oia “Eh’t “" Eumpiltr‘.’ V_ _ ‘3, ‘ -. .. (‘.”, _ ‘I H 3" 3 . -.’ #1“; ~ '~ ~‘. ‘.- ._ ‘ , I. \‘3_‘.‘ - - m ~ ’kv I. I. "All“, IDI'I'OII AND nor-men. ;r. .. : -'.‘., .2 "..‘: _m’ GBTTYSBUBG, PA. new” gamma, 001'. 30,- men It'll!” VIM an m Public I?ch 80W Wilton. of “Minuet“, and. I quad: in Brmklyn; (be other nighthin "1.101! M nid Lb“ the public debt. mmtlbe ”funded u. a mall "i of intend," and he ' I'bdieved 111.11 if.lh.e matter were wiugly k«uni-.501! it could be done ugh. hue of that per cant." This would be eguinlem, fioa rlpllda‘all'on cf om Imlf the 8:51. The. point thus nude by Wilwn in commended tome consideration of “lie Republicuns who'll-v 0 chi-god the Damocrucy mth in !ending‘lo repudiate our national obiign alionl. ”0! d 9 Rspubliéan bynd-holdfl‘l like “the pipturo druwn’: by ond of their mm ‘puty lenders 7 ' CU . The 31an All lllglll} . , Some 0! the Republican leulen We to bo‘ gratified M Montgomery Bldir'z duel;- fiqu of the Republic-n party. Till: is more zlfl'ooutlon. The Blair; were the lather: .ol the Republican party. 0111 Frank . Bluir’l genius moulded it and gave it vital ; ity. There could be no more certain indi culicm ol itwnpproacliing decline and speedy fill, than it: abandonment by these then. They will, 0! course. be nbuuml lay the Ab olition politici+nv whom xhey have elevated to power, but this will only incite them to greater efi'orts to piill dawn the mllen po » jiticul home. they were imtrumenlnl in building. ,Who Support Pmidtnt Johnson? Thuddeua Stevens, in his speech m this 'pllce, nhortly before the‘ late election. ' rbughlyf de ounccd Prebillrnt Johnéon’s \lpolicy it'lnhjil dealingi with the Sduthern - people, clumcterizing‘it thus: ' "This plan ‘(the President'u restoration policy) bathe full approbation of all the rebel- und rebel lympathizuu. ofthe whole onpperhead wary. of such RPpublicans 1: ’ ave mturnlly‘ parishes, and at such public journals afiluhlish by authority", 1 . \ Thin sentence in an authoritative defining o! tho‘twolpoliticn! puties of the cQuntry. Rebels, "Copperl:ea.ds;“ and 'thnse Repub liea'nl whojre nmr‘the spoils, tlpllrln'ellhfi Prenident'u policy—tho rent of the Repub licln party oppcse nnd chndemn it. This language is plain and unmistakable. Which horn ofthe dilemmédo the Repub licnn's heraubouts sit upon! l!M=IEI Negro Rebellion Drgcd. . John; Brownmqn éfold John Brownpf Hn'r per’l Fewynotoriety. 'in I recent a’peech to a negro company in Ohio. uttorcc} the [Oh lowing "loynlf’ nentimenu; " « ' . "My ,colored friends, yoq hue now the right to one box, and that is the cartridge box: but there are two other boxes you ought to claim. one nt‘which is the ballot box Ind lbs other the inuy box. If the white pgople-fuil to give you theqe, and if you cannot get them in n peacefuswnyJ nd vise you to Arm youruelvrs an demand your lull rights from the government." I Duty. , Let every Demoérnt support his local pa per‘. Leg'hiul throw nil-the printing and advertiling hécan w‘its office. Encourage find atréngthen- it. Remember that {he liemccmtic press of Pennsylvania has much to‘contend ,v'vith. Money, rower and an immensoannual p'atmnage. Letevery true Democrat who loves his principle: rally to the support. 0‘ the Democratic press. New 19 the.time it? make the efl'ort. A guberna torial contest. of the greatest interesg and gigantic importance to the people of Penn sylvania will soon be upon us. The press have a hard battle 1%) fight. Prophre thegx Sol“ it.’ If Democrats will stick to end nid {heir logs] presses, all will be,well. The Senatorial Election. ,But' two mldier 'voles were returned in m. county. and, n i. said, but five in Funklin—leniing C. M. Duncan's majority {or the Senate 27. ' ”General Frank Blair nude 5 rpéech recently at _Rolls, Missouri, in which he stated‘ that of one hundred thousand bales ofootton nailed in the vicinity ofV‘mkabur-g. and turned over to the Go'vemment. not a thousand bales were ever accounted for.— He charged that the Provost Marshall of the West were {set of thigves and plunder _en. generally {accused Secretary Stanton with , being an origrnal traitor ; and that TAloxander U. Stephens was, on t'hé other had. u lq'yal mun. and that when Stephen‘s~ In locked. up; the true man was impris 9ned and the meal and whiter-financing. Snatch—mu left. on the outside; ' g - 830 m Montgompry Blair mfg that If to: {our years ofabnenfoe‘he now returns to the Pemocntio'ford. I Iris intimated that Jim. Robert J. Walker imback too. The fact in. tho old Democracy h the only gen uin’o Cpmtitutipnnl party in the country, and true‘ ptttiota must of neeeuity flock 001%. ‘ ' ' ' ‘ '11:“ time‘honored old Democratic orpn. the fldffl Guiana. comes to us in new type In In enlarged form. Tbg Ga n“: is Italy conducted, and we nigh its pub was, Kenn. Mayan Ind Mange), that full measure of means to which they are‘so well entitled. " . "In Johnstown~the town in which Cola. Linton and Campbell reaide—Col..Lln- Qou' n}! ahead of his colleague 19 votes, and Col. ampben nu I,3}.th his cones-gun 22 votu; Col. Union's gain "I, lbereloge, 41 votes. In Campbell's owp ward Linlo‘}; ran thegd of his ticket and ,Camyboll behind hi- ticket ' A '.‘Tho hiding Republican nevi-Ripe!- of the Wen denounces the idea 61 remitting the hem of the Army back to the-lube" a! civil 131010:- I livelihood A: n "stingy phi; “throw.” Of course. thereto", Prui dcnt Johnson. who has just ordered the re (um pun 1119 black Addicts to 'civil life: is I “sting philanthmp'nt“ oi‘ the same kind. ‘Tha Vuicu: any: um Utah is A: rich 3n gold mauve! depoaill 9' any or the .d. Joining Sam- and Tenitorien. ‘ “an. Wade “alpha. it is lhquht, ”Wanted Gum-nor of 80qu Cyg- ML“ .....,_‘,l .. ‘ ~ -’ '- ”Imam mm min." i ' wtditqrm‘iud mu Imam * ‘ The Stevens Virago! the. Republican pm 1 "on. M-vntgbmary Blnir. Linqoln'n first 1y i" in gross Mimi-tion shout the auto of Postmaster Gvn'erul. a few nighlaqgo. mnde «Edit: at Washington city. Congrm will a ward: in Hewgork in favor of the Dvm med Ir; a few weeks, nnd Prmidrnt Juhn- ,o‘cratic nominm. ‘Gvn DI! and om. Sigk 1011, Jay) {at- from showing dim n! repent-j 1‘?! hm“! 3‘” 10k?" “1'“ 91“” "km. nude for the :im be hu mmnyined'iyiiml 3 va'wmic "'l‘“ nguil. Ybere'i ‘ better windiest“ in‘ dlily giginguidiewnu 970°11‘11” coming tér “the mod 0"! mm.” = at his determination ‘ to‘ldlwra to the con-l ‘ A Pnria correspondcntollbo HAY. World serum? line otpolic] he adopted anmeiiyuit incurrwtly reported that Gen. Beam time ago. Tha follnwing {mm a journal gm) is tnhue command oftboPontzfical recontly ntablishod in “llnml upder “mini-my in Italy. " editorship of on» of Lincoln's ,Awistant‘ ‘1 The county officer: now occupy the Court- Seq-etnriu of War, will serve in show how 1, hnuse at Chambrnbutg. V ‘ ? Emily the President’s conduct is hurting ‘Our old friend Capt. Robert. Irwin has the feeling: of the Stevens politician” lunar" roe-elected President of the Waitern ‘ Correspondence ofD-nn‘s Chimno Republican. 1 {Baha‘i R‘S‘ML ' ; ‘VAsmxoTON. 00t.14.—Wmshington inju! ‘ Mr. 03-w- maioritv for State Senator in _-'~~- .\fl’lfflfllln. The city look: no if Mr. Lit:- ln hid never "Md. and M I! we ware till in (be times of Pit-woo or Buchanan.— ree State influence hul 'again been sull denly wiped out; Slavery politicians are ionne more m the nucendnrt. It is no use arguing at Washington about millionulain ‘nndmilliom wutgd in the star. out obout other ’triflea oi the kind. 'l‘rmé enough, the armies of tho ulnveholden’ rebellion have vanished. ~ But the feeling that cul minated in the war is an rampant and per nicious as ever. Any one who doubts thiu nFeIl only spend a 11-)! weeks at Willard's. ‘nnd this conviction 'will soon force itséli' upon his mind. The muthernérs are as smart as evnr, and avail themsclm skillful ly of the 5396!: china free Mate-9.. While the masses of the people are lulled into so writy by the upfinmnt rmtorntion ofzpencu, their old enemy'rs kindle the Banner; offresh convulsions. They do this with their won tml ingenuity: They get pardoned lint, cooparutr Will] the Democrats next. and look upon Andrew Johnnon n 9 exclusively their Presidentjmt as much an gwr Pleri-p or Buchanan was. It is the old story of than copperheud prvsidenu all over agnin, with lhulfuml‘ dxfiorence that those who were lhvn loremnat in (hair appwuition. to sham damm‘raby. are now feeble and ex hausted. Tm country I; arnpalheuc nnw as it wan then—nay, more so. since even the anti-sliver); men allow themselves ‘to be 'hu‘mbugged by the trumpery hope of slaves emancipated'or nlluu'ed_to vote independ ently by their masters. As far in politics are euncerned. Mt viewed from this city.‘the ruuntry resemblefl a huge lunatic asylum. the innmws' of which nurse the illuuiun that the uiquetnucy of the ex rebels and l their almttors in the work bus been unmiti luted by the war-end slavery abnhshed. \ —~- -——<o.ou -—— - ' The-Right oi Dcsrrters to l'otr. ' The question of the legality of the Apt of Congress «lisl'ranchising gietisons who failed ‘ to report at the Provost fianhal’l summons. on the occasion ol'the lestdraft. was hraught before Supreme Judge Thnmlv‘on. at Phil ndelphianst precedingzthc election. The Judge unheaitatingly gave his opinion that \ . Congress has no right/’to interfere with State voters. He said: ‘ - ‘I have been‘m-ked to-dny my opinion as lothe right. of what is called non-reporting ‘ drafted men to vote. The qualifications re ,quired by our StnteComtitulion are the only ones thatjuidges ofelection are to look to. Congress cannot add to them nor di minish them. In thnt instrument no «lis frnnchisement for any such clut- i< found, a'ntl nojudge ofun eloctinn Will he judlfifll. m excluding from the right to vote any persons being otherwise qualified‘ and nut eXeluded‘by the very [terms of the Con-iti tution’. It would he nh-«urd to expect an election honrujto stop the progress of the polls ttntry it {not like that of an illegal draft and failure tn report. The? have no jurisdiction nfnny such question, there bc~ ,m‘g no,dis[rnnchisement arising in the Con stitution for tiny such cgiuse. . Norwim‘zlun‘ding the plain duty of elec tion.ofliuors on this‘uuhie‘ct. we learn that several votes were refused in this county, regardless of the Slate laws, and the oaths takcxf by the Judges on entering upon their duties. ' We see byour exchanges that parties who have been rehzsod their votes on this ground, in Erie. Franklin, and other coun ties, have resolved to have [he election of ficers nrregted, :lan the matter brought be fore (he Com-La; ' ’ wThe lusting of the» party which elec ed Amdrew Johnsofiind ' ed him because: he Wm their progra‘mme of pom der, have been oflnte mm A}; «x»... ry exertions tq uguin get info favp’r at, court. For a lau’g time they honed t 6 force the Pmident into” measures by harsh lan'gungg and threatening atllitjutles. but, failing most, signgliy in thin, they fiereirelucuntlypom~ pellet] tanbandén tliose at. one time suc cessful “miles for n more insidious plan. Accordiriglyjhe President hns'boen {were-1 ly afliiqted with "private interviews,” and} dosed with qourtly wlieedling and flattery.' He lm‘s been caj'oled érid pletitioned to pin-l 'nounce 'i'or their policy ‘and measures, anii _to declare open war against, Democracy, but all to no flux-pose. ‘ While he doés not openly ridmit being a Democrat, he, never-‘ theless, is minimally acting in accordxince with Democratic principles and in opposia tion to tiie'aelfisli views of Sumner, Ste“l vens, Cameron, and the teak—Patriot d: U'l cm [Q-The more mdiczi'. of the Republ’ugan nempapers now speak' of Ge?! Cox, the Republican Governor elect. of Ohio, as “only one Itep in advance of a conservative Cep perhenq,” because he would no& dgclnre for ne'gro suffrage. Bpfore the election these same papers professed to be as connervatiéel as Gen. Cox. but now than it in over, they allow their renl negro praollvitiez t 9 be seen, When will who people—thmwbito people-scene to tmstsuch demagogues I , fi-The‘New York Sun says Wendell Philips in the advonce-guani._ “Be it sen} thud u a political ekirmisher. to near tain how fut. the putty cali nfely travel.” Exactly so. The Reinqblican—io—called party have grqdpally absorbed all bis'theo ties and honed out his ialam, npdflwre in no doubt. that. ultimately it will be foilnd he was merely in ndvmce of his putty in prm nounc‘mg for Bepudiatlon. ‘ ’ '- . ‘ ‘1‘!) lowa, av. the laie election. the cnn~ lost. In; between the Bepubhcadn‘eqd the soldier-n, who had e ticket of their own. The _Democm‘cy made no nqminelions.-v- The soldiers were Mien. md‘the Republi can presa goes into eaueiewover thelreeult. This shows bowikéy 3101»: .the soldiers. —-~"‘ —" ‘mv-—~‘——-._. . ‘ bifo- A- 63M». Faq'. Mall-om the]. “Fultbu Democrat" esthbluhmp t. to J. 3.! Donehoo, Eeq.'.=fnrrherly of the Wishiq'gflen i Earning. Our beet wishes (o bqlh teliringi ind inogming publiflnérs. . A , ‘ a fiGen. llnrtranft. Ammm- Guam! clack mu 110ng an to his miliuujy commis sidn. ,He left hqme on Monday suck, fu‘l' XeMmlqy. to, upon 16 Oenml 'i’uldnr. commagling 11m: Deplrtment. He um no}. lg: o gbnrge of uh; Auditorfiencml'a ofiqe ylfifiuhe )st 01 gaff, 155,6; _ "T ; the Cumlierlnnd and York district in 2,752. i Of the 7.“)0 Votes ettempted to he cast. in the recent Baltimore election, it was stated there. that 4.000 were Germans. 'l‘lhree-I {earths of the American citizens are excht-I (led lrnm voting by the Maryland Test. m 6. ‘ '1 ln obedience to on order from Attorney General Speed, to the District. Attorney of Miasmri. the prnperly, animated tn be worth $6OOOO. of the wile ofthe rebel Gen. Ewell has been delivered over to ller agents. It had been seized fur confis’calion. 1 Mr. Montgomery Blair nyé that his fath er wasnutLOrized tg ark General Lee at the Beginning ofthe war to take command of the U ‘ ited States Armies. General Lee re plied Elm he would connult General Scott hefore deei'limr. A mmmittee from the Virginia Lngiulature met him, and the full of Sumter settled the question. ‘ 'rh'e, Lmohburz Jew/{m stafm (hat. Gem-ml Grant has written a letter In ”Ene rp] E. Kirby Smith. pr'mJing him permis sion to return home on parole,- to boa plum-d win the; same {noting u the othér L‘Onfede r‘ntv nfiivvrs of his rank. ‘ T 1‘ The ‘F reedmen's Bureeu at. New Orleans has is‘ued a circular to_the freedmen. in fhrming them they muat nnrk for subsid ence, and expect no more concession-4. ' Some of the Rnpuhlienn papers 'appenr very much concerned at the huppremiqn of a} newspaper in lrelgnd. and the arrest of its editoi's ; but they were. quite oblivion. of nhy breach or any outrage of the kind morpetrnted in this country. {General Howard, of the l-‘reedmcn’s Rm mau. is looking' after matters in South dnrolina. ’ - R.‘ M. T. Hunter. of Virginia. had an in terview with the President 611 Saturday w‘eek. \ ‘Geneml Banks ' declaredt recently. on oath. in New'Oi-lenna. that he, mu; a citizen of Lou‘sinnn.; and. on the rtrength ofthnt declaration; was admitted to fine Louisiana Bur. He now turns up n citizen of Miss» chusetts. and a candidate for Congreserfrout that State. ” :The Emperor Maximilien has imied a proclamation officially announcing theflight ofJunruz frrini Mexico. - There i 4 great excitement in Cnnnda con cerning the Feni-nln movement. It is assort ed tbat the Feninnl'nre transporting gums into the Ert'wince. General Grant has recommended the dis charge bfall major and biigndier generals in the volunteer service who have not been dinhled. A _ ‘Mujnr General A. D. Mchnk hm: tender- 0d his resignation. M-Ijnr General I-‘mn k lin is about. to resign. . There is n douhuul rumor of the cholera ‘ln Havana ‘Purties are negotiating for the purchase of the Dutch Gap canal, to make it. availa- bie for navignjinn. {Governor Mhrtnn. oflndinnn,is ill orpar nlLvsis, and his friends fear: that. he will nol rocover.‘ i’l‘hg average Mpublican majority in the elec lion in §ebnskn Territory is qnly about 600. A verdict of fine llmusand dollars has been found agairist the Umml States I'm vost Marshal lo?- tbe Fm: Congressional District of Vermont, in a suit brougm by n gamed Walks-Ir, for ‘nssnult qnd but-x prisnnnlenl. !MEE A riot occurre ‘Bnltimore’, onSumluy v.“ and colored soldiers. which rcsu killing of one of the Inner. Governor Humphroyl. of Miss.. in his in augural address. n'ppozéd the rightnf seces siodn,~ and fiivored absolute and perpegunl freedom for 'the negrol but disapproved of placiqg him on an equality-with the white man. A cotton factory is prqjected at llbuston. Texas. ‘ There is great scarcity of water in Wash- ington Fifty thousand gun-913 of herring hays been takgin of" the coast of Maine since the latter pal-C of August. , I g jThe Kmtuvkians nre hoMing moetingn‘ 0! (banks tothe Preaident for remoyifig! Ifinrtin! law from their State. , P g ’ Ten thousand dmlms in gold are ofleréd. t 0 be! on the success of the Democrat-j!) ' New Ybrk. t ' JTIJI 01" “lions "‘_‘-- : \e old telegraphic rela‘m (ween the Agnocinm; Press and the press in the South havetbeon resumed. *On Satin-dry. week the Prvsident granted pa‘rdons to 180 South Caroliniana, including ei-Congressnmn Wm. B. Boyce. ln 'Fioridn.’the candidutea favor-bio to the President’s maturation policy were eieo t‘ed to the State Convention. ' 1 A petition signed by proniinent Italians, including Gnibuldi, in behallof Jerreuon Dink. wai presented to the President on Saturday. A cashier in the Quartermaster-'1 DPprt flaunt It. Nuhviiie has been “rated as; qefuniter. He was nbout to go toEurope. 3 One of the English capiulilu now tnvelilik im, this country has purchased Bierstuit’s picture- the ‘Rocky Mountains' ——-for 525.000. 1 Many hr the muddy citizen: of Chm-loo; gains- 6.. have recently hut their properly flattered wchem by tht government. V i The Wide Commiuion 31“ adjourned (gage die. The‘ firidiqgs bud sentence have, been tom to the President. for approval. [ .Genenl Canbyyhu forbidden the mum ry 0.0 interfgu, adept fin Inpprm diumb spec. in the Louisiaqa election. » g T Theta min r'eport. that the cholan bu up. '1 p‘ea‘red in Brogklyn. N. Y. 6 Miami": is the viqtim.’ x 3 A u-fioon I:s?va mu muvdnod It: dance," ih Pixlaolp, I". on Tut-day night. . , .- , Thq weporml sigh of Jinn-1i- ogntm-' .15ch l-j-m'Wu-hmgwn dispatch. ‘ a is main" gu mutton; 1m recoi‘eied 8225‘ dnmgnges l‘o} {He biié of- dog. . , . n The Nr-l York Observer (1 religious‘ newspaper) nmmks: 4 "h, in painful touhnervn what paper: not ridicula. uppm, and pack ‘to data“ the mPuurEl of the Government. The] no the pnpen that new lon-lest in making a support of the administutian I test.“ log; sky—papers thu dunnuvmed every man :u‘ I (raglan 'hn ommul the «mum-es 1h“. (hp nnmmvns wished too-Hy through. We hive a right {6 uk such paper: to be coxish‘ni. to umm now with the great an up ofthc American purple in sustain ing Ihfi Governmvnt in its patriotic and no ble eifnrta to bring, that". the reign of peace. union and internal love. We hold that man in be a Mlfish seeker of his own gain, and not a warm. large-hearted patri nl. who throws cold water on the Presj dent’n‘ plum of rernncihntion." \ fi‘l‘be Washington Qummnal Union. uys: Signifi'canlé-We understand shatthe Pra iclent has just directed tho removal of Mr. Rune“. the poqlnlasu’r n! Davenport, lawn.» and'the appointment of‘Gén. Saunders, in his stead. Mr. Rune“ is the editor of the mayo equality newspapPr at Duetsporl. 1 and has been opm) in his opposition to the restoration poliry of the Preaidenl.—-Ge'n. Saunders is opposed to negro aufl‘ragP. nhd I a warm supporter of ‘he Precision! and Gen. 'Benton. ihe éonservativo candidate for Governor of lowa. \ r Some officemoldcg in these parts had better look out. ‘ ' \ ‘ “Iflyully” Brgim ta I’yy.—-A boutn year ago thn “loyal” Republican! of Greene county, Wisconsin, uutlmtonk to demonsti-ute their excessive loyalty by mattreating a main named Sthcns. who-e pqliticul sentiments did not. nccnnl with tlwin. Mr. Steven‘s l-A‘tety took it into his head togive this so“ ofloyulty a test. and hrnughtn suit for that purpose before the United Staten Coqrt. sitting at Mtlwmtkio. The ré’mltlwns that he tocovered against the de'chdunts the round some of five théusand dollars. ! WTho Democracy have henn obliged to bear-mum ill-will under the charge of be- I ing "Soutlwrn Symp'llhizpra." But preatn, changm—And‘row Johnson, President. of l the United Qantas, has lwcome the greatest, "Southern Sympatlgizvr" in the country“. 'nnd the crime hszuu much of its criminal ily in the estimation of mxmy "103 ml” Ra‘- publicuns. , \ W'Wendell Philips [ppmtfid his BA:- ton lecluxe on the “.\‘. uth V'lctm-ious" in [New Ymk nn Wednesday night. He so“: 'vorely criticised and cnndemnml Mr. Sow. lard’n last Auburn slut-«(2H, and Mr. Beech er’a last Sundny sva-n. - . ‘flQ‘The Dnmncmtu of HmrHJH-g ”9“! a mcqtmu on Thursday evvning to organizd the oily and cgmnly Sur the gubernatorial election of 1366. x Y ‘ 7 wThomm F‘iahy. of Fayette, Mismuri, ‘.mlwgiws that. he will fuvnish the lwst beef in the mnrkcl. In cualomon at five ‘cents a pound. ' ‘ Tho hng (mp at the West is nmv said to be large. Fm cnnlrucls have yPt‘beon made—-mmo as low n 25 eight, odnts —the highest tun. So M): I: New Yolk nlxmkei circular. @lll. France the rholora is on the in; crease. A loltvr from 'l‘uulhn states that it has luuken out with startling s-mlu'lenm-ué at SoHios-Pmnt. a liule tmvn of 3.000 inhnb; ilnpls. In Liner-msn of Hm first fight in which it m’nule it» Mpanl‘RnCC‘ thine were sixty gu‘sos. mrl thirtv-six hours later ll'wre had ulréady hem 5:": 1!”me out. ofa {film’- luxinn reduced to I,IiHU souihl'by a panic stricken peoplo.‘ _ WT“ Il‘zjn'slmr'n Jfail cnmeq' to u: en‘ ‘nrged and in [iron d-L—nn g-vidl nce of prns‘ pefity we are much gratified In snn. his now published by Mo ssr‘s. Docherl 5; .\‘eelfill. lncrenged sures-as to'mem! . [Q’The incnn-iqrm-ieg oflloiilir‘inm uri mmr'limt-s ixm mriv nmu~ing.~ Wth John (‘uclu‘mm ul' New Ymk, left. the Dvmnt‘mlic paity. several ymu-s agn. ihéf Repulniimn press united in prqcluiming him a pzilrmt; a fitntes’mun. and uh hunt-st m'im. This yeur Mr. Cochrnne has return;- ml tn his finxt 10w, und is bnre more acting with the Demovrntic organizition in thé Empire State. Now. the same pnpeis that a shorl lime ago landed him to the skies‘ 'arn assauling him in the bitten-st munnvr. nnd If one half they say of him be true, they are guilty of having for mere partisan,‘ purpnses, tuken to their bosom, and eiecu ed to a high nflicwa man utterly unworthy" of their confidence and , suppqr'l. Mu Coch’rane having survived their praise. will" no doubt be able to outlive their abusen—4 Age. ‘ ‘ a railroad depot in -lween white né'd in the Q‘From quite a number of places. llnoughout. the State we hem- ol the influx ences brnught to bear by the shoddy lend ers to carrv the election. The millions of: dollars slnlen Imm the Government. during; me war. were drawn upon quite extensivu ly. and grocubacks were spent lawshly fnr votes. The unscrupulous demagogues knew very well that, ivhxle in office, they can nfi'ord to pay sheavy percentage to car ry an election—because they have a way as repay themselves. It. is greatly in their in ten-st, too, to relain places at tha‘ public crib, for once driven away, ugly trucks will appear to the public eye. The climb of the corrupt shoddy party will show u fearful struggle, for these reasors.—Patriold: Union. '. gay-In a speech recently delivered at Au lbmn. New _York. Sccrvtary Sgward endors ed President =Johnson’s policy 'in lota. Mr. Seward ‘alsn appears to have discovered ‘tha'l. our land has a Constitution. which lshouldba the supreme law of the Ind,: ‘fact whxch hg had forgotten wh'en. during ‘ the war,.¢.be [inkling orbit; liltle be“ doom ..ed freen'Jen to dungeons. The Secretary lalso administers a rebuke to the Republi rcan leaders who have been finding fault mm the President and his policy; chargmg that they. together with the diucantented of the South, hinder and delay the work 'of restoration. , . fi'l‘he Court of Appeals 0! New York have unanimously decided that when ch ernment bonds are bed as capital in a monied instilulion. the holdér is Siuble to local taxation, but. if they are merely hold as an in veaime-nl in Government tom; they are not. taxable. ' filly I military order honed lan! week. it is directed lbn no penon hereafler ehnll be meflod rm i dean“: for huing tailed to report under Any draft. All downer! of this clans previously arrested. are to be uun. liberty. ' 311 w Medical Department of the Fyeedmrn’l Bureau ruporu thu it. has un der in care and treatment. in the Southern Bum ”ten thousand sick sud ““916“ 3.. grueg. . , ~ ’ _- ’ “..' .fi— . . fiDavid Gregory. recently sentenoad to hung in. Philadelphia and mpiled by the Governor. died in his cell on the 18w in“. ‘ gay-The President rm md the findings of the Wine Con-minim). but 'l3? yet. his nut. nodocision. The gemnlimpriuimi il that Wipe but been louud guilty uni uulc‘noed to be hanged. . ‘ - Bmm? bh‘fié Gohmment. 1:1=!1111 Igsg WOOD I—WOOD !—~Such’ of our "blcflhorl uiu‘eud‘ paying for (he Compiler Riki wood, at; requested to deliver it coon. The necessity for warm nove- il Ilmdy upon n. - JOB PRINTING.—We are making frequent I‘dditions of new type ‘0 out Job Printing de partmen. and our workmen: suitable for posters, handbilii, circuit”, check books, bill bends, bunks, cards. to" is up to “at of any other cdunlry printing oflice in the Stale.— Tbose him are in neefl oi nnything in ibis line Ire invited :0 give 111 a call. There is no occuion to [(0 to (he ciuen loi- work that can be u weli Ind chenpiy dpne here. SCILDIER \'QTE.—The‘Retnrn Judges me! again on Friday lost, to count the soldierxoten sent to‘ ‘he Prbthonohry’a oflice. These amounted to just two for the county. After counting them, Ind Adding up the rates to: the Pcver‘nl candidues. the majoxities on the whole vole were found to be u follows: _ Davis :4, Lintor} 13,0. )1. Duncan 89, Honck 19, Wolf 153, Kitzmiller 54, Krise 2. Shends 62, Cover 24, Fluenturf 63, Witherow z. The Demorrnic candidates, watercre; for Auditor Gencrnl, Surveyor General, Senator, Director, Treazuru and Auflitorflave majorities; whilst the Re'publicnn candidates for Aucmbly, Pro thonolm-y, Cowmiuioner, District‘ Anon-my and Shrwyor, huge maiol-itleu. Certificate: of electxon were nude on: and a [gag-l for the Enrrgssful counly candid Mes. E. \V. Sluhle was appointed Senntorm [‘.e tnrn Judge. ’ ' TEACHERS ISSTITI‘TE —'l'he Adam: 00. Ten hors’ lusting": convened'in this plnce on \Vcnlm‘sdflf. The number of Teachers in at léudnncc "I nbrmt 7.5. ll A. Lynle was Plosidnnt, and J l_l.er:°S¢crclnry. - ' During, llH' sehinn addresses were delivered by Prof". ('ol-urn, State Superintouicnt‘ ‘l’rnl'. hinn, 0t Newville, and Prof. Mayer, of l’cnn'n. l‘ul‘legu; nn essay was read by Mills Chronis ter, nnd select vending: giwn hy )liss Humble ton. The subjec‘t. of the nn‘llormity-of lexL hooks elicited n‘long and‘very interns ling dis cussion—l’rol. Cohurn.Coulnty Superintendent Sheoly, D. .\. But-lller, R. A. Lyulv, Wm. S. Curt, Sumuul Winterode, and others, pnrtivi paling: Compensation of teachers, and mo rnlity and rcliglnn in our common schools, {Vere ulso llnoroug’hjyfliscusled. 'Thn- \‘urir-lIE methods 01 teaching were presented at diff. r em shim-a m llw scrim; the exercises dosing with the address of Prof. Cobnrn DLFridny GM= 'l'ha Inflitmn rr'wtjin the Colman Roformnd Clinrch, but on Thursday evening attended a lecture“ with illunmlioua, by Prut‘. )Inyrr, at (h;- College Clm’p‘l. ‘ Th- foanx-ng‘nfl'wvrs wére elm-ted 'tor the owning your : President, R. A: Lyttlé: Vu-c ‘l’reinlem, John W. McConm‘ll ; Secretury. J. H. \\"cll; .\ifiirlfln‘ Secremry. P’nul Hersh; 'l‘rr-lturer. Anton Shot-Iy. The “ex! fission of the Institute will he lml-l the but. wc'ck'in Oétober, $866,111 Littlvstown. PROPERTY SAL ES.——Geurgc .Swopc. Esq , llgu sum his )lilfirrnperty, in Frankiin tunn sbip, in‘-Paul Sowors, at $8,500.' “01. Edward McPherson h-us purchased the hruse of,.\l..l'3il:hclbcrger, 0:1 Chnmberaburg sgrcct, at 83,300. D. K. Snyder. as agent, [ms sold the prop r l_v of Jacob Miller, on High street, to Peter “0111 mm, :It SWIG C‘lSh. ' Bcnjumin ’l‘ysolu’bns purchased lhc properly bf Peter Ilofl‘umn, on High “real, nt $1,510 rmh. Joseph Brondhohd sold his property at $l,: L2OO, induud of $1;5L.0, as unnounced Ind “wk. Bayliev. P.l{nhyhns resigned the Linhemn lerée nt l‘eiersburg, and accepud u mil to -.\litldlctown,l’n. ' . ' The rhurch at: Petersbnrg is hndcrgoing thorough 10pm”, hm] will soon be re-npcned, nzurh impro’Yed. ‘ The division of thin. charge is talked (if nnc to be mllcd_l’eter:burg, and the other .\"L-w l‘hcstcr charge. 5 v WAmong the appointments mum-J): the lip-scrap“! Convention recently'hcl-l M Phila (lclphiil, we are glud~notice the following: , Rev. Rom-rt H. Clnrklo n, D. I)..qulncapn. Misaionnry Bishop of‘Neh rat-kn nnnl pnrla :qu j.u'ent, wnh juri‘sdiclion‘ in Nebraska and Dacotah. / Mr. Clarkson wgu formerly of thi: place—— son ofMiclmel C. Clarkson. , fifliessn. Cuip & Enrnghaw-hnre nearly under too! a new'brick wnrehl-:§«-, on the corner of Rnilrmd and Washinglon atrocls.—-' The building is lilrgw and substantial, and will give'its proprietors r'oom for an extensive business. We suppose they will be able to occupy it in a few weeks. HORSE TUIEVES.—~Qur l-irml-rs should be on the lookout for horse «News, as they have been quite active in the adjoining counties of this State and Maryland. Mr. Jeane \Vuliord, of liountpleasnnt township. Adams county, had a horse stolen from ,his premises on the 11th inst., and Mr. David Leppo, of Silvu-x Run, Carroll county, ”(1., had one sxolen on! of his meadow on the night. of ’l’“ Huh inst.— There M’Pfif: to baton organizésk‘bnnd orhorse chiores in Southern counties ((Pennsyiru- ‘ nia and in Maryland. Nearly emu exchange‘ given accounupf hone. bcing fll-olen.—lluna-" uer Cl‘x‘tl'zm. ‘ v‘ _ ‘ L ‘ A COLD WINTER COMlNG.—Fnrmcn and other! in the run! diuriew, 'predict an early winter, a long one and a strong one. One of the signs is that ‘birdrenrly took their flight. southward, Ind another thut the husk ol the growing corn was very Thick and covered the ears to the very ends, I never falling proof that. overcoat; not! the! rum in great demand. I THE BORER.—-Now’ is the time w' «mpi for thin yen’l crop of borers. Ifyon will look. It the base of the tree you hill are : liulo de-l pom o!",chipl, which will indie». thrfr loco-f tion. The, can berempved with n knife with- ‘ oneinjnr; to the‘tree. The} will appear like I I worm one-ihir'd of, an inch in length. Most: person: neglect the opention till spring, by: which time they will have made n Inge cavity ‘ in the tree and lone much injury. When they rennin two yeen they become a large worm! and do [first injury to the tree. We bnve beard may compl-inu from than who haul Inflated within the In: two yen-a from their. “mental! ndmohhh All our readers who bevel young arch-rd: to rrlch their treeg. 1f gnu grows around the free, drew it any and the borers may be found even hrluw the surface of tho ground. ' fiThe Indians on the pininsmnve'rea commenced theirfirpiedntions time the United States troops have been withdrawn. ' The, recently auncked two trains, killing! four Inen, and wounding several dthers,l and Info stopped the overland mail. [ Where was A severe‘ snow storm in the, v . "7...-..7 jnterior of Maine WPPk helore hm, um; 6,000 “MES WAym-zp, . 3 wow lying from 6 1015 inches deep. I To an SIX saw mrgnmu, ct glut 31].. STI” fepoftpd case of cholera ‘in to Emilia; I“ my great pmfiu. Bud. 15 Buck! nis denied L Dr 3;. re cents ands" 8! wacky 25 cents and get so ‘ y y ' y- ' Huge: and anmple.uull.z ~ . 'k ; ‘0": one hundred pardons were : . KPH RAH! RROWN, Lawn. In". (granted by We, Mum: Wedueniq,i _J A”. zg'gm, ;my ,‘ ‘t' , ! $OO To "Inn, Sin-no! & Fluenco'l allarn'abury Cammrrn'al College if you VII“ 1 ; tound bnl‘mm education. Schollnh'lpl ll- Jud I! Burl-banana good in forty-five Col ‘legu. Any pnon tending-u. the unmet of ' twenty of ihiriy young men 01 their Acquaint : once, who would be interested in thin bunch 1 of urination. will in presented with our 0011.9. l Monthly, Card! 0! Business and Ora-menu! TPenmnnsz, College ’Bnnk mm, Engnved Pgstcrd, Cards, to. Fox: psniculnrn dddreu ‘ Bryant, Stmtton & Francisco. Harrisburg, Pa. fiThe largest. hem) of‘ cabbage we have seen this season was btougln to our oflice, on Wedneldny, by Mr. John Bender, of Slmbnn lownlhip. It weighed 143 pounds!‘ Who can bentll? 355‘)“. (3.13. Una“, oflhia plnce,hnsilensed “ mom's Hotel," Canal "not. Harrisburg, and will also rlly remove there. ' , For the Compiler. l Mn. Sun: :——We are hemen. nlthongh we‘ have a cieon majority 01‘500 votes In the coun ty win-n they turn out. This is the cause of our defent. nut] it sum! the more strange that 0“." end 0! the county should fnii to he Ileurd with nurmnch ”let-med friend und physicixtn, Dr. Pefl‘er, as our fllnntinrd bearer. .\'o man in this end oftht~ county has u better reputa tion than he for her esty. firmness, and intelli gence. And we are not. satisfy-d until we have another expression at pnhiic opinion mt romtrds the man. Wu the election to he lu-ld to morrow. every Democratic vote would he poli ed. Our people, to a man. an grieved M. his defeat, nnd 1.-y it. all to titemttt‘h't‘a. We in tend :o olt‘cr him aznin next .ttummt-r to the convention, and hope Ihnt his uohinntion willl he unnnitnous. JVP. are ready to concede till i to other parts of the county, but to him we are almost “leth attached. ' We have it from rt-linhle authority, flnlißiSOl have it from sn’ernl tnernontlourrelres, thnt‘ the whole ti-‘ket aufl'ert-d thirty vo‘tes in one] township throng-h n desire to keep the linctor’ nt. homo, but no will he responsible to the” purly it' they do not speak in his favor noxtfitii.l Wt- appnk with nil sinroritv, and mil upon our t‘nenrht in all purl! of the county to ntllyt anin for him with all their might. Ln no: H'ii ”ports concerning the mztll he htiiCTl‘d, tor none are true. Not I single’mnn ('.-n ht tottnd who can snhtztnutinte any shtudt-r that has horn nude or cm he mnde ngninst him. 't'hit in hont'sliy unti r-tudidly submitted to the ttttenliun at tho .\tlnms t-mtuty Democrm—y, nnd we hope nnd i'ltlt' tvgttin that he he our [hxl candidate iur litt' Lt-p‘isiulure by xtCt'inv tmttion. YOlll'HJ't‘Fpt'LiHlil'v. .t, w” - SPECIAL NOTICES. EDITOR UP THE sum-mm Dun Fun—“'in: _\uul pvrmission. I Niall to my to Ihv remit-r 1 uf your [:flp'f. that, 1 “ill send, hy return mu“. 1') :xll who w'hh il.[f|3cv] A Recipe, with fu'l nlin-x-linna fur Inuking‘nnd using u simple VL-yohllh- if vhn, ”mt will cf tm-umlly rmnm‘ofiu ll'll 1L1) < l'm‘plgsJuuu-hcs, Tun, Flu-Hrs, and .:Il lmluuhim uf the Slun, 10m ing the Fame.wfi;dc an, u-molh and hcuu ufnl. ) will rl5O mni] free 10 'Jmu- hm'mg qud Heads, or Dare I’m-M. s'n.ph- Junction.» and in!..rm:\tiun uml “in muhh- Hum m in“. a {all gran-11l m Luwriunl ll.nr, \\ '.Mu-rs, urn .\lomtncha. in log-- Hmn lhirxy dug s. y All nm-licdious nnuvoml My nturn mail \\ ilhau: charge. ’lk‘sperlhllly yuurs, THUS. l'. L‘HAPMAL‘, Cln mm, 8:“ Brundwny, New York. Nov. 3u. 3111 THE ORE \TI-In‘T BISCOYEHY OF THE AGE. Fun-mars, ”milk a and others can- purvhuse no rune-1y man] to Dr. Tohins’ Yonctmn Lini monl, fur dysenil' r_\', colic. moup, ('hroljc rhon- mallsm, sore [l rout, mall: u-lw, St‘n sickness. en's, lam: nSI swellingl, bruisesZ olrl sores. m-ud nL-lw, movquilu him, pnim in the limbs, chest. back, 3w. ll'il. duos nu! g‘w- rclwl‘llucmnnoy will be refundcg. All that is nrkcd is u “Lil, null use it .\cwnzd‘mg to 11”.- direcliuns. ‘ Dn. ’X‘onus—gnmr Snr: l have ".30.! your Vonefinn Linimlont in my f-mfly for n number of years, nmt heliew it to he the Ina-t nrlirle for what it is rrmmmunficnl that [ Imu- Her used. Fur sudllun alt-m 1 ol'crnup it is inmL unble. l hue l'o hcsimlinn Ln locnmmemliyig it far All {1.9 nws it puHc-‘tm‘to cure. llmx‘e sold it l'cr mmy 3mm». nnd it gives entire am.- iafnclion. CHAS. H. 'IRIMSER. Qn xkerlown, .\'. J., May B‘lB3B. l'lico 40 um! EU ('rnfi. Suld’ by n" drug g'vstfi. Nike. .50 €o.ll.“de Sum, .\'yw Yank (at. 16, lm KNOWLEDGE 01-"! ES 5 \W‘la' LIFE . Every 111 mg being has 'lll Ins 93516111 IM I‘I'RITIES. “hon Hume are within ihnir 11:1- turnl limm, our lu-ullh is c-md ; hm uhénthe-y 1m- in ex: ass, pains, mMs, [inclllnzhi‘ll|; gout, «IL-Hm;l coiln't-ness. diarrhuw, dyecfituy, crisilelnsJé, 3:12, I|Hilllls. What we ham: to do to rc'row'r nur ht-ulllris 90 lake cu} {mm the HOWELS ,\\’D THE (ILCI'LATIUN lhe ucess of impurnios. Tins dune, hvnllh tol lurs ofncu-biiy. BRANDL'H'X‘H’S {’IlgLS are the only medicine that ("In dq 111 i: wilh entire safely ton“ the 011.211.: of 1112 bady. HEX -111111115 OF '1 HUL‘SAXIIS are nnw liring who have adopted BRANDRHTH'S PILLS as Illeir only remedy for periods or from lllirly to fifty years, and 11 hose m'ornge hmhh is rxvelleul. They have aim!” cure-l lhrmreh‘es, mum sick, by usnglncu l.\' ’OCENT AND IXFAL [ABLE PILL“. Princkml uflice. “mu-Imm Bhiluing, .\‘rn York. [O6l. 10'. lm TERRIBLE IMSUMISURES. Sac-mm; run nu .\lnlsu :fi-A mo." "lun ble and wumlmlul puhlimlinn. A fork of 400 ’ingl'l, um! ;20 cglnri-Ldllunpnrin”.l DB, . , llL‘N'lßll'S YA‘ )E M 'l, un origin» “4 T 0 DIE 1“ A 3‘“) CALSE ' I populnr lrenllne on Mi-Il nm‘l Woman. l’heir 15 those who lull in the rebel ranks nndoubl-- Hug-i 010”, gamma“, nnd Sexual dimmers 2 .cdly do, is fonlish. But on the olhcf hum! unit-1y Linn.l yith Nelgsuilihg 1.201293]? ' - v . ‘ - 'Q" fur l leir spiny euro. ‘ a nulce o . _ I“th For} A 0001) OMI- F | HUNII-le Imm.“ bien,udflnmmnhounna as those who we Wise and ptudent enough to Hi, but it the MIME! Eolit-ilgulon d “my“. remedy the defect: ofnrnnro Mill 1 liorFOnl, he has. been induced to mind hil Chmsmnumrs mm DYE, . xiii}? Eff??? "{{QW‘W’W Irwin?! 3' ”I‘3 - - . - _. " . ~ .' lynx-unmet 11‘0“ are “qu cf", day. .m "or" C”, of" the U ‘ be inghe hands of every lumily in lho§ land, In nion, is emnltmly prmgeworthy. This pence- a preventive 0’10"" ”c”, uu a guide 'o' ml revolution. is going on throughout [he the alleviation of one 01 the Imm avlul Ina whole land, and th us heaulyand hnfmony su‘p-I dlil‘rfmi"? "Wm” ”"19“” visited mnnklnd. Plant homeliness nrd inéongruitl’. Llaun‘fac-ignaizpuyf ;;YEE’ f:::ly°l'leg;t“ 2} 2);:01'1233 llll'od by J. CRISTA D0lll),.\:o. G Astorfloun, Sn“: {o‘ {.O cent: in P'. Ovuumpl. ANN", 1"“ “"k- 30‘" b 3“ “”88"”- API'W’ l?! 2 pout [mid DR.‘ ntx‘rzn x... 3 Dlvislon Sl all Emir Dressers. [)lny 8. In: {New York'. \ ’ [Hcph 25_ _l’ ” Dl’l. TALBUTT'S PILLS, Composed of‘higbly cqncvnlmlod extract: from roou mv‘ herb: of the highest new-J] value Are infallible in lhecure ofnll din-Inn? the Livor or my derungemem 0! We Disnfir. Organ. They remove all luapnliliu 1.1 lb. Blood, Ind are nucqnuled in the mm: of Diana hen, Juundice, Inspepsm, Scroll-la, Blliou‘ neu, Llrer Complaint, I-‘evcra, Headache, Plleo. Mercurial Disenxu, Hereditary] Human. Dou z‘or mlulu, «no pill in the m‘ouiuz. children nlfn. pfll‘. From one to three pills will cure ordinuy cues, and lrum om,- lo' Ihno bout wing-nu In: curable can of an 111-" ft ho. long‘llnndl‘ng. Price $l.OO per box. del supplied or soul. by mail. - V. MOTT 'I‘ALIiUTT, M. D., k 00., 433 Fulton St, New Yprk. T 0 CONSUM PTIVES The umiersiyned having been restored to; heulth in a few weeks liy :1 very simple reme dy, utter hnvi’ng suflerrd several years, with n. severe lung affection, and that drunken“ j Consumption—is nnxious to make known to his fellow-sullen" the means nfcure‘ { To nil wlxb desire it, he will send 3 copy of the prescription used, [free-oi charge,lwith‘ the directions for preparing and ‘ueiuz the; name. ihich they will find 11 lure cure for Cos-s salr'norl, Aenuu, Bnoxcnmn, Cocunlfiows. etc. The only object. of the advertiser in tenu- ' ing the prescription in to benefit the afllictcd. and spread informmion which he conceives to be invalunbie, and he hopes every :ufl'erer will 1 try himremedy, u itnvill cost, them nothing, and Ixuy prove it blessing. ' Pmies wishing the pruniption. will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Willinniuburgh, Kluge co., Kew York. Oct. [6. 3m 4 IRON IN THE BLOOD. ' Tn: Pncvnx Snur Inpplica the bfood with in has l-quxr,lßON,infuuing Snuaru, Vmon Ind Nu- luninlo It. whole symm— For Dvnlrau, Dnom, Cnolw Mutton» Dun-mu anu anxlu,&c., it u upe- Cififl. ' Thailand: have been chbnud hy tho use of this medicine from weak. Bid”. "'9" ing crulures, to strong, healthy and UIPN ‘ men and women. _ ' 1 A 32 )- uze plmphlet sent he. Price a! N) per hotzle or afar 35.00, J. P. DINSMORE, 26 Dey St... New York. Sold by! rugp sugea'cmlly. [Sepl.2s. 3m 8““ GREAT BLESSINGS SECURED TO THE HUMAN RACE ‘ BY ONE BOTTLE OF RADWAY’S READY RELIEF. , 7m: PLAGITE, ASIATIC cnomm, DYSEM‘EIIY, " cuomm nonnns. ‘ rxLLovvy nmcn, n: an as» mun, cunsn AND panama!) BY :nAowu's MAM RELIEF. Barium-mu,- Nsoumu} , . mmmmu. ' INFLUENZA, some mnon, mmcum BREATHING nnmnvsom A raw mun-mi BY mum's mum: mu. Pain inutnmly removed; I“ Mule, Inn-m -mnlory, mo) tion: or lnfectlmu dilenlu 'pro- Venled nob‘urminnud. ’ Th. walk, («le and ner'wonl restored to “numb rigor Ind sound Hulda bythe use ofRADWA§’S READY BELIEF. (Inc bottla wilLdo more good, are more complaints and keep the "om-Ich morn Hear and health than ten doll-WI open for all olhcr medicines or bottles in use. One 'anpllcmiun exurnnlly or n fi-w drop mlgvn inurnnlly will lnsmnlly tree the Info {erer from the mo" violent and terrible pulm, rind tenure Ihe weak. feeble and.pr6nnted frame to strength and \‘lcor. BUWEL COW’LAINTS, , Loonencss, dlnrrlmn, cholrm morbut 0r painful discharges from Ihe hovel. ore Hopped in fim-en or urouty minutes by taking llml wnj‘s Randy Relief. No congestion or. in~ flammation. no wenkneuér lnasimde will lol low the use of the Ile. Heller. / ‘ACHES AND RUNS. For henduchpm heme} lick or non-our; rheu mnflun, lumbugo, paint. and Wenkmu in the bm-k,‘lpine or kiducyl, ‘pljm around the lint. plan-ivy. "telling: of 'thojo'mtl. pain. in the bowelu. Murmur" and piinp ofnll kindl, Rud wny’a Ready Ilgliet will ufiord immediate use und in ennui-"ed me for a ter dnpkfl’ecl I permanent cure. ‘ . Sold by dragging, and at No. 8? Maiden Lnur. [UCL 2. 2n: DR. MARSHALL‘S CATARRR SMIFF. " ,Thj's Snulf hn thoroughly proved im-lr up b 0 lh!‘ hen nrllclé known for curing the ('nh-nll. (‘nhl In the "and um] [huduclm It Inn: by“) (found an Home"! rmm-Jy in mnny Hm «I Sore Eyes. Beul'ness lun- hrt-n nnmvcd h, it, am] Hunting lms often been granny imyrovml byils me. ‘ ' ' It is ‘rugrfin! nndfign-cnhr, mu! ("VII ll ummn man; In lhc'duH Wavy puim- mun-l by dlsmrsrs o! lhu hem]. Thu sensuliunn‘uuue using it are delighll’uJ nnd imipornliug. h opensnndpnrgcsoutMl(ll-strlu-tinns.Mn-ngxh ens xhughmds; and I.3in a hmhlq ncfiun‘m Ihr pnris nt'vvu'd. ‘ More thnn Thirty chrs’ hf !lI'P and ma n 0 "1);. Murahnll'a (inmnh mu! lit-unlu- lu- finnfl.” has prove-l its [art-n} \nhu- lur :11l flu: common dist'mlea ul’ Ihgx hend. mud n! [his [human Munch! higher than our "(JUNE A IL is In ummrmlml Ly nmny n! lhl- .vl"l [lh‘ - sir'mne, nnrl H' llVl‘\‘ “‘ilh grml mum-t uml Snthliwliml m m \ M In) (I. . L's-ml Ilu- "lulilqulul n[,\\‘lm'm~nh~ Drug:— gitts in IFS: 'Jhl' umlu-u‘gmul. huhl-L' Hl‘ many \. ur~ luau :‘xqrmim-«I “iv-h ‘ [W \l, :- shnll ~ ('.umnh um] IM-mhwlw anll.’ unlL-lul I it in um \\ Imh <vvlL~‘lrx:«ll- rho: rlu||_\ ~!:III-. 1| uL wt- hem-u- it In; Lv—l'qunl. in own rnpu-l. m tho ‘rwom-ntemi Iliulul gin-u or it In: Ihu cu.» of (‘nl’nrlh ll An-rt’l'll'ni, HIM lhul il. is dl ride I _\‘ the best :Inielu mi hmr MH‘ 131.0qu fur :7; cum-non dim-uses M“ the 111-ad. burr & PITT", “us'uu: lived. Anew" & Pm, Bone": Imm... Lnnmu k (‘13., 115111“: li-ul. Pugh-If & Cu. 12- slvn; Sn Ih W. I (.\HP. Hum-n; Wilson, l~'nixl,:§nk k ('n., lfiuémn; ”uni-um, Edmund & Cm. “lulu”; H. H Mu}, l‘n llinnd, Me; lSnrnu &‘l'xlxl('. .\uv \‘mk; .\. H. J: l'. Sands, Xr\\' Yurl.;.\:vp!-rn Fun! A l'u , .\rW Y 1 rk; I~rm-l Minor 4: ('n.. ‘.\'l\\' Turk; \lt-Krsu' Fun. 5‘ Rnhl-‘um. New Yurl.; .\. L. tom 1H kl'u.y New York: .\l.'Wnrd, ['lnae .u (0., M-w mu; Hull! n'i<Hl"fl‘,.\l'\\‘ Ymk.‘ ' Fur sun» hynll [HILL-pints. Try 1!. Mi: H, um. 1y THE GREAT’Equifill REMEDY Fm J.u|l:n ('LMHHII Clumnm Hun Plus. I’H'rnlyll hum n ].l¢-~<-ri]»l.on 0! Nr .1. H Irlw. .\l_. D., l'h)’:irinu lixlrmrdihaqf l . lhl' Qllllll. Thu imnhmldu 1m dunno 5p nu luiliug in' NW (Il_l‘(‘ 01 Ml] VLosv ’_‘.lilfllll um] d.:rgornu~ dir‘cflfl‘s 10 I\h'u-h llnr quule «un- Him'iou i 4 ‘lllrjl cl. 1! Hunk-rule: u l urea. and mnou-s ull ulutTucliuns, lll’lld n quot-fly cure mu) he u-licrl an. _ To Manic?! Luflh - it is peculiarly wind.— It “ill, in :\ slnorlfinm, bring on the monthly fwrim‘. “ilh H'gulurily. , . liml- lmi:h-, price line Dal! r, lunr! Hm (’hn’rrnnmut Hump of “rt-m. “liluill, to Mr- WM (H mm rhi a, (:.ul'|u.{.—-’l'lvl-.uPillar should no! he Ink-“n Ly X“j mules thump the run“ Imm». nunnn‘uf l'r‘ gnulh y, M ”u') urv surr to Ming nu Mi;- can izvgu-z hut .13 any other lint; lhyy un- Mfr. In nlh mud anA-n‘nuJ nu}! >pinnl ANA-Mini". Puma in 11:03.:1'k and Hum. l-‘uliguf on phyla two-Him ,fiMpiiul’mn 01' the "MN, “plain-s, uln'! \\ hulk» t‘ng ~‘r I’llla will rfl'rvl :\ cure “(mu nll ulln rm nu! hm:- llgilul ; nlnl ullhhnylx a pom-r u‘x runub. do not tumn'mirmhqnlumri, nullnmnfiur mullnug hurtful to the tmmitu. tiun. - l'nll iirrflinns in lhepnmph‘ot urmfnul vm-h pm-lwgc, which :houlnlhc nut-1H) [urn-cued. Sold Ly nH ”I‘llygifll. .Sulc Agcnt tor tho United hum-s nhul Unnnfln.‘ JUU SICISEH, 2'! CnrflxlndLSr.. N. Y. N. n.—sl,' U um! 6 reduce slump: rurlunm‘ to nny "HlLnrim-«l Ag: nl, “ill innlre n lmulel containing: 50 Pin, I.) lcturn n a”. sum h,- A. l). Buehler. - [.\‘ov. H, 1864. 1y June 5,1865. 1y ' EYE mm mm . . prior. J. ISAAGS, .\l. D., omm n‘nd Amp, formerly a! L-yden. Holland, in locnud “No. 519 PINE Street, PHILADELPIIIIIE‘ where per. sons afflicted with diseases oflha Y)! or EAR} will be uienlifiully \lu-ud Ind cored, l curable. N. B.—ARTIF!CIAL EYES hunted whhout pain, No churgfl nude for unnum tion- Thengnfiiul lacull, ls invited, as up in no nu lh bl: mode of trad-lug. July {1,18% 1, A ‘ g ‘ DB. 3. ANDERb" 1001 M: Infill. A: Inunui Discount. A Fun. Gm: at lodine in Clch onnaohutu, ‘ di'xwlwd without a when”? The mongl'ownrw. Vinnmmfifinr “a Rmasnfil known. Scsowu. 8434‘!!an. Cucnl, Raina-mu. COI-VIPHDI. lain.» ny Chronic and Hereditary Dfuun, u. “"3 by its use, as thousands can team", at 11" um tree. Erin-e $l.OO per bottle or B as”: . Dr. H. ANDLRS & CO., ”11%“? ’ Chemists, (”Bro-dun 11mm; Joli ; Drafts“- filmly . ’ [80»... ”(~39 aLr Q
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