CHERRY PECTORAL: For ike Care COUGHS, C0X.D3, HOARSSIYJBSS, BROIT OHZTXS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING -COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. The uniform success which has allrmloJ (lie Ilia of Ibii preparation its saluliry licet its power to relieve and cure ufiVc'inna of the Lungs hue gaiueJ for it a celebrily equ iled bv no other medicine. We offer it to the allliried with entire confidence in its virtues, and the full bcli-.f that it will subdue and remove the severest attack of diseases upon the throat arid lungs. As these results become public, tbev naturally attract the attention of medical rain and philanthropists everywhere. What i their opinion of Cherry Pectoral, mar be aeen below. VALENTINE MOTT, M D, Prof. Surgery Medical College, New Vork. says: It firm me jrriMt t'-a.-ure to r.-rtify the value and effi escyuf A yerV Cherry IM-t.ir1,wliirh 1 rmt"il-r lK-i-uliarly adapted to cure digeadt'S of tlie Throat and l.uniri'. The Rt Kev Lord Diliop FIELD n rites in a letter to his friend, who fast finking under an affection of the Lung Try the Cherry IVeirJ. arid if any miMiJ-'ire can five jott relief, with the Lli-nsilii; otlMnl ttiat HlU. Chief Justice El'S I'lCE, of Louiei ina,writc That a younz dauiilitfr of his sag run J i.t st'Tcnt severe stlju-as uf CKol I by the thfrry ASTHMA and BRONCHI MS The Cana dian JnU'nal of Medical Science state. That Asthma nnJ Itrun'-iiiUri, ro pri-vali'st in fifc clrmnt rliniate, t:Te yit'Mi-ii witi frurr r;!ii r:i;hiity fit Aver i lii'iTV rertnntl. ani we nn nor t etn.n:rlv rrfumiueiii this skilful i;rvi.arlkn to the Jrufiion aiid l-ublie generally. Let the relieved sufferer speak fcr I. i in self : Hastf :. J.-,n. 117. Ir. J. C. Aver Ik-ar .: Hariri? twu rs fv-ut-d frum a paiorul an. Munrou. jrui u-r .n- mo to , lut ftr the infitnuation of oth i in lil aliiirt A slifiht Ktld uptn th" lun-'P. ut firt, booimc o srvtre that ittintc f 11"1, a violoiit ucti, nn-J ro fus niulit Wlat follwM a!iJ f:utnncj on mo. 1 Us-anie mriai"ii, oulj nut plf-p, km di--tr"sr' -1 y my .utrii, and a imio tltmtirh nty -ht, anj in .lrt had ail tJw alanniox nTfnpuint f juirt rtrnfuinpli n. No m-u:riii? ii-tn'ii at all t roa h uiy r:i5-, until ! f.rovidt ntiaily tried your Cherry iVcloriaJ, vLich soon n.tvv.-l abd now La cun-d nn Voun with ro-pcft, t A aTtWAKT. From letter djlej Ain.v-, N. V., April 17, Pr. Aver. Let'woll iVar Mr: 1 v.n aifli.-tt-.! I.y Atbma In the witrtit fi.rm. fr. that I Itav. l.t-n .Ili.'l ti hi'p in xny chair for a larf -r part f the tim-. Win unaMe t. troatheon my twl. I had tri.Hi a pp-at i-.aii nisli( in-'s t no purpff. until mr phy-irian pn -r.Uii. ux an exit rimrDt, yuurChorry i')rtT.t!. ftr-t it .-f-intd v mak me wor-, hut in hi than ft 4-k 1 h-yn t oxpcrionci itae muit (n":i!ifitp rvIUf fr m ii Ufi ; now, in fmjr vet-ks, th tiifoa it iitir-ly r mjvtl. I ran lM-p t-n ny bt-d ith O'nif rt, ami uujoy a tt f.i ln a!th n h'vh I lad ne-,. r oxpot-l-d to enjoy. 4.KO. KAKKANT. Preparedly J C.Aycr tit mis' J jnri I I, Ms. For Mle by C W SHIIAFFLE, I-mUfiurg ; J H (Jtslow. Milton ; I-aac Ucilurt, iSelingrovc, od by brupgifty generally On the 18 h tilt., bv U. v. II. Wocniz, TCTER Sit .1'HllX to Miss Mjiiv Dusalii os, all of While Dc-rr, Ljc. Cj. In Silver Creek, III., 10 h ulw, I!iam Height, Esq., of Frecpori. t: Miss Cauo Iink Atbiss, of Silver Creek. la Lewishurg on Friday April 2(5, John SmoitTo.f, son of Peter and Ciizn Beaver, (ted 7 months and 20 daye. "Yea ! thou art gone, ere guilt had power To stain thy cherub soul and form ; Closed is the short lived 8 rarer, That never filt a storm." In Lowisburp, 24th ins;. , IBcniamin Donachv. aged 24 years. In Stephenson Co., M., in April l ist, i I iiilip Keitzill. a native ol lljrnsbur Pa., a;ed 51 years. A meeting of (he Son? of Temprrince, No. 53, West Branch 1). vision, ii called at the Town Il.tll on Siturdjy evening. 4th May, at 7 o'clock, 1 M All that have any interest in accounts, will please attoul. precisely, itiing the MAWS, or T, Lewisbur,:, April 29, 1S50. LEWISBURG CEMETERY, A meetinp of the Corporators of tlie Lcwisburg Cemclcry, will Le lielj al l!;e ofTice of the President, on Saturday tlic 11th or Miy inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M It is hoped tht the members will nil attend, as matters of importance will be Uid before :he Bonrd. WM. WILSON, Sec'y .Lewisburg, May 1, 1850. Public Sale. w flLL be exposcj to Public Sale at the premises, on Saturday the 11th of May next, commencing nt 10 o'clock, A. M.. 12 acres of Lam), situated within J of n mile of Lewisburg. adjoining lands of W'm.W'iUon and others. 1 " ill be oflered in lots of four acres each to suit purchasers. Terms made know n by April 26, 1830. II. K NOLL. LUMBER ! FOR sale, at our Yard on Third street, near P. Ilursh's house Dry Pine Common ami Pannel B.iarjs, do Joists and Studding, Hemlocl JoiJs and ScEntiinjt. White Pine Plaolt I .shingles Square Timber VealherliuarJs ell I'ine Flooring Hoards. Roofing and Plastering Lath, &c All or which we ofTr-r cheap for cash or short cred.l. lUJRSH & AM HON. Lewisburg, April 20, 1850 AJirTTS Cameron Guards You are hereby commanded to meet at the house of A. II. Blair, Satur day May 4th, fully equipped lor drill. Hv order of the Captain: NATHAN ANGSTADr.O.S N. B. Al which tin and place an Election will be held for one Firrt Lieutenant. CarT.. F. A POJfACHT. Latest Arrival ! J II .1'ES & CO. take pleasure in announ . cing to the public that vie are now receiving from the city one of the Urgent, cheapest anil let selected stock of Goods ever offered to the public. No labor has been epnred to render their stork complete, and to obtain articles of good qu ility. so that it can be relied upon that nlia'eer thev shall otter for sa'e will be just what it is represented. They have an excellent assortment of Dry good? i ... ,.. ( cnmpii:Mg nearly every article usually enumera ted under this head, among which are Hroi.l- cloths, I'lain and Fancy Ciissimere?, Saiiiietn. Tweed--, Cahmirtltes, Prapctte. t 'luliingtniis, Plaid Linens, Tickm;. Drillings, Bagging, C it ton and llernp Carpet Chain. Plain and fancy Goods, selected with particular reference to the taste and convenience of the Ladi.'S e u-h as I 'hsngeaM.', Plaid. CrenaJinr, and Foul.irJ Silks, Kind nml l'lai'r Limartinr1 i)e.-laines, Ciape finished, FiiJ ami Plain Linen Lustre, lioreze Desl.iine j, prin trd French Lawns, Silk Illusion. Pink 1 a IT. Illue, and l.'rimo i Tarlelnns, Plain and I igd lilue i.nj Pink (doted) Svtirs. Linen, ('aniline. and l.awn HilLr. Cbive anil Hosiery. f -a , lionnc-t, r ans f arasols, rarasolettes, also Fine Moleskin, l.rghorn. Ciiina Peail nnd i'aim l.eif HATS, at lo.ver prices than ever oltvrcd to this community. (tixattxitn a choice irhc'ion. Glass, Qtioens, Stone, and Croclery var To those n hi wish to pn-cure am thing in il9 eilht.r far utiitv or orn imPll thoir BMOflmchl piriicuUily recuinmcnij iuclf. Hardware cutlery, Oa-s and (,'orn Sryth?s, Axes, Shovels. Ppides, Stra v Knivee, M mur and II iv Forks (of supe rior quality.) Do.'r triioiiiing.Glas, Putlv, Tv'ails, Iron, Steel, fee. CA ltl'ETSBA SKKTS Floor an 1 Stair Carpels, Oil Cloth, Window Shadis, Lidies' Satchels, Travelins nnd Work HjskcU, iiNo Market, C'otljes and C rn Ilaskt, Ctdancare, Unit, $ c. f,-c In Conclusion, they would say (hit their good have been bou-lit at very low prices, and will be disposed of on the most reasonab'e terms for C'ah or country Produce and to sii.-!y the public (as to piece) just ca.l at Uie Cheap Store of J. HAYES & CO. Lwi-l.urg, My 2, 1830 DM OCKK, IkntUt. mav be founJ at his Hirno in l.eirlurg, the present and the two following wcixs. April 23 two f A Illack Walnut Wanted. Ql'ANTITY of Black Walnut, either in logs or sawed to order also. Walnut Crotches the whole to be delivered on the Pa. Canal, at or near Lcnisburg. For further par ticulars, ennnire of April 23 II. C. HiCKOK, Lewisl.urg LABOll SAVED, irnl Washing M:f Ka-y. ITOR SALE a superior Washing Miiture, which removes all dirt and stains of various kinds in a few minutes, without injuring the texture of the cloth. Persons wishing to avail themselves ol this valuable mixture, with full directions for its use, had better call at the new Drug and Chemical Store kept bv D THORNTON k BAKER, I.ewUburg Splendid Illustrated History or THE Mcxlrnn lVar and lis Warriors ! lil'l:I.X!C fnll acr.itint i,f the rerenl War with Mexico, with the Lives of the principal OiHcers on the American side, and over 40 Kngravings. By J. Fiiost, I.I. I). i The work to contafn upwards of .300 paces,! larije size l2mo., handsomely and durably bound I in embossed cloth, lettered and ornamented in ! gilt. Prick, $1 "5 per copy. sr'The suWril-er hivini; secured the ngency of the ahove work for Ui'inn county, will solicit the patronage of the peoplv for it. P. WI.XEGARDE.W Lenisburg, April 2S 3npd Latest News from California ! I50RE 418 C0L3! " 4 LL the world and the rest of mankind" arc riFiioctfully informed that we have opent-d an unusually choice asso.tmenl of SPKIXft AND SUMMER ood9 comprising a splendid variety LADIES' DF.ES3 ( COOIJS of the newest styles Calicoes, Del jius, I Oingbams, Baragcs, bilks. Parasols, and F ancy UooJs, and for Gentlemen's wear a large stock of i C lof lis, CasilmerH, Summer lSlutr-:, estin.-s, Summer Hats.&.i. Salt, Fish, Nails, Queensware, Hardware, Groceries, etc. etc. All of which we olTer for sale at our proverbially low prices, fur CASH or VKOVVCE. REBER & IDD1NGS. Lewi.hurg, April 22, 1850 "IIJ'ORIIS wok.hs ! Various theories V have been started rlauve to the origin of intestinal worms, and jet the question is vexed one among medical authorities. Of one fact, however, all are informed, and in w hich all agree the fatal nature of the influence they exert on children. As this season of the year is one at which attarks of worms are most frequent as well as most dangcrous.we take grtut pleasure in direct, ing the attention of parenis to Dr.M'Lane's Vermifuge. It is one of the most extraor dinary medicines ever introduced, and has never f.ti'cd of success when tried. Ai.EL.rni, Boss Cc, fitiio, Feb 1818 Messrs J Kidd tc Co : We wih to inform you that we have sold all your Worm Siieciiic left with u. W o wish you to send us some more as soon as possible, as it baa given general satisfac tion here. We have many calls for it since we are out of the article. It has succeeded all other preparations in this county, and for this reason we wish to keep a supplv on hand. K &. M A PATTERSON. The above is one of hundreds of similar communications which the proprietors ol this rhadicinc arc daily receiving.' Where it has been introduced, it has become the most popular remedy in use. AGENT3C W ScHiFFti, Lewisburg; II J Shafer and J H Itastr, Milton ; I Gerhart, Su linsgrove; J W Friling, Sunburv ; Mrs M'Cay, 1 Notthnroberlind ; M t" Orier, J Mooie, Danville MM ijuWlSBUUG CiUKOXICL.14 AND WEST Large Sales $ I-w Prices! THE "MAMMOTH" WIDE AWAKE and filli'ig vp again brim all with a stock of ponds I.ARUHR.'iKTTER unJ than evtr! "IITE have juu received and arn'nnw opening y a Urge and splendid assoitnent of ss:;' rois, e I'b-aring everything adapted to the varied wants and lales of the community, and at piicea that can not fail to sive universal satisfaction. The I.ADIUS are assured that we have a better assortment nf IrO faOUIi than has ever bien presented in this market. We have every quality and description of Cai!hmtii aul Jiws' Dress Gootlt, ' Cassiineres, Vestiri-'s, Summer e-tulT, Fancy f rivals. Ac. A splendid lot of HATS, CAPd and UO.NNE ' S. of the latest styles K.bbons, Flowers, Silks, Culicocs, Iiiwus, U.nghatns, &c. lltrdware Qui ( tiswaro Class ware, GROCERIES of all kinds also a la-gc. stock of Plaster, S'alt.nitd Fish, t vry low prices for CASH or COK.NTRY l'KOLU Ci: of all kinds at M i ket pices. J. dc J. AVALLS. Lewis!, urp, April 23, lS.'rO UNIVERSITY nt leivisbiirgr. c IIRCI'I.AR for the Aeadimical Year c.)m COURSE OF STUDIES. FriiKary Departiacnt, ExrrciecJ in. Sjullin, Kcb!;i:. Definition, English (.rammir, Arilhmelir, (Seuraphy. 1 1 i lory l.'.S.A.v Penmanship anJ Compositian. English Department cf the Academy. TLe tame studies as in the Primary iKp.-irtm't rontinoeJ in the use of hrer text l ooks ; and tt iIiopo are addi'd flnner.! llt!tory,Algt'bra, Legen dre, and Elements of urveyit:g. Classical Department cf the Academy. Ttrm Junior Aratlttuir class. I. Frslisl. (irr.ntmnr. litinliniDiciur, AriihiULticitwo livisif.n-.i t.-v'-'t; lijr. N. Tl.. f.nw -tti'lttM u in I. T'-rm. nnd !'n man ship. Hi. l.i)i--It-li ;r:iuiln;tr. M-ar. Ariihim-lif mitiDiflfil Iiv 1ft tlivUinn.vtrcfk .r:tmm;ir, History l'j.A, ivii- tSertiftr Acadtvilc eta s. T. (Vnr. (irw-k Kndcr. Alp Tra i Kle-m-T-t-.) HI. ii" c r. rnr-l. t-tl, J.-ne- ri Ilintnry, Kbfrli.h Lfin:n;!c Cbmj-itKu. COLLEGIATE DEFAKTMENT. I. Knj-'Ii-h hnv1' nI C'injittonf Algebra, L:vy, AnatrtLiii. IF. Manr iJ.fn-trT, lArv. Anam. III. i'iarm, .lid and fyuVricaJ Geometry WtmjtkteJ, Li vy. Anabapid. Snphttinore class. I. llnraee, fMysrVv. I'laticanl Spln-riml Trisnmnnnlry. II- ' Uo 1i.'nMuratinii.SurTfinT.NaTi'.FntMn. III. do Cf.mi.lft.-d, sN-lfft 4rntu.nMf iKmostlwu.-ji, Khetorie, Analytical .;-oimtry. Junior class. I. IVtnnMthrn' on t)i t'mwn. Oirero dc OfBcii, chanics, llydntatTP, and Hydraulicr, II. Irt m.tlM m-.i cn th- Cr-iwn. Cicro dr offl.-iii' ccun- I'li'tt-d. iTH'iimatirs, Acoustics, Khctricity, Magiio tini, nud Optir. HI. Orvt k Tragi-dy, Taritnit, Astronomy. Senior data. for Armlfmiral -nr cr.rnm nrinp: Oct. 10, IR-TV I. liOiric, Natural Thtv!r-;y, ln(tHw tnal Philrxiojdiy. II. ir-t'k. folitiral l-iMi'iny. iinJ I'liilwtnphy. HI. Jtnil, r AnulHrO-. Or-titution A U. Ch miatry, J-t cturcs, (it-nt-ral Kcvlens. TVo cliiss in the Kt C'ntirse has less than thro du.;Iy recitations. Every Saturday forenoon U devoted e rclusiively to Vocal Music, Declamation, and readme select nnd original Compositions. The Biud.nttt are required to attend, ly. come relijjourf nteetinpf. Minors ore expectrd to attend fucIi rmelings as are rec-immcnucd to ihem by their' or Guardians. There are in the borouah no Ies. than six places of public worshtii. of as many dilTfc rent Christian denominations. TV'Xf CII.. KngHth for ring, n.. ,vtoeriVij. The nil !,., p.-rters l;li- t"ri; al K vl. r, v,revrt. r' .r Wi r s li:. tK.i:.ry. ; iuiiif,nn r.n'.j: itmilirnar. J vwrs ni:nsiYi' r.x in Knt;tili I '"nijnt.itin, I'ari.'cr'ii Ai.tH, Iiluir I-cturitt (I'niri-rsity FJition.) Jsttin Isinijwtp.. ItullHin'iit.'rainjiinr. Itullinn'o RradtT, I-eviTftl's l,vxiron. Hullion's Cipher, ti Iimitz and Zunipt'i Vinril. I.inri.ln's l.lvy, AnUion'n, CicTw J- ittticiifi, Tvli-rN Tacitus' tlcrniania et Acriro.i. (rrrrl Itimungt.. HulUon.Ur:imm.''r BullionN Rerulir, l.i'Mi'l! k sicitt'fi L"xi'on. Own's X"D 'ptmn Anal-a.-i!i, iiwt'H'n llomcr'n OlyR.'', Cl.auit'lin'H Dua"stiienc, Fk'n Ct:t-i-iii Manual. M'tlhwiina. Paxit rt" Arithm tic fr.T Arad. micfl. J-'It: rntiiry Alu-.-l-ra. Itonrlnn. lvi-n'IrH. Surviina ami ,nvi tritti''li..AniilyliraltifonHtry.olintiil's"atur.ill,hJv.s(IJ' iftTiiityln-J, 01xuUh1's A.srrniiomy. umber of Stiidcnls. The nunilicr of otudcntd during the past vear in the various Departments, was Mil, 'J'lie numher that have cnte'tJ the classes in the lie. gu!:ir Course fir the enrrent year (eiclusive of those in the Kngli-h and P:imary departments,) is as follows : CoixzuE. Junior clarw - - a fviphorniim rla - 14 In-shman rta.s - - 30 AcanuiT. S-uior cla - - a. Junior duns - 0.. OT Toacbors. KPIIKX W. TAVIaiK, A. M- l'rof. of Jluthenat'j-s nt Xatural Philiwnpliy. ' ', ? j,".,,,,,.. iiki.HCI V)'. AXI'LKSOX, A M , Prof, of Latin Laoini'gt' nml I t..atiire. 1SIAC '. UlOMIf, A.M ALFIIKD rAVLOK, A.M , Prilicifial the Afml.'my. , Tutor in the nglih Lan- ruaire anJ Ktoe.'iion. Buildings, Library anl Apparaliw. The Academic tJifice now occupied by the members of the Unive'v, '' been erected, 8t an eipeniw of S,0ii0, ami it artatl ti arcnrnmnlatF iM jtu.lenrj.. Anoth.-reditire ha.; ti" .wmenil.v(hieh is to be finished witiiin the rnunw o. the pr"nt Aewli rnie inr. nJ Ui contain stuily rixms an..' dunnifones fr the eenmandaHon or 7l stucii nUi in the Coi'.'epate .Vpartm t. . 5Te contain a number of eeliM-t voluiu-a, ana ii eimsrantly inen'itinir. , f' ApiTntus has been ontem! anelent f sui'pty h. iniiniHliiit4 ilrmnnii. ITie Apparatus f,r aue illujlration of Mechanical Philosophy, is now compu te. Tiiillon nnd Itoard. Tuition in the Collegiate Department $30, Academic 20, Primary $12 per year. Board, including lodging, washing, fuel, and light, can be had in the village and its vicinity at various prices, from J 1, 37 to (2,50 per week. Sessions and Vacations. Two Sessions in the year the former com mences on the 2nd Thursday in October, and continues 27 weeks; the latter commences on the lAtb May, and continues 15 weeks. , Spring Vacation, 4 weeks ; Autumnal, C. By order and in behalf of the Board : THOMAS WATTSOX. Prca'l. CEORCE F. MILLER. Sec'y. Lewisburg. Union Co. Pa. April 14. 1850 A Card, to the Ladies. C. MILLER, OF Philadelphia, bega leave to announce to the Ladies that he marie to order f3j Ladies' Boots and Shoes, of every - description, at reduced pricea lias aaa also on band double aolrd Kid Buskin Shoes for !fl,l2i, Ihin aoled Slippers for 75 cent, and variety of Children's Shoes cheap for Cash. The aubacrilier devotes himself entirely to 6nc work hi bia line, and believing be can give aa'ia faction, aoliciu a abare of public patronage. 8hop on N. Third St. Sd door aouth of School-house. Leiaburg, Ap-il 16. C. MILLER. T7 QTTnever refused al the office jYXlrjri ofiheLewisburgKhronicle. IIIjACKSMATUIXG The subscribers respect fu'ly inlorni the citizens of Lcwisburg and vicimtv that lh'j have comi-nred the above business, at M. I Lite's old shop on Second St. one square south of M trktt.wherethey are prepared to Iron liuggies f r Waggons, and make all articles in their business in the most workmanlike manner, at prices which they hope will induce those wishing anytbina done in their line to call and judije themselves before going elsewhere. Impairing done on the Mmrtest notice an I on reasonable terms u!o Shoeing, which is a very important mat ter to those that Imve valuable horse, nnd should be entrusted ..!.. . ...... i i. ... .i ;tl et&MSii We;er ourscUcs tai e arc able to compete wi'h any person in the country in Shoeing llores t ws as!t only a trial, and let the work show Inr : itself. . , . All work warranted. , Iron and all kinds of country Trotljce taken in exchange. We hope by strict n'tention i business, and a determination to suit nil, both in work and price, to receive a liberal 6hare of public patronage. HATH & FURRAY. Lewuslurg, May 22, 18iJ Attentfon! LEWISBURG INFANTRY You are hereby commanded to nect at the notice of A II. Blair, on Saturjuy ihe 4th of May next, at 10 o'clock, A.M., in full uniform, each Tnemlier to be provided with 10 rnda of I'biik cartriilge. An Elrction for First Sergeant will be held at the same lime and place. By order of the Captain. J. A- KtlOADS, OS. Lewisburg. April 13, lSc-0. 'Vii the lion. Court of fleneral QuartiT Sessions of tlie I'i'aee in an l f..r Ihe County of I uion, at the May TVrm t.r IsSu. The petition t.f Wm. L. Bitter, of White IWr township, in tlie rouoty of t nion, rvsiiertfully viiowlh, that your Mtitioner ij di'sir'.us of km-pinir a puTilie houu in the h mse kept by Wm. 1- RitU r last yar, ami hiTe be f .nnerly kpt a public house for a numiier of years, ami is proviiteit with every niTessary convenience so to lo : he Itu-n-for.' pmys Ue Court to frrant biln license to keep a tavern or house of public entertainment tr the aceoru nioilation of travelers and stmnirers, anil such a house is ueee'arily wajiteil, anil he vill pray. Ae. WM. U RITTKU. We the suhseriheni. cltiaens of WbKe lsr township, ilo c-TIIfy that the fchoTe applieiict is of punt ri-pute for honesty and t ns rauee, and is wll pniviili-U with hou risim anil convenience fi -r the loilinnp and areomiU'-tNtion of travrlers and str-iirrs. an-1 sueh a tavern is neees.'ar iiy wanted in New C'oiuuitiia. Mtui:ss OUT hands, this 1,-t day of April. ISM. Abrikbam lvr.diam, Jaeob liittin. Abr. Ane-ney. Israel Holey .M't'urley. Jacob Meek by, Joel Kanrk, Cnml OenilsTlin, fjewis P-rshnm. Wm. P. llateiman, Paul iiixtlar.der, Jacob Trovel, t lmrlin Kline. TPHC pTrlnership between the subscribers I in the Livery business, was this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the firm, will settle with C. F. Hess ; creditors will also look to him for payment. JOHN M. HES. CHARLES F. HESS. Lewisburg, April 6, 1850 Hie undersigned win continue the LIVERY ni'SLYESS at the U,d Stand, and respectfully solicits the patron age ol his friends and the public cenerally. CllAKLliS F. I1KSS. April 0, 1830 6w Notice. fjMIE Burgess nnd Town Council of the JL Ilorough of Lewisburg, hereby give notice that they will n ceive proposals from this date until llic 1st day ol May next For quarrying stone (nt the quarry f f Vin.C:inieroti,Ksq.) in separate lots of one hundred perch i nch, to M JCndainize part of M.irktt street ; Also proposals for nnd delivering stuns on Market street, in lots of one hund red perch each ; Also proposals for breaking tlie aid stone (in lots of one hundred perch each) to such sir.c as will pass through a two and j inch ring, and Also proposals for t!v delivery on Mar ket street of lour hundred perch of paving .stone, in separate IdIs of one hundred perch each, of the lollowing size, dimensions and quality, to wit : the stone to Le not less than six nor more than riubt inches long, ano ihe length to exceed the thickness by at one third, and to h(! of permanent and durable quality, tuitallo for street paving. All the above work to lie done under'the superintendence and direction of the Street Commissioners, and to be completed on or before the 1st day of Octo'cr next, fiy order of the Council : A. H. BLAlrl, Burgess. Attest: John IIoruiiTox, Clerk. Lewisburg, April 10, 1S50 BOROCOH OltDINA XCES fPHE Burgess nnd Town CBuncil of the JL Uorough ol Lew isnurg met, April i, 1850, lor the purpose of adopting measures . . I L'..iin. .niilniiin rif ilia ct roold na mPnrs nn!l nllevs therein, andalier mature J..ia....i;nn fa,n r,ll.u-iniT rncrilufn-ina nnrl Cliuvl anvil ,vii-.i..q " " oruinances were ttninimously adopted, to wit : - .. J. Resolved, that as the pavcrr.ento and side-w a"59 wf;re inlenJed r"r nuo,ic as we" as privatb accommodation, ws deem it im portant and :mJ. tlnd ,,ereb7 rfin, that all obsiruc..'- on the 8ame ""'l be rem ved. We ihe.-ore authorize and rs quire the street CommWi" to remove, or cause to be removed, a" obstrulions on the streets, pavements, nnJ side-walks, so far as practicable, without ,-espect to npr.niia. i.ivinff due no-ice to al! niV'iWS , lit ghall have in any way owirucica uie sireets, alleys, pnvements. or water-cours es, to remove the samc.anowing inem rea sonable and sufficient time for said remo val, and in case any person f hull neglect or refuse to comply with this ordinance, the street Commissioners shall proceed forthwith to remove such obstruction, and teturn the said person or persons, with a bill of the costs of such removal, to the Burgess, Jio shall oulhorire and require Ihe High ConsUiblc to. collect a 6ncof five dollars" together with the bill of costs of said removal, from each and every person so returned ; and if said person or persons shall refuse to pay the said line and bill of eosts. the High Constable shall proceed im- BRANCH FARMER mediately to levy upon the goods and chat ties of every such iiersoii or persons, to the full amount of said claim, and sell the same according to lew : and the money thus collected shall be paid into Ihe Bor ough Treasury. 2. Kesolved, that it shall be the duty herealter oi the street Commissioners, to furnish all persons within the Borough who may apply to them, the proper grade ar.d width of pavements and trees; also, the building line of the street, and in case such persons conform to. the directions given, they shall not herealter be subjected to the expense ol alter alterations;, but should it afterwards be found necessary to alter, the expense shall be paid out of the Borough treasury, unb-ss it shall be found t ) have been the result of manifest carelessness on the part of the street Commissioners, in w hich case, he or they shall be held re sponsible for the fame. a. Kesolved, that the street Commis sioners sh'ill hereafier receive pay for all lime spent in the discharge of the duties assigned them. 4-. Resolved, that as there are several pumps, so situated within the pavements on Market street as to form serious ob struetioiis while in their present position, but which, if moved to the curb, might be of important service in case of fire, we therefore authorize and instruct the street Commissioners to adopt some plun to have said pumps removed to Ihe curb as soon as practicable, the expenses of which shall be puid out of the Borough treasury. 0. Uesolved, that Market street, between Front and iSecond,and also between Fourth and Fifth streets, shall be properly graJed and McAdumized or paved during the pres ent year, and that the Clerk is hereby au thorized to receive proposals separately, for quarrying, breaking, and hauling stone, in separate lots of one hundred perch each, for that purpose, and also to receive pro posals for the delivery of four hundred perch ol paving stone, of such size and quality as may be deemed suitable by the street Commissioners (or the said work. C. KesoNed, that the owners, and hold ers of property on each side of Market st. (wilhin the limits to be McAdamized or paved,) are hereby required to pave the gutters and set the curb stone in front of their lots, at such lime, and according to such direciions, as may be given them by the Street Commissioners, and if any per son or pi rsons shall neglect or refuse to nomply with the said requisition, after hav ing received due notice thereof, ihe street Commissioners shall proceed to do the said work, keeping a correct account of the ex pense thereof; and each person, so neg lecting or refusing, shall forfeit and pay a tine equal to the full amount of the cost ol the said work, together with the costs of collecting the same, which shall be paid into the Borough treasury. 7. Resolved, that the foregoing Ordi nances and Resolutions be published in the Lewisburg Chronic's. , By order of the Council : A. II. BLAIR, Burgee's. Attest : Jons Houghton, Clerk. Lewisburg, April 1, 1850. i.RESII TF.AS. Another lot of superior Black and Green Teas . just reed from the Canton Tea Com V, panv, nnd for sale at New York retail prices by J. IIAY'KS & CO. Lewisburg, April 16. Agents. M OTICK. To th n.irmraM the Jn..jrf. of ihe Cunt of Uirti.r SMyi..n. At' 1 1.. !... iH I ... .1.. i" - - ' rmjB us auu 1VI Uir VVUUIJ of Triia-n, nt May Term. lK.r0. The etitinn of Ihirii. I It Itelx-r.of IMiiVr tiwnthip in Kiii muuty. rvfipoct fully thow(lli that he i tlvtnnm of Ktfpmz a puniic ituiw at the Fort-?t Iron Workt, on the Tiiriii'ike )t a.iinjr frn White Ihr Millii t Center county Itiroujh Sukui Valley. He th.Ti fnrf fimv the Honor Me (urt Ui rant him a lioniHf fr keeping a public iao or laTcra, anil he as in duty bouml wil fray, r PANIKL B KEHm We the tin1Tst(me1 HtixeTtr of White Iieer township In the county of Union, do hereby certify tlut we are well ariinaintrij with Daniel B. Kelwr. thf above appHrrnt fr a tavern lieenn. nJ know him to be a man of poml repute for honesty aiul t mpprauce ; that he is well pro-tith-il with houM-rooui and other conrenienees lir the aeeommnt:ition and lotUrinji of ntninffcru and travel.Tfi ; and ttiat a public houw in nerertKiry there to accommodate ititf puhh amiftranpTw and travelers : we therefore be ! are to rucomniend biin for a licease agreeable to uii Mtition. Wm. L. I. it ter. Geo. Inderwood, Charlen Kline. Ifenry Kn-teutler, Jiu-ob UieffenJerfcr, Jacob Trurki'nmilh-r, Jhn Iricffi nderfv-r. Aaron mith. Jwb Troxel, Abrahan: Antponey, Wm. P Ihu?rnan, Jik Kinrfi j A PI'I.ICATIOX KOH LICENCE. To the Hon. the Court of Quarter J-nont of the IVoce in and fcr th eonnty of l'nin, at May Term, 1W0. The petition of the rtuhftrriber humbly prayeth your honors to grant him further lireue for keeping public houMt of entertainment In the large and commoiltnud houxe which he now OKcupie fir that purpose in the Korouzh of Lewiftbur in naid county. He therefore prays the Hod. Court to trrattt him the' license asked fur, taa in duty bound b will ever pray, Ac. A. J. WKTDEXSAfL. We the undiTsined cititen of Lewirtburc in the county of Vnion, buiiiK personally anjuainted with Adam J. Weitlemtaul. the aboTC namod petitioner, and also having knowbsli of the house Ibr whieh the Ucbum ia prayed, do certify that nurh a houte 1 nrceJKary to accommoitate the public and entertain fftrangera and traTelers.and that be if a per n of good repute for honesty and temperance, nnd that he in well provided with the neceraary conrenn ftio-s for the acroipmodution and comfort of travelcrn. We therefore pray your honom to grant him a licence agreeable to hi petition. Iwinburg. April 4, IHoO Henry W Friea, Jamen Blair, 9 IStnirhton, Kamdrw Fnrrr, .lames (Ywwell, Mathlan I lite, Henry Neuer, A L Hattteld, aSaml Wolf.-, William Cameron, 1 Whitlock. J Mr.ddin. Spring & Summer GOODS. TLST reived, nnd now at FORSTER'S NEW STORE. second door east of K iue's Hotel, a new and Splendid Assortment of Goods, suitable for this and the approaching sea son, consisting of CLOTHS, CASSf HERS, VESTIXGS, Ladles' Drang Goods of every stj le and variety new style Barages, Lawcs, Armure Delaines, Ging hams, &c. A great variety of st)Ies Chints, Cali coes, fiiC- ... a dprumiui assonmcni i.aaies' raraso!. Mo.-occo and Kid SHOES and GAITERS (or Ladies and Children Also a choice selection of GROCERIES, Queensware, ctc.&s., all of which are o.Tered remarkable low for Cash or Country Produce, by ihe subscriber, J. FORSTEE. Lewisburg, April 3. 1650 To Jmtlcea of tbe Peace. B INNS' JUSTICE, new edition, can he had al LyndaH'a Bookatore, in this place. Lewitburg, April 10, 1 90. fl'etc Store, rilESlf GOODS! B.4IlTOSI,EIES & M.4USII HAVING formed a Copartnership in the Mercantile business, anl enlarged ihe Storeroom lately occupied by S S. Barton opposite Kline Hotel are r.ow openin r wi ll selected nnd extensive stock of JI- r chandize, consisting of Erji (BooHs, GRR,Elf II All!) WAKE, (' UTLE.UV, Carpenters' Tools, Queensware, SALT, FISH, FurniUire Mounting, Glassware, Window GLASS a gencrsl assortment. Bar, Rod, and Hooj? Iron, Nails, and Spike., Tinware, Miect Iron and Metal Itn:. and a more general essortmeat than is usually lound iu country stores which they pledge ihemielvcs to sell at very low Persons al a disWCC will f Hi' it to their ndvantnee to buy lor CVh or we will take in Exchango for Goods, Cheat, Hye, Corn. Oats. Buckwheat, Timothv and v lo ver Seeds, Butter, Fggs,Ta!l"w,Hard Soap, Beeswax, Feathers, and a'l kinds of trade or country produce. The patronage of the public U respect fully solicited, nnd every s-surance given thai nothing shall be warning to render entire satisfaction. sam i. s. barton. kami i:l ;edl:. j4me-s . marsh. Lewisburg, April 1, 1850 ttcmotmls. MEDICAL CARD. Respectfully announces to bis friends and the public generally, thnt he has removed his residence to the hr u-it of his father, (formerly occupied by Wm. Porter,) a few doors north ol Kline's Hon '. Oilier, Col. MTaddin's new brick but' ding, next door above C. K. Bowes' Store. Ijewisburg, April I, 183 I REMOVAL.! TAILOR, has removed his Shop to the building (one door above l.vndal.'s) lately occupied by John, It. Miller, where he will be happy to f.'. his customers both old and new. The Fashions for 1850, Spring and Summer just received. Lewiburi April 1, 1850 Dr. JOHN LOCKE, DENTIST, Has removed his Office to his Dwelling ihe Jirst door btloc I'line !!o:tl, rooms over Forster's Store where he will wait on all who may desire his services, accord in; to previous arrangement. LewHiburg, April 2, 195'l two bal. JOIIX IJ. M1LLEU, TAlI.Oll, respectfully informs his patrons and the public that his Shop is now at his house tlie new brick opposite Mr. James P. Koss', on third St., where ho wid be happy to wait on all who may honor him wi'h their patronage. Lewisburg, April 2, 1950 JOHN A. MERTi,' Justice of the Peace, Has removed his Office to Market St., in the room recently used bv Dr. Locke, one door below the Printing Olli e. Lewisburg, April 3, 150 Thompson's Susquehanna EXPRESS! BETWEEN Philadelphia, Sunbury, N rthumberland, Danville, . Milton, M mey, : H'illiamsport, Lewisburg, Mifllinburg, New Berlin, and Selinsgrove. Leaves the City every Thursday Slorning. Ojices in PhUuJelphla: For Package, and Light Goods Al Livingston & Co.'a Expresa, Depot 43 Sjinli Third St.; And for Heavy Article, At Iteichrl &. Co.'a, Uepol corner of Broad & Cherry. Orders attended to if left at Itwuhurg with Jfr Klin?. Mr Weidensaul. Mr I yndall, Mr Forater, or Mr shelter January 1,1650 BOARDING. nnilE subscriber avails himself of the col- JL urnos of the Chronicle in publishing to the citizens cf Lewisbur;; an.' vicinity that he has opened a B'J.VHDIXG. HOLT E 'in that large anJ comfortably arranged hoa.v. f.Hmerly kept as a Temperance Hotel by Jamea Kelly, two doors east of the Franklin Hon-. Market etreet. He ia prepared lo aay that hi Tabl.- hall have Ihe beat the Market can aflord, and the Lojging of Boardera aball be comfortable as ran be desired. ' 1. 8. STERNER. N. B. A team and carriage will lie kept ta cenvey paaaengera 1 1 and from the Packet Doata. Lewisburg. March 18, 1 ."(). Dentistry. WEL C. STEWART, TATE cf Philadelphia, ia now located on J Market street, Lewuburg, opposite Mr. J. Scbreyer'a etore, where he attenda to operation on tbe leeth at a reduction of hie former pricea. Teeth and roots of teeth remove! with tbe aid of improved Instrument, and in an ecay manner. Filling leeth and setting on pivot or plate ctteni ded to according to the lateal improvement in tha profession. 1'loerated, epongy.and inflamed gums eared. Thankful for past favor, ha solicit a continuance of public patronage No impart materials mod for filling in leelb. Iy88 Tan ii i rig anil t ' u rry i ng IOE pa! favors ihe su?ncfi!jer re'orns . his grateful ih mka, at.d hereby makes known lltal he carries on the business of Tnnnivz and Currying:, at ths Oid Stand. IWrnineil not to le outdone in ihe ianulacture or fiuish of h.. work, hs is bound to have the best work men and mveria's, and to ffrjt th-se who navo so lib-Tally patronized ,'as wli a bse al-o w ho shall be pleased to patmniz" tim) with that ttenti'n which he hiiprs to insure him a full slnre ol . ibiic pafrotiag -. ll kinds f Produce Inkrn in exchange. Hides and Birk n t refused, f r whelf highest market price will Le. paivl in vKH or in exchange for Iw.thsr. - L ETKKXEl:. March 2.;. A D. ISO The Summer Session of the.. LEWISBURG. ACADEMY, TILL commence ci Mosnay Ihe 20ih i,t April. Iriatrneticn wi'l bti given, a for merly, in all brancliea mcrasary to rhoryuli cadvmic course. Our endeavor shi!r ni 1 imply lo coin'i'iuiiica'e knowledge, tot to neil ihe youthful ip'mi to act for ili-elf. When 'hui ia fatty, the picgriko of the beccmas at onre ctriain and raiJ. The k ti- cf learning crhirh mol of our youth, in lhi rhtwi'i need, is that ao!U literature. vrhU-h Vr.ile it oiaturci their min.U, (:ieparea thaia, aire fr I practical duties of li'e. CompoKilion and Declcrr iti'.n vr;!I ree-ive tLeir full ahare of attention particularly the fi.ii.i'-. The Primary Departn:.-nl .hall I ate our prc'u! care. Fiom the .lispojiiion manifr!el to aulun the Institution, the subscriber leela atinulatej to re neiveJ.eif rlioi.8. The .Seasi. n wi!i eon-i-t of two Tru.i of II week earh a short vaea'ion in'etvrnins- Tui, tion fff, for the common biaiiche, !jS fr ihe higher Eng!i-h, ami 1 for Languay a..oe' Sossi n iwr Term, one half. . J.NO. KANDOLPli. March 27, 1850. rrir.riji:. WIN FIELD WOOLEN FACTQBY, Xr Uartlclon, W'ulou Co., Pa. THE aiibjciiber, thhn!;Iul for the ii ral pa'ronage bestowed cn h ? old etiiu- l:hmcntt bes leave to inTorm bi iri-nils and the public in general, ih-'t he has now removed his Machinery into bis jNew Jli'i, (luo miles abore lijtrlltlon,uenT the Turh- pske,) w hich has been bui.t ana t.tted tip on the most improved pl'-in, and will have on. by the middle of April an entire new sett of JENK la:e. I.MPP.OVED MACHINERY, in addition to his already good sett, which will make it the largest and best fit'ed-us establishment within 100 miles of it; anl with the advantage of one of the best wa'er powers, he feels safe in saying that his establishment U not and shall not be pased by any in this part of the country. has engiged a grxd sett of workmen, and is now prepared for manufacturing Broad and narrow CLOTHS, ; : , Cassimeres, Tveeds, Jfatinetts, Jeans, Eannels. Blankets, &c. in the best manner, on the shortest ootiee, at reduced prices, ptji'r the uccommo diition :( customers, V'oo! may be left a! the folic ing Depositories : New Beilin : E V;iaoa's Store SeKungrove : Davis A Schnore li do John Hartntaa Jr da Freeburg : (i 4 F U Mover do Middleborg: Swengle&Haxaingerda Adanwhurg: Henry A Kmiih du PenasValIevNrrocva : Mrs Moatz do MilEinburg : Henry Gaal do Eaat Uullalo: Samuel K.'a Taverrj HulT.loX RoaJa: J M'Creieht'a flora I.enUliurg: J Have iV Co tio do Reber & IJ.Lga do West Milton John Daieaman do Milton r Vaatelier & Senk da do Sweeney A Haig do Liberty P O: Wm Dtlu'a Itou-e Limestone : Weiilenhamer'a 8to Pottsgrove: Jjmes Ktd i A good assortment of Cloths, Gatioeils, Cassimcres.Tweeds, Jwos, Flanr.els.lllan kets, Stocking Yarn, &r always For Salu or Kschange for Wool orcoun'ry ProJuo at the New Factory. CA R DIXG and FULLT.rO as tiSnal. MARK HALFPENNY. WinfklJ Mills. March 1, 2950 GOLD and SILVER Sot cr.lij in Calif rnia, but also in Leii'uTurg ' A good assoitmeat of Watches, Silverware and Jewclr y of fine quality and at City pike. Hatfield & Thompson Respectfully inform the citizen of Lewisburg an i vicinity, lhal thev have entrrr-J iuto Part.ierahii.' at Ihe OLD STAND on Market St , oppo-ite J. Haye & Co'a Store, prepared to execute)' t iery kind of work in their lire, in the beat manner. They carefully selected of ihe best English and Freneh materia!, Matn.'pr'ng rindeM.E--ape. wherK en? a variety of Wtch Jewel, ami 0 titer themwlve that their knowleje and skill iu tbe biiine.- will enable tbem to give atiifctiort t. i to kivs aauiaciior) ut i with pati oni. b a Prytr. rVf2i" char. L:;lached.3,s7 all wao may favor tarm FINE WATCHES, aucb i capeinenU, Lepinea, Anch Patent Levers, Kepeatera, and Musical VV'aUbe. Ac neatly repaired and warranted- Also for eale, variety of Gold and S.'Nrr Watche. Talent I evers, Anchara, Detached. Le pines, (juartier. an l Lng'i-h Watrhe. Gold Chain. Breasl-p'ii. Finger and T!ar ling. Gold and Silver Uelt Mide. Bracelets, Gold and Silver'' jtff,r-. Pencila and Pen, do spectacles, v Silver Spoons, Sugar Un.i cnilx, ' c Ac. in abort, a tittle of everything, and anything ele. not rr.rntioning aiit'ci.Jrrtact. alvav on band or got lo or ler A variety of Brass Clock for 3 and upward" al wholesale and retail rVrxon Jeairing to get Ibirp right, would Jo well by giving the subscriber a call Eiperienee tells us that the C'eJii System can ' not afford a living. Therefore. In order to pu-h along and keep moving," the ''Uilj System mut necessarily be enforced. Feb 53.' I Sr) A 1. HATFIELD. -WM II TH ntP;ioN It K C K I PT " ,k l-rM 40Z Spto Ammonia, 18 ox.Sfis Torp enli&e, 4 ol Spt Camphor; mix in bolt'e. Take & to 8 Ublespoonfol above mixture: I j pint snnt ' nap to an ordinary tub of hot water; mix thor oughly together, then put lb c'oihea w th lub. and let them fem!ri Cfieew minutes be for wash ing them out ; then tins them through two of. three waters, bang op anrl ilrv, This Waahiaa; Mixtur for al by C. W. PCHAFri-B,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers