3h: ' @nmp‘imm o‘mz FLA'G! I“t—:__' ‘l. u ' BEE THE BAHAQE BILL DEF » TED, A The NH for the uueg'rfiehfiof mag?! ”mined {)y the people pf theborder um ties, ’by reason pf rebql'vnids, bu n- ‘. been defeated in the House. and is. there fore, «find for the gusim‘i. 1 ‘ Thur-day evening wdek was find for ‘i mnsidentiqnnaecond tim'e. Mr. .‘Sharfw‘ wanton ill to make naps-I'M}; and could barely got to the House to vote. I&th Clure defended (he‘lhill warmly. So did Mr. Purdy, lit. Barkhnllfothrm on the (Democratic side. Bu‘t' i this Republican lender! except McClurszflmed it with grant vehemence. ‘Allemamng Dauphin. (the nmo contemptible aren't'u whrfi hav ing a little brief military authoril undefi tmk to “play tyrant"over’the peep] hero immediately after the bank.) was qerv '. allude! todlsti-action heat it should 'pus. .- After a length and somewhat animated discusqion, u vote Was taken. _tenultmg‘in the defeat «if the bill by 9 mm, m pub ; lish the names pf thong voting * fox: and _agnmst it. for the info'rmnlionpf the nume rous Infleren in 1b is county: a mums? nu: niLL Mann. Adlum. Alinmfln. (Dauphin,) M ,l'emmASnyden') Bnlsbach, Beams. Bllling ~lolt. Brown, Burgwin, Chadwick, Cochran. Ulric.) Cochran. (PHIL) Colville, Dellnven. Dennes, ’Eldredt Freebom, Glass. Grinnol, Gum-mew. Haslett; Hen-rm, HiEl. Ham-r, Ilood, Kelley, Kama. Koonce, McAfi‘ee. M’Elroy. M'Kee. M'Kinley. Manlny. Marsh, Negle . (Lu-wig. Oslerbout. Puncoast. Pen rn mien Ruddimnn, Slmrples. Sbenk, Sick, Sniith,’ (Indiana) Sterner. Stutte‘ um, Sutphin. Broom, Tyson. Waddell,- Wells, Wood, and Olmsted, Speaker—s 2. ‘ 'O3 THE BILL ’ lienrs._Mex:ndei. Lnderson..\rmstrong, Barr, Bowman, ‘Boyer. (Clearfiv-ld ) Calm), Cameron, Donnelly, Dormler, Gilberf, Gm dy, flakes. Burner. Headmnn. Jam'ny. Jo sepha(K|ino, Lee. McClure. Harkley. Mars r'nhall, Miller, Minsimer. Pershing. Pprdy, Quay, Quigley. Rhonda, Rice. Rose. Rm. Bauertbwnit. Senight, Seybert. Shad-pa. K h‘hlmm’. Smifll. (Philadelpth Spangler, ‘ Wan, Weaver. Weber and mun—43 l. m same nm‘mxonw , The electione throughout this county, on EFriduy‘ week: resulted very .hlndeomely {for the Democracy—indeed unprecedent edly no. Sixteen of the twenty- four Elev, tion Judges choeen are Qemocrata. {whilst the other oflicors are Democratic. fully up to thin: proportion. Such I victor-p in well 5 north ‘ {crowing over." and we congratulate the true friendsofthe Constitfltion and the chuntry hplm it. ‘ I ' ‘ In four or five of the district; the Aboli tionilts medeno opposition. and "the strong arm of their power" was not. therefore, ‘ "wieldevl'fiewhilst in several otherg they . resorted to the “hushwhacking” game, by placing upon their tickets DemocEntn. who did not ask and would not accept otlice at their. hands. The “stm‘tegyf’ was of no avail, however. ' It seems to us that the ‘poople ere [begin ning to see the enormous deception: prev ticed upon them by the Abolition leaders, and that they feel! dispositioh to express their «linen-faction in‘consequence'.‘ The result of the spring elections indicdtes this ’eeling with much_clea'rnesa«-aml in tllia \_ returning Irenson we see the only hope for 'lour now torn and stricken eoentry’; YORK ALL RIGHT! You, Pm. March 18. 1865 To 'Tnz Pilinmnnruu Ash—The boroth election held here yesterday‘pgyvee that the Democratic strength in mi region is still increasing. notwithstanding the extra ordinary exhibitions of unusually large ma jorities made by this county during the put. three years. The majority {or David Small. for C iei' Burners. at the election held lut‘ yea was 206, which was largely beyond all the had ever preceded it. Mr. Small its yesterday reelected -by a. mniori ty of rum auxonan nan rnxmr-sxvns'! The Democrats also curriEd the First, Fourth and Fifth turd: for Councilmen. leavin the Abolitioniets but. the Second and Th'ircsl war-dab unallmajorities.‘ -TheDcmocmte nccordinily have entire control of the Bo rough Councils without. requiring the cast ing vote of the Chiyi' Burgess. In Spring garden and gonzo other neighboring towm ships. the vote was almost. unanimoitsly Democratic. D. P.-S. ‘ fifhomunic'lpal election at Harrisliurg, on the 17th: resumed in .favor'ol ill 6 Demoonta. Isaac J. Wilcox}, Democrat, had 11‘ maig’n‘ity. ’ ' ' fi’l‘ho town election; in New, Jersey ahoi Democratic gains gem-rally“ The sulfa may bes‘aid of New :York. The peo ple will come back to Ihg Old Democratic puny for relief yet... ‘ J ‘ . ”...—«g»...— " mi from Umbra—The upid'decliue of goflafor the Inn few weeks in beginqing to make its mark on business m'én. and gape ninlly on the mqmnlilc pommuuity. '. At |ready the prim} of any gobdl has dedinetj from ten to “Iqu count, and it. will not. lie long. if 3613 con‘linuea io tumble, until A much tl‘eatet reduption will have to be submitted «a. A genera! crash ia.immi nent, and mom ivho cm, had better take in All sails wiihou: delay; so as to Be pro-j pared (or the norm gthioh in mpidiy spa preaching. ' .._. ‘ The Sam mam—we copy {be foliowing pmgnph ftom the Frankan Exposilog'y .- We‘leam that, in answer to a leuer ad: dread to the President, by Gov. Curuu some Weeks 0, the commander of the Middle “pain“. has assured the Gov ernor ghzie bunduntly “a; probect the b 6!!! “without the aid of: ‘ to large, and none will bowled out nip-exam. ‘.—.—-———-——< o ~«v~~ - Sm: M‘fim—Mr. McEnm-e, wed: before; Im. impodnced, in the Home, A bill provi-i him; my the Governor may {miform volun uep unmi- otgaukntiona which my be tom?! 5. the deknoe d the border-4m WIN“ W these men unless they are Magda Gonna, and their num henna“. exceed three thousand. his -mdaimod 41»: am act will obviuo uni M of organising the Sam; Guard. ”will pussedtbe 110 nm ; ‘ [ORDER -‘ - BAT “6338111“. Abraham Coon. Lindsey Forney and John Riley, three soldierl.‘hsve been tried It itsgerstown. Md. for the murder of a young man named Edvard Gindt‘elter. aged twenty years. who resided near Hanover Junction, ,York county.an. Coon and sor ney were convicted of murder in the ' rst degree, and manned by Judge French to be hung. Riley wu convicted of mur der in the second degree. and sentenced to lhe‘penitentinry for eighteen years. .Wo cordemo the main points of the evidence from the ilagerstuwn Herald. M follows : During the invasion of Pennsylvunin in the summer oi 1863. Lieul. Lyons. oi Gene ral Meode's army, wits taken ill stthe house of Mrs. Glodt‘elter. wholiv'ed near Hanover .lunction.. York county. Po. Ila use kind ly cared for by ,the t'smnly.snd s worm friendship sprang up between them. Lieut. Lyons subsequently joined the 201!) Penn sylvania cavalry. und't’vus noting commissa ty at Harper’s Ferry in the month of Au gust. lßti-l. He had left four horses in the «fire of Mr. John 11. Clogget. living near Jones's Crocus Roads, some timeliu July. 'l‘hinkimr they Were not entirely safe in Mr. Clocget's care on mount. of the frequent. raids. he wrote to Edward (lladt'eltor. at whose mother's hr * be: 'ricnd ed. to come to h‘ it the horses. and take I e {or safe keeping. -hl i in)- tnmliutely for H iy of Baltimore. At 1 M] on intervmv with Lit .3 him an order. directly 5 give the hon-«is to the x till he heard further ’cltcr called on Mr. Ch n the horses. retaining ( s Was on Friday. Aug! moon. General Averill n the river on that day. at: ex citement and ager uncle Mr. (‘llfldft'llef \va Penn sylvanin‘with the Lieut. Lyons. when he liters‘ hurg. by a squad I 'men, who seemed to l arill's wagon truin. . on. reaching.r Lcitershurg. the soldiers charged Gladfelter with stealing the horses, , r 'Fom‘ Rmou-v. although he produced the order 0t Lt. Ly ' March 20, '6O. } nns, which they pronounced ‘o forgery. Now. my dam: fellow, [am glad you are The horses were seizedfinnd G. permitted going South, and all we ask of you is, give to start. on foot, fbr home. bot was soon sf us a, not“ candidate for President. Stop' . tor overtaken and brought back by Coon. this dammlblo hotesy of the country; frown l Subs’equently a supposed bogus quarternms upon every Abolitionistyou meet; and, as tor decided that Glsdfelter and the horses you pass ( ow‘n through Old Virginia. see should be timed over to n drover. name that the >remhsv ‘s of-thnt raid of Brown’s. unknown. w 0 had passed nlon" the road. yet unhupg. are promptly brought to thel and to Whom it want alleged mater-fies he~ halter. Andfim the meantime. tf'you will . longed. Gladfelter was then handed over tske sfew of our most distinguished sons‘l-to the soldiers, who started out the pike J the devil (Abolitionists.) now in thel towards? Wayneshoro’. on horseback. they Minn ta Legislature. tion: with you. l riding! very rapidly,- and compelling Glad vnd le‘ them see Virginia justice. you will' fetter to keep up on foot. orelse they would hehefit our community. .' blow out his bruins.’ Their pretended ob ours, (duly. and in haste; , ject was to surrender G. snd the horses to W. T. SH MEDIAN. the drover. 0n the road, however. they took his watQ. and subsequently rohhedl him of his money and other articles. , ’l‘heyl then took him to~n secluded spot an? de-j liberotely blew out his brains, and le t his: dead body exposed to the broiling sumi Subsequently the three‘ prisoners were “In rested near llagerstonn by Lt. Barclay. tct whom Forney and Riley made a full con-1 fession, and delivered up the stolen watch, l the" alleging of the same time. that Coon ' fired the fatal shot. but. that they protested I against it. The trial excited an intense interest. and the verdict, as rendered. isl ‘soid to be fully justified by the atrocity of: the murder. Coon i-x SZyesrs of age. mar-i ried‘snd a resident, of Favette county. PAL, l and has served in thernion army over: three yehrs. Forney is irom thosome roun- l lty. 27 year\:f age ond married. Both bP-l Hanged to th , West Virginia Cavalry, and; .6. has also served in the‘ army over tlmxei ears. Riley is Emotive oi Berryvitle. Vn., ‘ where his parents reside. lie is 3'2 years. of age. and a widower. with two children.g Gov. Bradford will‘hnve to designate the: day of‘ execu 'oh. Two other unknownl soldiers implic‘ed in the Bloody deed arel still at large. 2; l THE AGE 0? STEAL u Aimiifio'n “commissio'h” his "aimed; Lhnsmm of 325,000 in Pin-son Brownian of Tennmsee, (now ‘flovernor,”) ua‘ulve; forhis Inn-dented icolinpqneurrgdthmugh ' rebel-proseculi9m and persecutions—sud for theinns]! real tnd large fictitiour losses! of printing property which he it supposed. to have! ausminedi the whole sum to be: collected oll‘ "robelJympallxiaers." When be m away from Knoxville, leaving his finally to thé-meldes of the rebels,' and name North oil a lecturing and book pvd dling tour. it'wru‘ hoasiml by him and his friends that he hnd morn than covgred all hislosam—his" (our. resulting in the most lumenlul pf, Yankee” Ipoculaliona. He Weni back nnd set uplbusineu on I Inger ucale than cvni before.‘ “In nddn‘lionpo this. q few‘ mo'nllw Igo foyer?! newspaper press en wet-s"mfilured” in the Sdlville rnidrand given babe I'm-soil Inn preamp latterly, but» he luv: bee}: made "Governor” of Tell neuee, yet. still lliejold reprobue’mnut is noti‘fengheml softly enaugh. “ Like Hie daughtot of tho hors‘é leech lie ntill crin five, ' ive, gigs; and Abolitioninm does give that v‘vhicli doe: notlbclong‘ (0 (ho givers. ‘ haze times will most assuredly be known {on called by posterity lbs Age of Steal. 'Suc wholesale plundering as has taken place der Lincolli'n adminis l'rntiou has; not‘n co lerp‘art in pan. liisto~ ml ii is ifimhlful the rising genom :‘ gréqtm have been t it opportunitiec oflenrni'ng. will be able to s ' ul u tithe of what their sires have gobbled nix—Praia! «b Uniqn. ‘ ~ = am SHERMAN DEIDRE THE WAR. We appand nnnbslmct. lrozii n le‘ttgrwrit ten bx ' Gen. Shermim before Que wgr. was nadmsed to a deiégnw to'the ngo crnlic National Convqntion from one of the Western States. ‘The: Convention. it will be temrmbqrcd, Assembled at Challeslon, South Cgfi-olina: _ @Oll9 of the odrrespondentsoflhe New Ymk Tribune, who fine a prisoner in the South, and escaped, eayitfithrough the Tri~ buns, that. the xeas‘on there is not. a gefieral exchange of prisoners is entirely ovéing to Secretary Stanton. who}: bpppsled to ex change at ail. bn'. submzils to it pértjally to hoodwink the beopfe whenever ther‘ejs a draft. 119 places he death of the then sands of‘éoldirrs of: our army at. the door-Er o! the Administration. He hays that more of' our prisoners die: frdm sickness and oth enviseVlhnn are'exéhnnged, just because of Shmton's doubledeuling. This now is Re publican a. Ithorilyfi—no “éo‘pperheaq lies.” and should be so considered out of the ar jny and in it. .- _' '- .. 9 What Will (it: Margy Sufi—lt will’be‘in tel-eating to héhr what the 39an clergy of .the land Will have to say about the Vice President. for whose election they labored so diligehtly last fall. "They- abused and vilified the refined and dignified Pendleton kilho'yts‘tint. What will they have tony from their politjcgl rostrums, in regard to ‘the (him they-helped to put in a position where he hall so effectually disgraped the muntry? Will they pray for him? They dught mfimd that very lustily, for, accotd- ‘ ing to all accounts, he is p‘x'euy near past pray-ing‘l’or. We have very little faith in the prayers ol’ political prenchers,- but we do not think they would hurt Andy John son. By ell means, then, lei; him have fihe benefit of the prayers of the loyal clergym— AS'unbury Democrat. J ~ What We Kai—The New York Tribune, of the 23d ull’finys: .4 r “The .\Tation needs pines, not vengeance; it‘demanda a retnm to heartfelt loyalty. 119: uselgss slau'ghter. A great "majority of 1116 Southern pm .19. have taken no further part in tha Reheflibn than suchns was im posed on them by fnisehogd am} terrorism _:' let. u! treat. mem a; we did tlnfe _of Savan nah,and-the Union“?! soon be stronger and firmer than it. 1) ever yet been.” [S'One of the supporters of the radical policy, the Ami-Slavery Standard, making out the programme for the future, says: "There. must be In nrm‘ed force within reach of every ,alave and master, with con stant and intelligent supervision of botbi in the especial interest of the Blue.” ( This is precisely what the Abolition poli cy leads towlheynecessity ofa fast Qtafiding nrm§, with its garrisonS‘scattered over the large Irei of territory forming the acceded States. The reader who would like‘ to in struct himself as‘ to the cost‘and results of such in! Experiment, in advance of the ac tual experienbe, meylnrn t 3 the page: of history. and learn how the resources of oth er 'nhtjom, wrung from the people by man tionihave been sqnnndered in similar: under !akingfi. ‘ fl ~. fin is ,prdposed. by the Abolitionisls, .to elect a n'egro‘to ghe Mayor-ill, of 090119- town, a city with!) _sight of Ibo capitol of the United Stéies. The “colored gentlo~ man's name is Alfred Lee, Esq. In exten~ live dollar in hqrse feed on Bridge street.” He is-siid to lee very “loyal." Colored Votem—The ooloyed voters of Rhode Island in organjzing a movement to deleat. I“ chudidues for the Legislature of that Stpte who pppose the finding of their chifdren go the public schools with white 01: Ldren. The negro ic looking up! ' fifths Abqlitionisu of'St. Louis halve lamb been {elicituing themselves with the eight of A "gxeat chaise" ‘in that city—4 deg"; mtifylngiq court Igainai - “Quite viomapu. They oughg to rejoice, truly. *8”: the Washington oorrespomiont of the Philadélphia Ledger, ohlhe Bth: J'The havomem plivately inwguntedlon Sstnrdny night {or the remoul of Andy Johnson from thé Speakersbip of the Sen ‘ueJl duly finding a moi-e free scope, but it): doubtful whether i‘ will be seriously insisted on. At' the same time, members feel uneasy in their sens in vie)! of occur eno‘eé likely “any moment. to hnppeu. thel Nor whicgbonld s'o naught but unplu- M as them peasondly, and a lunish upon the honor of the nation.” . ••••11 THE WAR NEWS. \ rnov m: 163'! mm amount. Large numbers of white and black relu gees have been sent down the Cape Fear: river from Sherman's‘cnmp, at Fayetteville, to Wilmington. On Tuesday last Sherman crossed part of his army over to the east brink ol'Cape Fear river, and begnn'a mfnch to wards Goldaboro’. On. Thursday last 'he was reported to ‘be on South river, a few miles from Fayette'villo, and about thirty miles southwest of Goldsboro'. There is no longer anyhdoubt that General Lee is in the Carolina". personully directing the move ments of the Confederates opposmg Shor rnnn. Schofield is still quiet at Kinston.— There are all sorts of rumors from Sher man’s army ; the principal of which is that he in nt(}old=bqro'.nnd hasjoined Schofiold at Kinstnn. We have nothing authentic. i On Saturday last Sheridan’s troops arri l ved at the White House. on the anunkey, ‘_twenty-three miles east. of Richmond.— They crossed to the routh bank of the ‘ stream. and supplies were sent to them up the York and Pamunkey rivers. A march ; of fifteen miles Will bring them 'to Grant’s camp at White House, between him and {Grant’s lines. . \ l The Federal tinny at Petersburg mav be expected to advance at any moment. Pasa es are refused to visitors to the “mm—Ag: of Wednesday. ‘ - The Contedemtes have‘et length attack ed Sherman. From Fayetteville he ad; vnficed intwo columns. one northeast to wards Goldsboro, the other north to cut. the railroad running between Goldaboro’ and Raleigh. On Sunday inst, Sherman's western colgxmn was near Bentonsville, and (wen ty-five miles north oi Fayetteville, and sixteen miles west Moldsboro.’ TheCon federatos attacked It advance, drove it back and captured three guns. The Fed eral ndunce retreated a mile and was rein forced. The line was again attacked and driven back to stronger supports. Night coming on the contest closed. and during the night Sherman intrenched. ‘Our intel ligence closes here, And ‘whet was done on Monday is not knowni The Confederaiee have taken the New river for their line of defence. ‘his battle occurred about five mileh n beast. ' There is no confirmation ohm] ol' the many reports that Sherman’s eastern col umn haul occupied Goldsboro’. North Caro lina. He may have reached that city,‘ but he did not do it before Sunday lust. Scho field has advanced that from Kinston, and the intention of the two commanders ap peared to be to effect a junction near Goldsboro’ by Monday or Tuesday Inst. Sheridan, at White House, has been re inforced by some infantry, in order to em ble him to hold the place should the Con federntes assault him. The infantry ‘came from Fortress Monroe. Sheridan was heard fr’om as late :3 Tucsda evening last. He was still at White Hyouse, but had had nothing but insignificant skirmishes with the Contederntes.—A_qz of Fruluy. a‘John M. Riley, oolieotor of Intel-ml Revenue for the Fourth District. of Phil;- delphin, hu been found appropriating not. lea than $400,000 of Government funds, and using the same in 0'! apecnhtions. It is said that $300,000 he; been recovered. and that his sureties “ahead for $lOO,OOO 'more; How much more than these sums the real deficiency mny .mount to is not definitely known. Atking for a Free Frau—The Legislature of Keh'wcky hue paced I resolution" uk ing General Pshnu'to I‘d-tore the privil‘ age of I free preu co peopleof that Suns.— 'i‘hiuk- of that' in “free Americn X” ~ ‘ OFFICIAL LIST or LRAFTED um" The Dnfl‘for Adam: ‘connty 'Il rimmed on 310116052 The township: offlighlnnd, Ger. ”ML", Litllcsmwn,flnmiiton, Koumjoy'flonnt pleasant, [Ending ind Union were drawn on flu! (in; The followin’g is n compléfie list. in m order dawn, with the one hundred per cent. added : - ll All ILTON.——-Geo. Hickey, John Weist, Fien ‘ry Miller. Joseph Mummert, Henry Kline, Josi oh Wolf. Jonas Rim-hart, Michael meSherry, lJer. Collins, Jacob Morrison, Adm Renoid, issue Thomas, Edward Hartley, Levi Goulsou, Samuel Jacobs. Cornelius Brown, israel Stam - haukli, Daniel Jacobs, Michael Shater, Daniel ’l‘. Dean, Jonathan liolflieius. Isaac Petre, Henry Stock, John Cline, David Weaver. Eran cis .\‘. Hildebrand, John Skidmorc, William Snider, Joseph Strubanxh, Henry Hoover. Jif cob Stock. Geo. Householder, Thomas Allwine, Jnrob Golz, Darid Brown, Jacob Hickey, Ilen ry LamottHEmanur-l Hull, William Brosrn, Ja icob Sun-1:, Jesse Bnpp, Nathaniel Stool). Jacob Stumhauuh, Samuel Z. Hildebrand, William Hol'l'heins, llenrr Sioufl‘un—46. READING.—Wm. Deardorfl,lsaae E. Smith, Michael Baker, lilit-hael B. flxman, Jacob .\‘toufl‘pr, John Hunts, Jacob Pi ‘ng, Samuel A. Warner, Peter W. Hileman, George Hess, Lemuel Myers, Daniel H. Myers, Solomon Ba lker, Joseph Hikes, John Wolf, Hezekiah Low, Levi Laydon David Wolf, William King, Aaron (‘hronisten Solomon )lammerl, Henry Swizar, Joseph Hess, Emanuel Chronister, Rolandus ,Altlant, Joseph s.:uugh,ohnrles E. Kuhn, Geo. , H. Wagner, Solomon Spanglerflames M, Chron iisker, Nothaniel Deurdorfl‘, David Hikes, John Bessel-man, Sylvester Ebersole, George Heiner, iGrorga Hoffman, Conrad Spangler, Francis Orn doril‘, David Troun, William 0. Beck, John iilrongh, (of Jnu.) John Chronister, (or Geo.) ,JohnnNltehman, John L. Brenizer, Peter Hort.- manxJacoh Wolf, Augustus .\lyers, (of M.) A ’mos lhert, Jacoo C. Brow‘n, (oi Geo.) Ephraim Howard, Thaddeus Chronlster, Eli Malone, Bin gleton Eieholtz, Andrew Diardorfl', John A. Rommel, ’Adam )lyers, Cornelius Nitchman, John Geich, George Sebright, Michael Philips, (of ll.) Andrew .\lyers, Andrew Hautz.—6l. I.ITTLF._STOWN.—J. Saltsgirer, Philip Long, Jerome Ginter, Rufus Butters, William Green, ‘ John Smith, William I]. Feeser, John Sell, Ilen ‘ry Bongo, Jerome B. Adams, Isaac S. ileitshcw, William 0. Bishop, lsuuc Sell, John E. Tawney, ‘Fcrdinaud Rather, Wm. H. Landsingzer, Jona than Booth, Nathaniel G. Kierle, John H. .\lil- For, Enoch Wolff, Henry Sellers, Adolphus C. Rather, Samuel Camp, Uriah’J. M. Houghmnn, I lluius Wilt, Jacob A. Keller, John W. Elise; James \V. Keefer, lleuy Sanders, Amos Stone. lsitcr, William .\L Hnfl‘ord, Dmld F. Stufi‘y, Ed -1 mund Grouse, George Stonesii‘er, John Crousc, iJohn Coshun, Samuel Henry, Francis J. Bow ,er, Jeremiah W. Gobrect, Samuel 11. Study, Rudolph-is F. Baughman, Josiah Norman—42. ' GERXI'AXL—EIi 11. names. Jae'ob H. Hair: nor, (of P.) Adam Rupert, John' Spunséller, Sylvester Harrier, John Byers; Wilson Criibbs, Samuel Harner, Epli-um Wintrodc, Elias A. Eekenrode, Alfred H. Staley, William Shecly, ,Jaeoh Harrier, .\lnrtin Stably, Geo. W. Green 'holt, William Palmer, Joseph Fissel, John G. i Lundts. John A. Ul’liiZ.JollllS!L'ol', Simon King, lwniim Feesor, umnew G. Huff, Kathnniel Wulunan, Albert chi‘er, David \l'orley, David Jl. Wintrode, PelerJ. (ireenholt, William Soy. ‘ dcr, Jacob Yinglinz, Jaeob'Wolf, William lior gun, Amos Blule, Oliver Stulcy, Abram J. Fee ‘ aer. Levi King-36. IIUUNTJOY. —i)aniel Bowers. Smith Barr, Geo. lchuigan, Sam. P. Heck. Jesse Nury, Eph. Reever, Geo. W. Hum-an, John A. Monkey, Jo— nas Sp.\ngler,.J. A. .\l. Smith, Sam. Allison, Matthew Spengler,Aaronißiekrode, Jo. Stocks l.oger, Jacob [l. Little. Peter Laurence, Punk Autumn, Juhn Reber, Wm. F. Eekenrode, Jas. Obold, lsnnc W. llunkey,‘Ed. ,Spangler, Wm. ‘ Yost‘,‘ Henry Bishop, Jas. Rider, Jo. Keefer, 1 Sam'. Bucher, Sam. Troyer, John Kernptr,Si l.ls llorner,'Sam.‘ Schwartz, l-Im'l Clinger. Da- ‘ rid (fotrnovrr, Daniel H. Rudolph, David Wor iey, Wm. linker, EphrEllzhlgualins Eckenrode, John .\l. Sprites, Deni lieitle', Ezra. Hahn, ismlorL llauzhmun, Lenis .‘ilillcr, Wm. 7..1.itt.1e, i Chat. W. Gilbert, lit-ury Beitler, Barnhurtu Snyder, John l~‘...ll:iucr, Thad. Keefer, And.i (in-riLk, Henry Bonner, .\lm). lloson, Jnmes‘ Tapper, James Noel, llnrnhnrt. Brown, \Vm.’ Strailey. Aaron Holtrhaugh, Levi Revk, “Am brose KIIII-,.S:inl. D.*liu-k, Jerome (loulden, llallzer Sui def, Jasob E. Kuxg, Jos. Spangler. —-6~1. ! . 3 g i , IIIUHL.-L‘{D.—George Johns, David 11., By ers, Simon llaldtrlnnn. John “'cikert, la’gduh Stultz, Josrp ‘ Andrew, (h-orge L‘. Harizell, Johh McAlliflEr, Albert 1.: um, George‘ W. Snorer, Dun‘l 1. \\'eigle, Christian L. l’loolz, Jeremiah Elite 7., John 1). Pfouiz, \Villinin li. Hummer, B. F uzk Snmlers, Wm. Dolls, Gran wille A. Slull ,Frnnk S. Bonnier, Feedrt'iek Dubs, Joseph‘ . Smilh, John D. Frock, ‘or neliui Ilixierkel,l‘en;hmin Johnson.—2L ' KNOX—Join Zion: William Bell, Jacob A. Fry, Jeremiah . --‘llers, James A. Lefever, Phil ip “Emmi/id S. Gohrecht, Anthony \V.Klunlr, Jacob Miller, William H. Stunner, David Lphr, Rudolph Cluuaer, Washington King, ,Amna Sheely, Jacob H. Gobrccht, Edw.‘ Kru‘mrine, George .\lnrtinfllinmnnel Baker, Solomon—Shi hert, Frank 8. Wolf, Levi I). .\lnuse, Andrew Sell, Henry “'ehver, John Else, Benjamin Hos tctter,“’m. Datu’emflacob Cole,Henry Longlitz, Amos Comp, Jpnns Robert, Geo. Cole, Martin Mesaiuger. Andrew Unger, Abraham liostetter, Absalom Mine, lßoherl Newmnn, John Rife, Pi les Huger. Geo. D. Busebonr,Emi. Hebrew—4o. .\IUUSTPLEASANT.—Josiah Snyder, Jere. Oster. Peter Gulden, Cornelius Gnlden. Sam'l Geiselman, John Golden, Jeremiuh Nearer, Chnrles Heltzei, John F. Felix, John Sheely, Snm‘l Fahrc, Aloysius fiemler, Jneob sheely, Adorn Hurllaubr, John Landis, John Palmer, Emanuel Ginter, Hen. Kuhn, Jae. Grossman, Joa. L. Srnith, Sum. G. Lawrence, Wm,‘ 'l‘. Hudson, Abdiel llanzher, Jnmrs Small, And. Wilt.Juhn llurholx, Jo. J. Hemlc'r, Ab'm Bir leriPeter K. Smith, David BHSmith. Samuel Wolf, Jerome fiemler, Franc. K. Smith, John Smub, Elijah illurman, John 'Arentz,‘ Jacob Wollord, Jo. Bfmlermnn, J. E. Smith, I’. k. Stmsbnugh, And. Sheely, Ah‘m. Shonebrongh, .\lichuel Millencms. G. Miller, lgnntiul‘blc- Master-John J nkius, Jo. Shullz, Hex. C. lin guman, John nrl, Jos. Coshun. ElialWol lord; John Cu‘hman, Lewis Noel, John llny, Peter-M. Little John Wolford, B. I". Huger man, Joseph Bimini, Joseph Shelly, Swiss Bubb, Authonylume, Peter Millet—62. The‘townshipnofflgntington, Latimore, Free dom. Berwick bforougb, Berwick township, Me nnllcn, Oxford, Wyrone._Hamiltonbau and Lib erty had been, previously drawn; a list of which we pnblkhed nfew w'eeks ago. 4 ’ v. ~ »» «n»——- _— BOBOUGH & TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. QT)“: followin'g is {“9l of the Borough and wnship Olficprs elertnd in the several dis tricts‘of this cohnty on Friday, the l'hb inst: . GETTYSBURQ Bork—Burgess, Robert G McCreary; Town Council, A‘bmhum Scott. 3;, Jamel J Will 3y, William J Martin 13'; Jus tice, A J Carin; Judge, Jereruinh Culp;' ln spectors,Charles A Boyer, Dame! F Piltenlurf; Assessor, Chnrles Ziegler; School Directors; John Rupp, Robert Shanda; Constables, John Barrett. Michael Crilly. BERWICK BOR.—Justice,l FKmhlerfludge, George H Jord“ lnspeclorfiJohn Doll, Samuel Hair; Aascagor, Theodore Pfleiger; School Di rectors, Joleph R. Henry, Duvid C Martin; Conslnble, Henry Mollisou. LITTLRSTOWN Borg—Justices, Simon S Bishop, John Melluine;‘ Judge, John H Mil ler; Inépeclors, Augustus Grouse, John Walter; Assessor, T S lilochcr; Auditora, Peter Baker, Henry Rnhzcr, ,SnmucHV Study; Burgesl, Dr R Seiss; Town Council, Sumuel Weikert,D.flid Schwartz, Daniel Grouse. JQZCPh Barker. Fred~ rrlck Bitxinger‘; School Dureclors, .\'oah Waik crt, James H Colehouse, Andrew Long, Eph. rmm Myers, John Spungler, lane Séll; Con stable, William Sickel. BERWIUK TEE—Justices, George Wolf, An lho’ny Thomnn; Judge. Jacob Grim; Inspeclurs, John Sowers,Goorge Becker; Schobl Directors, David B. Hair, Anthony Thumun; Superviwrs, Jacob Worn, Jncob Sourheer; Aluuor, Jacob 'Kluuk; Auditor, Jacob Hull; Clerk. fiamuel Went; Constable, George Sails-J. - BUTLER-Judge, Jacob Garéner;.lnspec torn. Jacofi Rafieuaperger, Jacob Truth; As selsor, Joseph Wolf; School Directors, Sam uel Hewlu, John Hoffman; Supervisors, Dan iel Walter, George Shank; Auditor, Solorgon Orner; Clerk, Vaientine Sillix; Treasurer, Henry Banzai; Constable, Daniel Reed. ' CUMBERLAND.—Justice, Philip Bedding; Judge, George Spanglcr; Inspectors, Andrew Ktemuver, June! Thompson; Aucno'r, Henry ii. Bream; School Directon;Coru‘elius Dough, lerty, Dnniel Keefaurer; Supernnors. lsnncl ‘Demdorfl', Henry B Cromcr: A" “NW. Rwhfll . Sherry; Clerk, John Flnhsrty; Treasurer, Frnu- ‘ cil Bream: Constable. John Kcefnuver. _ ' CONOWAGO -——Jnstice, Vincent 0 Bold; Judge, Nelson Young: inspectors, Edwud . Small. Nichncl )1 Little; Assessor, Samuel G Sneeringcr; Supervisors. Aloysius , Siorm. Joseph Honey; School Directors, Charla: I" ' Hombsch, Edthrd Dellonc; Aullltor. Anthony ,Strnshnnzh; Clerk, Jesse D Keller; Constable, . Louis)! B tidy. , , .; i FRANié.lN.—Judge, E W Stnhle; Inspectors,- Elias Spunglrr, Jacob Hoke; Assessor, Francis Will; School Directors. George Dsywalt, Jncoh Deardorfl'; Supervisors, .\lirhnel Schlosser, Johu ‘Pottnrtl'; Auditor, Dr W (3 Stem; Clerk, 'Lewis Gnrbnngh; Treasurer, Jocol! Hartman; Constable, George Lindy. i ! TYROh'E.-Justice Abraham Bowersfludgc, , 'Jncob B Spangler; inspectors, ,lle‘nry l-‘isccl, Grorg‘gfimke; Assessor, George W llnrmnnfi SchooliDirectors, Thom“ Ehrelmrx 3y, Con- , rad Brehm 3y, Henry Spengler ly; Supervi‘hors, lJohn Eicholtz, George Guise; Auditor, Jona thon Plttcnturt‘; Treasurer, I Peter Miller; ..Clcrk, Snmnel Delnp; Constable, A Weigle. ‘ MENALLEN.—-Jndge, Elisha Peurosc; ln speetors, John I lllulliu, Nicholas Wicrmnn; iAlse ,Wm B Miller; Supervisors, John ’ 'iClin’cter Fchl; School Directors. lsunc J 'Wright, Mic‘lmel \llcnmcr; Anditoru Wm A El- i den; Treasurer, Michael Benmer;,Clerk, Jacob l’itzer: qunstni-lc, Josiah Wickershnm. i HUNTINGTIIN.—-Justice, A ll .\liller; Judge, , W H Webb; luspectors, Jacob A Miller, John ' In Less; Assessor, John 0 Stevens; School Di-, rectors, Snmnel Plonk, George, ll Smith: Su.‘l lpervisors, Alfred Miller, John B Group; Audi. |tors, lease 8 Trestle, A A Wiermnu; Trensurer,’ ‘Joho Gardner; Clerk, J J llctcnlf; Constable, John Starry. , I OXFORD-«Justice, Jncob Dlehl; Judgen Joseph— Stouch; inspectors, Simonsslmgle, A W’Stuub; Assessor; John Klunh; School Direc tors, Henry J Kuhn, P A Myers, George Smith, Emanuel 'Chronister; Supervisors, John Reed, Peter Klunk; Auditor, Francis Klunk; Clerk," D C,Smith;=Coushhle,,Joseph Martin. I llAlllL’l‘ON.—Justice, Du iel Ehrehnn; Judge, Joseph Woods; [napectoiisfinniel lloll'e! heins, Emanuel llull; Assessor, Samuel Orn-‘ dorll'; Supervisors, Martin Getz, John Storm- i buugh; School Directors, George Louch 333“ [Jesse Bupp 33', Samuel Orndorll' 2y, lleniv lMiller 1y; Aitdilor. Albert Storm; Clerk, A K Stonér: (hnstnble. William Hofi'heins. ‘ i READlNG.——Justicc,LeviChroniaterfludgc, [John 1 Baker; Inspectors, George Bell, John‘ ; King} A'ssessor, Singleton Encholtz; School :Dircclors, J .l Kuhn, Thomas N ‘Dicks, John I. Tnughinbnugh, John lx'inp'; Supervisors, Dnrid il’ent'z,John llummerr; Auditor, lion urd Dicka; Treasurer, Emanuel Neidich; Clerk, Dr.’ A illoltz;Coustxthlefioruclius Nitchmun. School’ Directors of Ila'impton district, Dr. A lloltz, lAdnm‘ Miller. : STRABAN.-——Justices, John F Fully, Henry ‘Thom‘ps; Judge, George Ehrehnrt; Inspectors, Peter, llockley, John llrinkorhofl'; Assessor, Frederick Quiggle; School Din ctors, Jeremiah Schrivcr, Jacob H Miller; Supervisors, John Tnughinbmigh, Thomas R Bower; Auditors, Henry H Weuner 3y, 'anry Fickcs; Clerk, Jacob F Thomas: Constable, Nonh F llerch. lllßiEßTY.—Jlldgl‘, Gregory P. Topper; ,ln-_ specto‘rs. Dnvid .\liller, John Hoover; Assessor, D ll lleiman; Supervisors, John Miller. lllnu ,sius Keebil; Svhotfl Directors, l“ chlntire, JacobLVEikcr; Auditor, Jacob Krise; Clerk, James‘Corev; Constnble, Jul u Eek. ~ ll .\.\llLTUMlAK—Jusiiccs, Andrew Lo\v,A C .\luesclumn; Judge, Moses 'Sitnbrooks; ln spectors, .\lichncl Louver, William ll Low;~As iaessor, Alexander licnchov-i: School Directors; ‘1 V Donner, Jucob .\lueselmuu, Wrilinm 'l'» Reed; Supervisors, James Watson. Jr., George i Hull; Auditors. D 11. .\lusyelmnn, J \V Kittinger; Clerk,"J“B Paxton; Constable, E W Hurbnugh. GERMANY.—-Justices,Sylrester llnrner'Jno A Su'dpe; Judge. Jihn G Byers; inspectors, Alexander llnrner, John A Wolf; 'Assossor, Sumuel llnrner; Supervisors, Thomas Dime, John Smith; School Directors, Abraham llnr ner, John Rider; Auditor, Daniel Sell 3y,Jncuh King ly, Christian lleck 25; Clerk, Vulcnliuc’ i‘Ulrick: Constable, John A Fisher._ 1 FREEDOM Justicc, John. Cunningham; uJutlggLAudrcic Reid; Inspectors, John A Linn, iJuooh 'l‘eters; Airiiltur, Robert ll l’utter n; ‘School Directors, John Cunningham, Solo on linker; Assessor, Wm llighnm; Supt-nix rs, '(‘veorge .\l Patterson, Joseph “‘ltherspoon; Clerk, Dnrid 5| Sheet-7 Constable, John Crousc. llUl‘N'l‘JUY ———Justices, Moses llnrlmnn, Aaron Shecly; Judfzc, Joseph Arutz; Inspec— tors, Jacob Kcelnurcr, .\'ewtnn .\l Homer; Ag ,‘xS-‘ssur, Andrew ll lléitli-r; School Directors, ‘J-Imes llenver :Ind J-H‘O‘l Hartman ntie,Dav.d ‘Zuck; SupeersiiF, John‘Spungler, John I} Spengler: .\u litor,’\\'ill:lmn, liline: Treasurer, .A‘llcllflél l-‘iscel; Clerk, tic-urge llnrtmnu; Cen ,_st:\l-le.. Jesse “'orlcy. J MOUNTPLEAS.\N'l‘.——lnslire, J E Smith; Judge, Henry Sundem: Inspector-I, George Y llemler, Julio I“ Erlix: ‘Assessor; Aloysius Eckonrode: School Direaorr, l’rrrr Quiggle, Samuel Shorln.Supervisor‘s. Snmuel Hill, Po-ler Stallsmith;.Allditor, FIX Smi'h; Clerk, H J llemlcr; Treisurcr, Xicholas Ucllzcl; Consta ble. Peter Weiricli.“ - LATI)IORE.—Justice, Jesse Lens; Judge, Abraham Zicglcr; luspectorleiclmel Sl'llrl rer, lannc Aspvr; Assessor, Daniel F Slitzel; School Directors.,.l D “'oxley, 'l‘ .\l Brennemnn, Joseph Powers; Supervisors, Hownrleeikcs, Jonathan B llycrs; Auditors, John Wollord. W H‘ Gardner; Clerk, George L Deardorfl‘; Conrmble, Jonathan Brenneman. UNION.-Juslice, David _F Buir; J'udge. Jacob M Bolling"; Inspectors, Michael H K'nzmlller, Peter Sell; Assessor, Daniel Gciar‘l man; School Directors, Jnuolr' Gobi-cum, John Boblilz. John' "h'essing‘er, En-derick :Pnlmer; Supervisors, Jncob Fox, B'eneclict Clouser; Auditor, Amos cherer; Clerk, William Unger; Constable, Jo‘m Ortner. ' HIGHLAND—Justice, Chrirlian Byers; Judge. Dnrirl Stewart; lurpeclors John Bull, Jr., Hugh Manughy; Arscssor,?ohn Knox; Supervisors. William Paxton, William Wilmn, Jr.; School Directors, George C Ilartz -1, Wil-' liam McCullough; Alumni. Henry ll Winte zode; Clerk, J J Kerr; agahle, Simon llul cmun. . THE GREAT FLOOD. ‘ Intelligence which has reached us from different sections satisfies us that the mem ory of finan runneth not back to the time when so gem-ml and destructive a de luge occurred in this State. Doubtless‘ other sections of the Union. particularly the northern and western parts, have mfl‘eredv equally. - ’ , | I Ths Susquehanna river» at this point.‘ ‘which had risen on Saturday at noon to! thirty-three inches above the high water: mark of 1846, earns to a (lead stand aboutl ‘ two o’clock in the afternoon. and to wards evening commenced lnllihg very‘ alowly. On Sunday morning, at 10 o’clock, it had lullen' over ,two feet. and is now ‘éMonday morning 9 o’clock) about seven_ \eet below its highest. mark. and is'going‘ down more rapidly than it. did yesterday- Those parts ot the town that were over flown on Saturday and Sunday are now nearly 'clear of water; and the inhabitants who were forged to leave their dwellings,‘ many of whom suffered severely. are ma king preparations to return as soon as the injury dune can be repaired. fl isimpossi-l ble at this time to even approximate the' loss sustained in this city alone. The clam-I nge done above an‘d below must be im-i mease. We learn that the destruction be-l tween this and Muldletown and at that place. Marietta, Columbia, and other points loweadown, has been great. Above,‘ on the Susquehanna, Juniatr. and their tributaries, it has not been less. In all gin reotions border-in" on these streams t e , railroads and canals have suffered great da-‘i . Collectors. . mags, brid es having been injured or swept ARE xoTIGEr-vl‘lw Collector: of Elf”: entirely oils, and every description of prop-' T [or 1554 and prevtoul years, In then 3r Er Prty within reach at the flood mrried away em township! of Adams coqnll'v "’eu‘le'u’ or more or less damaged. l flogged that they will be reqmn“ ‘l‘; 5| d“ d)! The Cumberland Valley railroad bridge their‘mplicates on or heron: ‘g:mmissiohz’erl over the Susquehanna. from Bridgeport to .APRIL next, on which day the" 3 ‘he accent?! this cit , which was in great danger. esm- will meet it their allies to z ped wid, comparatively, little injury. [he exonerations, tc. JACOB EPPELMAN. span this end was moved a fev'v inches; sAllUElo MARCH, ' and at lower woodwork was somewhati ’ LBhABAM K 1033. torn and bruised~but it;oan be put in _ ohfii‘mne“ of Adsmscounly good condition at very trifling expense. l g Walter Clerk. _ ‘ Waxiregret to learn that two ohildren.A'-“""’J"3ks td' were drowned wt or near" Fairview, on the 5"“ ’L..L____—-————~———-~—~—' Cumbhrlsnd side. This is the only loss 01‘ ' - Revenue stamps . , life we xhave heard of in this vicinity.—llar- ’ AF n denomination mun-guy on Jun} risburyfi’alriot d'llnian of :llanqu ’ ‘ O and’lor "to at we F:r§to§3itulflflauk -»--——~—~ .-.-.-me” _ - g 5 “I, ”The Pennsylvania Legislature odjourn: 0| tldtyfiu'l-mv (ifois’t‘pt. '”r ed unfit: on frlday. It: beltact. . t Gm," “'3! ' ’ $O5? & 6°llny- pram: or omnoncononx._m r‘egm Ia Announce that Mr. Georg? Coder], one of our citizen: who mu carr‘pd. ofl‘ by Lee’: ”my in 1883, and only returned to hinhome on )ldndny week, died on Thnndny night in“. oi pneumoni‘u. m. nga irn'sboucfio yelrs. For A number eryenrn he had pm} It! “hickor tbil’ dangerous discus limosi urery \rin‘er, but during the past eigh'eeu mouths, though gnfi‘rring the prirnlions‘inoident m the life ofn prisoner in "the South“. he informed in his health was very good. On coming 11? to An nppolia on a crowded transport, however, he tonkn severe COL], which produced pnenmninin, and resulted in his death, M already ”Med.— 05 Saturday morning his remains wgre In tern-d in clue Catholic burying-ground, alien Il gd by the Gt-ny Iburg Beneficial Association nn_d a large number of sormwinz relatives and, friends. Peace to his n'shea! Meorge Codori was bpm ih thr toms of Hodtwcllcr, county of \\’ohlmeinste'r, in the French Province d'anoseHe, and, accoTn pnuied lgy his brother Nicholas, emigrated to this country in 1323,. arriving in Gettysburg on the 20th of June of that year—nearly 37 years ngd. lle retitled in tliia 'place evenincé, cxcepting the twenty months he was a ni séner in the Sbuth. By industry and prujent mnnngement he had twquire-l means enough to render hini comfortable in his old age. H leaves a wife npd three children to mourn his dccease. . DISTRESSING AFFMR.—We understand _ that on the thhinstw n‘litlle daughter of G4}. Deck, of C.tsbtot\'n, agéd about 3 gems, was I burned to death, under the follnwing cinna .stnnces, as we have been informed. The chm i had been Mtin the room with three (‘nh'cr chita !.dren, one oller and flu: other: younger," whilst ‘ the mother left the home rut’ K‘ghor: time to “perform an crrmnt. Upon her retu‘rn she font 6 ‘ the child so horrib‘ly burned that Acuth ensued . shortly ant-r. It is Enpoffd that 4he fire com municated to 1110 thitd'a clothing from the stove. “'hnt adds to the sn-lmss ut' the ninth is the fud that the fnthcr, “ho has “Imus en tt-rtnined nn inn-use p.“ rntnl attraction for his ‘littlc ones, is absent in the‘army. . REPThe Sabbath-School cunnmte-l with St, Jzunos'Lulh-o'rzm (“.urch {:M‘c ExluMuOML-gu Tlxnrzdny mud Fri-hly'e\(nings,tor(lm bani“. of the Library. A Lrgl- numbyr u! pm'mnsu‘t tended. and the ‘éxclcisa weft: ok'uu iulcreal ing (hnrarter'. ‘ n ' [637)". Sit-Sherry, “‘_euk before lxsl, read in pfare :1 bill entitled n maplcuu-nt to nu um. pan-Jed the 22d day of .\pri!, 1843, énlillgl an act. to prmiulc for the M'rjudicnliun finliclli" - mom 0! claims arising (rm); [1)» 'O-5 01 nurses and otherfiropcny taken or dc-er) ml in Iho border commits by the rem-ls In ”mob”. and for properly uml hnrscs imprg-zucd lur 1h: use ofthe Sutc iu Srpluuhcl, 150:2. Rx-tu'red to the Cou’lmillc on‘ Fimnce. m.” not lm: p ISSL'II' the Loginturc, mu] been signed by the Uovumog to unnnx the reul estate _of Willimu' .\lcSlxrrrh‘iu Germany township, Adnni county, to me borough of Liullslown, for school purposes. i Sruzxmn Imam: Ammvr (2pm .\\'.'u'.— ‘ln 0111‘ mlvcniung columns tu-d.u_v “11l he i found the :mnululN-n.cnl of Messrs. 5- wtjorh J: Co., v! .\'cw Yugk, lur [Le sulr uhln imuu-m-u !stock of Jewelry, Jun, nu tho-.nm‘el plfln cl One Dollar [or e‘uclrurtido. This i‘ amm firm, :and the fact llm‘l it. ‘5 :fipbiti’inn tn build up a. I good nnnw. makes it pinhnldc tlml umunurs will be libxmny deL with: It “illcoal hut ltfi'cnu-five (unis la 1r) ‘lhc ('(p‘lri ntnl nny' “.Ay. . » I=3 R: [HI-lion in (1.; I’. we "I: I) y/ (inf/(Ia. —'Hw N. Y. .I’mlsnys lhq hauling dry gnud-x n-lukl 'hn «re mzukiny,l down tlu-xr prim-a m i(:0 Ll to lho p: iér 01;; )M. . ...» - . New You. M m-l: Sill—Gold mvt llllOHl‘j ex lwvnvy t'h-cllm- In day, closing at the utter nonn Loard at 150. Leif Onjlne 16111 in-tt.. n \ it}!r~nl ln'nil film-m mused over Slvub‘t-uville. Uinn. turruking hundreds of pun» r-f WiY)lll)W_',!le(. 3%“ic small-pox is :40 Ivy-walnut in New: Orleans 'tlml people lure cauliuned :lgdlllal mhng 1n the horn-Rural. . -_. . «... ,_,_‘ - jkfi‘A snow-storm in St. Paul, Minn" on the 3d inst. was tollowed next nmmingvlny mid so extreme that lhgllwrmomuwr 2100-1 33 degre'es helm? zrru. ‘ {G‘The rocppt full in what: gnmls in MM to have broufihr the mnnnl’nr‘lurer: at the 1515!. to a, stand sgdl. But few facwnos are in operatio'n. ' 380mm] John Bl,:Plnw hm hem an poinlrvil Envoy I'leraurdinnry and Min ister Plgnipntenzimy In the Cum l or France. IL was 2mm! a few «Lu»! ngn. that annM. of the New Yugk Humid, had dcchped the ofi‘er of the minim]. . ‘ WA: grnmhon of the author of "The Smr Spangled B Inner" recen'ly died In the U.d Capitol Prison nl Wauhingwn. MARE. lED- 0n the 7th of March, at the Lutheran Pur lonugr, in Limeszown. by Rev. 3. Ilrnry. )lr. JOHN WAGNER, of Carroll count", Md., to Miss ELIZABETH, dxmghler of Bl'r. Jacob BncherJ of Struban township.:lhis Coun‘)'-“ 03' the 2d hum.“ the rendem'e hr IhehridQ's father, by Rev. P. Warner, Mr. JUIIN‘A. YUH‘E. ol Adams Conn-y, to Miss BARBARA E. 7.1.“- MERMAX, of Guru)“ cqun‘y. 1 13mg: fi-Ofiitnn} names 3 cents [fline for all over {our linesémsh to accumpnny notice‘ Al. the ”Hospital M. Annapolis, .\lurch 13th, 1865. HENRY FLHMMINU, qt New Oxford, aged 2:? years. ' ' 0n the 4th msl.., a! fever, Mr. WM. J. REY NOLDS, ol Clarion, Pm, lon-in-lnw at .\lr.John Welly, of Adams county, in the 430 year 0! his age.. At. his residence, near Pifiuburg, Pm, on lhe 12th inst, Mr. WILLIAM CARSAHAeroIhu 0! Rev. D. T. Curnahun, 0t lhil place, and zon in-law of the late James Blgh-m, or this county, in the 43d year of his flge. ' 0n the mm In“. in Hunliugton lquship, Mrs. MARY,Ivile of Joseph Burns, in the 66th year of her age. ‘ a 0n thv llth in”... an" I short illness, Mn. MA‘RGARRTTA 3L BLYTB E, wife offlr. David B. Blythe, of Hamillonban township, used I how. 28 years. 1 In Reading township, on lhe lath inn, ‘ GEORGE. infnm s‘ou ofGeorge Ind Julian Sea- ‘ brocht, aged 5 monthamnd 28 days. _ I“ I M’ECIAL Noncxsi rm. MARSHALL'S CATAREB sum. Thl: Sandbag thoroughly proved incl! lo M the bell Irut'le known for curing tht Gut-uh Gold in the Head and Headache. I: bu Book (and an ucellem remedy in mny can. 0! Son Eyes. Deafness lulu been removed by 1&- and ”paying bu often been granny lmproud' by in use. > ‘ It is'frngmn: and agreeable, and on" 11-- nnou‘rl nut; 19 the dull huvy palm ctused‘ by diam-sea 6f the head: Tho sensation: IM using it are delightful and invigoruling. I} Opens nndpurgcs on! 11l ppgqnctlonlfitrwgllg ens lhe glands, and gh‘u t heillhy Action to the parts affected. ‘ , ‘ More than Thin, Years' of uh ngd g!“ D! “DrJlurslmH’s Cntunp and [lnput u up!” has proved in gun Value for nll'lho cpuunm hisrnsos of file bend, and In thil money“ atandsbigher man ever before. ‘ 11. is recommended by many of the but pity: .licians, and in used with gun sun-en Ind ”urn-tion evweqhgre. 7 , ‘ ' Read the Certifica‘tel q! Wholunlc iDrugg gins in is“ ‘l' The undersigned, Inn-in; to: funny you: been ucqunlnted with “ Dr. Ihr, slmll's Cnmrb Ind Headache Snuff,” and I 0 I! u in our wholcanle trade. chat rfully flute, th t We believe it to Lg equal, In every raped, q 1h; rpcgynmcpdntionn given of it {or the cum 9f Calnrrhnl Ann-lions. and that ifideclded: Jyflhe best article we have ever k 11 tom“ “Eugen disgust-s of the and. ' , ‘urr 1: Perry, Boston} Reed, Avalon &.00.l Bostcn, Drew-n. anson b 00., Roulpn; Ree-d. (‘utlrr & (20., Boston; Srth W. chlr, Boalun; Wilson, Fnirbunk k 00., ‘Houlon; Henshnk, ‘Edmnnd k COl, Hanan; H. H. Hay, Portland, 319.; Burnt-g & Parthew York; A. B. 8 {O. Snmla,‘ New York; Siephen Paul & Co {New Turk; Imm Minor a 00.. New York; mm. son l Rubbing, New York; A. L. Semi” &C‘l>.t New York; M. Ward, Close h 00., New York; Bush & Gniu, New-York. a , I For snip hyall Drnggjsls. Try it. I‘. luv. 14, 1804. 1y THE omm ENGLISH nmmm'. . Sm Jun (‘unxs's Crunnuxn Fun! In”. ,Prepnred ham ‘3 puen-ripfien 0! $1! I. Hnrke, 11. D., Physician l-leruordinpry Ho rht- Qm-en. Tlm invalunbk medicine; i! lin- Inil'wg in life cure of MI those pninl‘»! mid dnnpcwul disenscs to Ihith the u-mnlo run elitnXion is uij. 1! modern!” all ucfu and removes nl 01-muuio'm, sud a quuly crn- mu) h "lied on. _ I _ To .\‘fmrit-d Lndiu it is vex-“limb" united;— 11 “W. in n shor: time, Hing on fin- muukltly period “in. regul: risy. ‘ x ‘ ;’ l‘uch boltlo, price (‘ne Po]! 1, Inna the (:m'mmmnt' Slam;- of (hem Mil-535m we. vent cuunlcrh-ixs. - I j ('Al'nm‘ ——-'l‘l.t-se Pills should nnt Inc up”? In I" mains during tlu- In.” 11141111)“an I'rmmnn-y, n: [ln-y are sure to bring 0|! Rig-- culnagv, hut nl In" ulht‘r t-me an} IN MI I'. In :zlluww nl'ch'mh muib‘pinnl :\flc«~liul§-, I’nuh in lIJ‘ Zing-R Mud LII-am. luligu‘e nu Allpjht eu-ninn, l’xfl'ilufiull 0! 11m [hm 1, I'Juuiu, uhd \\ hht'b, unse l‘xlls m” um I :l «nu “hf" uH nlhrr mums Lin-0 failed 5 und although; a [mu l'l’ ul lqmedy, do m-l run/Min irnnmulnmfl, :xl.l:wun'\,or "Igniting hunlnl m ihc uumlil’h tun. . . . ‘ , Full Jim-minus in (In- ”mama um um! 0:11> b park gt, uluich slluuhlbe‘uuu ugly prmuu‘ul h‘nld L} nll llrupglsls. Sulv .\bl-M l'ut lklU United .‘ {.Ih:L-' nml (Immdn. - l' ' ' JUL! \h'b'l-LS. 27L'ur‘.lum1|3:.. .\'. v. 5 N. ls.—sl.hu mu] lf‘y‘hinye aquu-s . nglmul in mu :llall-Ivri'u-d .\p M. NH inr'un- n luulxfio, mmmnmu M! I'll r, ”new”: In nil.‘ Su‘d luy .\.~U. lim-hlvr: [.\‘m'. H, WIN. 1)“: \ CARI! 'IU l.\\'.\l.|nS A (WM-g} "gun, while vending in Sumh Amtr im as u mis-iuxmry, discuntuln snl‘ Muhim plt- remedy fur gm (‘ure of .\'en‘om \\'.-nka-, Emly Dunn, Upih‘lN-fi t-l Ihr Erin-r) mu! .\'vm iml ”mum. :x’nd llw “huh-Imin pl dmmltu hic‘ughl on by bdmlul “ml \irious lull-in.— Grmmlmul 0n hnn- lu cumin-211') «mi-ll h) Ih‘it Imhlv rv me"). l‘rhuu-le'l.) u ur-Hr mh- M'- [it lhv nfillclud and llllfulllum'vll u til min! ”,0 rccipr l'ur pn paring gnu] unjug lh'n 'muhruw, in u nah-d un’clupr, 1y nny um: wl.u myds‘ it, Fm: mr (".\qu-z. \ ; Phant- im-kut n stumped envelope, addrenetl to \uurmlt. A Idle” .- ‘ JOSEPH T. IN‘JAV, b't hull I). Lurk- ”yll'l', NP-h Yuzk $511). 0' i: 24, tar-4. , mum}: or 'nnrz‘cmu‘umt I‘M}: sz— Willi )ollrpt~rm':uiuu l “l h fit) my to xlxe re d}: rs ufyuur p- per [hat I u ill null, by u-lurn‘mnll, In .all uhu “LI. 3: ("WM m l'l‘lltl. Inh full llirm‘lwus lur Indium: n‘nl "Q"- iTIg it simph- \K-gt'hlvle Balm, llnul \I‘IH "1201+- Imlly It’lnnh', :n WI) 113"; I’m-Has. Mun-hr}, 131., I’ve; Hrs, and all llulnl.rilira ul un- SLm, Imuiug 11-c “mu-a hurl-m, :lanJ. null Innu ti ul. _ ‘ 3 I will «Lo mail free m than: hminn Bnl-l‘ H ‘.-d~. or “Mr Fan‘i, ~iunplc dpru [mm and in‘:- luuu'mlinn I‘lmll “ill‘ Hmlple ”Wm H) .«huLn ml gum thot’lmxnrmux H Ii . \\ hi-kcrsfiwln .\lqu mu hr, in 101‘: than thin-\du'u. ' ‘r 2 All unlit-“ Haul umu-ud by n-lnrn‘muil million! chfllfli'. lk-spcml‘ully )purt, x. , THUS. l". l'll.\'l'.\l.\.\. Hit-nuile 82:1 BronfiwnnXun Yellu‘ ‘ Fell. 21,]fl63. 3m ’ [ v m YBU wan I'o Kxnw . 1 A little of H'erythin.’ n-lnnng lo the hunqn syn-m, male and Icmule; the (‘tluM‘i nndlreul mom 0! disuse: ; the llmrriugr oustnmht life world; how to mnny well and] 5 their“!!! things never. published bclore; [and fine U" vised and enlarged edition 01' finale»! Von}- uum Sense," ll cmiouu book foi- curiu/uMu-fu pie, and .1 good book for every qua. 410 p-gen, mu liluslrnlinnu. l‘ricr‘SL 5-1. (hurl mus lublc pcnllyoe-to nny nddreu. Buoh may he hm] M. the 11903: “area, m- wilt hem-u; |._\' mml, post pmdfont receipt. «3! the prices,— Addrm H. n: {ow}; u. D., g Jami“) 6m ‘~ 11:20 Bronduuy, X. T. ULD EYES .\IA DE. NEW A Pamphlet din-cling how I 9 speedily rp ! turc aiglnlnd givenp apn-Mt lea, villi. ut n” . (If doc-Mr or mg dxrcilge. Stall»; mail, I‘ c, on rccripl of [0 cents. Addrus. gy‘ . E. I}. FOOTE, )1. D., ‘ 1130 Broadway, .\'. Y), , Jan: 30. ' 6m ° ‘ WfllSKl-ZRS m ‘ ~Those wishing A fine not of whi~keu, a ni a mo usuu-hc,‘or a beautiful lu-nd of (10-n! ha r, will please rend the curd ethics. 1“. UHA ’- MAN, in unolhef part oflhil pap; r. !.27.31h will: MARKET-i. § GETTYSBURG—Snunnn LAST. » Flour ... 8 5040 8 'u'fi , Rye F10ur............................... s£o White “'heu................'....;..... 2 09 to 2 0 Red W11euv...“...................... .. l 80 w I 90 C0rn..........................1...Z... . 1 Ibo 0n“.............. H'" _ - ,75 8nckwhcn!............................,° , IPO Clover Scednfl W, wlb W Timothy Seed... . , ,3 so to a ho Flux swim oq «1' *mr- * Plaster.“Pufil..-..................... ,1 H 50 Plukr ground. per big............r V‘ ,1 35 BALTIMORE—Fun! uh. . ' Flonr.. ...............:...m 90 me n Wheat.............. .....m...;........ 1 £5 to 1 55 mean“ 1 e m z 15 C0rn........................‘......’...,.... I m 1.0-! 60 OS“ ......,......;....nun-...A.”..u . 88 £0 .9 BeefOtftle,pcrbund....x....l...." oo 0.02! :0 H 035, per buud.................£.....M 00 «’lB 0 Huy........................,._.............31 30 £035 00 Claur-ned............................1b (5 £Ol6 ’l5 Flu-seed. mm............'........... 3 10 to 3 [5 Timglby-veedu................\....... 6 co m s 25 Whiskey., '4‘! 25 lo 2 $8 Auetioneering. ICHABD TRIMIBB, of SCI-lbw township. Adam county, Pm, hu commenced 1 A E cxvma. m: 'm b. mm to mend m '3l! cun- am my be nude. He will do bl: lbest. to render «ti-faction in all can, ugd will In madam" Y: hi: chug". Thmkfglfi {or the patronage n rend: bestowed upon Mn; ‘l3: uh flat the public genonlly gin him n, tyial. Sept. 26. 6a: Pictures! Pictures! ’ D 1m xmu’an having gmcluud ‘B:me / ‘mvu'l Pat‘JTOGiA‘ SI6I4:LLEB};, it ‘ [‘6‘ WGXNROWOV II I I. ll I supunbmbmout in the Sun. I! ”a: dump:- u good "hum, flat-had ”mafia; m “chum Improvemenu In m m, call u m III"). long-unbmhod Gullery, in Wm )llddlk amt, Wigwam. . [JAIL 9, 1806. ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers