Piksitars, Ovteitit. ES:2 ‘ Applu Ild Pom. ' Tb. fm'portmoe of the growth of l‘nuit in $O9 dell uttled to require Argument-in its tenor—butetlll. the! there mey be morool'lt p’mdoeed, in: region to well edepted t 9 tho put-pole. we repeet the injunction—rum null Every former. and every owner or e In: of round. ehonld giro tho euhjeot et~ lentlon, Ind “all. succeeding you}. add mulling to the etook of (not. going on. end on. even to the lining of the highweye end hyweye with them. The younz should do it for their own benefitaend the old. if not” their on. then (or the comfort end yeah of then who come after them. ' The vellu- of the Apple need not be ll jaded tow-ell know “And. in thin eenlon of enmity. I” lulit. It may be two that the tree" do not beer on regulnrly u in “old timee"—lt leétne to an thet arch-rd: yield You in proportion now then theyf‘did when wager-p e boy—.but still we‘ve .confldhnt ‘ that they move then pay for the trouble they glee, end should therefore continue to demnnd the one end time o( thoee who 7 have the grouod'to grow them. . , ‘; [inflating en orcherd, the beg. varieties ”should of course us secured. What these best verietlee eré, men will difi'er moat.— Thoir Jule. are not all filike. nor how the nine kinds of trees done oquiilly iell.in different localities" Those we shrill mfin- ; - tion ere recommended {or their general ‘ excellenge. ‘ . , I In lows the following ere found tobe the best: Summer.- Cerolinn Red June’, Kirk . bridge White, Red Astrnchsn; Autumn: Moidénfi Blush. Lowell, Rambo. McLellan ; ' Wintsr: Ruule’s‘Jnnet. While Winter Peer msin, Romeo Stem, White Pippinyflwset, Boomin- . . . e In “'Wl'tlin the follbwing are the‘mest popullr: Summer; Red Aslrschrm. Early Joe, Kuwick Codlin, High Top; Autumn} YemensefAutumn Strawberry, Duchess of; Oldenburgh, FRIIVOmnge. Munuinn Swectf; , Ins; Winter: Golden Russet, Kirig ql' Tomp kins County. .\V.:Beek-no-l'urth‘er, Yellowi BelleflowellLady Apple, 'l'elhmn Sweating. 1‘ The Ohio'Pomologicel Society vote the following.the best: Fullnwnter. ('l‘ulpe-i hoiskem) Baldwin, R. LGreenjgg. Northern l pr,4Peck’s Piment. Smith’s‘Cider, White! rippin. Red Csnsds. Westlleld .Se‘e‘lt-no further. {toxhury Russet. ‘ , i The Fruit Growers’ Society of Eastern Peunsylrsnie'publish. is the results of two' yours! csrel'ul comparison of reports, e se-. lection ol' the bent twelve spples for Bus -lern Penn's: Summer: Red Astrachenh Sine Que Non, Early Harvest; Autumni flfiden’s Blush. Porter, Sinoke Housep Winur: Baldwin. s6lith’s Cider, Fullaw'sf der, fionhern Spy. B. L Greenin'g', Hub bsrdston Nonsuch. 4 t . . . 80 fer u' we are scduaintéd with these -nr'reties. we can recommend them—bat! annotgst. the‘nme time. withhold l'svore ble me tion of the York Stripe and Golden Pippin~nor do we think the; the _deli’cious oLd‘Rembo end Red Streak should be en tirely pessed by, though they do not grow 'ss lugo nor perfect as well u in, years vqohe by. v . : ' We cope now to the rioh~snd melting Peer. For Susana. we would recommend} the Doyenne D'Ele and Desrhorn’s Seed-l ling;Altumn: Seckel, Bartlett, Belle Lugj entire, Flemish Beauty. and Benn-c D’Ani jun; Winter: Ilewrencg‘. Easter Beurre. sndl‘ Reading. For dwarfs, BeurreGilfsrd,'Louise ‘ Boone do Jersey. Duchess D’Angoulemer Bufl’um, Lawrence, and Vicar-. 0! Wiukfield, will be found among the most choice. ‘ . The Massachusetts ‘Agricultural Society give the foliowinfi as their list of the best i six peers“: Bsrtlelt, Inhise Boune de Jer sey, Uihnnlite. Beurre D’Anjou. Sheldon” . [Beck‘eljend for twelve add: Onondsga,i _uet'riun. Doyenne Bousiock, Yicsr of , . Winkfield, I’lsdise' D’Antomne snd’FuL} ton. The share lists do not include all thst are 1 gouging the apple sndpesr lines. but the’ reputations of these are established, and they may therefore be selected with safety.l Whenever others of equal merit may be~ made known to us, they will have properi mentions—[£2l. Compiler. - ' order on the MmK Pet things right. back in their lace: when done nith. Never leave thug all about, ..hofllr skelleg, topsy-turv‘ey, never. When ' you and my aruele, hoe, shovel, rake, hitcbiprk, ax. hammer. no matter what it. 11, '11:. ' very moment you ha" done lining it, return it. in‘ in- propér place: Bo pure to have I lpegi-l plugs for everything, and everything inliu place. v. Order. order. perfect order. in the walohword : Heaven’s fintllw. How much preoioqgtimo is tuned {aside from vex-lion) by observing order, quomntio regal-ii”! ‘ ~ , . , , ° lam. ' he it pliant, of v‘oom; put it in cold wa ter, end In it hutgndnallyi it Inn-é re mei an hour heated before i¢ boils; keep it nineties very gentiy, A ham 9! fifteen poulide requireLfonr or five houn, accord ing tb in thick on. A bum ’in better for not. cutting b 05419 it in cold—nil morojuicy. 30330" the ekin carefully; keep it as whole he ponible, n the hem’ should bakept. cov ered .wflh it to keep it moist. After the he}: he: been boiled the required fime, let it rennin ten or fifteen minutes if: the pot. u it "adsorb: the essence thrown out. in boiling. Hun is. e necessary icoompenii hem lowest and boiled . ultry; mall-ml mu’ Nun. “OMI. oi Time. Lawrence. of Rocklnnd 90.. X. Y., me greatly tumble?! with lien. Ruin; ma. not“ buy fog posh, Mr. In!“ lona ucnmoro (button lull) leaves. form er iwo new for sitting hens. In ‘ ‘ ”In in“: nolioe were to be found. though ‘ they wounded elsewhere in the house—on ‘ Mm roots. in the neotg, Ind-on the “Wig-in spite of the moat diligent me of “IA: ulna, em. Playpens were all chugul. Summon lenie- iook the plus : of“ mi '18“, and the line utfrdy db “wand. um: whiten-bin; once or mice yawn]. Now the building bu gone 6 H 3333. ”HM“ whilequh, tad uill no Watches and Jexirelry. Howard Association ,l ‘oauuxs run. Sll—llw‘ni! u LowaH'lt‘D‘LP‘M' “"0““m 0' u" .) Fulani—loo,ooo Watches, (Maine, Loch; . “"5", “d SCXIIII BURN-My “d a... Ringlpflrnceleu, s." of Jewelry, Gold reliable treatment. Months HRIDALbHéM-l Paul, R" Bc. To be diapoled of “ UNI BER, "the” of Wanna: and lnltructlon,‘ DQLLAR each, without "3‘“ to vol-u, not lent in mled envelopeu, free of chnrge. Ad. [0 be paid fox not“ you know what you on ‘ dren .D'.‘ 'L §K|LL|N HUUGHTUN' How"? ‘ to receive. ‘ Allocmtlou, ha. 2, float}: Ninth Street, Philn. 100 Gold Bunting-we Wltchu, 1“”!th P‘- [OCL 3: "‘35- 1! ‘ each 850 to ms WW“—_ ”"’ "'—“ , 'boo‘Silu-yr Wmhhmh, 30 ‘o’ 35; Western Lands. 1900060 n Pena _tsilvorCm,euch, sto 3 EB nub-crime: In: tome rnlnnhle WEST loom Sen Lndm' Jewelry, (u- . Q ERS LANDS, which he will tnde for one ~ loflod,’ 80b, - 3h) 10 or non-r FARMS in thin county. The 11nd- Afld I urge “WWI!!!"- Oufi'clf! of every are In I locnted, end very deainblc for inu guu-jpgion lor ludiu' and ’gentl' went, very. ‘ ing. hrly upphcatiou desired. tug in Vogue from 33 to s2s,:nch‘ The method I JACOB BRINKEBHOFF. of disposing of these good. It On Donn! Gettylhurg', April 3,1865. tt 77 7 ‘ ‘cach in nu follows“ . ARTtCIE dl §'§7———~-————-7——— nu on und p w tom-n bu net . “3””“3 5 ."'"'.‘ “8 ‘“ ' "' ! I°WQ--°- Min P 3031”)? VI». Jr“ 11.3”!” If! {goal In BEAPEU ENVELUPBS GREAT V’ll’ifihj' Of PICTURE FRAXBS, b”... . . / ‘2' . ' r '“' '9” “k“: 9” 9f 'thh m” be not b" with plain end convex ghczel, for “la Helm! gnu mudlmg. Within ma. Ind) 19 my uddyeuog {pceiplof Price. One a much Drug m: Vniiety Store. Mlb III! m WWW 49 {gm- dfl.‘ Denim-“ 35 éelfu. Fin tor $l.. Therc are J“. 26. 1355‘ *‘ War! 06",”. ”h of whom “ELM BLANKS- )0}! must 3”. “1° ““1113 of ' ' --—————-—:—-—— 9 , of! ,ypnr none : (human with pnruculun W 5 In" jut necked. new unortment 111-3 W M w noon 3" *hwflflflfi; Adieu", - A. J. HARPER t 00. f 7 . “Queen-ugh which we Invite the wedding-em Imp-threw. 1:9 .Bmdvv; 59v Yoda ..‘"I‘W“ °‘ W“ A- 3001’? 1‘ s°??- P 03!!! 7!! BLOQD. fl! OIIA’II" lIDIOIII 0' ill ‘o' SURE ;nxiduu- for “chum. Ind {ramp 'lrom Sorrow, P-in “Id Dian». I_ _~ Bryan's Life Pull, ' I>TI_II.LY VWRAILI, m mama in Sch. 3331‘ FAMILY tum (MN! for gonna! use. Purifying the Blood u; I dun-Kuhn” nyuem from su lnpnruy. * . mum's Lin PILLS: , regal-to the Stom-nch, Lint sud Billhry Se cretion, which ll the chief cumin! Norton:- neu, Giddinug, Dimnou of Sight, Hesdacho, Sick Samuel: and other kindred oomphinu. ‘ Hundneda of (Jordanian cu: .bo Shown."T The] have been used}; thouundl with mac-u ' BBYANS “721911.58, are tdnptec'l lot :11 ages 3an constitution:- Thcy an composed at tho uni” yrinciptu of Her” and Roou. culled Iron) our fieldl and farm“. The] no mild but. “mm In theu‘ openliou—prod using poither cnmpa, gnpinm finial or lirknul. _They may be uskon by all figs-.5, use: or waditioul without fear: BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS. Cure findscho. army's LIFE PILLS, Cure Sick mound. BRYAN'S LIFE PILLS. Cure Giddinugn. Imnx's Lm: PILLS, Purily m Blbod A Box ofBBYAN'S LIFE PILLS w'ill con bu TWENTY-F!VE CENTS, tnd will accomplish “Him; in repreiented. They no elegantly put up by the propriuor, the innqwr o! BHYAX'S PULIUNIC WA FEIL‘J, I medicine long and rsvonbly knoin to tug-Audion Natiohr 5 _ " If ~bu wish anan'l Life Pillu,'nnd cannot get [£9131 bfyourdruggisgdou’t lake any other, but und Twenty-five Cents in a letter to “If pxuhrinxor, and you. will get then: by returno mnil, pout-paid. fAddrgu, ‘ ' , ‘ . ‘ ‘ 133. J. BRYAN, 442 Brosdvgy, New York. I‘. 0. Box 5079. Deniers can be supplied by Dému Barn" E 00‘, Wholesale Agent», New York. , GLAD,NEWB! , you .11." “rowan". HEY CAN BE USED WITHOUT DETEC- T TION, And donut inttnrfegewilh busineu pnrsuils,-unzf NO CHANGE OF DIET‘ [SNE CESSABY. . { Ball’s Speclfic PlllB ' ’ Are wnrrnnted‘in all cases, {or the,Speedy and 1 Permanent Cure of Seminal Weakness, Ureth : rul Ind Vuginalr Diachzuges, Gleer,‘ Sexual ' Diseases, Emissions, Impofe‘nce. Genital and lNervous Debility and ditenses of the Bludder Am! Kidneys. . ‘ They are adapted for male or female, old or young, and are the only reliable known for the l‘cure a! all diseases arisiqg from . Yl-‘OUTHU L “DISCRETION. 'ln all Sexual Diseases, ns Gonorrhea, Stric- Inre, Glcet, and in I" Urinary and Kidney complaints, they act liken. charm. Relief in experienced by taking it. single box; nnd‘ lrom [our to six boxes genernlly cfl'ect a cure'. Sold in boxes containing (SQ pillu, Price One Dollar, or six boxes, Five Dollars; also, in large boxes, containing {our of the small, Price Thren Dollars. ~Pfivnte Circulars to Gentlemen only, sent free on receipt or directed enrelopeand stamp. It you need the Pills, cut out his advertise menrfor reference. and ifyou' cannot procure lfiem‘ofyour druggist. do not be imposed on by any other remedy, but enclose the money“: a letter to i ‘ ' - DR. J. BRYAM'Gonsnlting Physician. 80x'5079. . > 442 Broadway, New York and they will be sent to you secure from ob : lerufion, by return mail, pout-fluid, on receipt 1 of the money. . ‘ Dealer: supplied hy Drum Barnel & Co‘, Wholeu'ule Agents. ‘New York. IMPORTANT T 0 LADIES Dr. Harvey's Female Plll3, HE most. infallible and popular remedy l T ever known, for all diseases of the female sex. They hnve been used in many Ihouisnnd uses with unfailing success—and may be re- I lied on in every cnse for which they are re ’ commended, ’lud particularly in all cases aria lng from ; . , DESTRUCTION, on STOPPAGE OF NATURE [no matter from whut cause it arises. They are !efl'ectunl in re’storing to health all who are suf fering Imm thkness and Dehility, Uterine iDiacharges, ,Nervousnesa, kc., kn, ha, and they “Actliké q Chhrm." in strenuheuing the ”stem. Thousands ofJndies who have suf fered [or years and tried vurioua Other reme dies in vain, owe I renewal of their health and \euenglh wholly to the etficecy of DR. HARVEY’S FEMALE PILLS They are perfectly harmless on the system} may be Laken at. any time with pcrl‘ecl onlecy ; but during the early “ages of P'regusincy they should not beAtnken, or {miscarriage may be the,resull.. They never cause any sickness pnin or distress. Each box contains 6Q pilll, Price One Dollar. ‘ ‘ . DR. HARVEY‘IS GOLDEN PILLS. . -a remedy tor special cases. folir degrees strong er than the übovev; Price Five Dbllars per box.“ A Private Circular to Ladies with fine ana mmical engravings, sent free on receipt 0! di reéted envelope and sta'mp. ‘ . 36-01:! this out ifyou desire Dr.‘HM-vey'| Pills, and ifyou 'caunof‘ )rocurefighcm of you! druggiat, do not take n other, for some dealers who are unprincipl will recammend 'olher Femnlc Pills, they ca make a‘ large. prom on—but enclose the mon nnd send di rect to l, , \ DR. J. BRYAN. Con-ulting 5 ‘ Box 5079. » '442 Broadway, A x and you will receive them pen-puid l sealed lrom observation, by return mail. Dealen supplied by Demu Dunes & ( Wholenle Agents, New York. The Private Madman Adyjser. . (Exclusively for leiea,) , N invaluable trauma of 100 pug", by Dr A J. Hfin'ey, published {or the benefit 01 the sex. ... 4 On receipt of TEN CENTS. it. will be I'm! post-paid, in a iealed envelope, to all who hp ply for it. Addres; " : DR. J. BRYAN, “2 Broadway, N. Y. 80x.50'19. . Manhood 2 BIRD EDITION, Fifty Thousand—loo pug", by Ron“ 1!. Bun, l. D: A énn tion, addressed to ymLth, the untried, and thou Continuum Shun“. Sent. by mall ponbpgid, on receiprof TEN CENTS. A cure ful perusal of Hill small book bu” been I Boo: 10, Till Anmcrn, and 1:" Quad thou-und trom I life of misery, and 111 untimely gnu. It “out: on thq evila'onomhlul Indiureslon, Self-Abate, Senna! Wenknm, Emmionl, Sexual Dine-us, Genital. Debilil'y, Lou of Point, Norton-nus, Prpmctnre'Decsy, lmpo tonic, kc., tc., which until the Infarct from fulfilling the Obligation: of Innings. I , Addreu, DR. J. BRYAN, ' ‘ Conlnlfing Physician. Box 5079. 442 Broadway, New York. Anna-It my! I, > my mm: M. HALL PWXTB t QUxCK SALES. J . L . scux c I; Would Inspection] In} to tho cifilenl of Get.- !ylbnrg uni Vivian . um In in now recoiving nu h'u ”on I aplengid , STUCK 0!" «SPRING GOODS. flu flock consim in put of Pgncy snd maple DRY GOODS, of not] duerlpuou. BILKS. ' . UUZAIJBIQURL. ‘ OHALLIES, DILAINBR, BUXBAZMD, , ~ " " ALPAL‘C All, LAWNS, . ‘ OALICOEQ, of 9'! quill!" Ind qholcou uylu, wzich 'l" be In“ It. PRICES T 0 DEFY CUIH’E ITION. FURNISHING GOODS of plllkindlflnclndl‘ng Silk. LineflJnd Cotton . Ilandhrahlnfs, Glovu, Smoking, kc. { ‘Alla, I splendid usomncnt of RIBBONS, ‘_JMBI snd Edglngs, Umbrella: and Pun-all.- My flock of WHITE GOODS will be fonnd full 9nd complete, Ind customerl may rely upon nlwnyl getting good good: at the love". poui~ ble pl’l‘fl. ‘ Gentlemen will find It to their ndvnnuge u; en" nnd examine my_atock of t CLOTHS, ‘ CASSIMERBS and \ AVESTINGS, on .n qn-htlu and choicut’ltyles. April 24, 1&65. J. L. SCHICK i .Fresh Arrival. M's, CAPS, 3001‘s & SHOES. , ‘ COBEAN & CO. hon-jun. received and opened Another splendid assortment of HATS, CAPS, 8001‘?! and SHOES. for Summer wear, which they are selling u! very low price. considering the times. The latest style: a! Summer Hnu ln‘d Cups, of every de'vcrrplion and price. Boots Mld Shoes, of superior nuke, and, l“ \nrrnuTeJ to fit, nlwnfl on hand. Work made to oide'r and repairing done on shortuo @ols, by experienced workmen. Also, HARNESS MAKING, ciarried on in a!) in bunches. Parson- wnnt ing anything In this liné would do “-1311 to call. [Q‘Don't forget the old stand in Chamberl burg “Feet, if you want Bargains. ‘ June 19. 1365 New ‘Warehouse. BHSHBLS OF . GRAIN 100.000WANTED,M thenewGruin and Produce House, in Caflisle Mreet, adjoin ing Shanda & Buehler’i establishment. The highest market yrice will always be paid in cash for ’ GRAIN, of All kinds, , FLOUR, SEEDS, kc. qul on hand and !or s'nle,ut the smaller profits, - GUANOS, - SALT, FISH. ' ' GROGEMBS, km, Wholeanh and remil. TRY US! We shallf do our best to gin snliilnction in all cue}; ; McCURFY & DIEHL Gettysburg, May 11, 1863. 1y ~ Bargains! Bargains! EW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. \ N _ FAHNESTUUK BROTHERS have just returned from New Yprk and Phila delphm with one of the largest, stocks of new Full and Winter Gbuda 'everr oflere-l to the cillzens at Adams county. They were pur chased before the late rise in goods nml will be sold at corresponding prices. The unusually great. demund for goods qt'every dose-rhythm for the Southern umrkel, will undoubtedly cduse it further rise in thetpnce of goods. \\ e there fore advise all thnt i \ ’ Now Is THE fun: 70 BUY. Our stock 0f Lndiel’ Dress Goods in com 'plc;u-, consist-ing of Fl‘emh .\lerlnoea, vef-y cheap, all wool Poplius, all wool Fluids. De lmues—Sheyljer-ls’ qu‘ills. Cnlicoes, Ging lmma, quid (Haelln,Cohutgs.Clolhs tnr ludica' Cloa’ks. unusually low, Silks and ull lbglalest styles of Dren‘uuods. . ‘ CLOTHS. Cassimzns, Cassinrls, Twce-ls. KI-nlncky leans, M 2. for Men's \Venr. FLANNElfi—lhe largest. Hock ever llrougln to thiw market, and clump. Also. u Inn-go us aomuent of Cloak Trimmings, Shawls, llno-ls, Bulmuruls, and in fact at lull und complete us lortment of all kinds of Simple and l-‘uncy Goods. Our flock having been purchased ldw. we say again BUY YOUR FALL & WINTER GOODS NOW. flaring replenished our Mark in All its de partments, we are prepared to supply u haterer may he wanted in our line of business “I prices that duty competition. Call at the Red From. FAHNESTUCK BROTHERS. Sept. 4, [865. V-W “ "" ‘—“""”' .-.—_— V \ Cumberland Coal! AILARGE supply ofanperior BLACKSMI'HI COAL, now on hand at today pricg. Thin Con] is superior to All othef Coal inzthe United States (or weliding and othey binckimilh pqrposel For ’aie by ‘ 3 City' Coal Yhil'd, Fréaen‘ck city, Md‘ ‘ Jundi9,lB6s. ly‘ _‘Este‘y’s Cottage :Organs nydicinn, ew York acute]; RE not only unexcelled; but. they are nb olntely unequalled, by any mixer Reed uau'u em. in the country. Designed express ly for 0 when and Schooll, they'nre found to lye equ ly well adapted to the parlor Ind drlwing too". For sale only by , E. M. BRUCE, ‘ No. 18 No". Sweat!) so, Philadelphia. wAlao, BRA HURY’S PIANOS, and A complete uuonme: of the PERFECT ME LODBUN. [Oct 2, 1865. 1y R. P. Bay]. & CO., EALEKS [N p CHINA, GLASS & 9 UEENSWARE, LATED WARE, FINE cUTLb 1 Y. ‘ ~ V CA" OBS, #O., No. 6 HAlovnfSnnr, nu Bu. [0“ $l., ‘ BALTIHUBE, MD. ’ ‘ GLASSWARE z—Tumblers, Gobhu, men, Lager-I, Fluyka, Blk. Bnnlel, Candy In De canton, fret. Dishes, Fruit Bowls, Sum, v s- , ton. Cnuor Bottlen, Ker. Lamps, Ker. Chin ‘ non, Lantern. he. . - QUEENSWABE :—Plntes. Flat Dilhea, D 1 up 3110., Covered do.. Covered‘ Bulurs, Tea Pou, Suprg, Cream, Bowls, Pitcherl, Chaubers. Buinu Ind Pitchers, Mugs, Spittoom, Tea Sets, Toilet Sm, kc. -. 00H. BTUNEWARE:—Juga,hu, Pificher‘l, Milk Pnnl, #2:. [May 1, 1865. I" COBEAN t CRAWFORD P.‘ H. PYFEB, Great Remedy for Goldy. I 100.000 bush. Grain Wanted. ELL'S P 301081“; 1 raw “alarm: I a “mum connun.» ' 0m WAREHOUSE. FIFE Cl'OR A N T! 1 WM. E. RIDDLE 8 00. would inform the A Rem-dial! Agent prtpnre-l to mat the ut- ‘ pnbllc thnt they hue Issued tho Wuehouu 3"" 'annd lor I prompt and sale Antidote on the corner of b‘tntlon street and the Rul fnr 11l Pulmonary Disorders. ll properly med rand, in Gettysburg, when they will can; an it wlfl give inlhm. who! in than" "or: in- th- GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in mace, And will prove an. eflectnnl cure in I All its branches. The hlghut price: will ll majorlly of the'hllo'iug cues of slat ”out of 's’. be paid for ‘ it! THROAT AND LUNGS! Inch n Culdp,‘ ;: WHEAT, BYE, Cal-I‘M, Aulmnlic Tendencies, Whooping, j; CORN, OATS, Cough, Serene“ of the Brent and Bronchinl' i CLOVER 8 TIMOTHY SEEDS, Al‘ectiono. I , . ‘ ruxssno, ammo, When in first commenced menufncturing' 1 . BAY & STRAW; the Expeelonut for our home comumptlén it Dr‘ed Fruit, Null, Soup, Hahn, Shoulder. and we: not our intention nor our desire to put. It Sidel, Pot-toes, with everything elu in the before the public as I “cup-Ill," nor_to pnb- cohnlry produce line. lilll A long list of u-Ilimoniels uan evidence ‘ 0N HAP”), FOR SALE, ol’iu cumuvé properties, but the demand for n. being so grm and decided! y on the inert-nee, bu induced, ehd in‘feét compelled In to preo pure it on I much larger Icnle. and 3130 to establish agencies throughout this section of the count”. - - 4 ' All we ea]: in that those thus ‘elflicted mny‘ give it a fair mu, the! it. they prove in many ndvenieges over other prep-muons of: limihr unture now [icing employed. ‘ { The price too throw; it withi‘n ‘the releh 0!: all, being [ml 25 end 40 ten" I bottle. Bell’s Worm Syrup! m: MUST msocns'r, PLEASANT AND T EFFICIENT REMEDY IN USE—A Rn. IDY Purser. ll harm—Na 6’qu 0:2!- I» Tatum—kl this Plepanmon we hxn'e included sat-h remvdica only as have been tried for‘ years and are known to phasess powerful anthelminllc virtues, combine-i with mild nperiems, pleasant uromnucs and sugar. An- thclmintlcs of themselves cunnot pglform their peculiar functions or hnve (he desired eflZ-ct, unless tile bowels nre‘ k_ept moderately open. To produce this. gentle pnrgntives are necei ury nnd Blll‘ll only ought to he used that can not internire wituthe nutheluiinlic employ ed. The :Ide taxes we claim for this S} rup are: lal.'ll§_},poyver at Dusmonxu AND EX PEIJJNG WORMS! J . N. ha mild uperiem eflect‘npon the bowels, 3d. It: pleasant tusle nnd odor are Minn tag“ pout-sand or cluiqu by very iew Verm ifuges. ’ ’ All]. it: harmless influence upon the system, consequently no ininrious eil‘rcts will result from its use should 1h" pitient have no Worms, but,“ apparent disense, fll‘lalnfl irom some other unknown cause, which is frequently the cue. , The conntituenta ofghis Syrup and its effects m- knomn to muny Physicmns, who are now using it in their prnctice to a large exlan Price 35 cents a bfiutle. The GreatestLimment in Use. ELL'S W lll'l'E 61L !—7'Lr Blandal. Clean- B at, man I’melwlilng‘and final Economical Lim‘meqt in Uu.—-.\ pdweiful Olmginus Conn,- pmuul for the Speefy Cure of lllleumnliam. Struini, Spinning. Wounds, Numbness o.‘ the Limbs, Frosted Feet nnd lhmds, Spuvin. Sud dle (:HHS‘ Poll Evil, Ring Bone, Bruises. Swelling: of all kind, and in lac: every dig ensc for which an E nbrucnlinn is applicable, either in Man or Ernst Prive 25 cents on hot tle.—'l'his propamtion, which is u'igiual with us, will he found to he one of the nicest null ‘nt lhe Lune time one of the most relinhle up: plimtiuns extant. ’ Having luen I-mployed very extensively since its introduction: nul lee-ling satisfied or its remexlial properties, we recummond it with the unnbct cunfidrnce, knod‘iug that. no nne grill he diszlmu-an'ed in ms ust‘. l! is, all Its name implies, a white li..imem oi the cnnsis lent-y ul Cl't'nlll, cnnluininu nulllinu 1 ll'vnsive, but. on the contrary. will be fuund more pleasant; than OHICI'WISE. Bell’s 'Alterative, R CONDITIOV PUWDHRS! . FDR HURNES. (‘.KTTLE & SWINE 2'; bems 1. paper, or fire pupa-rs for $l. The Immen~o .9th- nf these l’mvdrrs during the nluor= purird [hey‘ Emu: lnevn ln-f‘nre the public,- is a snificic-nt guurnnvre of limit ureuv. pupuhui’y, um! die dx cldud benefits derived from xh ir 11:0. int-y ure confidently recommended not only us a preventive, but us a ('umplc-Ie 4urr fur ull disc-:95 inridcut tn lhe HORSE. (‘U'.\' or HOG, us Loss of Appetite. Coughs. “eaves, Yellow Winter, Distemper, '(llnnders. km, kc. By lheir use thetllorfie'ii .\ppetl'e is improv ed. nll acronym-menu uf the (ligeitire organs corrected. summing Iht' skin. and gidug lo the coat a sleek and shining appearance. and- Inny he used With per cm. safety in nil‘times. as it coulnins no Ingrcclit-nh “;Lich ”3‘“ injure a. house, wluther suck or Well. 'They clenn~e the breathing apparatus by rchling frum the nir vells caugulnlml Insular, or that tungmliou which so !ewrel; clogs them, causing u tiglnlnu-ys iu l-rm hivng...~nd by their peculiar nctiun ou Ilml [nu-r, Ihry muse the mucus membrane to remmqits mlurnl dimensions, thus equulizlng the circul..tiun of the blood and restoring the distended vessel: to their nnluml size. For tutu ning cullo Ihey lre invnlnnhlg, also possessiug’ peculiar properties in incrous ing the quumity of milk in Cows, thereby zir ing them An importance and value which should phce them Within the hands of all in terested. All diseases to which the Hog is subject, as Coughs, Ulcer! in the Lungs and Liver. nml as I ‘general purifier of the blood me guarantee 'hrir eificm y if once fairly tried. ; .38“ Sold" at (leuyshurg by A. D. Bnehler, Apothqenry. and by Drnggists and Storekeep ers genenlly. [Ask fur Hell's Preparations. . Prepzm d exclnnively h.» \V. D. Bell, Apothe cary, (Gndunle of the Philadelphia College of Pnarmncy,) Welt. Washington St, Huge-rho ‘ lown, Md. [061..16, 1865. ly ‘7 ..‘ -.‘-_¥- _1 ‘ - " 7" _- Forwarding. Business. I OULP a EARNS'FIAW'S LINE. -- - l AVIXG purchased the Warehouse and H Cars hereioiore owned by Samuel Herhst, the undersigned take pleasure in announcing to the public that they will run a ‘ LINE OF FREIGHT CARS fromGettysburgtoßellimoreevuyweek. They are prepered to convey Freig ht either may, in‘ enyqnautity. They will uttendfit' deeired,to the making of purchases in the city. end deliver-l ing the xogds promptly at Gettyrburg. Their care run to the Werohouee of STEVEN SON & SONS, 165 North Howard street, (near, Frenklin,) Baltimore, where freight will be. received at "P 7 lime". They invite the attention; of the public to their line, ”wring them than they will spare no effort to accommodate ell: ,e who may patr'ouiee them. ' 165 an 167 Burl-lon Sun-r, Having purchaged the buildings and lot on the Northenetficdrner of Railroad and North.{. Washington elreeu, Gettysburg theiLDepot ;_ , y will remain there. Any. penon haviug‘buli- keep eongtently on hendolerge end well u neel in the forwarding line ere respectfully in-.' vited to cell. . CULP & EAiINSIIAW‘ Aug. 7.186% Nb Humbug. allysou. , Jr: Tue-«Lu, Thursday and Suurdny morningi, Ind PORK, VEAL. LAMB. he., on Hominy, Weduudq Ind Friday mornings. Their most! Jwiil aluyu be {and the best that can be u gured in this mnrket. [Sept. 25, 1865: ‘RY Dr. B. HORKEB'S. Tonic nd Mun _ tire Powders, for HUBSKfind CATTLE. Prep-rod ud sold only u hi. my {tort Janq. 35 mm. ‘ Coleen", Sugars, lulu-u,B,rdpa,'l‘ou, Spices Salt, Chem, Vinegar, Suds, Mun-rd. Burch, Brooms, Buckeu, Blncking, Brushes, Soaps, ac. Also GOAL 01b, Fm: on, Tar, ac... FISH of 11l kindl; NAILS AND SPIRES; Smokini ind Chewing Tobuccm. ’ They are uh"!- uh]: to lu‘pply - in: nle Article of FtOUll, withjho .diflerent kinda ol FEED. " Also, GROUND PLASTER, with GUANOS and other fertilisers. ”COAL, by the buah‘eluon. or on load. a . Their Can run to Bnhilnore and bnk “Hi-e I week, and they will be hnppy to carry good: either way At moderate charges. rlurkumen, country merohnuu, ;nd others, will find it to their adianthgr to p'u’tro‘nize this line. The] Links than ofthe pnblic'o customgnd will spare Bo efipn to render satisfaction to all, seller: or Buyers. Wll. E.-BIDDLE k 00. . Aug. 22, 1864. t! , New Goods! Cheap Goods! r ”E PLACE TO GET THEM ‘ - IN HANOVER!— e helehy inform the. citizens of York and Adams counties. that. we have eslubliehed, It the southeast corner of Centre Square and Bnlfimore street, HANOVERL formerly occu pied by C. E. a TIT. Witt, I anch' Store, (the principal lmx-inen houses being located in New York and York, Pa..,) where we will keep at all times A regular na‘forlment of Dry, Domestic and Flncy GOODS, Also, 3 Well se lected assortment of CLOTHS,~CASSIHERES, (EASSHETS, COTTINETS and CORDURDY ‘ China. (Hans and Queens-ware, Lndicl'. Misus’ nng Children’s SHOES; also. A nice and lull assortment of all kinda m CARPET, Floor and Table Oil—cloth; ‘ ' . We have also estziblhbed in rooms ndjmning the Cenlrul Hotel, I CLOTHING ~STOI}E. when: we will keepwmnsmntly on hand a well selecled asso'lment ol Ready-made Clothing. of the latest styles, and a full assortment OJ Gentlolnen's Fnruisliing Goods, such Ag lime, Oops, Boots, Shoes, 621;, which we will sell at reduced prices. ‘ As our mono in, and always will be, “quick Suits and small profits," we hope to recvlvr a slmre of the patronage of {own and conn ny. Our conucvlion will] the- lurge wholesnle houses in New York City nnd York, Pu.,’\vhere are ulwuys stored (in «xlensive stock of goodr, Whil'h “e sell at wholesale and retail, enublca us '.O supply our old triends and such of our nrw cusmmera as will give us; call, with the wry beet murkemfile goods, at. lower rales Il'mn can he purchased anywhere in me State. Call and we lor youraelzes. , ’ JUS. LEBACH & BRO. HzlnoVef,hllnE‘267lB6.-l. 1y Coal, Lumber, Stoves, Bw. ‘(HARLES Fl. HUEHLER " (J ’Wuuld respx-chnlly inform the public tun! he Mull conpiune the buliness lulely con ducn J by the firm of Shends A: Buchlerfat the OH] smuducornér o! Cnrlisle and Railroad alrerti. He 'wili he propnn-d to furnish l ‘ THE EAST QUALIT-Y‘OF CUAL, and every vnriety of LUMBER, including Doors, Shutter-n, Sash, 61c. A 159, every vnricty or “Ullkillfl Slovusmmnng which nre the .\'UULE (JUNK. lIUYAL (,‘UUK, “TELLING TON, WAVERLY, PRINCE ROYAL, ' OllS‘AMl-ISTAL COOK, kc. w ‘ Also, l’.-\h‘l¢()l{,_ DINING V “ Imm], SALOON AND snop ' S T 1, O V E \ S . AIS". errry vnriety of TIN~ AND SHEET IRUX WARE. munuhcturcd by the best work mt-n. Also, HULLUW WARE Meyer; variety, inchulingnrupurior “Nil’lc of ennm- lled u'urk. link-ex! every variety of Kitchen Ware will be hep: cnnsmntlyfin hnud. . Also, (he lurflnmed “UNIVERSAL CLOTHES \I‘RINIGI-Jll,” for which he is the sole agent. in the coumy. A Hr is ulso the agent for Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing .\lachiues—lhe best in nsd. ‘ April lu, 1365.1 , C. H. BI‘HIILEB. . Great. Attractlon . T PRINKERHOFI-"S CHEAP CLOTHING A AND l-‘UIiNISHING STORE, nt the Xorth l-Znst Corner of the Diamond. The subsrriber is ,comtnntifin receipt offresh goods from the Eastern cities. His stock of . ' READY-MADE CLOTHING is nne’of the largest and most attractive, M well as the chenpest establishment of the kind in the country.’ You will theie find COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the most fnsliinmnble styles. and of the best nmterinls. of all sizes 'end prices, for men nnd boys.— Gentlonn'n's iurnishing goods of every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shirts and Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool and Cutton’ Drawers, [lesion of every description Buckskin, .\lerino and Cotton Gloves, Hand kerchiu is, Neck Ties, Cmvnts, Linen and Paper Collars, Huts, Cups, Boole «Ind Shoes. Um; brellns, Trunks. Velices, Oorpet Boys, Clothes and Shoe Brushes. Hnir and Tooth Brushes, Shoe Bl gcking. Pocket Ind Dressing Combs, Ivory Combs, Watches, Clocks end Jewelry, Guns, Pistols,‘ Violins snd Violin Strings, Soaps nnd Perfumeries, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Knives, S'mokjng and Chewing Tubnc co. Pipes, nu extra qualityofSt-gsrs. ln incl, his stockgemhmcea everything nsunlly found in s first class furnishing stdre. I invite the attention of all to eornennd see for themselves, as lsmjetermined to sell goods lower than any otheresteblishmentin the country. Don't forget the piece; Corner of York street end the Dinmond.‘ !- JACOB BRINKERHOFF. J_uly 4, 1864. , Noah Walker & Co. CLOT_HIERS, J WASHINGTON BUILDING, BALTIMORE. gomd flog! of :11 kinds of good: it modern“ I= The, supply ofion {orr the fine". to the lowan pricad iniclu, either ready nude or made :0 manure, to at, part. of tho country They kéep tho an oxtupivomk of FURN ISHING GOODS. ombneing our, union of Gendeuen’J'Undor-vnr. Allo‘, NILH'ABY CLO'I‘HS nfid‘ ovary nfiecy of lilimy Triu- mini, 0.: well n In incl-Ind flock of READY [ADI lILITABY GOODS Bultlmonflbb. 33, 18M Something {gr Everybody O BUYfiAT DB. B. BOBNIR'S RUG AND VARIETY STORE.— nu op‘ened 1 fine moment of Drug: upd Medicinal, , hum. Hedicipu, / Stationery, ‘ Fancy Dry Goods, Confection, i _ Grocarfel, ) notion, TOBACCO, SEGA“, #O. s, 1364. ‘ . l. ,1 I ‘ “I e. w \ in Him a Call! f to olgmin tweet Photon-phat, \e‘. executed in tho hen nun" GALLERY, in mm. mm. HE pile» ‘ Album :3"; IUIPfl’B“) 11l- .3 1365. FOUT Z ’ S cut-nun gum and finals gummy. Thend’o'den will atrengtb emchtom-ch Ind Intestine, cleanse than from oCuuivo matter, and brin 1110 mm nhafithyluu. They um I sure mum" of Lung Fever. and I certain remeSy in all Diseases incident m “1% Hum, nch 2%!“- . . . low ' , 3 - #3". Di.- : 1 t o m p e I, ~\ ' l Fclnder, .9; ‘ Honvoc, “{‘tn'm ‘ Blsvginrg, .7 I} 00 t- > ":1“? ‘.l A te In Vfgfihu- ‘_‘f ---_,. to. "~ “4;- ‘r ”in poor, low-spirited inimab, it but thd non balefirill efl‘cct. Theme ofthem improves the wind, stmgih— m the Appetite, Ind gives to the Horse a fine, mood: and glossy nkin—thus burrow ing :11! appearance, vigor and spirit 0 this noble Animal. ‘ The property this I’ode W in in evening the quantity of Milk in Can, giva it an Importance and value ‘hil‘h nhonld phwé it in the hands of every person keeping 100 w. By actual experiment it has proven that it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cent, and make the Butter firm and sweet. In fattening (Junk, it. gives them an nppctite, loosens their hide and nakel them thrive much faster. 'HO G B . In all Dismes of an: Sign. inch :1: ‘ ;C‘fi-Z‘J '9‘? ~ ug Ula-n in “@23l}: ' the Lungs, liver, 411%: 11:57.: j‘, ' kc. By putting \§”9ll‘-’A>A I from hairs paper '1 _r . gm groper of these Mgr“: ' V-' .8} ow or: in a bar: Ki 1"; "‘“ * »: r‘el or Swill, um 6’5; . L-€>"\"‘-" \ above Dina: can be cum! 6: eminly in»). named. By using those Powders the log Chaim an: be prevcn‘ted. Erica 26 eta. pezPapey, or 5 Papers for $l. 15mm m‘n m’ 8. A. FOUTZ & BRO, CM3EI WHOLESALE DRUG/“MEDICINE DEPOT. 10. 118 Franklin 8%., Baltimore. Id, For Sxflc by Drugnists and Storekeeper! throughout the United film-I ' For sale bv A. l’flluv'uler. thtpshurg; Lnugh'lin &‘ Bushfin-ld, Wheeling, Vs: C. C. Bendert Cu.. I’lt.sburg; Johnson, llollowuy ll Cowden, Philadflpbh.‘ , Nov. '2B, 1864, 1y . r New Goods !—-Large Stack! ERCHANT TAILOIHNG. “yous & BRO. ' [run just received from the cum-m: large stock 0! good! for Gentlemen‘s went, ombrncihg a variety of ‘ ' CLOTHS, . CASSIMERES, - ‘b VESTINGS, Cnssinets, Jenna, km, with many ulllcrgoods for spring I'md sumnn-r w‘enr. They are prepared to make up garments m the alum-ten notice. and in the veryhflat mun m‘r. The thionn are rvgulurlyrl-neiwd, um! clothing ngiule in .nny dbsind style. They nl way: make 119:1! fit§, \vlnl'sl their sewing isJurp to he subs! m’ijnl. ley ask u éontinnance of the public's pn tron-lge,. resolwl 'by good V\ urk and modu~.uc charges mum-n n. > ‘ . ‘ Gettysburg, April 7, 1862 - New Bakery! ~ TEWPORT k ZIEG.‘ I'll}, Mechanical Bak h m, Scull. Washington slrcel, hull :qunre from the Bugle llozel, (ill'l‘lYfilil'RG. Pu.— Consuunly un lmnd, the hes! 0| BREAD, CRACKERS, CARI-IS, I’llETZl-ILS, kc. l'er sous wishing "05h Bread will he it‘flt‘d our) morning. b) leunpg their name! nnd rhidcncc: M. the llnlu-ry. «Every ulfnrl‘nmde In please Give us 1! null! [April 20, ’O3. t! Globe Inn. You 91., mun 'rnr. Duxnso, (‘1 ETT Y 5 ll U R (i, P A.—’l‘lie undersigned. _j' would most respectfully inlorm his n.l - lrielids and Ihc puhlir generally, that he Ima purclmsed 111.10. long eamblishcd and well known liotnl, the hGlobe lnu," in York street, Guttysburg, zunl'will spnre no Jon lo conduct it in .1 ma‘nner llml will not delrncl from in former high reputation. llis tnble will have the best the market cnn,nfl‘ord-—l.is chnmht-rs are spacious and comfortable—and he has laid in 'lor his burn full stock of wines and liquors. The-re is lnruc stnbling nllucllcd to the Hotel, which will be attended by Allen tire hostlers. 11. will be hi! constant endeavor to render the lullvsl autumn-tion to his guests. making hikhuusu us‘neur a home to them as possible. He nsks n slmre of the pumic’a pa tronnue,Adelormined as he is to deserve 1} large purl of it. Remember, Ihe “Globe Inn” is in York siren, but near-lug Dilllllll'ld, or Public Squnré. , - April 4, 1864. u Good Things from the Clty! WE Are receiving ,twice a week from the cityn vnriotv-ot articles suited to the wnnts of this community, viz : Fresh and Suit FISH, ”Isms, Sliouldeh Illd ides, Hominy, Beans, Bait, Apples, Potatoes, (finges, Lemons. Confectioos, Tohntcos, Sugars, with many other articles in this lined—nil redeired‘ in the bestorder, Ind sold nt the lowest 'profits. Give us I call, in Bfltimors street, nearly opposite Fahnestocks’store. . —: WlNTER—Butter, Eggs, Lnrd, and all other country prolduco—for which the higheal culh price will be paid. ‘ SWEET POTATOES—beIt qunlily, at low eu living profits—tinny: on hind. Also OYSTERS, fine and huh—in the Ibell on chucked. Begum-Inn nnd families supplied. STRICKHUUSKR t WISOTZKEY. . Gettylbnrg. My 18, 1863. I. K. Staufi‘er, ATCHMAKER t JEWELER, No. 148 quth SECOND Street, comer ofiQunrry, PHILADEL& PIIIA. An assortment ol - IWATOHES, JEWELRY, SILVER & PLATED WARE, constantly on Mad, SUITABLE FOR. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! fi-Repniring of Watches and Jewelry promptly “tended to. \ Dace”, 1864. 11 5 ' , Fresh Supply. ~ NEW GOODS,——A. SCOTT t SONS have just received Another lino luonnent of LEW GOODS, confining, in part, of Cloths, (Julianna. (Instincts, Kentucky lulu, And Tweedl, fur Gentleman’s we". Alli), I fine Inortmen! of , ) LADIES' DRESS GOODS. 0|" flock ha been selected with put am, sad we nre prep-red.» tell u cheap ul lII] other nubliihment in Ihe country. We nk the public to give us I cull And judge fat themselvu. We defy competition, both an to quality And price. A. SCOTT B SUNS. _ Sept. 11, mos. ‘ 1885 f PHILADELPHIA Wall Papers. HOWELL n BOURKE] Inuunccnrm u l’nl‘Hß “norms mu . wmogw SHADES. North Eu} COWLIP‘FEZ. -1“ NAME? x 3mm, fHILADELPHIA. ' ’ . Ba; hnyb n “on: In]. Lmnx ad on. smussf 'B' ”9" °’ Aux- 1!. {£s._3m_______._ flEOGERiSSa—A Ml lepily. n! [9'9" G nut-Intel.“ !AHXESIOCKs'. P WATCHES 'AND JEWELRY. , 31,000,000 WORTH! To be dhpoud of M. 0“ Damn ouch, with out regard to Valul, not to be paid for MIMI you know what you are to ream, BY A. H. RUWEN I 00.. ‘ (Agunh for the Munufncluuu.) No. 36 Bnmm: 811“".le You. jay-Read the following Ila: ar mum: to be sold for ONE DOLLAIKX— ' 100 (Md Hunting-m Witchny ml .1” a mo .. wnchn. mm. mm. “ uo' mo II Imlm’ 00M WIN”. , “ .0 0‘ 500 !Hnr than". outrun so to In no dumb-muytuuthmlm," Oootuboo mom‘- Unmornl- Ammo-l phi. I‘ . swtoln I. woo Clllfuml- d‘lmoud mama, u : who ‘l’: UOOO Mlntntnn Invoking le, " on In t 'flgfialgumh Dllflrnolnd and ”lul.“ u .o. h ‘ ul‘n Ic- not I n m anle Ind In)“; l'llul. ’ . “ .OI toil: . 9000 Gold Dana llrlulcla, “grind " II: DID I. low at uni Ila-Io flruochny - snoln in a 90°C than Brooches, " DonI!It I! lOWCu lhrbmpu‘, " lento I" 9000 Lullu' mm. thlm, 'l laII I. M m 00W- l'hu.‘ mph-did yum, " IaIn1: to woo lam-In Mun Button, " Iw b no mum-ma flan Mum. "In“, H l "Mo to woo Mm. Button, min, and nag“, " lonto I to 1m lnln Mon and Kim, " zhln3' to m Lena. richly "innit. “ on to 100 “Wow MAM' any r), In M mm mm. , 4' :utonu sum [land-um In! 310.1, " do to I on 2000 kl:- fiunnm Itodl. “ 1.0 Co, 000 mm (MM Pam mt (laid mum “ untolt so moo an. J-t-bd «M 4 WI- Ind in Dmpu. lulm lUM. 11M. “ iOO CO in. Qma Gum Thimhlmvr l'nct . to" u 4a.in C at 101-00 Uou'l'cu up: um" um, H tonta I no 10000 n '- than] Italic", - 0' 4beto a a» Thin entire In M Ito-mm! and mum. goods will b!- lold for Us! Dom.” each. Curv tlficaura at all the ntmu Ink-lea will he plncnf in envelopes, and 195194. Those envelope. no sent by mail, I; ordered, without regard to change. On the veccipt M the certificate you» will see what fun an- to ,Iflffi,.fld then it in ui‘ your option to lend thq Dolhkr and uh Ihr article, or not. \\ Five qcrtificules CI"! in ordh-d for 8! }’ eleven 70r$2 ; thirty for $5; tiny-flu for 810;- nnd one hundred tor sis. We I“! and - sinuio (‘erllfwute onllhe receipt of 25 cgllu,—‘r Agents hunted to whom we one.- npcvinl lormlf lrnd 2.”. cent. !or um: ccrtificule Ind our C'l‘tclf hit with terml. . A. H RUWEN‘ ‘& ('40., t . 33 lleekmuu Sun-t, N. Y. V P. 0. Box 4271. r ‘ May 22, 18955. 61!! ERVE, HUM: AM) (JOHN— N I‘.“_§A_‘lV_VM_E_N 1' I WWJRHAXTEI) TU CURE llhuumltlilfl, Sprxtllls,_swl‘ll|ll Jomta, Sufi- Thruat, Front-d Feel, Puis‘on, Uhl Son‘s mid Bruises, Fruh Cuts, Cums, .\lumpg, Tenor, PM»: in llu: Limhr and Bark, Ewe-111,1)“ )lnn n; "can, Su-ldle or L‘o:lnr (lulld, lhsll-ml-er, Scrnlclwl, am, on llunvl null l.\|ulos, xmd all Dlsenlcl reqdlring an External llemcvlr. The nllenl‘r-m of the public in anh'lfuny dimmed lo lbw nhnye Prepnnlinn. n being one of the 51’s! and mm; uflicncml’u’ulflml rumodles now m us". ITllil facfis based upon {he trsumuny 0! thousand: ol peuunl who hm'e il‘l"! it. . Frum llm’vnel nmnnht nf good this Llnilnt-uc has done in "H Lam-s ‘wherciu ll has Lron null, nnrl "h: mum-n! ugvplimunu ma la fur it. Ibo lxropnelor mu hem Innluvm! lu pltwv.“ mmm Hu- yuhlir, unis AM it mun! upun El: mm gun I‘ mulls, knuwmg vlml in awry My: win-r! it in "st-IL ig will rwumun-“-11”wa All In luk- in u. but um] Inqmrlml lrml. nml If nut-. 1 In urdr mg (n ulrr-‘gunns mgr! n») ‘nvwfilflm N.nrue.— 'muiug ath Ifnhm‘lm! unufi-11-nre in in cun rivc powers, hu' hus'ullm-lrd hil “(Hill in ro luml H: ' mom; in an nun wh‘rr: Nun Lini mun his“) um: nuhcuolil, Um l-mllo Ii!!! . pornon ’0) in cunlcfiu Lo 05' rem'nml w I". Agent. ' '6 ' It will he f-mn'l n "are rum-«'l' fnr ilhtnmnv (ism, Sprmm. hm Hui Jmuly, kc, Ind m int-l, im- u!| that he «_lnnul luv u, is lchll lII]. lll cle ofilhe kind yvt Irird. ‘ h iiu’u nn iinfnlhhh- cure 70: run», diam." nf Hum”, !mh ._-s Kn“, Snap, Sun hhn, Sprnius, UN harm's, firmwh-I, Cqur Mn! Sn-l— dle‘Unqu. um} all dun-mars n-qu'uing In H lcrnnl n-mvd) (or Ilurscs nnl Cullen! mu no equal. .~ This Linimrnl sluml'l ho infill. hnhuh 9P m‘i-ry family, pnz-ui ulurl” whorz- Ilia-r: no children. ns Sole Tllruus. til-minim. L‘rnup, Qmury, flu}. nrt‘ lll‘CllM'i llml curly mnuy rlu‘l dren w Llu-xr ;nnu’fl. I‘qu Lininmm I!“ ha funml n mm and spy-uh n-licl in "or; can u hén- il H npplird in lime. Asllns Liuiumn is warranted to give sullllfllcliun in all man. no one run risk- anything in trying jt—lunl ll unv lmnle .3 3mm] 3m. will m-vvr b 0 without A in lhl- Imus—m puvrmso. n Lorlo and no «onHuucd'u! the Incl: übme. \ 10115:: mi UATTLK. I I'UWDR‘RSY ; {-n‘n yum [lorsos S‘l‘llVElillAlx’ Eli‘s HURSH AND CATTLI?‘ I'UWIIEIih‘. i! you what flu and healthy LOIHI'F: xunl )1”! or:- pure in luv. ilmn. A snl’rusuru m(1 ~l3de cure for Coughs, ('nlds, Dish-nip: r-I, ”cures, lli-zc-houndfiYorml; Hms, .\'l'llrvy, Inn, in lluuu, host 0! (Jul, Black Tong-w, run, in Cm'flo. ‘lly the use of uhese I‘UWDFIRR the Appo‘lm of the Horse is imprmed, all dcrnng Ill'lh'l ..f. the Iligcslive ltignns mv corrccleilnml tho. sluggishneu ol the nninnl (“MVP“)? he he cmui‘ng ‘ linly ilml pliirilcnl. It In len! tho; skin, giving the Mir u !lerk nnal nhiu‘np Im pcnnuice. ' The an M superiority of time Ponders uwr nll otht-rs nriua lmm‘ Ilro fut! th It !hI-y nre compounded of nu-dicinu lb". have laxative, tonic and winking prnpprtmn. The lnxzuivc rcmufvs all impurities I hour lh.~ Momuvh and how-ls ; the uiuic adds new ton. and via-Ir to the symm of the llorlrlhy which the Appetite I! wonderfully improvegl, nnd’ lho glurilying medicines “Minimal in tlmu clrlulo the blood from all impure mutter, and give 5 hmlxhy ahd Vigorous circulation; they Ilgu improve-the wind, and an; n mro prerenlivo 01 Long Peter, Yellow Watt-h Founder. 1.0.1 of Appetite, an] many other din-"en incident to lln- Horse. _— ' ‘lt is nlw iur-lunblc is n (‘ondltlnn Powdu tor ans, inn-resigning the flaw 0! milk nnd pm, n-nving disease. All pvriom owning w‘" should Ask for STUNHBIMKER’H Holiftli t 4 CATTLE POWDI-ZRS. nit ‘in very lmpo at, through the linlv: that theytnhauld bu u‘ud to improve the condition of .the cow. The] have no equnl I‘nr Ill!!!nlng€flllle,ll [ht] gin them an appetite, Ind loosen thrlr hide, b} which they thrive much tutor. SAMUEL WOLF ’l‘hue Powder: Ire a lure prevent!" of HOO CHOLERA, nnd nus panicnluly ndqited to the dilenies to ‘which Hogs an to liable—l such an Conghn,U|cemoflbe Lungs nnd Liver-1 causitg them'to improve much faster. I'th uhuuld be used in !he beginning to {m "03!, as much Iced mny b 6 uved. Then Powders will be‘found much urunger nun moo: powders now in Inc. and It 35;}an time the most powerful tonic ever and {on Horse; and Cattle of my kind. All person; are pnrliculnrly'invilud [0 try the" Powden‘ knowing they will continue lq un than. Ran Had: in Como (ha of (It 11qu b Dial} A Stonebrak 3 AL ROACB AND lOU E ‘ RITE}!!! ‘ATOBQ We Invite the attention 0! a public to an Ibon preplntioug'u befug no o! “u non efi'cctnal preparation ever inlrodund. for tho denunuion 01th: shove vermin. Jud-mutt it. I DEAD SHOT FOB BATS! _‘l'ry fir-on], 15 cent: a boy. ~ “‘80” by dealer- Ind country “on keeper- genanlly. ‘ A’ug. 14, 1566. 8m ass. Hoop Skirts. 628, OPKINS’ "OWN MAKE" 0! HOOP- H SKIRTS, are zomn up expnulytomm flu Ilntfof run cuu nun. ' They embrace a. complete Assortment of 11l the new Ind'deplnble Stylel, Size’u Ind Length. for Lndlu', lint—l’ and Children, Ind are u:- perior 00 11l olheu made in point of Symmolry Finioh and durability ; belng made of the he“ tempered English Steel Sprint—with Linen finished Covey, Ind having all the means tnltenlnp lmmovably secured, .bg ingroveq machinery. They retain their B|:th :ng mu ticlty to the last—and are vaunted “I give emits intiflnclion. 1366 Also, constnuuy in receipt of full line: 0‘ good Eutetn Nude SKIRTS, u very low prieuz bkiru made to order. ahead and upshot-1 Wholenlo 3nd Retail, u 'Hnulncw I'd Sdu Room, No. 628 ARCH 8!», “arm" PHILADELPHIA. ‘ fi’l‘eml Cash. On. Brlpa pnlyl Aug. 21,1865. 4- ~ , ADIES’ nms ' Law. .. ' ”WWW’LW Great Bile Ston ebraker’s Fill! MAX 0” [Hi/487'. Stonebrakur's 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers