V.m com-Wed av Hand Mumbmar J. 3MI» my: 3.1.“phl m u mum-easing. M not wk! humus. Na nhoaipmn dil- Wuihu a to option on). publish-t, um an mm we paid. ADVERTISEMENTS lnurtod n means! nut. ‘O3 PRINTING of all klnds do“ with m Ind dispatch. OFFICE. m South Baltimore meet, mun Judah and man. hm.— the Po» once—”Cellul- In 2mm: GEL-o" on un- nun. ' 1 D Profem'onal Cards. Edward. B. Buehler, TTORNHY A’FthAW, will faithfully and A pronfpuy allegd to an bunineu encrust ed to him. He Ipeuks the 'German hugnnge. Was It. the mine -plnce. in Scull! Baltimore ilmt, nenr Furnrv'l drug store, Ind nutty; opposite Dunner I: ngler'l Iron-e. ~ Hamburg, “arch 10. - ‘ . J’. O- Nooly,‘ ' TTORNN AT LAW.—-Plrticulnranen lion pm .‘.o collecdon of Pemiona, only, Ind flack-pay. (Juice In the S. E. corner at tho Diamond. ~ Getty-burg, April 6, 1863. t! D. McDonaughy, TTORNEY AT LAW, (office one door want A of Buelder's drug Ind book More, Chum brrsburg street.) Anon”? Asa Soucnul run anfa ASL! P 0510“. Bounty Lnnd Wnr hula, Bwk<p|y suspended Claims, and all other cln'unn against the Government 1% Wnsh ingwn,,D. 0,; III“) American clnims in Eng lnnd. [and erunts located and sold, or bought, and finghesl prices gn’en. Agents”- zlzbd in lac-ting wnrrnnu 'm low‘a. Illinois .ud other weuern States. WApply to him pcrwnnllr or by letter. Geuysburgkflov. 21, ’53. Law Partnership. A. DUNCAN a J. H. WHITE, n. ... . Airway? AT. .LAW, Will'promzltly “lend to all legal buzineu I'm'uned to them, including _lhe procuring of Pensions. Bu‘unty, [lack Pay} and MI other things against. the United smm and Sum Goverumpau. ’ _ _ _ (”lee in’North West Cornet of Diunond, Gonysburg, Peun'n. Agru:z,lB6s. u ' ‘ Dr. J. W. G. O’Neal’s FFICE and Dwrllingi, N. B. (Drum-bf Bal- Hmure and High streets, near Presbyte- I In Church, ‘Gvelty'zburg, PI. N0v.30. :qu. u ' ‘ Dr. J. A. Armstrong. AVIN‘L removed [tom New Salim; York conn‘ly‘ and having iocntod at Middle llmu, .\duxlni‘fiqlfnly,’ 05ch his professional knives to the pu‘ lic. . [July 31, '65. 1] 4 1300 me Benson. *-. FFIGE at the Iluilrua. Hausa, (frontroom, formerly ucqupiad by Dr. Kimmy} LWTLESTOWN, PA. June 10, 1505. n‘ ‘ Dr. D. 8. Pefi‘er, ~ 4 BBOTTSTOEYN, Adums county, contiifixu the pzncticc of his profession in n." im bunches, nod Would respectfully invite all persons («alum-d with any old smnding dia cam m can and consult mm. “ Oct. 3, 156 i. M Dr. F. C. Wolf, HAVING lomted M. EASTVBERLL‘I, Adams county, imm-s (PM by strict attention to his lnofussinnnl dutia-s he may: merit a =hare of th - ouhlir patronage. [Apr. 2, '66 if J. Lawrence Hill. M. D., AS his ofike one .| I door wéstofule“. “‘.‘?- ulhernn church in V Clumbersi‘urg girl-ct, and opposite Dr. C. llorne:’s oflic-, where 'hue wishing to have In, hénm Operation periormed are respect.- fniiy invited'm mi. Rnlnnscns: I)”. Hor nvr, “2|" C. P. Krnulh, D. D., Rev. H. L. Bungher. D. D., Rev. Prof. M. Jacobs, D. 9., Prof. M. L. Sinner. Gettysburg, April 11, ’53. ’FOUTZ’S I:E= Hfll‘Sß 811 d Battle PUWHGFS. Ew-v , a um nnlmnl. r TEL L 0 W maxmv mums, 1 “my“. \‘EIIS, POUND LOSS OF AN TKTEAND VITA INERGY,&¢ II! improve: t wind, lucrcu ch: “meme-gr tr Imoorth 310's; , ikin—m mutton" H phenble lkclr Talkeeperl of C 01" {hit prrqunmuun La inulunble. h hen-nu an qu-umy and huprm'u me qumy ‘ ' hf {he mllk‘ n m bun pmven by ac hml expel-imam to ; increase the quan my 0! mill Ind cmun twcmy per Crnl and make the buncr arm Ind v nucL In fattening caule Hash!“ them an nppfllll, loosens 1 Huh hlde. “d - anea mm mm .... WI( h; in diseases of Swlne, such u Coughl. Ulcer! In “than Um, . N 16.. EM; mick: , ‘_ ‘ > “a ~ Ida u n Ipecmc. .-, , \ B! mun: (mm . 1.; ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘3" ' ' “1"” ' ' V - paper a . _ .- '.t‘ munmche .: l ‘5- é nbuvudlnuu ‘l‘, 9g 9: win beendicated‘ —' -» ~~1.~- > . . f or namely pm-enbed. H with in that. I certain manure Indium for ch: as Chulcra. p on 85 Cents per Papey, or 5 Papen for .1. PREPARED BY 's. A. FOU'l‘& BBQ, n m ' "own: Imm AND mm“ film. 10. 116 Franklin 815.. Baltimore, Id. ‘ For Rue hy Dmgghu Ind Sunkecpen through on) a» [fund Sums. For sale by A. D. Bnebler, Gettylbnrg; Lnughlin & Bushfiold, Wheeling, V 34 0. C. Bendert Co., Putaburg; Johnson, Honor” & Cowden, Philadelphia. - Dec. 11, 1865. l] ‘ , ‘1 Fresh Sngply. , ‘BW 6001):} AT 419290050 PRICES [— ‘A. SCOTT & SONS bnfe'flnz received “other fine assortmengof NEW GOODS, con liltil‘g. in party of Cloths, Cnssimorea, Cassi. nets, Kentucky Jenna, Ind Tweeds, for Gen. flmon'a ire-r. Also. I fine "summon! of LADIES' DRESS Gaga?” Oll' mock hu been selected 8”“ M", Had we are prepared to sell~ls cheap as my other unbuahmen: in the mummy. We uk we public ‘to give us a on“ and judge for fiat-uh“. We defy cumnezmon, both as to quality and price. A. SCOl‘l‘ 8 SUNS. April 2, Im. . . lllLUinery. ‘ BS. LUCY’A. PANNELLJxming removed “I froui Be'ecboriv‘me m Dahiel 1). mm, nu": mflo {com Arendtsvflto. on the Middlei Wanna. Invites the ladies to give her uc‘ll Am mi: mummy Vargas-nun: them that fife will ao‘li'chéfipl'iq-yja the very best. mu- I!" , . .'. . .. .. - Am :3; 199 g; 3: ’ v . * ‘3 ‘ - _buhk «Egon, ‘ L snamAputn.mvmcwmms, - ...: £92 fiww, w: my”; gt, ‘9'. I bet mm W; 1'16" <1 59%:- Pi vii ' Bgd'gr wfiicm red. A swim. Swarm.» (a! Caught. .. YIPEQ $ to $3O inch: : ~\ ‘ rv u‘gquhh'J! w" it B? H. J. sums. 48th Year. RANGE OF CONNECTIONS.~Un and M'- 0 (er Monday, November 201 b, 1865. Pu senger Tnhuwill have and arrive At Gen]!— bm'gr. pnd make éonnectionl, 3. follows: FIRST TRAIN will lenye Gettysburg u. 1.45 A. l. um: pun-mule: York. Earrin burg, Pllilndelybin, Bullimoxe, and thé Nora: and West, arriving at thover Juu‘ction with out. change alums, 31.10.2511; LL, cunnecfinz with the his: Line Sguth on the Northern Cen tral luih‘uy, Ind nrriving n 1 liulliumre at 12.30 mm). Aha connectiagwith.)lml Train from Baltimore north, nmvinz in Hurrisburg “1.20 P. I. Arrhe M. Gennburg 1.10 P. M., with passengers from Hurriaburg, York, Baltimore und Washington. SECOND TRAIN will leave Gettysburg gt [1.20, P. B'.,»nrriving at Hanover Junction,“ :3.)5. and connecting with‘ mail tnin South. §Amve at Baltimore an 5.30 PHI. Arrive at .gthuyuburgnt 8.15 I’. IL, with passengers from ,I’hilulelphir., Htrflsburg' And the North And _ West, and also with paucngen {mm Baltimore and Wuhington by the last line north, which llenvei Baltimore M, 12.10 noon. ‘Pnuengérl cu; le'lve Baltimore in the Mail Train at. 9 A. 3L, 11rd Arrive in Gettysburg,” LlO P. 1!. ‘ 01’ leave Baltimore in the {an lige '3l 12.10 noon. and arrive in Heuysburg n‘. 6.15 P. M. BAIL one change of cars by the that ll'lhl. either way, viz: st Hanovngunction. The fist. line (in the Northgrn Comm! will not “up M my local nationl, except. York, Hano ver Junction Ind Parkmn. Connection: cer tain. _ - R. McCURDY, Prea’t. Nov. :7, laxss.' ...- Hanover B. Railroad. [\(E TABLEé-LOn Ind sfm Fridny, Nov. 24th, 1865, pnueuger train! on the—Kun over I),rnnclrknilroad£i!l lenve us follows : FIRST TRAIN, (yhich makes connection with ‘o.th trains on the Nonhern Central Railwaf at the Juncno .) will lesye Hanover at 9.031;. 11., fur York, Baitimore, Harrisburg, and i («mediate uniom.’ [e-Thm train returns to Hanover 91.12 M. Ajmd arrives M‘Getlyseblrg at 1 P. M. SECOND Til-MN I ‘GI Hanover .5 20 P.. LL, amt strives M. the lunction n 3.10 P. SL, cgnectinz with the Mail Train South, which urnves at Qoltimore at SP. Ll. Passengers by this ’l'rnin for York In: over it the Junction until 6.12 P. M. ‘ ’ ' Passengers lem‘ing Baltimore for Hanover, Gettysburg, and Unknown, will (aka ember the Mill Train :1. 9 A. BL. or the l-‘ual. Line at. 12.10 P. 31. - ‘ JOSEPH LEIB, Agent. Dec. 13, 1865. ' . ETT Y 5 BU KG, PA.—The undersigned Wullld must respectfully inlorm hia n.l - friends :nd ‘lhe public gem-rally, thnl he hu’ purchased that long established and well known Hotel, the “Globe Inn," in York street, Gettysburg, and will spare no efiort to coolant it in n manner that will npt detract fr its former high reputation. Hie table WI“ hug the beat the market. cqn Alford—bin chimhers are spacious 8 d comfortnble—and he has hid in for his, : a full stack of wines and liquors. There 1 large Itnbling Attached to the Hotel, which will be nL'tendcd by (men tive homers. It will be his constant endeavm to render the fullest s.ltiufuctipn to his guests, making his house no near 1 home to them as possible. He asks a share of the publlc't {m trounze, delerminedaa he is to deserve a large part of it. Remember, the “Globe Inn" is in York street, but neon-\the Diamond, or Public Squru'e. BAHUEL WOLF, April 4, 1864; u A 'nm menu-luau, long Ind In 011ny known, Ll” mor ouyhly rel vlmu Innken down And low nplriced horns, by "ream-hula: tad clam-In. Kh uumach gm lum- Uuni V 1: II Vn sure pre~ vcmh': of all dil ewn incident to‘ EAR THE DEPOT. ' ' K HANOVER, YORK co.,‘PAJ The undersigned would respectfully inform his numeronl friends nnd the public. generally, that he has lenapd the Hotel in ilnnover, near the Depot, formerly kept by Mr. Jeremiah Kohler, and will [pure no efl'ort to confluent in It mixuncr that will give general mlisfuclion. His table will hare’thé beat the mlrketa "sénn afl’urd—his chambers are Ipscio‘us and com fumble—and he bu laid in for his built (all stock of choice wines nnd liquors. There is stablinfi for horses attached to the Hotel: Iv. will be his ccnsmnt endeflor to render the lullest satisfaction to hil guests, making his house as near I: linme to‘ them as possible:— He asks a share of the public pa'ronnp, de termined u he is to deserve a large part of it. Remember the Railroad Home, near the De pot, Hanover, Pa. 1 ‘A. P. BAUGHE'R. Oct. 2, 1865. if MéneySaved IS MONEY hlm-E 635:! SYSTEM ADOPTED, ' AND PRICES REDUCED! ‘Thc nnfieruigned molt rel eetflflly invite Weir om cuatnmers und'tfih {ubfic generally Lo cm and Ice um: Gouda 11. lhe new prices. We have ‘ ' A FULL AND WELL SELECTED STOCK, whiqh we have canclnded to run ofl' u the lowan pasaible prlcenn We intend doing what w?- sny; {herefore all person: desirous ofmalilng money in the easiest way (by umng it in their purghuea) will not (an In give us a call, A: we premiu them they shall not b: dlsap polnted.‘ _ , We no thankful for the pan. wary liberal patronage I. have recgived, and trust that we shall Inuit u continuation of‘dle ume; ind non—u we ghnll use our hes“! endeavor: to plense nll who may Invor us with i. call. ”Downing“ the place. . . DANN’BB k SHIELDS, Fx'ufielq. Adams canmy. Pt. Nll B.—Wo In Ann-um Nlller’s Superior h ily Flour, and Johnmn's celehnled Busb ing ow‘der. [Febl 26, 1868. t! Mcs' Oyster Saigon. 3 B undersigned has the ,plmnre of an nouncing to his friends that, in connec fio with his COM-‘EOTIUNERY AND 108 CE I.“ SALOON, he. has opened an LOYSTER SALOON. wit 3 SEPARATE DEPARTMNT FOR LADIES. Lndiea‘ sud Gentlemen nailing this Saloon will find the accommodations all they could desire. Oysters will be "not! np_in my “31. und in n np’erlo: manner. cm and Ice. JOHN 080E]... Nov. 6, 1865. l! J,m g FRANKLIN HOUSE,’ 'co‘nun omnwno a"A nix H n; {um-moms, rat i? ’ This Home II on n «iii-act Nae between the‘ Northern Cantu] 3nd tum-non ngd~ Ohio Rsilrond Depou‘. I: hall been refined-ind com: (Mg-lily gift-ind for the convenience san the munch” of gum. ’ Nov. 20, 1866. d: , ‘ AGO, Amwmcorn Smch, Rica-flu: S «a mm, for m. n“ D:- maxim ’l)_mz‘ Stan. ‘ p ‘ 18F6 'M “OR“: 1235 you cafi get ‘ ) .‘Piush‘u, Coma, Sqaglll’fimil ~efy:9{ofipqy.-;¢.. n; ma nriaw. . . ‘ my than»: sk Ighn, Ann”; Ib.. Ttpnce % go‘tr you'vfigh Figuréa If {N W Mama-mm.” - 4&9 .‘--.- q a w-un Traveller’s Guide. Gesburg Rolliroad. Glo h e In n, mm sl2, Hui nn muuxn, Railroad House. Everhart :~: ~,, BE A¥®EM©©RATH© AND FAMULV J©URNALO Flour! Feed! and Groceries! ' 1' THE CHEAP STORE ON THE HILL. If you wish to buy any of the above Arli clen cheaper Ind better than you can gel. them anywhere elsefgn to the Grocery Srore of the undersigned on the Hm, in Baltimore street, where customers can n'rwnys be nc‘commodn (ed, and uhe’re all It: invxted to call and see for themselves. The public will they: and I III! snd choice assortment of ‘ SUGARS, CUFFEES, TEAS, SYRUPS, HO LAHBES. TUBACCOS, CIGARS, BNUFFS, FISH, BAGUN. LARD, CHEESE, CRAC KERS, BUTTER, EGGS, he. GLASS-WARE, ORUCKEBY-WARE. NO- T 2033. til, COAL OIL LAHPB, FISH OIL, AND FLOUR. AND FEED, ALWAYS UN HAND. WANmD."-.OFIOIII‘I:II‘ Dull-Jinn", Egg. Bacon, and Pontoon, for which the highest market price will be paid, either in grads or cub. gig-Being dewrmined u) conduct my blui neu in :- {air nnd honor-blc wny, Ind to sell cheap, I inviw :11 to gin the IL cull. < HEMOVEBDEEB. April 9, 1806. 11' . ” New Goods; at_Grlmes’s. AMES A. GENES, in York Itreet, Ge!- Iyabnrg, has just recnived l. large lot. of new GROCEBIES, .n., which, having bought for cash, at. the latest [educed prices, he in prepnyed to ofl'er cheaper than they hue been cold here for several years. -Hia assortment ll vefiy full, embracing the moat choice articles in his line, to prove which he uks his old cus tomers and 1h: pi’xblic geneully to csll and eumiue for lhemselves. Hi 3 cure-ms, TEAS, swans, \ snaps, MOLASSES, mums, says. coxnowwnu \ ’I’OBACUUS, ‘SEGARS. km, ‘13., he in eel-MW“! plan all who mny try them, and he theretore aukl purchasui, from mun Ind country. t6~givc than»; trial before bui iug elucwhere’. Be» is deterhined not to be undersold by any otherY-blisbmcnt. Hid huge stock of ‘ FANCY ARTICLES it kept full .by cousmnl. nddidonl. and every ‘hing ig‘thnt line can u all Lime! be had good and cheap. Indeed. he flatter: himself that his Store, _cont‘ining n it does no large a n riely oonods, all new and in the but condi tion, annual tun be looked upon as mmng the moslattrncme in ww‘n. Hy unending closely lobunlness, and selling at small profits, he is doing uhundsome business. and will lpnre no effort. to incl-can ll by giving rumination in all unsel. [March 19, 1886. It.entovAL TRICKEOUSKB & WISOTZKEY ' Have removed their establishment to the West aide of Baltimore "Met, a lew doors shove the Cunt-house. and newly oppon‘ue the Post otfice, where they witlcontinuo busi~ new on a. larger scale than ever. OYSTERS AND FISH alwnys tn he had in their season, with Sweet and Irish "olntoes, Apples. Benn: “omony, kc. ' AIsohHAMS, SHQL‘LDERS, A’ND SIDES, Mackerel ml Hetriug,’ Butter and Lard, Cheese, with all mlier nrticlps in this line. ‘ Also, Raisins, Almonds. Ind 3 genernhuorb ment ofConfections; Smoking nnd Chewing Tobmcos, Segm, fipes, um: 5 great varieLy ofNuzions. : They ask calla. cqnvinced thrh they cu al~ mus gel) as cheap 94:!” cheapest. As they run cars to the city iezulurly, thelr opportu nities for keeping up melr um-k an: unusuully gcTo'd, and ,thc publié can rely upon,gcl’ting everything fresh and nice. ‘ STRICKIIOUSER & WISOTZKEY. o April 9, 1566. if Ageuu’ Walled ! f 0 sell the Grent American Puzzles, the .Bl',chenpeat’and»most wonderful puulel of x e Ige. Agent: énn readiiy make .from $lO to $2O er gay. 1 will glvomny agent. 5100 if h. Winfiell 50,000. Send 30 can: lor ten of Puzzles. Allorder; sent by mail free. PHIL IP HILL, Importer of Fun; Goods, 259 hlnr ke: St. Philld'a.. Pa. _ f “-Lndies' Needle Book, containing 100 or the belt Needles. Sent by Ipm on receipt of 50 cems. ~ April 16. 1868. In ANTED—AGENTS—To ewvus for the “Soldier’l individual Memorial."— Greater inducements ofl‘ered than by any oth er publishers. Agents lune an entiromonop on in the territory "signed them, Is there hnslheon nothing of the kind ye: introduced. Meet: with universal upproval, in ornumvnmi, ulso s Hoard of nine to those who have nerv ed in om- cnnntry’n defense, and to friends of deceased soldiers. For areal-irate“ Addie", enclosing sump, B. C. BAKER, Columbus,_o., Lack Box 978. ' , April 18, 1866. lm Pennsylvania College. HE Suuimer Senion of. Pennsylvania Col ‘ legs and Prepuuory Department, will begin on Thursday, the 10“: day of May next. The Principal of the Preparatory Drpart tin-nl. resides near the College, nnd will receive linto his family a limited number of boys—— Additional information may _in obuined by nppllcalion to H. L. BAUGBER, Pref!” or J. C. EHREHIIR’I‘, ' Principal Prepamlor, Department Gettysburg, Aprine, lags. 4L , The Weekly Pltl'lot & Union, OR THE CAMPAIGN. ‘ A The Weekly Puma-r no U 110: win be furnished 'rom the lint. week in M3} nnfil the second Tuesdty in October, as a Onmpxzign paper. at the foltnwiug tow nun: Onecopy, - -g- . - $1 00 Twenty, or more, to o nddrea}. 90 ‘qclta per copy. Address PATRIOT AND UNION; Ayn] 30, 186 q. Bunk-burg, PLV ,LOO K 8 . New on hand CLOCKS in gnu. variety, Tron: factories ohm high"! repuudon in ma country, Ind Inn-mud good tine-keeps". cm on J. BRYAN. Oppoalh the But, Gnu-burg. NSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS in the TRAVELLBRS INSURANCE’COIPANY Ut‘ HARTFORD. h In: tuned "over {any mound policies, snd paid our had" hundred lam. NSURE AGAINST" Aegean-s in the ori- I gins! TRAVELLERS I summon cox. any 93‘ HARTFORD. I: is the oldgu, m ge'gt, km! “feat. uccidgnt [mum-Ana: compmy in nu éonnuy. _ _ A bent lot of Upper Lesthu- COLLAns, one: on make, not rudy ad for sole. D. IcOR‘IABY a son. WI in" just recaivedl new uloitmem of gugeywm, to wbigh we invite thc ”$5.5?” 9°37" _. A' 99912.8 .ON-’ “'The Homebffiepiuentntivo,“ Har * Aswan“ mmm W! Mars; 'Ol. with uIL, puma. bill per ngfiégrww“"’ "D” mm" Pmfinimmg new to ride in the {and the a , a T~—-—-—-——-—.--~—'——:- Guy Yuan Wu. Every .7019 for ‘r = " Hl°"‘“"°'¥‘P’9d§‘“d"n" the am “was: by"Eapublicafi."The , . Ptarwlk'fi‘lmam9kmv ”'2 a; 4 * ~. '.~ w . : nmwhn n W ‘ mkvngacraiwmi 2:299:64 imm. v ‘—‘< -‘ m (51‘ ’s-vtfishg‘3w“ :. 'E' . 1 :mz;cghty, and mu maul.” GETTYSBURG, PA, MONDAY. MAY 7. 1866. $213133}: 1:10am. rm: flashy or um LEAVES How do the leaves grow. In Spring. upon their stem? ' The up man; up with I. drop (or .11, And mac 1» life to men. 4 . Wlls} do the 12am do. _ Through the lona Summer haul-s'! They make a home far the singing hitch, A shelter for the flowers. How do the leaves fade. . Beneath the Autumn must? on. miter they grow before they dle, Their brlzhtat ll their last. ‘ How are we like lea'vm T 4 oh. children, Weak and small. ' God knows e 351 leaf of the forest undo, He knows you each and Nl. ' \ Sever 3 Lear 1311:. Until In: pan 1: done, deglve: a: grace like upjud dew, Some work toievcry one. ( , ' You must grow old. too. _ ' ' Beneath the Autumn Iky: ' But iovelier and brighter your iivamy (low, Like leave: belore theme. 37131 th with kind deeds, ' : With hope my giadnesa given; ‘, Till the leaf Mia down from the witheredtree, g And me spirit is in heaven 1 s -lsrizialtural [k=tztir. qe. flu: PEACE-TREE noun: The fourth number ofthe qutlcal Enwmoloclat hoccupled by In any on Borers. by m mocmw edlwr. B. ‘D. Walsh. Esq. or Illlnols. He pictures the vurlaun troubluome Insects. the larva 01 which bore for: flung. and deacrlbgs Lycra In a populu md readable style. We condense the bl, lowing from In: account or the Peach-tree Borer. This borer gcnérully works a. little lx-low the sur l'noe of the ground; it. llves only one year In the larva! sumund the perfect inked come- out. In ’lluly nrul August. The (alloying are the various rcmedles and prccnuuons that have been pro~ posed. _ _ lst. Tm: CORx-cnn Axn THE erm—ln au tumn remove the earth from the base of the tmnk._ and rub the barkvlggmunly with acorn-com, This kills the larvc before “my burrow under the Lurk. In spring me a knlfc to reach them. 2d. lIDF-WATZRn—Pollf It on the pmnthcked: t km: the larvae wlzhout hurting the tree. 3a. We: Cum-L—ln June hunk up “‘l6 trees a. root hlEh,and in autumn berurv the from set in. level down the lunk. This upmes the larvae to the trusts and birds. ' , ' \ PEWEXTIVE 153,—Ilemove 'the myth from around the Insect 3.1 m trunk. and surrimnd It with I strip df roofing paper a toot. or more wide: file it onwmn strings, taking care u; have m, lousttwo inches of paper under ground. See that no larva) or eggs me than: boron- using the paper. Pnsvzs'rxvn 2n.—Rer_nove the earth, and sur round tho hue orthe tree by u’ bundle of straw to the thickness or two inches; tie it securely and cover the buts o! the straw with earth. Pnl'vaxv‘rn'x 80..Pln.ce a. hen p a! tobacco stems around the but of the tree in June. The smell In attentive to the parent insect. In using any of the provemlva. ma‘borcrs, should they already be in the tree; are to be probed with a knife or wire. Their presence 15 Indicated b}:_exudaLlan organ: tom the wound‘they make. , HAXURING (703! IN 1‘“! Imm. When mmnre is scarce and the gTentcst onset is demanded the first season, or when corn is on a good. sod. and a. little'stert is wanted at first, or when the land is rather cold and the sensfn un certain. it is best to manure in the hill {0 com. I! one has 3 line compost. say or stump] muck and msnurc.~umtslnin¢ 5“ 9: the lattsn. alter marking out, a good shoveltul may he distributed tothree or {our hull. end the am: dmpped di rectly upon it. If, however, the oompdsi. is made up at Ashes. superphOsphate. guano. poudrette, etcfl singly or mingled. it must be mlxed with soil and covered with a little darth besides, or the seed my be mew coming in contact with it. Such active lertll , and the list is large, must always be used with care. not to have the seed injured. Yet they are nee-led close at hand, “yr the éncourngemént o! the young plant as loon as it smrts.‘ Superphosphate. gushes. gypsum, soda ultpqter. em, may be applled upon the bill after the cam is up. or. at least. I'm planting. with quite as good effect M‘ "put in the hill. The list orconcontrupd manure: which may be made on the (arm. or bought. ls qnlte largt‘, and "my person vtqlts the manufactmies oi various kind. in his vicinity he will often be nblem so curekmnch that is o! val he to himself. and do the nhovmnker.soap boiler. brewer, tanner, butcher, or nine holler a favor nlm.—[Agriculturist. 1 LATE 80 “'3' CLOVER. ! It, Is commonly desirable .no new clover and arm need as early as the ground can be prepared l for them—but this need pmvent no one (mm sow-~ ‘y In; in May-fur in mm month (he need “winches" ’betwr, and on wl-ll prepared ground the plum-4 get nnmdemly Well rooted to bear :1 good deal of . leer-611mg in June and Julyjund do boner thzm ‘ with min.—{Agrlcullurlu. < GRADE—FIELDS. The wlnberhu boon unusually severe on grass nelda in this vsmmy. Clover, pmuouhrly, has bgens‘onmn out. that new fields have been turn ed tbr oats, whim other: will bu planted in coma In consequence of the severity onh’e wlnwr upon clover, the ytald of hay will be materially dimin hhed; and puture-Uelds more limited than wu expected LI“ OlL—{York Pennsylvsnlln. now To Do UP SHIRT nosfnu We have often heard lnditfl express I. desire to know by what pi‘ocess the line glans observable on new linens, shinbosoms. &c., is produced. and in order to gratify them, ye submit. the following wipe for making Gum Arabic Starch: Take two 01.. fine white gum Arabic powder.put it into a pitcher md pour on it. a pint or more 0: boiiixig water-according to the degree of strength you duke—find then having coveted it, let l: 50!. all night. In the morning pour carefully from the drop. into a clean boulemork it and keep {or use. A Warn! of gum voter nun-ed law a pint church made in the ugual manner, will give lo either white or printed liwns a look of newness, when nothing else can restore shein Wt Wash ing. Much diluted, it is also good for min manila and boblnet. Tannin-Anus or nuts. I. 'Do nip In buby nyle. when autumn word. in an endearing to e would plane a: well: the rem should hit.“ voles ale-r, emphnuc, uni awry Iylhbk distinctly unwanted 101' um tauon. 2. Town of winches. ghouls and goblins; such super-uncut, mereued upon young mlndu. namely 30m rid of. 1.. To mt; and» unlike “nu; vim-aunt- onen nubeoumlnz tort nmboyto ape the man, but onlytooon turn: m: We»: town 333; ovary-go huh: decoromnen. -n-Jahnbwhuwehuedwmofla vs one-t. deceased, in Manila: yummy—23 we. aim ’2‘ .Ft 7'; «’E‘E‘E": 1’” Here I am, nrich, prdflperous. 10an man. with nothing to do but to enjoy myself. E'cod! what a blessing the war was to me. It killed‘ofi' my poor relatipns and left. me in luck. lam worth—let me see how much I am worjh in bonds: , Now, one hundred thousand dollars in nnlhing. yet it is quite a little plumb.— When the war began I wa'm worth a cop ger. unless“. was in dehts. Now I am vqe“ ofi'. ut. I was a cunmng cuss! Did’utl make war speech”. add denounce Democrats. and moh “Copper-Mada." and go it strong ‘ior the Uninn? You bet! Hakim-Imm! But the fools are not. all dead. Some are—that is, they were killed. And dinl'nt I get thel €100! pe‘ople to enlist and fight to preserve). e Union I—.D:ufin the Union, if [only gPt office and lucid bonds. That's whnt mnku the cream t-Revabe itbelLL And then did’nc [goin for bounties, and go it. ntrqng on patriotism ; and play i$ big on loyalty? Guess not! Oh, no! Gums pa triotisfu don’t pay! Look at. these‘ little fellera with figures on the face, and these little coupons on the end of them! How the TOO, my wfl'ermg country? 1 1c takes a smart man to keep rim of war himself Mid entice other. to go. The boun ties is what febch'd 'eml You see they wgnt to fight. ‘ , ‘ From all the citiel, towns Mid counties’i And tome, when “thin cnml war was over.”came back. I had a tum? I sold it, and put my money in bénda. ‘Bonds beat farms ten to nothing! And speculated in “thinmfl And 1 sold Itqu to the soldiers. And I ght their bounty monny on alum. And I filled town quotas. and made a nice little haul by that. And I put my cash m be dn. 9 ; Bonds tire just old maev‘vood with gilt 6639;" Let me see. I have now one hun dred thousand dollars in Guvgrnment bonds. Huw I love my Government! It‘ in the best the sun ever shone on! These. ,bonds “erage me eight per cent. on one hundred thousand dollars: , And I get it« in gold, worth twenty-five per cent. pre mium. This maken, in giteenbacka. the snug little sum of eleven thoupand dollars -round numbers. And the beauty of it in, I don’t have one cent of tues to pay; - ‘ Isn’t—it nine? _ ‘ “ r" This iixtlm best Government the world ever saw. Rich. men hold banal—poor men pay them. The tax-gather don’t bother me. It don’t coat 0116 red cent to—let me me! To pay Slnte’ expensez! To pay Governmeui expenses 3- : To pay county (expel \ , To‘pay city taxed ‘ ‘ ‘ To pay,villuge taxes! \ To ppy town Fist! To pay schoo taxes! , . To pay road taxes! ‘ To pay poor taxes 1' . To pay for building churches, scfinol homes, bridges. rglronds, improvement: or even interest! ‘( . , _ =1 In) one of the supporter! of this Govern: went! .Good thing! ’ If“. had not beenfor such loud-mnulhad stay-at-bome-guards, the war never would hnve been enJed. k And the soldim’ boufitieaX—E'ood, that is the bestjoke'nf the season. ‘ You see we ‘raised them By taxation, of course. And we taxed their property—the real estate or the town. And we iuued town bénda, city bonds, county bonds. and State bénds. and every other kindof bonds. And we sold ’em dog cheap to get the mo ney to {shy bounties. And us fellnwa bought the bands at ndiacount. And We gave the "volunteers” money to ‘go to wax». And while they ware gods we h‘gd a $OO3 time. And sold our farms cheap. to the wives of the soldiers. And we got our bounty Ino ney I” back. ' And better still! ' ' The soldiers came back from war and-are how viorking to pl 3 interest. on my bondi; I~n't. it nice? ' The duoed {'99}! went '9 or”, and now e'hack and work to pay us the interest 0 xe bonds we said lo give them money. The are paying themuelves (or getting shot at. ' Bully form! bondholders! _~ . And now they work to pay the interest. When they get used to it We’ll make them pey the principal loo! What a good Government thin in l This war dld’nt cm‘. me 1 cent. I did’nt spill a drop of my bload—but,jemini. how I did bnwl out againpt the Democrats. And now I sit. m my parlor—l smoke my cigars—l drink my wine, lenjoy myself, and have no taxes to pay. _ Look at the: poor cusa across the creek! He ain't worth a thousand dollars. yet. he, poet dog, is in debt, and pays half his eern~ mgs in taxes. He pays all the taxes,\and then his wife eella butler: eggl, woolen yarn, milk, vagetuhles, and such little things; she wants tb get money to put in the bank to pngtbe interest on my one hun dred thoumn dnllen, uit fall: due every three momma! You see this 30311 ch science! Poor men 1 support. rho Government, pay all taxes, make on richer; do all the fighting. Us‘ b‘cndholders. officeholders. and‘ such patn- ‘ 011, do the figuring. get the nfiicea, the mo- 1 he . and have I good time of it. - fie" I eat. fine food, 3711119 um poor cuss over the way an“ coarse food. ? And Lwear brotdeloth. and He wears patcheah And my Info flaunts ber silk and swingl ber bnlmornl skim under the nose of that poor mau’u'wifo, for I am 5‘ rich taxleu bond holder, and he in the pOor am: who sup port: the Government, and me, too I Work away, you poor fool-l Toil your fingeri to the hangout! die pOOr men for my sako. The war was a Godsend to con ards, thieves. lwindlen. nay-urbane pt u'xou. Abolition agitators. Republican of fice-holders, robbers. and. in fact, all om crowdpl Union when. Damn the Union, if we can only hold ands‘nml 013 m, “kl keep the people in poverty] Guess Ibis wn'm. a no): mgn’s vnrt Guard has! An}! I goes; [01"{0011 duen’t no for «and WW .0; moral-609%“- ‘n’g wrong; to mugs; me! p vghhsqpport 51w Qfifil‘nmmmfimfwém V. . ~.- lin gigoic: giszclléng; The Bondholder's Soliloquy. But this in n'im! ‘l‘hrre m 7.205....”.........,..........5z‘a.000 There are of; 6.201...."................515,w0 And the 7.3«0‘5......‘m...............,...52“).00J And 0.; 10.40'3................ ... To war they went to getting bounties; Some were killgd, . ‘ And some w'ero wounded! . Some were shot, And some were drowned; . '2 • r : mu: on such. . ‘ Negro Snirrage the hour to Oetoberi i According tn the tenth article of the Can-titiitinn of Ponnnylvenie. amendments i to tint instrument can be made only once in fl'cyearr. The soldier voting amendment mu adopted in August. 1864. nnd no other amendment ‘can he made until 1869. The mod": npcrandi ism follows: An amendment havmg been 'roposed and adopted by nin jnritiee in both brunchesol' the) mgislnture. the Secretary of State in required to cause the same to be published three months be fore the next election, in at least one news pnper in every: county ol the State, in order, no doubt, that the penple may choc-e mem bers of the succeeding Legislature upon that issue. If majorities in both bunches of that Legislature shall reaflirm the deci liOl’i of the first one. then the amendment shall ngmn be published for three months,- and ruhmitted to the people at an election to he held at such time and in such manner a: the Legislature "my direct. ‘ To proceed rrgul'nrly the next new amendment-demanded should not be adept ed until the meeting of the Legislature of 1868. Then, should the members of the Legislature of IBM—having been eloctml upon the amendment issue—adopt. the amendment. the people could vote upon it at it special election in August, 1869, (mi ivnilone in the soldiers’ voting amend ment.) and thu‘s'oomplete the circle M in terregnum of five years. .Or they could vote on it It the general election in Octo [)Pl'. If. however. the amendment had ref erence to e’ectinns. as was the case in 1804, a special election would be nPceemry to give it efi'ect at the general election two month- thin-putter. ' i $33,u00 $lOO,OOO i It is invisible, however. that the chhht ‘ lure of 1367 mny ndo’pt an amendment, and l have it resmrmed by the- Legishture of 1868, by Wind} it Might In submitted to U” peo ple between January 13: and 7th, lB69~bqfurc the mating oflhe Legislature of 186‘.) (which will meet on 'l‘uesday. Jan. 7th)—snd "ll" make it legal so far as the year is concern ed, but wanting eight months of lull five years. This may he considered of small impor tance, but it is not. The‘learlprs nrthn Dis. union party in Pennsylvanis wentthe ward "white" out of our State Constitution—B They will take the first opportunity to have that accomplished. ln‘ politicaltull‘sirs. as in war, the party taking the initiative or acts on- the qfl'enst't-a. as it is called, genmfly fun and Imps the a'dvantage. It carries Will: it (Its prulige of ”£6 stranger body. Those who want. the word “white" struck from the Con-iti tution are now the busiest at de‘nving‘thnt negro suffrage is in issue at this time in Pennsylvania. This is their strategy. Let them have it‘ their Way and negro suffrage will not be an issue until, in 1869. l/tC people shall 69 callezliupon to vote upon the question Igi striking out the word “white." , The negro suffrage leaders desire to keep the people in tile dark as taunts their de sign until they shall have ucurrdu maj'lrtly in Die Legislature of 1867. end then adoyting. nu amendment striking the word white out of the Ccnatitution. they will claim and ns~ same the strength and importance of the stronger patty. and with that prestige in their attempt to entry the people and the succeeding Legifllature with them. _ Now, then, is the preper time to meet them upon this issue. _ The members of the Legislature ore to be elected next fall -nn the second Tuesday of October, 1366. Let the voters see toit thst no mm is elect ed to the,Legislatur’e who will not Vote against striking the wnrd white from the Constitution of Pennsylvania. llem’md {Ledges from every candidate. 11. needs \t a glance at the utternnoes of the Disu nion majority in the Legislature 091866. to show what they would have done the past whiten—Jim! it bun pombla to dmtlld our Um- Itiiution Row! Voters, Amuse! Remember how upgrn uufi'rngo was “an-Rod" upon the peopla of Wmcongin against their wishes and vote-. I’ulriol (f Union. m: POLITICAL. llnmm. Abolitioniqm, as exemplified by Stevens, Sumner- £2 Col, ia the political rindc-rpeu of thig country. and. unless it in checked and exurpated by the strong arm of the people, Will be fatal And destrutive to our free in stitutions as in its protolype w the cattle of England. ‘ Either Sienna, Sumner and thair con foderales in Me work of destruction and infamy must be driven iron; the hlgh pluses of power and jjnfluence, of (hp Union in“ never be‘ tutored" and the toil and suf ferihgc and blood oi'our heroic soldier! '1“ have been expended in vain. It theAn‘aj can peoplo munin Ind uphold Prntdcnt John-nu in the patriotic work he bu un dertaken. then will we once morn have a united and pro'sporoua country; if they de~ aert him and follow the nelariousteachinga ofthc rudicill lend": above mentioned. the country will continue to be distracted an I’ divided, and politiml de-th, from wine“: there can be no resurrection, mll be the finality of whnt was once the fulrlnnil of Washington and Jefi'ermn and Jackson. The people of Pennsylnnia will have an opportunity in October next of staying the onvurd mural; of the pestilence and driving it back to the murky atmosphere of New England, where it. originated. Will they do it! Thu is the question, and upon its answer depends, perhaps the future oi‘th‘e Republic for weal onwae. The whole country will lack forward with ' union! and trembling to tho-decision of the old Keynwue Slflle, and will “1110 i” WM) 9:: ceedingjoy in the election 0 master Cly mer and the consequent triumph of Dem ocmtic principles; but I gloom. darker thin: Egyptian midnight, will uttlo upon the nation in the event of his defect. .\luy Haven prewrve us from web a «are calmn ity an H)» election of John W. Gnu—Lam cuter [Malaya-ctr. ‘ The Inga! Kauai Interm.—A bill was be fore mo Legislature, u in Int Janina. making 7 per com. 131‘ legal rateofinnren ‘inPenqsyl'anu- TM. win-:9 first tit». Mn:¢d.——-Tha rapt-é used by thtfipub Lfeuwd xnthe noun bynm-llrpumMJ“ no.“ to mag "lmilon" who “to mherward- me vole yupconndered. and “WW“ me numemmggt,” W «a. Ith: M“ W. Th! manure, hamper, mmmunla'l. We hue ‘3 IF‘ {M9 ,m ‘ flikd "I 339501“. .0 did “‘0 3 PWPO"" town Lefuimg to aupphrt‘fihp {fixfit’fig‘m ‘ non 3.11.9"135 Ban“ '0 ChMK° 7 P" “m“ eminent," who need a'finfiofl WRWm interest, 6n discaul'm. Th'e lypgul rate of; Bum/6m Aryan. A: , nu .5“ 1,: [mute-L, therefére, remdnl fl 6 percent. ...-7 »v.««...--'A,——r', y u is dwi’y‘; 11“ been. ”It. has been'a qum‘ghnn “mead; Win: _._—_._.W Din-union organs 10 gm. we‘ve?!" Mu “’Tbe tea-uh of the Connecticut «he. numb-t \0 an negro“ who an M .- tion :hom I {Semocmtiogain ofour BLOW at. the eXpensa- or the nap-you, “Va from m, veu‘ol 1m year. We hug no mom m-Mo is now-maul, u nape .realon who diahearwd by such a renal». ; mpporm by the gum-mum é‘lfl Mm. Harm I'mm. ’ V é iwp’fdlmfil-Aonfmgeug. "#9 gain my, mum: rguo‘ in ”mam... 8| ‘ OM} (H. _.m 5% ~ lon‘lut nix. ME“! 3!!! Egbenrocmfifimmég M ‘3" 1: “I|ka minim: ‘ ' z: , , ‘- Mummy”:- m; vas9 ‘ .‘.“...- as 533;? “3». :2 :‘q 1121:I ; i ..,.~ MU tux ADVANOE. No. 82. I= MINMEI I ’ F' MMM ' 1; Envoy!” gym»; ltnndbét‘otfintirmqm hawk-ion I them-cl": in candidates fm the D¢mofintm xi’nlpinntion firtho'nrimwmfl'iceo to bé fill od u tho cominguootltin. All afghan; in 31,34 ‘ uoqncemequhpledgo the ‘ Ely-I,» N’g‘_"the§ecision at 0161) w in :«onvvntxonf’ Is it ‘ 'r . w tat the full mrmnitrv otlhisipr inc mby- “tho‘dea'mtmah! Hugger:- tion " compnhendu? It mu ’m a man’: por- Yukon)”. afikirgdubofaHLW t A meal 3‘! at 9:. LII 6,; no “I. may il‘fl" andfouhpf pxirty‘orgmi‘igflor: .nd mud. btf liVed up 10 under lii onc‘um- Moon. The min who submit: hid ‘umn to I. put] convention, With tho‘pl‘gmisa to nbida by in decision. Ind failing to re ceive its nmnxmtion. opposes, or in. Iqb vmm tn n prd to, tha election of tits Ille cénful cohp-titorj ll ti'eaobvrmu'nt Min and does not tlnierve, in any dam, slm immune of his follow mgn. Wad-h not believe, for a moment, that any =uch permit now seek-i a nommttinn ut the lunch of the Democracy of Bmtl‘md county: I" We did, l 6 wotild upon him “condo. ‘kli. in the past. we have had some “ample: ot infidelity in thib regard, any! ills “$l3. {Apt thtt. imluci‘; us to talk in this strain. 11ng the o‘ffiJP-wek'erx in the Democratic party Almtyn prove-d honorable mt faithful. our majority in thisoounty would long ogolnwa imagined a thumutd votes. Nothing and/yr the sun. but the dimensions calmed by div ifippointeil 'offiuc-huntoru, lma kept. our turt ljnmy from rem-hing that. figure. It l- tru-i " thaLcnnvpntmnn smnetimm make mist-kt}. but within the party there cm be no uppi‘iil lrom their dccxsion. Far better that thou who feel aggrieved hide their time an l at.- ‘ pen]. to subsequent conventions tin-justicn, than to nicotine mutter into thmr own hands and ioek redress by it made which mn hut. prove their nun pilitLchi ruin. And just. here let. us tug» that it shmihl al ways be 11 point to fled the man illit‘lii‘lml. and upright map in the Eflt‘l‘tl'dtl\fidtfi in delegate; to convention's. «H'lcit Juan It“! not. likely to (in Injustice-tn .my one. or Lu. disobey the vnice nl' lln‘ pv-niilv. A 1 to Um mode of Plectmnonr‘ng tur immimtimi‘. Ir. shouhl he ontirPly tum t‘rnm pmwri nlttlu . As but one pf‘rsqn can lupinvu thiv “unhind tiolt fur llm t-lliue tn which he itslm‘en. untu didatrs ~huuld rmueluhér that ifuuium ilut it is important ill.“ thvy h we tba mod will of their lit'ft‘flled cnnwolitori. It in n..:. enough that they hows a right. to their my. port, which is certuiulvrh an under all cir cumutnubos. but. they 'fldtllti‘.‘ snymiduct them-selves in ma muviia-i '1" Lilt‘ u nuin i 1 tion, that. such supp-Mt \Vil‘. ho corJinl mirl‘ wholellenrtpd. \Ve cannot nlhml in lime any more hickering: uml nemx-hurmuzu m ourorgnniution. We my to inommlul-um. be meu.’treat cool; other honnrubly, hinting and fairly. It is not memly humans in nflit-p getting that demands iii-40 thinu‘ it your ham-ts. The welfnre of the ooun:.y depends onn the triumph of llmmcrat u principles. htid, therolnre, requires at Lou 'i such ( epurtment an will contribute most in the tucccs: of the Dcmuurnuc puny; SJ mote it. be. V 'l'lle m-unxom-t- Barn-ed '0 "oh- ifia an.» 1.5-.wa long. . lulfil. . In the Sennteofl’eunsylvuniu. on lho 81h oprnl. 1864. Semuur immbércuu, A Dcur ocm. ofl'exwd the following resolution : , “Rcaamd, Tim: the Cummitwu 0n Fi nance be inalructed to'bring m n billrm lbOrlZing the Governor 0! thin Comxwp wealth lo I' 11150 a nuitpble medal in mid lo be struck unrl presefiied to Gvn. SlPfldt‘, u'nd such oLiwr suimhle iesiimonial‘ as w m'xy desire. to be "resented to the ollwr commissioned nnd no'n commissioned alli ccrs and privates of this Stine who wrought. for. this Commonwe‘alth a great deliggrance .from rebel invasinn.’ on the sangulnary‘nud victorious field of Gettysburg." , Senmor Johnson, ditumon‘m, dovubm amend by directing the commiuea‘mjn. qnu'a unto the effuztiency qf dairy Jo. ' The Dcmocrals vote against amen ing the?“- oluuon. and the dwunionislffor it. he Iméndmenn was carried. The commauuu did not consular u expedient. and nov or brought in the bill, and no medabwu "er prevent ed to Gen. Made my kit aoldlerillxemmo ofthis vota oftbe dmunionisu. Look up the Record, pago 595. - The Boy. In musk “I. the non I. 11... ‘ Gan. Geury. (he Disunion gaudiddto for Gove‘mor. is now the leader of the " gulim brigade.” He has deeerted the "boys ii; blue," invol'dcr to take charge of the‘ be}: in black! He is the camiiiiuw 0! \be Rump Congress which does «whining byl' k-‘uluw lor the negro, nod which denial?“ the Union to be composed—.o! but manly in smm. Grant. and Sherman. Mandi: 'npd Hancock stick to firm. principleu; they are for the, fllg with lhl'fly n‘z mm upon ‘1! null lo‘i~ the Union mtb duly-m! Slam includmk wuhin it: limits. They, AM, Itick~ $04.1“: boys in~blue and (hid-{in LHny ufi‘ their battle harness to clothe liiemielvns in [flinch to yorve the purpme of uificd gelling." Nu; . so with Ovary. “? is for tha'l‘nad. mam... Rump Union of wr’ntyvfive States. (for are Sumujar mutiiaied (kg of twenty-five shin. He has laid aside his unilorui of true blue. and (Manet! the biuck ul' the Fremlmw’u Bureau and the sadrHU-‘c‘birir dfiflé Negro Civil Rights 1321!. While Grmt unrl.Suor man. Meade and H mcm‘k stand by An drew Johnson, who is tha 'olnmlnflfl in Chief of the Anny mad vaXc-f Lhe Univ-d States, Genry op pom ium un‘d nuflers hill]- aelf to be used as a mo! in the handn'of (he Diaunionist. 'fhnvi. Steveln. in ”winter!“ of the conspiracy of \the Rump Campf against that noble Intrint. There 111-Md!- n-ct isaue, Uu'rel’wu. imiween Gary. Um lender of the (my: in Mark. mud me Hands of the patriots who fouguL-‘iur 11 ”mini of :lurly-siz Sula: and un'im- is G g; of tfiirly n: tiara. the aoHiet citizen, Me boys in llama- Bat'flrd Guide. Let it: C, autumn/fry Le Tutcd.—-A case unier the nngrp “Cn‘i‘l Rights" Bill-mu om-urred in hldumtl. Mun-ye nugrdos are gro .lubncd Imm naming inlo the Slxte.‘ A negro med :1 wlntc mun upon a contract. The Court sun-Mum} the: Mg"). whereupon the defendamappe.ded to the CureuilCoqr'. which '1: now in session. The prllblbllll’; I-. however, uml um negro will buustnjpc . u I cnmmry demiiuu woum wljncl [he-judge m $l,OOO fine and unprmmment. unde; Mm provieionq am”: (hm R ghla hi”. 'I it to be hoped 1h» defendant Will upyflflfifllfiill the (use touches the U. S. Bupreméfbur'. when n decisiun mn be had upmflhé 6?)”- atxtutionzilvty of the "law" £15815 3' ”I :s?“an Juhnsmvn Democrat In” that a dnugsuer of Wqum Gpflimq. ofg‘om‘exgut County. n girl of about. aevmzeen yeg‘rn. eloyed from homo a few days ago 9131}: n negro who wins, emphyud on the [gut by her father. And mm. Um puir cannula hln place (a have m munmanm kngq‘ciad. A telegraph“: uiuugo and q pollggmpn. brought mm up, huWQVm‘.flDJ “10.89M mu 1}» god, but the dmnol mu ruwwl u.) ha: home Gmflms is m inunu‘fltm publican." and hm long m xnifcswd hflg'n tenant in the colored race by givtng thm empluymmt, and xpnkmg them. It homo alum his momma, OEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers