I'— = E E3l El "WI (4111!40111UPP&Ourlik*" ~ In the U. 8. Solute, recently. in nah- EM o! the Army bill, Ben. Willa, Re ; pub-owfpuio. mid: n “Exporhneo bu nhoin um mired 47 *m‘flwfl I“. Ipd it In I noted 2:: M pail. «A. thin minim: along ghe and» am being teduopd by Main. “3”” no film from colored ragi n . 1190:: in amendment to the same bill. him; tint. two at the cavalry regiment ,111 compo-ed of kayo“. thon. Republi pm, of Manhunt“. “id : ‘ “The «Jury would be needed on the Iranian. mod 1: mg i [not that or the plum payments there glurty or [my pet cent. had Jamal besides. colored ma were excel ,lnn_t;§Jnn. Some 0! the tkarxuuuin the “nice wage the negro“ recruuod- in Kantucky.” r , fibers. Iqldiond tin gains, in the kind pf recognmon you get Iron: the ladle” o! tlio “lay-l" party] Ara 35m contenfi thu we “twist-hull go unrebgkedf Ramm ;bex' “an pry is the can mug of the ne ‘gro'llhdipa'ln, 99d gyathe egdoyuet 911 die doipp of the prmnz dilunion Congress. not 10' In: I‘OMII. [Jury “mayor—no matter whether he to rich or poor, Ihelheg he be Democrat or v Bepubhauéuilt remember the the pre lanfimmde mum; _b} in teen ‘gncy'rlo “to rights! “11W of.}.he ‘white man. pascal the” “tho' ABul‘b‘na Bill," by which the an men of the noun-l try would have been robbed but 0! at least Ffly 24.749” a] Dull!!!" annually, to feed ip'd'dwh, the idle Igd worth”! .96wa gho “when thrown upon the pufilic ha Aw “syn: of the gar. And let them re; meabex. plp,,thp& ,lbe _Abolilian ConVen; hqn of tpi‘u State, which nominateddohn ".’. Gepry fgr Governor, mdor-gd Lhil name 94.91." pg! :19 the very letter. E b Mutiny-I Put on» Appoldt-u-t Tug Ipu‘nu correspondent. oj uneyAgs (rO2ll ."Wusiltington, of April 4, aéyn: j ' “An Appointment of some significance ans mule this mormng.’ Some tmw 11l t f‘ebmury the post master at. New lltoomfi 11, the onunty seat of Perry county, Penn.. resigned. giving tinsel y notice to I’ll! Radical tried]. 3‘” gain ;b9dy of me lstterim modistely gutted. in recommending the ‘ch‘simun or tho Républicnn County Com mittee. Samuelfltoutb. an ultmßndicx-I, {or We mitign.‘ ‘ he aid of promm’entfuli ,cals «that gof the district wuinvoke and given in bohnt! of Mr. Heath, and his sp poinunmt seegted assured. ‘ The Damo .crnts srd conservative triends ol the Presi ,dent. were not to be consulted in the rn utter. Allhiulage ofthe game. Mr. Glosshrenner. ,the‘ Democratic Representative" of the (115‘ ant. wss sdvised that. the apluniutment of Ruth would be especislly distasteful to the friends of the President. in that neighbor lllumd. nnd that‘thc name at Mrs. Ellz'ibeth .'.rk‘uu wmxitl be plesentetl if there Its nnyprnbnhnluy ofsucoess. Mr. Glosgbrgn her at. ant-e advised the preschmtionmt Airs. )hckstm's name and sought and obtained the consent. of the department to suspend action night the friends of the President. ,could be heard tron). A long contest, with ’QWlng phages, ensued. m which the l'rieml‘ ,0! M I. D-I3kD9n were represented by Mr. ,Glos-brenugr. 'l‘w3 weeks ego the Kuh ,¢alr. with Rapmnmtive Mtrehedd and Allen-k of the House Manurgm aiding them, Mamet! about. to win. and the appointment. of Mr.‘ Ruth wits publicly announced in {he loot-l newspapers. The struggleended. _uwevsr. this morning. in the appointment ”figment-Jed by My: Gloubrenner.” '_ Q‘Mr. Hardball, of Pittsburg, me of #ll9 most prominent members of the Con vention; which nomfinated fien.’Ge_ary for yang)”, ppidhi’n glue course of I apéebb pack by ban in the Convention, that gen. ’Genry hail loldf him that he (Geary) ,endongtf everything that. Thai-lan‘s Ste: .vem hid dpua. Hence. the Gear; plat- Imjm losntainl among its brqdesr élunk's, Segre filings. .the _Freednian’a Bureau .hill, and broad- ud blnckor than .u the fail. .Diwpion’. Übw can anyConsefvative pun, or any aoldiet who fought .‘m the Whiw Man's Govepunem ind against. Dis pniou. support. anen-l Geary, after such '_|n hvowal‘by anyone ofhis friends, in open flqnqudon 2 ' ‘ . H‘The agnouncemenc comes to us; direct from Wuhington. and in such I ahnp'e that go blue go hesitation in giving it éur be )lefi'thuuhe admimsmgfion has at. length de« puded to exlok an denim tuppofl of i!“ policy from the 01309 holders in its employ. 'l‘he‘ juoqpsiuuncy of retainih'g men in‘cornfort- Ab). J'fi'k‘ioflf under lmhe Govemment who gas all their influence against the udminia -1nll37: and'm frien‘ds mll not be toleruled pny longer, {ad radical offiuiuli will won be ,cullod upon- Io fiecide whether they will give up their plaoeu‘orully Around the poli 'py oer. Johnson. ' ‘ wfl‘he Pittsbizrg I’m thus refoll fio .Gur’y'. popularity among. the soldiers: ll Genoa] Gary wants to know hoiv pop ,ulur he is with hxs olsl regiment, lbe2Blb. a pumber‘, I‘ show are in this city. let. lmn some an: Ind out. The Republican por pum of 4M: regiment will not Only not. you to: him for Governor, but. mll vow 1"" nger. _ . ' : ‘ ”The Republican: gavg tho mum? _of ‘ poppetheud :9 I" ‘wpo difl'arbd with flue Primer". 'l'an mad. the am ad the ,spplieution, and now they turn mun}! and pppou ghq President guemselves—thu: ai pnmiqg the odious name of their own cre plion. Tacit ,copmrhpdism is lhovyev‘er for hostage—no; whne glen, apd it there loro 9; the hue; kind. Let. the connuy. pill” Hwy ‘hnvoEnumed lbonaelygs, nge ~43“; tho benefit of “I ' . S‘Thqddeu St'oyehn. in one nf his. tenant awake. in Uongreli. 34y: " um u pot 3 win“ man’s government.” ~ I It will be when Thad. Stevens} Co, “‘5 13M on‘the‘ibeflf. ,So long as they cooli :4» PM“ death" 40; Caste“. “10"!!!“ m" Pill‘ww , Men. Jawfimehb is m-kinggpmh. .ea in ¥mourt u; luppoflof Broaden Jobn~ non. Manchu mm oencpiggu mm pin-Inlet). “unit. 3 number at them fine; pee; pit . Pen-noun Ihoqid bp‘oq 3W? sum! In regaining than 111 mm?“ IP* IlArt , PW- I-ISAACS. I. D., Dean” ”4 4mm, (may of 1.335133, Ballad, in loaned 31210.- 3.” PINE sl.qu, PHXLADELPHI‘fi. when per ‘om nflnfled nth dinner; of Ibo EXS qr 3:18, ‘ ’1“ b. lcunuficany Heap-d 39d cured, if "M Q. 8.1-4R’rjrlcuh EYES Inserted Ilnfl‘ Mn. gin abuse. “3‘!“ for oumi us» 7.7- ~' 3.. going-l bun, .uv mung. uh. a "“53: a; has waded Mm“. I”! ”a w“ ‘I ,W, . : I l , if," h‘ye chappefi htn‘l. 1i?! ‘ 6,,“ much aim. m m Wl5”. _ ”0!. 3. #032415; at . I‘I“ '3 1 ‘ . ‘ '.Ataggflu‘ ‘11: .~ e., _g? ?fi§ I!ka ', ~!'ii'. ~ ~..,.~ 'MH— «T'W‘ ' , ‘ ‘3 I 'l O U ‘3‘”- I'l' MW” "n P U a 1 1r ‘ I'_ Hi)! 31.0 o D . I;.nd $033” Ew’mécnum .n.“, “go-mg » ‘.‘" . ‘ 'ng ‘e: I néhle I Mimg. Tin . '3“ onlu~t_mmu 09 n: ma. [haunts “my“. will “"1‘ begplid' i: “ ""‘ ‘ cash I - It “ SURE nnlidou tor lickm-s. Ind s nfuge . , i A from Sorrow. thin and visage. JIM“, of “I “kahuna, SEEDS, tc. ‘ Bryan‘s Life Pills, * . Always a. ma ad somatic muna‘ r ~ P‘ ”nun "sinus, profits. . ‘ s ,m .I;th mbe {NEST um? Imm. ounce“ = . » out: fu- genarfl use, Purifying the Hléod ud SALT, PlB3. , - Lucinda; the quail from oil impurity. | 630033138. kc. W ‘ ~ [ {E’RYAN‘S Lil-“E PILLS, ‘ Wholesale .n‘a rem", ‘mulule the Summch, Liver and mum, Se- TRY (:8! We than do our best. to gm crelmni, which is the clue! came of Nervou- “inflation in ill cue:- "21: nus-,6iddiness, Dimneu ofSnghL, “Mambo, "CCUBDY ‘ DIIHL. Sick Swmwh and other kindredigmpllinu. - Git-”INK“. ”I! 11' “33- 1! Hundred: of Certifivntes cah '81}... , *- '“‘ ' ""‘v —* ~ -~ —- Thq unchanged hr thousand-with uncle". 39' “00‘”! W M! muss LIFE PILLS, [EECHAXI‘ rummage“ J m mined tor ‘nl! Ages and gonsliLnLianl.—. JACOBS a no, . A _ , _ at, . , . _ _ , , They are- composed a? the nctiv'e principlu of Herbs and Roots. culled lrom our fields Indy forests. Théy are mild but cerlaln If: their operuion—ptmluciug neither crumpl. tflplnm‘ pu'ml ox- aivkncss. They may be take: by :1] In“, 32er or condillons without fen’r. _' BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS, Cure Hendube. i BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS. Curt Sick Stemnch. BRYAN'S LIFE«PILLS,Cure Giddinq'ls. 1 BRYAN’S LIN; PILLS. Pnrily tbs Blood. 1 A Box pIBRYAR’S LIFE .PILLS will cost. hint.‘ TWENTY-['IVE CENTS, and will nmamplhh all that it repremu-l. I‘be ur‘e «leg-may nu: up by we pinnrktol lhe.invemor ul' BRYAN'S PULMUNIC WA FERS, a medicine long and lavonbly known to the Amcrlcan Nutinu. ll‘you Iii!) Bryan'n Life Pills, and cannot get them ofynurilrpzmu, don’t take any other, hut u-nd Txmgy-fivc 'Uenga in g letter. to, tho. pmpq'zxg‘r, and :un will gel then: by plan of mail, {you-paid. Aldrexs, ,- n . . . 3 . , “‘vvxmnflk,“ " 411 Broadway, Niw Yo: I P. 0. Box 5029. Dealer: can he supplivd by Dun-u Bum:- 3 Co., Wholesale Agents, New York. - GLAD‘NEWS! ~ in; nu vxvom‘vsnr. HEY C.\.\' MLUSED WITHOUT DETEC _ TION. un-J do nnt inp-rfere witlhbusineds purmits, and \'_o~ CHANGE OF DIET [5 NE CESSARY. . “ Bell's Specific Pills An warmutevd in all cue). for the Spaedr and Pumnuent Cure ofSeminul Weakness, Ureth rnl upd‘ Vuginal‘ Diachumu. Gleev, Sexual Diseasea, Eminions, Impotmcu. Genital sud Nervous Debilily'nd dhenna of the Bladder Ind Kuhn-ts. They ure adapted for male or female, old or young, and are Che only reliable known.fur'l.he cure of Illdil-men nriainq from YOU l‘Hl-‘UL IN UISCRE‘I‘ION. In all Sexual Diseases, ns‘Gonorrhen, Stric ture, Gleecnnud (in all Urinary snd deney complaints, they act like I chflrnj. Relief is experlgnced by Making a singla‘box; Ind from Your to‘slx hone generally efl'ect a. euro. Sold in boxes conmmlng 60 pills, Price One Dollar, or six huei. Five Dollars; nlsn,=lin large box", conlnining four o‘f the "null, Price Three Dollans. ' ', ' Private Clreulnh to Genueman Mtg, ton! “free'on receipt. of direcled envelope and stamp. I! you need the Pills. éu! out‘hia advertise ment for reference, and ifyon cannot procure them cryour dgnggist do not be imposed on by any Olher remeJy, but enclose Hu- money in_u lemr to ‘ DR. J. BRYAN, Consulting Physician, Box 5079. 442 Broadway, New Kerk. and they will if sent to you secure from ob servation, hy .réazrn mail, pan-pm}, on teccipt of ihe monori «.3 ' ' Dnlors yupfiied by Dunn: Barnes & Co., Whalcsule Agég‘au, Newaork. .25 _ t Dr. Harvey's Female Pills. HE must infilllible nn‘d popnfnritvmedy ever known, for all diseases of the femlle on. They have been usall in mnny thousand cases with unfailing success—Mid 1111’ be re lied on in everycnse tor which they are re commended, am] particularly in all cases aris ing from . - ~ _OBSTRL'CTION. an STOPPAGB OF .\‘ATI’RE no matur from.th cause lt nrlul. They nre ofi'ectunl in restoring to health all )who are suf fl-‘ring from kaness and Dehility, Uterine Disclnrg-s, Nervousnesu, &c., Sun, km, and they “Act lvke: Charm," in strengthening the Milan]. Thousand: of Indies who have 3qu {ere‘d (or ye‘ars hnd'cried various glher rome di'es in min, owl: a renewal of their health and strength wholly‘to the efficacy of DR. HmvaY's FEMALE PILLS They are perfectly harmless qn the system, may be mkefi at my time with perfect surety; but during the early stages of Pregnancy they should not he taken, or a miacsrriage may be thgrenm. They never cause any sickness gain or distress. Each box contains 60 pills, rice One Dollar. - ‘ DR. HARVEY'S GOLDEN PILIS, I remedy {oral-peck] cases, fnur docrees strong er than lhé'nhove ; Pri'cé Five Dollars per box A Private Circuhsr lo Ladies with fine ans comical engravings, lent. free on re'ceipt of di rected envelope and stamp. - 38'0“ this on: “you desire Dr. Harvey's Pills, and ifyon cannot. procure them of your drngzlst. do not. take any other, ‘fur ,some denier: who are nuprincipled will recsmmend other Female Pills. they cam make a large. prom on—buz enclose the money and send di rect lo ‘DR. J. BRYAN‘ Consulting Physician, Box 5079. 452 Broadway, New York and ybn _will rvceive them past-pnifiaccuml) loaded from obu-rmtion, by return mnil. Dude}; suppiied by Dem»: Barnes 1: Co. thleunle Agents, New York.‘ . The Private Medical Adviser. ' . mxclnsirelx for‘Lndics.) ' N invfluabié‘tfufifin’e of 100 pugs-u, by Dr A J. Huvey. publiahad for the .Muefit of ghe sex. A On receipt of TEN CENTS,“ will be sent poll-paid. in II Auk-d envelope,m all who Ip yly for 11.. Address ‘ ' _ Im, 3. BRYAN, 443 Broadwsy, N. Y. Box 5079. _ 3 ' llama! , . HIM) . EDITION, Fifty Tholl'find—loo' - pages, by Roam-r FL'BIm.V M. D., A mu», tion, “finned u; youth, Hus married, um] , those’ Goursunnpm Mtnuun. Sent bx mu: post-paid, (in receipt of TEN CENTS. A cure ful perus'dof this mm bopk has been a Bun» I‘o THE Aruxctxn, and bu sued ghousands noun a life qr misery, and nji untimely gnva.‘ It’tréits on this evils ofnYouhml lpdmrrwanh, Self-Abuse. Seminal \ngkm-ss, Emission-.‘., 31ml ”Mini-WHEN. Mil”, Lose a! Power, Nervounnus, Pngglnge Dyan lmpn-A tam-e; .n., mm, which unfu, the Mg" from fglfiliiug the Obligations oflflgtriafl? , ‘ Address, DR. J. Jami”. ' . Consumpg Phys'wign; 3.0 x 5,679- 4 «2 Brwmm a»: York— 4‘Rs ‘.‘L “V" 1! . ' Watcheq dz, J ewglry ~53 CHAfiCEi FOR si.-’l:wnn£"u 'Low ,) mum v—m,ooow.¢ml: Imm; Lock. m, RingiJ BucM.»S¢Lr-01-Jéwehy, Gold: Poul. to; ac. To be ‘djsponad of u. ONE DOLLAR “1:13, ivithom regal-g ‘_to {alumna to be paid for until ydujnow whu you In: torec‘eive. '1“ ‘V ‘_4 ‘ mo Gold Hunting-eu- Wltches' ‘ ' - mh, ' . £59 to 812: ’ MO Silva Wfithei. nah. '2O lo 85 100006013] PenskSilt-ercuc,uch, 51.0 ‘ I . ’ —~ , wow Set: Lndiu’ Jewolry, (n- ‘C Lo'o K 8 . 90nd,) nob, ‘ K ato lo - Now on hlm! CLOCKS in gm: Variety; 43er large buoy-men of Jewelry of every from fucwrion orthe high“! ropnu'mon 1.10.. agmgpgon tor‘hduel' And genu’ we", vny» donntry, ‘nd‘ manned food fimkkuperl‘. i“ in “not”!!! 33 to 336 each. Thcmethod cm on J. ”EVAN, ’ o! disputing _of theiegoocir 1101 i ‘Donun 'AOppomdj“ fink. Getusbnrg. ' uch in M {011013; ART] _._—W cam no; 5 naming m OLE—rad" A _ A 'S mm cu m pac‘alir‘e phced in SEALED EXVISLOPES 18666 xfimfiflfl’mb‘, So-fil. Pom-- um wen mitetohe or which um pea-m by cry. Noun”. Ike-um managing. { _ ‘ mil to any address on rgceipl of, Price. 011% '~ SUPERIOR qgmlit; of the behlouét-n certificate 25am: ‘me M3l. Elm m 4 nun nuns, m or imm: I sun. go BLANKSsV Yo? “I“ N ,‘h°_i‘-l¢'?3“qf Lil! Aunt by D. XdJMi‘El‘ £8615) ‘ ,m 1:0"!- Cimm- '.'”, 9mg}?! kDR-muwspuamm “833 pm 535}:- MM ‘ «iv-Ina!“ “a k mum human 01W 0: the N. »:. ...».‘fiaWrty.M "L. ‘mmp-mgummu '- ' ' NM UM i ;14.444,4 EU IMPORTANT T 0 LADIES ”I .n. ‘.'?J-‘wf “ 4;; I New Warehouse uni-1m received {tom the cilia I large met 01 good: fur Gentleman's Ivar, «any; n .1311er of _, CLOTBS, . ' ‘ ‘ . ‘ cAssmns, . ‘ VESTINGS, Cnuinctl, Jenn’l, ta. with nun; othq goods for spring and summer '0". They are prepared to make up garments It the anon.“ mmioe. lid in the verybesme nor. 'l'ha Fuhions mngularly rewind, and clothing midein any desired style. They'd. ways make neat (its, ‘whim their saving is ante to he Inbninml. . ~ They ask a continuance of the puhllé's pn tronnge. resolved by good warfnnd modente ohnrgu to earn it. . Getvsbnrg, Apfil 7, 1882 x ‘ Sew .Wiriter •6oeds. \[ALL PROFITS a: QUICK suns, 'I x»: *“ z‘ilqnfi'w 8 GB 1 OJ; aoflrnpcfinflynyflo the cit'nicllm Get: tnburg Jul-vicinity, than he in low rushing 5!. MI uon‘n splendid. ‘ ' ' H" -‘ ' STOCK UP WINTER‘GOODS. The stock comma in parl of fancy ,and. SL-lple DRY GOUDS, of Every inscription suns, ‘ ‘ )HUZAMBIQUE. , ‘ . n :- CHALLISS, ' , DELAINFS, \ ~ EUMBAZINES, - ‘ ' ALPACCAS, . . ’ LAWNS,; ' _ CALICOES, 0f I“ qualifies and cholcost sjyles, which Will be sold .1 PRICES Tl) DEFY COMPETITION. FURNI‘SHING GOUDS - of All kinds, including Silk, Linen Ind Cotton Handkerchiefq, Giorec, Stockings, kc. ' Also, a splendid assortment of RIBBONS, Lucas and Edgings, Umbrellas and Parasulq: - My stock othllTE GOODS will be found full and complete, and customs-n may rely upon always getting good goods at the lowest pussi blg prices. ‘ Gentlemen will find it to their Idvantage tc ml! and examine my stock of \ \ , CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and . VESTIN'GS, of all qualities and choicesfstylea. Jan. I. 1866. J. L. SCHICK. Great A’ttra ctlon T PRINKERELUFF'SACHEAP CLOTHING A AND Funmsmkc STORE, m the Norm East Corner of the Dihmon‘d. ‘The subsoriLer is constantly in receipt. of fresh goods from me Eastern cities. ms‘stock of : ' READY-MADE CLO-THING , is one of the largest and most attractive, as well us the cheapest establishment of the kind in the country.‘ You,will there find COATS, PANTS AND VESTSfl mnde up. in the most fashionable styles, nn‘d‘af the best materials, of all sizes and prices, {or men and ho;s.- Gentleman‘s furnishing goods ol‘every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, .\imlin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and .\lerinmShina, .\ierino, Wool and Cotton Drawers, Hosiery feverydcsoription Buck-shin. .\lerino Ind Cjtton Gloves, Hand kerchicls, Neck Ties, Crsvats, Linen and Paper Collars, Hats, Cups, Boots and Shoes. Inu brellas, Trunks, Vniiges, Carpet Bags. Clothes and Shoe Brushes, Hair and Tooth Brushes, Shoe Bucking,- Pocket and Dressing Combs, Itbry Combs, W:uchcs,Clocks and Jewelry, Gum,— Pistols, Violins and Violin Strings, Soups and i’e‘rfurnerios,§tationcry of all kinds, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac co. Pipes, an extra quality ofchura. ln hm, his stock embraces everything usually found inn first class furnishing store. I invite the attention of all to com Ind see for themselves, as I run determined to sell goods lower than any other estnb‘lishmentin' the country. Don’t forgwihe place. Corner of York street and the Diamond. JACOB BRiNKi‘JBHOFF. July 4, 1864. . - Carriage-making Business. HE war bei'ng Tver, the undersigned have T resumed the > , » , CAIgnIAGE-XIAKING BUSINESS, a“: their old stand, in E vs: \(iddle street, ° . GETTYSBUEG, . when theyan agpip preparcd to put up work In the most fuahionsble, substantial, and supe rior manner. A Int of new and second-hum! ' CARRIAGES, BK'UGIES, kC., on hand, which thoy will dispose of at che lo‘wesl price; a and all ordm will be supplied as promptly and satisfactorily as pouiblu. 19' R I; P A l R l N (l done with dispatch, and M. cheapest mm. A large lot of new and old HARNESS on hand for sula, V , Thankful {or the liberal patronage heietc fora enjoy'pd by them, they solicit and will en deavor to deluge a large share in' the future. ' ’ BANNER h ZIEGLI-JR. July 10, 186!” t! i *— “'-~‘_————v———jpled by C. E. a T. T. Witt, a Branch Store, ' Reducthmx Reduction!_ !(the prjncipnl business home; being locpted ‘R and alter {fivember 13:. 1885, the fol. ’ in Nefv York and York, Pu.,) when ue will lowing rednncd scnle of prices will be keep at all timv: a regular assortment o[.Dry, I opted 1t the 2 EXCELSIUR" SKYLIGHT . Dofilrslic and Fancy GUHDS, also. 3 stall ga- GALLERY, nz: " fluted assortment of CLOTHS, GAS3IMERES, Vignem Photographsmer d0:en..........54 00 CASSINETS, COTTINETS and CORDUROYS; u.u‘“ M ' ’ ‘ " .. ' “ “ ..........'z 25 China, Glam and Queens-ware,Ludies’Jlis'aea’ “ “ “3 “ l 15'and Children’l SHOES; also. a nice "‘1'?“ Cam! do Via.” plgiumor d0zen.......,. 3 za‘ulonment of .1! kinds of CARPEI‘, Fioor ‘ “ “ “ “ ......,.,. 175 ad lela Oxl-cloth. . .- “ , " ” .......... 1 25‘ We hue also esublishedln roams ndJomlng " " [on the Central Hotel, a CLOTHING g’l‘OHEr I=3 not on) "mm“. -9 where we will keep connunlly on hand a well Vignettes, single copies, 40c. or 3 f0r......5l on lelmtedvnsso'lment of Ready—made Clothing. Outerde V‘l’s.’ or plgln' single copies,33c. ; of the latest. nyleymd a full Assortment of on forl -0( , Gentlemen; Furnishing Goods, Inch 93 Hall, In hddiflcm to tho nbnre every picture will Cups, Boots, Shoes, he, which we will tell at be LE-lll’ tinted withuut can charge. lleduced prices. —‘l‘here i;- n future in the above to which I; As our mom is, Ind always will be, “quick sth to dim special attention, viz: I mu anlea uni snullwofiysfi’ we hope to receivq a make fonr Vignems, orthree pliin picguru 511 an of the patronage or town and coun from [be figs} ncgngiv , Heretol‘ore it has been ' try. Our conueclion.wh.h the huge wholesale ‘ll rule‘ no: [0 mike in: “in six of one and ,housu in New York City and York, Phwhtre tour of the other. . A j [are always stored an extensive stock of good: Make this opportunity to thunk the citizens ; which we seILM wholesale and retail, ennhlu ofGetlysburgnnd the public generally, [or the 1 us to Inpply our old friends and such of our wnrt'rnnu. patronage extended to the "Ex- 6 new customeu as will give nu a all, with the rulsior," sinceils :gahlishment. and hope by‘VOrJ but mutant-lg goods, at lower rates strict alteration to nainesa, coupleil will: [“5 than mnbe purchased anywyen in the State. advantage anvcr ten mm nnimex-rupmd Cell and see {or youhelms. ~ Walk: of the 81,}0 merit I continuance of' ‘ JUS. LEBACH & 830‘ the lame. - ’ >* YSAAC G. TYSON,, , 1 Hanover, June 26, 1865. ly ‘~Sn('ceslor to lhe'l'irm 'of ”my Bum, ’A ’ H .. ' Nor. 13, 1313:. _.‘ w Gellysbnrg, Pu, ~ 3 Reeves’~ Ambmlu, ‘ ‘ ‘ mm; HAUL—The Original nmr Ginu'fne Amanda is prepared by}. Aunt Runs, md imam best huh- dreuflng und prenarwativa now in use. “I! stop: 0.5; mm mm out,~ puilses it to grow mick snd 'prqvenu it from turning prematurely grey. It erudicatel du emu, ciennées‘ benutjfies Ind renders the hlir Jolt, glossy zn'd curly. Buy it, try it. and be mnvmcad‘. Don‘t he. put of? “‘th a, gpurmnl Article. Ask for Reevus’ Ambrosia and take no other. For Sdeby Drugxiuu and Dede" in Flucy Goqdl‘e'vei’ when. , ' ’ Price 75 cents per Bottle—s6.oo pydngpfi Address. EEEYES' AVRRUSIA "DEPOT, ‘ 82 Fuhon 3L, Nei York OH]. flat. 11, 188:. 6m ' ‘ , ‘ . r• S . ~' r “We; : ‘éu iv-l‘l'bd’pfi'ife v n - g~ v: , 1' Lim srAanßp-auAamsrzp a). Pot-89k It Indiana's OM. ‘. 27 m Bio-t 3w. emu-« Pin 2 ‘3» Sum Sig-veg; mum”, m. L ‘ And by Mu a. 3mm «mm u:- . , . Country. L , Thoflnurinlofrhfih . lORO PmLLIPS’ PROSPHATE in mutuctured cont-in- fin: for can. more Bone Ppospbue th‘nnlllaiw Bonv, therefor. it I! In”: dimblo. The tmmonllr pmm givq ,nsém www‘mmw me. Five year} experiencg: Ins provgd to the Funnel; 11m it math“ I heavier grain my. Hen stable manure,,lnd in not 0111)“ satin but lasting '. ‘ MORO PHILLIPS, . Sole Proprietor and Innuf-cmrer. fl-Price $5B pa; ton—2ooo pounds. Dis cc nut to dealers. ‘ 1760.12. 1686. t! ' Fangs-gene }_ (emu! gnu; um um. !) ; -A_ PEYSSUN. PHILADELPHM.—POUD— A . 381113.530 06 action. taken («may Factory lama, or 50 cent! per bushel, and $26 00 per xon in bmzs. dvhvad 1n Slum boavnnd Railroad Depots, in Philadelphia—- Mannheim}. Gray's Fury Road. above the Arsenal. NHL-J‘s. ‘Deput, Peyuon‘a Funu, Gloucester, N. 1.. Woodbury roml. WEN—Library Street, No {2O. back OHM Re" Post. Ulice. Plumdelphm. Dam-s. “ FRENCH. RICHARDS k Cu. Fourth & Cnlluwhlllb‘lt, Philadelphia. Much b, 1865. Elm ‘The Great Bone Fen-tuner. B RAW BONE PHOSPFHTE, containing 53 per cent. of Phosphate oLLimr, and 4.05 per cent. Ammonia. It‘shduid be borne in mind that the Phos phate of Lime in this article hung oblnined exciunirviy from RAW BUSES and A TRUE Bum GUAM). were is x 0 meux of n' INUPERATIVE, as in the clue of SUPER PliUSPHATEa‘m‘ide fromMINER-ALGUXNUS -—but being emiijelp; SOLUBLE in the SOIL, can'liuuea ta IMPART us FEiiTiLIZING qual ities to the CROPS for YEARS. The REHARKABLE SUCCESS which has attemhd ivsynsa for yours past, is a sufficient. GUARANTY to induce tho’se ”who hvgve not tried it to do so. ' ' - The GRAIN CROP where this FERTILIZER has been applied is mpposed So have' been lACiiEASh‘D i'romJ2s to 50 prr cent. by' ma use, while for TOBACCO and GRASS LANDS its succrss has been EQUALLY DECIDED. The price in Minimum in uniform with the Mmuiucturer’s E‘ucwri Price. AUGH’S GEURGE DUGDALE, - - ‘ .“ilnul‘rwlur‘efl'l Agent. _lO5 Smith's Wharf, Bnltimore. Md. qu sale at .\hnufdclurer'l Price. Coat of Transportation added by . SAMUEL HERBST, Gettysburg, , DAVID “ORE, New Oxford. Feb. 5, 1868. am 2 ‘ Bargains 1 Bargains! EW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. , N l-‘AHNESTUCK BROTHERS huvejusl returned from New York and Phils‘ delphin with one or the Inrzesl stocks of new Full and Winter 60: d 8 ever offered to the citizens at Adams county. They were pur-’ chased before the late rise in goods and will be cold in. corresponding prices. The unusually great demand for goods of every description {or tile Southern market, will undoubtedly cause a further rise in the price of goods. We thoro fore advise all that i - NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Our stock of Ludies‘ Dress Gaoda is com. plete, consisting of French Merino", . very thenp‘all wool Poplins, all wool Plums, De lnines—lShephervil’ Plaids. Culicou, Ging hnms, Plljd Gisellnfioburgsfiloths for Ladies' Clonks, unusually low, Silk; and 11l the latest glylesuof Dress Goods. CLOTHS. Culimercs, Cusinou, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, km. for .\len'a We“. FLANNELS—Ihe largest. stock ever {trough} ‘.O this market, and cheap. A120,}! large us sortment of Cloak Trimmings, Shawls, Hoods, Bnlmorals, and in incl. a lull‘ nnd complete u sortment of all kinds of Stuple Ind Funcy Goods. Our stock having been putchnsed low. we any again BUY you". mm. 3 WINTER GOODS NOW. Having replenished our stock in all its de pnnmenu, we are prepared to Suppl): whatever may he wanted in our line of business at prices this: defy competition. Call in the Red From. _ l-‘AgNESTOCK BROTHERS. Sept. 4, 1865. New Goods: Cheap Goods! THE PLACE 'I‘U‘GET THEM _ ‘ IN HANOVER!— We hereby inform the citizens of York and Adnms counties. that we have established, at the southeast. corner of Cum: Squnre and Bnnimore street, HANOVER, formerly occur (Jul-risked 3nd Battles. ATEItGULP -.. A are new building a. Variety of C 0 A C’ H W, O 3 K of the [Mug and. man. approved style!L And cough-acted oftlie bgu maeyial, l 0 nylnch they innle the “tendon of b'uyera. ani'ng hail - our wérk,uith’trn“mré And of materitl ulrclgd «_ifl: special reiergm b bounty of nlyle and durability, we cn qonfldentli re, commend the work In uns'urpmed by nn‘y, eithorjn or out 0! ghe cities. Allj‘we ask in nu function 01 an: work a», conVi-‘o’jhon In sum of my kind of vgbielg, “sunk in the plus to buy them: , ~ . . REPAIRING in very branch dogs It shun ndtice and pn rusonnble term. ‘ Give us a cm, at our Factory, near‘lhe cnrqer of Washington 3nd Cptmnunblly' streets, Geuylbum. ' ‘. - P: J. TATE. W'fl. E. GULF. ”Mn. 19, 1865. - ' ‘ ’ 1 mm’ Oyster Saloon. ‘ m: Under-Imm! his (he plwure of 11-' lolncing‘wo Ha fricmda fii'fid " emu-cw on with m. conmnuxaayfin "w: (MBA! SALOON, He III! maul un‘ - ‘ovs'rnn ,sxy-oou' .» with . gamma *pnmmngflm LADIES. fiddle- and Geyitleman ns‘ , #19:: Saloon vm-tm tho? nuanuadbfi'dlfin‘ ,ey ‘co'fl'd ldhoégnoyuen £14113“ so" 01.31,}: "‘l‘ can 'meww‘ “I, . _‘ . » you» mun. «.ngfnquv . . . .th " "if“ Ué; I»: Mil ; -11 t. .‘. « an} m 1 A :52 p E 0 mm A -. 9R2pSOIEHEJOflgIg." F 'ND .... ’- f ~ T“ “bump-r hep. n Notion nu‘ COl {-3-‘ lion-grater: on Carlkle urnl, nearly .ppoul- are brim-d Swim; 'Oofi‘yslmrg, 1.3“" In bu sonata-ti) on“ hand, ChNDIES, ISUTS. Figs, Raifiu, lan-u. ”High. to. {Tamm‘ mum": ohm ,kindq ;_ Poem- Mk 3, Samantha, fill-ck Tin; (ham, to ; Sr” and‘ Perhuneflu'; ~nl-o mm amora- B ES, Sun-rs, Cofl'eel, Rice, withlho-Mflereu: kinds 0] Cracks”. ltr‘oold “MD at all liun-I. He mmu 13an born town find cguutry, Ind lens I! Ind] profits. LEWIS STROUSE. Aug. 131.835. 1] Fresh Arrival. ms, GAPS, BOOTS s snots. ' . QBBBAN a CO. uejmt rmiveé MM oplned another splendid ”loam-mi gr HATS, GA rs, wows um! 830163, for Summer ,wear. which the! ure netting at very hm ltd“, considering the than. The luau It; sof Summer Him null Cups, of envy description and price. Boots Md Shawn! “parlor main, and, m wan-med mm, usur- on hand. Work made to order and repairing done on sbortuo the, by experienceggwurkmen. " Also, , HARNESS MAKING, carried on in ul) its branches Persona want ing urn-thing in flail fine mm"! ,do wvll to cull. ”Don’t inpget the 01d stand in Chambers burg street, ifyuu wnl Bargains. COBEAN k CRAWFORD. June lb, 186:} Ailams County UTUAL FIRE }N%U!:ASLRCOMPAVY ‘lxconL-u-rm, ”norm, lubl. 97h Oman. ‘ Prelidentafleoyue Swope. I ‘ . - - ' Via Pn-ghlcnuo-Slm-nel R. Rune". ' ' Suntan—4). A. Bneblcr. ‘ Treasurer—E. G. Fuhnoutod. ' _ Exec-mirecommittee~lazhen .\icCurfly Au: drew Heiulzu lmnn, Jacob King. ‘ MANAGERS »—l;euxge Swupe, D. A. Buébler,’ R. \lcliunlv. M. I-Iwhelberger, S. R. Russell, E. G Falmestock. A. I). Buehler, R. GAlcCreary, Udlyaburg. Juwh King, Slrnhnn township; A. Urmiuimuu, Frunkiiu; Wm D. Hime’, New (um-d; Wm. B.‘ Wilson, Beudersvine: H. A. Pickiug,Blrabnn tunnship; Jphn-Wol— ford,Lnlimone mwnship; John Picking, East Berlin; Abel 'l‘. Wright. Bendersville; Abdic} 17.- CI“: New Oxford; Jns. H. Marshall, Ham iltonian township; John Unnnimzimm. hee dom tawnyirip‘, John llnrner, Mennijoy town ship,- Wm. Ron White, Liberty lawnship. @This Company in “mind in in open tions to the qnnnty of Adams.» ll hns been in operafion for more than 15 years, and in this: period has made but one assessment, having paid losses by fire during xhn! period amount ing t0\313,'158——56,769 of which lune been paid during the in: two years. .jiny person desiring an lnuxmnce can apply as any of the above nnmedflnnmore for further informmion. m“ Executive Committee meets M. the office of the Company, \on the last. Wednes dpy‘ in every month, It 2 o'clock, P. 11. ‘ Oct. 16, 1865. n ‘ Pianos! Pianos x PIANOS E—Tllevundersigm‘d would respech tufly ifi’form the public that he can furnish PIANOS of tlle'following manufacturers, or those of glher make, it desired, at the lowest possible prices: \ ' ‘ CHIL‘KERIXO I: SONS. DEGREE BRUS. ' " HAZLETON BROS. ‘ ‘ . HAER'ES BROS; (“-20, STROK. ‘ - A. H". GAHLH '5: CO. ‘ , STEIN WAG & SONS. j : fi‘Pnniculni nttemibn is gli’enjo the se lection of Pianos ; and when so selected, in adv tion to the mnnufncmrers' gunrantee,,the Pianos are guarantee}? by me. j 7 MASON & HASLLW .- CABINET ORGANS AND .\IELODIAYS._ The recent improvements in these instru ments me such M to fully warnint anylng they are PAR SUPERIOR. to an} other make. One of the best Evidencns of their merit is, that their improvements ‘ are imit Hell by other m‘nkars. The new style, four stop orgun, have a nix-Bass nud‘Octr-ve Couplet, making it an‘ I trumeu! especially adnpted IO Church and S’bbnth School purposes. l ' ' DESCRIPTIV‘E CIRCULARS ‘ will be sent by mail to persons desiring, thorn. Pilnos tuned regularly. Pianos taken in ex chhnge. E PETER BENTZ, No. 30 Edst llhrkel‘. SL, York, Pa. June 1371365. 1y ‘ Exiali)litaied 1850. OTICE OF REMOVAL. , N [{AWRENCE D. DlE'l‘Z e 00., respectfully beg leave to notify their friends, customers And the public generally, thnt they hue removed from No. 151 Frnnklin street, to 'the commodions touristory Warehouse,- NO. 308 BALTIMORE STREET, between Howard and Liberty, where they will for the future conduct the, Wholesale Buni nesa, solely in ' . Hosiery. Trimmings, _ ' Furnishing Goods. Perfumery, Notions, ' ‘ ' Stationery. Lutlcfy, ' \ 1 Toys, &c., kc. to which they invite the attention of city and country purchasers. feeling continent of their ability to oifer inducements in prices and quality of Goods. ' Orders by m.-il will receive prompt. atten tion. Add’reuV‘ _ ‘ LAWRENCE D. mmz a: co.) 3m: Baltimore strcul, B.lllimure. March 14. 1864. . Take Notice. ‘ ARMERS All!) DEALERS IN FERTILIZ- Ens grill please take “(I‘ll e am; we hav’a adopted the following. Trade Mark to prmprt ouuelvea. find pr‘event those who use _our RAW BONE SUI’KRPUOSPHATE imm béiug deceived when purchasing mnnnres. We have been obliged to give this proteey ‘ tion to our cuamers, iir’ccnseqnence of sev ernl p-u'ucl 11“qu unlawlully—used our dis- Linclivc name. \‘ll: “Raw Bone," in ofi‘ering their article to the public. This Trade .\lurk isidopxed in addition to‘flie Lille “Raw Bonel” which iamlr cldlliVO'property, and we cau .\ion’Al‘. iimuufucturen from using it in futuro. We would state :qthe undo and coiiqumers, ihm tho; will‘flfld it to their interest ui up this: the “Trade nth” is upon every bag and burrel may puruhm.unone other is genuine. BAUGH & 50218. [I No 111-bug» ' EMOVALN . , «I ‘ HOLTZWORTH ALWAYS AHEAD. 'IBIS WAY FUR BARGAINS.—-JUH.\' L. V ...:... HOLTZWOBTII he: just returned frbm the m, nan slugs, 026, City rid: the large» mad man! complete unsort- OPKI‘Y‘S “OWN‘ “AK 11‘ M“ ufucmred mom. of » HATS AID GM’R, BUUTS I I and Sold, Wholesale nué Retgl, No. 628 ' AN? 3305,31 ”'M ['3' been-lying!!! {or w Arch Sue“, Philadn-lpninz—Tha no“ cam-“b” luvnlsmee the wag. llu stock 1': ‘ , pleu “finnenhofibndlu'g masen' and Chil- a 2:12;! :fiflml'bfiz 1" $139“ "I“ s ”it: _ h——- . . dr {2" OPS HTS l 1.10.11 . “and In er] en y o Ools nn .. I ‘ ‘o3::lfifézfefitzgxgfilzu 0! ouruhcle ‘hue beeul "3:531, to meet the. 3”,?” «afghan: for Moenuq Buyf, mm Ilae‘lnulln’ml! {lnd to mluuhctnre :demtgn mice-unto lmlLfll-Ol's: Tami; embracing the-newest “de desin- -everytbmg m. their line, "‘3'" the llm If bullet Phen hates" ‘ " fem”. .Ra" 39° bk Styles tnllSizesof‘flore I'rnlla,"ufsvery "° "'9 "9“V‘E'"s.h°°- L"!"’:'iv',lbh°" 0‘ us 3m in ,0 I name yh’lch ongmawd mt}: - length—from 23 to s. round—26 ,0 58, curly descripnon, m greet "gh’yllliegf'o’ Lt willful“; fO, I‘ltlj’aorlflo ngnful property. We Sprxngs, at 52 "l I, Plain 5“,”, all die: Hula, line ann‘Hly, I 12: I? 11%: HCMI, w the exclueive n “rm" 9‘ f‘glufhflffi lengths. from 2} lo 3(yards round the bottom,‘°“” “-"§"~“”d Vac”; "sob.” ‘. "‘ °ml 'll I gum-m actureno u uncle u5140t0 53 IS. . v?" Banking; m9‘ l; dflflhlock- I}?! hang: “Ht «I'6 provmlors Wit-1“"- Our line of .\lisses' and Children’: SKIRTS,"'W" .T9b‘m’ 3"" “ “mm ""1 t I ""° "My! “9 {0" “ PM“I 0‘ nre‘ pvoverbénlly beyond all compelilloti, forldwcmmfl’,‘ ‘th. A W” V“ ”“3' 315° “1““ i! 1'0“?“ b 1 59‘? vuriexy‘ol‘ style-'3 sndiier—ns well as {or finlsh‘ ”-0.” " forget th! pk“, n. 5“” ewtetsnpnhng hgld only by “55".“; « find durability; varying (mm Bm} Eli/hello! ofthe Dnmond, (33:3;hllmxp‘. I“ .. quenxiuJ—nlgi m {am “Wylie! “m #5; in kmh'aw‘gsmmgs “ ””m’°‘2 2" A rll 10 18855 1‘ 1" HOLMWOMH' improvements Q'Esfexsg’fimu; 1:01:51?“ A“ Skim "Jog“ OWN MAKE." "e WH- ‘i "-7! . ‘ Miler can load directly from the wharies of mg“ to fire unstacu‘un; WEN; ”girl: the works, which ue located at the fool. of Biffiamii “is: EEI'g'A'HEQLZ‘x “Osc‘lmpea Norrie Street, Delnura RIVEF. We, call-“flan 9",}, mil ' _[c e" ; Alteuu'on ofDEALEßS.onhisgrent ndunmge.‘ A 130; conltmtl on hand, noomJnns; h.?f°."£s’.l§fy”lfl?ffiifé’£ amt-saw» l" m ‘ :cu. . sprlnrznd fell unfonn, end we gluten Ilia-mp," attr'gmmsflflllfi "51’”, 85 conu‘f‘mf to send in their order: to their respective ”time’gyoolgfx‘firfiigglsf we‘vjp'rln s. Diezfn u nun curl: day, the: ill mn‘y ba gun 51 25 (”,1 4o gin-lugs 31‘ s’o. ' ' 5!: £2562 Pl 4min? .v- _ , ~ _ ‘ man's magwumr'nnd Mia edsu 89110;:an mgeqnunugd orden, : f_' * may: C‘suu Qn Pnclfmml - l, 4 «.szF-Fnl‘lfinyg. :12 ‘. -. » urge-h a, mg. .i’".;‘ 2% l, 2:, m: u legmgq ." Waigafl'sagg” ‘“ ’ ‘iimnrtomnimix’fi ore teeter?" Mawwé 3”: 233% ‘iß'G’lNglfiz'g§‘pdfizf “.’. nomuma Mic, «Deminnm‘ zm‘kamumw in? «h -‘.13 ‘ 15>». wk. {1: w §P§£AJ NWWa mm m: Town 3"; 5.17“; GMM'hH‘Hqu an: ; ‘ ‘'-a“ t: -A a! ‘1" oh‘: L~ r 1340 «10 Dan h .r. 3‘5 3::in ml 3. also 53M M: an“; : :v-jggsq . :x. “1 “Q n «.5; m. '. THANK ‘3 A‘Uv a 11’s ,RAW‘BvNI-I Super Phosphate 'of Lipe, mum‘mrid u, xmau a suss, Na. 20 Soul: Dclu ware Avon“, _ PHILADELPHIA. '= x , .. \ X‘ (I INES m Hommxnama PUWIIHI’S. .1 77‘» This preparumn, . " " ‘. low and mvonm’ "‘ ~ .. ("'.‘ til: km‘mn, will um S“ '13??? 'v o-ngy nlnrl‘onh 3' * luukgn‘dovn Ind : ionwpxritcd hat-GI, ! . by men‘thcnln ‘ Ind shunning Ib , Iwn‘nch Ind but 1 > \ '. nu;- h ‘ - - "- ' I l lure ”in-4.?" ‘o' mm" of all m o'w > "VS-“t" _{Pcigf-Pz_u this mind, nah "' ' YELLOW W. EBB. REA V E 1 OUGHS, Di TEIIP E R , F' VERSION!“ Loss or APP‘ THE AND VIT» ENERGY,“ us Improve: x wind, Increase "Emu-gin I Imoolh u [buy skin—m with)?” “' mbennbla Ikclcx hone. In all (11-em a! Swine, such an Cough-I. I‘lccrs In the Lung. Liver, "fist" ' ‘ ta, thin nxucla A ' V 1 , .'Wun mettle. ~' * . , By puma; from .""‘ - ‘ _ one-hull n piper ‘ ' to q x[algal-1:141 I ‘ - _5 ‘ —:—_ ham o "'1 Nu: ~_ ' " ' »;-..1 thou diseases ; - _- 5 fig :—-»—‘ willbeendlcaued "-'-.. ~ 2‘ ... ~_“ 0? «may pan-vented If given In time. a comin payenure and cure for lb: Hog Cholum ? Price 25 Cents per l’apev, or 5 Papers for u. S. A. FOUTZ 3:, 13130., nuns“: Imm. nbmnmw DEPOT. 10. 116 Franklin St. Baltimore, 11d. For 5:19 by Dragging and Stork-hip"! lhmulh on: the United Sum. _ a For sale by A. D. Buehler,‘ Gettysburg; Laughlin h Bushfirld, \Vhreling, Va; (‘. C. Bender 3: Co., Plusburghdubuson, llollmmy It Cowdeni Philadelphiu. Dec.11,,,1803. 1y Esley's Cottage Organs RE no! only nhexcelled, but way are ab -lolnleiy unrqfualled, by any otuer Reed Instrument in the cgntlntry. Designed expceu 1y lur Churches arid Schgnls. they no round to be equimy well §adnpled to the purlor mu! drawing room. For sale only by ‘ a. M? anucn, o. 13 ”North Haven: m.,x-mn,dupm S‘Also, “RADBURY’S’ PIANUS, and I complete assortment of the PERFECT me Lom-zox. [Uc!.2,1365. 1y humming-r Book Bindery. GEORGE w'IANT, ‘ . ROOKvBINDER. LSD BLANK BOOK MANI’I‘ACTIVRER,v Plain and Ornamental Brnrh'ngyof every d - Icrimion, egocuted in the morn. substantial and approved styles. ‘ . E. W. Brown, Esq., Farmers Bank of Lancaster W. L. Pcipcr, Esq.,.Luncastcr Cou‘uty Bank Snmuel'Slmck, I:.qu Columbinflßnnk. Samuel‘anuer, Esq., Yurk Bm‘fk. William Wagner, Esq.. York County Bank. T. I). Carson, PISq., Bank of Géuysburg. Peter Mnrtin, £511., Proth’y (”Lancaster co., P; Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq., Register " ” Geo. Whitson, Esq., Recorder ‘i " April x 5, 1861 , - B. I’. Baylor & C 0.," EALEKS _l.\' D‘ CHINA, GLASS & QUEENSWARE, PLATED WARE, EINE UUfI‘LhRY, ‘ ' CASTORS. &(‘., No. 6 Hum-s; S'rnxn, xmn [human 51"., BALTIMORE, MD. GLASSWARE z—Tumblers. Goblets, Wines, Lngera, Flasks, Blk_. Bullies; Cundy Jars, Dc cumers, [’rrs. Dislies, Fruit Howls, Sui”. \ xx:- torl, Castor Bottles. Ker. Lumps, Ker. Chim neys, Ltntcrna, he. - QUEENSWARE :—-Ph\tes, Flat Dishes, Deep 110., Covered do., Covered Butters, 'l‘ca Pots, Sugars, Creams, Bowls, Pitchers, Chambers, Busing and Pitchers, Mugs, Syillooui, Tea Sets, Toilet Sete, kc. 00!. BTONEWARB:-—Jugs, Jnrs. Pitchers, Milk runs, ac; [.\lny ms. Iy. Noah Walker & Co.‘, CLOTIII E R S , , WASHINGTON BUILDING, 165 up 167.8Amuon: Sun-r, . W , Forwnrqling Business. keep annually 0!! hand I mg. and well‘ 113-; CULP & EKRthilfi"S LINE. 'ode stock of ‘ll kinds ot_ goods at moderate AVING puréhnaed the Harman“ and prices. ' * } I'lwfiuu howl-flow owned by Samuel Herbst, Tho? lul‘l’l! ”a“! ‘o' "‘9 ““9“ ‘0 ”‘9 the-nfidemgn-d take plemro In Innouncing loves; priced Articles, either renuy rude or no ‘.he publlc “I,“ u,” w” "m . made'to measure. to my PM 0W» coun'ml MM: mt mmuu'r BARS They keep also In euenaive Mock-of EUBS- fromflgttpburn ”Bum-yore": rnggk, They ISHLTG GOODsuambrncil: "I?! “1501” 9‘ no prfimred to convey Frets-b: cum way, in Genu men's Under-tear. Alw. AHUITARY _ anyqumnzizy. They wnlumndrnmoind,lolha UhU'nHS Ind every nnety of Milmry Trim- making at yurchuea in} the city. and delirar mmfllr u '9" 35 In "30"“ Bunk “‘READY in; ‘ho‘go‘d‘WWflfié-uysbnm. Thur MADE-MILITARY GOODS. can run to We I'mhouu of'mVl‘lN- Bnlhmore, Fesz, 1364. . BOX 1 SONS, 1135 North How-rd sweet, (hen: ' Franklin,) Bdtimoi’e, when height will bu naive-f u nnjme. r‘ Thay invite, the mention aim. pnhflc'u thallium, naming ltwm limb they will spur. no pflbrflo mmuotle All whamypuronin them. A - Hurngvputahued the buildup! IMHO! on flu- Hnnhuu car-gin of; “Iron! and North. Wakinmn .llfl'tll, Geuyuburg, their Depot will rel-sun there. Any per-on hnnng hum: mm in lbefarwardinz line are "spa-mm In: vited to cull. CULP & EARNEUAW. Aug. 7,1865. ‘ 7, .. r 3": Erma-battle“! I A DAME lupply of tupedor‘ , 4 V ' ' ',‘ BLAvCKSIIIT" COAL, no! on blhd‘ It reduced price. Till God in superb: ‘0 111 othn‘ Cm! In the United State: for wedding and out" bluhmhh fiurposei For ta:e by City Cod erd, Frederick city, Id ‘Jn‘u'z 'l9, 1365. 1,! x I=lEll3 mun: in tnnlnnbla. ' 'uupums the guilty oflhe Imlk It bl! bu n pmun by no um uperhuem. lo lnrn-nw the qunn~ in; of hulk 3M cram twenty prr can and “ML: Hu- Iwuer firm and rum-L In fawning muie. it gives than mi uppcluu. lopu-ns um. In 1d r . and hlm “nan. thrive PERARED BY = LANCASTER, PA na’nnxcu BALTIMORE, P. H.’ PWER, =1 I r SAXIC CORDIAL, on s 191%?0 ,3 11¢ ri- A Remedial Agent‘pnpu‘e W ‘ 9116 M" ‘ gum, dam-ad tor a prompt. glad u]. ntldoté ‘ for :11 Pulmonu-y Dinar-den. “final!” and fit wlll glva instant relief in lition4Y I 1 “1‘ ’lmncu, and will prqre In efiecflml cage in a mnjnritv of the lollowln our: of “famous of 1m THROAT AND LUKNGSI such in ”Golds, lCdnghs, Asthmmlc Tendencies, thopinz Cough, Sor’eneui of the Breast. And Branchinl Afie‘ctionl. ' When we fim commenced marmhctunuz the Expecturnn: for our home connfi‘nptiou n mun not our intemion nor our deslrnto put it before the üblic u I f‘cnre-nll," nor to pub. Huh I long {in of tesflmonlall M an egidenco of m curnhre properties, but. the demand fur it being so munddemdedry on dig increase, has induct-f, and in fact compelled us to pre~ pure it on a much huge: node ande to mahlish agencicl throughout $1: union of the country. All we ask a. um um“ um amend mly give it a fur trial, that it may prove in many advantages our other p‘rep-mtiom orn annulu nnture now being mpluyed. , The price toqéwa it within 159‘ rhch of all, being bu 25 s d 40 rum 5 bottle. Bell's Worm Syrup. , HE MOST INSUCENT, PLEASANT AND T EFFICIEXT REMEDY TN USE —-A Rw zny Purge-r IN hflLl—No Gui/gr (M In 6e Taken.--'n this Preparation we have igcluded such reml-die! only as have becn {rind to! years and are known to possess powerful 'anthclmimic virtues, combine‘l with mild aperientw, pleasant nmmnllcs uud lug". Ant tht-lminllc: of themselves cunnox puform the" peculmr functions or bnve mo desired efl'm, unless Ihe how'nls are kept. moderatelx oprn. To produce thlsrgvfitle purgatlvea are noth snry nnd surh'only ought to be used 4h~ - not Inn-Here with the aulholminliv emj‘u’FV T 1- udmntnges Ive-chum tut chi; final-um: 151. [La puwcr m DESTROYING IND xx- PELLING WURHSI v V 2d. I].: mild aperiem efl'ect upon ‘ll. bows-la. ' 3di H 5 pleflsam tuna and odor nré 'hdmn uuztl punt-sud or L|uimed by very in Venn it‘ugm. ’ - Mix. in harmless influence npnujtha system, consequently no injurious efl'u-ls will new“ from its use should the patient huve‘noWornu, but In apparent disuse, arising ‘frum some other unknown cause, which in frequcully tlus cane. - The constituents of this Syrup nnd’nnfl‘ccu are known to Emmy 'Physicinnu, who IYc xiuw using}: in their ptmtim- to a lnrge‘enem; - ‘Prige 25 runs a bottle. . The Gremesl I‘lnlmont ln l‘no. IiLL'S. WHITE UIL l—Tlu Illa/um!l (‘.'mn epl, non! Prue/rating and muu‘Ecunnnucu! Enimrnt in Uta—A poweilul Olen inn. (‘uln pmmrl for‘the Spfl'dy Cure of Rficummiuu, Shaina, Sprninr, Wounds, Numbness'ul llvn Limbs, Frosted Feet. and Hands. Spm‘in. Smi dle Gnlls. l’ull Evil, Ring Bane, firm-es, Swellings of all kind. and in Mu. warmin ease for which’ an Embrumiliun is applicable, either in .\Lm or Buns!“ Price 23 cat-nu nbul- Ila—This prrpnrallun, whinl: is u'igixml will) u~, will be round to be one of the nicest um! at the Mme time one of me man rellablenp plicnlions extant. Having been employed very ixtensivu'ly since its introduction nnd leeling allisii'ml o! it: remedinl pmi-erties, we recommend it will: Hie minus: coufidr-nce, knowing Um! no mm will be «lisappuimedin its use. It inl as in name implies, a‘whiie linimenl o_l ilu- omnis teucy of crenm. curilkining nothing cal-imm, but, on the contrary, will be ‘fouud mum plcnsnnl than otherwise. Bell's '.lllcra [I we. R CONDJTH)! POWDER-‘5! " FUR NURSES, CATTLE k SWINE 25 cenu r. piper, or m 9 papers for bl. The Immon-‘e sale of these L’aqdury Ilminz the short. prriod.thoy ‘mve be‘cn bjrun- the publicfls a snfliciflnt-mmruntce of lhéir urea! pupulmizy, and the decided benefits dem‘ud fmm Llu ir use. They nra confidently recommenfled nm o|in 3: I preVemire, but u a complete IMF“ for all disciacs incident to the HORSE, UUW or HOG, as Loss of Appelilq,~ Coughs, Benn-v, Yellow Water, Dislemper, Glandenl, u, kc. _ By their use the Unne'fi Appetite in unpruv-A enl, I“ derangemems of tha digestho 'orgun’n canceled. sufleuing lbs skin, and "hing m the coat a sleek and-shining nppmuum-e. .uul may he used. With perfect “My M u” l‘nm u, as It. conmina no ingredient-l which can uuure A]. house, whetheulck or well. . The; cleanse the branching Ippnrums by ejecting from the fires“. tongululed mnltrr, or thn formation which to uveirly rings ihem, causing a lighlm-u in bru'hing, and by their peculiar union on that part, um,- mums the mucus membrane to rename iu nnlunl dimensions. thnquunliling the citculu‘mn of the llluud nnd leslurin‘; the distended ieurls to their—natural size. i For llttenlpg cull. they are invalunlrle, 7 also possessing peculiar pwpeniel in increas ing the qnunliu‘ of milk in Cows, theéchy giv ing them an 'llnponwco and vnluo- wh'lch ' should place them within the hand; 01 all in waned. , All disenlos to yrhich the [log in “by-ct, u Coughs, Ulcers in (he Lungs and liner, and u I genernl purifier of the Mood \lc gunmen their emury ifome lnirly med. .» ' W 501“ u (hamburg by A. D. Bush)", Apothecary. and by Druggilu tum Sun-Arr!» era genenfly. Ask fut JeH'a Pray-«muons. Prcpnnd exciusively by W. D. 3d), Apolho cal-y, (GI-minute of the Philadelph‘lm College of Punt-lunch) _Wc“ Wuhingwn an, Linger.- town, Md. - [Och 16, 188;. I; ‘ Cnflyh'u ' ’ i pkA 8 B'L’E W. Qll )3 S, It 1:1 . > 7 ' 'ou emc‘mrmwe mumqaéma' mm. Immune: nelrl op sitejh 'ofl'u-u, .4... ...MH " ...L- . ‘ a 1 _ Every demipfion of Vork'ekidu'ted‘in the "1"" ‘ IRfl‘lG‘ltfi-th'fifx s nip-0.113165. tfu ‘ a .s’?’ , JI.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers