M: qumpiéltr; m I“ will: 4” 1‘ 130‘; I. a, Imm ms up momma, r 0; scams, 111. HIHTEB mum Al Berfai Oreasty, m WWI. BAIL.“ mum Legisluure Idjoufnod iuiil on Timothy. The pay 0! lb: um lel find u 81.000. Loch W. Hall undated Wdtho. Broth. The Democruio Bellman rated ‘ (or Mr. Sch-11. . ‘ The lmndmutm‘h “Mullen (In 4(th bull, toning Iw‘wm 000 tom-Akin"): of Adam county Inca grunt] .n- dumyed duties Ih. 81d: Mammary. nu loud down by 16 up, to 12 Wm _ " ' .wwn Bmm. haunt. did not m an. egnl tannin the ”mama-q who tun burnt an a! ”no“. nd ham '{ Inni- gouty. mama-nappy: to up Wink» a! nu ulna» woman 111 We! lab “Battlefield“ Notional A 5004; pinion.” When .gleotione'uzng {9: can; hm the ml“: "lief t 9 glut-pf body. But an" that ho ' in mama; (nqt hm Rn choice a! (Aegean) mac. "do; uuhnn nu bung! ups, any; rm to ‘ou the um; sum. 0! In 114003; 4.1 aqua: for a canoe, in and: by uéml to both. principd person Emerald cfpuit) pw‘q hula: I! homer-alum ijlh mould and wild: dmwb. ‘f‘ - fi—fl'” “'.— , :5 Imam “111.177. _ . , Ll'hc Bepubhc.n_n party degiy “at My H 5 in furor of negro equality. ad yet at the? lep‘shfiu, N-lionsl and Ma, hpoinud in that. Motion. Dnrin;_lhe 4min a! flu Sunday ear quéntion‘ in IN Hon n W. In amending): n! ofl'erdd by m. Ruddi-mfiapublica'l. o! unmet. plain. mu», milrml imp-mam audit nil, W in Haifa-argon vi‘amut Into; that: In: flawed by Ipnty vol . A} 111:}:qu “In. an not. to incorpbn Ibo 'lfio'b‘aly nger 8. IL/Co‘. being: under oomidpmtiqa, Mr. Mcérgiry, Ir pmm,_ (fiend the name amending .‘v Chi-h flu dim ld6pted. These ill-much 550', in ' unmistaknblo number. due WMIE the Re-[vubhcan party to “to ”gram-Ii idnmd theirdeterininafi n to 16m. Manon yncucd lhapq: by I g hhfion. : , . In; mitxgomm lona. ‘ The New Jersey Leginlnture a-ljnqud flu die _on Friday wo’ek, without electin" t 80mm- in place of Mr. Stockton: So he mutter goes over to next January, bef re which timounev Leghlnlurowill beph n, which In "mung leprediot. will tend t. fitockton hack'to'flxo peat (min: which glue in: wrongfully ggyelled. The Govern’o? of_ we: Janey apnoc nppoinl u Se'nator in iii-on oQMr. Sfickwn, u the vaqnncy bo i‘nrnd during {he union of the Logi la ‘uro. H-Ad (I'm vacancy occurred after 1112 udiour'flment, it would [then Kilns been calla)- petuw for tho‘ Governor Marks the ’p-v pointlnént. So the Micah are d’epriv‘ed (sf/MIC the fruits oltheir villimy. ”they ban .0; rid of unmockum, bu: they hive ,Jlot got nfln his plnoe. \ j - ' ‘O-»~——-—-—\— s, m mix-l. CL.‘ PARTY “cum ' “NO I'o mural!“ 1 his-not the minor 0! me COIPXLII who Mu this uni-thug, but. gratifying fun nonnoemem ; ‘i6 ,is the Hon. James H. Lane, U. S. Son-lot from Kansas. In‘phe Senate, on Friday weak, Sen-tor Lane ofl‘vr yd lome resolution» upon which he nude Ilpeoch. In the 009 m of that ’lpedch. he nude tub of the following lmguage:f “I hue no qunnco lrom the Pmident on that'ar my other suljoct, (Referring ”the acceptability ol has-resolutions to Index“. Johnson.) But this I do hub". that (h Repubbeau party. a! which I 0;“ a umber. i: enabling to pawn. and tint "wry day we postpone nu rem-mien of tune ‘ merm the denuncuon oflhul. phi-9y.” . flora, rem-flu the Bedford Gaul? in mo of the mm} prominent sad .‘c in leader- of the 'Bepulajfiun flirty, qunly confessing that. bu pm] il "crumbling to pine”? npd win: is more, be up that the mum of thb " crumbling " in their nl’nul to Ida-m. the Soulhem'sute’a into tho Union. In other wordi. ~it is Dinah flu: in killing the Republican puny.- ‘ When men like Jim Lupe give the Arm. tho ship must surely be in danger 0! link lnx- ~ I'll mu. mom mu. P 190021 the Sen-to, on Fridny wvck. over Ciro Pmidem'n vein, by u vote ofthirty-thm to fifteen: 111/the Radical! voting «ya. And I" an Democnu. with five mum-nave Qtepublium. voting no. The Home con curnc} with tho Senna in in votedn the bill. (II Knuth}, by q vow of 123 you, my ‘ 41. M the bill boo-mo I 1“ without the mat apt] in IpSto of the objection. of flu Btu-min. That it in In unconstitu tional at. h too clau- lor ugumcnt. But can were Moo: open to exception on that ground, it contains to may odious Ind mil chiovouo provinom, u to be a legi-luivo nomination which may cum serious "ou bb ihcrcvq' an Map! in nude tocnforca u. A , -A Democratic muting nu held 3; Catfish a Monday' evening. A corra pol‘d-nl. out» Purina d- Um’ou up our dio lingu'ulwd candid-no for Governor. the HM. Hut-w Gym, hing pro-In. Ina pronu od oped to like the and. He no "coir .d b! about: of Ipphuse. Bo beicly io umd hi- mnnka for me honor. but. de- M u an. early sun of the campaign. I. Fell“! upon I diwnio’n of the iuuq of the an“. 39 Ippnrod. however. to.“ to strengthen we buds of Preudenl John lon in Uti- hour of danger tn the Union had mCouuitqtion, Speeches wen undo by On. W. a. Killer, of Harri-burg. and Una. John tutu, of Wuunonlwd. The In“; “jumped u a In» hour. with changer Jubmon. Clymer and thy Demo «as. yet], g 1 .11» Disunhnim m Jubiliul mi thou-p of u» 9‘ Gun Rights hill." not“- Miu m Pram-um "to. O! .m. Anythmg “at any toad Mud them 9'”- Detro n up 01900.. ‘ls.th an. 35-bit: than Dinnion. with, Bin-in» tit-h than. and wh m *h' _ ,' , ”I” Bonn-Io! Boa” Mn PM I an nil-bani" 9“»)!va to thy e;- hptdflmpm- . m The New York may... in recording two or three feiluree in thet end other cit re muke; “They ere not the 1m wigs“ hour of between now end mid-Innuen— Pmdenl. men no beginning to etund hm under." 310 wonder. The eigue o! the Lima ere threatening enough to elem: uy- l body, Herohenu and print» beaker! er‘e pm. by the board. State beaks mum-l in; in-nqnedr of A dozen nt e tum. Bed estate in running do-n end age: we run -3?" up. There ‘ere more than ltxteen hundred Nation! Benki in the country.— Their capital is invested in stock: of the United Bates. and these amok: ere the on ly wit] the people here for the redempq mm of the notee 0! these Blake. In-tudi oft-entering the Union and than giving 15‘. diUonIJ nine to time stock-Lure vaiceli ‘mpjorily in Coupe. Ire etrnininx every‘ ‘ufuto prevent yeatonuon. The} three!- qrenthrsPreei‘rlen uithimpeeohlnent. They; threaten the films-y with I new dyil Iver. Another yea?“- delay a! restoration will u l_riouely dimizieh the nine “government noon. in inpeechment of the President [rec’d run them down in prioe one-he!!- lend (new civil Iver would render them Igo- I telly var-thine. Any urioue diminution .of their relu- would ruin every Nation-l Bank in the country and lee" 3h}: whole lend nun: overymth {worthle- notes.- We” may prudent me: begin nomad Iron raider. 1’! next fell'e elections do not put I “0910 the heedlong career 6! the Red!- [caln every mun who owe. two diamond {doll-n on ten thouund dollm‘ worth of properly. either reel or personal. may ex. pect to lee hie property sold [or the debt. “GOV. W. F. Jonmox. Me Dettanolii lige Civil 1114100111 NU On Think!!! night, sth in:t..lhmwno lug. meeting of the' Bepublicup friend: 6! Prglidcnt- John‘on, hold in Wuhinglafl City. Among the‘lpeakerl It Ibifi muting. nu Hon. 3:“. F. Johnston; oi Allegheny county. “If: Stale. formgrly Governorfivho unstained the Protidént in 11l hi: "(on and other pulalin Acu. Ex-Gov. Johnnon ms luelg I Radialflbuc lm my the error 0! his way-h He npokq of the Freedmen’g Baton: Ipd Civil Riihu Bills, in the idler ing ltronj Ind emphatic language: "Ag-inst‘thu iniquitous law I gained my voice, and I rais'e my voice ngnimt (he le Right! Bill now beingdebatml in the Senate. and which no man who foals um his State Ifhould be indppemtenl will cur 0.3!! a vote or. ” ' ' “During the éomjng canvas: 1 propose making speechea throughout :13, Same in Invor of the policy at thut stern putt-int at the num- end of the Avohno, nnd uf he Only ldhern to ‘the position which he in now maintaining. 1 ml! guarantee [hit the poo pie ol.Peuuy.)-lvania wxllmuutalq‘him." ~ ’ ‘ ..an mun Tbi- old gentlenun, so many you: the leading man in Fayette county, P... in op poution to :ho Damon-tic pnfly. is out in full support. of President Johnson. and be« labors _tho radical: with considerable spirit. Mr. S:, in n recent speech. said "he had carved l'evenl your: in- Confirm with An; drew Johnson. He knew him well, and he never knew I firmer. purer, or more pay-i -otio nun—~- mnn who, by his'hlent. and unoidad efi'oru, had nixed, himself by regu hr step. from the lowest to the highnt po- Iltlonl in the world. He had good name and good_prlnciples. "in instinct: no all right; and in can’t go wrong. You can neither drive nor .Eduoo him." ‘ _._. “......” THE DEIWRA'I'IC REVIVAL! Cal-I n-d_ V'leiorlen Everywhere! Th 9 Democrati’ ha.“ made a 0193:: sweep ll Hartford. Comp, by 230 majogity—changl ing the engito ci}lygavemmenl. . 1 u l‘he Domoonu‘ huo‘ curried Albany. N. Y.. by between dgven and eight hundred. Trenton, J emy‘ City, Iloboken, Lam beruville,,and other: of the principal tpwna in New J «my. hnvofgqné Democntio. 7 In Cincinnati. Ohio. ~the Democrats have gnined over 3,000, Ind lin Indianapoliu. Ind.. between nix ind seven thousand. The city of St. Lenin, beretpfore Radical. bu gone Democratic . by I‘ooo nujority, on the John-on pintform. _ ’ The Democrats have curied St. Pnui. Minn. by 1,357 mujurity.. ‘ Lnnvenworth, Kansag, hll eiecied the Conserntivo ticket over that ofgtbo Pom; oroy Radicals, by 1.710 mnjnrityé—n most {uh-unlinl victory (or the I'rflidtt. Inna city. lowa. In- [one Den: ratio by Ibout 100 mnjmity—n largo gain.k ,Omlhn. Nah-gain, ditto, 1L Aurora. ill; formerly n . pnblioau Itronpjhold, has chosen a Domain-tic Huyor. The issue wu John-on Ind Anti-John-qn. Indeed. I“ unload eleqtiona in the We». show bony Demoomtie griine. We couid ’6l! column. of our paper willflhe cheeriqg item... but! we 30 much space to devote lo the luhject. The nbbve are enough. how grog, to march: Radical Negro Degmaé .tiva um their downfell ii coming. gen. nmk Punic glad“ to in our Int~ iuue ha in I gr.» manure nubs‘nlnd. We lam that inrthp oitiutho note- or Ihe followiugbanks are {again “ion on depom: Kinnnhing Bunk. Kilunnin‘. Uctorhra Bunk. Oxford. Chester 00. Clutfleld County Bank. Garfield. . Fun National Bank, ‘l‘"usvillo.‘ The 3mm of the Vonnngo Bank—Punk- I’lin. and Petroleum Bunk, Tim-vino. ”In beliurd 'so be good. Thompon'l New York fiank' Nae Biporar quotas thug n )0 per cent. disobunt. . ’ Tho_only Penmylnnh Bah tbs! have fully fail-d. and the nom of which. having no lflbtlfluitl security, my bo‘ considered worthlul, If. I =' Oil City Bulk; oi} City. PI. Bunk 0: Crawford Cmimy. Kudvillo. 3.7110 “crow” put the elation in Connecticut. in tho last. W. In Imm ing. Lu: you tho Republicans buried the Stu. by our claim «amend—bot It the Into election thoir majoriu I” duly 5991 Any! yo: uni-Jesuit, oo phinly fon abudowing the dds“ of the Rcyublioau party in’ um. Sm. in the future. in rude nu unified oi exultgfion by our neighbor! 11mm be hoe-mo party apihl for the Negro Mmpitefigfling woo. . .'Jndge King. of our neighboring Ju digigl unmet, his find one of the judges of Choliol‘ in Fpnklin county. _fot running "m min ”3. vote. of reputed "deunuo." fiThen 3: “sin (reg: excitement on Us: Canada hamlet, 3!) early muck b, m. Visual Huggfmfled. ' __ dm'grfidmt'am “:3“. Menu 1' y o mum. fun a an.“ a! my. Um”. M; 1 .m- r 6 '.'-d I. I, “1%!“ Me less. From the Philadelphlldyl of Thursday! AVRIL COURT commences today. Mto we copy the renown; soon-int clone oft!» mm to occupy tho what-week. The no“ horrible mug-den not mom in 4 arlnunal calender-will Include swvtll hone-mu “I“ Milt, z i“ ~—-—+————- The most horrible and atrocious murder DAN mm 633 A? SHOW—OW! "Id KO— ever perpetrated in this city was enacted matte—viii exhtbltln thiepboeon Walnuts: on Saturda last in the Twenty-sixth Ward, “XE mm IN mills. Ow Jul-won! the (acts oly which only came to u‘hg yes- matured. and an immense sttendanmlsaxpee tel-day. About four o'clock yostsrdsy “‘.‘Mi ‘ temoon a dispatch was received st the Can-l tral Police telegraph office oonveyin the 1 news that a man and a womsn ware gland 1 dead in a barn in Jonea’ Lane. in the ex- 1 tram lower end‘of the city. The Coroner, 1 detective othoen. end others at once [Orv paired to the barn in question. where a hot- ‘ i l'lNO light met their eyes. The {nets are ‘ .3 follows: On Jones’ Lane. about hall a ‘ mile from lhe Point House Rosd. Twenty- '3 sixth Ward. resided a family by the name ‘ of During. oonsisting-ofhusband. wife. and [four children, the youngest aged fourteen { : months. Mr. Deering was a drove! and ' grasier. He was a large and stalwart man. nnd an Irishman by birth. On his prenti-‘ ses he had a ls‘rge stock ol'eattle. and his ’ here was well smelled with hey. For seve-‘ i ral daysgast none ol the hardy have been seen. an yesterdayyan attache‘on an ed ,joininx property went over to their resiv Ideuce. but found nodody there. He their'l i went into the barn snd found a leg protrud ' in; from under the hay, which led him to; ibelleve some one was asleep. lie mated; ithe hay swey and there dboqvered ML] IDeei-in3 lying with has head battered in. j with so an and his throat cutf Close by {him lay his niece. murdered in the same I _way; she was dressed in fine clothes. ‘ 'l‘he ' sight of the two bodies almost set the man . 'criisyL and he unto the nearest station-s 1 house and communicated the murder. I When the Coroner arrived on theft at l thorough search was made, and imm iate-l Iy under wherethe ‘.'o bodies were discov cred, and covered with more hay. lay Mrs. beefing-ad her four Ohlldl‘fl‘ll. the oldest 'aged twelve years. They were all murder. ed in the ssmqay. except thst one of the boys had his» In herribly lacerated. as though he had 'heen’ snack on the arm.— , The light was heart-reading, and the oth- Jers, who have beenflused to such sights. jwere made to turn away. Never was such labutchery enacted in this country. That lstench arising (rein the—body oftltr. Deer- Ilug w‘a sickning. 'l‘his,.of course. led thel officers to believe that the murder had been leommitted a number of days helore the dis .covery. The house was then visited and {everything fou'nd upside down. The bu .reuu drnwers. beds. fie” were ransacked.- ‘ lA bonnet and a tippet. apparently belong ing to the niece. were found in one of the upper rooms. libs appearanceofthohouse‘ .u. once showed that a‘ robbery had been committed, and that the murder resultedl ~'rro'm it. ' ‘ I Mr. Deering had employed on him place . a German. and an apprentice‘boy about nix f teen years ofnge. They could notbefound; 'end the supposition is that they. were the‘ ‘ perpetrators of this atrocious and diabolical _ tragedy. The memo!) used was an axe. which was found on thejwé‘misemand from i appearance showed that the murderers bud .sharpened it for the express purpcse of {using it. The babe. only fourteen months old. had its head almost out from its body, lend presented a horrible sight. Mr. Deer .ing was last seen on Saturday morning.— ilt is believed that Mrs. Deering and the; .ohildren were murdered about six o’cloek {on thst evening, as one of, the- lads when , fouhd'had his boots on, which were covered l with mud, fihowing that he had just come from the meadows. . ‘ Mr. Deering and niethfl’is thought, were gaway when the wifeand children were mury [dered and immediately on their arrival Lwere made to share the same Into. The inieoe had a fine pair of gaiters on and her good clothing led to the beliefthat she had i been out visiting or had just come to the house to spend a few days. l There is still a boy twelve years of age left. He was away at his grandmother's I when the murder was committed or else he [would have met withthe some late. urn—s vormza vicriit. PniLsneLruia, April 12.—An additional victim to the horrible tragedy down the Neck was discovered this morning. The body ol'Cornelius Garry was louad under a [hay stuck, his head crushed with e hammer and his throat ciiti The clothes ofthesup !posed murderer were louud, stained with ‘ blood. . The Builelin gives the following descrip tion ofthe supposed assassin : A German. named Anthony or Antoine. aged 28 to 30, height 5 fe'et 11 inches, very muscular. llight complexion, light hair, slight mous ltaehe and goatee. pimples on face. round Laboulders. walks slow. taking long strides; speaks imperfect English. .Une thousand l dollars is od‘ered for his arrest. ‘ Lanes—sax lowans csconr. A man was arrested in Bhiliidelphia on" . riday morning, who confessed to having leommitted'the murder at the Deering fam, ily. assisted by a companion. horned Yon lder. whom he describes as 39 years old; ' htoad shouldered, dark brown hair, black ‘moustache. with okbyil on the left side of‘ .the neck. The prisoner, Antonie. Gamer. ‘sl,st killed the‘ boy” on the hay stack, .hut that Yonder kil‘letll the family. ‘The I arrest created much incitement, and Lynch luv In talked 05—h“ tho pmonex lii placed in Moyunemin; j.|il. ‘ WA!!! 'o'! LIGHT The Philadelphia Daily News, I Republi~ on paper. of the 26th, in not. going into the nuppgrt of Gen-y very strong—if Any.— Fiom n lengthy uticie we exln'ct the {ob lowing: " his well known that the recent eon vention in thin Sgacn, which nominated Gen. Gary u n candidate for Governor. was con trolled by the creatures oi the revolutionnry fiction, and. noting under their direction. it panned n mailman which Wu grossly in lulnng to the President of the Uniied sates, and evidently intended to driv‘o him mad those who sustain him from she Union My}! fl-Tho Wuhington. correspondent of the Philsdelphio firm, whc; my. Ipeoid nt tenfion to the colored people of the District of Columbig smog that. I deputation of nachos preunwd s boquot to each Sem wr who voted for tho Negro Rights bill.— Tho Sweaty-so! the Sonata. Pornq'. wu nimiluly honored! The mnohu must have carried up several clothes fluke“ full. W. presume they up.“ to near. 1119qu ing 0! 3h. Rulicul Senator- and In: For no, '0 subs: up the dirty cloth“. fi'l‘he Radical papers exuhiugly chill the elootion of a "‘Kepubhcun Governnr in Canneolicut u a,triumph ‘over human John-on. The Alana Maul, odfled and ‘pubmhod by I National Am, mu ov’cr it u loudly :5 “pct them. Is x: ro- ru mu m! ~ ‘ ‘The President. has uppointod Gooe nl Knipe mum at Ennis-burg. in pkoo at George Ber‘mr (Radios!) removed. The nominnéén of Canard-K. has been‘ cent to the Bunk. , ‘ ”Mn-I‘ll"! infuponl " Jug Bill " Guild to homo . 111. Ho never And much nan-nee for good. and the prouia'o hum he will won u'u u mu. lot on). D? an. smm 8. Dickinson of Row York, gong-a may. ‘ ' TOWN AND COUNTY. “Mum-ounmorumv. RAILROAD IEETING.—A mm o! the Board or Dltocm of tho Deny-bur. mm m . held a; York on My 135th a:- supplement to me mm: of the Comp-By hum. an luuln; of: preferred Itock was accepted. Ind s Minna»; wed directing the bum; or m mm o! pretax-ed nook (shaman) to be M 1 bed I dividend om: per mourn porpnnum 0|". 0! me mare-rump or an comm. And we: the payment 9! the I]: per cent. dividend then m» wanes onhe net minis. if any. to be divided~ I'3o 3 "a between the common Itocxhomen Ind W Mule". ' Booku were authorized to be opened at once to! sup-crlpuonn m an: pretend flock. The man: wu tho unmarked to put the construction 0! them-d under contact from New own: a: York-1 soon a. manna “loamy Tna‘l bent or hell»; pundit-d and no doubt of the spoe- I dy completion 0! the whole llno of the road A: , alert-Ind. . :- OXL—A derrick has been erected. and an engine ll thou! henna put up on the Human farm. but 39990011. In um www.mmepurpoud! boring {or oil. The arm Indications bun long been lookodupuuwmedn mm mm: now to h- m An mm b- alm- dy luv-ted 52.000 mung numb-ulna lasso! land In the nughhnrhood.‘ . m ‘“ aunlnui rum." In Bender urn-Mp. ‘thheonnty. upon whlch on In: beqn «11-covered. m been put. up In mam—mu. at m per share.- \\’o learn from me [innover paper- lhun large number have already boun taken. ' INSURANCE—The Travellon Insurance Com‘ . pull)‘ of Hartford. Conuo‘cticnt. has ambuumd'nn Annoy here. the pavilion huvlng been tendered to uni wceptul by Henry A. Picking. Esq.. than ’ whom a more pmmpcor ufiiclcnt Agent could not. be found when. This Company is evidently based on the proper foundation. or It would not hIVD name?! the high maniac: no zenenlly Ic corded it. What u “so. I: will do, without fail. Al to the principle of insurance. that has long not poen named. The only qnmtlon is, how and where w inure to the but advantage. Mr. Pie» in; will give annlren every nthbction. _ ammo Immortal J. N.." on his return non: I trip to the Bomb. wul ppenk 1n Gettysburg to morrow uflnrnoon. M. 2 é'clock. and a! Mamma burg In the evening. m In: reéolved some very angering notlce: mm the southern preu. 13-1113 “Great Zn: 1" has ”rind—in the Ihnpe» 01 a very popu mm. which I: recom mended (ox- the cure of cholera. and kindred dis eases. Capt. Wm.J. min has the article {or sale. It will no doubt. gve a great run. B-It will bowen by an advertnementln In olhor’eolumn. that an elecuou for County s‘nperv lnwndém or Common Schmll. wul be held In mu place on the first day of Mn): 64W: direct special atwntlnn to [ha new Ad refltscmenu or I. G. Tyson In our column- Lo-dq. ' 1m BOOKS. ‘ Mn. imm—The wm-Id has had It: golden ngp, 1m bra age, as Iron age, Ind war-ions other 13m; but this may he aptly Ilyh-d thence of nan-books. Inasmuch as a change of wit-books }3 Just now lul'fingly ndvoctm'd In vermin quark-rt. and u I uniformity in at all “ma very desirable, pea-inn me. th rough your columns. to My before the pub- He 5 brie} mun: 8: the “ text-book increment." In this county. 7 During the term of office 0! mp )alfiented J. K. Mcuhenny the necessity for a coun'ty unlforml‘y became nogreat. that. at. the immune of the Sn peflntendmt. I convenubn was held In Gem“- mrg, in Apt-H, 1859. and a series recommended for_ adopuou. Tm- convention was composed of ex ponenced practical tenchemsnd intolllgem. dl - two delegates n-om each dial-let. Amnxnm'ining the ‘various boob quhmiited. end «incoming their relative merits. thei'oilowing series we. adopted: Osgood'e Binder-a, Spoiler! and Cheri's. Greenleu’s Arlthmetlee..Bnrt'r Eng liah Grammar-Alimony! and Manteith's Geogra phies, and Webster's Diniionnrieo. The duty he posed upon the convention won a great and rmponsihie one. and it in hutslmplejudice to say that the reflections made were in_ the main emi nently wine and good. unuboequent experience fully proved. Poulbly the convention erred slightly in one or um portioning. but having adopted it full eerie: in a regular and proper way it wxu the duty of teachers and director- to Ignore individual preference: and predilection: and unite in the ei‘lbrt to secure their introdutyon. Ido not wish in thin paper to dim th merits or demerits of any of the books named. Romeo it to sq that Oagood‘u Readers and Spoilers have been prepared by n gentleman in every way qual ified for the teak: they are eminently prngmlve: the selection; are excellent: the moment of the principles of adoration shows on the port of the author a thorough knowiedgrothls subject: AK!) rnrx nnvr. mrnerm or rule saucer. noon. They are also cheaper by from 10 to Is per cent. than similar books of other series. Thin is an important. consideration with meet people. , A ' The convention also showed admirable judg. ment in ‘the eelection of Greenleni‘a Arithmetinl. which. at the time of their inioption. were confer- Iedl): the best books of the kind published. at“ having been recently revised and Improved they are even now pronounced by prominent educator! in all ports of the country quite equal to the best. Wehater'a Dictionaries ure '0 tororably known as not to needs recommendation here. Theoa books. that in the Readers, Spelleu.Arithmetlt-I and Qictionnrim, named. were introduced into about one half of the districts dorm} the ensuing term. but in the remaining districts theirintro auction wna ver slow and gndnel.so n'iucheo indeed that only within the last yeer or two hove they got into general nae. With It few exceptions the boobs adopted were in use. in whole.l or in part. at some time or other. in every school in the county, but at'no time had we anything like uniformity. Seareely were the been M! rightly in use in diltricto melt prompt in gunmen; them. had betbre they could be “my tated.’ere certain action but unguided Manchu! and directors opened correspondence and entered into negotia tion. with the publllhennnd paid Menu of other oerictbrthelntrodocueneflheirboon Though date-ted at Mend opposed by pow!" wiahr the agitator: polluted in their etl‘ort-I until they finally accompllahad their purpose. Thus in Hamiltonian And Germ-ny Oegood‘l Reader: were “crowded out" by Wilson'a; and in Men“- len by the “Notionoi Series," so called: ynriom other noon. chooser were mule.bnt I am not swore that director: favored the measure oneially. Only two or three you: after- uniiorm eerie: had been .«lopied, and before the book- hnd been in trodnoed into halt the echoela. a committee wan appointed at. 5 meeting of the county lnetltute to examine wumm Bender-I with oview in their . introduction into the schools. The committee r ‘ __..'..__ mined the hooka. reported hmbly. end 1». my... recommended their introduction. And thin in The odurtia'er, haflng . been ”no,“ go the name at uniformity! Thoywere noon otter hulth in . fewlweekr by , very .im'ie remo- Vfl'dl introduced ““0 I limb-1’ 0! #2110018» Ind dy, oi'ler heriuzi Infere’d iur acvrnl you n wzth are still being introduced. but in meet «so! only ‘ “3,". ['.‘ election, “a thet dread ding", WIT- Comma!!! there W ‘3 "1933' Con-umplion—il anxious to make known to ”hook twice ll MIMI“!!! alumnae "’9" .his telluw-rufferrn the mean: of euro. Ihonldbe. Hennlnhtead oi the much tie-11d I To all who delire il', be will lend I. copy of uniformity." I" from year 1Q I“! hflVIM more the prelcription med (free of duty! ) w ill: “NT-{"30” 'o’” “9’o““9‘” I‘7o “’3‘" u” the direction for preparing and uing the WP“ and mm "W ““9010“ WM“: “0 'o‘“ mine, which they will find e was can: re: d” m?" are dwmw‘ “d 3° '°“de' m" ”1‘ Coxswnr‘nol. Aarnnn'. Bnoxcnlru, Coco-u. ‘° “n W “m m n“ ”W“ ““1 ”but Conn, and all Throat and Lung direction.— ‘" “3“ "”7"" °”*° '° W m" ”ho”- The only ohjrc: of the adrenireria sending NF. "mm ““3"“ “9"" '0 m“ “‘0 “1"“ the Preacrlptromis to boncfitihe afllcted. and “d “pm“ °‘ were m” 9"“ “PM IpreadJuiormaiion which in coucoi‘a- to be “1°“ impromed 'm' 'l‘" idea M “1° 1‘“ °°°3 invaluable, and he hopes every ‘rnlcrrrjill “1"“ the “‘3‘. Iti- ”°‘ PWM” “’3" chm try his remedy, at it will cont them nothing, are never emery. but u long an pupal attend I“ may W" - “mm. { Ichooi but twoor three nuntha dnrinxthe year, Partie- wishing the prmfipfion, "1;, by “"47 “mm" “ed m ““15 ’Muw‘ ‘ return mail, will plan." menu . When we heme unilannity lot meonfiorin to 3". EDWARD A. WILSON'. it :nnd when achnnxe becomes necemary let us. wmigmmmgF King! co., New York. mm“ "‘“m‘m‘ WWWr-MMM-v In. a 1866. iv canard. Bur famine unite morn-re nun: ' —'——o‘<-+e——— emo- ou man own amnion", ’ ' unwr- «filo-ti. At the (booty mum. hold in Gettnlmtin A Gentlemen who lettered {or years‘irom W M‘mofwn wan appoiuwd to Nerve“ nobility, Premature Decoy, and oil namineintomrepertntthonegtmeeun‘ am the cit-cu oi youthful indiseretion, will tcr m new..wa bemade mun noon t it. uh o! ”luring humanity, and free to M in no in order to recon “infinity nll who need it, the recipe and direction for W “In Wt:- Now. use no an, making the Ihnple remedy by which he 111 «In MM 'Mthmtmdmm cured: Bili‘eren wishing to profit by the ad-‘ eldlreetoa. and niece to dim meat in cou- vertiur‘l experience, can do so by manning mammalian: “ma. nudeenmdnd—x JOHN ii. OGDEN, “moi-loan a Meson-id committee non”: ' hi‘. l 3 Chunben St, New 'i'urk. . fllnqprcvluu. u the am triennial convention to 3m. 5, ll“; 1, 7. I'm tho-1W Mayo“ mun-arm tor-mm m mmmgondfluofll- Hm. an. warm. I:.me lu- mm!- rmpoa. gnu lam W “ML I” M w.“ “d M, 'l.“ Maxi! mm“ W on m. Amnfiulo’dock P. may the pupal-utm- "9°" “* quby-muunmm“mm‘mm emu canny mama. AMI “Wu-“m“ quested. AARON mum mmmh.m " D!- Jan Dnanu‘l ‘, CMBBATED SPECIFIC PILLS, Fwd from n prenriplion of Dr. Jan Dolo um, Chief Physicinu of llu norpihl dn Nord on Llriboilien of Pnril. ’ Tim hula-blc medicine in no in‘pollflol, . burl: nnfnlllngln the care 0! Spurn-mm. f A! AC“! ior Seminal Wuknou. Every Ipeciu of Gcnl- 1 . mm" beonln the mluur! in} or Urinary Irrntlblllty, Involuntary or' “exempt 7'00"" “4 been honor-bl! , Nightly Seminal Imiulonr from whnuur muamunlmmmpymemor boun- c-uu produced, or have"! uni-e. will be Wallet-chm. “41311 ti on“ Inpudily [aliend ud u:- org-In rector-d to windmatfl’h“! by me Senna wd‘ henllhy nclion. | Email. 3‘ fidwuzz the commonwflglfi Bud tho following oplnlonl of minors» 3%.?!“an In in General “fl-"33:11:: ‘.'}.mz Franck physician: i blur-9W ”mm“ by, flyggswnd lnw durum i “We hue uuil xho Spoclflc Pills pnpnnd nu pemnfv s22;?:Lenimsum,md huvvwrg’f by Garnnclorct anom, No. '1” Rue Lom figfi'srwa period on not in: [Pal‘li‘gi‘lng'fi°€nm,’ bard, mm the prescription of Dr. Jan De!» in me wu- lg ruwl’eufl: Egan”: been also murre, in our prinze practice with uniform Empemh‘m: .mefiu-e, an account or worag- were", and In belie" thus is no other mod egg-aim! mmuny,wrurucithlgzgaha“mm; lclne Io well culculimd to cure all pol-loin and tlxclr pmperll'v;"‘g;‘2c M ,nhnllrgo ex- nuil'ulng from lnvolunhry Bmlulom or any ouuoh ”MEJ'lnymL-mornlf bountg' Ind P“ other nuke-u onus Sunni Organs, wholhor empt mun ll 1:? or m”9 “"h’d' ”" ”Mm“ cuuudb undonur mode ofllvi a: caxn 1'“ e‘ ’ In the several nouuumiotr I I "he“ ”'1 bounmflfl volunllvfglmld "uh mm mull Rho or nbuu. E. A. Buununn. M. U; um common“?he ' mumoafumurfimmel- V G. D. banana, )1. D. b“ ”gulp,” WJAMES B, Kantian; ‘ JnN Ln‘ human, )1. D. 1 Spam: otthe ngfi‘fi‘f-lmmxu. Paris. In, sth, 1863." i, u ‘sfikfififi‘r‘cnflwfiho "r BEWARE or conxgnavlflns. , m "The thin at H .~' ...“. 11. Genuine Pill. are nol uy n the pr‘ - Dignmlonf-‘DJUW‘J ”‘B”"’“““fff’£."B-E‘ifi’xx. ‘ clpd Drunilu throughout :11. World. Prgo I —————¢-—-—-— mun or Opel Dollar per Box,_or Six .10qu [or Five ‘ OUR DEE-3118:4110 0'- n 0 [Jul m. 1 ~ Infififigmfig unrecorded new» in direcwd w. Gunman: & Qurpxr, So.e Proprelon, the ”avalan- a! meAc: orAsnembW. W 510” ”‘ No. 214 Rue Lombard, Pnrin. um thal— ‘ ‘ - One Dollnr enclosed to any authorised Agrnt, u d conveyance: for mutate iniw-11l innuro I box by return mail, lecurely ' And“ ‘9 ban be recorded in "19 . ' fig. wmmlegla‘auu me "O“‘3S'WML‘LEES fixed from :1] oblerullon, nix boxes {or [in 0 I! ““9 3 an (gem-C 0 Hrs. - i hum-u"'gugdflgoxefyfn?w§mid vven’ “)1“ : ’Solq General Agents for Amerlcn. °”““‘ d” v 'anee not recorded as arow,“‘“' 03mm v 5103594 00 gm :dfiigdeid FRAUDULENT‘AXD ”5.21 27% in Int l. VI'Y last an gingham-m purchaser {or agiliflm’l _ i j 4'" [I I'7 : gandemljon. uuleyu men duo!!! benr‘gf‘tymg‘e “n, i h. B.—l"yench, .Grrmnn, Hpnmrh and Lnglill: ‘ ‘o'” "'9 ”comm“ or m 4- “3% °§rfifimi .or man,- ‘ Pimphleu, continuing lull particular: and dl - which “lull fl ,fu‘mue- p hallo“: for nae, "in. tree to erery mldreu. mlflfvceg'nlzuipomm’nmivelmd those hold-' ‘ A, l). Buehler, Agent tor Geuyiiburg. ‘lng unrecorded deed: will see me Importance of , Dec. 18, 1865. 1; . hnvlnz than record-d without {unher delay. I i - ‘°' “h . | COPPER—Mr, John :C. Millerpmldlnz ml lune. down Lhe York tumplkr. on Hawnhy.‘ placed upon our table I nénmi' u! rich-looking specuyenl 9! Copper Ore. lonnd upon bu own Judd. They were Men from an harm. and he noun: opinion um hug! deposit: ofote could ‘bc lound I]. no great depth. Thule curloul In :59? unite”. onus examfne the npeclmem at. our 1%. fi‘Tho Soutljerq; Re|ief Flir in Balti more an In immune nuoeeu~no doubt yielding more money than was ever before renJizod from g Fmir in this countrv. ' I . LATEQI' ‘ls;er rmcm. Flour ...... Rye Flour White WhesL...... Bed When...‘....... C0m......‘............ Rye........ 0n!!.............. "‘7: Buckwhenl.u...... TimotlxyMSeed... Flax 5eed............ Clover Sogd mm... Buy. .-......'... .'.m. .. . Communicated Flour. When]. ..‘ Ryan..." C0rn...... Ont: Clover-seed Timothy-Iced Hop. {m- huud‘ Bref Cutle, per hund., H1y.......................... Whilkey « On the 22nd I“ .by the Raw. Mr. Ylnguné. Mr. CHARLE MR Q! Efle,Pn..v.oMm A. NIB M. SBUL’I‘Z or Conowago township. On the m lnaL. lg Rev. Jacob Sechler Mr. JOo BEPH HTONESEI ER. 00 Ml 3: CATf-lAHINE MILLER. ‘ M. the Ev. Lglhenn pnnonw. Abbntluown. on me 25in a 11... by 19““. Dr. I .mer, Mr. JOHN “'OLLhT to Miss 3AO” EL SFASSBURY. both of the vicinity, of Abboiuwwn. ‘ DIED. mammary mum 3 rema por "no for all over (our “LIMA?! to accompany not .'cr. At hll' mthor‘l mldencc. in Alexandria. finn unflon counts. Pm. March zsm. Mia. Rev. DAVID A. SEN REM. m the 29th year 01 his nee. 0n (heath insh. nurthlt place. Mrs. HANNAH 111-R 'K, nged 78 years and 15 days. On the 10thln§L. M. Lmleatown, Mrs. SARAH T.\\VNEY. wlk- n! .I. Ephraim THWney, RC“ 3‘ yenn l monph 9nd 4 «Jan. _ . "you ere wise always keep I bottle ofßad l w-y’e Ready Relief about. you. Never be with ipueil in your house. It ii indispenmble in [sickness as bread end men are inheallh. You ‘een ulwnye have rec nurse l 0 it in colics, in epasms, in‘chille, in dlal‘l’llefl, in bowel com ‘ plu'mts and so. on, with .a much eeee n _Blackberry Breed}, Old Rye, or Apple Lick, sundwriih much mole security, lor e couple of leoonfuls of the Relief. taken in 11le ntnmbler Cof e‘eetened Inter, Will have u pg-ompl reme diel 'eficcl, while the Spirits me)? pouibly (101 l more injury than good. A bottle of whiskey} lwill cost. you A dollar or no, el'léngt. while I; houle oi Redwey's Ready Rel iel,‘E expensin-ly pompounded M ii in, will only de' rive you ,of fifty ceuu. For sprain: or bruté, ion, whet could he more {erviceuhle the: Reedy Re lief? All kind! of aches end pairs, from rheu 'mnlism to (he toothache, from nenrnlgie down I to e. milling". from a bulleuvouud m e bruise.’ ell yield n. once to the mysterioue power or this Reli‘ef. it. is en epothecery-ehop in liuleei I HMe’you :- cough 7 The Reedy Relief super ' «den 0 ham and liquorice. Have you dlpthe- } - tin? \Fou use with ill; Reedy Relief dispense with gal-glee nnd cuneiice. have you hyster ‘vice? The Ree-1y Reliel'beoomel en egreenblej ‘aubetilnte for ueeefunide. Have you e 'vingel of rheumatics? No more eueh deugemul drug! i 1 ea colchicum. no 'moreJnch nn peleulhle Ila! ea pouch are neceuury while you here the , Reedy Reliet. n u everybody’l friend. u M ' '.he poor mea'e phyeieiu. 11. Ii the rich men‘e ' reed; reetorer :0 health. It in e household - nereuliy in ghevnricteeuenee of the keno, end no {ivy cent: in ever expended in if; purchue thet is not_e'orlh fifly— dollere, "lg; received, in good Ipiriu end uound eunuirht on. Sold 1)) Druggllls. § N. B. The Iree economist will find in Bed ‘vey'a Reedy Relief, the cheapest * well u the heel. medicine in the world: oee~§s 0 cent hot lle will secure more heel“: and cure more com pleieu lhu ten dolleregxpended for en) oth er medicine. Price 60 «in per bottle. Sold by Dnnrgieu. _i RADWAY e co., April 10. 2' g 7 leiden hnne,N. Y. ..:.....X... 860(0900 325 20010210 18510200 15010300 [Rita-200 lfiOtofiou 600‘0800 : Bun-ore. ' . 8 50 '.o 8 75 . 2 10 to 3 00 . 'l3 to so . 77 to 83 . 4L} '.O 55 . 5 25 lb 5 73 . 3 83 go 4 00 .12 50 wla 55 10 06 1017 00 .17 an 1019 00 2 24 no 2 26 MEI MARRIED- r SPECIAL NOTICE. '.'-[fee]. I: About You. REF—HEALTH—STRINGTE L FHEALTH—STBEN OTH. LIFE—HEAL? u—s‘rmom T 1• first /ip•a•• R•s•t7. Dr. law-lull": Cot-"l Saul. Thin Snnfi'hu thoroughly prayed inelho be the but. article known tor curing the Cutanb, Bald in lhe Head and Hendnchs. It hm heel: found u _ucellent romedy in mm, cues of Sore Eyen. Deafneu has been removed by it. nd'llurlng ha often been“ greatly improxml by m une. Ith rmgnntnd Igreonble. and am: Hi nmu: nun to the dull benl'y pnim cam-ed by dileam of the head. The "union! after using 1!. urg delightful nnd invignnling. It opens and purges out tll obumclignp,nuength on: the ghmda, Ind given A healthy Action to the parts sinned. . ~ .\lore thin Th‘rq Yenn' of lale andhae. at “Dr. Marghnll‘a Unnrrh nnd HMdll‘h! Snuff,” hu- proved its great ulna for m the common dieeaael I of the bud. and II thin moment glands higher Mun ever‘beforg. . - his recommended by unyny oi the'bcu phy ricinng, ’“d is use! with great luct‘rfli and ‘ utinl‘nctipu rverywhgre. ‘ Read the Certificates of Whoiesnle Drug giusvin 1854: The ‘umlerxiuned, huing {qr many, yeers bPPn M‘qdninwd with “Dr. .\lnr- Ihallfl Cnmrrh Ind llendacht- Snufl'," and sold it in Imir wholesale Ithde.choetfullr male. that we btneve n m be equal, In every Irspeet, lo the ntommetdations gIVI‘n on: for the cure of Ugttarrhal Afl'eclions, end that it is decided ly the Lest. ankle we have ever known for all commonzdilnsea of the Head. ‘ Burr fPerry. Boston; Reed, _Auston 'h Co., Bostpn; Brown, ansou & Co.l Boston ;‘Reed. Cutlpr 8 Co., Boston; Seth W. Fowlc, Bantam; Wilson, Fairbuuk J: Co.,”Bmlon; Henahsw, Edmund J: Co., Boston; H. H. Hay, Pdrtlnnd, am; Barnes 5: Punk, N 9. York; A. B. a D. Sands. New York; Stephen Paul k Co., New York; hraelilinor k Co., New York ;’.\h‘Kcs~ son 3 Robbins, New York; A. L. Suonll & Co., New York; .\l. Ward. Close 5: Co., New York; Bush 3'. Gnle. New York. ‘ For ule by all Druggiapl. Try it. Dec. 18, ”$5. 1y " The amt lingual: Inn-Ody. Sll Lulu Cuuw'l Cutn‘nxn Fun! Pull. Prrpnred from a pteécripliun of Sir J. Uhrko, 3|. 0., Phyaicimn Enmordinury to lhe Qnern. This invalu.uble- medicine in un failmg‘in' the cure 01 Ml thong pminful and dnngeraus disenau to which the temnle con stitution is subject H moderates all execute. and removes I“ obstructions, and a Ipeedy cure may be relied 6n. ‘ ' ’l') Married Lndiu it In peculiarly united.— lt will| in A short time, bring on the monthly period will: mgularlly. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bean the Government. Sump of Great Brunin, :0 pr:- vent counte‘rl‘em. ' ' Mariam—These Pills lhould not be taken by Females during un- "Jar 1’3“» uovrun 01 Pregnancy, :3 they are sure to bring (in Mil cnrringe, but. at any othar time the} are «(2. ‘ln all cue: of Nervous and Spinal Alfaclious. Pains m the Back and Limbs. Faugue on Flight exgrtion, Palpilntlon of the Heart, Hysteria. and Whites, these ‘Pilla Will elfect a care when all other than: hug tailed ; and Although . powerful remedy. do nor-com: n iron. calomel, antimony, or anything hnmul lo the unanim tion. ' Full directions in the pamphlet around ench pickups, whizh should be carefully preserved. fall] by all Prugziau. Sula Agent {or the U iled Bmm and Gunndl. JUB Moms, 27 Cortland: 51., N. Y. N. 8.—51,00 and d postage nunps enclosed to any nuthorized Agent, win insure a. bottle. (outlining 50 Pills, by return mail: Sold by A. D. Buehler. [Dem 18, ['BBs.‘ )y m“. Pei-loam Drop-2 77.: Great Fen-ale Ready for Inhgulafih’n These Drop: In I 'scienufirnlly com‘ponnd ed fluid prep-ration, Ind better than in; Pun, Powder-I or Nomnml. Being liquid, their union in direct And poeitive, render-n 1 them n roll-Able, speedy and cumin epeciflg for the cure of m oburuclione end luppressions of ne‘nre. Then- papulnrity inndicau-d h; the fact Lint over 100,000 banjos no annual!) mid and conauned by the ltdiu of the United States, every one of whom Ipouk in theurung eat terms of praise of their gran merits. They er- npidly ”king the place at every cum Fannie Remedy, end in confined by ell'vrho ‘ know mght ot then, u the unreal, Infant, and non inNlible prepnm'ionln the wofldflor an em old] female conpleinu. the lemon] of All ohetrucuonl of name, Ind the promo-4 film of health, reguluny and strength. Ex-| plicit direction! stating yhen they me; he used, end explaining when «end why “my 3 should not, nor could [not be and without. producing elects conuuy to nature'l chosen have, will be round oer-fully folded Iround‘ tech home, with the writun lignotureoUoux 1 Liane, withontphich none are genuine. ' , ‘ Prey-rod by Dr. JOHN L. LYON. 195 Chlpel Street, New anen, Conn., who an he eon‘-‘ Inked ‘ehher person-Hy, or by Ind], (Inch-in; ‘ rum") dance-{llmg .n print» din-eon and fend. mkneuu. Sold by Draggin- every. wheu. G. G. CLARK l 00., I Gru'l Agent- for {l.B. and Gender. Nov; 6,1865. 1, _ ‘ 'l'.er Dyan-nus. ‘ - Sun" to: flu Inuox l—A mall uln hle ind vgndorhl publication. A work ol’ 400 porn. and 30 eulond Ragnvinmr. DR. HUNTKK'S VAUE "ECU", an origin! Ind popular can» on Man md Woman, their Phytloloy, Funétionn, and Sexual dlmrdcrs 0! every kind, with Neur-Fnilmg lumediu {or their lpeedy cure. The pnctico of DR. HUhTEfl hu long been: and still :5, unbound. od, but at the earnest solicitation of numeral“ 1 potions, be but been induced' lo extend Nil: medic“ usefulness through the medium of hi: ‘ “VADE .\IECUM." It u n volume that ahould he in tllohnnda of every 1:111in in the l-nd‘ M s prenutiro of secret Vic", or u n guide tor tho alleviation of one at the man nwlul fnd delulctiVe {conga that ever vmted mlnhlld 0m copy. neural; enveloped, will be torynrd- , 0d fun of pocuge Io In, part of the Lnlted Bani {or no cents in P. O. lhmpl.. A_ddrm, “Myra, on, HUNTER, No. 3 Dmuon 81.,! Now ark. [S'P‘ 35- 1! INFININON bet Ti'.. on Indy and pupal)“ in the ufifsgm 5... be" something 1017 much go their ndnnup by ntun nun (flu of elm-n. by :qdnmng the hldflfl‘led.‘ Tho-0 giving Mn 0! being “we! um obli‘. hymn lolidl' this card. All otbm .m pun. Iddmn their obediens servant, 1 . THUS. F. CHAPMAN, 1 flu, 5, ’66. 1’ 131 Brudny, N. Y. W Mutt-unwind” mm mm! “"09“ Velma, “when.“ ‘9. VA!“ Gunilla-non. mum Gandhi-m. uncul- ulna,“- Mon—ghoul “Yahoo. x b SHERIFF. D. m:-onoot the moat mm. 001 ml to ho film In Adun- county, .1, a. coming clot» imm“ or sauna. mud n 1- pm um an my a! the county make ; good uloc-' uon la the nomination of their “Irwin‘s" Allow ”hour-l mo Mine 0! loam on. of But ler tom lp. 'u a candldnw for m:- Sheriff-Hy u! Adan. counly. 111 me Do uncommon or me hear octane County Convention. n. h a mor h Democrat. Imm of mud Jaymengurk uy Lone“. and umlnenuy (manned to m the autism: that lxuporumt amm- w the mumctlou or ma people of Adam corny. No man In the 00mg? has contribuud nor-- Hm. Ind mum. Ind add to the moon- u! he 13va)- mun pug, than Xr. Wall. 110 huurvml m the nut) 01 e puny {or 1.5 you-I. ”during mm. mm: has never uknd for my omm whtuvu. .\l r. - Wolf's clulnu are certain, Just. had lbw! th- Cuuu-ntluu nonfun- upou hlm the honor. wa will roll up such a mum-fly that will utonluh Lb. , Bumps, 1n the . UPPER END. 2.1%?“ .49.. 7 . .: SHEBIWALTY. AVING bet-n lollcnod by many Mendy, I ofermyl W n s cnndldnto (or‘SHflß r b It the next elocliw, pubjact to the dI-ci llon hi the Democntic County Convention.— Bhonld 1 ba nominned And elected, lpledgo mud! to a mum dilchlrgo of tho dutiu of the once. REUBEN GOLDEN. Cumberlnd '13., April 16, 1886. w nemrmnn'. NCOURAGED by numeroul Mend. throughout/the county, I all» nylon .m . cupid»: for snnmn _n m nellelecuon, auhjepl. to the decision of the DemOcrnuc County ConuntLon. Should Ibe no forlunue u to be notilinnted and alt-cued. I promise to dischlrge the duties of the odice to the hen ofmy nb'iliy. ~ ’ I JOSEPH A. ORENDORN’ Hounsjoytp.,AyrillB, 1866. lo SIIEflIFFAI/I‘Y. T the mllcimlion olnnucroul friends, the A undersigned, (residinginGettbeurg linco April m, but fonnerly and Im- many yum A resident of Conowogo townlhlpg offer: hlm— nelf u n. candida“ for SHEEN“ n Imam—n olection, Inbject‘ to th! decision of Ih} Dunn. cr'iuic County Connnzion. 'Slnouldl be num lnncd und elected, I will (11-charge the duuu of [he omcc to Ilu but of my Ibility. ‘ ' EMANUEL l). KELLER April 18, 1860. lc ‘ ~ SHERIFFALTY. . NCOURAGED h, runner-on! fr'muh throughqm the county, I otter myn-H‘u. n mudidnu for SHERIFF M the nut. elucliun,‘ mhjecl to (he decilionot the Damonnllc (‘nunl y Convention. Should Ibe Io fortunate an lu ht nominlled 3nd elected, I promise to din chnrge the dude: 01 the 0:80: to the but of my nbililg. _ - ’ JACOB KLI‘NK. Germn uy tp., April 9, 1866. 10' IMERIFFALTY. T the soliciuliun ol‘numerous friend-. 1 A oflet Ill) sell an I candldue forfiHEulr I" In the next elo-cnion. subjerr‘t to NW demsinn u! the Democrntic County Ucnvuntion. hhunld I be nominued and elenled,l pledgeluywn m discharge we dune: of the ofiice lb the but of my ability. ‘ PHILIP HAS) Sxmhnn “L, April 9, 1866. 1c . For Saks'. SPLENDIH Sll\'l2,\-(JCTA\'E RnSl-I. AWUUD PIANO. Utiflln.l cont. $500" lrom one ol the be" Huuul In Hue ('oyulr). Will be sold cheap. Appl} at tlm oflice. April 16,1866. 6:! "olice. HE fifth nocou- of Dr. John Ahl,‘Cnmmix- T mine-e of the person Ind emu. of George Bulinm-rJL-nnlic") now of Linlouown, hnl been filed 3n the Calm. of Common Plruu of Adams county. and will be confirmed h; ”w Hid Court. on .lhe 21d dny of HAY nun, un less cause be shown to tho contra"). J. A. KH’ZMILLEK, Pro'y. April 18, 1868. te‘ . Runner's Notices. NOTICE is heraby given to I” Legato” and other persons canceracd, that the .\d. ministration Accounts herein-titer memmnrd mll he'presem-d M the Urphnn’n (‘mm at Adams cuuntyJorcmfinnMion and Mluwunce, on TUESDAY, the 22nd an; of MAY, 18th. («I ll) o'clka. A.-N.. viz: ‘1 286. 1:!- nnd‘ fiuul account of J. C, Guiun, erculor of,l.‘ouin 11. hawk. demoed. ‘ , 287. The Isbncrounl of Abrnhum (Jami-Jll - of the eunle of Reter, Guise, dw'd. 288. The In account of Francis Uouhrm, Executor of the Will 0! Jollu‘ll. Sxiuel, der .L 289. The uccoum of Henry H. Urner. Ad mininlrnlor 0! Daniel H. Uruer, deemed. ‘l9". In and final account 0! Jam-than Dow or, Executor of the In! WI“ Ind TcsLamcuL u! Jusepb Miller, deceased. 25“. The m-cu-Inl_or Bnnjnmin ChroniLt-r. Adminislrator u.’ ‘he nun: 0| Emucl l‘hron ism. deceased. ‘ I 39.4. The 1“ account nl‘ Juhn Wulhev, Ex. ‘eculor of the hm Will and Tun-menu m ”an: . ry Rex. late of Mannuu my, Adm co., drc'd: ’ 293. Second nccount of E‘llu‘r, FlQSFl,’Ad mlnhmtrix mJohn Fecser, deceased. I 29¢. Tho: In and final :ccuun‘. of Jnuph sC.nnp. Admininrmoryl John Camp, drcrmrd. I 295. Th": In nd fin-l amount. at Peter “3!- Lab. (of I‘.) Admlfli-lillol’ of «lute of Ad-m A. M) en, deceased. , 296. Firs! and final ”Count of Samuel R. Durdorfl, Adminillrltur of David R. I’. DH"- dorm dove-sou; . ‘ | 291. Second Ind fiqnl Iccounl of Salomon lMille§ and Adam o.lmm. two ohh. hm u :ouzof [kg )m Will-Ind'l‘m-men; otJohu )lnllfr, dn-c-ued. ‘* - zfis. 'Aceounl of Henrietta Scluriur, Admin lluglrix of Geo. W. Sci-river, donned. I 229. Fina ICCOunIr 0! Adam S. lye", Esq , Adlqmiurnur with ya: WIN nnnexod, 0! Dan id“ 21:", dcceued. § 30:». The account of James Slush-H nud , Elizébala Andrewnfincuwn bf the hut Wlli 'lnd fuluuunt ol John Bhen, decused. , 301. The «:1 our". 0”. A. Gardner. Un |rdiln of Anderson C. G. Bnudon. ' ' 302. The flu: and find manual of Mirhnl I‘Myen and Mned Albert, ltxucutorl m the hm ml: And acumen of SAuh Albert. doo'd ' SAMUEL LILLY, Begun. Reginm'l Oficd. Gecgubnrg, . , April w, 1866. 1d } WAK'S Stone h the plan Lo‘gct an kind: 9! Grand“ CHEAP. ' ‘ RICBS REDUCED m«m m 11.3. a‘. mo Excelsior Skylight Gnfluy. ‘ \ l. G. ’l'YsuV. YSON’S Excel-i 0? Skylight Gallery i! the plus to go it you wish Picture. at 10K pvncu. Stun-etio- gnu-mud. 7 -LL kind: of chrbass. Inga ...: mu. A neatly md correctly coysod 11. the [squ- I. G. TYSON. EMU ‘33 GREAT REDUCTION in pllue at the 1 EXCELSXOR. in York nu“, oppouu- “I: at,» ylncu tho uperior hetniu nude 5‘ ‘ ” ' mm :11th mull of -_u. Ind fail to Ann] themeh‘e- of II nfl'urdrd. l. (LTYSUN. Trager. “ EELEY'S mum mam 'mrssn ' S cures RUPTUHE, (mu the cord lrom all prenuré; will It“: ran, ME“, llfllber, A line, or become filth], (le2 line we] lying bung toned mu: hnrd rubLer) ; eprinnuda my power required; and in bulging. [med ‘0 tom; requires no “upping; ole-nut, Jig on, ouieu, Ind bell Truu known. bend ' _ pamphlet. , L. B. SHELBY, Sole Proprietor. 134? Chestnut SL, Phjlnd. , 1", April 9. was. In: Blukmlthlng. ‘ 7 Bl Ullltl’li‘uld would mags m ectfnny inform the public tin heights“: the ‘flLACKSMn‘HING BUS 5353, n his hop, mu; Philip Dummy, gdjoining de'l paint mop, in But mug. llrret, Gtflflbutg, where he will It All time. in pre glred to do Blucklmnhing Votk ‘9 yutugu, lulu, anou, he. Thu In no 1 how l 0 do ill jot:- oi the kinda“! no‘ 59 tsunami by than who Inn 1 knuflod c o -hil long expericnce u ”_bmjnu. {Mural with your ml k, at! yol win in “thigh-n 509 an it any—and for mind: 56 I rec-no Cull or Conway Produce. , . ADAM HOLTZWQRIEL Ila. 30, "85, t! '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers