rim or PIIII-IcA‘l'on.‘ Why HENRY 1.3128143.“ I 3 90 per nn-‘ In My.“ M,II'MAICI~"3 30 par un uum “not paid insdvsnco. $0 suincflpuon diu mammali- u an opwon at me paw-her. 01:111.:qu _ptd. . - onmmmm Inn-luau manual rates. :03 9WO «mums- donewmmcitncu m dumb. . ~ OFFICE In South Manors Mot. mm mam-ad Run, an: the Post DEW“ Comp" 10-r Wu; Dales" 6n the Han. ProfesSional Cards. Dr. D. 8. Refer, BBOT‘I‘STOWN, Adams county, continue: A the pxnctice of hi. profqfision in .11 its muchu, And wo‘uld respgclfully invite .n ”no“ flicked with any old standing din onu to cull and consult. hlm. Oct. 3, 186;. t! Doctor 0, W. Benson. FflCEM flu Bsilron-I Houar, (frimtroam, formerly occupicd by Dr. Ki'nur,) LITTLESTOWN, 'PA.’— " June 19. 1365.. tf Dr. I. W. C. O'Neal’s ‘F FFICE and Dwelling, N. E. corner 0221315]- limnra nd High streets, near Presbyterian Church, Geuyaburg, P 5. Nov. 30, 1863. M _< Dr. J. 'A. Armstrong, ' AVL‘JG "flowed from New 83km, York louuly. A d having Vocnled at Middle luwu, Adams county, ofl'era hi: professing-11 lEH'LGPI to the public’. ‘ “My 31, '65. if ‘ ‘ Law Partnership. 1., - A. DUNCAN & J. H. WHITE. Ev . ATTQ’BNEYS-AT LAW, ngl promptly nucud‘to all legal business entrusted to them, ineluiling the‘procuriug of Pension, Bounty, Back-Pay, and an ogher claim: Igsinu the United Salon nix-1'8““ Govrrnmeuts. . (mice in North We". Cornet of 014mm], Gettysburg. Yenn’u. ‘ ’ April 3,1855. ll ' ' ' Eiward B. B'uehler, TTORNEY AT LAW, will {nilhfully and A promptly attend to all bulinen entrusted to him. He lpetlu the German language.— ()ch M_ the sau‘ae plnce, in South .BaLtimore nice-l, near Forney's drug}; store, find nearly oppus‘te Dunner : Zieglor'l more. Uenysbnrg‘, Much 20. I ‘ J. C. Neely, ~TTORNEY A'l‘ LAW.——Pnru‘cuhr atten- A Hon puid to collection of Pensions. ounty, and Buck-pay. Oflice in the S. E. tumor of the Diamond. ' GettysburgfiApril 6, 1863'.‘ If D. 311 cepnaughy, TTORXEY AT LAW, (office one door west A of Buehler's drug and book store,Clmm~ eruhurg street,) Anon" Axn SOLIOLTQI. ro: PATH”)! no l’tssmxs. Bounty Land War nnts, Buck-pay smpcnded Chimb, and all other claims against the Goqrumentut Wash: ingfon, D. 0.; alauAmerlpnnL nimain England. Lnnd Wnrruntslocutedund so)d.orboughl,nnd highest price: given. Agents euguge‘d in 10~ cuting warrants in Id'Wa,_ Illinois and other westernh‘mzen' ”Apply to him persqnnjiy or b 5 letter. -. Getty‘burg, Nov. 21, ‘53. J. Lawrence Hill. M. D., I 1 AS his nfli‘ce one ~ .’ doqr weal ofthe ‘5 u“hi€%’ Lutlu ran church in ‘ . ‘ - Clmmberlhurg street. anduopposite _Picking’s More, IV?) we those, wishing to hav’e my Dem‘nl Opervion performed are respectfully inviu d to cm! Immune“: Drg. Horner, Rev. (‘.‘; P. Kr. um. I). D (Rev. H. L. Buuflxerkl). D., Rev, Pxof. .\I. Jm‘obs, .’.rof. M. L. Suave: Gettysburg, Aprli‘l 1,53 Cemetery Removals. HE undersimned,being the nutlmnzed person Tho minke removnls into Ewr Qrcen Ueme~ tery, hopes thnt such as quntemplnte the removal ofthc remains of deceased rc'lutives or friends will u\ all themselves of this «mean oftheyear Io hnwo itdnne. Romo'mls nn‘uie will: promptn‘eld ——terms low; and ab efi'ort spared to please. PETER THURN, Keeper ofthe (‘Pmetgry Mnrch' 12,"60 Hardware & Groceries. { THE aub'scribers have just ‘relurned froni the mm with nn immenfi- supply a l .\RIHVARE & GRUUERIES, which they are D"L‘Tln;_':l! than old stand in Baltimore slnct, ‘ar prh my to fiuiz'thc times. Our gtock consists in put of ‘ BUILDISG MATERIALS, QARI’ENTER’S TOOLS; ’. > . ' BL.\CKS.\H'I‘H’S TOOLS, ‘ COACH FINDINGS SHOE mxmxns, , ' CABINET MAKER’S TOOLS - HUUSEKEEPER’S r'lxi‘UßEs, - ALL KINDS QF IRON, kc. GROCERIES OF A LL-‘KINDS‘, OILS, PAINTEL km, kc. There is no “Hirlc inclm’M in the several departments mentiémed above but what can be hnd nt this Store.— Everv class of Mechanics can be accommodated imre with toois‘nnd findingsuxzd Housekeepers .cnn fim] every article in their line. Give us a can, a; we‘nre prop'lred to sell as low for cash as any house out of the city. ‘ JUN. B. DANNER, DAVID ZIEGLEB. Gettysburg, Mg 16.. 1864. ' A— The Great Discovery ._ -. F THE ASK—lnflammatory and Chronic [‘.heumutiam cnn be cured by u=iiig H L. M LLER‘S CELEBRATED RllEUilA'l‘lC anx- TURE. Many prnmineut citizens oi this, and the adjdining counties, have testified tb its great “Hilly. Its success in Rheumatic nfl‘ec lions: he: been hitherto unparalleled lgy any Ibecific, introduced to ihe public. Price 50 cents per hotile. or-gnle by all druggislszm‘il Itorekeeperu. Pit“!!! only by H. L. MILLER, Wholesale end lnil Drugginguls‘ Berlin, Adams county, Pm, dealerin Drugs, Chemitnls, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffsfibnt tied Oils, Essences emf. Tinctures, Window Glenn. Perfumery, Pntent Medicines, kc. in: " ‘fi’A. D. Buehler’ is the'Ageni. in dutiys burg lor‘”, H. L. Miller's Celebrated Rheumatic flixture." .. - [Juue 3, 1861. if am it Work! ' . HE undersigned continues the T CARRIAGEd‘AKING BUSWESS, ‘ 'u all, 3:; branches, M hi: old “and, in East sidiie street. Getlysburg. . , is 5? WORK made to order, ma; 1 ‘ gREPA I R I N G Jone grqmnni} end at lowest prices. Two first-rate SPRING W'AGUNS and a SLEIGK for sale. JACOB TBOXEL. _Dec. 7, 1853. ‘ -' ‘- ’ Kev! linker-y! BWPOBT“ ZIEGBER, Mechagical Bak ' en, Bond; Wmhiugwn street, Hull squue rom, thc Eggle 11mg], GETTYSBURG, Pa.— Constantly on hand, dig best of BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, P ETZELS, to. Her lans with“; fresh Bread wi 1 M sen-ed ewr} gunning, ”,I.“an their names and gesidenm Lt flu: Edger)". Every effort made to plase Giv‘e In t can! , [April 10, ’63. tf Sule Cm!!!- WnFLEflMING continued the hudnese A, of SALE DRYING, exid solicit: the con- Ificd patronage of the public. It il‘h‘m con .uqt endénvor to give satisfaction. Charg'fl moderate. Residence in Breck‘mrid‘e street, Gem-shut . _ ‘ P. S.—ée is I. licensed Auctioneer, antic: the Tax Law ‘qf the United States. , , Nov. '24, 1862. ’ ’ ‘ : i‘rmc'rmd ATTENTlONerhesupefior A Picmm mien ‘ a mums 8151'. iGfiT GAL-1133?. op Wen lidde aim-m “trusting unifqrul Sweating. Qoqd judge: pronounce then; matter to my ever taken it: uh plnce. oan qt! exymiue fag‘yov‘rselvog. Jan. 18. 18652 ' ' ~ ‘ " ’ summer 3 KEbEKF—HRQ ; ‘ 333 m 5‘ G Pfimfi'u ' ' < 09. HE. mm “a. ,9, ggggcglf‘figsgmgu $039; a. .- . . -, at. am - n e . " 8150!.“ , mg. EEO in! 11. J. sum}; 48th Year. .' Juli-01's for April Tenn. GRAND Jun. Gullbenrg—huc Robinson. Foreman. Franklin-rChlrlel Simmer, {hhert McCleaL GennnnyLJucnb Pitzer,Jonuhan Forest. Huntington—John E. Lease Sunbna—Wm, Stallsmuh, Daniel Spangler llannllnnbun-swnliam Culp. g ‘ lluuuu'u) —Heury Btu-her. L ‘ (”turd—Henry Wm“, William Emmert Union—l‘harlga Sppnglerfleue Eppelgnnn Hamilton—Juhn Ru! ‘ many—3m .\quelman. Raudmf: alomon Jacobs. Jacob Goofige. flountplcaannt—Ahmhmn ReeW'er. Freedom—Joscph Huflmun .\lennllen—thcoh Sundae. Baden—Joseph Wolf. Tyrone—Jacob Funk Conowlgo—Jucob Schwprtz Union—Sumnel Youliiz», Henry-Spud'mg, Amoa‘ Sheely, John Sterner. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ Frunklin-An4mw Buunger, John McKenrick, 1 John P. Butt. - tflunlingbona-l-Abnhnm Shnfar, Gen. W. Men‘s. { George Fidkes, John G. Miller, Wm. l.en§e. ' Hamilton—Hp” S ock, John Delloue, George ) ng. Henlw Hmvt-r. , ,TyrouefiJ. P; Hiker, Emanuel Camper, Pm'nk ‘ lin Ebert. ; . I.l!ountpl(«Emit—Jaw!) Lot}, John Lawrence, : Peter Slnilsmilh. ' t bluumjoy-quliam Elino, Samuel Baker, An? 3 drew Butter. ' Hamiltunbmf—MosesSummon, John San } den, Gear 9 Spreukle. ‘ ‘ rßutle‘r—Hemfy Lower, Jacob flowery; Henry } G. Koau. ‘ . .L Lnlimore— cgmrles W. Griut, Wm. F. Bonner. ‘ Michael s: mbnugh. r - , Gettysburg Nicholas Codori, John Eupp, } John Eorb ck, George Geyer. Germany-M clmel Fink, Marlin Stahly. Freedom—‘o vin I’.'Krise. David Sheets. Liberty—Jo n Nunemnker, Reubeln Shower. Coyowngo— lichael Lulle. Adam Diehl. Lit‘tlestown—Ephmum )Iyen, H. H. Kline, 1 Wm. F. Urpnse. . , k BI rwick hurt—Henry Kohier, quklin Grove; Strnhth—HTry W‘ixmur, Georgu \Vunver. h Oxford—Jump.) Stouuh,‘ George smm; Elias Single. ; I ‘ CmutmrlnmtJ—Juhn Her-tut, Henryfifi‘nm. ‘ hignullen—l mu: Rillerflhrysostum Eppelmnu. Mur. 19, this, - = ‘ i \ ' tProelamation. . HEHEAS the Hun) ROBERT J. anm, } _ Prt-litlrntnt‘the :ewnl (‘mxrtc nl L‘mn mun Plea< in the (.'mmtiv-s t-ompnsing the 19L!) vlhstrict, with Justice of the Courts ut‘t)yr~rnud tTerminer nnh General Jnll‘ Beth-cry, fur the trial ofnll china] and ozhor "Fund?“ in the tsntd diatricr,l and hum ZXI‘GLBE and Linc I-l. ‘V\'}:u\tl&§, Hqi , Judges 9? the Courts ut'fflym: tmb'n thttfihn;d Justicps‘of the Gnnrts of U_i-er ,nn’d Terminrir nntl Gum-ml Jiti} Deflvnry. fur ithe trinl \lf {LII cupit t 1 and other otTeu-leri‘in Ith‘e County of Adams -—lmvr- tuned their; ure ‘ccpt, beating dutt- the ‘33-! any of J‘Luunry in :th; )eur of ur Lam: and thulltsmutl eight hun ‘dned nnd s?kty-tive, nnd tn rue dit'tu-tcd, for holding at Cn'mitot Gigmumn Pleas, and (lenient vamrler Susgiuns ol the Pmrnnnil (.‘enornl Jiui Delinrj nnd Cuurtnt‘ttycr and Tormimyp int Gettysh‘ulrgyuu MONDAY, the ltith day at ‘APRlLitzet.lrt't— t $03161; viS HEREBY GWEN; to at] the ‘Jtistices ot the Fame. the Coroner and Consta hl’rs withintthc said County of Adi‘imu, that' the) befitting hull therein their prupervrrsuns, with their lip‘llg, Rat-OMS, Uiqtl'taitl'uus, Exam imitiona, and other Wentrtnbraltcos, to do those things which to their ofiices and in thathehnlf uppetmiu to‘be done, and @l5O, they who will pro~cutte nmgingt the prisonL-‘s that are or theu‘shnll be’iu thg Jail ot the,s:\id (‘ounty of 1 Adnms. are to He then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. ‘. . ADAM a ‘ Em, Sltt‘rifl. ‘ Sheriff's che, Gettysbur Mar. 26, '66. ; “+7 ,_ .7 _, . h~_. _ -=_: R'eglst‘er's Notices. NOTICE is hereby given to all Legnteeq and other persons clincerneil; that the Ad- I' ministration; Accounts heroinnfter mentioned ’will be preaeutud m. the Urphnn’s,\Uonrt of ; Adams couutyfinconfinm’tion and allowance, .on .\onon, thu mun dny or APRIL, uses, at 10 o‘clock, A. 31., viz: 27.5. The .gecnnrl nccnunt. of John Rnhn, ,Trusler m Ju-Gb Srllmnd llurietSell his wife, lnml children, under the Will of hub Sell, (millwrightr) deceased. ‘ . i ' 274.. Account. at Snmuel Gillilnnd, Admin? igtmcor of William Gillilnnd.derenaed, settled by Snmb Gillilfmd and Frederick Quickel,Ad— minislrntors’ ots‘aid Samuel Uillilund. deceased. i'fb. Accou‘m M Dru-M lawn. Administra tor of Elizuheth Marlin, (licensed. ' 2'16. First and Grin! ucoum. of him Gard ner and Hum large B. \Vierman, Admjmatrm tors nt’Jncob Gardnsr, Jr.. den-cued. ' ’ 2—77.'The lecond'nrt'ollnl of Georgé Flick lnger-nnd Go'orge Lough,‘ Executor; of John‘ Flickiuger.‘ deceased. , 278. "First and final account of Joseph J. Kuhn, Gnu-{inn nt' Henry Deliane.‘ 279. The; firs: and final mcuuntof Joseyb Byers,’ Administrator of the astute cf Geo. A. W. Bowenox, {accuser}. ~ _.' 288. Theaccountof Benjuhin Mnlnnn,Gnar ’dinn cl tlte' estuo of Enamel, David, Joseph i and I‘Vllllflm BoHinger, minor cinltlr'u of ‘ Elizabeth Bolliuger, demand. named by Sam ‘ as! H. Miller, Exmwr ot‘ the win ot‘Bunjhmin .\la’lna, drowned. . . . 28L Secénd wlflnnl account of David -B-. Rune", Esq“ Administrtcor of {ll-mic! Sny der. deco-sod. ' - . ‘ 282. Thai «1:?an Ans! account of Niche-- In Dentrick so Dnfid I'. Oouly, Administra \ tors ot the «at: of Din-l Cuniy, dgpexsed» _ ‘zaa. First 3nd final Account ofJuhn EFL-I ty, Adminiuumr 9f the {flute of John ’l‘oh lorfi', line of S'rnb-n township, Adams cofimy, deceised. ’ ‘ , . ‘ ‘ ; ‘ 28}._ The account of Wu. A. Duncan,‘£d minim-acorn! Jackson A. Haydendaoeast. 285. Pin: and finnlumst of John Henry Myers, Esq, Admiizistruor of Sunk Fickes, deemed; ' - A: ‘ ‘ ' ~ SAMUEL LlLLXrßegistexj Regism’p ~“Icy. Gettyspgrg ‘ - mm? 1931366. 21! } ¥ USEPHI XUHX'S, ESTATE—menus of ad : ministration on the ' estate bf Joseph Kuhn, me of Mouutptensvmt township, Adams ‘cauntyfilecensed, hsvmgbeen gangedlo the un ‘denigugd, ‘res‘xding ‘in Union township, be :hereby gives notiée to a“ persons iqglebled in said estate to make immediate pxyuent, and those having claims ‘ngninst the some to pre ‘lenl them properly mnhenfionteéf for sewe meat. JOSQPH L. SHORE, Adm‘r. ‘ ' mu. 26,360. 6|. - ' z: ’ - A Few 7-30}. ' ‘ TILL on hand and for gain-'.' my: FIRST S'KATI’ONAL'BANKOF GmYSB‘URG. 5 ‘ " “GEO.‘ABNOLD, Cushier.‘ ’ on. 9.1866._‘ In a; M... . . - 7 Db‘Ybu‘Whh ._ VI‘O pregerve' u soon liiie'neésv'y‘qnmu, an“ . ' your‘ friends? 9:19.36. W§%fiefi&m§ ‘flu‘, €39; me an ,gm «915 m . div-v, rs» '. 1 ‘ SM! V 1.0“ \iqiee' ‘N'V’fi- w; ‘3‘: ‘ " ilkcge§stocfoi€Mpiv§ft§d 1% fidtécega; mm: hymeiaaei £l¢l€¥N9’§ - MIMI (;t.N Je an Notice. • , .1. , SZE A ©EM©©RATH© AND FAMGLV JCODMRNAL. Traveller’s Guide; Getty-burg Railroad. HAXGB OF CONNECTIONS—On and fif ler Mohdqr, Novemlzer ‘C'Orh, H 65, Pru— songer Tr-Ihns wimieure and arrive nt Gettys‘h. bu‘rz, and m \k" mnnevtium, 5: follows:‘ FIR-ST “(AIS In“ lame (Jellyxburg at 1.45 A; IL. with lsaengers for York. Minia burg, Phihdeiphl , lid-tumors, and the North and We“, lrnvm at Hanover Juncuon .\Vlllh ,ouz change of curs, at lo 25 hit, coasepuu'g with ma but Lum- Snub on the Sorzhemfiuuv tn! Railway, and arriving at Baltimqm‘ at. 12.30 noon.» ‘Also contracting with Km! Train from Baltimore north, :rmmg 1n Harri-burg “1310?. M. Arrive av. Genpbnrg 1.10 P. 31., with puscngeru from Harr’saburg. York, BullFmore and Washinztnn. SEI‘UND TRAIN will leave QCllyshnrg at MO, E. .V., arriving at Hunnver, Junction at “3.15. and coungcting \lilh mnil ttruin South. Anne at lmlrlmurc m. 5.80 I'. 11. Arrive at (:euysbnrgn (Mb I’. LL, with passengers from l’hllngelwun, Harrisburg and the North and West. and also with passengers from Baltimore and Wuhinnon by the last l'me norm, which leaves Baltimore at 12.10 noon. Pusengera cnu lam-e B-altjmnre in the Mail Tmin M 9 A. 31., an"! arrive in Gettysburg It. 1;") P. ll: 0: leuyé Buhimme in the nut line at LllO noon. 3nd arrive in Gettyshnrg It 6,15 P. M: But one change of mm by the firm. Imin, either way, viz; M. Hanover Junction. The fast 11'": on the Son-them Conga] will not. stop at any local nations, chepl’ Ql‘k, ‘Hano ver Junction and Burkton. . Connection! cer- min. . I%.,MCCURDY, Pres'l 2403,27, 2865. ‘ lianover “. Railroad. {\ll'} TABLE—Un-“bnnd after Fnday, Nov. 2+:lr,"lßGs,‘plss’(-hgcr trains on the Han mer Branch 11-ilroanl wn‘l lp‘n'e as follows: FIRST TRAN, (“hick tnnl'ie; connection Will: three; trains on Elm Xurllmrn (‘entml ‘llnilwny M. "the Junchon.) will leave Hanover a! 9 ()0 A. .\1 I fur Yurll,‘B:\llimure, Harrisbarg, and intermediate stations. . WThia truin leturns to Hanover at 12 M. and arrive; M Gelljahurg at! P. .\I. SECOND TRAIN Kean-s Huhm‘er at 2‘20 P. 31., and nrriws at the Jum [ion at 3 H) P. “L, connecting With the Mail Trim .\‘umh, “hick nxrivcs at Bunixuore at SP. .\l'. Passengers by this Tmin for York lay over at. the Junction until 6.12 P. M. . Russcngcrs leaving Baltimore for ”mover, (hnysburu, and Link-rimm, “ill uke wake: the Mail Tmin at D .L 31., or (he Fnst Line at. 12.10 ’l’. M. JOSEPH LEIB, Agent. pm. 18, 1305. ~ Rails-9,11] llousé, EAR THE DEPOT. N , HANOVER, YORK CO..'PA. . The undersigned would respectfully‘iulorm' his‘nnmeigcns friends aufl'vhepnhllc generally, that lnlx has Inland :ho llutel ll] lhnover, near the' Depma formerly kept. by Alt. Jeremlnh ‘ Kuhler, undxwill spare no efi‘ort to .conduct in in a mmn‘rr :an will ghe general Salisfuclion. .Hii lubll‘ will hug: the her: we market: Mn afford—his ('lnnnli‘tzl'i are spncxous and com- ‘ fumble—and 1n: hna‘ laid in torhis bar a full ‘ slock‘of ghuicc wxncs anal liqnurs. There i 5 ‘ sl:l[vlinclor horses all lchul lo the Hotel. It. will in) his cutsmnt endeavor to render thp' lullsst smixmuiuu to his guests, making his. houee as MM :1 ham! to them as possible.— llu asks‘ a 4mm of the public pluronngn, do termiued u: be As fiTl‘ll‘flere slug: pan of it. Remember tho‘ Knilroud House, near the De- l yot, Hnnm‘er, Pa. ’ EA“? BAUGHER. ‘ 0u.2, 1863. If g ‘ 3 ‘ l G l 6 I: é» I n n 9: Your} ithxnng-pt much), ET}: YS B U [11;], Pi—The undersigned G‘ would most ré'sper‘tfully inform his in iueruuslncndahnd any public generally, that he has purchased that long esléblislied Ind well known Hotel, the “Globe inn," in York street, Gettysburg, n‘nni will’spnrk; no etl‘orr to conduct it -in a. manner that will not detract from its former high reputation. llis table WI“ havr‘ the be“ thé marlin-t mm afiord—hil chambersare spacious, and comfortable—lnd he Inn laid in lor_l_lis b.”- tL full sunk ni wings nudJiquorsu There is large Budding attached to the Hotel, which will be attended by cuten tive liostlers. It will be his constant endeuvm to render the lullest sutisi‘nction to his guests, linking his house as nan :1 Mine tuithem a; poSßible. He asks a slmre of the pul-lic’s pu tronage, determined as he is to desérve a large purl. of it. Remember, the “Globe Inn” is in York Street, but uenr the Diamond, or Public Square. ‘ SAMUEL WULF April4,lBC£. tf _ ‘ , Tavern Lieemw,a. THE follow-mg apphcaduns to keep public houses of entertainmenghnve beenfiled In .my ofiice, with XhE r: qu’w‘xe number of signers, and will be presehted M the Court of Qulrter Sessionlmn MUS DAY,&he 161]: day oHLARCH, 1866 : Enamel Wolf, Genyabnrg. , John L. rule, “ ,Isrul Your", “ George W. McClellan, “ - Joseph Mule, , “ . Bunch Bro-m, . Cumberland Mb: George A. Cut-well. 3 Fullkliu . " ~ Jacob Mickley,D. of D.,- “ . “ Lon Pillar. > “ “ kvi Hahn-s, . " - “' ' George Bur, _ , “, “ Jmnai Mickley, “ ' “ Abmhum {josh-tier, " “ Samuel S. Nomi, Fravdnm ' . “ Petu- Shiv-45*, - Hamiltonian. ” Alexander Runabout, “- “ BenhemS‘em. ' . “ r “ John D. Becker. ~ Huntington . “ JanaA. Bsedr » ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ~ . “ Jnmb 1. night, . t “ 2L , ‘- Dhaflu Myers, *Menlln “ Oliver P. House, .4 . 3“ “ Josewumu -~ -3 oxl‘ord " Ilse BW’HWMV’I ‘ “~~ " A “ Francis X. Smith. . ‘ “ “ Conrail Waqgoner, Mom‘tplnuniV “ Dude! Banker, 3 Fla-Hum .fi " 111 ch L‘ 05ml,- % . Sum < “ Jonph out. .' . 7 1‘ a 4 Henry Robin, Berwick borough. Imchhwuson, \ u u . Joseph Barker, ‘ Unknow- bomb. Wiuiumßieber, ~ - z . “ i v:- -" ~ Phillpikmhrhv, .‘ a _‘fi. . 11!: moralifiax, Bum: uwnhfp." " nhen')i:Gook.,‘~ ~ . {Tyrone - .‘ “"‘4 Sin-cl Saudis: - Won ~» “ ‘" Hobart .‘.me ‘ Radios. -. 23‘ .7 unmlDilhr., . .’Jionomn. rI“ '2 z .4 an" manhunt”. ,‘ = > ' William J. Marin, - - Gnuplmrg. ‘- Goorge F. deflaisch, u " ‘ Reily hastening-no.1:on iovuhip. “ . , ' ‘ .JmES J. PINK, Olcrk .‘. in. 36,4866».- tc . ' r. * Pm“! Pictures! ~ ‘ mafi Eflhkgipg ganged Bungel‘ ”Vavex's‘mu'r'oamf‘ j GALLERY; 1: prepgrad, egécate Wolf in 113: ‘Mne equg‘t‘lo my cash fa???“ in he Binge: If you'deifg'o . googk Jflpfifidgccpfiibgw swim.“ )m’pry gaze iu'the 'm‘; an ‘fbg‘l‘b’oyé has. , wru‘beawgmemngnn Imm. fitt°9sl9sxpfihrz-.L .1 my: ,9. $3895., . A .1 t. ,“ 1. 4“ “H =ME “rm a Imm, and mu Prevail.” GE'I'FYSBURG, PA., MONDAY, APRIL 16, 1863. g: @nmssfix PEACH (RICHARDS. Peocbel succeed but In hilly dis.“ £cLu,and upon Luld nut berm-P o:cupiud by 11 paid: turnout— Land suitable for a good gum amp. mll do ru bwhes. Eighteen to twenty fret is the want an. mace. Th 3 orchard should bu cmuvuad (0 90m toes or baawhmt Ween {heron A pun rec; unmadad {or MMcm u. to cm. theyoung tun-manna“; 1018 mm thus in dneuhnjajm'uu. bush loan. The vuiefies mu: porn ‘8 2219 mm makes. are:— Trosh'a Bury. 801)me Gmwmfl'q Euly. and Old um Haw-Bub meshes "ommendnmn everywhere, u the earliest good ‘m'uch. Craw {ord’l Late, Smock, Heath, ww’e Lute, Moms Whlte, and otHer late 50m, are grown. Daar Co:r.pl!ar:—Five yédra_e§o I hide. farewell to the people of the South, end went. North, to join the United State: At my ; and iiow,,nl’t'er this long ihterim, dur ing which time thdhilla rind vallie; of this country have been baptized in hunnn ,hlond, I return 'to them, and they welcome me lrick. lam really surprised to find the country so completely at pelican: From the accounts I reml in Pgnnaylt'ania. ere L stilt-ed here. I was led to the conclmitm that the war had pom-eel)! terminated.— leicxl journals were teeming with the no cnnnts of murder and .arson‘, and whilst talking with A prominent Northernjnurntfl in, some weeks since, he expressed the be liefthet my life would not be spfe hero for one day. No wondér. then. that I ius‘tw lonished to find the blacksmith in his shop, Arid the farmer in his field. ,Why, air, the very wind,righin'g through the dismantled forests, seem to breathe lorth the word "Peace!” Thevery waters 'of the beeutiful Tenneuee murmur back "Pence!" I have met and converged with many men who were Intel?v oiilcers and sul diers in the Rebel army. and 1 find among 'All of them a spirit of éuhmiwion. We have nothing ,to feu- from them. They , were brave in war, and will be true in SUBSTITUTE FOR SW'AVIP firm. 1 pence. A - ' ‘ Swamp mark, or pvnt. no {:u- dm‘ompnswl an to l‘ . . ~ ' ran tn pnwdenls one of lllPlnO‘luiuflll uniulpgl “‘9 (Purse 0f Andrew Johnson 35 en- Wmt a farm or Sutlun to save and tin-rm mslgdomd by the inssl of the people here. The “9“" om".- "mm“c' “m“l""‘°“’"‘i‘l’°“%°”h° ’ question is then asknd r “Why are the lay.l “PM hulk M mm“ mm‘m“ mm“ “M“ ”mend i'al mombem of Can res; from the Southern ut mm to a mum, txu‘nl, and to prim-m )mrnlna | ~ _ g In the mmud to numb all liquids, A Very, States deprived of their seat: ?” Ido not :3:: mfmfidtfgrguxflxmgy thlWlnz soda ‘ claim to be the member of‘ any party, sect, tngnpon them about one bun.elutii‘n:iit:i)iimg°r power, nnti yet, Sifffi‘i one ‘who fought mun: cubic )‘lu‘d. , l for our nation. I ask that oueetmn. There CCL’I‘I‘S’A’I‘I 5G POTATO FB. ] A can enqudent Dime ( 'ountry Gentlem m tags: "I would am m: new béglunvrsin r‘mlug Imm 5, ' 0!. Lo bu no partlculur about. the numb- r of ey-a thfisct 01 plmnocs has, us the ant: of the piece. A potatu smqur‘than a tux-Kg! egg. should nave: be used for planting. Thur. mac. vull hldkb reWer sqls. Plum the rows three feet apart‘ and the sell one {out in the row. Gruuud that. hen the Human: plqwed m. in the mu, wlll produce one-guru more, and gran evenerslze, than that. mummyl m wring and planted Immediately: the manure absorbs the natural molslurqor the ground. and the crop ls mullet In sprouung." ‘ ~' DRILLED “'IIEAT VB. BROADCAST “J. _C." cried the experiment of drum»; In his need wheat. vs. sowmu bmudum. At. mu. the drilled what looked much the best, but at hur vwin we broadcast. canu: out. In): ,uheud, This is sometimes the cm, but, In {our Ens ~s out. n! nve, drilling lathe better prune-a. It. $BB Eccd,du poms n. more evenly), and at uniform dt-pth, and m n dry autumn yufi can put the sec!) dbwn mm the moist. earth, whereas lrsowu broadcast, muvu am will roman: in the dry 3;“ch 3011.:qu will z‘xut germinate until it mlns.——[Agrlcultumt. COW'S AX!) CALVES. Cows that. lan to “ruggh u,” mm a little com on the egr, or perhaps :uhply tune the tummy or] ghch- mu alnlle huprmcd juaL before calving. ”notoriously puss Huapalod suwusmny, while? the better mwndeJ axilmxils often han- n. ‘hnrd: (Ame. The reason “as In the We“ cured mr cows ‘ hhvmg Inn mile Mr. sunshine. exercise, m.,—‘ perhaps in being mudo 100 (an. lea co“ the‘ mum of the wurl Inn! the lam. plant; I»! swam. hay, clean—stables, the cam]. \Vth n In»! root! duly. I ”you have than, and a handful or owns! mm o! 4 corn \f‘yon please. (which somem‘ our h'lvndn cun- : sldcr aspet-lflc nglfinul. sunluugl, nud the calves wilteome along In good eondhmn, and the flow or muk wtll be abundant. ,Il'Lhr-re are slgnuurca- . king or feverishnmn h; the bag. buthe wnh mum ‘ yup sum»: and, Altamira; wash mm dllulcd mgr” uxrcox lumen. . . Wolli S'I‘EISR. The plumb bullock We: killed ln thin country Wu: recently slaughtered by W'lllhxmdmlor, of, Centre M’urkel. N. Y. flu “us the “Bcunlun” Swenralscd and fed by T. H. Tripp, of Smux‘md. ‘ Duhluu cuunty. X. Y., a. grade of Durhum or uulnuuulll pr'npumonu. 11c mcusuncd 10 feet 2 Inches lu lengthJO reel 3 Inches In -glrth,xl‘ml ' stood :- feet 9% Inches high at Hm {ore shoulders. $ ~lle wulghcd 34):; pounds at. hmnu, 3;”: pounds m. ' the yards, and was bought by .\lr. Lulu: for the snug llule sumorsmn. Thequuncns Wore wvlgh ed, awry huge crowd 0011chng la) see the mull. . or a vast. um! of speculuLlou and beams. ue‘ weighed as follows; Fore quarters, 709 and 707 1 pounds; hluq quarwrs, Kilian-1 523 pounds: tom ' 2.475 pounds—nlaklug'hlm Lwlg pounds heavler leu the mummy ox “Comma! me." ‘ Wrnn and Elm-Mn! hum s w‘muld be pump ear; 13"]qu [how far the difl‘nrvm birds kept apart!“ thx-y qum'r- l. “gums, though they are giant lhlove’s, nmy he uurur'ted. If It I; dmtmhlc. by mn klng‘; n hnsls fur a ms! in tho crown or a tree. and putting a. board u few Inch-“s show It for pron-w 1 lion. Prepurc for only one 'mhlns‘ mst in'one; putt oftlxv grmtmfi. The qumwls of moms, too. , are @noylng. and occupy tho time which shduld be spent, in killing lnsvctfi. Cut-birds unn'c be! comfd by nesting plan'm. but will mnenely nnd : the! own hmlgcs, one. Let. themrsuverely alone, 1 and 3m: wm haw no butter-4119mm ‘ ~,, ’ The reason eggs My u, that. Lhe ntmpsphom penetrates the pores of the shell; ukumm the wntery pordun name. nmlplacay basins. 2i ~fem edy is to huge the eggs In boiling wncr rat a r few second». It easily dune, for a human-«l my“ In abusketmnhodlppudut unce iuw n ml; 0] buil- i lug wafer, They are to be hrld in the water rung enough ta count twenty at a rust rule. The heat 01' fine wine: congwls the surface or me albumen I‘mmodmmh‘wndgx thé egg-suanhus forming an alk-Uzht coating. which prevent.» evnpamuou and decay. So ‘ 's an exchange, now To ma A PRIDE. A£ we om tee Menus sum-ring with anyway 3 troublesome things. we publlnh the {onuv'ving I gun for them which we have heard highly mama- ‘ mended: "Aksoon In] the parts begin to swel'l get” the tincture onobenn, and map the put moaned with cloth. sntdrated thnruughly with the unc- . tune. and um felon ls dead." An old plujslcinn gays be has known-X! m cun- in scan! of cases.’ ‘ ; ".‘lgslntfi‘. gram-I‘. ‘- r' 1‘ ,nxgwnmn 4 '1 Kw the voice mamas marina, SWI: made new \N no, I I And . dummyvuil Lbcskleu, 0:- mm Mgr. / _ _ .. , Infifq dirk‘amunegness way. ‘ ~ In 'anarnst weAulbpe. , ‘ 1 . A‘spu'lt like a heavenly my ’ _ . Wutgwé‘efly ,wphiper. Hope! ' -ohfiope, carpi-smacking“ an ting. - ‘ 5 ‘ _mmmmnorom- way. -. ”-Who Midniglflm Mir m, ‘ mill-no- m the any. . , , 1 ’ .SiVSétjo'y's {by bounbeofis hadd‘qm givs, . T 9 a)” our aching beans, ' ‘ yummy. lamp thagg'u: shall live, “’ ,1!“ llfe Itself departs. ' Gamma. . ‘ S'PAn old geqdemnn in Salem. MAS... gnu: birth-tiny dunner to hilfnmily lately. Ind ouch son Manda-lawman} dmighter ind daughter-In-hw, («and added :6 the billof fire. a check fen-$5,000; The grand 'ehfldlrén. and ”on mam were": ’membomd, aqd'the «Hiram cqst the ‘913 Vgamjelfiim $40.1“). ~Wohfl§rifitho 'clévef otd‘gerifié’rpnn, harm; futon mu ,riéggh.l§;§-35mr9téji ‘. ‘. ._ .‘ur .em'zvn‘ 1“ mm ‘ Tu: 31:774.. ‘ihlfi: I: U l BIRDS For the Oompufr lIOPI‘. - . I 1 _ M gigmm gzsg‘cflwg [am PM?! TEXMBE— Conmpondeuco ot'nm Oompxler. Nun Shawna. Thw. . Mqrcn '29, )860. ‘ was}; loyril element here during the yvltole » war, and none save.these peopli- know how they auti‘ered for their devotion to our ‘ cause. It was nothing uncommon for them to be awakened at rnidnight by the aharp crack of the gnerrilla’s rifle; nothing for them to nee their homesteads laitl in ashes: nothing for them to hear the dyin’tz groans of their “first born," as the outlaw fired the deadly shot. No! they submitted to all ‘ this, and in their dnrloest hours wham murmur a prayer: "Oh God. our Union apt“? ll' And utter the sweet angel of Peace has atretchedher broad things over a .united country; after the last blood has been shed. and the int gun has been fired, these people, who have sutlered so much that the country might lire, con‘te to you and ask for representation in your national councils, and you heed thorn not. I‘um proud. however, that Tennessee has her Johnson at the head of the nation. , No trouble exisu here among the freed .men. They are all going to work peacea hly,'and are r‘ceiving good wages for their labor. I believe there —in a “Freedmen’u Bureaq” eethblisheq in almost every coun; try. btit as there are good men ‘at the lie-aid of it here, no one fear: it doing either the white man or the treedmsn injuntfrp. l have not as yet visited the noted battle-y field of Shiloh, (which is only a. few miled distant) but I intend to do so soon, mid will then furnish you with a dea‘cription of its appearance. No doubt it has undergone ‘ many changes since I stodgl there, on the ‘ 6th and 7th day: of April. 1862, while the Wines of death were rolling through our armless The earth trembled than. whilst the artillery m dealing death on all sides. The history of those two/days has been written ‘in human blood“; No pen like mine ctr. give an idea of how we sufl'ered there. To the thmsnhda of heroes who sleep their last sleep/on Shiloh‘n field, i can, only say‘ “Sleepy! 5h peace 3" “011,406rn'y. downy)” thoif'bleép, ' And all their dreams he dreams of brightness; ‘ Good angels have/their souls in keep, . ’ As lin enthey yverejn whiteness. g ~ ~ ; And when the 'snmsnoni comes to them. ‘ On, homewortmh their gentle (38:811‘38. _ i From every mem'vy of the pull, l l‘nto the giant Creator" presence," ( ' . W; F. HIVKLE. 5 ‘ ”Hone“. conviction in my mun-nee, the Conhilntion is m; gammaAaarw Jail/I'M". ‘-,Suoh usurpation twp centurion ago wnu hf have cost. an English King his heads—Thai .tlam-Skbenoa-M; .» ' 4 _ [s it usurpation bland hasten the peo ple and the enmncbmentg of poww- ? Mop _may (all; aboutqnurputinmand beheadin , but. yheq 1' tin beheaded {want the Amefi can people) lo be the witnema.—Andnw Johann; ~ , : ~ 4." v . There org uflhquskeo beneath us, ind I due net {iqldh— T/mddrus Siam". ‘ ‘ Yeé, fr Inw-citiz \nt. thereis an Partfiquako mining: were is a ground-swelling orpopu larjodgmeM kmfi,indignntinn.. Th 6 Ameri can peopiefiiu spank. undrby their insnoéc if not othewise. they will know who are their friends and who are their enemies.— ‘Andrew- Johnson. ' 1' The Bligh—The number _o‘f' beats of tha £2159 ber minute varies‘at d'xfl'otont ages, ‘ ing grater in chfldhood‘thnn old age, find from X 0 to H buts per mama enter in thalamus than in the male. firm. newly born infant lhe number of beats per minn'te In from 130 {‘o 140; in the flntyo-ar, 115 to 13q; sevond Miriam", 115,111er 3921'. 90 to 100', seventh year.» 85 tn 90‘, thirteenth yefir. 80 to 85;’manhood, 70 to ”few age. 30% 55.‘ > A , A ”The Garfield county “Bank; who”. ied closed. hu‘nutAbum-impimmd in tin? i rec‘enfi mm». In none: nlje sgcured by“ 'aummwamw fiflfihqun", roem‘ini nun-mam! m.“ gar!“ ‘ “iguana”; and.“ uni:infieln;age‘n'mga,+ .‘sumpwmg P! 21.7 mg 5 4 ,Z ~ gal”?- :18 . L 5» 1.0 44:5“ ~ .1; Z ‘o' A£ '2? \w ("'55) “ .. ‘ v ~ _ .5. \\ . hr the Chmmlar. 10h w. «luv: “- ronn- or flocks, \\ IV V In. ‘ , ‘ I deem to mention a few facts Tn regnrd £6 11135 ixfimhnl vi'biht 110 \ms at that {115.09, in L right to {o I fe‘l them Union arm. » a u.{ptu:é3. End a loqg time I priso‘per, 5&6: having him . , 7 “T 1... ohve’ sefi'ere‘y wn'uhded. ‘ It: was wlfiht JMm W. an. rv' nnnnffipfl‘ Point of Rucka, wizh His 29% VOl. hp: fanny, (“1' which he‘ Ms Cami“ and Knapp's Eatery, that tfie rem‘wknbNE- ‘ gacqmont came of!’ (hat, was so hemh I! through the papers by a certain cone-Ipm]- dent of the "bloody ‘.’Rth." .\Mhougfiit is n we“ :HtcsteZl truth ”ml “were Was not ‘an armed rebel wxhhim nxdawmll llwt allhO' :hp engggenpent was kept upfnrfinvs. all the 'fifihg wJas {ions ilfbon Gemy‘a flag—and the report: conéerntng “19 fight gm: riga t 5 Mr. Lincoln's anecdote of made” of ppy‘! pic that séme lady once took. ‘ ‘ ~. ‘ . This name John W. Gary once knocked ‘ down an intoxicned ppm“: of the 281.1!“ with his fun. and stamped him inxhe mud .; v'vitb hi 3 (bet, for neglecting up peoperly,sa- »‘ lute him. " -' ' _ .1 Thl: same John W‘Ge‘pry refused. to sit down to Mr. Bei-ry'é hdtel tabla. brcaguc a private snlrlirr um: .rg'thng at one end of it Y - Briglien. Knrpiny, shen Lieut. 601. of thé 28th Regime'nnfas well u uni} other pflicers,) was s‘een tojump up and‘j'un out. of the buck dqor .of the how] Ireiluenlly when Geuy was seen coming bowafd it. This. sol'digrs. isjhe tyrant. who urgkuyour votes. Minn, for one, he will not got. c. THE PLOTTINGS OF THE TRAJ'I‘OR'Q. x There c:l_n be no dnuht that. the whole of the «lieumoniats’ labor»! and anrrgips are bvnt upon securing A sufficient. majority'ir; the fragmentary Congre-ss tn ixmneach. try and dewqu (115ng the l'reeidn‘nl of the Unned States. The House has (he dqnstiv (ulional right tn impeach and the Sennu‘ to try. MM“ n 'l3. President is trim! Hm C‘uief/ Justice must. premde. 'l‘wo~thirde o! thg’ Senators are [equin-d to cunvxct. [/2 A full and lrgal Salute consist: nf/T‘Z . Senato'r-x—tw'o from each of 'the lllll'ly‘hlx. Stn'tpa. Two-think oftHa Sonata consist of 143 Senators. 'l‘ha prearnt fragment nf n Henna consustsot 50 member-actwenty-five ,Slntes only being reprehanlod. ‘T/wo‘tlnrxlg 'oi‘th'L-‘u l‘rngmont are 3!}. and 1h? dinunion. I 1814 claim tn have now 3’3. with it probability :ol’nne qr tw'o more. With thiai trhnmént l{—«(lua (m Hum [my a full and law/IlSenmo—z ‘ thosp evil Hpirila are prc-parin’g to deposon President ‘. The pleflflll/ Chief Ju.-ti<:e. ‘ Shmon P. ('hnie, radical uspjrxénl for Prus iident. is suppnaed to ho! entirely in the : leash of the conspirutgrs. audit evidently l cnunted upon in the revolutionuy project 'lofthedisumonintn. ,/ .' ‘ , ‘ l Will the Pearle sanction such an unlaw ful con=3iiraoy-~sr,«con=pirnoy oT nmhitirms . and unscrupulous (lcmugogurs, inlenvlpd ' not to advance the power, 0 glory. or prqs; ' perily.‘ or humiiness nl'the3:unn‘y. but (9‘ undo it, disse’ver and destrl it? ‘ {a it ex ‘ptctcd tbai/ the Preeulenw‘the Govern , them," as these conspirator-i were wont to cull him,—'will tacitly submit to his over throw 'nnd the destruction at once of the Executive prr‘rfinfllives. the Federal Can-gli tution/md tha'Federal Union? No—Nul . It ifi/his duty to protect, in his person, the Exfcutive prerogatives; to hold in check r 1?? had men who are tinkering snd tearing ‘ a the source of all pmvrr-rtheConstitution} ,W—in orrlor that they may riot and rule as ‘ thm please. “'llhOul- restraint; and to awe [tho (lovornineutol‘ the Uni'm by the use of— ‘ evexy power at hia commgrndl That Prmidrnt Johnson will do this. should the dire eiuergmcy ariw, there is , but (mic dnn‘nt. That. he is bound by (nth and duty to do so there is no lluubtl The Cunstitulinu and thgluws gunrnnlae hit” the power : hut the Pmplc should atnnce voluntéer their nilhnd snppnrt, fiml tlmt. “too. in-tho mast ole-terminevl manner. Nu-‘v is thq timq to atrimgthen the hat-«ls of the . Chief Mtlgtstrnte.’ Traitors in high plucps are bgth openly and cowrtly uim'n: at the destruction offim mg mzc law n’nlltlw m Ht s‘despimple rovolutinn In popular sullmge ‘ and Governmfintg ‘l‘ho mssnn th‘it isnnw thrcatening, the .Government l! wins (ham hat. of geographical disintegration. inas much“ it: aim Is the rlmtructinu of all the guarantees of the C-vnsiitutinn‘; tha paraly ‘u'tlan of th‘e ballot-fin: as an intelligent means of keéping. legislation guru. the usurpation ()1 11gb“ reserved/to imhyitlg {la and SFWJD’} the bwl‘lzug HR of n tumt fnrbitrtuy central nlewpntmn. ‘ ' Let. the penple at once declare for the Unimi, the Cumtitutinn. mm! the White Man? right to rule this (laverxiniént. Lit ‘ ,thrm drain-e that thP mu- for- the Ulll'fl‘l 'lvas nut-i tailor! [art tho traitors to th‘n (‘nnnhtution and tin lßLllotrbux be crimhrd‘ like thme who snught to dxvnle lhR Union into partl. .\‘ans the tuna («u-yum 0h Paoplo,uhl torzn'm. Sohlieru yvho [align for the lqriofln oltl Union. to let your‘ uni cm 'O9 firm-d 'nnrl to [bake imir power he ‘ felt. In a, little while Yunkeé "ensign—- tho haéditary up" Which forty-tqlir years ”alignment “blue lights” to the British irnvudersnmay harry bountl 3911,.handlanw ‘ foot a I placed you}! the mercy 0‘ '.(ha bfiofififity despots who" are amt-. 3994“ fonrmilllon nwfinr‘chv polls! Lump} “doiul—PWJ; 11;”; - - Juli ISSI'E naronirnmynornu. / _ John W. I’m-my, Hm loath-r 11ml! mnulh piece of “I? J.ncnhxn-iliuininnfivfi of xhlq Sm», mu bitter enimv of Pym-1.5m John- Inn. (hi Union. nml tiwahim rncu, un nnuncea m hui Prat. that wum- mfl'mm and equality is the hqm‘betoto {he coun. try. It Md wlmh he writes: . W"; “When the. quantum ohmiven‘l fiufi'rago name up in the. Home 013 Rpphu-ntutivm gon the 18d: instant, there "Ira/Hl} votes in who umrmntive and.“ inflm mm», M" ‘wbich there were only lnuana U_nioman ‘—th(- balance being so ondlwijkngncruu. - 3'The hum is thin mule up. b'ctwven [hp grant Uninn ‘pir'y nnrl’ its Hummus..— mun thew ‘HG pmrintimrogmhentglivm he idugarded and Juan-Iced, [sva of mail" vulu ip flwnr ui‘ wm'l-rsalnapfl'mg: in the 1) «riot of Uninuibm .7" ' ‘ i" We n’ccop! the iémmhnrf m- nré‘clml that ‘1! Inst the Bumpers hlvé Bimini nii' uh. ‘llwgum and are nml b 0“ Human to :m« Inmlxngé their willingly-s: lgyxhufigthn qw .. Linn ni' negro eqlmhty nut} sulfi'age to n v-rm lb? chc pinpie. In“ NH they oii'led the Hum“: urine-11, tin-y dunk-II ”1“"!!le .(a ivn‘rwi fiegro‘a'ufl'figc.‘ Igmwm‘loiy ul'tnr th‘e eiocflnn. hawvvvr. th’Py WWII on-r thu result, and rlnimod it as n if ;_ 0' triumph. Anti m n was im- the memylut-clexl m theoflioe; of .uidiwrtidirul am‘b'urveyor Gennral. belong (p we mtg-ya blipg of Hm iR”I‘Ul)1;l‘|" )m-ty, n'ntlJ art-sigma: lvooMM" foi‘nogfo cqauiii‘y. "l‘noy weré‘ "exam! by y-frnud; R" (my «mod mar enM‘unul ni nur we demon: but netthu flu dud not. prevgpt‘lhclt,prz)uulnl'xlit WP?" gud‘mm Fi-himing {in rvsuit ggs a t .ii'nlfih. In: the Rldimis.“ Bu! nfwfi! fé‘diéir ‘m. “ Nuwlm ihnve'lhe qurstinn hairly’ babeeflin penpl.-, afar Swwm and Fufa-i' hm Mllnml m mks it an open wine. “kgfl‘esperulu ’Eambler‘q, ll'wy have; rpuclullwl" 0 have a f'pmphle surrpfl‘ier (Vitilr'llrinb§les or :n vlinwrous Eda". 'flefirlv'mlrh minnmd rm Gunma- by. the ma Innotdlfitevom, Farm-y, "Mother noun PW|quutlilmls, iuml isyh—«lgwlfio their pnlu-y. _I lead, he in! mere tool in thou-Juanls nigh; ready 104 mm)“ Lha «who! 11:9 *le Whip. ’i‘hejus‘xgg, tiiem‘agh ghajgw, i; now T‘xiify presgntetl bx}. (skit-yen,“ nuninnidl; th'émsélves, ml] hr) 71?; 91h éfifi‘i D.,-t .b -r ‘lha mbMer“Mfifvitini-. mu m culled apo- umbg ghuetwkum if "gums new flwamwiimmwwo;.Wthh-w {hf-y preher Lofioqngiuua to halt} to the opiu . ”(q—v ~~—-- ‘“\ "on that ‘lhé‘n' fnlhéi'h hnM. thalflhis is a Y .2. omaifl‘ujsc. . www.mah’renummmw tn“h¥%iilrnllo«| 1h“ a 01g; :12?ng 0:2; :2: 203%221'5‘“ 7‘; .19: ilhhm mm: “on 01 P’l‘lkl‘l’l‘mlttl ! loo: 9 1 . I . 1,,” . t a on now, an e‘ 0 war for $2 f 4” campnign., The tags? 89‘“ 1" i {'6l- fiieggfglymor, the #riymfiligl‘m whim Neg!a%]»sh .le inJ Connifit’ {3:11:13 Chi-:1“: " mfin,“afid ‘rhiundvncme' ofii ‘r‘eélgr; Union. o-‘d e -mncracy on. a up a handle]: yummy”. .~ .~. .—., ‘ M mummy onumy mm deport hersfiblf » r~q~umw with ham: mA):lnbar-, next: «The. new: If a—Tjigfitsue 9f. lit-gnu #:o3th from ,fxom nonzparu "(flchougtxip 199.} gfgtiiy- the rflggt’ciimémdw 119,21ny '5 game];- Jn‘a, _ qrjrugn s afge‘ organizi in why mnnn,‘ qr 9 -dfiflr}.w9 51f 032. thntiu ‘displligflfand "é exfidfzt'“:food givl’bnm “9' Smpmihrnflenl in heft 5‘2! glnird. :ctmis whun 012:5.me WM’”mefi’-J)W Lu mnwmunnnl mung-rh- but. junt th‘llflhn. , . ~ ‘.‘, . ‘ g/qéxiplgual us éwog‘lfi‘; “firmer Bmm , _ ~--——-T“"""——T" 0 arm, l 5 us mu IHI 0 gh \ w'isluum. .E‘Tflvg “‘59": am! oopfierhengfi “.7? And the {flange or tée fim§“ e esgluy m shouting fog Preside!)[mlsflmvmh.‘-—~ Mi“ fa” rqatpre,.§ ,9 S'mte to 4mg ' 4 relulinug Am: “MSW! “3:0 «hppori fimtvlkgidént . fv‘ilh lthfe‘d’émigovegh “133%?!“ to takn. ’ - .. ‘ : ~ paco. {Mn an ‘r‘s amu Ic'loul, mime fiovmguintxznxgi‘mngggfigi ‘.na- tha~ Drama-ii ha- dunmm pn-mcd tilnmiméfiumwgmwwfi‘ $53"? ”93'?” P‘L‘L’ii‘mmmaf” "S '.’} man. 'l‘he.disumo!'l3“ MMJW" “9"” Exit! Q’ffll‘h 3” 1': 199:6qu m H ind. m use who‘o‘ppsb maze—Sump» ‘B‘ WW .Dam'ah‘ ~ r.. ’l' ‘V "N ~‘« ~:.,‘. “'9'. 34L" "W ' my»! 1,5,; - TW'TT‘} b: ‘be rocéommundl tint Ife {”qu ”man, It #395} $99,195:; ufl°fli§£§ “‘0 3Mumeuwxe JaJa‘x-mg Mallard. to («inf-r:”: ‘fi-‘brs'ai w 1’71?! . 53mm .'Mmfimmfw ‘.‘ .j. - 1";,«.;'. [lv r prim-«i. ”maxi In "‘,""' 1'! s‘“, "‘T‘L “a; 3d,.“ men“ UM! ' ' .' Mai-i: J.» L- my“ ' . . xw’i‘nfiiaaga 3‘ ‘ v QE. - ret, , .: «...». t 21 5: 1x .mmxm; W 512, and as 10 my om \Hlf dunj’. when :51 Tour yen} m (We MEI mm Mf vbp'v belted!!! _Prtflgem arm twp [pkg qurnafi «6.lmm. H nil ’Ht miuflmerdcp in; whom Mr. J ohnwn regards as his (Hamil, ml flutorpnihdon tum-Mun n 3 trua "thm Putty" of the country. The Prev i can “Mon 0! hi: policy and um of Con-l ; pun u the I.an fimefi’iia M blow M. the pollucnl‘ “mun-3" in the Republican I= mm=:: flinch-cm of'amm I mgr The un‘delsignod \yo’re ,ingxmluoed 10 President Johmnn hn‘Fx‘li‘hyfivemuk, tlnu ”Khmfi,‘ by 0m R auhé'iu. n'merbher ul Congrs-s! flom limmokyuml‘nnm-rmuul .Memfof lb. “unit-uL who hdurvvmudv mun") us 1.1411. ynilhgfii‘hmyimyifiw ..f the success of h.“ rrwmgniwu “Mia, so v . ml to lho wapre of (hé‘ (75603er (5.! 11m dmimi‘d‘ihw "an. 3% E‘Afinuluh m Connecticut. '(hniz blowflgilmninml with us during-our inlwzhw mumhe l'rc '.si‘innt.‘ ,H . .I, k ‘ We slated to the PVrrV-sidentml‘lfwa hml 'qancdmnscorlnin beyond q'n utign: hrdnuht, ' the position whvch he lwk (n'n Ihtn erm {,vrmtinn With‘fleiu 3!“!er ‘Md Mewsrn jONen and Griswold, 01 quqeqflqgt. n rv pm! of value}: h'ul [nu-p pufihsjfid. and whmi’wo hohevwl did not 1113'? pram-uh the thlent’r summoned ' alga-sud “Inn'fil-Mnnu'nflon. ' v ‘ “.4. , ‘ Hyugud 7‘99: hm! (_m yum; ‘B-WW‘M' _. UIHLJW ylvum cruu thupudrd lmuk Avowals, and 1m hml Fulfill-Y "$573 Hun": he Mp‘ad thew-H would‘bo‘m “(9pm)“ . pmcw‘rd upon the wopiofi gnu; ' 3 W 55 rmd with» lhv Amnuph (#3lth omg] an I S.‘x_rx~'wpgdnlu}l:g Ilf-putlhvail [um-1,. 7 iii: fin" Uner-J. HQ uxfirim’u‘ mllpu-li um tht- g-«Hmmfi lfil'l'bniillml’h'n awn !innmt ("shin rvln‘arki. flu '.«Md ho dul mm) upon Lin-.pnnc'qflva o}; mmßonmr-a Inform, the phi; c 1 uLn yICELWQnJI’Q rx-slm n, l '. U'uinn.:lml thinly“ hm mg...“ nrmg...‘ tHa v‘d Hum: 11: - ”-921: rer W firm jib-1y: - ‘ “'e lwn MIN. 11 i~ (21:11”va Iu"l nnu'crli cut Ch; whvn in?“ Grf'fi'nu dump the .mv em on." "-Ulunn Pas-1%.". yuli'dériro‘lhn can oak": Hag“. «5.,th pgrly ihuc .. ’.Lr- No, N. olactiola of support; [Aim ty.’ ' ‘ [Te'repflod Parfy, m "fin ppm} Vhil» Union {My tinny 66. “11¢ cr time who op} (he L'm'rm Pu'q ropl‘m'oum lo'n tried that the: ow ed upon the The PratMont mefi ‘remgrkm was Mnaara‘ o'vvn girl (sl3“on éNnm'l In hipnm-d ‘him‘ M {dying that NNw-u Hui friend of (ham w‘n‘ nuppol-ted his policv, 91nd the Qppmieu} of Lhnsg who a-prm' n.” The quexuon, say?! he, ofmy r'e~fon_uion [ml icy is now tlmgrgmmounlqueslhifi, and all who Opp‘mw it, re my qfimrh'nfi; ‘ ' _Wumsnrerhho Pqelldmfflhfl‘if (hma gentlcnwn had an t: logm vhedfhhqw-mwrks. we ‘shnuhl/uathfive Imm Luv lhhfivming.’ The Pyé-qudent men wd :- ,“Tuo prim:- ples of my rostnrnlinu [mlicy :IWL'llllllxllHl'll- Ital. X 0 mun c'm nppmveof my pulim‘ nn-l What/vi" Congresq at. Hug nmowirhd! Thu :1 inaudible. In New Humpshlfl it.‘ was chimed than both policies wen-9 xqppnrtmi. ? whip}.”ream-«19.1w! no; he; buq mm- the ,Klgactinn it'vmfi-hi-nml that. a I‘lfillénl virm. "rv hml I’m-n m-hn-ved.” ’ll'e ltd-110d lha pmuk: wouH noL n'lw he dmoivnt; - We ,Qlu-u hmulrd lo Lb" l‘uu‘ueyt the fa. signaliuu ‘ofr 1‘ :rlumqplg Cityqlannl. Nu 1003 the my}, rmul 126 v“ gin-Fully unnl numked: “I thh morning Hull in tin) Talc/hymn, Mr. CL-velanil’stllw speech In Hartford. It is a good bppoc:h._gl[elnkm the right ground." He Mum and Mr. Clevehunl’s letter again, and in {mr pro-h (Inca «ism-4 ‘upnn the Mnk M‘N‘Hia nppm vul oFMr. (L's mum». and caning his Bw romry. requivestoul burn to put. Mm)" nlficl -l envelope. an.) m d‘n-oct ’1; 1.0 51:. 1.30“! an which havin; b-wh (tnn , _the I’m ldum re: turned it to m 1111993153: ' ‘4 ‘ 3 Our inwrvkw Wus’oxceeglingly pip-“ant nml‘ entirely qntm‘n'emry 1n whi‘afiul vn- uu expréuurl our-salvax'lo the L’rosidentnn tu~ king leave 0! him. ”‘ ‘~ ’ March 24, 13353 Elli UNION PABTY? m ••,,- , ,4s*ftsAdrio•t4, A. 5130“, C. M. Lun’cusou H lon au p an? I‘ u/ m Inh- 11131
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers