0 TEAllni*Jr IMIKILICAI4oN 13a mama-1i u 9&l:an «Vary Monday m‘ ‘lng,’bynl§.\‘fl'\' 18113” an 32 on per “- mun u pal-l “11le xx AuVAuci—C‘J aunt n ‘lid'm'lf'not mm In M‘ahct“. 5‘6 uuhocflphoh dl5- luuunuguauulcss in. the opthu of the publisher, ulmh an mrmu Ire pug). ‘ Mimmmmmmnmem at me usuulmm JOE PRINTIXG of All kind: done withnr‘ulnw Ind inML-h. . . OFFICE In South Dnltlmurc streét. "9"” Muhfle and Hugh. “var Hm Pod. (“flea—"lCU!!!“- ler I’flmmg uunu " on the sign. Professional Cards. Dr. J. A. Armstrong, .(VING removed irom New'Snlem, York I I county, and having {celled at Middle luwn, Adam! county; of": his professional services to ”flame. [July 31, '63. ly .. ~ ,7. . AVE» A...» . .‘-,V . ... Dr. D. 8. Porter, R'ImT‘rSTUWN, Adpfiix coumy, continues A.{l|e [Lin-lice 0! his prufcssionjn nH its Lmnclm, gmd would rnpéctfully imite all pen-ma ufliicwd Wllh any old standing dis use»: to cull nud’ 'ousult‘ him; on. 3, mm. Fr . - ‘ ‘ Doctor C. W. Benson. OFFICE at Ihe Railroad Hons}. (front ro‘nm, formerly ncrupirzd by Dr. Mun-1,) " ' LITTLESTUWN,‘ m. Junt‘19,1363. n' ‘, , Dr. J. W. C. O’Ncal’s - PFICE pmlJN‘ellklg. N. E. ("mm-r of Hal: 0 tinmre nml High glruclswcu Presbyu-riqn (‘hru-h, livi'yuburg, [’u‘ . ‘ SW. :50, mm’ 11‘ > ‘ Do 9 c , u 119 M CODE 8 ‘ TTORXBY 'AT I,.nv,(unn«songdoorwsx A 'l’! Hxiehlefi's 'h‘uz .unl hunk slurv-.(‘h.uu l""ahll"§ strut-1,) .\T'rmlMA’ AMI Somcnmi run PA run nu I’mess. ‘lhmnly. [mm-l “ur inmarl‘» Ink-[my aunpu-mh-d (:luinld‘ and all nthc‘r ‘(S‘nliflh alg'dinst the (Rut-militant ’IL Wuh lrlz‘nn. D. 13.; .\laoAmeru-nntflflimsin~liug4nn¢L [_.mnx \VH‘r.\nl-XJ“T‘JHQl‘.\‘no"lHlLlll'hi)ll,‘.!hl,i\lld hilllral wit-vs -_{l\‘l'n. Ageum engaged m lo— msrizmts in hm“ lHinoxu' nnfi GLEN-r wen-usuri- ~W.\llply‘£o him personally or i) Milo-r. J ‘ ‘ (vivuplnug, Nov. '.'1.'53 . Law Partnership]. 7 .\ Ill‘Ni'A‘; L J l‘. WINTI‘Y. ‘ . ‘\l"l:')l:\}.z.\ .\ 1‘;1...kW, \\ H prummlv nth-1N to all legm b\l—\Y\eyk< (‘plvlhlnnl lu mud _inn-lu-lunj Hu- prqvurmg nl' ramming H u-ml). ”‘.'u'ik l'.|\. mu] flirullwr Llllxllx autumn the l'u’lled hlm-:4 :nu- bign- Haw r luv-nu \Wpr'“! \\':-~L ('nrm-l ufDLunond, (A'L’U\.3,‘llll’_’, I’wlu'a. ‘ A\,.nl; mm. 11 ‘ . E lwr-d Bußu :hlav, 1‘ ruszx' .\ 1‘ t. \‘w, “in tmmuuynmi A “mun-H} .uvmi lYI”!|Ill5|ll(‘~'~(;vllfilnl(d [n g” n. ”u xi|~.!k~ lhn “(2km 11l Inn-_.u v_re-.- (nil - .I luv “up: pin-9,11%: .‘wulh iznhlmmu lira-n. m-ur |'nhn‘_\'wlrn‘: ~xmv, nud llt-llh’ own-NU ihunvr K. Zlv-qlx-r‘b Harem _, _. Grit} mum. \lnn h ‘.‘ll. , J. C. N 93177: , T F‘IH‘HIY \l‘ [.\\\' —-l'.ulLan.r .LIIMI 1‘ (Nu pul (w t!”l'1"lll\_\ u( _l’rllslulh ”-r-vaJ furl H'wL-hn. lHlu" I]; iht .\. I" ("mu 1‘ u! ”"i lnrn'flhl _ (.’vuv. mu 5. “.I'l'U d, 18'1’1. (f .T, Inth‘cizce III”. M. D., \'~' l|:\ ”11.. v vnl‘ < DEB“* tr/ 1m: “1‘1“!th ’7 7 Tffi‘iESlV Luthu 11. I 1”... h 3‘” *g\~“*" C'|.Ll:|l.l I" Ar; ‘11: (L and uH-mnt I’i. Ln «,_’s an ~1-,ul._r:-Hm~r \\i«ln'.l;r in law n.(_, Ih-Mul D.,"; - 1‘ wl’lm-rmnuu! art-an qu- ~ltl‘.i’_\'l_n\inl!lc ( up 11:, \nl‘.\l'r‘~ “Y 4. Hurm '."le-v. C. I" K! ‘ll J l). 1),. l'."\' II |.. ”Aug-INT, U. D., Rev. PM! 11 .1 mm . firm" \I. (“Si-cum. hall)al;:II.-..\,'uxlll,'.‘:l.' “ Cemiblery ItentataN. Y IHlinmh-rswnml.ht'inglho:ulzlmi‘lmwlyu‘rmn I m Inakv numuvnla inlu l3\vr (Jun-u ('.-um h-rv.|m|u~=lh.n curb: ‘ mmmnplznolhe Mann} ‘1 0i llw Y'I'IIIHI.II-M.lS::|‘ Winn»; or {l‘m-min) \\ ill “mil llntllhlfht so! this «ML-Inn o: [ln-year 10 hu u llflnlll‘. [mun-nah “Lulu “uh pmmlnlnrasi —-h-llu: l'uu', aunl up «:l'mrl ~lmn<lluphu~m ‘ ‘ -P;:rl:n.'l:mm,\g \lm‘vl'l 13. Hm. Kt‘vlwl' I)! lln' (‘.‘?!ll'lt‘f’". Hardware 4' firm-crib» 7 :‘HH _uhwnlmrg' hun- ju~t rl'lulhwl i'mm, l \‘m- mu» fl “ilh '.m huuwnm- am; [y ‘ll H mun '.I:!-: x (:Igm'lgiul.s, “him. «I {-3 me nu:l|llll|Hrn|d~huvl m‘ lhh‘uuuv- ~l|Hl.' nb‘mu m 1.: ~uillhu wuus. Uur :lUgL (Ulnifli in .111! 11' . 1:1 1.1,111V11. \l.\'l‘l-:RI.\I.S. (3.111113 1.1.113 'I‘HHIS. 1 . 'l;l..\l:l\'_<\ln'll's 'l'lllll s", ’ (‘UAVH 11111151» sum: mmxus. ‘ ’ L'AIHVXH' MAKER S TUDLS ‘_ ‘ ”I)USIIKI‘H-‘PI'IH'S FIX I'I'IHCS, ' ALL KINDS m‘,|lm.\‘.L\-r. anw-nnflfwn+“.-\l.Lxxxngs. UM." l'.\|.\’l'h, :12, kt. T! tl'(' i: In. :m'iu la Invlmir-Q in l-fv wwr vl uh pnl'ln'unl.» nu nu :1“ d n‘nnn hut “th rm luv 1» Hi :lt 11-h Simia— !~l\vr_\ (‘l.Lfi-ul \h-A h‘mir~ I an lw nrumJunda‘m II huu- \\ nh 1.»..1‘ :ng [in-{ingsgnzll Iluuw‘k—t't‘iurs (‘.up find l‘\‘l‘l_\' urtiu-Io in llu‘lr Hm“. Give l’s :I (' I“. :x- \n- nrn- prop Il‘('l1 In :tll “-310“: th ulna}. w: my house an! ul Um city. ‘ . ‘ JUM‘ H. BANNER, Mun 7.lmm“. -‘ G:!l}‘:|»llrg, “1 16.11“”. ' f _ ‘ - ‘ ’ The Great le‘au-ry “ F Tili‘l .\(fil‘L—lnthxmumnry .\nd "ll?<‘hic’ O. ilhcunmtiun (‘ nu be rllrml by ll~illl_' ”LL. MILLI‘J‘US (‘HLI‘IBHATEU lilH-ZUMATIC MIX TVRI'I. \l.lu\' prnmim-m vitizons otvlhis, ‘nud tlu- :uljmmng mu.uws,.ll:u‘c LusLilied to us glen unhLy. ha mocess in lihuumnlic 51km!- tlulu. lms hpun llllb"l'l0 uup4mllcled byhxn} bpruflc, iulhnlm-e-l 30 the public. Pucg’: 50 (Luh |n~r \mltlc. Fxfi mle by d“ dx uggi-lsfuud smrckl-vpL-rs. l'rupum‘d only by U. L. MILUEI‘L \\‘hulcs.xlc nnxl “.'Lail Druggist. Bust Berlin, A‘mns county, Pal“, dualcrtn Drugs, Chemicals, (hla, Vullllall, Spirits, PuiuLi‘ Dye-stuffs, .Slmt' [led Oils, lissénces and ’P§n(-uxrcs, \\ in,d6\v Gl:xss.‘l‘urfumer,v, PMeM M‘Hlxcinci, &c., Sat“. WA. ,D. Bnehkwis the Agent in (hfiys burg lo: “ H. L.. Miller's Celebrated llhefil)‘ntic “inure.” [June 3,1861. ,tr‘ still at Work! _ UE ‘l2Jeis‘lkflpd Confinues the T' lugmumxtAme BUSINESSQ {lll “fl! mgfiml‘fih‘ms ochsLmd, it! ’EJBK. ) Id. le 51 ‘"1 “' "“ ‘ f mew “ragga“ Wm.” °‘ i ‘ "5”‘N‘L PYP‘AUf: x; x G done promptly and M lowcu prices. Two first-mu: SPRING WAGONS find I SLEIGH for sale. . JACOB TRU'XKKL. nec‘.7,wea.:~ '=s;-. » _ _ A__l_,l_.# a Sale Crying. §§ _ w. FLEMMINGnohtidueQ-‘the Waite” A. of SALE CRYI'NG, and solicit: (balcon finned patronage of the public. I: is hisiaon stunt endeavor Lo give satisfaction. Clflrges modenue.‘ ‘Reuidence in Breckinridge street, Gettysblu' ~ ‘ ‘ ' i P. 8.419; is’ Lficenud Auctioneer. undqr the Tax Luv of this United States. a Nov. 24,1802: , "I I_. " l , A . DoYoqunh, ,H FPO preurve‘ a. coup ‘likénasa of you'rsell‘. r; 1011? children, or ‘yohr lfiends? go at r we to MUMPKR'S GALLERY, _the best yggce . 3'l: Lb; county to aecnu first "claist picgnrég; .Arcw 7-3”. mm mm ormncnd for me n warms? S NATIONAL BANK OF ,GEITYSBUIICG; ' '. ' uEu. Aimuwm‘shian ‘ 0a“ 9.1865. 6r ' ' .- ‘ 'r'rnAanG AflElTlON,—lheaup§ or ’ Pruner mien ‘al -MUMPER’S’ S Y “ GALLERY. 'oir yen Middle 5:, re nhrufipg‘ univund- “ration: Goya‘jnges‘ ;prpnunce them nmri r w an’y eve? with“ in mm place. an ad udmix‘u'for yam-lona. ' “jun wulqsb. f': ‘ . :1; 41, ‘ AOO', Amm, Oar: Bun-eh; Ri'ee- u, : m Vmem- 9Dr new” Breifll‘: IV:;LL;;.'._V-:_;-‘- ‘ UNDER-Blgwm gypmhr 1m: , ”34’ ',' _ ‘ ‘ _fIGKINQ'Ba -.. A._ 3' -:r *»."v- x. -: ' lih‘o’ ll’x |1 P u» '.‘“- 1:13 n. J. s'mum: 48th Year. Proclamation-. _ TIIETIEAS llie mm. Roam” J. meu, V" I'm-«idem of the sen-ml Court:- OH‘um mm: Plum iq the (‘nuntigs cofnponing the lml: Dmrmt, And Justice of the Conrtsgu‘Uyer 11m! 1 Trcnnnm‘ null Gemrul Jail Delh'pry, turjlhe' um] 01 nu capitnLnn-l olher offenders in 1139' mid dhtrict, and DAVID lemnn and Isaac 1-1. 1 \\ than. lama, Judges of the Courts “(Corn-j mon J’lvusknz‘nd Jusucvs ef the Cuurls of ()yer‘ nnd 'l’cryuin’t’r'nnti (11-mgrul Juil Dylivr-ry. for! the trial uf ““1531". Na and nmer nfiemlvn in ll 4- Cnumv of Atlnnu—h N? Is um] lheir'prr.‘ refit, Uogalzi‘ng dnh- ihe 212 d day of ‘Junlury. in Lht- war ui our Luuu one thousand eight hun dnul and ~ulnlih3. mm In nu: mrwlwl. fur lumlmg ..\ um LOl (.’umnmn Plum .n.!l «Emu: 1L; (‘thw r Sa-ifiluus at (In: |'vu_-->, uwl thwvml .Lm I'l hu r 4 nu'l Cuurlt i U_ul Hull 'l'-'. mun r. lxl‘rl'h'lh‘hurL'. nn'MUNDAY, um mu. .m; m" .\l'lh.|.n'~l|m~— ‘ MN“ 12 H HEREBY (NH-.N tn .11th Juslu-e. 0| Hu- Penn-e. the Coroner :ufu! Cowh- Mw “ithin (he said County 0* :\d.|uu. lhut th‘p) ht- llu-n :Iqu Ilme in their proper pvrsfms,’ “uh llu 1r Ru! 4, Rcvqrds rquisnwns. Hum.‘ lIIIIIIUI'S‘HKM I{herPPlhl‘lllfll’ullCPß,Ko do HIGH“ thing: u luv!) u llu-ir ullu'vs and in than heh‘nlf“ up'pwh-m to HP done, '.“HI also tin-y “ho Mi“ I [mm-Inu- ugqiml Iht- plisufiezs lhxu are or lnlu‘ ~lmll he in 1111- Jml 0'! HM HM l'tiuulv y!" .\d.m 5. ”W h: l-l' Hn-n nml llwrc lu pruneuh" “gum“. lhcm xls 51ml! beju‘l: , ‘ , i .9 - ; Mun: NEHFIRT, Slmrifi. Shmill '— mln‘v, (idly-burg, .\I.Ir. 26, ’66. i Juror-5 for April Toi‘m. “'(hznn .lu'nw #ll_\'~hnxg——l;4:i:u' Rubin;un,fl"ormmm. "l‘;|.l|‘.hll—~“h2tv lve-h‘rurner, RAJH'I“ \lrlilmlf (mrnmny—.l.u‘...h l’nzer,JunnUa:\n l"ore.~t.‘ Hummgummlflm H Leusr. 51ml; .n.—Wm: Stallsmitln. i).uri~_rl Swnghr, qunillnnh.‘l‘Afi'illinm Pulp. .\lwufl j:;_\—H. fixrv Bun lu-r. _ ' (ulb‘rd—‘ann" What, Williun Enum-I-t [gum—4lm by smuggler, Jesse Ell-Holman lhnulmn—J. (in Hulr. X.i,lwlh-—-Jnhnt \l lIQ-ohn’ln Wading >0 (hum. Jm ulna. .lmnh George \lrguutp :uwn!‘ \‘H'fl‘lluul Reefel. Fv. ‘ «Inn ’u-UN lit-ti‘ugau ‘ 4 ,\l|-nnl|(~l| VJ ‘l‘}ll- N Imluu l:|:Jlh‘r—»-.III~PIIFI “'0”. N f'l‘i mu." "J wumhmix. b‘Ul'm)\\;l‘_fl)——.l.|l"|h thwnrtl: [ ' UhfiL‘flAL .luxnr. l'nhul—S‘mmvl XXI-mu, “2|er Sp Ililihz, .\mur. thu'H J ‘lm Shun" Fmn'l.ln.-~‘\lr‘llcw‘Billingcr,John \lrKrnrir‘k TJuhn P. “all. Hi:ulmgmn—Ai-ra‘n I‘m smm, CM. “'.‘”.Umfls, ,‘3' urge F'l|_-KI-~, John (‘. Miller, Wm. Inc :m- ”hllhillfll-Jl‘l‘; ‘rv .\‘uukJuhn hvllum'. Ih-u'gl: KIN-5, 111- l'fi ”nun-1' _ T 5 rum- LP. “1141, limuhucllCimpv r. FrguL )IHJJu-rr. ‘ V .\runn'ul.“HlM—film”) 1201‘, John Lam‘reuce, I‘rh r Stuflmi h. 313.111ij :_\ -- \\'xl!i..m Eli-16,3An1m-l Faker, .\n dr- \\ Ik-ltlu-r. ‘'l ‘ “>1II|ill()lIb:Ill—~.“0§l‘v‘- Sonbroulw, Juhn Sun . Inhvra (in my SpruMN ‘ Mullin—‘Hvquj Luncl‘, JM'ub Slowsr), vanry yliuKerA‘ j Limnmru— (‘hnrlN W. (.rlesl, “ u). I'. Magnum-I: \lecl Muynhnuuh. ' ‘3 (:le~hl|l'_'~—\'.rfinlus Cudnrj, John Ru} p, ‘.I dun N‘nrlnwk. (h urge (It-y: r. .(‘-m. I'l'\"-‘Hé|l >(~| l-‘Jl'nk, .\lurliu Stabl‘xm JIH‘ I‘o-Il|--"Hl\ I|] |’.'|\‘l‘i~'l|. lmyid .\llwr‘l. l i. m 7—lole Shun-m «la-rul’u-{lbcu :ler l‘ mu“ .\gu-\l‘u ‘\ ul [.'lulc. .\dMu mem. lunh~lnWH—fiphrmm .\ly‘ers, I}. U. Kline, 3‘1"”. 1". Crnilw. - > . I"'l~ni«|\.bo}.—L—lh nu Rumor, Frwmin Grq’ve. SlV'OlDl'Tll—Hkllg\ \’\lmm.(..u];l'\\c.l\a-H tnzux‘JA—Jusétgh Stumh, George Hum, Mus .\lnglt. I . (‘IIIIIIE’IY‘IIAnIL—fltI‘In “what, Henry Bru um. XII-'mfllwl—l~‘:l;u(‘ _Allllcl‘,glnrg'co:l'ulllEppvlmnn. 3L“. I‘J, la‘lifi-‘J' “E ‘ . Buggies & *‘nrrlag’os. [W3IB WAX! TlHb‘ “KEV—The ufidl r l Siam-d is chgmml fill the Carri‘luP-u: dun: hu n.rs~, m Wysl )lilldlc street, near (fix-n. Lib li‘u‘: ull smrc SLlM;Gettysburg, and i_xnnes :l“ \l‘llu warmed uuykhifig in his [luv 10 ghe hnu n mu. He puts up, in the Hy; “l“rL murmr, Falling-cup and other UI'UIEI‘HD', "In! all xlw injurcm styles of CA1:1:I.\(iI-2.~'.. “'uh :1 lull khmvludge of the business. mu! :1 m-Lcrxniuutxuu’jd gin: sutiafucliuu, the public can ler uppn his jobs bemg good.’ He WI”. rndemur to deserve a large share of p :- uu map, and hopes to ru'ceivg It. . JUN'A‘HHSG duu-- M lhé shortest notice, and on most rpasmmhlc terms. WCouu'ry prudme‘ww be liken in exchange for work. CHAS. E: GILSER l‘. Gequurgjxov. 0, {sos. «3111* “'t'storn Lands. < HE subsciibrr has some anuuble WEST ERN L.\*l’)h‘, “‘lruh be will trade for one urfxuore FAIL IS in this county. "I‘he lands .up \\'L-li:lm~ul-d. and \cr_\. dualmblc for ”Ann ulg. Bully n IphpaliuH dr~ired. * ‘ J.\GUB BRINKERUOFF. _ I(.‘tt:l.t.ys!)urg, Apr“ 3, 1865. v. 4: ‘ ‘ Evorhart's “ANKLN Hausa}, .‘ CURL!!! “I now All!) i IRANKLIN STREETS, 'ufxmumm, m; This House ii on a direct hue hetweoh the Northern Cemrhl and .Bnltimore and Olr'io Railroad Depots. It has been refitted qu cum ‘uxlnbly nrmngfld éor the Convenience-null the Entertainment. at grests. - . Nov. 20, 1565. Fr ' Cooking Stages F every variefy, including the “Sabre Oqok, ’ “Royal Cook," “Waverly," “Orn amental," d(Fr-'r'entnl." kc. .5150, ”Fin-ware, Sheetiromware, Hollow-ware. and Mary \M riety of Kitt‘heu Fdrniture—inchidigg n varie ty of Luntuxgns. Also, a néw and mnchjm grovedi‘lour Sifterrt'or side by ' _ ‘ C. H. BUEHLER, Corner of Cnrfisle and Railroad 515., ' Feb. 19, 1866. ‘ Gettysburg, Pu. ' 0 Yes 2- 0 Yes! . HE undetsigned- respectfully unnouncgto the publlc than be but; taken out‘au A c- Nuneer’s License, Ind ofl'en bio-n ervices to the public. He feel: confident that his long ex perience_ in the busmcss will enable him to render entire animation. .Chuges will be msonnhla Ind utisfaction gun-angled ”u: all 13125.1: Addrasl REUBEN. GOLDEN, _ Jan. 8.1866. .u Gettysburg: Par Howard Amaatlon, HILADKLPHIA.. PA.——Diueues of the , ' Urinary Ind Sexual Systems—ll9w and reliable treatment. ' Also,t.he BRIDAL‘C’HAM-. 331313, an Essay of,Wuniug And Instruction, sent. in sealed envelopes, free of charge.‘ Ad: dress Dr. J. SKELLIN HOUGHTON, Howard Associatingflo. 2,39mh Ninth Slre’et, Phi]:- delphia, sz- 1‘” ‘ ,r , . {OO. 2, 1865. 1y ‘YDr. B. HORNEB’S Torah; and Alton? , [fife Powders, for HORSES aid CATTLE, ppm-ed and sold only at big Drug Store. _ _ January 25“ 1864. , whims Imm mans m m. xi . Hamel-{s Drug Mid Yirietg Store. . ‘ LApfes'biisis‘rfii—niifi, in great H: mm a - ' ' f 'scmprs. ‘ A @EWJ©©RATU© AND FAWMLV J©URNAL lIANGE 0F CUNXEUIIOSS.-Ou and af- C [or \lunduy, Nwember 2011:; 1865, I’as sengcr Tminsfiml lenv'e and urnvc at Gettys burgfand make connections. as Lollows: ._ ‘ “HST TRAIN mu lexive Gettysburg at ‘ 7.45 A. .\L, with‘pusaengera ~lor Yuri, Harri» burg, Philadelphin, Bahiunre, am! tlu- Sunh Mid West, mm A 111,; M. Hanover Juncunu “uh on:t Chung: xJi'cal'r,'aL 10.25 .\. y , (mum-ting »u uh xh.‘ ‘r‘aul Lmu‘ ouuth gnbihv Northern Cen trui Haiku/.n.), “J” urn’u’nv; m. (inhuman; n! 'l:.mx,mo-1. Al-‘u (wmnw-ug‘g wuh .\|:.m 'l'miu mom: ”almanac unfli\n, ..1r ”1” 1n “anuh‘ng ’u! l 3111’. M. .hrlu.\m (kill-,:f.t:1;'4.~11J I'. )If, m'vh llfl‘ilf‘l'fl" I'l“th iE‘Alllh-Ju‘g‘ York, {Runnurr nn‘xl “Zuni—[lglumég ‘ Ml- mu 'H:Al_\ um {exqu- conj'sbm-z at 1:». 1‘ .\'.,.nu\|n;_' n. Ejaribxor JQ’H‘HHH M 3.1... and cuunw ling \HHI linihlhin Saulh. .\xrncuu “Alum-In- .“ 5.30%). .\LK Anne M (y‘allphurgm 6.!5 l‘. .\I., wxllpmscngvrs f’rum l'lnlmiulplu:., llmrishurn ax ‘ the Non!) uni Went. uud also with passengers from ”Amman and Wushinglun y the 4m hne noun, which have; [Snlmumu ul. 12.1_0 noonfl‘ V \x. [fluqnngcls can lmw- [ihlltilunre ir§ the \lnif‘ 'l‘mz'x .u H .\I \l., :lnl qune 11l Hel’xabmu .n. LII! P. \I Ur lmu limizlmule In 1h - Lu! Ln:- .1! 1.5.2” “mm. and .u'rivu m Gen} 5'19“: n‘ 6.15 I‘. .\L But one dungejof cars I) the first. u. m. oiz‘hvr “.ny, viz: an Hfuun'L-r Jumtinn. "X [W I rs! Ii n-‘m the Nor lit-m Uculml ml] n‘ut Slnp :H uny local smtions, ext-em ank‘, “:le wr Juncuon and Parkton. COHHECHHHS cl-r -min. R. .\IcCUKUY, I’rc:'l. .\m’. 27, was f ‘H? I'. —'l‘.\l.l.l'2.—-()n mud after I'ruluy, X 0". .’..lh,l.sl:s.pnssrngerllai'ls on {ho H In usur “much Ii Hrmld WI” laun- au 1'01!qu : FIRST TR.\l\, (“‘hirh mnlu‘g umneumn “ill! lhrve ‘lmins on ihe Furlhern (“-nnnl liniinuymx 11.;- Jmu‘:mh,) will leave “(mun-r m :J 00 \. .\1 , t'nr Yurk, B .llihxoro, Han-uh .I;, and m t-rmedngxe SIIHIOHa- ‘ mf‘Thls lrfln In-luril= Io Hanover a! 12 .\I. and 'rjiv'cs at Gettysburg v.l PA]. SEVEN“ TRAIN “mum man ww.’ :u ’.‘ ‘l"- “. M.:|ml:lrri\'n-su[l:.o hm In u u I: I” I' \I . l mum lung. wuh mv .\l.u! Tram. .\uum n lurh nrrnr; .n. Bulkimnrc 315 I’. )I |‘.|"’(‘H;l4 z» Ly this Train fur \fmkluy LVL-r In. Llle Juncliyu unit“: 12 P 51. . ' Pus‘uhurla lr lung Bulllmurn- luv ”.xnn‘ ‘r‘r. G~ll\>iuu'-_'. mu! l;.ul'lr~lnmu, “I” lnke x HIM me \Lnl ’l‘mm at it .\ \l . or the [MM Lnu uL 12mm. M, ' Jusm'u LHHS. Ag. m .ch. 18._1363.‘ ETJI‘ Y S B U K G , P.\.—-Thl: undiraigned G \vuuid must. respectfully iuiurm his lu mwrun: triends an.) the public dvncrully, that he hue , pun 11 um] that. lung t-alilbliahcd‘mul WLII Inm\\'l|fllu'wi,lhe “(ilullc"luu,' m fink. Sll‘l‘ci, (h-tlysburg, and “in spare no elforl [u cumluu ”n in a: manner \hM “in am dutmu hum lla' luriurr high reputation. Hi~ mm.- \\xll hau- lhq beat the mark L ca}: u ”Id—viii! Cil.uuin‘r\’..llt‘ epucwth gmd Cunlf'ul .hlu—xmd he im: ind m lur hi; L.“ .A full ::u.h uf “int: nnvl liq‘mrs. Thrl‘c i\ lime rLlilith :nllm hm! “film ”on 1, “hi: h W|l| he ullmyiwl by «Jim:- lh‘? hmlh rs. IL \\ I“ be his ('mxalhul t n-igunu lo I’l'hdvl' llu' lulh~st snlxsfdutmn Io Ills,uiiu-.~:~, nulunfir his huusc as Hear It: hmm- In m. m :|~ pnghlm. ‘ch :lshs n shun: of Lln: gm 4“": i?“ Iran-up, determined It: he i; lo‘iurrw :l hum 11"” ul' Ii: Hrmmulmr, l.he“Lilm»e lnn’ i: in Ylll’k urea, hul nezu‘ the Diammul. or l’uhlia. .‘quArv. ‘ 5A3“. EL \\ L’Ll"._ , F \pl|l4.lll'2l. If _ 'Blacksmiflling. ‘ 7 ‘HE .nndvrdguéd would muzn refiprcfiully _ mlnrsn lhl- public 11ml hl- continues lllc I£!.A(.I~L.\'\IITIHSG BUSIXES\', nt‘his ghup, lately T’hilip Dwrsmu‘s, adjoining 'l‘Lpnm-l‘s [mint shop, in Bust .\liddlt- urn-1, (Evl:_\.~l.uy-_r, where he “i 112“! nH limvs hl- [lrv ]n‘uml to (In l'>| ‘t'ksnnlhing‘work to "~ll|l"‘.-'l'51 liugguu, “Imam, M 2. 'l‘luu. .l‘e ln‘on.‘ hu“ (0 do all job: at the kmd will um. bu qllt~llullul by tlm-c who Inu‘e'n kxwwlu-Jge oi higiung expu‘u-utc :11. [[lB7bllsihcaa. Conn: LII \ulh ynux' \vuxk, and you will he satism ll \vlurn_\ou Luke n. away—and for which be «null rug-ivy Uaau ur gummy P’roducc. ‘ ADAM HULTZWUIiT/H Mar. 26, 1365. cf , . OVIS E. KUMMEILANT would hike this J mI-thoil of informing his old friends and the [.nhllv genPrnllV. that he has again com menced the TAILURIXG lmsim-ss in Geltys burg. lnsAm-w establishment living in Chum: lmnbnrz strvet, bctween Washington unJ West sin-el 5, south shim, Ile invites those in wwt of Tailoring work, to give him a call, and feats sure llmtlio elm gifi‘e salismction. “ii sowing will be found nm‘Png the‘ neutral. nnd most durable, and his fils'ns gund as can be made. lie charges the lowest price 101- work, his principle of business being, “to live and let live'" V ‘ [Jam 8, 1866. ‘ ‘ NIVEIISAL CLOTH-ES WRINGER.”—- . Besides the muLuving of Labor, the saving m Ibo wear mud tea; at clothing in :1 single year, more than amounts to Ihepric‘e of misfi’ringer. It is srmuge that my tnmily ‘shauld be willing to do wnhom it. For sale at FAHNE‘STOCK 8305., and at O. ammu- LER'S. ‘ ‘ \ LFeb. 19. , ‘Smoking Tobaccos. ousrmm NICE! ' S WM. H. BROGUNIEBL - at ”Shara/Mama, Adm county, Pm. )hnnfuzmren two diflerentgndes of (SMOKING TOBACCO, which cannot be beat. They are mild and plenum, all the pqisonéummste be» ing extracted, Ind yet the flavor in fully pre aened. Smokers, give them a. trial, and you win he prised. 1 Oraefifrom a. distance so! cited. Feb. 26,4366. tfv ‘ HE place to obtain 1 perfec‘ Photograph Ol' T Amhrbtype, executed I'n the bqst manner, is 11!. MUMPER’S GALLERY in Xiddle slteet. Jan. 9. 1355. f ‘ ‘ ALL and See the most beautiful I”sort- C meat of‘ne’w JEWELRY, such as Brent-pins, flu Drops, ’ >~ ‘ Finger Rings, Lockets Chains, to, at A J. Bkvw's, - , Opponita the Bank, Gonyabux-g. ‘ z ' "you have chapped hundl. Hz): 186() or rough akin, use an OLEIN, rapuod byht. B BURNER. ‘ ‘ At HQRNEB'S you can get pure -66. fiedicinea, Dye Sufi, 13mm 9 icmes, kc. ' IN ORDER to make room for spring purl} chuea PICKING is selling Dress Cpau vm‘chean. ‘ ‘ w WE hsvnujunt ”mini. new unqrtment » ...mf Qumran,» wuiehgu mm the uniting?! bale". A. SCOTT it SOffL‘ .‘ATRS‘IAGOBY‘ a." mum and {£93sM‘jnfi 3303wa LIMO Traveller’s Guide, Gettysbnr‘fg Railroad. mmoiwr n. Ram-mm. G l o b o I u n , YORK 51., NEAR. THE nuloxn, Tailoring. The Far Famed Give Him a Call 2 “Truth 4, N‘uhlmami mu Fri-rail.” GE'ITYSBURG, Pk, MONDAY, APim 9,1366. ‘ r\ C 3 \‘ _ _ ‘ égrimlmxul «:5 filament. I 2,::;‘;—_‘— v—::..:;:\_'°‘:_._':.l7; - now To (lARVPL’ROAST BEEF i Thon- ls pmhnhly no Im-ut wluuh is an ""1341 \ changed in qnumy, nm to any rim-army thu m-mi~ ner of carving, my Ruins! Bret. Tho z-hnicn pim-a according to mu- Americun notions. mu cut rrnm thesirluin. iihrxllshmcu pncfcr for ler naLhm-' nl di‘h a cut, l'romfihu fan-qunrtfir, just hu: 1: M‘ Uw shoulder hlmlv, which thn hutvhors call 11m “middle nh routing phra," in which all Um mun: livs upon the outside of Cw nhs. The Sir luln haggling ph Um contflu portion; of Llu- puw t-rrnl mum-Kw unhr lain upvu tho 1‘ .p 01' (hr mm. and n.’ the tondcrloin whn-h liws Lvncmh ‘.hcxzx 'mgl ('lusn- t?) the backbone. All pans un- wt-ll lu terlarmgx and coated wnh (at, 01 n wry .l. in ..m nuullu‘. Thv quzumly or lx ll'l( Hum Ls hxs Lhnn ‘h n nf‘hu- mm" m '.\X_‘vntUlvlvrnlunlilln‘llll-.|< b' xus We upprnm-h [hr “tl.|l Imnn." This lmrlu-u IS u&u.‘ll)"('nt up into whul nrv called In .\'~ w Yuri: Purh r-huuw sunk». For mulJulr Rl|4w\ mvl high flm'nr no good judgn 0! heel" [norms lhx' lun dLrluiq, any}? the Amvricnn Agricunurhl, hut. {hm-o an» xudny who do on account of its windw- n: ‘4‘, . " \Vlu-le hwf mmvs‘ to flip tum", mr- lender- Min may he «unzly rvmnvn rl by turning Hmydnt u liulx- mum-m In, unul pummz the kxim- claw In lln- I‘lhhllnllt‘rllh‘h‘ll‘h‘lluhl,\\'hith.hl‘ll)glll'd\\n nut, mnybc slim-n] Ivngthwm- m'vrua wisé, :13 the (~:m-r1-rvfi~m. 'This. h the only 11.1le (m- Inlwf not 5‘ riolmly Injured bycutlm: it m Hu- samc d;- n-vtmn Wm: thn' mn-r, ‘lan In,lu~n:4lh\\'lfln‘..- l “(but w. rslmulil hmlum- nil-nugli, m that ~an l'lndefinile poslponemenl of umon and bur ,sult plll‘lvlhh rul «put fun lm luxury \\'!u in It ls mnuy 3mm”; “13 513"”. ' 3 ‘ . rurvml,‘ hut ll fi‘imulil ln- m \lim'ly rruntnil, tlm- ( 1 “avg nuliuy to you or “my well inlnrm-‘ .roughlyhastmlmml conmuml; tumul;thli‘lgvlnm .(‘d man that [heimussrs m {hub ”MM-{mi . UII‘OHEhiI‘O‘jS only ufzultlii'uli-«lulk lll'l‘w(01(ll“ - party whluh auppfivted Mr. Lincoln und tlm (Jinn-1111111»! m-au'lnt n-il 'm‘ thu In i-lixhull ln:'fly.,u m tht‘ c'anvasatol’ 1801, glue :illcercly: illwlmml l1:.~ (he knlfr- c-luw m lllv .~nrr.u~:‘. Sn launched to the Unlfln am] dcuitvil hvllm‘u‘ rn lxl-HI, Illa lmuf 1s {l‘ll-Inn lain)" :Illrl .mnllwnm‘ -ers ill the Cunstitutinn. 'l‘llF‘V CVt‘l‘VWhvl‘e‘ “N Irmxilvk'. TllO 1011.“ \llUlllll ln- lulu-u l‘ruln le 31‘5“,an ”I“! [be my,“ of (“a wur‘qu ’0 .\mt nl‘lmln‘pnu :mvl pimp-li, all: r :llly lllllv‘lrim- Ire-establish the Umon wiih Ll . lobe}. )U‘wl-i mm: it “my HO‘l‘ll‘ upun the lur‘i-viuudv wunuod Ihl d l 1. ~ f l . I" [I "h 1 pl inn-r“ :-nvl w M dire: th'upnn thr' Lililo. an n. ' Be] e ”'Y' "(3“ 9'16 0 (I? “5:0 “Hons? l 8' drop of [hr-dripping; s‘lmulvl hi»- pnun-Il uvur it, "i “(Motif unyenuon [l'W‘Etid‘yofg bull: m ‘ but the): should :ll' VI)! to tho tulill- "'.'th be ln.‘ [Ole nelvammougnuthonlglo [he ("m-i m :3:: :1 van) lm uL- . ’ 3 l : < . “PM,“ ”m...” :1. irv-vthtM kmfp-wéth n f[_mleJ the Unmn and mad Lodeslrny 1t hes-1 kwnmlgv I'Xl-‘u'illlflllnlltlulhnjmlntpl/Yh'lwisu‘ inn- the W-“‘ bollimy 1”)“ “1“” I'Wli‘ll‘lfll‘ hvwm llnvl «lllllmlly m whim: thin slices. and. lnve ul‘tho L'ninn ”UN“; “1“ “'3‘” WW ”WWI lll<clllrullngthvln {mu lh-uxllmhmcntllcarthc ilhun euwected to be menu-um and liypo- 1 1... klmuv». lli: lumn mum"! lhr‘r‘n-l. unmiimn .'crmml; lint they kopt ~prmlmlly silent—i [llv‘ rllr «11"‘1 Ihr I-ll -l’l-|l why x. xi m- n th :nru-s ‘3l]. 'l‘lmlhleug Siennns VHF. 10 [he‘lyeH of‘ “|".'—'_""V"‘ “1 “1" "NHL r. "WNW! {hm Shl‘fi‘ il‘ ‘3‘" ,my kllWli‘uge. the only hauling mun In Hun 11.1 mm ml: “(uh I: Um lulu. i~ slim... n_mll’ illurly .‘h-lnli‘k‘fl“ and ”upwlpm “mugs, I.)} Nu! [llnqlnlll lilllr‘l1)llh-‘J_|l‘.I-uul lhu m. ltl'hlll il Mow hi 4 luhfimy m u... Uninn. ”I; wna‘ .lil)‘. t‘i- :-- rvrrwill h. rll llzml luluv nul 1h- mnre lnot the exponent “rm”. v‘lL-nzi. 3'l“] he "VI"! mgr-um. “hi. II will not unh' hm r-wnuh- t‘u-x "I: reflemed not. even a imclian Pm"- nfi‘filel Illlk'uf '(hivkc-r slim... but \rlll .\l‘Lll't'?!‘ out much hone“ millions WllO C St. lhl’ll‘ votes ‘lpef‘tl “x'i-vl firm v.“ unul ‘II‘HVOH’N‘ plum: ””01: Mid mg. tllfll’J‘l‘lOlle and. Shed‘ iheir leOil [o' hbtlll. ' gml. ’l'llurmlurin'ywillflnwfri-olyl-Imughuiuny ‘b k b y fb. f I .. “g‘ min, 1! thr- nn-ut ls rightly nwyke-lfimul'u puhlnn‘ “_c " {government 0 t ‘3'." "1 m“' 1 OH! should he wry-cl loom-ll must, :\ ‘pounflllor i 'A“ th‘sfvou know’ -1 ‘.‘T‘te ”0‘" l 0 (9“ 12m hfmu DUIH’PI‘ un‘r lllc blil‘c ul uncluhi n l’l-tt' you “If“! knnw cv‘incernmg .11” personal m up'hll lh-‘plulv. . lavn'tlm nls of Mr. anoln himself, and [ \Ylwu lmcl'lnuxnkcul so that “In Julruwvill nut (‘1 tun DOW .m b 0 the same kind of a Repub- ‘ hulk)“ mului'lre [rm-Iy." lsnonrlyswfllud mun, ‘llcan that l-wu whim I voted for. him at IllllP‘h' wv um gI-t :m unhl-Iv move 10‘ \\'lll«h Um .his “Isl and second election. I was his julr-s “11/Vt? rpm-n ulmun during lhu rmwtvnz. un'l partner in the practice of law for a number hm." drml ill-w. n-mlcrln ' 11, n no! our-dune, of years. [came here with him aim special \' 11‘ “V“ “"‘I “'11“ "MU“ fl 'frleml, and wai Marsh l‘of Uri: District du ‘3 "‘h “m“ ‘1‘““” ““"“v “"" ‘“ ”"M‘ ""‘ "" iringthewholeqfhis ad inislration. Down nlllclu'm- l \pr«-x~u1,11.~11.w 0! mm lug-m. “All: u to the day of his d’eut I was in the most. " ”“”“"' “"‘mm “"‘X mm“) ”ml-am" 1"”! confidential and intilp’ale relations with luunril xln Hank, ‘li‘Hl .'l plwrul l ‘Jilll 7101]}, und hiin' 'I knew him as we“ as one man 'Cali M 'vlrl-m‘ymiixl, :l ~li m‘nfiu Hf m'n \ {lum ”lll‘llh'l, b L t Lb lh'‘ D) ' and \llth, lu II::~'l'r:-s-u, Mum In an nmin m’n.l::n~ {:2O EXXVlerilalr‘l: welxtth “unit“ “1:5 Very ‘ if“: \\ h. t -\‘- r. 'lhh rm] um.) ,ulm in h lll'l' \. - « , ' _ _ ‘ :‘ny'w n‘xvnl lw'wf. u‘lll nut llow lruln. :iuy pull: Bub-19C" m yeconslrflctwn. '1 "“5 mm!“ 9”" )lul Hymn uhlv «unlit-ilmur lrum tin-yam rvv'mrk- 't‘mly “rum by [”5 ()an rel-“"‘n‘d (“91““- v-l, nna I! 14 an ully lll‘n)’|1l'|_\"’II:I1I)' “hu'l-zuunlt "o'l9 “3 [Dev that? 11? WOUM exert ll” hm nu ml“, a,” ”3.1 mm.” 1,...‘33-grlniy,“ ‘.lm-1...“,‘111191713', yoyvet and Influgnce to bring about l“or\.ug‘zfnn Whoupprvvldhs I-hlsrundln’ul .lu-J‘u "lllllfidl‘dle YECQUCIIXQ‘UOI’I bvlwvun thu ('lnvsx‘ in runs! lm-f. on whwh wcdwcllm mu: li,‘ two‘sacuons of Ulé country. As far us ll"- Xl I.x amount) to know that win-u 3ch beef L‘ rm pended upon himhhe would huvq had the um; um nun-r 513 3-xllumam-y llulu um. Thu Simthern States repres?'ned in bqth Housrs Jule-u:n-maluswulhlllulib-nund,shun-.'.i-i-unuuh. of Cunglcw wilhm in: Shormd possible own musuculiun does no; mun \n flux-lop “.‘— . time. . . ’ The bl-cl isu «link-xiii“. ul‘tlch'. Thu lp'umugh c-n- ! ~ All the energies of his nature were given Joymt‘m “f was prouwlh‘e of1\«-a..fllillnlumni‘ to B.,vigm'ousl prosecution ul the mu- while folding. '1'!l1)~'0)lh<l “ruin-i l. lln-lr luml,nr Mm mu. ”,8 rebellion hailed, but hé' was 99‘1““, ([6. lurlliokulgumirtli' Ul lHllllL’lllclrslltllliuhh “uh ‘ termini-II ufion :1 “Emma [irancution 0' sum-«lung, Info mum rm! ll'nualll't’. .m lum illy peace, us mm“ as armed lmstilllvshouhl be han‘n- linull) laud 111g:allull‘ull»l CUDNIUKHL pour minded. He knew the base tleiigns 0* the ““1”" ‘4 _._—“_._“ ‘ g Radicals to keep uyum sirife for their own Vulue’ of .\pplvx ms Food. ‘ Lin-lug s“): "flu: hum“)! :quplm us food has lh‘bl huhrnn bu n .\uliu mm; . hLXY‘nmlcll nr unclrr ~z~tuud. Imm”. ehuunhutm n largo pmpox‘unn 0f rugur, muvilnur and nth nutrlliw munpuuwls, in tlfe form nflnud, [hwy r-onmln snot}. :L flno ('um mnutiou or vogumblv uni-ls. extmrtn'e nnlmmnms mul m‘omutlv prim-Imm, with the null-Mn- nun n-r, us to Mt p 0“ "nun;- {n [.119 capacity at rvfrige rams, (onus, nn'l :untlmplics, and \vm-IHR-elyus wt, ut the muun ul’ rim-“oss, hy ruml hllfun-rs and others. they prawn! drbillty. strength-n (U 205- txnn. con-out llwpgui'vl‘m-uvult~ll§l(~hn,;iv3of nltmg enolu food, :n'rrt kcurvy, qua prumhly maintain nndsu‘engthvn llu- flower (1! pmdm tin; Inhnr."— The same qualms are round in moat omcr ripe mum. . . To-dny wc- Imnzht nn upplo of mrvk-fitnsizqnnd pnhl nve cents tnr it. “'1” n. not payvm punt. more apple trues, so hung,” the short supply um hlo?! retailers to urchin}! n dimP npim‘o, cvrn In 50an? seasons? S w is mp unw to think übuut lt-ludecd, now is me time to plant. ‘ (bu-rs Poisonous. ‘ Ac thls season a! the year, “should be spoémny n-mvmbcn Al mm the collar of adwcllmg house is way may to MA 5 noun-9 ul' dimnw- to '11]? whole Bunny. The mmums of vcgutublcs 399 ml dur jng the ivinler begin mfiecuf on an: unprosch u: med' the cxluuquunAxum 1.1: one, with the «11111); dumpmms. are, liable to pmluve giykm-ss. .\lufiy ammfly' has ntmnutcd‘to “I’m vtdeiice" the (“mac caused by the pkwg'mohsm 1- nsms arising from the neglect“! collar. Injury cellar should it _autlmu be kept clean by Lhi- N mnval of all Hinze. 01' decnylnx )‘rxembh-s, mks, and fopd. A mat Milton; Mme white wash uponxhe walls and cc-illng. qt has: onm- a/ yopr, orhenm' twine & year. Mll add greagy not. only to the healmmm or the what, but “in! make 1‘ much 113 mm am more oheerlhl. 9/ 1%.“. a “valiant! . commu'nlc: Gg-em, Min: éuccess w]! trunk: nu and the Imm fl-In 1853 the territory of Minnesota' 'made application for gdmisslon into the Mm: Unicn.’ Objamion wurmado to her Cor.- PWM smution, because it conferrea the righit of I’l 111' jsufl'ruge upon pe‘réons not. citizens of Mia ““34"" United States—Mien: not. nuiuraliwd. _ {This was the ipain groudd urged by those "‘ whd opposed-ber admissmn. and for this it ‘wu contended {hm her Consuilntion wns not"republican'm form.” President John: _._ {son was then iff‘tge U. S. Senate, andlcon . - - . 'tende that no r ewasthe constilmiom rc .S- be Ifuuulle .C‘vumr h" very sound rogau‘vc ef’ the States ‘ulune, and it was {be "P ofpohch, and 15 eDdOWfid With 0093'“ right of anesnuu. as 0: every other com n sen-e, a. gift, in which some politicians monwenlth, t 9 regulage um quaHfichlifmsn; , ‘ .kA. (‘. 1f "SorKIII-I‘ M lor an (“In corn I feed. ; @isxcflmmg 4v "n. - - - , u - . . xrejust now déficient. Here in specimen: '93:“ according ‘0 h” 9anc°°VWn°D 0* , | , , “A man is a Radical. or he is not. If be r g ‘ V—-—-—P-fW—-——-’~ is a Radfqal. he is opposed lo the policy of wPoliucal afi'mrs “have taken‘ a queer Rec'omtrueciob. and is against. the Presil turn in' the “Stage of leyde Island-and dent. If he isvnot a Radical, He supports Providence Flanagan."- lbe Republxcnuu the reconggmcfion policy and supports the. 1 have in up Lcandadate mtbout 1. platform. Preston; To make hiu opposition to the and]. e Demogsp have put up a Phlerm Rad; lav «quantize mm m with m ' withoutgctnalglfl‘a.‘ We sqppqsethe pup Democrlfi’c pithy, Wuhan is nqwheu Mzing'flull. highwdmpany sink Michal 9}» for hiya to go." . > 'pm. om nor'un ldate. .' . :‘ I- . . LINCOLN ‘& JOHNSON. IMPORTANT LETTER FBI!!! MARSHA]. I The Views or nr. Lincoln cm the Dchcmc , ol' the Dbuukunhm. , H The fpllo’wing imp’gfmm letter on the :fiempf Mr. Llacoln m the Radicals and ‘ lhémduslinn 10f r9‘stqruhon, has been‘ ud {dross‘ch to President Jblmwn by ex-Uniled E States \Lu-slml l.'im()§l.lll‘. Lincoln’s inli' , mule fijv‘nd and lb: xner law partner. Mr. {Lumen Wlll be recollectré by our GeL‘lyg; iburg nude” 1:» (lncjglnef Malslml on llm oqcaaion of lheEnmccrubmu of théSulxlwrs’ Nutiohul Cemetl'ry ut. 'lllis place, in No vember, 1803. T‘Hlle true frlgmls of ex l‘u-eldcixr me‘uln [Ms letter slm‘uld come ‘ with peculiar force at this time: MR. PruzsgurVrz—Ambhg llm nhmomus ‘n‘rlegutinns mmh- nuns: y u by the ultra»- Abolniomsls, I hear uune skated so nilcn a.“ guy-that you have .dwcrtufil lye plincl~ plea upon wlmrh you. “are e- I(:‘tv-l, and luruell [hide ll'hm‘ll.e path In sllich yI-ur lumonutl wedge-ml wuultl hm Vul ll' he hml llvwl. IL m-r'nml m lyel Jy souwthat Mr. lunvnlu cudld have :d by the lhdiculs for all Lucir purposés.‘i~n cluglmg Lhe (lcalructiun of the Guvcrnénen‘l, the ov‘urthrow of the Cmmnuuon, aml lhe\ advantage, and .lie was determined to thwart them. As lie liiinsell told me very olten, if any c‘Oi-‘rolnoriition of this statement is needed. it may be found in the (not that the ultra Abolitionists had actually begun the outcry again‘s‘tibim before hi: death. and the modeiate meii everywhere, North and South, sincerely ihourned his fall as a eu ‘lamity which deprived them of their boat friend. “that imcrutuble Provxd'ence, ’Wilcme ways‘are past findingxout, hiid pol}- Vmitted his life to continue uniiLlliis tinie, lthere can-be no doubt that the Northern 'disunionisis would now be as. loud in their denuncinlion oi his policy as they are of lyours. Mr? Sievei‘is’ demand for/the head of “that man at the other end/0f the-ave nue" would not. have been one/whit. lees fe lrocioua. Of course hecoold dotaud did not l‘anticipate the precise shope'oi' the measures which the Ridiéalsmight adopt to prevent rcccmrtructioii. The IFreedmen’s Bureau was not born in his/ ifetime; but 1 pio nounce it aims] kin/rider upon his memory 3 toast-art tliatlhe would have Signed [bill so ipiilpuhly in con ict with the Constitution ‘irnd so pluiuly uténded to praninte the one ' bad purpose f perpetual dlaunlon. ‘ {did law 'Mr. Lincoln With a sincere and faithful a ectiou,,md uiy neverenoe for his memor is intensified by the horrible cir l eulogy/$093 under which his high career wasl iclosd'dd. Now that death hm disai'med him lot/the pause? to defend himself, his true l iends should stand forth to vindicate his good name. If therebe any [built upon his rogutation which they should resent wore indignantly than another, it is “JO as lertipn that he would have; been the tool ; and instrument in the hands of such men} as those who'now lead the heartless and‘ unprincipled contest-gains! you. ‘ i [live the honor to be, your obedient "servant, . Wann H. Luox. ‘ Hor , long of the 31' his . The warm 53% Cr= S 2 IN ADVAXCE. mom'nc Hunts? Aqnm Us. (fimrn‘rmxu: LEtIIsLu-on. i By'the prqvinionl of an act‘of Congress approved Maibh 3d. 1865, "all {lemons who have desorted’ the milimry nr naval service at the United-Stain. and who hzive not. been discharged or relieved from the penal [y or dinahility therein providedfare deem ed and taken to have voluntarily lollnqulih ed upd'lSrl'eitcgl their rights Gf‘cltizi-uahip nnd tlmh‘n'ght; to become citizens and ”9419” ch ofoxorcialng any rights of un izens thereof.” .\llhOugh the right ofCon grass to enter a State and say what shnll work disfranchisemont upon its citizens has been genied. still the Leginluture Bf this Sum; has .pnssed a bill to entry out the provisions of the übqye act by a btrictpar_ly vote. The Demo'cratic members of [he Senate, after camingtheirvotos ngnimt the hill, entered the following protest upon the Journal: 7 Tho 811 prupmos (0 make it uninwful for nll thr- pp'knm vmlilm‘ml m it» maxi-Jon,” and suhievt to HIV (h‘ilhi'titv lmh'NO'l hy w.» am u! Guam-cm of March 3!, 18135, 1.0 mm myth-x to vqu. 11. nmpowa penalties upon nil election officers who shall receive such votea, and makes it criminal to advise such voting. or to oifer so to vote. The tons of iluary officials are made primafucia evi (l69cc: 0 Lluserlmn. and the elecliuu boards nrexrowlitutexl tribunals loidccille upon Hm duration of (I‘espruon, mid 21s Hwy may find meg (am. to tecoive or hjpct Hm vnin, The act. of Congress of March 3d, 1805, includes Nine 01.35305 of'peraous: l. Thow‘who limo, lu-lwious to that date, dvsvrtml (1)6 uiiliuuy 0r naval‘service of the United Ska, and shall not roiurn to service or -repor lhomsrlves within sixty days after the date at the proclamation of the PresiJont. \ ‘2. Thawl who sh!!!“ hfireafler desm't the ‘niinary or naval ser 'ce of (be Uuucd StatPs. \ ’ 3. Those who, hping efirp‘lecl. slull «le. L‘Pml the-junk In tiun o! the dfiyifl, in which . they wry-0 onrnllml, or go My»? tho limits inf 11.911";qu Sum-s with th Julynl m ‘ uvr-M lhv drufl. XE l The gm» wrung! that will be figrpetm : tell uml‘r lllh I‘lm “"‘Y, im awn firm] the 'l simple statement: of tho fact, that munfimcn ‘ um fnund upon vithe ulll‘c'l.tl roll»; m: deskt ‘ eruhnnder all of them classes. wlnlu it is ; perluctly plain that the alt of Cough-as wual new-r intended to cvver the whole (if tlmm. i We shall not attempt to (lisvuss the can stitulinnulity of this act of Conga-s 3, but shall content. oursclves with as'aerling (Inca propositions in regard thereto: ‘ l 1. [Ha Incompetent. fol-« Congress undgr l the Federal Conutitution to impair. either ) dxrertly or iudlrectlx, the right afsuj'ruge in the Mates. .. _ l 2. This act of Congress, when nfl'oLting 3 one cf the aforennmed' clauses, is an £13105! ' fucfo law, and hence uncomtitutionnl. . .’ 3. It assumes to infiic'l Infamous Punish: meat, up‘Qn offenders br/‘urg and wit/taut mud ’N'znrt' rhyme/ion by (I'M: [)I'DCI‘S3 a,’ law. and is in conflxcl w:l.h .the bill oftights oflhe Feder‘ ,‘ a! (Amsfilutibn. -‘ '1 qury quahficntjnn ofthe right orsufl'rago , in Fennsylvnnia (oxcept. nfituralizalmllyis § lit'fined and fixed by theConstitution'ofilme ‘- sze, and'nextlter the laxaislature. not/Con gress can in any mahuuchauge tba quali ticntimh'; ‘ ‘ il’lu-y are 111 [those words: T/mt an elem» must be a while frcsuwn, (manly-and years all] or upwanls, a tubing/”r, a psidml nftlze Slutcjrvr cue ycar, and s/mu reside in (he dustriaL whcwhi In: 4:11;;‘3 to vote u! has; ten days before the cica- turn. . . Nothing can be added to these; noth ing c~m be, Liken from (hem. If (Yon-I yrm may ,(ligfritlptliianf the while citizen, it mug} Cit/I'duC/M? the black man. _ ~ ’ \Vé, Llie‘reiore, affirm that this bill is iii direct violation of the first section oi '.hg (lan-(I ahiq’le of the Constitution of PennsylL vmiin. 3 ’ ‘ This bill cqnstitutes every (election he mi 3 lnbuuql to determm‘e who are and who are not (Lanerters. , The sizfth section of the ninth article of the Constituqion of Pennsylvania, provides that trial by jury (shall he as heretolore, mnl the right mired? remain inviolazc—and arti clesfive Ind :12 ofthe bl“ of rights of-the Futiur:nl(£onstilulioll‘are as follows: “That he person shall be lipid ['o answer for a capital, or otherwiae infamous crime, unless an a presentment of a grand jury, except it; canes arising in the land or naval forces, or} in the militia, when m aftbulser- Vlce in time of war, or public d‘angor, nor slmll {my} potion be subject for the: puma’of fensé, lobe lance put. in jeopardy uf life or limb. no'r man he be compelled in any cnunnnl cases to be‘ a Wlluebfl against. him m-il, nor be deprived of‘ life, liberty, or pro purl v u uhout due rrocess of'law." _ “in all: criminal prosecution; the accur ed shullfeujuy the right to a. speedy null public trial, by an lulpurliul jury of the Slate and district. whexum the crime shall, have been committed; which district shall bum beén previoutly ascertained'by law, and to be iniormcdof the nature and cause of the accusation; to be oonlronted Wlnl the witnesses against him; to have compul sory process for obtaining witnesses In his favor, and to have theuwsbance bf counsel for his defense.” ' , The provisions 9! this bill are in direct cqnuave‘ntlog of fill these valuable unfe gyards. A crimin‘al coutt Herezolor’e un known to the Constitution and Jaws, is cre yatrd agd‘ucsted with nlimited power over the datum; rights If Mr titans. The man who uls to report to the pro vost marshal is wn'lten down an a deserzer; that mg i; nwloféoumvolestlmeny ' of , the fact of desertion and disfrau/o'hlafs lhg 1 citizen. ' ’ , "l‘he act of an‘ irresponsible provost mur ‘ ahul’l clerk is thus mmle tq/ supply the ‘ place of cmmon law and/oomusumnal med um of proof. / ' ‘ W he‘l’ue‘r due process 01:74: menu‘s trial by jury, or trml by court largial, i; is nnhe~ curary 5° inquire, but. it is’indx‘spmallc that a ’trjalfind conviction 10/y one of “lane tribu nals should exmt befgre soserlousla punish _ménthéuld f 3” 1190!) the citizen. 4!! min’ are‘ imiocenl ulgil proven guilty; yet. ghxs ; net. prebnmn all guilty, reluseu them a ‘ hearing, and punish“ them though inno- . cent. I / l ‘ The braw t’olrliex detained by illness he, ‘ yond that w oAflzis lurlougb—lhe drafted max; w‘ho l2mm NF! notified—Hm citizen ‘ t w‘ho Me in": «mu-i 0: in pursuit of hls lawful ; l calling b’et‘ooe mevdngw'antfll condemned, a uni; q: unigiu .in- same We as a ‘ Lll6 1;] vb?) is. ailtygf fillful deseglfou. ‘T aufibuto to ngrgu the «lelilgemt‘e l .. . . ”of“ da‘prifing tbtcitliéfic of KM unuy nt‘Wm’r rig/on 9/ W” ml 0? ‘ . rendering “mm 'una- heapabll dlwldin my who/m arm/$3. Wflr‘ufld Mala. ore/“Many flyhlutdluu Mere oli’! without gl'ing than! I! ah]. And an op. portunily L 0 dobnd twinnelvofi ill to con viot ourrulem of Hm "De-013m: and yet faint the dollhouwmhion of “Ii: i . - ‘ Congress may and can declare the pun ishmen} of deurtion, but“; cannot try a man for the nifixncv. much lease it finninh him withduf. n lrml;‘y.-t (Me I,“ illum tlml Uongnm I'm Imvh tried and I‘ll'llshfld ‘lba man whose nnmeia toupd‘upou the runs an a deserh-r. ' - Downers ugro4‘ormorly punished with death. and ”it be true that Congreu cm dinftnnchise the citizon viumut My", 11» name rule wrmlrl mnlrle it lo inflvctthe death punishmpnt in the “me mmnér. The ...:L oi 1533., Add”); w conscription. provides the manner: ufilriul by court mu liul for the crime of drenion—tha m ’0! March 3d. 15165, was supplementary Hmo m. and Ill] rulau ofconhruvtimj compel us -w the concluiion (hm. they and they alone win he recogn’zvd as deserters, undor'fimse acts, who have been tried and convioled in Ile mannt~r therein pointed out. , We fiflirm. awn, that dafirurs cvm‘ot be disfrnnchnml ‘under the net of Cnngmn (if at all) umn tin-y have been tried and Gun victetl hywlua process of law. and that this bill. In :mnming mom comma. is in con firavcmion m; \H H of mu Federal as of the Stem ( innsmuunu. " No. 28. Tho In“ impnsw pennlliea upon the por non applying: Lu \‘utu, build!» to punish lesv wlmlinjuv 1y I’v-fusctu receive his vou. L'xwa i_n nan-“Ln: m“ tth grenl. privilm-Ss nru Lu lm hlrmly mnétrued, and when 11m mus! plurinw [mm-I‘m] rights «1' “lamina-u“ mu m Hm x-vllu. we aw fur unflmulmug evmy ~ (I vu .z-l Llnuwu aruu'ud “mm by lhc org-mm law oi Luo 14nd. L“ 5' . ' K H. B. BEARD'I.EI. limsmz Cu‘uu, _ U. M._ “('soan « —' _ - A. Huzsrnnfim'rz. ‘ "WM Jim-Mn, ' ' U. P Jun, . ' . Junv Ln": \. , ‘ . l). H. hlm-mount. . Wu H. meu, - ‘(izm 8. 50mm, ' ‘ ‘WI. A. \VALLACI, March 15, 1965. JNO..“".H.LS. V H ¢nfl§IGKATION 0|“ SEX ‘7O“ “film. l 'l‘lw ”on. ”ißwlUl' Clymm' resighcd his 'wat in the Slain Senate on Friday WN-k. ‘l'l‘his ii in‘ accordance. With the deteruiinw xion hewas knowu to havefor‘med who time l—Lhe State Convention adjournvil, and .is an omilmnllyfnopurslep, in Vch 01 the rclutidn' the now holds to the pcuplv, us the candi: xdate o.’ n 'gi'ént party for (he (luhernatoriul lollice. Independent of the fact Um it (le [l,rl\'L_S_llj'l opyouvijls ofi‘thu oppoxtunily of reviving the hackneyreil cry. “Why don’t the resigh ”I” it. inilicncés confiilepce in the lsuccess of We Democracy, and leaves him free to devote himself wholly to thg cun lm-‘fi before us. As (lib Legislature will ari jom-n in {L few days. >llO special eleclion Wlll ‘bc reqpirod to fill the vacancy. The fol lnwmg is Mn. Clyiucr's letter of resignin- I lion: 4' P g , Ihnummlm, Mirrzlrdm 18643 'qu. Dwm I“!.L\[l.\G, . A ' hymn/a I n/‘l/rc Scum: [lf I‘cnnqyluania. SH: :—-1 hvrvby'reSlgn my um: I» Semtnr ropronlmling Lbe'b‘lxth Senatorial District. of this Commonwealth. , ‘ f 1 had intruded to forward you my resin namn on Tuesday. the sixth day of this month. but. (in examination of the election lpws,‘ 1 found, that. if» resignation takes place at any time before the inst~ fifteen ldnys of the session 100 General Auae'mbly, ‘it. would be tlie‘duty of the Speaker missue his “rib for a special election, AI. by a joint. rusolutionrrhe day of final mljoum ment hanibpe Snap-sous 12m any‘ot ‘ April, 1856,}~ Em deferred informing you of my Intention until today. in order that. 1 my Dislrigt mdxhbe spared thoexpensea m cident to Aspecx l elecfioa, which it. is now too late to ‘nrder. ‘ \ You mll bcliove\me, that I never my long connn-clion with‘~\§lie body over which. you preside, wxlli Making: of deep pegonul regret, éomlmiued thefiqto by the new re lationswlnch {bear to mkicllowcitizenn. For you, sir; and every ‘mambcr of the Senate. [almll ever entertpixfxthe‘ kixfllicat feeling; 0! personal régard ma esteem. I have the honor to lie ’l' Yours vary faithfufi , . ‘ -' lllllsl‘Eli CHEER. v -»-—- “In. ———~~«-—— \ “an and Sow-«no I‘lreumsmncea Alter 1 Religion? \‘ During the administration of Mr. Lincoln, ‘ l the clergy, for the purpose of quietingvthq‘i conacicnces of the honest. Ind devout‘he- ‘ hovers in tliexloctrmes of the. Prince of Peace, nnd to induce them to give‘ the lint dqllarnud thc lm‘fmnn, to carrypn the war against the peoplc‘Honth, deciarqi cOiHlnnl ly thin. obedience to the Governmém WM obedience tn Gad; and that the. Goverh ment was reprewiitod in the President:— livcry perenn that had read history knew that: all such teaching of'the clergy was sheer trickery, and whs resorted to by them to carry out cortnin views of their‘ own, either of power-or revenge. ~ = , [he wur oven—the South conmmned— ‘ slavery abolished—and then—what? ‘ 'l‘he' cleray pipe at new‘ tune. It is no langer “obedience to the Governméngaobedjencei ‘to God.” i They have discou‘ I emca the? ; (mm of the negro bureau @ll‘bfiresidentz Johnson.~ that it depends altogethér nponi ‘ who itdminiztors the Government. nndr: whether the administration of the (ion-rm; ment is in accord with their viens ofpubjoz policy, whether "obedience to the Go'vernfl ment is obedience to God.” They no long. er inculcate the doctrine, that the powers that he were ordained of God, and that. therefore, resistance in those powers is a sin against G 1-1. They thenwelves are now foremost in do nouncinu the powers that be—‘powers‘fhey have lu-retotore taught were ordained of God. One says, if the Prefiident and slip pomra are to go to Heaven, he 'wenca to be counted out. of the heavenly company-‘— he would prefer hell; We have no objec tions. Another di-clurea that Benedict. Arnold. in con‘iparisou with President Johnson, vi ms the emell,ol'the row beside currinn—as carrinn beside uufctidn. Still smother eye, _that he“ vomited its dirtiaut demon when Andrew-Johnson was given to the worldu We: cunt not that by next week, we ammuln ily three clerical glen:- onstrntione agiinat the President tenfold. Whn are we to think of these things? \tht 'dpvmey mean? Is the Bible: tibia. and religion 0. humbugr—qum'rer. ”Same time in bus! Aprfi a negro cor poml got upon \sj’nilmlelnlm my 7‘15”” get railway car and refusal to mankind Like the our appropriated to his race, whereupon he was ejeowd by we conduc tor. 'Suiz was brought agm‘ml Ihdcnmpa fly by the negro, bofbrg J wafbompson, by whom the we haslw baa .bum“! in favor of we compmy. An nppentlgl‘l been taken to the Supnme Court. by t nlgro; of course nrompbed by while backerrwho ride in th‘elr own ourringen. ‘= ‘ ' N ~ 1 ‘11:: that. “bravefstun land! the di vine Stanton. ohlnged bu smut. 100,! {the New York Tuba: lays: "Sumo. has be come vex-[wen and plenum. Ha mg and chirp. as amiably as “‘.’-:9, .'..1 “nun who go to see him. wuu recoflrcldout onw -6:! sad 1363“"qu prised u) findflw hm me wildest and moat trapuble m'quunpls. You may go as near. to mm as you pure and be null uenhgr gnu-Loot. hue.“ do ho divinitynmnd oftue Ear'eer. .-.:q : —-- -—-—-‘ «A or ~-~*"“' . flén ofd‘erhas bean'jigyéq‘ifilfieg J O ‘N. g, closipg 911‘ efioj‘gggfi‘qc‘ypb Wu ohurche‘n to we’ve» 1.119 Spin 3!. . £52; In Hamish}. - ‘ _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers