Will ll Certs to Dtny a Nrgro a Ride in the ‘ - Street Cm. ‘ {From the Cincinnati Enquirer, Now-ml)" 27.] hue Young, l. coloml‘ aim or "ii: city. bu recovered. in the Superior Court, eight hundred dollar: from the Passenger Ruil road Company. damages, for being ejectml . from one 0! the cars of the company. He did not. appear to have received any injury ‘ Iro- hil expulsion except thul of ‘being compelled to walk home. We cannot but. look upon the sum awarded to him. in dam-I‘ Ogel u excee'eivaqbeyond manure exorbi- 5 (int: Vindiclive {damageslure only given] _ in cue: where the malice in nppurenl. ILI ' would require special woofunt a general} ...‘..........‘....4.. rule ambushed by ecorporaction and curriedl ’ out byiu servants «he enneugd dud-enforced i \.....:.......,,. out of enmity to a. particular indivitluul,—-', ......,,..'.. Mr. Young, under the law an it is lnLerpz-e-i tedl mu angled to pnyment for the slight i 'end temporary inconvenience which ‘he, 'buuained. ’l‘hi: Win the doctrine laid (low , by the court, but ulleregnnlod by lhejurygi filiich seemed ready to take [but otmuion‘ ito ligndlize in love of lhecalorell mun, M, ~ - -~ - - , - the efwnse bnlh of justice and the while. _, . Public file‘ one. 9 suppore lel'so filigrunh nuu up-z P VERY DL‘SIR \BH‘I lparent. l perven-mn ofJusuce oughllto en- 0 PE A L E 3 T A TEI '.er the puny dufefldnfll {on new inal.‘ } The ”blame? Enpuwnwr Ad", Gil ”"i _. ~ «no A»- . . . burl. lnte 0L Carroll ¢~nun'_v,decenled,by vir , [B‘l ha "loyal fellows "1’03““ in'-1‘15"" 4m: 0! an Urdu qt the Urplivu'i's Conn, of Car finely at work. Thomas J tAth‘l, a tlul'nul- : rull coun‘ij, will 'mpmu n 1 Publil fill-‘O, on the ting 'l'ieuury ngent. ht Mobile. ‘Alahuun'i, ' pxrmisca. on THURSDAY, the” 21~l duy of DE hu‘bocn sentenced by a court'- martial ’lo CH;HAI€R,.I,B6S, in 'lO o’clouk, A. M.,‘ the llonl “my I line of $25,000 and undergo one y'ear’e‘ Emile of mid deepened, situate, lylngund ud-. Impriannment ukhnrd labor. In the «lam : Joining-eb- corp'orate limiu 3! the Cily of ’termuter'n llepurtmwnt M. Louiwullr. Kenn Wusixuimicr. Carroll county,“ ~ [Alon dis cucky. frauds amounting to nver Slll'lJlf‘lU. ' “NW" “Hm the W 010“! 314- Railroad. S..id have been discovered. In Milwmippi. n “Pull .E‘fflfe CUI‘IMHI’H’X ""9“" “I’VE", 2‘” Government agent, who ”Queen“; 350,9”, “Mull-1591‘ LAN _), mouror hamlet flirpglssl‘d 1m nocounmd lmnniysumu. Ami so we: ‘3‘ “WW “3‘4 ”WWW! 5: Mu: Rm 3",: To kcEIV hundreds of such 30:11:14” m i l";f:“:\3"" xxfacfyc-t “‘.d will belohl "1 I’m" nl Icemnd In unable thc'm taker t u vthuir “ “ . ° I , . ‘ " . ‘ , ‘ intense “loyu‘liy,” the pe-nple'lniiio [ln barei| ‘l‘” 10' l century: .9‘ ACRE“ 9P ll‘Ar‘D' .‘lheir necks‘to‘nn immense bu: then of (axe-er: :15” "X iii}; ‘igrigfigzxfizmh ' “mm”; taxes. tnxo»! » t 1,. ‘ ' ‘ . ‘ . . - .; "'z't. . . ..., “My“ _,_____ l .+ l \_\'u-eiur,‘ {lions AL l‘rnlnr U“ Mil.- ”5“”: 1“ ;Good Methodist Ihctrine.-—Sonw old-{Ming 1M“ mm 1‘” ‘ruomn, “3°" "‘s' 5.7% i 3 , lonwl .\lulhmlml who has no fear of Stun- f “ge’fud h‘Cheno" the “”“h’o'Y-‘L‘ 31-” Inn before IIH Dyes, has the nudimly lo‘“"" 55" rooms 9" ”1‘ second “"0" ‘6'?“ an quuleJhc iullou'iXlELar-xiiiiliclite from John , “”l'km'he‘n; gull-ulna! Tori“? fmmh”; A lYunlcy’s writings: Wesley uuyq; , blame new llnuk~ Burn. no Lyfauihprlu'g House, "unulmnn m) min) {or not !hinkinz'ls E 31:“,';m"fv\l“rii‘:ll;:i~;‘sinlrrrg'fi 0“ :llifrrinieizsi‘ig' ‘ . . ' - u A. ' r: -' ~ .. In H; y _ ';'.‘ "‘ ‘ . (”I ’l_ thin-11. Wand House, l’uultry Home, Sn:uhz:_" 1 "Y ”“‘" u« “‘"m‘" J“ ,uu nl‘ llunse, am; good Oicll ”‘11?"f clmme frull. i unco every r‘nnu “3"“ SW“ 3!! """"““" “i .Mvaulow,_and 21} acre! of excellgnt thriving; 3"m'dr ‘0 ("’d" ANN)" PWVY “l'l'f‘mc’lu'l \\'uodl:\nd; hndann inexlmlutihlc Quiz-r; uhsu- ‘ In «very. kind of degree, to the “pull ”inn-nor Building: Sim.” which is now v’ér'v INTIQCUUOH, If P)“ filmmt rpawu U" PM" ‘ muvll in demand. The nhulc is enclosed by auntie a man into the liuth. hurl-r :ulmupt‘,‘ snhunulinl iéncing. ' ' i , to force him min it. ll luvn will uit com- i, LOT ml. 2 (‘onl'lin "125} ACRES OF pel him to come, leave him ‘in God, Lhe ’LAVD. all cow-red wiLh hoary Tunhcr, such judge hi all." > ‘ i'ns Wulcr Unk, Blnck UM, Hickory and Chm. “" ’ “ ' - [111“, &l'.. sihmle null Chump-mini; on'lhe Uuun- ‘ ily 110 ml lending lruni.\\'u«'lmln .u r ;o Lhe .\lill ' llnrrm-rl; (m‘ned hi" .\ir..Vnn llilplir'r, mljuining: ll.ui-l of Jo~lmu mingling. This [.Ol. W 1” be; kph-3x ml nwl laid oll' imu amull‘lmu 01' from {two 1» GM: ,m-rcr, as may sun, Mlh guxluhie L hum-s nr made, in. - it l‘ mm», :; uuumius 2:} .lcmzs‘ m L.\\'n.i ;1“|i: Lot is located helm-v" ihe nhorv mum-:1 ‘ , f'uumy Hand And the l'li,ullltm’ri 'l‘uxnpikc ..' ll lull, {running on said 'l‘lnnpike‘ Rand. 6'} r l’l-r- hrs. rl ins Lu! will «lieu bL—survejml xtml‘.‘ €l2an ml' in sni.|ll,l.qol.s, irnm two to live Acres ;! 15mm: 'l‘nnhu'r' nud IQ” crul line Springs of \\'n-‘ “ (M «m ”in Lot. ~ ' ( LUZI‘ Np. 4rovlluins 552* ACRES 0!“ LAND.‘ This Luv. is locum! ml the; o‘st snle of the ;Wmlvninfler nntl l.iu_h;rw\vn annpllEu llpnd, ”inning an sin-i Tun ike llmul‘ 55 ’err ms ‘, uwl lgoumli 1g on UiPpUull'fiy llmul lumlmull :l‘mm enhk anpwke liar-'1‘“) A. mers' Mill, !Lln: Uulln 3. Rom culled nu-l Lnuwu us the Shh' slu‘nn lluul running llmuull sniil hut. This 1 yLuL mil also ln- slimline-1 ‘unil hml oli‘ ing” sul‘mhlc Lots, {rum (no to nre ur murc Acres, 1 .zfl‘lll'l'FElllL * A \‘(r_\ :upuriur S.|lul-hull‘_is on I ihin lmt. , “ i Apr] .1 nfthcullomc 91"”"1‘ L‘JLS will be;l man u Mid slum u on LIN I J)’ 03.8% e. - i Persons unhing In new uh" nr-mu‘lsmnd! i Ti'nhrrlnnd below the till] of anluhjvill ,cltlll [on Jess- Myaly, oueni' the limcntnrs, I‘CSH‘L‘ i “Ing the prcmises,wh’lwllhmkc grout. plaus jlnii‘in anhuu'ilrg the Twin. 1 i .f l ' I'll: a“ Ul.“ Si\l.‘l.-—~(Jnc-liin put n no pllll'llJM‘filUlle almihhefimid by [he quchuserl inr pvn'chns: r“ to the ,un-lezsiq null on the day. 110! sn‘w. or upon the rulilix'a'tion Llwreuf by 'zhe: ‘Urphnn's ()nurl. aforesaid, ninl lhl‘ regiilue in. lnu upml payments. the (me pnyuhlr in' one. (gear. nud the other in ma Mar: irum ihu (in) ~ui‘ :fllt‘ ; the credit puyuwnls 10 be secured h], lvlu- liuxnis‘ None or ring «1 111113 of the pur chaser orqiurchuscrs, whh security, to he lull),- pmvcd by lhc unglersignmlpmd bénriuginltr -051 from the duy uf’s‘ulv. qura S-ffru_yr.—'ljlie wimzthn of mum anfl’rngn l 9 (,‘unnmzliuut, Waxv-unszn.’M‘H'mu win. (.‘ldur’ml-a. &c., _unnpys xhfin R x hum]. \ifio Imm {in u 11 sh :1! he require-l of Hmth-‘ru‘Sldgq M an uhwlutu conduilqn of tholr rednruinn to men- lig'mu under the C nml:luLmn. ‘ 'lzao quoshun 11 man m Minn up in I'm". T‘Ju liepquuns pH, glrgm. sum-age- In Lin-Ir {vi mur‘n lhu-x'l‘.v-—lu i. M (hwy lm'v have 11mm to U'l" m Hm Inga} |-- lure, (Evy can flurry: it, xf’umy 1;le nu;— liul, WI“ {hwy plume? ' ‘ ‘ 'll'-?--' Hugh‘s [he .\(‘W '1 Ix'k Iw'rm-s h" ’ . I (inflxliun at l’-augvxkvw;-iv on thv '.M'n. to lake lnf‘rbuxcs [0 gal lhu vrrimumrwlh‘gn. It. was rmnlvw} that there <hou|4l h" 2! rl‘p rem-“tali‘in nf "« lfilllxi lulu. m" ntflVth-i mgknn, from: tlxfi‘vrunt hcl'llrvn:. hI ‘l5 ~11)»- porl'ml there by [he luau-Iwdurm'zlho' =O5- smn oH'onzzm-m, wlmw July 11 3M” bn in urcr- uwn ,mu-n'mr‘ a?“ \vruz‘l‘~« l‘w i-I}'»'frt mm of nuns llm Imgruu-s nll; Ihr} rluhli MM prh'nuws whirfi whm- {non hay".— Tnc "c-mn n; m-nfl'n'luhrmivnni m "t-mn‘e)” )us nquxnhty p-uun’a run] lmsn, soumymv, Mill mme llfl' Jnumit‘u gamé. ly'rn. [mu—lNN “.A‘ll'n'HHl-‘V/H}, in re ftrrnc m n smlwr-nt nu duh-J at Nye .\m‘lh that Heufi‘Lc‘n 1.3.1 npphefi For mn nun fox pn- uu- nt‘pulnl- .M. the mlliwry mhnnl nL L-vngmn. Java “I.IL Gm LN! hu- nn‘vvmnm'lum mlh l‘l" l‘llel‘iri ,mlm '1 at Ll'xinguxn. MM .11 m hulhm: H ‘l.’ With *ultiUny ” 'l‘hr- !I'luy kaus It lur gmulcd that [he dnlmm-m in untrue: . 1 FiF'l'hnnksgnrmg nvxL'Thuwlny 5 , MARRIED. { ‘ Un Hm '_‘Hu. nu . in‘m-mzruu g. M. ‘h- mlhnn.‘ n! the h. ..1-'- Inu'lu \lr Hmunh n ell] “r \\ll.l.l\\! .\. lle/n‘fl. ..1 Moudcnin'lku, w Jim KA H: )1 unmaor l-lulnmhm. “ [if'lmr Ivmt “Mm nllcnvl i'lP newly murrml nu! Imp. p" lulll‘ fur Kim“ knri u-mrxnhun'o n" th: pm.l-.-r,/Mn_\l nmir Inna-u u 1m 0 rulup‘ll‘ll‘ m 1 an‘lrl-lllluull joy;- can make :1; lhn qrmzllbf unniul hf" newrjm marred by dlupxmlnluwnlq (\r run-rs”. nu‘l win-n up! nge \ulh 1M hurinklZ-J Inml" nvrxhkvy 11mm, uny their youthful \Ull" “mum M pun: nul ‘lngnh m in Ihr: muxuiug u! lhuir s dung nut. - ‘ Uu Um ‘J-thlult . hr Ru J K. MlHvr. nt the Lullwrnu l‘nmm‘wr. In AFV'II‘H‘YHU‘. M“ LEWIS ("HHAITHI‘ lfl Mu! rAliHl U Ii “HUNG”. bull! uf‘TAnkllu lulrullup‘ (In the Hun- rlw. 11H“, “we at he “mu plug". .\l2. Lynn: (‘ sun". 0! ‘lannllen tmnnlnp, m .\I-us AMHY ). Jns‘m, ufrhh )u-lwhurg, r. ' UH Hue .:mh uIK . 4: [he run-hurt of the brill-Nu fullmr. In 1m: nutm-l \lr, I)\.\IEI. L \\ EMILE. u] lll.’|||:mJ luwu. “:‘w. {n H.“ ..'1 11A A IHHIKH u,’ “Inter t-nnuh‘y nu mo 27!“ Hit ,1» Rev. Jncnhr‘zhwvor: \lr THUHAS “I‘sl””th LulfiuhlJu MN SALLY A.\N 1.0“ MI, or Arewllu-ully- .4 - 1 pn Um :mh nu 1w up“ hour." Zirqlph Mr IM‘UD S. )mT KR. of Hu'lv-r mwmmp. In In.“ MARIA bLIJTIIUL‘R, rfSlnlhn mwmlup . , ,u tho (Hum hm. (mum'mnrg, on Um 30th ML. by Rev. .v M.Tilul. Mr, ..uih‘n'ux. I:x,\\::l‘r lu .\liu HiI (HN’IA ! Flm;n.lmn. ..r Ar m arm!) on [III 23d ml” I! ”In Uur. Her. A'axmmn. Nrn—pduj, hr Ker, W F l’ Duds, Mr. CORNELIUS Bill!“ X to lira LEAH “ EHLEK, bulb of “Mlng luwualnxl, Adam: C: umv ’ , A)“ the 21M.- ult . l‘. the mne'phm: 4w thr- nme. .\lr. \\‘ILI.IAH B \IUUL to 3!an SAMJ E STAfiuiAUGII, bath u! \Tnihumtnn txmmhip. Turkcunu'y ' ~ 0n [Ln- .‘;-1 nu , ml 11:.- H‘gh'Hulrl.Ucll‘-\'hlnurg. hv Raw. )l limb-nun. .\lt; HEAR); U HOLLINUI‘ZH. I?! Turk coun t) . m \hu Au \\' J.\ 3; LL 0 Al x m 0-1 mu (m the Inna dnv. at the M .m place, Pm the lame. Mr. \\ u Hrmsu. or Cnrmll county, 31.1., whim. SAIL“! A. HL‘CIIKR. nf Um county. ' Un Lha 2M ult. . at (thnnmrrsburg. h! TI". (3. Ruth. Mr. .10”) B HAH'EWULV w .\lm DAIIAU ELLCK, ball! 01 annllin kiwmmp, Arlnmi cmmlv. Up (In. 23d ll" . hr flay. Dr Humor, 311- (”30‘ ALEX. KUULBR, a! .‘luuutplmmm XOWIHII'D m Mina NEDEUUA u ..dnugbler (If Thcuduna Flt-met. of Utbntuluwn. m; the ‘thh an. by “M w. K 'lsuher‘ Mr -:\YM:TIN JIEOH PEI. ol' Hum'nck min-hip. Ada'lu-u dainty, m "in AMELIA FORREY, ofnui-ln'iburg \owmutiork county. Lyn-11m 31an mt. I\l Ammluuuwu. by Rev. Dr. Hum. Mr. (NORUH N. HO!.LI.\GER. 0!" York mum". to Him mum “'EKTL, of Burwick township. this county. DIED. Wmfiguarynouccs 3 cents per find for an ever four hues—cub to accompany notice. a 0n the 2m: ult, Mr MIGUAEL BIAMBR. of Monnlleu ‘ wwushipl med 78 year-:1 month- And 7 dun. ! on £11026“: an . In Stratum lumuhip, mus A. Emu, up! I mrl Month: and 27 days. ‘ Unshc lath um, in Wuhiu‘imn town-hip, York county, ‘MrfSAMUBL HARBOLD. 1.301 'l6 years. on ‘he mm u]: . mar F'nmklin ”mm, In , JOSEPH 1»; I‘FUUTZ. lOU a! John l‘routz aged :13 you-6 mundu 11m! 29 dun. ("manly 0! this conntv. ‘ 0n the fill! inn: , in New omm. CLARA JEMISOX. » aged about 13 yum-n. ' . - I ~ on tho 24m ult . in ultimo“. a! cowmpfinn, Mr. mam: S. ADAMS, son or Thuum Album, of 31415119:5z -10". In dufldth yen of bin ago. . ' ' At New Oxford,‘on 0102311“: , 'RANCIQIELVILLI DISST. aged 5 Kenn; ll mum!“ and [5 dayl. ' On WNW-V me. A: the Alum-homo, Mn. McKEL !LH',“IIIIdVMI‘O.h ~ ' ' ‘ ' Public Sale F REAL ESTAII‘E.'—Tho undersigned, O Heirs oi Mngdeiena Markle, deceased, v'nllpmr at Public Sale. on the premises. on SATURQM, me 161!) of DECEMBER, 189153, a: )3 o'siock, M“ the VA‘LflBLE FARM, our united in Myers” District, Ctrroli cow], 3':- joining land: at 305. E. Hahn, Joseph But _ , Ind adjacent to \Yicst’a, formerly Maus‘ Hill. The Farm muffin: 105 ACRES. morn or IBIS, principally Limestonetnnd 3 a splendid Spring, at. the house. §iiver Run, a. ne'ver-lsiling’ stream, was through the Farm. Also. about, 40 acres of gon Timber. The Farm has beef: when iimed frequently. Nina, is a thriving Dgchui'd of choice yqung {whines on 4h: ‘place. The improvuments are '1“ large Dwelling HOUSE, with 3}} ‘ 5f necessary Out-buildings. A huge I's, 1"; ; hew Bank Barn. ' -_; 1; ~ ‘ Bersons wishing to view the propertynn : call on lit. Lewis Ca:baugh,‘rquding on the place. ‘. .‘ » , K " Posse: ongwen on the 159 day oprril next. Tenn y find made known on we dly on Batu. av. E. 811 mm,. _ ‘ 1 ' . wu.=RlTl‘Ass, ‘ . ~ Hgggxfigflflbfl, - A . . , , ‘ E > . mm omitgwm mm}, deq’d.‘ i De'c: 4; 1985}: 15’ ‘ ' “ * l _. with MAH‘KMB.‘ GETl‘)§?S,U_RG'—~Sffimm \' “an. .. F1m..'.;..\'.;..-.1.:.........§ ........- 8 co to a no R3O 1’1iiur..................."......m ,6 50 White Wham":...:x....v....:.~.. 2'").qu 2 10 Rig Whent..........;......'.!......;.'.‘.. 1,30 u 2 00 (Jon-......W- mu. 1“ "". 65 Bye./-T}W.n ;;_ " 75 (Mum............,..‘.¢......:........;f . 37 thkwhent........‘.................... ’ 1 00 ’Hmmhy Seed. . n........_..93.,,,. a to 4 00 Hit 5ead;......‘.i3......mm;§.‘.'.«{~" 'M-fifl 00 Clover 5eed.........................‘.‘; 5' ”to Y 50* BALTIMORE—~Emmr nu. Flonr.. ‘ 8 bu m 9100 “'h“......uu- ... I 90 h) 2 C 0 |£5e.......\........... _sm to .93 Cum..................... _... 85-10 90 ()au .......‘.......-..>.......» ... 48 '4) 50 L'lo\'cr-.e0d.....:............_._......... B 00 to 8 50 Timothy-seed .......1.'..........-...... 3 .'-0 to 375 Hints, per hu11.,...............'.....1.i I‘s in” 7": Beef (Junk-41* hund... ........... 9 On lol'» 00 Magnum“..z..,.....,..................2! Joaozfou Vihhkey.....m.....;............‘....... 2,3! to ‘2 35: JUSEI'H BYERS, J 15.5: :-: n\' ERM’. ‘ . Exocuturs of Adam lehert I [lonry myppe, Autumn-6r. Im. 4,1863. Ls ‘ ‘ I’ublic Sale. 7 DE subscribei, intending to more West, I r will 56“ M Pubm fish, (“I 1119 premiws. on .\xu.\'l).u’,:m- 151 day or J.\.\U4\{.Y,1866,J «I 9 u'clnckflh’ 3L, i TUE VALUABLE FAR“ on which he now r'i-n‘illc‘, sillnted lii-moon [he “Duisburg nnd Lililvwrlwn r‘onlls, :IlJ'oul 2 miles f‘rnm 'l‘nnvy- Mun n, qurbll county, .\ld ,nnd :nij-yining lands vl‘ Slerligg (hilt, Jnmf's nnd Roller; Knox, 3 .xnd‘othcre. This Farm ron'nins 203 .\CRI-ga‘,’ more or loss, under fimid fencing. inll4] laid oil‘ rm. convenient fieldi. and in IL high suite of -cnlt'n:anun, it having had over 25.000 bushels ‘ oi limi- thereon within the last few gents.— ‘ This Farm is well min-rm], having twu npveiu luihng swings of water noni- lhe door.. 'l‘lure‘ ‘ is an excihient young Urclu‘lrJ of every varia- Ly of fruit trees, ,wllh punch, pear, npriuut, plum. nnd other trees. 'l'hL-reis n snflicicn’. ‘qunlity of Woodland, also a l. gc qndulity of excellent mmdmr lund. The iimpr’uvemenls uouaisgm n [Mugh- -l l] s.th Dwelling ItUUhE, u llurge i : i'WeaLhclboh‘nled Bin-u, with’urn ’ Crib, Lirge Wagon Sin-d, Smoky Mouse, Mpg ,ll .usé, and all necesmxy out-hnflginge. . . ' Also, at the ’sbme lime and pluca‘l will 39“ IN}! WOUD LOTS, containing each‘k'our and ‘1; Half Acreé, more or less. sitnuled new 5211'; Mill. Any persons Wishing 50 \icw Illa; pro ; perry, c.\n du so at nu" Lime. f\ i Possession givanhe fins: day of Aprik— Terms made known on dn) of snle. \ / ’ SAhUEL NULL. “ -Dec. 4, 1865. ts" ‘ . Boufity Tax Notice. EIFSUNS owing Bounty Tux in Oxford P l'nwnsbi‘ at; hemp] requested tovn'xuk‘b immexfiaite pa 'mept. All ‘_‘ho fail to pg by the FianJ JANUARY next; will hue Fl VE PEP. (21311 T. ‘added to their mounu. - My ordfi! of School Board. ‘ ’ . ‘ ‘ i, P. A. HUME, Sec'y.‘ _ Nov; 20, 1865. td' ‘ ‘ . Extensive Bakery. ORK STREET, GETTYSRURU, PA. ' I. R. tC. 8. GOLDEN, . uuvncmu: ' BREAD AND RUMIS, WATER, SUGAR, SODA A 'D.BUTTER CRACKERS, with Sugar, Gigzer. Dr )p,nnd all pther CAKES. @A‘ll or cys, from hdme and abroad, promptly shellljiedlo. [0d.23,&865. lf . ; For Sale. " ‘ ' ‘WO caoxcs mans, in the im- ‘3"; mediate meigllhorhoud of Gwyn. BB3: burg—Bpildingn and [and good.‘ a ‘ - > anonqz ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Aug. 14, 1865‘ , . Notiée. ' \g , !CHAEL UNGER’S mum—_mm I testamentary on the estate of Michael ngtr, late of Union townlhip, Adams county, , deceased. havmgheen gunted to the under ,égneggaeifiing in the IIIBO: mynahip, be hereby‘ gives notice to all persons indebted to 7 , .._. lanid estate to Innke impediate payment, and 1m mace mangenkgfan-w 2235133150333:c5iazzzizimz,“.233: on; E. H. XNI ‘ ’ Conectjoner in . . , ‘ magnum“; if"??? . I; Img; 20 18:65 ngymnuxazmpm. -.. .-_rwfim __--_,___.—_._—____. . . , . BLQNK CHECKS, NOTES AND 23031;?“ Ind IBLANdK Printing Q! every descrifi: ~uon A neat yon prgm I] execute]! t ' cosipmm office. P y Ia" ALL 3nd mun findzuortllong of Toy: xP . 7”“ k ‘_‘ . : 0 39d ano, Articles. It E. H. HINNIGH’fi ' , “Dace. Conlecliunery, in Gumbel-wars street. a My 'l‘?- V‘W‘nffi Wilson: 11“ left. my bed - ,_.~__~.,_______-_;_.___.~.____._. ud board wnhou: just cause, nnd 111 F you wish Toy Yugo“, Buggies, Caz-u, ,ye‘ruona are notified no‘ to uni: he! on my Whe‘elb‘n‘nom ‘and, Drum, 39 .w E. H. account, an I‘wm not be accountable for an; VNIGH’S Confectibnerf,'in thmbenhur. debu or wgtncu she may make. ' atreeL,‘ ' ' ‘‘ " “;_ ”I ' . , iLY iisutnsom 1“ you wish {yeah A 1 9313:; 'PahrNuts, I Engfilb_ Walunu, fin. ‘.- Gaga-nun. ermine-nu, he. go to E. H», HINNIGH’B confectionezy, in Chgmbenburg “reel. he bide“ Beg! Emu GENCY IN THE VALLEY '(mwnamu._ Agn’wy having .uperiur nd\ant.ugcs, can more, and tremor Irrain and grazing and nlhcrptopcrtiec for we to parlour: v homes. basinus aileq, it, in this “and fertile Vaney nl lea prices Hum eiublishmdnt in the anley o! Vir ~ oflice Lringlomled iu’tlle town of ”RU, nenr the centre of this iuin, and being in direct com- Oagr and omnrwxae with n!- ‘theVuHry. persons seeking the lucuo-r'farilities fox =ng§uuh properties us may ‘ and means of the mg- (11-cl hem. any 0\ gmm. HAM“; garden «I mumcMiou f moat every [)7 Images «hero, 'looking at and St. Inuit. (he mnous h ‘ merous purchasers. . .~ We “ould rupee" o.’ piurchpsers to the . ;on hand {pr sale, bging 'tommodnte the mo” whit» 'M munot he oll‘crt’d at my X the". Uur properties rang." :(25) TWENTY-FIVE AOL TWENTY-FIVE [FINDEED _ mu! m H! CH, at lrum ($3) THREE DOLLARS '1“) (5‘ = A DOLLARS PER M‘ll‘E, and contain some of the very best gnu ;grnln FARMS in the Valley, and some \ l most. pleat-m and beautiful localities in lanley; Our town lots, business sires, town ruidencu, are notisurpnssed in 1 Valley. ‘ ~ . : Tums vnrAccouuonnlxa. Anyone want ing'infurmnlionfimn have it, if any property about. “hid: they may inquire in our adrkb useulenu by wxitihg to us for aVcamlogue, cunmnmng prices, dxscripth'c lists, kc. . These In ml; and ogber properties he in Rock inglmm, Pug», Sllrnando.lh, Warren, Augu stu, Rm kbmlgc, Pen-ileum, Hardy, Randolph, Al benmrle, kc. . (live us u. call xind you cnn, from :he numr‘r ons propenies we hnve' {or silo, lye accommo dnml on the Den. of term, holorc you leave furyunr home. We at: at all time}: prepared to convey personals look a: lands lying in tho Loa'nly ol' lluclxhlghnnu, free nfclunrge.’ 1 Address,. J. D. PRICE a: CO., ' No._ l and 2 Law Building. ‘1 , lfurrisunlmtrg, Rockinglmm co., Vu.‘ Dec. 4, 1865. 3m , ‘_‘! ‘ b I Farm at anate Sale. ; VALUAHLE FARM, will] good _7 A improvements, and prlme‘timbcr. fin: upqnwlncb lmve been discovered Black , [lead and Copper Ore, in llumiltuulmn tow ship, .A.!um; county, tar sale. For futhTr parlluulu; uddreu ' ‘. . D. B RI'SSELL, Wu} nrsbow‘, Franklin CO., l'n. Nov. 27, 1555. 3:. ‘ “ FAIR 4 . 01". THE BENEFIT OF ‘- F ' ’El'f-Il.’ GIEL'L'A' CEJIL'I'EIHC—4- The memlwra of "TH! .\h'u'rm: Wuznu Su cirmr " unrpose balding a Faur for u“.- numfia‘,’ ova’L-rGrl-en Cemetery mmclilusiu the mouth of] eccmhur, 1865, um] desire all who t'cL-I an iuugrrnl m the matter to give them SULh corfm tril uliuns as they may we fit. A large v.ll in:— !y inf amclei are Bring nude for sale. but. iii ‘ ‘M'der lo xcpliz- us much money us pmsrble out of the Cllic‘lpl‘lat‘, IL is ueccssxu'; lo illClL‘flSC IthleLu! llliJlEß for sale. In order to do lhu mun-3 mud goods' are required. An)“ qmnuuc 01 money. or any uni. Ics suilublc (01' sun- at the Fur. {nil bl: myupmble. ‘ .\‘w. 27, 1.565. . ‘ , . I‘lotxce. ' ‘HP: undersignei. Amlilor nppninud by tho '_l‘ Ul‘lenn’s (‘rnurl of .\"ums county, to dis ]:Jue of Mn: exm-uuur‘ls to thufl-Fl‘ollnl of Ruby cut MLthughy‘mg-l Ahrulmm “wring, Admin: lslrnlom -of tho qsl'nu- of A'nvlruw .\Lnfin. de-‘ u-‘xcoll, hereby gun’s mmce IhnLhe ‘vl ill «um-1‘ I 0 1m: duties of hm mud awaiufiu mt. on TI’E:D.\ Y, DECEMBER Huh, A.-l)., Im;s,‘nl 10 o'ch-ck, A. .\f., nl, hip (mice, in (itllgslvurg. “1m and whme all [uunvs inurosko-l may .ll trnvl. W. A. l)U.\U.\.\', Auditor. Nuv.27,15~35. 1a ‘ Auditor’s Notiée. f ‘HE Auditor um-uimm I-y tht- Ombuu's‘ 1 Court 0! A§uns county, to nsu-rtm'y, Ina, tn: 3 Imam-menus nmxle b_\ Joseph J. Smuh, 'lntr o) Uxturd toklnsnip, Adults county, dv crutcul, inlcsvntc, to In: chtMrPn. will meet all yer-mm mtueatecl, for the )u‘urpusu of his rp iminlm‘a m, M the Office (If .\f. & W. .\lcClcntl, it»,Gg:lt)hbut‘;:. nu TUESDAY, llle 10th day (.f DECEMBER, 125 m, “:40 u'cluc‘k, A! .\t. A “"31. MC‘JLEAN, Audimr. Nov. 27, 1865. td’ Notice. I ‘HE nuhscrihrr, an Auditor nppainteJ b}: ”l the Urpluui‘s Court qudiLms county, to‘ make merihulion oi Ihr. balance remaining in the build: of Mlcnncl Hbcrsule, Adunuislnto’r ui Solomon Ebersnle, drceusu-l. “mung credi tors an.) parties rnlilicd Lheretom’l uyuud to the duties of mid nppninuncifi, o HUNUAY, lie ISIh dny of. DEUEMUERI 1865kuuhe ufliue of ii. & W'. “COIL-an, in (Augsburg, of which all ponuun interests-«l will picnsx- mke notice. ’ 5105125 McUhEAN, Auditor. . Mr. 27, 1865. 1d Notice. ‘0 the heirs and has! representgtives of 1 Joseph J. Smith, late of Oxford :bwmhip, Adun‘ls count}, l’u.. deceased. In the Urphun's Court of .\dnms county; aforesaid. - Notice is hen-by given that a Rule hns been gmnfi-d upon the parliesinlerestfld in the real tidal”! 01 Jos‘l-ph J. Smith. deceased, to he and nppem m. nu Orphqn‘s Court, to be held at. (‘.mysburé, on WEDNESDAY, the 27m of DEUEM BER nut, to accept or refuse to uccep! the said real estate at. the vuiuaiipn made thereor, ,or to show cause why the bums abouhj not. be sold, 11‘ not. new pled. , ‘ ,g V «ADAM REBERT, Sheriff. Nev. 27, [865. as. . _ Notice. ’ ‘HE first account of William Wen, Commit.- fl we of the person‘and estate at David mnesnn, (Lunatir.) hua. been filed in the Court 0! Common Neal of Adams county, and NI” be 'confilmefl by the said Court, on the 2H!) DA Y 0F DEN-2311513,}: NEXT, pnlcss ,cmne be ehuwu In the céntrary.‘ ' .J ACUB BUSUEY, Prat/I'3}. Nov. 27, 1865. 4h" . - Notioe. \ DAM A. MYERS’S ESTATE—Letters A gmdmiuistmfion on tho tsune of Ad: A. Myers, lure of Huntington township, Adams 'cpuisgy, den-Med; having been granted to 1116 utgdersigued, residing, m- the same town ‘ship, bkhkeby gives notice to Itl‘penonu iuuebu-d \Qo laid estate ,to make immediate payment, ”Rd, those having claims against the ’ same to prrsgnt them properly amhemicncd igr. aimlemeutix~ _ 15mm firms, of?., Agm’r. Nov. 13, 1865. \g‘ . _ , , No{lce. EORGESPAXGL ‘\R’S ESTATE—Letters G of administration on the estate of George Spangler, late of 'l‘yron‘m township, Adams 'coumy, deceased, having \peen granted to the undersigned, 4residiug in Slrabrn tonn— ship, be hereby. give: notice loxnll person: in debted to said estate to muke immediate pay mom, and most luwing chip: against. the name '.O present them properly authenticntgd for set tlmnent. PETER MACKLEY, \dm’fi Oct. 23, 1865. w , ‘ ~ s(’ '8 NQV. M, 1885- r ‘ ,0. Im. om. “1:.” was r 1' ;- m‘lDfl'n, go to $2.13. llflgfltGH‘S “Song: net], in Chumbelabnrg urea. ‘ ‘ ' " -mmm m rw?mme~un*xmw WWw. , A Valuable Farm "~ _ 11 PRIVATE SALE—The nubsuriher, H:- A ecuhir of Joseph Hunter, deceased,ofl'en u Private Sm, A FARM, situate In “ountplensant town-hip, Llama county, l'a., three mi‘ll-s east of (ht !)sburg, gnexr the' rmd lending to Bonnugh. lown.; “homing lands of Abruluim 116-Iver, John Cresl,.lohn’an mel,und others, cumin-- ing 173 Acre=, more or loss, of patented lam], about 30 acre: in umbhr, will: a sumc‘ngncy of meadow. The improvement: are a Two-story Frame [1017519, with Buck-bundling, Smoke “mummy nory Stone spring House wnb n never-failing Spring. 3 Lug Barn, Wagon 51chl Corn Cribs, with M 1 Orchnrd ufchuicr- fruit. 1 It is in a good state of cultivutiou and “all watered with ,never-fililing water in nearly very ficld. ‘ _ invite the numtign ‘PHRTIESJe have "cut we ext, ac on such terms ‘ office in the unity from "‘0 (2303) RES, Persons wishing to View 113‘: Furni .will C 4“ on Joseph A. Hemler, [Balding thereon. .; . GEORGE [HEMLEIL Sept. It, 1:565. u Executor; V Desirable Property ' TPIUVATE SALE—The sul-scriberofl'ers Z k 1.1, Private Sale. the progeny on which he recently resided, cnuuisling of A TRACT (JV-LAND. siluulc in Cumberlnnnl town_ship,Adaml county, I’ljoining imulw ol‘ Emanuelvll. Keller, Henry Butt, Julin W, Weigle, and others, containing I'.) Acrci, more 1r less, about one-half being elegant Meadow. ‘ie improvements are zr‘l‘wo-story Log USE, Log Back-building, :1 0119- mm; ' Log: Honbsc, Spring House, Log " 11th Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, Hog ‘., two Wells of excellent wutt'r, with nlthem, a good Apple Orchan! and ice frui'. ‘ nerlio-B are rnre‘, and-'pcrsdns wishn mould na't miss this ch:lnce.—‘ ' to View it me requested to all -r, residing: in chyshurg. ‘RNELIUS DAUGUERTY. SIXTY Bin Pen, \ pumps. ome‘r‘ it Such . ing to bh_ Thos’e-wishl on the BubSCl Oct. 20, 1865. * Reglsx NOTICE is hereby ; other por=ons ca minish.ntion Accounts will. be prvsentwd m the Adrms countvabl-confirlm on WEDNESDAY, the 27m ldg’t’», at 10 o'Llovk, A. .\I., viz 241. The fixsl accountof L« Administrator of the estan_~ Knot“. late of Meufllen lownsh coupty, deceased. ‘ _ 5 242. Third account of S. ,5. sum Executor of the land will umlrtest'zum EllZ'Lbelh Sleenherger. docenil‘t}. 243. The account of Jolm H. Baumm norr Adnnnislmlor of 'the catute of J6l Tressler. deceased. 244. The first inccnunt ofJnn. L. Smith, Administrator olfluseuh‘J. Sm'flh, dec'd. 245. The first, account. 01 Amanda E. Grnnp, Administrulrix of thé estate of George A. Group. deceased. 240. The first account. of Eliznbeth Go brecht, Adminiairulrig oflhe ealate olJno. C. Gobrecht, deceased: ‘ 247. The uccount, of Francis Coulsonflix ocular of Archibald Gan-ell. deceased. . SAleliL LILLY, Register. ’l‘wzister’s Office. Gollygburg, ' November :57, 1865. 1M" } r 0 the llunomble the Judges of the Court of 1‘ Quarter Sessions of .\‘hma count) : ’l'hv: Grand 3ur_\' attending me present ses‘ sion, Imfing fished the Jdll xu.d _‘Umls H'uust‘, ruspcctlully reporl,tlnnt (he) found lhe‘Jml in n gum] um! (lUNULY cmnlniuu, underlhc super inlrntleuce u! Sheriff Hebert. m Ilunil} . I They I.ch pleasure also in stating “ml the fAlms Hullw hu Ming; are m mmLu‘LLblt: cou ‘duiou, but luv! the cook stun: insuflicmnt for lhb Occuking dclult ..eul. “'0 found the ’updrlments of the iurulis "mi infirm inmates ,p’cll prmided fur, and lhc cum: inflilu'uuu m ”ML-slum the guml 6WO, km S unuuliun, nud prudent. umuugumeut ul' luu mcmer, Janus Julius, :m-I family. . All u! \vbuh is rcsp‘ctl‘ully submitted. I ' WM. LI'I‘L‘IIAUIJ'J, fox-gnaw ! Nov. 27,1865. 3! ‘ ' . Gram and Produce Wanted. ‘7 \IIE uudunignrd hnui'ng puz‘yhnsud the m -1 ‘L‘TCx‘. m Myer: $2 “'ll-nuull. Forwardng and (‘ummihiun .\lcnhauu, in New leuru, '.\nlums tuuuly, wuuld ltzliunlflllj notlly the farmers and the public genornll)’, lhut, he will ‘cunlinue lhc bthillL‘SS an. the old slum! m. the gopot in let [\Lwr. ’l'hc hig'usl m Irkl-l pxiue \ Will he thl m mm“, RH), com, mrs, ‘BMU-J-h', CLOVER u'nd T..\IUTL_IY DEED-51 FLOUR, km, &. u I Alsu, GL'AXO, I’LAS'I‘EII, SALT, thliEl‘. 'nud COAL, LuuzluuLly kvpn uu hdllrd l'u'r Sale, 'fiog»! her mnh a general ueaoruncul‘of F-UILLY ‘GMUCEHInS. DAVID 110K112. "- qu. :7, 1565. 23m . Dobbins’ ELECTRIC SOAP, bVES LABOR, SAVES mm, SAVES MONEY, , SAVES cmrxms, e ' SAVES sown , ” ‘ AND SAVI-IS'WQMEN. IT’S THE SOAP FOR EVERY FAMILY. Sold by éroccrs And ugrokc‘cperé through out, city and country. > : ,4 nxvnmuhw (mu- ur . , - J. B. DUBBINS a CO., ' 107 South Fun-fl street, beldw Chestnut, ‘ PHILADELDHIA. _‘ Nov. 13, 1865. MW ORGAN H. SWOPE'S ESTATE—Letters NI 0! administration on the estate offlorlgun 11. awope, late of the Borough of Littlest “11, Adams county, deceased, lmving been graitcd to the undersigned, residing in Germany town ship, be hereby gives notice to all persons indented to Mid estate to make immediate payment, and mose having claims against the same to preSr-nt them properly nutlmntlcmed for settlement. JOHN A. SWUPE, Adm‘r. Nov. 20, 1865. 62* ‘ ’ , ~ ALLY FICKES'S ESTATE —-—Letters oflndL ministration on the estale of Sally Fig-lies, has of Huntington township, Adams county, deceased, bnving been granted to the under signed, residing in Qxford township, he liere~ by gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate lo mnka immediate payment, and those having claims gains: the sume to pre sent them properly authenticated for sentie ment.‘ JOHN HENRY: MYERS, ', Nov. 20, 1965. s: LIZABETH MARTIN'S ESTATE—Letters E of administration on the eatnte of Eliza beln Martin. late of Liberty township, Adams county, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned. residing in the name township, the hereby gives police to all persons Indebwd to said estate to make immediate payment, And those having claims against the same to present them prqpcrly authenticated for set tlemeut. DAVID MARTIN, Adm’r. Nov. 27, 1865. 6: Ctoc x s . . Now on hand CLOGKS In great variety, from‘fsuotiea of the highen reputation in the country, and war-routed good time-keeper]. Canon 'l. BRYAN, x~ Opposite the Bulk, Geuysburg. ~ . A -_ __ r _r Ulflgsmvza WARE and ' P ' EILVKI: Panto WARE of the nrfib’eu q‘nnmy, I new ”summation“ rescind. C Indies It. J. BRYAN,‘ " Opoaite the Bank, Gettysburg. OLD, SILV ~. STEEL, Ind other . u PEGTAGLtKS, to suit. All ages, :11" on hand, and fitted a: light. J. BEVAN,. V _ Opposite tho ank, Geflyalmtg. --—-—r——r ——~— - —.———_—-—... CELL Ind Garth: moat beautiful ”sort , pen: of new JIWELBY, nab-'3 ‘ *' : Bran-pins, Eu Drop”. . . 3 - ginger Rings, Lackey, Chain, In; or 'J.-BE *AN'S, ' Opposite the Bank, Gen burg. \ ’s Notlce. ' Ven to all Legumes and erncd. that. the Ad 'oiu \lter mentioned ‘Jrlvlmn’s Court. of \l)a\.l-lslllti\w'zince, 'uf DECEMBER, Grand Jury Report Notice. Notice. Administrator Notice. Two Properties ' T PRIVATE SALE-Theauibscriber ofl‘ers ' A his lii-u] Haunt?! Triwue Sale, comin iug of’lhc l‘olldl‘ing: . No. l. A FARE, 534 mm- iu Franklin inn n ship, Animal coun‘y, about 4 mile: south or ('asblown, adjoining lands 0! Arnatd Lives, chtrr Henry, Amos Diehl, and others. contain. ing 2J6 Acrea,mnrc or' iess,about 60 being clearcd; and the balance fir". rue Timber, Jocuslhchesnut, ruck othblnck ouk, and white oak. There Is a cpnstanl Ilrcam’ through the‘ tum, with 11 good saw mum”, and water in‘ all [be fields but one. ”line im- “3' movements are a Two-5.103 Log 4‘ ‘ HOUSE, Summer Kilehesfimoke ;fxm} 1 House, Bunk Barn, Wagon hdfgfigflq and Corn Crib, Hog Pen, and other QHL-bfllid-‘ ings. Tlicre is an exuellcnt spring a: Kiwi floor, and two young Apple Orchards on the propeny. ’ No. 2. A TRACT OF LAND. about. iof A mile east of the above, adjoining Peter fluke and Victor Mdllhenuy, cont-lining 51 Acres, more or 1935‘ About 30 acres being in good Timber. The improvements aro- a one and n lhilfstory Double Log HUL’SE,i"ia Smble,Sm )kL Beast, and a Welllluust. with a prime wello! wntrrin i'. Also ugpxing ungi A fine younglAnple Uni-hard on the plum. Persons nishmg to \iew the proponyrnrc requested to cull on the subi‘nbcr, tending on No. I. Tye property will be sad on, any terms, nnd diuded m suit_pllrl hast-rs. _ ‘ GEORGE D.\,YW.»\I.T.. Nov. 20; 1865 Virginia Lands in market; ‘ mum L. (warms, - ~ ' REAL VESTATE AGENT, MLDDLEBFRG, LQUDUN CUUATY, IVA” '1 Having 3'l extensive 'uL-qu 1111111111,; wltll U/e people and the Land of the Plcdmunl. Section of Vii’giniu, so celebrated as u [iné “Guns Counmfi" Iw‘ll 1113' p miculur attention to 11112 PURCHASE AASD SALE -UF REAL ESTATE, inflhia ;Ggiuu, heaidcs pmcliuing law in the (30111-15 0 $011110“ 111111 ,Fuuquier. WI 11111 5.1111101 ed to 51:1} some of the 111'65F119gir.1l1le l-‘unus‘iiu Hll5 part. of H 11: Slaw, 111111' will corrpspondufi’mnplly will: permus wis‘bin: w purch 159, (311‘ mkc pkfisurc 111511011- ing the—(- lands to Hut). if lecygive me .lullll. _ Bar‘l'lmsruud' 51m y: tlll'lll.~hml 11 hvu 119'- 33101]. Address, ARTHUR L. 110013115, Attorney :1) Law, Midilluhurg, Luudun cu., Vll. ml Taylor, !Jacob F. Adams REFEnsxcus.——Juhn Jnunej: Esq , Lecsbnrg, “L; Gum .\. Rogers, .\liddlr!;‘uru,_\'.t.; John A. Spilmun, E5l“ Janna Y. Uruykg, Ila-1., Wm» rL-ulon, Fauquicr tuunty, Vn; .\. K. Phillips, l-‘rwlexicksbmg, \'u.,~ Fruncis L. Smith, [duh Alomndmg, Vu.; Ur. Bcuxlpfll \\'vllfiud,\\'l.x. of 11. M‘nuf‘mlxnfl, Eat}, Richmund, \’u.; Messrs. L. P. Dayna &' Cm, NIX-Mrs. . ll..i~nihun Edbtlfl' " Co..‘ 1. Karen film-“c, li -llvmurc, .\ld. 'lth-burg, \'a.. UcL. 11;, mus. Hm Gettysburg Railroad. NHANG (J lcr Mm sunger Truius burg. and make [FIRST TRMS 7.45 A. .\L, with p; burg. Philadelphia, undM'est, mrn’mg at out change of can, an . “'ithjhe Fast Line South tral Railmty, and unh. 12.301m0n. Aha uonncux. haul Baltimore north, m‘rnix m 1.20 P. M. '.\xri\c m. CL 31., with pxissengvrs from 11:1 Baltimore and Washington. SEHJND TRAIN wull lune Ga .131), I’. l'.,xfrrinng m. H.umver JL 3.15. and Cullflfl'lillg “ilh um] [rui‘ Anne a; Baltimore.“ 5.30 If. M. A. Gettysburgut. 6.15 I'. I]., With pamcugurs I‘lnlmlclphxr., Harrisburg, and the North West, and ulsu mlh passengers trum !igllimo. nud \\ nahiugton by the but line north, “hich lmwcs Ihlllixuqe at 12.19 noon. ~ I’usengcxs can lune Baltimore in tin: )Llil Train as: 9 A. )1., and amine in (lei!) sbyrg at. 1.10 P. M. 01' lume Bullimme in 1110‘ List. Jzne m 12.10 (noon, and arrive in Gettysburg mom I’. .\I. But.” one clmnqc of cars b 3 the first. Iruln, eilhcr u my, VIZ: at Hanover .lunflion. T 159 fast. line on the Northern Cenlml will'uot stup at. any local stations, uropl York, Usua ver Juncxion .nafl Harmon. (:uuuoctmns cer- mm. It. McCL‘HDY, Prm'z ‘Aor‘. 27,1865. 4 » Reduction { Reduizuion 1 N and alle'r November 13L. L 363, llxc {ol -0 lowing reduv'ed seal-s of prices will he adopted ‘lt tho “EXUELSIUK’ SKYLIGHT GALLERY, \' 7.; ‘ Vlgnclle l‘hotogmyhsmcr d0zm..........51‘00 .. ‘ u N; u 2 25 u u l“; H ‘1 75 Cam: do Via. or plain, per d0zen.......... 3 ‘25 “I *‘ ' “'5 -“ 175 3" u “g u 1'25 ' “ ‘ H ‘ “l u 100 . no.“ OLD )‘BGATH‘ES: ‘ ' Vignettes, single um‘us, Me. or 3 fur..... 151 00 Caries dc Vis., or‘pluiu, B’x‘ngle cupwsfilc. 014flnr..l 00 In addition to the I“va every rictuge \viil ,be neatly I'."th wnhuul. cxrm (‘thgLu There is a feature in the nhme m which I wish to dimcv. special utteutionhxiz: liwill nuke four Vigflcncs, or UH'l‘L‘ pllin pictures from the first negative. "Pratolufv it. has bvrll agule not IQ make less than six of ‘one am! lour of th: other. ~ I take this opportunity to thmk the citizens of Gettysburg and the puhiic’goncmlly, {07,1110 vunv murmur. patronage oxtunlcd to the ‘ Ex celsior," since its cslnfiha‘hmcn}, and hope by strict attention to business, coupled with the ndunmge 0! mm ten years uninterrupted pruclice of (he an, to merit. n. continuunée of the same. ISAAC G. TYSUN, 4 Sgcvessor (U the Film nf'TYEUN “17.03., Nov. 1.3,1865. Geltysbug, Pu. Don’t Read This NLESS my WANT TO [SAY E 31.0 N E 1m Hdw and l how henrhreuding “re me evila ot‘Wnrl ngjlmt Penm- hxs lrevn reslor‘el the universal cry is, How l'ongl llow dam-1 How are we 10,“ch Will the exorbit'lnt pricea‘fur the ueceas-u-ies of life nei’cr decline? From the remote corner ofAdums 'counly, tin the small but prosperous 106 m. in' Fairlie“, ('umcs the welcome messenger with'tidings of better day. ‘ , . WREAD AND PROMIm BANNER I: SUII'ILDS have ju‘st returned from the eastern cities, (hating allowed their neck of goods to be very much reduced “gait ing for a decline in the markets.) The time at length arrivestlmy: availed themselves pf the opportunity, bystenctl to the city, um) are now prepured to su‘quply the remit: of “the needy.— Unr stouk of LADIES' GOODS is better than ever before. Thatfor theGENTLEMEN is un surpassed. To enumerate would besuperfluous. “ QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," is our motto. Our stock being eclected with care, we here assert tlmt we are enablkd to sell in cheap. and in think cheaper, than can be bought anywhere else in the country. Clone buyers particularly, will find it to their advan tage U give us n—wll befure purchasing else where. 3‘oo!"th produce taken in exchange (6:- Goods. Thankml for pm fen-on we hqpe to mem a 'oontiuunce Df'thfllmG. - ’ Nov. 6, 1865. u Ladiea’ Oyster Saloon, HE undersigned has the pleasure of nu-i nouncing up his friends that, in .conuec two with his CUNPECTIONERY AXD ICE' GREASE SAWON, be has opened an ' OYSTER~SALOON, with 3 SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOB LADIES. Ladies angfienflemen “siting ibis! Saloon willLfind‘tha accommodations "‘ll they' could de‘élle. ’ Oysiers wm abeuerved up‘ in’ my style and in n superior manner. Call and see. , . JOHN GIIUEL. f Nov. 6,1865.- If . . ‘ Estray Sheep. _ ME to the prenisu of the unbseriber. in’ -" - - , _._.»; C Rending township, Adsms county, shout NEW flock of ‘ 'tho 1:: of September, an old EWE, alehile. ' A GOLD AND SILVEE WAfCHES,‘ No particuur marks. The one? is remand; selecud with upegisl «taint! warrp’utiedgpoi ‘ w provo-propmy, pay chargéu, und‘ aka n time keepers, just regoived ’lmflor m’. n! ‘ away. ‘ » SAMUEL MARCH. I . V 1:. mums, Nov. 27, 1865. 3% . - Opposite the Bppk, Gettysburg. i )XNPJCTIUXS.—()n and at"- November 20th, 1865, Pa:- leave and nmiu: nl Gettys necLions, us lulluws: 1H Imu- UL-uysbu_rg at. \ngegs tor York.llun'is ‘Lmnxc, and the .\'urth nm‘ér Juncubu wi‘th ‘ A. 31., connecting: the Nonmrn Cen ut Huhimurq M. with .\Llil Train ‘u llnrnabmg urg 1.10 l’. ‘rg, Yolk, urg M on M. DANE‘ER‘ & SHIELDS ‘SIMMM. Gold& Silver. $1,000.0M ,Huuuu un-‘Tm .. ‘ o'qu ATTR ACTION! GREAT smsumm ‘ Watches, Cloufis, Uimips. Diamond Ringi. 310- - lodwns, Sewn Ig’ Mm h‘mos, Pianon 5”- I‘OXE MILLION DUL'LA R 5 WORTH , Tonnnrounor,u ONE DDLLAR EAOHHI Wuhan regard to Value! Nu: mlnmm In until you know w‘hat you are Q 0 receive! SPLBNDID LIST OF ARTICLES. ALL TO BE SULD FOR ONE DOLLAR EACHI 100 Clocks (French) 8 and 21 1h) clockanang'ghoguSJOto $250 each. 100 l’ihl‘ms, ofihu bust mnn- ' nfucturc, ; 330 L 0 80') “ 250 Sewing Mac! has“ of the best manufacturq 60 to 150 “ 260 Gents’ Goldlluntitgicase . Watches, ' 60 lo 150 " 250 Lndics’ Gold and lEnnm’d i . Hunting-case Watches, 25 to 70‘ “ 500 Gent’s flaming-clan fiil- ~ 1 vet Wmches, ‘ 35 to 70 “ ‘ ' 2001)i.11noud Ringi, 501.0 100’ " . 5000 Gold YeamNeckauins, 4 m 30 “ suuu “ Ornled Brhceleu, 4to 8 “ ‘ 5000 Jet and Gold lirdrelcls, 810 I )0 “ ‘ 2000 Chatelaine Chui'na and ‘ Guard Ulmiun, , 5 m 7000 Sufilnirek Gold Broorhesfi La I 5000 CmeOpal mu} Emu-rum I Brooches, 4 (o ' 5000 .\losnic,let,Ln’vn & Flor-- 1 ontine Eur 0101):, 4 lo 1 7500 Cum], ()(uL & Emeuld ‘ Ell Dmpi, ‘ ' 4M 401 Cnhf‘urm.) Uinm‘dflrcnst -1 \ pinu, 2,5010 1 30“) Gold FM) and Vest ‘ ‘Wnuh-kvys, ‘ 2,50t0 4000 Fill) and Vest Ribbon- sfchs, ‘ 5000 Sels‘a‘oiimin e Sicevcjbut- ‘ol~,>‘tujn,&g,, i 340 3000 Gold'l‘ln’mbles, Pencils, 4 to lUUW Mmmfure Lockets, . 3.50 Lo 4000 :KhumtureLou-Lus; .\lugic 'Spring. ' 1010 3000 Gal 1 ’l‘uothpickanross— (‘3, km, 2 L 0 5000 Plain Gold Rings, 4 t 0 5000 ijsed " 4to Imm) slows»: k Sig“: Ringsflfi-mo him)" ("mm Diamond ”my, 2to 73m) Sets Lnrli- 5' Jewelry— Jx-L my! Gold, i sto 600.0 Sets ’Lmhes’ Jem-lry—- CMHeo, I’L'xu'], Upéll and mixer stones, " ? 10000 Gold [’Qm', Silver Exten sion Holders k Pom-11:, 4to 10000 (told Prus and {Gold Mounted lloldemi Gto 5000 Gold l'cns nnJ | Gold Extension Holders, ‘ 6ln {-000 Lndics'Gilt&JcL Buckles,s lo 5200Lmlies' Gill k Jet llnlr Burs & Balls, . Sto 15 " 5000 Silver'uoblels 51 Drink ulg Cups, l .5 to 50 “ 300) 511 ch Casters, 1 15 to ‘5O “ 2000 Silver l-‘x‘nit, Cnr‘d null " Cake B'lskcts, ,-20 to 50/ ” 5000 doz. Sih er Tm Sp ans/10m 'su p. d‘ IUuUO “ Table bp'ooni - and Forks, , 1 20 to In conscquoncu of Lhel great. stagnation of trade in the Munulnclnrillg dislr'nta or France Mud Englnud, n. lnrgc ( many ‘0! \nlnuhlc Jc“ slug-{originally inlenl'led for ‘.lu- En‘mpczm mullet, has been sent. 011 l for 5 \IC inlllns coun try’, and MUST BE soup AT ANY mum. FICEI Under thcsc cirycumalnnces,llAM”.- TON 6: C 0», acting as Agents In: the plincipul Eur..pc:ln Manntncturersulnu‘c resolved llpuu u‘ GREAT GIFT push” I; UTIuN! Subject to the following regulnllom: _ Certificates of the various articles are first put into cu\'clupc~, sculmf up, and mixml;:uld when onl'eruvl‘ nrr- mkr-n out \Vlthout n‘ngd to dxolvc, and sun! by umil,“hus, giving all I\ Mr chance. ()u rel-eipt 01' Hit- rorlificnte. you will see: “'l.th 5011 are tquEm, :Ile than it is u: yuur option to send therollar and take me music or um. Bnrcimsrra ml] lhus obtain a "mac, \luluricon, Sewing Mschm”, Gold quch, 'uunoud .Ring, ur uny sea. 0! Jewelry on our !nr ()3: DOLLAR. I - "‘ND 25 CHATS FOB CERTIFICATE. ‘ tnmsdctions by mail, we 31ml! charge ‘rdiug the cu‘lifiriatcs, pa} in‘; podium. ‘ {he busmoss. 115 cents each, which uclusud when qhe certificate is sent unificntcs will be 'sanv. for $l, thirty 10: $l5, sixty-five lor $lO, fur ~ and do unlat be fur. Fix elcrun for and 1m tor AGENTS.» and county in as such “'1“ lie . uficmo ordered by lunce umouu's lo want agents in every town country, and Ihose acting wad 10 cents bu every cer :m, pmvidcd their remit- Ag‘cnls will ('ol!ch 25 ..‘. and retain 13 cents Kastxuplh.‘ Agents be eulillud to n n’so~2w cc’rmi- c‘L-uts 101' every earth. ,\0 ns,mtht-rin cash or ]L remitting at once, $3O, beaunful Silver \Ynuh, L cutcs. x ‘ Please write your Name}, ‘ Slulc‘inl'niuly, 23nd address all \ HMHLTO‘S 6i Agenti for Fortign & American .\1: bulk-sworn, 36 Lioerty 3;. P. 0. box 51175, NEW Kong], {B‘3s" {m ' New Skirt for 1865-6. HE (;RlZA’I‘ INVENI‘IUN OF THE .~. T IN “001’ SKiRTS.—"J. w. BRADLEY Sew Patent. DUPLEX J'llJlJl’TlC (or double, SPRING SKULL—TiII} invention consists ar Duplex ('u'r two) 'Lllipuc _Pnre Refined [Steel Springs. ingeniously hminlL-tl lightly and firm l) tngcllier, (“the (U edge, flanking the Laugh e'st, most. lluxxhle, dame uni] durable Spring' ever used. They sclduxu beml or break. like the Single Springs, and cringequenlly pieserve their perfect and benulilul Shaina man: leu (wine as lmig n'bmny Single Spring Skin; than. ever llusur can ;be made. i v The-wnnulerlul flexibility nnzl greabcomfurt um] plemaure to any Indy nearing [he Duplex Elliptic Suirt Will he expelmucnl [lurLlLUlnll'ly in all crowded Anemb‘hei, Uperns, enriches, llailroml Curr, Church Pain, Arin Chairs, fur Promcnmlr and House Dieas, us he :31er can. be folded when in use to ueeupfismal plua‘ as easily and cunvenicutl) RES/ax or )lu.lin Dress. // w ’ A Lady having enigy'éd ihe Plensnrq Corry furtinmi Grout Conn-mimics of wemlng‘the UuplL-S lillipxic Steel Spnngb‘kin for it single day will ncvrr nthrwu Isl “‘illmgly dispense With their un_e. For Children, Mines [lnd Young Lndies they are summer to all ullwrs. 5 The Huops are coveted; wnb J-Jll-y Ilunhlu . twisted thread and will’ war lvlce’us lung ufi the single yum covejmg which in used or. u.“ :l lsingle atcel llaop SkirmJ The three bouum? rods on every Skirture also Double Steel, and twice or double curated to prevent the cover ing Lrom west-mg ott‘ th.‘ mda when dragging down suirs, none steps, #O., hm. WhiL_ll the) are cunumutly sphjucl Loylxen in use. I All an: made or mommy and L-legau'. Cor-led l Tapes, and are the best qvlzllity in, ev’cry pun, ‘giviug to [ht wearer thrpuoet gr-welul and ‘ perlect Shape p-)ssible,nnd‘ure unquestion'ubly l the lightest, mun denimblb, comlorhule and l ' economical skm eter minds. [ wasws, BRADLEY a CARY, Propriotouol : the lnveqtion, and Sale , Mnuul‘nctutt-n, 91 Chambers, and 79 t 81 110 m- Streets, .\'ew York. \ For sale in all first-chu‘Storos. in this City, and tluoughout the United States and Unrndn, Havana dc (him, Mcgiqo,§outh Annual,- and the West lumen. ‘ ’ ‘ Wlntjuire fo’r ‘ho‘anlex Elliptic (or; donme) Spring Skirt. - ‘A .\'.n'. 27, 1865. 3m ’ ~ A Splendid Farm F 134 ACRES FOR SALE-$lOO to the 0 person bringing: pursuant within 90 days from date. This Farm, skunk: north at Gettysburg, on Cnrlule road. will huommgnd itself. A bargain of SHIN cnn be hulhg' purchasing noun Title gobd. . ' JAGOB HEAGEY. Aug. 28, 1865. t! ; ‘ ' TTRACTING ATIENILON.—Tha saperio; [Pimures taken u UMPER’S SKY- L 1 [ll‘ GALLERY, on Wu: Middle SL, are attracting universal ntzengion. Good judge; prononuue mom lapel-ion? my ever ukcn in Ihig place. Call and enzyme for yonnelvel. Jan. 16, 1865. _ y. cklng. Amman mommm‘lox H 7. V :muuu umaru'r. Wanna. the American peoplc hmlulqted under n four yeur’g war, dnrlug‘bhich limp {Hwy lmvc been bnrthcned «m. heuy’ut'u ‘ and lrrqm-Iu dram, , 7 v‘ Asa wuxuna. Th:- Avenue: 'of trade In“ bo come disarmnm-d, and the ylicc or‘-mdl, pu lienlnrly CLOTHING, 'hnvmg reachcd A high sin-10¢ caning mmy a patriot to become wank in thu knees, th ‘y go himself. when shall ‘in“ things end? . , . Asa mm (5A5, Many a tell-tn-do man, who in {mm times walked the sin-atria Brand. cloth. and who nomin command. 0! the high. prices, has bnen cmnixdlcd to to was In run. co'uplm‘uiug pnéuualy of Uni! And “Mica! thing! - , ' ‘ M.vr,"ruennrou-. Y, ‘P-Lsnn-E. hum, .‘ would iuue p] PRUULAUATIUX, mying'lo ull people that tin.- nronncs of trade, M leg": m Bu as I am concerned, ban- been opeuled, lu'i. lam doingbusinen on n - ' Having jxm returned frum the City. I us not opening the largest and lgcit .clcutcd awck'o! Clothing ever lnuught to Gettyclburg, «min-u;- ing I" the ' ‘ ' 1 LATEST STYLES FOIL MEN AND BOYS, I among Whirl: un- fine fining bras: and Bus!- ness Conn, Cloth, Cusaivnvzn, $3155.qu And Comm Vasn, Urea; n’ml Madness Pants; nf awry ityle, unily and site, Um!“ Club” a! m’erv«lr-Ivrlpliuu. .Ha'], ‘ GEXTMJHEV'S FUNNIHIHYG GOODS. ~ Emfu'nuhlg (”lIVGQ‘ (‘anr'N Neck-lies, Sus “undo”, ”mimy, kc. Alan. ' . 20 " 10 4 EMI = EEO i \UI‘HM'S rl.\' EB’DLII‘H VARIETY. ‘ “pmh Ha Vuulini, Acrnrdofiak. Viufin S'Tinfis, (Ullwki, ”Mr and I‘lutm “mallet, (.‘nmhq, benrs Md Ilfmr Sin-in, Stnp. Hut-qualms, (.Alhc, l’uglx’ni‘ws, l’rxgula, l‘uus, gun] Donn- Al 0, _ ,' = Mil BEI EOM mum’s, minim 3mm, {mum-mus, 'l'UB.\l“‘U, SHE \lih', , ‘ _ and i'n-lu-nl a hult- of t-nr) Llnngnm be l'uuml in this Sim-o. H‘u‘innggdu our pun-bums tor Gu-h, and n‘ u mvonflrlc tune, we are pre pared to sell cheap. . . s (l 0 A‘ I'o ‘- 20 “SHE,“ HER THE TLACR. If you .I:~irr- tn’hno Di good fining suit, mndé of gum! xfiutnrinl, rull um] uxuuiue for yourwlvcs,un<’n.SAV|§ MONEY. 1 Supt. h, HID. 1‘". H. I'XCKIXG. 8 H 10‘ h n u 10 u N H Row/"1S: Woods, ‘ GE’F’I‘YSBL'RG, ‘ ‘ , DGnL-rs in ‘ HATS. NPR, mm‘rs, sumac. mmmw, GLOVES, .\‘m’mm.-H\'hl-:IMVI¢.\II, Sum‘rs, .Lv VARIETY GOODS. ' EMI 4to 15 " 10 " HATS AND C:\l’S.—-SMrmy Hula, ‘Wogl . Huts. Fur H «(3. Slxcx‘illzlfi. lit-sorta, Manny Dmhy. Flustflnd thOl‘ ”.11“, Amhrrat, I\’:nf- ' hue, Vwkwhurgz nurl liupunt Hm, Star. Penum and SLilchmlJlMs. 11l kmst 0! soft, \virebtim, and btifl-llrilll Huts, for men nnd buy a. Sammy, Cups, l’lmh CAIN. Sgul Cups, Fur Cups, Slo cum, Picayune, Commodore mu} Enamelled ‘Cxlps, Grant, Highland. Scotch. (Manny and FC‘IL ('upl, Mi‘iwnukm‘, Pioneer, Excelsior and Genius’ U ups. A grunt. variety 01' Cup: for mun, how; and children. ' . BUU'LS ANDSHUES.—-Heu'i Thick Wand Bnols, Home-made ’l'hiv-k Bouta,oflirurs' Boots. 1 French Calf Boots, Yuulll's ‘l'higk Bouts, Youth 5 Kip Boots.- Boy's‘llc‘mry Bums, Child‘s Copper-tipped, Boon, Mm'u and Boy's Bro gnus. lhlumuls 9nd Gamers, Buff-does nud Unnfs. , ' =I 15 g- =I Women’s and Children's Morocco Boots, B.nlmner, Gum-rs, Kid norrta. Slippers,movo~ Kid Shoes in vuriely, Buzkins, Pond!- Boon. . Anklets.‘lhlpklt and Gangross Gaiters, Balm lons, Kublgurs, .\rctit's.Fcllß,&c. ()fchildreu’u shoes the host assora‘ment u‘ngl greiuen vurivly ever opened In Gettysburg. ‘ A Nu'nuxs, VARIETY GOODS, kC.——Win- . duw Paw-I', Window Bl’mda, Carriage Whips, _ Lashea, Violins, Hows, Strlnzs, Bridges, Rosin, . aux, Tmnka. Corpm SAUKE, Lmfiou’ fluke“, I U:uhrcllns,l’uckrt Bonkn, Lead Pent-i 1». (tuneup. Soup. btrbps, Brushes, ”Mr Brushes; Shoo Brushes, Combo, Segnrs, Jar . dummy). ' Shh-ts, Drawers, Onlhus, Neck-fles,.flcufn, 5‘ (hunfurLs, Bull-Lskin Gloves, KM, Merino, Threujd and 511 k Gloves for chzldum, Indian and gentlemen, Bnrkishm (Hons 1' boys, PocketH:lndk::rvhiofs,sn9pendz-ra,Wob!Hoods, Oliemllooda. Sontags, Wool Shawls, Merino, Wunl and Canon Hosiery in variety for mun, women um] clllllh'cn, h-kzrt. Bruit], Mending Cotton, Coin-ts, Chenille; ’lLhremd, 311'qu Cot- ‘ tun. Mnchipe Cotton, km, to. ' 5 ’ Uur determination is to sell our goodly. - the very lOWes' market. pf—PWVVL‘ {lnner o'uréelves than we have good: um can be" recommended and :will give lntisfuction to customvri.‘ . ROW & WOODS- T 0 MI'IIICII.\NTS.-ch buy our. Boon, Slmc's and Han, in large qlxn/nlilies, nn-l wnl 3e}! them to dealers at. u very mm" udvqnceon manuhwlurcrs' prices. 0 ROW 8 WUUDS. , ocuaq, Hus. , - : ‘ Grand. Mass Meetings. OT for political purposes, In: ‘10: pm i poms uf comfort. during the coming" Wmlcr, will be held m. the new County and 'J'B l 0 cum, 'cmwmxa, . K . . nu AND CAP aroma .Lcturers ‘ . ‘ o'r'wmu DUKE offlonms, on Clmfnbcrshurg straet, Gettysburg. out: door Ezlsl. of Bul-Mcr's Drufg Htme. evary day during the full. He [Lu on hum! : Boy's J wkcrs, , ( , _ - Bu) 5’ Cons, , ~ . Boy-J Hut! and Gain, 1,» K Men's Fine Cloth Coats 3 ‘ Us Sui-k "UL“, Magi; Eng“!!! Walking Conn, 4" Men’s French Sucks-mu, , -: M(-n'a,U\'v-r('uu of unkind! thk .mH nnd Yam-y Puuufinficl‘ every dost‘rjptmn of Gvnz’s Furnishing {)oodi. Being a new bi-gmmrr. sud dcmmmed Id ~sell as cbmp us 1h": LlU‘th‘al, In: :eipcclluul solimts .1 portion uf xrunllc palrn‘migo, latit fwd that 110 mm pkg-mac the mail Tndidmds. ’ , Alsa—‘l‘lu: hie“ It) M nlfjlgs‘gzlele"u “A“ nnd CAPS, constantly on MIND, . ' Tumuuum‘. C. xomus. Oct. 23, 1805 Carriage-making “Rasumqq. 1“”) war bt-ing, over, [has underaigued In" rmumml the ‘ ('AIIIUAGILMAKL‘JG BUSINESS, J""* at their 04d s’lnnd. In E at Mldullv are“, ' GETTYSDUHU, - ‘ when they MP :Igui'n preyurrd {0 put up war? ifa’the ‘most ('.-shimmhle, nuhs‘mntixl, and i‘dp'e riot manner, A Int. 0! new use Ivcond-hlnd CARRIAGES,‘ 31766153, ac” ’on hand, which they _xnll di'spou 0! IL tho lowest. prices; and all orders will be supplied as promptly and satist‘ncWfily ns‘pouibia. ‘fi'BEPAI‘KING .- - done with dmnlcb, and "‘7' chmopuu rules. ‘ A large lot of new and old’ HARNESS all. hand for 5119.. ' ‘ " Thankful for the lihoul patronage hereto "‘ for: eujoyfid by themrthoy iofiuu tux-l will I. ‘ deg“)! 19 deserve n huge share in Lhu {Mug ‘ , » 9;.st a ZIEGLER. .m,‘ in, 1865. ti Buggies 8r Carriages. "15 W.\ Y! THIS WAYl—Thl Ildflam signethreengmcduth'anrrime-nnkiuz bu<ines~, In West. \linldh: street, n’eug Geo. Lil,- Ile’s‘old store stun/LGMtysbnrm and In“. all who may need nnything in their If“ to give them: call. Th2] pug up. in “10-'03,; bespmnnfier, Fallingdmp anJ utherßUUilE. , and all tbb different "flea of UARRIAG 8.8-. Within full knuwh‘dge «If “I. buliflfl'hwlt‘,‘ demrmimnion to gin: satisfaction. the ”rig” A can rely np'on thrir jobs being good. a," l wfil endenvor- to desnrve a hrgd shut-e o! pu *‘ Manage, Ind hope WTQL'L‘JVB It. ' . .-; E JKEL’AIRIXG don; M lhe‘tharlut 139“qu \ and 611 most rouonnhlo terms. WCounu’, . [ p‘ruduue will be taken in exchange rm: turf. ‘ CHAS. E. GILSE“ l‘ & BRO." ” * Gonysbnrg, Nqi‘. v, 1865. 6n“ - _,, .1865, Fan Millinery. 1885.“ V 1183” McCREARY has just retuhm!’ Mi't‘ L who cityand it and upcmngniaw mourn mam. of MILLIKERY Jr FANG)? UUUQSF-l'lunf .Stylu. Mao,“ bu'udsmue .usaorunemuffioflfi" made 80539215, and Dress Cups; which grt ' he sold at the lb‘wél‘lwiuh print. 7‘ " ' fillillinen washing m panda-I [mm It'll again mu lge supplied agregucviwiogg, and mll receive all lantern; gram; l Nov. 13,1865. lui . j . | * ‘ Wm- ”v...“ w“ ‘ 01“ ‘ d COL Gold. . (.:..,A -1 ugly“; ‘ . I I 'l' 5.“ III" C um?“ Bag): 01391:?! ‘ , i‘ - um. um “(Sf-'j’? v Oct. 30, 1865 a PEACE BASIS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers