0 4,417irr ,aufmpft,.riunia. hour ..u..................... Rn Hun-.....n... ...-...... ..... Wm- WhuL................ Red Who-L................. 0vrn.‘.............‘........,. K) e ...... .. "...-..."... Unt1m........... ...... Buckwhent. ........4 “moth: Scot... Fig 5eed....... Clover Sud .. H 1,...........: ~.. 8 fin to 9 ouil ....... 3 2511‘ .......... 2 on u 2 no: x no to z 001 ........... s°} _ 6° ‘ ............._.’ 1 so to 3 no; ..............1 'l5 lo 2 om 4 so no 5 00'1 o 00 to 8 oo‘, ..3 00 w 3 75,4 3...... z 25 lo 3 .101 ......‘n. 75 In) 30;: uto '18" 45 w“ 49;! 5 75 lo 6 7:! ......... 3 8'! to 4 00' "......‘J3 00 1014 00“ .........|‘l 00 1018 00‘ ..........17 :90 ms 00 2 a; w 2 25: Floun' Whuq N.) e....; Corn“ .. (Mu ...'...... ......... Clover-1nd........ Timothy-load! 3. Hogs. per h Beef Cattle, per Emu H0y.........-............. Whiokey ................. ..... r ......5. Notice to Collectois. HE Collvcrora for 1866 Are "queued tor RETURN THEIR pL’PUCATES 1.6 the. Comma-raglan omen minimum“, the law jun] puled relieving Replicate from State tum? legud’ing change. in mid _Dufiliclul. II By order at the Board, .‘.f . J. M. WALTER, Clerk. I April 9, 1866. 3?. _ f _ g . In To Bridge Bulldoru. QEUMD PROPOSALS will he received At‘, k we office of the Commissioners of Aduml’ count} mun Tummy, m 1:: day or my"! hm, {or BUILDING A WUUDEN “among Mun Conownfio creek at 9:115 31:11. The“, Bugme ii to be built slur the fly]: or ”Bllrr‘li} Patent." one span, so fed. long‘.‘ The non: tor. the unwary cam 4 he had~nt a: Bridge. The? Budge is to he conurucled offme beu moan-g “in qhite pine. '.' , : Hans and specific-lion! own-be see}: by per-T lOnI wiahiug to bid on the Lhy of letting. or‘ by applicuuon m J. 31. Walter, Clerk m Low-g muiouau. . 1‘ . ' ‘ S. MARVEL ;, ’ » ‘ , A: mass, ‘ ~ S. \VULF. I Oommi winners of .\d nus wuhly: Amen: J. .\I. \VALuI,CXx-.IL. ' . Ap1119,18m5. M ' Removal: 1 FRICKHUINER J: \\'I~UI‘ZKEY ‘ LSJi-ne lumuu-rl [half eemuhnuugent to (be “a! “View! Ualuuwre an at, u. lew‘dools «move the L‘ourL-huuae. mé’neu'rly uppoille lhr Pun ..m‘e, when: tin-f w I] . outiuué busi ueu an n 1.“,101 «ML-_lhnn even ‘ HYSI‘ERS AND Hdll .‘1 nlym a to bt hm] in [ln-Ir .. fliuu;wilh Sweet;l un‘.) ln-h "mam-u. .\lvpleu ”mun. 'lunmn- ,kua' .-\l-u ,n \ us; anuummus, AM) sums, I; Vm-kcnl and llm'nug. [mm-r and land“ L nirrw. will} all mln-r .lllilfll'a m zhh lmc. :3 Al‘u. [Lu-uh, .\huundapnul darn-“um! nflor:-‘ “It”! at l'unlmmum Sun-Ling md Cllcwng‘ 'qul up, rich! «1", l’we-. mm a gnu! mum,» ”I \uuuus l‘nvy "3‘l rnll~, mm‘imed that llity run nix “mg: Hall as the“; an 1m: 111114.114? A‘ may; run cuh m Vhr (in Irgullzrh. their upper u nmes lur km-putg up their no. k ung umpu ~11) guud. and the 1711‘)!“ cun‘rely uppn gullngj her) Mung trash .uhl uh c. » ; ' .a'nm K-lUUJLR a \\‘l3ul7.:i.;\ April 0, law». It , . Flour! Food! aml Groceries! _ 1' THE CHEAP .‘J’I‘UEH‘TUN THE HILL; '.[x [1 jun wwh go buy um (I! [he nhun- urn-,3 ('lrs lu-Z‘p r and bet-{er [hull you cm: gel Lhnn‘l am when: Him. go to the “worry Sum: 01 llu;> (m-h-luguu-l uu [hr “‘1”; 111 lhl mmre slrrvl.‘ “hun- ‘ uslnmx-r‘ can WIN-3:1 he ncc :mmwla-i KM. and wlme nl er- myriad to rail mud 12v? fur tuuunwlv I. $11.: publ’lC'WlH ..Iw-nys lind‘ a uni purl ‘ lmicr n‘norllm-ul 3111' ‘ bLtiAth. UUH‘HHS, TEAS, ‘SYRL'PS, .\IU-‘i‘ I. \ ~s.~Z.‘|. TUUAUUUD‘. ('QIGARS, D‘Xur‘f‘fi‘ : A l'laJ, In IN. l,\ u). CHI-Ziahiri. LICAC- " KHIH, m 3 l‘l‘l-H, la‘du‘d.“.\c. 1 ; —‘ l. a u—— ' ~ ‘ GT, XQS‘ZWA RE. CKUL‘KhRV—WARE.» NU:I I‘.” M. an; , con, Uil.‘l.~\\!l'S. man 011,. .\w) FLUI'R A.\D Haw, HAVAYS us HAM». » w \STJ-jp. -—FI .uAUmu. Um. Butter, EggaL I'M‘ull‘hnd Fanny-. 4, lur “hid: the night-s; nurkut prue will In pun-l, either m [mac or (ad) . ,1 _ i un‘f‘Bring All'terfifznpd L 0 convlurl my hufii m-Is m m hm .\ml hUuUl‘ahlE hay, and to sell cnenp [mule nll L 6 gin: mu n cull. ,‘ 1 " ‘ , HEN!“ UVMUIEER. ; .\pnl 9, him}. If, Avoidems x r MU“. U'Yl'ih H, [ll.l VII/.1. /-.'1f.\',1.\.~ L'L‘JNI’IL' (0., IP'AIIAIHYOMD cum. (‘. h .\l'utx. mat I..nsus.sas.l-x. Ih‘lflr- .uunsnr 1 Al"l‘l’n~.\’l‘Blku\lßUSHSWYUHHSES,‘ ,1 .u ‘ lid-A I'sHumSMM‘HM‘slmm MKS; .\“u’m‘n M m 1u:1..\11.“.\.\1) HUHHEIL‘j-L .w-u usun .\.\'Kl.l~;.~' Aw anon-2v munm LL'LUMUXS, mLLlnluss, mm)“ 6‘: ' DImWNJXU. _ {ccnfrnll (if/“l RUN]. Wl'uli-iv~ a! any amount Imm :q‘ SIU mm in mm; at” Gun! m'culeul, ur .53 [0 53m \weklx compound-(m In rage at llidxlhllug “oth 1h injury. and from one mun‘lh to live years; hum, m. cmullprrmm "a. > : U 141”! and [Jul Arndml Inn, COJE’rlanf. [ ' ‘. J. u. liA'l‘l‘Eih‘Ufi'hPrcs'L J RUUXI-lY DEMVIS, Sac‘y. ‘ win. AP!“Kl.\'7‘:,-A°renl,t}el fiburg. ‘3 Ayn! 3. Isms. 3111 o . } . V A _ __ _. —-L l'ollak it. Mn, ‘EHIHCH \I‘M AIANUF UJII {cl-17:5, _ 1 .L 6112 Bloudu'uy, mar Burt/I SL, .V, I", unclean": and rcuul nt re-iuled rules—L P‘ us .uxd Hol-‘xers cut to order and rrpmred. Alkguus Warrmugd genume. Send alxuup fur \llrcuhr Plpea $0 to 5&0 cub. ‘ April 9, MM. 1m . Freak Supply. va noun.» Al‘ RhUUUHU PRICESH .\. SCUTT ,a SUNS have in» retain-d unalhl‘l’ fine Magnum-x 3! 0t .\EW UUUUb. cuug ruling. m purl, ul‘ Clolhs, eusimeru. (Susi m-u, Krutuvky Jmun. and Tvu-eds, for Gen-i flcmcu'l Mar. Min, 3 fine umnmeu: o! ’ LAME)" mums uuuus. ‘ Our noel: hn‘ bern icxeuted wnh grunt cure; Ind wn Ire prepared ”to sell as cheap‘, nu nny‘ nth" establishment. m (in country. 'We Ila! the public to nge us a call and ju‘ngo fur (hunches. We defy compuiuon, bold: as [J qmmy nu-lqriea. » A. SL’UL‘T 8 SUNS. . April 2.’ 1666. . - i. ” “malady—3‘l6 » lowmx ' PORTS smm smmawwufivm 11. Kl'l‘Z‘HlLDhu ..-. ...JWfi'fiCoqugh’yfi ..lPlor - Billiu-d Sgloon. Ind bu plum; two eluguct'l‘..blel. will: Pholan cushions, thereux. Th e Tublz-I h we all the lug-3t improvemenu, which cmnol Ml zo plane. The mom‘ 1:: Ila-40, well ventilued, and wd‘ lighted. Open thy and evening. All inclluqd‘ lo engage in this urea-blc panting, with find Kiumiller‘h BJloou jug: the place to go to} Aprll 2,]1866. . f Dr. F.” 0. Wolf, AVING loemd u EAST BERLIN. Adnmn qumy, hapu 1h“ hy’urlct Intention to u protrusion“ dntiu he may me‘rit I plmre at the public pun-came. ' ' [Apr.’2, ’66 :r x sagas AGAINST AcnIDENTS in the ori. gnu nuvminsus INSURANCE 00!; I‘...\'Y Ul‘ HAHJ‘FORD. It in the. olden, h - gnt, up.) nfeu‘nccidenz insurance coupe!!! nu ma country. I ‘ . (301 d. , , 0121 nd’ OOUPUM. uouyht n the _Fim C Ania-m Bulk of Gettqulm‘ - , GEO. amok», Cubist. : 00‘. 30. 1865 NSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS um I TRAVELLEBS INSURANCE COIELNY Ur" marrow. lu‘prouiuu In low, And It’lylbuaproupd'. ‘ > . .‘ NSUBE AGkflST AOCIDSX‘I'S g 1: th I TRAVELLER: INSURANCB C 01?“! w Harman. n. In. luued our tony tho-{sud poflcuymfid woman Mun“ louu. . If I"! “I? “filing: iron 3 ..Dru emu. Buuxza‘g a. m. pus. mg» n podvud any, 4 ‘ , ‘ ~ \I . f.‘ __... k MT GE‘ETYSBRMG. - Wednesday. ‘April 18th EXHIBITIONS : Every Afternoon at 2 o’élocli, Every Evening at T o’clock! STUPENDOJJS CONSOLIDA- J TION I {Two Separite Br. Distinct Shows I): ma sum rm, to: ONE PRICE! o'r DAN" RIOE’S MAMMOTH MENAGERi-E CIRCUS! Under 1116 immediate Supen-Mon and control at UuL. D‘AN RICE ; SPEPIAL NUTICE -ln order to ace ommo- 3 Lhw those who den-ire to Willie“ ih’e Ammul 1 'l'le-iuuus, will-05L awning in counsel. wuh I I«he. Uinus l'eriurmancgs, .\lr. Rice hull ur-~ :muged the iullum-ig pruériuumg'whicli will the slricxly ohserveil: X ‘ l linuicllmtelf after the Oper‘iingonhe DuorJ, l itlié Exuibiuan or the Menagerie will con», uueure nnll dentin-n: for one hour; (luriiig‘ .slmli tune )l,r. RIX'J". -ill.dL-liver an INFER- I-ZHHVG Mid SUUUINCT QECFUILR Ilpuu Ihe .\ninuil Knmlrlum. After which an “THR- Xll-‘lblUN‘ ul IFIVI-Z' MINUTES, gnlhg thine n lrh nice to retire (but do not wuu '.u mun-31‘ ‘the p‘értunnnucei in lthrenn. t}: 1110 cleae‘ f the Animul Exhibitions the perrunumwe “in “like. pliu'e in the Circle, by [ll' Nurlli .\lm-rumn Clt'cuS Cumpnm, in nhich DAN llll‘F. WI” appcurm lllfl Grral 3r Urimiul'y ‘lllmmccer oi uiu AMERICAS ll.L'.\ Ulilh'l‘. X A'nmssxox ”to new Snows, only 50 CENTS. I “ ‘ ' . ‘ ‘ ( U! Chtldrgp under ten years; of age, a , . 25, CENTS. orl‘he lama price will be‘ clurued to either Ex- HI Rumuun «At-Imm”. ’ 18 CAGES N _.g/mvme‘ WILD ANIMALS, Lnawonm‘v’u quronmxo “LIONS, TIGERS & COUGARS. lE}; ' Educated Bufl‘do d~ ' ' and Dzonndz'uy',~ STric]; P 011195, Monkeys &‘Mules, lg s.\ciu:‘n: CATTLE 9F INDIA, a I‘LIK‘K (“1“”)!an sn mar, Z V'The wanderrulmind Tnlking uurse‘, BEXCELSIORWJRQ in ‘ The Beautiful Alabinu Trick Horse ‘ El P'I’OUG—LASS, THE MONSTER 911 i ' ELEPHANT, ammo! z The Lnrgest Elephant. ever cnptnnd 4 P. S.—-Thia Elephant mu taken nbout nix ueurs ago in his native country by bit p‘nsent QLKeepc-r nn-l Truiper, {STEWART CRAVEN, sr.=q., and is the only Auuio Elephsnt evcr l-ec‘n thu cuuliuéut. , A Grand Army of Ornithological d ‘ Specimens! _ '\ J 1 Winde'qn of the uppi‘t deep, comprising Mule 01 rare and gorgeous p.umn‘e, of our; Inud unu chug. , . Equestrian and-Gymnastic De g ' partment: -' : M’lle IDA, Miss Annotta Aymar, I Mrs. Sam Stickuy, ‘ i .. Sam Stickny, Jr. ,8. D. Balwin, Moore Bros. - i ‘ Frederick Barclay, ideo. Dagious, H. King, ! Young Henderson, lMasL‘Dan Clark, ' ‘ Lu’éfle Brothers, kc. mm DAN RICE , Appeian at both Exhibifions; -. glst. As Lacturer in the Menagerie. i u2nd.i{A§_Cl{own and‘Jester “ (For:tho am fine in may yu‘n) 7 IN THE CIRCUS. ! Evefyghing about this establish— ment is :cutufely new, and tinted up in n ater of Magnificenco Ind Daz .zlin Ep'lendor hitherto uuatteulpt ed fiy anv Manger, either in Lu irope «America, This being chur wwriatic of thdvlibenlicy ot'the ‘ Suusnx, Puuor 8: Huxomr! I'hgu mo lands at the hand 'ot um. .- oos‘soymrno nxmmnoxs: he Gorgeous Progelsion at 10 AM. April", #3“- I’ ADMXaaIuN ,4 ‘ x Quarterly r pox-L | F the condition .a{ he GETTYSBURG 0 NATIONAL BANK, on khe naming oflho in: Mandi] of April, 1888. ‘BISOUBCES. Nous Ind Bill. discount“, Bulking Hun, , Expenseg, ‘ s Due from Bunkl. . Umted Sum Bondl «pushed to Secure Curr-lain; Nolan. . 150,000 00 Other United Sm‘el Sec-mm. 10.50 oq‘ Cash on hand in non; ofolher Bun, [4,314 98 LQKII Tends: Rom, 28.530 06 Pennaylvanil 5-7 Loni, 54,000 00 Puuflifivunil 6-7 Lon“ 51,900 00 Bond: (Pu-0931,) 2,611’02 OM LIABILITIES CnpimlSmck. 1 ' $45,150 09 Surplus, ‘ W 2.1.3861 'lO Circulating Notes outamding, , 130,500 00 Individual Depuiu, , 72,018 M Dividendl unpaid, _ 1|!) 7.) Due m Bantu. ; f 393 15 Stale Bank Cnroiahtion, , 248.010 00 Uilcounu, » ‘ 8.993 3! Tom, 3629;597 03 I, T. D. Canon. Cpuhier of the Gettysburg Nationnl Bank, Lomg amrmcd, depose and any [um thc above "lumen: in correct to the but. of my knowledse nd belief. ‘ . T. D. CARSON, Culfier. Amrmed beloru me Lhis'uh dqjvot Apnl', A. D., lan's. - 4.4. Cu ER,J. P. April 9, me. 3: Quarterly Report 1" the Firu Nuliun..l Bank of Genyuburg, 0 rendered on the morning of the In. Mou duy in Apnl, 1866, as follow. ‘3 , DR. Bl”! Discounted, Furuilum and l-‘uluru, Expenses, Tax“ pli’d, . l’remuugub, Cub nuns. stamps, Duu- {Ema aniunl Bsnh, 15. 3. “until, Cash on hand, ._Isz .. LI, Capital Mock paid in, Surplus fuu‘ll, erculuing noun ouuu‘nding, Dividends uupnd, [lnna-31‘ kg“ ' [Dcpm-ui, _Tutnl, 3313,9394; The above statement, is correct. to the but of [my knowledge Mud hefiefi " _ GEUKGEARXOLD, Cnshicr. Sworn and snbi’cribed befuré me Lhil 2nd day of Apnl. luau. A. .1. COVER, J. P. April 9, 1566. a: - ' * To‘the School Directbu of Adams . County. _ . ~ ELTIJEVEV :-—[n pursu.xnre n! the forty- G lilmd =el-txrm o! the Act. of 8111 .\l‘ny, U 454. ion ui‘e'hcrn‘hy notified to mcetjn (79n \duliDn. M the (hunt-home, in} Uell’sburg, on the FIRST TI'ESDAY, IN HAY, A. U 1966. being Hue (in: d 1y of the munlhhml a'clork. in th'; A tenuom,lmd :elect, um: met, In a m xjmizy of the wlmlt- number uf D‘lrec tors presem, one' perstm of limmry and scien [lfit‘ Mquxretuunts. and of ski“ and up riencc in the ar 91' te.\. hing, as (‘UI'NI‘Y bUI’B‘R INTEXU .\T, "a; “.1" three ‘sncuwiiin; yo us: detcxmln the mnuunt. ur Cumprusutmu lel‘ the same; .ugd Lcmflx Iht‘ r<<uh I.) lec S..llr.su peziutemgrul. nl. Ilnnhlmi—g, {H Inquire! by the [hilly-ninth nnd funk-1h «sci-ma of mud Act. ' A .\ARUN SIN-ZELY‘ ' ’ Cu. Swat. of A Luns County Gettysburg, .\prsi 9,1865. M ' Noilee. OSEPH KI'TIX'S ESTATE —l.bttera nl ltd- Minn-mu an an Lhé «stage of Joseph kuhn, late ollhlountpleunnt tuwnlhlp, Adams ouunty,dece‘naed. hM'mg been pulled to‘the un denigned, residing ifl Udiun township, he hurt-bf gives notice to all pprsons indebted Io snid estate 10 Imke imvnedmteplyment, uud than having clnims ugniuu the a-HIM' to pre nenl them prop-:1, nu-(heuticnlenl tor seme mem. JUSEPH L. suums, Adm‘r. 3m. 25, 1866. 6!. Notice. {)HN CnMP'S' ES’I‘ATE.-,—Letlc?a of ad; J minisxrzuiop an the estate of John Camp," '.xlc 0f Uxturd Lownsnif), deceased, huving been HI'JIIH‘d m the nu ier~igned, residing 1n the city of BJlfimure, “IL, he match] gives nullce la Ml persons indebted to said estate {Oxmfllxe im m dime [my mum, and those lmvxng‘ mlnimi 1..-dine: the nnu- 1,; present them yrulnerly .ulnenucn ad [or st-lliement. ' JOSEPH CAMP, Adlu'l March 5] 18076. Gk" , Palate Sauce. STATE 0F ABILUI HI" HART, SR.—l'be J undenigued. Agent for the Heirs of Ahmh’um Ihm. firJMe ol \luuupaghurg. Adams ('OIIJII_\'.-\lt~m:\.ird. igrreny requests ul. persona m-leblwl m lli‘.‘ estate at mid $11346!“ to make immediate p pneutfand thou having claim“ against the same to present them properly nuthenacrlrd fur sclth'menl. ' - SAMUEL HART, [larch 3. 1566. 61} ’ I’lmufihn lp. Notice. - 1‘ [songs mimics ESTATE 4mm of ' Gmdiniuistmtién on ihe estate 00 GEo.Smick, Jug ohaun ington township, Adams county, ill-ceased, having been granted» t 9 the under ‘uigued, residing in the smm: township: :hc here iby gives notice to I” Apersonl indebted to isni-l (mute to make immediate payment, and those-having claims agninn lb: same to pre sent. them propcrly nulhenticated fpr senio ment. A ~' 'EMELINE SMICK, . ‘ 'April 2, 1865. St. Administratrix. « Vottee. ETER WEAVER!) ESTATE—Letters of AQmini’stntion on the estate at Pater W eave’rJale of Mountplougauttwpw Alum co., decunlzd. having been grained to the under ugnedyresidmg in the uni township. be here bytghd; nouce to nll'pusong indt-bted to said tutu-t: q’o make immedhte puymenl, and thou hum-3‘ chum ugnmst the lame to pro-eat propel-g; nulhentn'cnted {or settlement. ~ ‘ '; JOSEPH BEDRBMANrAdm'r. April 2, 1866. St , mm AMUEL EIKER'S EM'ATE—Leuen ohd minmratiou on the um. of 5:113qu Enkrr. [no 01 Highland township, Adamo cow ty, deceased, huing been granted to the un denigned, residing in Hmmltonbu mwnlhip, be hereby giilu noticg :0 null peg-song indebted to uid cum: to make xmmedlnu payment, Ind Lhou having chums tglinu tin 13m. :30 gruent them properly ‘nnthenlicnted for let uomenL. 7’ JOHN H. BAunuAanxga, Aijn’r liar. n, 1866. 0" Coal and Lumber, F "cry nriuy, M. mo Ysrd of C. .H. BURKLER, Feb. )9. Cor. Gum]: um! knigrmd m. NSUBB AGAINST ACCIDENTS in the I TRAVELLERS .XNSURADIGE CO! PANY_ Ur‘ HARTFORD. II insures ngsinn all kind: afaga'dem, Ind in bonefiu nu received by all chuel of men. ‘ . - NSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS in tho I TRAVELLERS 'INSURANUI COMPANY 01' HARTFORD. It lua pnid our on hmdmi andforty mama dollar- to holden of m poli cies, including 857,50) to twenty-eight policy holder‘s, for $5ll in premiums. - < L- ———-—~—— ——————--——— DRE SILVER WARE and - ~ sluvsa 9mm) WARE or me very bolts-dim u no, unortmentjun whom. 0111 Ind no it. I. ‘BEVAN; Opposite tub Bunk. Goltynbnrz. 7 IE)! WANTED to putehuo Over 00 Conn, M very uducod pvicu, n ’ ‘ PICKLN‘u'S. ‘JACK FROST hu come and I“ who Wilh 5 good 9n: Coat would do well to call u once a fins. 15, ’66.] PICKING'S.. 6 —’l'ho yur ha I)“ commend . 3nd with it ”01030 has Mu. pncu wonderfully. POSITIVE? PICKLNAG in selling good: so cheap. nap-red with forum prion, .- to Ifloaiuh all. Mfll’s sole. . I N phrgune} of. gm 0! )‘alditipnjillpbo‘ .\ '1 In, luned out. of the Court of (10-non ten 0’! Adam! qouni, And to me directed, will bd expound u Pu lie .8519, M. the Conn an... in Gettysburg. on lONDAY. Lu [6!]: d 1; of APEH. lnlt, A! 1 o'clock; P. 1., tho following ductlbed Red Elma, viz: A TRACT OF LAND, Illunu in Chmber l-od township, Aduml' mung, Pm, ndjoinjng Ind-lo! Leonnrd Bricko‘r. eorgo Bushmsn And George Walke’n, “C we puhll: road lend: ‘ ing from Gellynburg Lo Tn’neymwn, connin lng 30 Acton, manor leu. There in 3 well of wnur on the mental. with lomg fruit treu. Seized Ind uken lu axecuunn u the tul u m. 0! Jon quuuwn. $201,134 50 5,000 _OO s7| 91 63,873 45 . $629,597 on Sfiddfl"! 954:0.Grttynburg, Apnl 9369 “'l‘“ per cont. of tho purchm bony upon a“ ”leaky Illa Blgerifl‘ mung be paid over immtdinely the: the property in urnck down or upon (Allure to comply therewith the propu ty will be aglln‘pu up {or sale. Great Reduction}! Prices AT THE CHEAP GROGERYI con-n or mnom nu on mutual“: nun. JOHN J! Having jug]. returned from the city. rupee!- fully infurmu MI customers. and [be public. lhnl he mu succeexfed in tanning t connection wilh'one ammo lint. lm'porting House: in the any of Bahimure, by which he it enabled to offer Groceries u n lewer figure wuflhey mm be purchased oile'w has in tho county:— He is prepared to sell \ ' COFFEE ‘ 32 cent: per “7. SUGAR, 21b! for 25 “ ‘ . SYRUP, frqm 40 “ to $1.20. and nll othcr things It correlponding gnu.- " you would Inn money, cu“ m. the Cbesp Grm-er,,cornér of Diamond Ind Chnmhersbutg strut. He sell: exchnjuly for Cash, And is actermined to be nhend or :11 other: in telling cheap. Give him I cull brfore purchuiug cluewhero. - JOHN H. ,SWAN. $85,135 17 ,«700 00 398 H 709 62 [2412 36 7,002, 99 18.0;5 46 452.100 0“ mums 8| ' Barron's Safely Lamps, up , LIG-RD-(Nl‘fimw) FLUID. ‘ ums‘h'o. ' ‘ 7 m: Lamp apparently. burns willmul anu- F (lung to feed u. [L hasflhuyeur. a mu tori I! which absorbs the liquid and gives it 19 the flune. partly from the mck. lnd~punlv in the furm of gun, but no as to produce perfect comnuszion. and is very, economic“ and IMO. 531:,95g 55 $lOO 000 or) 1,320 so 89,980 00 4o 50 2 072 63 123,538 07 It I! used withom. A chimney, and pexfeclly trimmed. 110 e,! yofismoke or Email; it, is there fure e~pecmjly adnpled to the pnnposes of n "rm alum," nightinurae, shop or hulcl J mm, or lunlrrn. The cost of broken chlmneys, alone, wi l more than pay the cost. of Lhialnmp. Kuery lamily needs one or mote. ”I: is just. what I have been long looking for," writes ymodel hou‘e-kteper. ‘ “I should hmdly know _how 1.0 do without it,” wnlrs nnulhrr. . _‘ “A patter! cnnlrivnvco."flwritu n thigd. _ “Let ghuse who or: skepucul try it," writes I. fuunh. ' For sale by JOHN \I. SWA‘J, ‘ Cor ufDinmnud «ml Uhnmhershurg at. 3911“: Lin-m-iue ,Fluid also for In“; :1 the sum]: place. [)lar. 12, 1866. ‘ New Goods at Grimes’s. ‘ lAlll-m .\. GIEHII'ZS.‘ in York strum. Get- Q lysbnrz. hzls just rem-wed a large lo: M nrw GRUCERIES. &. ~ wlm‘h, lmvmsi buughv. lpr- cash, at. the‘ latest reduced prim‘s; he is prepm-ed‘o 01TH" L‘heApL'lJlmH they have heen: sold ln-xe for sm’arul ymrf. His assorlmenl is \ory full, embracing the most clinice urtlcléa in hIS lin'u, to prove which he ask; his 0111 cu:- . 1' lower: and Ihe puhllc generally to cull und Hunmm fur lllmnsulvrs; Hi! : ('urmzss, nus, scams. . smuvs, “GLASSES, FRUITS, .\‘L'TS. coxmwrmxs,’ . ' \:l ()8 \CCUS, SEGARS, ta, to, he is co-rmin will please all who mny‘lry them. Ind lm'xhere'ore mks purchmsers, from Luwn and-country, to give, them I trial before buy in’g elsewhere. He is dz-tirmined mt m be undersold by My other cutblislnncnl. His large stack 0! . FANCYqARTICLES in kept, lull by constant additions, and every thing; in Hunt linv- cam at all Lima: be ll'ud gum! and cheap. Indeed. he flute" himself‘thut his Score, contniniug u it does so large I. “- riely uonud‘, all new and in the but condi liun, c unuol but he look] upon as among the most ultrncnvejn town._ By attending clo~'el_v lo busmess. and selling M. lumll profits, ho is doing A band'sonle business. um! w'll spare no effort. to increasejl by giving a‘ilsfuchondn ullcusel. . [Much 19. _1866. Tavern Licenses. UE foll-nving flleiL‘JliouS l 0 kocp public T huun-a oi L-uLL-xmiiixuenl,bm‘e beuuliled in my uflice, with tbs- r q lisixe number of signers, and will br- ‘inesented :II the Court. of Qimr‘u‘r‘ 5. .‘v‘iu 5,01: .\IU.\DAY,tIu-. 16m dnnyMARCU 1806: SJmm-l Wolf, . John L. Tate, ‘ Lrnel Yount, [lg-urge W. “I'C‘Eulfl' lusepli Lillit‘, Francia Bream, Cnmborlmd townlbip George A. Curweli. Franklin “ J "'01) Mickie], D. of D., “ " Len Pitzer, a “' " Levi Heizos, “ I- George Bear, ~ “ ‘ “ James Mickley, " ' ‘ ’“ Abraham Hum-nor, . u u Samuel S. Maria, Fre dom “ Peter Shivvly, Humilfibnbnn . “. Alexander Benn'hoof, “ “ Reuben Stem, n “ - 4' John D. Decker, Huntington “ Jane A. Reed, “ “ Jacob J. Di:hl, ' H . In Charles Myerl, Menallen . u Oliver P. House, “ “ Joseph Marlin. Oxford . “ Isaac 8. Homer, “ “ Francis X. Smith, ‘ ~ ” 4‘ Conrad W-igpner. Nonulpleunnt “ Daniel Baker,, Hamilton “ Jacob L. Grass. , Slruban ” Jo=eph Dodl, _ " “ ‘ Henry Kobler, Berwick borough. Francis J. Wilson, 1‘ H ' JOleph Bnker, Llululo-n borough. With-m 819 w, “ _. PhAlip’ 116 mm, “ “ ‘ George W. Ru, Butler township. Allén M. Cook, .‘l'yrouo " . Swim-l Blanch. Luimon “ Rabat: 11. Dicks, Folding - “ Emanuel Diller. 001:0qu " . non mono: nous". William J. auxin, ' "Golly-burg.” George P. Knlbfiaisch, “ Baily & Snecringcr, (know-go township. -, JAMES J. FIXK, Clerk hlm-.46, 1866. u: ‘Tm “(are and Stoves. ‘ ’ THE subsciiber respectfully lntornu the public that ho nil! canu'nuu an busineu at making ‘ ‘ _. , ALL KINDS OF GOOD TIN WARE, s} the old fluid. (formerly Andrew Polley't, in York “reenfleuynhurg, when he hu the lumen. mortmun «1" tin was in the county, will: may other articles {or kitchen nu. kc. 151 m. COOKLSO STUVESzt NINE-PLATE S UVES, 01 sh. very but kinds. ‘ ' g S. G. COOK. Mu. I'2, 1 «:5. 3m ’ Great “notion in Prices. AHNBSTUUK BRUTHB‘RS . I‘ ‘ In low Idlmg GOOD CALICOES AT 12; CENTS, 3331' UNBLEAUHED man At an 013., Ind 311 other Good: in proportion. I! you wnt CHEAP Goods, now it tho fin to buy them. ~ Cull At. once. FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS. Gmynburg, Mn. 26, 1866. ‘ Turnpike Elec‘tlpn. E Stockholder: in the York and Getty-- but; Turnpike Coupon, in hereby noti e flint. 11l Election for President, Mun-gar! ond‘ Treuurer, to conduct. we Mm" of the Company, will be held n the‘pnblic house of FJ. Wilsgngin Abbumtown. on THURsDAY, ‘he 19m dny of APRIL next, between um hour. or 1: land 3?. 3!. Ila. 26,1968. in QAGO. Arrow Rat, Corn Stuck, Rico-Son k and Gcluin, an uh a Dr 30mm: Drug Sign. ’ ‘ ' ADA! REBBRT, Sheril. B W A N, Getty-burg EICO JOSEPH SXYSIB, Soc'y natal-:0“ semen m» Me. i 19”: 1 x 1m x' 085 , k' ~ , urn Au". 5“ 0 USE TALKING.”—Ran you wan! J mm OXFORD, was (:0, PA..2 N . good nd ckelp [m of any kind, bu for me 3 number at dash-blc propntiel, ,1 .1...” 8° go now . WOODS to whic}: ho uh m “tendon of thou winhing‘f to pnrchue: | A FAB! oraso Aerel. 1n Nonntpleunnt townshipmim good 81.01:. Home, Bun, “’40:: Home: 09:11 Crib; Carri!” Home, ud other 6‘ _._—Vi, " ans-min?» Urchud, tc. um tunpnkul 88.2335: 11.“. ”\gfiflslncrggmnfirrafi In an ran . 7 . ‘ 40 ACRES, with—goodvdflotue, *Bnnla, Inch—'o' “‘0 65“}: by ROW 8 WOODS. Otheroutfhuildlngn,olc§u , e; mi cfron '_ «.-.—__— nilrond. Good chines. Term euy._ . (Cliff: Wfirfifinglnlrm": 3::- lILL PROPERTY of 37 Acre). 31111 with loan but. of P 'BOW 2 meS ' two run of burn, Ordinnry muhinery,¢ood 3 , finer power, Q‘mflu from Little-tong, con- g ' venient to ‘rulrond Ind turnpiks. Tenn.- moderate. ~ I A FAR! of 160 Acres, near New Chester. good House, Built Bun. and other out-build ingl. » Land In good mm of onllivnion. ‘ \A PARK of 300 Acre-Jo Gumberlnnd town ahip. Adams county. 3 mile: JmmlGenyshur'g’ _ __ _._ m which piano in nilrond and-good mnrkol.— ‘6 ' 'O-11- Buorgrv_(;u‘e'3;".;;.l;m~e f'orn Thin farm con be divided into two am. there‘ G RUiV k WUODS‘ Sturé for u“ in“ being already two nu of improvemenu an 1h: Ind chc 'peu 300’“ can. {mm ‘fme trn'ct. . ‘* * ; -4____.__...__.'_; ' - A SHAH; FAR! o! 10 Acres, withvg‘ood , r HE REASON WHY I buy my nanny, Bongo Ind Bur3,and on out-buildings. Lwd ‘ SI“ Glover, Surfs, Hoodl, Bonny. Breaking! .in fine sme otcnflinliqn. lood Store Slwd— ham, 1 blend, Hondkcrchim, and all other Chm“ ‘0 k"? to" gm Ind “lend to poat- ; notions of Row t Woods in became tho, lull oflice. Term: easy. I che‘lfi' K r . A FARM of 105 Am. on the Cuiinio cw ‘ ‘ *‘L‘ '—~——" “ “fl' pike. land under good slate ofcultivationfi ge LAD”: Malaria..- caépe‘bwhs'llß-lz Brick House. Bunk Btu-n, Wagon Shedl Corn srul 95"" Red ”’5 ”m "f" s Crib, ’Cnrringe House, and other out-buildingsq Tiffilmce' by ROW ‘ W ”on ' (“11 fie") " | A Féi MoFé'lle—n. . LARGE’FLOUR MILL, with 25 Acru o! Lnnd—lou? pnir Burrs. with an machinery for' IN“ rams"? "17:5" ”saggy Bmm“ 6.831? doing merchanlr work—beg! wuer power in Dalia d 1 ’2' no :30 “o‘“‘B‘sl‘ b ‘ the country-7m good groin country. Will be M n " em. sold champ. . A FAR)! of 175 Acres. nonu- the Camille turnpike, good Home. Bar I. and all necessary out-buildings. .Land in high now of cultiru lion. WM be 861 d at iI: again. . « A FAB“ of 195 Acres, ucar Hnueratown, good Hope, Bnr'n, ahd other out-building.— Terml accommoduing. '. A HOTEL in New Oxford, tWo-Itory, roomy and convenient for huliueu. Good chnce. Term! only. Moo. 5 numbn- or good Brick Homer, And Lou for rule; in New Oxford. "Persons who wish to buy Real Elmo, M wpii M thou who wish to lellnnre requasb ed to give the iubzcriber a. on", at. bifstore, in New Oxford. Address. ‘ . JOHN G ZOUCK. Agent, New Uxmd, Adams .canmy, Par Jan: 8,1868. 3m fiEEiiiéfigiofiébi. OTICE is hereby givgn to all Legumes npd other persons couérned, that HIS-Ald miuistralion Accounts hereiunner mentioned will be preaentnd m. the Orphan“: Court of Adams couiny, furcoufirmkfiou and Allowance, 'on .\IOVDAY, the 16m day of APRIL, 1866, a: 10 o‘cln- k, A. 31.. vi; :. 213. The second aaount of John Rmhn, Tiustee of Jncob Sellmnd Hurriét Sell his 'wile, and children, undenhe ml! of Jacob Sell, (gnillwrighl,) deceufied. ' ‘ 2743 Account of 3.lmm! Gflhland, Admhh istrutor of William Gl””llfld.d9“Bl§ed, smiled by Sarah Gillilnnd and Frederick Quickel, Ad» minislrutors ofmid Samurl Uil!ilnnd,d(‘censed. 275. Al-Cuunl M David Martin. Admmlslrn tor nf Elizabeth .\l.ntin. deceme‘d. 276.-First nmj tinul tin-count of John’ Gard-. aer and ripnflqaufl. \Viermm, Admmutm (or: ofJncob Gardner, sn, deceased. '.'.77. The ficond Mcoum at George Flick, inget and‘George Laugh, Executuxs of John Flickinger, dece‘is‘ed. ' - 278; First and final account of Joaéph J. Kuhn, Guardian of Henry Deilmnu 2‘19. The first, and final account of Jon-pk Byers, .\dmimsmuor 02' the mine of Geo. A. W. Boweraux, decent-:1.~ ‘ 280. The uéconm of Bqnjnmin .\lulnun; Guar dian of ‘thc estaw of Samuel, David, Joseph and William Bollinger, minor childrnn of Elizabeth Eollinger, decexued, settled by Sam uel B. Miller, Executor of lhé will ochnj.uuin .\lnlnun, deceased. 28L Second and finnl account of David 8. Russell,’ Esq., Administrator of Daniel Sny- der. d.-coased. "‘l2. The 281:. legecond and final a'ccou... , In: Deazrick and David 'l‘. Cool}, Ad'mjuiotm tors of the estate of Duid Cooly, decedsed. .283. First Ind" final account ofJo'hp F. Fel t}, Adminiunlor of the "page of John l'o'- lofifl', late (if Sfmban township, Adam: county, decent-d. ' ~ 284. The account of Wm. A. Duncan, Ad ministrator of Jackson A. Snyder. deceased. 28;). First And final account of John Hum-y Myer}, Each Adminiati'stor of Sarah Fickes, den-used. . _ SAMUEL LlLLYchgisWr Ru gistel’l Ofice, Gélzysbnrg,‘} 51:1th 19, 1366. Id , i Money Saved 15:10st MADE. p. ‘ CASH SYSTEM Amman,- ' _ - AND PRH‘ES REDUCED! The undersigned most resin ”fully invite ilivir old Mummers and the puhlic gem-telly .to cull end we their Goods M. the new prices. We have - A FULY. AND WELT. SELECTED STOCK. which we have concludl-d tu run off at the lowest p )uible prices. We intend doiné whui't we any; therefore all persons desirous‘ofmnking money in the eaeiest way (by saving it in their purchuee} will mot mil to give us a call, as we premise them they; ehnll not be disap .pointod. , = We are thankful for the pest! very liberal petmnuge we have received, and trust ilmt we shall merit I. continuitiofi of the Mine; and lull—ll we ehnll use our beet endem‘orl to please :11 who may lev'or 11; with a call: _ #Don’t forget theeplnce. . A! BANNER .9: SHIELDS; , Fnirfleld, A‘thms co'inlx, Pa. N. B.—We are Agent: for .\liller'e Superior Femily Flour, end Johnson’s celebratetfi Blast fiig Powder. [Feb. 28, 1888. tf z Wanted, Agents. i 5-9 7 to $2OO PER menu for Gentlemen, g? [a find $35 to $75 for Ladies, every. wheeeéto introduce the Common Senee knel ly Sewing Machine, improved end perfected.— It will gum, layman/um, bind, brnid end mbruulerhomtlio‘lly. Price “1,520, uniting thgelnitlc luck “itch, end fully unrelated for three inure. '3 [my the than ingu, or a. commission, from which twinethu emuunt can be made. Addreee or cell on C. BUWERS & 00.. Uillce. No. 255 8. Fifth 3L, Phil-«lei phle, Pa. WAR letters answered promptly, with \‘irenlnrl end terme. ’ - April 1. was, s: . gunmen Wanted, 1' 8300 PER MOWER—W. Int relishlo final“: (none Minn) male n’nd femnle to Ink lhe‘excluiiieagency in every county and wwmhip in the U.’ 8. Lo lull the Photognph Fimily Record, s work which every family will buy. I: i: bound lih In nlbnm, but has I. printed blank pogo 'oppolito mu photo guph, {on coapltu record of the husband, wife cjnd each child or; family; Ilsa contain ing inning. certificate, and pmg'es for miliury hmory ohny momberof the family. Nothing llh it. ever publiuhod :96 nd work “an mm; on all no rudily. Oldennuuei‘l and other. should lond‘fotcinul-n ind tern". It in ne cesury to have copiel of the work to «mm with; prico by upresl $1 50, S 3 0 and $7 00 (3 nylel); money any be non! by in“. Nama tho wwuhipl wnnied. Addreu ¢ ‘ ,BARTLEHON b CO,, Gll Che-inn: IL, Philadelphia» April I, 1866. in , _ " Aggenti Wanted!" 175 P 33 "nuns. ‘ __ __ soumagxa mummy NEW.— The Photognph Cue 3nd Family Word. This in a great. opportunity to: emerpming péilonl 0! energy to nuke money. It. in an urticlu 0! which the public bl" felt the need. it "hurt: 3 low price, 'and in hunt: Ind utility in universally acknowlsdged. Th. mecca which bu “handed in Illel wamnu mo‘ulurmno that”. an bu told to than“ any family. Wu ue prepared 00 show that we have upon who nu elem-mg $75 of", month. Adana for Girpulnn sud Terms, RAYMOND I 00., Mnnnf’m, . 614 Chan-n 83., mm. \ April 3.1086. In: ~ ' \ Plan-re mu. . GnAT’miuy of PICTUnE F A wit: p‘l’uin u; even": guiufftr‘fi “Horus run ' '1 ‘ In. It. uu.‘ ‘ m'. ’ hi.- ELIEGANT—BES‘! I! TUWS.-Tho lug-go aluminum shone now sellmg u love“ price. by ', ROW 8 WOODS. HST SOl—Whenuvon do want 9. pair’ol good Uvenhou at low price, alwnyu go to Ruw a Wuons. ~ ET ONE—'We no cloning du‘. nnolb‘er lot of (hlldroy'n Hm ll leu price thnn'tho mterillcln be bought. Don't miss.l burgain. c ROW l WOODS. "' ‘ MEN WANTED to purchase 0011!, 000 Punu-nd Vests,“ NURRIS‘S. ~'OSI'I'IVE'LY, NORRIS has the best variety :0? Gentlemeu'l Punishing Goa-I‘s in town. omwoon-s Linen" Lhiéd PnpeTCou-u ‘ aw; NURRIS'S. it, 21m PAPER com-mus, ‘or every n.- ieq and “119,-“. NUBRIS'S. N'T FORGET am NORRIS kaepu emy. hing In the Gentleumn'l line,“ hit New Loren in ChAmbeuburg street. (is? FORGET mm 31033153 keeps noth- D Lug but the‘lutest “Hus, and In OFdl'P to nudge mm for any alyles, I e sells very chomp. .hovxm BUCK cmvm, and all kind: H 109‘ Buck Gloves and Gaunlluta. nv.‘ L .. NURILIS‘S. U". Ell‘got'L-vely ruriéLTy—‘AZJ kyle, at ‘ {[Jm. 22, 1866.} . NORRIS’S. New Firm! Tl THE OLD STAND. - _ A l [ISTAIMBBID m 1817} l htve usocinted with rule, in busineu. my son, ohn Pl .\lcCreury, under :he firm and Myle- of I). .\hCrenry a: Son. and I desire to say hi my old friends and xhe public generally [hm since the wanthemanufncmre of Saddles, Hurutlsa, Callus, he” has been revived 11. the old established And well kncmn stand on Rul u’fizorle street, one square south ol _l.he Court lluusé. Gut) shurg, PA. an‘iug lmd «n experience of 40 year: in lhfiesmblishmenlfl feel assured, um, wnh reuewled nut-mien to business, we cul Mull {uzthér pix-tit and receive 11 full shure of puui lic pupmmge. I)!“ U.) .\ILCIiI‘IARY. “'1 h increase?! furiliclc= for condmtihg onr basin s=. we are better prqmred than ever In amiflx lha wants ofull tbuue whn m.y need Handling in my line. Wtexpccinlly call the mention of Farmers and 0112 ch to Uzc'eupcrior qlmlihy of our ' Plain *ur Quilted Sumfiuie Leathers, Hora Sudan-p, ;.‘lumes. all kxndq, with Plainyor Quilted Sent! or wuhuuttuateniugs no Hum. ; ,flhlUiinfl-O. ‘~ ‘ . Plain or ¥ilted Seutlb‘cotchCdllnnflfialher) SuicSml les, { ” \ “ (ticking) Plain or. Fancy Saddle No Seam Collars, \ Cloths, {Best '.VcllilnrnesisCul- Wagon‘Snddlc-a, : lurs, Ruiing \Bridles. of all Faun: LenlhorCollm, kinds, Mr or Much: smuhcdnr unatilched rounded at flat, ißt-st Leutber Waggn Mulingnle,_ I Whips, 4,4 i Ind 5 nt of Nicho Carriage Harness, all; lee: 1 mg, ttyles, silver or blncktl’lmted Tesmv Whipp, maunled. ‘ .Trotting Whips. Henry Draft. Harneu', '.mdieu' Riding Twlgl, Blind Bxidles, iwlllp Lashes, ‘ ‘ Gum, [Ham Blankets, . Cmppe a. Bm, to, Are. In uh rt, everything that pertains to a first clue I: neml horse furnishing establishment cone-m yon hand or made to orler promptly” of the var; best material. and by the moat u peheuced workmen in the country. (two-lun iug wqupd in this eswblinhuwut for the last lllillj' years.) . ' We nn‘, now manufacturing an excellent lot 01 liem'gLDr-i‘t and Hnrngss Collars for than who pref-r our own to cuty m uh: work. kvprlixing of all kinds doue n-Lahurb notice _nnd on reasonable terms._ All are cordial!) invited to chll and examine for themselves, as our work cannot fail to gecmumerld itself. ‘ “ Feb.s.lsos. u i A sbluble Pacific Guano. .300 LB3. sowuu memo GUAXO -( contains 701M.m:'malmattar,yi,e!ding 710 8 lbs. athmom'a Also 80 to 90 lbs.¢artky boru I’lw-plmll ‘oflimr, 30 lba. of which are aoluble Moapbafl. - 11. combines all the; damage: of the bat brand: oT'Super Pholphute, vyith those of Pa ruvinn Guano: 7 ¥ - By reason 'or in groan: concenhation. we re commend 20 per ct. Icm by might. to be “501] per I‘cro, than of nry‘faniliur costing the. same per ton ; mid no more‘per acre than; of then telling z". '7'!) per‘ct. hlore per ton,— Hrnce it: emuomy.’ ‘ ‘ Thil gu-no weighs 85 lb; per bulhel, hence in npplying it farmeu’must be'goverued by weight and not by bulk, (mil in much lighter dun the Super Pnolphues. 517er type duly mzpuud‘ I . VAL . JOHN S. REESE & CO,’ Gnnu Apnn ml was Soon. - I 71 South Street, Bauinumr “ Flour of Bone.” ‘Vfl will give I mey guarantee of the par-I’." df this Article. 1!. la pure un alumni, auburn! bau, reduced ‘0 the flames; of flow, which nddn 160 per ct. la in vului. h in n quack and gcliu u uéid dimlml'bona, hence in Value i 0 "my greater, because it conuina helmet acid not in", which mau nrily Idd night, and toduee the quantity of Valuable demon". We rwunmend 250 lbs. to he and In :51ch o! 300 150.3111»: Phosphate or dinohod hone. ‘ was 8.. runs: x 00., , Gaunt. Aassri to: {n Scan, 71 South Street, Balanori. flMcCurdyt Diohl, Agenu, Gem-lbw: In. 12, 1365. an Reduced Prices. MOS, CABINE‘LAND AMERICAN OR ‘PgGANS. Superior tuned 1 ocuve HANDS In»: Soho upwuds. ORGANS from $39 up .mls. All instrument: "bond, u commeuded Md sold by In, nddiuonclly gun m’ued. lllunnmd circular: um by unit, when delind. -. ‘ P. BENTZ. No. 30 in: fluid Street, York, (’3. MM. 12, 1888. > ‘ 1860. PWelphla 1866. W A I. L P A P B B 8 . . HOWELL & BOURKE, Minimum“ 0! PAPER HANGISGS lad WINDOW EHADES. . ‘ 00m? FOURTd k MARKET Bmm, P HILADELPHIA. N. B. Always in no", s large nook of I ~ LINEN 8 OH: SHADES. Ila-cl: 5, 1368. In . ' *. ~QuT—t of .11 “min of Vista chat at. A!“ ‘ I PIOKING'BY le 3mm of Uppcr Lather COLLARS, of on on Ithmow rudy lid for ulc. ‘ D: law! at 3 60K. ' D. )IcCREARY t SON Another Gnu Cu”; h A! THE CITY 01' N3l? YORK, n high!y,mpnublc alum, wollhavi cu 15" Merclmila community, by DR. 1. a. SGHnNCI, ml and “M 00070: or "Itmnrnl. ‘ Office F. Y. ind “Menu Lend Co., No.lB Nun-n 81.,‘1. Y., Juno ll'fl. V --——-—' “'.' “- I 4 I“..- l 'v- Dv. J. H. Schenck—Dnr’ sin—i‘or uric fifteen your: l. have bean troubled nlih I n ma cough, nmfununlly two or it!!! film I you with more nrlqu humor-rings, It)“; go. 331‘":er mum in yem, has in” no thin m flesh Ind :60 weak to do businnl of any kind wllbont missing. In August Inn I hml a very govern bemorrbmzo. um, ”cording to tlmjudgmem of a good New York pity-lid", l was tluud u herond the reach of nadirlu. upd was advised to be prop-rad, u (M' M prqp ly ’mgmra were cunn-rwplgtu in" mi; worl «1. than name. The phy-ldnn (Inil In, x d trienda) _smd th-Hhe llm cal“ loot mull. pr rum. Early in J-nnnryhook a revere cpld, Invl {minnatrly mu occupying room! «2 No. 32 BOND STREET; dlntlly ovu your omen. -l think about heJGLh ufhmmry l procured - boulo of your Pulmonio Syrup and commenced mking‘ .l freely. My feel uu-l limbs were very much Iwollvn, mt I" ibu lymptoms at a upeody death seemed to “com pany my cold. l arm! for myl'ormer pfiyalclnn. ‘uml stalled will“: th-n l was liking yourmedi - ‘clnea, and alter [hurting than“? him, an l :hunng timed of them, be .he upl ad: “You cnn like them it‘you like, they will‘do you n‘ harm.” He said: “de‘know WW I toll lyou In: summer, and 1 my the swallow, it you hue n'ny busineu lo rl-m'up, do not puh ‘il oil." Ho mid to oLhcr friend: that ho“coull see no hope for me." and my friend. Ind reluv lilo“ ccncluded my time bud come. ’ M thug films I was taking freely of your modiclne‘fimr had not seen you. Thevdoctor chllqd s few limes. and mum] me (much to his lurprlu, he said.) improving. mud ln- coull not underusml Iwhy. My inith nus inert-« 211.3 in‘your modi ‘clnu, and [jam] n WU}! to lure you examine ‘my cue, Iml ave whut JQu had to lay. When lyou firai came 10 my ruom‘and nude the ox muinntion, you gme m: but llnlé encouragi ment, baton Ibuconfiary.éxpleued ud doubt! .of my ever being in lped out o! my'merueom ling dilliculllel. The ligand Limo that you lulled, finding me stillv “unplug, you gave mu lencourngl-monl. saying, "niy Iymploml we" ‘imprm’mg; the Pulmoulm’, S3rup, Scanned Tonic and .\lnmlmkc l’llls laud acted like a charm.” My curcululion, In) cough my uppe -111», all brgiui to improve, nml l «uuld wulk about my room S' Il'llP. \nu vim! cl mo nearly cl’ery Tuesday, and in Ind me .mpruv ing, and told me not to go on! «f vnva-Au un til lhl‘ tin-suing; nl May. I lonk no «all Illilu uudcr yum ltcalmix my upueiilo becuml first-rate, and you :1 me lc (ml. unryflring I wished of a mum our! nurture, and to e'hréue übgut lhe room as nluulru pnelible. {1 lol lowed your ud\ ice, mm 10 {hr surprlst of my old phyxidan and friends. I seem muélfhgtter (Inn 1 lure been for several yours, and breathe boner lhuul ever expected u porno: could will: one lunm‘lhe lel‘l. be ng cozllflulcly dried up. | feel very gnfielul u‘ygu, :\n~l Cquidcr yum mlvnce nnd_mmlivmrs invaluable, Yuan, Lruiy, ~Dr. Sclnenck—Denr Sin—About two year) Ago I gnu taken wnh n veryxtroubimome cough and n pnin'in in) brensL; seven or eight months passvd away wntliont my doing anything iur m'uelf. Turlll npplicd to n physiclen, who nltL-mlnd the for about three month! without remiennu me any service. _ lol'gn obtained tho ‘fltLVike and trev-tment ofn physician in one of our lillSilll|l4,i|lld alan had the advice nmi tren'munt 01 two other physiriiins. but ullto nu purpose. During this long space of time i wns nearly deni; auroral tunes my iriondl came in scenuu unvi '.'.fxlness my exit into llm sphit-woxid. IWIS confined to my bed two month: at one time. My breathing mu :1- ceeiliugly elmrl. i gave up levernl timel‘ all hope at getting better; and an regarded getting well. that was cutire‘l; out of the question—- And to think this dnj 1 nm in“ and hearty l—< l was ndviéed byrsbme of my friend! to try Lr. Sclienck's .\ledncmes. I accordingly bonuu battle nl'tur hulls, until i rent-lied tlte uinlh ; then I {mind it decided change in my coup fur the ham. lenfl'crcd severely irom gnlpi latiun of the heart, and two weake‘ui‘ter I i commenced mining yuur medicine thu diflcul ty ceased. ‘ - ‘ When i firat went to Dr. Srhenck'u office itl ‘ was with difficulty that [could (rt up into hie 3 reception room, l mu In went and lo "veiled ; my gkin was but sullow as though I lied the jaundice; I felt dull, heavy and Iletrleu. Dr. Scheuck, aher examining me, 11l both my ‘ lungs wgnvnil'wtml, and gave me hit llttlo ‘ hope; but his lnL‘dil'iltel‘, in nboutlwo weekl, ' I took ri vin. hull of me; it seemed to no right lthrongfi my whole system. The Pulmonie iii-Jun. Seaueld 'l‘nnic and )lnndrnke Pilll, 'sili iozk right "all; m the ringt pluck. n‘nu ‘ i'ills brought nwngl great rqunniimg o! lbile ‘und slime; the S} rupaicnsencd the matter in .my lunge, wlmli cune ufl‘ \‘ury Tree; the Sui - Weed Tunic pm: .me an appetite, end every thing set-med io'Tiiin- gumL ‘ To show what gréat power :he mediclnn h we in punuing m) system,und to now how ind I was diicued, buido all the bile ill-l puucd my bowela, and the gm! qluullllu of phlegm and matter I ex‘pectortud, I broke nut all our in I» rh-e boils, thou would cunlinuu m gather and run for nboul six reeklknnd l hul at one timrwcnly fife bolla. llmu nothiug'of the kind nomuml teal like Inouur penun ulwgahvr. l (..lu “M: u, tlgm I haye not 9va nycd such hcnlgh for live yours as I do now, and cnnuot praise vou um; your medicines enough. .\lny God tbnndnntly bless and preserve you, '1: th- llnuege desire 0! one who [ms been no wonderlully rcliand through foul-.ngency; nud iL-uay one deurcl 1;. know will: regnrd'zo the lrnthfulnon 0! 0.111! "pom-f m; willcnll upon an] of myfilonda, or upon me, No. 4 Dryden l'lnco, neirThomp lon "reel, below _CAdulmler, Phllndelphln, they will be purlgctly ”timed with the "lid. ny of the cue. You“, with much respect, MARY SCENAJD‘I‘.’ The atove qua, Ahdeacrjbed, in perfectly correct. I know n. wbe'lrue. \‘ufirn. . ‘ . ’l‘. B. MILbBR, I’unor of Hancock M. H. Uhuruh. Dr. Schenck will be ‘prqfeuiomiiy It his principal office. No. [.3 Norm Sixth men. corner of Commence, Phiimlpbigun] Su usday, from 9A. )1. until 4 P. LL; 10. It [loud "not, New York, every Tuudny, from I to 3 ; Ru. 3! Summer "reel, Boston, In", our] Wednesdly, "(in 9 to 3 ; In! every other Pu da} :1. ma BAH-non urea, Eskimo", )ldJ-o Mi “Viva “fell, but. (at A human: anoin tlon of the lung: with hh_ Rtly'u'omur, lb. charge is three dollars. _7 Price at the Buimonic Syrup 9nd Earned oncTJ'enuh $1 50. perjumle. on 81 50 per hulfdwen.‘ .\hiu-lruke Piilu,‘ .'bgeuu per hex. For sale by .11 [irugziiu sud mum. Mar. 'l2, ldu'ti. l‘m . ‘ ' . Bounty 'nx Hones. .‘HE Schowl Dmcwu 01 Smbu t'onlhig :51 will allow Inmbaiem‘nt 0! “VB PER 1351‘. on In Bounty Tu lovieJ for 1566, plid on or before the 2d d” 01 APRIL nut; and in can aid tax u not pyjd within an. month theresflcr. the unu- will be plued In th had: of an ofiver. and ill colloclion punitive], en forced, witbout rupccl to persons. 3; qrdqc of the Bond. . ~ PHILIP DONUHL’I, "raid-n Wu. Suumru, secmurj. MM. 5, 1566. m, 1* Lune: Wanted. HE SchoolDuuwn at gunnerlnnd lova ship are prop-red Lo luu: Towlyyip Bond. baring Interolt. at the rue 01,311 per tens. pa Inn-m. ply-blc yearly.clar of all taxes. An, peuor huing money gm land would“ well by inflating in than 8011-11. . ABRAUA‘! PLANK. Pru'l. Nuu'n. Luann, Soc'y. - Jan. 15, 1386. lApl , . Axel-u Wanmd to Sell HE GREAT AXERIGAS OALNBAPH- T, lOAL PUZZLE—Tn. chnpou and won wonderful Puzzle 0! the 330. Agents can cuiu'y nuke from 6“) to $2O I. dot". [um give guy on. Icon two i! he can ml 50 mound. 3nd [0 com tor «an: Pmle. PHILIP BILL. 259 Market IL, Philbdelphb, Pu. lurch 5,1806. 4: , , NEW flock of _- ' " A GOLD, AKD SILVER ,VITQflIS, ink-cud 7113 zayecisl unuudnmu‘m fig. " u! cocci! 111 ‘ '8! l " x J. Bl'hfi‘l. Oppociu Clo Int. m -14 P, T. s. SHELDON
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers