im RUE magmas. ‘ . The Comm: in published every Road-i morning. h, flu" J; Rania, at. $2 00 per nnnum it paid uric!!! 1x I.o“ch 50 par Ingum if not paid 'in adv-nee” No Inbwripfian discontinued) unlcu It the option of the publisher. until all Irreargu 1 are paid. ‘ I Aouuumxu imfled M the usual has. Jon PMs-Ilsa done with neuneu and dispatch. '33 OI’flCI in South! Baltimore Itreet, burly oppguiu Wamplelis’ Tinhing Establishment —”Qouu.u Puxnxc Omen” on the sign. PRQEE3SIONAL GARW. D. MoConaughy, TTORNRY AT LAW, (office one door we’d of Buehler’s drug Ind book store,(}hnm crshu'g street,) Arronsxv ANDSOLIQITOB you Pun-rs up l'uxstoxs. Bounty Lnnd Wur nnts, Buck-pay suspended Claims, and all nlher claims IgJth the Goverhment M Wash ington. D. 0.; nlonmericnnClnims in England. Lnnd \Vurrnnts locgled nud sold,or bonghlmnd highut prices givcfi. Agl-nu engaged in 10. outing warrants In lowa, llh'nols nnd other western Staten ‘w'AJpjxly fl) him persbnully M by letter. ° Genysburg, Nov. 21, '53. A. J. Cover, TTORN’Y AT LAWJ 1H prompflv attend A to Collwetionq and n 1! uther‘huaincu en trusu‘d to him. Ulfltfa bechcu l‘uhnestocks' Ind lhnnert Zieglqr’a Sforeq, Baltimore u-treet Gettysburg. apu.‘ ; - '4’“ * ~~ 1 , ~ - A l - , Edward B. Buehlerfi TTORNEY ‘AT LAW, will faithfully and A promptly uttend to all busin'ess entrusted to him. He spuznks- the German language.— Otfice a! the same place, in South Baltimore “net, near Foruey'n drug stbre, and nearly‘ oppolile Umner & Zirgler'l store. Getty-burg, March 20. ' , \ J. C. Neely. TTURNEY .\T L.\\\'.--‘!‘.lnivnlcr Mic-n- A timy‘gpuid tu collhclion- of Penniuns. Minty." JIIM lhck-pny. (Mike. in the S. H. curm-r 01' NH: Di uumul. (h-uydmrg, April 6, “563." if Witt. A. Duncan, - florist-nan 1..\W.-—Utfice ia the Nbrth west corner “(Centre Sqmrc, (‘ (I) ahurg, n. [on-1. :1. £3". 1:" J. Lawrence Hill, M. p. .\3 his oflire one I I door Wu! loe“ “M3l_s‘7 Luther“: ('hnrrh in C'mmherfl’urg strum. nnd oppoihe IPicLing's le-o, u h We those wishing: to have my hcnhll Uyu ”inn pen-formed urtl re [l9 nun, invm-dlo ru' llzzr‘rmx-wcm I)“. lmruvr, HH'. I‘. P. Kr HI 1 H. I) , iluv. H. L. Him-:hn-r, [k D., Rev. quf. \I ln'uh'. frat. \I. [hsuuvcru . UHHJHU‘L .\lull IL'53. ~D :. D. S. Pefl'er,- HHUTTS'I‘U‘A'X, .\d Inns l'nun y. continues A Nu.- p‘m'lu-e ul hh pron-Him: in all In Mun-JIM and “nuMlmqn-rlfuflx ins'nr ML In l-nll" JlLch-nl WI”) :my uh] ahnding dis ewe-10ml] :Iqu run-ull hum, (m. :, mil. If ‘ J Dr. J. ,w. c. O’Noal’a PM Hi, xm-I “minim: N. .H r\ou_wr 01‘ I’m!- 0 mnun; and High MTCE‘:, :gml'FeJn} 1.: mm ('lu rch, UNIV-hug. rxt. - .\(n. 'fitl, [503. U' ». . Removals. 7 ‘lHiunnh-Fi -m--l Irving: the authorized :u-rqin I la umLJ n-unn‘uds ihlu er (In-en "mm-- 19: \ . [uquu 11. Him In as cmucmplutc the n-lnmul 01 (hr ”mm?” m' drcense'l relxllhcs or friends 3 ill :u nil Lhcxmeh'v. n! Ihis «nu-um ol'llu‘) ear to hn :- i't llama L‘omnml- Inn-lt- \\ ilh promplurss —n-nn.~ lo“. nud nu pflhrl warm! to Isle-use. - ‘ I'El‘lil: jruunx, “an I: 12. ‘6O. Kocl-er of Ihe'Cemolc-ry The Great Discovery F TAIE .\(H-L—lnlhimmuggy mm Chronic- O Rheum Minn mu helllrufl.h§’ll~il|).’". L,_ .\111,1,1-)ll'>‘ I'I'IU-IIHiATRI) MIHUJLLTIC .\UX— 'l'l‘lH-I. Mm) gtuminuuLuil ‘ en's at this, and Hu- nfliuiumu vmmlim‘, nuke-rifled l 0 'Fes gu-.Al.'ulilit.r.éflls sumezu in li'lwlnzmiic aim-(s‘ {lnna h “’s4th hillu-rm llll}hlr.lnl'll:d by nny spo-mlit‘.‘ imrmluce-l la the puhlig'. Price-50 (cub pvr ’MIUII' For sale lu- II” nlruzgid.‘ and stmwk-uqmts. l'nqmn-«l {ml} II) 11. I}. MILLER“ \\ huhmlc‘ :m-l “ELM Drugulsl, Ens! Berlin, A lulu cuumy, 1'.1., ‘ll‘ Ih-r in Urwp', Chmniculs, (uh, “mush, Spirits, l’uiuls. l)_\Q-.~tulf.-‘, lml \lM ”I‘d, FAM'IINN null Tun-turn, Mindow (H |~< I‘s-lfumvn, Pan-M \hnlu'nnh, kt , kc. I‘qu I). l;.u-M.~r u the .\zvul in Men; q. but: :ur " H. L. Mlllcl a C.~h-1.r..1ml “'II'IIIII .m- ‘ Mixture." [June I, 1501. ll' Hardware and Groceries.- 7 ‘HH Juh-rmwr: haw just rwurhed {min} 1 the rhirsv will: un‘iumu-nu- supply If, ”.\lllfiVéllE klilHM‘l-anlzh‘, which they fit: ullnuvzpt "H‘ll’ old «mu-E “in Ballnm-re strogt, m privez tn :uit‘the times. Our stock comi~ls in lull. u! “ . 1' BULDISG \I.\Tl-ZRL\LS, . , CAHI'E-IX'I'IIJL'S TOOLS. » BLACKSMI'I'H‘S 1?)!"3, ‘ COACH I" EDDG‘S SHOE FINDINGS. ;' ,- CABINET M “(BR S TOOLS. . _ HUUSEKEI' I’ER'S FLN TURKS. _" ALI. KINDS OF IRQN. kc. GRU-(‘RIHES UP ALL KINDS, OILS. PAINTS, an... kc. There is no «Hide Included in the sorerlil'fiepnrlmenu mcnli-‘ned Ibo”: hutmhut can he find at. this Store.— Ev. cr_\' Ch”: of .\lrl-Jmuics Fan be accommodated hefifiwilh tools nmd fin-liws,nnd lluufokeoprrs can find every nrliyle in their liné. Give :9 u call, u we in: prop-wed to sell as low furtash In any home out 'ulZ Ihe‘cily. ‘ ‘ 3 9 mm. B. mum; ‘ ; . DAVID ZIEULHR. . Gettysblfrg, May 16. 1864. ‘ - I ‘ 4 Grain and Produce. . .\VING taken lhe lug} and commddiona H Warehouse récemly occupied by Frank lerslr, $311., ' “ ' WIN NEW OXFORD, we are prepared to [my the highes: prices for all kinds ofPRODUCI-l. Also. sell I“ the lbw est prica, LUMBER, UUAljnnd GROCERIES, of every descriytlon. A. l'. MYERS h WIERHAX. Newaford, Aug. [O, 1803. ’lf ' Youpg Men ’ \ ND OLD MEN. db not allow your mothers A and your wives Io \vex-r ant theirprecious ives lover the old “Huh-tub longer, but like true men and henef-cwrs, present them with tn EXOBISIUR WASHER, and Instead of frowns and cross words on wash dllys, deptnd upon it. chcerful fun-s will greet gm. TYSON BROTHERS, Gettytburg, Pa. Dec. 14, 1863. , Battle-field Views. FULL set of our Photographic Views of A the Battle-field of Gritytburg, form a splendid gift for the Holidays. Tho‘flncsl yet, published mm be seen at the Excelsiol‘ Gallery. » TYSON BROTHERS, Gettysbur’g. CARD PHOTOGRA ordlstinguisl'ed individuals, including a num ber of our prominen'. Generals, and the old hero John L. Burns, [or sale no. the counter of the Excelsior Gallery, Gettysburg. . TYSON BROTHERS. ,’ TTRACTING ATTENTION.—The snperior %Picmns (then at MUMPER'S SKY LI 1' GALLERY. on West Middfmstq are attracting universal Mtenfiona Good judges pronounce them snp’erior to any ever taken in this phce. Gill nnd‘eumine forxyourselves. In. 18,186. , F any denomination consumly on land . and for sale Itghe First Nana] Funk 3 hum 3““- received. new a rt to! (fiettyabntg. GO. ARNOL upper. \v; onueemwnn,'¢o whith we {tnsfltomtze -fimfif’vg' NOYLH’K‘BGL _ , _,, 7,,:;_ sue-tion“ Dunn. L. A. SCOTT EBO5. ' ' GOOQ_,BID§R.—4u‘u meivgd :3 Dr. \B. CAnilM}! WHIPS A'ND LASHRB. good ’- lIIQRNER’S 9mg Store. the pure Sul ’ “gimp, 9133,1315; Bow g Wm“); ,f'plntte fir Line for prenervingd‘idn. ‘ LAPIES’ puss rumpesgu ....gnJ yofi‘ox moves, for Men nnfiofi. an A nay. u . ‘ .wuxcys. : . ho'hsd cheap at ~ m‘icws, B: 11. J. mum‘s. 47in Yéar. l ‘ 2‘3 FRIDAY, the 24th dny 0! MARCH next, jD the subscribch intending toquil farming, on 11l sell ul. Public Sale, at his relldence, on the wesl bunk nl Bren: Conoingo. in Tyrone ummhip, Adams county, the following person nl properlf, viz: I 2 gnonl TURK HORSES, 1 one yur old can, ltmlrh Cum, 6 FM Steers, 5 Dogs, Sat-row:1 ,lrend Wagon and bed, Hay Carriage, Rape: lAnd Moner; Winnowiru: Mill, Plough! and marrow, Single Ind Double Shovel. Plough. lSiugle uml unble-trees, all-kinds of Horse iGeanfillnller and Col? Chains, Log Chains, :Huu’l‘ncts, Breast Chnlns, Rukes, Forks, kc: Cum-fodder by‘the bundle, and Grain in use ‘ground. TahlesL Chairs, 2 Ten-plate Slave: 5“” Pipe, )IL-In Vessels, (front Stan-lg, Wash Tubs, Barrels, lran Kl-ulca and Pony, lllcon luy (he [ound, Pduutqes by the bushel, und : -\':lrie')"ol olhorurticlcs, 100 numerous lo men tion. ‘ - . [3011!” 5, 1859 Sule to commence M 10 o’clock. A. I, on an“ day, when nltrndunce will be Lima and terms nn'ule knpvm by 1, , SAMUEL BOLLINGER‘ John Hnnei, A lictionet‘r. Feb. :27, mm. m .\' Tlll’llSDkY, the 23d dny of MARCH 0 influuhe subscribe-r \iill sell ul Public have, at his rrsident‘c, lll‘T) rone township, Adams calmly, on tho“ roml lending from York 8; rings to leord,lhc lollon ing personal property, Via; A - ~' z nuusrzsm lugad nf Horned Futile. (ope of which is n Milch Cow,)l Show, Two-horse “uflun, Spring Wagon, [inckawny I)uggy,_ Univ-horse .‘ihigh', Huy Ladders, \\'innowing Mill. (nearly n“) l‘lonyhs, Harrow, Corn: Furk nnd Show], him- Genrp. Hiulir‘ug Saddle; \\'ugn-|usqddlc, Side S:uldlc,.(goud in new.) fluid]. 5. ”um-rs, MW of Humans, 2 Log Chains, Fons. Shun-h, Claw-bur, “'hvel-bzurow. (‘uw (.‘huhy, lot of ”any. Culling llox, Sleigfi mun “ruin Dl‘rmlic, .\luwing 51-31 mm, Grind stunog “one "-Ikl'l'kC. Alp-I. Noun-hull] and Kllk‘ht‘ll‘ l‘uluilme. \iz: “l‘da'fifldfl, Tables, ('lluiry, Huru:ul,- Shunlé, Sink. Corner Cup, bum], “Sufc. Fry‘s-tiny. 'Air-ligln Cooking 510 w, Ten-plat;- Nuu': ('lml Sluvt and Pipe, (‘lu-sl. I'm-m Washing Machine. Sninniug \\'herl,~L‘flum, :l'uhs‘ Burr-ls. Mull Vessuls, th-em-uurr. Tin-unrv. l r'wkrry-wurc, huge lrnu heulr. irml Puts, Pun-tum. |l_\ {hr hufln‘l, and n nlr my a! other u'rlmlcs, luu numerous I 0 Immiuu. 5:1! 51.19 (a commonch 10 o‘clm-k, A. BL, on day. \rhvu nll udunce will be given and term; made Luann lay . ._ 5; sinner. THOMAS March 13, MUD. t 9" - F VA‘U'AHK E PERSONAL PROPERTY. () —Un HUNDAY, the Zi'h‘dny of.\|.\RCll inn-1., :lu- >.x‘-§cribrr. Inning: onlisled into the Cnilcd Stun-z senicr, \ull sell at l'uhlnc Sula, at his maiden”, in llighLm-l i-m'nship, on ("be finimlemling l'ruln Fnirliehl m Cushlown. übout midway lwnwen the mo pix-cos, the t'ullmviug nnlpulale [lt-ramp.” l-rupurlyfi'iz: . '4 hczul bl] “GENES, Iwu of “hi: h are good Uroml hum-s. 3 .\lih-h Cuws, It Hull. 9 head of 'l] IMOW xfn‘d Fig. 2 .\'gurruw-urcad T‘uur-horeo Wagons, Fqlliugdop Buggy, nearly‘urw, Lime lic-d. Hay Cnrriargrs, “'iuuouing .\lfll, Rolling Screen. \\'lu-¢~llmrm\\‘, Griutistuue, Plough: nnd Il.uxuw:.nluulnh- nullHugh-SLOy-ll'luughs, (‘mn Furkql‘..lvut‘vflur:‘c li-ILI‘, .! >els “I'm-ch hzdeJ '_’ urn Fruhl Gears, Bridles, (OHM/I, “-lilt‘r!‘ Cow ('huins, Log Chain, Fi lb. Chain. rpn-miers.‘nml :- \nnely of ulhel fuming ur tick-s. Aim-pll-uu‘oimjd l’ugnigum, unusialiug -in part ul"l'ulnlr~', (‘hin-v, Conking Slme nnd Pipe. 15mm, Barn-L, 'l'uhs’y .h'; Huy by the tun, Cum turd Unis liyiihu Inn!“ 1; nud'n great \J'rioti of_mhv:r “um-... uul herein mruliuned. [9s‘Ber lo comménve—u’l 10 o clock. A. SL, 0“- a..i-I 11.3, “hon :nwmunce hlil he giicn um! leimévnmdu known Dr ‘ ' WILLIAM T. ORR. i Mar. 13. 1865.‘ ts A 4 ' 5' 2.11 th Sale. _. .\’ THURSDAY, the 23d day 01 MARCH 0 inscqglhe subscriber, unending to remove, \nll sl'” ut Public S:«le,,ut~his re;idence, M. Seven Stars, (llcimzl-lnmu a Intern gland.) [he 'fullouiug \alml-lmpu-raunfll wax-err)" \ in: l IIURS‘I-I, 2 good .\lulch (Jo-rsa 2 guu‘dzfiheep, Sle‘igh nn-l LirHs, set. of new Hume's. Bridlel, llnlu-re; (‘ou Chafing, llnuork. Sho‘rela. Seylh}, Ants. WIIL-I-lburrou', nnll u smull liund-wugglr‘. ‘ 9 llcdsleuds, Tublcs.‘(‘hiuiri. Corner Cupboard, Wash §K:|ml,_,sel. hf Cune-seuled Chain, (‘uné _‘st‘u‘leul£lm~king Uhuir, Llrgc- Dming Tnbj‘c'rfl ‘ lhmk at Tgtbled. Parlor Table, Bureau, [er39 Clock, Looking Glasgu, 2 sets 0! Woodvn-bot lom Chairs, '1 Hocking Chairs, Rocking Cradle, 2 Tenqllglg Stoves. good (‘ook Store, No. 9, Carpeting, I lot 0! “ML-key Barrels, .\lent Vu eels, Regs. Iron Kenna, Also Bur-roomyvl-‘ix tum. «mung u llih'll urn.- Boules, Glasses, l'iichenyn large Tuble,‘ Chairs, Benches, Ind n great fluid, of cum- ankles, not Inertia mtnlioned. ' ‘ ‘ J ‘ ”Sale to commen e at 10 o‘c‘ock, A. M., ‘on said 6”, wuen M ndauce wil be given ind lehumnde know by r < , - FREDERICK D. SMITH. LN”. 6, 1865. [all i ——l"'“‘ 'wfifli_ 22* —-~——_- . 5 Personal Property 1' PUBLIC“ SALE—On when”, the A 2151 dny «MARCH next, the inbsi-riber, mteu‘fling to decline tnrming, willpell “Pub lfc Sgile, at his residence, in Bgtler gownship, Adm‘ns county, one fourth of a mile ea". or Lower's mill,lhe following rulunble person“ property} kiz : . 7 head ofgood HORSES, (two of which are Ilruod Mums, And one of them with loll—one Family Mare.) 2 Colgs. (one two years old, and ihe other one year,) 6 .\iilch ‘Cows, (two will be lresh by the time ofsnle,)-l Heifer, a. lot of Sheep and a lov. of .Shotes, one Four-horse Blond-(rend Wagon, ,Il’illl locking machine; bed, bows hand side hoards, set 0! Dung Boards, Wood Ladders, lluy Curringea, Horse Bake, \Vinnowing .\lill, cutting Box. Plough: and 'llarrows, Double and Single Shawl Plonghe, Corn Fork, Corn Corercr, Double and Single lrees, Spreaders, 2 sets Butt Chains, 1 act. Breast Chuius, Log Chains, Hillier: and Hel tor Chairs, Cow Clmins, Horse Gears, 2 sets of Double Strapped Breeclyhands and Side Plates, 2 5913 From. Genre, 3 sets Plough Gears, 2 Plough Lines, 1 fire~horse Line, Bridles and Coll:us,\Vagon Saddle, Wagon Whip, irons ings, Forks, Rake“, &c. Also. Smoked Meat, Hathaway Cook Stove and‘f‘ixtules, Bedstead, Iron Kettle, Spinning Wheel, Smoothing Irons, and a large variety of other article], too nu merous to mention. = @Ssle to commence at 9 o'clock, A. 31., on said day, when attendance will be given and teams made known by , 4 DAVID R.- P. DEARDOBFF. John Blues,vAuclioneer. ' Feb. 27,1865. in‘? - . Revenue Stamps Public Sale. Public Sale. ‘” Public Sale A [DDEIMCDCIRATHCG MED) FAMHLV wwwm. GETTYSBURG, PA., MONDAY, MAR- 20, 1865'. PIETRY. CAN TIER. I]? HARM IN'KIIDING V Tho Inflow klu ch. pobbly unborn, Thu wind: I" [in the hill: 7 The anbuml 111. the tulip M For “:0 odor ll «mun. 'l'lu dew-drop! kill the role It morn,‘ Tho com» do- n m, ' And {on at! lover [I clrcflng chip flair gay-lie bend“ wean. The moon-bum- Hu the cloud: It night, Tb. nhr-bouu hat the nu, Whllo dildo", drum], lon 111 mm, Au kind»; on the In. . The uphyn than Woblwhlq pink TM Noon- on beauly'n lip; And hum Mut- umn‘l- euld In! chill n- rnby «can lip. ‘ The Hindu, the Inn, the budding Howell, Ih. laughing. marry villa, , Anki-lq-uhmnmomtnovoh And cloud- Itlll kin lb. kiln. E'cn have» In! girth do use! to “11, Through turn a! pparlling dew; In MIA-g men. can liner: be barn: V Ldoa't think tho—do )0!) ' MESEEIL&NY4 ANNIE LAURIE This lovely song. admired thd‘rorld over for tho beautiful pimplicily ol it's words. its easy flowing and eiprmsive melody. has lately rrncoiqu an udnliu-mal impatui to its, pnpulnri-y by'tlm follnwing incident snid to have occur-[NI in Mmylnml. A small select mmpany‘had assembled in a pleasant parlor. and mm: unily chatting and laughing, When a tall young man on tpred, whose povulinr fan-rand air instantly nrrPstell attentinn. llé was very pale, with that. clear vivul complexion which diurk haired consumptive: m often have. llis lacks were ufillldl'k n-r jut and hung pmfuae upon a square “lute quiz-r. llm eyen. wane large and Fpllllllnl, and loiq hruw lllcllfl one nun poet ~hnultl haw. llu‘éloract-rtmn \mmhlrlng lnnk, a cmual nlrt‘J'H‘r would have [announce-«l him a man utzuncnmmnn intelleclnlpl pnwcts. 'l'lu- mud“, “pom-J34— low," 11:19 "how and he lanky," uent the rounds muzhe mmo fummnl, Ilmwd to the company and mm; his .smi. One or two thnuulltlrsn girls Innglud as tho-y whisper. ed that lie was "Inw-crm-lwd," hat the rut. treats-(l hum with rt-nlwctlulglrfrrvnce. ' lt‘was late in the owning w'lu-u singing was prnpnsml, uml to ask hum In ping “Allnie Laurie," Jain tawk or unrnmnmn delicacy. Una song-Ml?!- nnuthrr mu. rung, and at. last this mm was munml. At. its nwnuon the ycung Imm grow tleallly pan, but did not. speak; he gained to Le uistnutly lost. in roveule. , » "The name nl' the gin who treated him so was Annie." mid u Lnly whi-‘lwring to s new gu~st—‘ ()u 1‘ l wi~lr he nould sing it, nobody else can do hjuslicn." “.\'o Ont: (lures sing ‘Annie Luuric’ be fore ‘ynu. Charla." ”'3. un elderly lady; “would. it he 100 much 10 :flk you to favor the dompmxy faith il Y ' she udded limidly. He did not ruply fur a Thomenl—his lips quivered a mllv, uml llu-n Inc-king up 21-. if he was in n nlnilitunl pn-wn'agg 111-gun. Evec ry round was hu~lw.l—-il H‘vad us il his voice were the vnire 0| an huge]. The (ones vlbmled through in I've. pulse and heart. am! mafia one slnwrwith the pathos of his feeling ; ne'vm- was heard melody in human; Vflit'e like [hill—SO plamlive. so soulful. to tender and earnest. He sat with his homl Ihrnwn back. his eyes hnll'clom‘d—lhe‘ locks of his hair glis tening ngaimt hiya pale umples, his hands lightly folded hefurcghvm; nnd‘as he sang through the followinénmnus he seemed to Ibnke from head to foot. with heart-tending emogion : ’ Maxwelton hrnes nrc bonny, Where curly ln’s the dew ; And 'twas there that Annie Laurie Gued me her promise true; Gaed me he! promise true, , Which ne'er forgot will be, 'And for bonny Annie Laurie l’dhy me down and doe. . Her how isjike the snow-grin, Her throat is like the swan, Her feahiru arelhe fairest That e'er the sun Phone .on-L -_ That e'e: the sun shone on, End duk hjne is her e’e. And for bonny Annie Laurie I'd lay me down and dee. ' Like dew on the gown: lying la the in’ 0’ her rill!) feet, . And like winds in summer aighing Her voice is low and ‘swaet— \ V Her voice ia low and sweet, - She‘a a' the world to Inc, ~ And for bonny Annie Laurie ’ ‘ I'd lay me down and dee. As he proceeded from line to line, and verse to ver'se. there was no more jetting among the wmp’.—nll was hushed u if hf the ailence of oath. Many a lip trem b ed, and but few eyes but were wet with the teak of spontaneous pity and compu man. When finishing the last verse he made a alight pause. gazed with; a searching, long ing expression about film room, gasped forth: ' And for bonny Annie Laurie, I'd lay me down and doc, and slowly dropped h is head backward over the chair. The black locks seemed to grow blacker, the white temples whiter, and the lustrous eyea to slowly close with inexpress iblo and torturing anguish. There was a long and solemn pause.— Ono glanced l. another—all seemed awe struck-dill thinly who had urged him to sing laid her hand gently upon his shoul der. saying: “Charles 2 Charles!” Then came a hush, a thrill ol‘horror crept through every frame; the poor tiredheart had ceased to beat. Charles, the love-letrnyed, was dud. Item for Hound-cc, arm—Do everything It the proper time. :sxeep everything in its place. fiAhnys mend clothes before waking em. ‘Alum or vinegnr it good to net color, red, green, or yellov. ‘ . _ Sol soda will bleach. one spoonful :- ‘enough for a kettle of clothes. ‘ * Save your soda for the golden and plant: on» harden yotdn when undy. ' . A hot shovel held over vanished furniture will take out white upon. 2 A bit of glue. dmolved in skimjnilk and mar, mll mlpre many old capo. mum. of any kind should be mud in oold wdS. Ind nouinoed. ' “um. 1: Imm m: nu. Ilium." 0141 Ain’t Lash—At the tenth anniversa ry of the Massachusetts Sunday School Teacher's convention. held in Boston. on the 18th ult.. the following fact was related :31 one of the speakers. and reported in the ew York (Baptist) chronicle: “A gentleman known p the speaker, having recently visited Wnshmgton on blblneu with the President, was, on leaving home. requested by n frienfi to ask Mr. Lincoln whether he loved Jesus. The bus: ineas being completed, the question was kindly uked. The President buried his face in his Mndkerchief, turned away and m‘pt. He then turned and Mid: ‘When I left home to take this chair of State 1 n) queued my countrymen to pray for me. I mu not then a Christian. When my son died, the severest trial of my life, i was not a Uhridinn. But when i went“ Get tylbiirg. and looked on the graves of our dent; heroes who hm] fallen in defence of their country, I then and there consecrated myselfto Christ. Ido love Jesus—you bet your boot: I dq !’ ” ‘ BQ‘A story is told of the colonel! 0! two regiments engaged“. Missio Ridge. They had been classmates and chlums at Water ville College, Maine, but lwhen the war broke out one went with the Southlg’nd the other‘ remained true to the: Union. Tll y werehoth mortally wounded in this battle. and after the fighting was‘over a mutual friend found them lying side by side on the battle-field, with their right‘ hands clasped, and both dead. They had evidently recog nized each other after being wounded. and the old ties of friendship had asserted their .supremncy, and together their spirits had passed into the eternal world. Side by side in the same grave, they fileep their last sleep. IS’A small German baron had. occasion a few days ago, to see Bax-011* Rothchild. of Frankfort. The great financier was writing away for doarJife when Baron X—— was announced. He did not even 1m his gyes, but said— . ¥ . “Tnke A chain air." The baron. with hue German'touchiness almul lilies, mid—- “Sir, indued! Ithink M. le Baron did not hear my name. I am In baron 11180— the Baron X—-——.” ‘ \ “.\h! a llmusnnd pnfdona.” said the banker, still writing. “you arp n baron-l— luke two chains, llwn. if ynu will be so kind nnd wait. till I have finished this let ter." ‘ Balm- m Guml.—'l‘he German Demncratic Central Club of New York have unani~ mnu-ly ~ , ‘ Item/mg], That. as true Democrats, ac knnwlndging 'l‘h'onum Jefl'rrmn, of Virgin in, us the author of the Declaration 0! In dependc-nce «ml the Father of the Demo crnlic party, we pro mse lo celebrate the 13m 0! Apnl ms ‘heLbinh day of 'l‘tgomu Jefferson, instead of the 4th of Mn ch as (be inaugural day of Abraham Linool’nr ' Quaint Remark—Eels hnvé been skinned evvr since Noah came out. of the ark; and printers have ‘been charm-d out. of their Just dues Mgr since ‘he Orientals printed with blocks‘of wbmi; yet neither do eels get used to being i-kinned nor the printers Io hemp fleeccd. This argues great. obsti uacy on the part of eels and printers. [8 The papers tell a story of a Russian nobieman. whose wife, ax‘ halian woman, died; but his love for her could not brook the tlmught of separafion. So the dear body of the departed was entrusted to a chemist of remarkable skill in his profession who, by the employment. of dissolvenls and campressions, reduced and solidfiptl it until it could be worn us a setting in a~ring, in which shape he preserves and wears it. “Lou or Stolen."—-'l‘he Senate Committee of Finance are said to have made thedis covery that during the past year there were lost from the office of the Re later of the Treasury, on one occasion. public securities 0! lb. value of $1,200,000. and on another of the vnlue of $30,000. 'These are in addi tion to a defalcauon 9f $lOO,OOO previously reported. ,- _ Couldn’t be Floyd; the thief, n he is dead. . wChildren who do not like Castor Oil can hhve it prepared in the ‘recent Paris fuhion. The quantity of the oil prescribed is plsced in a pipkin over the fire, n'nd an egg is broken into it. and stirred up: When oookofilmle salt or sugar or currantjel. ly shon be added.. The patient. cannot rouibly detect the medicino and will most ikely cry for some more of the mixture. ' Butler and Warm—Ax: ingenious Bosto nian has discovered a real resemblance be tween the Hero of Bunker Hill and the victim 01 Fort Fisher. Warren and Butler he thinks have this common claim on the reverence'of Americana—that whereas the last. thing which Warren did was to die for his country, the last thing which Butler will do wil} be to die for his country. leak lagiy. more favored wiih fortune than with notation, at a sqiree which she give, desired her daughter to play ”the fashionable new Malady she got from Lon don lnst week.” The pretty girl obeyed, and it was very catching. ' —————~7 «.»*-——: fiWhen Dr. Johnson asked the widow Porter to be his mfe, he told her candidly that he was of menu extraction. that. he had no money. and that he'd - Hid an uncle hanged. The widow repm'ed that she cared nothing R)! his parentage. that she had no mane herself. and though she had fifiy hho {leaened hinging. So they 'mndo a match of it. Badfar Artemus.—An old gentleman and his dnu hm, whostarted to $llO Artemus Wud‘ufectura at Providence. hodflulnnd, the other day, but by mistake went to Hen ry Wnrd Beechel'n—nnd didn’t know Sb— were going out. of the Hall, the old gent wu over-heard to my: “ Well, if that’s Anemus Ward, I don't think he’l worth a —-—!" The Difemlceé-A tea? lawyer, lately in one of our oonru, toun himself bothered vim a knotty witness, who wouldn" ex plnin, an be desired. the difference between tho“thick" and “long" kinda of whalebone. “Why, mun," be said, “you don’t. seem to know the distinction between the thick and long.” "Ya“, Idem” "Explain it, then." “Wall—you’re plmguy lbickhesd ed, but. you nin't long-headed, no know," said lhfi gleeny. \ ~ an“ prelent there in I mldier n the Cheluuu Hill Milituy Hospital, Philldalo phia, who hm act slept n single mo :impt for fourwén years and six months. r' 2%? SONOBA. A correspondent of the New York World, a gentleman of California. and former friend of Senator Gwin. had an interview with the latter during his passage lately to Europe. The Ex-Seuator confirmed the statement that he is Louis Napoleon’s ngentin Northern Mexico. He Iqu under tnken the work of developing the gold and silver mines of Sonora, and is entrusted with extensive powers to promote emigra tion and form settlements for the ultimate defence of that territory from all pencggncb menu from this or any other Government. The territory has not been as yet ceded to Frpnce by Maximilian, but that will be the eventuality. Late news from California states that emigration from that Stnte to Sonora has already set in. and means of transportation are not adequate to the de mand. 'l‘he emigration from Europe to that region. and to Moximilian’s dominions generally. has begun to assume large pro portions. A few years will trunsformmll those people into enemies of our own Gov ernment end render the EJropenn occupa tion of that portion of this continent per manent beyond the control of our Govern ment. , @An' exchange is indebled to some one for a copy of the "Berks County Lrgion,” printed at. Reading. May- 16, 1848, fiom which the following is extmcted : wma SPEECHES OUT FIST Mr. Lincoln. 3 Whig member of Congress from lllinoig, mode a speech a short time since, against the war. (with Mexico.) and with the usual amount of abuse ofour gal lant officers and soldiers, a copy of which found its way‘into Wisconsin to an old customer. who rctuined it, with the follow ing. written on a blank leaf, to Mr. L.: “This tlfing has found its way away out here in Wisconsin. I dare not let my chil dren read it, lest it should corruptthem; I dare not show it to my neighbors. lest they should suSpectme of treason. What. then, can Idn with it? I will send’ it bat-k to the author. it may be of use to him; he may find someone grern enough to give himcredit for political honesty. He may find some one so idle/that he .will read it, or as big a fool in l have been to waste his time in giving it all attention required. “I” expected. to live twenty years, I would preserve it. to show ponterity what traitors we had in l 848; but as [am on old and infirm man. I cant survive so long. and therefore send it buck to him who gave it birth. Let him do as he pleases with it. But. for God’s sake, don’t- insult a Democrat by sending ‘him a copy.” Counterfeit Twenty-five Cant Currency.— Counterteit fractional currency, of the de nom'mntinn 0(25 cents, is getting into cir culetion to an extent that is likely to prove not only troublesome, but. expensive, to permns of small means, who are the most likely to be imposed on. A mere glnnoe at the counterfeit is sufficient to detect it, if the following points are noticed: The words "United States," on the face of the bills, in either upper corner, arevxry indis tinct. hardly legible indeed. The same is true of the steambnnts in left hand lower corner. and the pucknge of goods in lower left hand corner. But the point most readily observed on the lace of the bill is. that the whole grcundwork i 1 shaded, while in the genuine, on the right hand side,un demeath the smoke rising to the right of the figures 25. is 3 tee of white paper. 0n the ‘reVerse, everyt ing- in indistinct— lettering, stirs on the shield, 45c. It will pay to scrutinize all 25 cent bills for some time to come.— L‘in. Uuz. Internal Rwenuc Decision—Bya decision of the commissioner of Internal Revenue. the receipt given to a sheriff by a plaintiff, on his attorney, for money collected upon a judgment, in subject to stamp duty where the “mount of such receipt is for a sum ex ceeding twenty dollars. Such receifit can. not be held to be exempt _nnder the pro visions of the statute exempting receipts given for the satisfaction of any mortgage, judgment or decree of courts; but a re ceipt given by the sherill’lo that defendant upon payment, ol the sheriff upon the or der of execution, can be regarded as ex empt from eump duty. . ‘ fi'l‘he editor of a western Democratic pnper on account of the high price of pinr, labor and (finer articles connected ‘wiih the business, rem‘ived to discontinue the publi cation at his paper. llfi; subscribers, who were indignant at. this, immediately called a mecting. resolved that he should not stop. told him to raise the price of his paper to three dollars. paid him in advance and told him to go on, as they Were not going to do without, a newspaper. This is the, right kind of spirit. 11' all Democrats would support their local press, the country would be restored to peace and prosperity by Democratic rulers. A New and Fatal Disma—An exchange says, "a disease which appears to baffle the Ikl” of the doctors hm; broken out in the vicinity of New Philadelphia, Ohio. The victim is attacked first. by violent. pains in the stomach. accompanied by _vomiting. It has so far, we believe, proved fatal in nearly every case. Post marten) examina tions have been made. but it appears that the physicians are still unable to tell any thing about it. Quile a number of persons have been seized by it in Tuscarmus county.” fi‘A wealthy citizen of Rochester, N. Y. proposes to furnish a lotand 5100.000 in mo ney if the capital of New York is xemovud to Rochester, and Néw York city offers to give its new courthouse m' the Park for a State capitol if the State will move its seat of government down {rom Albany. flAmerican slang is sometimes very egprwive. What phrase for ponderoua mas and emphasis, equals the emphatic "dry up 2" And what can .better depict the utter depletion of I man’; pocket than “nary red 1'” FGleeley is constantly urging the Ab dlitioniau of Missouri to give negroel me right of lufi‘rage. The proposition is to make the aliility to read the test of citizen ehip—enlor is lobe abolished. We now see why 500 teachers were recently advertised for to beach the nigger soldiers :21: weeks! In the! timeCufi'ee can rend the fin: prim mer. when he become: I china—above even white’men. Welt]. thin is an’ age of progress—w—backwgtdax . 3.1%!" definition of} Quartermater- A mun who gives the poor wldier one quar ter and keeps the other three for himself. ~ fi-"Mucl! remain: unsung”, u the tom-cal and when thojriok-bat cut. short hia‘serenade. , TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR THE CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND MENT. - The action of the New Jersey Legislature rejecting the constitutional amendment eholishing slavery throughout the United States defeats the meenuro. So far. eight een States. including West Virginia. and that other bogus organimtion which met at. Alexandria, and claimed to act for the real State of Virginia, have ratified the amend ment.and three have rejected it—Delawnre, Kentucky, and New Jersey. , Asit requires twenty—seven §mtes to engraft the proposed amendment upon the Constitution. nine are yet to vote in the affirmative before the design of the Abolitioniats can be eoneum mated. The States that it is claimed have a right now to vote upon the amendment ere—— Name of Sam. Meeting of Legislature. Arkan5a5......................N0w in session. C0nnerticut................ .May 3, 1865. Cn1if0rnin............... “...Dec. 4, 1865. 10w;.......................,.....Jnn. 7. 1868. New Hamp5hire..............June 1, "165. . 0reg0n..............‘...'.........5ept. 10, less. ' Tcnncuee......................April 3, 1865. Verm0nt.......;................0ct. 12, 2865. Of these, Arkansas. as at present. organ ized, is no more entitled to vote through her Legislature now in session than was the faction that met at Alexandria. in Virginia, entitled to represent thnt old Common wealth. The whole atfnir, so far as its le gality and constitutionality are concerned, is an insult to the people of the United States. ‘ Tennessee was excluded by the Abolitionists themselves from participation in the election ol'a President in 1864; and with what show of right or justice can it be now claimed that her Legislature has a right to vote upon it propoAition to amend the Constitution of the United States 2—- Theclnim is preposterous ; and nn‘enments engrafted upon the organic law of the land by such mean: will be no moron part of the Constitution, in truth and righteouanoss, than it‘ they had been ’placed there by the will of the Emperor of China.—Age. HON. MR. PENDLETON. Probably no man in the presidential enm pnign was so thoroughly and outrageously slandered and abused by his political oppw nents n: was Mr. Pendleton. the Democrat— ic candidate for the Vice Presidency ; but the recent action of the House of Represen tatives, which accorded him one of its last and most, precious hours by unanimous consent, was a significant mark of respect. The speech he made on use occasion was worthy the‘distinguished abilities ol its ris ing author. was listened 'to with close atten tion by all partied’, was a brilliant close to I long and useful career in the House of Rep resentatives, and we are sure that many of the best Republican members willsiucerely regret to less his vuiuable services, partic ulurly on the Committee 0! Ways .nnd Means, of which he has been one of the most useful members. Between such a man and the representative of the Repub lican party chosen by them to be their sec ond representative in thegavernment, what a contrast! Both of these men within a few hours of each other were the observed of all observers in Washington; standing be fore the gaze of men, each addressing the assembly of which they were members.— Surely the grand old Democratic party with all its proud antecedents was not disgraced by {ls representative; would to Heaven we could say that our country was nothumilia .ted in the eyes of the world by the repre sentntive of the Republican party, the suc ceesl'ul opponent )of Mr. Pendleton for _tho Vice Prcstdency.—Bo.rlon Post. A Mulmmmedun’s War Order.-Abo«lekrc then caused his army to be ranged around him in «circle. "Warriors of Islam.” said he, "attend a. moment and listen well to the precepts which I am about to promul gate to ymt for observation in time of war. Fight with bravery and loyalty. Never uge artifice or perfidy towards your enemies; do not. mutilate the fallen. do not. slay the aged, nor the children, nor the women ; do not destroy the palm tree; do not destroy the crops; do not out. down the fruit trees, and do not slaughter theonttle except what will be necessary for your nourishment. You wry! final] on your route men living in solitu e, in meditation, and adoration of God 5 do them noinjury; give them no of fence.”—Lamarline’a 'l'url-ey. WA walk of: few minutes in this city. any: the'Waahington correspondent. of the New York Etprru, will easily enable one to “look upon this picture and then on that." A ramble through the hospitals swarming with emaciated and maimed vete ran soldiers. and thence to the ruliurbs, in the colonies of destitute. suffering and abandoned negrocs, will present one pic ture incident to the war, and thence to the national capitol. where thousands of both sexes, richly and costly attired, and decked with sumptuous jewels, evrdently satisfied with themselves and all the world, will pre sent the other picture. @Peter Campbell Scarlett! the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Elenopot'anti ary from Grant Britain to the court of M-ix milinn, has arrived in Mpxico, bemi ', in addition to his official letters, auwfinph letten from Queen Victoria containing ex pressions of grenH'riendahip and congratu lating the Emperor upon his elevation. Thus plank alter plank of our Monroe doc trine us going overboard unller the knock! of European potentates. Every day the throne in Mexic’o is becoming firmer and: more immovable. The Britlon at 'ome.——Capmin'de Smith re monsuam with Mr. Holmes, the welt-tinn ry of his regiment, ior mal-ywuncislion of the word horse. To him the et.—-" Well if a hitch, and a ho, and a bar, and a new. and a he, don’t spell ’Orse, my name mn’t {Bury ’Olmel.”. ‘ Honible.—-The Portsmouth (N . H .) Chron icle is informed um a few days sings a large bull-dog confined in a house in the north pen of that city. seized an infant child lyin in n cradle, and lore away one aide of its face ; and before the brute could‘ ‘he secured be- ruped' the child by the throat, and s‘nooi' it until life was extinct. ‘ fiAH‘the Chicago ”perk—Democratic and Abohfibli—Jlgree the late “lunch Le gislature was thE most corrupt body that ever met. in the State. No wonder, for most of in members nroV'lgynl” Yankees. ‘ x S'President Lincoln has pardongd Col onel Fish, late Pruvost Marshal oilialu. more. . \\ ‘1 '11:. line 0] Gwen] Grant’s army in‘ laid to be twenty three miles long. ‘ WHO GOVIIN counirt t '11:. list of Sundifimmmitm oi an ¥s“§“‘i' ““2“ { 3"“1‘43'?“ , 17 out o mpor an “ion of Jo oountryh prepared. Out of the mix Shading Committee. New EM lnnd monopollz- hula: oblirmnahipo—axl the most. important ones, and such as fur nish that“! patronage tad piokingl. Below I" be found armpitulnfion and comma-on: Ib'Awfilm-d Control Contingent Expand d Sauna—Lot. M. Mon-ill. of Maine. . Rama—Wm. P. Feuenden. of Maine. , C'lainu.—-Dnniel Clarkm! New llumpuhire» Foreign Relation—Charm Sumner, of Mannchuu-m. Jlililar A air:.-H W' “mum? f enry 11:91:,01‘ Mu”. kWh-Lafayette S. Fodter nnoe- District of Columbia.—Jamu Dixoé. of Ooh neolicu L ‘ ' Manufactura.——William Spngue, omhodo Inland. INTO. 0(3. Printing—Henry B. Anthony. of Rhoda Island. . * PM! Ofim and Post Ronda—heal: CMA lumenot Vermont. \ ‘ Library.-—Jacob Collnmer. of Vermdnt. Public Buildings, tea—Solomon Fbot, of Vermont. ~‘ ‘ i um: muxct or mi couxnv. » Connnmce.—L. Chnmller, of Michigan. Pacific Railromi.-—I. M.’lloward, Michigan. Twrxlorin—B. Wade, Ohio. . A_qz-i«~ulhxre.—Jnhu Sherman, Ohio. ‘ Publw Lunde.—Jumos Harlan, Iowa". ‘ Naval Airlift—J. W. Grimes, lowa. Judiciary—Lyman Trumbull}, Illinois. 3 Privata Land Chintz—lra Harris: Nd" York. Indian Affirm—J. R. Dmlittle.Wisconlih. Enrolled Bulk—'l‘. O. Howe, Wilconsin.‘ Revolutionary ClaimL—Alex; Ramsey, Mip nesota. , Puma and Palm! Ojlice.-—E. Conn, Penin aylvania. , ' : Engrnucd Billa,— 11. S. Lane. Indium. : . Jlmca and .‘llining.—-J no. Carmen, cum);- ma. it will be» ohsprved that although «eh pf the New England Senators has a chairman ship, nrd Collamer. of Vermont, two, the States of Delaware. Kansas. Keptucky, Mn rylund, Missouri, New Jersey ’and Oregqn are entirely ignored. True, about. (on: of these are Democratic States. nnd,of course. they deserve no representation. . . , in the {omnntion of the committees the Democratic Senators are treated most scur vily, and every important committee is to arranged as to be entirely under New-En‘g‘v land control. A single glance at. the above exhibit will convince the most etu pid readers that all the more important afl'airs of the Government are entirely in the hands of New England Yankees. Look, for instance. at the great. Empire State—put oil‘ as it is with a chairmanship of “Private Land Claims," and the Old Key stone with one on “Patents and the Patent Olfice!" At the nine time New England has control of all the military and financial afi‘airel How do our Pennsylvania “Dutch men” like the picture? Is it not pleasant to be under Yankee domination? The injustice of allowing New England thus to monopolize the legislation of the country-not to mention the disgrace of it -w:l| be more manifest by the consulting following: figures. By the census of 1860, the six New EnglandStntea—Mnine, New Hamp zhire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode 15- land and Connecticut—had a white popula tion of 3,110,572. By the same cenwn Pennsylvania bed a white repuluion off},- 849266—01' only 251,306 on than those whole six States. In the same year New York had 3,831,730-or seven hundred unl twenty thousand one hundred andfifly eight (720,- 158), more than the whole nix Yankee Suites! . Again. The six New England States polled, at the inte residential'elee tion, 515,650 votes. At the same election Pennsylvania oiled 572,707—0 r fifty-swan thousand and flying-sewn «om lOBE'TUAN up New Esauxn! [Gov.]Andrew, of Massa chmetts, gives the key to thin result—their population is superabundantiiy female; the male: being largely engage down south.‘ cotton speculating and reconstructing rebel States by “conventions,”etc.] New York, at the same election, polled a vote of 730,- 721—0 r two hundred and twentyflve thousand and Seventy-one (225,071) vans non: TEA)? ALI. THE YANKEE Suns cox—mun! And yet, after these facts, these two great Stat}! are tendered the chairmanships of commit teen to deliberate upon “Private claims” and mechanical “models? But, as thee'e are days of humiliation, Pennsylvania. as menu her sister States, must bow, down and be ailent.-Pu(riot (kw-ion. 1 Stgni/icunt.—J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., of llunlin don. has been appoinbd Amm uf Inleéal Revenue for this (thhLdiltriot, in place of John Dean, Ki?" editor of the Hollidaysburg Begum: 5. Dan J: u:- knowledgod on all hand: to have been a excellentyofficer, and do cause is unsigned for his re‘moval. The ntw appointee. ‘Mr. Stewart, ira broMcr-in-luw qf Hon. Archibdla M¢Allul¢r.‘,—’[rue Demomxt. ‘ ‘ WCouM Johannes. 9. noted individual of the city of Golhnm,,lms evidently lull his will. He’ fancied tbnlvsomo one had stolen his character. and he sued Greeley {or its recovery; but the court and juvy after careful investigatioh _ repoxwd that. they could not find any such thing Iboul Greeley. nud' therefoxe acquitted him. IL was lucky forGreelgy that he had no ohn‘ro .cter of his own, or he might. have had to pay for his luxury. . '. "4 - o—-—=—— . Mayurin dc: EM]: Uni: “defies the most skillful tmn_slntor to bring the politicn biblical senbencerol‘ Mr. Lincoln within the comprelmminh’ol‘ common mortals?“ pr about the Vice Prqsident’s‘ speech 7‘ How They Fc’L—“llow do you surly“: friends feel now 7” said an exultont politi cian in one of our provincial‘boroughs, lo a rather irritable member of the defeated party. "I suppose.” fluid the latter. “we feel just as Luau-us did when he was lickqd by dogs I” ‘ ‘ -Mwflmw ‘ S‘During the resent month Plano Scale, formerly U. g. Senator from Loulp. iann, left Hunna for Mexico, where he has purchased an acute Ind intend! to settle. ‘ ‘ ‘ 5A Connecticut man has invent“: much which is simpler in it: mechanism than nrdinary watches, and will run, 313 days with once winding. ‘ - ‘ fiWhen you use a full Frown, hemhy Abolition“: outside of a mi itary uniform, either “the truth in not in him" or eke ho is a coward at heart. ‘ “‘A bill has been introduced in the Logishture to fix the uan'dud weight 6! potatoes m. fifty-six pounds p 9! bulhoL . ”Substitute for Butter—Marry the Mo cest gm you know. You will “in have her to preside at your breakfast. “bin. nut unless you are and dog indeed, you will not require any but-her. . ‘ 3 new“: pay your bin at aight,”aaid w‘p blind man to the doctor, who in uin al— tem ted to cure him ofblindneu._ ...? <O.»-—-—————‘ . 38-11 in good th' to Imgh “any "in. my: Dryden. and fl straw cab tickle a man it is In instrumem of happiness. ' fi'Young Indie! who hint on bcing “)4 y. Md to," can be restored :0 eouwiw-u-u by just Whispering in their ear yea “my onlyjcking. ' ' g 18"‘John Brown's causé wu (hat oflwu_ on? humunily. anctiullice.”—-Manmu 1:, q pub imnz 1114101131. ’ ‘ ‘ 5, '\ fink :g‘v‘vflfiofinterfeit “greenback ‘/ out; ~engraving and color poor. ’ El E 3 12:2 NEW INOIAKD =:= MEE!! II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers