK Tilt: IU.UOM. If p. v.-,-: a in.TvcI.i'U-i pOii-firv i 1 ;:i i--if,iUi; r -srt. ):.? troin ii'-flV' .-.. m4ii Aatt.'ftt the .vas-i.. tttHn uucj'Mi cirnuiu.'iH iltlrt't nul r: ol Uioo-1 to i:e h-.i. i-.,!ii:-i;:.':t ui i!s- t.e.irt. r;:tl l ct an I ' !J ch!;W l h l lio.--irc.- itv-r tlie Ik tT. It lii iut l' eii'tiil in t MsJ mn-t I ' ' -tifffs ; :tiiJ pr tfnoif e,.?y pil:;c r :i an- ifr.' i -S-na'i-'U, rI;iAl.i MiiCturr- ol' llir luriU Auii vlt v her put. Bin 111 i't!itic ut its eTiTulfM.ee mre m.nit.-sL.T attu aa.1 ackuow.e Uf'i 'li 'i. lit .1.1 k.:i. !s i-'t Min'r. of rt.MALU CoMTLAlNTS. It w't w.ji;reTi it rae f" F'uor A. fa .r ll Futitng of th Hn!- V:r acft, Hupi.rr. :rxL t I't-rr- Mr ttsrs. Jr: -.ffuim fy il"t.,.- in. i.-L'tt. j J-. -i: ! :li ' . - . aiut u ptTwtual in f urni? a I tlie Jonni ui tCnl.-1 thex-?. Ilv r-!ii'i ui4 1 'rt:ri.."ii"i'. ar'l rviiiaitit ; ...: ki...iM jsit-TTj. 11 r-'U'r-i uiiie aa'ctjih li i:e ..li.Ic ij ?. . 1--lhu cure- nil Nirnw ' n voim lUeie and TetmtT. ai:J Iliu- -cvi-ii' or rrtie-- a rrral ranet .' .H-j-r a !u-. a-t Sp'nat iiritar on. $rwitsTt .W. Ij'uu' IK. II c eiiii-es ihe titmxl. excite the Uer tw Wftl: -lours liic arl'iii.it!i, and ci"c.- t;esihu, : b-'wel' of' iifp:r ;.i.'? t-i : i.'ivi'Hn. alrimii"rt?Tnitrrf . l-w nf.en the Kiu. e(tt iinet U- tarcuiesiino tn UooJ, iie iCtii.; fCsiUe vuiiu-i .i,i.. iii wver litv L-kA.j.a..- - hneni,rp prs;.ir.:it'n fp'a:.e .Tr:ltu-e) ar.! it:'::. anJ liiTi jra;vj trve CiUtta Lt TsTetn. U r.t lrt ittr, The IHiiUrinr yn prp-eminv ial I i.I liu: r.i .iTiv 0;" rV r :!;i.ijs t l -i - . T"vv . mtrimr rrnrle Thri 'iir man Ii.ti;L i nut in C,rMl,Al!Kl WITH i iltluLI IMt . berair H T..- .RM. K.MT. Umt ilta w. u LNcAj'A Ul.E l DCrKKIOR vnn. f, T NKVKiw SPOILS, while the othr-r TMlKS: tottrinfr. fermmtint. ainl tV-ws tht bott'ft ruiiainiii 11 tnt lrrvenu-ii:i : Uu tour. J lirjui.l cxplntlii.rr. nr.il H-n.ari;S oth r ffM.li? Mai ; :' nrnbte c.mi(imil he .trr..tue u tt4 Ptin, ? Y.'.'c: ' ptitaritt info a tystfii . Uit3d vrhaci-M V -i rauiet Py;-eiia hm art l I V enot a: ri.-w tl - ' t footl aouni hi our i.mb.h Iw. hi moriitri n pro-iutc' -Hit-rencp, hearttitmi, itpua.KMi 01 rhrj heart, 'nv r c p!aiii(. !:.-!rrliai. iW: vr.-. e..ic. n ! n.ifr:i.'ii b!inil J Wtist ir Srmnila h-ti an vh hnm-e ut ibe lu ' VV'nat producer ail ltie rim nun -m',-. 0fl Jirujifni the Skin. V.ltl II.m.1. ftuui. Kvikyi:. V.'l -Swelling. IVvcr Sore, ami all ule.Ntj,w iUier tf mtr ternil t It nnihnic muter h-nvrn bvt an aitl atKt. wlitch i.iir4. a ti-i i!ii .-j.ii jt! ii(f Ctwia o, ihe i, -!v , u: ... -or leiw. Witi c.-iii-i Kiieuniati-m hm a ii. I i fluid wlnrh lll'iiUut ltMi litiveei the Jon,!-, auA r where. irnMiiii? anil inffaniiir t'ie if. 'ii-.-. ti ;ucas t-- , whieh 11 art: I S oi ne. vuua t!iea.. oi imprr. zr i'- UotrnK ot ilcrarmeil cirriwaiiMn, and Le.irly all iho mt. a.. wliicii alHirt huiiuti nature. Now in it ikh hornbie iu nL. an.) eo'T nr. I .-.;-., worse ut t tfiirtoj bULITlNU. FEKMtXTINO. Ann -fOvnolMV o and yet be wnuM fuin have it unJerMtxil Oi.l Dr. J'. -tb Tiwneii.r-i Ornusnf Itriginat XursapanJIu. iaaai... ITATIOX oi'hi iiiieriiir prep4.-i;ui Ileowvn hrbitl that we houM deal in mn nrttfi. .? wnnlfibear ihe mom tiint reaemllifK-e to S, P T '. -rn-(i nrtic'r! wch it un-lerstooil. rriie it in tV a' 't'e ru': Ym S. P Townaeiid'a anir art.1 A Ur. Jo b 1 .trti fi SunMpanll.-. art heim n rrje trfttrt. a l t-U-tW-'w oi iltsT; Uiat ihey ara mUilc.- iq Ctm rartirtiiar. kavtuc r-M One am-ie ihintz in c.ninn..ii. A S. P. Towi.ier. 1 l no -Wtivr. ami reer 1 ahemiNt. nophani'S'-euM-: tat-s nr mrc ot p- tfi. disease than any other ernnntj. tt-meieiitux. mir.i.. -- man. wh.it Karanfe cjn rh pnMic hev that i'ir ; eeivinj; a geuuine.-cirutiUc n cci:ru:e, oniajtmr aM '.if tueiof the alicte u-.I in j.re..ri!; 1'. .-, T j -raub:e of c!.an-e wri,-!. mi;lif r.i l-r thein lira .,. I7 of l)lfeae tnMeuilni b.'.ilili J Uut wiiAl elve nhiMild l e erpeete.I f;.ni fni h- --" nthin rftmrNirativel of me,1iii., or !t-e :- ? r" fienwi, ot stoiiso rxm irrh i cuok anJ snot uf etn common .Ircent mr.l. How mm-h mie mii.Mij"' 1 th:il the jvernnt who maTttifietT-re metlir"-e.re-tr"-' weak sSTomacus a xi) i:nfi:ui.i:u s.sti.m ahouW know eU the uittih-1 prtipetiicn oi pii.sift.i!:- ' manner riri?n:tf atvl roneenrnfins iheir he iM vi, 'v '- an estenaiee knowlele 01 the rirNw th-ea.-- net. 1 ri uuinaa ffTaieu). kvnl hovi u aunt r nie'ii' w the !teae! " r ll M 10 aire, franii tt-o the rf emf. I rocr rv,:t' into woun M humanuv. k ku.tile h-( u m th Jvptu;r - buorta. to r-(ore hcaiih, ami hlooni, ami vi;.r i. ' 1 '' eniihe-l and hm-ren, ani 10 hmri-h in'lnnttr th.-t Ol l lR JACOUTOWNSKNU Una SiMJt.llI auU Ful M'" Jr rortunuy ami nieariai 10 Sri tie hia 4-ranrl Inl.rml luneenf ratatl Kemedr Wlthiu 'he re;irh, nn-i i the k i.wi.h' ut ail who ursu 1 iistl khc mar U: am anal kiiow. tv iiyini crri -nee, Trkuicnlunt Power to Ileal Agtxts for the above Medicine C -V chaflle, Lewisburg; John II Raser, Mil ton ; Forsyth & Priestly, iXorthiinib'iar.a AVE Hujgey and Sett of Harness, One Two Horse Wagon, line 1 ruck Wagon, For sale bv H I ?het!a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers