LEWISBURG CHRONICLE AND WEST BRANCH FARMER lUit anb ijumov. Yankee Doodle. A Uie number of ihe Knickerbocker con tains smi.c nmusing adventure of Yankee booaie. The following is a pretty fair il lustration of tlie adventurous and nandc-r- ing cbaracler of ihe hardy sons l Now England. Speaking of the wonderful ubi uiiy of A trueTaukei-, the w riter tays it is Wrfls1: iha'n a Cliine3 puizle to put your finger on a bit of territory, dispi ted or-ar.GisputeJ, where tnc lankee ujo- dle is'nol. If yoii go to Lite's End, he is there; to Mount Ararat, he i there Chimborazo, Himalaya, the tnicuntain of -,he Moon, or the Pyramid of Che p, he is there; anywhere, in fine.-where an ark, a rJofes i cahel.a sr.ake can arrive, by thei several faculties ; bartering, scratching his name on trees, ttoms and African slaves lie knows the whole map of the ancient ticminteJs-oi Trestor John, and every nook find torhef of Moiimbique, and he is hand avnd glove wTt'i riTS tfie savagrs in the world He has been to Ichaboe until he has craped it perfectly clean ; and if your Kn'ir-h tra der has discovered a new bank of G nan fend is getting ready to fire a tun tr two hti tah5 possession of it in the name of her Majesty, imagine his concernment, to dn cover a doiea of these fellows seventy feet deep in a Guauo cavern, 6Coo,- wg it cut their Ot'r-rs, and a Binjrir schooner iiuuhcingup and down in a !i tk ccve like a duck aT.crtg bu'ruhes. Now if yen walk on the sca-slore at BiifJaras, you will find that you are not the first tlre. perhaps to your great sorrow, ns Capt. Jix swore violently, when, in walking through i ha streets of Rundown, at the very limits af the dorniiiiona of Prince PompaJelb, in Mrica, he heard a flt3rp whistler gomp tTjnrrif :r.a tune of ' Vaukie Doid'c,' with an easy exHcutmn r.d unroncerti, w hich threw him at once into a coist fo- rr. And just so it was with the poor out who discovered Bimpaz, nnd was just iiucorkinn a bottle of madrira in coiiinifm oraf.on of ili3 event, w hen hossw a Vim kee on a hiti-side administering thu co'd water pledge to the native?." Uncle Dan, as he is luni!iar!y railed, is a good old man, '03 Sim?-" as the tiny is Ibrti; but there is a little sotntil.in lack ing in the upper story ol his ' rnort.-l cor porosity." This deficiency in h;s u, per landings n caused him censidernblft troub le, inasmuch as it drew him in'cv a gn a: many curious scrapes, one of sthkh is ton good to be lost. U'hrn the war of 1612 broke out he was one rf the fi.-M to Lorrnw 4 gun, join a company f initiiio, ana march to PiattsLurfth. Soon ol:rr his ar rival tharc, the company to which he be longed was sent OLt to reconnoitre the Uri I'tb, wha were md to be advancing to ward Plattsburgli. TLey were oLIcd u march through a !on piece of woe j, and on emerging therefrom, came directly in front of the whole British amy. marching forward in order of brtti'.e. In on infant the company broko and flcj io d'smny Not so with our worthy Uncle Duu. II" w'Ss not to be scared at trifles. Lkt; ti e illustrious and immortal D n Qnxote, h' tood ready to give the enemy Inttle ; rais ing his musket, as the British approached, lie fired upon them, r.d then charged home with lha bayonet. The British returned the fire, and Uncle Dan received a severe wound in his thigh. In an iusUnt ha was anrrounded, and a British officer, seizing his gun, commanded him to g;vc up hi arms asd surrender. Uncle ijn hcsiiut d. The order was given in a more per emptory tone, ' Give up your arms or d:c." Code Dan saw that it would be dangerous to parley ; the lutes were against him ; but Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue n an order of the Orphans' Court of Union county .will be exposed to putitc sale, on the premises, on Wrtfne day the 8th day of May next, all that mes suage, farm and tract of land situated in White Doer 'Pp.. Union Co., adjoining landj of Henry Noll, John Heberling and others, containing about 140 acres. Dearly nil cleared, on which are erected a good Farm House nnd Barn and other necessary buildings. Also all that tract of WOOD LAND situated in tho some Tp, adjoining Inn Is of Daniel ltanrk. Dr. S.)-.Oeck,antl others, containing hb.Mit 150 acres. Sale to commence at J 10 o'clock, A. M., when terms wilt be published. JOHN BEiNNAtJE, April 17, 1654. AJm'r John BennM dee'd W VIUUI S III! " ft Hi iu" El ebb Rmiimmr c&j ebb sea e:i Eismyy Mi-i ifl IS1 ITIIIIIIIHI I IS I ' i'" 1 aaia I jriTr Jfvuit nun ORNAMENTAL TREES. '1 he subscriber offers lor sale a large assortment of choice fruit 'frees such as Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet high, 40 varieties, all warranted genuine Peach trees, 20 varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Necturine, Prune and Pear trees, together with some 6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the best native and exotic varieties. Ornamental Trees, such as the Puulonia, Linden, &.c. The above trees can be seen by the 1st ol April, on the premiaes of the subscriber, one squarejabove Christ tj MTaddin'e foundry. N. B. Persons wifhing to procure a quantity of the Fruit trees, are requested to make immediate application to the subscri ber, in order to procure the varieties and size wanted. II. R. NOLL. Lewisburg, March 4, 1850. Dr. Sieayne" Celebrated Family Medi cines. Cl'BE FOLLOWS CUBS ! t III ? 5 a u- 3 a. J3 C P rusiry! puamri LIF2 and IIElLTil arc in the BLOOD. Cnimr. Purify, and Erivlatr the CiicvlrtUm.mni lkt lu.'e .;. i ?rc hralth. The moil xondcrfml 4 "U rmr.l.ei tr prmlvn a retrtll, it BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING EXTRACT. Tru, the dckin A rcmU anl efSrcy wiU be prndurrd hj hj m of m i..'rf f urnrip of thi W'mfikb than ran b HTrcM iJ tir ilie ta-r & t quan ity of any other rvmedj in n wurld. (?ve our PimphUts fur proof.) This PrauriKu ie tcimlly prrjwird from VezttuUet, and cun tfcc pM. me.-t tisit-imte, ud long ftandtii,' diraiiek o tLe W.i-n. withoiU puitnf, Furfiinz. mtktmme. or debtH $elig. It - ? n, rent lkt s, imvigoralts, tnakes new, bltzd, acd fiva nim vfor and tw lift to the whola it rant's rrrtrnKii . four times cheaps tLas any olv-r rti-f1v hi he world, Imtus ONE DOLLAR'S WORTH of it will pfle a a?Trier amooat of rflre than fmr iottvrf worth of tmtmj artUa, or any itfcer rentrdy. no matttT how Im'g ttoir bttt mi? be. Th tmrnortmrnt nritiM tor ratn. mmtT to d.-ivrtmar. ic, h muck more nr&ixre efext ml dUarg worth rt thu Pinjur produce, than m Cellar's worth of Ikmt $ar$npnilm or ether rtnfn. niitfht here My, thai Br out' $ MtJicxmeM bad currk. within the last year. IQd OdO rersoui af Impure Blood Diseases. lad ?d,f3f) Cases were eonsidfrtd lurorable! h omc other pfttnt-fBicdictne iwn are In the faahit of my uif. if wm fhoold mi, who would bel:re us Tbia howtfTt-r. w; do ay. and sthnd n-ftilT to prove )y resprctabio wiVM'i, tbtit HnANT'a Medicine huve eflectrd cure of mure d:-QaM;n rm living human bein;, thr past venr. thani any othur remedy in pxrHcnc did during the same time. How lunch will a Dollar's worth CURE t Twmfv ferrr, dtnp I leers were cured by uainc ,' tmeim honie ai lUenV Pmitrr. TU tlltmnic tA tlie moat wonderfiil and aatoniahii:a7 can ftat waa rer cilortej on a huuuui bcii:g, by mny wudicimtk Horrid Scroffala Ctued. Ma. J. B. Iliffiif. of lf.iv. Ontida Co.. N. Y. certifla. Deomtwr H)t l.W. flint bo had been atflicd with rtcao- nLA tur yara, nnd the lust yar routined to hi bed. with TWIN TV lartfiL drrn drhnraimr liircail tliat hi nix-k waa tHtrn nrmto.i trom ear to ear a hole was en ten 1 throuirh hit Wind vine. fi thnt he brctlMd tlirnuirb tiiat t hole hfr was ner:y Octroyed the use ol faia arm ,T A II THORNTON w wiiuj.v ticwroTrii nnn an incer unaer me arm. aa litres m a iu'in'a huJ. h.d nearly eatco tiirouirh into hi I.utiis Vi'M ht had u- d all kind of SAasAPAaiLLA and oiktr tmtdtrtnrs, to no bewfii, and that he waa not expected to ire twenty-four k'ur wb. n he commenced Rhakt's Ikcian fmin'ixo 1.tact tht ninb buttles of thn PuaiFTTwa Cxtkact healed hnd cured skvr.vticrm of th twuty t'lc r h imd wtnn he ccuimt tio d uiog it, and tliAt a far bottht murr ertvrted a tnai ect ruac. For full particiilHra of thia anJ tnitny otb'.r $irUar cures, aca oax ---- Thin Wonderful nod Aaloaiahinn; CCRR i doa not atiind nlone m a tinnumrnt of the preat . of BnATs i'uaiFW.a, for we could aJn.,it uuinn ibd etdcnre ol oUi-T ctir'i. well attt-abiJ u uAm - oniati-d. ThU cur h ccrtieV! to ly Fourteen RpspcttaUo Witnesses. By I0CT. TWOS. WlI.I.UW nnetttth mmt nnft.KU plijbiriifn ;if Rom- '.y M.-jfM. Rrrcrx A I.ro.varO, iiof;sfllr ard retail d-.i it J.t Mr. i. It. Itaitwv. nr. rlf-tr and ke, kt o: tli Wjwsr Hum a iloriL ini try ttettn oiler vaneosm. Brant's Indian Purifier nra;; ir!n-e ?:-. r of th" h-nnl. Tir : Srild RemA, Ptif. B1U0. ileer; Cottto net. M-rcuruil Dimea.-ra l.tw Cempbuiit, Pmi it t AJe, and Limbs, Am 4 cf Biood co the Head, cu-, ic. BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM pn ' . rrrrl ot.r m-(i a!,uin. iKfi(u7.ft.y aiin ptnt ntrn, ..iBi.ir.l to mre (TitdHS fiii ;i)NSl Ml"'l'InN.i II irt and rrf rT tl favfrt. Wl! rtwhure tntiwnl it. 99 rer..!i'.F u raM a liie I'm-itiine Ottiet bcels tail n.rvit rwlm ..m falhr iraTrt ill Tmi mirar?o :- i ft.rtli T in mii ducaes f Police. OUIiSCRtBERS to the " Univrrsily nt 0 Lewisburg" are respectfully rc-npsted to pay their Second Instalment, now due, Io ihe Treasurer. And those whu have not 1 aid the Is: Jntl't are respectfully notified that all such Jolin'ients will he charged ln'ercst on their Instalments from the turn; they become due. SAM I. T. WAMCnn.TasAi. Lewishurn, Feb. 25, 1650. 2. K -5 3 r! J 2 . . 3 k r C 5 m - - 2 - a r3 o ri3 a HI 3 72. 5 r-3i o. to - 4 1 5 CD r; . " x X -3 o 3 n 5 y. S' 71 3 JOSIAH UKF.i HENRY C. K1CKOK, I.ewisl'arjr, rcios foanty, renn'a. 1"'jciU" in I'nion nj adjoining counties al-o atten.la the cour't of Perry county. OFFICE on Second St., ta'ely occupied by L. 15. Christ, Esq. Brandretlfs Pills are sold nt -J5 CU p.'t I'oi (with fall tlirrction-) Irk a true hero, raising his voire in srI- tfrnn' expostulation, he exclHimtd : " Well, ell, I s'posc I must give it up ; but if you take it you tuke it at your own rUkit'i a borrow td ui Th British c.Ticer burst ii.tr. a roar of laughter ; the conclusion was im vi:uUe, and afier disarming him, iid prosuncing him mm compos, the Crhons left him to find his way back to the American camp, I whert he arrived soon aficr en.1 rc!::tc.i tii3 Wonderful battle with tho Urlt :;h. "Dad, who is this Ssn Francisco that is getting alf the gold out there in K;ilifurn he must be the richest fellow in all them A DYING VT03fAT SAVED! CONSUMPTION CURED t W giro lfa rT!ow!nT frtif ? a, fat of rum, which ft to pruvr Ihe pownr tn rar, Ufa. rrca wbn tiie praua rem to be ic Iht wery UMt ctf of eitMe when Urtmtt a.ftfn FtliH-mnry Bhm u ani:iii3jpn d : We art titr fuVoir n? e-t'l!-ite at a fact of care, wltleb go. Ui pruve Uif jM.wrr t.ytnrv lit,.. eTt-o when tim wria trnt v be ia the t.tv lan attires ot exiatenre, whea bratu't IndiMu rulmrmtry lltltam it admhiiatered Teiie eaae ixn a nut stand aiom- we rmU name MAKT cvaca aa mtrveiout and atitundin and kundrrdt of kitpcUm ca-. and tAtmtudtof futi t e:i:-d CONSL'MI' I IOS. Tilts' rL'HK mam c-BW-ted on Uie wit of Mr. Z:la trKa of the tare cf KtlUttn. Sartiuft Co., N. T. Mr... lyk-uim w-as pronounced dtinr, and Mr. liykeman w.-at u the store f Mr. John Wait to pnn-Juite cloth for ft aru4 and ttker burimt miuerioU, eKpcctinf faia wife would soon d: She wm in last ttmrr of the disease -wr.i niiri tprtrwMi ard filtirr-ttd and tc relieve lier tnmt dit!rct, and mrtke ft dytht- pillow mare tatn. Mr. L'yk. man war p ran .d.-d to her some id -RKAN'l'S I.NKIAN i-ULMONAUV lULfAM." He took the Aalsam Li.tn" with th hi oud. and enr n portion to liis wife it r. h-Titd h.T she rontmu.l to tlc.f it until i-he ri-rorered GfV.st HRAl.Ttr, and eue bus nttlinved tctU or turn If Jam ftrirs -ate I'atppftUt lor p-rfirtvar. Kr linrcux twr.r. t j Uie e rcts befure Taos, 9. T..Uo. ris of MUltn Spa, ffuh April, If it. Tuos. G. inCNO. rz-t Jutlicr, ct rUi.cs that he haft known Mr. Drkrnt.ji ibu.it y -hri. and that he ia one of l'e-ir.s troru'tu and nixr&Jle ritnent; and Mr. JoHX Wait, the merchant spok.-n ol alk.Te. also ecrtijirt to the fooi ej)HriM-ter of Mr. llvkeman, and that be was AO bu-u.-it d w-t'n all theac. but2 beard them alien anok. a i ly Vfcman Brant's Pulmonary Balsam aor.- CyysrrrTro. Covnk. Cnlda, Syiuinr of Kttt. I Ltuint ml thr Lf rt. faia in Ihe 1'rfoM soil Siir, Auras. Sreaitf Xmrrout 0fnint?. Palpitation of lkt littrt, Ulioltrm Infantum, Itnfry. fummtr Complaintt. nnd ALL I JilX ALU tTEAKZESSLS, rollout ant JaUimf rkmlatr DiUTOBS J.D rUVSll'U.VS KECOUEXB. I Tile liil.iWlnT.n.ni.l l...... I Il 1 k-I .k. dijincs." "W'riil, Ji.hnnv, I rather think ! recomm. n.ii iiuaxw MKKicistsj: Y J. HAYES Ac CO., Iewisl.ur;;, and by o.M v one Ajenl tn every town in the Union.' Each Aiei,t has a Certificate of Agency.' Exnminc the iiox o' pills always arid rnmpare it with the facsimile labels on ihe f'ertifh te nf 4eeneff. Aa there is a riltlliterli-it ot tho f;w latacl out, this in nf much importance, a the-1 U decided difference between the ii ptsr: nee of the true UMs unci those of the coain feit. The counterfeit is dune on atone ; the te mine are done on steel. The appearance of ttf i.rintins on the counterfeit is laurel fin J tilurre ; t!ie genuine label is the ery pink of neatness, both in printing, paper, and general execution. He eiy erful and goto the Aent.when you want UiandretU'ii Pill : then you are rure of tli? genuine article. When you purchase otherwise, inquire of the aeller whether he know the fills he oflere you are ihe genuine Iirandieth's! Ev ery in.in know r. Iirther the aiticle he oiTerj is true or faUe. Dew are of cheats ! More Proofs of the Efiicacy of Dr. SWAYME'S coMeoi.XD STRir or .Wild Cherry, Hie Original and Genuine Preparation ! Consumption, Coughs, Colilj, Atttiina. Bronchitis, Liver Com plaint. spitting lilotid,ililiiculty of Breathing, pain in the Side ami Breast, palpitation . of Ihe Heart, Inuuenza.Croup, bro ken Constitulion.sore Throat, Nervous Uclnlity.and all diseases ot Throat, Breast, and I.uugs: the most eucc tual and speedy cure known for any of the above diseases is Dr. S wayne's compound Syrup oj h ua Kjnerry. Reliable Testimony John Milton 'Carte, editor of the Worcester Spy, Mass., was attacked with a severe iiiflaioa lion of the lungs accompanied with a distressing cough : after using various other remedies with little or no benefit, by the use of one bottle ot l)r Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry, he was restored to perfect health. Wm. Mjntvlius, a respectable merchant of St Clair, Schuylkill county, writes Jan 30, 1849: "Enclosed I send you a certificate of Wm. Beau mont, a citizen of our town. His case of Cons umption is well known here, and of long standing; he altril.utfs bis cure entirely to your Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry. Be not deceived by the many spurious and worthless preparations of Wild Cbs-rry, ushered into notice by ignorant pretenders, but see that the signature of lr. Swayue is upon each bottle, Which is the only guarantee against imposition. liemtiuber ! the genuine preparation of Wild Cherry is prepared only by UrSwiut, N W corner of Kihih and Kuce streets, 1'hilad'a Swayne's celebrated Vermifuge, "A Safe and Ell'ectual Remedy for Worms, Dys pepsia, I holers Morbus, sickly or dyspeptic Children or Aduin.ana me most useiui r ami:y Medicine ever uttered to ihe public." This reirei'v ia one that has proved successful for long lime, and is universally acknowledged bv all b hive liied it to be far mptriur (being so very piea-anl t.i the taste, at the Fame time effectual) to any other medicine ever empioyed in dieaae lor which it is recommended. It not only destroys worms, but it itnignrites the whole yslem. I: i hsrmle.-s ill its etiucts.anJ the heulih of t!:e pitient is always improved by its u-e, ever, when no woms are discovered. (ryBcicare f Mistake. Itenieiub&r I)r S's VermiftiS: is now put up in i'jw.re butlhs (hav ing recently b. en changed Covered bv a beautiful wrapper, steel enravie with he poilrnit of lr Sway ne thereon engraved. Bear ltr in mind, ltd be no: '.'ecuvej. iuj. sv ftV.Nr. s si ;ak (.dated sar.-a-p.rti .. a m extract or TA K Pi LI.S The virnies of these pills cbii be Appreciated only by those who have used them. They are adnpted to assist nature in carrying off morbid mailer, obstructions, impurity of the blood. &.C. They are a (leiille and effective pu'gative, correct all tiie functions of the liver, ami as an alterative ill drcpsic il affections tfcey are very valuable and should be in every family. They have an outside coating of pute White Sugar.whereby everything disagreeable to taste or smell is entirely removed without in tbe least affecting the excellent quaii tics of the medicine. Remember ' they are now put up in t'0e turned out of the solid wood. covered wi.h a tea laoel neiring me signature 01 DrSwaync: uoue other is genuine. The nhnvo valuable Medicines are pre pared only bv Dr. SWAYNE, - W corner ot Eighth and Race streets, Philadelphia. .tirttits for Union Ci inify. Pa. C W iSch ifil.-, and Thornton & Haker,I.e isbnrg J Scebold and ,: I U Mench, Millersburg TO PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS, & CO UNTR Y MEli CHA A TS. R. J. N. KEELER & DUO. most res- peclfully solicit attention to their fresh stock ol English, French, German, and .American Drugs. Medicines, 1 amis. Che micals, Oils, Dyeslufls, Glassware, i'erfu mery, Tutent Medicines, Varnishes, &c. Having opened a new store, No 2'J4, Market st, with a fell supply of fresh Diugs and Medicines, we respectfully solicit country dealers to exam ine oar stock before purcha-ing elsewhere, prom ising one and all who may fed disposed to ex tend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms as any other bouse in the City, and to faithfully execu'e all orders entrusted to us promptly and with de spatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physi cian, afford ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite druggists and country merchants, who may wish to become agents for Dr. Kerler's Celebrated Family Mtditines, (standsr l and popular remedies,) to forward their address. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respecS fully reninin. J.N. KEELER & OKI,, w nolesaia urugisis, Iy284 No. 294, Market St., I'lulud. EQl'ITABLC IIF I VSlUlXCE, Aiiuuily and Trust Company. Office, 74, It'ulnut Street, Philadelphia. f Capital, $350,000 Charter Perpetual. TITHE Company are now prepared to transact I business upon the most liberal and advanta geous terms. They are authorized by their charter (sec. 3) " to make all and every insurance apper taining to life rik of whatever kind or nature, and to receive and execute trusts, make endowments, and Io grant and purchase annuities." The Com pany sell annuities and endowments, and act as trustees for minors and heirs. TubU of Premium ietjuind fir the Assurance of -jiiOO for the u lwle term vf Life. "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful dittos t,". CONSUMPTION ! DR. FITCH'S Lrecfures on the Preten tion and Cure of Consumption. Thi popular work for sale in Lew isrjrg S. F. Ljnrla!' J. Ilouohtut &nrj t this r.(7ice. Prire. 75 cents. w mi SAM'L AMMON, THANKFUL for liberal patronage heretofore received, resneci fully intorms his o!d fiiends and the public generally that he has removed his jailor Mi op to the Dasement of his Drick dwelling on Market street, next door above C. Penny's saddlery (late the office of 11 C HicHok, where he hopes to suit nil who may givt: him their ciis'.iim, as he tines ail work in his line in the best and newest btjle ari J on short nuticc. He h if the Fashions reputnily, employs none but good hands, arid is determined to keep u with tho times nnd merit a ood share t. pairunae. CUTTING done t order. Chnrges reasonable, and Produce talitn in pxchanRc. for work L-rtislmro, Jjoe, l v270,7 3Iyers' Liquid Cure! IS a positive -.d nevcr.faiiit:r Remedy for PILES, whuher Intern.il, Ex- Age, freji. Ai,c. I'rtni. Age. l'rem. it; $t&i 31 fi(yj 46 J-jr 17 1 53 3J 2 15 47 3 i'J 18 1 56 33 2 20 48 3C2 19 1 59 34 3 27 4'J 3 77 20 1 60 35 2 33 50 3 94 21 1 63 33 2 40 51 4 13 22 1 66 37 2 47 52 4 32 23 1 69 33 2 54 53 4 61 24 174 39 2 63 54 4 71 25 1 76 40 2 70 53 4 91 26 1 85 41 2 81 5G 5 12 27 1 89 42 2 92 . 57 5 33 23 1 94 43 3 01 53 5 54 23 1 9s 44 3 13 59 5 78 30 2 04 45 3 23 60 6 03 TRICKS OP QrCK. lT Evaavaoor Ksaa tms .iiit: rur.-T a , Sar:.ii3tl!!a ffr snle In llie dtle-reM HiatH callr-l S 1 Tefrnen-!'s frrajiarlMa. It l a.lvenwed aa i OKIl.j I S.M I.KM'tNK.aii l aii lnt. 'i..e T.wieit ih(m..1c, , ' arstue.er vv ; but was fiM-nterly a wtirtt-r en rai'rii iH.r I nals anj the like ei tie a.iuiier ihe title nl Iur l.,r i- , I purii'iee of gammz crlil hr what he If. Ilea.-r r has tre;i.!i'i two me.lic! wliiv.;. arwl praetjre.I ir ri tc--. tear"'!" N-.w the Iru'h w. lie never leMenecl meitiri,,e 4 usr in hi llle ! Sneti tri'itl. xnrlctd m:srrtreafiii.d:..a ! Ieiks bal Io tfic rli.irjeter Kiel erari:y ol lle 1.1 in. I i The premiums are less than any other company and the policies afford greater advantages. Mar ried women and female children can insure the lives of either a husband or patent free from il.e claims ot creditors. Tables of half yearly and quarterly premiums, half credit rates of premium, short terms, joint lives, survivorships, endow ments and forms of application are lo be had at tho Oflice or of the Agent. Jiutea for insuring $100 oil aiingle Life. Age. For 1 year. For 7 years. For Life. 20 $0 81 91 1 60 30 0 'J J 1 30 2 04 40 1 29 1 64 2 7'J 50 1 86 2 07 3 54 59 3 48 3 57 6 03 Example : A person aged 30 years next bittb day by paying the Company 99 cts would secuie to his family or heirs f 100 should lie die in one year, or for 9 90 be secures to them $1000, or for 13 00 annually for seven years he secures to them f IU0O sh.iulj he die inseven y.ars. or for 20 40 paid t early dnrii.g life he secure .$ 1000 to be paid when he dies the insurer securing his own bonus by the dilference ill amount of premium from tLose charges' !'V other utiires. For 49 50 the beiis would receive 5000 should he die in one Tear. 1K T E R C l"I.LE X , Vre.ide nt . F. W. RAW LB. S. c'y and T eas. For further particulars ai plv to JlE.MiV C. IIICKOK, most mic-rely, he h-i t rrever made th.e sr.nenR:ijt. .f i.i.n sell or ol nie. Vi.t-u will iiteu le:irn ti lie h"tvti at! tru r. ful in ail 'heir kalm?s ac-l !.i'-rc.iur wi; ilicir 1:-. men ! He apptle.1 to one R-iel t;...ir to i hirn In it. e ulartnrin; las oiixture. atutue: lit tai? sums lai w --j . make, aa aa muureineitt to emoai fc in liie l'iitea. 1 -i men have been uemiiiii!: an:l leti-ilnu: uie is all p. trmri", in nnler lo i:i(i-. Ihe j-uMie li h the beller : ; theohl Ihirtor's S-rwiai t!'a i n-M tt gritm-in. ortgii HnrtapariUtt. ma-le lrmi tlie lj'l D trior' t frzinal A -Ji. 'i'i.ie S. P. T"Wi:'n;-l K,y 1 hareiw.M il.c trse ..i i i.ame tir ii a wr:k. I wt'l ive hltn t'i' if ba will .lure one fcinirle fniitnry r roji"if lhl.. Hi s'aietnrn:.. . Thompsnn. Skilluian 4t are uo.htrtf but a uwmt jf tilseliuMlK, slni.!y nta'le M ijereive le j.iiie an-i s Ihe truth rtowii til reiMr-l .j hi stntrinjr, frrmrulinf t pottnit. TIim i '1 rauti hi the put ic ! I'mch norve iji IM.I llr. JAI OIt l'a-n'iil'K Sisiiinlia. brfviii a r -;jk lul IViett.r. likened, hw ftimttij Coal of Armt. titt I. 2 signal utearrn. llw Cnt fit Anns. trxnctpid OKct, hXi -Vtuton-streer. V. Y C-y JAI.OB lllW.SaEJ .. wilt 5t.v .V S-i .--'ik' " :; .ci 'etje w . . ' - Old Dr. Jacob Towns!. Agent fir L'nicn ami ailjuining rmnties. Consulting phvsifian W'h. IIstei1, M. 1). Lewisburg, l.'ition t.'o.Pa. July 21, 1S43 lernul, 1'iiml or llitedino Nfrofuln, White Sai'l'iiKfjs, L'leer, uleeraletl Sore inront, t'aukr r Sure Moiith, Khruunttisni, Cu'.ni cou Distases, Mercurial Jjficlir.ns t c. ii's-.i fr SeaUis, U if ti, Cnt, sprains, JJrut ses, Vf. Vs. V. e feel jui-l f e.l in proil liming the Fact to the Wo ld, that of all medicines cer bm"l befote ihe pubur, mine bae cer been more betiefirtal toalilittid huminiiy than .Vyera Li pud Cure. '-Ve know this is fsving a great di al, but it' we were to write vo!uittcs we could not say too much in nraise of this nsAlTi.Ris ronii;.i.iFi: r;ioL..v,iirfi matKin. Cast WtltiT U lir-.'lsi of mnt sr.r'" the ORtntNAi. tusrovr.Rnn of the Genuine Townsend Sarsaparilla. OiJ Dr. T'Wiw.i.i i ri !' Tt eam Ot ::r. : . H be. a knns n as t'e 1 VTH'M asJ HsC, VERKH of the a u .v v i s K i,::k;:sal towsils;: XARSAPARH.LA." V .-' xt. i.e n eoir.m- :,l:t Iliiltl KSIIUU'IM u.v. hy n:-'i:.. it tJ" let :: k-j . of iharket. 1 t!"t s!e .rv(.lV I to ! ... : tiad pr.ivcl it "ii!i.a:- 1 :i ri!.i;. It i:j : r--:i'.t! Ueca-f if h-.h:-, i.-v ' '!'., 1- ll.ee prM(.i wt . tisi bivn l.enlet l ' 'U-ia.i', aiiJ s.iveti liu: iiva.1:, c.j.i. -rJ its r.'.'f ' nF.Ai.ivr; powiiij. This CRAM ami I M:i . !.!.!., ;-.;. :u: ; r: . mariitlacturri' "tt :h l.iri;t: "s-aie. a.n! 1 c:: :t- 1 ' : . . out !h lens n aR'l bre :h ei tlie it.-I. e i -ri:i. y ; j foue.1 tiira I'.'e "t 'I.".ti.er..ti'm r tr,eritra en. '..i.L- l T .-...... .. r..r a k ... 'I '11 Ia N'llr"rlber., t Malik j il lor ptlSt p.ltra-: and never ehaime" hut UTllie lwt'r; hreauveil !; i M I.. .-,... tl.- .,!.!,.. .I,t .,.,. I atritml.f.tpr.ne.p- 9. 3 a fi cotititiin; to inn mi fuel ure all kitidi of MILL GE.iRIXG. Ed Wilson, X Rerliu; J L. At Taylor.Mililinburg Mos Snecht. Beavertown Wilt & Eilert, Hartlelon 1 J Dover, Ci nierville D.StiSihnure,SeliiiSRr've l) milh.Mowrs Valley UcubKellcOiavy Island Satul Ilaupt do Youngman ct Waller. lry Valley B.& Summers.Frecburg W some related ta the Sa:n Jieinto who wta-krh'sd. in the 'I'l-jsn war by Gen. Sam Houston j The eld lady that sat u;i all iiipht, the first of March, in lhj ct,ld, to r.b-?re 4,:he ; pring open," Las got prt tty mu.:h over the ! tiff neck ; ! Dr. J. N. etUI'i'M. W:.tert.wn. N. Y. Hr. R'.rSV ' N, IJ J lleio-y stnet. Eroollra, . J. Dr. T. M. IH NT. AnlKirn. N. y. lr. UKO. FKANC1H, Miil.tletowa. Cooak Hr.liti't. A. liXJi;iiS, B:.th,N. V. Ir. S. Willi K. Fn iionia. N. Y. I'r. ;. B. ;.I.KSTINK. Brron. Jf. T. Ir. J O. MIU'MAN. e avert, ville, N. T. fr. J. M!NNiit. Henri nr. Rrookira. S. T. lr. O. r-Iilt'alAN. CurUKnO, N. Y. . Beware of counterfeits ! There is no Drain's medicines genuine, but PHE subscribers otTer the prh'ic, at their J new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuable Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoes, with a Brick Oven. Lady Washiticton Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 2 size. Coal D arner for Parlcra 1 site, 12 inch cyl inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor ?tovc 2 lies. Shield Air-Tight I'erlor Stove for Wood 5 sizes. Egg Stove the ery best in use for Stores, Offices, Barrooms and Shops. The celebrated (ienesee Air Tight Cook. Stove. The Complete Cook 2 sixes. Also, all kinds of Wood nnd Coal Stoves Phiughj Castings. &e. &?.' CHRIST & MTADDI.V. Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1849. and by Storekeepers generally ly290 PURE FILES H COD JLivet Oil. T fa Co " " ' suth bottles as are put up in a square package . p vl odv Io anil ltual llliu'S. mt n thnuld go by or shape, rnd on o;ie square of the package is a , ,or ery oony lh; but not in drahr wi:h Kul-rood . Mf,1 on, w1"' ' " P'nted a young s,qiuw, c .... . nd under where she stands ta a Aote of Hand, omjianies LMifllinto n ' S- ntiti. I 'J R;,ic!, fu Br,f r. , . 'Wtlitrehu promise, fur value reeeired, to pay ill l.lV. l-rs ! hosts ; iatht brarrr lirrrnf lti ( tr, J,....t i no have a nayma pract-r.and lltoP r : r Midietne taelnry m the City if lirnuldin. i. mufti or urtHiKlyn, It It April. lf4." AFRESH supply received at the Lewis burg Cheap Bookstore : Puke's Manual of Classical Literature D.tvies' Analytical Geometry (.'air's Hheloric, (University edition) Comstock's Mineralogy The Complete Farmer, I vol, 62, cts The New American Gardener, 1 vol, SI The Book that will Suit You, or a Word There are two kind ho have n nayinfr pr; have a practice of not .n in I can. furnish the above works, with a oreat variety of others, at rery low prices. My :iO f F LYNDA LI. Window SASH A lot of SxlO Window Sash, from the There is one distu- hum rs re prrtty eertwin noi to die of unj .hat i, "er.htrte Meal of tl ht-nrr." Why is a drsH d :gs till ItHt a ..nc in the highway I Ueraue ir s'pps a twpgin'. Wan'ed Some thinglcs from the rc-f of a-deg's !! 7. (which note is trgnid with pen and red ink) I cher.r.'Jfarjiilnctorv of Sprout & IJtlrrows, ..I. L. IIJILMH I (A ' ..nl onl all .HU nr.. In nr.ln. ri II I ' 1 1 U . U . I. U . I . 1 J .J J I . I L ,u U 1 VI I 1 1 1 1 a Norte rer.uine but euch as have the note on label signed as above. For sale bv Thornton & Daker, Lewis, burg ; Edwd Wilson, New Berlin; H J Crooav, Selinsgrove ; f t it F C .Mover, Frecborg ; H N Dackhause, Middieburg ; Wilt it Eiiert, llartle too : Ames & Mench, Mifiiinburg All letters and orders must be addrrwarj 10 Wallace A Co. ICSf. ItrosdwaT, New York la!3 short notice. May, 1349 I G Lawshe ANEW BU06E7 for sale, cheap. For further particulars, enquire at this oflice. Lewisburrr, Nov. 7, 1819 rPHIS new and valuable Medicine, now used bv the medical profession with such astonishing efficacy in the cure of Pulmonnru Coiimnivtion. Scrofula Chronic Ulieumulism, (lout, gcntral Vvhilttt, Complaints if tltt Kidneys, ic. &c. is prepared from the liver of the COD-rl&II for medicinal use, expressly for our sales. Extract from the London Medical Journal. C. J. TJ.WiLt.iAsa, M. D.. F.R.S., Professor of Medicine in University College, London, consul ting physii-ian to the Hospital for Consumption, Ac, says; ' I have prescribed the OH in above four hun. lied cases ot tuberculous disease ol the Lungs, in different stages,which have been under my care the last two years and a half. In the large numbci of cases, 206 out of 234, its use was followed bv muted, unequivocal improvement, varying in degree in different cases, from a tem porary retatd.ition of the progress of the diseae and a initial. ion of distressing symptoms, up to a more or IcsaAcomplete restoration to apparent health. The effect of the Cod Liver Oil in most of these cases was very remarkable. Even in a few days the cough was mitigated, the eipcc oration diminished in quantity and opacity, the night sweats ceased, the pule became slower, and of better volume, and ibe appetite, flesh and strength were gradually improved. In conclusion I repeat that the pure frpth Oil from the Liver of Ihe Cod is more beneficial in the treatment nf Pulmonary Consumption than any agent, medicine), dietetic or regimenal, that has yel been employed." As we have made arrangements lo pro cure the Cod Liver Oil fresh from head quarters, it can now be had chemically pure, by the single bottle or in boxes of one dnz .n each. Its woTnlerf;il etTicttcy has in. hired num erous spiii ions iiiiilalioRS. As its success depends entirely on its purity, too much care c.tn not be used in procuring it genu ine. Kvcry boric having on it our written sinnture, may be depended on as genuine. Pamphlets containing an dialysis of the I'll, with notices of it Irom the Medical Journals, will be sent to those who address us free of potace. JOHN C. BAKER J- CO., Wholesale Inijidists nnd Chemists, Ij288 100 Konh Third St. Philadelphia Hundreds, nav thousand bless liie h-ippv houi when li'st they were made acquainted uilh its traiisceutiaiit virtues; and our present purpose is to ir.f rin oiher theu-ands, hnw and where tlmy may obtain 1'iat relief whicii they perhaps hae long sought for in vain. The siipe.ior excellence of this preparation over all other nie.lioit.e, f..r the speedy and per manent cure of 7'T, .''. i well known to all who have tested it. It hs been pruv.d in Ihou-ands ofintanc.s, anl hus sr.vEit fil: to cure tlie Biff o'l-tinatc r.i. ei, and we are confident it it"ll near fiil it used a ptopir length of time acfotd ing to directions. As a proof ol" our entire confi dence in its cilicary, we assure all pur. hasers (but if, af cr a proper tiial, il p ove ineiiectual, the Muticy paid for it will be rtt timed. The Liquid Cute is an effectual remedy for ?linguorms, Ui!es, Pimples, tt.trbcrs' llch. Fro-ted Limbs, Chilblains. -Salt liheutn. Musquito Dites, stings of poisonous Inserts and Cutaneous diseases of every description. It is b ah sife nnd elTecfual for RtttritATis, ... . . --i:..e I giving iiiimtdi ite an'i peiiitune.i. .. i.e.. Its effects as a real Pain Killer, ate magical. vvF.il! ri'iiii if ttir- H should prou.le them-elvcs with this Invaluable Preparation, the cheipncss of which places it wilhin the reach ol ail. Full Directions accompany eac!i Bottle Pamphlets, containing copies of certificates from those w ho have tested the Liquid Cure, may lie had gratia of oar authorized agents Myers' Liquid Cure is prepared ot.Iy by JEKOME & CD.21 Spruce St. New York Agents: C W Sehaflle, Lewi-burg ; J II Kaser, Miilon lvion:22 pattern. 7 It rcsh in g 7,1 a ch hies. r.i.-T's NOTES Promissory, Judgment, and Joint Notw (blank) at this office. ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, NEATLY k EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED ' AT THE " CHRONICLE " OFFICE. TRY IffiJEW FffiH! WYKOi1 & nOUSSL llfOULD inform the public, that they V have opened a shop on fourth street lower story of S. W. Wykofls old stand, opposite Hunter Pjrdoe's shop, whore they keep on hand or make to order Fancy and Common Chairs, Hoston Rocking Chairs also Bureaus, Tables, icds'.rads. CsEr of various kinds tpp A'r- Ajf.- All work in our line warranted to be well madi?, and on the most reasonable terms. House and Sign PAINTING attended to by the subscribers on the shor test notice and in tho best style. Country Produce and Lumber taken in payment and Cash not refused, but rather preferred. The subscribers intend lo be strict in the fulfilment of all their promises as regards work nnd so doiii", hojie to receive a liberal share ol public patronage. JOHN N. WYRTtFF. JO.-EPH M. HOUiSEL. Lewisburg. Hov. 184S) OLD BR. and S. P. TOlVNSENirS compound syrup of Sarsaparilla JUST ree'd from the old Dr. a large and fresh supply of his celebrated met lit-i no from the principal Depot in New York. Persons wishing lo procure S irsnparill.i can have either the old or young Dr's, gen uine and fresh, by caliino on the Agent, Ltwisburg, June Sfl C V SCilAr'FLU One and Two Ilor.o. Ploughs. : U'o invite pitriiciil.tr ntlention to a new artic;. ttiilrii's mtfllt t.Ut I'LOlllIIS, lor STuini in Grilill. Farmers by t Lis plouii can sec.l in us much utain, in ore day, in three days with cowmen ploughs. Ci.ott;is any .Turm'nB, nn.l Kiting the same. HOLLOW V.'Alt! Kettles and Tots of various si"s Smooth ing Irons and Siands c.'t Tea Ketl!es to suit co. kin; stoves. COOK IN ti- STOVES, the most approved patterns now in use, for wood or coal. Fancy, Parlor, Wood. Coal Stoves. "AIR TIGHT STOVES, Race's Setr-rrtriilitl.ns: Air-UIif Patlor onj Moves, ' new srticle.) Threshing Machines and ether articles of machinery repaired in the best manner and on the shortest ni'tioe. Castings war ranted to be of the best mr.'erial, aad at prices that can not fail to please. (U-'.DIlKS & MARSH. Lewisburg, M.trch 25, 13-18 ly200 Dr. Rosa's Ke:llcirc3. The subscriber having been nppointed sole agent fur Dr. Rose's Medicines, fur Union county, oilers them to tlio public with great confidence as to their illi -ncv and certainty nf ejecting cures in all cases for which they are designed. A sinole leu only is required to establish ihe fnct. 127 SSRARTON riHE underHgnetl continues to furnish to order I on the most reasonable terms. Piano, from tiie manufactory of Conrad Meyer, Pbilad.,n hose instruments are too well known to need any pan egyric, having uniformly received ije commend ations ot ine most eminent professors ar.d compo serg of Mut-ic, ami ihe award of the premiums in New York. Philailrlhta and Boston. For tjualiiics of tune, touch, and krriiing in tone up lo concert pitch, Ihey can not be suriased by either Amer ican or European Pianos. Instructions eiven on the Piano, as hertof.ire. Reference may be mada to any of thrive parrnts or guardians who have pupils committed to his charge. He may be ren at his residence al Mrs Maixe'. Market aireel, Lewi-burg, where terms au.l particulars will be made known. The most popular and favorite Airs and Music of iliifcrent kinds received as it is issued from the ditTi-rent musical establishments in the Citica. May 13 CH AKLKM KALISl'II Tiie icv Foundry IS now carried on as usual, at the upper end of fvTHrket street, where everv des-! criprion of CASTINGS is ke'pt on hand or made to order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved Caolii;;,? Stoves, for either CoaK or Wood and all other kinds of STOVES, mtssm also PMUOIIM of diirer- ent kinds Corn Ploughs, Dull Floa-'hs, nnd the , . . Scir-Siiarpcaijig Plough, a new iirtii le, and whirh can not be hrnt ! in Pennslvania. Call and see and iur'.-P . . J r, ir yourselves. CHRIST & M'FADDLW lewisburg. Sej t. 22, lS4f Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's SARSAPARILLA also S. P. Town send's Sarsapnrilla for sate by IV. Thornton Ac Piker. "HOB sale by COAL OF ALL KINDS '.ffM. 1 is - kinfwfetlr l 'r-'iitMrv. tir: I i;fr'f t!i-rovtTir 1 '..s j rt. havf aii Vt. :;:.'-; t-.:- f-yr r-i.ti :;j .h i;..t . .-. tur ol th t d Ur's i - t pan. la. Tm: - rjii'.ii: t .. J il ! wt'i known IfHlM m rv:.:i::.e rr.u.y rrc .-: pr ij-rTiif ;t"'( H.rnte vfi;t.fi are urt r u-e and ihr,--i. wiiifh ii r-r.i- -i ! i ; rfjjar.rt u lor -ft , iAiu-rJri-urn'ttf:.i;t ar: i M'i.'. i.;-;h is i(.:i:rjitii ri .!.e tft'l. S'liH '1 IT. ( Hi-. - I' -rtt ll iir "Vi ....hi, ! U!t lht ' !"!;.- c Mir :.. Ate t :r. inf pfn.a : li tlit-y rc :. n r-.'f' .rv. ! ' v a c firisrtj, t , i o 1 lo'llnraK" e i;r-. ., I r.-'i,ii.'ii:ilu-. Vreover. Ifitese !,. "f f-:. !:. i. tt iiit h ri. in r t;mr, nr ; el-hai-iTT-n'. i'.. r !":. n r ').. . - i v - 'r it mtdtu j Hirs i,i ;... i. t:. wtiH j' -n it ait iw J'U A;tV j- ,r. .. r . V h ..t- . va !;.- r : ::il tl vfl '-. I c-ili-i-f J it'-i'i t, .Lu!i i- Ii-m tnc cti-r)iL- ;ii.f .-. . i llie rv !L.i:i l.ii:: a: y ' h.; i'-c ; (.. c:tn lhf.i -t: : n-i(ii or aj it ,'!iv. .-- r-n F.ur n. ;.--. n '. t'-u.M!i H "S:.r;:i!...A t:.uCTorv'Ki e" Km ritr.h i n -t lit btu.-.v- kn.'".r. a :t:e Tii H pn r--rf..irc I t1: it a;! rt;- i:wfi ripcrti-' nr :r S '..;. in;: ( T".'t art; fry. r .no.e.i. .e cy- '.f.-J n;..i. - h-i-.f!!,n-- !! I Or l:-:-iJiv::i!'M 1 -.ra0'e J .Hi-. Tr jrtle.! '. tti.'H fvn'V j inivV "I rrJnrI nriiT in fuiv. in a; nt c-riiTiittM'1.! It-nil : u.J r!nH il M rni'tfrei! i.;rar i!i ol I'ruim; a"V ci ii v....j t'i e ri-.I fivM-'iu: pr;-'ni"i. irv preJ it ttii '.v.iv. u - ii'V :1k' rv.-n ;i.tvt.ii,i avvu' ic 1L0 Cnrc of inniiinrrnMr Iiari Hnre the r.t-'ii wu w hear enenf iiivi.tns n mvvrj milt- in t's fa tr riv n,i il, w- inL-ii. :ii.d cinUirm. We fkaA li doiiiL' wi'Dtlf? ;n ih curr ! C'.WI WPri'tX. YXPRPS'r. r 1 LlVERr ittPI. V7. atil mi IZtfK I ". -1 77-V.lf. .Ci!( Al ... I. Ptf.Ks: o77i7.'.VA,.v.v. :i L7 7M.V,. or a t:nrpTits. iViLL'- islotvhi: and alt arVriNH. nriUi? tm-rt IMI'LUIXV OK TITK BF-OOn. It iKKtew a n.;trve!.nu eT..rv in ail fnn;'t..int ir- sins f'tn Jml i-'.oi. ir"if! A'-itliTu if in S'wrtnrk, froa iri'"Vi ' f f :.;r,t':;. i!t ?rii.tii:tl-n i Ia!trlt:i:Kit ii Ihr hc.tlU C ! lr.cl an 1 li.it iI.t!iL iivr tltf (!Iy. It h t not its eti..,. in fV- arj t?tghi ; an 1 prmii'-'tr cx-y t-jij-t-c:nt'iuu m.il "uirvj p tLu uii'ii. rtiuAii B'.ncturt-f ui the ludi;, ihruoi ami ..y o'ber ftarL Hut nt u';!tip; is i'r exeCltnee nnrn marift n.y rsa CkuowiKtL,"I 'i: n in all kiiij dn! suureswi Fi-.MA LK COMPLAINTS. It worV w..!..'i -rs in c:i-t's f -.-r-fr Aibut or ITY, Fail tn f a f tkz Y--nh, t trmtrtfleti. Suy,Wf9ed. o; Pn, y0 mlrn.f.f-, frrftrtf'tirtt t iltt iTtfii-tnit. rrfili. auJ . mini is tttfcttMi iti curt us a.I ::ic ftinr tif Awnrry .for Hy rrmoviii ..i.-irin::tt'.i, a 1 rfcu.atin UlC n..rai vs:'en. it ivrt r.n.e an i airciijtli to lue whole tiWy, uj Uiua cur all form of Krrvoiia Oisraea nl Drhllltjr, an ! thtis prrvnrs (r r iieve a rrri vneiv "I oihar adlri Sj;nttl irritatii'Hm wifro. .SX. i.tu' &M4M, mStrwnmg, tUitirf-tic r'tfs. Crtr '. It ciit-erJ tiie liitnl. ex-itts thtr It. it iw hea!:hv art;ntw Ioups lite pumt uh, ami etve cu.l hiiiiin. r'-ict t'J bowel of irxi t!iJ rt-H.ftnu' i- o. alijy uiiUmni.t:ur, ; rit;m lite .-kttt, .(";. n:ts tlie Ci4i'u':.n Ol the tt. !..!. ; ' icius gcii'.if warmth r iuatiy ait over the to.ty.a-nJ : inpi'n.'tMp prrnpiratmn ; irTx? Jnr?tiiT irk! ti-'hn .! moM ail ;:-trurihr.-. mud i:.vi:-atm the ntii ncruua y?Tm. U n.'. rhc -Vn The Medicine ynn nrrmlnratlT wrrlf I It til can any il" t'c--r tinn;- be Ktiii ot S I'. T nuJ f CUMPARKU V. l i 11 THK OLP 1:'S. rrepaiie ! me Cli AM) I'Al'T. t!: Ui one u!t APA Bl.t il DLTittil A I ION.an l NhVLlt SPOILS. whiV he o'her IVl!:S- soun'nr. f-rmenrtne. af 1 1', the hattit outajriin? u int. '.r.".i:i :.r- : xhe f:r. iitltjiti exjifwhriff. hni .lama nthrr sronlji f Va-t ii--' : , n-rrilil cipjiMinntl !m (, i-n..tin 1.1 td. ; ni ? V ' pntaeiif tr.'oa trttem c'rr-J' f;scuct( Trithtreuf ia. Cne IHn,r ' 1 ' ii.t m kn w ikt wrtA fiH! uun in our tistm.i-!!. hat rnrhirf tl jirl. ' Batttlencv. hrnrtlmr;.. im!;.i:;i i..n o! Tin- en. irrr r.n rii:trrbii. ilyp.nu ry. Cvu an-t r..ri'if-r, rf i'r.i ll.1l li Scmilli.. l.tll Jtil .-..'lii hurrutr in h-w) 1 nir pn'iiirf"v an Hi tmnmis v ftiffi o-i lL.rti(iri T.it the Skin. SaM llra l. Slit lli urn. rrvni::!. IVivia Sw:;:n, Vcvrr st ore. anJ a-I utrvrat.m m;rnal nn.t cx tern.: I II i r.-!'!i; in..:.- Ii.mvim hu: an act.l (iixrair. vrhirh sours at:.I :iius i it,i U of the S !v. vi-.-e or !. What ciuss K -'i-.-i-i:. but a .ur an. -i I llmtl I irh nuMiMtt' it .:" i..-;ti.i itie ynut a. i t r'-:e-wii-rp. irriMi.i .iu-I iiltnui'.i tt e ilrlir-? uii-s u- 'i. whifh it arttt St of ihtv.m .'t-c-,. 01 jmpunt ci tH M.Khl. ol dfriin;i'.i cirrulnion, and r.early a.i :uo ami. wli!'h .ilir.i htufiat. n.nurr. N'w is it not horn lie to maVe anf sell, ani rfm'i v tror.-o t. jsOLitiNc. n:i;MrT!xo. .r?n "mvporMv o S. p. T(VNSI .M, ani! Tft he wn'(T f.in he it nn!T:tno.T tht O! ! Tr Jv rob T-'wii.-rml' tfnu-H 1jrigimtk Sirazu tUa, v an IH ITATION if It) 4 t;iirri..r prrj aniii-ii ' ' Hearen lorhM thai wm . M ,11 in an inif'f Vrb woiii,l ir ilif Diut tiistai.i rrseia.iic to J. I. To.- ii'l's trrfir'e ! wi-t it it!-Vrf.v. lir.iirtt- it it ih W?f frt-"! lhat S. P. Tow iwer tl'i artirif att1 oi,l IV. JarrbT .n'f: : Sarsapirilla an hrarrn tritl- rrr.rrr nn.f ivfiwr x, .tr- tUtr; lU.n th-y arc cnl?Ve iti eieiy aniuiar. I.avmi r" -" - in nniiti'in. A S. P. T"wnfnt u t,i il.iptr. or.'! r,evrr wn, it rn rtlieminr, no phnrm.iit-u;ii kr.-w-i ,rmre of mririiir r disease tlian any;hrrcmimr, nrtico'iitf . unpru:fv Dat. wti.it zutiru can '!ir? p. hrve th.-v CeivitiX a ffr-miiir! frirrnfir im-'iiv-iit;-. r-fit-if!iiy x r tuettai ill,' art trie ueA in prvftanri it. a-vl whff. , ratib'f ot 'rlMfuf-4 wlrrh i-i:.,iii rrif'rr lucre ihe AUwIN'i I li-vra;e lj.su l i-.!tlt7 But what e.ar 'Souu! hi? rrv,f(rr t.ntn on who nothin coMiparaii of roni.aii" vr li?a!r I I: ?c"' a prr-en il some r x;m :; -e l e n i r?-r-. tip "' f'nm"ii Ifrii,t nicsi. ll.vr nm-it iv;re 4 nn-TTt ;j It-nt ih- u'rwin 1 i-Tir'irM.r ie.'vue L--ic:i-- 1 WEAK STOMA rilS AM) F.M-I f.UU D S.M' ahoutri trrw we I ihe rnrvlica? pmivrt'rs ot plan, i.ir V- tn.-tiairr 01 aiviiru. at,.) ronreiitiin? ihe ir l. ; , -ir"-K al-oan eTTenoive know'ei'tt ! the r.irin iiir.T-r aifer. th Immaa fys;.n, an.l l,oW to a.UiH riue-i'- Uiv!e f It U to arret frattti ujxn the-tiTfrrt urate. ? pi-jr' i'" into woun-JcJ htimmuT.'to ki: i'a h( lo liie Jf'p.'ri'-5 boiom. to r,tre hr:i!i a it. I h'v a.v) ' ennhetl and Lr'skrf. and i. o-irw-t iiitirrni'T tV.i: (ll.M ,ft jA'fiITOVNWN! hn-. Mtrcii'k' aud iOlM-''t portunitr an ! nwn tohrin hu , iraml t'Divcranl l"oiicni?rfccl UrmrtSy wittiin the rm:h. ! t. he kn-.wtc I? , t aii w:n 14 tUat they may Itarn ainl krw-. lw )oiii e xivrience, Trmiiftccxadaaat Puwvr lo Heal Acrnts for the atjoe Meiirine C & Schntllp, Lewisburg ; Jcba IJ Kaer, Mi -Ion ; Forsyth & Priestly, iNorihuaib.aiiJ Ciaiul, t !.1 1 ONE Buy gey -and Sell cf HarDe, One Two Horse U'ar n. , Ono Truck H'gr.n, For 'p y I? P Sttr!!f-
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