ILI firm um um". We hon o for wade!» uy to those drafted men who voted for Abnbnu’: Lini mol’o’to avoid the draft and and the cur. ”The lenders 0! your pxrty. (he editorn, of your papers. the collector of revenue taxes, the enmllers who ut your names into too flu“ wheel. the criques ol'town and town— ‘ship politicinns who ljve nnd thrive on the 1 Vollcesithey seek at your hands, told you Inst fall that if Mr. lfincoln were reelected. 1 there would he no more drafts, the rebels ‘ would tlmm doe-n their arms and the war Would be over until New Year. The Devin-1 newts (m the other hand told you that if Lincoln was Ire-elected. there would‘be more Tlrufte,‘ and the wnr would continue in all it: fury. You believed tyour lenders, (ol- Tlowed their counsnl. and now you lqulol pay the penally for your .folly. We fly: tally, become no pmdont man could to} A 1 hmmmfimlicve that the pol‘cy of Mr. Llll' i-u‘in Would legd to ”W prmlwrily-t‘i we have been roundly used by the Abo~l lition leaders becnme we Would. not shut our eyes to the trutfl, not} told the maple that ch} pnrty in dpowemwns incapable of making mace, an that it‘did not wantv upence as long as there in; a hinger to free,‘ 0 white man to sacrifice or: dollar to steal.! We now appeal to \lm h nest public to anyl (who told the truths andTwho is entitled to ,credit for tel!ing the truth. lWe= ask the almfleyncu who welgo whecdled into voting for th .flbolitign parly whether theylwonld ,m-t havobetter taken our cbunsel. 9nd yO-1 tedfalhe party that»; infuvm‘ ofsetllmg. .nur dimcullies, Withoutultloré drafts or more; war? Will you still upllold,the party that Lrought .u whammy. upsutheoouiltq? 1 \W.ll you,not hold your leaders responsible torxthe tearful deception practiced nponl you 2—Somme! [Janna/I‘l 1 —— - - an... a A... Ju— [B" “Humor?“ ' beauti\of nnifcfisf’ .snid; .41 hwpepked hucband. "lhnt if uh? nbux-es. p'qn herself. the Won't litany one .elae: nhuse you." 1 1 Ta arn Liaensos... _ f ‘IH-I followa‘ l; :wlir'ntionsxo Len): public 1 brunet-o oxtrruflimocntLhnwlovt-n‘flledin rm otfice. wit I the requisite number of t-ignerl. nnd will be l‘flt'lltuul ut the t‘uurt. o" Quartu Srmionnmn WEDMCSDAY, the Hill: (LI, of APRIL next: ‘ ‘ _ k‘umuvl “'_nlf, ~Bar. ugh,G_cHy=burg‘ Geo. W. .\lcCll-Unn, “ ‘- “'. Julm L. Tull', "L “ “ Cornelius I}, Hun”, . “ 4 ‘ llnviflllllfihnllgll, 'v“ “ hum-n.l, Nikon,”- ‘u Bp‘rwk-k.’ Umfi'y Knhlur, ‘ ‘1 _ “ H. n"_\' llnhter, u_. Littlostown Levi ('rah', It", “ Puller Linyrntrltor, “a. ' “ J‘uu-ph limkrr, ” ‘\ “ lieurvg- \\' “It. Bulinr tuwzi‘ship‘ i'mn i< Hum". Cami-“ Ham! H Lmunm-l D-ln r,'l‘uunun;.m 7‘ "lit-org» A (‘umN-11, quklixl “ l.t‘\i “I'l'W‘. “ Hun-Mal: lmtslnw, “ .\brunum lloslutvr, “ “(I|ng It um,” ‘: Jtnllll'SllitilD, " .“nmm-l S. .\lnritz, Fret-dam “ ”Hui ltu-ndmd‘, ll..’m'ltunhnn “ l’v tef hllix’vly, . u, “ (Lune) ltiullnm, . “ “ 1):"th li'nk- r, Humillnn “ June A. ”Cl'd'f Huntington ‘[ “ _ Julm D. ”(flu-r, “ “ Juhu A. Shuhz, ” “ 'j Franklin Gardner. Latimnre “. 3.» Ul'u‘vr P. Hunsn, Mmmlh-n " i ('h nrlrs \l3 ml. “ “ ( unnnl Wagner, .\lountph-umnl “ .J.n on .\lzzrzin, Ux‘t'nl-l ‘ In. \I. .\'nol. ' , “ Jal'ub L. (in xssfizmlmn ”um NC! .\ at F \Villiufl I. H.lrfin,ln-ll3.~hurg. 1 “If A Sm-ningvr, ('«mumxgulp l‘mucisf.‘(.>milh.(him-11. _ _ \ JAMES]. “.\'Kflflcrk. ' ib.’ ni' ’ ‘\\ . ' _ . ‘* Shefifl’s Sale. K ‘ N pnrauum-e of - mm Q 5 Luznri I'm-ins.jsslmd I 4K”. bf lhe (luurl ul (‘mn‘lzmn Pleas 0| Kllunfl hum”, l'u.. am! in me xllrrqlcd. iill be ex pmwl to PuMic Sal!" at UN: (‘uml Holt-e, in (€eH_\»hl|rq. u." EAT! lli".\\'. (he I'flh‘dky 01' A PM”. nvfl. 13 "23.), :l ] u'L'Im‘IHII'. )1., the (n-lhmiuz den “be: Real Estate. \it: Ihr. 27; la"); A HALF L 0! 01‘ hliUl .\J). siluale in th hmnugh _ol'UNu-Imrg; Adam; cuunly, l’.x.,‘ lmnlmg on “rat ”I!“ slrul ulnll-e:.~nmth,nd _i mug Int ofJ,dn| Humid» Q" HR east, In! or H mun Shilleun nu [he ue-L. .md running 1 r'p. {0 gm ul (70:: [hr nurxh, imp nmd «th k lmmc Burn, with Slud 21nd Cum Crib at xu |u~d. cuu‘mniifiz a}: un nlh-y 1H fuel, mun: 0|: 14w undin dv lull nlmul lio'ffllglm' uhoul. [6 m Hid". the snid lylckbullding or thII being 14. fed by [9 feet, and! or less. nnil' about a he! in heigit, nnd (hum crib, and the Jul. 01 piece 6} gran :II) I cnflilngc :\I.ImILL-u.nnt In :u A building. Snixcd and mkru n! execu t‘mn‘ns [he read game of (‘omuu .\mxarxnr nud (_‘uuuaxa Summit”, his Mite. - ‘ ADA \1 lllilmli‘l‘, S'lumf. fiberifl"! oflicr. Cclly‘slmrg, Mar. 27,3111. W’l‘en prr rent. uflhe purchase money upon ail uh: I); fix: Sherifl‘mus! he paid over unmediudy nfler the prnperty is struck down or Ilpofi [allure tu comply therewith the proper ty will 2): again mm a? in: “be. . Proclamation \ nnnms un- lion\.\ :. Faint-n President of the scregl Courts oi Uum mun I'M-as iu the Counties a posing the. 191 h “Md“, and Jlléfilftobihf 00:1an oer und Tumincr and General Jail Delivéng’for the trial ul‘ull capit»! and other offender in 'the Hill district, Ill)‘ [ht-no Zimur. and who E. Wmnun, Esqq kdges of :he Courts of (mar. umn Piers. and Justice: of the Courts of 03': Mid Tcrminer null General Jail Delivery, for. thgkiul of all capital And othi-r‘ofl'é'nders in the County “blues—hare issued their pre cept, bearing dune the 23d dn‘y of;Nov., in the year ofol'r Loan one thousnndfig‘ht‘ hurr dréd and sixty-Tout, and to me’ directed, fun. h\oldinz n. Court of Common l‘leas,and General Quarter Sessions of the Pence, nn‘dfieuernr Jail Delivery and:Courl. of Oyer and 'fiprmiuer, at Gettysburg, on HOSDAY, tlie 17th day of APRIL next— - NOflCE IS~ HEREBY GIVEN to all th- Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and'Constn oles within the mid County or Adains, that they be thengand there n 3 their proper persons| with their Rélls, Records, lnqnieitiona. Emm inntions, nnq othegLßemembl-ances, to do those things which totlialr oflices and in that behalt appertuiu w bgdone, and also, they who will prosecute ngainm the prisoners that ire or then Ihnll he in the Jail of the said County 0! Adams, are to be then nnd there to prosecute againstthem I: shall he just. ; . ADAM REBERT, Shenfl'. Shel-11!": ofice, Gettysburg, an. 27, '65. t Assignee’s Notice. HE undersigned, having been appointed Auiznee, under a deed or trust, for the benefit of‘crediton, of J. E. Sun-n and Wm, of Mountplenunt. township; Adams conuly, notice in here-fly giun to all persons knowing thenuglygp indebted to mid Assignors to nuke immediauo perm: no the an“ ' nod. resid ing in rho mine township, and an having clams against. the ume to y'rbaent that properly unmentic'ated for settlement. PETER SlllTH, Assigns. 8L E. Smith’s books. yill be left. at 1)” Star; until after the ale for qetflunew» shr- 27, 1865- 3‘ ~ ‘ To Collectors. HE Collecton of County and Sale Taxes, for 1865 are hen-ch; informed that their uplicntel In rndy. sud thy are requested to all {or‘lhen at the Commiu'wnon’ Uflice, 0. 11. WALT)“; may, Mar. 20, 1865. 8‘ . = Do You Wish 0 pmern a GOOD likens» of yourself, your children, up your kinds? go I; on“ t? MUMEEg’s GALLERY, mating plus in 2.1 M county wmhn 5m at»! pleura. by, 9, 186 a. A 0—01‘10)! QL—' 3", for‘lel uh ”$13.“ . Mammy , Joana; . W 1»! mm 8‘ dawned up EA swwcxgm.“ A \\ "} - \ . ' Magnificent Sale. ~ 01.!) um simian wgggpg, G‘ ‘ ~. . JEWELRY. “1..., 0:: ran on nounmnu. *3! 23118! 3100‘ or. One Gold and Silver anh Mmufnetory, Two Immense _Jewelry'h‘r’ublilhmenll, One Silver mating Ware-house, Uue Gold?“ and—Pencil Maker, " To be disposed of with dispstch ”_ WITIltl‘) UT REGARDpTO COST! The Goods of fashionable atylra _md most excellent .workmnnship, 3nd 1m: sacrificed in this manner“: reliete ‘he proprietor: from em barrurment occasional by u distracting civil war; 11. should be prominently stated, also; that. they iire‘ mostly of AMERICAN MANUFACfi'RE, and therefore greatly superior to the goods imported from abroad Ind hawkcd about as r the cheapest cier sold. .The simple duty on; import? gonds,_ _nnd' lhe high premium on Gold (:1 foreign {mills are puynblein gull) umounlvm more lhan the entire cost of many of ghe uniclcs oll'errd by us to the public. 20’ facilium; thejale _'\ - - . ' ONLY ox} ‘fiOL‘cAn ' will be charged ibr an {Quick on our list, and [His rum ibe‘purchnser need-not pay until ho know. whu) he iifito get! This glan accord wlih :he'method4igcenllyfhecome no popular for disposing oi: Argo stocks of Jeyelry md‘ similar prod'ucliong. , . . THE PLAN 18 SIMPLE! The name of eiclg article olYé'red for sale— ua “Golé lluntin‘g.Wntch,” "Gold Oval—Bond l llrnrelet,” "Pearl Brent-pin and Ear-Drops," ,“Gol‘d Enamelled Ring," “Silver Plated Cake I might,“ &e., la written on scnrd and enclosed ' in s sealed Envelope ; these envelopes are then [placed in a” drawer nnd well mixed; then‘ns 'an order la_received, with twenty-five cents Hm- return postage em} olher chm-gen, one of who cnnlii onceniflcale! is taken at random ‘wd segmby first mail tthe customer, who sill s'ec atroncemhm ‘be can 31! for. One Dol. lar. If he is pleuedm'ith his fortune he.c'en‘ forward the-money “cording to directions 011‘ Mm certificate arid a’ecura the .prizc If lhei ‘Arllcle ‘pw'anled should be unsuited. to the purchaser—an for example, noel. ol Punl :Enr- ‘ Drops and lirenatpin ‘w a young man who‘ could snot «earthen, mad had no one to give llmu to-twe will send any/other article on the‘ (analogue of equal price which may be pre lcrru-d. _Or il, Tor any reason, you choose to venture no further, then you can-let the Inn!- ter drup’ when; it. i: And spend he more. El~ nmiucflcurelully our Cataloguel WATCH DE RTMEKT. 300 Gonts‘ PittenlLevcr??. llunt- , lag Cuse, ‘ $3OlO $2OO 30') Genny" Detached Lever Gold llunling-Cnse,, . ‘ 40 - 175 we; (iéiits‘b‘wisonldHuntinngae.3o - .100 200 Ladies' Gold Enameled Hunt iu 2 CM”, . 30 - 80 tonaluls'l’alenl.L‘t-vc-rSihier-Huut- . . ing (Lise, ' 30 '- 90 400 (:L'l|l:’ Del. Lover Silver Hunt- ‘ \ ing (Susy, -30 ~ 85 300 Goula' Dntnched Lever Silver ’ Open-Face, ‘ 20 - 50 300‘ Urnle' Pulent ‘ Lever Silver _. opeu-,l"uce,_ _ , 25 - 60 300 Genla' Swiss Sil‘rer, l 8 - 40 'l-“""' ‘ MiPfi' in_ I '.‘ 1‘ ‘ I JEWELRY" pap. TMENT. afln‘Dinnwnd Ring! $4O to $l2O 300 mm; Dinmqnd Pins' ‘2O - lco 34,09 oan: CnJil'a Dmmond Pins 3 - l.‘ :muo‘ficntg' Cjuifn Dingmond Rings 3 . ‘ l 5000 (lemx’fugld and' Enameled ‘ ’ Fob (Zlmins .13.. .1000 Genb' Gold Yew Cluins b_ - 4000 Pair Genny-Gold weave But- I long ~ ’ 4000 l’nlr Génts' Gold and Ennm. Sleeve Buttons . 320‘ Sela nglq' Gold Stud-s Wilt-uh" Slum: SH. and Signal. . Rings , ,- . 800! Ccnh' Stone 56!. and Signet 4 Hum. Rings - 4 - )5; mm) limlies’ Uuld .\'éuk (‘lmlns ,5 -. 50' 40M} Gbld UYnl-Hnnd 1311116? ch 3-, 10 ‘600’»? Gold and Jet llrncclcls 1 8 ~ I’.’ {.ool} Guldnnll Enameled Bracelets 8 - 15 3mm Gold; Chutelaja CLuius 8 - 30 [mu-l l'.-ir ledlus’Guld Slum-kc But.- , , mus- ‘ A 3 - 1 5000 Pair Lndies’lGold Enameled _ Slceve lluuuns . 4 - l 900'.) Sal]! {mt Gold Ricotta 3 - 'l 6000 (Haul, Opal . and bmcrulcl .llrnnrhcs 3 - ' ' smm UhLl’t‘am-ok l'earl.l".nr Drops 3 - imp .\lnsmv. JN. L.nnnuul Flurcu- Unr Ear-Drops ‘ “ 3 - 5M 0 ”(Il‘l Thlmlrlf—S 5.- lualm Coral, Opnl A: Emerald Enr- ‘ "In!!! ‘ T ’3_ - lmon .\huiutnre Lol'kel! 4 - 10mm .\lin'e [.m‘kets—Jmagic spring 8 - Imm" l'luiu (lulnl Rings _ 4 - 11mm; Sol; Ladlcs’ erclry, Gold , :m‘d Jct 10000 Sets 1.-ulies' Jewelry, Cameo, 'f’rnrl, km; . 5 ‘ 20 WOW lmdies' Gill. and Jet Bracelets, 4 - 17 {9OOO Lmlies' Gill. nlld Jct l‘lnt Sup porters, ‘ I ‘ ° SILVER PL‘TED WARE, 10000 Cups ' 8210520 8000 Gubltta A 3 - 12 10000 Pair Napkin Rings ' 2 - M 2000 Card ankela 3’ 4 f 16 3000 Cake Blake" l, 5 - 20 4000 (.‘uslor hangs—complete with ’ _ homes 5 - 20 2000 lctPitchers , 10 - 20 6000 [’lfoan Knives _3 - B 5000 Soup, Luster k Gravy Ladle: z - 8” 1000 Engrnred l’le Knives - 3 - 6 ‘BOOO Duzen Ten Spoons, per 1102. 15 - 15 6000 bun Table Spoona, do". 8 - 24 6000 Dozen _Deasert Forks! do. 8 -‘ 25 6000 Dozen Table Forks,“ do. 8 - 30 com} mass AND PENGILS. ~12000 Gold Pens; Silver Extenaion . llols‘ers ‘ ‘ 1 $3 to 510 11000 63301 Pent, Silver Mounted ‘ , Holder: 1 ‘ _ 8000 Gold Pens, Gold Jaunted l\Hohlers ~ ‘ 6000 Gold fen: with Gold Exten ‘ sion Holders 0 ‘ _ 6000 Gold Pena,‘Gold Holder: and V Pencils ' ‘ 10 - 30 moo-Goldmine”: “ _ 6 - 20 REMEMBER THEJ'LANI . In all cues in charge foi- forwarding lhe Cenificnte, postage, sn¢|~ dfiig the' businq'sa, clip sum: of [mtg-fire Call, which muslghe‘ enclosed in 919 ordelf. Fiv Cenificnles ill be unt‘fnr $1 ; eleven fqr 5%; thirty lo: 5; sixty-five [or two; one hundred for $l5. ‘ AGENTS ARE WASTE!) throughout the Country to operate tor us. A large compen ulion will; he paid. Send for terms, ta, en closing stamp. NEWBOBNI I; (‘O., ‘Mnr. 27, ’65. an ~75 Fulton 5%., N. Y. » S. S? McCreary’s . . REAP EAT AND CAP STORE, ‘ era-'0 mbersburg street, near the Diamo , Gettysburg. A fresh supply all fashionabli HATS just re.“ ceived. Uanl the first of 'Muy he will pur chue for cash, flusknt, Mink. Fox, and all othqr kinda of FURS. Give him I. call. ’3l“. 27, 1865.. 3: _ . ' Pfanov Fortes. HARLES H.‘STIEFF, A - ‘ C » uunnbrnn or; GRAND ANDSQUABE PIANO FORTE-:8, Hanufnclory 103, 195 B 107 Franklin “net, Wlnuoom, N 0.17 North Liberty street. Con-find: .- luge numbér of HANDS of my own Mnnufmzprb on hand, w‘nh' the Full Iron Frame and Over-strung. Every instru- In!“ mutated for (in: years, with «he privi lgge glexflluga within twelve numb: if not ml, auxlfncmry. _ fiefimnd-bnnd Pianel always 0}: hand at prick: frpm :50 to $2lOO - Sgpt. b, 1384. 1y 313* 1- 5:50 Pm noun. a relinble Cantu. A eerin every town and shanty, for 1h; . one sud flpy, the melt interesting and ex citing book ever publiahnd, embracing the ad "mums 05$ Iromnnin Ihr: Union army u Nurse: Scout and Spy, giving 3 most vivid 'inner pictnu of the mu. We have Agents clenring $1139 per mnnth,‘ which we will prove to fly donbzing applicant. Send [or nil-cu- M‘; Adam “JONES BROS. & 00., 606 GHESNUT greet, Philadelphia, Pa." _. LIL-rah 131 1865. a L. sqmcx in w received a lot. 0! J, cpup Looking Ginsu". A 3- 10 I 3. ~10 3. a 3 . 12 2 . IS 2- 8 3 - 15 10 . 25 Waat43d, A Vaniable Farm 'i' PRIVATE. SALE—The sub-cribeu, ’Azj-ucuwn of the lm will Ind {acumen 0| uni Delap, deceuedyoler I', Private Sglr, the following Real Emits of uid dc ceden: via: ‘ < . A F RBI, silun 1e in Tyrone township,Adams county, ’Pn., Adjoining lands of‘Dnvid Yohe, Dniiiel Emma, Rudolph Doit‘fick. and others, containing 200 Acres, more oi less, about. 50 acres of which are woodland and 30 acres meadow. The improvements Ire i; Two-qtory \Veaiberbonded HOUSE, 2 Tenant. Houses, large 3' ' Log Barn with '2 Wagon Sinds attached, Corn Crib, Smoke House, bpimg House, 2 good Orchards, and a. neverfniiing spring near the house.‘ There is a stream’ of wager running through‘thé farm. fifl’ermm wishing to View the pruoer'y will be ibowu the “My calling on Daniel ‘ DPiup, rgsiding llhrreon. Feb. 6, 1865: m WARRANTED Fresh Garden Seeds. E invite “tuning to our large and com plete assortment - ' FRESILAND GENUINE GARDEN SEEDS, ' , put. up by Imagine with especial cue, em. brnciog over 20601319 choiceu variation, in cluding the folfowing, viz: - Beans, Dw’f, 12 mriet’s Melon Mush, 3 variet’s “ Pole, 3 H | “ Water, 6 “ . Beets, 8 “. Mullard,‘ "1‘ “ ‘Brocoli, 3 "~ . Noahroom Splink , Brnsael’l Sprouts, Kutnrlinm, _ Cnbbnge, 10 variet’s Okn, or Gumbo, Carrots, 3 " Onion, 8 "rich I Cauliflower, 6 “ Parsley, _2 “ .Celery, 12 “ )Pnrsnip, 2 “ ,Cejcrinc, ,Peu, 13‘ “ Colewona,- Pumpkin, ' 2 \" ‘ Corn Salad, Prpper, 4““ _ Com, 5 “ :Rudi'lh, 10 " Chicory, (for cofi'ee.) 53:51.?1 Cress, ' : Scorzunerl, Cucumber, 8 varict’a‘splnneb, 3 “ Egg Plant, 4 “ Squash, 3 “ Endive, 2 “ Tomtlo, ' 9 “ Kale, 3. “ .Turnip, 9 “ Kohl Rabi, 2 “ Hubs, 13 “ Leek, Sugar Cane, 4 “ lienuce,‘ - 2] f.“ .‘l‘obacco, .2 “ LAWS GRASS SEED, lCi, kO. . We issue, fdr gratuitous distribution, a. DESCRIPTIVE LlS'l‘,. which can be had on nppliculion. Purties’ ata diaunce can obtain Seeds by mail without delny; when ordered to amount. of 50 cents or upwards, they will be ’seut postage free, Corn, Beans, and Pens excepted, which will require 15 cents per quut addi tional for postage. _ [G‘Druggism Sturekcepers, and Deniers generallilsuppiied, (in large or small qugmli 4ics,) at holesnle rates. ' EDW’U J. EVANS & 00., No. 9 Naflh George Street. Mar. 20, 1865. glm York, 1'». Jury LlstruApnl Court. , (fiuxn'Jcm‘. ' Cumberland—Jacob Lott, (Fol-9mm.) Francis,‘ Bream, Charles B. Volley: ‘ ‘ Gettysburg—Robert. Elliott, JeQme Walter. Hunting!ou-—-Henry _Smith. \ ‘ Franklin—George E. Plank, JOHN} 'vep. Mountplmsunt—Jacob :5. mm, 13M L. Smnlh. ' , ~ ‘ Mounljoy—Mbses Hartman. Butler—Samuel hem‘ltt, George Kime. Slraban—Jonas ,Rébert, Isaac Miller. ‘ .‘ Tyrone—Pele:- Ilummer. , - ' Hamilton—Simon Altlum‘l. Jacob B..kc'r. l Comwago—Adnm Rhude§v Liberty-Jacob Biker. 1 , AUnion‘—John noblilz. Reading—Samuel fluinnnl. ~ ‘Berwick tp.—Snmuel Brown. )lenallen—Josepll Clmc.‘ _ Gtsmu Jrlnr Sunbnn—George F. 3mm, Danh-l fl. Bonner, Jesse ngCredy, Jacob Snndvra, JUN-pl: Knus‘, John Banks, Summl A. (iilliluml, John \Venz, George Guss. nemck—deorgg “.Asz. 4 Liberty—John}: fart. In ui: “'1 ML Humilianbnn—Juhn W. .\téjunm-l-l.- , anLlin—Snnuhl A. Sxolm, (:emgc ("u-Ix, Samuel But-her, Suzuml Inn-r, J..uu-\ ltu.-- sell, John _fiuusur. ‘ Cumberlnngia'élsmlc Denim-IT, H. B. Cloiner, Jacob llcfny. Julm ('lmt. ‘ Gettyhurg Dunn! l’iumnurfl', Dr. Inn. ‘A. b'“ opt, Wm. .1. .\2 :rlm. ' ‘ Ihnfihnu—wagv .\lger, Ch uh fi Khulk. Mennllvn—Hmury prdmun, Lmhu L‘ u-htu m, George Pick-en, mum H. mm, hmuuel Crist, Giden'n Hunghcr. ‘ "uuliugwn—SL-bdshuu Flakes, John C. .\lillc'r. Lalimurc—Andrew Shu‘llz. ‘ .\loumplruszull—lh‘ury Mdlmrn, Fr'unrig ’ M. Buddy. “ ' ‘ ' Freedom— Darin], ELM”, Jr. , Tyrone-«Gmrge Aim-May, Dnnitl Tzimgncr: [0 10 25 12 Conrad Bream. Oxford—Chrislian Zinn. Mountjoy—Jobn l-Jckanode. Union—Joseph L. Shorb. ' Reading—Frauen: A. Orndorfi'. Butler—William Guise. Mar. 20, 1865. (c Coffee. Omen or 1'"! Mn: Mum, 1 - No. 25 South Front Street, ‘ . I’HILADI-lIJ'HIA. J HE public is respecuully‘inlormed that. we hue appointed .\lesm.“ BUYER & SUN uolessle Agents, for the sale of all our cele brated Brands of , > SUPERIOR PREPARED COFFEES, mph as Rio, Java, Turkey, Dandelion, French Breakfast. and Dinner Cdfl'ees. The public is n‘rspeclfully solicited to try it, as -we are confident. it. irthe best Irticle in use. . T H E T B. A D E supplied P} Messrs. Boyer t Sun, M. Manufac turer’s pnceg. ‘ ‘ 11. MYERS k CO. Feb. 6, 1865. 2111‘ Blacksmithmg. fill undersigned would most respectfully inform the public that. he continue: the BLACKSMITUING _ BUSINESS, It hil shop, lately Philip qursom’e, ndjoining Troxel'e pnlnt shop, in East MiMle street, Gettysburg, where he will at. all times be pre pued to do Blncksmilhing work to Carriages, Buggiee, Wagons, kc. That. he knows how to do nll job- ol the kind will not. be questioned by those who hue 3 knowledge of Isis long experience It the business. Home on with your work, and you will be satisfied when you mkeit sway—lnd for which he will receive Cash or Countly Produce. ‘ - ADAM HOLTZWORTH. Mgr. iO, 1865. u‘ . New Establishment. OOTS 4ND SHOES.-—The Inbscriber re- Ipecttnlly announces to the citizens of Gettysburg and the public generally, that he has opened 1 new BOOT AND SHUE establishment, in Chamberabnrg street, [a Gettysburg, one door from the Drug Storeol‘A. D. Bnehler, where he is prepared to mannfucture Boots and Shoes of every de scription. Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes made in the most substantial manner. Ladies’work done up neatly and upon the shortest notice. All kinds of repairing promptly uttended‘ to. Ont-work will be found strong, nentnnd cheep. We wil]_ guarantee our work to wear and fit. I am determined to put up better and cheaper work than any other establishment in town, and would therefore solicit it share of public patronage. Call and examine our work and give us 11. trinl. F P. BRADEN. Jan. 2, 1864. tf - Notice. HE undersigned, Auditor ngpoinmd by the 4(2an of Common Pleas 0 Adam: coun ty, t 9. distribute the balance on funds on the Lhirdigccount of Jacob Lady, Cowniuee of the person End engte of Henry Lady, a. lunatic, no and mung the parties legnlly entitled thereto, hereby givel notice thn he will utend to the dnlien of hi: appointment, at 10 o'clock, A. g, on TUESDAY, the fist day of MAINE, A. ~ 1865, at his oflce, ih than hoganglkof Getty!- burg, vhnn and where all parties. interested may “you. W. A. DUNCAN, 'Anditor. Mags): 6, 1865. at. , Wm A_ NEW FALL & WINTER GOODS l—A koéd assortment of Full and WintesGooda as cheap I: the cheapest A. at SCOTT 8 SON'S 0 to Dr. R. HORNER’S Dtu'g Store ind get: Gui; lumen-an cocci! cunt. Register’s Notice. OTICE is hereby given to an Legatunnd N other person: concerned, than the Ad ministration Accounts hereinafter mentioned will be presentedxnt the Orphnn’; Con of Adams county, l’o'r confirmation nnd nllommée, on MONDAY, the 17th day of APRIL, 18 5, at 10 o'clock, A. M, viz: ‘ 119. The [in‘ organ, lupd finalgu . no é‘fiéxmrxmcafimoriS‘izzzrsrxm u. .9 R . I. 136. The s”} ”gammy? deceased. mP- SPLRgiDm LIST 33;]th :Il‘tfifli'md George Llnuagtfo‘ George Flick. 150 é:::¢,fi\9old {or $1 00 :ECIEES. ‘ 137xn'fiilg'éuwf 0f BeiwyickxmtorgprJOhn Watches: “M‘Vflunfingfa” ' [Slamm- Jrr “Pd “‘3“! I”mun: 01b3,? ( 250 Ladies’ Gold And E 550 to $l5O 'Stnrner's " A‘lmlnmgmto‘. f omon Cue Wuch“ “Emeled . l 138 'i‘hrl‘t‘(iece&cd' 0 3010130“ 500 GPMs’ flun’lin C‘ . .33 u , Andréw B:}an account “Pare.- s 2‘V“9"°9, 8' “5° 5‘1“" 'dmeuy ' hit-cum“ of '9” Ind. ~ '7O Diamand Riu : 35 u 1 led. _ Abraham S. - . 000 Gold V 1., 151139 F“ “U" fiml .1 “Lll 3'0"“ Gold oftifindfekk bhhins f 9 :2 fl ‘ed ‘ | z": A . a‘ . v-I I‘lecetéfmwr‘e) Executor Quits; if)?“ 2333 Star}! Gold $533393, 4 ” 3 'ler,‘ ’ ‘ .flcninec - "w‘ 5” 322:“; he Mchl‘lntog'Juhn Wad ll 7 airy"?! . 11am. A: Guard John i.Htmostllllhe In", W“! an:l legs" “Utah” 2:000 Egglmhe BDd Gold Broo'cbe 5 H Ad“ ' ' 'late °f T " 3mm" 0" 5 000 J‘3 Flurcutine Bio 5' 4 ” “Ts county. Yloue township 5‘ , B Coral,,opal Md Emacrlfih, 4 n K . t to . Executgfgraciqounl ol Willis“, W“ I 5x90030533: J , e.l 4 “ Solomon Seli‘;ttleutf}',lilha“d testnllfétlin'fi 7 mm 5.3: 15:34:?” ““1“"- . ‘ 142. "‘°' t esto 0 ,500 Co I . . Lpfevegfdfifimgdtfinfi “03,13de 40,513. DISP'S'OM, and Emma 4 a test; "or 650 - 08 : °Calif - ‘“ caugenm annexe, of Abflha‘g'nfiggbcum 3) pin," "‘3“ Diamand Bren-z ‘ 143- The ' ’ de' ’OOO 6°” Fob and V 250 N ~‘W‘mnl f 1 -~ Kc. ,euwwh Elecuqum . 0 .Avmm 3D' h 4000! , _g ‘ 144- Second {e ml] of Maria Ree'ver 1: L 5000 Fob and Vest Ribbon 81- 2. 5° “ Benn" Adm' afid final 3000“"; Of H‘ 90- ’ £O3“. 0! SOliKaize Show I‘d'es' 3 “ ' ade'eeuedinmmm of Albert 3 v 52” 3,0001%??? *th ‘ 2 BF“ 3 l 1 I n' 10 . . imbles p- ' “ Wm. DT.h%a;v:m: 3nd final accoun’t of! 4,l333%“):“ol'6LwQezgnclls'e‘gybg ‘: the 1 omg Ad —.~ 3, f‘ “A. . . len 1:339 9f J}s(‘pb my!“ figlwmor ofl 51%?) g°ldT°°thpicks '33P"!!! 3.. 145 gahlpl. ‘ECeased_ ’ 0f Men3!_ svooo 0111"” Gold Rings, 5,5. etc“ 2'“ .A : .dG'ld . 4,“ Beard Adpp'egxonm accnunt of}; 19.000 “a“ ‘ Rings .m . . tn ~one‘s '.‘ 4“ [147. Gum-33mm of Levi 36M8 3 l 000 “mm"? 5‘ Signet mugs, 2m “ n 8! G _ lagfllnpnccounfotx v . 00 Se nm,Dmmond Rings 1’ Geéqellgdmn i f the Person “Isaac Light. ”1d G‘zldLadles' gdwch’y—jet 2 ‘ lOfl QrJaoauco‘, [Fetterhom decease‘flatal.e of 61000 Setslnh' , 5 u ‘L 143 Th' Zig‘lerhom deceased ' Pllnor Peflrlfézc I“ Jewel'F-Cfllmeo. " WNW-in g- count 0‘ Daniel dais I ‘OlOOO Gold Plus 5-1, ,4 u tament sf- ‘f‘qPlOr M the last. win nedman. Holders ..Id 1;“: El" ExteuaiOn ‘ >149 fifl‘:o:fihu}l;flfifiz defiansed n les. 10'0“; (39M Pens “£62m M 5111‘ - a a {an ”wunt of. . _f e ‘Olders ‘ omn me;t:’3:§£e::t 23f {1193131. Will andDaLeZLfll.‘ J30(;?0(;ol;d1§éns and Gold; Exten 150 The fin wan. octased lg, 000 S' D erg, . Ind' . - x ‘ Ilvu- Gob .' . ”Wish orh’i’l,fii°i’"?‘€’ Jacob 2 ohms, ”“3"“ ”Hung ‘.~ 00 bnh‘er Cflslorg, ' 15 n f, u ‘JOHNQ DELAY, DANIEL 111-SLAP, ‘ a Executurs Martin, Gum-dish of Andrew J. Lockart and MafgareHJnna Lackart. minor chil dren of Moses pockari, deceased. ‘ ‘ 151. Third count. of Chri=tian Kqufi man and Hen}; Kiufi‘man. Executor: of ,Henry Knufl'mgn. sn, deceased. ) 152. The ac ounpof Wm. R 133 White, {Administratonof the estate of Jeremiah Sheets, decenséd. f ‘ 153. 'i‘he‘firétaccouni. oanllinm Ross, Administrator 'nf thé estate ofJaunes Ewa in}. late of F kiirl' township, deceased. . 15%. The s and 33nd final account of Michael Diet ch, {Administrator of the estate of Will am Gardner, late of Butler township, dec ‘ased." 155. Guardianship account of Sa'muei Bucher,Gunrd nof Mary Elizabeth Heintzr elmnn, late De rdorif. "“ Flrét a count. I“ " X 56. mm u¢couut of Abraham Way bright. Executor of elm Lwt W 1“ and’besm monk oflbeborSh‘lmmhernian. decnasml. 157$ Acmlmt of Thomas D. Reed, Trus "fim r 131” ‘ 7 'lhia Fertiiizcr incom- PABULETr-PE' rascal at night soil nnd flue [cmlizing .L'llmlzpts of mine, cgmhined le. 'Mlh' uudzmcchunirnlly with mixer valu able 1mm“: {s‘g'gmls and uhmrlwuts. , It is reduce to a,px:.'\'ctulcnt condition; rmdv for immtdintc use, and wi‘hout loss uf in Lurhly unmLz-nuus fvrti‘lizlug properties. It; .umcr-d :Im-Imbilijy to all Crops and sail-1. and xi! niurulnluy and nqive Ipml'mcs, nre “rll Laouito be all that. ngricuhuria‘ls can desi'e. . . l’ulu: $3O rarl 10x. ‘ ‘ Thim'm- CHEMICA‘ COMPOST. m;- r is largrly comma-d nl' nnimnl mAllll‘r,BllCll n 5 meal. hour. li h, lexlhcr, hair and wnnlwlo puller Wilhelm icnls Md inurgxmic lcnilizers, which _decomiv tie the mass, and retain the nilrogonoua cl u'nls. ~ ' .It is a ter) \' lunhle fertiliu‘xr field crop: generally, nn especially for alajoca, and garden purpo= a. “.5 exmllentgqnalilies, strength and cheap nfix, hate m-uflpjt very popular with all who l)'eusedit‘. M . _ . ’ Pulcsg 5w «in my. ~ - I - . This highl Composne‘l Fertilizer. WWW: fertilizer in‘ pa ‘Liculnxly adapted for the culli vnlion of trees; fruits, lawns and flowers. It will, promote very vigorous and healthy growth of woo and fruimmd largely increase the quantity “If perfect. the maturity of the fruit. For ho house and household plants and flowers, it. lwill be found an indispensable article to sew ‘ their grentestqerlection. It will prevent I :1 cute diseased conditions of the peach and rape, end is excellent '{or gmss and lawns. l ‘ It is composdd of such eletfients as make it ndaplrd to the krowth of all kinds of crops in 11 kinds of soils. - \Rh‘e formnln| or method of combing]: its con itueut. (utilizing ingredient! lm e re'- ceiv the higfilupproval ol eminent chemist: and sci: dficn riculturists. Pawn, 0r a Tax. ‘. 1x - s w I ‘ j: ‘tl l ‘l‘,l \ a e\ \o Phosphate“ pan] manufacture con-dance with ' ne» which a very siperim to be nfl'orded talus k future" chm-dc. Pncn’t; thntita value, I a fertilizer, ‘ Phosphate of me in the. mm \ Plies; $6O I I roll. mans cusp. All Orders ofn T3O or more, will be deliverqd at the l‘milro'sd Stations Ind the Whmes f Shipment, free of «Rage.— Cnmge hill 9 charged on all orderfof 6» barrel: or 10534 , One dollar “er Ton nllewance for cartag‘e will be made lon I" sale: #llvered at. the Works of the Qompnny, on Canal Wharf. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAD CO.'S WORKS, Ar Cu: in Wining on nu Dunn“. Oflice,'4l3._¥ Arch SA. Philadelphia, Pa. _A ‘ R. B. FITTS, General Agent. The Company’l Pamphlet Circular, embrtc in; full directizlua for using the above Feni lizerl, sent by A til, free, when requested. Mar. 13, 186:}. Sun ‘ x VHILADELPHIA “65} fA PPR HANG was. {36“ .Kxumc‘fumms 05‘ W’A}. Ii P A P E‘R S, A no WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, Corner FOURTH and MARKET Six-ecu, QHILADELPHIA. , ‘ N. 8.-—A fine stock of LI‘SEN SHADES, constantly on hand. [Feb. 20, 1865. 3a: ENBY BREAH‘S ESTATE—Letters of H timinis‘fmtion on the estate of Henry Bream, nte 0 Huntington township, Adams county, hnvinglbeen gunned tn the undersign ed, the first darned residing in Cumberland tp. and the hat mum! in Huntington tp.,they hereby give ndtice to all persons indebted to said estate to mnke immediate payment,‘nnd those having clnims against the Inme to pre sent them perex-l, authenticated for settle ment. 4, FRANCIS BREAI, " . ' ; GEORGE BREAM, , _ Adminisu'nwrs. Hutch 6, Isis? 6t ' - The Agricultuml \of leel Chemical Com ‘ Phosphate oi Lime in Ic and v-luable formula by article is produced, so u rige than Ether manu ‘ul tests have proved '< equal t 9 the best, Notice. Great ‘1: Distribution: . WATCHES,OHAI.\'S DIA -250.000 noxn axxas,-tc., 'woru: ONE XILLION DOLLARS! All to be Sold for One Dollar «ch, wilhonl ‘ regard to value. Not to be paid for lung yqu Know Wink you C ED I, , 2,ooo3iii‘ol' Fruit & Cake ankcts, 20'“ 50 ‘ Messrs. 'l‘. I; Ii GAUGUAN A“ 00., 116 Broadwny, New York, encirwe‘Mnnnfagtur em and Importers ofnll the lending Md 1110!.‘ fuzblonabla styles of WATCHES and JEAN}?- RY, desiring to increase their business to n unlimited extent, have resolved npon a GREAT GIFT DISTRIBUTION, subject to the regula tions folio-wing: ' ‘ Certificates, naming each, article and its vnlue, are pluckdin Sealed Envelopes, and well mixed. One of these envelopes will be sent by mail tola‘ny address on receipt of 25 cents. WA" nrliclesrold 'at One Dellgr cull, without regard to valuel - . On receipt .of the Certificnte you will see What you me going to have, and'then it is at your Option to send’the dollar and take the article or not. . Purchasers may thus obtnin a Gold Watch, Dinr ‘ud Ring, or any Set of ‘1 - J 11*- - Jewelry on our “5%? ONE DOLLAR, and in no ('IIFe can they get less than One Dollar's worth, us there are no blanks. The price of Certificate: in as follows: One {or 25 rents i five for $1 ; eleven for $3; thirty for $5 ; sixty-live fgr $10; one hundred fb'r $l5; ‘ Agc-nh will he allowed ten cent: on every (‘Ol tilicato ordered hy them, provided their re mitmm-e utuOliuts to due Dollar; Agents will called flfigtents for every Certificate, and remit 15 cents to us, either in cnsh or postage stamps. T. 'Jz'll. GAUGHAN A; 00., ’ 116 Broudwny, New York. ’ Mar. 20, 1885. Gt‘ 100.000 bush. Gram Wanted. thlv FIRM AT~THE h OLD WAREHOUSE. “WI. E 4 BIDDLE k CO. would inform the üblic Ilmt thcy have leased the Warehouse KUACVVOHM‘I' uf ergllon street. and the Rail ‘\in Gettysburg,'where they will curry on “UN AND PRODUCE BUSIXESS, in lobes. The highest price: mll El? ‘ [or , \u'E. : "ATS, “11:. Gr Tl-llO'l‘llY SEEDS, ”\SEED, SUSMC; mu} .. the (I L nII its hr. a. wags he pm . ‘ WHEAT, -. UUIL‘I, .. CLUV ‘ I. I AI-‘L.\.‘.___,,, ~ H. ' & STRAW; Duh-d Prui', Nuts, Soap, IL. 3, Shqulders nnd Sides, I’ol:|lQe.', $llll every! ' 5; else In the country prudm (- lino. US lIASDJ FOR SAL , Cuchoß, Sugm's, .\lulusgqsfiyrupafleu , Spices SAIL, Cheese, Vinegar, Sodafillunqrd, é rah, Brooms, Buckets, Blucking‘,‘ Brushes, So 9, (tax Also CUAL OIL, Fish 011, an, 8w . FISH of '3l! kinds; NAILS AND SPIRES; Smoking nnd Chewing Tobaccas. “ 7 They are always able to supply a til-st we Article of FLOUR, with the (“36!th kind: of‘ FEED. x | Also, ononxo PLASTER, with mums and other fertilizers. ”COAL, by the ' huilml, (on. or ‘cnr load. Their C.lrs run to Baltimore And bark l‘yice a week, and they will be happy lo carry goods eitlmr vmy at moderate charges. .\lnrkrlmen, \coumry'merclmma, and others, will'find it In {their “vantage to pntromze this line. 1 They ask {share oftlu- public’a custom,:ild ‘ will spare no eflorv. to render satisfaction to all, sellers or buyers. ' WM. E. BIDDLfi 3; CO. Aug. 2:, 1864. u‘ Adams County UTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. D’l Ixconronnhlhncn is, 1851. ‘ Ornc . ~ President—Gnome Swope. 7 Vice Prosident—Snmnel R. Russell, Secretary—D. A. Bnehlcr. ' ‘- Trensnrer—E. G. Fahneutock. Execnlire Commune—Robert )icClirdy, A'n drew Hggnlzrlmnn, Jacob King. - “uncut—George Swope. D. A. Buehler, R. McCordy, D. McGrenryvfl. Eichelhuger, S. Ruilussell, E. G. Fnhnesmok, A. D. Buehler, R. G. IlcCreary, Gettysburg; Jacob King, Stra lmn townskip; A. Heimzelman. Franklin; Wm. D. ilimcs, .\ew Oxford; Wm. B. Wilson, Ben dernville: H. A. Picking, Slrnhnn townshi ; John Wolfor-i, Lntimore township; John Pug;- ing, East Berlin ; Ahel 'l‘. Wright, [undere ville; Abdiel F. Gilt, New Oxford; J 33. H. )lnnh‘ull, linmiltonbnn‘iownehip; John Unn ‘nlnghnm, Freedom township; John Homer, Mountjoy township. “fie-This Company il limited in its opera tions to the county ofAdema. it has been in operation for more than it yearn, and in that period hu madl- hm. one nssenment, inning paid losses by fire doting that. periol amount.- Ing to $11,088—5G,769 of which hnye been paid tinting lheiut no yum Anymenon tiesiring an immune can apply to any 'onhe shown-med Managers for {unhel- information. ‘ ~fi'The Executive Commmee meet: u. the 3 ofice of :he Company, on the ins: Wednes day in every month, It 2 o'clock, P. M. Mar. 13, [865. t! ' " __ " Moro Phillips’ mmmupnovxn sunk». ‘ ruosnurs or ma, ton on; A; MANUFACTURER’S DEPOTS, No. 27 X. From. Sued, Philndelph‘u, and .\'o. ‘ l 4 Bowfy’i Whiz-f, . BALleollE. ,7 \ The subscriber begs Huge to intorntr Dealer: Md Drummers thu [flu is now preps-ea lo ‘furninh MURO PBILLIPS’ GENUINE HI ‘PRQVED SUPER PHOSPHATE 0F Llfil, In ‘ say quantities. f The imivernl ntisfaction this "rial. bu given dot-{lag the/ past but yenn, in: so u:- crcnud therlemd that l have been compelled to greatly. euknfge my capacity for iu‘manu fnclure, nnd hate bcen induced to eunblilh I hnnch house (in the on] of Bahimore. I trust. that. X will be/luble to fill all order: during the lesson. Ye! my role ufiru comefiru‘uived. Discount/to leers.‘ . . /' “QED PHELPS, ,Eole Proprietor and 'Mnnutncturer, Mar. yo, 1856. 6m - v 1: ““‘ ' xdmsxom E summon ‘ sxcsnsxonu go ExcelsiothMng Mme h the oat lin he World. Cu“ and snails it. .6433“. 1 cc n m mumm‘myamt can"; / J TYSON BfiOTm-Jns. Schencka's Bandung Pill: ‘ For: 'BIOK x,“ ' ACRE, In Surfers, cm- un gun. This has received its name from n. éonstnnt nau’ueu or sickness It the Itomnch, which int tend: the pain in the head. Thin heideehn is apt to he begin in the morning on weklng from a deep deep, and when some irregularity of dlet has been committed on the day before, or sometimes for levornldaya previous. At first. thereis a. diltrusingly oppressive feeling in‘ the head, which gruluully merge: into a. se vere, heavy pain in the temples, 'fxcqnenply {ll-l tended by a sense of fullness and tenderness' in one eye, ah'd extending 3611:551e forchcnd.l There is a' clammy, unpleasant .taste in 'the‘ mouth, in' ufl'qnsive bleath, and the longuel covered with a yellowish white fur. The suf—l {erer desires to be glone in 52 dark room. Au| soon as the patient. teels the fullness in the head and pnin in the temples, tnke 'a largel dose 01 Schenck’a Mandala Pills, and in an hour om they 'will Ice! :3 well u ever.— This has been tned by thousa’nda, and ‘il al vnyLsure to cure, and {hate-d of the nick headache coming on every week or ten days, they will not be trbnbled with it o ncein three months. - ' ' , 70 [o'o 30 8 10 Schenck's lsndrnkefilin are composed of 3 number of root: besides Podophinin, or con centruted Mandrake, all of which tend to relu the secretion: oi the lii-ennui act more prompt than vblue‘ pills or mercury, and withoutlenr— ing any dangerous .eifecu. ln :1 billone per son they will show themselves .hy the stools. They will expel woman, mucus, bile and all morbid matter from the lystem. In lick headache, it they nre\gnlten “directed above, (1. full done as soon as We] the first symp toms of it,) Dr. Schenck 'll and has direci 'cd his :gents to return the . ney if they do not give perfect satisfaction. Ifn person has been pompelled t _ late at night,lnd drink too much ji taking in dose of pills on going to bed, t. morning he will feel ~15 though he had Dt\ drank a drop, unless he forgets to go to bed It all. ‘ ' The; onl): cost 25 cents a box. 4 " 10 3 ii 8 C " 10 Whoever lakes them will never 'usc any other. They ar'e worth a dollar to n sick man for evory‘cent they cost. Dop'l. forget the ntune-Scuzxcx‘s MA:- pasx: Plus. - Sold "oh-am and retail at Dr. Schenck's Plincipnl Uflice, No, 15,‘Nort11 Sixth street, Philadelphia, and by Druggisld and Store keepers generally. ~ Price for Pulmonic S)1-up,,Scnweed Tonic, ench'Sl 60 per bottle. $7 50 the half dozen,’ or tvio bottles of Syrupand pnc of Tome, lot aim. * - ‘ 1}”- ‘Schcnck will be at his office, No. 15 Norih Sixth Street, Phii‘ndeiphla, every Sutur. pay to see patients. iléjnykea no charge for advice, but for a lhqmugh exguninalion ofihe lungs with his llcspirometor, he qhargvs $3. 'Mnr. 20, 1365. Unc,’64. - , K U. 3. 730 Loan! BY authority of the Secretary of the Treas ury, ghe undersigned ha! assumed the General Subscription Agency for (he file of United States Treasury Notes, bearing seven and three tenth: per cent. interest, per :umum, known as the ‘ SEVEN-THIRTY LOAN. _ These notes a’re issueti under dme of August 15m. 1864,11nd are payalle thrv-c years from that thus, in currenry, or Qre convertible ut the optio‘mof the holder into - U.‘s.\§.2o Six per cent. GOLD - BEARING BONDS These bonds are now worth ('1 premium 0! nine pct any; Including gold lntercit from Not, which mike: the Actual profit and): 7-30 loan, at curl-ant rm", including interest, about ten per cent. per annum,_besidos it: u emplion from Stfle and mufii‘ciyal “taxation, which adds from one to 4hrce per cent. mom, according to the rate levied on other lnrufcl‘l". The inl§icst is [my-able semi-annually by con; pnns attached to each note, Ihich may be cut ofl‘uud sold In any bank or banker. , The interest hmou‘nls 26 l Oue cent per day on a $5O note. 7" ‘wo cents “ “ $lOO “ x $5OO “ ’ H N 51000 :f/ u a $5OOO A: T u H , ll 20 (5 $1 ‘ Note: ofall )8 denomination ngfiled will ‘ 'shed upon receifit 0( sub w . I.\’ 1151 mm ' meat/and it. is con ,, 'or advantages ‘ . PEOPLE} '1 Id, which ‘ ‘ ext 60‘ \ ly : n I .‘E be promptly furn, scripth us. This is ‘ THE oxu' I:()\\ now offered by the Goveu Mendy éxpocled that its BL_ will make it the A ,' GREAT POPLLAR LOAN OF T! Less than 900,000,000 rem-in um. will probnbly be disposy/of within the\ or 90 days; wfiefi the ow: will undoul command» a: premium/‘1 hu nnilonnly \ the case on closing lilo subscriptions to olhel Loans. '/ In order that‘citifieus or every toiu om] sec lion of the conn/téy may bb worded {acumen for taking the Loan, the Notional Banks, Suto Bngks, and Prints Booker: throughout the country‘hove/gtgonlly agreed to recolve nih aqriptions [it p. Squscriberl will lel'ect their o‘fn/ikentl, in whom they have confl denve, ap’d who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they re ceive ,o/rden. JAY COOKE, , / Soblcription Agent, Philndelphla. Subgcriptionl will b 6 received bf the First Nslionnl Bank of Gettysburg, mad the Getty:- p/nrg Nation-l Bunk. [Feb.'27, '65. am ’.........._...._ “.._—.mfl ..." ‘_'.. New Spring Goods. MALL PROFITS t QUICK SALES. J . L . SCBI C K‘ would respectfully In] to the citiunl’ 0! Get tysburg And vicinity. um he is now receiving n hi: non ‘lplendid ‘ ' STOCK OF SPRING GOODS. The flock consist: in put. of Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS, of every ducription. SXLKS, , ‘ nozwsxqun, ‘ CHALLIEs, DELAINES, BUMBAZINES, ‘ ALPACCAR, . mms, CA‘LICOVES, lo! 3!] qnllitiu 3nd choicest ltyleil, which'wnll be lON In PRICES To DEFwOMPBTITIUN. [ runmsmxe G 03 of I“ kibdl, including Silk, Line ‘ and Cotton Hundkerchletn, Gloves, chklngfic. ’ Also. a splendid luonnenf RIBBONQ, ‘ancu Ind Edglm, finhrellu Ind Parasol” 7- | My flock of WHITE GOODS wlll be {hand full {-nd cqlnplcu, and guuonen may rely upon . :lvayn getting good good. u the lawn: poul lble pricu. ‘ 1 Gentlemen will find it to than alumna}: 'cull and examine my flock of \ ~ f= CLOTBS, . CASSIM ERES Ind : ‘ VEsnxUs, of all thfiel Ind choice“ Itylu. ‘ ’ My 2;, 1864. . J. L. SCHICKH _.A ..—-.—~——.——-«—.——‘———~m‘ W- RR first and find Icconnl of fiobufinn T szel, Gommime of “cab Ftckel, (lunv atic,) Int; 0! Hunfingwn tovnlhip,‘now dg. celud, has been filed In the Court of Common Pic“ of Adam county, ad will be. confirm“ by the skid Conrghon the 17!!! dl] of APRIL 1191:, ulna «use be shown. to the tonmry. JACOB BI’SHBY, Protb’y. Mn. :0, 1865‘ ms , ‘ stay out “e, by next mm Important Announcgmont. GMAT ‘SALE- " 2 ‘ ; ‘ or ‘ WATCHES, mums, DIAMOND ml to ONE MILLION DOLLARS we at To us mfirnaxu or n ' - ONE 1: (ILLA R EA 017! Without trgwd Lu Value! NM tn be.pnld {m until you kqowyhm, you nre to waive! ll Spreadid Lia or .\'rlu-h'sll An m be,aold fur (me U Mar anrh n! 250 Gents‘ (‘wm bunting-cam ‘ \Vutchqe, ‘_ ' $5OlO Swami: 250 LadTes' fluid and Enflml'u ed huuy‘ug-cuso Watches, 1 600 Gents' huntinoigusc Sil vcr Watches, ‘ 353‘ 200 Diamond Ringt, f 50 “ {OOO Go'd Vest}; Neck Chaim, 4 “ f‘umU Gold Um] Han-l “I.“ leß, 4 ” SWO Jet and (NM thcflelq. G “ 2990 Chum luiue Chain: nnd ‘Ouard Chums. ' d 5 “ 7000 Solit.u’irv&uultl Brooches, 4 u 5000 Uuml, Upnl and Emcinld Bram-[163, ‘ 3000 Gold, Cnmeo, Ind Pearl Ear Drops, ‘ ~ . 5000 ,Mosaic, Jet, Lava, and Fir'ntine EM Drops? 7500 Coral. Dpn‘l, and Emerald Ear Drops, ' . « 4000 California Dhun’d Breast- pins, 2:50 “ 3000 Gold Fab 5: Vet". Wplrll keys, 2' 4000 Fob 81 Vest Ribbon-slides, 3 fl 5000 sets Sulimire Sleeve-bul- ‘ to‘nl, Studs, to“, ‘ 3‘ “ 3000GoldTnlmtrles.Pencils,&c.. 4 u 10(0 Mininlure Lockets, 2.30 ” 4000 Miniature Lockets, Haglc - Spring, 0 , l 0 “ 3000 Gold Tunthpicks, Crosser, 'J “ 5000 Plain Gold Rings“ 4 “ 50m Chused Gold Rings, 4 ” 1000 SloncSeMtSigncl Ringl,‘ “‘ 1000 California. Diumon‘d King‘s, 2 “ 'l5OO sets Ladies’ Jewelry—Jet. and Gold, ' 5 " 600052“andies'Jewelry—(‘umv $O, l’enrl,opnl,& ntlu-r stones, 4 "- 10000 Gold l'cn9,Silver lix‘lm sion holders and Palm“, 4 ‘4 1000 Gold Pens & Gold muunl-' ed Holders, 6 “ 5000 Gold Pens and Gold cx tension Holders, l?" 5000 Ladh s'Gilt & Jet Bucklrs,» fl “ \mn Lmlies’ am n7nd Jet. um \{nnd lhlla, 5 f‘ '_l\ er (.‘ohlus and Drinlh, . ’- EOM ing I is, 300 SiWsiors, 2000 Silver Eruii, Card. and ane Bzxsketb,‘ _ 2|) “ 5000 dozen Silva on Spoonn. 103* -10000dozenBil\'er bicSivoous and Eorlu, \\ 29'” 40 ’“ ARRA§DALB & 420., limufaclurerl’figonm‘ No. in? Bnomwn, ’{nw Yonx, Announce thatnii 'oi‘ the nihxk'e list of good; will be acid {of Us: Holt“! each. ‘ ' ~ ' in consequent-g oitii'e great. ammfionpl trade in the manufacturing districtsbl‘ Eng kind, through the war hating cut 06' theylup ply of cotton, 3 large quantity 0! Valuable Jewelry, originally intendcfl for the English market. hu been sent off for sale in this enun lry, AND “(181‘ iii-1 SULD AT ANAPSAURI“ FIFE!" Under these circumfianCesM’AiißriN DALE &‘CO., acting as agents for. [film princi. -pul Eurofiénn manufacturers. buys resolved. upon a GREAT GIFT DISTRIB‘U'IIUMIUI)‘ jugl’tifthe following regulations: ' Certificates ufliie vnriousnnicles m lint put. into envelopes, sculedhpvnuil mixed mud ‘ when ordered._nre (nkrn on; without regard f‘ Io ciioic‘, and sent by mail Illius giving all :1 fair chance. On receipt of',llie‘cerliflcule, you will see wimtyon are lqinyi‘e, and than it is at, your option In send the/dollar and x: the iii-title or not. Pnrcimsdts any film: in 5‘ com \\'.m-.h. Dim “mné, or any Sci. of .lemiry on our lisi hip Donn. _SEND 25 .CENHV .JR CERTIFICATE. In all transactions by mailhwe shall chargou for lunmrding the Ccr'ificntcs, paying postage, and doing the luykinenfizb Scents ench, which must be Enclosed/when the Certificate-ll lent. ‘for. vac Certificates will be sent fbr $l, elevenlfér $2, thuty for $5, sixty-five for $l.O, “tidal [mute/1 for $l5. - _ -' ;‘ AGE ’TS.,+—We w'nnt agents in eirery regi ment; 0. d in every town ‘nnd county in the counfry, 15nd those acting us such will be Il luwéd IQ/qnls' on every Certificate orderedfor them, provided their remittance amount: to one dol’ffix. 'Agwms will collect 25 cent: by evmry/Cu’tificmc, and remit 15- cents to us, cllluyf in push or postage stamps. ,n’ ‘ K ARRASDALE & 00., f 167 llrowdwnyAN. Y. “\lgr. 6, 1865. H x . ‘ ' ‘ "A. 628. Hopkinb' ''' UuP SKIRT MANUFACTORY,‘ ‘ ' No. 618 AR?” ,St.,\nbove 61h, PHILA “'l:an ALI! nn RETAIL. K The most complrtc assortment nnd beat. Quality and styles ol [ntdieafi hlisscz' and phil dren’l Hoor- b‘ntnu, in the~Ctty. Those of “00: Oer Mum," :uc gnttcn up erprunfly to and; the mum of Pmsr Guys Mann. Tum, embracing all- _the new and desirable stylus, Silel. lengths nnrl Ain walnut, tn trail and plnln fiKlH’l'S, from 13' to {-6 springs. from 33 to 44 in hes long, uni! 2}, 25,123,333}, 3}, nnd 3} push routul lhtl bruttum ;7mnking more than n humlrcd varifitins for Lmlin-s; in Misses and Children's SKIRTS we are beyond all compe- . tllion, nll_that are tnnrle shy us have stunt) on the kid pa‘tl “llupklns' Hoop Skirt. Mnuu factory, .\'n. 6213 Arch Street, l‘ltilml-t.," undue, Win-ranted toglte satisfaction. ”Agents for the “NEW FLEXIBLE“ SKIRT, the moat pliable Hoop Skirt mlde, equal in Bradley’s “Duplex Eliptlc” Skirt, and a} much lower prices. ~ Also, com-mull, in receipt on full quart ucnt ofgoorl Eastern nude Skirts which are b» ng sold a! very low prices.—Kid pnd-l‘ufiid me lic fastened lfisprings 85 cenu,2o spr git 31 00,3: a ring: Sl is, 30 springs 51 25 Ind 40 s'prln a£l 5". ,SKIRTS made to Order, Al tend and “pulled. Term Caulk—One Pricr Only. For Cln-ulur containing Cntnlo ue nf Ityler, lengths, sizes and Prices, cull stir ad dress lny mlil,jncloalnz-Stnmp for Postage, “UUI’KIN’S' HOOl' [SKIRT MANUFACTURY, 10. 628 MEG" Street, I'IIILADELI’HL’i.” March 6, l 6). 3m $ ’ , Wm. Blau- 8: Son, . QRVELOF HANOVER a SOUTHGTBW C CABLISLE, PA. ‘ an Waousul Asn [lx-rm. Gwen! AXD . Quuxrm’u: Stan. ‘ Jun opened with- fth and good Goadl, I choiize ntiely of every lhlug uaually knpt in a fitlbclnu story. '~ Purliculflf mention given In the [election of nice not! of , CHINA & GRANITRVARE,‘CHOICI TEAS, COFFEES, 5 ‘ARS', SYRUPS, Spices. Hunting Enrica. Canned nd‘PlcHed Frulu. Worcuuuhfre, Cumberland, Ind othu Sauces, Ghee-.2, Cuekm, and everything the fix our hunk-. 1. I dia crimiuung public may require. Full ”acumen“ or COAL OIL LAMPS. Writing Pnpers, Queennmre lelow, Occur; Stone Ind Earthen ani. Salt, Pink, 051:, IRON nud KAILS, kept annually on hand' Good! will be rcplunigbm frequently, key: clenn Ind race. sold In tho luweu pufibo prion, and delivered 3' any pit! of tho town. Pleas! give us a null. ' “'3l. BLAIR «I 503. Cal-link; ”arch 6. 180.”). ' 1m Wash pad for Country Produce. The ‘Eye and Ear. 0 THE PEOPLE! T NOW-MALI! A Work hyVDa Y 0)! XOSCBZISKER, of No. 1027 Walnut Street, Pbiudewmled ~ A no: In 1n n ‘ ‘ « on the following Dilwmz‘ EYd I‘ndlEAß Dilmu, THROAT Dianna: Gum-21' Clergymen's and Public 83:8 "en' 808$ TRHUAT; blames of ”Te All! PASSAGE, (Lnryngiuahfltonchitisd ASTHMA Ind CA TARRH.‘ ‘ ‘ This Boo Lil to be bud at No. 608 Chestnut Street, Phihdclphin, and of all Booksellorsq— Price Sl—lnd from the nulhot. Dr. Von)!”- chziflxer, who can be cbnsnlted on all that mlladiel, and .n Ncuonl Affection, which by Inns with 'tho 9mm mean. 03!", fig), [027 Walnut Street, Phiildclyhln. ' Feb._l3, RES. 311: ._” _ ... ... ""‘“‘Tl‘J-—“‘~?“—' 00D CIDER—lug! merit, “In. Dr. 1:. G HORNER‘S Drug 8101's. A.- Em. plate of Lime fanprnun'ing (1&5: - ’- 70 ,4 Ell 70 u 100 . ” 30 t: 3 4| lo (I 20 10 “ EMI MI EMI 6 SI 10 " R •' 10 " IMM 8 ll 0 M 10 IL 20 v“ 8 u 10 ‘ u n u H) u 10 u na;a EEO 10 “ 10 " 2:, H 15 H 10 " 50 It 60‘ ll EEL so “ 20 p. 10: [m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers