‘ ‘~-' 'nven‘ nee-um. _ 8 following spplicuiogs Io he public 2 f m... gluitertninucnghuo 5.2351“: In ny o with“. n quick. number 01' gamers, and will be p named It the Court of mum; Station, on MOXDAX,& [3min] “MARCH: 1866: ’ Sunnol Wolf, John L. Tue, final Yqum, Giom W. ltClelh-n, “ ‘2 . Jole‘ph Lune. . “ , , Fraud-{Bram ‘ ‘ Gunbfrlud Wq‘hip Genrgo A. Conn“. Snail]: - chob Nickle}, D. of D., “ " Levl Pillar, “ Lui Heigvl, George Best, Jnfuéo Mickie}, Abrahaq annular, estipbarg Ere don “ Hamiltonian “ 1 'u H Salad 8.. Ilorlll, Peter Shiv-Ix, ' Mounds: Benvhoof, . John D. Hrcker. Haulinglon “‘ Jane A. Kind, - “ . k“ 7 Jacob J. Biz-ht, Clmrln Urn, ()jh'tr P. Hausa, Joseph 51min, lam-e B, Houlér, 1 4 ‘Frunvls K. Smith, 1 ‘ ‘ " ‘Cunrnd Wugouu, Dnuie! Baker. - llucob L. GM", Joseph Dodl, ‘ A“ New, Kinhler. § Bernick borough. '{ ‘ Magi-J. Wilson, ' “ , “ .9 Jflridph Bark”, f Littlulo'n boroughL l‘thp “Huh-r, ‘ " " “ f (.'uorqe W Rex, lhmer‘towuohip.‘ 1 Allan .\l. (Jock, Tyrone “ _ fmnu 'uuch, L-Immro “ No§§§lfickg Reuhng x "- . llmn £;D|llor. Gorowugo K‘- ; no" uqvol nouns. j WITH-m J. llnrvin. (nu; sburgu , Grunge F‘. KIIJLIUL‘JFCIJ': - ” 1' £9in .l Sun-ringer, ()‘onowngo township. ‘ JAMES J. PINK, Clark. Menallen Os fore, . " filonulpluunl “ ‘ Hnlfimon . W Stub-u , “ Mar. 26,1966. lc P melnmauon \‘fHE'H-HS xlu' ”am. Roar"? J.‘ Prim-#l, [inn-Mun u! [M wwrnl Hunts otg'mu mun Plain in the liuuulivn mmposlng’lln liith hhu‘wt. pin! Juqiw ul Ihu (.'uurli uf ngrvnnd 'l'. rnilurdnu-l (Iv-mm] J-ul Delhmy, I'm: l’llc Um] u! AU ”pull and ulher x-fl'cngh rx in the mid dulfiicl, .md hum [.l- Isz. And [nut E. Wlmuuv. Eu”, Judges of [he Gnarls ui ('um mou PL- ms‘ n...d Judicvs of thy (,‘nurh‘ ui ()yvr um! l-cxmmer and (hm-ml Jtil riding" Cur in» trial at All mmhl And onur offender! in We Cuuulv a} A Limo—hlm lumen! their prie- N'pt. In», Hing ILm- the '.EJd d’ny of: JMluJIy in NI“ _Y'fi-xr‘ 01 our Lon» onc Uumnnd eight huh d't-rl and sixty-fin, nnd’tu'me dir'ecwl, l‘ur DIM-1m): A Hand ul ('unux n I‘lmq. n’ml llcnrr}! Quarn-r ragsi'm] of 111': l'r'u'v. and General JRI hrllfl rh'm“ L'-n|.t r f‘UH-r and Tcnnmg‘r. m th-lguhubz, on “H.“ .\Y, the Nth day of Al.'K'|.i|'dlu-I- 1‘ ‘ ;. mum; is HEREIN} (”VI-IN In All the lIHLIVI‘A u! lhf I‘mu V. ”I 4 (‘urmu-r nnd- Consfit bll‘i nilhn the Mill (‘lmiulymi Adnmu, tlmt HIP} 1w Hmnfiudalhqr in; thruj [Mun-r pungun, ML]: rhuir Kaila. He ‘or Ll. luquxim. 0!“. Hum jzmlinu-x, flu“ nun-r 81-{un-nlbruwcl, lu du lIIUQP ,z.nin;;« whu"; Lo [Ln-Ir olfiu-M amLin lhal 0 eh UT umunhuu to Le dun“, and «In: the) who n 1“ pro-mulofilnind llm 'lli~l\fl("5 (hm an: m -I'u-n ~dull be in ('l9 Jul at the mid t‘uunxy bl‘ I\|!-|l||'a.llrt‘ tn M (Turn and ”Mr: to prusccuiii; ugnis'nsl, lhflu my all u” leu} ‘ . ‘ AIDA \l HHBHHT, Sl|crifl., ' B'u-nfi“ olfira, (icttylburg, MN. ‘.'6, 'L6. 7 Uri-an Ream-1m" lI‘I Prim-fl. 1“ \IIVHSTUL'K munfsmlm (mm) (‘xmmm AT 12; (Imm, E. mew l‘.\'lH.l-:‘\t'lHlD \H'SLWET in 01‘s., nu I‘mll ”mar “made in [gr/martian. I ’1 \‘uu Wlnl. ('HHAI’ Guodl, now ia'lihe tinie nu t-uv llurm. ‘ { C..:1 :it (111 C, - , Huvmmfix BROTHERS 1' (‘.clvyuburg, llnr‘ 2'l, 156-; c {lumplkb Eioution. I \ n: s‘mmml lru'in me Yurk and emu.) I‘ hug l'nru'nkafausynu) are her-My noti fu-v! NW nu H‘Hliun fur 'Prr-liulrnt. Mnuauc'}: .am-l Tluvllll'H'. to cowl wt 'lu- :Iffniri of, thi (l ”In-.my, will be he'd at lhr pit-Mi“ hnme (ff J", J. \‘k bun“. m _‘lpllfl’tpttlfi n, m. ‘l‘Hl’RiDA'Yi. elm Hm. day or .1111“. um, betxveell}lle 1'1””“ 01' H Shun! ‘2 P. \l. Jlel’H :‘H SER.,>‘cr‘y V tr.. 2 c!, Aotietb. ' (NEH! EUR 5 ICH‘A'I E ——l,m:»ru n! ml‘. 1" nnnisn ”Lu” uu the nun“ nl Jun-[lb %\ lII'L luv ut‘ tln-qnt'pieamn: mwuslnp. .hhxnt u“ vllnl} .vh-w :=--d.h.nlng hen-h pram-d In lhe uhl m-r-ixzuml. whirling m ('ninn tuwvicl-ip. he llrW'hy: gun's "0)“! e la all p: Hons in-h-htcd 10 m 1 r~t.nr I" m Lu in; Iy-dimn- [Hymn-m, .lud’ Jlum- lmung rlniuu nun"!!! Iho s mu- m we,“ pé-ul (In-m plow-rt; '«luhvutiqatml tnr _sflzlc. ‘am-nt. _ SUSHNI b. SHORE, Adm r. ; Mur. 10,1R65‘. 6L L A ~ ("gauges a'nd Buggies; ; (‘ACHSCI’LD j _ nre nmv buildiayz a Quint; of: ' v u“; u u w u n K i of Iho‘Jnmt rm! mm ai-muvu llylu. and rumtru i ‘J --l t‘m‘ MN! m m-rvul, In which the)“ innu- rho alvmxu'u-I or bl:_\'rrrl.‘ “min: built mxr “wk with area: «are und in mun-rink selvi‘lr‘d wilh‘upw‘inl quo-u-nro to brain] of r vh- unui dun'iiitr. we fun (3336“tu ref mum-m»! the _wmk us unmrpnsued by any; rain-10,?" or am at tho nil-1. , E All wq‘unk lii nu inqurlinn 01 our vark 1‘; rum lum- thJ-se in Winn. of any final of which; (inn. lhiv iI (Ln- plncr tn buy them. x“. IiIiI’AHUNU in 2hr): bmncln done a: shor} ..nnlife had on ransom-hie lerma‘ ! lift} us at run. a" an: Fncmrv. new (laé tuwrr ol' Wmhingtuu, uni phmnuenburg Slrm‘h‘ “(Hg—dun" fl I'. J. Jim. Mar. 19, mm ‘ Lecture. . a ~ ; Ey. DR. C(NRM) WI“ deliver his popu'r.‘ ‘11!!! Lectura, ou "Wnsi.inzlul_n.“ in SC; umu Lullu-mn I‘hfln b, nu “USDAY EYE?“ ‘ Im, ,u-xm. “_me proct‘edé to he “What tn the [IUU'HIIFC of an Urunu. Doors open a, ' 075 u'~l.uk. Admission 25 cents. Tickets to be had at Nauru. Sp:mgler':, Mahler's, Min-ill uill’l'n. :mJ-Nol’lin's “or". I {,l “Huh 19, 1806. Ind , " XLI‘QC. y ‘ § 0““ fallP'S EfiTATfi—Leners of mi", p 1 ministration an the run” cf'John Can-g, Inn'ut' leord township, dam-mid; having but: wanted to the nu Irreizuéd. raiding in the city of BJHimlH‘t‘, .\M., ‘he hotel-y gives mum-b to AUX pertJna indebted to said csmta ta nmk'k imugqlinle pnumcm. and {hosi- having chum? \gs'u'nx the 'snme. Lo west-m, mm pmpe’rlp" authenticnlrdsor srlllnuent . ’ g ‘h was?“ CAMP. .mm'r. Marc 5 1866. 61*- - _ ' __ ~..i Euiaté Notice. sum or .unuun‘l nun-sup“; * undersigned. Ateut‘fo‘r the Hgiu or Ann-ham Hart,3r.,lnte or Mumxuubnrg, Admu‘? calmly, deccued, bushy. request: “I p’qrsuna indebted.” the esme or said decade-L td mike immediate ptymeut.r and those having c‘mims ngain‘t the lane _3O present. them properly authenticated for aenlemtnz. ‘ SAIUEL‘ HART, ; Funkljn tp. ; lan-pk 5,-1U66. 6H t Money Wand. ._ HE Sch ington of Cumberland town-g T hip nu #l):er to lune Town-hip Bond! bu???“ intern! q} um um of six per cent. 9:! nnnm, pnynbla parly,clur of :1] m‘xu. An; "WHO: huinw money to land would do well bx hunting in than Bonds. w ; ABRAHAM PLANK, Pren’t. ; Nnu‘L. Lmanu, Sec‘y. _ : Jan. 15, 1866‘. tApr 1 ~The your '11»: but commend $866. sud yith It PICKQNG bu "his '2 "gnyricu wonderfully. , ‘ ' ' 86 ‘0 Ifyon hue Gimpped hmdpui . b. or rough lint, use the OLEIN,} ropuod’hJDr. B. uonxamt , . ~ A. nwma . ‘ ‘ -, .1 z A AND Bmm in ‘ Quantum: «nod-Inn.“ “52250831; hm mm M roe-find Ind for «is n. L . - . J. an"; I I', 091 mm“! 3!“. O'H’Iblll". ‘ l 0“ 33“ undjtiompany. _ _ .Vl punnnncaorundty wriuol Hui End.“ . APl'l‘AL, $10,0w,000, ‘1 ud’ \‘cnditioni Exponu, inued out of tho , “mugs, 3‘oo (“cm ' Court or Common Plea of Adllfll cohnt . um! I STOCK GUAJANTIKD. .lome directed, willho'expoud‘ntfinbhc For every bhtn of Stack luned; me P” Sale. at the Can". Hun-fin Getty-bung, on 1' Vulno {One Hundred Dun...” ;SATUHDAY, tbe'hh day of APRIL néu, n | ' l - will he dep‘ollnd in m. l 1 o'clock. l‘. l, the following ducxihed Raul 'TEEASURY 0? Tm: uxxmn sums , Hume. m: I l l on lIVIITID u ‘ i‘ A TRACT or tAND, mum in an 'ting. l. A GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, lion town-hip, Ann:- county, on the: public . Ahd muy be hilhdrnt’n by tho Stuckhélder ”(and lending from Whitenown to the Dude". I. l; . at nny time. -.~: rHlo road, adjoining had. of Jacob Hotter, President......:.........GALUHHA A.GRSW,_ 1690?“ Human, Jenninh Bums. John lieu ,Virfe i’tenident.........UHAHLbS V. CULVER, > Kiunry. lull olhcrl, containing 30 Acrel. more ‘ 8ecreurv................W1LL1AM BRUL‘GH, ”or Inn. impro’ved with c Two-Iron Log ... 1 Tnuurer..‘..............8U8ERT F-‘BROOKE. Dwelling HUUSE, with s One-nary. ‘ DIRECTORS. ‘ ‘ Stone Kitchen Ituched, Log St-ble, a“, GALUsflA A, Grow, Reno, p._ with a I Thruhing Floor curbed, Springj Luz-Spunk" of the U. 8. Home.“ Rep. Howe, on well of wnler ncnr the that of time Hon. C. R. RANSOK, fliton Mnfl. ldnelling, In Orflnnh of choice frnét, he,_ 1;. S,- Bank Commiuioner for Nu" Engllnd. belled‘ and‘ “hen in lox'ecution u the rec]; Hon. SIDNEY DE Kl _ ~ - 9"“5 °”« D. 50‘7"! Ind In! Sovinl. I , A. v Plondenrc, R. 1. Al A R . A , - - . - lune M. ofCong.—-Editor Providence Press.’ 80. T ALT 0F LAhD, innate In Luna-i . , . , herlnnd township, Adnm county. PL, Idjmn. EPA“? A- SMYTHE, E’Q-n 3'!" York on)“ ing lands at Leonud Brisker. George Bulb- Preudenl of the Ccnlml Xntionnl Bunk. lama and (home _fleikert, and the public roudl LUCIEN ll.£Ul.\'Ell. El‘l-a New YorkCil-I- lending from Geuynbulg tn Taneytdwn, con_, ‘ Ol‘Uulwr, Penn 3: Cq., Bunkers. lining” 30 Acres, moi-g gr ten. There in nl Hon. AL’UUaI-‘US FRANK. \Vnrle‘ x. Y: 1 "1' °‘ “3" 9“ ”1‘ New", "i'h "0"" ""111 } Menu. of ‘H. of Rep... 36thl3‘lth,t 33m CWZ- -, :I'ETQ. “Stun-(3 andnukeu in execution u the! 1 '.’ H.‘ _ , SON,‘ . f en ea eOl aux cunuwn._ , glinfcuofthl; C‘Zil'gd altru- 3:330]; ’n‘d‘. 4‘ I ‘ “‘o’ A TRACT OF LAND’ situate in I.“an ‘ I I tmgton township, A Inn. county, Pa. admin-l Im. THUB. s. snwmnn, South my. Ind. w “pd. ongflph mm," mm} Bu . . '. _ . _ . . veer, Presxdenlof Fm: .\.-t. “Auk MS all; Bend. John Miller. Alfred Miller, And others, cm;-f H—nn. CHAS. VuCI'LVER, anklml Pit. ”Mining H Acrei,murr or |e3s.;improvml .. ‘ l l' ¥ DfC-ilvcr, 1" .m 5. 'lO., k 11. of present. Cong. with u Two-plow l-‘nixuo ughc-at.‘ ALEX BRADLEY, )6qu _ Pitubur‘fi, pm 9‘“an HOUSE. Lilli a ua-ltory i Pru‘}.ol’Truduainv~u J Nat. Bnukél Pituhurg. l rnme Roughcngt K' h“ at uhed, . TWIN “but” DOUGLASS, I':qu Maurine, h. lawns: n goublu Log Burn) With ‘Shedi‘ncr’ 1 l‘reu'l. o’.th Nut. Blink of Crawford co. Pl. 'c e.s uuhla Frame “r ngon bhcd, Imp, ‘ ‘ . ' ' ‘ . 1 huge Hon", With a Shad uuuched, Ho" Sta. (N'- JA “55 H- 30“ 153. -Cblr‘ngo, 111. ' ‘ble, Smuké House a. well of water "2711' the! l’resixirul uf Third Nut. Bunk OFF-bingo.- door of the dwelling} three/Orcuurds, two of, GEORGE 11. REA, Esq., Sniut Louil, llo.].Al'plo and one of Pinch. A public road} P 1 Lnldcu' of Second Nat. Bank of St. LDllll. I'M“! “10 buildinga, and B unnll "return of T‘nrsrsas UF I'th Fuxn. ~.“”°' through e... mm. mm and ukenin' llou. JOHN J. (11500, New Yark Cm. ‘ egrculion as the real entcte of MARY Anus! , U 1 John J. Cucu &: Sons. Bankers. and law unxu. Auist..’l‘rcuurer oflhc U. S. KIN“; \'orL.{ Sh '3'" ‘fi‘ (ADA): REBSBT‘ 5116!“?- DENNISU DUER E‘s ~ I N . ~ .l .ens 0. cc. letl): nrg, .\1nr.19,‘68. l Ul‘Jume3 G. Kihg'sqSOnh “”1130",? “‘9' WTen—yrr cent of the purchue'money' ‘ . . . ‘_ V - » . I upon all Lulu hv the Shenfl' must he pnid (Her. Mil HE LAM): OF THE COMPANY ‘ innnrdintely miter lhe'pnwerty ig strurk down cox-gun cl Tun-17's llu_udred Acres. a! Rum, am or upon‘huluro w Coflrplt‘ therewith the proper lhe Allegheny nwmn Venlmgu couu'y Penn- l)"uill be lam“ put u 'for rile ! ‘ylvanin—rulz uuuu Jr mu Uu. Dumber in: ~ ° 1: ~~ -.~—' ~~ -1 .- —-: = 1:11EI mnxnn. _ ‘ x Jurors for April 'lfcrm. a” THOUSAND warms. ! . Gun-um. cm an ass: can. IHS: runnln‘r mniucr n - ‘ Cetfyshulg—lsaac Robinson, Foreman. unnuucn. ‘ .~ I anklm—Jclmalu Smrner. Rwhrrt lh-Cfenf. ‘l‘é-sr. we"; have been sunk on the Estate, Germany—2.l3%);PimenJormLhnnForeal.‘ and 01) found In png'iug quantities in “my flununglon—Johu H. Lease. immune. FIFTY WELLS u." now bving put :LLrubun—Wm. Sullnmilh, Daniel Spungler? duwh- to In- tolanwd Ly other: 1.: rapidly as I :mnlmnhan—Willimn Cqu. ‘ pu-uzbl‘e to the rxlcm necesmry tofu/11, dmlupe Moulujo.’ Ucurv Burhor. lllrprupcrty. Uue hundml walk-_xirming only leuld—‘fihry Wiest,'Wlliinm Emmert. Mn barxrll a dny enrh nl six dullura n. bun rel. :\ Union—Charles Spnngler, JesseEppelmgn. Price 111.161: bdow :uc averugc [ll’ilc nt 111-nu, Humiltun—dbhn Ruff. ' ‘ would gut- um: million eight hundred thou- Liberty-John .\Luuselmun. ' - ‘ Mud dull‘ir.‘ :1 year ur‘income, m :king a prom Ilkadmg—a‘ufimo'n Jacobi, Jacob George. of yrohnbly fillecn per uo-nlmvvr eipunscsaml; .\luunlplcuaa.u;’—~Ahrnhavu Lieu'er. . Uncut! eury kind. ”large fluwilgg we”; are ‘ FrPedumw—Jouph 1106 mm. ' ‘ . mud. u wig/It acre of M’Jfljl'llury "my gun! (Inc 3h Imllenwiucuh Sundae. . (mire minim! itil/un lwu ymn. ‘ ' liulll-lL—Jusebh ‘Wolf. . . ‘ WM: 0mm“!!! Owns the Tuwin ovano, TyroheL—J'ncu'u Funk. ' vacuum: with b‘c‘Weml llpudrrd Lots to: Bu~l- Gunwago—Jucob Schwflrtz. ' . nee: nunl [Lu-Hing Houses Thu-e is an‘E.xleu-. ' Glenn“. JURY. ‘ irlvu Demand lul- the-m, and Mac Revenue'lrulu Uninn—S‘rmue Y I V ' lllrir.fixllc_}"“l 1?” ”'s' gruulfi‘ P If Sheel)’. Johnl sfeiizfélll’hWMld‘mz. Am‘na ' 1 HFT'S'I‘UCK IS GUARAN‘TIED. [ Franklin—Andrew menger, John M'eKA-nriclc, Th‘e Priue of the Stock has [urn find at ONEI John P- Bull" . " - Ul'NllhEl) ASD “Wt UULLABE per Shinesl HulllinmonTAvrnh -m Shafrr, Gen. W. .\lenls. Fin- Dullar<_gn into the Trenwry m lhe Cum‘l (Marge Flckes. John ('. .\hller, Wm. Lease. Playus A Contribution to the u'urkiug Fun\l,,lluln lwn—llc,urv_:l’lnck,.lolm Dellone’, (Merge Th!- P‘ar Value of‘ the SW k, Une Hunjdrui'," KI K, ”(‘0')“ ”053"?" r ' Dullnrs.is paid (a we Trusbics, lo he Dfpnaii- . Tyro e—J. P. Miller, Emanuel Omnpdr, Frank- H] m lllu Trrnurr; 0f the l’nth Smn-s, ‘.r ln-| lil Ebert. ‘ . \l‘a‘l“! in Guru-much: S whines, .\.VI) \la‘,‘ , Huumpleuennt—Jacoh Lqu,_Jolxn Lawrence, M; WITHIN: \WS BY THE S'l'ucxuuunm‘ Peter Sydhmifln v' j KTAANY LINE. . .' .4 Munmjuy—Wlllwm Eliue, Samuel Baker, An- By the l’nyunénl of Ten Bellampersons‘ th 11. d’l'W. “9111". ~ 4‘ (11-slu- 10 away! the; Ilriurll at [he First Your a “.\milionbnu—Mosn Senbrooks, J 01"! Sun. l’n’vlupméut, mu Sgt luv the li gm nt übluiu.i , den, Genrge Spreulnlg. ‘ irrgA 'rULL l'.\ll)>2ll.H:E ul‘ ULAHANI‘IEU “MM—”turf Lower, J-Wob 310 W“): Henry b'IUCK Int-Uni“ Hun irucl Dullnrs Additionnl.‘ G- K‘ir‘il'. l u‘t .luy liuu- heldlt‘ Hu- 2,: d..y omprn, 1867. ‘ Lmnfizre—Chnrlrs W. Griest. Wm. F. Bonner, Wll is an lmrslmem with the Chanel-s or. Blich‘u‘l Smmlmugh. ‘ Lnlm- Profit mud rs ALW n'u c mum-nu -L\-IU Gellhbnrg—Nlclmlas leorl,‘ John llulnp, Ch“ 41' Put. 11 might be vallel l Juhn .\‘orbrck, George (layer. , A lrl‘lG-AL TENUJZR ()11. STOCK. ‘ ‘UFTmMly—chhnel Fink, .\lnrliu, Stably. - So large n Wot-hm}: Fund [$5OO,OW) has‘ H'erdom—Calrin l’.,l\’rise<l David Sheen. non-r lieeu pr'uvhled or upended luv-any (mm- Liberty—John Nunemnker; Reuben Shover. '.um’ m the on Region. M‘BSCRIPTIUSS CoucwuzO—thhucl Liulv, Adam Diem. '\\'l” he, received by ugehts and by (In! prmci‘. Littleszowrl—Ephrauln Rhea, 11. Jl. Kline, pnl Bunknud lhnkera {luau-ghoul. they rout»; Wm. l". Cruuse. ’ :_ t_ry. Prospcrlusei and dthe. iul‘anumion “ill B! “\in bun—llenry Kobh-r, Franklin Grove. be furniahcd by Agents, gnu/R by 3 = idtrnllnu—llenry Wiunur, George Weuvgr. ' ' SAMUEL 'l‘. HHWARD, lle'ord—Joaeph munch, George Shani, Elias Srmcmrrrus Ann I', l blflgle. - 21 Nau'nnu SL.,-.\cw York. ('nnllncxlund—iJuhn Herlvsl, Henry Bram. . 4teuw ~ _ l-Meuullcn—lbrgnc Miller,Uhr_yuodtum Eppelmun. llnr. w, [Qt-G. _‘ K ' 5 are now Idling -...” "l Muir. 26,188+: HE nuhecnmr reqmrltuny in'lormi the T pnhlii' that he at“) wuxinucs Lhebuéincas of mn'nm-g . J I g ALI. KINDS OF 60H!) TIN WARE. at ‘lhc old «and (formerly An‘row’Pnlleg'i.) in Yurk sun-f. Gettysbu'rk, I ll re he has the l-rgzst assortment of «in “are in the cuyuty, wilh many uther amide? tor kjnchru use. &u. ‘Alsu. CUUKIM} STUVHS a: NIKE-PLATE STUVEShot the \rry‘ has: kinds. ' .\Lgr. 12, mas. 3m Just me ’l‘mjnz'the Ladies “'am. { lunfir but one mine to mv harp, ’Tie this-I'M make dull 50'"an shnrp; 0! its grout. wnrth’ I'll briefly sing, , J-Lr Inn/u: ll iu‘usl Milly/Ag,- ’Tis mnde of \v.nlx_lnl,sxerel, and brass, I‘And like u diamdndwxll ('Dt .us; ' E‘Tnilicut the duUrst scnmn, ou, 'And mulu them work both shurp. anduuo; "I‘m hlm a‘toy fixing, plain and {12:31, And In etfert 'tivs mqst compielr; ' [M I” mm a fuel deal citrpmu— Thus 1! appeals _lo Eo’nlmon scum; h 3:, L 0 my poetic mind, The wry best thing yet wigrind The dulcstwisgnrQ t 9 be found, MI. E. “cum: 9 In erery slime the wérld around. WW. 0. SWEENEY, Gettysburg)“: this dmrnblu little nmvhipl‘ for anh- , , - w”: {ll3O 59115 _the AU 1'0.“ \TON LAMP HLLh‘H, smellgiug new, and Ihe best. Hxing out. ‘ , , [\lur. 19,1860.?‘3L* New Goods at Grlmés's. , AMHS A. 'GHHIES, in Yoflt flint. Get- Ql’ Iyabnn. hnljun {eerived a [urge lot of m w GROOEBIES. &c., which, ,lmving bought tor (Rah, M. the 'lnlesl xeduced prices, he is prepared to ofler che‘npuf than they have been sold here for several yokrl. Hi- luortmenv. i: \‘er’y mlLembracing uh} most chn'lce nruclu in his line, to [MOVE which he asks his 0H cus tomers—and the public generally to call and 2: Imm for memséh'n. His ‘ CUFFEBS, TEAS, SUGARS. ‘ SYRUPS, MOLASSES, guvn‘s, NI‘TS. mxr‘wnuss. 10!}.\CCUS, SEGARS, ho. to, he in rennin win, plmug ull wh‘o my try them. nud~h¢ lheretore nika .pm‘chuers, (rpm town nnd‘coungry, to givejhem a kind before buy ing else‘w'here. He isid-‘terluiue-K not t 9 5! uudersold b‘y anybtheu cahblislupent. hi: lp'rge stock of ' FAN C Y is kept full by constant nddilioni, And every-' thing in that line can at, all timu be had good‘ And chenp. lndeed,he flaueu himself that, .his Store, containing u it does no lug: n u- l riety ufGoodz, All new And in_the'buc‘ condi- ‘ lioil, cannol but. by looks! upon 3: nmong the mounurnctlve in town. By attending clouely. lo busineu. nnd selling u mull profits, he in i doing A hand-on“ bn‘elnus. nnd willzspnn no i efl'orc to increase it by giving anti-fwuon in :11 can. » / ~ [Much 19. 1896. A» _L__._.M. - . _._. ~ _ _ ..- "The run- Famed ' _~ I 'IIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER."— € 6 Umvznsu Uhuxnno .. ..."--. Besides the gran uving of Lshoi, the, Inving In the WGI!‘ pnd ten of "clothing in a flash your. mag-o tbs! unnnu to thcpriée of mi! Wringer. ‘1: is "range m: guy, nail, lhauld be willing} to do without it. to: ante It FAENESTOCK 3308., and at C. marma- LENS. - ‘ Rob. 19. . ‘Hv .... 7 1 _1._*_..... ~ lec'mn; 19.11! , I I plan! to obtain {perfect Photograph or: Amhrotype, executed in tho but mum“,l is u MUNPER’S GALLERY, in mm. urea. Jun. 9, was._, 1_ ' 1 CLOO K 8 . Now on hlm! CLOCKS in gm: uriety, from fuwfiu «(the highmtdpntgfion in :11. _fl,, Earn. and wnmnud‘ gain}: (gay-Ryan. Picture Fume-u . l °' - ’* ' ' can ...-my u morass mum, MWPW‘W‘E“ “£55252“: wlth plain nd convex hlm, for 1310- ~ln WANTED to pnrohm On! 4» Much Dru and Yuri“, store. . 9 0 Got", u, Very reduced prices, It Juno :9. ms. ; l . - “Dame's.- m Tm Ware and Stoves. S. G. COOK ARTICLES - Sheriff's Sales. 3 Money Saved ; IS MONEY‘MA'DE'. UASII SYSTEM ADOPJ‘ED, ‘ E AND PRICES REDUCED! The undersigned mos! reqp-rtfully iqvlte their old Mummers ml] the pul-lic gem-rally m cn‘l mud ire Hm: Hamlin the new prim-a. We luvc . 1 A FULL ‘AND WELL SELECTED STOCK. whicfi “:1 lm-‘e cnudln-l‘d to‘run ofl' atthe lowest p )‘Sllil? [)rlcgs. We inléud doing what wrsay; llneleforp nll person? desirousofmuking munry in the mules! way (by sm’vng it in their pun-ins”) will not mil to give u::n cull, as we prlmlse them they shall nut. be disap puiuledf" _ “’e are llmnkful for the past very liberal patronage we; h§\‘e'rrcoired'-nnd trus: that we shall merit n continu-nion of the lame; and mun—as we slmll use our best. e‘ndx-nvorp, to plense all who may favor gs will: A cull. WDon'uurgcl the pl’ncg.’ ‘ _ ‘ D'ANNER'A: SHIELDS. FnirfieldedJma cofinly, Pu. N. B.—-Wo are Agents for Miller's Supn-ior Family Flour, a‘nd‘Johnsou'a celebrated Blnst lug Powder. 1 ‘ -[Fclh 26, 1566. '.f Ladies“ Oyster Saloon. HE undelsngh'gl bus the plenum of An nouncing to his friends thnt, in- connec tion with his (‘ONFECTIUNBRY AND ICE CREAM SALOON, he has opcnud an OYSTER SALOON, with a SEPARATE DEPAR'I‘\IE.\'T FOR LADIES. Ladies and Gentlemen Visiting [hll Saloon will find ,xha-nccummodations lull they could deaile. Uyfl‘era Will be ‘aerved up in any 31.er and 'm a superior mnnnrr.. (‘nll and Ice. JOHN URUEL. :s'uv. 6,-1865. \r Boimty Tax Notice. VIE School Din-clots of Slmbnn township V]- will fillow an‘ nbnlomenl of FIVE PER CENT. on all Buunly Tnx levied for 18.66, paid. on or bt-l'oro'the 2d day 01 APRIL next; and in case said Lgx Is no: p id within one mouth thercum-r. the same mil rm placed in the hands of an otfiver, andju collpclion positively en fmced, without respcdl. to person. By order of the Board. ' _ PHILIP DONOHUE,°relident Wu. Suus‘um, Secreu‘try. _ ’ Mar. 5,1866. £31.71" Reduced: Pricen. lANOS, CABINEE AND AMERICAN 0R- P GANS. Superior tuned 7 active HANDS tram $350 upwards. ORGANS {rbm $3O hpwards. All ‘imcrumenu‘ seleyted, n comnended .116 sold by me, addition-Hyun nnmd. lllustnled circulars aunt bx mm, when denim-d. P, BENTZ, ‘ No. 30 East luket’SUeet, York, P 3. In“. 12, 1886. Notice. AMURL EIKEB'S ESTATE—Lmonofgd. IS ,miuiumion on tho estate of Sumo! iter. late of Higbhnd townnhip, Adlml conn ty, deemed, Inning bean granted m 41w an dcrsigned, “Wl3" fin Hamiltonian winphip, he hereby gives notice to I“ par-ominfiebtoq to aid elmté to mgke immefllnte puma-u, ind thgui having claim: again". the nine to present them properly “mentioned. for let.- uement‘ ‘ JOHN H. BAUXG ABDNER, Adair. In. 12, “69. 6” 1 ‘ V NOTICE: berth; givouto I“ begun! at! , othrr person; count-Md. 'um. the Ad~ 4an int-lion Account! hereinafter mentioned 'lifi be pruuned u. the Orphm’l Cour! of Adam codnty, for eonlinnnion ud nllov-nce, on lOSDAY, the 26th day at flABOH, 184,6, ll 10 'u'rlngk, A. l, '11: {7 i 26]. The fin: ncconuc‘ of Abnhun Bhuly, ' Efecutct of heat: Shoal], dccenqett ‘v 262."?110 in: mount 0! lag-c Lightner, lAdmin'umno! of the estate a! George J. Fat: ; terho‘. , y 263. The luond nnd final uconnt of George Wanarynd Jam Linn. Administrlton of the flute oflichu! Herring, decal-ad. 264. First nnd finnl nccqum a! John Picking, .Adminial‘rhwr of Bernard Hildeb’rnnd, dec’d. 265. The account olrllrgnret Tue, Admin istrulrixof David Tue, deceued. 266. The fin: Icconnl of Eliu Johns, Ex ecutor of the will ofJahn Johna. dece-sed. 287. Fir-tand final ICCOIInt ofJ-mu H. lc~ Elwee :m'd Benjamin F. Win-mun. Execnlorl or the In» win And :eaumum of Jlunel McEl woe, . 268. Thl v! Abr ‘ 1e nccount o: tanham Flßhr, Ad miniuntor of Daniel Dnywull, dweand. 269. Finn account'uf Amos Schlonrr, Ex ecutor of the last will and testament at Charles Showera. deceued. . 210. The fin: and final Account of David Biehl, Adlninmrnor cube estate of Amoa Sauble, deceased. ‘ , - 211. The first And final Account of Dink-l Liumrd. Ajmiululnlur of Amos Laqj, his 0; Mennllen Loy'nahip, decanted. 212. Tbe‘firat account at Abl'nhnm Guite. Adlnlnlslnlor of the estate “3' Pum- Guise. deceased. - ! SAMUEL LILLY, Reg‘rm'.l Reg'ster': 06cc. Geuyuburg. L ' February 26, 1866. Id ' 1 Bosnia-'5 Npueéi.‘ OTlt‘E ia'hereby gi-ven m all-Legnteel and N other per-on: coccerfied, that the Ad ministralioi Accounts hereinafter mentioned will be preleuv'd at the Orphan”: Court uf Adnms canniyflor confirmxtion and nuowance, on .\IUNDAY. the 16th day of APRIL, 1866,31. 10 o'clm k, A. 51., Via: 273. The second account of John Kuhn, Trustee omeoh Srllmnd Harriet. Sell hi 3 “ We, and chiluren, under the WI” of Jacob Sell, (millwriglxh) drcensed’. , _ J :74. Account of‘Samut-l Gillllgnd, Admin iatrutor of William Gillilnud. docepsed, willed byS.|r.\h'_l_¥illil.md and Frederick Quickel,Ad mmislrnlqrs oi’suidSamurl (hlfilahduiacenaed. 275. Arcuuut of David \lnr'Ju, Admlnlslm tor of Elizabeth Marlin. duvnsed. 276. First and final amount. of John Gard ner and Hon. hnnc E. “'iernnm, Adminismh tors of Jacob Gurdner, Jr.'. deceased. ' 277. The ncund account. of George Flick ‘ingcr and George Lough, Executor; of John Flicki‘uger,deceurd. ‘ 278. First and final pctonn; of Joseph J. Kuhn, Guardian of Henry Dellone. 271'. Tin-l first and film] account of Joseph Bn-rs, .\dmxmstruor’uf the'eslaxc ofUco. A. W. Buwersax, deceased. ‘ \ 280. Tll9 amount of Benjamin Mulnun, Gun din of the esmle’of Snmuel, Duvid, Juleph and. \"illinm Bolliugcr, minor 'chuldrPn of Llizalbt-lh Bolhgger, dl;cen§wl,senlcd by Surp uel H. Miller, Efinculur of LL; hill of B‘ujnmm 'MuluuL, d 4 L‘l.|:(‘ll. ‘ 7 ' 281. tecond and final accounl‘nf Divifl B. Russell, Esq., Adminiszrnlgr oi Dnmel, Sny der. dew-'nsed. ‘ . 282. The :cCOl’ld and final Account o! Nicho las Uratrick and Druid T. Uooly, Administra tori ot the estate or Davnd Cuolyfdeveused. 283. Firsz'anul firml account. at John 1". Fel~ t 5; A-hmnialm-lor m the I‘Slnle of John l‘u'v‘ lorlfllute of Shnbau lownahxp, Adams unuuly, dPCt‘flbl‘d- 28%. The account'of Wm. A. Duncfin, Ad ministrnlurof Jacks-nu .\. Snydvr, decmivd. 2H5. first and finnl "tuna-n! ofJuhn hénry Hunt, Esq, Administrator of wrath Fickes, dccused. - SAMUEL LILLY, Register Registex’: Office; Gettysburg, _ mnh 1:4. 1886 1d } . Great Reduction of Prices T THE CH'EAP GROCERY! domain 0F buxnw A‘D CHAuusnsncnc s'“:le. ‘ J 0 II .V M. S WA N, Haring juv-t returned from the city, respon fully ‘infurml his customers, and Ille publié, llmt.hé has succeed l in formiug‘n connection with one of their“ Importing Huures in the (113' of llnl'lxuure, b» whirh he i< ennblvd to od'gr Groceries at lower figure than they can be_purclmtvd' el ewhvre in the county.— He in uranium lo :91 . A (,‘LIIvI-‘l‘ll-I 32 cents per Ib. SHEAR. 2 lbs. f 0 25 H " ‘SYRUP, {rum . 40 “ to $1.20, and all other llnnszs corresponding rates.— If you would save qut‘y, call 09 the Chcnp Gro‘cerymornerofDim round an 1 Chnmhergburg gnu-f. lle nclls ru-l :ively ‘ur Push, nnd i’q determined :u how nhm at all other: in selling cheap. Give him a all brlhre purchasing dun/hers. ‘ mm .\L SWAN. Burton‘s Safety Lamps, - AVID LIG,—RO-INE ,(Red) FLUID l nanny. . lllS Lamp appun'u Lly burns without any- T (luuy 6b feed 1!. It has, however,“ gna teriul which absorbs the liquid and gist-s it to the flame, pmlly from the wick, Ind purtly in the I" rm ul‘ gls, but. so ns 10 produce perfect communion. and i 3 wry, Economical! and sum. ‘IL u; used without aclzimnuy, and perfectly trimmed, durs not «make or smell; it‘ is lllrre {are e~pccially sdnpled lo th‘c purposes of a “nu nbmt," night. nurse, shop or hotel lamp, or lunuru. The ‘cosl of broken chimur) 5; alone, wi l mute than [my the coat of thislamp, Every manly needs one or more. » ' “I; is just. wbnt I h-ve' been long lobk'xng for,” wriles a model house-keeper. ’ “I should hudly know how to do wilbom it,” trues another. “A perfu-l, contrivnnée.” trim a third. “Let those who are ukcpxical try it," write: I founh. , ‘ , ‘ .' For sale by JOE}; .\I. SWAN, " Car. of Diamond and Clmmberabnrg It. W’l‘hc Ifig-ro-ine Fluid also for sale M the lame placé. .r « [Man 12. \866. 1806! ‘ 18 61 \laoo'x “V 0 USE TALK {VIP—But if you mar i n good and heap Hut of any ‘.t‘xn'd nlways go to - \ ROW 3 WUUIL". , I.in:\NI‘:EEST ‘l5 Tb\\‘§.-The large assortment of b'h ea now Selling: :1. lowest. pricua by ' . ROW 3: wuous. “ mnnrfln \I A suxlv'bmc "_,'rhm superior Razor 311 cf heat Indiukuel —fur sale cheap by 30W & WOODS. , LEAR Tm: TRlEififir thé'J'fiw Car | rings. Whip-Mlle Pest and cheapest out. Ibougiltit of ‘ ‘ ROW & WUOPS IST SO!-When you do want a pagan! J guod Oral-sheen at low prica, always a to a L R’JW & \YUOD . ET ONE—We are closing ouzanothe klot G o! Cfiildrcu’s Hm a: less price cbnnri‘he muerinlcan be bought. Don't miss a burggin. V Row k woo» . “ 0 IT. BUQTSI"-—Gunss you come fxom G mw cwoops' qun, to: zhc belt and aha-past Boot! confie from more. THE REASON WHY I buy my Hosiery. Glove, Scam. Hooch, Sam-gal Bmakfhst Shlwll, Thu-d, Bundkuchielahnnd all other nation: of 301 a Woodl in becuné they sell cheap. . ‘ ' Amis'islénrs‘. (input sackja, Hm Brushes, Ind Reading Combs, forsulo n guuuceii pficel by “'-‘ ROW t WOODS: Age-u Wanted to Sell HE GREAT AMERICAN CALIGRAPH ! T ICAL PUZZLE—The chupeu Add most wonderful Puzzle 0! lbs age, Again on cuilyqnake from $lO to 820‘: 4-1.! [will give my pne agent 3109 it ~ho-ean,ull 50 thoih’nd. Send lo «nu for umpla Beale. " , _ » ' PHILIP HILL, ’ .159 Market ILPPhilsdolphis, Pt. March 5,1366. 4; ‘ . GOLD, smug, sun, m 1 other: 1 . . apnorAcnlsg to m: .11 «ea, an}: o. land. “a med to light. ‘ . . 1 anus. - ' "1‘ Gawain m. But. Gauging“ A: HORNEB’S you can g’et pugs ‘ 1§665 lodieinu, Dye Sulfa, "Punt ‘ e icilm, he. _ 1. .- A ‘ . Bomb! ‘ V ' ‘ Gem . LBS. £033? 69:90. I ' Ve' F i I ( oco m mum: sumo “ I+3}: ‘ “a! h 1 ‘ I n m ”lama-(nu '‘ l OLD STAND. . 2 Alma" “u ‘ ,7to 8 lbs. «ma. H "Rudd”: I [u I . mum ‘- I ¥to l ‘ Also so to '90"). earth 5 21’.- ' ‘ -' ;" Inochted with 2:3":355Jm'] l A Lt“ 0, NE“ “mt, . 3 one alpha o/lim _lon, ohn P. McCru ud. ' 1,!"on r“ 1.1 ‘ I 30 IN. of Villa]: ue tolublc phflplmu. ‘‘ '~ I!er of D. IcCrury ti. Sonn 25‘5“ m“d I gm: 33'3”“. cit-zen. .'." "6'“ to I: combine: slnho 3d 1h! “‘l’ old {rind ‘. I deglro (0‘ D R g‘flw‘d. commum“ h Ibruda or S p vAnt‘fgel of tho but th-t magma in :J.‘:”“ public "“9”“! In:0'IJ?n ‘ S C u E " (JFK ' ’ rufin 00.?" helpful». vmh than at P!- ‘ Blame", Com": 3“ 5313:?" fr final", r “2me“ ”on“ 0" running” ‘ o" , 10 “u 1' ~ evve uthal' " “N" 'I. ‘By rcuon oHu , . ' . limmfirvd And well known “And on [hl- ' No. 28 NM.“ g‘mdflden Lad 0"" [command 20 u :"Igr Mtahumn. we re- Home, mint)? sgugre ”um 01 “I. ”on"; D" J. "- kh‘Mklgfiyq J?” 1"”: par Icu ‘h p c - X!“ by yeah: to be nudl fining 'h'nd ng'ex‘leß l weenie". I h“. hem again??? "gr ’uno “[20,,“ 9; May fertilizer costing lb. ‘ :1“! an hli-hmunt, l Illselethzerdleyun in ’ :3: ivy. “d “u"! "'0 or ‘hrulum‘.."’ ..n no more on" Itum' . "“y with ' more 0”.” b. ‘ ’thole lemn * per me than of m -m w bum” - m mmhfipflmh t 2 mm . swe“n"l g or {or lheiu t f to. Hence in "0:0,." _ 0 Pt! ,CL; 9'o“ per ton.—. *lic Putréniz: and ““36 I’ Full'ahnre of puLiW in “'s'; “nd mo .'.:zirg' hi,” ‘3.” me “.1” Thilgn ~ ii. I: 6I ’ fi \- ‘ A\ ID KcCREAEY, ikind wivhonz lufl‘ering 1634:1321" orl in sun In A ‘ . II v V "I in 11-Pb'inz it; fnfmzhaniz; Pb” bunhcl. bench , blxgézgé‘n‘cvzezgdbhémno. for Continuing °'“’ '.l,flgfiflzfizfii°oxigfih3cml9"'k'°°mfinz :3 . . . hO‘Klfl'emed b. , eor preptred :h , .1": «.ln :1 ‘"T M physidnn 1 weight. And not by I.qu so .A I; Inns!) 0 Inna 0 all 1!: m net to, ”e “ MW“ the """h r I ”I ‘ 1r" H mm] Hm" an Lhin‘ l . | one who mny ne mind was “used 'o‘ walk-Inn .flu Ike 59“! Phosphates. Every car 83 “naming a? 3:" line. “i" "Peels!!! 0‘” lie ' property mum” w": he p'rcpfled’ ’w I" M mqmd. _ yo uly ‘qu‘m’ ofour men and omen unhe unperior’ "mm “t m” “°‘:°°'cm;"ned‘ "_’"""'hi' 7 V -I____ - ‘.‘ [Pmu 0" Q N . . my good lrirnda”) snidglm‘t :th gland“ (and .__ 7_ n.. u 9 "fl” an prove {Mal -‘ ' 00 I ‘ "“d S. 'l3. i. ,L .. .'.‘v _ w :werevc 1d ' barb in :mtllllfrylf'lpffllr 0.» M3";'9!!“".."_‘::‘_x..x~s.WWW! JON}? S. REESE & CO _ . I Horn Snidm, times, all High, with Grin“. Austin to: flu Sous-u, I Plain or Quilted But Hor yuthouzraszenlngs s 71‘ Soul. m .' no Hum “MK" ‘ '—b—_~;w on lPlnin or éuiltedfient Scotch Uollnnmnlher) , ‘ Flour of none.” . 4 Side swam, l N u (ucking) W“ W" °' 55“”. pgnry of dam nude. 1! lf‘pure um! Wagon Saddles,' 1 hrs. . warned, unbuml Lone, reduced to the Imm“ '0!“ liming Bridles. of .u hunt Lem“, cum”. flour, nhich adds 100 pbr chm ils vnluo. hi kinda, fair or black, stitched orunatitched in as gawk snd'un'u Au acid zlmolved bone ”Md“! 0"fl“; 35'" Lh‘b" WNW" ' ’ " Marlin ml: ‘ Whip! 4 q and 6 hence xu Value is vastly greater. bacnuao it"Currlnfxe liar-nus m ‘Ofllrl’lg’ conlniua neither “id “M wuer, 'Liw Decal-1 stylru,|ilver‘or b‘lnckh‘hrtvd Tqia'nn Whip” larily :idd I‘aighl, snd reduco cbe quantity of~ mounted. :Truulng \_\'l.slps. ululble alimony. We recumms‘nd 250 lbs. I 31‘3“? gig? "UM". “as”: Kai"! 7"”: . ~‘ ~ . m \ u p Mu, to be and In place o! 3001“. Supcr Phosphuo Glrtln, ' Jam,“ Blankets, or dlssoh‘ed bnno.. ‘ - - cruppfls‘ ' to“, #0“ 3°. awn}! s. REESE a co, In mm. everything um pmminfl m a first , szuul. Amen-s ,0; ,3. SOUTH, [Hus gr}lnrnl hone hnniihlug ozlnhhhlunent ‘“ , - " covalent y onlx‘m‘d or made to order promptly 71. Saul/x Strut, 30mm" ’ of the very he". mutcrml. and by Ihr- mosl eijl fiMchrfi ‘ Dlebl, 19w"; Gettysburg. nc'rwnccd wurklnen iu'lhe Unuulry‘ (:wo haw‘ Mar. 12, “565. Sin ling worked in this eumhliuhmuuv. {or the last —“—'7“———~ thirty years.) i . , I We Me now mnnufgchxring nll exl-c-llcm lot ’uf Hewy Draft and Hurlluis 001 th for those wh'o prt‘fi‘r o'ur‘own lo rm mud: work. knpairing 01 I” Lintls done It short nolice and on rvmunmble mum. . All we cordinlh HH‘I'EI! Io call nnd unmine for; lhermelwsLns our hurl. cunuut full to recommend 'usclfu 31 011.0 PLIILLI PS' , _ Genuine Improved Supe‘r-Ph‘o‘iphate ‘ 1 lee.. - ‘STANDA‘RU GUARANTEED For Sale m. Msu‘utnctuter‘s Depots. 27 Karl]: Front Strut, I'Mlthiphm, Pa 14' Burley'a 'W/aarf, Bullinwrd, Jlu'. And by Dealers in general thruugoul the country ‘ The Man-rm} of which. MORO PlilLLlPS' PHOSPHATE is manufactured cu’ntitins fifxy per centumore f Bone Phos‘plgnle Qinn Haw Bum, ,thorolnre it 15 more durublu. :The mumuum'presenl gives it great addigional fcruliziug value l-‘he rein-a" exp'erience has prévcd to the Farmer that il-mukea a hcmier grnin up“; even ltablewmnnre, and is not. only make \ x but lasting MOll9 PHKLLIPS, - Sole PropriL-lor and Munufdclurer. [Q'l’rice $.36 per ’.on—Zwo youudn. Dié ccunt lo dedrra. , ~ ,- Feb. 12, ms. 1? . . Poudrenq I (sxxusx "A’s: “mint“. 1) A PEYRSON. PHILADELPHIA.-POUD. . RET lE, 310 0C per ton, lukenjrom the Fuunry louse, or 50 cruts per bushel. and $26 oo.per lon in bnzs, delivered at Summ bmh und l{.\ilrond'Deputs, in Phllfidelphik— Mnnuhclory, Gray's Ferry Road, above the Arsennl.l’hihd'3. Depot, Peysson’s Farm, Glou‘cester, S. J., Woodbury road. ‘ [Nice—Library Str 5!, No. 4‘20. back 01 the New PO5l. oam. I’lnh delphin. Drains, FRERCH, ’.H‘HARDSJK CU., Fourth k Cnlldwhxllsu., PLiLujciphin. March 5,1865. 3m , ‘ ‘ 028. - Hoop Skirts. 028. UPKIN'S “OWN MAKE,” Man‘ufilcwrml H and Suld, Wholesale Mia Retail, No. 6.18 Alcll ‘Su’cet, Phnlndrlpuin.—The mlm com plete astorlmcnl. of Lndu-s’,’ Blisies' and. Chll d1;h'$_ll()01‘ SlilllTS, in tha Qity ; gotten up exprehly‘ to meat the wars of Must-cuss Tums; embrncing'lhe neflelt and most defin— -131:: s:3ler am} Sizn of "Gore 'l'ralls," of every length—from 2'} to 4 yds. round—'2o lo 56 Springs, at $2 to $5 'OO. Plaifi Skins, all lengths. from 2} to 3 yards round the bottom, m S} 40 to ‘53 £6. Our line of .\liau-s’ and Children’s SKIRTS, 'nrc proverbially beyond all compeliuun, [or v‘uiely of Myles and sites—M well u for finish Ind durability; varyibg hon} 8 to 3.; make. in 11-nzlh, 6 m 4:3 Springlnt 35rents to $2 25. All 51.1 mm noun uwx 51AKH.”are Weir mmed to give satisfactiun; but buy none'ns such, unless they lmve, “llopkin’n Hoop Skurt Mnnufnglory, ha. 625 Arch Slreel,’ Swnped on each ‘l‘ubl . ' ‘ Also, cmstnnfl] on hand, coon Sxxnn, Manufactured in New quk, and the Eustem Stains, which we “-11 it very low Price:. A lot of‘cbt‘np Skirts-15 sprin‘m, 85 cents; ‘.’o spriixgs, $1 (JO—23' spring-1,51 13—30 springs, 51 25 and 40 springs $1 50. Wfiki’rls made to Order and Repaired. WTRn'm Quu. pr'Pmcs UM.“ Much 5, 1866. in) Blacknmltlung. HE undersigned would mos: respectfully . inform the public that. he continue: the BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS, 5 at hil shup, lately Philip Dmraom'a, adjoining Troxel's paint shop, in East lhddle urn-ct. Ge|lysburg,wbere he wxll M. all limu be pre pared to do Blacksmithiug' work to Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, kc. That he kno'u’s how to do all jobs at the kind will-not be queqioued by thun- who have a knowledge of‘lna long experience a: the business._ Come on will: your u 011:, and you will he-aalleiul “'1 en you take it. away—and for which he mu recur: Cash or Counny Producé. . - ADAM HOLTZWORTH. Mar. 20, 1865. !f 71:1! Iloflng". OUIS E. KUMMERANT would take this methéd of informing his old friends and the public generally, that he has again com menced th T‘AllttmlNG bpsinus in Gellyl burst, his' new eltuhlishuent being in Cham beriburg Itreet, brtveen Wuhiggton and Wes} nu-el-{smnh tide. He invites thosein mm. of Tailoring work. to give him 'I call, Ind reels sure that he can give eatislnczion. His sewing will be found among we nearest And most durable, and his fits as good u can be nmde. He chugea the lowest. price tor work, hil principle of -bu|lncu being, “to live and let live " ' [.19. B, "66. -+—~_‘_=..____l____‘.——-._ . -... 1806. Philadelphia 1800. A I: L P A' P E B S . ‘ ' _. HOWELL I. BOURKE. M-nnfuturei-I of PAPER ‘HAGINGS and, - ; WINDOW EH.¥DES, _ Corner FOURTd _& MARKET Sta-ecu, PHILADELPHIA. N. B. Alwnyu in Hon, 3 [urge stock of ' LINEN t 01L SHADES lurch 6, 1866. 3m ‘ ‘ Gold, 018' Ind COUPONS, bought at the Fin! Ngtionnl Bank of Gettysburg. - ‘ GEO. “mow, Cum". Octu3o. 1865 Coal and Lumber, F eyéry variety, at. the Yud of ‘ C. H. BUEHLER, “ch. 19. Con-Calm? and Railroad Itl DRE SILVER WARE Mid . v I? ‘ ~ SILVER PLATED WARE 0 tbs very but quality, I new unortmeMjuit vulva. M uni-urn. 'J. BIVAN, A - _ Oppooho use Bgnk, (hay-burg. .nA'é-K-fidsT hsrcoma‘nnd 111 who wish I J good Over Goal would dqmll to cull n can It [5312.15, '66.] HCKING’B. D. MCCRE \RY & SON P 5, was. t: i A Few More Lon. N order lo make rqom {or Spring Goqu, NURRIS is selling OVEKCOATS AT GUST. ‘.xl} Imd {ook at them. " MEN. WANTED to put-chine Coats 000 Il’nnlaaml Hum: 'nqmuss. ' )OSITI\'BLY, SORRIS bns tho host variety of Gentlemrn's Fuxmsblug o:an intowu. UCK‘VOUD'S Linen Lined Paper f‘nHari ul. Nulu’JS‘S. V LAZED‘ PAPER (‘ULLA‘Rhfi ~nfievrry V‘< riot; mm style, M. NURRIS S. «m 1‘ punam m‘u s‘omfis kécps every thing in the Gcnllclnfln’s_line,al his ‘Scw Sumo, in (.‘hamberahurg‘alreet. ON‘T FURLEET Hut NORRIS keeps noth zug but lbglntesl Jules, and in ordrr m mum: mum fog new styles, he sells very cheap. . .\SUVEP. DL'CK GLOVES, am! all kinds beuLk Gloves and Guuutlw. u: ' SURRIS'S. CR CAPS of M'ery variety and :tyle, at [.lan. 22, 13am] ‘ NumuS‘S. Valuable Properties for Sale. OHS C. ZUL’IUK, LAND Aunt. J NEW OXFORD, ADAMS (10., PL, had for 13an :1. number of desirable properties, to which he asks the auen’tiun of those wishing to pun-11.19:: , A FLUHL of 160 Acres, ln \lonntplenlnnt township. With good Stone House, Burn. Wugnn Bhuse, Uurp (ln'u. Carriage Home: and ulhexj out-hmldin s, (Menard, Inc. Nenr turnpike uni raiirnafi. 4n ASHES, with good House. Sun, and otherout-tnildings, Urcpnrd, kc. imile from ruilrond. 00d ch-Incc. Terms eusr. MILL. P {OPERTY of 37 Acres. )Igll with we run 0 bung, ordinmy mnchinery,good water poweJr, lfi miles from Littleslown, con ‘jenienz to railroad and turnyike.~.Terms' modfimlc. I A I‘M! of mo Acres, near ficw Chester. good Iluui , Hunk Burn. "and other out-balm. ings. L m in good sum of cultivutimh A FARM‘ of 31:0 Acres m Cumbmland town ship, Adams county. 3 mile! lrom Gettysburg at which plnqe js railroad nyd good market..— Thh firm can be dwidexl infc we f-lmO’thGlQ bemg‘already'lwo lets “improvements on the, “M 1 A SMALL FAR.“ of IO Acres, with good Houae und 8 irn,und all ouhbuildim. Land in fine slate of cultivation, good S‘orq Sland— chance m lam-y lollgate and attend. Li) post ofiice. Terms eafy. , ' A FAIL.“ of 10:» Acm‘, on. the Curlislo mm pike. lund underdmod state of'cullivntiou, large Brick House, “.qu Bun, \Vagoufihed. Cum Crib, Curi xg: lluus’e, ml other oubbuildiugs, (ull new ) . LARGE FLOUR .\HLL, with 25 Acres of Land—lom pm- Bun-a, with all m xchinery for doing merclmuz'wurkulu-sl wan/power in the country—in gobd grain country. Will be sold chap. ; \ A 14mm or 175 Acr'el, am we cmme turnpike. gnod Mouse, Bur I. qnd ull‘ necehnry out-buildinga. Land m high sum or culling.- tion. \\'i.l he sold at. u. bugam. ' A FHUI of 185 All'(‘3, uwr Unmerihku, good House, Burn, and other out-buildings. - Terms nacnmmodnling. . A Hon-2L in New oxford. two-story, roomy and comenicu: for buainus. 600 d chance. Terms any. ‘ » ‘ A 139,; numb” of good Brick Houses, In'd Lou for ulr, in New Oxford. ‘ ' ”Faring: who wish to buy Real Estate, 1" well us than who will: to sell, are requesz ed ta give the sub-‘cribcr a cull, at. hil store, in New Oxford. Addie”, JOHN C. ZOUCK, Agnnt, New (lxxord, Adam: conuly, Pa. Jun. 8,1868. 31:: _ J New Goods! Cheap Goods! I lllr'rl’LAClia TO GET TllEll lN .HANOVERI— \\e hélcby inform the citizens of York tnd Adnms counties, that \_V¢ have establillu-d, at. 1110 louthcnst corner of Centre Square and Baltimore .ntreet, HANOVER, lormerly occu pied by C. E. t T. I‘. Wm. a, Branch Store, (the principal business home; beipg locnled in New York and York, Pm.) where we "I“ keep at all‘timrl a regular assortment. of Dry, Domestic and Fancy GOODS, mo, 3 well se lerted “Garment of CLOTUS, CASJMERES, CASSINETS, COTTINETS Ind CORDUROYS; Chum.l Glnu and Queens—were, Lndies‘, Miner ‘nnd Children‘l SHOES; 1110, “rice snd lull unrtment of all kinds of CARPET, Floor and Table 011-clqlh. , , We have also ellnbliahed in room! ndjomlng the Crntraul Hotel, t CLOTHING STORE. where we will keep coolant]; on bond I well selected nssorlment of Rudy-made Clothing, of me lac-It‘styhea, end I full unorment ot Gintlcmen'e Furnishing‘ Goods, such I»: Hate, C-qu, Boon, Shoel, tea, which we wlll all It reduced prices. . r' ‘ At our motto it, and alwnn will he, “qnlck "In and smell profile," w! hope to reculve I share ol the patronage of lawn and com. try. Outconneclion with thr- luge wholesale homes in New York City and York, Phwhere go nlwnyn More-d on extensive mm" of goods, which we lell lt wholeulo And remit, ensblel u to lupply our old friend: and quh of our new cur-tamer; u will give us acnll, with the "r, but marketable goods, at lower rue than can b» purchmed nnywhere in the sum. Coll Ind see for yourselves. ‘ ' , JUS. LEBACH t 330. . Hanover, Jupe 26, 1885. 1y Dissolution—Pa! UP! - RE firnaf WI. E. BIDDLE 3 00. II“ been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to uid Inn no requened to «m: Iheir «com: on at bcfnu tho "881' 05‘ HAY nut. :- um- um. data the account: will be placed in tho binds of an office! tor collec tion. ;. WM. r; RIDDLE, GEO. C. SMICKHOUSER. In. 19, Im. 3. » , mom. a: .\‘a. 32 3mm s'rumrr. «lirecllyover your office. I lhluk about ‘he lmh of Jnuulry‘ 1 procured übu‘tlle ol‘ yuur l’ulmonic Byrup" and cumumuned lashing It l‘rxely. My feel Lu-l limbs were wry much svwllun, and 11l tho symptom‘ of u speed) dcnt‘l ail-med m ucom fully my Culd. ‘1 Hum lul m) former plu'llcinn, and alnlul to him \hnLl n m mking :ourmcdl cluu. and alter ahuwing them to him, and having lurked nf lllem, kc ,he replied: "You cm luke thou) ll'you llke,llwy Win do you no burn] " llc Fluid; ‘i'uu know what; 1 t 9“ you in: Ehululcr, and L-any the nmo now. if, you hay» any manna“ to flulf up, do not. put llofi." .Heiaid loothcr {lipuda thy h”oonM no no hope for rm.“ and my fxlendn Ind rel» “on: ccficluded my limo had come. In this. nun I mu ukmg freely ofyour modloluemut had not mu you. The doclnr called 5 fur times. And round me (much tn bin surprise, he mid.) impoving, nnd hl‘ coul Lamonduunml why. Ill) hull: was iut twang in your medl ciuea, mull lud u wlsh lo hau- you cumin xix anus, and iu-e “hat yuu lmd to an): ’ When you li‘rsl came lo,my room mud made the flu muiu'uuou. you guru me LuL lxllle cncouflgo m_(*nl, bur-on 1h:- cunlrnrynxp.’ curd and doubt! ul‘my mer lwlug halyard uul of my “nonmem ing.y dlficullies. The .n cum] mm- that you hulk-affirming me will gaming, }nu gun: me mx-‘ourngmnjul, saying “my wymploms were imprunng; lhn Pulnwnix- 83 mp, Sl'J-“Qt‘d Tome uud -.\lunvlmkeKl’xlls had ucged Mac a charm." My uln-nlnl'mn,m_\' cou'glg my nppp lilo. ull hr'gun ‘lu imp‘rni‘e, um! I c‘ould walk about my mom a, mm. You Ham-d mo umrlv everv Tut-sully, nnd {mmd mo {mum‘- lug, and lulll me not. to go out of my mum un til the hrs! day of May. I luuk nu cold “lulu under your tr'entmeul, my nppeule bccume first-raw, and you told mg to cut evorylhlug I wished ofn nutritious nature, and m cnrci). aboutnho room us mlmh nu pu-oihle. 1 ml lowed your advice, u_nd to Lhr surprise of my olrl phfeithn and friemlsJ seem much heuhr llmu-l hnvg" been for sourul yeart, and breathe boner limp l eyrr exp. utcul a perio‘n could wflh 0m: lung, 1h: lcl'L‘bevng completely dried" up. I feel \L‘l_\' gmlllul lo you. and consider your ihlvicu uud modix‘mvs unnlunhlv. - - Your, truly, T. S. SHELDON. Dr. Schenrk~Deqr :er:-..‘\ihr\n'ti two years , ngot win; tuken with u very troublemmoconuh~ _ and n‘pnin in my hH‘n‘i; seven or eight month! pasted atVIT without \nv doing rtny thing for myself. T'ren Iguppiit‘d to a physiuinn'whn attended me for about three monthlmi‘ihont rendeiing me any service. lulu-o obtained fho‘ ndy‘ite and tre-‘tment ufn p’hysit‘iun in one of our hospitalshumi also haul the advice gnri treatment of tun other physicians, butullto no purpose. During this low: space of tin. l wus nenrly den-i; aeteml nuzes my friend‘s cnmcto see the and witness my exit into tho sfiErir-worid. I rvrq‘confiued to my bed ":0 months at our: time. My breathing wu Ox ceedingiy :hmt. i gnye up several time: nil hope ut‘gettirg better; and as regnrded getting Well, thnt was entirely out of that question.— Andto think this dny lam Will and hear i XWns ndvised by some of my friends to try Dr. . Schenek’s Medicines. i accordingly bought bottie after DOL'JE, until iJ-uched the ninth}; then i tunnni a decided change in my congf for the better. lsuil’ered severely lrom pnlp - tntion a! the heart, and two weeks nfter'! commencedtn‘king your medicine this diflkul ty ceased. . ‘ When i first went to Dr. Schenek's‘ofllcs it mun-11h difficulty that leould get update his receplinn room i WM so sit-"(k I‘d so IW'HOd ; uiy skin was us~snllnw as though 1 land tho jaundicé; I tell dull, heavy and sleepless. . Dr. Schenek, after examining ms,uid both my lungs were urgent-d, and gave nu but little hnpe; but his medxvtuelfin nbont lvowafih. took right hull ot'me; it‘seemed to go'right‘ through my whole system. -Tho l’ult‘nania,~ Strilp, Sen-wen) Tnnn- nn-l Mnndrnkc Pills, nll touk right hold in the right pluce. The Pills brought Away grant quantities of bile and slime; the Syrup loosened the matter in my iunzs, “'hit it mm.» at? very free; the Re:- Weeqi 'L‘u‘nic Que me rm appetite, 9nd "ery thinz seemed tIJ taste good. _Ty show what great power the medicine! have in purifying my syiteuimnd to show how bud i was diseased, bnaide all the bile that pussml my'boueui, and the. great quantitin d! phlegm and mntterri cxpectotnted, i broke out All over in lnrge huils, that wouldfonti'nuo to ;guther nnd run for üboul six wee l,'nud [' Ladgit one firm ut‘cr twenty five Imiis. lh-tvo nothing oi'Jht: Lind nuwmnd teal liko'snother person nituguthcr. l~ctn stt'tly say that i have not enjuypd such benlth iorfive years is I do now, hhil Hanna: pinse you and your medicines ennugh.‘ .\i If :God abundantly . bids! and preserve you, l- the sincere desire of one, wh’a has been so yondertully‘, relieved ti: ough your tueriey; and it any «he desires ’ tuinow with regard to the truthfuinéu ofthil report, if they will call upon .iny of my friendir orupun me, Ru. 4 Dryden PLM‘O, neuThomp. ran street, below. Cndwniuder, l’htlitdvlphil, they wiil be periectiy “tinned with (the vniid- I!) of the ensc.‘ You“, with murb spun, MA‘RY SCH AIDT. ‘ The allot-c «use. as described, is perfoctly correct. I know uto be true. You - . t. T. BIMIZ, , ‘ Pastor of flanneck M. E. ' -——-~ DI. Schenek ‘wili be professimuil principal nffice, No; i 5 North Sin cnflnor of Culnmeice, Phiiutlelplsiiye usdny, from 9 .\. .\l. u'llii 4 I’. Mafia street, New) York, enry Tun-in), frnl No. 38 Summer street, Bustou, Mu Wednesday, from 9 to 3‘; and every day- nt 108 11, Limore sweet, 'iiplximui All advice ‘lrec, but fur 3 tin irxugll t tion of lih' lungs With his Resplronti Lhnrge is three dollars. i Price of the Puhnonic Syrup and‘; configure“! 50 per bottle, or I! hull'dozen. Mmulrnke Pills, .15 cents; ‘ Fannie by all Urugéisu and Dumb-i Mar. 12, 1866. .im .G lo b c I n n,- YOll bfx, lIAI "I DIAIOID, ETT van U Ru, “PM: under-{pd would man respectfully inform his nu merous hicnds‘nnd the public gcnern'lly, am be has purchaacd that long uubllohtd all well ltnown Howl, tlm “01906 In,” In Yotk ntrget, Getlylbgrg, Ind will ipnro no “You to conduct. it in n runner Hui. will no: donut from in former high reputation. 8h table; mll burn the heluhe pgrkn can sled-HO chambers no :pucious Ind combrkblp—ud he bu kid in for hi- lmr I. full flock of III)“ 3113 liquors. There is large unbling 3mm toibe Hotel, which will be attended by um, tin hontlen. ‘1: will brim count-n! ado-ton to'render the «Hell “mt-cum to hil [lmp muting his houao :- 11an A homo to m- u pouible. Be ulu a‘ Ihnro of the pnhllc’l pr uonme, determined as he il to duervin lug. an of it. Ri-memhnr, tho "Globe Inn" h ll goth ureet, by“ near {he Diamond, on Public Squnre. 7 \ SAMYIL WOLY.‘ . ‘ April 4, ml. u . Smoking Tom SOKETHLN’G NICK! WM. [l. BROGUNTBR. u JCS/«mum, Adm: mnry, I'm, Hmnfwtnreuvo diluent M‘ol all 0!“ 39‘ TOBACCO, which «tannin-boat. The; In mild 111 .Phuam, I" the poisonous “up by. lug extncted, and _yet the flavor in (Mirro unod. Sanctum-give duo n "id, 39d 1“ lillbeplmd.~". :. “ '- 3'3“" u Otdczsquh “li-tact lotion“.- r» ‘ r. Fob. 28,1898.‘ '1 . ~ : . 3 ' m mum's yuu al‘ at 1896- 3'0“)”. Comm, Solpo, Pub:- on. won. t... in am; uriou. . burgh. ly u N. - “ml, l cry 8“- I 31 “Mid . 9 to s ; I , out: 1h" F“- b, It-v “unins uur, tho" ESenweod V 60 pic 2 par 11!. x.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers