. i;”~"“'_"“‘s"‘ .11 m ‘0? I'I'IIJCATIOK. 0 'rns; com‘xum I: puulmmn awry )londny " mummy, by HEN “11' J. HTAHLE.“ 12 W per In mum it paid ntrll-lly m AurANL'rr-é‘l 50 prr lu num “not paid In névnnw. Nu nuhl-rlptlun din runflnml' mum at the option or the publisher, uum an marge- are paid. . ADVERTISEMENT}; manned at tin-ml mm. JOB PRINTING or all kinds douc V\ uh ucxuum ' nu [dispatch ‘ on‘xca Ln 3.th Imlumon' nth-d. hlm“ huddle and ng‘h, nun- llu- Punt mnw—“cdmm- Ivr I'm-mug Ufllcu" on’ the slimu Profession! cards. Dr. J. W. G. O’ENenl'a NlO3 and Dwelling. N. k). corm'i' of Bul -0 tuuure 1111 l High sun-Elfin“: Pushyv‘rian Church, (ictlysh-li‘g, Pa. 1 ~ Nov. so; was. lf ‘ Dr. .‘l'7 A. Armstrong, . _ AVING removed tram" New Salem, York county, :m’al having [armed ll Ninldlei luau, Adoma- vnunty, uni-rs hla professional am icrs‘to thy: puldic. ['July 31,463. 1y ‘ ‘ Dr. D. s. Pgtt‘er, 4 BBOTTSTO‘AW, .\ddms‘wun'y, 'mnfinuv-s A the [Ruthie of his proqus'op in nfi it” bum-bed. and-would tespeclfuk' imize all pérmus afflicted with 'nuy 0h! standing d 75- ensu to cull and cansuh hlm. , . UCL3, um. 11‘ ' A =; A Doctor o*. W. Benson. FFH'H m Ih‘e Runmnrrflonse, (front'room, funncrl)‘occupied by Dr, Kinu-rg‘ ' ‘ LI'I‘TLI'JS'I‘UWK, vl'A. ‘ ‘ .qule‘JßwP. tf ’ ..; -41.-. ‘ . ~ '3 J.vC. Neely, » ' , TTORflBY AT LA\V?‘—-l'urticfxl:lr»attt-n- A don ptiycl to collzecliun of Pe‘nsion‘s, ‘Buuuty, a‘nnl‘ Huck-[my Ulflce inv‘tlae S. E Conn-r -uf the Diauwnd. ‘; ' ' - Getxyflyurmfipril 6, 1863. 1.! .‘ . D. McComfiighy, TTOR‘IHY KT LA W, (oflice one door west A of Buchler's Ami}; Zmd bopk sturn,(‘hnm hummus-32' «Cu-ML) A‘r-ronxuy AM) Sumnmon‘ronr Pun-m A.\'l) l'm‘snws. rsqnnly Lund .\Vur rum,’ Huck-pay «upended Cluinjs, mid all mhvr claim-1 ngningt tho Govni-n'mfinl n 1 \melr ing'nn‘ l)‘. 1).; nlp‘o.\merimnGlaimUn England. Land W xrmnls lo‘cnled and syldmrb’nuglmand high?“ prim-t given. Ageing ’gngnged in lo cntmg wurrnnls inilown, “laniS unJ 01hr: wwtcrn flutes BHLHIN)‘ l._o him pe'raonally or by low-r. ~ ' ~ Gettysburg, Nov. 21, ‘53. _ ' f ‘ Law Partnership. ' , - IL DL'NCAV' s2}. H. WHITE, . , ATT'IIHHLS: XI: _L.\ W, \\:‘|l-]|r«)rgll.tl3’ Allan] In all loud hibillf-‘S v-nlludwl to Ih:-m_, iurlu Inn-,5 \hv firm-"ring of l'u-Hiunq, ”mnt‘v, “wk In), and all olhor llliuh Amiuit the L'mlul Sums INT-l .‘lule (i H'l'rnlm-uu. (Nico in North West' (30mm of Dinmofld, (it-113ml”; I’vuu'a. _ .\px‘ll'lJ, 1:465. tl 5 E lan-'ll B; Buahler, TTORVHY .\‘l‘ l..\\\', will lmlhfully and A pr0...;.11y.atc114! [b all Imam-aw eulrtutud to him. Mr spedks the German lmmu4gt— (MM: :11 the :7 um- plm-c, jnfiuulh linllimnu‘g stnrt, nmr' l“urnc_\"< drug slure, nnd “0.4”” ommJu- mum-r .fi. Zicglcr‘: slur'e. ' Uéugaluug, “aid: 21). . ‘ J. Lawrence llin. M. D., g .\S his ullire one \ ‘ II 'dnor wed of“!!! “k “‘.‘.fi‘ggé Lutheran ,chu'rch in ‘ Uhumhers} urg street. and emxonte l‘iukmg'n stew. uh ire l'huac Wi§lning Lo lmve aay'henlal ()pex-l- mu perform“ nre respectfully inVilvd lo Ln' Sherman‘s} hrs. Homer, Rm; U. l‘. Kr nth. IL I) .'lle)’. H. L. 'Mnuher, D. D., Rev; PM. .\I. Jacnlm .'ruj. M. L'. Smaver. . houyahurg, Ayrll H,’53. , A (‘onu‘u-ry Removals. ‘HE umluruli'nvd, being the :uuhunzml porno" 1 to make rv-mm'uls' in'tu [her (in-0n {‘eme» (m xxhulwulnu such M congemplule (he n-nmfid m the rl'mflivw of deem-«m! rel.lli\'cs ur friends \\ |Il :u'ml llu-xuscm-s u} this season ohheyeur to hnve it dunP. Jim-11mm}; mmle with promptness ——lerms 1m", and no efi'urt Spurod to Minute. I‘Hl‘rm THURS, .\lnrvh I‘2. ’6O. Keeper of [.he (‘mnru-ry. Hardware .fi' (firm-cries. Y mic .zuhir‘rihers lune just returned from I the chic-s will: an immense supply of HARDWARE & (HQK‘ERU'IS, “hich they are (uh-rung: at the” ohl stand in Baltimore Mr: M, m primes to wit the limes. Our stock conaisls in [hill of ‘ ‘ . UHLDING \I \TFIRIALS‘, - . . CAIU'I'ZX'I‘PJ‘JS TOOLS, ’ ' BLACKSMH‘II’S TOOLS, - COACH lv'l.\l)L\GS srrop} mxmxas. , Jc‘wlsm‘ MAKén‘S TOOLS. ‘ HUUSHKHI- rum FIX runEs, ' 1 ALL KINDS OF lll(>.\', kc. (‘.ROE‘ERLES OF ALL; KINDS, OILS, PAINTS, kc} kc. There is no amide 1m lllllL‘d m the «wen-l (h pnruuenls nu-nlinncd nhuu‘ but what can. he hug! a! this Store.— IC\ cry chus of \lm-lmmui mu lu- nvcummudntod ln-n- “‘ith lnul: :1 ml lindingsmld Homekc‘quers (an find mcxy unlidu in (hexr line. Give us a o.llth \\ '.' mm prep Ire»! to set! as low for cash a: any house out. 0H1”: city. JUI-.L B. BANNER, ‘ ~ DAVID ZIEGLEK.< Gettydzurg, .\[.\y 16, 18054. ‘ ” The Great Discovery OF THE AGl‘L—lnllnmmauory and Chronic thunmtism can be cured lny usiuLA H. L: MILLEIL’S CELEBRATE” RllEUllA'l‘lQ MlX ~’l‘l‘l{l-2. ’hlainy prominent. citixens of this, 'and :lxe adjoining counties, have tc<tifietl to its grant utility. Its ,mceesi in Rheumatic lfl‘ec 'tiuns. has beenfhitlu-rm unmfmllelizd by any specific, intimluced to tlleVpnblic. Price 50 _centsqier bottle. For side by nll druggists nnd _atrirckeopérs. Prepared unly by H. L. MILLER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, East Berlin, Adams county, Pm, denlc'r in Drugs, Chemicals, _ Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Painta, Hye-itulfs, 'bot clad Oils, Essence! and Tinctures, Window filnss, Perfnmery, Patent Medicines, tel, &c. firs-A. D. Buchler is the Agent in‘Geuya mg [or “ 11. L.. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic ifixtureJK .g . . [June 3, iB6l. tf ‘ K ’sdn at Work; [IE I: si ned continue the ' {r Eggmaaa-naxméwsmws, 1: till its bunches, n his old stand, in East iliddle street. Gettysburg. ' KEW WORK made to order, and li. E P A I R I N G ,d ne ro :l and It lowest prices. 2 ‘qug abate SPRLVG WAGONS and! I £LHIGI’I for sale. _ JACOB TROXEL. . Dec. 7, 1863. _._____ _ _ Sale Crying. W. FL3XMING confinuu um' tuning“ A, or sun 051 mm,.“ solicits the con ;iuued pstrunage ol the public. It. il kit con stant endeafor to give satislnctiou. Ohm-gin pgderupe. {Residence in Breckinridge “reel, Gettysburg. ' " P. S.—Hevia a. licensed Auctioneer, under the "Tax Law of the United Stun. Nov. 24. 1883. - = DO Yea Wish TO prenrn’ I soon likeness: of yourself your in“. 0: your {ll-lends}, go It 9"”.‘10 X .3’5 GALLERY, the boil. plus 111 -..Zcounp u lgcnre first. elm picmrgn. _ 'A. Fax 21-30% » TlLhonlandAnd for 19,10 n TB}; FIRST S NATIONAL BANK OF GE‘f‘TngG. ‘ Gm). mm) D, bier, 001.9.1865. 6t - . TTRACTING ATTENTION.—-Thg layering Picmiu taken It 'XUKPEIHS SKY IUHT GALLERY, on West. Middle 22., _aro garnering universal anemibi. Good judges pronounce them superid: 92‘th ere! tahu in {his plsoo. Ctll Ind exmine to; yoqnelyu, Jan. 18.1865. i ‘ AGO, Anew Root. 0m Stink, lieu-Inn |ld_m hr 9110-“ Dr HUBER! Drug Sm 1. ;. . . ‘ 01' m ‘_ h‘o ‘ Uhgfifi'fi: .E amumggmhm I B)‘ H. J. STABLE 48th Year." (Atom Minn-(Ion. WOLDHAND mnvrzn ‘i, _' . 2v - > [ln/.11“ linger: s: . 7 , $1,000,000 wuu‘ui rm ”—3 ~ W'ATC H E S AUX DK J 15:“? EL RY . ‘ It 6 he dispos'ed of‘ht' ‘_ v 95+: DULL‘AREA'CH! g Wirhoul‘regi‘rd to 'vnltieJ Heft lo ‘be paid {or ' until bu Know whnn yo'u ui'e lolrueive! 5 Y A‘.‘, j! R OME N h '.C U. _ (Afic'mx fur [.’.“nuuia-clbrerg) . Nun)”; Hum” S‘rntmz‘r', Nuw YUIIK.‘ Witt-{u} {ln-Juliuwmz List at" Anides m be ‘ _sulu'H'or um; mum}: lawn rm 10000111Hunyiug-(.Lat-\\'uu-h3-x,e..l [1,5125 00 mcmom “’fut‘thes. "KI-'5 unfit-’9; “‘ , 71! 00 , 206 Lufls‘fiuld \anches, 1‘ ”. 50 00 'miu‘r h‘jlver Wan-Ms, ‘euch; $25 mice 40 00 1000’ leguhr' Silver Hgted ‘ 5 ~'Cn3wr§mnds, encb‘, 20 00 to 50 00 1006 Hogan! Sih‘er Plated , ‘ ' 5- Fruit #‘Cxu'finskets, H! {)0 to 25 00 [O9O 3‘ ts 015“ r Plated Tea ' ‘ Spoons; ‘ - 8‘ 0010 {5 00 2590 gets at Sih’er Plated I’oth no :9 15 00 2mm Goblets, engmveul, ~ '4 00 Id 800 300(kpnirs 0! Table Spoons, K 5 (lowa 800 Imm; pnjrs 0| 3th Snnpns. 3 00 i 0 5 00 31500 m‘ngmficum ngkiu Rifigs, 4 up to 9. 50 5‘0“) gnirs oul’rndnyt Harl‘ropx, V ‘ . . (It-sorted mlqrs,) 5.0010 8 00 3300 acts of Ladies’Juw'elryJ‘imiJ' , ~ , [Minn Ivory, ‘5 00%;“) 00 '25006014 Lockel‘s, eng’d backs, ‘ much fi-yequerfycl imita ‘lion Lmlies’ Wutch, _‘OOOLLudies‘ Back Combs, rich ‘and unique pxfilerns. 5 00 lo 25 00 4400 Belt Bucklcs, Gold, Jet. and -; \‘ulcnnile. " 5 ()0 toLIS 00 so9ll3lin\'ést&Nl-VkChnins,s 00 lo 20 00 MW (.'cut‘g’Cal'uDiumunJl'ma,s on who 00‘ 4imiH‘nlitf‘u Di‘mmnd E.|r[)rnpa,s 00 Lo 10 00 £OOO .\li’uintun-und Enameledlie- , rol ving'Pins, zuuo('nhl‘nmiu-Diamond and Eu “ (NHL-U Sutrl l'ius} 930010‘10 00 2mm \ruaunirund Emblem Pins,’2 L 0 to 10 ()0 200,0 Gpld “and Hrmelels, en- ' ‘ grave}! and plain; ' 3’ 00 w2O 00 3mm Jei and .\losuic Brooches, 3 00 to 10 00 2mm l‘mngn Hruzirlu-s, rich pint-~ , erns, \‘br'v ugly, ‘ booto2o 00 3WO Coral Eur Drups, " ‘ 4 00 16 600 2000 Lmlies‘ Ulmwlnink Chains , ‘ ‘3 1 4nd Lilian; Chaim; ‘- ’Booto {5 00 6000 (:elnjs’ has, a splendid as. .- ’sorl'ment, .'} 2 001010 00 4000 Sulfliirt- Slreve Buttons, antircly ne'w stcle, ' 3 00 to 10 00 ‘34\oo_Slml.< «gut Sleme Buttons, . , Hn solsflrry rich, 3 do Ni 10 00 5000: sleeve Bumns, plain, ‘ I onumelod and engraved, 2 00 to 8 00 100001 pluun uud handsomely en- - A grand [U_njni. {’7 250t010 00 8000 Lockets. double cause, rich- ‘ ‘ bmgrnled, ‘ 200tolo 00 15060 schol Lmlivs’Jt-welry, new nnd latest svyh‘iy 6 00 ‘.O i 2 00 {.OOO lm‘xulsmuv Stilllklngfl, 3 00 to 8 00 200“ sets 0“)“st Slyds, , 2 {:0 lo 600 1000 Hum l’rm um! U 011! Ex: tom-inn llolnlvrs. ' L 5 001.0 ‘.’.3 00 2090 sets Jot and <lqu Pins and ~~ Eur Daops, ' " 600to10 00 2000GoldThin:h|cs,l’oncils,&c.,4 00 lo 6 00 10000 Gold Pens and handsome ‘ Silver Cases, - ~ 500 to 800 10000 Gold Pens and handsome ' , ‘ l‘ll-onyllulnlers, _ ,4 09m 600 The Inc-thud of disposinglof these goods at ONE DOLLAR em-h is as follows: , Ci-rtificntes, munilig excl: article and its value, are placed in sealed éhrelopes and well, 5 mixed. One of these envelopes will he sent by [a muil go any ndd‘rezs on receipt of 25 cents. 11 On the n-culpt of the Culifiqnt‘e you willsee I wlmt you are goiug'to have, then it in all. your ; option to send the dollar and take the article 1 or not. l’llrbhnsers mnyythus‘ obtain a Gold ;‘ Watch, Diamond King, or buy set of Jewcliy } on‘our li=t for ONE UULLAR, and in no case :1 can they get les= than One Dollar's “_oth, as 1 there nre‘no blanks. The price ofCeruficntss is as fullows z—Uiie for 25 cents; five tor $1 1: clerén for $2; thirty tor, $5; sixty-fire lorSlO; 1' cm hundred for $l5. . ' l; ‘ The diatributlon is conducted fulrly, and all i have an equal chanceof obtaining the valuable S prim by pur'rhusing the Certificates. We ' gu..mutoe entire satialnction in all cum:: I; lAge-m; wanted to whom we offer spec‘lnl ‘tlr'ns and premiums. Send 25 cents for one iCeruficnte and our circular with terms. Address, A. H. ROWEN & 00., P. 0. Box 4270, New York. Jan 8, 1863. am _ Cookln‘g Stoves . F every variety, including the “Noble ‘ Cunk," “Ruynl Cook," “Waverly,” -‘orn t alueutfll,” “Oriental," ac. Als'o. Timware, 1 Shéel-iron-ware, Hollow-ware, 9nd evéry vu rieiy oQKitchen Furniture—including n vnrie {l3' u!“ Linn-ma; Also, a new and much in» , proved Flour Sifter, for sale b‘E ' ‘ ' 0. HA B EHLER. ‘ 5 Corner of Cariisle and Railroad “3.. Feb. 19,1866. ‘ f) V Get&)'l[nurg, PI x ‘ 0 113514) YesL HE undersigned respectfully announce! to T the public that. ha hna taken .0“ an Auc uuneer’a License. andyfl'ers his services tOJhe public. He feels confident that his long ex peria‘nce in the busmess will enable him to render entire salishu-Llon. Charges will be realign-bl: and satisfaction guarantied in all auto AdJress ' REUBEN GOLDEN. 1 Jay. 8, 1868. d Gettysburg. Pu. ‘ Buggies &. Carriages; HIS WAY'I’ THIS WAn—The under }igued is éngaficd in {heparriuge-making‘ businesl, in West .\l-iddle I rest, non Gao. Lit \le's old slore stand,,Gett>§bul-g$ and Invites all .who may need anything in his line to give him ‘ call. He "puts up, in the very but‘manner, Pulling-top and otherBUGGIES, Ind 'nll the different. styles of CARRIAGES.—- With A full knowledge of the busineu, and A ‘ determinntion to give _mliafnction. the public can rely upon his jobs being good; He will endeavor to daeurVe : Inge alum of ph h‘on‘nge, nnd hopes to recelve it. . REPAIRING don!‘ Arum lhoflut notice. Ali-lion most rpuonsble terms. $00M": 1 prodncg will he-nken in exeh-nge for work. | ' _ gustongm Gettysburg, Nov. B,] 85. 6111* ‘ Western Lands. . I! subscriber has some nlnnble WEST :ERN L.-\NDS,‘which_he will trad: for one or more FARMS in this county. The lsndo are hell'locaud, and very deainblc {or fully mg.‘ 'Buly application duh-ed. _ ‘ JACOB BRINKERHOFF. .’ Gétpyshnrg, Aptil 3,1865. 1.: Everluirt's Funny“: HOUSE, - coup-“ 01117395! f 7553:”: Hum, 84121111033, ID. This House in on I. aim: line between the Reuben: Central apd Haltifllotc Ind Ohio Rain-ma Depots. It has been refined and com furubly arranged for the pojpveqienge ad the finicruiufngnt at guests. ' gm. 'lO, lacs. "tr WE Inn jut necked, I n” ”lament . onuuqnwu-efm thick ‘1: infiu the Maw. 32‘ bum: ' 44001”: 8 $031» i f 3 . fi L A DEM©©RATUC ANDFAMHLV J©URNAL° .\' pursuance of sundry viriu ut Fieri Facins and Voudiliuni Ifixpnnu. issued out of the Uuurt ul’Cummon Plans of Adams county, an}! to me direvlud, mIL be expand sat. l‘ublic sm» at. the (hurt Hou=e,.win Gettysburr. on SATURDA Y, the 71h day «f APRIL next, at l u’vlock, l’. .\l., the‘iollowiug described Real Hanna, vnz_: A TRACT OF LAND, iilnMe in Hunting lnn township, Adnms cou Iy, on His public mud lending lrom Wliltestgwn Io lhe Benders \ille rnnd, mljuining halls of “poll )loucr, (leurgu Harman, Jrremiah Beams, Jahn .\lc- Kinnvy, and mheuq,ctinlalining :10 Acres, more or lt-ss. improved \x il]: n Two-story Log '._o Dwelling IjUUSE, with n One-.\lorqufjj Slo e Kitchen nunchod, Log Stable, «4?: a finishing Floor] atlal'hed, Spring Home, a well of water near the dvor of the dwelling, an Orchard ‘ol' Lhoice fr‘nig kc.— Seizrsl, nnd ~tnken- in exe‘cutionr as the real came of J. I): Sowus and Mus? Sownxa. ‘ Aiso‘, 'A TRACT 0F LAND. situate in Cum bérlnnd townw‘p, Adams county, Pm, adjoin ing Inn'ds oi Leoniiril Bricker. George Bush nmn‘nml George Weikert, and the public rqnd le'ndini: from Gutryshuig to Taney_town,‘con- Mining 30 Acres, more or lass. There is: well of waxér on the piemiaes,wiih :0 e fruit trees. Seized and taken in execu’tiofio‘the real egmtu 0 Imm .\lussuuws’n. ‘ Alan, A TX 501‘ OF LAND, situnle’in Hurr tiugton township, A [urns county. l’a.,.uiljoin ingl mls ofJoscph Trimmer, .\lichuel Emu-r, John’].\lilli-r, Alfred Mllll‘l', and others, con twining 7! .\creq, more or less,improved a.» with H. Two-story F-rmne Roughcucl flu: Dwelling HOUSE. will] A Unit-story ‘ lirnme Rnughcnl?'l\'ilchnn attached, :1 Tenant House, in “null 13 Log B‘irn, ~with Sheds M.- hu-hrd. n lluuhle me‘c Wugofi Shed, Cur riiigu Name. with a Shed inttnched, llog Styx hlu, Sinuke Home. ll well of water near lhe door of the mulling, three Orchards, two of Apple and onv 'ol' l’eiich. A public roml what! the huildingmrnd 9. small stream of water; through the Irncl.‘ Seized and taken in Mrciil‘gn m! the rcnl estm of Man A 0335 \\ nun”. . - ‘, 10 00 D (10 to 10 00 Sberifl": office. Grtlyiburg, 313.1319, ’66. ”Ten pi} cunt. of the purchase money upon :11] SJICS by Ike Sheriff mus]. be paid qver imiuv dintcly after the proyerty is struck down or upon liiiiure to tomply thetewith the proper ty will he again puv. up for sale. REV. DR. (‘o\'R‘\D will deliver his popu lnr Ll‘CllH'l‘. on “\Vnahingum,” in St. James Lutheran Church, oh .\IONDSY _EVEN ”'6, APRIL 2d~zhe prOCCEds to he applied to the purchase «r :In Orgy-n. Doors open at 0:; U’lluck. Admission 25 cents. Tickets to be had M. Mrssxfl. Spdnglfl’fi, Buehler's, Min nigh‘s, and Norria's stores. ‘ Much-1.9, 1806. N 1 HE firm 0! \\'.\l. E. RIDDLE kUJ. has been T dissdved by muuml consent. All persons *iiuiebml us said {inn are req‘ues‘ed to seule Vheir acrouuls on or before the FIRST 01-‘ ¢.\!.—\ Y nn-xt, “mm" Unit. time the accounts will be pl wed in the hands of an olficr-r ior collec tion. WM. E: RIDDLE, ] GEO: c. sruwxuovsm. .\rnms, 1363’. '3: -_ ‘ , New Goods! (“heap Good“; HE PLACE TO GET THEM 1.. 1 l.\' ll.\N‘oVEßl—, We hereby inform the eitizenrof York and; AllJmn counties, that we have established, at (the southeast corner pf Centre Square and; llultimure btreet, IIASIWER, tormerly occufi pied. by C. E. n T. T. Wirt, It Brunch Store‘; (the principal business houses, being lucuted‘sa in New‘ York and York, Pa.,) where we {will keep at all imvs a regular assortment of Dry, I Domestic- 11;“! Fancy GOODS, also, a’well se lected assortment of CLOTHS. UASSllll-IRES,‘ UASSINETS, CUTTINE'X‘S and CORDUROYS;' China, Glass and Queens-ware, Ladiet’. )lisses’l and Children's SHOES; also, a nice and lull] assortment... of all kinds ol CARPET, Floor and Tabg'Oll-cluth. - i We have also established in rooms adjorning the Centrul Hotel, a CLOTHING sromc,’ where we‘ will keep constantly on hand a well selected gss‘oqtment at Ready-made Clothing, ot‘ the latest styles, ands full assortment of Gentlemex‘x’s Furnishing Goods, Inch as Huts” Ctlps, Boots, Shoes, km, which the will sell at reduced prices. ‘\ _ _ As our motto is, and alwsys will be, “quickl sales and small profits," we hope to receive a share of the putrbnnge o! town'and eonn-‘t try. Our connection with the lnrge‘ wholesale houses in New York City hind York, Pa.,where‘ are always stored on extensive stock of goods, which we-sell at wholesale and retail, enables usto supply our old friends and such of our new cu'stomers as." will giveéus nacall, with the , very best marketable goods, "at lower rates than c-tn be purchased anyyhel‘é in the Slate. Cull and see lor yourselves; s ~ ' _ JUS. WBACH & BRO. Hanover, June 26, 1865. {l} . ' , Ladies? 03mm! Saloon. THE undcmgned has t e pleasure of an nouncing to his friends that, in connec- i tiou with hl3 CUNFECTIUNERY AND ICE CREAM SALOON, lle,hns opened an OYSTER SAL’OON, with 3 SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. Ladies and Gentlemen visiting this; Snloon‘will find th uccommodptioua all they could desire. Oysters mu b 6” served up in any style and in ,u superior manner. Call and see. ' ‘JUBN GRUEL.‘ Nov. 6, 1865. If EVI MUMPER anving purchased Samuel IL Weaver’s PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, is .‘prepnred to execute work in his “be equal, to any establishment in the Stole. If you desire. a good likenegs, finished acéordiug w thelatest improvements in the an, coll n the above long-established Gallery, in We“ Middle Street. Gemshnrg. ' . [Jam 9, 1865. OME ALONQand see a Int-g 9 and well no lected stock of Clogfiibg, sad the reduced .pmea you 6.13 buy any, n “ PICKING’S. RAKE’S PLANTA TICK BITTBRS, or 011! D Homestead Tonic, It Dr. R, HORNEB'S Drug Store. . SUPERIOR quality of the beat London _ Dmn HAHES, with 'or'withont futon kg, for sale by D. McCBEABY & SON. u. Hanna's macaw-nuns p"- servu the bath, cum audited»: oi: the gum And puriiexlnho breath. \ um gnox mgsnprxcxme in km? his Over C'om M. such low figpm that - ken :11 down. ~ Posmvéu‘ {aims in .euin‘g goodo chap; campy-d win {on-nor prices, so to utoninh all. ‘ . - _,__‘ an smm at} Upper Lemar comma, of our on mike. now may and for sale. A ~, . n. “can“ a son. 5 arms up 1) ,Wnnshn Slough: a low pficu of ROW s'. ‘WOODS. _ mcns' Imm BlL—Picking il ceiling hi- P Bullion 0 _ It cxigquu tow nip. sherm'n halos. ADAM REBERT, Shel-HY. I Lecture. Dissolution-« Pay Up! Pictures! Plum-es! Wjéfiéw “Trim 4: Mighty, and mu menu.” GE‘ITYSBURG, PA., MONDAY, APRIL 2, 1866. o ’ l ’7‘ {D . o 'r‘ gyxrnim ml. '3‘; Quayrsm. BEEN AND BEEKEEPI KG r . Parlipenogenuls In the “any Bee. ;, ... gut—Th} worylerffil dovtrtnp of pnrzthonogensjs was llmt pmnmlgntml by Herr “zlomm, n Ger mnn bee-mush? and naturalist. about twelve years since, when he unllul ntteziuou w Lheox- I tmontlnnry fact "(the prodlu tmn ntmnln by the ( queen without (my tmvrgmurwé with the male or drone bro, and [alum] n xw‘arm 0t npwnrnta tn ‘ I nr‘nrly all the nmumlim tn Europe. whrp'nu-ouu-d . l tlm’tdvn. null prmlut'ed ninth a host of utueuttnnx, I I that Ir/Jvrwu Minsk-"began to dual»: the corn“- has of what he had seen with his own Pyt'fl. ‘ A number of the Ohjo-(‘ll‘rfl not tn work to pmvo the fullncy of Dzlcrmn's stntvml'm, but every ux- ' pertinent that wun pmpvrly mmlucto‘d only con-f ‘Lflrmed me mrregtno-qa at hls theory. mul Profvnsur ; 'l‘lmodnr \‘on filolnl'l (um- ntthe mast [listingulsh ! ed German nattu‘ullstx) fully oonttrmed lhhl doc- ‘ l trlne: nut! urn-r u lnhnrloux lnvmtl ‘ lon hodls- a covered a set or voluntary mum-lea f 0 hupartlnz some of the male clam-m, Whll‘h In 3 Oral up In l tho spormatheqa of the tmpregnn qumn. to' evnry worku- egg, «luring It; fimnge trough the a “mmmon ovldm-r." ‘ ,He also (“scum-rod Rpermntnwhln tn the drones, as wvll us tn an Imprvgnulml spermnthucu, and . ch-tvctvd thv srum- ”wrumtumhls ln \mrke-r rims. I l whlhxt they m-re \vunung in those eggs that would 1 prmluvr (lmuvs. ‘ I Thus this lung and m-rlmnnlous dispute was at lust cont-luslw-ly sl-tlh-d; um! it has cxplnlncall mnuy of the mystorlm of th-- hh'c. rmpm‘flu‘g ' whk’h {th grout king nf bee-mmtvrs. the Sllmm‘l- . ! Ollslfi’utwrtunvr disrnmihz the ofl‘vvta of ru'uml- ‘ ; ed lnunrcganltl-gn, oxeluimvd, "It Is an abyss l Whvrl'ln I mu It'mt." ‘.MI other lxspl'mxnntnn have boon equally lost In lhlu abyss, nntll run-non dlsmwml llu- doctrlnc or um: punlwuom-nnu, nut! ll is now “_conflrmed mctllmt ma queen has the power at will In Iny either ’lrucmleddrone eggswrrcrullzcd worker ogcs. ' “ It. has boon stated by a number ofwrlu-rs on how. that the qurun hm to lay worm-x egg»; a ver min Icmnh oftlmo, and thrn a quantity of dmne was. But I Have seen gum-us, in glass ohm-rm 105v hlw‘s, lny worker vuus,’lhrn xu {cw drone ngs, and lmnh-dintx-ly worker eggs uguln. alHn .5 {PW minutes, and! saw tin-so wurkvrund drone eggs hllu'hk‘ll out into prrfc'cl hem, which conclu s‘h'rly pmvos thnt the queen‘ has [he powul' u; fru‘ flfy [hr rags ur nnt at will: I always like In fully confirm-Dr "(Lt nll thn‘m lhl‘nl’iPfl nhont bees, Ivy my own rxpurimonm SO, Inn in): rm-vlvwl mum Ligurinn ”um-n»: <l irm-t rrmn Swine] Imul 0111110 ‘.’.hl ”(Sept inst your, I thought. a tow dnys am-r‘. mm it wuuld Mun very (‘OKH‘IIB ’ sivs- confirmation ufihis wnndrrfui doctrim‘ if I : couhi rubs“. a qmivn so wry inu- in m“ season. as ew’ry ilrnne luui disnpw‘nrml sow-ml woo-kn hem! fun': so, on the 7th of Ortnbcr, I examined the comlm'in'onu ur the stocks to whip!) I had Johml one or “in lmwrh-d Ligurian queens on nu- m Supt. ‘pn‘vious, uud round a lung,- qmmmy or omm iahi in three combs. I n-mm'ud nm-onhmvipmlm nnd "put it into another stock, from which 1 IC- ' moved tiu- gum-n. . l (M. 15. Vl‘L‘llnlinf‘d the vmuh km! round five tm‘ul 0911* miniml wicvv'luh dim) lh~t.2‘.’. Examined the: ombsulmut "two o‘clock, , and {mind unv of the qllm'nfl guat ready to 10:“;0 ' Its L'mdle (flnreulll day.) um] mn- urn duy' tlxe Olhur young qum-nn m-re tbmwn hm. ' 1 00!. as. lixxunvne-d the combs ans-l saw the now ly hatched qua-n. . V I Nuv. 14'. Again oxaminnd n“ Hm r‘mnhu, and _ um not find a single (133‘ 1:1le I saw the vlrgin ' Jim-n uwrncy-lureo duysuld.) - ' ,l-‘ob. 24, INS. I found a drone pupaon the «light; hug hoard. ‘ . f Frh. .‘.7.—F.xnn}lm~d all the mths and round drones Imu‘lmlmnd dmnc brood In ull mum; of drvn-hmmcm. In twneombs cumulr‘hng (mly work «rm-11$. ‘1 saw young drums unwrgi: from those ovlls. . unmovwl mm combs as spoclnu-ns. also 9. {PW oft-hr dmm‘s that won lulu-bod. I put in the hlvahnr {mint-wromalnlngrlmnc combs. Mun-h 6,—Exnmlm-d the comm and found 9888' and hmml In two mmhs. March 31.~—A number or (irons—s flying rtut. ’ A mil 7.—Exnn_uncd tile cumin; and round nbont one qnnrlcruf me bee-i were drnnm. l uuppiiml the stock with several worker brood combs. find sawme virgin queen ffl‘quflllly from .\prii to June,n’nd nhe laid run that only produred drones, nut in lhe rcgulnr onion; that u. fertile queen ln'ys eggs. but, here and there onc,no that the combs with tlu- mulled drone brood had a very singulur appearance; she blue sometimes luinlpw or there eggs In one m-11. which, In some whoaéame to mnlurliy, the bees enlarging the enti‘anoe 110 the cell to the size of two coils. and then covering the two larva! with one large conical run-L, In June I remm’efl this virgin drum- brooding qneg-n, nml pln‘md he: in my cntumolßgical col lection. and gave the stock a young qm-en. ; Tiivrc never was Quinn-r comiriuuilon of this womiormi doctrine. as I nah-r I’l'Qd or 11931115! n quot-n being bani-bod so km: in the season as the twenty-Mud tiny or Ortbiwr, and Miemmnisi kept umii the June ioiiowing, pnxiurinx only drones. Wmnux CARR, London Field. HOW I'o TELL A LADY‘B AGE. ' Ofcoum all curl-cadets know that tonsk a Indy 1 ‘her age. in Pqulvhlent to a declaration or V 5117. We have always looked upon it as such, still we hare felt a}: irreslstlble desire in know the ugm 01’me young ladies, but, bless their ‘dexu'l souls, wé ‘ wouldn't ask them {or the world. “'9 have at 11-ngth come across a method by which the swwt one: may be nmde to divulge the grout-Wt, without knowing what they are about; nml' thus young gentle-men can at 071 m: learn whéthc’r théy are paying thvlr devulrs to u scventvon or thirty. The {allowing tablq will do it. 'Just hsLud thln tahl'e m the young lady and "quest her to w“ yuu in which column or columns her age is conlalnvd. Add together the figures at the top of the coluzuns in whlch the» use is found, and you hm’é thr- grunt seen-t; Thu: supposa the age to be lawman-n.- ‘Yo’u will find the numbers Ineventeén only 1;) lira columm, viz: the an}: and fifth. and the figures at the head 0! these oohu'nnl make 17. Henri: the nmglctubla: _ .. A ‘ l 2 4 8 18 y 32 3 3 5 9 1'! K} 5 I! a ll) 18 34 7 1 7 7 u w 35 0 z 10 ‘ 12 12 3) 36 ll ' ll 18 I! ‘2l 37 . 13 'll 14 H 2 38 _ ,15 15 15 15 21 _39 11 is 2) 2-l 21 ~10 19 ‘ ll 21. , 25 . 2': ~11 21 Z 22~ W as 42’ 22' ' 2s -21 27 ,27 . '43 5 as 2‘! is m 44 ' 21 21 3 2! 9 45 , 2) “ a) so so no «I 81 m z 31 ‘Bl 31 ('73 83 ll - 30 40 .a u 48 ”‘ 5 35 ‘ 81 41 .V ‘9- 49 87 a ‘ as. B ‘ 60 50 39 I D ' - £3 61 ' 51 ‘ 41 42 44 H If an s‘) ’ 43 48 45 45 53' m 45 , 46 46 , l“ 51 bl ' 47 n (7 47 56 l 55 . 0 no ~51 , 3 H M \ 51 51 53 W 67 . 57 x \ 531? H 54 58‘ 18 68 7‘ 55 55 Si ‘ {D D 50 67 _ 58 a) I) no N ‘5O 59 Cl 61 61 Cl 7 «1‘ n u a n as ,‘ \ ' 63 \ ~68 a B ’ 63 fl ”-an or [he awe-mu mm, win: an other Blunhwflnhd with new type on, good)»: perm:- sole “‘3‘“ Counts: um s:l“th $03119. » ' '6’ > kn ‘ 4 I ' > For the Compihr TREE FRIENDSHIP. . * BY Allvs A. RUTH -True frlpndshlp II n mic-elm pvarLthnt all should 800 k [0 Wm”, A pvnri [hut Ihodx u lustrnus light undrn-udcn all things fair, . A gem ‘whk'll Hml‘ry's page cim tell primeval , nations wore, -, ' thu rm-ua. tu suw a fellow frirnd, gmheurd of torture» hare. . 'Tls fuund whl're "sll‘We lean! expect such preclnus ‘ lbingx‘w mu . When lru'nhlm wuuld_our hearts overcuxue or cnm- them-my mind; 3 And on: when Inc-I’3 dark bugows I'quan _smrmu would overwhelm. '- -' \Vo gludlysoe nn'icnd inpproach. gm! fearless take ‘ the 1101111., ' ' ~ _ ' When frllunlsdrpnfl and earth seems dark, the orphan lmu-ly Mllmls, I Bm soon a frln-ml for her amwum, «vending lov lng lmmh; \ \ . The widow 011' true ffiundship finds where least 4 she {'nlild t-xpvél, , A handy; guide her lum-ly way, to succgr and' direct. ' ' 4, . 'Tis {bum} within the roughest forms whldh ml " turn- nlwa her snxw. ~ And In wth llH'ilhl the {aunt 0! love full and o'orflrm‘mg runs; - But 'us nnt nth-n found where proud. deceitful '|homms sm-11. . - ' 'l‘luo frlvnlehip “("4‘l' has anriruditm-ro'. ‘lls but a mocking shvll. ‘ . True friendshiplightsourdlarkcst hon?! nndshegis II light around, - T , It strlkl-s a nun; withln dur hem-gs that gives a. Joyous sound,, It lights uur puthk whrn din-Imm falls, nud sheds " n glu‘lufirny, “ ‘ Like who“ u uu In bounty dlOB, on n flam- sum mer day. * 3 . {5130113 ' flisrrfilunp. A l‘lergymnn Killed Gull: ‘o a Funeral.»- The (‘orpl net-um In Life. The La Crosse Republican has a correspon rlrnt who was recently visiting at West. Bend (Wis..) when he learned the follow ing facts, which are substantiated liy Hon. F. 0. 'l‘hr'ope. who resides at We? Ben‘d. On Saturday. the 3d inst. at \ est Bend, the Rev. Mr. Miller was called to go into the country a few miles from town to preach the-funeral sermon of Mrs. Lambert. who wusupp’osed to be Gena. She Was arrayed. in her funeral attire aml placed in her cof fin. It appears that Mr. Miller was the 0‘ ner of a fractious horse. that was some time! unmanngenbll». and would run’awny. He wen to pass through ntimbered country. and o'ri account of arrow drifts the road was almost. impassable, and from this fact the horse succeeded in throwing the-minister from the cutter. From appearances, Mr. Miller was thrown'with great force upon a large on'k stump that was filled wrth short. knots. One of these knots crime in con tact wirh and severed the, jugular vein. When he was, found. life me} almost ex tinct from the loss of blood. lie was taken to the nearest house gnrl medical aid at once procured, but he only lived a short time. The cutter wnsliouml some distance. from where the accident occurred. and the horse detached from it. But the _most sm gular development of this end and myste rious elf-air is yet to he told. Further in formation proves thzit Mrs. Lambert vgas' not. dead, but had- beer. in a tumce fur two days, presenting every indication that lilie hnd'departed. She is now Improving. and expected soon to recover. She rtates that she could hear every word spoken. and could realize the preparations? her friends were making {other funeral, but. could make no resistance or inove a muscle of her body. Her grave had been dug. She now lives, nnd the minister who haul been call ed to preach her funeral sermon now lies buried, in the same grave made to receive her last remains. 'l'errnale Tl‘gody at Baum-d.- Indian-~— ' Rev. .‘lr. I; am. firtlnrm I Young Girl—- The l-‘ather_liuln Stun. A 'teitrible‘tragedy occurred at Redford, Indienl, 'on the night of the sth ult. A physician came to the knowledge‘ of the l fact that Prof. Madison Evans, formerly , clergyman and Lincoln electorin the Third l)lbl.l‘l(‘l, had sednoed hie‘daughter. A young . girl eixteim years of age. and she WM endenle ;by him. The“ Dr. armed himselfwith a re volver and dissecting knife, and sought the iseducer. He went to the house of Evans - who wasmot at home, and informed his ; wife that he' would killhifn on night. A 1 The Doctor subsequent y met" Evans, and to be sure of his man, inquired lwhn‘he was. The Doctor then fired his revolver. wonpd ing l-Ivansjn the hip severely,_bnt not fa tally. Then he drew his dissecting knife ; and nearly cut ofl'the head of his Victim, .; andicnntinued stabbing him until death en ; sued, Evens begging for hielife. , It appears. from subseqnent develop imenta, that Evans had been attempting Ithe seduction of the girl for three years. j'l‘hu Doctor and Evans were neighbors; hence the greater atrocity of the deed. 4 Emma was a Cnmphellite preacher, and for several years had been engaged in teach ing. and _for some time was Profeuor in the i Nonthweutern University there. The ‘ Grand Jury were in, session at Bedfnrd at the time of the-homicide, but the Doctor i had not been arrested.‘ . The pumie: to the tragedy have a large circle of rehtivu‘nd the ,afi‘air has cree ted intense excitement. 3 Evans e short tune ago went ofi'with the wife of Mr. John-on. of Bedlord. and wu caught in bed with the woman st Greencas- ‘ tie. but the “fair was hushed up. .. i The Doctor is a quiet man, and nothing but a gross provocation would provoke him ‘ than to vindicate his honor and justice. ‘ Thin has a clerical villain paid the just‘pen eity of his crimes. but be worse thnn mar.- deredhie poor victim. Oure‘ne well “the ; community's sympathies will be with the 1 father of the child. ‘ ' l fi-Molberg-Here. Tomm y. in some nice cutorooil. with orange juice in it. Doctor—Sow, remember. don't give it. all 90 Tommy, save name for me. ' ', Tommy, (who has “beén then,”)—Doo- W: a nice man, In}. gm it all to the doc wr. ‘ f .‘A young lady‘ duh West. who lately collided with An ice-bound uidewnlkr re marked, a (he assumed I pariendiculu poniflbn. "I’ll June a mun ,zo hang on to before number winter." ‘ fl-Tq kill Ink-r 11“ your uncle's _wifo on the [and with . hammef. ’ lIIABP TALK IN THE SENATE. Our State Senna: in becoming rather “rump‘ish.” Qn Tuesday oflast week the hill to authorize the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Company to build branches from their main line. was taken up.- Mr. Lowry (Ropub ) donouncml the bill as infamous. and called upon all who oppo sed corruption to assist in its dcfeul. Mr. Hall (Repuh.) spoke earnestly in 1';- vor ofthe bill. He was certnin in its pres ent c‘nnditlon it would meet the npprovnl of the Governor. He had been] th I. the Senn lnr frmu l-lrm (.\lr. Lowry) he: remvarked in the Exerulive Chamber. A few days ago. that there were Senalon of the nineteen who had votedJ’or the other bill who were actuated by corrupt purpmee in Ilqiniz so. Mr. Lowry denied lmving said so, but no ‘knowledged that he did say “that. there were Senators of the mnvteen who had vO. (ed {Jr th bill who were iulluencod by rOl - other hnn those they would be mll ing to see _0 upon the record.” . ‘ Mr. llnll said that. il the Sen'ltor relorrwl to him a: beirg one of the'pmsouvmention ed,-it was an "lnfemnus‘and cowardly lie.” quwould not allow his m'mive: to be in» pinched by any one on this lloor or else where. ' . . . Mr. Donavun-snill he had heard that the Govt-mor' hall denounced the I’Plllfll'kb of the Senator from Erin. made in thu: Sé’u‘nte chamber. as disgnucsel‘ul. ' , 3 Mr. Lmvry 'dul‘nol. helium the Governor hnd mill nnythinéol‘ the kunl. 4n lurlln-r rvmnlkml that them was evixh-ul yza ||6\ll‘e to gvt him intoa fight on Unix qlwslmu. He thought' that. HHS Senate Wus reoklng with borrnptinn. ~ ' A} thk point Mr. 13an was millorl to order. and there was consider-Able seumtion in the lull, ‘ t _ Mr. Champneyn.—”Expel him! elxpol him! ll ought to be expelled." ‘ Mr. Ifiwry. continuing. said he did not; desire to make these remmks, but he had been go'pdcd on by Senators who we're (le terminep to get him into a fightbn this fi-mr.’which he Wlallt‘d to uvmd. hut that outside of the SennteUlmmln-r hp wu» really to meet'nmy of lns dpponents. " Mr. Hall saill tlugt he was willing to met-t the Senator on the floor or out‘stde the Senate. ¢ The hnur of one o’clock having arrived. the nrdms of the day were called for, and _Bmitl much excitement, the Senate ud joumed. , - . ' ' Consenlpu nm‘l Donation. The following order was issued from the War Office last full: _ “WAR Drrxm‘urxr, . Gr 0:" um. 17, 1865» "Am. GEN. Urrlcz. Um. -..--, "General Orders, Nu. l2—He’rechllclr no person shall be arm-sled us a (lesvrtlnr lor lmvmg failed :o’report under any draft, or for any other non-compliance With the en rullment act or. the amendmpnl there-lo: Any and all persons nfthia class now held w__ill he Immedimely discharged. - “By prlJer of the Secretarv of War. ' - "E D. 'i‘owusmn. ‘ “Atsistant Alljutant Gem-ml." The proposed legislnlinn of our State 'is absurd, and however stringent. wholly void. The foregoing (Si-dei- iron} the War Depart :m-nt renders the act of Congress of‘no fur thér force or effect on that point, even if it ever did touch Ibe_ voting riviloga, which live enighaticglly den] Alrtlmconsequeu cps inlvnded by’ the act, are completely ab rogated by the above order. No ngisln tion based upon that act would} be valid; and no act of 'Assembly'lcan abridge the constitutional right to vote. Un‘nece‘imlry. improvidentanul nugntnrv legiamtiuu should be uVOided.—~Putriul (l‘ Unto". ' WThe “earnest men," whom the Pm; t tells us occupy the galleries at UQITI-esé. ‘ enunged in “solving: the stuhlmrn pm almifi ‘ ot the hour," were. thus described by lion. 4 S. S. Muhhull, ol'lllinom, in It recenfspL-ech . in the Hausa otfl-aptesenlutivon: , l, Sir. there are {mor men in our enunlly ‘ who need the chnrtly 0f the governmentu l much. at least, mu colored men. Look l around these galleries. Our constituents ’ cannot. spare time to come here dny alter (Lny arid listen to the digcuseiéns in ‘these .’hnlh, but from the conimencement.uf thi-i ‘session until now you find, your galleries l crowded with the children of Alricu. who are to be latted’out of the Treasury of the ; country. ‘ . ‘ These are the people. that comehere d-uv ’al‘ter depend darken these lPflllltthVe hulls, while my constituents are loih‘ng at. home l unable to pay the tnx‘gnlherer. Fur want l ofa mm ket their grain rats in the granary. "while we have for en audience these luZy' Vagnbflntlfl. who are to he led, I suppqw, out of the public crib. while thousanrh '0! the [orphan children ol‘w-hite snldien. vyhoxliel fighting gallantly fnr thejltg and t'o'r tfle honor. snléty and glory at .their country. are dragging along a life. of poverty and al~ ,most beggux'y. unnoticed and uani'ed for s,by these “intenwly lnynl” [mu-tots who are inn pathetically‘terv‘eut in the worship of their ebony idol. ' Rebel Icntlmcnt. A grand party‘wm given an the steamhmt Vicksburg on the Mimissippi river on 34“)!" (I.l].niuhk Among the gum“; w-sja Gen. N. B. Forrest. In a conversation mm a member of the preu. he said that he was surprised at. recrm publications Maul-g that 'he budlef! the country. and Wished him to note in his piper that. he can be found a!- most any time (in his farm in Minimippi, "Working hard to pay my dvbls nnde ernment tax". I fought the Government." said lie, "a: long as I wu able, and now L mean to Hand by Ind light for it wlhe same extent.” Thia‘ is the tons of nll the leader. at the lace rebellion. The} left their cause to the arbilmment of the sword, acknowle lge in overthrow, and determine to limit; by the decision. Northern radicals alono will not consent. to the nltlemenl. but. mum upon keeping up dimension and disunion. =I WA Boutncfin fire occurred in the Pennsylvania oil region last week. Twen 1y thousand butch of oi} "erg consumed. and some ulghwen ermine houses. derricka. engines and the amine machinery for sink ing wells were also dummy-ed. Two men are reported to have heenjmrned seriously- And one fatally. The entire lourof pww" ti ls estimated It two hundred and tidy t ousaud dollars. ‘ ”A fellow out, Wear. beinguked wheth er the liquor he was dnnkmgowu I good w ticle. replied: “Wull. l n’t know. I gueu so. Thrrav is only one‘ quest thin about it; whenever I trip. my month i burns hole in my skin." ' an in has. muchth u: pad may mufflers. and I guarded more point. ““"“"‘T’ 1"? ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ [Flat “ILNld‘Amtnxlnwil I ' a ““6 mm In“ also: I as man“ In May. 1862. an exciud gud ymxi In crowd mu nswmh‘led in from 6! Hm pan cipal hotel in llugerflnwn. MIL. manly 9n qnirin'g for the huh-st mm! from lhu Mun! In, 01' it mu m-ll krinw Lthnt Inckmu wau‘dyiving Bmks, nnd {3&l were enur tljnml film. should mnkl he tit-found an invasion of _Mnry‘hn-l would follow. In thé‘midat of um vxoiLexm-nt an indeml maria hiq appenrnnno, cow-ml mm mud and digt, and nltnaliihol' in a must deplora hle condition. He yam iqunmlmtely I'm-K. nixed 33 «man named Btmm. IVl‘n-ummn vonder of bour-kmul. wmulonJ-nmlk ump ed mittens. cnllnn nunpmnlern. and lIIN‘h "little diam,” null who haul Kamila llm far 1““! weak. heroin In penhlln him wurvu. A hundred qunuionu were 9» gurgv uskml him, but henig he would hafnium-r mm of them until "6 had n-“rmohed himself with n glam oi whisknmnml then ho would "tell th-m‘uH-dv Imm.” In nva minutes hp rr-«ppmrnd I'rmn Hm hmM bm‘. nnd hi. surely taking 559 M. cmnmvnc-‘d his story which we givc,'as near as possible. in bm\ own words: ‘ ~ I 32 IN ADYANL‘E No. 27. Yuu see. now, I hml murll Ilinzq which [ could not swll how in I‘l-uv-rfiymrt. unit I (linker ! gnhq mil m grunge urm .0: an I says one My In mylllllu mvkur bov Iki, “w, ynu tunku lint m umye mil w «prim: wu gdm. unl v.» gum van to unmm. ‘Vell, Ikg nnkm lust in mm- nm. lo wring wuxnnu, Iml t'rvvlly we gili lo \Yulliumalnwn. 'Dum I meg-la mil in gnu-In Sham-ml Punks. rrm. NI grant urmvo. nut Ff) mmush mum vu I “oer did mm. V 9”. [l' .\‘lu‘m-rul I‘lmkd ho (old me Wm tuy. Illoom. l's galou‘mn a“ Mnrhmmwn. unt I sgw. H wnhml l’mks. [ly um I 1:005 111-re 100, Inul firm-UV} wn hm um. tor 31.nrlinslmvn. Vx-11. IIPI‘H 1 links I makes much mmlsh. unt I slums-my gal lignea. um my rip-ms. gm my evaryxhuga, unt py 111 ml m»! :I‘ls ev -r m muvh m \msh. After filly le Shunoral Punks EIV. Bloom. I'.- pnen Vun t.» Vumlv‘slcr. um I my. [ly tam. “hi I guid 100 ; unl tireclly we has fun tex- Vn’mlivhter town. D're {9 grun‘t Show eml ‘Panks lias one growl punt». Ilul- I tell: you dew wls one mm! mm“. '1" r ghvalry. unl. t'or artilll‘uvy. um lo: nmmny, march ed by Illlu'Tnylur llolrl. unl. lwpnml It r-tnnds nn 1.9 pm‘ch on~_lvv mp van [or ‘ lmuw. um l-lny ll ul G :lumlgv. uuL trr Star Spangled Banner, unl Ir- Yankmg 'l‘oodle. uan éuy' m my~elf Ler Spun-null Hawkson curl H9V“l‘ COIN“ ht'l'l‘. llllVl’l‘ lll‘l'u lnl) "HI"- llih penplus. V-All. l nun-(hum mu mum lgu‘llignvh, um. pith uh! Mr'l' 11.-~'. um, own iing»: gm“ van \vbll‘ V:-Il,.nml.|y .1 ya“. 1- gill slop m L («'l' ‘mrr'. u .1 f.» «nu, all \[ls [or Illnnm, vM-mvv '_"llll‘.! -« -. nnl Fwy fun-M: umu. unl ~:lm my vnl yuu wll Inn) 11, \xM-l U-lls lwr. um ‘ln- - w: l \t. (ml u-l-r, lulu [ dink: I’ll-WI my lm‘ yr Slnnmvnll Shacknnfemhw lwm lln-cfly um wn [my sllg-oper ; um. I dinku wlu‘nl ml. lam nicker [l..] known: pnut it. I'm- lwre's t 9 grmt Shru bml ['.mks mil ler grr‘nt m-mee. No, no, {Stonewall rShack-mu him have: mom hers, nuvvr ders mo many peoples. Vl-11, tirevt lly a My. uh sich u uicn lulvy, FIIP mnm min her your um she mv,l tum Link l‘puy, (or, We; Stout-wall Shm-ksou pno‘s lwre lire‘ctly ‘unt Zpuys {or unumgq. Unl. Itanß vot. 8119 knqwu Imm var. Auvcrvilc dui- moms 'puvn ‘snllller lnk’o rlm tlvel. um I my vntl her manor. unt he My tm' Slumkmn comm. JHut ltlmk Lat, fellnr pea luufmulxzed, um. I gab: yr‘lnnl Fly «‘nuntl-r. ll.” py tum I hmw Irv} {ml "1'! hr «tr~l um] I gnu"! ivnn tor (our. um, ‘(Jnt nu llunmel, (or l("mmx [qr grunt .Qlu-nvrd' l'mlu. nut hair l‘flyin mil. ter wvnll, um nrnctly'lmlnpt him l m: tum Slunplencv Mrmkdul. mil a or?“ pig lwl'n. pluyill “Whose [pnfllere sincel'u pin gone. wlmwm luin lwl'e uinco Y's pin gum?" Um I 3 . Muster Sdckson, l’r n'o tune lor to dulls uu ; 1 gal» mil tel Shen {Crfll>P.|llks; p Iy mm Ino getch up wit lli'm, um I col m vnn der-llugvrsporl, unb [I tells you, [ Inn‘s um um vuzn 119 more, for Lnt mm SI nefytgce Slmckson makes too much troObles JUIL me. . 3%“st the (Inn of the éecund Adnmg. Hm \mmnvnh 0% Un- I)}nmcrm-y hnve elec tetl [l'll l/nrr I’r-‘si'ylmh : each of thos» hnv'u diml In otlica ; nml each of the Vibe Presi dents who took choir-places ha!“ been compelled. to (Ilfl'cr 15'an (11l Ila/Icy of the Pru-shie-nt whom llmv surcm-dcd. 'l‘hnt. thr- lmnd of Pruvidoncu is mnnifelt in the mu»! recent. chungn, no reflamive mmd um aocnpm the doctrine of provi denlinl infl u-ncm m the affairs of men. can for a moment duuhc. 'l‘hn partisan palxtiml civruynn-n. whn‘ mm.- timo ago, ad noi~ily uflixm-‘d the that, spcke more lxuth than they ronli‘zegl. . ‘ 'A 1"}; Im Ins l)g.—l“rul Dellglnu, in a convumuu in Wmhinghn; just. nfler him mlyr‘vnew‘wnh the _Prmulent.~ie reported to lmv‘e rem u'kml : ”The President charg es u.» «in. hmlimy_ lo the poor class of whnn: at the Snulhg h is .vn-ry natural that In- ~mould lake sules WALD them against us, for he licimym m thexr ranks. [gm-w up“ uhvn 3xnlnng the armlucmcy of Maryland, Whllc In“ h unlv n lmv~hrvd hunt; and it is not surprising. Lhmg‘lm-u, letl cuubemu such ‘1; mi- whuo lx'nsh.”' ' . . The "713/ (0 Make fl!uury.—-\Vhen a mun' mlvanisoa lulu-rally n. ahaws Um]. he knows what the true uncroc of success in business is. and he is almn~i certain to get rich. Tbrré Is nothing hlm prlnlm’lnk to half; 11 um) dung m lhu norm. and those §u~iness m-~n uuiy whg um n. Lbermlly suc cued 1n mum-in): lmluu-‘s. L~L the Iner chums rcmnmtn-rltlns. and be mse in time. A Gun! Sag/adam—A New Yurk paper reunnmwmls win-runs. Sumner and nth”: radical ,Ahuhlmmsls m Uuugrmns. :0 got up an amen tlnv'jllt') llmCausmulmu comm-H -ing tlw nt-grnmdquuflt~t'or a living. and , intimates lu-u thiw wnuld be placing lhom. uu nenr on an I‘qlnlllv wnh lhn' white man as :hey shouM ha plum-«d by C'mgrrmionol - ‘lnmshnmn. ’Wlnite nw: Omvo‘ I." in” in or dei’ tn) sulqnm L Lin-lawn“ un.‘ familio-s, fiuJ‘ We,cnnsoo no good rpnmn why the negroun.‘ shnujd kw kept in “Hum-{1 mid led and clothed at the pubhc expcmc. ‘ E w’l'he Goverhor on Slonthy isgutjd warrants (or the exonulmn ut Humer'und Buwr. the murdervrn «11‘ “us l’oHy Paul, pl (Jmlbrm countv, um! Gun-um li-ruur, 'lhe murderer ul 111 3‘; )Luy “'.le, of (im muntuwn. The Wurx‘yvls fix the exn-cuLian hf the twn Mrmerlon Fri-lay, 20m, and the [allerqn Fr‘ulav. Agml 27. ‘ . ‘ .3“le lumru that (in: b 11k Or 1119 negro" licom. now nu duty at we Sou h, are u: be ‘ disbzmdx-d, [:5 correct. Tlie order is said to_ comporimnldlvfmm the President. though j benrmg the sxgnume of the Wu Dcpxu - : mom. ‘ ‘ . ~ ‘ . Shun/d be De.vlru_o,.-.1.—-In< ngthh NO other day a Illg-JH' was wurkmg at. uninv phiug in lmntol’nj .iqu 4 A null and‘ohnm ‘ to his leg.‘ A mlu'u-r‘ puking uiked the-E nigger why the ball" Wm -:H mm], Inigo himfi “ To 1:96]! lmvs-lingfl' mkues from small"; 3' “.melm'.” win um y-romm rep”. Tun" nigger should he 'lllkt‘d nl'lpr-«houm ba‘ prayed for—shnul I M- made :1. free man or otherwise destroyed: l‘ac ungmxtefulucimgl ' Q‘The ne‘gm soldxem in ’t‘oxm have been behavmg fiddly. Rubbing, stifling and murder”); 01" wmlu pen-mallow bean very numerouxs. , G 11:35 or these “3nltllvr.” (God 5876 the mam!) Imvc, m u n tuber of manna», Mindy-d HIM ~'hnldmvn peaceab‘q, law abiding clln'nA—finug m or ei,M bulls mw cab-15 of them .nunal. mn‘lmnnu auuy.. ‘ ‘- “Didayal. ” W ho due; nOl remembag “at the Last. of Inyully, a shunt Lima It? ha sum! by the nilmmsuwon 0\ Mr, anoint He who did ;his was “loya‘lf'wmle he I)» Jaunted mu dioloyal. ‘ _ 1 Today the san’w men who, applied t” he“, malign in}! President with Im _.ll” wilhou; thinking of mint»; mung?! 7 «1.1,: zip-sq“ of “01an {mm mm KIWI“. I: un. - ~ . a a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers